Of the History of Croxall

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P A R I S H O F C R O X A L L .

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N T H E C O U N T Y O F D E R BY .


W T H A P P E N D I C E S A N D P L A T E S .




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1 21 21 57

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(fi lmen 5.

C R OX A L L .




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C onfer-






O A K L E Y .



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AD 1596.









NO . IV .



N O . V .





N O . I X .


NO . VI I .

MA P S .













NO . I I .


















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Every man ’s concern with the p lace where he lives h as something more in it than the mere amountof rates and taxes that he has to pay.


AV INO in mind the above wo rds, I have ventured to put

together a few facts relating to the P ar ish of Croxall.

I have endeavou red,in as S imple a manner as possible ,

to Show to the P arish ioners that,

al though remote and

rural as C roxal l is,i t can boast Of a fair measu re of

antiqu i ty .

I am pa inful ly conscious of the many Shortcomings to be found in th is

H isto ry,b ut I hope i t wi l l be accepted as a pla in and simple narrat ive of

the P arish .

I have copied largely from the Rev . J . C harles C ox’s

“ No tes on the

C hurches of Derbysh ire,

” that invaluable wo rk to Derbysh ire h isto rians.

A tho rough knowledge Of another wo rk of his,

HOW to wri te the

H isto ry Of a P ar ish,is essential to anybody engaged upon such a work

as th is.

I take th is opportuni ty of tendering my sincere thanks to Lo rd

Scarsdale,the Honou rable E . C . C u rzon

,Llewellynn Jewitt , Esq .


C . S. Greaves,Esq .

, Q .C . ,the Rev. W . C . L ukis

,the Rev . C anon

Greenwel l,and the Rev . P onsonby A . Lyons

,for the ir valuable assistance .

The exce l lent P latinotype P hotographs are by Mr. R ichard Keene,Of

Irongate , Derby.


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H learning has been expended in attempts to d iscover

the o rigin ofpar ishes. It is a popu lar, but very qu estion

able conclusion to assert that the kingdom is indebted to

Alfred for its present paroch ial d istr ibu tion . It seems to

b e much mo re probable that the paroch ial d istribu tion Of

d ioceses was far from simu l taneous. As C hristiani ty spread i tself among

our fo refathers, the Thanes, or great lords,gradual ly bu i l t chu rches upon

their own demesnes,or wastes, for the accommodation of the ir tenants.

They fe l t i t to be bo th a du ty and a pri vi lege . I n o rder to have d i vine

service regu larly perfo rmed in the chu rches, founded by the i r munificence ,

they obl iged all the i r tenants to appropriate thei r tithes to the maintenance

of one Officiating minister, instead Of leaving them as heretofore to con

tribu te to whatever priest or church they pleased . Hence sprang a parish

wi th its secu lar or parish priest . I n a precisely simi lar way the early

re l ig ious houses founded churches on the i r estates reserving to themsel ves

the great ti thes, and serving the chu rch e i ther by a member of the Monastic

body,or by a Vicarz


us or substi tu te,endowed wi th the less impo rtant ti thes

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H istorical S/eele/r of l/ze P am'

s/z of C roxall.

and spiri tual fees of the parish . I n the fo rmer case we have the o rigin Of

the rectories, in the latter, Of the vicarages Of modern t imes. That the

greater part Of our paroch ia l chu rches were in all probabil i ty established in

the Saxon times, may be sufficiently inferred from the Domesday Survey .

It is to b e remembered however, that the obj ect Of Will iam the Conqueror

in command ing th is survey to b e made was pu rely of a fiscal character . The

several commissioners therefore , in making i t were mainly concerned in

finding ou t what revenues the C rown was ent itled to as Lo rd paramount

accord ing to the existing feudal system and as the C rown had no pecuniary

interest in paroch ial property , they were very indifferent in regard to the parish

chu rches. I n some counties the churches are returned e i ther completely or

partial ly,but in an incidental or accidental manner

,in o thers they are passed

o ver in silence al together . The non -mention therefore, of a chu rch in th is

ancient reco rd is no proof of its non - existence a t the time ; though ment ion

Of i t there is, of course,conclusi ve ev idence that i t was then in be ing .


C roxal l C hurch does no t appear,from the reasons assigned above

,to have

been no ticed in Domesday Book . The probabil i ty is however,that no

chu rch existed at C roxal l then . There is reason to suppose,as wil l be

seen hereafter,that a chu rch arose a sho rt time previous to the year 1239 .

We have proof by means of the Domesday Survey that a mano r existed

here then ; hence the mano r pre - existed the paroch ial d istr ibution , in all

probabil ity,by a couple Of centu ries at least .


In C roch esh alle habu i t Siuuard. iij carucatas te rree ad geldum. Terra. viij carucarum. Ibi nun cin dom inio ij carucas, e t XX XV u illan i et X j b ordarii h ab entes viij caruca s. I b i ij mo l in i xviij solidorume t xxij acraa prati, S ilua {minu tse ij quarenteu ze longitud ine , e t i . quarentena latetudine . Tempore R egisEdwardi u aleb at iij . libras . Modo quatuor libras . R ogerius tenet.

Manor. I n C roch esh alle S iward had three carucates Of land for geld . L and for eight ploughs . N ow

in the demesne there [are] two ploughs, and thi rty five villane s,and e l even bordars

,having eight ploughs.

TWO mills of eighte en shillings [value] [are] there ; and twenty two acres of meadow . Under -Wood, twofurlongs in length , and one furlong in breadth . I n the time of King E dward it was worth th ree pounds ;now

,four pounds . Roger holds it .

See “ History of Davenant , Kent , by Thomas Willement , F .S .A .

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H istorical of Z/ze P am'

s/z of C roxall.

MANOR —A di strict w ith it s own peculiar rights , privileges , and perquisites , and subj ect to the j uri sd iction ofits own C ourt-Baron . The name is derived from Maenan

,or Maenawr, a Manor, a distri ct boun ded

by stones,from maen

,a stone . R esidence also involved—from Maneo , whence Mancu s, Mansio .

CARUCATE .—A somewhat indefinite measure of arable land , being enough for a year ’ s ti llage with one plough ,and the beasts attached to it. The quantity varied in different di stricts , and th e mode of tillagealso afi ected its extent. The term “ plough land i s al so deriv ed from this source .

GELD.—A t ax paid for the support of the State ; “ land for geld


” land for which geld or tax was paid .

V I L L AN Es .—Holders of land by a m ixed tenure

,who passed w ith the land . The tenure is not clearly defined .

Aft er the N orman C onquest the cond ition of the villanes improved,they were boun d to do state d

se rvices , due from themselves and from the land .

B oRDAR s .—C ottage holders who h eld their homesteads (B ords ) w ith small parcel s Of land , on cond ition ofperform ing defined servi ces to the L ord. They were but a degree higher than the C otarii ; orC ottagers .*


Domesday Book 1080

Fee t of Fines 1208

D i t to 1239

H tmdred Rolls 1275

D it to 1275

C lose Rolls 13 17

Placita de quo Warran to 1330

Curzon Monumen t in Croxall Church 1450

Ho r ton Deed 1490

D itto 1490

D i t to 1509

C urzon Monumen t in C roxall Church 1605

D it to d i t to d i t to 1639

And as now used .

Oran/z in a place name in Domesday Book , invariably is the debased

or euphon ic form Of the Gael ic 0720 0,a h i l l . We have therefo re here,

Crock , meaning h il l,and H alle or H al

,Saxon for b all

,from the verb

belan,to co ver ; are we in erro r in concluding that the modern wo rd

C roxal l means the Hal l Of,or at the H i l l , especial ly as the Old vil lage

of C roxal l was si tuate on high land,and on wh ich the C hurch now

stands. The first mention in h istory we have of C roxall occurs in

Domesday Book as above ; i t was held then by th is Roger (whose

identi ty i t is impossible to determine )1L

under Henry de Ferrers. Siward

was the Saxon Thane who he ld i t in Edward the C onfessor’s time ;

D omesday B ook of D erbyshire , ed ited by L lewellynn Jew itt , F .S .A .

L yson s say s he was probab ly an ancestor of the C urz on s,wh ich is an error .

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cal S taff/z of Me P am'

s/z of C roxall.

Henry de Ferrers was a d istingu ished adherent Of I Villiam the C onquero r,

he was rewarded for his services to him wi th Tutbury in Staffordsh ire ,

and one hundred and fourteen mano rs in Derbysh ire , of wh ich C roxal l was

one .Soon afterwards we find R ichard de C urz on hold ing four knights

’ fees

in Derbysh ire from the Fe rrers,viz .

, C roxall , Ed ingale, Twyford, and

Kedleston .

* W i l l iam the C onqueror d iv ided such parts of England as d id

not belong to the Church, and were no t reserved for h imself, into seven

hundred baron ies, wh ich he bestowed on h is principal adherents ; these

baronies were sub - d ivided into knights’ fees. T he C urz on family

held these fou r knigh ts’

fees from the Ferrers unti l the year 1266 when

Robert de Ferrers. the - last Earl of Derby Of that fami ly,took . up arms

against the king and was defeated at the Battle of C hesterfield , and his

estates fo rfe i ted to P rince Edmund, first Ear l Of Lancaster . The C urzons

then held from the Earls of Lancaster unt i l the end of the fourteenth

century, when they held d irect from the C rown .

Giraline de C urzon, Of Breton o rigin,came into England wi th the

C onqueror . He had three sons,Stephen

,R ichard

,and Giraline . From

Stephen,the e ldest

,descended the C urzons Of Fauld

,C O . Staffo rd , ext inct

1300 . R ichard , the second son,held the fo ur kn ights’ fees1L above ment ioned ;

of the th ird,Giraline , we seem to have no reco rd . R ichard had a son

Robert,whose wife was a certa in A l ice

,who married a Somervil le for her

second husband . Th is Robert had three sons R ichard,Thomas, and Robert .

From Richard,the e ldest, descended the C urz ons of C roxal l , Ed ingale , and

Twyford ; fromThomas, the second son,descended the C urz ons of Kedleston,

wh ich mano r was left him,dou btless

,by his father . R ichard , the eldest

brother , married P etrouelle, daugh ter Of Roger de Camville, and remained

at C roxal l . Thomas, who seems to have d ied young, left a son , also Thomas,

‘ Ex. M S Sam San ders, Arm. C art. W . C om. F erariis.

1 A Knight's fee in 3 Edward I . was estimated at twelve ploughland s , and its value (although it varied withthe times) , in the re ign s of the Edwards , was stated at £20 per ann um. Th e ho lder of a Knight's fee wasb oun d to attend h is lord to th e wars for forty day s in every year , if call ed upon , which attendance was h isrent for the land he c laimed to hold . I f he held half a Knight ’ s fee he was only boun d to attend for twentyday s, and so on in proport ion .

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H istorical Skelclc of Me P a rish of C roxall.

by his wife Sybyl . Th is ch i ld Thomas, wi th his Mano r Of Kedleston, was

left in ward of his uncle R ichard, bu t on coming Of age he found he was

debarred from taking possession by his grandmo ther Al ice de Somervil le .

Thomas thereupon cited his uncle and guard ian , R ichard , to Show cause

why he was refused possession . Al ice de Somervil le produced in court a

deed wh ich gave her Kedleston as dower,and which had been g iven her

by her late husband,Robert de C urzon

,grandfather Of the claiman t Thomas.

Eventual ly the d ispute was decided by R ichard de C urzon finding an

equ ivalent in C roxal l for Kedleston , whereupon she surrendered Kedlestonto her grandson

,Thomas. These deeds are g i ven in append ix under C roxal l ,

N os. I and II .* Robert de C urzon,the third son , became the celebrated

C ard inal C urzon. He was schoo l and co l lege friend of Innocent III ., and

became his legate at P aris,whence he preached the crusade aga inst the

Albigenses, and went wi th Simon de Montfo rd to assist in persecuting

them. He d ied at Damietta in Egypt,1218 .

Sir Robe rt de C u rz on, son of Richard , the e ldest of these three bro thers,

gave the advowson of the Chu rch Of C roxal l to the Austin P riory Of

Repton,at Michaelmas

,1239, 23 Henry III . See in append ix under

C roxal l,N o . III .

His grandson,Will iam,

married Emma, daughter of Sir Roger le

Brabazon . He left his son,also Will iam

,to the guard iansh ip Of th is

Roger,or his father . See in Append ix, C roxal l, N O. V III .

I n the next few generat ions of the C urzons of C roxal l,no th ing seems

to have occurred of interest . On the 25th Of June,1421, John C urzon


of C roxal l , Escheato r for the count ies Of Derby and No ttingham,conveyed

the Mano r Of Twyfo rd to John C reweker and A l ice,his wife

,Append ix

under C roxal l , N O . XV II . , and so ou t of the fou r Manors in Derbysh ire,

o rig inal ly possessed by the C urz ons of C roxal l, only two now rema ined, viz .

C roxal l and Ed ingale . His son,also John

,married Senecha or Innocentia


S ee also C ox 's C hurches of Derbyshire,” under Ked le ston .

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6 H islorical Sketc/c of fire P a ris/1. of C roxall.

daughter Of Sir Thomas Gresley,her name occurs under both fo rms, the

fo rmer in her husband ’

s wil l,and the latter on her tomb in C roxal l C hurch .

This John C urz on left,by wil l dated 1450, see Append ix

,C roxal l N O.

X I X .

,his body to b e buried before the H igh Al tar in the chu rch Of

Saint John the Baptist at C roxal l , his estates to his wife,Senecha or

Innocentia ( the fo rmer, perhaps, a shortened fo rm of the latter) , provided

she d id no t marry again for her l ife , and the “ Gate Hons ” at C roxal l

to b e repaired out Of certain moneys left for that pu rpose . To th is John

and the heads of the next fou r generations of the C urzons Of C roxal l,

there are,or were , incised monumental alabaster tombs in C roxal l C hu rch ;

they are ful ly described under that chu rch in th is vo lume .

Thomas C urzon Of C roxal l,son of John and Innocentia C urzon, married

Margaret Hartington, and left three ch i ldren

,one only su rvi ved in the person

Of John C u rz on Of C roxal l,who married Anne daugh te r Of Wil l iam Ashby

of Quenby, C O . Le icester,by whom he had

,amongst o thers

,Anne , who

married John Ho rton Of C atton .

I n the year 1513,John C urzon

,son Of the last -mentioned, fough t in

the war wi th France under Henry V III . Among the Derby Banneret is

fo und,

“ 1513,June l6th . The badges Of the K ing’

s army .

” “John C urz on

Of C roksall b ayreth a cockatrice d isplayed goulls, wi th a b ed in hys tayll,

hys fytte , and hys wattels assur .” Thomas C u rz on ,his son succeeded . He

married two wi ves,the first was Anne, daugh ter Of Sir John Aston Of T ixal l ,

C O . Stafi‘

ord,and the second was E l izabeth , daugh ter Of Richard Lygon

Of Madresfield,C O . Wo rcester . By his first wife


,he had th ree sons


and several daughters,b ut only one of the ir names is recorded, in Joyce ,

Of whompresently . By his second wife,E l izabeth

,he had one son, Geo rge

and several daughters,amongst whomwas Maud

,who marr ied fi rst N icho las

Tatton Of C hesh ire,to whom there was fo rmerly a monument in C roxa l l

C hu rch , and secondly her first cousin C hristopher Ho rton Of C atton. On

the 18th of December,1557

,Joyce C u rzon, mentioned above

,was burned .

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F R O M“

A N A N C I E N T P E D I G R E E .

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H istorical Sketc/z of t/ze P aris/z of C roxall.

extant. See Appendix, C roxal l N ou XX . There were three sons of th is

marriage ; Geo rge, who succeeded, W i l l iam,and Henry . Both these latter

d ied wi thout leaving issue . The last named was the last male he ir Of

the C urzons Of C roxal l . There is a mural monument to his memo ry in

C roxal l Chu rch . Al though most Of his ancestors seem to have been

bur ied in C roxal l Church, Sir Geo rge C u rzon, son Of the above,who d ied

in 1622, was bu ried in Saint Bride’s C hu rch , F leet Stree t, London .

There was a monument to his memory there , wh ich bore this inscription

H ere re s te th the body of S ir G eorge C urzon, ofC roxall, in the C oun ty of Derby, Knight ; descended from ancient Gentry , and of long contin uan ce in that p la ce : wh o lik e the R acefrom whence he came was a man of uprightL ife, R eligious , and Hospitable . H ee tooke tow ife Mary , the daughte r Of Sir R i chard lovison of L elleshull, in the C oun ty of Sal op ,Knight. By whom he had Walte r, who diedyoung, and Mary , then his onely daughter andHeire . Wh o was m arried to Edward Sackvile,

Earle of D orset, Knight of the HonourableOrder of the Garte r. Which L ady caused th i sMonument to bee here infi xed, to the SacredMemory of her dear father . He departe dthis l ife the 17th of N ovember, 1622.

Saint Bride ’s Chu rch was destroyed in the great fire of London,and

wi th i t th is monument . Stowe fortunately g i ves the inscription . Mary,

daughter and he iress of the above Sir Geo rge C urzon , seems to have

been a woman of some abil ity . She married Edward Sackvil le , afterwards

4th Earl of Dorset, Lo rd Chamberlain at the Court Of Charles I hence

probably his wife ’s appo intment as governess to the K ing’s ch ildren .

Al though her husband was a staunch Royal ist,she was continued in that

Office by the P arl iament . She d ied early in May 1645, and on the 17th

of that month , in the same year,bo th Lo rds and C ommons si tt ing at

Westminster o rdered that She shou ld b e honoured by a publ ic funeral ,

wh ich was carried ou t on the 2nd of September fo l lowing . Th is, the

fo l lowing extracts from Whitelock ’

s Memorials,wi l l prove :

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H istorical Sleek /c of t/ze P a ris/i of C roxall.

May i7th 1645. The L ords sent an order for the Fun eral of the C ountess of Dorset .The C ommons concurred .

Aug. Order for the payment of £600 ordered for the C ountess of Dorset ’ s Funeral .September 3d. The Fun eral of the C ountess of Dorset in much state .

Several wri ters have fal len into the erro r of stating that she was bu ried

in Westminster Abbey,bu t that was no t the case . She d ied early in May,

and the publ ic funeral was no t carried ou t unti l September,as the above

extracts pro ve . Her effi gy was doubtless carried in procession in the Abbey,

bu t the body had been most probably la id long befo re at the burial place Of

the Sackvilles,a t Withyam,

in Sussex. There is no reco rd of her having

been buried in the Abbey, nor is there a monument to hermemory there

U nfo rtunately the registers of Withyam have been lost,SO that i t canno t be

conclusi ve ly proved whether she was bu ried there or no t . She was the only

woman for whom a pub l ic funeral was ever vo ted by P arl iament . A t her

death in 1645, C roxal l passed from the possession of the C urz ons,by whom

i t had been held for five hundred years— fifteen generations— to her husband,

Edward,4 th EarlOf Dorse t . He was at C roxal l in the year 1613


he rece i ved a chal lenge from Lo rd Edward Bruce . They fought a due] at

Tergoo z e ,in Ho l land


in wh ich Lo rd Edward Bruce was k illed, and Lo rd

Dorse t was dangerously wounded,b ut recovered . He was a most devo ted

Royal ist,and served C harles I . wi th great ardou r . He fought at Edgeh i l l


besides taking an acti ve part in all the Royal ist mo vements of the time .

Richard , the 5th Earl , his successo r to C roxal l , took the same acti ve part

for C harles II . , and was one of the judges Of the Regicides. Charles,

the 6th Earl,was a most accompl ished man

,a statesman

, courtier,


poet . He was a fr iend Of D ryden . Dryden dedicated to him his trans

lation Of “ Juvenal ,” where in he describes his lo rdsh ip ’s great genius.

P rio r also makes ment ion of the same . P ope designated him as

Dorset,the grace of C ourts , the Muses ’ pride ,

” “etc .

Lione l Cranfield, 7th Earl and lst Duke of Do rset,invested George I .

wi th the Order Of the Garter at Hanover,and attended him on his

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orfca/ S/cez‘

c/z of Me P am'

s/z of C ram/Z.

jou rney to England . I n 1730 he was made Lord L ieu tenant of Ireland

C harles, the 2nd Duke , d ied unmarried , when C roxal l became the pos

session of his nephew,John Frederick , 3rd Duke of Dorset , who so ld

i t in 1779 to Thomas Prinsep Esq. Th is gentleman was a we l l - known

breeder of long - horned cattle . Paint ings of the most ce lebrated of the

herd are now in C I ‘OX all Hal l . After the death of his son,also Thomas


without issue,the C roxal l estate passed by his wi l l to his nephew


Thomas Prinsep Levett Esq .

,second son of his sister Frances


had married Theoph i lus Levett of Wichno r, Esqu ire , in the county of

Staffo rd . Th is gentleman,in the year 1835, assumed the name and arms

of P rinsep, in conjunction wi th that of Levett,

and his son Thomas

Levett P rinsep Esq.,is new owner and lo rd of the mano r of C roxal l .

P ed igrees of C urzon and Dorset,as long as the latter held the mano r


P rinsep are here g iven .

C roxal l P arish in the Hundred of Repton and Gresley,is si tuate in the

extreme sou th -western angle of the C ounty of Derby . The R iver Maese,

wh ich flows wi th in a stone ’s throw of the hal l on its southern side,d i vides

the C ounties of Derby and Staffo rd on the sou th . Soon afterwards i t

fal ls into the Trent,wh ich r i ver also bo unds the two counties just

mentioned on the west . C roxal l Townsh ip is bounded on the north by

the Townsh ip of C at ton,on the south by the R iver Maese

,on the east

by the P arish of Ed ingale,and on the west by the R iver Trent . C roxal l

P arish consists of the Townsh i ps of C roxal l and C atton in Derbysh i re,

the Townsh ip of Oakley in Staffordsh i re,wi th part of Ed ingale (that part of

i t wh ich is in Derbysh ire ) , in the Hundred of No rth Ofllow in that co unty .

C roxal l townsh ip consists of acres,2 roods

,of wh ich Mr. Prinsep

owns acres ; Mrs. Honey, 77 acres

,1 rood ; Miss Smedley, 47

acres ; G lebe, 7 acres,2 roods ; and the Trustees of F . W. Green,

3 acres, 2 roods. C atton Townshi p consists of acres,

and 15

perches, all of wh ich be long to the Reverend Si r George Lewis Wilmo t

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1 2 H istorical St aff/z of t/ze P a n'

s/z of C ram/l.

herd of long - ho rned cattle, wh ich were here introduced by Thomas

Prinsep Esq. Mr. Farey reports him to have had the largest farm in

Derbysh ire, and his rate of wages to have been nine sh il l ings in winter”

and double that in jobs dur ing the summer . Long - horned cattle have

now gi ven way to the ir opposite,the sho rt - horn ; bu t late ly , in these same

pastures and meadows of C roxal l , an attempt has been made to revi ve

the ir fo rgo tten merits. Feed ing in a park they are very picturesque ,

and the ir milk , al though less in quanti ty than the short- ho rn, is mu ch

superio r in qual i ty .

Mr. P rinsep’s sale of long horns took place on the 25th of September


1811, when the h ighest price g iven for “ Wh i te Lupin,

a seven - year - old

cow,was 220 gu ineas, and the h ighest price obta ined for a bul l was

130 gu ineas. It is stated that Mr. P rinsep once ki lled a cow, seven

years old,wh ich we ighed 104 stone .

P i tt'

s Agricul tural Report of Staffordsh ire , says, On May 20th, 1794, I

viewed the herd of Long Ho rns at C roxal l , the property of Thomas P rinsepEsq . ; his land is mostly b u t no t whol ly in Derbysh ire

,andmo re properly

belongs to the repo rt of that C o unty . They have been brough t by him to a

very h igh degree of super iori ty,large

,thick , heavy and wel l made


a great show for mi lk ing . The cows g i ve on the average e igh t quarts

of mi lk each , wh ich the owner th inks equal from its superio r qual i ty to

a much greater quanti ty from ord inary cows. Mr.P rinsep’s bu l l


‘Bright ’

is a majestic, noble animal . ‘Brigh t Eye ,’

the son of ‘Bright,

now three

years old,is a beau tifu l

,fau l tless animal .

A Long Ho rn Ox fed at the Marquis of Donegall’

s (probably Fisherwick ,in the immediate ne ighbourhood ) , was a no ted one

,the weigh t of the four

quarters was 1988 lbs.

,tal low 200 lb s ,

h ide 177 lbs. Ano ther account says,

when k il led the to tal was 3472 lbs. and 350 lbs. of fat . The rich graz ing

land of C roxal l must have contribu ted large ly to the ir excel lence .

C roxal l Townsh ip is in Tamwo rth P oo r L aw Union,

and C ounty

Page 44: Of the History of Croxall

H zslorzcal Sach a of Mo P a ris/z of C roxall.

C ourt d istrict , Ru ral - deanery of Lu l l ington, Archdeaconry of Derby,and

D iocese of L ichfield, bu t its connection wi th the latter must soon cease,

as an Act for the Endowment of a B ishop ’s See at Southwel l , to consist

of the C ounties of Derby and No ttingham,has been passed

,and wi l l

take effect as soon as sufficient funds to endow i t wi th a year

are obta ined . It seems a somewhat b ad arrangement that C roxal l P arish ,

wi th in sigh t of the Spires of L ichfield C athedral,as i t is

,shou ld be

separated from i t as its C athedral Church and g i ven to Southwel l , fo rty

mi les distant .

C oming from Ed ingale to C roxa l l by the h igh road wh ich leads from

Lu l l ington , and soon after passing the V icarage and C hurch , the ground

suddenly descends into the Val ley of the Trent,and after just mee ting

the Burton - on - Trent and Tamwo rth Road,the r iver Maese is crossed into

Staffo rdsh ire . A l i ttle to the west of th is bridge the R ivers Tame and

Trent uni te,and a l i ttle further down the stream the R iver Maese fal ls

into the Trent , wh ich then becomes a large river and flows on by C atton .

These r ivers all abound wi th the usual Engl ish fresh -water fish,and

al though at some hundred mi les d istance from the sea as C roxal l is,

salmon have been sometimes taken here .

Du ring severe winters many rare aquatic birds are sho t on the banks

of these rivers, no tably t he Shovel ler,the P ochard

,the Goosander


Go lden Eye Duck , the Smew,and the Tufted Duck . The Sandpiper

comes the end of July,and leaves the beg inning of September . There

is no lack of K ingfishers,and a Heronry is fast fo rming in Wal ton

Wood no t far off. Oaks grow most luxuriantly in these rich meadows.

A magnificent avenue of e lms a quarter of a mi le long,and mentioned

by Mr. Farey in his Agricu l tu ral H istory of Derbysh ire , leads up to the

Hal l from the No rth . They appear to be abou t two hundred and fifty

years old,wh ich is the period that elms take in arri ving at the i r best .

Some of these are unfortunately showing signs of decay, and in summer

Page 45: Of the History of Croxall

14 H istorical Sectc/c of Me P a ris/t of C roxall.

al though withou t any breeze blowing, large branches, owing to the weight

of fo l iage,suddenly crack and fal l . Opposi te the Hall , in ano ther



of these trees, there is a wel l establ ished rookery .

To the east of th is avenue , on the top of a gentle , beau tiful ly

wooded incl ine,stretches for about three quarters of a mi le no rth and

sou th,

a most pleasantly situated wal k,known to all the country ro und

as Dryden ’

s Walk,wh ich mu st have taken its name from some connection

wi th the P oet . A friend, as mentioned befo re , of C harles, the 6th Earl

of Do rset, i t is most l ikely that he passed some time wi th him at

C roxal l Hal l,hence the appel lation . When as Lo rd C hamberla in, Lord

Do rset was obl iged to take the king’

s pension from D ryden, he a l lowed

him an equ i valent out of his own estate .

The view from th is wal k is very fine ; on the left lie L ichfield and the

B lack C o untry,in the front C annock C hase

,the val leys of the Tame and

Trent,the V i l lages of Al rewas, and K ing’s Bromley

,on the righ t the

Town of Burton - on - Trent,Barton - under -N eedwood and o ther vil lages. I t

is sa id that on a clear day, with the aid of a telescope,the Wrekin in

Shropsh ire can be seen from here ;“as the crow fl ies ”

the d istance wou ld

be about th irty - five mi les.

Just previous to entering the P arish the Derby and B irmingham

Ra i lway crosses the j unction of the R i vers Trent and Tame o ver a

wooden viaduct a quarter of a mi le long, resting on wooden piles driven

fifteen fee t into the swampy ground ; the cost of this was

A bridge, composed of iron girders

,supported by stone piers

,is being

bui l t to supersede th is,a t a cost of abou t Nearer to Tamworth


on the same l ine,

stands C roxal l Ra i lway Station, d istant some five

hundred yards from the Hal l .

C roxal l can boast of ly ing contiguous to three r i vers, the Trent, the

Tame,and the Maese . These undoubtedly contr ibu te greatly to the

picturesqueness of the scene,but at the same time render all the low

Page 46: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Slactc/z of t/cc P a ris/z of C roxall.

ly ing lands subject to floods. The highest flood reco rded in these d istricts

took place on the 2lst of October, 1875.

The Trent (anciently Trivona or Treonta ) rises on B iddul ph Moo r in

Staffo rdsh ire, at an e levation of 500 feet abo ve the leve l of the sea . It

dra ins a d istrict of 4000 square miles,is the third largest river in England


is 167 miles from rise to fal l in length,

and d ivides the Ecclesiastical

P rovinces o f C anterbury and York .

The Trent was popu larly supposed to b e so cal led from T rente,th irty


as i t was supposed to rece i ve th irty auxil iary streams,or from th irty

d ifferent k inds of fish be ing caught in i t, or from th irty abbeys having


situated on its banks. C amden cal ls those who accepted these

surmises as“ Ignorant and Idle pretenders


”b u t Mi l ton in a Vacation

Exercise says,

Or Trent , who like some earth - born g iant, spreadsHis th irty arm s , along the indented

T he real derivation'

of the name is most probably from the Gael ic wo rd

Tron,meaning a stream.

The Tame,deri ving its name from the slow and placid natu re of

its stream)L rises on the bo rders of Wo rcestersh ire

,near Dudley C astle .

It flows about twenty - five mi les, mainly no rth north - eastward,

and fal ls

into the Trent in the P arish of C roxal l .

The Maesei risingi

on Smisby C ommon, a l i ttle to the east of Ashby

de -la - Z ouche,

flows abou t 15 miles sou th sou th -westward,and turning

abruptly to the no rth at C roxal l,fal ls into the Trent

,l ikewise in th is

parish . Fo rmerly,there is reason to bel ieve from the natu re of the

ground,i t tu rned towards the sou th -west and fel l into the Tame .

The po int a t wh ich these th ree rivers meet is 150 feet above sea

level . C roxal l H i ll , on the summi t of wh ich stretches Dryden’

s Walk,

Some edi ti on s print thi rsty . Tame is from the Gaeli c Tam— quiet, sti ll .I Maese— Gaelic, Macs—an open fi eld .

Page 47: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Sirotc/c of t/ze P a ris/i of C roxall.

fo rms a part of the Le icestersh ire range of b ills,

and is abou t 200

feet above the level of the sea .

By means of the T i the C ommutation Map


I am enabled to gi ve

the name of each field in C roxal l Townsh i p . The numbers co rrespond

wi th those on the map.

1 nrirnt rs nf dflrurall,TAKE N FROM C UR Z ON WI L L S , IN DEN TURE S , ETC .

h ffi amrs

Piece .

Rye Lan des.

Barlie C lose .

Mese Mea dow.

L i t tle P in gle .

Mea dow at Mese Bridge .

P angio Meadow.

The Parke .


s C lose .

Goose Home Greene .

n ordhay.

Mylmedowe .

N ew C lose .

Rough Holme.

Ho rse C lose.


10 Town Mea dow.

11 Do . C lose .

12 Long Meadow.

13 Plan ta t ion a djoin ing 14 .

14 Th e G rea t Rylan ds.

15 Dwell ing House and The

16 ll’oodhill

17 Further F ield .

18 Lowe r Fu r ther Fiel d”

Page 48: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical

Middle F ield .

Sp inney .

N ew Field .

Lan d C lose.

Road lead ing to E d ingale .

Th e Pa rk .

Park Mea dows.

Lower Park .

Mill Holme .

M ill and M il l Holme.

Freeboar d adjo in ing Pa rk .

U pper Pa rk .

G rea t Broadfi elds.

Dockey C lose.

Bushy B road .

Lower Broadfi eld.

N ew C lose .

N ew or Ash Tree C lose .

R eh eel ’ s C lose.


s Meadow

N ew C lose Meadow.

Boyle .


s C lose .

Thistley F ield .

L i ttle Mousley’

s C lose .

U pper L ey.

U pper Plough ed Field .

Lower L ey.

N o r th N e ther Broad .

G reat Broadfi elds.

Broadfi eld Meadow.

Sou th Grun dy ’s.

N o rth do .

E ast Grun dy ’


L ittle C lose .

Marlpit Fiel d .

Road lea d ing fromE d ingaleLower C lose.

N eville ’

s House .

Uppe r Ley.

Plough ed FieldSea-1

s Gorsty C lose.

Bu r ton .

Schoo l House and C lose .

C ordwell Meadow.

Great C o r dwell Meadow.

Westh o lme .

C o rdwell Meadow Slang .

Sou th N e th er Broa d .

Westh olme .

East do .

Th e Meadow.

Upper Seal ’s Gorsty C lose.

E lwell ’s Upper C lose .

G rea t Th istley Field .

Hou se Pasture .

P essell House .

Woo d Ground.

Pingle Field .

L ey Ground.

Great L ey.

N orth Wheat F ield .


Moo r of Matthew’s Meadow.

Sou th Wheat Field .

Elwell’s Lower C lose.

Seal ’s Lower C lose .

Lower Gorsty C lose .

P imm’

s Meadow.

Dockey C lose.

Th istley C lose.

F oredraugh t ,

Garden .

Pingle .

Furth er Busty .


E lfo r d Schoo l Lan d .

Lan ds ca lled Glebe .

Church and Churchyard .

V icarage House .

Westholme .

Page 49: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Sketc/z of


F rom a pigeon -house , st ill stan ding .

F rom land where rye was cul t ivated .

From the R ive r Maese.

Gore , a small narrow slip of ground.Holme , a river island .

Gtri rnxaI I @nhms ip.

The h igh road from Lu l l ington, etc ., coming it em the east, wh ich P lo t

supposed to be a Roman V ia V icinalis,enters C roxal l a l i ttle to the west

of the V il lage of Ed ingale, i t continues its cou rse to the west,passing

close to the V icarage and Hal l,d istant some e igh ty yards from the latter ;

further west, a l ittle to the no rth of the bridge over the Maese,i t meets

the Burton - on - Trent and Tamworth Road . Th is latter enters C roxal l from

C atton and passes south ti l l i t reaches the Maese,where i t passes into the

Townsh ip of Oakley, in Staffordsh ire . A foo t road enters C roxal l from

C a tton, just below C atton Wood,and passing o ver Dryden’s Wal k

, con

tinnes its course past C roxal l C hu rch by a smal l bridge o ver the Maese

into Oakley,

and eventual ly finishes at E lfo rd . Another foo t road

branch ing of to the east from Dryden ’

s Walk,passes along the boundary

between C atton and C roxal l , and so on to the Vi l lage of C o ton - in - the

E lms through C atton . Ano ther foot road coming from‘ Ed ingale , passes

northward over the P essall P i ts Farm,and joins the old Burton and

Tamwo rth Road by C atton. Ano ther foo t road branches off to the sou th,

from the h igh road to Lul l ington,and passing by an osier b ed

,leads into

C roxal l Mi l l . The old road from Tamworth to Burton - on - Trent, passes

through Ed ingale and C roxal l to the north,entering upon C atton at a

po int cal led the Brick K iln P i ts,th is has been d isused for many years for

veh icles,bu t is stil l used for equestrians and pedestrians. I n add i tion to

the above,a bridle road passing from sou th to north

,from the vi l lage of

Ed ingale through C roxal l,enters upon C at ton at the Raddle Farm Ho use .

t/zc P a ris/z of C roxall.


37 N ame occurs in registe rs of par ish .

41 Do . do . do .

65 P eashill.

67 P ingle , a smal l fi el d , an enclosure.

96 Busens, or b oscus, a wood .

Page 51: Of the History of Croxall
Page 52: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical St etcfi of t/zc P arisa of C roxall.

tilts mains.

To the sou th east of C roxal l C hurch, and just outside the C hurchyard

stands an Ancient Br i tish Tumu lus ; its he igh t measu res twe l ve feet, and

its ci rcumference forty yards. Abou t the year 1800, the late Thomas

P rinsep'

Esq .

,intended to remove i t, bu t on finding that it contained

human bones, o rdered the work of demo l i tion to be stopped , and had i t

planted . There are evident signs on its north side of th is excavat ion .

There are a large number of arms, of the time of the C ommonweal th ,

hang ing in C roxal l Hal l,wh ich tradi tion says were dug ou t of th is mound ,

b ut trad ition is here ob viously in error . They were most probably brough t

here by the Earl of Dorset ; his connection with the C i vil Wars wou ld

read i ly account for his possession of numbers of these weapons. They

were doubtless stowed away in the Hal l , until more peacefu l t imes

permit ted of the i r be ing brough t to l ight . N o Roman remains ex ist in

the P ar ish .

Page 53: Of the History of Croxall

I F TEEN days after the Feast of St . Michael

twenty - th ird year of K ing Henry III .



Robert de C u rzon granted the advowson of C roxal l

C hurch to the Austin P r io ry of Repton . Th is grant

is g iven in Append ix under C roxal l N o . III . Th is

wou ld tend to prove that a church had j ust begun to ex ist there, so

that we may, perhaps, conclu de the date of the erection of the

present ed ifice to have been about the commencement of the th irteenth

centu ry . I n the year 1275 the advowson of the church was acknow

ledged to have been the g ift of Robert de C urz on— Append ix, C roxal l ,

N o . V . It would appear as if some d ifference of opinion had arisen

between R ichard de C urzon,

son of the donor of the advowson of

C roxal l C hu rch to Repton P riory,and the P r ior

,in the year 1269

Append ix,C roxal l , N o . IV . 13 Kal


, 1279, first of his con

secration . John P eckham,* Archbishop of C anterbury confirmed to the

above P rio ry , amongst o thers,the C hurch of C roxal l

,together wi th

John Peckham , formerly a F ranciscan F riar, was rai sed to the Prim acy 1279 . He was a reformer of C hurchdiscip lin e . F indi ng a N orman B ishop of L ich fi eld who could not speak E ngl i sh , and would not reside in hi s see.b e obliged him to appoint a coadj utor B ishop , to Whom he was to pay a good salary .

—Ch urton '

s C h . Hist.

Page 54: Of the History of Croxall
Page 55: Of the History of Croxall
Page 56: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Séctc/i of Me P a ris/c of C roxall.

the chapels of Ed ingale and C atton. Th is chapel of Edingale Mr.

C ox supposes to have been in that part of Edingale wh ich lay con

tig uous to C roxal l . There seem to have been two chape ls co - existent

at Ed ingale at th is period ; one in that part of Ed ingale wh ich was in

Staffordsh ire,and the o ther in that part of i t which was in ' Derbysh ire .

Al l traces of this latter one have long since d isappeared .

The Taxation Ro l l of 129 1 g i ves the annual value of the Rectory

of C roxal l at £ 10 13s. 4d. Shortly afte r th is the P rio ry of Repton

obta ined the episcopa l sanction to t he appropriating of the great tithes

to the ir own use,

and to the appo intment of the Vicar of C roxal l .

When the Re l ig ious House acqu ired the great tithes of the parish,i t

invariably had the services carried on in the parish church by a member

of its body , or by a Vicarius,or substi tute .

The Valo r Ecclesiasticus of 1585,estimates the annual value of the

V icarage at £5, and the uni ted value of the rectories of C roxal l , and

Will ington in Derbysh ire,

and Badow in Essex,at £22. The recto ry

and advowson of the Vicarage remained wi th the P rio rs of Repton unti l

the dissolution of the monasteries. The impropriated tithes then reverted

to the manor,as we l l as the advowson of the Vicarage

,but the latter

reverted to the C rown in the re ign of C harles I . I n 1617 we find Sir

George C urzon presenting, and in 1637 the C rown. I n the year 1874

the then B ishop of L ichfield,George Augustus Selwyn , exchanged the

presentation of a l iving in the D iocese of W inchester for i t,and so i t has

passed into the hands of the B ishop of the d iocese . The P arl iamentary

C ommissioners repo rt of C roxa l l thus in an inqu isi tion taken at Derby ,June 3rd

,1650 C roxal l

,a V icaridge . The parish lying one parte

of i t in the C ountye of Staffo rd , i t is real ly worth n ine and fortye


six sh il l ings,

and S ixpence per annum, viz .

,C roxal l and the

hamblet tes apperteyning in Derbysh ire,

nyneteen pounds,six sh i l l ings

and S ixpence,i tem fo rthe of parte in the C ountye of Staffo rd thirtye

Page 57: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Sl’ctc/z of t/ic P a ris/i of C roxall.

pounds. Mr. John Hough is vicar and of noe good repu te,Mr.

Hinglye is curate,a man of good repu te . T he l iving of C roxal l is

now worth per annum £509 15s.

,composed of C roxal l Tithe £ 180


Oakley T i the £218 , C atton T ithe £91 15s.

,and rents of glebe land

in Ed ingale £20 . Mr. C ox has only been able to d iscover the names

of two of the recto rs of C roxal l , viz .

,R ichard , who was Treasurer of

L ichfield C athedral and Recto r of C roxal l , as wil l b e shown later,under

C atton Chape l,and Thomas P ersona de C roxal l

,wi tness to a C urzon

deed,N o . II . of Lo rd Scarsdale ’s deeds.

The fo l lowing l ist of vicars is ch iefly taken from Mr. C ox’s l ist .

The names of the Pre -Reformation patrons. are in each instance the

P riors of Repton

1236 WilliamMangepayne . 1476 Wi lliam Aston , C anon of Repton , on

1849 Will iam de Repyndone . th e resignat ion of T . S .

1377 Henry de Bakewell, on the death of 1490 E dmun d Alcock .

W . de R . 1538 R ichard Standyn ough t .Ralph de Hertesh orne . George B igges, buried at A lrewas,

1429 Laurence de Su t ton, C anon of Repton. May 4, 1617.

Thomas Clyfton . 1617, May 8th . John Bentley . Pa tron ,

1443 Robert Burton , Canon of Repton , on Sir George Curzon .

th e resignation of T . C . 1637, N ov . 18th . Samuel Willes. Pa t ron ,

1443 , Dec . 4th . Rich ard F urbour .— Staf th e Crown .

fo r d Registers, f. 10 . John , Arch 1650 John Hough .

bishop to the Prior of the C onventua l 1690 , April 14th . John Dan iel . Pa tron ,

Ch urch of Gresley, commission for the Crown .

inst itu ting R ichard F urbour to the 1728 , Oct . 23rd. Obad iah Bourne. Patron ,

V icarage of th e Church of C roxall, th e Crown .

during the vacancy of the See of 1763 , N ov . lst . Samuel Pipe . Pa tron ,

C oventry and L ichfi eld. He was th e Crown .

co lla ted by th e Archbishop , the pa 1779 , March 2nd. J . Batteridge Pearson .

t ronage h aving fa llen to him through Pa tron , the Crown .

lapse of time . 1809 , May 13th . Samuel Holworthy.

1451 John Basset , Canon of Repton . Pa tron , the Crown .

1472 Th omas Su tton , P r ior of Rep ton . By 1839 James G isbo rne . Patron , the Crown .

special d ispensat ion on the resigna 1872, Apr il 7th . Thomas N ettlesh ip S taleyt ion of J . B . (la te Bishop of Honolulu ). Pa tron ,

th e C rown .

Page 59: Of the History of Croxall
Page 60: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical St etc/i of too P arisa of C roxall.

The C hurch of C roxal l is dedicated to Sa int John the Baptist,and

now consists of chance l , o rgan chamber,nave

,and towe r . The chance l

measures 24 feet 7 inches by 19 fee t 2 inches, the nave 42 fee t 2 inches

by 26 feet 10 inches.

It fo rmerly had a south a isle,the bu i l t- up arcades of two arches

are plainly visible in the sou th wal l of the nave ; the two deco rated

windows of the fou rteenth century, wh ich new l ight the sou th side of

the nave,were most probably carried fo rward and inserted in the present

wal l when the sou th aisle was demo l ished . I t is also l ikely that

the C hurch possessed a no rth aisle,as the present north wal l of the

nave contains three windows of evidently late P erpendicular work,wh ich

do no t at all co incide in character wi th the date of the bu i ld ing of the

C hurch .

If there was a no rth aisle,i t was probably taken down abou t the year

1500 , and the south a isle was l ikewise so treated e i ther in the year 1619

or 1701-2,as wil l be shown by the chu rchwardens’ accounts hereafter .

These prove that considerable expense was incurred in the latter years

wi th regard t o works in the chu rch , and the outside leaf of the P arish

Registers record a levy having taken place for the repairs of the church

in 1619 . It is impossible to say at wh ich t ime th is side aisle was

destroyed . The chancel arch is Very wide,sixteen feet at the base


is evidently of late construct ion, the gable ou tside is of brick .

A good specimen of Early Engl ish Wo rk exists in a small lancet

window,coeval wi th the probable date of the bu ild ing of the church


immediate ly abo ve the priest ’s door,in the south wal l of the chance l ;

i t is four fee t h igh,and nine inches broad ; unfo rtunate ly it is now blocked

in on its inner side,by a mu ral monument to Henry

C urzon .

The east window consists of three ligh ts, wi th good tracery of Deco rated

work above . The window in the no rth wal l of the sanctuary is a trefo i l ;

its width has been tampered with in erecting a mural monument between

Page 61: Of the History of Croxall

24 H istorical St etc/i of flat P a ris/c of C roxall.

i t and the east wal l to Wal ter Ho rton ; there is a similar one opposi te to

i t in the south wal l . Below the latter further west,is a low side

window,now b locked up by a mural monument on the inside

,bu t

glazed on the ou tside ; i t measures 23 inches by 18 inches,and in th is

instance is on the side where the vil lage stood of old,wh ich wou ld

signify that i t was used to r ing the Sanctus Bel l out of, and so deno te

to the vil lagers the consecration of the elements. A priest’s doo r having

a circu lar arch exists in the sou th wal l of the chancel,bu t was no t

always in its present posi tion . Du ring the last “ Restoration ” i t was

removed further east,where i t now stands ; fo rmerly i t was nearer to th is

low side window on its eastern side .

C oming on further west,we find two two - l ight windows wi th trefo i l

heads,wh ich were most probably the sou th windows of the south a isle


as i t fo rmerly existed previous to the years 1619 or 1701 . Westward is

the church doo r wi thou t a porch , and over i t a circu lar window. I n the

west wal l , between the door and tower,is a large lancet window.

The Tower, th irty - six feet in heigh t,wi th an area of eleven feet

by nine , rises on the west side,

and contains a two - l igh t deco rated

window in its western wal l . R igh t of the tower in the west wal l is a

simi lar lancet window to the one on the left . The no rth wal l of the nave

contains three windows of P erpend icular wo rk ; the two towards the west

are of two l ights, and the one towards the east of three . I n the tracery

of these three windows there is a smal l transom,wi th an embattled

mou ld ing. On the north side of the chancel is an o rgan chamber

erected in the year 1868,in wh ich stands an o rgan presented in the

same year . I n the no rth east angle of the nave stands the pu l pi t of

C aen stone also erected in the same year,and immed iately above i t in

the wal l is a stone corbel intended for the support of an effigy of a

Sa int, upon wh ich is carved a gro tesque figure of wh ich a drawing is

given . Th is would seem to ind icate that a side al tar fo rmerly stood

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26 H istorical St etc/i of t/cc P a ris/c of C roxall.

siutrh 6 12155.

I n the year 1854, the then Vicar, the Rev . James G isborne,had the

tracery of the east window fi l led with pa inted glass ; the Last Supper, a

chal ice , and a crown of thorns are represented upon i t . I n the top of

a window in the sou th aisle,is a smal l representation in modern glass,

of a group of angels carrying a ch i ld , and a Lat in cross.

The circu lar window over the chu rch doo r, on the sou th side , conta ins

a memorial window erected by her mo ther, Lady Wilmot Ho rton, in

1867, to the memo ry of the Hon“ Mrs. C urzon

,wife of the Hon

Robert C u rzon, afterwards Lord Z ouche of Haryngworth , and daughter of

the R igh t Hon“ Sir Robert John and Lady Wilmo t Horton

, of C atton .

It consists of a monogram in red and blue,of the in i tial letters

,E . I . C . ,

of Mrs. C urz on’

s name,Emily Ju l ia C urzon

,surrounded by a wreath of

forget -me -no ts and fi'ni t,and these texts in Roman capital letters,

“ The

Lo rd gave,



“The Lord hath taken away,

” 1866 . The two - l ight

Deco rated west window of the tower conta ins representations of the

Baptism of our Lord,and St . John the Baptist preach ing the Agnus

Dei in the wi lderness. With beneath , “ Th is is My Belo ved Son in

whom I am wel l pleased,

and “ Repent ye for the Kingdom of Heaven

is at hand,

” respective ly .

The western window in the no rth wal l of the nave conta ins an heraldic

window of six sh ields, erected by the late Lo rd Z ouche of Haryngworth .

Commencing from the left - hand t.0 p, we see the arms of C urzon, ( lst )

Argent, on a bend,sable

,three popinj ays


,co l lared and footed

, gates,

impal ing those of Ho rton, sable

,a stag’

s head, caboshed , argent, attired ,

or. On the sides,entwined round the sh ield

,are the wo rds


“ Thomas

C urzon and Margaret Horton,

”wi th beneath


“Marr ied (2nd), on

the righ t,Ho rton

,as above

,impales C urzon ,

as above, and, as in the


“ John Ho rton,Anne C urzon,

” wi th beneath ,“Married ( 3rd) ,

Page 68: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical St etcb of Me P aris/i of C roocall.

on the left , Quarterly lst and 4th, Ho rton,as abo ve

,and (for d istinction)

a canton,ermine ; 2nd and 3rd

,Wilmo t of Osmaston


,on a fess


or,be tween three eagles’ heads

,couped , argent, as many escal lops

, gnles,

all with in a bo rdure engrai led of the th ird , over all an inescu tcheon

bearing Ho rton ; and,as above


“ Robert John Wilmot,Anne Beatrix

Ho rton,

” beneath,

“Marr ied 1806 . (4th ) , on the righ t ermine, on a bend


sable,three pheons

,argent, Lo rd Do rchester impales Horton

,as before ;

Honble' Richard C arle ton,

Frances Lou isa Horton,beneath , “Married

(5th ), on the left azure,on a fess between three ostrich feathers


argent, as many martlets, sable,impales Horton as befo re ; wi th entwined

round i t the names,“ Henry Tufnel l

,Anne Augusta Wilmot Ho rton



“Married 1830 . (6th ) C u rzon , as in first sh ield , impales Ho rton

as in d i tto ; as the o thers,

Houb1°° Robert C u rz on

,Emi ly Ju l ia Wilmo t


” beneath,

“Married The first sh ield in the above window

is unfo rtunate ly an erro r . Thomas C urzon d id not marry a Horton,he

married Margaret Hartington,and the arms of Hartington be ing very

similar to Horton,argent, a buck ’s head


,wi th a fleu r -de -lis

between the ho rns, gules, gave rise

,I conclude

,to th is erro r . There is

some attempt at painted glass in the remaining two windows in the

north wal l of the nave .

There was fo rmerly a great deal of herald ic glass in C roxall C hurch ,

all of wh ich has long since d isappeared . Wyrley the Staffordsh ire

antiquary,Visi ted th is chu rch in 1596

,and relates of the glass there as

follows z— Harl MSS. 6592,Fo l io 69

,back .

“ Thes thre monimentes in

glasse wro ught alsoe wi th the ir pictures and vestementes of the same .

Thomas C u rz on and Margare t his wyff, obi it 1485. Thomas C urzon,

Esquier, Lord of C roxhall and Ann and E l izabeth his 2 wyves, he d ied

1540 . John C urzon and Ann his wyff, he d ied 1500 , she d ied 1514 .

John Ho rton son and heyre of Roger Ho rton of C atton and Ann his wyff,

daughter of John C urz on of C roxal l Esqr. he d ied 1521 . Roger Horton

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28 H istorical St etcb of fi le P a ris/i of C roxall

and Joan his wyff. Drawings of the coats described by him as existing

in the church are g iven . I n ano ther of the Harl MSS. (5809, fo l io 68 )

are some notes on C roxal l C hu rch “as in a booke of Mr. Kni veton


taken abou t fifty years after Wyrley’

s visi t,in wh ich mention is made

of the figure in a window of “ A C urzon in his coat armo r,boo ted

and spurred,where in are three horse shoes abou t his neck in a co l lar,

sable, and under upon his brast the same,his wife bears


, 3

l ions passant,argent.

” Th is was the coat of C amville . R ichard de

C urzon , father of Robert,the dono r of the church to Repton


P etronelle , sister and heiress of Roger de Camville . He also noted in

sundry places in the same window gules, u pon a bend argent, one

martle t only,sable

,in the uppermost part of the bend .

” From these

C urzon memo rials having been frequently described as be ing “ in the

chapel of the C urzons wi th in the church , Mr. C ox supposes tha t the

south aisle was special ly appropriated to th is fami ly , and was probably

screened off firom the rest of the chu rch .

The C ommissioners for tak ing the inventory of Chu rch Goods, 6

Edward VI .,thus repo rt of C roxal l C hu rch

“ Croxall October 5th 1553 . R ich Standanoygh t . j chalys of sylver— iij vestmen ts

j cross of whyt taffeta— ij alter clo thes— j crosse of copper —ij bells— j lytyll belle in th e

stepylln ij candylstycks of pewter— j surples

— ij cruetts of pewt ar-leyd sto lne of the

Churchs porche in N ovember last un to th e valew of xls.

Page 70: Of the History of Croxall


y‘wm. ”Wi g.MS. 6592 70 {pi

fi n

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LL the alabaster monuments in C roxal l C hurch described

below were in all probabil ity made at the ne ighbouring

town of Burton - on - Trent,wh ich in the sixteenth and

seventeenth centuries, was very famous for this manu

facture . The we ll- known alabaster mines‘

at Hanbu ry,

in Staffordsh ire,were wo rked by the Romans

,and Burton- ou -Trent be ing

in proximi ty to them,took up the manufacture in later times. Le land

says, V ol. vi i . , p . 36,of Burton~on~Trent ,

“Many marbelers working in

alabaster. C amden l ikewise ,“Burton - on- Trent, a town famous for its

alabaster works.

” There was an Indenture made in 1580, between the

execu tors of Thomas F ermor, Esq., of Somerton, Oxfordsh ire, and Richard

and Gabreil Roiley,“ Tumbe makers


” Burton - on- Trent,for an alabaster

tomb .


manualsN o . I .

The first in chrono logical o rder is that of John C urzon and Inno

centia,his wife daugh ter of Sir Thomas Gresley , Knight . Her name

Haines' Mon . B rasses , Vol . I . ,p . xxxi . , note .

Page 73: Of the History of Croxall

occurs under various forms, Senecha, Senchia, and Sarah ; they are all

probably short,or misnomers for Innocentia . I n her husband ’s wi l l she

is te rmed Senecha . Th is monumental slab does no t now exist in C roxal l

C hurch,but was no ticed there in by St . L oe Kn iveton, two centuries ago .

By Lo rd Scarsdale ’s k ind permission I have had i t C opied from the

C urz on ped igree in his possession .

H ie Jacet JohannesC urzon arm iger Dns de C roxhall qui obiit iiij die Aprili s A0 Dom . M C COOL

cujus aie propiecietur Deus Amen et Innocentia uxor ejusfi lia Dom Thome Greeley m ili tia de .

I n th is monument,curiously

,the husband is placed on the wife ’


left hand . The ir effigies rest under canopies supported at the ends by

effigies of hounds ; be tween them is a sh ield on wh ich no arms are

v isible . John C urzon is represented in a po inted helmet,pauldrons



,breast- plate

,taces here consisting of seven pieces,

genouillieres, jambs, po inted so l lerets,and rowel l spurs ; a swo rd hangs

from his right side . There seems to be a cu riou s appendage round the

neck,and beh ind the shoulders ; the first may be a co l lar

,a nd the second

ai lettes,or badly drawn pass guards

,or the effigy may be lying on a

sh ield . At his feet are the effigies of five sons,and three daughters,

the ir names are g iven in the ped igree .

Innocentia C urzon, his wife , is represented in a long gown,with

deep sleeves turned back at the wrists. The head - dress is too much

defaced to say what i t resembled .

N o . II .

Th is monumental slab l ies on the north side of the chance l floor the

inscription isHic j acent Thomas C urzon armiger

et Margareta uxor ejus qui obiit V III . d ie m ens Augusti Ann o Domini quadringin tessimo L XX X °V°

quorum animabus propitietur omnipotens Deus Amen .

Thomas C u rzon is represented in plate armour, but on ly the upper

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C R O X A L L C H U R c aC U R Z O N MO N U ME N T

I I .

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H istorical sa ne of tb e P a ris/z of C roxall.

and lower parts of the effigy are now visi ble . Over his head is

a sh ield bearing one of the coats of C u rzon, gules, on a bend argent,

three popinjays,

sable. He wears the salades or bowl helmet,long

po inted , escallopped tu i les,

or th igh defences, genouillieres o ver the

knees,jambs o ver the legs

,po inted so l lerets over the feet

,and rowel l

spu rs. The feet rest on a hound . The form of the helmet and tu i les

are pecu l iar ; one“resembl ing the fo rmer is found at Sprot borough , York

sh ire,temp . 1474 . A representat ion of what must be intended for his

swo rd hangs from his left side . Margaret, his wife,is represented in a

h igh,pecul iar head - dress

,terminating in a rosette in front . Her dress is

a tigh t -fi tting gown, cuffed at the wrists,and confined round the waist by

a be l t,mee ting in two rosettes

,wi th an o rnament suspended therefrom.

Her shoes are long and po inted,and her head rests on a cush ion . Over

her head is a sh ield,the arms on wh ich are no longer visible

,bu t they

most probably were those of Hartington,her maiden name

,argent, a

buck ’s head,

caboshed, wi th a fleur -de -lis between the ho rns, gules.

The slab measu res 6 feet 10 inches, by 33 inches.

N o . 111.

Th is monumental slab l ies immed iately in front of the A l tar , and is

to the memo ry of John and Mary C u rzon, ch i ldren of the forego ing

Thomas and Margaret C urzon .

The inscription is

Hic j acent corpora Joh is C urzon et MarieC urzon lib eroru Thome C urzon armigeri dom in i de

Croxh all qui in innocencia eoru abhac luce migraverun t Quoru aiab

ppicietur deus Amen .

On a scro l l above the boy’

s head,are the words,

“ Ego a innocencia

mea igressus sum,

”over the girl ’s


“ Redime me miserere mei;”be

tween the two ,“ Dns miserere mi.” The boy is represented in a civi l ian ’


dress, tu rned back at the col lar, wi th loose sleeves, and round tipped shoes.

Page 79: Of the History of Croxall

32 H istorical St etc/i of t/ze P a ris/i of C roxall.

The girl in a close - fi t ting gown, wi th flowing sk irt . Her hair is long, and

let down o ver her back and shou lders,confined by a fi l le t round her fore

head , thus signifying she d ied young and unmarr ied . She seems to have

a necklet round her neck . The ir heads rest on embro idered cush ions. N o

dates are gi ven, but they are the ch i ldren of Thomas and Margaret

C urzon , formerly Hartington, whose monument has just been described .

I n addi tion to th is son John,Thomas had ano ther son John


married Anne Ashby . Th is slab measures 3 feet 4 inches by 2 feet 6


N o . IV .

Only a part of the fo l lowing monumental slab is now in the chu rch

lying against the east wal l of the chance l . I am indebted to Lo rd

Scarsdale , for allowing i t to be copied from the same source as the first

described . It commemorates John C urzon of C roxal l (younger bro ther to

the ch i ld John just ment ioned ) , and Anne his wife,daughter of Will iam

Ashby,of Quenby, C o . Le icester . The inscription is

Hic jacet Jobes C urson armigeri D ns de C roxh all et Ann a 11x ejus qniqnidem Jobesobiit d ie A0 dni millimo d°

c cccc Et dicta Anna obn t xxiiij di e Septemb ris a° (Haj millimo d° xiiij quorumanimabus propicietur Deus Amen .

These effigies are represented under canopies ; o ver John C urz on’

s head

was a C urz on sh ield, arg , on a bend sa ble,three popinj ays


, and over

Anne C urzon’

s,the arms of Ashby

,az ure

,two bars

,or. John C u rzon,

grandson of Thomas, is bareheaded, his head rests on a helmet,


gorge t encircles his neck . He wears breastplate,brassarts. coudieres


vambraces. On his hands are gauntlets. Here the taces consist of eigh t

pieces, and seem to show the rivets ; from these are suspended long po inted

tu iles, wi th apparently a baguette ; genouillieres, j ambs, wi th rounded

sollerets, and rowel l spu rs complete his attire . His fee t rest on a co l lared

hound . The sword is on the left side . Anne C u rzon wears the d iamond

shaped head - dress. Her dress is long,circled at the waist

,and cuffed at

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P L ATE Xfl l


NO I I I .

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H istorical S/eetc/i of t/ze P aris/c of C roxall.

the wr ists. From her waist hangs a pomande r, by a long chain . Beneath

them are depicted twel ve ch ildren,ten sons and two daugh ters ; one of the

latter,named Anne

,married Roger Horton . The names of as many of

the sons as are known,are gi ven in the ped igree .

N o . V .

On the North - East angle of the chancel floor wi th the fo l lowing

inscriptionH ie jacet Willielmus C urz onfi lius Joh is C urzon armigeri

Dni de C roxh all

qui obiit festo S ci Swith inianno dni MC C C C L xxxvn .

This W i l l iam Cu rz on was the eldest son of the fo rego ing John and

Anne C urzon. His effigy is represented in a chrisom,

* thus deno ting he

d ied in infancy . His hair is confined by a fi l let, and his head rests

on an embro idered cu sh ion . The slab measures 28 by 17 inches.

N o . VI .

Th is monumental slab is no t now in the C hurch b ut fo rmerly was.

It is also copied from Lord Scarsdale ’s pedigree . It represents Thomas,

younger brother of the fo rego ing,and his two wi ves

, whose maiden

names were Anne Aston,and E l iz abeth Lygon .

Hic jacent corpora Th omas C urson armigeri dni de C roxh all Anna etE li zabetha uxorum ejus quiquidem

Thomas obii t xxij di e Aprili s dc Mccccc°xn° quorumanimabus propicietu r Deus Amen .

Thomas C urzon (son of John C u rzon,whose monument has been

gi ven above ) is represented in plate armou r identical with his father ;his wi ves are dep icted on each side ; o ver his head is a quartered coat

The chrisom was a wh ite vesture put upon the child by the prie st,w ith these words R eceive a wh ite


,and spotless vesture , which thou shalt wear before the judgment seat of our L ord Jesus C hrist, that thou mayesthave eternal l ife . and l ive for ever and ever . Amen . The chri som was provided by the C hurch,and returned

,or a new one in.

its stead , by the mother , w ith other accustomed offerings , at her purifi cation . I f the child d iedw ithin this period , it was buried i n i ts chrisom .

Page 85: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical St etc/i of t/ze P a ris/c of C roxall.

of C urz on, lst and 4th azure,on a bend between two l ions rampant


urgent, three popinjays cert ; 2nd,vuir


,and gules, on a ch ief sable,

three horseshoes,urgent ; 3rd

,urgent, on a bend


, three popinjays,

or. The arms of the Ferrers,fi'om whom in early times the C urz ons

held C roxal l,were ouir


,and gules, on a bo rdure , azure

, twel ve horse

shoes,or. The name of Ferrers bo re reference to the shoe ing of horses.

This charge of ho rseshoes the C urzons probably adopted ou t of deference

to the Ferrers for the tenure of C roxal l . On his righ t is his wife Anne ,

represented in a long gown,fril led at the wrists

,and on her head what

seems l ike the d iamond - shaped head - dress wi thou t the fal l ing lappets ; at

her fee t are the wo rds,

“ Ana e rat fil : Johis Aston . On his left is

his second wife E l izabeth in simi lar att ire ; at her feet are the .wo rds


filia Richardi L igon. Beneath them are represented n ineteen ch ildren .

Beneath Anne his first wife are the effigies of th ree sons and seven

daughters ; none of their names seem to b e reco rded wi th the exception

of one daugh ter,Joyce

,who suffered Martyrdom. Beneath his second

wife are represented two sons and seven daughters, all whose names, save

one son,are to be found in the P ed igree.

Over Anne C urz on’

s head is a sh ield bearing C urzon ouir,or and

gules, on a ch ief,

sable three ho rse - shoes,

urgent, impal ing, urgent, a


sable,in ch ief, three loz enges, sable

,Aston . Over E l izabeth

C urzon’

s head are the same arms of C urzon impal ing, gules, a fesse

or,two mu l le ts

,in ch ief of the last , Lygon .

N o . VII.

On the South side of the chance l floor . Th is monumenta l slab

commemorates Geo rge,son of the fo rego ing Thomas

,by his second wife

El iz abeth,fo rmerly Lygon

Hic jacet corpvs GeorgiCvrzon de C roxal armige r qvi obii t—die March Ann o Dom

e t Katherina vxor

ejvs qve obiit—die Avgvst , eu ° dom° 1605. E sto memor morti s .

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N 9 V I .

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H istorical S/eetca of tb e P aris/i of C roocall.

Thei r effigies are represented under rounded canopies,be tween the ir

heads is a sh ield bearing C urzon impal ing Babingto n ( the latter having

been his wife ’s ma iden name ) , C u rz on as in N o . II .,

and Babington,

urgent, ten to rteaux, four, three, two and one, gules, a label of three

po ints,azure

,wi th a mul le t in ch ief. The reg isters of the parish gi ve

the 6th of April,159 1, as the day on which Geo rge C u rz on was

b ufi ed.

George C u rz on is represented in late armour . His head is nu

covered , and he wears,as was then u sual , a beard and moustache

o ver the pau ldrons wh ich co ver his shou lders he seems to wear a hood ,

probably of leather,wh ich is


unusual , underneath wh ich the plates of

the go rget are v isible . Over the shoulders the epaul ieres appear

issu ing beneath the pau ldrons. The el bow pieces are plain and no t

po inted ; the forearm is represented enclosed wi th in an overlapping

piece of plate termed the vambrace . The breastplate is po inted at the

wa ist,and fringed wi th the escallopped bo rder of the l ining beneath .

Over the trunk hose wh ich appear on the righ t of the effi gy below

the wa ist,we see the tasse ls hanging from the breastplate

,and sus

pended from the wa ist by a strap,wh ich doubtless the fringe covers.

I n th is instance they consist of e igh t overhanging plates ri vetted

toge ther . The escal lops be low them are probably the fo lds of the

trunk hose . The genouillieres or knee defences are po inted at the

bo t tom,and seem to be composed of two o verlapping plates ri vetted

b ack and front at the sides. Jambs cover the legs,and the so l lere ts

have the toe pieces rounded . His wife , Katherine, is represented in the

French hood,or P aris cap, ruff, po inted stomacher, and embro idered

petticoat . This slab measures six fee t two inches by two fee t ten


Page 93: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical St etc/z of t/ce P a ris/c of C roxall.

N o . VIII .

Against the sou th wal l of the chance l . Arms above ; g les on a


or,three popinjays, sable

,C urzon impal ing azure

, three ho l ly

leaves, or,L eveson .

H ere above be engraven y° armes , of Sr GeorgeC vrz on of C roxall Knight ; of Dame Mary h isw ife

,davgh ter to Sr R ichard L eveson of L in

seil in y° C oun ty of Salop Knight ; avn t e

sole heirs to S“ R ichard L eveson y°yonger

of L inseil in y° sayd C oun ty of Salop Kn ight,Shee had i ssue by her h vsb and S" George C vrzon ; Walter C vrzon , whos di ed yongeli eth b vried at Trentham in Stafi ordshire

Mary Cvrzon , married to Sr EdwardSacvile, yonger sonne to R obert SacvileEarle of Dorsett ; shee d ied in y° yearsof ovr L ord God , 1612 y° 29 day, of

October ; and lie th b vried in th is p lace .Shee lived hone stly : St d ied godly .

Th is Sir Geo rge C urzon was the son of Geo rge and Katherine

C urzon, formerly Babington, whose monument has been just described .

N o . I X .

Against the south wal l of the chancel— Arms above ; gules, on a bend

urgent, three popinjays, sable,crest a popinjay , gules.

Here lieth the bod ie of HenrieC vrzon Esqr being y° last of y°

N ame Family that lived d ied atC roxall in y° C oun ty of Darby he wasa man y

t truly feared God 3: reueren

ced (it highly este emed God s faithful]M ini sters dz semants was charitable to y°Widdowes, F a th erlesse St Godly poore .A good Master , a true reall friendto his friend , he lived god lyd ied comfortably th e 2 dayof July An° : Dni. 1639.

Th is monument is o ver the priest’s door on the sou th side of the

chancel , and blocks up what fo rmerly must have been a very good lancet


Th is Henry was t he th ird son of Geo rge and Katherine C urzon

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H z



eal Sb eleb of Me P ar/ { 5a of C roxall.

fo rmerly Babington,and the last male he i r of the C urzons of C roxal l in

him the family of C u rz on of C roxal l became extinct . A photograph

th is monument is here gi ven .


N o . I .

On the floor of the tower,probably to Roger Horton and Jane his

wife,formerly H il l of Houndhill. The fo l lowing is all that remains of

the marginal inscription

Horton armigeri Johann is millimo cccc ppiciotur.

Roger Ho rton’

s head rests on a bascinet . He is represented clad in

plate armour, pau ldrons, coudieres,gauntlets

, genouillieres, jambs, and

po inted so l lerets. The body armour has been obl iterated . A co l lar encircles

the neck . His wife is represented in a tigh t - fit ting gown, wi th ped imental

head dress, and fromher waist hangs a pomander , Her head rests on an

embro idered cushion,wi th tassels at the fou r co rners.

N o . II

On the no rth side of the chance l floo r . Marginal inscription,

Hic jacent Jobes Horton fi lius et heres R ogeri

Horton de C atton Arm ig“ at Anna uxor ejus fi lia Joh is C urson de C roxhall Armig Qui quide Johes HortonObiit die Octob ris anno Dni Millimo ccccc°

xxi°et d i cta Anna. obiit d ie i x Anno dn i M illo v° quorn aiab us propicietur deus Amen .

Beneath a canopy wh ich contains a sh ie ld bearing sable,a stag ’s

head caboshed, argent, attired,

or,Horton ; impal ing argent, a bend

sable, a labe l of three po ints gu les

,Sa int P ierre

,John Horton is repre

sented ve ry perfectly in the armour of that period , viz . 1521. His

head,co vered with long hair

,b u t wi thout heard or moustaches rests

on a bascine t ; round his neck is a col lar,

and o ver his shoulders are

Page 97: Of the History of Croxall

H zstorz'

eal Sb etc/z of fire P a n


s/z of (Dara/l.

pauldrons,the coudieres or el bow pieces po inted, round - tipped gauntle ts

cover the hands, a b reastplate the upper part of the body,from wh ich

hang the taces“

or plates o verlapping one another,and here consisting of

fi ve pieces, over wh ich passes the b e l t buckled in front,wh ich suppo rts

the swo rd hang ing from the left side . From the taces hang the tu i les

or th igh defences, here escallopped, and beneath them appears the sh irt

of ma i l ; he wears genouillieres, appearing as if in one piece (d ifferent

in th is respect to those of Geo rge C u rzon mentioned abo ve ) , jambs over

the legs, and po inted so l lerets o ver the feet,wh ich rest on a ho und .

Ove r his wife ’s (Anne ) head appears another canopy,bearing a sh ield

containing a quartered coat of C u rz on,lst


, and 4th arg ent, on a


,three popinjays, or ; 2nd

,az ure

,two bars, or. Th is latter

was her mother’s coat, that of Ashby .

Anne Horton ’

s head rests on an embro idered cush ion,wi th rose ttes

at the four co rners, and on her head is the d iamond,or ped imental head

dress. Round her neck is a necklace,from wh ich a locket seems to be

suspended . Her dress is a tight - fi t ting gown,cuffed at the wrists


flows down to the feet, wh ich are enveloped by it . Round her waist is

a be l t,o rnamented in front wi th two rosettes

,from wh ich hangs a long

chain to wh ich a pomander is attached . P omanders were used to contain

perfumes or supposed preservatives against d iseases. Beneath John

Ho rton’

s fee t are th ree of his sons represented in civi l ian dress,


b eneath his wife ’s are three daughters represented in the ir mother ’s

co stume ; the one on the left wears a long dress,the o ther two sho rt

ones. Between these latter appear a rebu s for the name Horton . A

t un or barrel bears u pon i t the word Hor; and a popinjay r ising,wi th

wings o u tspread, rests on the top, th is latter be ing the crest of the

C urzons. The day of the month upon wh ich John Horton d ied is

omi tted , as wel l as the month and day that Anne his wife d ied . Th is

slab measu res seven fee t,by three feet three inches.

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Page 100: Of the History of Croxall



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Page 103: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Sb etc/z of t/ze P a ris/z of C roxall.
































N ear this wall l i e Walter H orton Of C atton , of the C oun ty of Derby , Esq . , and Dorothy h is w i fe , whosprang from the anci ent and noble fam ily Of F errers , i n the same C ounty . She was a parent happy i n herfrui tfulness, wh o to h er dearly beloved spouse brought forth twelve children . A mother distingui shed forher piety

,who nourished most of them at her own breast . An example of charity and of good deed s


wh ich,to receive through the m erits of C hri st th e reward , she departed this life in th e 62nd year of her

age,i n the year of our L ord , 1680 .

The Husband thus bereft of a most ex cellent wife , ceased to pay attention to hi s domestic management ;confiding his property to his beloved son C hri stopher, he devoted hi s min d to theological pursuits , and i nread ing thorough ly the most Holy Scriptures, and those chi efly i n the Greek tongue , he gave him self andhi s remain ing l ife to sacred le i sure , till at lengt h , ful l of years, rej oi cing in a male child , a grandson , the


N ov . 19 th ANNO 76 DN I 1701.













AN N o E TAT 33 DN I 1681 .








OCT : 9 AN NO ZETAT 54 DN I 170:





Page 104: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Sb etc/z of t/ze P arisb of C roxall.

pledge , if confidence may be placed i n perennity , of the H ortonian family, he departed happy on the lgth ofN ovember, 1701, aged 76 .

Here also is deposited C hristopher, the eldest and the deservedly beloved son of Walter, above mention ed ;he was a man , wi se , prudent , and perspicuous in the conduct of his affairs. He was the honour and safetyof hi s aged paren t, and he with the strictest fidelity

,managed the C at tonian possessions—h e su stained ,

renovated, and enlarged them when they were on the decline .

H ere l ikewi se i s laid E li za , the very honoured w ife of C hristopher , who having enriched her husbandwi th four children , died i n the 33rd year of her age, i n the year of our L ord , 1681. Thence forwarddep rived of hi s beloved w ife , C hri stopher survivin g her , remained a w idower during many years , having beenin vain solicited to a. second marriage . Having settled the C a tton ian family according to his w i s h , herendered back h is soul to God, on the 9th of October, 1707, in the year of his age 52. Walter the grandsonof the above extoll ed Walter, and the elde st son of C hristopher placed th i s monument in testimony of hi saffection .

N o . V .

Against the no rth wal l of the chancel . Arms above, Horton impales,az .

,a l ion rampant

, or,wi th in an o rle Of cross- crosslets of the second


H . S . E .

WAL TERU S HORTON , A rmiger , de C atton ,in Agro Derb iensi,

Qui An tiqua et ill ustri Familia Oriundus,illustriorem proprii s virtu tibu s reddidit .

Egregiam C orporis FormamM iro qu odam morum suavita te ;

Mentem C andore,et l imato Judi cio orn atam,

Ingenui s Artibus expolivit ,

A cademies C antabrigensis , e t

Divi I OHAN N I S B aptistaa Ornamentum.

L iteratoru'

m P a tronu s, ac ArtiumL iberalium C ultor ;

P rcecipu e vero P eritissimus Musicae Amator ;necnon a Musicis Amat us .

F el ici ss imo C onjugio se junxit EL I Z I BETH ZE,

F ilioe natu Max isTHOMAS KYN N ERSLEY ,

de Agro S tafford, A rm igeri ,E x qua su scepit quatuor fi lios,


F il ias B I N AS , EL I Z ABETHAM, et MAR IAM .

F ebre correptus, Quze Medicorum elusit Artes,obiit Anno E tatis XXXVII I . , Salu tis MDC CXVI .

Optimo Marito Mee st issima C onjux P osui t .


H ere lie s buried Walter Horton E squire , of C atton , in the C oun ty of Derby , who havi ng sprun g froman ancient and illustrious fam ily , rendered it still more i l lustrious by hi s virtues . He poli shed the elegantform of his body by a certain wonde rful suavity Of mann ers , and his m ind , which was adorned by candour ,exquisite judgment, and the ingenuous arts, so that he was an ornament of the University of C ambridge,and (of the C ollege of) St. John the B aptist. He was a patron Of literary men , and a cul tivator of theliberal arts ; and chiefly indeed a most skilful lover of music ; being naturally beloved by musicians . He

Page 105: Of the History of Croxall

4 2 H istorical Sb etc/z of t/ze P a ris/z of C roxall.

united himself in happy wedlock with E l iz abeth , eldest daughter of Thomas Kynnersley, of Stafi ordsh ire ,E squire

,by whom he had i ssue four sons , C h ri stopher , Wal te r, Thomas, and John ; and two daughters,

E li zabeth and Mary. Seized with a fever whi ch eluded the Skill of the physicians , he d ied in the year 1716 ,aged 38 . Thi s monum ent was erected by h is sorrowin g wife .

N o . V I .

Th is monument has been placed over the low- side window against

the south wal l of the chancel . Arms above,quarterly — ( lst ) sable



s head,cabo shed

,arg ent, attired


,Horton ; (2nd) mg ,

a bend ,

sable,a label of three po ints

, g ules, St . P ierre ; (3rd) a fess chequy, or

and az ure,in ch ief; a fleur-de -lys, or

,Wh i ttington ; (4th) or

,th ree

heads, erased,sable

,C hamber . C rest of Horton— Out of the


waves of the sea, p rop er, a spear erect

, or, headed urgent, enfiled wi th a

dol ph in of the first .

Unde rneath this Monum ent are in te rred the R emain s ofC h ristopher H orton E squire of C atton who died the 2 day of Jan

1764 at the Age of 63 years .

In the Year 1731 H e married F ran ces—daughter and Sole Heiress ofSir Eusebius Buswe ll B ar of C adeby in the C oun ty of L eiceste r bywhom he had Ten C h ildren All now living ; except two who di ed

versally regre ted.

Po sse s sed of the most Ami able Qual itie s of mind and Person He exe rte dthem in promoting the Happiness of all aroun d him; an d having excell ed i n

each characte r , i t were hard to say , whether as an Husband—ParentF riend—or Maste r

,he is most to be admi red and lamente d.

Thi s Short Memorial of gratitude,and afi ection was erected by

C h ristopher H orton E squire to the Memo ry of his Father.

N o . VII.

Against the sou th wal l of the nave

Sacred to the Memory ofEnseb ius Horton E sqr

Of C atton Hall i n the C ounty of Derby wh o departe d th is lifeApri l 18 th 1823 in the 76 t h year of h is age ,

and of Phoebe Horton his wifewho died May 23rd 1814 aged 58 years .

Thi s monument special ly d i rected by the wi l l of E usebiu s Horto n E sqrto be erected i n memory of a beloved w ife whose lo ss he never ceased to dep lore

i s dedicated to the un ited memoryof their excel l ent and affectionate parents by their survi v ing daughter s

An ne B eatrix Wilmot Horton andthe Hon“ Fran ces L ouisa C arleton .

Page 107: Of the History of Croxall
Page 108: Of the History of Croxall

H z

slorzkal Sad e/z of t/ze P an'

s/a of C roxall.

Th is is a marble monument by C hantrey,representing effigies of his

survi ving ch i ldren,Anne Beatrix

, and Frances Lou isa,leaning against a

tomb . upon wh ich appears the word Ho rton . The figures are five eet

four inches h igh . A pho tograph of this monument is gi ven .

N o . VIII

Aga inst sou th - east wal l of the nave

Harriet L ousia Wi lmot HortonB orn January 23rd 1818Died January 1831 .

Here Harriet sleeps—once bright as orient day .

In youth ’ s full bloom , i n beauty ’ s early prideThough ardent, mild, though studious , ever gay ,L ov ing and lov ’

d by all— she droop ’

d and d ied.

Yet o ’er her grave le t few regrets be cast,Hush

d be the sigh , and dried the selfi sh tear“Angel on earth ,— one mortal struggle past,Her taintless spirit sought its native sphere .

The above l ines were composed by her father,the Right Hon . Sir

R . J . Wilmo t Ho rton,Bart .

Above the inscript ion is a wreath of l i l ies encircl ing the wo rd


N o . I X .

Aga inst the no rth wal l of the nave

Anne Augusta Tufnellw ife of Henry Tufnell E sqre M P

and eldest daughter of the late R t B oub le S ir R W Horton Bart.B orn 16tll August 1810 . Died l6 th July 1843,

leaving one daughter Augusta Theresa , Born 27th April 1831 .

Thi s tabl et to the memory of an affectionate w ifei s erected by her surviving and lamenting husband .

Oh God ! R eceive h er departed spirit into thy heavenly kingdomand may her sufi erings in this world be ex changed for eternal

happiness i n that which i s to come .

Above is a stem,broken in the centre, bearing a rose .

Page 109: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Sb eto/i of { b e P aris/i of C roxall.

N O. X .

Against the north wal l Of the nave

Sacred to the Memory ofthe R ight H onble . Sir R obert Wilmot Horto n , B art ,

who di ed at Sudbrook Park,in th e C oun ty of Surrey , on th e Slst of May


,in his 57th year,

an d was buried in th e fami ly vault of thi s church .

H e married in 1806, An ne B eatrix , e ldest daughte r Of E usebius Horton , E sq . , of C atton ,by whom he has left four sons and two daugh te rs .

He represented the B orough of N ewcastle - under-L yne in three succes s ive Parli aments ,held the ofiice of Under Secretary of State for the C oloni e s durin g 7 year s ,

and was Governor Of the is land of C ey lon in the East Indies from 183 1 to 1837.

Throughout a long period of publi c se rvice he earnestly soughtto ameli orate the cond i ti on of his fellow subjectsby investigatin g the causes of pove rty at home


and by enablin g the redundan t labouring populationto find new chan nels of industry and wealth in di stant dependencie s of the Empire ;

thus endeavou rin g by a w ell regulated an d extensive sy stem of emi grationto impart n ew energie s to B ri ti sh enterp rise ,

to substitute in dependence and comfort for pauperi sm and di s content,an d strengthen the ties between the mother coun try and her colonie s

in every quarter of th e globe .This monument is erected by his widow ,

who trusts through the mercy of God to be un i ted with him in spirit hereafte r.

Beneath on pl inth


Widow of th e R ight H onble . Sir R . J . Wilmot Ho rton,Bart, G . C . H .

Born , March 3rd, 1787, Died at C atto n Hall, F ebruary 4th,1871 .

It bears two oval sh ields, upon them the Royal Arms of Hanover

and Horton . Above are the crests of Horton and Wilmo t in marble .

N o . X I .

Against the sou th - east wal l Of nave . Abo ve,are the crests of Horton

and Wilmo t— On the waves of the sea, prop er, a spear erect

, or,headed


urg ent, enfiled wi th a do l ph in of the first . C rest of Wilmo t— An eagle ’s


,arg en t, in the beak , an escallop, g ules.

To run M EMORY or


BORN 15t h Dscsnmsa 1819


Page 111: Of the History of Croxall

46 H istorical S/I’ etc/z of t/ce P a ris/c of C roxall.

N O. II .

On a ro l l of marble , surrounded wi th cypress branches, aga inst the

north wal l of the nave

Sacred to the memory Of

Margaret the beloved and afi ectionate wifeof Thomas L evett P rin sep of C roxall H all

in th e C oun ty of D erby E squire ,and daughte r of David Monro

form erly of Quebec in lower C anada E squireshe di ed March 17t h 1837 aged 28 y ears .Her mortal remain s are deposited

in a vault in the chan cel.Set your afi ection on thin gs above

on things on th e earth .

”— C olossia ns chap ver 2.

Dear Obj ect Of defea ted care ,Though now of L ove and thee bereftTo reconcil e m e wi th despairTh in e image and my tears are left .

’Tis said wi th Sorrow Time can cope,

But thi s I fee l can n e ’er be trueF or by th e death - blow of my h ope


My memory immortal grew .

N o . I I I .

ro l l of marble , aga inst the no rth - east wal l of the nave ; above

bearing an Ol i ve branch , and a rose drooping o ver

Sacredto the memory ofC arolin e Mary

th e infant daughter ofThomas and C arolin e Mary L evett P rinsep

of C roxall .Sh e died at Dolgelly N o rth Wal e s

August 24 t h 1842

aged five months .Suffer li ttle children , and forbid

them not to come un to me : for Of such is th e kingdom of heaven .

Matthew chap 19 t h verse

N o . IV .

On a similar ro l l of marble against the no rth wal l Oi'

nave . Above

is a dove bearing an Ol ive branch

Page 112: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Sb etcb of tb e P a ris/i of C roxall.

In memory Of

Franceseldest daughter of

Thomas and Margaret L evett P rinsep .

She died at Teignmouth ,in the coun ty of Devon ,

July 28,1843 . ZEtat 9 years .

Take heed that ye despise not one of thesel ittle ones ; for I say unto you , that in heaventheir angels do alway s behold th e face Of my

father which is in heaven .

Matthew , 18th chap : loth verse .

B right be the p lace Of thy soul,N O love l ier spirit than thineE 'er burst from its morta l control ,In the orbs of the b lessed to shine .

Young fl owers , and an everlasting tree,May sp ring from the spot of thy restBut nor cypress nor yew let us see ,F or why should we mourn for the blest .

N O. V

mural monument against the no rth we 0 nave under

a crocketted ogee arch wi th pinnacles, and a cinquef'

o i l top

seemto the memory;

dimmers fiet ett fi rmingorf QBmaeaI I giall

in this garish fitsqun’


£3: bieb at fiisbopsteigntsn

in the Obourug sf firebox!

fieremher xb‘“ wherexlix.

2&c asaeetm. fi est a.

glut natu garb {t hat is mgtrulg mg hope is in fibbee.

fi ealm fairies. biii.

Page 113: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Sb etc/c of t/ce P a ris/c of C roxall.

ailments mmments.

N o . 1.

Aga inst the sou th wal l of the sacrarium is an incised slab the

efligies on wh ich are now almost completely obl iterated, a woman ’


gown wi th a pomander hanging from i t is all that remains. The

marginal inscription is leg ible,and is as fo l lows

Hic jacent Willmus Shepherd Juniorde Okeley Esquier et E lena con8 0 rs sue qui quidem Willmus Obii t xi die mensis F ebruarii anno

dn i millimo ccccc et prse dicta E lena.obut xi v die mensis praadicta eodem anno quorn aiab us ppicietur Deus Amen .

Th is slab measu res 7 feet 4 inches by 3 feet 4 inches.

N O . II .

Against the sou th wal l of the tower is an incised slab bearing an

effigy of a ch i ld in'

a chrisom,the bead rests on a cush ion bearing

rosettes at the corners, and four crosses. Marg inal inscription

Hic jacet co rp ’ Jobi s B owes fili Job i sBowes , de Ok eley,

Armiger, qui qde'

Joh es, Obiit x0 Aug ustiah ° d


ni m° v° l ii i , cu' aie

ppiciet' de ' ame ’ .

Th is slab measu res twenty -nine by e igh teen inches.

N O . III .

Fo rmerly there was a monument to N icho las Tatton of C hesh ire

first husband Of Maud C urz on,who afterwards married C hr istopher

Horton . The inscription was,“ Here l ieth N icholas Tatton, obi it .

It has now d isappeared .

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Page 116: Of the History of Croxall



Page 117: Of the History of Croxall
Page 119: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Sectc/c of t/ce P a ris/z of C roxall.

on a ch ief,az ure

,a bugle bo rn


,between two pheons, urgent ,

P earson .

Over all an inescutcheon of pretence— lst and 4th,

or,a falcon’


head erased g ules, between three mu l lets az ure,a bordure of the

“ last

bezantee ; 2nd and 3rd,arg ent, three seals’ heads erased


,Falconer .

C rest, ou t of a duca l co ronet,or, an eagle d isplayed arg ent .

Sacred to the memory ofth e R evd . John Bat teridge Pearson , L L .B .,

Vicar of thi s Parish durin g twenty - nine years.and Prebendary of the C athedral C hurch of L ich fi eld.

He di ed August 14th , 1808, in the 58th year Of hi s age .He married E liz abeth, eldest daughter of

the R ev . James Falconer,D .D .

,Archdeacon of Derby .

A lsoJames, hi s second son ,

who died of a declin e, at sea Off the I sland of As cen sion,

on the 27th of September, 1821, in the 27th year of his age ;

a lso,

John , h i s th ird son ,who died on the lst of December

, 1855,

in the 58th year of his age ;also

E lizabeth , reli ct of the aboveR ev . John B e tte r idge Pearson


who di ed on the 8th of December, 1856


i n th e 93rd year Of her age .

N O . VII .

Marble mural monument against west wal l of nave sou th tower

Be ye al so ready. Matt . 24th c., 44 v .







L eave thy fatherless children , I will prese rve them ,

and let thy widow t rust in me . Jerh 4n c .

, 11 v .

3rd chap . Malachi, 16th and 17th ve rses.

Page 120: Of the History of Croxall

H isfom'

m/ Sfc'eZc/z of Z/ze P am'

s/2 of C roxall.

N0 . VIII .

Marble mu ral monument against the west wal l,no rth of tower

Diana Sarahw idow of the R ev . Samuel Holworth y

Died on Good Friday A D 1861

aged 77 years .Edward John Holworthy

th ird son of the aboveMaj or in the 14th Regiment

L ost at Sea January 13th A D 1864

i n his 48th year .Jesu s said

,come unto me all ye that labour

and are heavy laden,and I wi ll give you rest .

N o . I X .

1 ura monument against the west wal l of north side of nave









N o . X .

Marble mu ral monument aga inst north wal l of nave

In memory ofJames Gisborne

who d ied on the let day of February 1872

i n the 8oth year of his age .B lessed are th e dead that* di e in th e L ord .

F or more than thirty yearsthe humble m inded, large heartedfaithful m in ister of this Pari sh .

Woe is unto me if I preach not the gospe l .By the grace of GodI am what I am .

Should be which .

Page 121: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Seefilz of t/ze P aris/z of C roxa/l.

all of i her

T he Chalice bears th is inscription

Given for the service of th e C ommunion in thePari sh C hurch of C roxall in the C oun ty of Derby by th e

Will of Mrs . F ran cis Webb , Widow ,deceased late of th e said Parish

Date letter of the year 1728 .

The F lagon bears th is inscription

Bequeathed to C roxall C hurch by F ran ces Horton5th September 1785.

Date letter of 1727

me Alma Dis/z bears a simi lar inscription . Date mark 1727.

Credence P a ten— N o inscription . Similar date mark to the above .

P a ten— N o inscri ption . Similar mark to above .

Page 123: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Sketch of the P arish of C roxall.

high road, b ut a road through a fie ld of Mr. P rinsep’

s gi ves

i t for veh icles and pedestr ians. The a rea of the churchyard

three - quarters of'

an acre .

fo l lowing l ines were wri tten by the Rev. Samuel Hol rthy,

C roxal l, on C roxal l C hu rch, and publ ished in The Christian

1823 .


Embosomed deep in con secrated shade,

That seem s for heavenly contemplation made,

Sweet church , thou stand ’st I for me a lovelier sp otE arth in her ample bound s possesseth not .

Oft do I gaz e on thy sequestered pil e ,When the sun gild s thee w ith its parting smile,And steal insen sibly to that repose,That the soft summer eve aroun d thee throw s ;Brigh t

ning the dark green man tle of thy walls ,That clu st ’ring o ’ er thy hoary turret fall s,Whi ch thus to fancy ’ s eye , at twi light hour,S eem s from you point a bower within a bower .

Far from a busy world ’ s di stracting din ,

A stillnes s rei gns w ithou t l ike that within ;N o soun d i s heard save oi the river’ s trill,That gently w inds beneath the churchyard hill ,Or the reed shaken by the passing win dSounds such as aid the contemplative mind ;And w ith each obj ect that surroundi ng l ie s ,C ombin e at once to soothe and harmoni z eL ending their gentle infl uence to prepareThe heart for holiest work— the work of prayer .Oh !

’tis a spot th e morali st should tread ,

An d pause and ponder o ’er each narrow bed ,Where m any a troubled one on earth ’ s sad sceneS leep s peacefully beneath the covert green .


,and woe ! an un relenting band


That w ring the heart and ene rvate the hand .

There cease from troubling — there they qui t their holdAn d their prey s ink s into its nati ve mouldAsh es to ashes ”— there the strife i s o ’ er


The w eary i s at rest th e plague ” i s fel t no more .

Page 124: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Shetch of th e P a rish of C roxall.

mmmrntal astriptinna in 1

Here rest th e rema ins Of

John P imm

who departed th is life the 15thday of July 1784 aged 67 years.

Memory of

Ann wife of Ju o P imm

who depa r ted th is lifeJan 26°h 1804.

Aged 69 years.

I n

Memory of

Mary wife of Juo Edden

of E d ingalewho depar ted th is life

NOV" 8 th 1795.

in th e 24th year of h er age .

Also of John EddenHusb an d of the abovewh o depar ted th is l ifeMay 8 th 1800 .

in the 38th year Of his age .

Page 125: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Shetch of the P a rish of C roxall.

Sacred to th e memory of

William P imm,

who d ied May 14th 1833 age d 72 years ;also of Mary wife Of

William P imm,

wh o died Aug 22"d 1850 ; aged 82 years.

Th eir t ime was come , no power on earth could save

The goo d Old couple tha t rest wi th in th e grave ;N or d id they wish to live — prepa red to die,Th e ir souls were ga there d to th e Sain ts on h igh .

So falls to earth at last th e ripened g rain,

To perish not ; but rise and live again.

Memen to mori .Here lie deposi ted

th e mortal remains of

Jane and

William P imm

Jane d ied N ov 1825

Age d 25 yearsWilliam d ied July 30“ 1832

Aged 28 yearsRepen t in t ime do not delayDeath in our t ime took us away .

AlsoHere lie depositedan infan t son of

John and Lou isa Hansonwh o d ied March 1832.

Aged 11 mon ths.

Sacred to th e Memory of

E lizabeth the daugh ter of

Thomas and E lizabe th S imk inOf E dingale

wh o departe d th is l ifeMarch 18 13.

Age d 32.

Page 127: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Shetch of the P a rish of C roxall.

Here rest th e remains Of

Andrew Ha tch et t

who d ie d Jan 1781

Aged 74 years.

Also of Sarah h is wifeWho d ied Jany 1779

Age d 67 years.

A lso of Doro thy the ir daugh terwho died July 1778

Age d 24 years.

I n Memory of

Louisa P imm Hansonwho die d April 1835

Aged 20 years.

Her ways are ways of pleasan tnessand all her pa th s are peace .

I n Memory of

George Germanwh o departed th is l ife

March 1801 aged 45.

He was an affect iona te husban d and ten de r paren tand an h onest , good , ne ighbour.

Page 128: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Shetch of the P arish C roxall

I n Memory of

Willm Son of Ann and

Geo rge Germanwho departed th is lifeDecr 18 10

Aged 26 years.

Sacre d

th e memo ry of

William son of John and Mary Ge rmanWho d ied August 1837

Aged 3 years.


s gone to th e mansions of bliss,F or ever to dwell with th e Lo r dHe now lives in sweet h appinessAccord ing to Go d ’

s p romised wordN O mo re will h is fon d paren ts gr ieveF or the loss of th eir dear little boy.

I n Jesus we allmust bel ieveOr to h eaven we ne

e r sh all come nea r

Un dernea threst the morta l remains of

John Germanwho d ied Ap r il 1848

Aged 60 .

He lived an uprigh t , and u seful life , and afterSuffering a long and pa infu l affliction withMuch pa tience

,and Christian fortitu de, h e d ied

I n the fu ll assurance of a blissful immor tality

U nderneath

rest th e mortal rema ins of

Mary the wife of

John Germanwh o depa r ted th is lifeOctobe r 1853

Aged 61 .

The Lord is my defence, and

My God is th e God Ofmy refuge .

Psalm 94 c

Page 129: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Shetch of the P arish of C roxall.

I n

affectiona te remembrance Of

Thomas Goring Germanwh o died January 21 1868Aged 36 yea rs.

Them also wh ich sleep inJesus, will God bring with him.

15° Thess i v 0 , xiv v .

Sacredto the memory of

Sarah daughter of

Francis and

Sarah Fosterwho d ied Deer 1819

Aged 1 year.

Beneath a Sleeping in fan t lies,

To earth h er body’s lent,

More glorious sh e’ ll h ereafter rise


Though not more innocen t .

Mark x 14 .


th e memory of

Thomas son of

Thomas and Harriet Beachof Oakley Mill in th is pa r ishwho died October 1851

Age d 10 mon th s.


er litt le ch ildren to

come un to me and forbid themnot for of such is the kingdomof God.

Page 131: Of the History of Croxall

Sacredto the Memory of

Ch arles Rowleywh o departed th is lifeMay 1869

Aged 64 years.

sorrow not as th ose who have

Also of

Ann wife of th e abovewh o departe d th is lifeAugust 1838

Aged 30 years.

H istorical Shetch of the P a rish of C roxall.

Sacredto th e Memory of

Joseph Johnsonwho died Sep

r 1842

Aged 52.

Farewell my wife , and ch ildren dear,

I am not dead but sleep ing h ere ,And as I am you soon must b e


Prepare yourselves to follow me .

Memory of

Joseph C ollingwoodlate of E dingale

wh o died Sep 1867

Aged 68 years.

Also of

Susannah h is wifewho d ied F eb 1838

Aged 33 yearsand of Ann

th e ir daugh terwho die d May 1845

Age d 11 years.

Page 132: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Shetch of the P arish of C roxall.

I n

affect ionate remembrance of

E lizabe th Goring(of Broad F ields)

wh o d ied January 1865

Aged 71 years.

B lessed are the dead wh ich die in the Lord . Rev xiv 15.

I n

Memory of

Susannah wife of

Rober t Emerywho departed th is life

Apr il 1805

Aged 36 yea rs.

I n

Memo ry of

Ma r tha Miattwho d ied Sepr 1797,

Aged 78 .

She was— but wo r ds are wan t ingto say what

Th ink wh at a servan te shou ld be ,sh e was th at .

I n Memory of

John Cho icewho d ied Dec 1805

Aged 72 years.

Also of Mary h is wifewho d ied N ov 1813

Age d 82 years.

Hererest th e mo r tal remains of

Cha r les Boo thlate of Oakley

who depa r te d th is lifeDecember 318° 18 44


in th e 58 year of h is


Page 133: Of the History of Croxall

H z

storira/ Sad a/z of t/ze P a ris/z of C roxall.

Sacred to th e Memory of th e

R igh t Henry TufnellBo rn x N ovember MD C C CV d ied

xx June MD C C C L IVWh en thou hadst overcome

th e sharpness of dea th ; th oud idst en ter in to th e k ingdom of

Heaven with all bel ievers.

Th is mounmen t has been erected

bv his Widow, Lady Ann e Tufnell .

I n

Memory of

Robert R ileyof th is parish

who d ied June 1859

Aged 59 yea rs.

the Resurrect ion and the l ife saith th e Lord,h e that

believeth in me , th ough h e were dead, yet

Shall he l ive , and wh osoever liveth and

bel ieveth in me shall never die .

St John xi. 25, 26 .

I n Memory of

John H inesWh o d ie d February


Aged 20 years.

I n love h e liv ’

d, in peace h e d ied ,H is life desired , but God den ied .

Page 135: Of the History of Croxall

6 6 H istorical Sketo/z of t/ze P a ris/t of C roxall.

Here l ieth th e remains of

Th os P rinsep of C roxall Esq"

wh o died Aug 1795 aged 64 .

Here lie th the remains of

Tho“ P rin sep of Croxall Esq"

who died N ov 18 14 Aged 57.

Sacred to the memory of

Carolin e Mary Levet t P rinsepwidow of T Levett P rin sep Esq" of C roxall Hall

in th is par ish she d ied at her residence at Kingswear Devonsh ireon th e 7th of N ovember 1867 E tatis sure 48 .

I n Memory of

James Mansfi eldwh o (after having lived thirty- one

years in the family of

Thomas P rinsep Esq“)departed th is life May th e 1820.

Aged 65 years.

Afilictions sore long time I bore,Physicians were in vain ,

T ill God did please with death to seize ,And free me from my pa in .

Th is design of a stone represen ts

th e size of one that was taken fromth e above James Man sfi eld , wh ichweigh ed four ounces and a h alf.

Sacredto the Memory


E dwa r d Wal ton ,

who departed this lifeMay 1870 .

Aged 55 years.

Be ye therefore ready also ;The son of man cometh at

h our when ye th ink not . L uke 40 v .

Page 136: Of the History of Croxall

H istorioal Skeit a of tag P a ris/i of C roxall.

Sacredto th e Memory of

Sarah , wife of the la teJohn P ycroft

(of Ro lleston in the Coun ty of Stafi ord )who departed th is l ife March 28“ 1839 .

Aged 44 years.

e was beloved and respected by all who knew

Sacredto th e Memory of

E leanor, Wife of Thomas Webbwho departed th is lifeApril 9 ih 1822.

Aged 60 .

affect ionateremembrance of

Sacredto th e Memory of

Samuel Win ter(la te of Orgreave Hall)

wh o depa rted th is life N ovember 1847.

Aged 54 years.

Page 137: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Sketc/c of fi le P a ris/z of C roxall.

Sacredto th e memory of

John Win ter(late of Broadfi eld)

who depar ted th is life th e 6“ of N ovember1843

in the year of h is age .

To perpetuatethe Memory of

Mary Win ter(of Broadfi elds)

who died th e 12” of February 1834Aged 81 years.

She that lies h ere was in h er lifeA tender Mother, and a tender wife.

Sarahthe wife of

Th omas Holmes

of Tamworth , diedN ovember y° 1785

Aged 37 years.

Sacredto the Memory of

Matth ew Webbwh o died September 1823.

Age d 76 years.

Sacredto the Memory of

Mary thewife of

Ma t thew Webb who diedJune 1800 aged 49.

She was an affectionate wifeS incere fr ien d

,and a truly good woman .

Page 139: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Shetch of the P a rish of C roxall.

The re ’

s a pillow,dear moth er, more soft an m0 1e swee t

Than th e wea ry h ead finds in th is peaceful retreat’

Tis th e p illow of faith— ou wh ich spite of th e woes

And temp tat ions of life we may calmly repose ,Of faith in a being whose love and wh ose powerDeligh t to shine out in extremity’s hour.

I n the da rk vale of dea th ,

tis thy stafi and thy rod

And wh en the flesh fails ’tis thy bosom O God !

I n memory of

Charles Matth ewinfant son of the R ev . Samueland Diana Sarah Holworthy

D ie d April 1816

Aged 8 mon th s.

Of such are the kin gdom of God.

Mark 10 ch . 14 v

Benea th th is stone

lie depositedthe mortal rema in s of

Deborah Holworthy,

relict of the lateCaptn Samuel Holworthy

who departed th is lifeat Barton un der N eedwood

on Sun dayF eb 19th 1832aged 87 years.

To th e

Un ited memo ryof his ten der

beloved paren tsth is monument

is inscr ibedby th eir on ly son

and chil dTh e V icar of this parish .

Page 140: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Shetch of the P arish of C roxall.

Here rest th e mor tal remainsof th e

Revd Samuel Holworthy,

V icar of th is parish twen ty - eigh t yea rs.

D ied at Ba th March 5“ 1838 .

Aged 53 years.

And I h eard a voice from h eaven saying un to meB lessed are th e dead wh ich die in the Lord .

Sacredto the memo ry of

Mary ,rel ict of the lateJames Allen

of E lfo r d Parkwh o departed th is life March

Aged 51 years.

Be ye therefo re ready for th e son ofman cometh

h ou r wh en ye know not .

Sacredto the memory of

Johnth i r d son of th e late

Revd John Batteridge Pearson,

C apta in in th e

Honou rable East In d ia Company ’ sMaritime Serv ice.

Born Feb ruary 1798.

D ied December 1“ 1855.

to l ive is Christ , to die is gain . Ph il .

U n derneath th is stone

are deposi ted the rema insof

R ev (1 Samuel Pearson LL .B and F.A . Sla te Rector of Weston ,


Minister of Osmaston

in th is C oun ty .

He died at Birmingham June1811.

Aged 65.

Page 141: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Shetch of the P a rish of C roxall.

Here rest th e mortal remain sof the

Revd John Batteridge Pearson , LL .B ,

V icar of th is parish durin g twenty n ine years.

He died August 1808 .

His family,h is friends, and h is parish ioners

deeply lamen t their losswh ile they gra tefully record his worth

esteem his precep tsand V enerate h is example .

Well done thou good and faith ful servan t en ter

thou in to th e joy of thy Lord.

Sacredto the Memory of

E lizabethWidow of th e late

Rev John Batteridge Pearson L L BShe was born

on the 17“ ofJuly 1764.

Sh e diedon the of December 1856

in h er 93d year .

The path of th e just is as th e sh in ing l igh t , th a tSh ineth more and more un to the perfect day.


Prov iv 18 .

Beneath th is stoneare deposited the


remain s of

Henriet ta Pearsonwho died March 1“ 1827

Aged 83 .

Page 143: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Shetch of the P arish of C roxall.

Sacredto the Memo ry of

Katherine Griptonwi dow ; who d ied a t Ca tton

on Saturday August 8“1761. Aged 68

What once was comely, modest, just ,L ies mingled here with common dust .

When t ime had worn h er strength awayShe found in k indness no decay,F or tho in service undetain


An humble friend she st ill remain ’


Beneath the roof her you th had spen tI n mild employ , and sweet content ;

Her earthly reck’

ning allmade even ,

Sh e waits her wages due from h eaven .

To the Memo ry of

Jane , th e wife of

Robert Earpof Catton.

She died September 8“ 1844 .

Aged 66 years.


th e Memo ry of

Anne, the wife of

Joseph Camp ion,

who d ied Jun e 1765.

Aged 29

Sacre d tothe Memory of

Robert Earp,

wh o d ied at Catton ,

March 1851

in th e year of his


Having spen t above fi ftyyears in fai th fu l serviceto the family at Ca t ton.

Page 144: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Shetch of the P a rish of

Sacredto the memory of

E llen Burton,

wife of George Bu rton ,

who departed th is lifeDecember 3d 1827.

Aged 53 years.

Also of

Geo rge Bu r tonwho d ied Ma rch 1839.

Aged 76.

Memory of

Ca th er ine ,wife of John P ipes


who died July 1802.

Aged 45 years.

Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord .

Also of John Pipeswh o d ied Jan 1822.

Aged 66 years.

Meek and unmurmuring the rod

F or many a year he bo re,

But now we trust he rests withWhe re pa in can reach no more.

Mary Royle,

wh o diedDec 1826.

Aged 52 years.

B lessed are th e dead

who ’° die in the Lord.

Should be which .

Sacredto th e memory of

Mary Roylewho d ied

April 218° 1837

Aged 3 1 yea rs.

Mourn not dear friendsfor my decease


I h ope with ChristI’ve made my peace.

L ife is uncertain,Death is sure,

Sin gave the wound

But Christ the cure .

Page 145: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Shetch of the P a rish of C roxall.

Sacred toth e memory of

John Royle,wh o d ied March 1840.

Aged 69 .

A lso of Ann his wifewh o died Jany 1844 . Age d 60 .

How lov’

d, how valued , once ava ils thee not ,

To whom related,or by wh om forgo t ;

A h eap of dust , alone remains of th eeI t

s all th ou art and all the prou d shall be

0 God our h elp in ages past ,Our h ope for years to come,A shelter from th e stormy blast


And our eternal h ome .

James Baxter,

who died October 1837.

Aged 59 .

Beneath th is stone she sleeps whosememory dear,

From weepin g friends long claimsth e ten der tear ;

Alas how short the joys th at earth

can give ,’Tis b liss alone with Christ in heaven

to live.

I n

Memory of

James Baxterformerly of Fradley ,bu t la te of th is parish

wh o diedJuly 1869 .

Aged 88 years.

As forme I will call uponGod

,and the Lord shallsave me .

Sacredto the Memory of

Th omas Goo dman,

who departed th is l ifeN ovember 1873

in his year.

He re we have no con t inuing cityBut we seek one to come . H ebrews x11. 14 .

Page 147: Of the History of Croxall

H istorica l

P salm lxxiii 25.

Shetch of the P arish of C rora ti.


rest the Mortal rema insof

George Boo th ,who departed th is l ifeMay 1836.

Aged 82

My flesh and my heart

fa ileth,bu t God is th e

st rength ofmy h ear t, and

my port ion for ever.

Page 148: Of the History of Croxall

“111111 5.

C hu rchwardens’ accounts commence in the year

1698, bu t wi th very few exceptions contain no

entries worthy of be ing recorded . The fo l lowing

possess a l i ttle interest

1698. I tem P ‘1 for our charges at A lrewas to meet Burton men about owning Oakley estate topay to our parish before the C ommissioners

Item Paid for Widow Owen s B urial tax1699 . I tem Paid for 4 sheets of stamp‘l Paper1700. I tem Paid to John P rinsep on Tom Owen s accounts1700. Item Paid for a pair of stocken and shoes for Do l l B rown1701. Item Pa id to Thomas Mously for going w ith Doll B rown to the C hirurgeon at

Paid for a load of coals and carriage from Measham for E l izabeth Hawk sford

The accounts of John Daniel,C lerk , Vicar of C roxal l

,who was desired

and instructed to look afte r the repairs of C roxal l Church done in the

years 1702 and 1703 , stated and gi ven us July 19th .

Imprimis . Pd for timber carriage of itPd for Saw ingPd for C arpenters workPd to y° joynerPd for stonePd for l ime

Page 149: Of the History of Croxall

80 H istorical Shetch of the P a rish of Croxall.

Pd for carriage of sto nePd for carriag e of limePd for B ricksPd for carriage of y° samePd for gi vin g b rickmen to drin kPd for ca rriage of sandPd for le tte rs and messenge rsPd for a load of coals an d carriagePd for locks

,hinges , and stonepins

Pd for hairPd for c leanin g y° rubbag e 6 day s workmen and team sPd to y

° Mason for workPd for pointing y° ste epl ePd for Pol es , cords for scafi oldingPd for Seab ble y‘ sto ne at y6 quarryPd to y° nayler

Pd to two messengers to fetch nailesPd to ye B lacksmi thPd to ye p lumber for workPd for 3 foeth er of leads .

Pd for carriage of ye lead . .

Pd for charges when w e went to buy ye leadPd for carriage of a load of drift sandPd to y

° blacksmith an other billPd for a bell ropePd for a pair of brassesPd to Tom Dagley for iron work and hangin g ye be l lPd for mending the clapper and makingPd to Will Burkley for 2 fi'ox headsPd to F fran cis R oyl e for a dex headPd to John E lson and Jon Gote for k illing 3 urchin sPaid to Mr E theridge for glasein ge ye church window sPaid for a Proclamation and PrayersP aid for E li zabeth H awksfords fu neral charges , cofiyn , j ersey e t cete raPaid at X ’mas for washing ye Surplice and Table cloath

[I n this yea r many en tries occ ur of cha rgesfor lodging Soldiers]Given to two Turks who could not 00 00 04

[Th is yea r a lso cha rges for lodg ing Soldiers]Paid to Mr Webbs boy for sparrow sPaid for a trained soldi er and three quart e rsGiven to 4 Saylors w ith a pass

After th is year the Wri t ing becomes veryibad, and no entries of in

terest are reco rded .

U rch ins=h edgeh ogs.

Page 151: Of the History of Croxall

o ldest of these Registers IS a fo l io in vel lum,

one foot long and six inches wide . The fly leaf

conta ins the fo l lowing

In the year 1619 there was great d ifference amongst the pari shioners concerning the making of a leviefor the repaire of the C hurch which difference could not be appeased til l M“ Dorton Master beingChancellor of L ich field came to C roxal l Church and he decided in the manner as followeth accord ing to thetaxation made of F ebruarii 1619 for a levie

of th irtye pounds to be raised out of the Parish of C roxall forthe su ndrie repaires of the C hurch made in the Parish C hurch of C roxal l as aforesaid .

Fir ste it is thought that the decayes and mines of the Church might be repaired for the sum of thirtyepounds . For the raisinge of which sum of t hirtye pounds, firste it is thought that the proportion of the rateaccordinge be levied , viz . that C atton and Oakley paye eleven poundes of the twenty. C roxall and Ed ingalen ine pounds payeth of the twenty . The ten pound s remaineth to be raised after the repaires in proportionout of the L ordships aforesaid .

witness thereof we have subscribed our names these presente

John Matthew churchwardenJohn Bentley VicarGeorge C urzonThomas C urzonIn witness of whichThomas Mousley andR Master Chancel lorof L ichfield the 4thday of December.

Page 152: Of the History of Croxall

H z



m/ Skate/z of Me P am'

s/z of C roxall.

On the next page we find the l ist of Chu rchwardens gi ven,commen

cing thus

[The sums illegib le .]


Anno Dni 1617 C hristopher Ensor of Edingale .

Christopher Smith of C atton .

anno 1618Thomas Mousley of Edingale .Thomas Brown of Ok eley.

anno 1619John Matthew of C roxall .Wil l iam Brown of C atton .

anno 1620William Brown of C atton .

Will iam Mi lner of Okley.

anno 1621Johannes Matthew of Ed ingale.John Edwards of C atton .

Anno 1622 Thomas Wagstafi'

e of C roxall .Thomas Milsom al ias Morgil of Ed ingale .

anno 1623George Smith of Edingale .Thomas Ensor of C roxall .

anno 1624William Bate of C roxal l for h is father.John Pymme of Edingale.

Anno 1625 C ristopher Smith of C atton .Thomas Mousley of Ed ingale

anno 1626John Matthew of Edingale .Thomas Dakin of Ok eley.

anno 1627John Pymme of Ed ingale .John Bate of C atton .

anno 1628 [N ames i l legible ]1629 d itto

Anno Domini 1630 John Owen of C atton .

Anno Domini 163 1 Fran cis Morgill.Anno Domini 1632 Wa lter Horton of Catton .

Anno Domini 1633 George Dakin .


Weddings, C hristenings, and burials of C roxal l church the xxij day of February .

AD . 1586

Maude the dawgh ter ofWalter Kensall was baptized the x1] daye of October .

anno Dui 1587.

Thomas B entley and Elizabeth Cartwright were married the xxu daye of February .

anno Dni 1588.

Anne the dawghter of Thomas Mousley was baptized ye xj daye of Maie .Maria the dawgh ter of R ichard Em ly was baptized y° xxij daye of June .El iz abeth Barnes was buried y° xxij of July .

Matthew Day was buried the x daye of August .

annomi 1589 .

David Morgan and Sybil M ilner were married the xxij day of j anuario.

Page 153: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Skew/z of t/ze P a ris/z of C roam/Z.

anno Dui 1590.

Sybi l the dawgh ter of Christina Thomsen was baptized xx day of April.Isabella the dawgh t er of John Matthew was baptized the xj day of June .E izab e th the dawgh ter of R ichard C ave was baptized the xviij day of August.W il liam Thompson was buried the xxij daye of August.R obert A ld ridge and Joan Sargent w idow were married laste day of August.Margaris B laden was buried the xxj day of October.

Anno Domini 1591.

George Curzon Esquier was buried the vj daye of April .Henrie L e igh and Katherine Horton were married the v j day of July.

Thomas Wood and Margaret Braddall were married xiij day of February .

William Ward was buried the xxj dayof December .John Malaher and A les Tayler were married the vj day of February .

George the sonne of Thomas Woodcock was baptised the vj day of Febr uary.

Wi l liam the sonne of Thomas Mousley was baptized the vj day of N ovember .Anno Domini 1592.

R obert Bate and E leanor Hunter were married the xvj daye of June .John Ky le was buried v day of February.

Anno Domini 1593.

Thomas Rylee was buried the viij day of April .Wil liam Denston was buried the xxiiij day of Maye .Thomas Woodcock was buried xx daye of August.Henrie the sonne of Robert Bate was baptized the ij day of September .

At th is po int a page is missing the next one beg ins at 16 16,

the wri ting is very good . The record in Engl ish ceases,and Latin


1616 .

Georgius Higgs V icarius de C roxall Sepultus fuit octavo die Junn .

Georgius Wildblood d e C atto n e t Joanna Tay lor de C at to u matrimonium contraxerunt decimo septo d ieJu uii apud C atton me adj uvante .Margareta filia Henrici Kensall b apt izata est vicessimo quarto d ie Junu .

Anno Domini 1617.

Sibilla uxor Roberti Palmer alias Edwards de C atton sepulta fu it quarto d ie Decemhris.

Anna Swan de Edingale sepu lta fuit in cseme terio de Ed ingale vicessimo nono d ie Januarii .

Thomas et Elizabetha geme ll i Thomas Mousley de Edingale b aptizati fuerunt primo d ie Marin .

Thomas et Elizabetha gemelli Thomaa Mousley de Ed ingal e sepulti fuerun t decimo nono d ie Martii (apudEdingal e ).

Anno Domini 1618 .

Anna Matthew vidua sepu l ta fuit secundo d ie April is apud Edingale.Gulielmus C otton de N ormanton juxta Derby et Joanna Matthew de Catton matrimonium se conjunxeruu t

(apud Catton me adjuvante) sexto die Junii absque tam bannis tam facu ltate .Laurentius filius Johannis Hatchet de Ed ingale b apt iza tus fuit vicessimo undecimo Junii.Thomas filius Thomas Wagstaife de Edingale bapt iza tus est undecimo d ie Octob ris.

Parne ll fi lia Hugonis M ilner de C atton bapt izata fuit vicessimo octavo die Octobris apud C atton meadjnyaute .

R ub ertus Edward s de C atton e t Joanna Sawley de C atton matrimonium contraxerun t tertio die N ovemb risapud C atton me adjuvante .Johannes filius Johannis Bentley vicaru de C roxall e t Margaretas uxoris ejus b aptizatus fuit vicessimo

octavo die Decembrii .

Page 155: Of the History of Croxall

86 H istorical Sketc/z of Me P am'

s/z of C roxall.

Martha filia Johannis Savage de Catton sepulta fuit vicessimo tert io die Januarii.Joanna P oola t te Mous ley de Edingale sepulta fuit in ceemeterio de Edingale vicessimo septimo d ie F eb ruarii.

John Bentley Vi ca r.George Swan .

Wa lter Horton .

Anno 1624.

Margareta filia Gulielmi Hatchet «le Edingale b aptiz ata fuit die April is .Joanna fi h'a F rancisci Hewgill al ias P uilson de Ed ingale bapt iza ta fuit nono die Maii .Daniel Owen de C atton sepultus fuit te rtio d ie Sep temb ris.

Edmundus Mous ley de Edinga le in Prebenda de A lrewas e t Helena Matthew de Edinga le hujus paroch ia

matrimonium se conjunxerunt septimo di e Octobris.

Gulielmus Hurste de Catton et Maria Beale hujus parochiae de Edinga le matrimonium se conjunxerunt un

decimo die Octob ris.

Jana uxor C hristophori Ensor de Ed ingale sepulta fuit decimo quinto die Octobris in ecclesia paroch iali deC roxall .Fran cisca uxor Walteri C ardy de Catton sepulta fui t decimo septimo di e F eb ruarii .

Anno Domini 1625.

Henricus filius Henrici Kensall de C roxal l b aptiza tus fuit secundo die Aprilis .Henricus Kensall senex de C roxall sepultus fuit vicessimo sexto d ie Aprilis .

El iz abetha filia Johannis Bentley vicarii de C roxall e t Margareta uxoris ejus b aptizata fuit primo die JunuJoanna filia Henrici Kensall (nuper defuncti) de C roxall sepul ta fuit decimo die Julii .Christophorus Ensor de Edin gale sepultus fuit decimo septimo d ie Augu sti in eccle sia parochiali de C roxall .Maria Horto n de Catto n vidua sepu l ta fui t vicessimo quin to die Sep tembris .

Sarah fi lia Thoma Mousley de Edingale b aptiz ata fui t secundo die Octob ris.

Sarah filia Thoma Mousley de Edingale sepul ta fuit decimo d ie Decembris in ea parte Caemiterii de Edingal equse ad Przeb endam de Alrewas pertine t . Qua propter ego Johannes Bentley vi ca rius de C roxa ll, cum corpusejusdem Saras ad sepeliendum afi

ere tur, ibam obviam afi’

erentib us e t eos duxi per eam partem Cmmeterii qua;ad ecclesiammeam de C roxall pert ine t , et scriptura locos sive parte s ad sepulchrum pertinentes jux ta librumpub licarum precum Ecclesiaz Anglicanm auctorita t e Regis editum recitav i

, et cum limites nostros transissentmagister Boydell cura tus Capella de Edinga le obviam illi s venit et primo in C apellam deinde ab sepulchmm eosduxit et corpus humo commissit .

The V icar of C roxal l had the right, i t seems, of bu rying those

parish ioners of C roxall who lived in the Derbysh ire part of Ed ingalein the Derbysh ire part of Ed ingale churchyard . The boundary of

Staffo rdsh ire and Derbysh ire passes close to the west wal l of Ed ingale

C hurch . The co rpse cou ld no t b e taken into Ed ingale C hurch wi thou t

the permission of the C urate of Ed ingale ; and the part of the Bur ials

Office appo inted to be read in the church was read by the Vicar

of Ed ingale . Mr. Cox, in his H istory of Ed ingale C hurch , po ints th is

out clearly .

The Vicar of C roxal l had also the righ t to use the herbage in the

Derbysh ire part of the Churchyard of Ed ingale . A pr i vate account

Page 156: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Sketch of t/ze P arisa of C roxall.

book of a Vicar of C roxal l,June 1698 to 1727

,shows that he

annually rece i ved a rent for th is from the C urate of Ed ingale . These

rights were perpe tuated by the Inclosu re Act of 1791.

Gulielmus filius Edmundi Mousley de Edingale b apt izatus fuit duodecimo die Martu .

Anno 1626 .

Jana filia Thomae de Etwall nata in C atton baptiza ta fuit septimo d ie Aprilis in parochiali Ecclesia deC roxall .Hugo Mi lner de C atton sepultus fuit octavo d ie April is .

John Bentley .

parochial is de N orton juxta Twycross,et Mousley de Edingale matrimonium se conjunxerunt

quarto die Man .

Georgius de Edingale sepultus fuit vicessimo primo die Maii .Thomas filius Thoma Dakin de Ok eley b aptizatus fuit decesmo quarto die Junu .

Gualterus filius C hristopheri Horton de C atton generosi e t P arnellae uxoris b aptizatus fuit vicessimo die Juluquem quidem Walterum ego Johannes Bentley requ isitus a ChristOphero Horton praedicto b aptizavi in C apellade C atton .

F lorentia filia Gulielmi M ousley de C oton moriens in Edingale parochia sepu lta fuit in coemet erio deEd ingal e vicessimo septimo d ie Julu

Gualterus Horton de Catton armiger sepultus fuit vicessimo primo die Decemb ris.

R ob ertus filius R oberti Arno ld de C atton baptizatus fuit duodecimo d ie Mart ii (in Capella de Catton permagistris in Ebenti me sacramentum illud ministrandum non requ isitus.

uxor R oberti Arnold praedicti gratias ded it post partum in ecclesia parochiali de C roxall .

Anno Domini 1627.

Gulielmus Terry de C roxal l et Elizabetha Mousley de Edingale matrimonium se conjunxerunt vicessimo octavod ie Maii .

R ob ertus filius Roberti Arnold de C atton sepultus fuit septo die Junn .

C ol let uxor Roberti Bate de C roxall sepulta fui t primo d ie Julii.Walter-u s B ingham de parochialis Sancte Marisa in civitate L ich fieldis e t Jana Matthew de Edingale

matrimonium con traxerunt vicessimo d ie Quarto die Septembris.

E lizabetha Hewer de C atton sepulta fuit vicessimo nono Septemb ris.Emmo t C rean 12mo d ie N ovemb ris, sepultus fuit .Anna filia F rancisci Hewgill alias P uilson de Ed ingale b apt izata fuit decimo octavo die N ovembris.

Gulielmus filius Thoma; Dakin de Okeley b apt izatus fuit secundo die Decembris.

Guliclmus filius Thomas Dakin de Okeley sepultus fuit septimo d ie Decemb ris.

Helena nxor Gulielmi Arbell de C atton sepulta fuit vicessimo d ie Decembris.

Jocosa (Anglice Joyce) filia R oberti Smith de C roxa l l b aptiza ta fuit decimo d ie Januaru .

R icardus Smith de C atton e t Margareta P re t tie de Edingale in prebenda de Alrewas matrimonium contraxerunt .

Gulielmus Assell de C atton sepultus fuit vicessimo secundo d ie Januaru .

Walterus Astley de Remhorne in parochia Sci Michael is in civitate Lichfi eldis e t Anna Smith de C attonmatrimonium contraxerunt vicessimo primo die F eb ruarii.

Anno 1628 .

Johannes fi lius Edmundi Mousley de Ed ingale b apt izat us fuit decimo quarto d ie Man .

Thomas filius ChristOpheri Horton de C atton armigeri baptizatus fuit decimo tertio die Aug usti in C ape l lade Catton me ad sacrementumministrandum.

John Bentley Vicar.Anna filia Johannis P imm de E dinga le b aptimta fuit vicessimo sexto d ie N ovemb ris.

See “ History of the C hurch of Ed inga le . — Co:c.

Page 157: Of the History of Croxall

88 H istorical Skew/z of t/ze P aris/i of C roxall.

Anno Domini 1629 .

Johannes filius Thomas Dakin de Ok eley bapt izatus fuit vicessimo nono d ie April is .Gualt erus filius Gualteri B ingham de civi ta tis L ich field na tu s in Edingale b apt iz a tus fuit vicessimo d ie


Elizabetha filia Thomze Mousley de Ed ingale b apt izata fuit v icessimo secundo d ie N ovemb ris .

Thomas fi lius Roberti Smith de C roxal l b apt iz atus fuit decimo d ie Januarii.Edwardus filius Johannis Bent ley vicar ii de C roxa ll et Margareta uxoris ejus b apt izatus fu it octavo d ie

F ebruarii.

Anno Domini 1630 .

Gulielmus Marshall puer quidam mendicans natus in U ttoxeter moriens in Catton sepultas fuit decimod i e Maii .

Henricus Horton filius Christopher Horton de C atton armigeri et P arnellaa uxoris ejus baptiz atus fui tvicessimo quinto die Augusti .Georgius filius Thomas Dakin de Ok eley baptiz atus fui t vicessimo octavo d ie N ovembris.

Georgius Hensa l l de C roxall sepulta s fuit nono d ie Decembris .

Johannes Mott de Catton sepultus fuit primo di e F ebruarii.Edwardus Perkins de Catton sepultus fuit nono die F ebruarn .

Anno Domini 1631 .

Georgius Ullorb e de Swadlincote parochiae de Greasley and Anna Debark e de C atton matrimonium contraxerunt vicessimo septimo d ie Junii .Joanna uxor R oberti Edwards de C atton sepulta fuit vicessimo octavo die Junii.Winifreda Greenwood de Ed ingale Vidua sepu lta fuit in coeme ten


o de Ed ingale nono die Octob ris .

Joha nnes filius Johannis Pym de Edingale b apt izatus fuit secundo die N ovembris.

Helena Hatchet de Edingale vidua sepu lta fuit in coemeterio de Edingale primo di e Januam.

Jana filia Johannis Bent ley vi carii de C roxall e t Margareta uxoris ejus b ap tiza tus vicessimo nono dieF ebruarii.


Maria filia Thoma; Dakin de Ok eley b aptizata fuit tertio die Apri l is .Franciscus fi lius C hristoph eri Horton d e Catton armiger e t P arnellw uxoris ejus bapt iza tus fuit vicessimo

quinto d ie Jun ii.Gulielmus fi lius Gulielmi Mann ering de Budworth in comitatu Cestriee natus in C roxal l bapt iz atus fuit

secundo die Septembris .

Eliza betha filia Walteri Bingham de Al rewas nata in Edingale b apt iz ata fui t vicessimo octavo d ie Octobris.

Margeria fi lia Edwardi Atkinson de Marston in parochia de Kingsb urie nata in C atton baptiza ta fuit inecclesia parochiali de C roxal l decimo tertio d ie Januarii .

March 23, 1632. Mrs Elizabeth Horton being very sicke was l icensed by me to eate flesh during her sicknesse .

John Bentley Vica r .

Anno Domini 1633.

Robe rtus Pa lmer alias Edwards de Catton sepultus fuit vicessimo septo d ie MartiiMargareta filia Johannis Al lsopp de C atton baptizata fui t vicessimo septo d ie Junn .

Jacobus Meacock e de Hartshorn e b allivus C omitis eh C omitem Dorset iae dominae de C roxal l sepultus fuitdecimo d ie Augusti.E lizabetha Sta rt ine de Ed ingale vidua sepulta fui t in coameterio de Edingale decimo novo die Septembris.

Margareta filia Johannis Alsopp de Catton sepu l ta fuit novo d ie Octob ris.

Thomas fi lius Johannis Alsopp de Catton sepultus fuit decimo octavo d ie Januarii.Margareta filia Johannis Pym de Edingale b ap t iza ta fuit vice ssimo septimo d ie Januaru .

R ob ertus filius Thomas Dakin de Okeley b aptizatus fuit duodecimo die Martii.Robertus Bulman de C atton sepultus fuit vicessimo tert io die H e rtii .

Anno Domini 1634.

Franciscus filius F rancisci Morgill alias P uilson de Ed ingale b aptizatus fuit vicessimo secundo d ie Man .

Johannes Johnson de Stretton super Dunmore in parochia de Woolston e t Margareta Darby de C roxal lmatrimonium contraxerunt vicessimo qua rto d ie Junii .

Page 159: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Séctc/i of t/ze P a ris/z of C roxall.

C atton octavo die N ovembri virtute faculta tis a domino Cancellario me ad matrimoniumceleb randum non adjuvante .

Gulielmus Newb old servus Roberti sepultus fu it secundo d ie N ovemb ris.

Elia Johannis Grundy e t Johanna uxoris ejus (sepulta fuit decimo septimo d ie Jannarn non b aptiza ta).Thomas filius Johannis Pym d e Ed ingale e t Margaretae uxoris ejus baptiz atus fu it vicesimo sexto die

F ebruarii.

C ristoph erus Smith de C atton sepultus fuit vicesimo die Martii.

Anno Domini 1639 .

Fil ius Johannis Prinsope de N ewt on moriens apud Edingal e sepultus fuit in ea parte cemeter n de Edingale

qua ad ecclesiam de C roxall pert ine t vicesimo septimo d ie Ma i- iii.Georgius Alsopp fi lius Johannis Al lsopp et Sara uxoris ejus bap tizatus fuit vicesimo sexto die Man .

Henricus C urzon de C roxa ll armiger sepultus fuit secundo d ie Julii.P arnella filia C hristoph eri Milner de C atton e t Joan na uxoris ejus bap tiza ta fui t Vicesimo sexto d ie Octobris.

quam ego requisito s b aptizavi in Capel la de Catton .

Maria fiJia Thoma Dakin de Ok eley e t Sara uxoris ojus b aptizata fuit undecimo die N ovemb ris

Maria fi lia Thoma Dakin sepulta fuit decimo quinto die N ovemb ris.

Jacobus filius F rancisci Morgill a lias P uilso n e t Joanna uxoris ejue de Ed ingale bapt izatus fuit decimooctavo d ie N ovemb ris.

Thomas B loomer servus C ristoph eri Horton d e C atton armigeri sepultus fuit decimo octavo d ie N ovembris.

Johannes filius Johannis Grundy de C roxall et Joanna uxoris ejue b apt izatus fuit quarto die F eb ruarii.Gulielmus Gresley parochia de Greasley et Margeria Frith hujus parochia nupt i fuerunt in ecclesia de

C roxall vicessimo septo die F ebruarii virtute facultat is concessa .


Samuel fi lius Samuelis Willes Vicarn de C roxall et Eleonora uxoris ejus b aptiz atus fui t decimo septimo dieSeptembris.

Maria filia Johannis Browne de Edingale et Dorothea uxoris ejus baptizata fuit primo die N ovemb ris.

Anno Domini 1641.

Franciscus Thacker de C omb erford in parochia de Tamworth et Isabella R eino lds de C roxall nupti fueruntvicessimo quarto die Junii.

C a talogus nominum, corum qui in C apel la de C atton vel nup t i vel baptizata fuerun t me ad oflicia i sta non

requi si to i n registrarlo de C atton qua ra tur .

Anna Ashmole vidua de Ed ingale sepulta fuit per me in ea par te coemetern de Edingale qua ad ecclesiamde C roxal l pertine t octavo d ie Decembris.

Johannes Pether parochia de Appleby et Gratia Atkins parochia de Alderwayes nupti fuerunt in ecclesia deC roxal l decimo nono d ie Januarii virtute facultatis mihi a Domino cancellarioJacobus filius Johannis Pym de Edinga le et Margarita uxori s ejus bap tizatus fuit decimo d ie Martii.

Anno Domini 1642.


lia Thoma Dakin de Ok ely non b aptizata sep ulta fuit vicessimo septimo d i e Mait ii .

Margeria filia F rancisci Morgill alias P uilson de Ed ingale et Joanna uxoris ej ue bap tizata fuit decimo dieAprili s .

Edvardus filius Edvardi V i l l iers de Catton generosi e t Jana uxoris ejus b aptizatus fuit vicessimo octa vo d ieAprilis quem ego requisita s b aptiz avi in C apel la de C atton .

Johannes Willcoxe parochia et Alderwayes et Katherina Wagstafi e de C roxall nupt i fuerunt in ecclesiade C roxal l quinto die Maii .Dorothea filia F rancisci Kensall de C roxall et Dorothea uxoris ejus b aptizata fuit sexto d ie Julii.Maria filia Jacobi Gent hominis peregrina tis moriens apud C atton sepulta fuit nono die Junu .

Martha filia Samuelis Wi l les vicarii de C roxal l et Eleonora uxoris ejus b aptizata fuit undecimo d ieSeptemb ris.

Gulielmus puer quidam mendicans moriens apnd C atton sepultus fui t v icessimo tertio die Octob ris.

Jana Bq an de C atto n vidua sepulta fuit vicessimo die Octob ris .

Amy filia C hristoph ori Mylner d e C atton et Joanna uxoris ejus baptizata primo d ie Octobris.

Page 160: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Skate/z of we P a risk of C 70x4 1] .

Franciscus Browne paroch ia de Wal ton super Trent e t P arnella. Mylner de C atton nopti fuerunt tertiod ie N ovemb ris.

Johannes filius Johannis et Dorothea Browne baptizatus fuit decimo sexto die Januarii.

1643 .

Anna C ollet sepulta fuit sexto die Octob ris.


Johannes filius Thoma at Anna Wagstafi’

e b aptizatus fui t 30 d ie Marchu .

Georgius Swan sepultus fuit quarto d ie April is.

Gulielmus filius Johannis et Dorothea Browne baptizatus fuit circiter sept imum April is et non multopost sepultus .

Here badly kept in consequence of the C iv il War.

Add in Band et K atherina C orbet matrimonium contraxerunt .

Joyce fi lia F rancisci e t Dorothea Kensall bapt izata .

Gulielmus Pymme fi lius Johannis e t Margareta Pymme baptizatus fuit vicessimo octavo die Octobris 1644.

Addin Band b apt iza tus.

Thomas C ollet e t Susanna Grimly matrimonium contraxeruu t 30 June 1645.

Samue l Twist e t P arnella Horton matrimonium contraxerunt .

Fi lia. Thoma et Sara Part non bap tizat a sepulta. est .

Gulielmus filius Gulielmi Russell nothus b ap tiza tus.

C hristophorus filius Samuelis e t P armella Twist b aptizatus.

Gulielmus R ussell et Anna Bulman matrimonium contraxerunt .

Thomas Thick broome et U rsula Massey matrimonium contraxerunt .

Hugo filius C hristophori et Joanna Mi lner baptiza tus est .Jana, fi lia Georgii et Jana L ea b aptizat a est .Thomas fi lius Thoma e t Susanna C o llet baptizatus est .R ob ertus Pretty e t E lizabetha. Sh earpheard nupti sunt.Thomas filius Thoma at Anna Wagstafi

e b apt izatus est 19 N ovem 1646 .

Gulielmus Browne de Edingall sepultus est 20 N ovem 1646.

Rob ertus Arno ld de Catton sepultus est 4 April 1647.

Johannes filius C aroli e t L ucia Agard baptizat us est 4° die N ovembris 1647.

Susannah fi lia F francisci e t Dorothea Kensall baptiza ta est 27 d ie F e bruarii 1647.

Georgius filius Thoma et Susanna C o llet b ap tizatus vicessimo sex to d ie Octob ris 1648 .

C aro lus filius C arol i et L ucia Agard bapt iza ta 8 d ie F fe bruarii 1648.

Georgius C ollet sepultus est in ea parte ca me terii Edingallensis qua ad C roxal l pertinet 10 F ebru arii 1648 .

Sarah uxor Thoma Dakin de Oak eley sepu lta est in ecclesia de C roxal l 12 die Mart ii 1648 .

Infans Georgii e t Jana L ey de Ca t tou non b aptizatus sepultus est in ecc lesia de C roxal l 21 Mart ii 1648 .

C ommences regularly again .

Anno Domini 1649.

Anna, fi na Gualtheri e t Dorothea Horton de C atton baptizata est in C apel la de Ca t tou vicessimo nono dieMartii.

Emma. fi lia. Richardi e t Katherina C oke de Trusley b aptizata est in oech o us de C roxal l secundo d ie Aprilis.F lorentia Agard de C roxal l vidna sepulta. est in cancel la. de C roxal l vicesimo d ie Julii.

C atherina fi lj a Thoma et Anna Wagstafi'

b ap tizata decimo quarto die N ovembris.

C atherina fi lia Christopheri et Joanna M ilner b ap tizata. est septo d ie N ovembris

Joyce filia Francisci et Dorothea Kensall sepu lta est decimo septimo die Januarn ,

F ranciscus filius C haroli e t L ucia Agard b aptizata est decimo secundo d ie Mart ii.

Joanna filia Johann is et Joanna Grundy baptizata est vicesimo d ie Martii.A D 1650.

Anonymus Georgii L ey de Catton sepulta est 27 Oct ob ris.

Sarah filia Johannis et Dorothea Browne de Edingale baptizata est 20 d ie Novembris.

Johannes C ox de Stapenh ill et E'

izab e tha Gi lbert de B aunton matrimonium cont raxerunt undecimo dieF ebruarii.

Page 161: Of the History of Croxall

H z


ml Skew/z of [126 P am'

s/z of Croxall.

P arnella filia Gualtheri et Dorothea H orton do Catton baptizata est in wdibus Cat toniensis vicess imo die

F ebruarii.

Johannes filius Thoma; e t Susannaa C ol lett b apt izata est vicessimo sep timo d ie F ebruarii.


P arnella Horton de Catton sepulta est in cancella de Croxall vicessimo nono d ie Martu.

Maria filia Thomae Saris Peet de Oakl ey b aptiz ata est decimo quarto d ie April is .Lucia filia Caroli e t Luciae Agard b apt iza ta est septo die Mail.

Franciscus filia Caroli e t Luciaa Ag ard sepultus est vicesimo quarto die Mafi .

Elizabetha Dilkes de Croxall vidua sepul ta. est octavo d ie Octobris.

E liz abetha B igges de Edingale sepul ta est oc tavo die Octob ris.

Sarah Grundy de Broadfields vidua sepulta est quarto die Decemb ris.

Franciscus filins F rancisci et Dorotheae Kensall bap t iz atus est decime octave d ie Decembris .

Johannes Grundv de Broadfields sepultus est decimo tertio die F eb ruarii, payd a mortuary .

Anna filia Thomae et Annae Wagstafie b aptiz ata est octavo die Martii .


Stephanus filius Johannis Alsopp de Catton e t Sarah uxoris ejus sepultus est decimo octavo d ie Augusti .Alicia uxor Johannis Hatchett de Edingall sepul ta est quarto d ie Decembris .

Christophorus filius C hrist ophori e t Joannae Milner de Catton b aptiza tus est 14° d ie Octob ris.

Christophorus filius C hristOpheri et Joannaa M ilner de Catton sepult us est 2° d ie N ovembris.

Maria filia Caroli et Lucize Agard baptizat a est ultimo d ie N ovemb ris.

Christophorus filius Gualteri et Dorothea Horton b aptiz atus est octavo die Decemb ris.

An na Swan de Edingall vidua sepulta est quinto d ie Martti .H umphridus filius Thomae et Susannae C ol lett b aptizatus est decimo die Martii.Humphridus fi lius Thomas sepultus es t vicessimo quarto d ie Mar tii.

Ann o Domini 1653 .

Johannes Hough vicarius hujus ecclesias et Dorothea Agard matrimonium contraxerunt vicessimo nono dieMart ii.

d ie

Johannes Goodwin de Dunstall et Margareta Mousley de Edingallmatrimonium contraxerunt 28° die Junu .

Johannes Hatchet de Edingall sepult us est vicessimo secundo die Augusti .Thomas Dakin d e Catton sepultus est decimo qvarto d ie Decemb ris.

Dorothea uxor F ran cisci Kensall sepul ta est vicessimo secundo d ie Decembris .

1654 .

Maria filia Caroli et L ucize Agard sepulta est vicessimo d ie Junn .

F rancisca filia Caroli et Lucia; Ag ard na ta vicessimo septo d ie Julii baptizata est decimo die Augusti .Johannes Taylour de Catton sepultus est vicessimo primo d ie Augusti .Gualtherus fi lius Gualtheri et Dorothea; Horton natus vicessimo secundo d ie Augusti b aptiza tus est ultimoejusdem mensis .Joanna filia Thomze et Susannae C oll ett nata vicessimo quin to die Octob ris b aptizata est nono d ie N ovemb ris .

fi anciscus Morgill alias P uilson de Ed ingale sepultus est in cmmet erio Edingallensi decimo oc tavo die

F eb ruarii.


Dorothea uxor Johannis Hough sepulta est in cancella C roxallensi vicessimo d ie Aprilis .Johannes fi lius Johannis e t Doro theae Hough natus decimo renatus est vicessimo quarto d ie Aprilis .Anna F fisher extranea sepulta est duodecimo d ie Junii .

Johannes Mathew de Edingall sepultus est vicessimo sexto die Junn .

Elizabetha Mathew vidua de Edingale sepul ta est vicessimo sexto d ie Augusti .Johannes Pymme de Edingale sepultus est decimo sexto die N ovembris .

Elizabetha fi lia Gualtheri et Doro them Horton de Catton b aptiz ata est septimo die F ebruarii d ie postnativitatem suam nono .


Sarah filia F rancisci et Saree Kensall nata nono die Mart ii 1655 b apt izata est primo die Aprilis .

Johannes filius Johannis Hough vidui e t vicar-i i sepultus est quarto die Aprilis .

Page 163: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Séez‘

c/i of fi le P a ris/z of Cram/Z.


Maria filia Gualtheri e t Dorothea Horton sepulta est vicesimo die Augusti .Elizabe tha filia Johannis e t Margerita Wylkins baptiz ata est decimo septimo d ie Decembris.

1663 .

Margerita filia Georgii e t Elizabetha Swan b ap tizata vicesimo quinto d ie Oc tob ris.

Francisca filia Gualth eri et Dorothea Horton bapt izata est decimo quinto d ie Octobris.

Johannes Grundy e t Maria Seale matrimonium inierunt vicesimo d ie N ovemb ris.

Josephus Saunders vidua s do Barton sub ter Needwood et Maria. Moore de Alrewas matrimonium inierunt

vicesimo nono d ie Decembris .


Sara h Alsop de Catton vidua sepulta est vicesimo octavo de Martu .

Elizabeth fi lia Thoma et Catherina Gilbert baptizata est vicesimo nono die Marni .Sarah filia Georg ii e t Jana Th ornywell bap tizata est undecimo d ie Aprilis.Ricarda s Tomlyson d e Walton sup Trent et Alicia Lockley de Catton matrimonium inierunt vicesimo

octavo die Aprilis .D orothea filia Johannis et Dorothea Brown de Edingale sepulta est decimo nono Augusti .R ob ertus filius Roberti e t Maria D eak in b ap tiza tus est quinto di e Octobris .

Philadelphia. filia Gualtheri e t Doro thea . Hort on b aptiz ata est tertio d ie Novemb ris.

Henricus filius R ich a rdi e t Brigitta Sh eaperd tertio d ie N ovemb ris baptiza tus est.Sarah fi lia Johannis e t Elizabetha Arnold b apt iz ata est decimo quarto die Novembris.

Johannes filius Johannis et Maria Grundy bap tizatus est secundo d ie F ebruarii.Lucia filia Johannis et Katherina Hough nata decimo octavo d ie F ebruarii circiter horam decimam ante

meridiem b ap tizata est nono d ie Martu .


Anna Arnold de Catton vidua sepulta est decimo d ie Junu .

Johannes filius Georgii et Anna Al sop de Catton baptiza tus est tertio d ie Augusti .Anna fi lia Georgii et Elizabetha Swan baptizata est vicesimo primo die Decembrie .

Johannes filius Johannis et Margareta Wilkins b ap tizatus est decimo quarto d ie Decemb ris.

Jacobus Linford de Clifton et Anna Baxter hujus parochia matrimonium inierunt vicesimo tertioJanuaru .

Eliz abetha filia Johannis et Elizabetha A rnold baptizata est vicesimo quinto d ie Januarii.Guilielmus Roades de Appleby et Dorothea Lakin de Fradl ey matrimonium inierunt vicesimo

F ebruarii.

Johannes filius F rancisci e t Saraha Kensall b aptiz atus est vicesimo secundo die F ebruarii.

1666 .

Anna Boydell de Edingale sepulta est tertio die Aprilis .Timotheus St N icholas de Stafi ord et Elizabetha Moore de A lrewas matrimonium inierunt vicesimo septo

Aprili s.Maria filia Roberti et Maria Deakin baptizata est vicesimo septo die Aprilis .Sarah filia Georg ii e t Jana Thornewell sepulta est undecimo d ie Ju uii.Francisca filia Thoma et B rigitta Brown b apt izata est primo d ie Augusti .Henricus Baker de Appleby et Maria Palmer hu jus paroch ia matrimonium inierunt vicesimo septimo

Sep tembris.

Maria fi lia Johannis e t Maria Grundy b aptiza ta est primo die N ovembris.Thomas Peg e t Margareta Francis de Harlas tone matrimonium inierunt vicesimo secundo d ie N ovembris.

Johannes fi lius Gualtheri e t Dorothea Horton b ap tiza ta est vicessimo nono die N ovemb ris.

Samuel filius R ichardi e t Brigitta Sheapard b aptizatus est decimo sexto d ie Decemb ris.

Samuel filius Richardi e t Brigitta Sheaphard sepultus est vicessimo quinto d ie Decembris.

Johannes fi lius Gualtheri e t Dorothea Horton sepultus est undecimo d ie Martii.Johannes filius Johannis e t Elizabetha Arnold b aptiza tus est decimo quarto die Martu .

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cal Séez‘c/z of t/ze P am'

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Thomas Hill de Wichnour et Eleanora Baker de Barton matrimonium inierunt undecimo die Ma n.

Johannes filius Johannis et Elizabetha Arnold sepultus est vicessimo quarto die Maii .Guilielmus filius Thoma et Brigitta Brown b aptizata est vicessimo quart o d ie Julii.Dorothea uxor Johannis Brown est sepulta vicessimo d ie Augusti .Thomas Mousley Senior sepultus est decimo nono die Septemb ris.

Johannes Smyth de Barton et Elizabetha Yates de Walton matrimonium contraxerint decimo septo dieJanuarii.


Thomas Mousley de Lichfield e t Amia M ilton de Croxall matrimonium inierunt primo die Aprilis .Anna filia Roberti et Maria Deakin b ap tizata est undecimo d ie Maii .Sarah filia Richardi e t Brigitta Sheaphard b aptizata est undecimo die Maii .Thomas Baker de Appleby et Katherina Wilkins de Wytherly matrimonium inierunt duodecimo dieJohannes filius Johannis e t Elizabetha Arnold bapt izatus est duodecimo d ie Octob ris.

Johannes filius Georgii et Elizabetha Seusanne b aptizatus est vicessimo die Novembris.

Elizabetha filia Thoma e t Brigi tta Brown b aptizat a est decimo quinto d ie Decembrie .Anna filia Guilielmi e t Amia Reynolds de Catton baptizata est secundo d ie F ebruarii.Anna filia Guilielmi et Amia Reynolds pred icts. sepulta est undecimo die F ebruarii.A l icia Hatchet de Ed ingale sepulta est vicessimo die F eb ruarii.

1669 .

Christophorus M ilner de Catton sepultus est primo die Maii .Maria filia Roberti et Maria Deakin sepulta. est decimo tertio d ie Octobris.

Anna filia Johannis et Elizabetha Arnold b aptizata est undecimo die N ovembris.

Anna filia Johannis et Elizabetha Arnold sepulta est decimo octavo d ie Decembris.

Maria filia Thoma et B rigitta Brown baptizata est vicessimo quarto die F ebruarii.

1670 .

Jana fi lia Thoma et Jana Pymme b aptizata est nono die Man .

Johannes fi lius Georgii e t Jana Th ornywell b aptizatus est decimo sexto die Man .

E lizabetha P rinsop vidua. sepulta est quarto die Augusti.Johannes Hatchet et Margeria P rinsop de Edingale matrimonium inierunt decimo quarto d ie N ovembris.

Joanna M ilner de Catton vidua sepulta est vicessimo septimo die N ovembris.

Franciscus Kensall de Croxall sepultus est septimo d ie Decemb ris.

Thomas Bolton de C atton sepultus est vicessimo quarto d ie Decembris.

Joanna Grundy de Broadfi eld vidua sepult a est decimo sexto die Januaru .

Maria filia Richardi e t Briggi ta Sheapheard baptizatus est primo d ie Mart ii.Johannes Etwal l et Joanna Podmore de Edingale matrimonium inierunt nono d ie F ebruarii 1670 .


Elizabetha filia Johannis et Margeria Hatchet b aptizata decimo tertio sepulta est decimo septimo d ieAugusti .Margeria uxor Johannis Hatchet sepulta est vicessimo d ie Aug usti .Katherina Wagstafi e de Croxall vidua sepulta est decimo quarto d ie N ovembris.

Carolus filius Thoma e t Brigitta B room b ap tizatus vicessimo d ie Decembris.

Anna fili a Johannis et Joanna Ellour de Ed ingale b aptizata est decimo octavo d ie Januarii.


Johannes Wagstaffe de Ed ingale sepultus est vicessimo septimo die Mai i .Joanna Kensall sepulta est decimo nono d ie Mai i .Josephus fi lius Josephi et Anna Grundy b apt iza tus est quart o d ie Decembris.

Rob ertus gemellus alter fi lius Anna gemella altera fi lia Joh anis et El izabetha Arnold b aptizati sunt octavod ie N ovemb ris.

" Jacobus filius Jacobi et Elizabetha Morgill b aptizatus est tertio d ie F ebruaru .

Johannes Brown de Edingall viduus sepultus est sexto die F ebruarii.Anna filia Johannis et Eh


Z ab e tha Arnold sepulta est decimo d ie Martii.

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d ie

H istorical Sketc/z of Me P an'

s/z of Croxall.

1673 .

Johannes filius Thoma et Brigitta Brown b aptizatus est decimo die Man .

Elizabetha filia Johannis et Joanna Ellour bapt izata est vicessimo quart o d ie Augusti .

Anna filia Rich ardi e t Brigitta Sheapheard baptizata est vicessimo septimo die August i .Maria filia Roberti et Maria Deakin baptiza ta est vicessimo octavo d ie Augusti .Guilielmus filius Georgii et Jana Thornywell bap tiz atus est duodecimo die Septemb risJohannes Hatchet e t Maria Podmore matrimonium inierun t vicessimo nono di e Januam.

Maria filia Johannis e t E lizabetha Arnold b aptiz ata est dec imo septo die F ebruarii.Elizabetha filia Thoma et Brigitta Broom sepulta est decimo sept imo die F ebruarii.Obadiah filius Johannis e t Elizabetha Tonill b aptizatus dec imo quinto sepultus est vicessimo die Mart ii.


Johannes filius Rich ardi et B rigitta Sheapard b aptizatus est vicessimo tertio d ie Septemb ris.

Paul Alroid de Edingall et Sarah Onley hujus parochia matrimonium inierunt secundo die N ovembris .

Thomas Yates de Birminghame t Sarah Clare de Catton matrimonium contraxerunt decimo die N ovemb ris.

Johannes filins Jacobi e t El iza betha Morgill baptizatus est decimo septimo d ie N ovemb ris.

Joha nnes filius Johannis Grundy de Elfoard vidui sepultus est vicesimo nono die Januarii.Johannes filius Johannis et Joanna Bllour b aptiza tus est septimo d ie Mart ii.


Johannes filius Josephi et Anna Grundy b aptiz atus est decimo nono die Aprilis.Johannes filius Johannis e t Maria Hatchet b aptizatus est te rtio die Junii .Franciscus filius Johannis et Sara R oaper de Croxall baptiz atus est vicesimo sexto die Jo l ii .Georgius fi lius Thoma e t Brig itta Brown de Croxall b aptiza tus est quinto d ie August i .Guilielmns filius Edmundi et Helena Mousley sepultus est decimo tertio die Martii.

1676 .

Johannes Davis de Leak et P arnella Horto n de Catton matrimonium inierunt decimo sexto Man .

Thomas Hopkins de Wedgebury et Francisca Burton de Shak erst one matrimonium inierunt decimo oct avoMaii .Marga -eta fi lia Thoma e t Anna Burbridge b ap tiza ta est decimo tertio die Augusti .Daniel filius Joh annis e t Joanna Ellour b aptizat us est decimo quinto die Octob ris.

Maria fi lia Johannis e t Maria Hatchet b apt iza ta est quarto d ie Decembris .

Elizabetha filia Jacobi et Elizabetha Morgil b apt iza ta est decimo d ie Januarii.Gualth erus filius C hristopheri e t Elizabetha Horton b aptiza t us est primo die F eb ruarii .

Johannes filius Joannis et Sara Roaper b aptiza tus est undecimo d ie F ebruarii.


Guilielmus Deakin de L iechfield et Margereta Collett de Croxall matrimonium inierunt vicesimo quinto die

Guilielmus filius Johannis e t Anna Brown b aptizatus est vicesimo septimo die N ovemb ris.


Thomas Broadsak de Edingall senex undecente narius sepultus est primo d ie Jalii .Martha filia Johannis et Saraha Ro aper b aptiz ata est vicesimo quinto die N ovemb ris.

Thomas filius Josephi et Anna Grundy b aptiza tus est quarto d ie Decemb ris.

Christophorus filius Guilielmi e t Anna Rainolds bap tizatus est vicesimo octavo d ie F eb ruar n.Johannes Swanne de Edingall sepultus est decimo quarto die Martii and paid a mortuary .

1679 .

Thomas Mousley de Edingall sepultu s est quinto die Aprilis and paid a mortuary witne ss Ge orge Swan .

Johannes filius Johannis et Saraha R oaper sepultus est decimo tertio die April is .Johannes Belfield et Maria Deakins matrimonium inierunt vicesimo die Aprilis .Thomas filius Jacobi e t Elizabetha Morgill bap tiza tus est decimo quinto die Man .

Johannes Roaper sepultus est decimo septimo die Maii .

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98 H istorical Skew/z of t/ze P a ris/z of Croxall.

Franciscus Roaper sepultus est vicessimo die Januarii.Georgius T horneywell e t Sarah Roaper matrimonium inierunt tertio d ie Martii.

Dorothea fi lia Johann is et Dorothea Coll ett b aptiza ta est vicessimo secundo d ie Martu.


Thomas Wagstafi‘e de Ed ingale sepultus est decimo quinto die Aprilis.

Margareta fi lia Thoma at Anna Burbidg e de Catton sepulta. est decimo septimo d ie Aprilis.Guilielmus Reynold s d e Catton sepultus et vicessimo octavo d ie Aprili s.Johannes Brown de Edingale sepultus est decimo d ie Maii.Gulielmus Lakin de Frad ley in parochia de Alrewas et Anna Wagstafi


e de Edingale matrimonium inierunt

decimo octavo d ie Maii.Edmundas e t Gulielmus filu gemelli Johannis e t Anna Mousley b aptizati suit vicessimo secundo d ie Junu .

Edmundus Mousley fi lius de gemellis unus sepultus est vicessimo sexto d ie Jun ii.Johannes filius Johannis B rown nu per defuncti at Anna uxoris e jus b aptizatus est vicessimo octavo die Julii.Johannes Dakin de Edingale sepultus est undecimo d ie N ovemb ris.

Anna filia. Georgii et Elena Collett b apt izat a est vicessimo tertio die N ovemb ris.

Henricus Gibbins sepultus est sexto d ie Februarii .Anna Reinolds sepul ta est decimo sexto die F ebruarii.Anna filia Jacobi et Alicia Pymme b ap tizata est decimo d ie Mart ii.Elizabetha Horton sepulta est in Cancella C roxallensi decimo octavo d ie Martin.

1686 .

Anna filia Jacobi et Elizabetha Morgill b aptiz ata. est vicessimo octavo d ie Aprilis.Johannes Colle tt sepultus est undecimo Junii.Georgius filius Georgi i et Saraha Thorniwell b aptizatus est undecimo die JLLlll.Maria Lak in sepulta est vicesimo d ie Augus t i .Georg ius Cox de Rosliston et Elizabetha Hatchet de Ed ingale matrimonium inierunt vicessimo nono d ie


Thomas Sturges rector de Sudbury et Lucia Hough hujus paroch ia matrimonium inie runt vicessimo primodie Martii.


Anna filia Johannis et Anna Mousley baptizata fuit tert io die Julii .Daniel filius Gulielmi et Catherina Thomas b aptizatus est duodecimo d ie Sept embris.

Thomas Brown gen ’ sepulta est in cancella Croxallensi primo d ie Decembris.

E lizabetha filia Johannis et Catherina Owen b apt izata est quarto die Decembris.

Esther Wilson de Bretby moriens apud Catton sepulta est vicessimo quinto d ie F ebruarii.

1688 .

Sarah Arnold of Catton V irgo sepulta fuit vicessimo octavo die Mart ii .Henricus Marshall et Elizabetha Richards de Croxall matrimonium contraxerunt decimo tertio 13° May .

Jacobus th e son of James Pirn and Al ice his wife baptized the 15t h of May 1688.

Martinus Swinson of Hanbury et Elizabetha Lyndon de Lynton in parochia de Griesley matrimonium cont raxerunt decimo sexto die Octobris.

Elenora the daughter of George and E lenor Collet was baptized the 3rd day of January .


E lenora. Mousley of Edingale widow was buried the 29th of July 1689.

Josephus filius Joh annis et Catherina Owen b aptizatus fuit septo d ie Octob ris.

Margeria filia Jacobi et Elizabetha Morgill de Edingall b aptizata fuit decimo octavo d ie N ovelnb ris.


Johannis Hough vicarius hujus ecclesia sepultas est in ecclesia parochiali vicessimo primo d ie Aprili s .Johannis Daniel de Newall et Edingale inductus fuit ad vicariam ecclesia parochialis de Croxall vicessimo

sexto d ie Aprilis .Jacobus fi lius Gulielmi et Catharina Thomas de Croxall b aptizatus fui t decimo d ie August i .Rob ertus Brown Gen : et divine. sepulta s fuit vicessimo quarto die Augu sti.

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orical Sketc/z of Me P am'

s/z of Croxall. 9 9

1691 .

Johannes Mousley de Eddingal sepultus fuit decimo nono d ie Aprilis.Mortuarium recepi.

Sarah filia Johannis e t Dorothea Kensal de C roxal b aptizata fuit decimo die Maii .Joana filia Johannis et Catherina Owen de C roxal haptizata fuit vicessimo septimo die Man .

Joanna filia. Johannis et Dorothea Buller de Croxall sepulta fuit vicessimo octavo d ie Maii.Susanna fi lia Georgii et Elenora Collet de Edingall b aptizata fuit primo die Sept embris.

Jacobus filius Jacobi et Alicia Pim de Edingall sed hu jus parochia sepultus fuit er pme in coemeterio

Eddingallensi duodecimo d ie Octob ris.

Henricus Cox de R ausleston parochia de Walton super Trent et E lizabetha Moseley ejusdem paroch ia matrimonium inierunt secundo d ie mensis F ebruariiThomas Collet Senex de P essall- Pitts hujus parochia sepulta s fuit decimo tertio d ie mensis Martii he died

poor and so paid no mortuary .

Anno 1692.

Daniel filius Johannis e t Joanna Edwall de Edingale in paroch ia de Croxall sepultus fuit a me in ea partecameterii de Edingale qua ad parochialim de Croxall pertinet duodecimo d ie Sept embris.

Ab rahamus Orgyll de Lynton in parochia de Greisly e t Anna Thorpe de Tamworth matrimonium inierunt

vicessimo d ie Septemb ris.

Johannes Sykes de Ashby de la Z ouche et Dorothea C hoyre de Lynton in parochia de Greisly virtuteacultatis a cancellario concessa matrimonium inierunt vicessimo primo die Septembris.

Franciscus filius Johannis et Dorothea Kensall baptiza tus fu it primo d ie N ovembris.

Ricardus fi lius Johannis et Dorothea Buller de Croxall b aptizatus fuit vicessimo d ie Januarii.R ichardus fi lius Johannis e t Dorothea Buller de Croxall infans sepultus est vicessimo primo die Januar u.Benj amin filius Johannis et Catherina Owen b aptizatus est vicessimo quinto die Jamuarii.Anna Tow de Eddingale in parochia de Croxall sepulta fuit a me in ea parte came terii do Ed ingale qua ad

ecclesiam parochialem de Croxall pertinet tricessimo primo d ie JanuariiR icardus Wilcocks de Edingale e t Maria Bond de Catton matrimonium inierunt decimo quarto die F ebruarn .

Anno 1693.

Dorothea. uxor Johannis Kensall sepulta fuit sexto d ie Junii .Johannes Pim de Eddingale parochia de Croxall sepultus est primo d ie Augusti .Ab el L ow e t Elizabetha Wildsmith matrimonium inierunt duodecimo d ie Octobris.

Gulielmu s Taylor de Oakley sepultus est undecimo d ie Januarii .

Anno 1694.

Gululmus Nevill de Catton et Elizabetha Newbold de N etherseale matrimonium inierunt decimo sexto dieAprilis.Maria filia Gulielmi et Katherina Thomas de Croxall b apt izata fuit octavo d ie Julii .

Rob ertus Francis de Alrewas e t Anna Dawson de Ed ingale matrimonium inierunt septimo die Octobri s.

Johannes Arnold servu s Georgii Collet de Ed ingale sepultus fuit in ea. parte ca meterii de Edingale que adcclesiam parochialem de Croxall pert ine t decimo quinto die Decembrie.


Josephus Wood et Ursila Ward U trige de Burton super Trent matrimonium inierunt nono die Julii.

1696 .

Johanes Kensall de Croxall e t Maria Ronnaldson de Alrewas matrimonium inierunt decimo nono d ie April is.

Johannes Hatchet in parochia de Croxall et Dorothea Walter de Staunton juxta Eccleshall matrimoniuminierunt vicessimo sexto die April is .Margeria filia Gulielmi et Elizabetha Nevill de Catton b aptizata fuit octavo die Junn .

Maria filia C hristoph ori et E lizabetha Horton armigeri de Catton sepulta est duodecimo d ie Septembris.

Gulielmus filius Johannis et Catterina Hollier de Croxall b aptizatus est decim o nono die Januarii.Gulielmus filius Johannis et Catterina sepultus est decimo quarto die F eb ruarii.Susannah fi lia F rancisci et Anna Roy] de Wilsley b aptizata fuit vicessimo die Martii.

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ml Siren/z of 1116 P aris/z of Croxall.


Johannes filius Johannis et Dorothea Hatchet de Edingale b aptiz atus fuit decimo tertio d ie Man .

Thomas Wh it teriugs e t Cat herine. Wa t son de Bromley Abbots matrimonium inierunt quinto d ie Augusti .Eliz b etha filius Johannis et Maria Kensall b aptiza ta fuit decimo sexto die Septembris .

Johannes filius Ricardi e t Maria Starlysh de C urb orow b ap tiza ta fuit decimo nono d ie Septembris.

Gulielmus Germane de Walton e t Elizabeth Yates de Catton matrimonium inierunt octavo die Octob ris.Catherina Owen vidua sepul ta fuit vicesimo sexto die Octob ris .

El izabetha filia Gulielmi e t Elizabetha Nevile de Catton b aptizata fuit nono die F ebruarii.Johannes Daniel et Marga reta Smith de Blackstone in parochia de Sandbach in comita tu C estria matrimonium

inierunt in ecclesia de Maveson Ridware quarto die Mart ii.


E lizabetha filia Christophori et E liz abetha Horton d e Catton armigeri sepulta fui t decimo quarto die Man .

Gulielmus Harper e t Elizabetha Rhodes matrimonium inierunt decimo quinto die Maii.E lizabetha uxor A b elis L ow de Ed in gale sepulta fuit ter tio d ie Decemb ris.

Thomas filius Johannis e t Margereta Daniel natus est undecimo die Decembris ad horam sesquiquintam postmeridianam b apt iz ata est vicessimo primo die Decembris.

Johannes filius F rancisci et An na Royle de Willsley bapti zatus fuit octavo d ie F ebruarii.Gulielmus filius Johannis e t Dorothea Hatchet de Edingale b aptiz atus fuit octavo die Martu .

1699 .

Maria filia Johannis et Maria Kensall b aptiza ta fuit decimo sexto d ie April is.Maria filia Johannis e t Maria Kensall sepulta fuit decimo nono d ie Aprili s .Thomas Smith de Both ton in comitatu C estria h uper de Croxa ll sepultus fuit vicessimo d ie Aprilis .Anna filia Richardi e t Maria Startyn de C urb orow b apt izatus fuit tert io d ie Maii .Johannes Harrison de Burton super Trent e t Sarah Smith de Bretby matr imonium inierunt undecimo d ie


Ch ristophorus filius Gulielme e t E liz abetha Nevil l de Catton b aptizatus est vicesimo octavo die N ovembris.

Elizabetha filia Johannis et Margere ta Daniel nata d ecimo octavo d ie Decembris ad horam sesquiduo

decimam b apt iza t a fui t vicesimo septimo d ie Decembris.

Johannes Walton de F aseley in parochia de Tamworth e t Eliza betha Capenhurs t de Barton sub ter

Needwood in parochia de Tatenhill matrimonium inierunt duo decimo die F ebruarii .

Willielmus Breedon et Ann a Bath de Swadlincoat in parochia d e Greisly matrimonium inierun t decimosexto die F ebruarii .


Johannes Baker de Bart o n sub ter Needwood et E lizab etha Erpe de Catt on matrimonium inierunt nonod ie Aprilis .An na Adams de Ed inga le in parochia d e Croxall sepul ta fuit undecimo d ie April is .M aria filia Johanni s e t Katherina Hollier b apt iza ta fuit vice ssimo tertio die Junii.Sarah fi lia Willelmi e t E lizabe tha Harper b aptiz ata fuit vicessimo die Octo bris.

Johann es fi lius F rancisci e t Jana Hall de Walton super Trent b apt izatus fuit vicessimo die N ovemb ri s.

Thomas fi lius Johannis e t Dorothea Hatchett b aptiza tus est vicessimo quarto die N ovemb ris.

Francisca fi lia Johannis et Mara are ta Daniel nata trigessimo die N ovembris ad horam sesquisextam antemeridianam b apt izata fuit undecimo die Decemb ris.

Daniel fi lius F rancisci e t Anna Royl b aptizatus et undecimo die Januarn .

Christophorus filius Gualtheri e t E lizabetha Horton armigeri b apt izatus est primo die F ebruarii.


Francisca fi lia Johannis e t Margareta Daniel sepulta est quarto d ie MaiiMaria filia Johannis et Katherina Hollj er sepulta fuit vicessimo d ie Junu .

Martha Jonson omnivag a mendicans Horreo ! de Etwaliensi in lato agro moriens sepulta est vicessimoseptimo die Junii.

Georgius Collet de Wyginton et Maria Goodwin de Eddingale matrimonium inierunt tricessimo d ie Junii.

Johannes fi lius Josephi et Elizabetha Grundy de Croxa ll b apt izatus est duodecimo die Junii.

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H istorical Skate/z of Me P am'

s/z of C roxall.

Anna Wagstafi e senex sepul ta est decimo nono d ie Octobris.

Radulphus et Dorothea Hatchet de Edingal i n parochia de C roxa l l matrimonium inierunt vicessimo octavodie N ovembris.

Jana uxor Thomas Pim de Eddingale sepulta fuit vicessimo tertio d ie F ebruaru .


Maria filia Gualteri et Elizab ethae Horton generosi b apt izata fuit a me in capella Cat toniensi decimo nonoApri lis .

Gulielmus fi lius Gulielmi et Francisca Webb bapt izatus est decimo nono d ie Julu .

Radulphus filius Radulphi et Dorothea Hatchet bap tizatus fuit vicessimo tert io d ie Sep temb ris.

C hristopherus Horton de Catton Armiger sepulta s est decimo tertio d ie Octobris.

E lizabetha filia F rancisci et Annee Hoy le baptizata fuit quarto d ie N ovembris.

Gulielmus filius Gulielmi R owley parochise de Stoe in civitate L ichfeldiae qui morte obut repentina in agroOakliensi infra parochiam de C roxal l sepultus est decimo nono die N ovembris.


El izabetha filia Gulielmi et Elizab ethae Harpur b ap tizata fuit nono d ie Maii.C ristoph erus filius Crist 0 pheri Horton Armigeri de C atton sepultus est septimo d ie Jalii .Anna fi h'a Johannis e t Margeretae Daniel nata undecima hora. 3 th post merid bap tiza ta fuit decimo septimo

die Junii .Josephus Grundy de Harleston in paroch ia de C lifton sepultus est nono d ie Septembris.

Anna filia Johannis et Margeretae Daniel infans sepulta fuit in Cancella de Mavison R idware tricesimo d ieSeptemb ris.

Johannes filius Gualtheri et E lizabetha: Horton de Catton armigeri baptizatus es t decimo octavo die


Johannes C lark de C astle Greisley e t Anna Pooley de eadem Villa matrimonium inierunt vicesimo d ieJanuarii.


Elizabetha filia Gulielmi e t F ranciscae Webb bapt iza ta fuit septimo d ie N ovemb ri s.

Johannes Mousley de Ed ingale parochia“

) de C roxal l et Maria Bradshaw de A lrewas matrimonium inierunt

vicesimo d ie N ovemb ris.

Francisca. filia Johannis et Margere tae Daniel nata vice - imo nono di e N ovembris ad horem ante merid iemb aptizata fuit undecimo d ie Decembris.

R ob ertus filius Radulphi e t Dorotheia Hatchet b aptizata est v icesimo quarto d ie Januaru .

Edwardus C ox de C au ldwell parochiae de S tapenhill e t Anna N ewbold de C atton matrimonium inierunt

die F eb ruarii.Humphridus filius F rancisci et Annae R oy le baptizatus est nono d ie Martn .


Josephus Holding de C oton in Elms ct Sarah Lunn de eadem V illa matrimonium inierunt nono d ie Octob ris.

Johannes filius Johannis e t Maria Mousley d e Edingale b ap tizata tertio die Oct ob ris in ecclesiam receptus

est septimo d ie N ovembris.

Anna uxor Thomae Burbridge de C atton sepu lta fuit trigesimo primo d ie Januarii.Susannah fi .ia Gulielmi et Elizab ethse N evil de Catton baptizara e st quarto die Martii.

1711 .

Johannes Taylor de Bol ton in comitatu Staffordiae clericus et Anna Shaw (le Mavison R idware in C omit u t uStaffordiaa predictse matrimonium inierunt decimo septimo die Apri lis .

Margareta uxor Johannis Daniel clerici hu jus ecclesiae V ic sepul ta fuit undecimo d ie Junu .

Johannes Minors pariochiaa de L ongdon in C omita tu Stafl’ordise et Elizabetha Parting‘ton parochize de Yoxal lin C omita tu predict matrimonium inierunt quin to d ie Augusti .Anna nl ia Gulielmi et Francesca Webb de C roxall b aptiza ta fuit primo die Septembris.

Gulielmus Pim de Ed ingale sepultus fuit quarto die Sep tembris.

Rob ertus Middleton parochize de L ee in Comitatu Staff ordize e t Maria Hanson de Barton sub ter N eedwoodmatrimonium inierunt quarto de Octobris.

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H istorical Sketcfi of Me P am’

sfi of C ram/l.

Benjamin filius Johannis et Marisa Mousley de Edingale b aptizatus est decimo quinto die Octob ris.

Thomas Pim d e Ed ingale sepultus fuit decimo septimo d ie Januarii in cemeterio Eddingalensi. I receiveda mortuary .

Maria uxor Richardi S ta rtin de C urbaron filia Johannis Etwall de Ed ingale sepulta fuit in ea partecemeterii Eddingalensis quaa ad ecclesiam Croxallensem pertinet decimo sexto d i e F eb ruarii.


Sarah filia Saraha) Mousley de C l ifton h uper ancil la de C roxal l spuria baptizata fuit vicessimo octavo d ieMartii.

Sarah Kensall vidua de C roxhall sepu lta fuit primo die April is .Henricus filius Radulphi et Dorotheaa Hatchet b aptizata fuit tertio d ie Apri lis.Edvardus L ightwood et Maria Towers u trique de Yoxal in C omit atu Stafi

ordiae matrimonium inierunt nonod ie Junii.Jacobus P im de Edingale sepultus fuit a me in coameterio Edgalensi decimo quinto die Septembris.

I received a mortuary .

Katharina filia Johannis et Marisa Mousley de Ed ingale baptizata est vicessimo septimo di e N ovemb ris.

1713 .

Thomas Morgyll de C roxal at Mary Pickering da Edingale matri monium in ierunt vicessimo die Augusti .Briget ta Brown vidua de Polesworth in C omitatu Warwicensie sepulta fuit in cance l la C roxallense tertio

die Mart ii.


Johannes Pim de Ed ingale parochiaa de C roxall et Elizabetha Redfern nuper de N ether Seal in comitatu

Leicese° matrimonium inierunt sexto die Junii .Benjamin filius Johannis et Mariaa Mousley de Edingale sepultus est vicessimo tertio d ie Augusti .Richardus Egginton de Tamworth e t Elena C ol let de Ed ingale matrimonium inierunt decimo nono d ie


Maria filia Th omas et Marisa Morgyll de Edingale b aptizata fuit tricessimo d ie Septembris.

Maria uxor Thomas Morgyll praedict i sepulta fuit eodem tricessimo die Septembris in ea parte coameterii deEdingale quaa ad ecclesiam Croxallensiem pert inet .

E lizabetha Smith de C roxal filia Thomae Smith de Betshtone in Comitatu C estm'

ae generosi sepulta fuitquarto d ie Octobris.

Maria infans filia Thomas et Mariae Morgyll de Ed ingale parochia; de C roxa ll sepulta fuit in ca parteccameterii de Eddingale quae ad ecclesiam C roxallensem pertinet decimo nono d ie N ovemb risE lizabetha filia Gulielmi et Eliz : Harpur de C roxall sepu lta fuit decimo tertio d ie Januam.


Anna filia Johannis et Elizabetha) Pim baptizatus est privatim decimo octavo die Mart ii 1714 in ecclesiamreceptus fuit quarto die Aprilis .Benjamin filius Johannis et Marisa Mousley de Ed ingale baptizata est sexto d ie Julii in ecclesiam receptus est

vicessimo quart o d ie Julii.Joseph ns Mil ler et Maria Page u trique parochiaa de C roxal matrimonium inierunt duodecimo d ie Octobris.

Gulielmus Brown de Barton sub ter N eedwood at Ann Mousley de Ed ingale in paroch ia de C roxall matrimonium inierunt secundo d ie N ovemb ris.

Edmunda s filius Thomas Vaughan clerici et Marisa uxoris ejus de Oak eley in parochia de C roxal l baptiza tusest vicessimo quarto d ie Novemb ris.

Johannes Mousley felo de se virtute facultatis a cancellario Lich fiens et carente ob tente in septentrionali partecoameterii C roxalensis absque tamen funerali solenitata aligna riturne Ecclisiaa Anglicanaa ob servente in hucinultus est v icessimo quarto die F eb ruarii .

1716 .

Thomas Burbridge de C atton in paroch ia de C roxall sepultus est duodecimo die April is .Edvardus filia Radulphi et Dorotheas Hatchet de Edingale b aptizatus est decimo sexto die April is .Gualterus Horton de C atton armiger sepultus est tricessimo primo d ie Julii.

Page 173: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Skele/t of t/ze P aris/z of C roxall.

Al exander Horton de C atton clericus sepultus est duodecimo die Septembris.

Henricus C ox e t E lizabetha Kinston u trique de Rausliston in paroch ia de Walton matrimonium inierunt quartodi e N ovembris .


Jacobus fi lius Johannis at Anna Swain de Ed inga le b ap tiza tus fu i t vicessimo d ie Aprilis in ecclesiam receptus

est vicessimo octavo die Maii .Maria nlia Thoma Vaughan de Oak eley clerici et Maria uxoris ejus b apt izata fui t vicessimo septimo

d ie Junii.E ll ena uxor Georgi C ollett de Eddingala sepulta fuit decimo tertio Julii.

1718 .

Gulielmus Webb de C roxall generosus sepultus est quarto d ie Augusti .I received a mortuary .

Josephus filius Josephi e t Maria Miller de C roxall b ap tizatus fuit privatim tri cessimo d ie Januarii e t inecclesiamreceptus est decimo quinto d ie F ebruarii.

1719 .

Georgius Doughty d e S tone in C omitatu Stafi’

ordia et Sara Hanworth de Burton super Trent in C omitatuStafi ordia predict matrimonium inierunt tertio d ie Aprilis .

Griffi th filius Thoma Vaughan clerici de Oakeley e t Maria uxoris eius b aptiza tus est decimo octavo d ieJulii .


Thomas Morgyll de Edingale in parochia de C roxal l et Jana Smith de Appleby matrimonium inierunt

vicessimo te rtio die Junn .

Thomas Grimley de C roxall sepultus est in ca meterio de Edinga le a me vicessimo quinto d ie Augusti.Ellena Mousl ey antiqua Virgo de Edingale in parochia de C roxal l sepulta fuit primo d ie Septembris.

Anna spuria fi lia Dorothea uxoris Thoma Grimley de C roxal l sepul ta fui t tricessimo primo d ie Januaru .

Thomas filius Thoma Vaughan clerici de Oak eley e t Maria uxoris e jus bapt izatus est nono die Mart ii.


Gulielmus hlina Josephi et Maria Miller de C roxall b ap tizatus fuit privatim tricessimo d ie Aprilis e t inecclesiam recep tus est septimo die Maii .

Thomas filius Thoma et Jana Morgill de Edingale in parochie de C roxall baptizata est decimo quintodie Jan uarii .


E lizabetha filia Johannis Wil son de Yoxal Woodhouse et Maria uxoris ejus b aptiz ata fuit tricessimo d ieAprilis .

Gulielmus Thomas d e C roxall sepultus est vicessimo primo di e Julii. He paid a mortuary .

1723 .

J'hannes filius Thoma et Jana Morgyl b ap tiza ta fuit vicessimo sexto in ecclesiam recep tus est tricessimo Ei ie Martii.

Johannes Briggs et Sarah C lark utrique in parochia de Elford matrimonium inieru nt vicessimo secundodie Aprilis .Sarah C ooper de P eanslane in parochia da Shipnall in comitatu SaI Opia ancilla moriens apud C atton

sepulta fuit duodecimo d ie Octob ris .

Anna Daulmann pauper sepulta fuit octavo d ie Januaru .

Rob ertus Wolston mendicans vagrans moriens apud C roxal sepultus est decimo quarto d ie Januarn .

Maria filia Josephi e t Maria M ilner b aptiz uta decimo die F eb ruarii in ecclesiam recepta fuit primo d ieMartii.

Johannes filius Thoma et Maria Mansfie ld baptizata est vicessimo d ie F ebruarii.

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10 6 H z




ml Skate/z of Me P a ris/z of C roxa/l.

Franciscus Aviryll de Yoxall moriens domi Edwardi Hall in Mansditch in villa C at tonensi sepultus est incceme t erio Croxalensi octavo d ie F ebruarii .

Robertus R il ey de C l ifton C ampville in C omita t Stafi’

ordiae et Hannah Teesdale de C hil coat in C omita tpredict matrimon ium contraxerun t decimo die F ebruarii .

Thomas Ba tsh e de C oton in the Elms et E lizabetha Dickenson de Barton sub ter N eedwood matrimonium contraxerunt tertio die Martii.


Georgius C ollett de Edinga l e parochize de C roxa ll sepultus tricessimo primo die Martii.Johannes N evill de Ba rton sub ter N eedwood servus Johanni Gadsby de Edingalensie parochia; de

C roxa l l sepultus vices imo nono die Maii .Henricus Bir ch et Maria Wilcock u trique de Edinga le matrimonium inierunt trice ssimo d ie Mafi .

Johannes Daniel nuper vica rius de C roxall obiit vicessimo primo di e Augusti 8: vicessimo ter t io sepultus

Sarah Hawkins de Catton in parochia de C roxall sepulta est nocte primo di e Sep temb ris.

Thomas Hazeldoun a stranger in this parish was buried N ovember 27th .


Johanna Elwer de Croxal l vidua sepulta fui t secundo d ie Aprilis .Josephus filius Josephi M ilner de Edingale parochia de C roxall sepultus decimo quarto d ie Julii.Thomas filius Gulielmi Morgan et Susanna Morgan uxoris ejus baptiza tus est vicessimo primo die Julii.Gulielmus Fuller de Burton super Trent in Comita t Stafi ’

ordiae et Elizabetha Peake de Burton praedict

matrimonium inierunt vicessimo tertio die Julii.Samuel filius C aroli et R oberta Daniel uxoris ejus de C roxall baptiza tus est decimo quinto d ie Octobris .

Sepultum fuit corpus Richardi Watts erronis decimo octa vo die . Decembris .

Gulielmus Adcock e de Wigginton in parochia de Tamworth et Elizabetha P imm de Ed ingale in parochia

de C roxall matrimonium inierunt vicessimo sexto d ie Decemb ris.Elizabetha fi lia Johannis El izabetha; Ga dsby uxoris ejus baptiza ta fuit vicessimo secundo di e Januarii

et in ecclesia re cepta decimo die Martii.


F rancis N utt e t Anna L eedham hujus paroch ize matrimonium contraxerunt quinto d ie Junu .

Thomas Heath parochiae de C roxall et Maria Quenby de Frad ley in parochia de Alrewas matrimoniumcontraxerunt undecimo d ie Octobris.

Daniel Etwell parochia de Birmingham As ton at Anna M ill er parochize de C roxall matrimonium contraxerunt d ie N ovembris.

1731 .

Johannes Tay lor generosus de Ashb ourn C omita t Derby et Ellizab e tha Webb parochiae de C roxall matrimonium cont raxerunt nono di e Apri lis .Francisca filia Christopheri Hort on de Catton Armigeri et Franciscan uxoris ejus b apt iza ta fuit privatim

vice ssimo te rtio d ie Julii e t recepta in C apellem C a t toniensem decimo sexto d ie Augusti.Ma ria Bywater de Market Bosworth in agro Le icestriene sepulta fuit decimo quarto die men- s F ebruarii .


Sarah Upen daughter of Mary Upen of C atton was baptized wi th private baptism July 15th .

Benjamin Owen of this parish was b urryed the 8th day of September.Elizabeth daughte r of Charles and Robert a Daniel was baptized the 25th of October.E lizabeth daughter of C harles and R oberta Daniel was b im'

yed October 27th .

Francisca filia Gulielmi Webb et Annie uxoris ej us bap tiza ta fuit privatim vicessimo nono d ie Decembris.

Eadem Francisca R ecepta fuit in ecclesia vicessimo quarto d ie Jan.Willimus Ryle parish : de C roxall e t E lizabetha C otton de Spot in parochi de S tone C om: Stafi .

matrimonium inierun t per faculta tem vicessimo 4to Februarii.

Page 176: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical saw of Me P arisfi of C roxall.


Gualterus Buswell Horton fi lius C hristoph eri Horton de C atton et Francisca uxoris ejus b apt izatus estin Capella C at to nensi a R everendo Vice Magistro Buswe l l tricessimo die Aprilis .Francisca Sarah Webb fi lia Johannis Webb de Wigginton Gen : sepulta fuit quarto die Januarii .


Theodosia filia Gulielmi Webb generosi de C roxall et Anna uxoris ejus b aptizata fuit xiv d ie Julii.Gulielmus filius Gulielmi Wood gen : de Fi sherwick e t F rancisca uxoris ejus sepu lta s est decimo tertio

die Augusti .Gulielmus Wooley sepultus est decimo tertio die July .

R udulphus Hatchet de Edingale com Derb sepultus est d ie Julii .Maria M illner uxor Josephi Millner de Ed ingale sepu l ta fuit die 30 Octobris.

Gu ilielmus Jervis de Walton et Anna Alsop de C roxal matrimonium contraxerunt per faculta tem vicessimod ie Decembris.

Anna filia Humfredi Ryle et C atherina uxori s ejus b aptiza ta fuit in ecclesia de Ed ingale secundo d ieF eb ruarii.

1736 .

Jo sephus M illner de Edingale sepultus est vicessimo sexto die Martii.Carter Haddock


filius Thoma et Anna Haddock de Edingale baptizatus est in ecclesia de Edingalevicessimo nono d ie Martii.

Johannes filius Johannis et Elizabetha Ryl e b aptizatus est privatim vicessimo primo Man idem JohannesRyle receptus est in ecclesiam vicessimo die Junii.Johannes Harden et Sarah Harper matrimonium con traxerunt per publicat ioni 4to d ie Junu .

Maria filia Christoph eri Horton armigeri et Francisca uxoris ejus b aptizata fuit in Capella de C attondecimo d ie Julii.

Guilielmus Smith et Maria Thompson de Grendon ter publicati in has ecclesia nemine contrad icente et

nupti fuerunt apud Grendon predict.Gulielmus Edwardus sepult quarto d ie Man .

Gulielmus Webb filius Gulielmi Webb gen . et Anna uxoris ojus baptizatus est privatim 30 die Septemb ris.

John Gulielmus Webb receptus est in ecclesiam secundo d ie Octobris.


Thomas Spratt Hortulanus de C atton sepultus est 18 die Aprilis .E lizebeth filia Gulielmi Wilcocks et Eliz . uxoris ej us parochia de Ed ingale baptizata fuit 24 April is .Johannes filius Samuelis et Margareta Brown de Woodhouse bapt izatus est 30 die July.Elizabetha filia Gualteri Horton armigeri e t Francesca uxoris ejus sepulta fuit 23 die Decembris.

Francis the son of Humphrey Ry le and C atherine his wife was baptized at Edinga le F eb . the 2nd day.

Mary the daughter of An drew Hatchet and Sarah his wife was baptized at Ed ingale Feb 21.

1738 .

Benjamin the son of Willm Cawser and his w ife was baptized March 17th .

1739 .

Thomas N evil of Elford parish, servant to M r Barry was buried 24 June .Affi davit made before the magister of Edingale .Thomas Morgyl C lerk of C roxal l Mary L ees of the same parish were married by Banns 15 July.

Ra lph the son of Andrew Hatchet 85 Sarah his w ife were privately baptized October 13 .

The above R alph received into the church Oct . 30.

Robert the spurious son of Robert Smith sent to Andrew Hatchet by Mary Lovelidge spinster serv t

at Andrew Hatchet’s was privately baptized at William Spencer ’ s Jan 13 .

Thomas Kent Mary Worley both of Oakly Broadfi elds in the parish of C roxal l were married byBanns Feb 17th .

Danie l the son of John R oy le E lizabeth his wife was privately baptized Feb 28 th .

The above Daniel Royle was received into the church March 17th .

Page 177: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Sl’c /c of t/ze P a ris/c of C roxall.

1740 .

Ann the daughter of R obert Hatchet Susanna h is w ife was privately baptized in May and receivedinto Edingale church on Edingale \Vake Thursday .

Thomas the son of Wil l iam Webb of C roxal gentm Ann his wife was received into the church April27th private ly baptiz ed before by Mr Mansfe ld .

E lizabeth Horton re lict of Walter Horton Esq of C atton was buried from L ondon May 3d.

Mary the daughter of Humphry Ryle 8; Catherine his wife was privately baptized July loth .

The abovesaid Mary was publicly received into ye church July ye 24th by Mr Fitz -Herbert Dobsoncurate of Whichnor.

William Webb of C roxall gentm was buried July 28 th .

N B He was wrapt in a woollen shroud according to act of P t.E lizabeth the daughter of John Gibson& Jane his wife of Tamworth was baptized the 14th of Feb.


John the son of John Grain Mary his wife was pri vately baptized March 30th , the above JohnGra in died March 30th was buried in Ed ingale churchyard Apri l 2d. Aflidavit made April 2d beforethe curate of C roxal.

C hri stopher the son of Christopher H orton Esqe and Fran ces his wife of C atton was privately baptizedJuly 28th . The above Christopher was received into C atton Chapel August ye xiii .Elenor the daughter of Andrew Hatchett Sarah his w ife was received into Edingale Church Dec : vi i .

being before privately baptized N ov : iv.R obert L akin of Broadfi eld House at Oakley in Croxal parish was buried at A lrewas Jan : 4 . A

mortuary of ten shi l lings paid to the curate of C roxal.Hersey C arter of Oakley in the par ish of Croxal was buried at A lrewas July 5th . Memdm Mortuary

due, promised to be paid by his father C arter.E liza beth the daughter of John Grain Baker of Ed ingale Mary his wife was privately baptized

March 16th .


The above Elizabeth was received into the church Apri l 26th .

Thomas the son of Thomas Kent and his wife was privately baptized May 23d.

Ann the daughter of John (St: E lizabeth Pim,was buried January 13th .

Edward base son of Edward Hatchet of Grosul and Mary Ednidge spinster was buried Jan xv .Afiidavit made for the above Ann Pim before the curate of C roxal Jan xvii .

1743 .

Elizabeth the daughte r of John Booth and Elizabeth his wife was privately baptized at Oakeley Housein the parish of Croxal in Derbyshire Apri l xx .

The above E lizabeth Booth was received into C roxalChurch May ix.Thomas C oalifi


dc Mary Sleigh both of Tutbury parish were married by li cence May 24th .

Thomas Morgil C l erk of C roxal chin’ ch was buried June 4 .

Afiidavit made by Mary Spencer before the minister of Edingal e as the Act d irects . Mortuary paid byhis son John March 29 3 z shil 4d.

Sarah the daughter of Andrew Hatche t and Sarah his wife was private ly baptized July xivHonour the daughter of C hristopher Horton Esq Frances his wife was born at L ich field and baptized

in St Mary ’ s Chapel there August xxix.Francis R yle Senior was buried at Croxal Febru ary x11 1743 - 4.

Afi davit made before the minister of Edingale Mem Mortuary paid it shills .


Mary the daughte r of Thomas Kent and Mary his wife was privately baptized at Broadfi eld HouseApril lst .April xx 1744 R eceived of M r Daniel Ry le e xecutor of the above Francis Ryle ten shillings due for

a mortuary. Thos Vaughan .

Margaret the daughter of John R oy le and Elizabeth his wife was pri vately baptized July the sixth.

Page 179: Of the History of Croxall

Wil liam Adcock was buried 28 Decer.

Richard the son of John Byrchall 82 Ann his wife was privately baptiz ed Jan the first.The same chi ld was received into ye church Jan ye 18th .

And the same day Ann ye wife of John Byrch all was buried . Affi davit R eed.

Ge orge C olclough Hannah F ord were married by license Jan 11 .

John Roy le was buri e d Jan 23d Affi davit reed.

Frances ye wife of John C adman was buried Jan 29th . Afiidavit recd .

John C adman was buried Feb 2d 1748- 9 . Afiidavit reed.

Eusebius ye son of Chr istopher Horton Esqr Fran ces h is wife was R ecd into ye church Feb 23d.

Frances Webb of Tamworth was buried March 7 widow to William Webb of C roxal l Senior Gentleman .

Affi davit reed.

An no Domin 1748.

Sepr 17 William Webb eldest son of M r Wm Webb late of C roxall deceased and Ann his wife was

buri ed E ta tis sua. (proh dolor) duodecimo .

N ov 5th John Byrchall and Elizabeth Hopkins married .

27th Fanny daughter of John N evill e and Mary his wife was privately baptized .

Jan lst Sarah daughter of Sampson Webb of Donk ill- Pitts and Mary his wife was privately baptized .

4th Fanny daughter of John and Mary N evel l reced into the church .

2oth Sarah daughter of Sampson Webb reced into the church .

Feb 26th Jane daughter of John and E liz Morgill privately baptized .


Apr 29 the above child of John Morgill received in to the church .

May 25 Francis wife of Mr William Wood of Whittington was buried .

Sep 25 John base son of Jane Dag ley baptized .

N ov 14 Jane daughter of John Booth of Oak ely baptized .

Feb 12 Edward son of C hristopher Horton Esq and Frances his wife was born on Tuesday ye 7th dayof F eb ry 1749 and privately baptized on Monday ye 12th of ye same month in ye presence of L ady ChesterMrs C oles, Mr H apds apoth in L ich field and d iverse other witnesses.Andrew son of Andrew Hatchet and Sarah his wife 9th March.


Edward son of Christopher Horton Esq received into the church 26th March .

B ap May daughter of John and Mary N evil le 14th Ju ly .

Mard William L ee and E lizabeth Royle widw July 25.

Buried Andrew son of Andrew Hatchet in that part of Ed ingale churchyard which is belongthe parish of C roxall August 5th .

Bap Elizabeth daughter of Sampson Webb October 3oth .

Bap Mary l ease daughter of Sarah Turner N ov 25th .

Bap John son of John Byrchall and El iz his w ife Janny 7th .

Bur. the same child Januy 9th .

Bap Mary daughter of John and Eliz Morgill Feb 9th .

M ar Thomas Wardle E lizabeth Royl e F eb loth .

Bap Sarah daughter of Daniel Hatchett and Ann his wife Feb 14th .

Bur . William Harper Ap l0th .

Mard Thomas Hatchett and Margaret Banks May 5th.

Bap Jervase son of John and Ellzab eth Booth of Oak ely June 15th.Bur El iz daughter of John and Elizabeth Booth Aug 6 .

Burd Wil l iam Vi l liers of P esthall Pitts Sep 7th .

Bap Andrew son of Andrew and Sarah Hatchet Oct 20th .

Bur the same chi ld December 14th .

Burd Ann Pidcock an infant eoden d ie .

Page 180: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical S/eeic/z of t/ze P am'

s/z of C roxall.


Mard Fran cis R obinson Elizabeth Hart wel l F eb uy 9th .

Mard Sir Edward L ittleton Bart and Frances Horton eldest daughter of C hristr Horton Esq of Cattonin this parish May 1lth .

Bapt John son of John and Mary N eville May 28th .

Bapt C lement son of C hristopher Horton Esq and Frances his wife was born on Wednesday ye 2 ofSeptember 0 S 1752 and was privately baptized 23rd of ye same month N S before d iverse other witnesses.Bapt C harles son of Sampson Webb and Mary his w ife N ov 12.

Bapt Sarah daughter of John Byrchall Eliz : his wif e 12th December.C lement son of C hristrHorton Esq received in to the church Decr 14.

1753 .

Bapt Thomas son of John Morgill and Eliz : his wife May 2oth .

Do George son of John and Elizabeth Booth of Oak ley July 16 .

Buried Dorothy Hatchett wid : July 3lst .Do a Travel ler who d ied at Oakley Aug 3rd.

Do Walter Buswe l l Horton eldest son of C hristopher Horton of Catton, Esq Fellow C omoner of EmanC ollege C ambridge on ye north side of ye chancel of this parish. The pall was supported by M essrs .Bagot


,Gresley of ye University of Oxon and Messrs . L awley and Dolphin of C ambri dge Octr loth .

Bap t Dorothy daughter of Andrew Hatchett and Sarah his wife N ov 18 .

Mard Wil liam Palmer and Millisent Mason Dec 4 .


January 7th the above child of Andrew Hatchett admitted into ye church .

Bapt Thomas son of John and Mary N evil le Apri l ye loth .

Buried Sarah daughter of John Byrch all and E liz his wife June 6th .

June ye loth Thomas son of John and Mary N eville received into Edingale church .

Bapt Ann daughter of Sampson Webb of Doukill Pitts and Mary hi s wife was baptized June ye 18th .

July 11th the above Ann Webb received into the church .

Buried John son of John and Mary N evill August 3 .


Bapt Sarah daughter of John Byrchall and Elizabeth his wife Jan 14th.

Buried the same child Jan l6th .

Katherine base daughter of Benjamin Owen and Sarah Turner August 6th .

Sept ye 4th a new pulpit and desk was erected in ye church .

Bapt Susannah daughter of John and Mary N evill December 2lst .Burd R obert Ho llier of Moysh em House December ye 28 .


Bapt Charles son of John and Elizabeth Booth of Oakley May 5th .

Bapt Mary daughter of Danie l Woodhouse and Sarah his wife June ye 14th .

Bapt John son of John Byrchall Elizabeth his wife Sep 12.

Burd Elizabeth wid Harpur Sep the 17.

Buried Frances Webb spinster Feb 5.

Burd Mary wife of John N evi l l Feb 19.

Bapt Joseph son of John and Mary Wi lkinson March ye 28th .

Bur John Booth of Oakley grazier April 2nd.

Bapt Ann daughter of John and Elizabeth Morgan May Slst .Bapt Thomas son of Mr. Thomas P rinsep of Croxall and Mary his wife N ovember 11th .


Bur Thomas Whitmore January 29th .

Bapt Sarah daughter of Thomas and Sarah Ho ll ier Ap 23rd.

Buried Ann w ife of the Rev. M r. Wi lliams of Tamworth Ap 28th .

Hucusque transcript.

Page 181: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Seen/i of t/ze P a ris/z of C ram/l.


Bapt Hannah da of Th omas Katherine P rinsep Feb 18th.

Do Thomas son of Danie l and Sarah Woodhouse Ap 29.

Do Ann da of John S: N evill was b apd in Ed ingale Ch JuneDo John son of John and Eliz : Morgan June 16 .

Burd Thomas son of Daniel Woodhouse July 13th .


Bapt Thomas son of Sampson and Mary Webb March 25th .

Do Elizab eth daughter of John and Ann Pym May 26 th .

Ditto Thomas son of Robert and Rebe cca Emery N ov 3rd.

Do Ann da of Joshua Hollier and Sarah his wife 23 ejusdem .

1761 .

Burd Daniel Woodhouse May 9 . Ex arboris altitudine prolapsus , corvinos apprehendere

sollicitus in silva C at toniensi.Burd Catherin e Griffin widow Aug loth .

Bapt Mar tha da of John Eliz : Morgan Sept 5th.Do May da of Mr Thomas P riniep 8: Mary his wife Oct 9th .


Bapt R obert son of Joshua Hol lier Sarah his wife March lst.Burd 'The same ch ild 10th .

Do Elizabeth (19. of John Pym July 13th .

Do Do do of do Morgan do 27th .

Bapt John dz William twin sons of John Ann Pym N ov . 9th .


Burd Mr R obert P rinsep January 16th .

Do Ann Hollier wid of M ilb ol me house Feb 17th .

Bapt R obert son of Joshua Sarah Hollier April 17th .

Do Sarah da of John dz N evill June 5th .

D o Joseph.Burd Sampson Webb 17th N ov of Dunkil Pitts . I received a mortuary of 10s from the widow .

S Pipe Vicar .


Burd Christopher H orton of Catt on Esq l0th Jan.Bapt Sarah da of Mr P rinsep of C roxall June lst .

Do Ro bert son of R obert Emery of Mansditch privately Sep 23d.


Do Thomas son of Joshua Sarah Hol lier of Myt holm House Feb 24 .

Burd Anne Spooner of Tamworth accidenta lly drown ed in the river Maese April 2d.

Bapt Mary daughter of Joseph Ann C ampion of Croxall April l6th .

Burd Ann the wife of Joseph C ampion June 15th.Burd Mrs . Mary Hort on daughter of the late Christ opher Horton of C atton Esq Sep 25th .

Burd Mary Spencer wife of Will iam Spencer of Edi ngal e Dec 16.

Bapt Ann da of John 65 Ann Pym of Edingale .

1766 nil.


Bapt Mary da of Robert Emery R ebekah his wife Feb . 6th .

Bapt Sarah da of Joshua 6: Sarah Hollier .Bapt Da of R alph, and Ann Hatchet March 6 .

Bu rd C atherine Royle Widow .

22d March R e ceived Sarah da of Joshua dz Sarah Hollier of Myt h olme H ouse having been private ly

Page 183: Of the History of Croxall

H z


ca/ Séez‘c/z of t/ze P am'

s/z of C roxall.

Burd Jan 14 Daniel Emes of Catton .

Bapt May 12 Thos son of Joseph Richard son .

Burd July 12 John Horton of Catton Esqr.

Burd Feb 23d Francis Royle .Burd March 19 James Morgan .

Bapt Nov 24 Paul son of Joshua Hollier.


Bapt May 24th Edward‘ Davies son of Davies Davenport Esqr of Catton Charlotte his wife .

Burd April 2d Willm Spencer.Do July 23d Dorothy Hatchet.Bapt Aug 9th Eliza da of Joseph Richardson .

Burd Jan 31 Sarah wife of Andrew Hatchet .Burd April 12 Mary wife of Thomas Prinsep Esqr of CroxallBapt June 6th John son John Pipes .

Eliz da of Edward Walton .

Bapt Feb 17th William son of Francis Roy le .

Bapt Jan 14 Joseph son of Joseph Richardson .

Do Feb 18 Eliz da of Thomas Symk ins.

Do March loth Christopher son of Eusebius Horton of Ca t tou Esq .

Burd April 25 George Chamberla in .

Do June 1 John Burton .

Bapt Do 3 Eliz da of Thos Simpkins .Do Sept 16 John son of John Atk in s .Do O ct 7 Joseph son of John Pipes of Edingale .Burd Nov 5 Catherine Eames.Bap 24 Eliz da of Richard Pipes .


Buried May 9th Christopher son of Eusebius Horton Esq of Catton .

Do April 26 E liz Booth of Oakley.

DO June 12 William Betts.Bapt Dec 24 E llen do. of Thomas Simk ins .


Bapt May 11th Ann da. of John and Ann Gadsby.

Do Nov 9th Willm son of John and Hannah Adkin s.

Burd June 14 Sarah Turner.Do Richard son of John Catherine Pipes .Do Mary w ife of Sampson Webb of Donkhill Pi ts .

Bapt April 11 Sarah da of Richard E liz Pipes.Do June 27 Samuel son of Joseph E lizabeth Richardson .

Burd July 18 John Pim of Edingale.Bapt Oct 31 Ann da of John 81. Ann Gadsby .

Page 184: Of the History of Croxall

H z


ml Séefck of [lag P am'

s/z of C roxall.


Bap t March 5 Mary da of Thomas Ann Below s.

Burd Do 14 John Burcher.Bapt Apr 3d Mary da of Thos Eliz Symldns of Edingale .Bard June 16 Wil liam Thanley of Catton .

Do Sep loth Mrs Frances Horton ye County of Stafford .

Bapt Oct 23d Sarah da of John Catherine Pipes.

Burd Mary Kent of Broadfields House .Do 28 Elizabeth Wardle.Do 30 Sarah Holmes of Tamworth .


Bapt Jan 2d George Booth son of George Booth Catherine his wife of Oakley .

Do Do 25th Richard son of Richard Pipes .Bapt. Augt 3lst Samuel Robison .

Do Nov 5 Catherine da of Thomas 85 Elizth Symk ins of Edingale.Do Decemr 3d Dorothy da of Joseph Richardson

,Paupe r .


Burd March 9th Thomas Kent Junior of Broadfields.Bapt F eb 10 John Gadsby of Ed ingale .Do April 9th Anne Beatrix da of Eusebius Horton of Catton born March 3d .

Do Sep 9th Hannah Atkin s da of John Atkins,Pauper .

Burd Oct loth the above .


Bapt Jan 1st Charles Booth son of Mr George Booth of Oakley .

Do Feb 14th Dorothy da of Thos Symk ins.

Do Novr 23d May da of John Catherine Pipes,Pauper .

1789 .

Bapt Jan 5th Mary da of George Booth.

Do Feb 22d Mary da of Joseph Elizth Richardson, Pauper .Do March 1st Thomas son of Richard Pipes


Do May 17th Sarah da of John 85 Hanah Atkins.Do Aug 13th Frances Louisa Horton da of Eusebius Horton Esqs baptized

same day,Christened at Catton Oct 8th .

Bapt Feb 4th William son of George Booth .

Do May 9th John son of John B laden .Bapt June 3d Mary da of John Mary Winter .Burd Aug 22d Matilda da of Ann Hollier.Do Oct 3d Ann da of Thos Philips .


Bapt Jan 9 Philip son of John Cathe Pipes,Pauper.

Do May 15th Ann da of Richd 3L Elizth Richardson , Pauper.Do July 3d Sarah da of Robt 8: Eliz th Hollier.Do Oct 2d William son of Mary Farlington

,a spurious child .


Bnrd March 24th Ann wife of William Webb Gent late of Croxall .Bapt June 25th Samuel son o f John Winter


Do July 16th Edwin son of George Booth.

Do Dec 2md Mary da of Willm Hinches of Ed ingale .

Page 185: Of the History of Croxall

H is/0 74ml Séefc/z of 1116 P am'

s/z of C roam/1.


Bapt March 17th Henry son of Joseph Richardson .

Do May 5th Hailes da of Richd Pipes .Do Sept 8th John P rinsep son of Robert Hollier .Do Oct 20th Thos son of George Booth .

Burd Do 23d The above .


Bap May 6th Thos son of John Catherine Pipes.


Feb 11th Bapt at Edingale James son of William Wood St Frances his w ife .Bap Feb 22d Joseph son of George German.

Do March 11 Sarah da of John Winter.Do May 2oth William son of Robert Riley.

Burd Aug 13th Thomas Prinsep Esqe of Croxall .Bapt Do l6th Thos son of William Hinchs .Burd Nov 8 th John Morgil of Edingale .Do Do 11th Mary wife of John Edden .


Kate da of Geo rge Booth was born Sep 5th 1794, and Louisa da of George Booth was born Sep lst

1795.They were both received in to the church Jan I st 1766 .

Bapt July 17th Ann Kerk splu'ious da of Hannah Kerk .


Bap Jan 29th William son of Richd and Elizabeth Pipes .Bur April 18th Sarah Woodhouse .Bap 23rd Elizabeth da of John Pipes .Do May 14th John son of John and Mary Winter.Do June 7th Eliza. da of George Booth .

Bur Sep 26th Martha Miat t .1798 .

Bur Feb 13th Richard Pipes killed by ye k ick of a horse .Do April 2lst John son of W illlam Hincks drowned in a well.Bapt May 27th Joseph son of Robert and El iz Holli er.Do June loth Hannah da of Mary Richardson , 8. Spurious child .

Do 24th Elizth da of William and Sarah Hinds .Do Aug 12th Joannah da of Richd Limer.Do Sep 4th B lakesley son of George Booth .

Bapt June 3oth Benjamin son of Richard Pipes .Bap July 28th Joseph son of Isaack Coll ingwood .

Burd Aug 2l st Samuel son of John Hollis .Do Aug 27th Eliz th Morgil.

Bap De c 28 th Ann da of George Booth born Au gust the 2md.


Bapd Jan 12th Richard son of Richard Limer born Sep 4th 1799.

Burd March 7th Catherine Mousley .

Do May 12th John Edd ins of F isherwick .

Bap June 13th Ann da of Robert Hollier.Burd lgth Mary wife of Nathaniel Webb .

Bap Nov 23rd Emma and Helen twin daughters of George Booth .

Page 187: Of the History of Croxall

H zlrtorz'

m! Skate/z of t/ze P am'

s/z of C roxa/Z.

1806 .

Bapt Jan 5th Ann William 8; James the 3 children of Willm Hincks .

DO James son of Joseph Collingwood .

Do March 2d Willm son of James Pratt .Do Oct 12 Ann da of John Richardson.

Do Dec 13 Richard son of WillmH in cks .Burd 18 the above W H.

Bap Jan 4th Daniel son of Daniel Royle .D o Sarah da of Isaac Collingwood .

Do Maria da of Thomas Collingwood .

Burd 15 Thomas Linney .

Bap June 7th Ann da of Robert Wal ton .


Bap March 3d Ro bert Edward son of Robert Anne Beatrix Wilmot born January 29t h .

Do July 24th Joseph son of James Pratt .Burd Aug 18th The Revd John Batteridge Pearson Minister of this Parish .

Burd F eb 9th Sarah Collingwood.

Burd March 23d Anne German .

Do 29 Th omas Bodewell.

Do April 2d E lizabeth Morgill.

Bap June 11th John son of John and Lydia Richardson .

Sep 24th Privately Sarah da of Isaa c E lizabeth Collin gwood .

Burd Oct 4th John RichardsonBurd Dec 3rd E lizabeth Burton an infant .Dec 24ih Sarah Collingwood received into this church .


Bapt Jan 10 John son of Thomas and Walton privately .

Burd Jan 28th Thomas Johnson .

Bap Feb 4th Mary da of John and Elizabeth Heartwell .Chris tened March 3d Christopher son of Robert Anne Wilmot .Burd April 2d Thomas German .

Bap May 20 Anne da of James E lizabeth Pratt.Do June 3d Sarah da of Robert Mary Walton.

Do Diana da of Thomas Mary Johnson .

Burd June 21 Martha Wood wife of William Wood .

Burd July 22 Thomas Pipe son of Richd in E liz abeth Pipe .Bap Aug lgth Mary Richardson da of John E lizabeth Richardson .

Do John Hines son of William Sarah Hines .Do Sep 2d John Walt on son of Thomas St Mary Walton .

Do 16 William Collingwood son of Thomas Sarah do .Burd Oct 28 Thomas Dawson son of Elizabeth Dawson .

Do Nov 7 E lizabeth Belfield wife of Thomas Belfi eld.

Bap 11 Mary da of Mary Pipe .Burd Dec 9 William GermanDo 19 E l izabeth Dawson .

1811 .

Burd Feb 3 Ann Thomas da of George 8; E lizabeth Thomas.

Bap 24 Anne Augusta da of Robert Anne Beatrix Wilmot.Burd April 12 William Hine.

Page 188: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Siren/z of Me P am'

s/t 0

28 Catherine da of John Anne Pipe .Burd June loth The Revd Samuel Pearson .

Burd Sep 24th Thomas S imkin .


Bap May 17 Thomas son of John (k E l iz Heartwell.Burd 20 John son of Isaac E liz Collingwood.

Bap June 7th John son of James E liz Pratt.July 4th Rebecka da. of Robert Emery of Dunimear

27th John Thomas Johnson .

Page 189: Of the History of Croxall

1115121 I ll

N 1678 was passed the wel l - known Statute, 30 Charles

II .,cap. 3 ,

“ An Acte for the lessening the Impor

tation of l innen from beyond the seas , and for the

encouragement of the Woo l len and P aper Manufac

turers of the Kingdome .

” Th i s A ct enjo ined the

burial of the dead in woo l len,

and i ts phraseo logy admitted that

such i nterments m ight take place wi th , or wi thout collins . It fo rbade

that any corpse should be put into the ground wi th any coveri ng s

save such as were made of sheep ’ s woo l only, or in any coflin unles s

i t was l ined wi th the woo l of sheep . Every clergyman was obl iged to

enter each such burial in the P ari sh Regi s ter,under a penal ty of £5


half of wh ich was to go to the Info rmer,and half to the poo r of the

P arishf

Regi ster of b urialls in Croxall Church accordin g to ye late A ct of Parliament in ti tuled An A ct forburyin g in Woollen.


John Swann of Edingal e of ye Parish of C roxall in ye County of Derby , husbandman was buried y efourteen th day of March ac cording to ye mann er of ye late Act of Parliament intitu ted an Act for buryin gin woollen as appeareth by a certificate un der y e hand seal of S r Thomas Gresley Baronet and justi ce of

th e p eace , brought un to me wi thin y e time limi ted in ye saide Act .

See “ REL I QUAR Y ” for July, 1864, page 16.

Page 191: Of the History of Croxall

OT I CES of Brief'

s were g i ven after the N icene Creed .

They were Letters P atent i ssued by the Sovereign ,

d irecting the co l lection of alms for certa in objects

named i n them . They were granted for build ing and

repai ring churches. and for many benevo lent purpo ses

( such as the compen sation for lo sses by fire) wh ich are now provided

for by societies , or publ ic subscriptions . Great abuses aro se out of Briefs,

and a statute was passed to regulate them in Queen Anne’ s reign


( 4 Anne c. The abuses st il l continued however,one - half of the

money co l lected being consumed in fees and expenses . An attempt was

made to reform them again i n 1821,but wi th so l i ttle success that

Briefs were at last abo l i shed i n 1828 by 9 George I V . c. 28 . Croxal l

reco rds contain an unusual number .

An accoun t of all such Summes of Money as have been collected upon th e several B riefes in the parishof Croxall in the Coun ty of Derby since th e feast of S t. Michael the Archangel in the year of ourLord 1689 .

Impis. Collected in th i s parish upon a B rief for th e disx essed in habitan ts of Bungay in th e county ofSuffolk upon ye 18th day of O ctober in ye year 1689 th e summ of 7s 3d.

18 January for ye relief of James B rindl e of B lackburn in ye coun ty of Lancaster

Page 192: Of the History of Croxall

H isfmfical Seen/z of t/ze P arisfi of C roam/l.

The flirste briefe for the reli ef of the distressed Iri s h Protestants ye 29th of Jun e in ye year of our Lord1689 11 l6s 1d ye sum of one pound sixteen shillngs one penn y. This brief i s m isplaced as to order of timebut upon the seconde brief for ye said u ses coming to my hands I enquired for ye receipt for ye formerbri ef and accordin gly I have here entered th e sum for the d i stressed I rish Protestants upon the 2oth day ofMarch 1638 the sum of 01 10s 9d.

For ye sufferers of St Ives in ye county of Hun tingdon the 21st day of Apri l 1690 the sum of 01 4s 0d°

For New Alresford in Hampshire the 24th day of Jun e 1690 ye sum ofFor the sufferers of B ishop ’ s Lav ington the sum of four shillings two pence Augu st Slst 1690For ye relief of ye poor sufferers of Southwark the sum of six sh il lings 8: threepence S ept 17th


D0 of Smith fi eld i n M iddlesex the sum of four shi llings sixpence Sept 28th 169012th day of April 1691 upon a briefe for ye reliefe of some poor sufferers at Mount Sorrell i n Lei cester

shire the sum ofThe twenty first day of April for ye reliefe of ye poor sufi erers of Teignmouth and Saldon 5Ye - twenty first day of Jun e upon a brief for ye reliefe of ye poor sufferers of Morpeth in ye county of

NorthumberlandYe 26th day of July 1691 upon a brief for the reliefe of do of Th irsk e in ye North Rid ing of York '

shire the sum of 313 .

23rd day of August 1691 upon a brief for the re li efs of do of O swestry in the county of SalopO ctober 25th 1691 for do of Bou tt in ye coun ty of BreconMay 2oth 1692 for John Clopton of ye City of Norwi ch Gentn ,

and other poor sufi erers by casualtyes

at seaJune 24th 1692 poor sufferers by fire of Chagford in ye county of DevonJuly 17th 1692 do of Elseworth i n ye county of CambridgeAug 14th 1692 do of Havant in ye county of SouthamptonSep 25th 1692 for ye redemption of captives in Algiers , Sally other places on ye coast of Africa 9/3 .

Nov 27th 1692 reliefs of poor sufi erers by fire of Tedbury in ye coun ty of HerefordJan 22 1692 do of Dravidge , Widderin gton C hib b orne in ye county of NorthumberlandMarch 19th 1697; do of Lambeth in ye county of Su rreyJune 11th 1693 do of Hedon in Holdernes s i n ye East Riding of Yorksh ireO ct 8th 1693 do of Churchill in ye county of OxonSept 2oth 1694 of ye d i stressed Fren ch ProtestantsDec l6th 1694 of John Gusnam ye parish church of Yalden in ye county of KentAprill 15th 1695 of poor sufi erers of Nether Haven L uddleton i n ye county of Wil ts

22 1695 do of Warwi ck 1 10 4.

July 7th 1695 do of Grandchester in ye county of CambridgeSep lst 1695 do of the c ity of YorkO ct 6th 1695 do of Wrockwardi ne in ye county of Salop 1 8 .

Augu st 23rd 1696 do of Broughton in HampshireS ep 27 1696 do of St O lave Southwark in ye coun ty of SurreyO ct 4 1696 do of Streatham in the Isle of ElyO ct 5th 1697 do of Wolverhampton in ye county of Stafi ordJun e 26 1698 of Richard Uriel of Cockermouth in ye coun ty of CumberlandO ct 14th 1698 poor sufi erers by fire of Newbury i n ye county of B erksDo 20 1698 do of M inehead i n ye co of SomersetApril 9th 1699 do of LancasterDo 25th 1699 of ye di stressed Vaudois 85 Fren ch RefugeesO ct 4th 1700 for ye Redemption of Captives at Malanes in the Emperours of Fez and Morock o


dom in ionsApril 15th 1701 of poor sufi erers by fire of B eccles in the coun ty of SuffolkDo 2lst do of ye parish of S t. Mary Magdalen B ermondsey in the coun ty of SurreyDo 27th for the repairing of the cath edrall church of E ley i n the Isle of E leySeptember 7th for the repairin g of the parish church of Abbots alias Pagets Brom ley in ye coun ty

of Stafford

Page 193: Of the History of Croxall

1 24 H istorical Séclc/z of Me P a ris/z of C roxall.

Do 14 poor sufi'

erers by fi re of Horsmonden in the coun ty of KentDo 21 do B roughton in No rthampton shireMarch 22nd do of E ccle shall in ye coun ty of Stafl ordDo 29th th e repairs—in ye co of Sus sexApril 10th do of Ches ter CathedralDo 1702 of ye parish church of Leomin ster in ye coun ty of HerefordMay loth do St . Ge rman ’ s church in Selby in ye West RidingJuly 26th poor sufi erers by fire of Horn sea in th e E ast Riding of YorkshireSep 2ot b do Haddenh am in ye coun ty of BucksD o 27th do Rollesto n in ye coun ty of Stafi ordMarch 2lst 170§ do of T uxford in ye county of Nottin ghamApril 18th 1703 for the rebuilding of ye pari sh ch of Mouskerley in Warw i ckshi re 2111.

Jun e 6th poor sufi erers by fire of Farringdon in ye cc of B erksDo 27th of Isaac Robotham of Dracot in ye Clay in ye co of S taffordMemorandum : I paid this bri efe to Robotham himself July 17th 1703 in ye pre se nce of Wi ll Ha rper

and Sam Baley .

July 26th repairs of S t. Gyle ’ s ch ShrewsburySep 5th poor sufferers by fire of Sp ita-lsfi elds in ye co of M iddlesexDo 19th do Fordin gbridge in ye co of Southampto n 1703D o 24th do Wrotte sley in ye coun ty of Stafi ordJan 1st 170} at ye request of poor sufi erers by a 2d fire at R oleston in Stafl ordshire

Do 3oth 170} of William B rompton of Stanton Lacy a sufi erer by fireMarch 1770} refugee s of the P rin c ipali ty of O rangeApril 2nd 1704 poor sufl erers of St . John Wapping near London in ye co of M iddlesexApril 23 rd 1704 do in ye pari sh of St G il es in Field near London in ye co of M iddlesexJune 11th ye widdow s an d orphan s of those seamen and marin es who pe rished by the sto rm on the

26 27 day s of November lastJuly 2nd poor sufi


erers by fire at Great Massingham in the co of NorfolkSep 30 1704 rebuildi ng of All Sai nts church in OxfordJan 20 1705 poor suffe rers by fire at Kyrton in L in sey i n ye co of LincolnFeb 3rd rebu ildi ng of the collegiate church of S t . John in B everley in ye cc of York .

D o 19th sufi erers by fi re at Merriden in ye co of Wa rwi ckD o 2i th do in Bradmere in ye cc of Nottin ghamMarch loth 1705- 6 do at Chatte ri s in ye Isle of E lyDo 17 do in ye parish of St. Saviours Southwark in y e co of Surrey 2/4é.

Aug 23t d 1706 do at I niskilling in I relan dSep 1 repairs of Dar lington church co of DurhamD o 8 rebui lding B asford church in ye cc of Nott ingham22 poor sufferers by fire in Morgan ’ s Lane in ye pari sh of S t. O lave Southwark in ye co of

Surrey29th do at Great Torringt on in ye coun ty of DevonMarch 16th 1706 do at North Marston in y e coun ty of BucksDo 3oth 1707 do at Towceste r in the coun ty of NorthamptonJune 8th 1707 rebu i ld ing of B roseley church in the county of SalopD o 22nd poor sufi erers at Spilby in the coun ty of L in colnJul 6 of Joseph Wak elyn a sufi erer by fire at Hazelby Green in the county of Stafford 2 6 .

Aug 7th poor sufi erers by fi re at L ittle port in the Isl e of E lyD o 24th do in Shire Lane in ye co of MiddlesexJan 170 8 do at Hab ertree in the coun ty of D evonFeb 22ud do at Southam in the coun ty of Warwi ck 314.

March 21 the repairin g of D ursley church in the co of G lou cesterApril 11th 1708 poor suffere rs by fire at Woodh urs t in ye county of Hun tingdon 3/May l6th do at St Paul Shadwell i n the cc of M iddlesex

Page 195: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical St ctc/i of t/zc P a ris/z of C roxall.

March 8th 1712 rebuilding of th e pari sh ch of Pen sford in the Co of S omersetDo 17th 1712 poor sufi erers by fire at Battlebridge in Southwark in the County of SurreyDo 22nd 1712 rebuilding of S t Clements ch in Hastin gs in the Coun ty of SussexJun e 7 1713 poor sufi erers by fire at R udgeley in Stafi ordshire an d at Wrexham Abbott in ye County

of DerbyDo 2lst 1713 of Willi am Adam s of Heath in pa ri sh of Sherif- hales in the Co of Stafi ordJuly 5th 1713 repair s of Warmingham Ch in the Co of ChesterD o 19th 1713 rebuildin g the pari sh Church of Woodham Ferri s in th e Co of E ssexSept 6 1713 repairing th e pari s h church of Southwell Co of Nottin ghamD o 13th 1713 do of B urto n upon Trent Co of Stafi d 612 .

Dec 6 1713 for Witheridge Chil ton in the Cos of Devon BerksDo 20 1713 rebuildin g of Shipedash ch Co of Devon for a los s by fire in th e same townJan 24 1713 do of Leighton ch Co of SalopFeb 7 1713 do of Quatford Ch Co of SalopMarch 7 1713 do of St Margaret's at C lifi in the Co of KentDo 14 poor sufferers by fire at S t Mary ’ s C h in ye Co of Devon 1110.

July 18 1714 rebu ild ing of S t John the B aptist Ch in Southover Co of Surrey 312.

Aug 22 1714 poor sufi erers by fire at B landford forum i n the Co of DorsettSep 5 1714 do at B otti sham Co of C h ambridgeDo 26 do at Dorcheste r DorsetNov 7th 1714 rebuildin g of All Saints Church in DerbyDo 28 1714 do of ye parish Coll egiate ch of Ruthin in the Co of D enbyJan 23d 1714 of William B oyer of Whitefi ryers in the City of London p rinterF eb 13 1714 poor sufi erers by fire at Warw i ck Preston Baggot Warwi ckDo 27 rebuildin g paris h Ch of New Shoreham Sus sexMarch 13 1714 do of Torksey Ch L yncolnJune 12 1715 do of S t Peter in the City of Cheste rJuly 31 do loss by fire the rebuilding Parish C hurch of Kentford Sufi olkS ep 18 do rebuilding B lymhill Ch Co Stafi ordDo 25 do poor sufi erers by fire at Dryneton Co S tafford Slimbridge Glosester0 c 13 do of the Cow-Keepers loss of Che ttle in E ssex, Sussex and in about London 51.

Do” 20th rebui ldin g of St Mary ’s ch L itch fi eldDec 11th building of a new ch in Sun derland DurhamFeb 19th 17lg lo ss by fire at M i tcham in cc of Surrey for do at L ythwood in th e pari sh of Condover .

in ye co of Salop 213 .

F eb 26 171551 Loss by fire at L iverpoole Lancaste rMar 12, 17155 the building S t G iles church in Newcastle Under L in e Stafi ordMar 18th poor sufferers by fire Walkeri th L incoln at Wrexham DenbighJune loth 1716 do at Tempsford, B edford St di tto at Upton in the pari sh of Westham in ye cc of

E ssexJuly 15th 1716 of Mi chael Wright of Burton , Lancas terAug 19 th 1716 of James Mason of Sh efnall, SalopDo 26 1716 loss by fire in Thames St Tower S t London , i n ye pari sh of S t Dunstan in the East 2 3 .

O ct 5 1716 poor sufi'

erers by fire at Spaldon , co of L yncolnNov 4th 1716 do at Otte ry S t Mary , on of Devon 1 . 5.

D o 25th Rebuilding of the parish churche s of Chelmarsh and Ryton co of Salop 212.

Jan 15th for the Re formed Episcopal Churches of Great Poland in Poli sh P russiaFeb 3rd 1716 poor sufi’erers by fire at H ounsditch in the city of LondonMarch 24th do Kidymoun t co B edfordJuly 14 1717 do at H elth ewai te in the West Riding of coun ty York Wh ittin gto n Sta tAug 17 1717 rebu ilding parish ch of Benonden co of Kent 213.

Sep 8 do poor sufferers fire at Great B edwin cc of WilltsDo 22 do do at Harstoft in the parish of Hault - Hu cknall cc of Derby

Page 196: Of the History of Croxall

O ct 6 rebui lding of th e parish ch of O ldbury upon Severn in y e co GloucesterJan 19th do poor sufferers by fire at E llingham 8c Wi sbech in the co of Norfolk CambridgeFeb 2d do do Frampton in ye co of DorsettFeb 16 1717 rebuilding of the pari sh ch dz steeple of Wen sley N Riding of YorkshireMarch 9 do poor sufferers by fire at Putley cc of Gloucester at Jay i n ye co of SalopDo 23d 1713 repairing the parish ch of A rnold in ye co of NottinghamJuly 20th rebuilding do S t Mary Newington SurreyAug 17th of B enjami n Gates of New land pari sh of Huistin Bucks and Jeremiah Francis of L owdwater

in ye parish of Chipping Wiccomb cc of BucksAug 3 1 rebuilding dc enlarging parish ch o f Penrith co of CumberlandSep 28 1718 poor sufferers by fire at Cherrington co of Warwi ckNov 9 th 1718 rebu ild ing the parish ch of AreleyNov 23d 1718 rebuilding of Ashb urn e Mappleton Churches co of DerbyDec 7th do of Grendon co StaffordDo 14 poor sufferers by fire of L ittle St Andrew s, Barnewell in CambridgeJan 11th 1713 do at Wil cott 8L R ueden cc of SalopF eb 1 rebuilding of Dollgelley ch co of Merionith 26 .

Do 22d do of parish ch of Sheriff Hales cc of StaffordAug 2d 1719 poor snfi erers by fire of Old Radnor dz Habberley Radnor Worcester 1 9 .

D o 23d do of O ld Weston in ye co Hun tingdonDo 30 do Headington in OxfordshireSep 13th rebu ilding the parish ch of Deeping S t James co L in coln 1 8 .

Do 27th do steeple of B iggleswade BedfordOct 4 do of H inglock SalopNov 27th poor sufferers by fire in the new build ings in B edford Row in ye parish of Andrew Holborn

M iddlesexDec 13th 1719 do Cheltenham 8: L etchlad, Gloceste r Th orntonh ough B ickl ey

,Barnston ,

ChesterJan loth 1712g° rebuildi ng S t John B aptist church in ye city of ChesterJan 31st Repairing Hartlepool church co DurhamMar 13th poor sufferers by fire of Thrapstone No rthamptonAug 2l st 1720 Rebuilding parish ch of Gt Grimsby i n ye 0 0 of L incolnAug 28 , poor sufferers by fire in Pari sh Street in the parish of Tydwoll i n ExonSept 4th G iven then by ye Churchwarden w ith ye consent of the parishioners towards a brief for

the rebuilding of Oxstead church in co of SurreySept 11th for the sufi erers by thunder hail at Wheaton Asto n , Lapley etc i n cc of Stafi ordSept 18th Rebui ld ing parish ch of Kingswood WiltsSept 25th poor su fi'erers by fire of Jugmanthorpe in p of Kirkdrigh ton i n the West rid ing of Yorksh ire

6: also for do at Nort on under Cannock StaffordO ct 23 Rebuildi ng St. Olave 's ch near YorkNov 20 do Parish ch steeple parsonage house of Sh raward SalopDec 18th , rebui lding Parish ch steeple of Burto n co Cheste rJan 22 179117 poor sufi erers by fire at Meanstorke co SouthamptonMarch 19th do at Swavesey co CambridgeMay 3d 1721 for Mr Thomas Clark Ecotour of Kidy co Salop his petition recommended by ye B ishopD0 28 poor sufi erers by fi re at Louth co L incolne and Newport SalopJun e 6th repairing rebui lding Parish ch of Tewkesbury co G losterDo 29 do poor sufi erers by fi re at Kin gston upon HullJuly 16 do at Burcott 81. Wheatley OxonAug 6 do at Amberley in SussexSep 3d rebuild ing of the Pari sh ch of F itty ch SalopO ct 29 do of Usk ch MonmouthNov 12 poor sufferers by fire at Damerham - South WiltsDec 3d do Welshpool co Montgomery

Page 197: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical St etc/z of t/zc P a ris/t of C roxall.

Jan 14 for the reli ef of Jenkyn Virgel a and by fire at S t Ives CornwallFeb 4 poor sufi'erers by fire at Kemh u ton Disseworth Salop RadnorAug 5th 1722 do Addington , R andwith , Alderton S toney G losterAug 19 do Gratwood B ilson Newent Stafi ord dz GlosterSep 2nd do of St John Wapping M iddl e sexSep 30 do Rebuild ing of Upper Darwin chapel in ye co Palate Lancaste rO ct 1sth do Relief of Thomas Hearne of All Hallow s London Wall S FNov 4th poor sufferers by fire at Caldecott in cc of HertfordDec 9th Rebuild ing of B akewell ch Steeple DerbyJan 9th poor sufferers by in undation in co Palate of Lancaster 9/Feb 7th do at Brigh th elmstone SussexMar 6th do Repai ring rebu ildi ng pch of St Marys NottinghamJune l6th 1723 For Lyons ali as Holt church Co of DerbyJuly 7th do For Ruddington ch Co of NottinghamAug 4th do Reli ef of poor suffe rers by fire at H eastesiase Co RadnorSept 1st do Repairing of Bangor C h Co of F lin tSep 29th poor sufferers by fire at Sherrington Co GlosesterO ct 2oth Repairs of Hexham ch Co NorthumberlandNov loth do of S t Alban s ch Co of HertfordDec . 8th Rebuild ing of Pari sh ch of Ilkeston Co DerbyJan 12th do of Parish ch of Newport in ShropshireFeb 2d do of Eperst on ch co NottinghamMarch 5 poor sufferers by fire at Falmouth co CornwallApril 12 1724 do at Cherry Hinton CambridgeMay 3d do at Wetherby cc of YorkJune 7th repairing of F feodsh aw ch cc of Che ster 112.

July 5th poor sufferers by fi re at C ampsh all dcDownton cc of Cambridge Wil tsAug 3d do by inun dation at H allifax cc of YorkS ept 14 rebuild ing of Holt Market ch co of No rfolkO ct 4th poor sufferers by fir e at Mi chael church Grimston co of Radnor Leicester 1 11.

Nov 1 do at S tave rton co NorthamptonD o 29 do Alrewaise Morthen Sou thb erg cos of Stafford , NorfolkDec 6th do at Crick lade WiltsJan 10th rebuilding of Neath , GlamorganFeb 14 repairing of Wirksworth ch co of DerbyMarch 7 poor sufferers by fire at Knighton dz L aintwerdine cos of Hereford Radn orJan 17 do at East Mordi n co of DorsettFeb 14th ye rebuilding of the Darlasto n ch Stafi ordMarch 7th do of Lanatofi‘ ch L incoln 114.

April] 20 1726 poor sufferers at Mark ett L asingt on WiltsMay 9th rebuild ing of O rmski rk ch LancasterJun e 8th poor sufferers by fire at G t Torrington DevonAug 15th rebuilding of Waresley ch Hun tingdonSept 5th do of Great Bowlas ch Salop 113 .

O ct loth do of B rampton ch WestmorelandDec 12th poor sufferers by fire at Cred i ton Kirk D ighton Devon dc YorkS ept 25 1726 poor sufi'

erers at F folk estone that by reason of the sea destroying their fiish eryO ct 2d rebuild ing of Allrin gton ch Sa lop 274 .

Nov . l st poor sufferers by fire of B uckinghamD o 2oth rebuild ing of pa ch o f S t Ni ch olas city of Worcester 116 .

D o 37th poor sufferers by fire at Alderford 65 Great Horwood cos Norfolk BucksJan 3oth do Dorcheste rFeb 12th do at Shipto n upon Stour WorcestershireFeb 26th do at Hambledon co of Southampton

Page 199: Of the History of Croxall

ROXALL HALL, wh ich formerly was surrounded by a

meat,part of wh ich i s stil l to be seen

,stand s imme

diately beneath the h i l l on wh ich the Church i s

s i tuated . A mansion“ must have exi sted here from

very early t imes,as the Curzon family were certa inly

resident here from the year 1400, to wh ich the ir monuments in C roxal l

C hurch testify . N o portion of the present house dates back earl ier than

the reign of E l izabeth . It seems to have fal len into decay during the

latter part of the last century , when the Dorset family ceased to reside

there ; and up to the year 1868 was used as a farm - house . I n that

year the present owner restored i t wi th admirable taste to what i t must

have o rig inal ly been . It forms three s ides of a square ; the hal l doo r

i s on the north facing the avenue of elms towards Catton . The

appearance of the house on the south and west i s very pleas ing ; its

stone mul l ioned windows,surrounded wi th i vy

,add very considerably

to i ts p icturesque appearance . Buil t of br ick throughout,i t i s a very

good specimen indeed of what a country gentleman ’ s house should be .

P hotograph s of i ts southern and western fronts are gi ven,with a drawing

of what it resembled previous to the Resto rat ion of 1868 .

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Page 208: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Séctc/t of tag P arisa of C roxall.

In the garden is a very fine specimen of a mulberry tree,one of the

larges t in England ; at four feet from the ground i ts trunk measures

fourteen feet in circumference . Trad i tion in the P ar ish says that Mary

Queen of Sco ts lodged in the Hall for one night . There i s no h i s torical

reco rd extant wh ich proves th i s , but she may have done so on her journey

from Tutbury, in Staffordsh ire, no t far off,to Fo theringhay

,i n N orthamp

tonshire, or upon one of her numerous exped it ions from the fo rmer during

her captivi ty there . Henrietta Maria,wife of C harles I .

,lodged here one

night, so reco rded in the Itinerary of C harles I . , and the Royal Army,

Movem ents of the Rebel s,etc. (from Dugdale

’s Diary) .

“ 1643 , July 3d.

The figh t at Bradfo rd Bridge by Bathe . Wal lers fo rces driven from L og h i l l .

The Queue removed from N ewarke to Bunney . July 4th . To Ashby de

la Z ouche . July 7th . The Queue went to C roxal. July 8th . To Wassall.

(Wal sal l Sanderson in h i s H istory (f Charles I .

,page 615, says that

Henrietta Maria was accompanied on th i s march by 3000 fee t,30 com

pan ics of ho rse and dragoons,six pieces of cannon, and two mortars .

Such a large assemblage as th i s would natural ly impress the minds of

the peaceful inhabitants of the vil lages i t passed through,amongst wh ich

was C roxal l ; hence the tradi tion of a Queen hav ing been at C roxal l .

The Vi si t of Henrietta Mar ia has fortunately been reco rded ; that of

Mary Queen of Sco ts has no t . C roxal l fo rmerly had a deer- park ; i t i s

so marked in the old maps of Derbysh ire,i s mentioned in Wolley


MS . H i story of Derbysh ire,and i s marked in Saxton ’s Survey . We have

no reco rd of when i t was d i sparked . In a l i s t of Alehouses,lanes


Tavernes,exi st ing in Derbysh ire in the year 1577

,we find under Croxall

and Ed ingale, R icharde Startyn. Alehous. j .

In F lower’s Visita tion of Derbyshire, 1596, Harleian MSS . 6592, leaf

69, b , mention i s made of C roxal l thus Croxhallor C rokeshall in Darbi

sh ier i s placed at the South West corner thereof, even whar the Mease

broke faleth into the Trent veri comodiouse for wood,water and fine

Page 209: Of the History of Croxall

pastures . And al though I read often of the s irname of C roxhall, yet

know I not wheather he held the manors,or how he went from it .

long hath i t remayned to that Ancient Family,

of C urson who s surname

hath contynued in these parts long before the dating general ly of ev i

deuces . It i s now 1596 i n the possess ion of Geo rge C urson Esquier,

Sheriff of the C ountis,the sonne of Georg

,the sonne of Thomas , the

sonne of John,the sonne of Thomas

,the sonne of John Curz on and

Anne h i s wife daughter of Sir Thomas Gresley Knight . The v il lage

of C roxal l fo rmerly stood on the south s ide of the Church,

on the

h igh ground o verlook ing the R iver Maese ; no houses are now stand ing

there,but the ir foundations can sti ll be traced in irregular patches , and

they seem to ind icate a somewhat small and compact vil lage . Amongs t

the Reg i sters of the neighbouring C hurch of Al rewas , in Staffordsh ire, we

find the fo l lowing entry recorded,1593 Th i s 9th of Apri l 1593 was

one Boyle a servants ofCoventre murdered in C roxal l Meadow, wh ich

had rece i ved £20 of Mr Geo rge C urzon Esqu ier, the nyght befo re, and

lodged i n h i s house all that nyght , and in the mornyng about 5 of the

clocks was slayne , i ntend ing to go from thence to Burton upon Trent .”

Croxal l P ari sh seems to be s ingularly desti tute of any important event

having occurred wi th in its environs . Nobody di st inguished in h i s country ’ s

h i s to ry has been born in it ; let u s hope that in the future there may

be,and so the neglect of the pas t wi l l be atoned .

Fo rmerly there was a great deal of Herald ic painted glass in C roxal l

Hal l .

From Harle ian MSS . leaf 60 back .

In the Hall at Croxall these Hatchments antiently there stood, but nowe remains in the Butte ris there .HATCHMENTS .

(1st) lst and 4th , Barry nebulée of six , or and sa ble ; 2d and 3d, or, a castle , A zu re. Bloun t. Crest, anarmed foot in the sun , p rop er .

(2d) A rgen t , on a. bend, sa ble , 3 popin jay s, o r, Curzon ; quarte ring, A rgent , a buck ’ s head cabossed, with afi eur de lys, between the horn s, gules, Hartington . Crest, a popin jay ri sing, supporters dexter, apopin j ay, sin i ster, a stag .

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F inal Concord . Thomas de Curzun gives Alicia de Somerville land in Twyford ,Stienestone , Croxhale, and Edelinghale , worth £9 93 . 6d. a year for her l ife , in exchangefor h er dower the whole towne ofKetelestone.

F eet of F ines, Derby, N o . 27. [Collated wi th the copy i n Harl . M.S. 3374 fi 316- 346 Harl . read ings markedH . Copy probably not much later than 1660

,and made at a tim e when

the record was probably un in jured ]2 Sep tember , 1208.

He c est fi n alis con cord i a facta In Curia domin i Regis apud Noting. in crastinum san cti EgidiiAbbatis Anno Regni Regi s Johanni s decimo Co'ram ipso domino R ege

,S imone de P atesh ull, Jacobo

[P oterne Harl. 3374]de P o t

rne Justiciarme et aln s fi deh b us dom in i Regi s tun c 1b 1 presen tibu s inter Ali c iam de[Smit teryill HarL—Somemille the word is worn and not qu ite legib le ]


Sismuille et Ric . de C urzun fi h um et warran tum ipeme Allele de dote sua petentes et Th omam de C urzunT enentem de villa de Ketelestone cum pertinenciis, Quam ipso Al icia clamab at esse rationab ilem dotem

[et inde H .)suam de libero tenemen to quod fui t Roberti de Curzun quondam v iri sui worn idem Thomas vocavitipsum Ri c . ad warran tum Qui ven it et ei waran tizavit e t unde placitum fuit In ter eis i n prefata Curia


[quod ple dlctus H . ] [concessit t o tampredictamH . )sci l i cet worn. ]s Thomas R ecognovit et conce ssit h ole in the pa rchment totam predictam v illam

[nomine do t is Hde Ketelestone cum pertinencns esse es se dotem ipsius A li cie , Tenendam vita sua [ worn ] dotiEt pro hac R ecognicione et concessions et fi nem et concordiam Idem Ricardus fi lius et heres predicts Ali cie

[solidatas7] [solrdatas H .] [Twyford H .Jcon cess it eidem Thome Novem libratas septem so [ hole et sex denaria tas terre In Tweifo rde e t

[sen libra tas H ]in Stein estone et in Croxh ale st in Edelin geh ale , scil i cet inTweiforde et in stei[worn] estone l e aset novem denariatos, s cil icet qui cquid idem Thomas habui t in eisdemvillis preter servicium Wil l i fi lii. Will i

[molendimemH.) [quinquageu ta H ]quod Remanet ipsi Ricardo quietumet preter h o le de Edingeh ale cumpertinenciis pro quadrigen ta[una virgata et 11 ]

solidatis R edditus st in vil lam de C roxh ale homagium et serviciumRoberti filii Roberti de na v h ole o decemet octo acre te rre quas ten et In eadem villa scilicet tres solidos per annum et forinsecumserviciumet homagium e t

[C urzun ] [de una virgata H ]servicium Willis de [worn] rz hole e vi rgata e t quindec im acras terre quas tenet in eadem vi lla

0[Robert o Clerici]

scilicet duodecrmdanamos per annum et forinsecum servrciumet homagium et servrcium h ole de unavirgata terre quam tenet in eadem villa scil i cet tres solidos per annum et forin secumservicium, et homagium e t

[term qunmH ]serviciumRo berti Hare de dimidia virgata hole tenet In eidem vi lla, scilicet n sol idos per annumet forinsecum servicium et homagium et servicium R ogeri fi lii Will i de uno vergata terre quam tenet ineadem villa scilicit duos solidos per annum e t forinsecumservicium et homagium e t serviciumEudonis pincerne

[vi l la H .

0 0de un a virgata terre quam tenet in eidem worn 1a s cilicet tres solidos per annum et forinsecum servroium et

[Gaufridi H . ] [Edelingehale et 2s H . ]homagi um et serviciumGalfridis de Edelingh ale de novem acri s terre quas tenet in Edelinghale worn e t duos

Page 213: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Sketc/z of Me P a ris/t of C roxa/l.O

solidos e t novem denarios per annum pro omni servi cio,B ahendam et tenendam ipsi Thome vel h eredibus suis

[indeper servicium unius Mili tis

,hole j fa


Ero omn i se rvicio E t post decessum ipsius Ali cie tota predicta

reverte tur

villa de Ketelestone cum pertinenciis [re wornl

]vertere tur ad ipsum Th omam vel ad heredes suos T enendam[dicte [pretlicte l l . )de lpso Ricardo et h eredihus sui s per servicium vniu s Militis I nde faciendum pro omni servi cio E t acorn

[l ibra te ?] [lib ra tre H .J (revert entar)novem worn e t septem solidate e t sex denariate terre cum pertin enciis R evert ere tur ad 1psumR icardum

[quie te H . [heredibusZ] (h eredib ns H:vel ad heredes suos qui etem de ipso Thome e t worn us sui s in perpetuum, Et hec Concordia facta fui t[conceden t ib us [clerieo e t Ro berto B .

presentibus et co[ h ole ] tibus p 1edictis Roberto filio Roberti et Will'o de C urzun et Roberto [lwor11] hole ] Rob

[Gaufrido H , )

[wo rn] Hare et Rogero fi lio Will '1 e t R udou s Pin cerna et[

'Galf1 edo de Edelingehale et servicium suum cogn escenti b us.

Thi s i s the final concord made in the Court of the lord the King at i’ot in gh am on the morrow of St.

G ile s the Abbot in the tenth year of the reign of King John before the lord the King him se lf,S im on de

P a tesh ulle , James de Poterne Justi ces and other fai thful men of the lord the King then present there , betweenA lic ia de Somervi ll e and Richard de Curzon son and warrantor of the same Ali c ia for her dower

,plaintiffs , and

Thomas de Curzon Tenan t,concernin g the to wn of Ke telestone with appurten ances

,whi ch the same Alic ia claimed

t o be her reasonable (lower of the freehold whi ch was of Robe rt de Curzon fo rmerly her husband , and Thomasthen call ed the same Richard to be his warrantor . Who came and warranted for him and whereof there was aplea between them in the said cou rt , that is to say, that the aforesaid Thomas aclmowledged and grante d th ewhole aforesaid town of Ketelestone wi th appurtenances to be the dower of th e same A licia to be held for herwhol e life as dower . An d for thi s acknow ledgment and grant and fin e and concord the same Richard son andheir of the aforesaid A li c ia. granted to the same Thomas nine l ibrate s , seven solidates and six denariates ofland in Tweiforde and in Steineston e and in C roxh ale and in Edelinghale , that i s in Tweiforde and inSteinestone sex librates and nin e denariates , that i s whatever the same Thomas had in those town s , except these rvi ce of William son of Wi lliam whi ch remain s to the same Richard qui etly, and except the mill of Edingeh alewi th appurtenances for forty shillin gs rent, and in the town of Croxh ale the homage and service of Robertson of Robert of one vii -gate and eighteen acres of land which he hold s in the same town that i s to say threeshillings a year and foreign servi ce

,and the homa g e and service of William de Curzun for one virgate and

fif t een acres of lan d which he holds in the same to wn that i s twelve pence a year and foreign service,and

the homage and servi ce of Robe rt th e Clerk for one virgate of land whi ch he holds in the same town that isthree sh illings a year and foreign se rvice

,and the se rvi ce of Eudo the baker for one virgate of land which

he holds in the same town that is three shillings a year and foreign service , and the homage and se rvice ofGeoffrey of Edeh ngh ale for nine acre s of land w hich he hold s in Edelin geh ale and two shillings and nin epence a year for eve ry service

,to have an d to hold by the same Thomas or h i s heirs as long as the same

Alic ia shall live from the same Richard and h is hei rs by the servi ce of one kn ight to be d one there for allse rvice , and aft er decease of the same Ali c ia all the aforesaid town of Ke telestone shall b e re turned to th esame Thomas or to h is he irs to be held of Richard and hi s heirs by the serv ice of one knight to be done thencefor all servi ce

,and the aforesaid nine librates and seven solidates and s ix denariates of land wi th appurten an ces

shall be returned to the same Richard or to his heirs qui t from the same Thomas and hi s heir s for ever Andth is concord was made th e aforesaid Robert son of Robe rt

,and William de Curzon and Robert the clerk and

Robert Hare and Roger son of Willi am and Eudo the baker and Geofirey of Edehn gh ale be inga present , granting,and acknowledging their servi ces .


R ichard gave Thomas th e whole of Ketelestone . Thomas gave h im 9 marks. Alicequ it cla im and Thomas h er right of dower in Ketelestone . Thomas gave Alice all his landin Twy ford (except the fine of Williamfi ts William) , Edelinghale mill, 25virga tes of land inC roxh ale for wh ich she was to pay 5s. a year, and 3 acres ofdoma in as dower.

Page 215: Of the History of Croxall

H z


m/ Skate/z of Me P am'

s/z of Croxall.

CROXAL L N o . I I I .

Rober t Curcun of Croxhale gave the Prior of Rependons the advowson of Croab a-le

Church , a toft and 3 acres of land in frankalmoyne for ever.

F eet of P ines, D erby, H e n. I I I . , N o . 114. 13 Oct ,23 B en . I I I . , 1239.

Hec est fi nalis concordi a fac ts. in Curi a D omini Regi s apud Westmonasterium a die Sancti Michaeli s inquin decim dies , Anno regni Regis Henric i fi lii Regi s Johan nis vicesimo tertio Coram Roberto de Lexin tone ,W ill'o de Eb oraco preposito '

Beverlaci Will 'o de C uleworth e e t Henrico de Bath on Justiciariis e t aliis dominiRegi s fidelib us tun e ib i presentibus, In ter P riorem de Rapendone querentem per fratu'em Ricardum deStrengestone Canonicum situm positum L oco suo ad L ucrandum vel perdendum et R ob ertum C urcun deC roxh ale impedientem, de Adv ocacione Eccle sie de Croxh ale un o Tofto et tribus acri s terre cum pertinenciisin C rok eshale , unde plac i tum waran cie Carte summonitum fu i t inter eos in eadem Curie, Scili cet quod predictusR ob ertus recognovit predictam advocacionem Toftum et tres acras te rre cum pertinenciis esse j u s ipsius P riorise t E cclesi e sue de Rapendone , u t illa. que idem Pri or et E ccle sia predicts. h ab ent de dono predicti Roberti,Hab endam et tenendam eidem Priori e t Successoribus suis et E ccle sie sue predicte de predicto Roberto et

h eredib us suis in L iberam puram et perpetuam Elemosinam in perpetuum , E t idem Robert as et heredes suiwaran t izabun t e idem P riori e t Successoribus sui s e t E cclesie sue de R apendone predictam advocacionemtoftem et tres acras terre cum pertin enciis u t L iberam puram et perpetuam Elemosinam suam contra omneshomines in perpetuum. E t idem P rior recepit predictum R ob ertum et herede s suos in singulis b enefi ciis et

ora tionib us que de ce tero fi ent in E cclesia sua de Rapendone in perpetu um.

Thi s is the final con cord made in th e court of the lord th e King at Westmin ster fifteen days from theday of S t . Mich ael in th e twenty - third year of th e reign of Kin g Hen ry son of Kin g John B efore Robert deL exintone , Willi am de Eb oraco provost of Beverley , William de C uleworth e and Hen ry de B ath onensi Justicesand other faithful men of the lord the King then present there B etween the Prior of R apendone demandant bybrother Richard de Strengestone , Canon , put in his plea to gain or to lo se and Robert C urcun de Croxhaleimmdiant concerning the advowson of the Church of C roxh ale , one Toft , and three acres of l and wi thappurtenances in Crok esh ale , whereof a plea of warran ty of Charter was summoned between them in thesame Cou rt, To wit, that th e aforesaid Robert ackn owl edged th e aforesaid Advowson , Toft and th ree acresof lan d wi th appurten ances to be the right of the same Prior and of his Church of R apendone , as those whichthe same Prior and the Church aforesaid have by the gift of the aforesaid Robert to have and to be held bythe same P rior and his successors and his Church afore sa id from the afore said Robert and hi s heirs in freepure an d pe rpetual alms for ever. An d the same Robert and his he irs wi l l warrant to the same P rior and hi sSuccessors and h is Church of R apendone the aforesaid advows on , toft , and th ree acres of lan d wi thappurten ances a s his free pure and perpetual alms against all men for ever . And th e same Prior received theaforesaid Robert and his heirs into each of the benefits and prayers which hencefo rth shall be made in h isChurch of Rapendone for ever.


Ass ize R olls, D erby M 1 36—1, m1 . 53 B en . I I I . , 8 Ap r. 1269.

Plac ita de Juratis e t Assisi s Apud Derb iam coram Gilberto de Prestone et Socii s sui s JusticiariisI tin eran tibu s a d ie Pasche in 15 dies anno regni Reg i s Hen rici filii Regi s Johanni s Quinquagesimo Tercio .

Assi sa veni t recognoscere s i R icardus de C orzun in j uste et s in e judici o disseisivit P rioremde R ependonQuindicim de commun a pasture sue in Crok esh ale in quindecim acris in quibus communicare soleb a t post foenafalcata et asportata etc . Juratores dicun t quod dictu s Prior consvevit hab ere commun iam in prmdicto pratocum bobo s sui s proprii s tan tum post foena asportata et non cum aliis averiis.

Ib idem in dorso rotuli secundi scrib itur C urzun .

Pl eas of Ju rie s and Assiz es at Derby before Gilbert de Preston and hi s fe ll ows Justi ces in Eyre 15 daysfrom latter in the 53rd year of the reign of King Hen ry son of Kin g John ,

Membran e 1 .

Page 216: Of the History of Croxall


x I o H istory of Croxall.

An Ass ize came to kn ow if Richard de C orzun unjustly etc d i sseized the P rior of R epindon of thecommon of hi s pasture in C rokesh ale in fifte en acres in which he was accustomed to have common after the h ayhad been mown and carried away etc . The Jurors say that the said Prior used to have common in theaforesaid meadow wi th his own oxen only after the hay had been carried away and not with other cattle .


Right ofgallows and advowson of the church .

(R otuli H undredorum I . 1275- 6 .

D erb . D e inquisiconib us dominum Regem tangentibus in C omitatib us Derb . A0 iiij° E . primi (p .

Wapp . de Repindon (p .

Qui alii a Rege clamant etc .Galfredus de Gresel Almario’ de Sancto Amando Ricardus de C orsum apud C rosal h ab ent furcae

nesciun t quo warranto .

D e feodismilitum & c.

sic]Idem prior [de R epindon] ht ht ecclesiam de C rocsal de dono Roberti de C orsun anno dictii R . H . xxvj .

D erby . Inquisition touching the Lord the King in th e Coun tie s of & c 4 Edw. I .

Wappentak e of R epindon .

What other also claim from the regal liberties as gallows , assizes of bread and beerand other things which belong to the Crown and from what time .] p . 13.

Galfridus de Gresel, Almaricus de Sanoto Amando , Richard de C orsoun at C rosalhave gall ows theyknow not by what warrant.

Of knights fee s & c .

The same prior [of R epindon] has the Church of C rocsal by the gift of Robert de C orsen in the yearof the said King Henry xxvi .

CROXAL L N o . VI .Ha rl. 3374, f. 41. Jan . 1290 .

P lacita de B anco apud Westm . te rmino Hillarij a° 19 E . 1. E st. 5, in dorso. Derb .

Matilda quas fu it uxor Will’ i de C urcoun ad cognoscendum quid j uris clamat in tertia parte duorummessagiorum et duarumacrarumprati cum pertinenciis in C rokesh ale quas tenet in dotem de h ereditate Henric ide Curcun .

P leas of the Kings Bench at Westminster in Hill ary term 19 Edw. I . membrane 5 in dorso, D erby .

Matilda who was wife of Will iam de C urzoun to know what she claims of right in the third part of twomessuages and two acres of meadow with appurten ances in C rokeshale which she holds in dowry from theinheritance of Henry de Curcun .


Wm. de C orzoun sued Richard de C orzoun for right of common in Croxall in 20 acres

of lane and two ofmeadow.

Assize R olls, l m. 10.

Assiza venit recogn itura si R icardus de C orzoun e t R ob ertus Pek injuste et sine judicio disseisiverun tWill’mde C orzoun de commun a pasture sue in Croxh ale que pertinet ad l iberum tenementum suum in eadem

Page 217: Of the History of Croxall

H Skate/z of Me P a ffs/t of C ram/Z.

villa Et un de queritu r quod disseisiverun t cum de commun a pasture sue in duab is acri s prati,in quibus

C ommun icare soleb at cum omnimodis averiis sui s per to tum ann um e t sim ilite r de communa pasture in vigin ti

acri s te rre in quibus communicare soleb a t cum omnimodis averils sui s tempore aperto . Et R icardus e t

Roberta s veniun t et nichil dicun t quare assisa remaneat nis i tantum quod predictu s Ricarda s di c it de unaacra predictamm duarum prati quod quidam Robertas pater suus aliquo tempore feofi avit ipsum de eademacra et quod idem Ro b ert us consu evit annuatim falcare predictam aerem pro voluntate sua unde di cit- quods i aliqua disseisina ci facta fuit

,hoc fui t per predictumR ob ertumpa trem suum e t non per ipsum. E t predictus

[a word era sed] de alia acra prati di cit quod quidem R ob ertu s de Beverlaco tenuit illam de anno in annumad volun ta tem predi cti Roberti patri s sui et dicit quod idem Rob ertu s de Beverlaco consuevit tenere illam indefenso ita quod nvllus in eadem communicare consuevit e t dicit quod post mortem predicti Robert i deBeverlaco reverteb atur ipse Ricardo tanquam hered i predicti Roberti patri s sui u nde dicit quod null a d isseisinsei per ipsum facta est. Et predictis v iginti acri s pasture dic i t quod idem Wi ll’ s est in seisini pacifi ce deeadem pastura et quod h ul lam disseisinam ei fecit, ponit se super assisam.

Juratores dicun t super sacramentum ay um quod predicti R icardus e t R ob ertus non disseisiverun t

predictum Will'm de commun a predictamm vigin tn


acrarum pastu re et de un a predictamm acrarmn pasture e t

de una predictarum du oram acrarum dicunt etiam quod revera predictus Roberta s de B everlaco tenui t illamde predicto Roberto patre predicti Ricardi de ann o in annum ad v olun tatem ipsiu s Roberti e t dicun t quod idemR ob ertu s dum tenuit predictam acram pasture non permisit predictam Will

’m communicare in eadem undedicun t quod di sseisin s que facta est predicto Will’ o hoc fuit per predic R ob ertum de Bev erlaco e t non peripsum Ricardum. Et de alia acra pasture dicun t predicti quod predictus R icardus disseisivit predictumWill’mde commun i predicte acre prati etc . sicu t breve dic it . Et Ideo consideratum e st quod predictus Will’ s recuperetsei sinam suam de communa pas ture predicts acre pasture per vi sum recognitorum et Ricardus in misericordia .

Et similiter predictusW ill’ s i n mise ricordi a pro falso clamore u t patet superius .

An Assiz e came to know if Richard de C orzoun and Robert Pek un j ustly and without a j udgmentdis seised William de C orzoun of the common of his pastu re in C roxh ale wh ich belongs to hi s freehold i n thesame town . An d as to which he complains that they have di s seised him of the common of h i s pasture in twoacres of meadow in which he was accustomed to have common wi th his cattle of all kin ds throughout thewhole year

,and in lik e mann er of common of pasture in twen ty acres of land in wh ich he was accustomed to

have common wi th his cattle of all k inds in open time . And Richard and Robert come and say nothi ng as towhy the assiz e should be d iscontinued

,except only that the aforesaid Richard says as to one acre of the

aforesai d two of meadow that a certain Robert hi s father enfeoffed him of the same acre and that the aforesaidRobert was accustomed yearly to mow the aforesaid acre at his will as to which he says that if any di sseisinwas done to h im i t was by the aforesaid Robert h is father, and not by himself . An d the aforesaid say sconce rnin g the other acre of meadow that a certain Robert de Beverley held i t from year to year at the willof the said Robert his father and he says that the same Robert de B everley was accustomed to keep it fencedso that n o on e used to common on it, and h e says that aft er the death of the aforesaid Robert de B everleyit reve rted to Richard himself as heir of the aforesaid Robert his father

,whence he say s that he has done n o

disseisin to h im. And as to the aforesaid twenty acres of pasture he says that the same William in in seisinpeacefully of the same pasture , and that he has done no di sseis in to him. He puts himself on the assize .

The Jurors say on their oath that the aforesaid Richard and Robert d id not disseise th e aforesaidWilliam of the common of the aforesaid twenty acre s of pasture and of one of the aforesaid two acres, al sothey say that in t ruth th e afore said Robert de Beverley held it of the afore said Robert

,father of the aforesaid

Ri chard , from year to year , at th e will of the same Robert. And they say that the same Robert while he heldthe aforesaid acre of pasture , did not al low th e aforesaid W illiam to have common in it

,Wh ence they say

that the dis seisin wh ich has been done to the aforesaid William was done by the afore said Robert de B everley ,and not by Richard . And concernin g th e other acre of pasture, th e aforesaid say that the afore said Richarddis seised the aforesaid William of th e common of the aforesaid acre of meadow etc .

,as the writ says . And

therefore it is considered that the aforesaid William shall recover his sei sin of the common of pasture of theaforesaid acre of pasture by V iew of recognitors, and Richard is fined. And lik ewi se the aforesai d Williamis fined for a fal se complain t as appears above .

Page 219: Of the History of Croxall

Justices and other faithful men of the Lord the King then present there , B etween Henry son of Henry de LaC h aumbres de Bynigtone demandant andWilliam de Monte A l to de C roxh ale deforcian t concerning one Messuage ,one Toft

, an d five Bovates of Land with the appurtenan ces in C roxh ale regardin g which a plea of convention wassummoned between them in th e same Court , To wi t that the aforesaid William acknowl edges the aforesaid tenements wi th the appurtenan ces to b e th e Right of th e same Hen ry . And he gave them to himin the same Courtto be had an d held by th e same Hen ry and his heirs from the chief l ords of that fee by th e serv ice s which belongto these tenements for ever. And beside s th e s ame William granted for himself and his heirs that they w il lwarrant to the same Henry and his heirs th e aforesaid tenements with th e appurtenances against allmen for ever .And for thi s acknowledgment


,warranty, fine and concord th e same Henry gave the afore said William

twenty Poun d s sterling.

Endorsed An dWilliam de Gurchan puts in his claim etc .


Wi lliam Curzon of Crouxhale to have livery of the Manor of Sibertoft in Northamptonshire .

E arl. 3374, f. 42. 8 July, 1317.

C lausaa de a° 11 E . 2,m . 25, in tus .

Rex Esceatori suo citra Trentam salutem. Quia accipimus per I nquisitionemquam per vos neri fecerimusquod Rogerus de Brab anz on defun ctu s dedit et concessit Thoma; hlio Will'i Curzon de C rouxhale maneriumde Sib ertoft cum pertinenciis in C omitatu North ampton quod etc nobi s tenetur in capite de licentia nostrahabendum praefato Thomas et h eredib us sui s de nob is et h eredibus nostri s per servitia inde deb ita et consueta inperpetuum . E t quod idem Thomas virtute donationis et concessionis prsedictarum de man erio pre dicto di e

Sabbati in festo sancti B arnabas ul timo prae terito fui t seizitus et se is inam suam de praadicto manerio u squed iem Marti s proxime sequ entim quo die przefatus R ogerus ob ij t pacifi ce con tin uavit . Quod igitur dic tummanerium de nobis tenetur in capite , sicu t praadictum e st per servi tium inveniendi un um hominem pedi temperquadragin ta di es in exerc ita nostro sump tib u s man erij praadicti, vob is m andamus quod de man erio praedicto

quod simul cum aliis terri s et tenementis quae fuerun t praafati R ogeri die quo ob ijt ac si inde ob ijsset seise tus indominico suo u t de feodo cepistis, ut dicitur, in manum nostram, vos ulterius non in tromi ttatis j ure nostro e t

alterius cujuscunqu e in omnibus semper salvo . exi tus per vos inde percepto s a tempore captionis ejusdem inman um nostram illis quorum fuerin t lib eran tes. Teste apudBuck eley 8 die Juli i

C lose Roll s, 11 Edw. 11 , membrane 25, wi th in .

The King to h is Escheator on th is side Trent, Greetin g . Whereas we h ave perceived by the Inquisitionwhich we caused to be made by you that Roger de B rabazon , deceased, gave and gran te d to Thomas son ofWilliam Curzon de C rouxh ale the manor of Sib ertoft wi th the appurtenan ces in the County of Northamptonwhich is held from us in capite, by our licence, to be held by th e afore said Thomas and his heirs from us and ourheirs for ever by th e serv ice s thence due and accustomed , An d whereas the same Thomas by virtue of th eaforesaid gift and grant seized of the aforesaid man or on Saturday i n th e feast of St . B arnabas last year [11 Jun e1317] and peacefully con tin ued his seis in of th e aforesaid manor un til the Tuesday next followin g [11 June ] onwhich day the aforesaid Robert died. Whereas th erefore the sa id man or i s held of u s in capite as aforesaid bythe service of finding at the expence of the aforesaid man or on e man on foot for forty days in our army , wecommand you that you shall no longer interfere wi th th e said manor which , togeth er w ith the other lan d s andtenements which were the afore said Roberts on the day when he died, you have tak en as i s said, in to our hand ,alway s savin g in all thin gs our right and that of eve ry other, delivering to those to whom they belong therevenues thence received by you from the time of taking them into our hand . Witness at Buckeley 8th day ofJuly .

The end of thi s writ i s not copied in full and is therefore rather ob scure and not qui te grammatical .

Page 220: Of the History of Croxall


Right of free warren in Croxh ale.

P lacita de Quo lVarranto . 1 July, 1330.

P lacita de quo Warranto coram W . de H erle et soci i s sui s Justiciariis itineran tibus in Com . Derb . die

Lun e prox . post . festumapostolorum Petri et Pauli A0 R. R . E . tert ii a conquestu Quarto (p.

Wil l'o C urzoun sum ’ fuit ad respondendu domino Regi de placito quo warranto clamat habere liberamwarrenamin omnibus domin icis terri s sui s in manerio suo de C roxh alle Sec. (p.

Et Willo venit. E t dicit quod dominus E . quondam Rex An glie avus domini Regi s nun c per cartamsuam concessit e t confi rmavit Brabazon quod ipse et heredes sui imperpetuumh ab eant l iberam warennam in

omn ibus dominicis terri s sui s in manerio suo de C roxh alle in comitatu isto dum tamen terre ill e non sint in frametas foreste Regi s . Ita quod nullus intret terras illas ad fugandum in ei s vel ad aliquid capiendum quod adwarennampertineat sin e licencia et voluntate ipsius R ogeri vel h eredumsnorum super forisfacturamRegis decemlibr’ . Et profert cartampredicti E . Regi s etc que premissa testatur in forma predicta . Cujus datum est vicesimoquart o die Sep temb ris ann o regni sui vicesimo octavo . E t dicit quod ipse est tenensmanerii predicti & c. Et ao

warranto clamat l iberam warennampredictam & c. (p .

Et Will’o de Denum qui sequitur pro domino Rege petit quod inquiratur & c:qualiter predictusWill ’o deC urzoun alii qui predictummanerium tenuerun t ante tempus suum a tempore concessionis predicte usi suntwarenn a predicta . Et s i elargarunt warennam illam usurpando sibi Warenn am i n alienis terri s etc. Ideoinquiratus & c . Juratores djount super sacramentum suum quod predictus Will’o de C urzoum et omnes illi quipredictummaneriumtenuerun t a tempore concessionis predicts bene usi sun twarenna predicta in omnibus proutadwarenaminquiritur & c. Ideo predictusWill’o C urzoun inde sine d ie salvo jure Regis & c.

P lacita de Quo Warranto before William de H erle and his fell ows Justices itinerant in the Coun ty of Derbyon Monday next after the feast of the apostles Peter and Paul in the fourth year of the Reign of King Edward thethird from the conquest.

Willi am C urzoun was summoned to answer to the lord the king concerning the plea by what warrant heclaims to have free warren in all hi s desmesne lands in hi s manor of C roxh alle etc .

AndWilli am comes and says that the Lord Edward formerly King of E ngland grandfather of the pre sentlord the k ing granted and confi rmed by his charter to B rabazon that he and his heirs for ever shall have freewarren in all his demesne land s in hi s manor of Croxh ale in thi s county prov ided only that they be not wi thinthe bounds of the kings forest so that no one may enter those lands to hunt in them or to take anyth ing whichmay belong to warren wi thout the licence and will of the same Roger or of h is heirs in pain of forfeiture to theking of ten pounds and he produces the charter of the aforesaid King Edward etc . which proves the premi sses inthe aforesaid form

,the date of which is on the twenty - fourth day of September in the twenty - eighth year of hi s

reign [24 Sept. And he says that he i s tenant of the aforesaid manor etc . And by that warrant he claimsth e aforesaid free warren etc.

And Willi am de Danum who sues for the lord the king seeks that it may be inquired etc . in what mannerthe aforesaid William C urzoun and others who have held the aforesaid manor before his time from the time ofthe aforesaid grant have used the aforesaid warren . And if they have enlarged that warren by usurping to themselves warren in other lands etc . Therefore it i s inquired etc . The Jurors say on their oath that th e aforesaidWilliam de C urzoun and all those who held the aforesaid manor from the time of the aforesaid grant have wellused the aforesaid warren in all things accordin g as inqui ry i s made as to the warren etc . Therefore the aforesaidWilliam C urzoun i s dismissed without a day saving the kings right 85C .


E a rl. 3374, f. 45- 6.1 N ov. , 1346 .

P articulmcomputi C ollectorum auxilii 405. Regi apud Westm ’ concessi de singulis feodismilitumleuand’

in Com ' D erb ’ ad primogenitu filiumRegi s m ilitem faciendum per breve Regis datum 1 die N ovemb . a° 20 E . 3 .

Hundredo de R epingdon .

D e Thoma de C urzoun pro uno feodo in C roxh ale quod quondam fuit Will’ i Curzon patris sui , 40s.

Page 221: Of the History of Croxall

144 H istorical Skew/z of t/ze P aris/z of Croxall.

Particul ars of the account of th e Coll ecto rs of th e aid of 408 . to th e King granted at Westminst er from eachkn ights fee to be levied in th e coun ty of Derby formaking the lung s eldest son a knight by the king‘s writ da ted1 Nov . 20 Edw. I I I .

Hundred of R epingdon .

From Thomas de C urzoun for one fee in C roxh ale whi ch formerly belong to Willi am Curzon his father, 408 ‘

Csom n N o . XI V.

Dower of Alice widow of WilliamGursone of Croxhale. Sh e recovers one - third of th e


E a rl. 3374, f. 46. Assizw apud Derb . A0 19 R 2 pro te rris in Croxh ale et pro manerio ibidemWill ’o Curson

Ibidem Joh ann es Curson de Will’o C arsonKetleston et alii confeofi ati . Will’ o Curson de Croxh ale queren s .

E a rl. 3374, f. 45. F ees of Henry E . of Lancaste r in Derby Notts de quibu s levari feci t rationab ile auxiliumfor makin g his eldest son a knight . A0 4 E . 3 .

B ic ’us C urzun quatuor parte s unius feodi in Keteliston .

R ic’

us C urzun tria feoda in Croxh ale Keteleston et Queningb urgh .

E a rl. 3374, f. 46. Assiz e s at D erby 19 Ric. I L [suit] for lands in Croxh ale and for the man or thereWilliam Curson

John Curson of Ketleston and William Cursonothers cofeofi ees th ere . William Curson of C roxh ale plaintifi .

E a rl. 3374, f. 45. Fees of Henry Earl of Lancaste r in Derby and Nottingham on which he caused to belevied a reasonable aid for mak in g his eldest son a k night in 4 Edw. I I I .

Richard C urzun fou r parts of one fee in Ket eliston .

Richard C urzun three fees in Croxh ale , Keteleston and Queningb orough .


E a rl. 3374, f. 47. 1410- 11 .

A° 12 H . 4 folio 27. homage fait per Will'm Curson pur terres et tenements in C roxh ale et S tretto n .

1410 -30 .

E x libro feodorum in Ducatu L ancastriae quze teneb an tur de Comi te Derb iaa.

1429-30 .

A 0 8 H . 6 . homage fait pur ls man or de Croxall per John C arson , folio 92.

12Hen . I V . folio 27 . homage done by Willi am Curson for l ands and tenements in C roxh ale and S tretton .

F rom the B ook of th e F ees in the Duchy of Lancaste r whi ch were held from th e Earldom of D erby .

8 Hen . V I . homag e done for the manor of Croxh all by Joh n C urson , foli o 92.


De Banco R olls, E aster, 7 E 671. V . , m. 114. Ap ril, 1419 .

Derby. Alicia que fui t uxor Willi ’ Cu rsons de Croxh ale per R ogerum Wilneh ale att ornatum suumpetit versus R adulph um H ertesh orne terciam part em Manerii de C roxh ale cum pertinenciis u t dotem suamex dotacione predicti Will’ i quondam viri sui etc .

Page 223: Of the History of Croxall

recognovit predicta tenementa cumpertin enciis esse jus ipsius Joh annis u t illa que idem Johannes habet de donopredicti Ricardi . Et ill a remisit et quietum clamavit de se et h eredibus sui s predicto Joh anni et h eredibus sui s,imperpetuum. Et pro hac recognicione remissione quietaclamea

, fin e at concordi a idem Johann es dedit predictoRicardo viginti libras sterlingorum.

Thi s i s th e final concord made in the Court of th e L ord the King at Westmin ster on the Octaves of S t.Martin in the E ighth year of the reigns of Henry King of England and France , the s ixth from th e conquest,before William B ab ingt one , John Martyn , John I nyne , James S trangways, John C ot tesinore andWilli am Pastone,Justices

,and other faith ful men of the Lord th e King then present there, B etween John C ursoune , Armiger,

demandant,and Richard V ernoun e , Knight, deforcient , concern ing six virgates of land and ten acres of meadow

wi th appurtenances in C roxh ale cal led C roxaleh olme of which a plea of convention was summoned between themin the same Court

,To wit that the aforesaid Richard ackn owledges the aforesaid tenements to be the right of

the said Joh n as those wh ich the same John has by th e gift of the aforesaid Richard . And h e remitted andquitcl aimed them for himself and his heir s to the aforesaid John and h is heirs, for ever. And for th is ackn owledgement

,remi ssion

,qu itcl aim,

fin e and concord the same John gave the aforesaid Richard twenty poun dss terling.


Will of John Curzon of Croxall,died Apri l 4 , 1450 ; proved at Leicester by his

widow, Senecha , on th e 19th May, 1450 .

L ambeth L ibra ry. R egisters of A rchbish op Stafi'

ord, f. 189.

In Dei nomin e Amen, primo die mensis Aprili s anno domini millimo cccc° L ° et anno regn i regi sHenric i Sexti post conquestum Anglie xxv ii i . Ego Johanne s Curzon de C roxh all in comitatu B erbiearmiger compos menti s condo testimonium meum in h ujus modum . Imprimi s lego aiam meam Deoomnipotenti beate Marie et omnibus sancti s eigne corpusque meum ad sepeliendum in ecclesi e SanctiJohannis de B apti ste de C roxh all predictae coram al ta cruce ibidem . I tem volo

,ord ino et di spomo quod

E lizabeth et Alicia filie me et qualib it , ipsarum h eredean t,gaudeant et possideant ad maritagem xx“ l ibras

sterlingorum. Item volo et lego Margarete filie mee decem marcus st erlingorum. Item volo et legoJohanni Matthew servienti meo unum equum nigrum Item volo et l ego Henrico Roo unumequum colori s donne . Item lego et volo Johann i Patrioti duas juvencas Item volo et

cego Hugoni Sh altby servienti meo duas juvencas. I tem volo quod Thomas B lount M i l e s et

alii feofI ati mii in manerio de C roxh all cum sui s pertin enciis quod ipsi feoffaverint seu feoffavi

fecerint Senech am uxorem meam in manerio de C roxh all cum suis pertinenciis ad terminum vite ipsius subcondi cione que sequitur , scil icet quod si pred icts uxor mea vixi sola sine viro h eredeat et possideat predictum maneriorum et profi cia ejusdem cum pertinenciis durante vite ej usdem . I tem volo quod feoflati meiin manerio de P yk eb b ell cum suis pertinenciis feoffent seu feofl‘avi fac iant predictam Senech am uxoremmeam in manerio predicto cum sui s pertinenciis universis e t singulis in comitatu L eicestrie eidem man eriocontingentibus s ine epectan tib us ad terminum v ite ipsius Senech e . Item volo quod feofl'ati mei in omnibusterri s et tenementis situatis in villa et campi s de Steteley juxta L ichfeld feoffent seu feofi are faciant Willelmoe t R adulph o filiis mio s ad t erminum vite eorum e t alteriu s eorum diurius vivent . E t postea decessusomnia predicta terra et tenementaa cum suis pertinen tiis remanean t mich i e t rectis h eredib us imperpetuum.

Item volo quod le gate h ou s in C roxh all predicta sufiiciet et edifi cata et reparata de bonis meis . Itemvolo quod s i R icardus Courson filius meus non tenent neque perumpeat certos convenciones per me et

eundem Ricardum confects videli cet predicta te rre e t tenementa j acente in vi lla de Alderwas in dictocomitatu Stafi ord quod ex tu nc di cta terra e t tenementa reverteant e t remaneant Wilielmo e t Radulph o et

Johanni filiis miis predictis et cu ilib et eorum diucius vivent per visum execu tricis principalis Residua vuo

bonorum meorum superius non legatorib us deb itis meis permittis per Salutis volo et lego dicta Senech auxori mee Thome e t Willielmo fi liis meis . Ac dictum Senech am ordino facio et constitu o meamprincipalem execu tricem. Ac dictos Thomam et Willielmum filios meos co executores superiores anteh ujusmodi testi mei facio ord in o et constituo Thoma Stanley armigeri et Joh annem Gresley armigerum.

Page 224: Of the History of Croxall

Appendix to H istory of Croxall.

Et quod iidem executores mei faciant et permipleant istam meum ultimum voluntatem pro salute aie meeper u t coram summo judic e voluint respondere . In cuj us rei testimonem S igillum meum apposu i hii s testibusN ich olao Gresley Seniore Johann i Matthew

,Henrico R 0 0 Johanni Del o, Johanni P artrich e t multis aliis

Datum d ie et anno supradictis.


Cha ncer'z I nq. p . m. 33 . B en . I ’ I I L , N o . 22. 19 Sep. 1541.

I nquisitio indentata capta apud Derb iam in C omitatu Derb ie decimo novo die Septembris Annoregni Henric i octavi dei gracia Anglie Francie e t Hib ernie Regi s fi dei Defensoris st in terra Anglican e et

Hibernic eccle sie suppremi capitis tricesimo tercio coram V incencio Mundy armigero Escaetorem euisdemDomin i Regis in C omi ta tu predicto virtute brevis euisdem domin i regis de diem clausit extremum postmortem Thome C ursone armigeri eidem E scaetori directi et huic I nquisicioni consuti per sacramentumThome Latham Henrici Auger Henrici Kays R adulph i Scouper? Willi ’ Wood Wi ll i'

Hurl ing? Willi ’ Burbage Roberti Sowt er Johanni s M i ln er Johannis Bate Wil li ’ Cruk er Wilhelmi N idyer?qui dicun t et presentant super sacramentum suum quod predictus Thomas Cursons armigeri dni ante ob itumsuum fuit seisitus in dominic o suo u t de feodo de et in manerio de Croxal l in comitatu predicto cumomnibus et singulis sui s pertinenciis. E t ipse sic inde seisitu s expressit per certam cartam suamindentatam cuius altera pars Juratoribus predictis super capcionem h uius inquisicionis in evidencia fuitosten sa cujusis datum est vicessimo primo Octob ris anno regni d ioti domini regis nunc Henrici octaviquarto decimo dedit et concessit et per cartam illam confi rmavit Richardo L igone armigero C hristofero

Savage armigero Thome L ittletone armigero Edwardo Astone militi per nomen Edwardi Astone armigeriJohann i morgano armigero et Will’mo Curson clerico duas clausuras seu pastur’as cum sui s pertinenciisi n Croxall predicts. parcellam manerii predicti quarum unam vocatam Brodfi eld et altera vocata P eyshyllepyttes h ab entas et tenendas predictas duas clausuras sive pasturas cum suis pertinenciis predictis

Richardo Ligoue C hristofero Savage Thome L ittleton Edwardo Astone Johann i Morgana et Willmo Cursonh eredibus et assignatis suis ad usam predicti Thome Curson e et E l izabetha uxori s eius et h eredib us decorpore predicti Th omi C ursone legittime procreatis imperpetuum cuiu s quidam carte indentate tenerisequitur in hec verba Sc iant presentes et futuri quod Ego Thomas C ursone de C roxalle in comitatu

Derb ie armiger filius et here s Johanni s C ursone nuper de C roxalle predicta defun cti in complementame t execucionem quorundam convencionum e t agreamentorum contentorum et specifi atorum in quib usdamindenturis i nter An nam L igone viduam un am filiarum e t h eredum R ich ardi nuper domin i B eauchamp

nuper?uxorem R ich ardi defuncti ex un a parte et me dictum Th omam ex altera parte pro maritagiomei predicti Thome Oursene et E lizabetha L igone un ius fi liarum dicte Anne facti s dedi concessi et

h ac presenti carta mea indentata confi rmavi Richardo L igoue armigero C hrist ofero Savage armigero ThomeL ittleton armigero Edwardo Astone armigero Johann i Morgane armigero et Will’mo C ursone clerico unamclausuram sive pasturam in C roxalle predicta vocatam Le Brodefylde mode in tenura e t occupacione

mei predicti Thome C ursone annui redditus triginta librarum et un am aliam clausuram sive pasturam inC roxalle predicta vocatam le P eysh elle pyt tes simi liter in tanura et occupacione mei prefati Thome C ursonearmigeri reddi tus decem librarum cum suis pertinenciis que quidem due clausure sive pasture cum sui sp ertinenciis in toto se a ttingunt ad annuum valorem quadragin ta librarum ul tra omnia onera e t reprisashabende s et tenendas predictas duas clausuras sui e pasturas cum suis pert inenciis prefato Richard L igoneC hristofero Savage Thome L ittletone Edwardo Astone Johanni Morgans e t Will’mo C ursone h eredibus et

assignatis sui s ad y tum mei dietl Thome C ursone et El izabeth uxoris mee et h eredib us de corpore meidioti Thome C ursone l egittime procreatis imperpetuum de capitalib us domini s feodi illius per servicia indedebita et consueta E t Ego vero predictu s Thomas C ursone e t heredes mei predictas

duas clausuras sivepasturas cum sui s pertinenciis prefato Richardo L igone Ch ristofero Savage Thome L ittle tone Edwardo AstoneJohanni Morgane e t Will o’ C ursone h eredibus et assignatis suis ad usum predicturn contra omnes gentes warantizabimus e t imperpetuum defendemu s per presentes ao in supe r Sciatis me prefatum Th omam C ursone

attournasse diputasse et in loco meo posuisse delectos mihi in Christo Johanni C ursone et Edwardum Agardemeos veros et legittimos attournatos coniunctim e t divi sim ad intrandum pro me . vice et nomine meo in

predictas duas c lausuras cum suis, pertinenciis ac possessionem et seis inam inde pro me ac vice et nomine

Page 225: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Sketch of the P a ris/z of Croxall.

meo capiendam E t post huins modi possionem et seisinam sic inde captam e t habitam shinde delib erandampro me v ice e t nomine meo prefatis Richardo L igone C hristofero Savage Thome L it tletone Edwardo AstoneJohanni Morgone et W illo ’ Curson seu corum alicui aut corum in hac parte at tournato seu attourna tis

plenam et pacifi cam possessionem et seisinam secun dum veni formam et effectum huius presente cartemee indentate e i s inde confecte ratum e t gratum habendum et h ab iturum totum et quicquid dictiattornati mei nomine meo fecerint seu eorum alter fecerit in premissis seu in aliquo premissorum Incuiu s rei testimonium u traque parte h uiu s presentis carte mea indentate S igi l lum meum apposui Datavicesimo primo d ie octob ris ann o regni Henric i octavi quarto decimo V irtute cuius iidem R ichardus

L igone C h ristoferus Thomas Edwardus Johannes Morgan e et Willm’us C ursone in predictus duas clau suras

sive pasturas in traverunt e t fuerunt i nde seisiti ad usus predictum E t ipsi sic inde seisiti ad usumpredictum predicti Thomas L igoue Johannes Morgane e t Will’mus C ursone ob ierun t et predicti Rich ardus

Christoferus et Edwardus ipsos Th omam Joh ann em e t Will’mum super v ixerunt et se tenuerun t michisper ius accrescend e t fuerrui t de predictus duabus clausuras sive pasturas seisiti ad usum predictum

quousque statutum et inactum fui t in parliamen to domini regis nun c Henrici octavi tento in anno mo

regni eusdem domin i regis quod qualiter persona sive persone seisite de terris aut tentemen tis ad ususaliorum personarum ration e barganie aut aliorum causarum quacun que quo d illi qui h ab uerun t usum infeodo simplia feodo talliato vel pro te rmin o vite vel ann orum vel aliter postea fuerun t et stab unt e t

indicab un t er l ege in plena possession e et seisina de at in predictis terri s et tenementis omnibus intenciouib usprout in statu ta predicte. plenius con tinetur vertute cuius iidem Thomas C ursone e t E liz abeth fuerun t indeseisiti videlicet iidem Thomas in dominico suo u t de feodo et eadem E lizabeth in dominico suo u t delibero tenemento E t quod predictu s Thomas C ursone postea ob ii t e t quod predic ts E lizabeth ipsium

supervixit e t adhuc superst es st in pl ena vita existit . Et insuper dicun t Juratores predicti supe rsacramentum suum quod predictu s Thomas C ursone dni ante ob itum suum fuit seisitus de et in duab us

moris iacen tib us in C roxalle predicta quorum una se extendit usque aquam de Trent et alte ra iacet in te reandem moram e t Croxalle woode ac de et in alia mora in C roxalle pred ic ts. vocata Gorcymorede et in una pastura voc Mylfylde e t un o prato vocato Mylmeydowe iacente in C roxalle predi c ts. et in un a

alia pastura ibidem vocata le Brigclosse e t un o prato ibidem vocata le More meydowe cum pertinenciis

que quidem more pasture et pratum predicta cum pertin enciis sun t simili ter parcellum manerii deC roxalle predicta Et s ic in de seisitus existens voluit et legavi t per suam ul timam volun tatem GeorgioGreysleye milit i Waltero Horton C hristofero Savag e Johanni L igoue Thome Rugeleye et Georgi e Applebye

armigeris inter alia predicta moras pasturas e t pratum Cum pertin enciis habenda e t tenenda predicte moraspastures et pratum cum pertinenciis prefato Georgio Walt ero C hristofero Johanni Thome et Georgio et

h eredib u s sui s imperpetuum ad usus et intenciones in eadem . ultima voluntae specifi catos et declaratos

videlicet quod lidem Georgius Walterus Ch ristoferus Joh annis Thomas et Georgius Appleby et herede s suirecepiant annuatim redditu s exitus et profi cua illorum morarum prati et pasturarum cum pertin enciis adsoluenda inde debita predicti Thome C ursone et post deb ita euisdem Thome soluta ad soluendum deexitibus et profi cius eorun dem morarum prati et pasturamm cum pertinenciis cu ilib et fi liarum predicti

Thome C ursone quarum nonina seqiuentur xll. videli cet Matilde , D orothee , F rancisce , Agneti MarieMargarete e t B rigitte ad esrum maritag ium vel cum at e tatem viginti unius annorum prov enerunt si tamcito de exitibus et profi ciis permissorum recepre potest E t si non tam brevi tempore receprepotest e t post debita predicti Thome C ursone soluta et post d icte fi lie predicti Thome C ursone de porcionib ussuis sunt satisfacte si vixerunt ad tempus predictum quod tun c predicte. mora pratum e t pasturas cumpertin enciis remaneant rectio h eredib us dicti Thome C ursone imperpetuum prout per eandem ultimamvolun tatem plenius liquet et apparet cuius quidem ul ti me v oluntatis teneri sequi tur in hec verba In d ienomin e Amen the xxiiij day of Aprulle in the year of ower lord God a th ousande fyue hun dreth fourtieone I Thomas C ursone of Croxalle in the countis of Derb ie esquier seck in mye bodys hol e in my

mynde of perfeyte remembraun ce mak my te stament last wil le in maner forrme folowing, That i s towytt F yrste I b equeath e mye soul to almigh tie Gode my body to be buried nigh un to my father in th echurchs of Sayn t John the baptiste of C roxalle aforesaide , Al so I demyas w ill bequeath to s ir GeorgeGreysleye knygh t Walter Horton C hristofer Savage John L igon Thomas R ugeleye George Applebye E squiresall mye measez l andes meydowez pastures leseaz rente s revercions services 8: all other my h ereditamentes

in Aldrewas in the coun tie of Stafi ord al so my too Mores liyn ge in C roxalle inth e coun t is of Derb ie wh erof thone extendethe to the water of Trent thother more b etweene

th e same More C roxalle wode, Also I demyse will bequeaths to them my other more there call ed the

Page 227: Of the History of Croxall

150H istorical St ett/i of too P a ris/z of Croxall.

quartam partem dicte pasture cum suis pertin enciis prefato Thome Gursone et assignatis sui s pro termin onovem annorum proxime sequentium post datum dicte cart e plenaarie complendarum remanere inde postdictum terminum sic fi ni tum seu elapsum di cto Rolando Bab ingtone h ab endam et tenendam sibi et assignatussuis pro termino quinque annorum tun c proxime sequentuum plenari e complendorum remanere inde postd ic tum terminum quinque ann orum sic fi nitum seu elapsum dicis Georgio et Katherin e pro termin o vi te eorume t eorumalterius diucius viu entis absque impechiamento alicuius vasti voluntario vas to nomin o excepto nomin ealteriu s parcell e j un ctu re di cte Katherine remonere inde post eorum decessum et post decessum eorumalterius diucius viventes h eredib us de co rpore prefati Georgii legittime procreat is e t pro defecti h uius modiexi tus remanere inde rectis h eredibu s prefat i Georgii imperpetuum et sub cond icione quod s i dictaKath eryn e recusaverit desponsare et in virum ducere d ictum Georgium C ursone sin e causa racionab ili quodtun c immediate post talem recusacionem s ic per ipsam factum scriptum illud et seisins inde libera ta fuerun tvacua e t pro nullo h ab eantur in l eg e E t in super sub condic ione quod dicti Edmundus et C hris toferus infraduo s dies post datum predicte carte indenta te tradent concedun t et ad fi rmamdimi ttent prefato Thome C ursonedictas tres campos arshile s iacen tes su pra C roxalle woode ann ui valoris librarum ul tra reprises re siduumta rt arum et t entementorum predictorum h ab endos et tenendoe dictos tre s campos arab iles cum sui spertinenciis prefato Thome C ursone et assignatis sui s pro t ermin o quindecem ann orum proxime sequencium post datum d icte carte indentate et plenaerie complenorum videlicet quousque dictus Georg ius C ursonead etatem viginti annorum provenerit remanere inde post di ctum terminum sic fi nitum seu elapsum prefatoGeorgio C ursone et Kath eryne pro termin o vite eorum et alte rius corum diucius viuentis absqueimpechiamen to alicuius vasti voluntarie vasto omnino excepto n omine t otuis iun cture d icte Kath eryne

remanere inde post eorum decessum et post decessum alte rius eorum diucius viuentis h eredib us de corporepredicti Georgii legittime procreati s et pro defectu h uius modi exi tus remanere inde rectis h eredibus

predicti Georgii imperpetuum et sub condicione quod sic data Ka th eryna recusaverit desponsare et in virumducere dictum Georgium sine causa racionab ili quod tun c M ediate post talem recusacionem dicta concessioe t scriptum illud et seisina inde liberata sint vacua et pro nul lo h ab ean tur in lege prout per easdemcartas indentatis plenius liquet quamm quidem indenturarum tenor s equi tur in hec verba Thi sinden ture made the laste daye of Septembre in the xxiij t h yere of tho reigne of owersouerynge lorde kinge Hen rys the viij th b etwene Thomas C ursone of C roxalle in the coun tis ofDerb ie esquiere of thone partie Rol ande Bab ingtone of A tlore in the same coun tie of Derb ie esquiere ofthother partie wi tn esseth that yt ys covenann t ed graun ted concluded agreed condiscended b etwene thesaide parties in maner fourme folowin ge th at i s to saye F irste the saide Thomas C ursone couenaun teth e

graun te th e bye these presentes to wi th the saide Rolande B ab ing tone that George C ursone sone h eire

apparaunte of th e saide Thomas C ursone before th e feaste of the N atyuytye of Chri ste which sh alb e in theyere of ower lorde gode a th owsande fyue hun dreth 8; inrxvij th bye th e grace sufl eraun ce of almigh te egode sh alle marye 8c take to wyfe Katheryn e B ab ingtone dough ter of th e saide Rola nd Bab ingtone yf theI awez of h olye ch urch e sh alle permyt te sufire the same the saide Katte ryne do th erun to consentagree, An d in the lik e mener the sa ide Rolande Bab ingt one cou enaun th eth e graunth e bye these presen testo with e th e saide Thomas C ursone that the said Kath eryn e shall by the same grace and sufi eraunceof almigh tie gode before the saide feaste of th e N atyvytye of our lorde Jesu christe which shelle in thesaide yere of ower lorde gode a th ousande fyve h undreth e xxxvij°i marye tak e to husband the saideGeorge C ursone yf the I awez of h olye chu rch e wylle permytt sufi re the same at the saide George C ursonedo th erun to consente agree also the saide Thomas C ursone couenaun teth e and graun te th e bye thesepresentes fore hyme his execu tourez to and with saide Rolande Bab ingt one hys executourez that thesaide Thomas Curson before the feasts of all sayn tes n ext ensuyng th e date of this Indenture shallmake or cause to be made vu to sir Edmunde Alcoch e preste C h ristofer Deane yomane a goode suffi

c ient lauf‘ulle sure e state in th e lawe of in all e sin gulere such parcelle s of l ande s tenementesas be next imediatlie h erafter expressed named writtine That ys to says A pasture cal led C roxalleholme in C roxalle in the coun tie of Derb io iij arable feldes in Croxalle b eforsaide aboue C roxalle woodewhich be of the clere yereli valu of xx“ vj s viij‘1 ower aboue all e cha rges 8: reprisse s To have toh olds th e saide landes t enetmentes before expressede wi th the irs oppourtenaunces un to the same sir

Edmnn de Alcocks C hristofer Deane th eire beire s 8: assignez t o th eire owne vse

vppone condic ione that the same sir Edmunde Christofer Deane wi thin ij days nes te afte rthe same estate so to them made shall denyse graun te le t unto the said Rolande 8L his

assign ez la ndes tenemen tes parcell e of the premisses to th e yearlie val u of ten pound s over

Page 228: Of the History of Croxall

Appendix to H istory of Croxalt.

al l charge s for terme


of ix yeres that i s unto the tyme that the saide George come or mygh texv. 15

come to the age of xv yeres And after that the remayndre thereof to the saide George and Kath eryneTo have 85 to holde alle thafforsaide parcell e s of Iande unto the saide George Kath eryne to th eiresof the b odye of the saide George laufullye b ego ttyne fore euer in the name for parcelle of the ioyn ter ofthe saide Kath eryne the remayndre therof to the righ te beires of the said george al so uppon condicion ethat the same S ir Edmunde C hristofer D eane sh alle of landes tenementes of the yearlie value of vmarkes parcel le of the residue of th e same landes tenementes of the yearlie valu of tene poundesw ith in ij dayes next after the same estate so made to the same S ir Edmunde C hristofer Deane make orcause to be made a goode sure laufulle estate vu to ye same Thomas Cursons to hi s assignez fore te rmeof i x yeres then n ext imediatlie folowynge the remaindre therof unto th e saide Rolande h i s assignez foreterme of yeres thene next folowynge the remaindre therof unto y° saide George Kath eryne to th e iresof the b odye of the saide George begot tyne the remaindre thereof to

. th e right h eires of the said Georgefor euer And also uppone condicion that th e saide Edmunda 85 C hristofer Dean e shall w ithin ij dayesnext after the same estate so mad e vn to the same S ir Edmunde C h ristofer in forme b eforsaide sh alle

make unto the same Thomas C u rsone to h is assignez a goode sure (it lawfulle e state of all the residueof th e same landes tenemen tes of the yereh

e valu of xxu appoyn ted for the ioyn tour of the sameKath eryn e fore terme of xv yeres then next followynge that i s vu to the tyme that th e same GeorgeC ursone comme or mygh t comme to the age of xxt i yeres and after that the remaindre therof to the sameGeorge and Kath eryne for terme of th eire l ivez wi thout impochmente of waste volun tarys waste withoutexception to th eires of the b odye of the said George the remayndre therof to the right h eires of the saideGeorge for ever Al so it is agreed graunt ed bitwixt the same partez yt yf ye said george dye or disagreeto y

° same mariage wi thout cause reasonable before carnalle knowlidge had by twyxt y° saide GeorgeKath eryne y

° then the same Thomas cursone shall repaye unto the same Rolande hi s execu tourz allesuch sommez of moneye as he hath receyued of the saide Rolande h i s execu tours or assignez 85 all e othersomez to be paide by y° same Rolande for ye same mariage after such death or disagrement to cease nopaimen t therof to be made likwise it i s agred y° yf y° same Kath eryne hereafter wi thout cause reasonabledisagre to y° saide mariage yt yen she she l le loose here saide ioyntour of the same landesten of the yerelie valu of xxli And that alle the estates be made to her of the same landes and tenementes

with suche cond icione A lso yt i j s ferther couenaun teth e agreable b itwyxt the saide partiez that yf thesaide Kath eryne h appyn to dye before carnall k nowlidge h ad b itwixt here the said George before thatthe saide George sh alle comme to accomplisch e the age of xviij yeres that thene the saide ThomasC ursone shell e recontent 8: paye unto the same Rolande or th execu toreres ore administratoures suche sommezof moneys as the saide Rolande h ath paid b eforeh ande unto the same Thomas C urson e wh erof alle suchsommez of mon eye as the same Rolande Bab ington e hath takene or receyu ed of the landes and tenementesappoin te d to the same Kath eryne fore here ioyn tour sh alb e as for parte of the same sommez that sh allb erepaid sauynge vli yerelie therof that the saide Rolande sh allb e alloued and kepe in hi s h andes for thek epynge 85 fyndynge of the same George C ursone fore the sure payment of the saide somme to b e paidunto the said Rolande Bab ingtone the saide Thomas C ursone fore hyme and his executourz cou enaun teth e

grau n teth e unto the saide Rolande 8; to hi s executourz that b e before the feaste of Pen tecoste nextcommynge sh alle graunte one annuelle rent of xxli giuyn out of the same landes tenementes appointedfor the ioyntour of the same Katheryne the said rent to b egyn e to be paide at the feastes of EasterMich elmas yerlie rent after the death e of the saide Katheryns yf she shal l happen to dye before that thesame George shall accomplish e comme to the saide age of xviii yeres wi thout i ssue of here b odye un tosuch tyms durynge such yeres as the same Rolande hath reyndre of suche tenemen t z of moietyeas th e saide Rol ande shul l he repaide of bye the saide Thomas C ursone F erth ermore th e saide ThomasC ursone coven aun teth e graun teth e for bym h is h eires dz execu tours to with the saide Rolande Bab ingtoneand his execu tourz that he the saide Thomas C ursone shall before th e feaste of the N atyuyty of our Lordenext commynge aft er the date of th i s indenture sh al l make a goode sure sufiicient 85 laufulle estate untothe said S ir Edmun ds C h ristofer Deane as well of the residue of alle the landes tenementes h eridita

mentes of the same Thomas C ursone sel t lyynge b eynge in the countie of Derb ie or elsewhere within th erealme of Englande as of the reuercion of alle such landes tenementes as Elizabeth now wi fe of thesame Thomas C ursone hath in ioyn tour fore terme of here life 8; of the revercion of carten landes inC roxalle b eforsa de in the saide coun tie of Derb ie b eynge of the yerlie value of xli which one WilliamC ursone now h olde th e for terme of h is lifi e And of the reuercion of certen landes lyinge in the towne of


Page 229: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Skotc/z of t/i e P a ris/z of Croxall.

Alderwas in the coun tie of Stafi orde b eynge of the yerlie value of viiju which one C h adde C ursone holdethfor te rme of his lifi e , to have 8; to holde the forsaide reuercion of alle the landes tenement es h eredita

mente s aforsaide wi th the reuercion of the said landes and tenemen tes after th e severalle decesses of thesaide William 8: Chadds un to the saide Edmun de 8: C hristofer deane th eire beire s and assignez fore euerVppon condicion that the same S ir Edmunda C h ristofer D eane 66 the survivor of them wi thi n ij dayesnexte ensuynge the same e state to b made shall denyse graun te a le tte the foresaide residue ofalle the saide lande s tenementes h eriditamentes together wi th the reuercion of the saide landes Stt enemen tes which the said Willi am C h adde holde fore terme of th eire severalle livez as i s aforesaide vn to

the saide Thomas C ursone for terme of his lifi e led wi thout impechment of weste the remayndrethereof afte r the decesso of the same Thomas C urson e unto th e said George C ursone to the b eires of h i sb odye laufullye b egottyne the remaindre therof fore lacke of such i s sue to the right be ires of the saideThomas C ursone alle which premi sses th e said Thomas C ursone couenaun teth graunteth bye these presentessh allb e at th e tyms the forsaide seueralle est-ates of the premisses in fourme aforesaide to be made di scharged of all e fourmer b argeyn s sales titles ioyntourz dowers incremente s recognisaunces execu cions ofall e other charges incumbraun ces what so euer they be except onelie the forsaide ioyntour the dowe rof th e saide E l izabeth St ye forsaide estates for te rme of lives of th e saide William C ursone 8; C h adde

C ursone the reu ercion of all which landes tenement es afte r the seu eralle decessez of the saide E lizabethC ursone William Chedde the saide Thomas C ursone cou enaun te th e graun teth e to fynde the saide Georgeat his propere costes charges meyte drinke apparelle convenien te all other n ecessarie s b elongyngevnto hyme un tille the saide George sh alle accomplisch e th age of vij yeres after which tyms the saideRol ande Bab ingtone couenaunte th e by these presentes to fynde the saide George dc Kath eryne at his properecostes dc charge s of the sai de Rolande and his executourz un tille such tyme as the said George shallaccomplisch e th ag e of xxt i yeres . Al so the saide Thomas covenaun te th e graun teth e fore hyme his execu

to ures unto the same R olande 8r hi s executourz yt emediatie after the estate b e made to hyme fore terme

of his lifi'e of y° same landes t enementes that the same Thomas Cursone wi thin one month e next afte rthe times at sain e de shal l gyve graun te one annuelle rent of the yerlie value of one h undreth e poundessterlin ge Joyn tur out of th e same landes tenementes un to th e s aide George C ursone dc to h is h eiresassi gnez paid at the feastes of Sayn t M ich el le the Annun ciacion of ower ladye by evyn porcionz with aclaus e of distresse for the same graun te to be made to destreyne in the same landes dc tenementes for nonpaimente of the saide ren t at euery of the saide feastes that yt ough te to be paide at. And the same rentto b egyn e to be paide to be due paiable un to the saide George his beires dc assi gnez at the feaste ofsaynte M ichell e next before that the same Thomas C ursone do not h erafter obuiate the same landes andtenementes ore anye parce ll e therof to anye persone ore personz ore sufire any recouere or other acte tohurt ore dish erite the same George C ursone his b eires of the same landes tenementes ore of anyepacelle thereof ore of th e reuercion fore which marriage all e other the forsaid cou enaun tes graun tes

promisez uppon the behalf of the said Thomas C ursone to be well trulie ob serued perfourmed fulfi lledkept accordynge unto the purport tenour and efi ect of th i s inden ture the said Rolande Bab ingt one

couenaun te th e dc graun te th e to conten t paye unto the same Thomas C ursone ye some of C Cxxli sterlinge

i n maner fourme folowynge that is to saye the daye of the ensealinge of these indentures one hun drethpoundes sterling the same daye to E lizabeth C ursone wifie to y° same Thomas for her goode will e in thepremisses ten poundes sterlin ge within vj mon th ez next after the same mariage fyftye poundes sterlinge

te ne poundes unto the sai de E lizabeth dc other fyftye pound s sterlin ge wi thin v j moneth es thene nextfolowynge In wi tn ess whereof to these present indenture s the partie s ab ouesaide interch angeablie have settethere seales the daye yere ab ou esaide .

Sciant presentes and futuri quod Ego Thomas C ursone de C roxalle in comitatu D erbio armiger i nperfourmacionem qu arundem convencionum and agreamen torum in quibusdam inden turis gerentibus datumultimo die septemb ris anno regn i regi s Henric i octaui vicesimo octavo inter me prefatum Th omam C urzons

ex un a parte et R olandum Bab ingtone de Atlowe rigge in d icto comitatu Derb ie armigerum ex altera parteconfec et h ab itumde et sugur maritaguim deo dan te habendum et solempniz endum inte r GeorgiumC ursone filium et h eredem apparantem mei prefati Thome C ursone et Kath erinam Bab ingtone filiumpredictiB oland i specifi catum e t declaratum ded i concessi et hac presenti carta mea indentate confi rmavi Edmun doAlcock e e t C h ristofero Deane un am pasturam in C roxalle predicta in dic to comitatu Derb ie vocatam C roxalle

holme ann ui redditus viginti marcarum ac tres campus arab iles i n C roxalle predicte iacentes supra Croxallewoode et snnt annui redditus septem librarum ultra omnia onera e t reprise s habenda et tenenda predicta

Page 231: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Séctck of t/ic P aris/z of Croxall.

alique premissorum In cuius rei testimonium u traque parti h uius present is carte mee indentate sigillummeum apposui Datum vicesimo die octob ris anno regni regi s Henric i octavi vicesimo octavo virtute cuiusfeoffamenti idem Edmundiss et C hristoferus fuerun t seisiti de predictis pastu ris et tribus compisarab illibusin dominico suo u t de icedo et predicti Edmundus C h ristoferus sic inde seisiti existentis per ce rtam suam .

cuius datum est vicesimo d ie octob ris anno vicesimo octavo supradicto tradiderun t et concesserun t prefatoRolando Bab ingt one tres partes dic te pasture vocate C roxalle holme in quatuor partes d ivi s i que quidem trespartes se attingun t ad darum annum val orem decem lib rarum ul tra omnia onera et reprise s h ab endas et

tenendas dicta s tres parte s dicte pasture cum sui s pertin enciis prefato Rolando et suis assignatis pro termin onovem annorum tun e proxime sequencium post datum eiusdem carte videlicit quousque dictus GeorgiusOu rs ene ad e ta tem quindecem annorum provenerit vel provenire po tuisset remanere in de post di ctumterminum sic fi nitum seu elapsum dictis Georg


e Oursene e t Katherine pro te rmino vite corum et alteriuseorumdiucius viventis absque impechiamen to alicuius vasti volun tarie vasto omnino excepto nomin e parcelleiuncture dicte Katherine remanere inde post corum decessum et alterius corum diuxius v iven tis h eredibus decorpore dioti Georgii l egittime procreatis et pro defectu tali s exi tus remanere inde rectis h eredib us ipsius

Georgii imperpetuum e t sub condic ione quod s i dicta Katherin a recusaverit dispen sare et in virum ducere

di ctum Georgium Oursen e sive causa racionab ili quod tu nc imediate post tatem recusacionem sic pe r ipsamfactam idem scriptum et possessio inde liberata sun t t vacua et pro nullo h ab ean tur in lege prout per eandemcartam j uro toribus predictis super capcionem huius inquisicionis in evidenciam ostensam plenius liquetcuius quidem carte ten or sequitur in hec virba .

Omnibus Chri sti fi delibus ad ques h ec presens scriptum pervenerit Edmundu s Alcock e clericus et Chr i stoferus D ean e salu tem in domino sempitern o scia tis quod cum Thomas Oursene de Croxall i n comi tatu Derb ie

armigerum in perfourmacionem quarundem convencionum et agreamentum quib usdam indenturis gerentibus

datum ul timo die sep temb ris anno Regni regi s Henr ic i octavi vicesimo octavo in ter dictos Thome Ourseneex un a parte et quendam R olandum Bab ing tone de Atlowe ryge in di c te comitatu Derb ie armigerum exaltera part e confectis et h ab itis de et super maritagium deo dante h abendum et solempniz andum in terGeorgium Oursene fi lium et h eredem apparen tem prefati Thome Oursene et Katherine B ab ingtone fi liamprefati R olandi specifi catum et declaratum per carta suam indentatum geren tem datum presencium deditconcessit e t dictam cartam suam confi rmaverit nobis prefatis Edmun do et C hristofero un am pasturam inC roxalle predicta in d icte comitatu Derb ie vocatam C roxalle holme annui redditus v igin ti marcarum ul traomnia onera et reprises ac tres campas arab ililes in C roxalle predicto iacentes supra C roxalle woode ann uiredditu s septem lib rarum ultra omnia onera et reprise s habenda et ten enda dictam post unam et camposarab iles cum sui s pertinenciis nobis prefatis Edmundo e t C h ristofero h eredib us et assignatis nostris imperpetuum sub certis condicion ib us prout per eandem inden turam e t dictam certam inde confectam superpremissis inn et plan e li quet N overitis nos prefa tos Edmun dum et C hristoferum in perfourmacione dictarumcondicionum in eisdem inden turis specifi catum ac in perfourmacione dicte carte tradidisse dimississe e t hocpresen ti scripto nostro

~confi rmasse prefato Rol ando B ab ingtone tres partes dic te pasture vocate Croxalle

holme in quatuor partes d ivise .que quidem tres parte s se a t tingun t in toto ad darum ann uum valorem

decem libra ultra omnia onera et reprises h ab endas e t tenendas dictas tres parte s eiusdem pasture vocateC roxalle holme cum sui s pertin enciis prefato Rolando Bab ingtone et assignatis sui s pro termino novemannorum proxime sequencium post datum presencium e t plenarie complendorum videlicit quousque dictusGeorgius Oursen e ad e tatem quindecem annorem prov en erit vel proven ire potuisset reman ere inde postdictum terminum sic fi ni tum seu elapsum djetis Georgie Oursen e et Kath erin e pro termino vite co rume t alterius corum diucius viven tis absque impech iament o alicujus vaste v olun tarie vasto omnino exceptonomin e parcelle iuncture d ic te Katherine remanere inde post comm decessum e t alterius comm diucius

viven tis h eredibus decorp ore dioti Georgii l egittime procreatis. E t pro defectu h uju s modi exi tus in derectis h eredibus prefati Georgii Oursene imperp etu um. E t sub condicione qu odsi dicta Katherin a recusaverit

dispensare et in virum ducere dictum Georgium Our sene sin e causa racionab ili quod tun e imedia te post ta lemrecusacionem sic per ipsam factam hoc presens sc riptum nostrum et possessio in de liberata sint vacua e tpro nul lo h ab ean tur in lege N overit is insuper nos prefatos Bamundum et C hristoferum at tornasse deputassest in loco nostro possuisse dilectos nobis in chri sto Georgium C ursone de Alderwas generosum et Th omamSmy the pro n ostros veros et legittimas attornato s coniunctim e t divisim adintrandum et ingrediendum in

djetis tribus partibus dicte pastu re cum sui s pertinenciis et possessionem e t seisin am inde capiendum E t

post h uius modi possessionem et seisin am sic inde captam et habitam deinde pro nobis vice et nomin enostro plenum et pacifi ce possessionem et seisinam inde prefato Rolando Bab ingtone vel suis in hac parte

Page 232: Of the History of Croxall

Afipcna’ix to H istory of Croxall.

attornatis seu at tornato deliberandum secundum veni fo rmam et effectum huius presentis scripti nostri indeconfecti ratum et gratum h ab entum e t h abitumm totum et quicquid dioti at tornati nostri seu corum alternominebus nostris fecerin t seu fecerit in premissis sen in alique premissorum. In cuius rei testimoniumhuic presen ti scripti nostro sigilla nostra apposuimus Dat vicesimo d ie octobris anno regni regis Henricioctavi v icessimo octavo vertute cuius quidem tradicionis et dimissionis idem Rolandus Bab ingt one fuitpossessionatus de predictis tribus partibus d icte pasture per forman dimissionis predicte . Et ulterius predicti

Edmundus et C h ristoferus sic u t premittitur seisti exi stentes de residus pasture predicte que se extenditad qu artam partem pasture illins per cartam suam cuius datum est vicessimo die octobris anno vicessimooctavo supradicto tradiderun t et dimiserun t prefato Thome Our sene dictam quartam partem d ioti pasturevocate C roxalle holme que quidem quarta pars se attingitto ad ciarum annum valorem quinque marcarumultra omnia onera et reprises h ab endamet tenendam dictam qu artam partem d icte pasture cum sui spertinenciis prefato Thome C ursone et assignatis sui s pro termino novem annorum tun c proxime sequenciumet plenarie complendorum remanere inde post d ictum terminum novem annorum sic fi n itum sui elapsumdi cte Rolando B ab ingtone b ahendam et tenendam d icte Rolan do et assignatis sui s pro te rmin o quinqueannorum tunc proxime sequenciumet plenari e complendorum remanere inde post dic tum terminum quinqueannorum sic fi nitum seu elapsum dictos Georgie Oursene et Katherine pro termin o vite corum et eorumalterius diucius viven tis absque impediamento alicinus vasti voluntarii vasto omino excepto nomine alteriu ssine secunde parcell e iuncture dic te Katherine remanere inde post corum decessum et post decessum alterus

corum diucius viventis h eredib us de corpore dic to Georgii l egittime procreatis e t pro defectu h u iusmodiexitus remanere inde rectis h eredibus prefati Georgii Oursene imperpetuum et sub condicione quod si dictaKatherina recusaverit desponsare et in virum ducere di c tum Georgium Our sene sine causa racionab ili quodtun c imediate post talem recusacionem sic per ipsam factam scriptum illiod et possessio inde liberato suitvacua et pro mi llo h ab ean tur in lege prout per eandem cartam inratorib us predictis super capcionem huius

inquissicionis in evidenciam osten sam plenius liqui t cuius qu idem carte tenor sequitur in h ec verba .

Omnibus Christi fi delib us ad quos hoc presens scriptum prev enerit Edmundus Alcock e clericus et

C hristoferus Deane salu tem i n domin i sempiternam sciates quod cum Thomas Oursene de Croxalle incomitatu B erbie armiger in perfourmacione quarundam convencionum et agreamentorum in quib usdaminden turis geren tibu s datam ultimo die septembris anno regni regi s Henrici octavi vicesimo octavo interd ictum Th omam Oursene ex un a parte et qu endam R olandum B ab ingtone de Atlowe rige in di ctecomita tu armigerum ex altera parte confectibu s e t h ab itis de e t super maritagium deo dante , habendume t solempnizendum inter Georgium Oursene fi lium et h eredem apparen tem prefati Thome Oursene et

Kath erinam B abington fi liam prefati R olandi specifi catum et declaratum per ce rtam suam inden tatam

geren tem datum presencuim ded it concessit e t dicta carte sua confi rmav it nobis prefatis Edmundo ci

C h ristofero unam pasturam in C roxalle predicto in d ic te comitatu Derb ie vocatam C roxalle holme cunutreddi tus viginti marcarum ultra omnia onera et reprises ac tres campos arab iles in C roxalle predicto

iacentes supra C roxalle wood annui redditus septem librarum ultra omnia onera et reprises habenda et

tenenda dicte pasturam e t campos arab iles cum sui s pertinenciis nobi s prefatis Edmundo e t C h ristofero

h eredib us e t assigna tis nostris imperpetuum sub certis condicionibu s prout per eadem cartam et d ictasin denture s inde confectas super premisse s magis plane liquet N overitis nos prefatos Edmundum Christoferum in perfourmacione dictarum convercionum in eisdem inden turis specifi catarum ac i n perfourma

c ione dicte carte tradicisse e t per presentes ad fi rmam dimisisse prefato Thome Curson quartam partemdicte pasture vocate Croxalle holme in quatuor partes divise qui quidem quarta pars s e at tingit adclarum annuum valorem quinque marcarum ultro omnis onera reprises b ahendam et teh endam dictam

quartam partem dicte pasture cum sui s pertinenciis prefato Thome Oursene et assignatis suis pro terminonovem annorum proxime sequencium post datum presencium et plen arie complendorum remanere inde postd ictum terminum novem annorum sic fi n itum seu elapsum d icte Rol ando B ab ingt one habendum et tenendumd icto Rolando ct assignatis suis pro te rmino quinque annorum tunc proxime sequencium et plen arie complendorum remanere inde post datum terminum quinque annorum sic fi nitum seu elapsum dicto GeorgeoOursene et Katherine pro termino vite corum e t alterius co rum diucius viventis absque impech iamen toalicujus vasti voluntarii vasti omnino excepto nomine alterius sive secunde parcelle iuncture dicte Katherin eremanere inde post corum decessum et post decessum alterius eorum diucius verientes h eredib us d e corporedioti Georgi i C ursone legittime procreatis et pro defectu h u jusmodi exitus remanere inde rect is h eredibus

prefati Georgi i Oursene imperpetuum et sub condi cione quod s i dicta Katherina recusaverit desponsare et invirum ducere dictum Georgium C ursone s ine causa racionab ili quod tum imediate post talem recusa tionem

Page 233: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical S /éctc/i of t/ze P aris/i of Croxall.

sic per ipsam factam presens scriptum nostem e t possessio inde liberata sint vao ur e t in l ege pro nul loN overitis insu per nas prefatos Edmundum et Christoferum at tournasse deputasse et in loco nostro posuissedilecto s nobis in Ch ris to Georgium C ursone et Alderwas generosum et Th omam Smyth notres veros e t

legitt imos a t tourn ato s coniunctom e t divisim ad intrandum et ingrediendum in dicta quarta parte diotipastu re cum sui s pertinenciis et possessionem e t seisinam in de capiendum et post h uius modi possessionem sic inde captum et habitam deinde pro nobi s vice et nomin o nostro plenum et p acifi ce

possessionem e t seisinam inde prefato Thome C urs one vel eius in h ac part e atto urnatis sen attournato

deliberan dum secundum veni formam et efi ectum h uius presen tis scripti nostri inde confecti ratum et

gratum h ab entum e t h ab ituram totum et quicquid dioti at torn ati seu corum alter fecerin t seu fecerit inpremissis seu in alique premissorum in cuius rei te stimon ium huni present i sc ripto nostro sigi ll a nostroapposuismus Datum vicesimo die Octob ris anno r egni regesis Henrici octavi vicesimo octavo virtu tecuiu s quidem dimissionis idem Thomas Cursen fui t possessionatus de predicto qu art s. parte pasturepredicte cum sui s pert inenciis per fuam dimissionis predicte Et insuper prefatu s E dmun da s et

C hristoferus sic u t premittitur seisiti exi ste nte s de dictis tribus c ampis arab ilibus iacen te s super Croxa llwoode annui valoris sepcem librarum ultra omnia onera et reprises residuum terrarum et tenementorum

predictorum per cartam suam cuius datum vicesimo die octobris ann o vicesimo octavo supra dictetradiderunt et demisserun t prefato Thome Cursen dicte s tres campos arshiles ann ui veloris septem librarumper ann um h ab endos e t te nendos dictes tres campos sui s pert in encii s prefato Thome Cursen et assign atis

suis pro termino quindecm ann orum tu ne proxime seqencium post datum cuiusdam c arte videlices

quousque dictum Georgium Cursen compleverit seu complere potuisset atatem vigin ti annorum remanerein de predicto te rmino quindecem annorum sic fi nitum seu elapsam prefats Georgie et Katherin e prote rmino vite corum et al te rius corum diucius viven tis absque impechiamento alicujis vasti v olun tarii

vasto omnio excepto n omin e te rce partis et totius iun cture dicte Katherine remanere inde post corumdecessum e t alterio corum diucius viuentis h eredib us de corpore dioti Georgii l egitime procreatis et prodefectu h uius modi exitus remanere inde rectis h eredibus prefati Georgii imperpetuum Et sub condi cionequod si dicta Kathe rine recusaverit desponsare e t in v irum du cere dic tum Georgium sine causa racin ab iti

quod tun c imedia te post talem recusacion em sic per ipsam factam indem scriptum et possessio indeliberata s int vacua et pro nullo sab eanto in l ege prout per candem inratoribu s super capcionem huinsinquiscionis in evidenciam ostensam plenius liquet cuius quidem carte te nor sequitur in hec verba .

Omnibus Chr i st i F idelibus ad ques presens scriptum pervenerit Edmundus Al cocks clericus et Ch ristoferus dean e salutem in domino sempetiruam Scia tis quod cum Thomas oursene de Croxalle in comitatuDerb ie armiger in perfourmacionem quarundem convencionum et agreamentorum in quibusdam indenturis

geren tib us datum ultimo die Sep tembris an no regni regis Henric i octavi vicesimo octavo in ter dictumTh omam C ursone ex un a parte e t quendam Rolandum B ab ingtone de A tlowe rige in di cte comi tatu Derb iearigerum ex altera parte confectis e t h ab itis de et super maritagium

,deo dan ,

habendum et solempnizendumin te r Georgium Oursene filium e t h eredem apperen tem prefati Thome Oursene et Kath erinem Bab in gtone

filieam d ict R olandi B ab ingt one specifi catum e t declaratum per c arham suam indentatam gerentem datumpresencium dedi t concessit et di c ta carta sua confi rmavit nobi s prefatis Edmunde e t C hristofero unarn

pasturam in C roxalle predicta i n dicte comitatu Derb ie v ocatam C roxalle holme annui redditus viginti

marcarum ultra onera et reprises ac tres campon s arab iles in C roxalle predicta vicentes super C roxalle woodeannui redditus septem lib rarum ul tra omn ia onera e t reprises habenda et teneda dictam pasturam et campasarab iles cum sui s pertinenciis nobi s prefatis E dmun do et C h risto fero h eredibus et assigna tis nostr is imperpetuum sub certi s condicionibus prout per candem cartam et dictus indenture s inde confectas superpremissis magis plenuis liqvet . N oueritis nos prefates Edmundum e t Ch ristoferum in perfourmacionemdictorum convencionem in eisdem iden turis specifi catorum ac in p erfourmaciene di cte carte tradidisse

concessisse et ad firmam dimississe prefati Thome Oursen e dic te s tres campos arab iles annui voloris septemlibrarum habendes e t tenendos dictas tres campos cum suis pert in enciis prefato Thome Ours ene e t assigna tis

suis pro termino quin decem annorum proxime sequ encium post datum presenciume t plenarie complendorumvidelicit quousque dictus Georgius C u rsone etatem vigin ti annorum compleverit sen complere p o tuisset

remanere inde post dictum te rminum quin decem ann orum fi nitum sen elapsum prefa tis Georgie et Katherinepro termin o vite corum et al teriu s corum diucius vivente s absque impech eament a alicuuis vasti v olun tarievasto omnino excepto nomine te rcie parti s e t te cnis uin cture dic te Katherin e remanere inde post ee ramdecessum et post decessum al terius eorum diu cius viventis h eredibus de co rpore dicte Georgii C ursonelegittime procreatis e t pro defectu h ujusmodi exitus remanere inde rectis h eredibus prefati Georgii C ursone

Page 235: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Sl’ctc/i of t/ze P a ris/i of Croxall.

and graunte by these presen tes to and with the sai d Dame Mary L eveson her h eires executo rs andadministratours that before the feast of th e B irth of our Lorde God next cominge after the date of thesepresen te s he th e said George Curz on Esquier and George hi s sonne and th eire b eires shall and willsufiicientlye and lawful ly convey and assure to the said S ir Edward Pytten kn ight Thomas Greseley WalterL eveson and Humfrey De th icke E squiers and th eire beires or the survivors or survivour of them and to

the h eires of the same survivour or survivours of them with warraun ty only against bym th e said Georgethe father and his heares , A s we ll all that the Mannour of Croxall in the Coun ty of Derby wi th all th edemayne landes to th e same b elonginge , And the Recto ry an d Parsonage of the parish e C h urch e of Croxallaforesai d , And also th e Advowson of the V icaredge of Croxall aforesaid, And also th e seueral c losespasture s meadowes groundes l andes tenementes and h ereditamentes w ith there appertenaun ces in Croxallaforesai d hereaft er particulerly named and specifi ed viz . t h e B rode F elde , the B rode F elde Medowe, th e NeweFelde

,the New Close and Smythes Close, P esell P ittes, Meadowe Mores, Gorstie More s , Rye Landes, Croxall

Wood, B arlie Cluse, Mese Meadow, the Meadowe at Mese B ridge, the L itle Pingle Meadowe , the Meadowe

betwixt Barlie Close and Gorstie Mores P angio Meadowe , The Parke , the Horse Close , th e M ilne F elde Wygersclose to the M iln e Holme, the Rough Holm e, the P in gle Meadowe , the Longe Close at Crox all Lane . The waterMyll, Goose Home Greene , The M i lne F elde, the M ill Meadowe, th e Three errable feldes ab ove Croxall Wood,one pasture with one meadowe called Croxall Holme, And also all and singuler other hi s Landestenemen tes meadowes woodes waters fi sh inges Rentes reuercions service s advowson s patronag es Recto rie sparsonag es, tithes, profi ttes, commoditi es advantages and h eredi tamentes wh atsoeuer with all and singulerth eere appertenaun ces scitu at lyin gs and beinge with in the Mannours lordsh ippe Towne sh ipps te rrito rie sfelde s and prescintes of C roxall and Catton in th e said C oun tie of Derb ie , and in Eddingh all in the saidCoun tie s of Derb ie and Stafi orde and in Ockley in th e sai d C oun ti of Stafi orde or in any of them The sameconveyance and assuraun ce to b e so made of the premi s ses at th e equall and indiffe rent costes and chargesof th e said Dame Mary Levesen her be ires execu tours or admi nis trate urs and of the said George Curzon thefather his be ires executours administrato rs and in su ch manner and forme and by such lawful] wayes andmeanes as sh alb e reasonably devi sed by the said Dame Mary L eveson h er b eires execu tours oradministrateurs or th eire l earned councell and to suche v ses in tentes as hereafter by these pre sentes areexpressed lymitted and decl ared An d i t i s further covenaun ted concluded and agreed by and b etwene thesaid parties to these presen tss and eche and euery of them for them and th eire be ires seuerally Do graun tecon clude and agree to and wi th the others and eche of them and thence and euery of th eire beires Thatymediatly from and afte r the said conveyaun ce and assuraun ce so had and made of the premi sses mencionedin these presentes to be conveyed or assured as i s aforesaid as well the same conveyaun ce and assuraun ceso to be made of the premi sses as i s aforesaid before th e said feast of the Birth of our Lorde God nextcomin g as also all other conveyaun ces as surances what so ever wi th the sai d George Curzon the fatherAnd George the father and George the sonne and th eire beire s at any tyme hereafte r duringe the space oftwo yeares next ensuin ge make to th e s aid S ir Edward P yt ten , Thomas Greseley, Walte r Levese n andHumphrey Deth ick e or to any of them or th eire or to any of th eire beires of the premisses or any partthereof sh albe , And the said S ir Edward F ytton , Thomas GreseleyWalte r Levesen and Humphrey De th ick eand th eire h e ires an d the survivors and surv ivor of them and the be ire s of th e same survivor and survivorsof them shall from thenceforth stande and be seised of in th e said Mann our and Landes tenementes and

h ereditamente s and all and singuler the premisses wi th th appert enaunces wh atsoeuer to the seuerall vses

purposes and intentes and under the condic ione provisors and lymitacions hereafter in these presen te sexpressed lymitted and declared and not to any other vse intent or pu rpose . That is to say of and in th esaid seueral closes pastures meadowes and grounds s in Croxall aforesaid called B rode F elde

, th e Brodefelde

Meadowe , the New F elde , the N ew Close and Smythes Close with th appertenaun ces to the vse and b eh ofe ofthe said George Curzon th e sonne and of the sade Mary his wyfe and of th e h eires males of the said GeorgeCurzon the sonne lawfully begotten of the body of the said Mary his wyie, And for default of suche i ssueto the v se of the b eires males of th e body of the said George Curzon the sonne to be l awfully begottenAnd for default of suche is sue to the vses of the right b eires of the said George Curzon the sonne foreuer,And of and in the Mannour House of Croxall and all the residue of the landes tenemente s andh eredi tamente s wi th th appertenaunces in C roxh all Catto n Eddingh all and Ockley aforesaid to the use of thesaid George Curzon the father for and duringe the terme of h is naturall life wi thout ympeach ement of anyman nour of waste , and afte r h is decease to the v ss of the executors admini strato rs and assignes o f the saidGeorge Curzon the father for and duringa the terme of one whole yeare next and ymediately ensuinge aft er

Page 236: Of the History of Croxall

Appendix [ 0 H z


sz‘ory of Croxall.

the decease of the said George Curzon th e father, And after the same yeare ended , then to the vse of th esaid George Curzon the sonne and of the beires males of his body of the body of the said Mary his wy ie lawfullybegotten And for defaul t of suche yssu e to the vse of th e beires males of the body of th e said GeorgeCurzon the sonne to be l awful ly begotten , And for default of suche issue to the vse of the right beires ofthe said George Curzon the sonne And th e said George Curzon the fathe r for b ym and h is be ires dothCovenant promise and graun te to and with the said Dame Mary L eveson her executors and admin istratorsThat al l and singuler the said Mannour of Croxal l messuages landes t enemen tes and h ereditamen tes and allsinguler other the premi sses with th appurtenaun ces wh atsoeuer before in these presentes mencioned and appointed to b e assured and conveyed as it aforesaid sh alb e and at al l times hereafter shall remaine contynu e andbe to the vses before mencioned accordinge to the tr ue meaninge of these presentes cleirely exoneratedacquited and di scharged or othe rw ise sufficiently saved harme les of and from al l and almanner b argayn essale s leases Joyn tures dowers statutes , R ecognisaun ces rentes Judgemen tes intension s condicions charges andincumbraun ces whatso ever had made done growen or weltingly or wi l l ingly suffered or hereafter to be h admade or don e by the said George Curzon the father his b eires or assignes Except two seuerall l eases of twocloses in Croxall aforesaid whereof thone is called the Pingl e Meadowe now in the tenure of Roger Kensallor his ass ignes not exceadinge the nombre of Twelve yeares yet to come and thother i s call ed the LongeClose at Croxall Lane now in the tenure of John Higges or of h is assignes the lease whereof exceadeth notthe nombre of F yve yeares yet to come An d also except suche esta te of and in these seu erall parcel les ofgrounde followinge as Katheryn the wyfe of the said George Curzon hath in Joyn ture for and duringe hernaturall l ife That is to say one pasture wi th a meadows ly ings to Mease called Croxall Holme and the threearrable fe ldes above the wood called Croxal l Wood with th appertenaunces And al so except one Annu itye oryearely Rent of Twent ie poundes gra un ted by the said George Curz on the father unto Wil liam Curzonyonger sonne of the said George yssuinge out of th e said Mannour of Croxall in and out of al l and singuler

the landes meadowes pastures tenemen tes and h ereditamen tes in C roxh all afore said the Joynture of thesaid Mary the daughter viz . the Brodefelde, the Brodefelde Meadows, the New F ellde , the Newe Close andSmyt hes Close excepted , to be had pereeyved and taken by the said Will iam Curzon from and after th endeand expiracion of one whole yeare next ensuinge after th e decease of th e said George Curzon the father forand duringe the terme of the natural] l ife of the said William Curzon payable at the feastes of St M ichae lTh arch aungell and Th annunciacion of our b lessed lady saint Mary the V irgyn by even porcions graun t ed

by dede b earinge date the Twen tith day of September in the xxij th years of her mumraigne , And also

except one other Annuity or yearely Rent of Twen ty P oundes graun ted by the said George Curzon th e

father unto Henry Curzon an other sonne of the saide George the father by h is dede b earinge the like dateissu inge out of the said mannor of Croxal l and out of all and singular the said l anes meadows pastures andh ereditamen tes the Croxal l aforesaid

,th e j ointure of the said Mary the daughter afore mencioned excepted ,

To have and perceyve the said Annuitie or yearely Rent to the said Henry Curzon during his naturall li feafter th expiracion of one whole years next ensu inge after the death of th e said George Curz on the fatherpayable at the lastmencioned feast by l ike porcions And al so except one other Annuity or yearly Rent of onehundred Markes yssu inge out of the Mannour of Croxall aforesaid and out of all and singuler the saidlandes meadowes pastures tenementes and h eredi tamentes in Croxall aforesaid and out of all the said landestenemen t es and h ereditamen t es in Croxall afore said the Joynture of the said Mary the daughter aforemencioned excepted graun ted by the said George Curzon the father by his dede bearings date the xxj t h dayof September in the xxij t h years of her Ma l i“ raigne to Thomas Burdett and Christopher Horton to the vse

and beh efa of E lizabeth Curzon daughter of the said George Curzon the father to be pereeyved and takenfrom and ymediatlie after th ende and experiacion of one whole yeare next ensu ign after the death of thesaid George Curzon the father vnto th ende and terme of Three yeares payable at the above named feast bylike porcions, And also except one other Annu itie or yearely Rent of one hun dreth Markes issuinge out ofthe said Mannour of Croxall and out of the said landes tenementes and h ereditamen tes in Croxall aforesaid(th e Joynture of the said Mary the daughter afore mencioned excepted ) graunted by the said George Curzonthe father vn to the said Thomas B urdett and C hristofer Horton unto the vse of B ridgett Curzon one otherdaughter of the said George Curzon th e father to h ad be pereeyv ed and taken from th experacion of one wholeyeare next ensuinge after the death of the said George Curzon the father for and duringe the terme ofThree years payable at the above named feastes by even porcions, And also except one Annuitys or yearelyRent of Two hundreth poundes yssu inge out of the said Mannour .

of C roxal l and ' out of all the Landesten ementes and h ereditamen tes in Croxal l afore said (the Joyn ture of the Said Mary L eveson the daughter

Page 237: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical St air/z of t/ze P a ris/z of Croxall.

before perticulerly named excepted) graun ted by the said George Curzon th e father by dede b earinge datethe xxj t b day of September in the xxij t h yeare of h er Mat ea raigne to Randel l Ma uneringe and EdwardEdgerson Esquiers to the vee of al l and euery the daughter and daughters of the said George Curzon th esonne lawft begotten of the body of the said George Curzon the sonne and of the sai d Mary his wyfefor the preferment and advauncement in marriage of all and eve ry such daughter and daughters The sameAnnuity or yearely Rent of Two hun dreth poundes to be had pereeyved and taken from and after th eexpiracion and ende of one Whole years next ensuinge after the death of the said George Curzon th e fatherand from and after the death of the said George Curzon the sonne vuto Th ende and terme of Tenne yearespayable at the said last mencionad feasts by like porcion s And al so except the pasturage of S ix kyne andof and for one geldinge, and of and for one Sowe and s ix Shotes yearely during the life of RichardStandanaugh t now vicar of Croxall in the said pasture called Brodefelde , An d also except all such eauncient ch eife Rentes charges and duties as are and ought to be issuinge or goinge forth of the premissesor any part of them to the Queues Mat ie that now i s or to any other person So as the said auncient

ch iefe Rentes charges o r dutie s payab le eith er to the Que snes Matie or to any other person do not amountarise or grows above the some of Th irtie sh illinge by years And wheras the said George Curzon the fatherstandeth bounde un to the saide Dame Mary L eveson in the some of Three th ousande P ou ndes by on eR ecognisaunce or estatuto merch aun ts knowledged by the sai d George Curzon the father before HughRogerson late Maior of the C ittye of Chester and Richard B irkenhead Recorder of the said C it tye b earingedate in the moneth of September in the xxij t ll yeare of the raigne of our sovere igns Lady th e quenes Mat ieth at now i s I t is neuerth eles cov enaunted graunted and agreed by and b etwene the said partie s to thesepre sentes

,And the said Dame Mary L eveson doth fo r her her E xecutors and administratours covenaun t and

graunte by these presentes to and wi th the said George Curzon the father h is execu tours and administratoursThat if the said George Curzon the father his b eires executours and administratours and euery of them Doon his or theirs parte well and truly observe perfourme fulfille and kepe all and singuler the C ovenauntes

graun tes, promisses , articles and agreamen tes before in these pre sent Inden tures mencioned and expressedand whichs on the parte and b eh alfe of the said George Curz on the father hi s execu tours or administratoursare to be observed performed fulfi ll ed and kept. That then the sai d E statute or R ecognisaunce shall loseh i s force and be v tterly voids and of none effect yeven as though the same had neuer been had no r madeIn Witnes whereof to the fi rst parte of theis presents I nden toures remayninge wi th the said George Cursonthe father and George Curzon the sonne to the sai d D ame Mary L eveson S ir Edward F yttou ThomasGreseley Walter L eveson and Humfrey Deth ick have put th eire seal es , And to the seconds parte of thesame Indentures remaiueinge wi th the said Mary L eveson the said George Curzon th e father GeorgeCurz on the sonne S ir Edward F ytton Thomas Greseley Walter L ev eson and Humfrey Dethicke have putttheirs seales And to the thirds parte of the same Indentures remainin ge with the said S ir Edward P ytten ,Thomas Greseley Walter Levesen and Humfrey D eth ick , the same George Curzon the father George Curzonthe sonne and D ame mary L eve son have putt the ir seal es yeven the day and years first above written .

[signed] E F ytton Kt Walter L eveson Mary L eveson Tho Gresley Humfrey Deth icke .

[Endorsed] Sealed and Delyvered in the presence ofJohn N ewpork

John L evatteWillm Kyl eHenry WottonR ob tt Deth ick


Georgius Curzon miles.

Cou rt of Wa rds a nd L iven’


I ng . p .m. B undle 50, N o . 247. 2 Sep t . 7 C ar. 1 . 1631 .

I nquisicio indentata capta apud Derb iam in C omitatu Derb ie secundo d ie Septemb ris anno regni regi sCarol i de i grac ia Angl ic Scocie Francie et H ib ernie Regi s fi dei defenso r


s etc . Septimo cor-

am Joh annem

Page 239: Of the History of Croxall

H isfoz'z'

m/ S/ccff/z of Z/ze P am'

s/z of Croxall.

Morrice e t de uno co tagio e t crofto adiacente in tenura Georgii Wildblood ac de duab us clau s turis sine prati svoca tis C ock sh oote More et C onygrees in tenura Thome Worley ac de una pastura vocata n ordh ay in

t enura Georgii Th ornewalle et vie C uldacars situate et exi stente infra manerium de Alderwas al ias Allere

was i n C omitatu Staffordie Et Juratores predicti dicun t super sacramentum suum quad dictus GeorgiusCurzon fuit seisitus de tribus messuagiis six ten emen tus on san omnibus terris tenemen tis et h ereditamentiscum e isdem visitatis sin e gauisie cum p ertinenciis i n Eldingh alle in dic to comitatu Derb ie nunc in

seperalib us tenuris Johanni s Hatch et Will ’ i B rowne Johann is Mathew e t quondam terri s M ichaelis L’ow e t

nuper perqu isitis per d ic tu m Georgium Curz on de quodam Semie Weston militi Anth onio Bago tt armigersKatherina uxore eius e t Roberto Hill in dominico suo u t de feado prout per I nden turam tripart itam geren t en

datum quarto die Maij anno tricesim septimo Regi ne Elizabeths nuper Regine Anglie etc factam interprefatos Simonem Weston An th onium Bago tt Kath erinam et R ob ertum Hill de prima parte et EdwardumB romley Armigerum et Margaretam uxorem eius de secunda parte et prefatum Georgium Curzon de terciaparte cuju s altera pars in evidencia Juratoribus nunc ostensa fuit Et Juratores predicti deciunt supersacramentum suum quod dictus Georgius Curzon fuit seisitus de duob us mesuagiis dimidia virgata terre et

diversis terri s prati s pasturis cum pertinenciis cum eisdem occupatis in Eddingh all et Croxal l predicta nuper

perquisetis de C hristofero Endsor et Jana uxors eius in dominiico suo ut de feodo prout per quendam fi nieminde leva tum inter d ioum Georgium Curzon queren tem et dictos C h ristoferum Endsor et Janam deforcientes

per quem quidam fi niem d i ti Christopherus e t Jana recognoverun t dic ta mesuagia dimidia virgata terre e t

cetera ultimo recitata premissa esse ius ipsius Georgi i u t i l la que idem Georgius h ab erit de dono predictorumC h risteforum et Jana u t per euendem fi nem recorda tiun in communi Banco Termino M i chaeli s anno regniJacob i nuper Regis An gl ia etc decimo tercio e t in E videncia Juratorib us nunc ostensum plenius l iquetQuiquidem fi nis levatus fuit ad usum dicti Georgi i Curzon et h eredum snorum imperpetuum prout perI ndenturam indentatam gerentem datum primo d ie maij Ann o Regni Jacobi naper Regis Anglic etc terciodecimo inter dictos C hristoferum Endsor e t Janam uxorum eius ex un a parte et dictum Georgium Curzonex altera parte in evidencia nunc ostensam plenius l iquet E t Juratores predicti super socramentum suumdicunt quod dictus Georgius Curzon fuit eciam seisitus d e R ectoria de Lull ington in d i cto comitatu Derb ie

cum pertinenciis e t de omnibus et singulis terris et tenement is cum h eriditatibus et profi cius eidem R ectorie

pert inentibus nuper perqu isitis de d icto prenob ili Edwardo Comite Dorsetie Thome Robin son et RobertoGoodwin in dominico suo u t de feodo prout per I nden turam in curiam cancellarii irro tula tam gerentumdatum dv odecimo die Januarij Anno regn i Jacobi nunc Regi s Angl ic dec imo quinto R aetam inter dictosEdwardum comitem Dorse tie per n omen Edwardi Sackvile h onorab ilis ord ini s B alnei M il itia Th omamRobin son et R ob ertum Goodwin generoso s ex una parte et d ictum Georgium Curzon ex altera parte et

Juratorib us in Evidencia nunc ostensum plenius l iquet Et quod predictus Georgius sic inde seisitus existens

per C artam suam inden tatam gerentem datum duodecimo d ie Octobris Anno regni nunc Regi s Jacobi Anglieetc vicessimo factam inter dictum Georgium Curzon ex una parte et prefatum H enricum Curzon ex alteraparte concessit et ad fi rmam tradidit d icto Henrico et assign atis suis dictam R ectoriam de Lullington et

cete ra premi ssa cum pertinenciis pro t e rmino viginti une ins Annorum incipiendo imedia te post mortem diotiGeorgii Curzon si dictus Henricus tandem v ixerit reddendum inde annu atim durante termino predicto

annuale R edditus quadraginta sol idum ad F estos Annuncionis beate Marie V irgin is et Sancti M ichael isArch angeli prout per alterem partem Inden ture predicte Juritoribus in E videnciam nun c ostensum plen ius

l iquet Et Juratores alterius dicunt quod dictus Georgiu s in d ic to brevi nominatus de omnibus et singulis

premissis cum pertinenciis seisitus existens dec imo septimo d ie Novembri Anno Regni Jacob i nuper RegisAnglie etc vicesimo obiit sc i inde seisitu e t quod d ictum Manerium de Croxall cum pertin enci is in Croxallpredicta tempore morti s d ioti Georgii de d icto de nuper domino Rege et de domino Rege nunc t eneb an turet adh uc tenentur u t de Manerio 8 11 0 de E ast Greenewich in comitatu Kan cie in l iberi et communi Sogacioe t non in capite pro omnibus servicis et demandis qu ibuscunque Et Jura tores diciun t quod dictummesuagium terras pratos pastures et cetera premissa in Alderwas tempore morti s d ioti Georgi i teneb an tur et

adh uc tenen tur de Henrico Grifiith B aronetto i n libero Socagio u t de Manerio suo de Alderwas pro fi delitateEt annual i redditu octodegim solidorum et duorum denariorum pro omnibus serviciis e t demandis

qu ibuscunque E t Juratores dicunt quod tres mesuagia e t cetera premi ssa in Eddinghalle in seperali tenura

Johann is Hatchet Will ’ i B rowne et Johanni s Mathew e t d icta M ichaelis Low tempore mortis dioti Georgi iCurzon de d icto nuper domino Rege et de d icto Rege nunc teneb antur e t adh uc tenen tur u t de Manerio suode Sh enston i n C omitatu Stafi ordie per F idelitatum tau tum in l ibero socaqio et non in Capite pro omnibusreddibus serviciis e t demandis guib uscunqu e e t quod predicto duo mesuagio e t dimidia vii-gate. perquisite de

Page 240: Of the History of Croxall

Appendix to H istory of Croam/Z.

[ 6 3

C h ristofero Endsor tempore m orti s d ioti Georgi i Curzon ten eban tur e t adh uc tentar de dicte domino Regeu t de Hundredo suo de Greisley per fidelita tem et sectam curie a tribus septimanis in tres septimanus in

libero socaqu io et n on in Capite Et quod dictum Manerium de Croxall cum pertinenciis volet per annumultra omnibus exitus et reprisis qu inquagin tu libras E t quod d icta R ectoria et advocacio de C roxalle valetultra reprisis de cem solidis Et quod mesuagio terra tenemen to e t permissa in Alderwas valent per annumultra repri ses quatuer denarios E t quod mesuagio terra t enemen to in Eddingh alle perqui sito de S imone Westonetc . valent ultra reprisis unum solidum Et quod dictum mesu agim et premissu perqui sita de Endsor valentper ann um in omnibus existib us ultra reprisis quatuor denarios et quod d icta R ectoria de Lul lington valetper annum in omnibus exitibus ultra reprisis duos sol idos E t quod predicta Mari a uxor dioti EdwardiC omitis Dorsetie e t sola fi lia e t heri s eius propinquier et tempore mortis dioti Georgii Curzon fuit stati strigin ta annorum et amplius E t quod dictus prenob ilis Edwardus Dorset e t Marie uxor eius rationepremissorum post mortem ipsius Georgi i in d ictum Man erium de C roxalle e t cetera premi ssa in troderunt e t

ex itus eoru ndem percepenmt ad usum eorum proprium . In cuius rei etc .


V alor E ccle siasti c us . U nder Tutbury . Mon . Aug . Dugdale .

R ecep tio P ensionum.

D e Priore e t conven tu d e R epingdon pro pensione E ccle sie de Croxall . £0 18 0 .

Amongst a li st of gentlemen of the county of Derby who compounded for the ir estates we findthe foll owing

1655. 22 N ovemb ris.

Edward E arl of D orset to settle £164 per annum for ever,viz . , £80 per annum upon Saint


s in the West , and £84 per annum upon the church of Lullington in the county of Derby , forwhich he is allowed £1640, and so h i s fine of £2145 i s reduced to £775. Settled .

After the Restoration these fines were cancelled—See “ Chu rches of Derbyshire " Cox, Vol. I I I ., p . 388 .

CRoxAL L N o . XXIV .


C R O X A L L P O R T I O N .

BISHOP HOBHOU SE having examined

,at our j oint request, all the Registers and Terriers of the two

Parishes , and the Ed ingale Enclosure Act , 1791 , and having reported at length , advises us to put inprint the following points for the information of the Parish ioners .

The Enclosure Act contain s the foll owing saving Clause

31 GEO . III . , 1791 .

E X T R Ah 0 T

Sa ving Some p a rticula r OTH I NG herein con tained shall be construed to prejud ice or alter the right{if


£15:f 1


1ZI“Z h ear

h ertofore c laimed and enj oyed by the V icar of Croxall , and the Inhabitan tsof such part of Edin gale as lies in the Pari sh of Croxal l . of burying suchInhabitants of Ed ingale as die in the part of Edingal e

,which i s in the Parish of

Croxall,in the part of Edingale Churchyard usually appropriated for that purpose


nor to debar the V icar of Croxall of th e pasturage of_

that part of Ed ingaleChurchyard lying w ithin the said Pari sh of Croxal l .”

Page 241: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Sketc/z of tile P am'

s/z of Croom/t.

The Croxall Regi sters show that Croxall Pari sh ioners were buried in Ed ingale Churchyard by theirown V icar as of right down to 1750, when th e last entry occurs .

As many as ten of the Croxal l Terriers specify this portion of Churchyard as appertain ing to theV icar of Croxall.

In an Account B ook kept by Bourn e , V icar of Croxall from 1698 to 1727, it appears he received yearlyfrom the Curate of Edi ngal e a rent for the produce and pasture of the Crox all porti on of th e Churchyard .

The force of the Act of Parliament is to give the Parish ioners of Croxall dyin g in E dingale the righ tof burial in th is Port ion , and to the V icar of Croxal l the same rights and duties that he has in theChurchyard at Croxall .

Noth ing but th e Repeal of the Act can alter th i s.Signed, STAL EY ,



Page 243: Of the History of Croxall
Page 244: Of the History of Croxall


Page 245: Of the History of Croxall
Page 247: Of the History of Croxall
Page 248: Of the History of Croxall

MANER I UM.— I n Chetun habui t S innard iij . caru catas terrae a geldum. Terra iii . carucarum. Ibi nunc

dominio ii i carucae et xiiij . uillan i et i i b ordarii h ab en t iiij caru cas et xxiiij . acras prati . Si luaminuta i. quarentena longitudine e t i . quarentena latitudine . Tempore Regi s Edwardi et modo naletlx . solidos N igellus tenet.

MANOR — I n Ch etvn (Catton) S iward had three carucates of l and for geld . Land for th ree ploughs .Now in the demesne there (are) three ploughs ; and fourteen vi llamee, and two bordars have four plough s ,and twenty - four acres of meadow U nderowood, one furlong in length , and one furlong in breadth . Inthe time of King Edward it was worth

,and now

,it (was, and) i s worth sixty shill ings . N igel holds it . *

HE name Chetun,Catton

,has, accord ing to Edmunds


root in the fo l lowing Cat, Ca ter, Co tes, Cattas, Cato ,

Old Engl ish , or Anglo - Saxon,from Outta

, Lat in, a

C at,also a man’

s name,as Caterham




home ; Catesby, Hants, Ca tta

s- abode Cat thorpe

Le icestersh ire, Catta’s- farm ; Cat t istock , Dorset , Ca tta

s- stat ion ; Cats

field, Sussex, Ca tta’

s-field. I t is supposed that many place names having

for the init ia l sy l lable the name of an animal,especial ly those with the

terminat ions “ton


” “ ham,


“ by,

” have no direct reference to the

an imal whose name fo rms an element in the loca l name . I n early t imes

Domesday Book of Derbyshire, edited by Llewellynn Jewitt, E.S.A.

Page 249: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical St aff/z of Me P am'

s/z of Croxall.

it was customary for the owner of a“tun


” “ ham,

or“ by

,to assume

the name of some an imal as a persona l one,especial ly those wh ich were

hel d in h igh est imat ion,

amongst wh ich may be included the ca t . I t is

d ifficu l t , therefo re, to determine accu rately what connect ion Chetun wou l d

have wi th the an imal cat . We find Adam le Ka t,Patent Ro l ls ; Mi lo le

Chat , C lose Ro l ls ; E lyas le C at , Hundred Ro l ls. The fami ly of Le

C at were Lo rds of Beuvreiul,near Gournay

, (see Histoire de Goumay) .

Roger le C at hel d the mano r of Repton Hal l,Norfo lk

,in the re ign of

King John . Many references can be made to persons named C at . The

Kets,hanged as rebe ls

,one a landed propr ietor

,were of the fami ly of

C at— Chat , then Ket . I t is bu t right,however

,to add that a wr i ter

in the R eliquary der i ves C at ton from the Scandinavian Kat i,a k ind of

smal l sh ip .

The terminat ion “ t un in Anglo - Saxon was frequent ly u sed as a lmost$ 7

synonymous with “ ham ;“ ham descr ibing the ch ief’ s home, or


and tun’ descr ibing it as su rrounded by a defensi ve

enclosu re , such as a mound,wal l

,or hedge . Hence “

tun”in process

of t ime acqu ired a much larger appl icat ion,and was commonly app l ied to

the enclosed part of the agr icu l t ural estate, with in wh ich the farmer

dwel t,wh ich we now t erm the farmstead .

I n Domesday book as above,we fi nd the first ment ion of Catton

S iward,the Saxon Thane , it appears

,hel d th is manor

,as wel l as that of

Croxal l,under the Confessor . I n the t ime of W i l l iam the Conquero r


N ige l de Albin i hel d it,wh ich he doubt less obtained from Henry de

Ferrers,as dower for his daughter Amicia, whom he married . Henry de

Ferrers hel d th is mano r a lso , as wel l as Croxa l l . Catton remained in the

A lbini fami ly t i l l abou t the year 1230,when Robert de A lbin i d ied

withou t issue , l eaving it in equa l shares to each of his three sisters,


,and A sceline . Joan d ied wi thou t issue

,when Robert de

Al b ini ’s possessions in Cat ton became d i v ided between his two su rviving

Page 251: Of the History of Croxall
Page 252: Of the History of Croxall
Page 253: Of the History of Croxall
Page 255: Of the History of Croxall

H z'


cal Skew/z of t/ze P am'

s/t of Cfoxall.

prove th is, as wel l as the Horton Deed numbered XX . His Inqu isi t ionshows that a charge of £ 10 per annum was p laced upon the manor of

Catton to be pa id to Alianora as long as she l i ved .

I n the mun iment room at Catton,

are preserved the very interest ing

ser ies of Ho rton Deeds,copies of wh ich are gi ven in the Append ix to

th is vo lume . The earl iest names we find ho ld ing land in Cat ton are

Geffrey, Helo t , Elyes, G lover, Ti lton , Breakediche,Wileby, C artere


Robert le Piscato r,R ichard le D ispensar, Oky, Sco t , Symenel, Hugo le

Kynge, N icho las le F ysshere , Mabille le Ma istre, Murk

,Le P rustussone,

Hagge, N ikes, P rymme , Hopkynsone, Shepherde, Whytinge, Baylly,

Gubbe,Ampe , Smy the, Lee, e e

,Dysen, Aston , Hy l le .

The Derbysh ire fami ly of Ho rton had its o r igin in Chesh i re . . The

mesne mano r of Ho rton - in -T i lstone,in that county

,was he ld under the

Barony ofMalpas by one Gr iffi th,temp . Hen . III .

,whose descendants, ac

co rd ing to Dr . W i l l iamson,assumed the local name and d ivided into two

branches. The estates of one l ine. passed by an he i ress to a younger

branch of the Alderseys, and those of the o ther l ine became vested in JohnC atherall

,in r igh t of A l ice de Horton

,30 Ed . I . The Ho rtons seem to

have g i ven name and hel d lands also in Hartfo rd,C o . Chester . S imon

de Hartford, and W i l l iam his son,surrendered the ir lands in Hartfo rd to

Hugh Venables, who re - granted same,35 Ed . III .

,to W i l l iam de Horton .

4 R ich . I I .

, John de Redmore,Chapla in

,grants to th is W i l l iam

,son of

Ranulph de Ho rton and Alisonia his wife,

and his he irs male, o ther

lands in Ho rton - in-Hartfo rd, remainder to Roger, Thomas, and John de

Horton . 16 R ichard IL , the same W i l l iam was grantee of lands in Hart

ford from R anulph de Vernon . 6 Henry V .

,it appears that Maud de

Ho rton brought th is estate to her husband,Wi l l iam Massey

, of R ixton

and Horton, by whom she had two daughters hei resses : E l len,wife of

Hamonet Massey, of R ixton, and Margaret,wi fe of Piers Massey


brother . Margaret,daugh ter and co - he iress of Hamonet Massey


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Page 257: Of the History of Croxall
Page 259: Of the History of Croxall
Page 260: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical St ella of Me P ark a of Croxall.

John Ho lcroft. of Ho lcroft, in Lancash ire,by whom she had Sir John

Ho lcroft , of Ho lcroft , and S ir Thomas Ho lcroft,grantee of Va le Ro val.

Sir John Ho lcroft gave his second son,Hamonet

,his lands in Ho rton


Hartford , and No rthwich , who so ld them to Thomas Ho lcroft,of Vale

Royal,for £900 . The fami ly ofMassey

,of Rixton and Ho rton

,and the

Ho rtons of Ho rton , sealed o rigina l ly with a“squ irre l seiaent


” wh ich has

been gi ven among the quarter ings of Ho lcroft as the coat of Horton . I t

wou ld appear the squ irre l was the bearing of the fami ly of del Wade

or de Bo sco , of Hassel , and that the proper seal of the Ho rtons,of

C hesh ire , was a stag t rippant , p ierced in the side by an arrow.The

Ho rtons of Cat ton,C o . Derby, show the ir connect ion with th is Chesh ire

fami ly by the ir arms, viz .

,sable a stag’s head


,argent, att ired

, or.

Roger Ho rton of Cat ton,C o . Derby

,who bought that mano r from the St .

Amands abou t the year 1405, was in all probabi l i ty descended from th is

fami ly . He married abou t 1400, A l ice, daughter of John St . P ierre,of

Coo le P i la te,C o . Chester . The St . Pierres of Coo le P i late branched

off from a No rman fami ly of that name sett led at Malpas, C o .

Chester,in the person of David de St . Pierre

,younger son of

John de St . P ierre,

of Malpas,

and bore,

argent, a bend sable,

debru ised in ch ief by a labe l of 3 po ints, g ules, I nq. P . M. 33

Ed . III ., David de St . Pierre held from the Earl of Chester in

capite p er barom’

am; Robert de St . P ierre next he ir . I n the same

year Ceci l ia,widow of afo resaid

,hel d in dowry a th ird part of her

husband ’s lands in Coo le as befo re . I nq . P . M. 3 Rich . II .

,Robert de

St . P ierre hel d in fee simple lands in Coo le from the King as Earl of

Chester,by mi l i tary service ; John de St . P ierre son and he ir . I n a

l icense granted 21 Henry V I I . to Sir Roger Horton (as next of k in and

he ir to Sir Thomas C okesey) to enter on the barony ofMalpas,th is John

is stated to be the son of Robert,son of David

,and to be the father of

A l ice , daughter and he iress,mo ther of Wi l l iam,

son of Roger Horton

Page 261: Of the History of Croxall

172 H istorical Seek /z of fi le P a ris/z of Croxall.

before -ment ioned . I uq . P . M. 4 Hen. VI .

,Roger de Horton hel d in

demesne,as of fee in right of Al ice his wife ( the he iress above -ment ioned )

twenty acres of land,wi th its belongings in Coo le

,from the King by

mi l itary serv ice ; “T

illiam son and he ir . I uq. P . M. 21 Hen . VI I I . J ohn

Horton of Coole held lands in Coo le as before .

* Coo le passed through the

Ho rton fami ly unt i l the year 1740, when that branch became ext inct in.


person of Ralph Ho rton . Who the immediate ancestors of Roger Horton

were,who founded the Derbysh ire fami ly of that name

,we have no

means of knowing ; his Inqu isi t ion P . M. shows him to have he l d lands in

Staffo rdsh ire,Le icestersh ire

,Warwicksh ire

,and Derbysh ire . I n the year

1334, R ichard de Stanope enfeoffed a Roger Ho rton of lands in Warton

j uxta P o lesworth,C o . Warwick ; he may have been th is Roger ’s father .

From Roger Horton of Cat ton descended the fami l ies of Ho rton, C o .

Derby ; Ho rton of Coo le P i late,C o . Chester

,ext inct 1740 ; Ho rton of

Count ies Wo rcester, W i lts, and Somerset,also ext inct ; of the lat ter fami ly

was Co lone l Horton the Regicide . A very ful l account of th is branch of

the fami ly of Ho rton will be found in “ The Histo ry of Brough ton

G iffo rd,” by the Rev . J . W i lk inson .

The Horton Fami ly have been resident at Catton,C o . Derby

,as can

be thus seen from the commencement of the fifteenth centu ry . Roger

Horton,the founder of the fami ly of Ho rton in Derbysh ire

,marr ied

, as

previously ment ioned,A l ice St . Pierre

,he iress to her father of Coo le

Pi late, C o . Chester,and afterwards to her uncle U rian . Roger Ho rton,

as his Inqu isi t ion proves,had three sons



i l l iam. John, and Thomas

the e ldest inherited Cat ton,the second Coo le Pi late ; of the th ird we have

no ment ion, except that his father left him the mano r of Brislingco te

in Derbysh ire ; bu t in case of his death it was to revert to lVilliam,his

e ldest son . He probably d ied young,

as we find Wil l iam Ho rton ’


See Ormerod'

s and Lyson s ’ Cheshire .

Page 263: Of the History of Croxall

H islorical Sketc/i of Me P aris/z of Croxall.

sons and two daughters. The e ldest,Christopher


"succeeded, and marr ied

Frances,daugh ter and he iress of S i r Eusebius Buswel l , of C l ipstone,

Northamptonsh ire, and Cadeby,Le icestersh ire ; the latter of wh ich he had

acqu ired through his marriage wi th the he iress of Pe lsal l . By th is

marr iage,the Hortons acqu ired the estates of C l ipstone and Cadeby . By

Frances Buswel l (whose mo ther was a daughter of Ralph Sneyd , of

Keele,Co . Staffo rd) Christopher left six sons and four daughters. Wa l ter


the el dest son,d ied young ; Chr istopher, the next bro ther

,marr ied Anne

Lu ttre ll , bu t left no surviving issue ; of her more hereafter ; the next son,

John, was an officer in the Guards, who d ied unmarr ied ; the fou rth son

was Eusebius, who succeeded to the Cat ton estate . He married t be,

daughter and he iress of Davies Davenport , of Capestho rne, C o . Chester,

by wh ich marr iage the estate of Davenport , in Chesh ire,came to the

Hortons,and in him the male l ine of the Hortons of Catton ended ; his

surviving issue was confined to two daughters ; he had but one son,

who d ied an infant . He was succeeded in the Horton estates by his

e ldest daughter,Anne Beat rix, the second was Frances Lou isa


married the Honble and Reverend R ichard Carleton,younger son of

Guy, lst Lord Do rchester . Anne Beatr ix married Robert John Wi lmo t

of Osmaston, in the County of Derby,e ldest son of S ir Robert W i lmot


Bart .

,who succeeded his father in the year 1834. A t her death in

the year 1871 Catton came to her son, S ir Robert Edward W i lmo t

Ho rton , Baronet , who d ied 22nd of September,1880

,when he was

succeeded by his next surviving bro ther, the Rev . S i r George Lewis

Wi lmo t Ho rton, Bart . Eusebius Horton, Esq.

,of Cat ton

,o rdered by

his wi l l that the owner of Catton shou ld assume the name and arms

of Ho rton .

I n 1640 Christopher Ho rton was Sher iff of Derbysh ire in 1657

* This Chri stopher built the present C ation Ha ll .

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Page 267: Of the History of Croxall

H is/orical St elc/i of Me P aris/i of Croxall.

the year 1769 ; Simon Lu t trel l was created a P eer,wi th the t i t le of

Lo rd Irnham,September 28th

,1768, and in 1785 Earl of Carhampton


so that in 1771 , when the Duk e married her,she must have been the

Hon . Mrs. Horton,not Lady Anne Horton

,as some wr iters say she

was. Chr istopher Ho rton probably made her acqua intance at her fa ther’s

residence,Fou r Oaks

,in Warwick sh ire

,no t far d istant . The second

marriage was celebrated between the hou rs of 6 and 8 pm,in a

drawing- room in Hertfo rd St reet , May Fair,

and the wi tness was the

bride ’s sister . From th is marr iage arose the Royal Marriage Act . The

proofs of the marriage are preserved in the Pr i vy Counci l Office . The

Duk e d ied in 1790,the Duchess in 1803 ; there was no issue of the

marriage . Horace Walpo le wr ites of the Hon . Anne Ho rton as a

“ young widow of twenty - fou r, extreme ly pret ty, we l l made, and remark

ab le for the great length of her eye - lashes,wh ich ve i led a pair of most


artfu l and coquet t ish eyes.

in Catton Hal l .

S i r Robert John Wi lmo t Ho rton,Bart . was Member for Newcast le

under -Lyne in three successi ve P arl iaments, Under - Secretary for the

A po rt rait of her by Gainsbo rough is now

Co lonies, and Governo r of Cey lon . D ied in 1841. He took an act i ve

part in the legislat ion of the beg inning of th is century,and wro te many

va luab le wo rk s on“ Emigrat ion


” “ The Causes of Pauperism,

e tc. Lady

W i lmo t Ho rton,his wife

,daughter of Eu sebius Horton

,Esq .

,of Catton ,

exci ted the admirat ion of Lord Byron,whose re lat ion she was through

her husband , and on re turn ing from a bal l where he had seen her

dressed in mou rning, with numerous spangles on her dress,composed the

fo l lowing l ines in her honour . The o riginal manuscript is now in the

possession of her grandson,Lo rd Z ouche of Haryngworth .

Page 268: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Séelc/i of Me P aris/i of Croxall.


She walk s in beauty, l ike the nightOf cloud less - climes and starry . ski erAnd all that ’s best of dark and bright

’Meet in h er aspect and her eyesThus mellow’

d to that tender lightWhich heaven to gaudy day denies.

One shade the more , one ray the less ,Had half impair’d the nameless graceWhi ch waves in eve ry raven tress,Or softly l ighte ns o ’er h er face ;Where thoughts serenely sweet expressHow pure, how dear their dwelling- place.

III .And on that cheek , and o 'er that brow,So soft , so calm , yet eloquent,

The smiles that win,the tints that glow,

But tell of days in goodness spent,A mind at peace with all below,

A heart whose love is innocent .

true the fourth l ine of the last verse was, can be wi tnessed b

numerous acts of char ity performed by her at Ca tton,and its ne igh

bourhood. Her memory is, and wi l l ever be sincerely cher ished there .

She mainly contr ibu ted to the bu i ld ing of Co ton - in- the -E lms Church , close

to Catton,in


wh ich two painted windows have been erected to her memo ry .

Catton Townsh ip consists of acres and 15 perches, all the

property of the Reverend S ir G eorge Lewis W i lmo t Horton, Bart . I t is

composed of exce l lent land , ch iefly a red mar l . I t is bounded on the

no rth by the P arish of Wal ton - ou -Trent,on the east by that of Co ton- in

the -E lms,on the south by the Townsh ip of Croxal l , and on the west by

the R i ver Trent . I ts rateab le valu e is 7s. 1d. The populat ion

in 1801 amounted to 65 ; 1811, 58 ; 1821,89 ; 183 1, 75 ; 1841, 47 ;

1851, 77 ; 1861, in 1871,97. Catton Hal l stands close to the

Ri ver Trent,wh ich here d i vides i tself into two branches

,forming an is

land cal led the Cherryholme . Although its connect ion wi th cherries is no t

very d ist inct now,fo rmerly


,it was a cherry orchard . Cat ton

Hal l is six and a half mi les south from Burton- ou - Trent , e igh t from

Page 269: Of the History of Croxall

H isforical St elc/i of Me P aris/i of Croxall.

Lichfield,and abou t the same from Tamworth . Croxal l S tat ion

,on the

B irmingham and Derby Ra i lway,l ies a mi le and a half sou th . Ca t ton

is in the Repton and Gresley Hundred of the County of Derby,and

the Burton - on - Trent Union . The Hal l is a large,




bui ld ing,devo id of all arch itectura l beau ty , and was bu i l t by Christopher

Ho rton abou t the year 1742, as the fo l lowing entr ies tak en from the

Ed ingale Registers test ify

May 2oth 1742 Charles Rider Soj ourner at Walter Bull er ’ s and workman at Catton Hall was buriedi n Ed ingale Churchyard

,Staffordshire .

Memdm Mr. P ickford , overseer of th e Building at C atton paid me the fees 68 . and 8d. for break ingth e Turfi .

I t is very so l idly bu i lt,and stands on arched vau l ts of brickwork . The

interio r contains some good work of the G eorgian Per iod . Flower,in

his Visi tat ion of Derbysh i re, 1557, wr ites of Cat ton thus : “ Cat ton standeth

b elowe Croxhall, upon the Riner Tam,the habi tat ion of Wal ter Horton


Esqe . , pleasaunte , fru teful and comodious.

” F lower must have mistaken

the Trent for the Tame . N o o ther reco rd remains of what Cat ton Hal l

was in early t imes ; that there must have been such a bu i ld ing is

obvious, but we know no th ing of what it was, or what it resembled .

There is no vi l lage now,all has been swept away, but in the Town

Meadow the name l ingers st i l l . Th is meadow is si tuated abou t fi ve

hundred yards sou th of the present Hal l . The vi l lage conta ined two

alehouses as the returns of such in Derbysh ire in the year 1577 show:

Catton . N icholas Dann e . John Tomlenson , Aleh owses ij .

Cat ton canno t lay claim to the possession of any ant iqu i t ies. Al l it

can boast of in th is respect is a copper co in of the Reign of Antoninus

P ius, wh ich a wo rkman d isco vered in a grave l pit close to the R i ver

Trent,half a mile d istant from the Hal l . I t presents features however of

unusual ly p leasing r i ver scenery ; the h igh ground , studded wi th th ick

fo l iage,r ising from the val ley of the Trent

,adds considerab ly to the

beau ty of the scene . There are some large oak s upon the estate,no tab ly

Page 271: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Sketc/z of Me P a ris/i of Croxall


S iche Furlong . (S ich , a small streamthat run s dry in summer).

B lake Buttes.

C lay Buttes. PastureF ulles Meadow.


Smeres Meadowfurlong.

F ermysende .


L ee Hurstes. (Hurst , a L it tle Wood).

IDEtienne in élattrmdowns ip.

Catton Ha ll .F irst Paddock.Second ditto .

Garden in C ow Hay Bottom.

P lantat ion .

C ow Hay Bottom.

I gsmore Bottom.

Plantation in I gsmore Bottom.

D itto ditto ditto .

Part of ditto Astle Hay.

Part of Keeper’s Lodge.

Plantat ion of Lower Rylands.

Ry-landPublic R oad through Lower Rylan ds.

Hamps Rylands.

Public Road through Big Rylands.

RylandHouse and Garden .

House and Garden .

Pool of R iver.

N ew Meadow.

Top D itto .

Boatstake .

The L awn .

Cherry Holme.

Plan tat ion in Cherry Ho lme.

D itto ditto .

Ditto ditto .

Ditto ditto .

D itto ditto .

D itto in the L awn .

Rookery at top of L awn .

W il low Bed.

Town Meadow .

P lan tation in Town Meadow.

Lawn adjoining road .

Lower part of Cow Hay.

F laxlands.

Hop Yard .

a Plantation in F laxlands.

Catton Wood .

F ar Bow Wood .

Plantat ion in Bow Wood .

Near ditto .

Bow Wood .

D itto .

Plan tat ion in Bow Wood .

Waterhouse Plantation .

Brick - k iln Close .

P lantat ion at top of C ow Hay.

Page 272: Of the History of Croxall
Page 273: Of the History of Croxall
Page 275: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Skew/z of Me P a ris/z of Cram/Z.


7 I gsmore— probably a surname .

15 Hamp— a man ’

s name .

25 Ho lme—an island in a river ; in a

secondary sense , a lluvial land by a

river’s side.

38 Shows that flax was grown here.

66 Donkh ill— Donkey Hill .77 Pingle— a small fi eld , an enclosure .

t isting abs in Giannamanna ip.

The h igh road from Tamwo rth to Burton—ou - Trent enters Cat ton from

Croxal l , at the sou th end of the Park , and passes through it close to the

Hal l,on the east . Further north it meets, at r ight angles from the east


the road from Co ton - in - the - Elms, Ashby - de -la- Z ouch , and o ther v i l lages ;

j ust previous to the ir j uncture the lat ter road descends abrupt ly from the

h igh lands above to the val ley of the Trent . The Burton- ou -Trent and

Tamworth Road passes on through the P ark close to the r i ver,and enters

Wal ton P ar ish fu rther no rth . The road to Co ton - in- the - E lms,etc.


Catton Townsh i p on the north from the P ar ish of Walton - ou - Trent .

A bridle road leaves the Burton - ou - Trent Road a l it t le to the sou th of

the Hal l , and passes eastwards by the Keeper’s house, through the

Brick - k i ln P lantat ion,and so on through the Townsh ip of Croxal l and

Co ton - in - the -E lms. At the Brick -k i ln Plantat ion it meets the old road

from Ed ingale to Burton - ou -Trent,wh ich lat ter keeps straight on to the

north,passing by the Donk H i l l Pits Farmhouse

,meet ing the Co ton Road

further north . A foo tpath leaves the Bu rton and Tamwo rth Road just

oppo site Cat ton Hall Gates,and passes eastwards by the Donk H i ll Pi ts

Farmhouse to Co ton- in- the - E lms. Ano ther foo tpath, coming out of Croxal l

83 Twamsditch— Twa ite signifi es a woodgrubbed up .

109 Sucklesome— derivat ion obscure.

112 Withy—withe , a willow twig.

123 Wilversgore derivation obscuregore, a narrow slip of land .

125 Holmestall a house , or homestall .

Page 276: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Sketc/c of t/ze P a ris/é of Croxall.

from the south , enters the Donk H i l l Pi ts Farm and passes through two

fie lds,meet ing the old Tamwo rth and Burton - on - Trent Road further north .

I n add it ion to the above,a br idle road from the Co ton Road at Ladd’s

grave, on the C o ton Road,passes westwards, meet ing an occupat ion road

below the Mansditch Farmhouse,and turning sharp to the sou th passes

over the Raddle Farm. th rough Croxal l to Ed ingale . An occupat ion

road commencing a l itt le to the no rth of Catton Farmhouse,passes sou th

Homestal l,

become-s br idle road Ed ingale .

Page 277: Of the History of Croxall

HERE is no chu rch ment ioned in Domesday Book as

having existed at Catton when that reco rd was tak en,

bu t there was one short ly afterwards. Nige l de

A lbini,owner of Cat ton

,soon after the Conquest bu i l t

one there abou t the year 1 100,

as in the Tu tbu ry

Chartu lary, in the Charter of Co unt Robert de Ferrers, grandson of Henry

de Ferrers,the fo l lowing ment ion is made of C at ton Church . Nige l de

Albini ’s connect ion wi th Cat ton has been prev iously explained .

Carta Robert i C omitis junioris de Ferrers ( temp . N igel la s

de Albiniaci et Amicia filia avi mei dederunt ecclesiam de Catton cum

decima e t pertinenciis su is.

“ The C luniac P r io ry of Tu tbu ry,in S taffo rd

sh ire,d istant some twe lve mi les from Catton

,was founded by Henry de

Ferrers,in the year 1080 . I t was bu t natural , therefore

,that his

son - in -law and daughter shou l d gi ve the church of Catton to th is

part icu lar Pr io ry . The next th ing we read of Catton is that about

the year 1240 a dispu te arose between R ichard,Treasurer of L ichfield


s Monast icon, V ol. i i i . , p. 392.

Page 279: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Sectc/i of t/zc P a ris/i of Croxall.

bequeathed £20 to the bu i l d ing of a s teeple for Catton Chapel . SeeAppend ix to Catton

,N o . V I I I . The fo l lowing repo rt of the Parliamen

tary Commissioners in the year 1650,wou ld seem to ind icate that th is

chape l had been al lowed to go to ru in,or that some catast rophe had

befal len it .

“ There is a chape l at t Catton apperteyning to Croxal l,in

th is Countye of Derby,lately consecrated for the conveniencye of Mr.


s Fami ly . Chr istopher Ho rton,who owned Cat ton at th is

per iod,mu st have e i ther restored the chapel that formerly exist ed here,

or bu i l t a new one ; the fo rmer is the most l ik ely . Th is is evident lyal luded to in his epitaph in Croxal l Church as fo l lows “ F or z eale

to God’s Howse,


,memo rab ly exemplar . ’ There seems to have

been no Chapla in at Catton in the year 1632,

as the fo l lowing

interest ing Post -Refo rmat ion ent ry from the Croxal l Registers proves“ 1632

,March 23d

,Mrs. E l iz abeth Ho rton be ing sick e was l icensed by

me to eate flesh during her sicknesse . John Bent ley Vicar ” Th is

later chape l , i f it was one,has also d isappeared . Glo ver

,in his

H isto ry of Derbysh ire, states that it was destroyed by fi re ; bu t th is

is ne i ther co rroborated by record or t rad it ion . I t may however be

correct . The last ment ion of a Chape l at Cat ton occurs in a Fami ly

B ible as fo l lows Aug . 13,1743

,Christopher Ho rton was bo rn

Ju ly 28th , 1743,

and was rece i ved into the chape l of Cat ton,Aug .

13th .

” From th is date all the bapt isms of the Hortons are reco rded as

hav ing tak en p lace in the Church of Croxal l . \Ve may reasonab ly conclude,

therefore,that it ceased to ex ist about the middle of the last centu ry .


N o t races of e ither of the ground p lans of these chapels now exist .

Recent ly from the bed of the R i ver Trent and ou t of the way co rners,

several mou lded stones of these chapels have been rescu ed,and erected

in the garden at Catton . They consist of the rude No rman font of the

The C roxall Terri ers mention th e chapel at Catto n in the commencement of the eighteenth centu ry,and as having no endowment.

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Page 284: Of the History of Croxall


nda ted.

S ciant presentes et futuri quod ego Hugo de Sancta Cruce et I sabella uxor mea dedimus concessimuset presen ti carts. nostra confi rmavimus domino Almarico de Sanoto Amando et h eredib us sui s unumMesuagiumet un am virgatam terre cum pertinen ciis in C attone . I llam scil icet quam Ivo prepositus de nobi s tenuit inv illenagio et dictum I vonem cum tota sequels. sua et omnibus catallis suis

,dedimus etiam et concessimus eidem

Almarico et h eredib u s suis tre s denarios annui redditus quos idem nobi s solvers consuevit pro diversist enementis, dedimus etiam e t concessimus eidem Almarico et h eredibus suis quicquid h ab uimus vel haberepo tu imu s in toto tenementa quod Agn es le Glovere de nobis tenuit cum omnibus profi cuis inde provenientib us.

D edimus etiam et concessimus eidem Almarico e t h eredib us suis sex denarios annui redditus quos R ob ertuspiscator nobis debu it pro una rods. terre e t piscaria de Trente cum omnibus profi cu is inde provenien tib us.

Dedimus etiam et concessimu s eidem Almarico et h eredib us sui s unum denarium annui redditus de quodamt enemento quod Wil l ’ s E lys de nob is tenuit cum omnibus prodenia inde provenien tib us. Dedimus etiam et

concessimus eidem Almarico e t h eredib us sui s quicquid h ab uimu s velhabere potuimus in toto tenemento quodHawisia de Grangia de nobis tenuit in villenegio cum tota sequela sua et omnibus catallis suis et cum omnibusproficuis inde provenientibus. D edimus e tiam et concessimus eidem Almarico et h eredibu s suis unum denariumannui reddi tus pro quodam tenemento quod Walterus de Grangia de nobis tenui t cum omnibus profi cuis indeprovenien tib us. Habendum et tenendum totum predictum tenementum et redditum cum omnibus profi cm


suis inde proven ien tibus et quibu scumque pertinenciis suis dicto Almarico et h eredibus sui s vel sui s assigna tisd e capitali domino feodi, libere quiete bene in pace absque aliquo retenemen to nostri vel h eredum nostrorumi n perpetuum , faciendo inde capital i domino totum serviscium inde de jure debitum pro omni servicio seculariexaccione et demanda. E t nos Hugo et Isabella uxor mea et heredes nostri totum predictum tenementum et

redditum cum omnibus profi cu is suis e t qu ib uscumque inde provenientibus predicto Almarico e t h eredibus sui scon tra omnes gentes warantizab imu s in perpetuum. E t u t h ec nostra donacio concescio et warantizacio rectee t stabi les permaneant in perpetuum ,

presentem cartam sigilli nostri imprescione rob oravimus. Hiis testibusdomino Roberto de la Warde

,domino Ricardo C orsun ,

militib us, Will ’ o de C oursun , Roberto de Staun tun , Wil l'ode H ertesh orn ,

Will’o E lys, Roberto le rodman de Yoxh ale , Will ’o Gefi rey, Roberto le Glovere , Ricardo E lys ,Waltero de Grangia , Jchann e fi l. Walt eri E lot

,Joh anne de Briddestb orn et aliis.

[Endorsed] Carta Hugoni s de Sancta Cruce et Isabel le vxoris sue de uno Mesuagio cum omnibuspertin enciis que h ab uerun t in vi ll a de Cattons consesso domino A . de Sanoto Amando .

Page 285: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Sketch of tile P aris/i of Croxall.

HORTON DEEDS , N o . 11.

Unda ted.

Scian t presentes e t futuri quod Ego Thomas fi lius Willi’ quondam de Cattons capellani dedi concessi eth ac presenti carts mes confi rmsvi Joh anni L egsmer de C at tone duas acras et dimidiam terre mee srrab ilis et

dimidiam acram prati in L ibert . de Gattone . Quarum un a dimidia. scrs te rre b ut t at usque C roxh ale , in tert erram R adulfi L ecupere ex parte una et Ricardi Helot ex alters . E t dimidia acrs jacet supra 10 vendiles j uxtaterrain S tephani carectarii ex parte una e t t erram Roberti fi lii Eadith e ex al tera e t extendit supra lsdede rode . Et una acra supra R owdick e j uxta t erram Will’mi de C ursune ex parte un a et terramRoberti fi lii Eadith e ex altera. E t contin et in se quatuor seliones. Eb dimidia acra supra sorrun h ed

inter torram Willi' Gefi rey ex parte una et terram Roberti le gedie ex alters e t dimidia acrs pratijace t in h opemor j uxta pratum R adulfi le Mowere ex part e un s et Thome fi lii Willi ' capellsni exaltera, Habenda et tenenda de me e t de h eredib us meis sive de mei s assignat is, s ibi et h eredib us sui ss ive suis assignatis, libere quiete b ene st i n pace cui vel quando dare legare vendere vel assignare tam in

egritudene qa sm in sanitate v oluerit . Reddendo inde annuatim in fine h eredibus meis unum ob olum argentiad festum Assumcionis domin i pro omn ibus serviciis secularib us sectis cujuscun qu e curi e et h undredi et proomnimodis serviciis que possunt exigi racione tenementi e t pro forinseco domin i Regi s . E t ego vero predictusThomas et herede s mei e t mei assignati predictas duas acras e t dimidiam te rre un a cum dimidia acra pratipredicto Johann i et h eredib us sui s et suis assignatis, cum omn ibus lib ertatib us e t az iamentis in pascuis s ivein pasturis ad predictam villam de C a ttone spectan tibus , contra omnes hom ines mortales et feminas in

perpetuum waran tiz ab imu s aquie tab imu s et inperpetuum defendemus, Pro hac autem don

acione concessions

et c arte h ujus mee confirmacione dedi t m ihi predictu s Johannes quandam summam pecun ie pre manibus. E t

quod hec mea donacio concessio et carte h uius mee confi rmacio sit stab ilis e t imperpetuum racionab ilis sigillummeum apposui, Hii s testibus Will

’o Gefi rey, Roberto le Glovere , Johann e Helot, Ricardo Helot , Roberto Helys

e t multi s aliis .

E ndorsed. Carta Thome filii Will’s capellsn i de C a ttone .


29 J une,2 Ed. I I .

,1309 .

Sciant presentes e t futuri quod ego Thomas fi lius M ichaeli s Gefi rey de C a tt one dedi concessi et hacpresenti carts mea confi rmavi Henrico fi lio Willi ’ Gefi rey de C attone unum Mesuagium cum curt ilagio in

vill a de C attone quod quidem Mesusgium et curtilagium predi cts j acent super ls Grene juxta MesuagiumThome clerici et eciam I scram et dimidia terre arab ilis in Campis de Gattone quarum dimidia acrs jacet

super T ongh ul in ter terrain Walteri atte Graunge e t berram Ricardi Wildy e t alia dimidia acrs jacet inC ted ]

inter tat ram Ste phani ls cartere e t terram Wilk ' Gefi rey et aha dimidi a acrs Jscet apud lsWiyienegrene j uxta terrain Ricardi Wildy Habenda et tenenda predicts Mesuagium et curtilagium cum terrapredicts et omn ibus p ertinenciis sui s de capitali domin o feodi il lins per servicia inde debita et consueta predictoHenrico et h eredib us suis sive assignatis libere quiete bene e t in pace cum omnibus liberta tib us et aysiamentis

predictis Mesuagio curtilagio e t terre pertinentibus imperpetuum. E t ego vero dictu s Thomas et heredes meipredicts [places scored ou t] Mesuagium curt ilsgium et terram cum omnibus sui s pertin en ciis predicto Henricoe t h eredib u s su i s j ure assignatis con tra omnes gentes waran tiz ab imu s acquietab imus et defendemus. E t u t hecmes donacio concessio et presentis carte mee confi rmscio rats sit et stab ilis imperpe tuum huic presenti cartemee sigi l lum meum apposui Hii s t estib us Joh anne le Glovers de C attone , Waltero atte Grange de eadem , Will ’ oGrefirey de esdem Johann e Helot de esdem

,Henrico clerico et aliis. Data apud C at tone die dominica proxima

post festum Sancti Joh annis baptiste ann o regni regi s Edwardi filii regi s Edwardi secundo .


27 Jun e,7 Ed. I I . 1314.

Sciant presentes e t futuri quod ego Agnes rel icts Walteri Gefi rey de C at tone ded i concessi e t h sc presen ticarts mea confi rmavi Johanni Helot fi li o meo e t h eredib us suis vel suis assignatis unum Mesuagiumet tres acra sterre srabilis e t prati cum

, pertinenciis in C a ttone illud scili cet Mesuagium quod jace t inte r Mesuagium quod

Page 287: Of the History of Croxall

19 2 H istorical Sketcb of t/ze P a ris/c of Croxall.

omnibus et sin gulia sui s pertin enciis predicto Roberto h eredibus et assignatis sui s de capitalib u s domin is feodiillius libere quiete et pacifi ce imperp e tnp

m per servicia in de deb ita et de jure consueta pro omnibus aliis[torn off

serviciis E t ego predictus Will ’ s e t heredes mei to tam predictam t erram et pratum cum omnibus sui spertin enciis predicto Roberto h eredibus et assignatis sui s contra omn es gente s waran tiz ab imus in perpetuum In

(h o le)cujus





testimonium [hui c presen j ti c arte sigillum meum opposui . Hi i s t estibus, Will’o ls Corzon de C rokeso e]

hole C orj zon de eadem ,JOh ann e Oky de Gatto ne , Johann e le Glover de esdem, Will’ o Wal eys de Wal tons ,

et aliis. Datum spud C at tone die dominica proxima post festumApostolorum Petri e t Pauli ann o regni Regi sEdwardi tercii a conquestu primo .


1 October, 2 Ed. I I I . , 1328 .

S ciant presentes et futur i quod ego Joh ann es Helot senior de C att one dedi concessi et hac presenti cartsmea confi rmav i Thome filio meo un um Mesuagium,

tres acras e t unam rodam terre arrab ilis, et dimidiamacram

prati e t tres denarios ann u i reddi tus cum pertin enciis in Gattone , videlicet ad percipiendum de Thoma lepersun et h eredibus sui s ad diem Pasche . Quod quidem Mesuagium jace t in ter Mesuagium Johanni s Elys , etsltam viam , et C roftum contin et dimidiam acram jacet inte r croftum Johannis E lys e t Mesu agium Thomepersun , et un s rods jacet super Smeresmeduefurlonge inter terramWill

’mi ls Glovere et t erram Johanni s leGlovers

, e t vn a roda jacet in le Holm inter terramJohan n is E lys e t terramWill’mi ls Glovere , et dimidia acra j acet

super Brokfurlonge inter terramRoberti fab ri et terram Joh annis E lys, et dimidia acra jacet super C oksu t eh ulleinter terrain Wil l . ls Glovere et terrain N ichola i P iscatoris et un a rods jacet apud le go tak er inter terramWill . le Glovere et t


erram Joh annis E lys, et due butt e simul j acent apud fermisende inter terram Thome persun ,

et terram Johannis Scot, et un s roda iscet super R eyelond inter terram Thome persun ,

e t t erramW ill . leGlovere , et dimidia acra jacet super Syxtenealfl es i nter t erram Johan ni s le Glovere e t t erram Hen rici Gefl'reye t dimidia scrs prati jacet in le Brodemedue inter pratum Johan n is E lys e t pratum N ichola i piscatoris.

Tenenda e t habenda predi cts Me su agium terra pratum e t R edditus de capitalib us dominis feodi illin s predictoThome e t h eredib us suis e t sui s assignatis libere quiete bene e t in pace cum omn ibus suis pertin enciis

imperpetu um Reddendo snn u st-im capitalib us domini s feodi servicis inde debits et de j ure consueta . E t

ego vero predictus Johann es e t heredes mei predicts. Mesuagium,tres acras et un am rodam terre arrab ilis,

dimidiam scram prati e t tre s denarios argenti annui redditus cum pert in enciis sicu t predictum e st, predictoThome e t h eredibu s suis et suis assignati s contra omnes gentes waran tiz ab imus e t defendemus inperpetu umIn cuj us rei testimonium huic presen ti carte sigillum meum apposui . Hii s testib us Johann e Oky, Ricard o leC ursun ,

Johanne fi lio Johann is le Glovers,Joh ann e Helot, Hen rico Gefi rey, Joh ann e E lys , Rogero Symenel, et

aliis . Datum apud C att one die sabbati proxima post testam Sancti Michae li s arch angeli anno Regni Regi sEdwardi tercii post conqu estum secundo .


3 N ov ., 17 Ed. I I I .


Hec e st fi nalis concordi a facts in Curis domini Regi s apud Westmonast erium in crast ino Animarnm annoregni Regi s Edwardi tercii a conqu estu dec imo septimo et regn i ej usdem Regi s Francie quarto coram Johann ede Stonore Will’o de Sh aresh ulle et aliis etc inter R ogermn de C uylly qu erentem et Hugonem de E eghamcapellanum deforcien t emde t resdecimmesuagn s duob u s toftis quadragin ta 8: tribus scris et un a roda e t duabusvirgatis terre et dimidia

,centum e t quinque solidatis redditus et quatu or denariatis redditu s et redditus unius

rose e t medietate unius acre prati e t redditus un ius libre piperis cum pertin enciis in Wartone j uxta P olleswort h eWylmindeco te C roddeworth e e t Wissh awe un de placitum conv encionis sommonitum etc . Sc ilicet quod predictusR ogems recognovit tenements predicts esse j us ipsius Hugon is de quibus idem Hugo habet un um messus giumcentum et quinque solidatas et quatuor denariatas reddi tus e t redditus un ius rose cum pertin enciis de donopredicti R ogeri. Et pro hac recognicione fine at concordia idem Hugo concessit eidem Rogero esdem tenements

Page 288: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical S/cetc/z of t/ze P a ris/t of Croxall.

et illa ei reddidit i n eadem Curi a Habenda etc . dc capitalib u s dominis feodi per servicia que ad pred icts tenementspert inent tota vita ipsius R ogeri. E t preteres idem Hugo concessit pro se et h eredibu s suis quod quinquemesuagia due virgate terre et dimidia et redditusmedietstis unius libre piperis cum pertinenciis in pred icts villade Wartone que R ogerus de la Ward chevalier tenuit ad terminumvite simul cumrevercione aliarum t errarumct

t enemen torum in predictis aliis v illis remanean t predicto Rogero de C uylly et post decessum ipsius R ogeri

pred icts tenements etc . sicu t predictum est integre reman e bun t P h ilippo Thome et Joh anni fi liis ejusdemR ogeri Tenenda etc . ad terminum vite etc . E t post decessum ipsorum Philippi Thome et Johannis predictstenements etc . remanebun t Hugoni fi lio Johanni s de C uylly et Katerine uxori ejus et h eredib us de corporibusipsorum Hugonis et Katerina exeuntib us Tenenda etc . At si idem Hugo e t Katerina ob ierint sine herede etcremanebun t rect is h eredib us predicti R ogeri de C uylly chevalier Tenenda de capitalibus etc .

Tenentes ad terminumvite mortui sunt et Hugo et Katerina tenentes in tall io h abu erun t exitum quendsmR ogerumqui mortuus est sine exitu etc . et predicts tenements pro defectu exi tus t enentium in talli o reverteruntThome fi lio predicti Rogeri donatoris qui habuit exitum quosdam R ogerum e t Jch ann em qui morieban tur sineexitu post quorummortem descendeb at etc . cuidam blank sorori predicti R ogeri donatoris que mortua estpost cuj us mortem descendeb st j us etc . E l izabeths hered i et fi lie ejusdem blank que E l izabetha habuitexitumR icardum de Stsn ope chevaler qui feotfavit R ogerumH ortone de terri s et tenemen tis in Wartons .

E ndorsed tenements in WartonsAnd again Carta de tenemen tis in Wartons in C omitatu Warwici.


21 A pril, 25 Ed. I I I. 1349 .

Sc iant presentes et futuri quod ego Johanna fi lia Willi ’ fi lii Walteri Geffrey de C atton e dedi concessi ethac presenti carts mea confi rmsvi Thome fi lio Nicholai ls F yssh ere Will ’o filio Henrici Gefl‘rey et Roberto fi lioNicholai le F issh ere de C at tone conjunct imunum Mesu sgium cum crotto adj acente cum pertinenciis in C attone,

quod Mesusgium jace t inter Mesusgium Hugonis ls kynge et Mesusgium Mab ille le Maister et croftum jaceti nter t erramHenric i Geii rey ex uns parte et terramHugon is le kynge ex alters et extendit se de la grene usqueb oscum in longitudine

,Habendum et tenendum predictum Mesusgium cum crofto cum p ertinenciis predictis

Thome , Will ’o et Roberto h eredibus vel assigna tis eorum de capitalib us domini s feodi i l lins per servicia indedebita e t de jure con sueta libere quiete bene et in pace in teodo e t h eredita te imperpetuum. E t ego veropred icts Johanna et heredes mei pred icts Mesusgium cum crofto et cum pertin enciis u t predictum est predictisThome Wil l ’o et Roberto h eredibu s et assign atis eorum contra omnes gentes warran tizabimus et defendemus

imperpe tuum In cujus rei testimonium huic carte mee sigil lum meum apposu i, Hiis testib us Johanne Oky deL yntone , Henrico Geflray, Will ’o le Glovere , N ich olao le F issh ere , Ricardo Helot et aliis. Datum apud C at toned i e Martis proxime ante festum Sancti Georgi i anno regni Regis Edwardl tercii post conquestum vicesimo

tercio .

E ndorsed . Mab ill’ Msistr

i i ii


14 Sep ., 29 Ed I I I . , 1355.

Scian t presentes et futuri quod ego Johannes Oky ded i concessi et hac presenti c'arta mea confi rmaviJoh an i fi lio W i lli ’ ls Glovers un am dimidiam acram prati in teodo de C attone jacentem in I s B rodemedwesuper I

le h urstes j uxta pratum Will i ’ Gefi rey ex una parte et pratum Matildis filie Hugonis le smythe exaltera in excambium pro ouadam dimidia acra prati in Oxmonne medwe Hab endam e t T enendam predictam

dimidiam acram prati cum omnibus p ertin enciis suis predicto Johanni fi lio Will ’i ls Glovers h eredibus e t

assign atissui s de capital i domino feodi illius pro serv icia debita et de jure consueta l ibere quiete bene et in pace

imperpetuum. E t ego vero predictus Johannes Oky et heredes mei totam predictam dimidiam acram praticum omnibus pertin en ciis suis predicto Joh anni fi lio Wil l i

’ de Glovers h eredibus e t assignatis suis , u t predictum

Page 289: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical St etc/i of tile P a ris/i of Croxall.

est in omnibus contra omn es gentes warantiz ab imus st in perpetuum defendemus. In cuj us rei te stimoniumhuic presenti carte sigillum meum apposui Hii s testib us Joh ann e le Glovers, Thoma ls F ysh ere Will

'o Gefi reyWili ’ le Glovers, Ricardo Murk (2) de C roxh ale , faded ls P restessone e t aliis Datum spud C attone di eLun e in festo Exaltacionis Sancte cruc is Anno regni Regi s Edwardi t ercii post C onquestum vicesimo nono .


6 Apr. , 46 Ed. I I I . , 1372.

P ateat universis per presentesme E ngomem En ed capellanum fecisse ordin asse et loco meo constituisse

dilectum mich i in C ri sto Will'mde Hort ons generalem sttomatum meum ad deliberandum seis in am plenariam

Alicie filio Roberti de Twenb rok e in 11110 Mesusgio et in un a Sslina in N orwico cum omnibus suis pert inenciisprout forma et efectus cu ju sdam c arte per me prefste Alicie inde confects plenius testatur Ratum e t gratumh ab iturum quicquid predictus Will’ s nomin e meo fecerit in premissis. I n cujus rei testimonium presen tibus

sigillum meum apposui Datum spud N orthwicurn die Martis proximo post festum sancti Amb rosii annoregni Regis Edwardi tercu a conquestu quadragesimo sexto .


9 F eb .,1 B en . I V . 1400.

Sciant presentes et futuri quod Ego,Margeris Baylly, de Catton dedi concessi e t h ac presenti carts mea

confi rmavi R adulph o de H ert esh ome vicari o ecc lesie de C roxh ale , e t Johanni P ymme de Catton omniamessuagia ,terras, tenements reddi tus et servicia mea que h ab eo die confectionis presentis carte in Catton seu quovismodohabere potero, cum omnibus sui s pertinentiis, excepto uno co t tagio cumcurt ilsgio vocato le N eweyerd in esdemvilla . Habenda et tenenda omnia predicts messuagia , terras , tenements , redditus et servicia cum suis pertinen tiis,excepto predicto co ttagio cum curtilagio , predictis Radulph o et Johan ni P ymme

,h eredib us et assignatis sui s ,

libere, qui ete , bene , at in pace,de capitalibus domin is feodi i ll in s per servicia inde debita et de j ure consueta

imperpetuum. Et Ego predi cts Margeris e t heredes mei omnia predi c ts messuagia , terras , tenements , reddituset servicis cum pertin entiis suis, excep tis superiu s exceptis predicto Radulph o et Joh ann i, h eredib us et assignatissui s , contra omnes warantizab imu s imperpetuum. In cujus rei testimonium hu ic presenti carte mee sigillummeum apposu i Hii s testib usWillielmo de Curson

,domino de C roxh ale . Ricardo de R uggeley, seniors , Willielmo

Geffrey de Catton , Ricardo Smyth de eadem , Johanne P restessone de eadem e t aliis Data apud Catton dieDomi nica proxima post festum purifi cationis beate Mari e an no regni Regi s Henri ci quart i p rimo .

This deed bears the sea lof Stretton .


15 F eb , 1 H en . 1400.

Scian t presen t-es et futuri quod nos R adulph u s de Hertesh orne vi cariu s eccle sie de C roxh ale et JohannesP ymme de C a ttone dedimus concessimus et h ac presenti carts nostra indentata confi rmavimus Margeri e Bayllyde Gatton e ad terminumvite sue omnia Mesu sgis terras et tenements reddi tus et servicia nostra in C attone queh uper h ab uimu s ex dono e t feofi amento predicte Margerie con junctim cum suis pertinenciis Habenda e t tenendaomnia predicts Mesusgia te rre tenements redditus et servicia cum sui s pertin enciis predict s Margeri e ad terminumvite sue libere quiete bene st in pace de capital i domino feodi il lins per servicis inde debita et de jure consuetah o e

E t post decessum predicts Margerie volumus [et conced] imus quod omniapredicts Mesusgia terre tenements

110 e hole

reddi tus et servicis cum omnibus sui s pertin enciis Henrico P rust de C attEoue e t Msj tildi uxori ejus e t [h eredib us]de corporib us eorum inter eos legitime procreatis remaneant imperpetuum Tenenda de capital i domino liberequiete bene e t in pace per servicis inde debits e t de j ure con sueta ut supra. E t si contingat predictos Henricum

Page 291: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Sketch of the P a rish of Croxall.


26 Man, 6 H en . I V . , 1405.

Nove rin t universi per presente s no s Joh ann em P rustessone de C attone e t Mstildem uxorem meam,

remisse relaxasse et omnino pro nobis e t h eredib us n ostris imperp etuum quietum clamasse Johanni Hugge deC a t tone et Matildi uxori sue, h eredib us et assignatis predicti Johann i s totum j us nostrum et clameum quodh ab emus seu alter nos trum habet in una parcella terre in Cattons vocata ls Orchard prout certis meti s e t bundisdividitur cum sui s pertinenciis Ita quod nos predicti Johannes P rustessone et Matildis uxormes, nec herede snostri

,nec aliquie alius nomine nostro seu jure nostro aliqu od j us vel clameum in

pred icts parcells terre cum

sui s pert in enciis de cetero exigere sen vendi care poterimus set per presentes in de scs


fiius exclusi imperpetuum

In cuj us rei te stimonium hui c presenti sc ripto sigilla nostra apposuimu s. Hi i s testib us Johann e P ymme deGatt one , Henrico Prust de eadem, Thoma Nikes de esdem et aliis Datum apud C atto ne predictam die Jovi sproxima post festum Ann un ciacionis beate Mari e anno regni Regis Henric i quarti post conquestum An glie

sexto .This deed bea rs two sea ls , one the le t ter I crown ed, and the othe r the letter R .


30 M0 72 , 6 H en . I V., 1405.

Sciant presentes et futuri quod ego Johann es P rustessone de Cattone dedi concessi e t hac presen ti cartsmea con fi rmavi Joh anni Hugge de Gattone predi cts et Matildi uxori sue nn am parcellam terre i n vi ll a predictsjacen tem in ter tenementum Johanni s P rustesson e ex un a et tenementum Thome N ik es ex parte altera e t

extendit se in longetudin e juxta si tam viam prout ce rti s meti s et hundis dividi tur B ahendam et t enendam

predictam parcellam te rre vocatam le Orchard cum omnibus pertinenciis predicts Johanni B ugge et Matildi

uxori sue h eredib us et assignatis predicti Joh ann is B ugge de capitali domino feodi illius per servicia inde priusdeb its et de j ure consueta libere quiete bene et i n pace imperp etuum. Et ego vero predictus Johann esP rustessone et heredes mei predictam parcellam terre v ocatamle Orchards prout certi s metis dividi tur nt suprapredict is Johanni H ugge et Mstildi uxori sue h eredib us et assignatis ipsius Johannis contra omn es genteswaran tiz ab imus et defendemos imperp etuum. In cuj us rei testimon ium huic presenti carte sigillum meumapposui. Hiis testib us Thoma N ikes de C at tone , Johanne P ymme de esdem

,Johanne H opkynsone de eadem ,

Henri co P rust de esdem, Thoma Hel ot de eadem e t aliis Data; spud Cattone predicts di e l une proxima postfestum Ann un ciacionis beate Mari e ann o regni Regi s Hen ri c i quarti post conquestumAngli c sexto .

This deed bea rs a. sea l on which is the letter I crowned.


4 May, 6 B en . I V. , 1405.

Hec inden tura facta inter Jch ann emP rustessone de C att one ex parte un s e t Joh snnemHugge et Matildemuxorem ejus ex parte alters testatur h abent et tenen t un am parcellam te rre in C at tone vocatam ls Orchard eish eredib u s et assignatib ns ipsius Joh annis Hugge T enendamde capitali domi no feodi illins per servicia prius debitsac de jure consueta imperpet uumN ich olominus predictu s Johan nes P rustessone vult e t concedit pro se h eredib usseu assignatis suis tenementum suum in quo manet tenementum quod predictis Joh anne H ugge e t Ms tildi uxoriejus et h eredib us predicti Johanni s H ugge solvent annuat im pro predicts places terre vocata le Orchards octodenarios bone monete ad terminos san cti M ichaeli s et Pasche equis porcionib us ad capitale tenementum

sustentacione ?

Johannis P rustessone in quo nunc manet in sust . septem soli dos et sex denarios quos predictus Johann esP rustessone e t herede s sui solvent an nu atim capitali domin o feodi illins pro predicto tenemen to Pro quibusvero octo denariis s ic annuatimsolvendi s predicti Johannes P r ustessone et heredes sui predictis Joh anni H ugge e t

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H z



ea t Sheteh of the P a rish of Croxa tt.

Matildi uxori predicti Joh annis waran tizab un t indempnes versus cap italemdominum feodi et alios quos cunque0

ad h oc]ah quod annual e servxcium pro predi cta parcel la terre exigentes et adhoc fi deliter perimplendum obligat totumtenementum suum in quo manet in quoscunqu e manus devenerit . E t predictus Johannes P ru stessone concessitpredictis Johanni Hugge et Matildi uxori sue h eredib us et assign atis ipsius Johannis quod ipsi h ab eant etpercipiant imperpe tuum aquam in quodam putso in superiori parte unius parcell e terre vocata 16 Orchard adomni a necessaria sua facienda cum l ibero ingressu et egressu ad eundem sine perturb acione seu impedimentopredicti Joh annis P rustessone sen h eredum snorum imperpetuum In cujus rei testimonium presenti indenturepartes predicte alternatim sigilla sua apposuerunt Hiis testib us Henrico Pruste de Gattone

,Joh anne Pymme

de eadem , Thoma N ikes de eadem et aliis. Data apud Catton epredictam die Lune proximo post festumI nvencionis Sancte Crucis anno regni Regis Henric i quarti post conquestum Anglie sexto .

Th is inden tu re bea rs a sea lwith the let ter I crowned up on it.


12 Ju ly, 6 B en . 1405.

Noverin t universi per presentes nos Th omam P eyure Galiridum I ngepenne , Henricum Durnforde

c lericum et EdmundumDaunvers remisisse relaxasse e t omnino pro nobis e t h eredib us nostris quie tumc lamasseAlianore quondam uxori Almarici de Sanoto Amando militis totum jus nostru m quod h abuimus h ab emus seualique modo habere po terimu s in Manerio de C attone super Tren tam cum pertinenciis in C omita tu Derb eie

Ita quod nec nos predicti Thomas , Galfridus Henricus et Edmundus nec heredes nostri aliquod j us seu clameumin predicto Man erio de C atton e cum pertinenciis in Gomitata B erchis exigera seu vendicare poterimu s

imperpetuum set per presentes simus totaliter exclusi In cujus rei testimonium presentibus sig illa nostraapposuimu s Hiis t estib us Johanne Hyde , Thoma Abb urbury, Johanne Coterons Will’mo C oven tre, Will’moDancastre et aliis Data apud Wydeh ay duodecimo die Jullii anno regni Regis Henrici quarti post conqu estumsexto .

E ndorsed . Qui eta clamacio de terra in Gattone .

This deed bea rs 4 sea ls, lst a chem-

on on a shield is a ll tha t is legible, Q/nd a grifi‘in , 3rd (1.monogram,

4th the letters I H C .


30 July, 6 H en . I 1405.

Noverin t un iversi per pre sentes me Alianoram que fuit uxor Almarici de Sanoto Amando militisconstituisse et loco meo posuisse dilectos michi in Christo Will’m Stokes e t R ogerum de la B ache conjunctim

e t divisim ad deliberandum seisinam nomine meo Rogero Hortono et h eredib us suis de Manerio de C attonesuper Tren tam in C omitatu Derb ie cum pertinenciis secundum formam vim et eflectum cuiusdam carte meaindentate per me prefatam Alianoram inde confecte ratum et gratum h ab iturum quicquid iidem Will ’a s e tR ogeru s seu alter corum nomine meo fecerit vel fecerint in premissis In cu ius rei testimonium presen tib us

s igillum meum apposui Data apud Gattone d ie Jovis proxime. post festum Sancti Jacobi Apostoli anno regniRegi s Henri ci quarti sexto .

This deed bea rs the sea l of St . Amand, given in App endix.


St . Thoma s the Martyr, 3 July, 9 H en . 1408.

Noverint universi per presentes nos Joh annem de C umb erford, Joh annam uxorem meam , R ogerumB elzet ter eh A l iciam uxorem meam (sic ) attornasse st in loco nostro posuisse dilectumnobis in Christo Joh annemU sgath orp ad liberandum in nomin e nostro Roberto U sgath orp plenariam seis inam de uno messuagio in Catton

Page 293: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Shetch of the P a rish of Croxa t'


sicu t includitur cumvinariso et fossatis cum columb ario simul cum omnibus terri s et tenementis prati s pascuispasturis cum omnibus lib ert atibus et piscariis in aqua e t cum omnibus pertinen tiis eidemmessuagio adjacentib us

secundum t enoremvimet effectum cujusdam carte feofi amenti eidem Roberto per nos dictos R ogerum et Aliciaminde confecte Ratum et gratum h ab ituri quicquid predictus attornatu s noster fecerit seu duxerit faciendumnomine no stro in premissis. In cujus rei testimoni um presen tibus sigi ll a nostra apposuimus Data apudL ieb efeld in fe s to Translacionis Sancti Thome Martyris anno regni Regi s Henrici quarti post C onquestum nono .

Th is deed bea rs fou r sea ls a ll illegible excep t one which bea rs the letters I H C .


7Ma rch , 10 B en . 1409.

Noverint universi per presentes me R ogerum de Horton ord inasse posuisse e t in loco meo confi rmasse

d il ectos mihi in Christo H enricumP rust et Th omamNye meos fi deles attornatos ad deliberandum pro me et in

nomine meo seisinam plenam et pacifi cam Willielmo fi lio R ogeri Starky de N orthwico Johanni S tarky fi lioejusdem Wilhelmi

, Galfrido fi lio Johann is de Masty de Wynch am, Thome le B rette, Johanni de Wynyn ton deN orthwico , Joh anni de Hok enhull de H ok enh ull, Rogero lo C artwrygh t capellano , David del Hule et Ricardotenementum in man erio meo de Catton in C omitatu Derb eye cum pertinentiis secun dum vym (sic , vim) formam et

efi ectumcujusdam carte mee predictisWillielmo , Joh anni fi lio Wilh elmi, Galfrido , Thome , Johanni de Wynyn ton ,

Johanni de H ok enh ull, Rogero le cartwrygh t , D avid at Ricardo i nde confects. Ratum et gratum h ab en tas e t

h ab ituri quicquid predicti Henricus at Thomas Nye a t tornati mei fecerin t in premissis. In cuj us rei testimoniumhuic presenti litere a t tornatorie sigi llum meum apposu i. Data septimo die mensi s Marcii ann o regni Regi sHenric i quarti post C onquestumdecimo

Th is deed bea rs the seal of Horton , given in App endix.


2 N ovember , 14 B en . I V.,1412.

Noverint un iversi per presentes me R icardum de Stanop mi litem attornasse at in 10 0 0 meo posuisse d il ectosmich i in Chri sto Joh ann em Th eresby et Ricardum T oune ? conjunctim et divi sim meos fi deles att ornatos addeliberandum pro me st in nomine meo Rogero Horton e t Willielmo filio ejusdem Rogeri planam et pacifi camseisinam in omnibus terris et tenementis meis redditib u s et serviciis cum suis pertinentiis in Warton in C omitatuWarwic et in Willielmo Gefirav nativo meo cum tota sequela sua procreata et procreanda secundum vim formamet efi ectum cujusdam carte mee predictis Rogero et Willielmo filio suo et h eredibus e t assign atis ipsius B ogoriinde facts ratum et gratium tenent em et h ab iturum quicquid predicti attornati mei vel alter corum fecerit inpremissis. In cujus rei testimon ium presen tibus sigillum meum apposui Data secundo die mensis N ovembrisanno regni Regi s Hemi ci quarti post C onquestumAn glic quarto decimo .

D ie s lib eracionis seissine apud Warton die s V eneris proxima post festum San cti N icholai Episcopi .This deed bea rs th e sea l of S ta nhop e, given in App endix .


2 N ov . , 14 H en I V . , 1412.

Scian t presente s et futuri quod ego R icardus de St anope mil e s dedi concessi et hac presenti carta meaconfi rmavi Rogero Hortone et Wi ll'o fi lio ejusdem R ogeri omnia terras e t tenementa mea redditus e t serviciacum sui s pertinenciis in Wartone in C omita tu Warr ’ simul cum reddi tu et servic io Roberti Overton , ded i eciam et

concessi et hac presenti carta mea confi rmavi eisdem Rogero et Will 'o, Will

'm Gefi ray n ativum meumcum tota sequel a sua procreata et procreanda Habenda et tenenda omnia predicta terre et ten emen ta

Page 295: Of the History of Croxall

20 0 H istorical Shetch of the P a rish of Croxall.

et tenements redditus et servicia ac omnia et s ingu l a predicta cum suis pertinenciis universis predicto Rogero[written smis]

h eredibus et assignat is suis imperpetuum de capitalib us domini s feodorum illorum per servicia inde debitae t de ju re con sueta E t ego vero predictus Joh annes et heredes mei omnia piedicta terras e t t enemen ta reddi tus

ac servicia ac omnia e t singul a premissa cum omnibus suis pertinenciis et profi ciis ub icumque spectan tibus

predicto Rogero h eredib us et assignatis sui s contra omnes gentes warrantizab imus acquietab imu s e t defendemu simperpetuum In cuj us rei testimonium hui c presenti carte mee sigil lum meum apposui Hiis testibus

“ Thoma deGresley mil ite

,Thoma Grufiyth e , Ricardo V ern on de H orlastone, Thoma Stan ley , e t Willo' C ursun scu t iferis

et multis aliis Datum apud Waltone predictam octavo die Aprili s anno regni Regi s Henric i qu inti postC onquestum Angli c quarto .

Endorsed Carta J. F yndern e 4t Henry 5t .


10 Apr. 4 Hen . V . , 1416 .

N ou erint universi per presentes me Joh ann em de F ynderne remississe relaxasse et omnino pro me et

h eredib us meis imperpetu um quietum clamasse Rogero H ortone h eredib us et assignatis suis totum jus meumet clameum quod h ab ui habso seu qu ovismodo habere potero i n omnibus terri s et t enemen tis redditib us e t

serviciis simul cum b oscis pratis pascuis pasturis piscariis moris mariscis molendinis aquis stagnis gurgitibus

vii s semitis h omagiis et serviciis tam liberorum tenencium quam nativorumwardis maritagiis releviis escaet isac omnibus et singulis pert in enciis suis que idem R ogerus habet de dono et feoffamen to mei predicti JOh annis inWaltone super Trentame t C attone Ita vero quod nec ego predictus Johannes nec heredes mei nec aliquie aliusin n omine seu jure nostro al iquid ju s vel clameum in predictis terri s et tenemen tis redditibus et serviciis cu



pertinenciis nec in premissis aliquib us cum pertinenciis nec in alique. parcell a eorundem de cetero exigere ve lv end ic are pot erimus set per presen tes simus exclusi imperpetuum Et ego vero predictus Johann es et heredesmei omn ia pred icts. terr as e t tenemen ta redditus et servicia ac omnia et sin gula premi ssa cum omnibus suispertin enciis predicto Rogero h eredib us e t assignatis sui s contra omnes gentes warantizab imus imperpetuum

I n cujus rei testimonium huic presen ti relaxacioni s igil lum meum apposui Hii s testibus Thoma de Gresleymilite Thoma Grufiyth ,

Ricardo V ernone de H orlaston,Thoma S tanley , Will’o C ursun scu tiferis et multis aliis

Data apud Waltone predictam dec imo die April is anno regni Regis Henrici quinti post C onqu estum An glie

quarto .

E ndorsed . R elaxacio terre Joh anis F ynderne .

This deed bears a sea l on which is a chevron engra iled between 3 cross crosslets.


12 Apr. , 4 H en . V . , 1417.

P resens indentura testatur quod cum Johan nes de F ynderne dederit et concesserit Rogero Hortone

h eredibu s e t assigna tis sui s qu endamannu alemredditumdecem marcarum habendum et percipiendum ann uatimde omnibus terris et tenemen tis sui s redditib us et serviciis cum pertinenciis in fra C omitatumDerb ey ad festumN ativ itatis sancti Joh anni s Bapt i ste prout in quodam scripto ann ualis redditus predicto Rogero h eredib us etassignatis sui s inde confecto plenius continetur predictus tamen R ogerus vult et concedit per presen tes pro seh eredibus et assignatis sui s quod si ipse R og erus nec heredes n ec assignati sui non implacitentur nec inquietenturde omnibus terris e t ten ementis redditibus et serviciis cum pertinenciis que idem R ogerus nunc habet de dono etfeofamento predicti Johan n is in villis de Waltone super Tren tam e t C at tone nec de aliqua parcella corundomper predictum Joh annem heredes n ec assignatos suos nec per Joh annam uxorem predi cts Johanni s rati onedotis sue

,nec per aliquem alium corum nom in e ve l j ure nec per aliquem alium ratione alicuius j uris vel tituli

ante datam presenciumh ab iti Ita quod predi cts terra e t ten emen ta redditus et servicia cum pertinenciis necalique. parcell a eorun demversus predictum Rogerum heredes nec assignatos suos per j udicium in cu ria dominiRegis redditum nec aliquo alio modo racione alicujus j uris ve l tituli ante datam presencium h ab iti non

Page 296: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Shetch of the P a rish of Croxall.

recuperentur et ulterius si predictus Johannes et heredes sui conservent predictumR ogeremheredes et assignatossuos indempnes versus quoscunque quod non implacitentur nec graven tur do predictis terris et tenementisredditib u s et serviciis cum pertinenciis in Waltons e t C attone nec de aliqua parcell a eorundem racione alicujusannui tatis de predictis terri s e t tenementis cum pertinenciis concesse nec racion e alicujus statuti mercatorumstapule vel recogn icionis ante datam presencium facts quod tunc predictum scriptum annualis reddi tus decemmarcarum omni suo robore cares t st sfi ectum E t si predicti R ogerus heredes vel assigna ti sui de predict isterri s et tenementis cum pertinenciis vel de aliqua parcell a eorundem implacitentu r et versus ipsos vel aliquemipsorum recuperentur aliqua racione u t supradictum est quod extunc dictum scriptum annualis redditus decemmarcarum in sui s permaneat robore et sffectu In cuius rei testimonium hii s indenturis partes predicts sigi l lasua altern atim apposuerunt Data duodecimo die Aprili s anno regni Regis Henrici quinti post conquestumAnglie quarto .

This inden tnre bea rs a seal on which is a chevron between 3 cross crosslets,and a mo tto, ofwhich “

summumbonnm is a ll tha t is legible .


E as ter Day, 23 April, 2 H en . VI .,1424.

Noverint un iversi per presentes me Th omamGrifiith e armigerumremississe relaxasse et omnino pro msh eredibus ct assignatis meis imperpetuum qu ietum c lamasse Will’o Cheyne justiciario Thome H enster RogeroCartwrights Ricardo Toune David Huls st Edmundo Starky h eredibus et assignatis suis totum jus meum et

clameumquod h ab eo h ab ui ve l aliquo modo habere potero i n omnibus terri s st tenementis redditib us et serviciis

cum suis pertinenciis in Waltons super Trent st Catton in C omitatu B erbie que iidemWill’mus Thomas R ogerusRicardus David et Edmundus h ab ent de dono et feofi amen to R ogeri Horton Ita vero quod nec ego predictusThomas Griffiths nec heredes mei nec aliquis alius nomine seu jure nostro al iquid jus vel clameum in predictis

terris seu t enemen tis redditibus st serviciis cum pertinenciis de cetero exigere vel vendicare poterimus set perpresentes simne exclusi imperpetuum. In cuius rei testimonium presentib us sigilliim meum apposui Hii stestibus Thoma de Gresley mil ite , Thoma S tanl ey, Hugons Erdeswyke , armigero , et al ije Datum apudWhych enore in festo Pasche anno regni Regi s Henrici sexti post conquestumAn glie secundo .

Endorsed . R elaxacio Thome Gryffyths.

This deed bea rs a sealwith these a rms, a fess lo zengy between 3 eagles disp layed, which St. Ama nd

quarters . Given in Appendix.


22 July, 8 Hen. VI ., 1425.

Omnibus Cristi fi delibus hoc presene scriptum visuris vel audituris Ego Thomas Grifi yth e armiger salu temin domino sempiternam cum pium et meritorium sit testimonium perhib ers veritati vobis omnibus e t singuliscaritatis intuitu no tifi co quod cum Johannes de F yndsrns de omnibus terris st tenementis sui s redditib us st

serviciis cumpertinenciis i n Walton super Trent et Cattons me e t alios iam defun ctos feoffaverit h ab endis nobi set h eredibus nostris imperpetuum causa fiducie ad faciendam inde volun tatem e iusdem Johannis Et poste arsquisicione mich i et cofeofi atis meis predictis per ipsum JOh ann em ad es de eisdem terris et tenementis cumpert inenciis refeoffandis vel relaxacionem eidem de eisdem faciendam facta. Et de n egacione per me stcofeofi atos predictos causa di scordie inter n os et predictum Joh annem prehabita si inde facta, idem Johannesin predictis terri s et tenementis rein travit st inde feoffavit R ogerum Horton Habendum sibi et h eredibus suisimperpetuum E t postmodum ego predictus Thomas requisitions michi per predictum Joh annem specialit er

prehib ita u t eidem Rogero totum jus et clameum quod h ab ui in predictis te rris st tenementis cum pertinenciis

relaxarem,Will ’o Cheyne justiciario Thome H enstere Rogero C artwrygh t David Huls Ricardo Toun e et

Edmundo S tarky de predi ctis terris et tenementis cum pertinenciis per predictum RogerumHorton feofi atis

Page 297: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Shetch of the P a rish of Croxall.

totum j us mem et clameumquod h abui habso sou quovismodo habere potero in predictis te rri s et tenementi scum pertin enciis h ab endis s ibi et h eredibus sui s imperpetuum post mortem predictorum cofeofi atorummeorumremisi et relaxavi imperpe tuum prout per sc riptum meum rolaxacionis e i s inde { acte plane liquet. In cuj us reitestimonium present ib us sigillum meum apposui D ata in fe sto Sancte Mario Magdal ene anno regn i Regi sHenrici sexti post C onquestum An glie te rcio.

E ndorsed L itte rs testimonia le s Thome Gryfi th s .

This deed bea rs a sea l,upon it the a rms of Gm


yth . Given in App endix.


18 A ug ., 7 Hen. VI .

, 1429 .

Nove rint univers i per pre sentes me Joh annem Spencer fi lium Ricardi Spencer do B urtons super Trentremississe relaxasse e t omnino pro me at h eredib us meis imperpetuum qui etum clamasse Will ’o Hortonsarmigero filio et heredi B ogo ri Horto ns totum jus meum et clameum quod h ab eo h ab ui seu aliquo modo infuturo habere potero in omnibus illi s Mesusg iis te rris t enementis e t prati s cum suis pertin enciis in villie deWal tons super Trent C att one ot B orowe in C omi tatu Derb ie que nuper fuerun t predicti B ogori Horto ns ac eciamin omnibus aliisMesuagiis terris tenementis et pratis cum su i s pertin enciis in villie predi ctis que nuper fuerun tRicardi Taillour st Agn etis uxoris oj us j am defun cts Ita quod nsc ego predictus Joh annes Spencer nec heredesmei nec aliquis aliu s nomino nostro aliquod jus vel clameum in predictis Mosuagiis terris t enemen tis et prati scumsu i s pertinenciis in villis predict is de estero exigsrs vel vendicare pot orimus in future . Set ab omn i acc ionesumus exclusi imperpetuum per presente s. Et ego vero predictus Johann e s Spencer et herede s mei omniapredicts. mesuagia

' terras tenementa ve l prata cum suis pert in enciis in villis predict is prefato Will ’o Hortonsh eredib us et assignatis suis contra omnes gentes waran tizab imus, et imperpetuum defendemus . In cuj us re itestimonium hu ic presenti sc ripto moo sigillum meum apposui . Hii s testib us Thoma S tanl ey armigero, RicardoBroun e do R epyngtone , Gilberto Ives ds eadem, Will ’o Patrik de Walton , Roberto Clerk de esdem et multi saliis Data apud Waltone predictam dis Jovi s proximo post festumAssumpcionis beate Marie virgini s Ann oregni Regis Henrici sexti post conquestum An glie septimo .


Sa t . 25 Ap r.,22 Hen . VI .

,1444 .

Sciant presente s et futuri quod Ego Will’mus F yssh sr do C att one dedi concessi st h ac pre senti carta meaconfi rmavi Ricardo Hugge unumMesusgium tre s acras et unam rodam te rre arrab ilis e t dimidiam sc ram prati ettre s denari os ann ui redditu s cum pertinenciis in C a tt one videlicet ad percipien ze um do Johann e Hugge st

h eredib us su i s ad di em Pasche quod quidem mesuagium j acot inte rMesusgium Henric i Ampe et altum viam et

croftum contn’

n et dimidiam acram j acot in ter croftum Henric i Ampe et Mesusgium Joh annis Hugge ot un a

roda jacet super Silurosmedowe furlong in ter terramRicardi Gubb s et torram Joh annis P resto et una roda j acotin ls Holme inter terram Henrici Ampe st torram h eredum Ricardi Gubbs et dimidia acra j acot super Brokefurlong in ter terrain Hen ric i Amps e t terram h eredumRoberti Smythe et dimidia acra j acot super C ock esh e tehulls inter terramh eredumRicardi Gubb s et t erramh eredumRoberti F yssh er ot un a roda j acot apud ls Go tacrein te r t erramHenrici Amps st terrain h eredumRicardi Gub b s et due b utt s simul j acent apud F ernysende in ter

[Sic] lt e rrain Joh anms Hugge et terrarn Prion s de Repto ns e t terram h eredum


iin a roda jacot super R uyland in terterramP rioris do Reptons e t te rram h eredum Rica rdi Gubbs et dimidia roda jacet super Sendium acras intert erram h eredumJoh annis Glover et terrarn Henric i Amps e t dimidia acra prati jacot in lo Brodemedowe interpratum Henri c i Ampe et pratum h eredumN icholai piscatoris Tenenda et habenda prodictumMesuagium terrampratum ot redditum de capitalibus dominis feodi illins predicto Ricardo Hugge h eredib us et assignatis sui s liberequi ete bene st in pace imperpetuum. E t ego vero predictusWill’mus et heredes mei predictumMesuagium tresacras unam rodam terre at rabilis dimidiam acram prati et tres denarios argonti annui redditus cumpertinenciissicu t predictum est predicto Ricardo h eredib us et assignatis suis contra omn es genteswaran tiz ab us e t defendemus .

In cuj us rei testimonium hui c presenti cart e mee sigillum meum apposui H ii s testib us Will’mus e e , Johann eP resto , Joh ann e Wh ythynge, Joh anno Smythe , Ricardo Nycks st aliis Datum apud Cattons die Sabbati proximepost festum Sancti Georgii ann o regni Regis Henric i sexti post conquestumAnglie vicesimo secun do.

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H istorical Shetch of the P arish of Croxall.


2 F eb .,1 Edw. I V . , 1461 .

Sciant presentes e t futuri quod Ego Johann es Hugge dedi concessi e t h ac presenti carta mea confi rmaviRicardo Hugge fi lio moo et Margarete uxori mee unam parcellam te rre in C at tone jacentom inter torram Ricard iN ikos et Henric i Irpe in latitudine st extondit so in longi tu dine j uxta altam viam prout certi s metis ot hundisdividi tur B ah endam et tenendampredictamparcellam terre v ocatamOrchards cum omnibus sui s pertinenciispredictis Ricardo Hugge e t Margaroto, h eredib us et assignatis dioti Ricardi Hugge do capi ta li domino feodiillins per servicia inde deb ita e t do j urs consueta imperpetuum. Et Ego voro predictus Joh annos Hugge ot herede smei predictamparcellam terre cum omnibus sui s pertinenciis prefatis Ricardo Hugge st Margareto h eredibus st

assignatis dioti Ricardi Hugge contra omnes gentes warantizab imu s st imperpetuum defendemus per presen tes .I n cujus rei testimonium presentib us sigill um meum apposui Hii s testib us Johanne Smyt h , Rogero L oo ,

Henrico Whythyngo et aliis Data apud Cattons in festo P urifi cacionis beate Marie virginis anno regni Regi sEdwardi quarti post conquestum primo .


2 July, 8 Ed I V. , 1468 .

Thi s b ill endented tripertiod and made th e second day of Ju ly in th e yere of th e rogu e of kyngoEdward the forth e the viij tb yere witeneseth that William h ole nd Edmun d S tet hy of Strettono uppone

Dunn esmore have dolyured to D an William B ronstons abbot of B urton uppon Tronto and to th e covent ofth e same place a ly[to]llo corar en sealed un dur the seales of th e sai d Will iam and E dmun d w ith V peces ofovejdoncos concernyng to th e Manor of C at ton e W ithin th e Gounti of D erbo epon condi c ione foloyngo that i sto Witt that th e said abbot and covent shall delyv er th e said cofur with th e said evidences to the said Wil liamand Edmund or to theyre h eires or sufficient assignes at suche tymes as they shall requyro th e delyvoraunco

for th e defence suerto or recovers of the said Manor or of any parcell e thereof.

E ndorsed . I ndontura pro quinque pociise vidonciumdo te rra in C attone.— Cattons.


23 Oct . 4 Hen. VI L , 1488.

Sciant presentes et futuri quod ego Henricus Irpe do C a t tone dedi concessi e t h as present i cart a meaconfirmavi Rogero Hortons do eadom un um Mesu agium cittuatum in C attone predi cts cum sui s pertinenciisvidelicet cum uno crofto eidem Mosuagio contigue adj acente un a dimidia virgata terre arrab ilis in eadem vill aet un o C rofto ib idem vocato Baconscrofto noonon un a parcella prati ibidem jaconto in Sh eldemedowo eidemMosuagio portinentibus Habenda st Tenenda prodictumMesuagium cum crofto torra arrab ile et prato predictiscum sui s pertinenciis prefato Rogero h eredibus et assignatis sui s imperpetuum do capitalibus dominis feodiillius per sorvicia inde deb ita ot do j uro consueta sub forma et condicionib us sub soquon tibus videlicet— Egopredictus Henricus solvam vel solvi taoism v ol executo res mei solvant vel solvi faciant predicto Rogero aut suocerto att ornato h eredibus vol exocutorib us sui s in festo sancti Hillarii proximo futuro post datum presenciamin Capell a Sancti Nicholai do C at tone predicts viginti octo solidos et quatuor denarios sterlingorum videlicetquin decim solidos inde ad usum et profi cuum gardianorum Capello Sancti Joh annis Baptists do Marchyntono

pro tempore oxistsncium st in festo Sancti Hillarii quod ori t in anno domin i Millesimo quadringontesimo

decen tesimo in dicta Cape lla do C a t tone predicta alios vigin ti octo solidos ot quatuor denarios sterlingorum

videlicet quindecim solidos do eisdem ad usum et profi cuum dictorum gardianorum pred icts C apollo do

Marchyn tone quod oxtunc presens carta indentata ac seisins inde deliberata casso sint et viduo nulliusquo

vigorie ac b one licoat michi prefato Hen rico h eredib us et assignatis meis i nMesusgium C roftumterramot pratum

predicta cum pertinenciis reverters resosaro et ea reh ab ere ot meo pri stino statu retinero ac prefatum R ogerum

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H istorical Shetch of the P arish of Croxall.

h oredes et assignatos suos inde total iter expellers ot annulloro presenti cart a indentata. ac seisina inde del iberatein aliquo non obstantib us E t s i dofectus fiat in aliqua solucionam predictorumcontra formam predictamoxtun c

prosena carta indentata st seisina inde liberata omno robur ot effectue Ob tineant ac b one licoat prefato Rogeroh eredibus ot assignatis sui s Mesusgium C roftum terram ot pratum predic ts. cum suis pertinenciis habere et

pacifi co gaudero imperpetuum In cujus rei testimonium uni parti h ujus carte indentate pendento prefatumRogerum romanon ti sigillum meum apposui altori voro parti ej usdem carte penden to romanonti predictu sRogerus sigillum apposuit Hii s testibus Wi l lo ’ Smythe do C attone , Joh anno H ugge do oadom,

Ricardo Smyth dooadom e t aliis D ata apud C at tone predictamdie Jovi s proximo post festum Sancti Dunstani anno regni Regi sHenrici Sop timi post C onquestumAnglie quarto


Sa in t Vincen t Ma rtyr, 22 Jan , 6 H en . VI I . , 1490.

Sciant presentes et futuri quod ego Henricus Irpe do C attone dedi concessi st hac presenti carta meaconfi rmavi Johanni C ursone do C roxsallo armigero unum Mesusgium cumcrofto adjacento in vi lla do C at tonequod Henricus Koucure quondam tenuit Ac eciam ded i ot concessi eidem Johanni unam dimidiamvirgatamterre cum prato st uno crofto eidem pertinento jacon tom in villa st campis do C attone quod quidem croftum j acotin longitudine inter Ruylondo ot Vymore medowo quam quidem dimidiamvirgatamterre cum pertinenciis predictisThomas L avorok quondam tenu i t Habenda st Tenenda predicta Mosuagium ot croftum cum omnibus ot singulissuis p ertinen ciis prefato Johanni h eredib us ot assignatis sui s l ibero quiete b one st in pace imperpetuum do

capitalibus dominis feodi i ll ins por servicia inde debita ot do j uro consueta. E t ego voro predictus Henricus eth eredos mei Mesusgium prodictum cum crofto ot dictam dimidiam v irgatam cum omnibus su i s pertinenciisContra omnes warant izab imus ot imperpetuumdefendemus prefato Joh auni C ursone h eredibu s ot assignatis suis .In cujus re i testimonium huic presenti carte moo sigi llum meum apposui Hiis testib us Thoma Gresley mili te,Joh anni Stroteh ay, Edmundo Alcok vicario do C roksallo, Johann e Dyson , Will’mo Sh oph ardo et ali le Data apudC attone in festo Sancti V incentiimartyris anno regn i regis Henrici Soptimi post conquestumAn glie quinto.


18 October, 18 H en. VI I ,1502.

Thi s indenture made this xviijmDay of th e moneths of October in the xviij‘“ Yoro of th o Reigns ofR yuge Henry th e vij t

h by twyparto th e Rights M ighty princes Margret C ountes oi Richmonds Moder toth o kyngo our souorayn lords of th e one partio ands Roger Horton of Cattons in the Countis of Derbo esquyor

of th e other parts W i tnesseth that th e seyd Roger of h is gudo free myndo hatho graun ted by thes presentesto th o seydo prynces that b e his exocu turs assignes shall at all tymes agree that Roger his Sons and h eiraparau nto Shall be maryd to suche a gen tilwoman as hir grace or hi r assignes shall thyuko convenient to th ewhichs mariago so to be had th e seid Roger th e father shall at al l tymes open resonable warnyng to bym tobe govin owe h is gudo wylie when he thereto Shall be roquyrod And also to that extent shall delyuer hisseyd son heyre to th e seyd princes h ir assignes to cau se b ym by th e advice of the seid princes to befounde at S colo or in Courts to lerne th o kyngos laws or to other wyso as the seyd princes shall avico fromtyms to tyms and for those seyd promyses grauntos thus made to th o seyd princes graun tes That shehir exocu turs assignes shall at th e charges costes of th e seyd Roger th e father cause labour to bemade to th o kyngos h ighnos and otherwise to th on ten t that suche lawfull ti tle as th e seyd Roger Horton th efador or any to h is vse hatho to eny mamours londss tenements W ithin th e R o ilmo of ynglando may beful ly rocovsrydo to b ym or to his heyre or other to his vse by po ticion accion sowte entro or o th erwyos asth o counsell of th o seyd princes Shal l therein advyse ands the seyd Roger graunteth e , al so by th i s presentesthat wh ensoeu or his seyd son sh alb e maryd in forms aforesoyd he shal l make or cause to be made to hi sseyd son such as he shall be maryed unto by th advyse of th o seyd princes h ir executurs or assignes a

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4 September, 21 B en . VI I I . 1529 .

Sc iant presente s ot futuri quod Ego Will ’ s Largo de N ewsb old vordens in C omitatu L eycestrie husbondman opro summa sex lib rarum sex solidorum e t octo denariorum mich i per Th omam Sprott do Asshmorb roks gent.pro manibus fi deliter soluta dedi concessi v endidi et b arganizavi et hac presen ti carta mea confimiavi eidemThome Sprott h eredib us st assignatis su i s un um Mesusgium un um gardinumst duo cro fts ot dimidiamvirgatam

terre cum p ertinenciis in C attone in C omi tatu Derb ie mode in t enura Johanni s Higos do Catton e . Et quemichij uro hereditari o descendeb an t post mortem Thome Largo patris mei Ac sciam b arganiz avi ot v endidi eidemThome Sprott omnia cartas scripts. ot munimen ta premissis concernoncia Habenda e t tenenda predictumMosuagium ac tota premissa cum omn ibus sorum pert inenciis prefato Thome Sprott h eredib us ot assignatis suisimperpetuumdo capi tali domino feodi illins per servicio in de deb ita st do j uro consueta . E t Ego voro predictusWill’ s Large ot h oredos moi omnia predi cts Mosuagium gardinum ac cetera premis sa cum sorum pert in enciis

prefato Thome Sprott h eredibus ot assignatis sui s contra omn es gentes warantizab imus et defendemus imporpotuum per presente s . E t ad se isinam ot possessionem dolib erandam secundum formam ot efi ectum buj noNoverint?presentis carte N overit mo prefatumWill

’m Large attornasso deputasse st in loco moo posuisse dilectos mich iin Chri sto R ob ertumHylle ot Will'mA ston do Catton meos veros st legitimos attornatos conjunctim ot divi s imRatum et gratumh ab iturum totum e t quicquid dicti attornati mei nomino moo fecerin t sou comm al te r feceritin premissis sicut ib idem personaliter in teressem . In cujus roi testimonium huic presenti carte mee sigillummeum apposui Hiis testib us Johann e Myn ors Thoma C ampdone Johann e Broke do Hyneb oley ct multi s aliis.

Data apud M eash am quarto die Septemb ris anno regni Regi s Henric i Ostavi vicesimo p rimo.

fi rplsnstmns of nrtnn a bs

AN attempt has been made to state th e substance of each document in p lain and

intelligible language.

The names of the Witnesses are in all cases omitted, as th eymay b e seen in th e deeds.

Sundry of the deeds conta in , fi rst , a statemen t of th e whole quan tity of land, and

then a particu lar description of th e locality of the parts making up that quan t ity. The

latter has been omitted, as such descriptions cou ld hardly b e iden tifi ed at the present

t ime,and therefore wou ld be useless.

Long statements of lega l proceedin gs and other matters have been given in suchshort terms as are sufficien t to convey the substance , devoid of forms.

N o. I .

Grant by Hugh do S t Cross and Isabella,his wife, to Almeric do St. Amand, and his heirs, of a messuage

and virgate of land in C ot ton, and Ivo with his family and goods, three ponco of yearly rent paid by Ivo, all theright they had or should have in a tenement hold by Agn es lo Glover ; six pence of yearly rent paid by Ro bert , thefisherman

,for a rood of land and fishery in th e Trent a penny of yearly rent paid by a tenement formerly held by

William Elys ; all the right they had or should have in a tenement held by Hawisia do Grangia,wi th her family and

goods a penny of yearly rent for a tenement which Walter do Grangia formerly held.

[There is no date to this deed , but as th e first witness is Robert do la Wards, described as a knight, and he was

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cal saw of Me P am'

s/t of Croxall.

summoned to the House of Lords In 31 Edw. I . it must have been executed before that time,and after he had

been knighted, which probably would be after he was of age as knights seemto have been required to be mature anddiscreet persons as well as valiant . —Dugdale ’s Warwickshire , 541. The number and distinction of the witnesses tothis deed show that it was an important grant ]

No. II .

Grant for a sum of money (not specified) by Thomas, the son of Wil liam ,formerly Chaplain of Catton


John L egamor of Catton , of two acres and a half of arable, and half an acre of meadow l and in the liberty of Catton,

to be held by John Legamer and his heirs, subject to the annual payment of a silver farthing to the heirs of Thomas .[There is no date to this deed , but as both Wm. Gefi

rey and Robert lo Glover are witnesses to it as well as toNo. 1, probably both are about the same date ]

N0 . III .

Grant in 1309 by Thomas, t h e son of M ichael Gei’frey of Catton, to Henry , the son of William Gefi'

rey ofCatton , and his heirs, of a messuage with a curtilag e in the village of Catton, and an acre and a half of arable land inthe fields of Catton .

N o . IV .

Grant in 1314 by Agnes, the widow of Walter Gefirey of Catton, to John Helot, her son, and his heirs, ofa messuage and three acres of arable land and meadow in Catton .

N o . V.

Grant in 1318 for homage service and £5 sterling by John do S t. Amand , knight, lord of Cot ton ,to Henry


son of William Gefi’rey, of Catton, and his heirs, of a mess'

uage and virgate of land in Catton,subject to the annual

payment of seven shillings to S t . Amand and his heirs, and service at his court .

N o . VI .

Grant in 1327 by William, the son of John lo Glover of Catton , to Robert do Schoyllo of Elleford, and hisheirs, of eleven acres of arable land and three roods of meadow in the fee of Catton .

N o . VII.

Grant in 1328 by John Helot, senior, of Catton , to Thomas, his son, of a messuage, three acres, and one rood ofarable land, and half an acre of pasture land, and threepence annual rent from Thomas, the parson, in Catton .

N o . VIII .

A fine in the Common Pleas in 1343, between Roger de C uylly and Hugo de Hegham,Chaplain , of messuages,

lands, rents, & c. , in Warton - juxta- Polesworth, Wylnimdeeote, Croddewortho, and Wisshawe , by which Roger

acknowledged the aforesaid tenements to be the right of Hugo, of which Hugo has one messuage, one hundredand five solidates and four denariates of rent, and the rent of one rose, of the gift of Roger, and for this acknowledgment Hugo granted to Roger the same tenements for the life of Roger. And also Hugo granted that five messuages,two virgates of land , and the rent of half- a - pound of pepper in Warton , which Roger do 1a Ward, knight, held for th eterm of h is life

,together with the reversion of the other tenements in the other wills should remain to Roger, and after

th e death of Roger to Phi lip, Thomas , and John, the sons of Roger, for their lives, and after their deaths to Hugo, theson of John do C uyllyand Katherine, hiswife , and the heirs of their bodies, and ii Hugo and Katherine died without anheir (of th eir bodies), to _

the right heirs of Roger de C uylly.

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2 10 H z'


ca/ St a ck of £123 P am'

s/z of Croxall.

[A note states that the tenants for li fe were dead , and Hugo and Katherine had issue Roger, who died withoutissue

,and for failure of issue

,the tenements reverted to Thomas , the son of Roger, the donor, who had issue Roger

and John,who died without issue

,after whose death the tenements descended to the sister of Roger the donor,

who was dead , and her right descended to Elizabeth, her daughter, which Elizabeth had issue Richard do Stenopoknight

,who enfeofi‘ed Roger Horton of the tenements in Warton . This note is undated , and must be much later than

the fine . Denariata seems to be a penny rent Solidata seems to be a shilling rent—See Rainsh . Dict. , F arding deale ]

N0 . IX.

Grant in 1349 by Johanna, the daughter of William. the son of Walter Gefirey of Catton, to Thomas, theson of Nicholas lo F yssh ore , William , the son of Henry Gefirey, and Robert , the son of N icholas lo F ysshere of Catton,j ointly , and their heirs, of a messuage and croft adj oining .

N o. X.

Grant in 1355 by John Oky to John , the son of William lo Glover , and his heirs, of half an acre of meadowin the fee of Catt on

,lying in Broad meadow, in exchange for half an acre of land lying in Oxmoor meadow.

No . XI .

A Power of Attorney in 1372, granted by Hugh Ened, the Chaplain , to Will iam Horton to deliver possessionto Alice , the daughter of Robert de Twenbrok e , of a messuage and saltpit in Northwich, according to the effect ofa grant made by the said Alice .

[This power by its terms shows that Alice had previously executed a grant ]

N o . XII .

Grant in 1399 by Margery Baylly .o f Catton , to Ralph do Herteshorne, V icar of C roxhale , and John Pymmeof Catton

,and their heirs

,of all messuages, lands, tenements, rents, and services, which Margery then had in

Catton, or by any mean s could have, except a cottage and curtilage, called the N eweyerd.


Grant in 1400 by Ralph de Herteshorne , V icar of Croxhale , and John Pymme of Co tton, to Margery Bayllyof Catton , for her life, of all messuages, lands, tenements, ren ts, an d services in Catton, which they lately hadof the gift of Margery

,jointly and after the death of Margery to Henry Prust of Catton

, and Matilda his wife , andt he heirs of their bodies

,and if they died without such issue , to the right heirs of Margery .

N o . X I V .

A power of Attorney in 1403 granted by Alianora , the widow of Almario de St. Amand to John C herteseye ,Richard P ark er, and John Yoxhall, j ointly and severally to enter in to the manors of S t . Elene juxta A byndone ,and Etone juxta C omenore , and a messuage and carucate of land, and ten librates of rent in Chiltone and E tonoin Berkshire , and the manors of P udlicots and Childestono in Oxfordshire , and the manors of N e thirhavene andHakleston in Wiltsh ire , and the manors of Sou thcarrey and C ernewyk e, in Gloucestershiro, and the manor of Cattonon-Trent in Derbyshire, which manors, lands, and tenements Hemy I ngepenn e , William F udorloy, and Philip Shop iere ,by a fine in the Common Pleas in the third year of Henry I V . granted to her and Almaric for their lives

,and to

hold them for her expenses and benefit so long as she pleased .

N o . XV .

Grant in 1405 by S tephen Gardiner of Walton - on - Trent, to John de n ndorn and h is heirs of all lands,tenements, rents, and services in Walton- ou -Trent, which John , the son of John Dimston of Walton

,granted to

Thomas Waleys and his heirs except an acre and half,which he had granted to John Reynals.

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ml St ew/z of U M P a n'

s/z of Croxa/Z.

N o . XXI V.

Power of atto rney in 1413 by Richard do Stanop, knight, to John Thoresby and Richard Tonore, j ointlyand severally, to deliver possess ion of all his lands, tenements , rents , and servi ces in Warton, in Warwickshireand William Geoffrey , his villein by birth , with allhis family born and to be b orn,

to Ro ger Horton and Will iam,his

son , according to the effect of his grant to Roger and his son William,and the heirs of Roger.

N o . XXVGrant in 1413 by Ralph Herteshorn , V icar of Croxh ale, to John Sheph erde and Cecily his wife, and the

heirs of Cecily, of a messuage in Catton with a. garden, a croft, called Shortcroft , a ha lf- virgate of land and threeroods of meadow in Upmore Meadow, which he had lately had of the grant of William, the son of William F yssher

in Catto n.

No . XXVI.Grant in 1413 by Ralph H ert eshorne , V icar of C roxhale , to Roger Horton, lord of Catton , and his heirs.

of a virga te of land, a croft call ed L onghayrowo , and an acre of meadow,which he late ly had of the grant of

William, the son of Will iam Pysher of Catton .

N o . XXVII .

Grant in 1417 by John do Fi nderne to Roger Horton and his h eirs, of all his land s, te nements, rents , andservice s in the wills of Walton on Trent and Catton, with all woods, pas tures, & c., & c.

No . XXVI I I .

Release in 1417 by John do F inderne to Roger Horton and his heirs,of all his right and claim

,which he

had,or in any way could have. in all lands , tenements , and services, together with woods , pastures, & c. , & c .,

whichRoger had of the grant of John in Wal ton - on- h 'ent and Catton .

N o . XXI X .

An indentu re in 1417witnesses that John do Fynderne had granted to Roger Horton and his heirs , an annualrent of ten mares out of allhis l ands , tenements , rents and services, as more ful ly appeared in a. deed execute dby John . Yet Roger grants that if neither b e nor his heirs are d isturbed in the lands, te nements , rents and service swhich he holds of t he grant of John in Walton- ou - Trent and Catton, by John or Johann a, his wife, or otherwise , thanthe gran t of the rent of ten mares should be void . But i f Roger and his heir should be dis turbed, then the gran t o fthe rent should remain in force .

N o . XXX.

Re lease in 1424 by Thomas Grifiithe , Esquire, to William Cheyne, Justiciary, Thomas B oo ster, Roge rCartwrights , Richard Toune , D avid Huls , and Edmund Starky, and their heirs , of all his right and claim which hehad

,or in any way could have, in all lands, te nements , rents , and services, in Walto n- ou - Trent and Catton, which

they William ,Thomas, Roger, Richard, David , and Edmund , had of the grant of Roger Horton .

N o. XXXI .

D eed in 1425, by which Thomas Grifi'

ythe , Esquire, recites that since it is a pious and meritori ous thing tobear witness to the truth , b e notifi es to all that; as John do F ynderno enfeofi

ed himself and others then dead , of al lhis lands, tenements , rents, and services in Walton - on- Trent and Catton, in confidence to per form his will , and afterwards required Thomas and his co- feoffees to re - grant or re -loaso the same to himsel f, and on the refusal of Thomas

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ca ! Skate/z of Me P an'

sfi of C709ml] .

and his co -feofi'

ees John re - entered into the same,and granted them to Roger Hort on and his h eirs and afterwards

specially required Thomas to ro- lease all th e right and claim,which he had , to Roger Horton ; Thomas Griflythe re

leased to William Cheyne , Justiciary, Thomas Honstero, Roger C artwryght , David Huls, Richard Towne, and EdmundStarky

,who had b een enfeoffed of the same tenements by Roger Horton , all his right to claim in the same , as plainly

appeared by his re -leaso made thereof.[This deed appears to be merely a declaration of what had been done . It is apparently the wil l or desire of

F ynderne during his life that was to be performed, and the grant probably was in the ordinary form,without men

tioning the object of it. It is a. very uncommon , if not unique, instance of such a declaration ]

N o . XXXII .

Re - lease in 1429 by John Spencer, the son of Richard Spencer, to William Horton,Esquire

,son and heir of Roger Horton

,of all his right and claim which he had , or in any way could have, in

all those messuages, lands, tenements, and meadows, in the villas of Walton- on- Trent, Catton, and Borowe , whichformerly belonged to Roger Horton , and also in all those other messuages, & c.

,which formerly belonged to Richard

Taillour and Agnes his wife, now dead .

N o . XXXII I .

Grant in 1445 by William F yssher, of Catton , to Richard Hugge , and his heirs, of a messuage, three acresand a rood of arable land , and half—an - acre of meadow

,and three pence of yearly rent from John Hugge, in

C atton .

N o . XXXIV .

Indenture in 1446 between William Horton, Esquire , of the one part , and Robert Henry Bo tolero ,and Henry Stoneley, of the other part, witnesses that William Horton had sold to Robert , Henry, andHenry

,two marshes in Kynnysb ury, to wit the wood and underwood growing on them ; and Robert, Henry, and

Henry,would pay to William and his heirs, at next Whitsuntide, thirty- three shillings and fourpence, and at Easter

following,thirty - three sh illings and fourpence . And William granted to Robert, Henry, and Henry , the space of

days to sell and deliver th e wood and underwood , and Robert , Henry, and Henry would maintain th e marshes, andb ear the tithes and other burdens . A warranty is added during a term , but no term is stated .

No . XXXV.

Confirmation and grant in 1457 by Margaret, relict o f Richard Ampe , of Catton, in her pure widowhood,to William Ampe

,her son, of all lands , tenement s, rents , and services, which she had as heir on the death of

Agnes Gefi'

ray,h er mother , in Catton , to William and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten , and if William

d ied without such heirs of his body , Margaret granted the lands, tenements, rents, and services, to remain to JohnPant


of Yoxhale ,and the heirs of his body lawfully begotten , and if John died without such heirs of his body, then

the lands,

tenements,and services

,were to remain to Henry V ernon , E squire , BOD Of William V GI ‘DOD

,Of Harlaston ,

and th e heirs of his body lawfully begotten and if Henry died without such heirs, then the lands , tenements, rents,and se rvices were to remain to William Ampe

,and the heirs of his body lawfully begotten and for defect of heirs

of the body of William,then the lands


,rents, and services were to remain to the Most Excellent Prince

and Lord Henry the Sixth,King of England and France and Lord of Ireland, and his heirs .

N o . XXXVI .

Grant in 1462 by John Hugge , to Margaret, his wife, and to R ichard Hugge , his son , and to the heirs ofRichard of a parcel of land called the Orchard , in Catton .

[itmay be doubted whether uxori mee is not a mistake for uxori sue , i .e the wife of the son

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H istorical Seen/z of t/ze P am'

s/z of Croam/l.

N o . XXXVII .

An instrument in 1469, stating that W illiam and Edmund Sterky, of Stretton -upon-Dunnesmore ,had delivered to William B ronstons, the Abbot, and Convent of Burton- ou -Trent

,a little cofi

er, under the seal sof William and Edmund , conta ining five deed s conce rning the Manor of Catton , to be re - delivered to Wil liam andEdmund whenever they should require them for the defence or recovery of the Manor .


Grant in 1489 by Henry e e , of Catton . to Roger Horton, of a messuage in Catton , and croft adj oining,

and half a virgate of land, and a croft called Baconscrofte , and a parcel of mea d ow in Sheldemedowe , to beheld by Roger and his heirs under the conditions following —Henry or his executors will pay Roger or his Atto rney


& c.,at the next Festival of St . Hillary, in the Chapel of S t. Nicholas , at Catton, twenty - eight shillings and fourpence

ste rling, viz .

,fifteen shillings to the use of the Guardians of the Chapel of St. John the Bapti st

,of Marchyntone,

and at the Festival of St . Hillary, in the year 1490 , in the Chapel at Catton, other twenty-eight shillinge and fourpence sterling , viz .

,fifteen shillings of these to the use of the Guardians of the Chapel of Marchyn tone, and then

that deed should be void, and Henry might re - enter th e messuage, & c., and put out Roger. But if any default were

made in any of the payments, then the deed should be of full force and efi'

ect .

N o . XXXIX .

Grant in 1490 by Henry e e, of Catton , to John C u1s one , of C roxsallo, Esquire , and his heirs , of amessuage and croft adj oining, in the village of Catt on , which Henry Honours once held, and half a virgate of land ,with a meadow and croft pe rtaining to it

,lying in the village and fields of Catton, which Thomas L averrok once

held .

N o . XL.

An indenture of 1503, between the Princess Margaret , Countess of Richmond, the mother of HenryV I I I th , of one part, and Roger Horton, of Catton, Esquire , of the other part , wi tnesses that Roger has granted t othe P rincess that Roger, his son and heir shall be married to such a gentlewoman as her Grace and her assig ns shallthink convenient , to which marriage Roger, the father, shall consent when reasonably required and to that end shalldeliver his son to the Princess, t o be found at school and in court, to learn the laws or otherwise as the P rincess shalladvise ; and in consideration thereof the Princess promises that she , at the cost of the father, will cause labour to bemade to the King

,tha t su ch lawful title as the father has to any manors, lands, and tenements in Ph igland, may be

recovered to him and his heirs by petition,suit

,and the father promised that whenever his son should be married

he would make to his son and his wife (by the advice of the Prince ss) a sufi cient esta te in l ands in his po ssession tothe yearly value of to hold to the son and his wife and the heirs of th eir bodies , and if anymanors, lands, andt enements should be afterwards recovered to the use of the father and his heirs

,amounting to the yearly value of £20,

the father would within a year mak e an estate out of them of the yearly value of £4 to the son , and so after the rateof £20 for all lands recovered during the life of the father, who bound himself to pe rform his agreements in fivehundred mares .

N o . XL I .

Bond in 1509 by Edmund Dud ley , Esquire , to Roger Horton , Ge ntleman ,in five hund red mares sterling ,

to be paid at the Easter following, the cond ition being that if Edmund performed all the conditions on his part inindenture made between Edmund on one part , and Roger on the other part, on the 9th of March, 1508, the bond wasto be void, otherwise of ful l force .

N o. XLII .

Grant in 1510 by Richard Prest, of Catto n, to John Cursone , of Croxsall, Esquire, and his heirs , of allmessuages, lands , tenements , meadows, pastu res , rents, reversions, and services in C ot ton ,which Richard had inheritedupon th e death of Thomas Prest

,his father.

Page 319: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Séetc/z of { 126 P aris/z of Croxall.

I n terHenricum lo F it tun petentem e t R ob ertumde Curcun et Agneten uxorem ejue tenentes , de una virgataterre cum pertin enciis in C attone unde placita fuit inte r e os in eadem Curia . Scilic et quod pre dictus Henricusremisit et quie tumclamavit de se et h eredibus suis ipsis Roberto et Agneti et h eredibus ipsius Agnetis to tum j use t clameum quod habuit in tota predicta terra cum pertin enciis imperpetuum. Et pro hac remissione quietaclamacione fin e et concordia ipsi R ob ertus et Agnes dederun t predicto Henrico unam marcam argent i.

This i s th e final concord made in the C ourt of the Lord the Kin g at Nottinghamon the day of S t . M ichae l inthe twentieth year of th e Reign of King Henry son of Kin g Joh n , B efore William of York , William de Insula,R adulfus de N orwici, and Willi am de Heriz j us tice s in eyre and other faithful men of the Lord the King thenpresent there, between Henry ls F ittun , plaintifi and Robert de C ursun and Ag nes his wife tenants , conce rningone virgate of land with the appurt enences in Gattone of which th ere was a plea between them in th e same Court,To wi t that the aforesaid Hen ry remi tted and quitclaimed for himself and his heirs to the same Robert and Agne sand th e heirs of th e same Agnes all the righ t and c laim which he h ad in all the aforesaid l and wi th th e eppurtenances for ever . And for thi s remi ss ion , qui tcl aim, fine , and concord th e same Robert and Agnes have giventhe aforesaid Henry one Mark of silver.


C artulary of Tu tbu ry, Addit . MS. 6714, page 12.

C oxrmmacro BOGEB I ErrscoprL I CHF EL DBN SI S P R O x ET vm SOL I DI S DE E C CL ESI A DE C aomu a .

U niversis Chri sti fidelibus ad quos presens scriptum pervenerit , R ogerus De i gratis. C oventreusis e t

L ichfeldiensis Episcopus et eternam in D omin o salu tem. N overitis nos instrumen tum composicionis inn iteinter MagistrumR icardumTh esaurarium L ichfeldiense R ectoremE cc lesie de C roxh ale ex una parte et P rioreme t C onventum de Tutteburia ex altera super decimis quas dicti Pri or et C onventus percipere consueverun t inP arochia de C roxale inspexisse in hec verba. U niversis Chri sti fidelib us ad quos presens scriptum pervenerit

Magi ste r Jch ann es de Taunton tun e Cancell arius Oxonie salu tem in D omino mandatumDomini Pape recipimusin hec verba Inn ocentiu s Episcopus Servus Servorum D ei dilecto filio C ancellario Oxonie L incolniensi D iocesisalutem et apostolicam b enediccionem. Dilectus fi lius Ricardus Th esaurarius L ichfeldiensis nob is conquerendomonstravit quod P rior et C onven tus de Tu ttisb iria , R. Mile s, et quidam alii Clerici et Laici C oventrensis et

Wigoruiensis civitati et Diocesis super decimis deb itis et rebus alije injurian tur e idem quo circ a discrecionit ue per aposto lica scripts mandamus quatinus partibus convocatis andias causam et appellacione remota usuris

cessantibus debito fine decidas fac ien s quod decreveris per censuram ecclesiasticam firmiter ob servari. Teste sautem qui fuerint vocati si se gratis odi o vel timore sub traxerin t per censuram eandem appellacione cessantecompellas veritati te stimonium proh ib ere . D atum Lateran o viij Kalendis Decembris, P ontifi catus nostri ann oprimo . C um ig itu r auctoritat e hu ju s man dat i coram subdelegato predecessoris nostri questio verteretur

i nter R . Th esaurarium L ichfeldiense tun c R ectorem E ccles ie de C roxale ex parte una et priorem et C ou

ventum de Tu t tesb irie e t R ob ertum de R ideware cleri cum, reos ex parte alte ra super duabus partibusdecimarum garbarum de Dominica Domin i R adulfi de Sancto Amando in V illa de Catton

, et duabus part ibusdecimarum garb arum Domine I sabell e de Hanto n in eadem V ill a quas idem R . Th esaurarius peteb at atdictis reis tanquam ad Ecclesiam suam de C roxale communi Jure spectan tes. E t idem prior et C onven tusse dicerent ad tenendas dictas D ecimas sufi cien ter speciali juremun itos. Cum jam aliquantulum processisen t

in calumpnia sic inter eas amicabil i fine quievit . V ideli cet quod dictus Th esaurarius L ichfeldiensis Recto rE cclesie de C roxh ale et successores sui Rectores ej usdem E cclesie de C roxh ale qui pro tempore fuerint perpetu opercipient et possideant dec imas an tedictas et reddant dictis Priori et C onventu i decem et octo solidos terminisinfra scriptis vide licet in festo P urifi cacionis beate V irginis proximo post festum sancti M ichaeli s novem solidosin festo beati Jchaun ie Bapti ste novem solidos et s ic deiu ceps annua tim. Sub j ecitque de dictisR . Rector E ccle siede C roxale et successores suos Rectores Eccl e sie de C roxale quantumin ipso fuit jurisdiccioniDecani L ichfeldiensisqui pro tempore fuerit u t possit eos si forsan aliqu o terminorumin solucione cessaverin t ad solucionem tam dictepecun ie quam dampnorum e t expensarumque per hoc incurrerint dicti Prior et C onventus per censuram E cclesiasticamappellacione remota compel lers. P rior eciam et C onventus de R epindone patroni E ccle sie de C roxh alesupradicte huic composicioni consenciente s in consensus sui testimonium sigillo suo una cum sigillis parciumpresentem paginam signaverun t . Nos eciam dictam composicionem ratam h ab entes earn . C onfirmamus

Page 320: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Sketch of the P arish of Croxall.

auctoritate sedi s apostolice nobis in hac parte commissa cujus tenor superius continetur. In premissorumautemtestimon ium et mun imen presene scriptum s igi l li nostri munimine fecimus rob orari. Actum anno gra tieMSC C . xl quarto apud L ichfeldiam die San cti Johann i s Apostol i . Nos igitur predictam composicionem ratamh ab entes eam auctoritate pontifi cati confirmamus e t sigilli nostri munimine commun imus salvo nobi s et

successoribus nostris j ure Episcopali et paroch iali et salva dignitate C oventrensiumEcclesiarum. Datum apudL ichfeldiam iij . Nonas Aprili s, P ontifi catus nostri anno secun do .


To all the faithful in Christ to whom the present writing may come , Roger by the grace of God, B ishopof C oventry and L ich fi eld eternal salvation in the Lord. Know that we have inspected an in strument of comsitiou , made between Master Richard, Treasurer of L ich fi eld,

Rector of the Church of Croxh ale , on[Richard of Glou cesterwas treasurer of L ich . in 1232. 1248 (L e Neve )]

the on e part , and the Prior and Convent of Tu t tebury on the other, about tithes which the said Prior andConvent were accustomed to collect in the Pari sh of C roxale, i n these word s . To all the faithful in

Chri st to whom the present wri ting shall come,Master John de Taunton then Chancellor of Oxford salva

tion in the Lord. We have received amandate of our Lord the P ope in these words, Innocent, B i shop, Servant

[Innocent I V . P ope 26 June 1243, died 13 cc. 1264]Of the Servants of God , to our beloved son the Chancel lor of Oxford, D iocese of L incoln , salvation and apostolicalbenediction . Our beloved son , Richard Treasurer of L ich fi eld, has proved to us , while makin g a complaint, thatthe P rior and convent of Tut tisbury, R . [ichard Knight

,and certain other clerks and Laics Of the City and

D i oce se of Coventry and Worce ster injure him with respect to tithes due and other th ings concerning which weenj oin your di scretion by an apostolic wr iting that the partie s being call ed together, you shall hear the cause , andWi thout any appeal sh all decide it by a sui tabl e fine allowing no interest, making what you shall decree to befirmly observed by eccle siastical censure . Bu t by the same censure you shall without appeal compel the wi tnesseswho shall be called, if they withdraw themselves through favour hatred or fear, to bear testimony to the truth .

Given at the Lateran on the 8th kalend s of December in the first year of our pontifi cate [24 Nov. Wh entherefore by the authority of thi s mandate the question was discussed before the sub - delegate of our predecessor


between Richard, Treasurer of L ich fi eld, then Rector of the Church of C roxale , on the one part, and the Prioand Convent of Tuttesb erie and Robert de Ridware , clerk, defendants on the other part as to two parts of thetithes of corn of the demesne of S ir Ralph de S t. Amand , in the Town of Catton , and two parts of the tithes ofcorn of Lady I sabel le de H octon in the same town which the same Richard the Treasurer sought from the samedefendants as belonging by common law to his Church of C roxale . And the same Prior and Convent said thatthey were sufiiciently secured by special law for holding the said tith es . When they had already proceeded somelittle way in the claim ,

it was thus settled between them by an amicable fine, that is to say that the said Treasurerof L ich fi eld, Rector of the Chu rch of C roxh ale , and his successors Rectors of the same Church of C roxh ale , for thetime being

,shall for ever receive and possess the afore said tith es, and render to the said Prior and Convent

eighteen sh ill ings at the terms written below,that i s to say at the feast of the Purification of the blessed V irgin

next after the feast of S t. M ichael n ine shillings, and at the feast of the blessed John the Baptist, nine sh illingsand so thence annually . The Rector Of the Church of C roxale subj ected [h imself] and his successors, Rectors Ofthe Church of C roxale , as much as in himwas , to the jurisd iction of , the Dean of L ich fi eld, for the time being, sothat if they happen to have ceased payment in any of the town s , he may, without appeal, compel them bye cclesiastical censure to pay as well th e said money as the losses and expenses which the said Prior and Conventmay have in curred by thi s . The Pri or also and Convent of R epindon patrons of the Church of C roxh ale aforesaid

,consenting to this composition

,in testimony of their consent, have signed the present page wi th their seal

together with the seals of the part ies . We also holding good the same composition have confirmed it by theauthority of the Apostoli c See committed to us in th is respect, the tenour of which is contained above. I n Testimony however and support of the premisses

,we have made the present writing to be strengthened by the support

of our seal.Done in the year of grace 1244 at L ich fi eld on the day of St. John the Apostle [27Dec . We

therefore holding the aforesaid composition good have confi rmed i t by th e pontifi cal authority , and we a lsostrengt hen it wi th the support of our seal saving to us and to our successors episcopal and parochial right andsaving the dignity of the churches of Coventry . Given at L ich fi eld the th ird nones of April in the sixth year ofour P ontifi cate [3 Apr .

[I nnocen t I V , by a B ullda ted 24th N ov. , 1243 , gave au th ority to John de Taun ton , Chancellor ofOxford, to settle

the dispu te . John de Taunton confi rmed the C onven tion 27th Dec., 1244, R oger deWeseha/mconfirmed John

de Taun ton’

s C onfi rma tion I I I . N on . April, 1246 ]

Page 321: Of the History of Croxall

2 18 H istorical Sketch of the P am'

s/z of Croxall.

CATTON, N o . IV .

Chancery. I nq. p .m. , 1 Edw. I . , N o. 10. m . 4 . 15 April, 1273 .

Smos DE Anemiaco .

I nquisicio facta apud C attone die Sabbati in Septimana Pasche—coram P hilippo le B retunsub escae tori domini regi s in C omita tu Derb ie citra Trentam anno regni regis Edwardi filii Regis Henri c ip rimo per Rob ertum Adam , Th omam Durant , R ogerum Jacob um, Ri cardum L e P esonr, WillelmumSimoude , Willelmum Dun stan , Willelmum de Meysam, Walterum B elys, R ob ertum Geffrey, Joh ann emHelote et Rob ertum C ursun videlicet quan tam t erram S imon de Alb iniaco tenui t de domin o rege incapite die quo obiit, et quantam de aljie et per quod servicium et quantum terre illi val ant per ann umet quis propinquius here s eivs sit et cu ius statis, qui dicunt su per sacramentum suum quod prefatus

S imon tenuit Kaynh o in C omitatu Bed. de domin o rege pe r servicium feodi H arsb erti. I idem dicunt

quod tenui t C attone de Comi te de F errar’ . I tem djount quod apud C attone sun t tre s virgate te rre invillenagio quarum quelib et contin et sexdecim ac ras te rre et dimidiam acram prat i , et valet quelib et v irgataterre in omnibus exitibus octo solidos . Item dicun t quod ib idem est quarts pars unius virgate terre indominico et valet ij s . I tem dicunt quod redditus lib erorum valet per an num octo solidos , et septendenarios. Item dicun t quod ibidem est quoddam Molendinum aqua ticum et valet per annum porciodomini cum P i scaria quinque so lidos et octo denarios. Item djoun t quod prefatus Simon habet tres sororeset sunt eius h eredius prout ei s c ons tat ad presens et Junior sorer e st quindec im ann orum et amplius.

The Northampto n I nq . (m . 5) says z—Et dicun t quod Isabella , Cristian a, e t Johann a sorores predicti

Simonis propinqu iores heres [sic] eius sunt adh uc apparente s et plene statis sed djoun t quod credun t

quod Emma que fuit uxor predicti Simonis pregn ans est .Bath I n q . (m . 2) Isabell a est de etat e xxiii ann orum, Christ ian a e st de etate xxi ann orum et dimid

Joh anna est de etate xix annorum et dimid.

I nqui sition taken at Catto n on Saturday in E aste r Week , before Philip le B retun,su bescheator of

th e Lord th e King in the Coun ty of D erby this side Trent , in the firs t year of the reign Of Kin gEdward son of King Henry by Robert Adam, Thomas Durant, Ro ger Jame s Richard le Peseur, WilliamSimonde , Willi am Dunstan, William de Meysam , Willi am B elys , Robert Gefirey, John Helote , and RobertC ursun to see how much land S imon de Albini held of th e Lord the King in chief

,on what day h e

died , how much of others, and by what se rvice , and how much those lan ds were worth a year, and wh omay be his nearest heir, and of what age? Who say upon th eir oath that the aforesaid Simon heldKaynh o in B edfordshi re of our Lord th e Kin g by th e service of Harbert . The same say that he heldCatto n of th e E arl s of Ferrers

,also they say that at C attou are three virgates in v ill en age of whi ch

each contains sixteen acres of arabl e land, and half an acre of meadow, and each virgate of lan d inall its i ssues is worth eight shillings ; also they say there i s th ere the fourth part of one virgate ofland in demesne and i t is wo rt h ij s . ; also they say that th e revenue Of th e freemen is wo rth eigh tshillings and seven pence a year ; also they say there is a certain water mill there , and th e portionof the land together with the fi she ry is wo rth five shillings and eigh tpence ; also they say the aforesaid Simon has three sis te rs , and they are hi s heirs, as far as is k nown to th em at present

,and that

the youn gest si ster i s fifteen years and more .Northampto n I nq . says th at Isabell a, Chri s tiana, and Joan are the sis te rs, and nearest hei rs as yet

apparent of th e aforesaid S imon , and Of full age, but they say that they be lieve that Emma who wasthe wife of the aforesaid S imon is pregnan t.

Bath I uq . say I sabella is 23, Chris tiana i s 21 , and Joan i s 195


F ine R olls. 1 Edw. I ., m. 10. 20 A ug . , 1273.

DE Rs RI o.

Rex assignavit Hugoni de San c ta Cruce qui I sab ellam primogenitam sororem et un am heredum Sim0uisde Alb iniaco defuncti qui de Rege tenuit in capite duxit in uxorem sulam de Kayuh oa cum portico et parte adhoc assignats per breve regis . Et Hugoni de Lacy qui Johannem postuatam sororem et unam heredum predicti

Page 323: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Seen/z of t/ze P am'

s/z of C70v ] .

And in 25 Edw. I . was in an other exped ition then made thither. I n 28 Edw. I . hewas" also in the Scottish Wars. So likewise in f 3 1 Edw. I . And, having beengovernors of Burdeaux, in 83 Edw. I . received commandh to bring in all the accomptsof th e issues 85 revenues of that place, during the time he had that trust. In 34

Edw. I . he was again l in the Wars of Scotland . And, having b een summon ’dl to

Parliament from 28 Edw. 1. till 4 Edward 2, departedk this life , before the end ofthat year, without issue then seized l of the Manners of Widhay I ldesle , in Com .

Berks . C a t ton up on T rent, in C om. Derb . Mulb rok e, Cotes, in Com . Bedf


Berkley Grendon,wi th the Advouson of the Church of Grendon in Com . Bucks.

Ipplepen in Com . Devon , South Arneye in Com . Glouc. leaving John de St.Amand, his brotherm heir, Thirty two years of age :Mary his Wife , then surviving ;who had for her dowry an Assignationn of the Mannors of Cotes in Com. Bedf,

Gallon in C om. Derb, Brendon in Com . Buck, Wamb erge in Com. Wilts.Which John was then a Professor in the Civil or Canon Law as Syness, be ing

called° Magister Johannes de Sanoto Amando doing his Fealty, had L iveryP of hisLands . In 8 Edw. 2. this John received command‘l to be at Newca stle upon Tine,on the Festival of our Lad ie ’ s Assumption , to rest rain the Incursions of the Scots .And in 11 Edw. 2. obtained Licenser for a market every Thursday, at hi s Manner ofI pplepenne in Com . Devon : as also for two faire s yearly, the one on the Eve, Day,Morrow after the Feast of St. Andrew the Apostle : the other on the Eve, Day ,Morrow after the Nativity of St. John the Baptist . Likewise' for a market eve ry

week upon the Thursday at his Mannor ofWydenay, in Com Berks ., a fair there ,yearly on the Eve


,Morrow of th e Purification of the Blessed V irgin wi th

Free -warrent in all his Demesn -Iands at I pplepenne before specifi ed .

And having been summoned“ to Parliament from 6 until 19 Edw. 2 inclusivedeparted“ this life shortly after ; leaving Almarick his son and heir ; who in 9 Edw.

2, making proofw of his age had Liveryx of his Lands : the same year was? in theWars of Scotland . So likewise inz 12 Edw. 3. And in“ 16 Edw. 8, in that greatexpedition then made into France , as also inb that of 20 E . 3 . And in 21 Edw. 3,

having been retain’

d° to serve the King in all those Wars,in consideration thereof

he ob tain’

d a grantd of two hundred pounds per annum to be paid out of theExchequer.

I n 29 Edw. 8, he was again° in the Scotch Wars. Likewise in the sameyear in f those of France . And in 31 Edw. 3 , being made8 Justice of Ireland hadForty men at Armes, One hundred Archers on horseback



dh to attend himthere ; over and above the number of those men at Armes, which belong to thatgreat Office . Bu t

, the next ensuing year , he was imploy’

d again1 in the Wars ofFrance. So likewise inJ 42 E. 3 . And in 47 Edw. 3, was madek S tewart of theForest of Rockingham, Governor of the Castle . And

,having been summon’

dl toParliament, from 44 Edw. 3 . till 5 Rich . 2. d ied the same year

, as it seems : for thenhad Almarick his son dz heir, Livery!n of his Lands doing his homage .

After which, scilicet, in 8 Rich . 2, he was by I ndenturen retain’

d to serve theKing in his Wars of Scotland, and in 1 H . 4 . made° one of the Knights of the Bathat the Solemn Coronation of that King. In which year by his Testament ,P hearingdate , upon St . George's day, he bequeathed his Body to be buried in the Quire ofthe Friars Preachers at Oxford, near to the grave of Ida, his first wife . And having been summon ’dq to Parliament from 6 R. 2. until 3 H . 4 . inclusive departe d”this life upon Thursday next after the Feast of St. Barnabas the Apostle (soil. 13Junii) 4 H . 4. being then seiseds of the Manner of I ppelpenne in Com. Devon .

Ca t ton up on Tren t, in C om. Derb ., N eth erhaven Andeleston in Com . Wiltes.

Bastleldon,Widhay, I ldeste , St . Elenes, j uxta Abingdon and E ton juxta

in Com . Berks,South -C erneye , a C ernedyke , in Com. Glouc, Alcrinton, P udlicote,

C hildeston, Bloxham, with the Hundred and the third part of the Manor of Adder~

n Claus. 4 E. 2. m. 21.

Cart. 11. Ed . 2. 82.

t Ibid.fl Claus . de usd. arm. in dor

9 Claus . de usd. ann .

dorso .

9 E50 4. H . 4. n . 40 .


Page 324: Of the History of Croxall

H z



ml St ella/z of Z/ze P ew/5M of Croam/l.

bury, in Com . Oxon . Grendon in Com . Buck , Herlingdon , Cotes, Milbrok e , Houghton, Ampthull, & Graunge , in Com . Bedf, leavingt Gerard Brayb rok e , son of Alianore , t Esc . 4 , H , 4.

his only daughter by Ida his first wife, and Ida his other daughter by Alianore hissecond wife , h is next Heirs, the same Gerard 85 Ida being each of them at that timeof the age of ten years .

Which Ida afterwards became the wifeu of Thomas West , 85 in 7 H . 4,mak V Claus . 7 H . 4 . m. 6 .

ing proof of her age , had Liveryv of her purpart ie of the Lands of her Inheritance . w R Ot Fin . 4 H 5 m 5

The like Livery" had Gerard Brayb roke in 4 H . 5 of the other P urpartie, his Homagebeing respited . Alianore , the second wife of the said Almario still surviving , who

x Chicheley, V OL 1 ' 392' b

by her Testament! bearing date 15 Maii An. 1426 (4 H . 6 ) b equeath’

d her Body tobe buried in the Quire of the Fryers Preachers in Oxford , before the High Alt arnear to the grave of her said Husband . She likewise b equeath 'd to the PriestsChildren of N ew College

,in Oxford forty shillings to pray for her soul. Also to

the F ab rick of the Church of Oselbury in the Diocese of Winchester, twenty shillingsto pray for the soul of Sir Thomas West Knight, her late Husband ; for the soulsof h er Sons 6L Daughters there Buryed, dz departed? this life upon Friday in Whit y 2 ESC . 4 H 6 n . 17°

sun -week, 4 H . 6 . being then seisedz of the Manner of Cotes, and third palt of the

Mannor of Hertingdon ,in Corn . Bedf. leaving“ Elizabeth the wife of William Esc 4 H 6 n . 17

Beauchamp , Maud , the wife of John Babington, dz Alianore Braybroke , her Cosins

Heirs : viz . Daughters of Gerard Braybrok e Son of her the said Alianore, Daughterto the before Specified Almario de St. Amand, dc Ida his first Wife : the said E lizabeth being at that time Sixteen years of age

,Maud Fifteen .

(Dugdale, B aronage of England . V ol. II. pp . 20

CATTON,N o . I X .

Chancery. I ng. p . m. 4 Edw. I I .

,1311. N o. 42, m. 6 .


I nquisicio capta coram Escae torem domini Regi s apud C attone super Trentam xv° d ie Septemb risAnno regn i Regis Edwardi Quarto. D e terris et tenementis de qu ibus Almaricus de Sanoto Amando fuitseysitus in domini co sno est de feodo die quo obiit , et quantum idem Almaricus tenuit de domino Rege incapite die quo obiit, et quantum de aliis, e t per quod servicium et quantum terre i ll e valsant per annum inomnibus exi tibus et qui s propinquior heres eius sit at cuius e tatis, per sacramen tumHenric i de la Mare ,Joh annis de Sanoto Paulo , Joh annis lo Glouere , Henrici ls V enour, Hugonis de Say, Walteri Selby , Petri deBoys

,Henrici de Derby

,Johannis Kempe , Will ’ i le V issh ere , Johannis de la Hide , et Johannis Fabri , qui

dicunt super sacramentum suum quod idem Almaricus tenuit Manerium de Gattone in dominico suo ut d efeodo die quo obiit de Comite de L ancastrie per servicium unius feodis mil itia, E t dicunt quod est ibiquoddam capitilae mesuagium cum curtilagio quod valet per annum vjs. viijd. Sun t ibidem iiiju acre terrearrab ilis que valent per annum xxvjs. viijd. precium acre iiijd. Et sunt ibidem xxx acre prati que valentper ann um iiijli . xs. precium acre vjs. E t e st ibidem pastura seperab ilis que valet per annum vjs. viijd.

E t est ibidem quedam Graua cuius B osc ia valet per annum fije. iiijd. E st ibidem quod piscaria in aquade Trente que valet per annum iiijs. E t sunt ibidem quatuor liberi tenentes qui tenent diversa tenementaet reddunt per annum iiijs. ad quatuor terminos usuales , E t dicun t quod Thomas P ikes tente unam virgataterre in villenagio et reddit per annum vjs. viijd. ad quatuor terminos videlicet ad festum Sancti M ichaeli sNatalie Domini , Pasche et Nativitas Sancti Johannis B aptiste, et facere tres B edrippas in Au tumno quevalent iiijd.

obprecium cuius libet id ob . Et debet d e exennio ? ad Natale Domini unum gallum et i

gallinam et valet ijd—Summa aperis predictis C ustumarii vijs ijd . ob . Et sunt ih . xv . V ill ani quorum qui

libet corum tantum tenet,

reddit et facit sicut predicturn Th omam Pikes . Et sunt ibidem iij C o tarii qui

reddunt per annum iijs.ad predictis quatuor terminos. E t dicun t quod profi ccia et perquisita val ent per

“ mm V is’ V iijd' Summa—xiijli . vs . viijd.

Et dicunt quod magister Johannes de Sanoto Amando frater Almarici et heres eius propinquior etat is

xxxd. ann orum e t amplius In cuius rei testimonio predicti Jurati huic inquisicioni sigil la sua apposuerunt .

Page 325: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Sketc/i of t/ze P a ris/z of Croxall.

CATTON,N o . X .

Chancery. I ng . p .m., 4 H en . No . 40, m. 4. 3 Oct . , 4 B en . I V . , 1402.

Anmmcus DE Su cro AMANDO, Dim) 14 JUNE , 1401.

I nquisicio capta apud R epyngdone te rc io die Octob ris An no regni Regi s Henri c i quarti post conquestumquarto coram Roberto Twyforde Escaetore domini Regi s in C omitatu B erbie virtute cuiusdam brevis dominiRegis E idem Escae tori directi et huic I nquisicioni consu ti per SacramentumWalteri Marreys de Ro stlasto ne ,Will ’ i Wards de Cotone , Henric i Packet de E adem , Roberti Derby de Meysh am, Johan nis Pe rier de eadem ,

Will’ i C hildecote , Thome C artwryt h e de eadem, Johanni s Sch eperde de R ostlastone, Henric i B ell ow deTyknalle , Johannis D eye de eadem , Johannis Etware de eadem ,

Will'i Chych e et Henrici de C aldowalle

Qui dicun t super sacramentum su um quod Almaricus de San oto Amando in predicti brevi nominatus fuitseisitus in dominico suo a t de feodo de Man erio de C attone super Trentam cum pertin enciis in predicto

C omitatu qui quidem Almaricus dedit predictam Man erium in pertin enciis et concessit quibusdamHenricoInge Penn e , Will’mo Tuderley, et P hilippo Shiprene , Habendum et t enendurn ei s dem Henrico, Will’o , etPhilippe h eredib us et assignatis suis imperpetuum virtute quarum donacionis et concessionis predicti

Henri cu s Will ’ s et Philippus fuerun t inde seisiti in dominico suo u t de feodo et po stea in crastino

Ascencionis domini Anno predicti domini Regis nun c terc io [5 Apr. 1402] coram Will’mo Thimeyng et

sociis sui s justiciariis domini Regi s nunc apud Westmonasterium in Curi a ej ue dem Regi s levatus fuitquidam finis in te r predictosH enricum, Will

’m, et P hilippum querente s et predictum Almaricum Cheval er etAlian oram uxorem e jus deporcientes de Man erio predicto cum pertinenciis nnde plac itum conv encionis

summonitum fui t in te r eas in eadem Curi a S cili cet quod predictus Almaricus recognovit predictumMan erium

cum pertin enciis esse j us ipsius Henrici u t illud quod Alian ore predictnm Man erium cum pertinenciis et

illud ei s reddiderunt in eadem C urie Habendum et tenendum siedem Almarico e t Alianore de capitalibusdomini s feodi illius per servicia que ad illud Manerium pertinent tota v ita ipsorum Almarici et AlianoreE t post decessum ipsorum Almarici et A lienors predictam Manerium cum pertinenciis integre remaneretThome Penn e Galfrido I ppelpenn e , Henrico Durneforde C lerici, et Edwardo Daunv ers , E t h eredibus ipsiusEdwardi te nendum et habendum de capitalib us domini s feodi illins per servicia in de debita et consu etaimperpetu um prout in quodam fine Juratoribus I nquisicionis predicts ib idem monstrato plenius contin etur

Et dicun t quod predic Almaricus et Alianore. in vi te ipsius Almarici post fi nem predictum leua tumnun quam fu erun t seisiti de Manerio predicto cum pertinenciis, et dicun t quod post mortem predicti Almaricipred ic ts. Alianora in travit in predictumMan erium cum pertinenciis v irtute finis predicti et illud modo tenetet exi tus et profi cua inde prouenencia post mortem predicti Almarici viri sui percepit et adh uc percipit

virtute ejusd fi nis Et dicun t quod predictum Manerium cum pertinenciis valet per annum ultra reprises xmarcas . Et dicun t quod predictum Manerium tenetur de domin o Rege nt de Duca tu L ancastrie per queservicia ignoran t. Et djoun t quod predictus Almaricus in brevi nominatus obii t xiiij die Junii ultimopreteri to Et quod Ida fi lia euisdem Almarici e t Gerardus Braybrok e filius Alianore alte rius filie et h eredis

predicti Almarici sun t heredes eiusdem Almarici prOpinqniores. E t quod predicta Ida sexto die mensisMaij ul timo fuit statis decem ann orum et amplius. E t quod predictus Gerardus e st stati s decem annorum et

amplia s . Et dicun t quod predictus Almaricus die quo obii t non tenui t aliqua alia te rra sen tenementa dedomino Rege neque de aliquo alio in dominico neque in servic io infra C omita tem predictum. I n cuiusrei te stimonium Juratores predicti huic I nquisicioni S igilla sua apposuerun t . Data die l oco et Ann osupradictis.

I b . m. 2.—Devon I nq. taken in crastin o Apostolorum Petri et Pauli Ann o etc terc io .

dicti Almarici et Johann e ux o ri ejus et h eredibus nasculis de corporibu s su is exeun t ibns .

Almaricus filius Almarici et Jchann e etc

P redictus Almaricus fi lius predicti Almarici et Johann e uxor eius i n sin e herede nasculo decorporib us sui s exeun te .

E t dicun t quod predictus Almaricus in brevi nominatus obii t die Marti s proxime post festumSancti Barnabe apostoli

que quidem Ida e st maritata Thome fi lio Thome Westfesto Sancti Joh annis ante portam Latin am ultimo prete rito etatis decem ann orum et amplius .

Page 327: Of the History of Croxall

2 24 H istorical Sketch of the P a ris/c of Croxall.

Towne Edmudo S tarky h er' assign ' suis impptm sub condicoie ad fac iend, inde voluntatemp'dci Rog ’ i Horton .

E t dic vlt ’ius qd. idm’ Rog ’us Horto n volun ta tem suam inde expressit ' manife ste vidz qd,p ’dci feofi a ti feofi arent


fi liu eiusdem Rog’ i primogenitum de p ’

dco Man ’ i o de Catton de p ’

dcis t ' ri s ten’ cu ’ p tin in Walto n

p ’des tenend, sib i e t here de corpe suo exeun t’ . E t si p ’dcus Willms fi l Rog ’ i ob ierit sin e her ’ de corpe suo

exeun t’ tun c p'

dcmman 'ium de Catton p

dict’ t ’re ten ’ in Walto n cu' ptin Johi fratri eiu sdemWilli fil Rog’ i

reman ’ hend, sibi (it her ’ de co rpe sno exeun t et si idm Joh es ob ierit sine here de co rpe sno exeun t ’ tunc eademman ’ iu' t ’re 65 te n '

cum ptin Thome fri eiusdem Johis reman ’ hend s ibi et here do corpe sno exeun t. E t si idemThomas sine he re de corpe suo exeunt ’ ob ierit tuo p ’

dict Will s C h eyny al ij cofeofi'ati sui p ’dci ve l her’ suip

’dict man ’iu ’ de Catton dz p '

dict' t ’re dz ten in Wal to n cu ’ ptin ’

venderen t meliori p’cio quo possint dc peccuniam

p eisdem capt’ p aia p ’dc i B og’ i Horton pentum suorz omu fideliu defun ctorz distribuerent in divin is s'uio'elemosinis. E t ceiam qd, p

dict’ Wills C h eyny alij cofeofi

‘ati p 'dci feofi arent Th omam film’ p ’dci Rog'i

Horto n post natum de p ’

dco Man ’ io de Brysyngcotes cu ’ pt in tenend, sibi 8: here d e co rpe sno exeunt’

et si idm Thomar suic here de corpe suo exeunt obierit’ tunc p

dcm man ’ iam de Brysyngcote s cu ’ ptinin tegre reman ’ Willmo Horton filio p ’dci Rog ’ i Horton primogenito here d e corpe sno exeun t’ et s iidm’ Wills sin e here de corpe suo exeunt ’ ob ierit tun c idem man ’ iu ’ cu ’ p tin ’ Johi fri eiusdemWilli Horton6: here de corpe suo exeun t’ reman ’ . E t s i idem Joh es frat' Willi s in e here do corpe suo ex eun t ob ierit

tun c p ’

dict’ Wills C h eyny alij cofeofi'

ati sui p ’dci vl heredes sui p ’

dcm man ’ iu de Brysyngcotes cu ’ p ’


v enderent meliori p’

cis quo possin t dc p eccun iam p eodemman ’io capt ’ p aia p ’dci Rog’ i Horton pentu suorz 5Lomn ’ fi deliu defun ctorz distribu erent in divinis s’uic ’ 8; elemosinis put p quasdm’ inden ture s de voluntate de dc iRog’ i Horton inde fact' 5; sigill o eiusdem Rog’ i sigillatas 62per’ in p ’

sen t’


. iura t’

ostensas plenius apparet .

E t vlt'

ius dicun t p ’dci per’ qd, p '

dict’ Willm s C h eyny Thomas H enster R ogerus C artwrygh t David Hulo R icus

Town e dz Edus S tarky seisiti fuerun t de p ’dois Man’ijs dc de p ’

dict’ t ’ ri s ten

’ cu ’ ptin ’ in Walton p ’

dict' d iu ante

ob itum p ’dci B og’ i Horton St tempe mortis eiusdem Rog’ i virtute feofi amenti p ’dc i inde p eun dem R og’

um eisfacti 8: adh un c existun t . E t dic

qd, p'

dm man ’ iu de Catton cum p’



ata Alian ore que fui t vx'

dui Almarici

de 8 0 0 Amando in decem libris ann uatim soluend, ad festa annunciacois be Marie V irgin is sci Michi s Archi equ i sporconib z du rant tota vita eiusdem Alian ore sup pquisicoe man

’ij p ’dci eidm Alienors ad t ’min ium vite sue

reservat’ p u t p quendam indenturam sup perquisicoe man’

ij p ’dci in de factam a per in p’

senti I nquis’ iurat

osten s ’ plene liquet. E t est ibm situ s man ’

ij p ’dc i qui ul valet vlt ’ repri s’ . lit est ibm quadm’C olumb are quod

valet p ann u' xxd. E t e st ibm d e redditu ass' xli. xjs. iijd. ob . q’ . Et sun t ibm xl acre t're quarz quelib et acrevalet p annu' iijd. Et sunt ibm quat ’ viginti acre t ’ re quarz quelib et acre valet p ann u

’ ijd . Et sun t ibm xxxj .

acr' t’re quarz quelib et acr' val et p annu ’ jd. Et sunt ibm x1 acr

’ t ’re quarz quelib et acr' valet p an nu ’ jd. ob . E t

e st ibm qu idm’ bosens contin ens quin quaginta acre t ’re qui ul valet p annu’ vlt ' repris ’ . E t sic idm man 'iu


valet p ann u ’ vlt ’ repris ’ vlt’



xli p ’des Alian ore vt p ’

dcm est reservat’ xxxviijs. xd. ob . q ’ . Et dicunt

p ’dci per ’ qd, p'

dcmman ’iu de Brysyngco tes on ’at ’ abbati de B urton sup Trent in xs. ann uatim et in vs. soluend,annuatim cuidm' monach e Abb athie de Burt on p ’

dict’ p tempe exi stent in quodm

’ omeio vocat pytaun sere sedquo titlo vel iure ignoran t . E t est ibm quoddm

’croftum quod quondm’ fu it si t us eiusdemman

’ij quod valet p

annu ’ v jd. E t est ibm de redditu ass ’ xls . Et sun t ibm lx_

acr’ t ’re quarz qu elib et acr' valet p ann u ’ iijd. E t sun t

ibm ilj acre p ’

ti quarz quelib acre valet p an nu’ xijd. E t est ibm quoddm’ virgultum contin ens duas acr' t‘re quod

nl val et p annu’

vlt’ repris ’ . Et sic idem Man ’ iu valet p annum vlt

’ repris’ xxxixs. vjd. Et dicun t qd, p’


mes’ t ’ re ten ’ cu' ptin in Walton p ’des valent p annu ’ vltra repris xlijs. ij d . E t sunt ibm duo mes quoz quodlib

valet p ann u’ iiijs. Et sunt ibm dn o mes' quo z quodlib valet p ann u ’ ilja iiijd. E t est ibm quoddm' toftumquod

valet p annu’ ij s. Et sunt ibm lx acr’ t're que z quelib et acr’ val et p annu ’

iijd. E t sun t ibm Ix acr’ t're quarz

qu elib et scr

’ val et p annu ’ jd. E t sun t ibm qua t’ viginti acre t're quarz qu elib et acr

’ valet p an nu ’ ijd. et est ibmvna acre p ’

ti que valet p annu' xiiijd. E t djount vlt ’ius p ’dc i per’ qd, p ’

dcus Rog ’us Horton ob ij t die ven ’ ie invigilia aploz P h i Jacob i vltimo p

t’ita . E t qd, Willms Hort on filius eiusdemRog ’ i e st heres eiu s ppinqu ior 8:

e st etatis decem octo annoz dimid. I n cuiu s rei testimoniu j ure p ’dci h in c inquis. sigilla sua apposuerun t

dat’ die loco ann o sup ’

dict .

Inqui sition taken at Repington on Saturday next before th e feast of S t . Luke the evangeli st in the fi rst yearof the reign of King Hen ry the S ixth afte r the conquest of Englan d before Richard Gonsh ulle E scheator of th elord the king in th e coun ty of Derby by virt ue of a writ of the lord the king directe d to the same E scheator andsewn to thi s Inqui s it ion by oath of Robert Clerc of Walton on Trent, Johne tte Walls of R o stlast one , Willi amC alangewode of Caldwe ll, Alain e Dawesone of R epyngton ,

Henry Wayte of the same, Robert H ann eson of thesame

,Richard Womb ewelle , Willi am Gleyde, Richard N yk , and Richard Smyth who say on their oath th at

Page 328: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical S/eetc/c of fi le P am'

s/c of Croam/1.

Roger Horton named in th e writ sewn to th is Inquisition held no lands or tenement of the lord the lnn g or ofothers in the aforesaid county on the day he died

,but they say that the aforesaid Roger long before h is death was

seised in h is desmesne as of free of the manors of Catton and Brysyngcotes and of four messuages and one tofttwo hundred acres of l and and one acre of meadow with the appurtenances in Walton on Trent

,and that th e

aforesaid manor of Catton is held of the lord the king in cap ite as of h is duchy of Lancaster as of h i s honour ofTutbury by the se rvice of half a kn ight's fee and that the aforesaid manor of Brysyncotes i s held of the lords ofR epyngton by sui t of their court of R epyngton twice a year that i s at the court held there at the feast of E aster,and at the court held at the feast of Saint M ichael the Archangel

,and by four shil l ings rent paid at the same

feasts by equal portion s but by what other servic e they kn ow not. And that the aforesaid messuages lands andtenements i n Walton aforesaid are held of the lord of Ferrers of Groby by sui t of h is court of Walton twice inthe year to wi t of the court held there at the feast of Saint Michael the Archangel

,and at the court held there

at the feast of E aster except one messuage and twenty acres of l and which N icholas Durant holds which are heldof the aforesaid lord of Ferrers by nine shill ings rent paid yearly at the feasts of Saint Michael the Ar changel andof E aster in equal parts but by what other services they know not . And they say that the aforesaid Roger Hortonlong before h is death enfeofi ed of the said manors of Catton and Brysyncot es and of the aforesaid land s andtenements with appurtenances in Walton , Will iam C h eyny one of the justices of the bench of the lord the kingThomas H enster, Roger C artwrygh t ,DavidHuls, Richard Towne and Edmund Starky* their heirs and assigns forever on condition of doing therewith the wil l of the aforesaid Roger Horton . And they say further that the sameRoger Horton clearly expressed his will in respect to them , to wi t that the aforesaid feofi ees should enfeofiWilliam first b Orn son of the same Roger of the afore said manor of Catton and of the aforesaid land s andtenements with appurtenances in Walton aforesaid to be held by him and the heirs is suing from his body. Andif the aforesaid Wil liam son of Roger shall die without an heir issuing from h is body then the aforesaid manorof Catton and the aforesaid l ands and tenements in Wal ton wi th appurtenances shall remain to John brotherof William son of Roger to be held by h im and the heirs issuing from his body and i f the same John shal l di ewithout an heir i ssuing from his body then the same manor l ands and tenements with appu rtenances shallremain to Thomas brother of the same John to be held by him and the heirs i ssuing from his body. And if thesaid Thomas shall d ie without heirs issuing from his body then the aforesaid William C h eyny and his otherco - feoffees aforesaid or their heirs shall sel l the aforesaid manor of Catton and the aforesaid lands and tenementsin Walton w ith appurt enances for the best price they can and shall di stribute the money taken for the same ind ivine services and alm s for the souls of Roger Horton, of h is relation s and of all faithful dead . And also that theaforesaid William Ch eyny and th e other co - feoffees aforesaid shall enfeofi Thomas later born son of the aforesaidRoger Horton of the aforesaid manor of Brysynco tes w ith appurtenances to be held by him and the heirs i ssuingfrom his body and i f the same Thomas shall d ie without he irs issuing from his body then the aforesa id manorof Brysyngco tes with appurtenances shall wholly remain to William Horton first born son of the aforesaid RogerHorton and i f the same William shall d ie without heirs issuing from his body then the same manor withappurten ances shall remain to John brother of the same William Horton and the he irs i ssuing from his body.And if the same John brother of Wi lliam shall die without heirs issuing from his body then the aforesaid WilliamCh eyny and his other co - feofi ees aforesaid or their heirs shall sel l the aforesaid manor of Brysyncotes wi thappurtenances for the best price they can and shall di stribute the money taken for the same manor in divineservices and alms for the soul s of the aforesaid Roger Horton , of h i s relatives and of all faith ful dead as moreful ly appears by certain indentures of the wi l l of the aforesaid Roger Horton thence made and seal ed wi th theseal of the same Roger and shown to the j urors sworn in the present Inquisition . And further the aforesaidj urors say that the aforesaid Wil l iam C h eyny, Thomas E emster, Roger C artwrygh t , David Huls, Richard Towne ,and Edmund S tarky were sei sed of the aforesaid manors and of the aforesaid land s and tenements wi th appur

tenances in Waltone aforesaid long before the death of the aforesaid Roger Horton and at the time of the deathof the same Roger by virtue of the aforesaid enfeofmen t thence made to them by the same Roger and they yetexist. And they say that the aforesaid manor of Catton with appurten ances is charged for Alianore. who was wifeof S ir Almario de Sancte Amando in ten pounds to be yearly paid at the feasts of the annunciation of the blessedMary the V irgin and of Saint M ichael the Archangel in equal portions during the whole life of the same Al ienors.on the acquisition of the aforesaid manor

,reserved to th e same Alianora for the term of her l ife as fully appears

by a certain indenture on the acqui sition of the aforesaid manor thence made and shown to the j urors sworn in

With rega rd to these, see Horton Deeds No. XXX. and X -XX I .

Page 329: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Sk etch of the P aris/z of Croxall.

th e presen t In qui sition . And there i s there the site of the aforesaid manor wh ich i s worth noth ing beyondcharges. And there is there a certain pigeonh ouse worth xxd. a year. And there i s there of rent to be ta ken£10 115 . loi

’d . An d there are there 40 acres of land of which each acre is worth yearly 3d. And there are therefour score acres of land of which each acre is worth yearly 2d. And there are there 31 acre s of land of whi cheach acre i s worth yearly 1d. And there are there 40 acre s of l and of wh ich each acre i s wo rth yearly lid. Andthere is th ere a certain wood containing fi fty acres of l and which is worth noth ing a year beyond charges . Andso th e afore said manor i s wort h yea rly beyond charges and beyond the aforesaid £10 reserved to th e aforesai dAlianore. as i s aforesaid 38 3 . was. And the aforesaid j urors say th at the aforesaid manor of Brysyncotes i scharged to the Abbot of B urton on h ent in 105 . yearly and in 55. to b e paid yearly to a certain monk of theAbbey of Burton aforesaid for the time being in a certa in ofii ce called pytaun sere" but by what title or right th eyknow not. And there is there of rent to be taken 405. And there are there 60 acres of land of which each acre i sworth 3d. And th ere are there three acres of meadow of whi ch each acre is worth yearly 12d. And there i sthere a certain ceppice con taining two acre s of l and which i s worth nothin g a year beyond charges . And so th esame manor i s worth yearly beyond charges 39s. 6d. And they say that the aforesaid messuag es lan ds andte nements with appurtenances i n Walton aforesaid are worth yearly beyond charges a2s. 2d. And there are th eretwo messuages of which each i s worth yearly 3s . 4d. And the re i s there a certain toft worth yearly 23 . Andthere are there 60 acre s of l and of whi ch each is worth yearly 3d. An d there are there 60 acres of land of whicheach acre i s worth yearly 1d. And there are there four score acres Of l and of which each acre is worth 2d. , andthere i s there one acre of meadow whi ch is worth yearly 14d. And th e aforesaid j urors furth er say that theaforesaid Ro ger Hort on died on F riday in the vigils of th e apostles Ph ilip and James last past

,and that William

son of th e s ame Roger i s his next he ir and is of the age Of eighte en years and a half. In te stimony of whichthing the aforesaid j urors have set their seals to this Inquis iti on given in the day, place and year above said .


(I nq. p m. I . Hen . V I . , N O. 36. M . Stafi ordshire I n q. p .m. , Thursday, 8 Jun e, 1423.

b ig. p an . died 30 Apr. 1423.

I nquisitio capta apud L ieb efeld in Com . Stafi ord die Jov i s px ante festum Sci B arnabe Apti ann o regniRegis Henrici sexti post conqu est u primo coram Humfro ’ Cotes Escae tores dni Regi s in com . pdco virtute bri sipsius dui Regis eidmEscaetori inde directi (it h inc I nquisicoi consu ti p sacrm Thome Clerk de Allerwas AdeDeykyn Johi s Hepelo tte Rici Helyot Thome Grene Thome Ronde Johi s B ulin ton Willi May Joh is Freman deBurton Johis B ayly JOhi s Palmer Rici Barton de L ich efeld. Qui dicunt sup sacrm sum qd R og

'ns Horton in dco

bri noia tus nul la s tenui t t ’ras nec ten de dno Rege in capite in dnico nec in s ’ in ce infra com p ’

dmdie quo obiitsed iidm jure dicun t sup sacrm sun qd p


dtus Rog’us ob ijt seisit’in dnico suo vt de feodo de duab z acris prati

dimid, cum p tin in Allerwas in Com . predco que sun t p cet t man ’ij de Allerwas quod est de An tiquo dnico corone

dni Reg i s An gl dz tenentur de Thoma Grifii th sedm consu etudiemman ’

ij p ’dci sed p quod Servie ignorant quazquidmduaz p ’

ti vt’

q valet p ann u in omn ib z exit xijd. et dimid acra valet p ann u in omnib z exit’ vjd. Et vlt'ius

ijdm per dicunt sup sacrm sun qd, p’

dcus Rog’us no ob ij t seisitus de plurib z au t aliquib z aliis l ’ i s seu ten infracom pr’ dom in dn ico nec in s


uicio qd, qz idm’ Rog’ us ob ij t vltio die Aprili s vlt ’io p t ’it ’ . E t qd. Wilma s Horton

fi lius eiusdm Rog'i e st here s eius ppinquior et est etatis decem octo ann ot dimid,dz amplius. In cuius rei

te stiem per p ’dci hinc In quisicom sigilla sua apposuerun t D at apud L ieb efeld p ’


p’dco die Jovi s dco ann o

primo .

Inquisiti on taken at Lieb efeld in the county of Stafi ord on Thursda y next before the feast of S t. B arnabasthe Apostle in the fi rst year of the reign of Kin g Hen ry the Sixth afte r the conquest

,before Humphrey Cote s

escheato r of the lord th e k in g in the afore said coun ty,by v irtue of the wri t of the lord th e king directed to the

same e scheato r and sewn to th is In quisition, by the oath of Thomas Clerk of Allerwas, Adam Deykyn ,John

H epelotte , Richard Helyot , Thomas Grene , Thomas Ronde, John Bulin ton ,Willi am May

,John H eman of

B urton, John B ayley, John Palmer, Richard Barton of L ieb efeld, who say on their oath that Roger Horto nnamed in th e said wri t h eld no lands nor tenements from the lord th e king in capite in demesne or in servic e

The P itan tam’

ue is eviden tly me ant. H e was the th ird ofiicer in rank in a mona stery, so called fromha ving the ca re of the P ittances m P ietances—An glice, P itancier.

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ca ! SéeZc/z of t/ze P a ffs/t of Croam/Z.

Rici Rene . Qui djount sup Sacrm’sun qd, Rog’us Horton in dco bri noia tus ob ijt seisitus die quo ob ij t in dnico

suo vt de feodo de quodamclauso quodam bosco cu pt in vocatis plumpton feldes cont in' quat tuorz virgat ’ t ’reque quidem clau su b oscus quondam fecerun t 8: vocata fuerun t man ’

ium de P lumpton val en t p annu vltra

repris xxxiijs e t tenen t’ de dn o Rege in capite p vicesimamptemvnius feodimilitis. E t vlt'

ius p’dci per dicun tqd p

'dictus Rog ’us in dco bri noiatu s nulla alia sin e plura t'ras seu ten ' tenui t deo die quo ob ijt in an i co use in

s ’uico de dno Rege nec de alijs in com p ’dco se t p ’dci per dicun t qd, p ’

dcus Rog’us in p '

dco bri noiatus dui antemortem suam fuit seisitus in dnico suo vt de feodo de duob z mesuag

’ duab z virgatis 85 dimid, t ’re trib z acr’ p ’

t i

de vna libra pipis redditus cu ’ ptin in Wau’

ton que tenent de her’ Baldewyny F revillmilitis vt de Castre deTamworth p que s’uicia i gnorant. E t val ent p annu ’ vlt ’reprisas quadraginta solid, E t dni ante ob itu sun dep ’doi s duob z mes. duab z virgat ’ t ’r’ dia trib z aor

p’ti & vna l ibr ’ pipis redditus cu’ p tin feofi anit Willm’

C h eyny

vun’ Justic de B anco dni Regi s Th omam H enster D avid Hulo B og ’um C artwrygh t C apellm R icm Town e (is

Edm’ Starky hend, sibi at her’ sui s imppm ad intenconem ad faciend , inde voluntate p ’dci Rog’ i Horton virtu tecuius feofi ameti p ’dci Willo Thomas H enster David Rog ’us C artwright Ric Towne Edus fu erun t inde seisiti

adh uc existun t . Et vlt’ius p ’dci per dicun t qd, p ’

dcus Rog'us Horton ob ijt vltio die Aprili s vltio p ’

l’ito et qd,

Willo Horton filius eiusdemRog'i e st here s eius ppinquior est etatis decem et octo ann orz dimid, ampliusIn cuius rei testioni huic I nquis. per p ’dci sigilla sua apposuerunt Dat. loco die anno sup ’

dict .

Inquisition taken at Rokeby in the county of Warrewic, on Saturday next before the feast of St . B arnabasthe Apostle , in the first year of the reign of King Henry the S ix th after the conquest, before Joh n Burgh E scheatorof the lord th e king in th e county aforesaid, by virtue of a certain writ of the lord the k ing thence directed to the

[Robertsame escheator and sewn to this I nquisition , by the oath of John Dorset, John Hert, ti gn sty,Simon Weston


John Tayllour, John C lerk, Thomas Gosseford, Roger L ewlyn , John M iln er, Hen ry Rede , Thomas Smythe andRichard Rene , who say on their oath that Roger Horton named in the same writ died, seised in his demesne asof fee on the day when he died of a certain close and of a certain wood with appurtenances call ed P lumpton F eldescontaining four virga

tef11of lafid which close and wood formerly made and were called the manor of P lumpton and

I D 158 0 88

are worth yearly beyond claims xxxiijs., and are held of the lord the kin g in cap it e for the

twenti eth part of one k night's fee . And further the aforesaid j urors say that the aforesaid Roger, named in thesaid writ held no other or no more land s or tenements on the said day when he died in demesne or in serviceof the lord th e king or of others in the county aforesaid . Bu t th e aforesaid jurors say that the aforesaid Rogern amed in the aforesaid writ, on th e day before his death was seised in his desmesne as of fee of two messuagestwo virgates and a half o f l and three acre s of meadow and the rent of one pound of pepper with appurtenances inV righ ton which are held of the heir of Baldewyn F revile knight as of the castl e of Tamwo rth by what servicethey kn ow not. And they are wort h yearly forty shillin gs beyond charges. And long before his death h eenfeofi ed of the aforesaid two messuages two virgates and a half of land

,three acres of meadow and one pound

of pepper rent with appurtenances William C h eyny on e of the j ustices of the King’ s B ench

,Thomas Henster,

D avid Huls , Roger C artwrygh t Chaplain , Richard Towne , and Edmun d S tarky to have for themselves and theirheirs for ever for the purpose of doing therewith the will of the aforesaid Roger Horton by vi rtue of whichenfeofment th e afore said William ,

Thomas B euster, D avid, Roger Cartwright, Richard Towne , and E dmun dwere thence seised and still exi st. And further the aforesaid j urors say that the aforesaid Roger Horto n di ed onthe last day of April last past, and th at William Hort on son of the same Roger i s his next heir and i s of th e ageof eighteen years and a half and more . In testimony of which thing the aforesaid jurors have appended theirseal s to this Inquisition . Given at the place day and year aforesaid .


P aosacro E TA’I‘ I S or WIL L IAM HORTON.

On the death of a tenant holding by Knight’ s service , an inquisition was held pursuant to the KingsWrit of d iem clausit extremum to inquire into the nature of his tenure, the extent and value of his lands ,and t he name and age of his heir. If the deceased was found to hold of the King in capite, and his heir wasunder age

,the King by his prerogative took the lands into his own hands as guard ian without rendering an

account of the profits,and kept them

,or gave them in trust to some individual to hold , til l the heir proved

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cal S/cefc/z of { b e P am'

s/z of Croam/Z.

himself o f age . When the heir came of full age , in order to obtain his lands out of the King’ s hands , b e suedfor a writ “ De esta te probanda,” which was forthwith issued to Commissioners, as well as to the E scheator, toinquire into the age of the infant, another writ was issued to the Sheriff to impanel a jury before the Commissioners upon an appointed day. This j ury returned a verdict on oath

,and the heir

,if proved of age


obtained possession of his lands . The evidences and illustrations produced by these juries are often interestingthey sometimes contain graphic pictures of domestic life, and local incidents . This one of William Horton i sve ry quaint.

Chancery. I ng. p . m. 17 B en . VI . , N o. 65. 20 May, 1439.

The King’s writ to the E scheator, sewn to the Inquisition .

Henricus Dei gracia rex Anglie et Francie et Dominus Hibernic Escaetori suo in C omitatu Derb ie salu tem.

Quia Wills' Hortone filius et heres Rogeri Hortone defuncti qui de nobis tenuit in capite d icit se plene etat is

esse petit a. nobis terras et tenementa que sunt de h ereditate sua tam in custodia nostra quam in custodia .

Will ’ i Waldefl e et Thome Wylcok e ex concessione nostra sibi redd i per quod volumus quod idem Will ’ s qui apudGattone in C omitatu predicto natus et in ecclesia eiusdem ville b aptizatus fuit ut dicitur etatem suam probstcoram etc . Et ideo tibi precipimus quod vos certos diem et locum quos ad hoc provideritis probacionempredictam per sacramentum tam Militum quam aliorum prob orum et legalium h ominum de b alliva tua per quosprob acio illa capi et veritas etatis predicts melius seiri pot erit et inquiri capias . Et scir e facias prefat is Will’oWaldsfi e et Thome quod tunc sint ibi ad ostendendum si quid pro se hab eant vel d icere sciant quare prefatusWill’s Hortono u t illi qui plene etatis est si plene etat is sit terras et tenementa illa cum pertinenciis reddere

non deb eamus. Et prob acionem illam sic captam nobis in Cancellariam nostram sub sigillo tuo e t sigillis corumper quos facta fuit sine dilacione mittas et hoc breve Teste me ipso apud Westmonast erium xx d ie Mai j Annoregni nostro decimo septimo.

The King’ s writ to the Escheator sewn to the Inquisition .

Henry,by the grace of God

,King of England and France, and Lord of I reland , to his Escheator in the

County of Derby,greeting. Whereas William Horton son and heir of Roger Horton deceased , who held from

us in capite, says that he is of full age , and seeks to be returned to him certain lands and tenements from uswhich are h is by inheritance , and which are in our keeping, as well as in that of William Waldefi

e and ThomasWylcok e.

Wherefore we wish that the said William who was born at Catton , in the aforesaid County , andbaptized in the Church of the said village , as is reported may prove h is age in the presence of, etc . Andtherefore we d irect you that on a certain day

,and place , which you shall provide for this , you shall take the

said proof by t h e oath as well of Knights as of other good and lawful men , by whom this proof may be takenand the truth of the said age may be better known and enquired . And you shall make known to the aforesaidWilliam Waldefi

e and Thomas, as they may be there , if they have heard anything within their own knowledgeor hear said

,why the aforesaid William Horton is of full age , or that we ought not to restore the said lands or

tenements,with their appurtenances to him . And that you shall send in without delay the aforesaid proof, thus

taken to us in our Chancery,under your seal , and the seals of those by whom it was made , and th is writ

Witness ourselves at Westminster the 2oth day of May in the seventeenth year of our reign.


Chancery. I nq . p . m. 17 H en . VI . ,No . 65. Taken 20 June, 1439 .

P robacio etat is Wilii Hort one in brevi domini Regis huic prob acioni consuta nominati capta apudR epyngt one

in C omitatu Derb ie vicesimo die Junij Anno regni Henrici sexti decimo septimo coram Will'mo

H et one Escaetori domini Regi s in C omitatu predicto vertute brevis eiusdem domini Regis eidem Escaetore

directi et huic prob acioni consuti per sacramentum Johannis B ugge senyoris, Johannis Whyt tyng , Will ’ i e e

Henrici Ampe,Johannis Bay ly , Wil l'i Smythe , Henrici Hukyne , Will ’ i Maylour, Will'i JeynkynsOne , Ricard i

TaylourJohannis Fryst et Johannis L essone inratorum e t separat im super e tatem predicti Will ’ i Hortons

d iligentes examinatorum qui dicunt super sacramentum suum quod predictus Will’mus Hortone natus fuit

apud Gattone in dicto brevi nominatam primo d ie Maij Anno regni domini Henrici nuper Regis AnglicAvi domini Regis nunc quinto e t in ecclesia in eadem brevi nominata eadem d ie b aptizatus etatis et fuitviginta et unius annorum et amplius primo d ie Maii Anno quarto d idi domini Regis nunc .

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m/ Slam/z of f/tc P am'

s/z of Croxall.

Et pred tus Johannes Hugge etatis sexaginta annor um et amplius h oc bene scit quia dicit quod ipseJohannes B ugge perquisivit de Johanne Rawlyne sibi et heredib us suis unam virgatam te rre cum pert inenciis

in C a t tone predic ts eadem die quo prefatus Will'mus H ort one natus et b aptiza tus fuit per quod bene

t eco lit quad idem Will’mus fuit predi cts etatis viginti et unius annorum et amplius .

Et predictus Johannes Whyt tyng etatis quinquagenta et octo annorum et amplius hoc bene scit quiadicit quod quidam Rob ertus filius ej usdem Johannis Whyt tyng natus fuit eodem die e t in diets ecclesiab aptizatus quo prefatus Will’mus H ort one natus fuit per quod bene recolit quod id em Will'mus fuit predictee tatis viginti et unius annorum e t amplius .

Et predictus Will’mus e e sta tis quinquag enta et nouem annorum et amplius hoc bene scit quia dicit

quod ipse factus fuit Glorious parochialis ecclesie predicte eodem die quo prefatus Will’mus natus fuit per

quod bene recolit quod idem Will’mus fuit predict e etatis viginti et un ius annorum et amplius .

Et predictus Henricus Ampe etatis sexaginta et vnius annorum et amplius hoc bene scit quod ipsedesponsavit Johannam uxorem eiu s in ecclesia de Maysham eodem die quo prefatus Will

'mus natus fuit perquod bene recolit quod idem Will'mus fui t predicts e ta tis viginti et unius annorum e t amplius.

Et predictus Johann es Bayly etatis sexaginta et truim annorum et amplius hoc bene scit quia dicitquod ipse habuit quondam domum combustam in Ca ttone predicto eodem die qua prefatus Will'mus Hortone

natus fu i t per quod bene t ecolit quod idem Will’mus fuit predic ts etatis viginti et unius annorum et


Et predictus Will'mus Smythe eta tis sexaginta et septem annorum et amplius hoc bene scit quia

d ici t quod Johannes Smyt he pater predicti Will ’ i Smythe eodem die quo predictus Will’mus Hort one natusfuit viam vn iverse carnis fuit ingressus per quod bene t ecolit quod idem Will’mus Hortone fuit predictee tatis viginti et unius annorum e t amplius.

Et predictus Henri cus Huckyne etatis sexag inta et octo annorum et amplius hoc bene scit quia d ici tquod ipse detulit crismatorium ad fontem pred icts ecclesie de Cat tone eodem tempore quo dictus Will'musbaptiz atus fuit per quod bene recolit idem Will'mus fuit predicte etatis viginti et unius annorum et amplius.

Et predictus Will’mus Maylour etat is sexaginto et duorum annorum et amplius hoc bene scit quia

dicit quod Henricus pater predicti Will 'i Maylour fuit compe ter predicti Will ’ i Hortone et predictus Will’mus

Maylour fuit patre suo ex eius mandato in ecclesia de C attone predicts. eodem tempore quo dictus Will’musHortone b aptizatus fuit per quod bene recolit quod idem Will ’s fui t predicte eta tis vigint i et unius annorumet amplius .

Et predictus Will’mus Jeynkynsone etatis quinquagin ta et novem annorum et amplius hoc bene scit

qu ia dicit quod Johannes Batte graviter verb eravit et vulneravit predictum Will’m Jeynk ynsone apud C attone

predicta predicto die apud Cat tone predictam predicto d ie quo dictus Will’ s Hortone natus fuit per quodbene recolit quod idem Will'mus fuit predicte etatis vig inti et unius annorum et amplius.

Et predictus Ricardus Taylour sta tis sexagiu ta et quinque annorum et amplius hoc bene scit quia.d icit quod Alicia filia eius maritata fuit Johanni Boldynge in ecclesia de Cattons predicts sodam die quodictus Will'mus Hortone natus fuit per quod bene t ecolit quod idem Will’mus fuit predicte e ta tis viginti et

va ins annorum et amplius.

Et predictus Johannes Fry st eteria sexaginta quatuor annorum et amplius hoc bene scit quia dicitquod ipse portavit torciem ante predictum Will’mum Hortone quando porta tu s fuit ad ecclesiam de Cat tonepredictam ad b apt izandurn per quod bene recolit quod Will'mus fuit predicte eta tis viginti et unius sonorumet amplius.

Et predictus Johannes L essone etatis sexaginta et sex annorum et amplius hoc bene scit quia d ici tquod ipse cecidit de equo suo super terram in Gattone pred ic ts et t ibiam suam fregi t eodem d ie quoprefatus Will

’mus H ort one natus fuit per quod bene recolit quod idem Will’mus.fuit predicte e ta tis vigint

e t unius annorum et amplius. In cuius rei testimonium Jura tores predicti huic probacioui sigilla sua apposuerunt .Data die loco et anno supradictis.

Proof of the age of William H ortone named in th e writ of the Lord the King sewn to this proof.

Taken at Repyngton , in the County of Derby, on the twentieth day of June , in the seventeenth yearof the reign of King Henry the S ixth

,before Wil liam H et one

,Escheator of our Lord the King

,in the

aforesaid County, by virtue of a Brief of the said Lord the King, dire cted to the same Eschea tor,and

sewn to this proof, by the oath of John B ugge Senior, John Whyt ting, William Irpe, Henry Ampe , John

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ca/ St aff/z of t/ze P am'

s/z of Croxall.




In the name of God Amen , the l st day of March in t he yere of our Lord God 1525, I Roger Hortonof Catton, in th e C ountie of Darby Esqre whole of bodie and in te lleccion ,

make,ordeyne , and constitu te , my present

te stament, and las t will , in this forme followinge . F first I give and bequea th my soul e to Almigh tie God myRedeemer, to the Blessed Ladie St. Marie his mother, an d to all the holy company of S ts . in hea ven , and mybodie to be buried in the pish church at C roxall afore St John . Alsoe I bequea th for and in the name of myprincipall my best beast. Alsoe I wi ll tha t my executo rs d ispose about my fi

unerall expences the day of myburying e xviii . l8s. 8d. Alsoe I will that an able priest singe masses for my soule, and all Xtian soules , by thespace of one year , and that he have seven marke therfor. Alsoe I will that the fi riers of L itch fi eld

,Sheraton ,

Darby , and one of the houses in Coventrie, every of the saide houses to have 20s. Alsoe I give and bequeathto the b uildinge of a steeple a t Catton, and to the reparac ion of the same chapple 2oli. Alsoe I give andbequea th to Jane Myners , the eldest daughter of Richard Myners 201i. , to her marriage , and to either of her secondsisters 101i, and to those two tha t should be nunn es in some house of religione lOli. Alsoe I will tha t everyChurch that is to say Alerwas

,Lull ington have xvis .

,and every chappell that is to sayWhichn or, R oslasto n

,Coton ,

and Edingale to have 40d. Alsoe I will that 405. b e given to Croxall Church . Alsoe I will that every servantman b elonginge to my house , have 205, over and besides their wag es, and every servant woman lOs. Alsoe Iwill that forty shirte and smock es, be given to fort y poore men and women . Also e I will that S ir JohnDerricks , Parson of Hart eshorne have 201i . Alsoe I will that Margaret Wrigge have and Ann her daughte ra cow. Alsoe I will that 2os. be given to th e mak inge of a glass window at Barton Church, the wh Ipromised to John Walker and his fi ellowes. Alsoe I will that every da ughte r of John ‘Horton my sonne , havetenn markes to her marriage . Also I will that every daughter of Wil liam Hort on my sonne have tenn markesin like ca se to their marriage

,and Walter and Thomas sonnes to my said sonne John in like maner, either

of them to have tenn markes. Also I wil l that where varian ce hath be en in the house at Repton and me thesaide Roger for inclosure of certa in e lande of the saide house and stoppinge of certa ine wayes and lanes be ingein the londsh ipp of Catton that it be amended by the sight of John Wells and Raphe Sacheverell at theoversight of Sir John Porte and Sir Wal ter Griffith Knigh te , and where the Prior of the saide house have anylande wi thin any close of myne I will he have other lande in other places according to the same value , if thesaide P rior will be soe conte nted and in l ike case I will that where I have done any wrong e to the house ofRepto n , or to any other person or persons upon due proofe made that amends be made to him or them bymyne executo rs upon issues and profi ts cominge and growinge of all my whole lands in ffeofment as the oversight of the fore named Sir John

,Sir Walter, John Wells, and Raphe Sacheverell and I will that see many

of my pastures in closed as the aforesaid Sir John , Sir Wal ter , John Wells and Raphe Sacheverell shall thinkconvenin t shall be laide and cast open , and in like case soe many of my saide wayes and lanes to be openedas they shall think necessa rie and convenint , or other new wayes by them to be appoin ted as shal b e usefulland good for the tenan ts of the said L ordshipp and d ischarge my conscynce , and those to continue from henceforthfor ever

,and the premises to be done and executed wi thout delay by my saide fi eoffees and executors accordinge

to the intent of me the saide Roger, and discharge of my conscience again st God . Alsoe I will that Sir RichardSacheverell

,Sir Anthonis F itzharbert , Sir John Porte, Sir Walter Griffith Knights, William Horton , Humfry

Myh ers,and John Wodfoorde, gents and their heirs, shall s tand leased and be my fieoffees of trust of and in

all my manors,lands

,tenements , meddowes , pastures , rents , reversions and servi ces , wi th th e appurtena nces in

Catton, Brisingcot es, Stapenhull, Waton , Barrow,

and Winshull,in the C ountie of Darby , and of all my lands


,lessees, pastures , reversions, and services, with the appurtenan ces in Ware ton in the

C oun tie of“Tarwicke

,Radcliffe in the C ount ie of Leicester, Burto n upon Trent , and Barton under N eedwood

, inthe Countie of Sta fl’ord, for the use of me the saide Roger, for terme of my life , and afte r my dece ase, thenthey and their heirs to stand leased in perfourmance of my last will, and my last will performed then to theuse of the b eires males of th e bodie of John Horton my sonne lawfully begotten for ever and for lake of heirsmales of the bodie of the same John Horton , then my saide feoffees and the ir beires to stand feofl'ed to “theuse of William Horto n my son

, and to the beires males of his bodie lawfully begotten for ever, and for lak eof such i ssue they t emaine to th e right heirs of me Roger Horton for ever . Alsoe I wil l that my said feofi'


and their heirs stand feof'

feed of and in all my manors,lands , tenements , reversions, and se rvices , with the

Page 336: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Séefcfi of the P am'

s/z of Croxall.

appurtenances as they be feofi'eed in which reversions of all such lands and tenements as C icilie Longford , AnnHorton , mother of Walter Horton, and Thomas Horton , Jane Horton , late wife of Roger Horton , after theirdecease that they and their beires stand feofi’eed for payment of my debts

,and such other things as I will

d irect in this my l ast wil l . Alsoe I will that my saide feofi'

ees and their beires do stand and be feofi eed andleased and in all my saide manors


,and tenements

,and other the saide premises to the use and intent

to pay and d ischarge all my debts and also to d ischarge of all lands recognizances forfeit ts, ob ligacions, andother charges, that I the said Roger ought to be lawfully charged with payment es against the Kinge graceas any other ptyes which now or after my death shal be demanded or re tayned over further and besides all suchgoode and true debts that I have or that are owinge unto me will amount or extend unto . Alsoe I wil l thatwhere heirtofore one Sir Raphe Alline preist fi eoffee to my { father William Horton , did give and graunt unto meand Jane my wife in Catton and elsewhere in the Countie of Derby and in Cole or elsewhere in the C ountie ofChester, all his lands there or elsewhere to me and to my saide wife and to the longer liver of us as moreplainly in the same graunt it doth appear. Now I will that my saide fl'

eeotfees doe make a true and lawfullestat to my saide wife to have lands and tenement to the yearly value of 2oli. St artinge in the lordship ofCatton in the name of her joynture and full contentation (P) of dowery to have and holde to her for terme ofh er life, and after her decease I will that my said e fi eofi ees and their beires stand fl'eofi‘

eed of and in the saidelands and tenements to the use and performance of my last will aforesaid with the remainder aforesaid . Alsoe

I will that William Aston and his graunt of annuities by me to him made and graunted for terme of his lifeand i f it be not sufficient in the law I will that my saide feofiees doe make him a new graunte accordinge tothe termse of my saide former graunte . Alsoe I will that my saide fi eofi’ees doe make a sure and sumcient grauntein the law to R ichard l rpe of Walton for him to have a farme for terme of one and twenty yeres to comefrom our Lady day the Annunciacion last past afore the date nearest the Midd le Ryelands in the lordshipof Catton and alsoe a croft called Hilden croft in Walton town

,to have and to hold the same two pas tures to

him and his assigns for the t ime above said paying therefore yerely to me my beires, executores , or assigns,268 . 8d. at the feaste of the Annunciacion of our Lad ie and St . Michaell the Archangel] his tr ue portions . A lsosI will that my said feoflees doe make a like graunte to Isabel Tomkynson of Walton , for h er to leese and tohold the farme accordinge as is expressed in a paire of indentures made betwixt her and me the saide Rogerpayinge therefor a3s. ijd , and alsoe I will that afore this time I have declared in my will uppon my fl

eeofimtto Sir Rich Sachevell, Sir Anthony F fi tsharb ert , Sir John Port, Sir Walter Griffith , Knygh te , William Horton,Humpry Myners, and John Wodford, gents, and their heires, that they should stand and be feofl‘

ed of and in allmy manors lands and tenements therein comprised ‘ to t he use and intent to pforme diverse covenante made andafore time comuned of betwixt Edward Littleton Esqre , and me the saide Roger, for a marriage that wasproposed and comuned of betwixt me and the saide Edward for a marriag e that should have been made andhad betwixt Walter Horton myne heire and one Constance , one of the daughters of the saide Edward and alsoe

for the redeeminge of all such lands as one Sir Richard Sacheverell b ath of me in mortgage lyings in Waltonupon Trent the wh marriage is now dissolved and broken and the covenant thereof voyd and of non effect,whereupon I the saide Roger now make my last will

,and will that my saide feofi ees and their beires doe

observe k eepe and pforme the same will wh wi ll heretofore and hereafter to be declared shall stand for mylast will and not to be changed . And I charge my said feofi ees and executors the wh I heretofore gave namedor hereafter doe name or appoint in God 's b ehalfe and as they shall answere , that they doe pforme , and executethe same . And principally that they doe redeems my lands in Walton out of Sir Richard Sacheverell 's hands


with th e issues and pfi t te cominge and growings of all my saide manors, land s, and tenements, where they standfeofi

eed and possed for the ob taininge of the same to the use of the pformance of my will aforesaide and that

pformed then to the use of the b odyes aforesaide and for lacke of such issue to the use of my right he ires forever

. Alsoe I wil l that William Horton my sonne, have all such lands and tenements as I the saide Roger havein Wareton ,

in the County of Warwicke,and in Radcliffe , in the C ount ie of Leicester, with reversions of all such

lands as C icilie Longford hath in the saide lordshipp, in full of her joynture for terme of her life , and that afterh er decease, the remainder of these appurtences, liberties. b elonginge to the same to remayn e to my sa ide sonneWilliam Horton

,and to the beires males of h is body lawfully begotten for ever. Alsoe I will that Thomas

Horton,the seconde sonne of John Horton

,have 403 . yerely duiruge his life which is in the holdings ofMargery

P enefether. F furthermore I wil l that if any man or person or persons be troubled for my cause that he orthey have their costs borne upon the issues and pfi tte comings and growings of my saide manors landst enements being now in feofi'ment by the oversight of myne executors William Horton , Richard Myners, Humfry

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H istorical S/cez‘

c/z of t/ze P am'

s/z of C roxall.

Mynors , and John Wodfo rd,whom I make my executors and wi l l that every one of them sha ll have 405, for

his pains and lab our and their j ust trouble and S ir John P orts, and S ir Walter Griffi te , Knyghte , to be prised

of this my last wi ll. Provided alwais that if it shall.

fortune hereafter to be founden that any of my lands beholden of the King’ s grace in cheife

,see that my beire be warde to the Kinge , that then the above named

graunte and b equeste that should be levyed and payde , of the issues and pfi t te of my lands in feofl‘

ment,wi th

the graunt that I gave wil led and graun ted to my sonne William Horton , and to his beires males of his bodyfor ever

,that all the same shall take noe effect as longe as my b eire is in th e King’ s warde and custod ie ,

except the graunt of joynture to my wife above named Jane Horton , and the redeeminge of my lands inWalton , from Sir R ichard Sacheverell as is aforesaide , and the graunt to Wi lliam Aston wi lled and graunt ed forterm of his l ife by me the saide R oger . And when the saide Wardeshipp ever comes out of th e King's hands ,then I w il l that all my saide bequeste and graunte doe stand in force and effect and tru lle to be executedaccordinge as this my last will is above specified and declared and that th is my last will be followed and made indue forme by learned counsell accordinge to the true intent and meaninge hereof. In Witness whereof theseWitnesseth Roger Ferrers Rsqa , William Myh ers Esqe , Sir R obert Alsopp C hap len, Sir Theophilus Wodrufi e ,


sh Priest at C atton , Thomas Holosmith , Thomas Wragge, Hugh Marris Yeoman , with others the day and yereabove wr i tten .

C AT TON , N o . X I V .

C hancery. I ng. p . m.,18 B en . VI I I . , N o . 52. I ng. p . m. taken 6 Oct. 1526.

R OGER HORTON, D I ED 3 JUNE 18 HEN . VI II ., 1526.Writ Of dion clausit extreman .

I nquisicio indentata. capta apud Repton in C om. B erbie Sexto die Octob ris Anno regni Regis HenriciOctavi decimo octavo coram Thoma Greson Armigero Escaetori Dicti Domini R egis C omitatus predicti virt utebrevis euisdem Domini R egis de d iem clausit extremum post mortem R ogeri Horton Armigeri eidem Escaeteri

directi et hu i c I nquisicione annexi per Sacramentum Georgi i Fyndern Armigeri,Johannis Crewk er gent ilman ,

R icardi Alret t de S tretton , Henri ci Meynell Gent ilman, Willi ’ Hallond gent ilman , R oberti Abell gent ilman,Thome

Stretton de Stretton, N icholai Tayller de Mesham

, Will ’ i Hyllyng de L angeley, Will’ i F awen de C olande , JohannisC alyngwode de C aldwalle , Thome Bradshaw d e Osmaston , Walteri Rollesley de Osb aston, et Georgii Bankes deThurvaston Qui dicunt super sacramentum suum quod predictus Rogerus Horton d iu ante ob itum suum fuitsei

se’tus de Manerio de Bryssyngcot es cum pert in enciis ac de e t in vno messuagio centum acris terre ducent

acris pasture vigenti acri s prati et quadraginta acris hosoi cum pertinenciis in Bryssyngcotes et Stapenhulle inC omita tu predicto in dominico suo ut de feodo et sic inde seisitus per quoddam factum suum cuius datum estvicesimo quarto di e Marcii Anno regni Regis Henrici octavi quinto juratorib us predictis super capcionem huius

I nquisicionis in evidencia ostensum inter a l ia ded it et concessit et per candem cartam suam confi rmavit JohanniHorton filio suo et heredi et Anne tunc uxore sue manerium et t enementa predicta cum pertinenciis per nomenAlmerii sui de Bryssyngco tes in C omitatu predicto ac omniiemme ssuagiorum t errarum t enemen torumreddituumreversionum et serviciorum prat orum pascuum e t pastura rum snorum cum pert inenciis in Bryssyngcotes e t

Stapenhulle predictorum in C omitatu predicto Habenda et tenenda Man erium et t enementa predicta cumpertinenciis prefat is Johanne et Anne et h eredi

’bus d ioti Johannis de corpore pred icts anne legitime procrea tis.

Et ult erius dicunt juratores predicti quod predictus Johannes mortuus est e t predicto anna ehm supervixit et

postea cepit in virum Thoma Sprott Gen tilman et eadem anna ad huc in plena vita existit . Et eciam juratores

predicti dicant super sacramentum suum quod predictus Rogerus Horton diu ante ob itum suum fuit seisitu t

in dominico suo ut de feodo de et in uno mesuagio cum pertinenciis vocatum Sharcroft et le Hy ll e in C attonin Comitatu predicto parcellum Maneru de C atton annui valoris tresdecim solidorum et iiij denariorum e t sicinde seisitus per quoddam factum suum euius dalum est quarto d ie N ovembris Anno regni R egi s Henri ci Octavisecundo juratorib us predictis super capcionem huius inquisicionis in evidencia simi liter ostensum ded it concessi te t per eandem cartam suam confirmavit Will ’o Ashton tunc servienti suo Messuagium predictum Habendum e t

tenendum eidem Willo' et assignatis suis durante vita eiusdemWilli ’ revercione inde prefato R ogero et h eredibussuis Spectante . Et eceam dicunt quod predictus R ogerus Horton fuit seisitus in dominico suo u t de feodo de

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236 H istorical Sh ite/z of t/ze P a ris/i of C roxa/l.

the sa id county formerly belonging to Thomas C ok essey knight and befo re to N emperez (l) Olu and beingthus seiz ed by a deed dated 18 Feb . 15 Hen . VIII

,1524 , and shown to the Jurors he gave Thomas C urson


R oger F errers and four others these tenements to be held by them and their heirs and assigns for ever forthe use of R ichard Sachevere ll kt, his heirs and assign s in performance of ce rta in agreements etc . specifiedin certa in indentures be tween him and Ro ger Horto n dated 7 Jan . 15 Hen . VIII .

,1524. And the Jurors say

that the said R oger on the day of his death was se ized in four messuages,one cottage, 100 acres of land , thirty

of meadow and forty of pasture in C atto n and Wal to n in demesne as of fee wh ich tenements C ecilia Longforthe ,widow

,now holds for life with reversion to R oger and his heirs . And also they say that these messuages

lands etc in C atton are parce l of C atton Manor. And besides the Jurors say that Roger Horton was seiz edin his demesne as of fee of the aforesaid Manor of C atton and of ten messuages , 300 acres of land, 100 ofmeadow

, 300 of pasture and forty acres of wood in C atton and Walton, and died so seiz ed . And further they

say that the said manor of Bryssingsco tes and the tenements in Brysingco tes Stapenh ulle are he ld from theAbbot of the Monaste ry of St. Mary and St. Medwenne of Burton on Trent in Socag e and are worth 9£ a yea rclea r. And that the tenements in Walton and Borowe formerley C okeseys are held of Humphrey F errars

Esq. in Socage and are worth 8£ a year clear . And that the aforesaid Manor and tenements in C atton areheld of the k ing as of his Honour of Tutbury parcel of his Duchy of L anca ster for half a knights fee and areworth £30 a year clear . And that the aforesaid tenement s in Walton of held of the sa id Humphrey F errars

esq . in Socage and“are worth 465. 8d. a yea r clear. And the tenements in C atton he ld by C ecilia L ongforthe

for her lif e are worth 5 marks a yea r clear. And also the Jurors say that R oger Horton d ied 3 Jun e,18 Hen .

VI II , 1526. And that Walter Horton is relative and next he ir of the said R oger that is son of John Hortonthe son of R oger Horton and is aged 14 and upwards . Sr, they say that Roger held no other manors landsfrom the king or any other in demesne or service in the sa id coun ty where died.

C AT TON , N o. XV .


[13 orh

i 4, pmbahly14]Indenture made 7 May [xiii or xii ij ] E li z between Walter H orto n of C att on of the one party and GeorgeEarl of Shrew sbury and Dame E lizabetha his wife C oun tes s of Shrew sbu ry and her son Henry Kavendish e of theother parti e Witnesseth that whera s E dward V I . by I ndenture made by advice of th e C oun cil of the Duchy ofL ancaster between h im and John Tail or granted the said John Tailor the herbage and pannage of the part ofRolsto ne called Bo ls tone ? part of the possessions of the Duchy of L ancas ter in the C oun ty of Stafi ord for 41Years from Michaelmas las t past , dated 1 N ov . 3 Edw. VI . who gave his right and in tere st in the premisses toWa lter Horton by good and lega l conveyance AndWhereas Queen Eli zabeth by I nden tur e between her and WalterHorton by advi ce of Duchy C ouncil granted and set to farm to Wa lte r Horton the herbage and pann age of thePark Of Barton part of the said Duchy in C o Stafi ord from M ichaelmas last past before date for 21 Years , date29 Oct 1 Eliz .

An d wheras Q Eliz . by I ndenture b etwn . Hr Mat ii Walt-er Horton by advice of the Duchy C ouncil gaveand set to farm to Walter Horton the omoe of the keeping of the said park of Barton with its fees & c, to himhi s assigns from Mich . last past before the date for 21 years , dated Westmin ster 1 Oct . 5 E li z .

And wheras Q . E li z . by I nd. made b etw. her and Walter Horton by adv ice of the said councll grantedset to farm to Wa l ter Horto n th e herbag e and pann age of Shirh olt park , part of the Duchy of L an cas ter, i n C oStan. to have hold by him and hi s ass ign s from the date of the In denture for years , date d Westmin ster10 July 5 E liz abeth .

And wheras Q . E liz . by Ind . set to farm to Wal ter H orto n the omoe of keeping her ward of Barto n theOfi ce of keeping her park of Shirh olt to him and his asigns from the date of I nd. for 21 year s , dated 8 July 5 E l iz .

[t h e stewardsh ip?)And wh eres Q . E li z . by l ett ers patent, dated Westm . 29 April 1 E l i z . gran te d Walte r Horton .

Yoxh all Marchington B arton to hold by himself or his deputy (i .e . from 29 Mar . 1559) from Easter last duringpleasure .

And wheras Q . E liz . by I nden ture b etw. her and George C urzon by adv i ce of the Duchy C ounc il gaveGeorge C urzon her L ord ship or Man or of Shene in C o Stafi ord for 21 yea rs from date Jan 8 Eli z . which manorWalter Horton rece ived by good and lawful conveyance .

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H z


slorzkczl Séez‘

c/z of t/ze P am'

s/z of C roam/l.

Walter Horton gave the said herbage pannage offi ces etc named in these Indentures & c dz the I ndenturés,letters patent etc to the E arl C oun tess Henry C avend i sh their assign s during all these years term stimes, and says he has full power to do so And Henry C avendi sh shal l suffer the E arl and C oun tess to occupy thepremisses during their lives And also the Earl shall not give the premi sses to any person except Henry C avend i shor the w ife or heirs of Henry C avend ish w ithout the special assent of Henry

.The E arl C ountess and Hen ry

C avend ish will di scharge well and duly all the duties etc . required i n the Indentures,B efore the sealing of this

th e E arlwill pay Walter Horton £200 on or before 16 Oct next fol low ing in hi s house at C atton .

Walter Hortonto have the steward sh ip of Barton under Medwae and yearly two fee Bucks in summer and two fee dooes inWinter in the said park or C hase of Yedwod or el s e in some of the said parks of the said Earl in the said C ountyof Derby . In Witness wh erof the parties have interchangeably appended their seals .

C AT TON, No . XV I .


May 9th , 1572.

In the name of Jesus C hriste Amen I Wal ter Horton of C atton in the C ountey of B erbie Esquiresick in boddey , but yet in pfyt t remembrance thanks be to God , do mak and ordeyn e thys my la st wylland testament in maner and forms hearafter followinge. That ys to saye fi rsts of all I do yealde andbequeaths my soule to Almyghty God my Saviour and redeemed by the meryt te of whose passion I steadfas tleytruste to be ptak er of everlastings lyf and my boddey to be b uryed in the pyshe churchs, or other chape l l nextto the p lace whearsoever yt t shall please him to call me . N exts my wyll and desyre ys that a ll and everydebts dewe to any pson or psons whatsoeur shalb e fulley and truly discoured and payed of my lands andtenements goods chattels, plate and juelly, that I shall leave behind me, wh debts be inge thereof al l fyrst eclearley dysch arged and eurey maner payed . Then my Wyll ys that al l legacies gyfts and bequests hearaftermentioned sh albe d ispursed and payed out of all my sayd lands tenements, goods and chatte ls, accordinge to theorder herein afterwarde expressed or e lse in such manner and forme as shalb e hearafter in shedull contayned

that shallb e h eareafter annexed videlicet fiirst e I wyll that Xper Horton my kynseman shall have a ll mylands tenements other hered itaments in C atton wi thin the sayd C ountey of Darbey and elsewheare

,in suche

maner and forme and to suche uses as I have alreddey by sufficient estate in the laws executed conveied

the same unto him also I give and b equ ethe unto him my lease and demysne which I have for certeyne

years yett to come under the B uchey scale of the mannor of Barton with the apurt ences t owarde thepayment of my sayd debts also I wyll and b equeth e to my brother Roland Sprott tenne poundes, by yareof anuetey duringa hys naturall lytf to be payed out of my sayd lands and tenements over and b esyde

fvve marks of yeareley annuet ey issuinge out of my sayd lands and tenements duringe hys sayd naturull

ly fi'

h earet ofore geven h im under my hande and seale uppon condicion that he the sayd Rolannde shal lat any tyms h eareafter upon request thereof made suflicientley conveighe and assigns over to the saydXper Horton a

'll hy s title and interest in and to the sayd lease of the mannor of Barton wherein at themak inge thereof I made him co truste and joynt taker with me whych he shall witness to do then tolose the benefit of thys sayd legacey of tenne pounds by years b equethecl unto him . A lso I wyll andb equethe to my servaunt e Raphe Barker and Syb ell hys wyff, five pounds by yeare as anuytey out of mysayd lands and tenements duringe theyre naturall lives and the longer lyver of them . Alsoe I wyll andb equethe unto C hadd C urson fort ey shyllinges of yearsley annuetey out of my sayd lands and tenementsduringe hys naturall lyf in consideration of the some of twenty pounds b ears to fore reed by me to hys usewhich some of twenty pounds ys att any tyme he shalb e desirous to have and receyve after he shall haveaccomplyshe the age of xxj yeares in due of the sayd annuetey xls . then my wyll ys that the sayd

soTne of xxli. shal l be payd him accordinglcy and thus thys sayd annuetey of fortey shyllynges by yearefrom thenceforth to cease . And also my w i l l ys that after my sayd debts dyscharged and payd aforesayd

for nowe payment of the sayd severall legacies of annue tey before b equethed yt t shalb e lawfu l] to and formy sayd legatoure and every of them to dyscharge in and uppon any of my sayd lands and tenementswithin the lordshyppe of C atton aforesayd or elsewhere, and the dystresse so taken to continue untyll he

Page 341: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Skate/z of flu: P am'

s/z of C roxall.

be satisfyed and payed accordinge to the true meaninge hereof either once by the years att one entierpayment or el se at two severe“ feasts by even portions att the election of him or them that shal l havethe paymt thereof . Ffurthermore I wyll and b equ e the to my syst er E lizabeth F rostun xxli. Also toSarra Morley my Kynswoman xxli. Also I wyll and b equethe to James Boyl e my servaunte , the t enementewith thrapplemore whearein he nowe dwellyth wi thin C atton aforesayd w ithout payinge of any rentetherefore duringe hys naturall lyf, lykewyse I will and b eque th e to all my servinge men in howseholdeevery one of them one whole yeare wages over and besides all such wage as shalbe due unto them attmy decease, and also to al l and every my b inds in household s as well men as women that have servedme att my decease the space of ij yeares every of them one halfe yeares wage and to the rest thathave sewed less than ij yeat es one quarter’ s wage over and be sides theyre wage due unto them asaforesayd. A lso I geve and b equ ethe to Johanna Russel l who bathe byn brought upp in my howse of agyrle sos towarde her pferment And also my wyll ys that all my sayd servaunts in howseholde beforementioned shall remaine and contynewe att C atton the space of iiij moneth es after my d ecease yf theywyll so abyde for their selves. F furth ermore my wyll and meaninge ys that whereas in the laste estateof my sayd lands and tenements the sayd lordshypp of C atton , and el s wheare by order of lawe to rerteyn efeofi

ere by me conveighed and executed to diverse uses as aforesayd as by the indenture thereof that doleave the same plainley appeareth my brother Thomas Horton hys ij daughters in the sayd indenturementioned are therein wrongley named that notwithstandinge hys ij daughters nowe liveing by whatt namesso either thys are called shall have and injoye the b enyfyte of such somes of money and other uses to themin the sayd Indenture limited in as ample and large maner as yf they were in the same conu eyaunce rightleynamed uppon cond icion that they and eyth er of them when they shal l accomplyshe th eyr full ages andtheyre husband s also yf att that tyme they shall portune to be maryed do mak full and absolute releaseo r other conveyaunce of all theyre rygh t title and in terest in and to my sayd lands and tenements in Cattonaforesayde or els wheare to such pson or psons as then by vertue of the same conveyaunce shal l possesseand enj oye the same as by theirs or other learned counsell sh alb e there reasonable devysed and requyred lyk ewyse

I wyll and b equethe to my cosyn George.

C urson my shyrte of mayle and my graves murrion .Also to my

cosen Thomas B urdytt my three yeare old rippen colt . Also I wil l and b equ e the to my friendo WyllyamPotter xs. and to my frende Raphael] Holingshed lyk ewyse xs. F furthermore I wyll and b equethe

to thepoorest and nydest inhabitants of the townes and vyllag es about C atton the some of tenne pounds to bedystrybuted and geven amongst them w ithin the space of three moneths after my decease to be apportionedunto them by the order and dyscretion of my executorres and all the reste of my goods and chattels andother worldeley substance whatsoever not in thys my wyll before or after b equeth ed or o therwyse d isposedI geve and b equ eth e therein to the say t er Horton towards the payment and satisfaction of my saiddebts. Provided alwayes and my wyll and full intents ys that yf any of my sayd legatorres or otherpson or psons whatsoever in thys my wyll mentioned sha ll after my decease practyse or do about by anymeans so to hynder or overthrow or oth ervyse to alter or stande againste the true pformance of heareinaccordinge to my meaninge hearein expressed than then they and every of them so doinge shal l losse theb enefytt e hereof and be thereby guylte dysab led to recover clame or demaunde any legacey or other t heingein thys my wyll contayned and I doe hereby mak and iustytute my loveinge freuds Edwarde Hol te


R oland Sprott, t er Hort on Gent and James Boyle my sole and full execu torres for the truer pformaunce thysmy Iaste wyll and testament and every pformaunce thereof accordinge to my trust e reposed in them and I wyll

that theyre reasonable chardges and expenses be sustyned in and about the doinge th ereof sh alb e borneand dyschardged of my sayd goods and other wordeley substaunce that I shall leave b ehynde and I wyll

and b eque the to every of my sayd executorres for theyre paynes tak einge therein the som e of fyve marksin wytness thereof I the sayd Walter Horton have h eare to putt my hande the nynth daye of Mayo in thefourtenthe yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne ladey Elizab ethe by the grace of God of EnglaudeF fraunce and Ireland Quene Defender of the Faythe .

Page 343: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical St ew/i of t/ze P aris/i of C ram/l.

C AT TON , N o . XI X .

v mronr OF THE Goons or WALTER B oRrON or C ATTON HAL L,Dm rsmnz . F EB . 27m, 1626 .

C atton in the parishe of Croxall, and C oun ty of Darby, The Inventory of the goods, ca tt els , chat tells, debts ,

and credits of the Rygh t Honourabl e Wal ter Horton Esq . , la te of Catto n aforesaid , e tc (here follows someundecipherable writing ) engrossed out of the original Inventory .

A true and perfect Invento ry in dented of all and singular the goods, ca ttells, chat tells,and debts, j ewells

plate,and redy money of Walter Horton , late of C atton , in the parishe of C roxall , in the C oun tie of Derby , Esquire

deceased taken praysed and valewed, upon Tuesdaye , the seaven and twentieth daye of Februarie, Ano Dm 1626 ,

by C ollingwood Sanders of Caldwalle , in the C ount ie of Derby , gen t , Samuel] Whyt inge of Walton , in the C ountieafore sa id Hugh Scale als F lea tly of Ed ingale, in the countis of Stafi ord, yeoman , and Christopher Smyth in theC ounty of Derby yeoman , as followeth

In the Hall,Imprimis. two longe tables

,two cupboard s

,four fourmes

,and a pair of h andyrons

In the dyneinge parlour ,Item one drawinge table, two side tables, fourteene joyned stouls, grea t and small, three cheyre s , ten

cushions , three carpetts, three mapps , a payre of virgiualls , one handyron , one pair of tongs ,and a fire shovel] , 8. screen s wth other small moveables. 3 10 0

In the greene chamber,Item one seeled bed

,wi th curtaynes and vallan s, with o ther furniture as itt standeth three chayres

two tables,an yron bounde chest , two carpetts with some other implements in the stayre room

next the ga rden. 5 10 0

In the Chauncelle C hamber.Item one seeled bed with curtayne and valla ns and other furniture as yt stondeth , one t ruckle bed,

two chayres, a court cupb oord, two payre of handyrons, a payre of tongs and a fire shovel] ,with other imfl ements. 10 0 U

In the two bed chambers .Item two b edste eds wi th bedds

,and other furniture as they stande

,three fi'

ormes and a chayre withother implements .

Item in the li tt le house next to the sa id chamber od implements as shelves etc .In the great chamber .

Item one drawinge table , two smale tables , two court cupboards, five cheyres, nyne high joynedstooles, twelve other stooles with Turkey work e covers, foure carpett s, a payre of hand yrons,w ith brazen bosses

,a fine shovel] and a payre of tongs, answerable thereto, one playne

yron grate,matts

,and other small movea bles . 8 10 U

In the two studdi es .Itemsome woodden moveab les

,as an old table , a trunk etc.

I tem b ook es and armour.

In the grea t chamber closett .

Item six cushions, one damask te ster, three payre of blank et ts, two doune pillowes, one cyp re s chest ,and a trunk wi th glasses, Tyknallware, three l itt l e P undlet ts and other moveables. a U 0

In the garden chamber.Item one seeled bedstead with a doune bedd and fi ea ther bed, curtaynes, vallans and other furniture

a court cupboard , a cushion cloth stoole , a lit t le handyron and other moveables . 12 U 0

Truckle , or trundle beds, were then in use , they were so constructe d that they could be wheeled under anordinary bedstead .

—R eliqua ry, 1876- 7,p . 170.

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H istorical Séeica of i/ze P aris/z of C roxa/Z.

In the apple lofte chamber .I tem one canopy bed with the furniture , one great chest with eight curtaynes, two pillowes, two

coverings , one carpet t , two payre of tables, a chayre , a stoole , and a hamper with some othermoveables .

In the apple lofte stayre case , and another l ittle house next unto ittItem seventy pounds of the best sort of wool , two stone of course wool with some other moveables .

In Sall ’ s chamber.Item one joyned bed , one little stand ing b ed, two feather beds, blank e tts and coverings, one table ,

two chayres, an Old chest with some other moveables .

In the little gal lery,and the closet t next unto itt.

Item one old table with Tyknallware glasses , and some other moveab les .In his owne lodging chamber.

Item one seeled bed , a cenoby bed, a trundle bed, one great presse, two great chests, twelve trunks,a court cupboard , foure ch ayres, two joyned stooles, one downe bed, three feather b edds,w ith al l other furniture both same and other moveables .

Item his wearing apparel] of all sorts,and ready money in the house, and in his purse .

Item his w ines,apparel]

,and j ewells

In the little inner chamber.Item an old bed and furniture

,with other moveables .

In the bed chamber .Item one seeled bed with curtayn es 85 val lans and all other furniture , two feather b edds, one trundle

bed,two chayres, one court cupboard, one let tle table , one trunk , d ivers pieces of woollen and

linnen,and all other moveables .

In the closet t next his lodging chamber.Item plate of al l sorts.Item other moveables, as trunks, boxes with some small pieces of brasse .

In the childrens chamber, mayd


s chamb ,and th e gallery that leadeth into them .

The movab les in these three p laces,as a bed with the furniture trunks , chests and other old

implements .Item Lynnen of all sorts as fi’

orty payre of fiiaxen sheetes, thyrty payre of hempen and hurden sheetes,thyrty five tab le clothes

,fi axen hempen , eight dyap table clothes, two dozen and three

napkins ofdyapir, two dozen and an half of fine fiiaxen napkins, uy no dozen course napkins, sixdyaper cupboard clothes , foure dyap towells, three fringed flaxen cupboard c lothes


livery cupboard clothes of Scotch cloth, eigh teene towells, two other livery cupboard clothes,twelve payre of pillow heeres.

In the two serving men 's chambers.I tem three beds and their furniture

,with other moveables.

In the b ut terie chamber .I tem two cupboards w ith other moveables .Item two boalsters.

In the buttery .

I tem two bings two old chests,a table

,presses, shelves bott ells, j acks, and other moveables.

In th e sellor.

I tem twenty harrells,three hogshead s

,and foure firk ins wi th tresles etc .

In the kitchen and larder .Item a safe

,a skreene , she lves , and other woodden moveables . .

Item brasse of all sorts .I tem pewt er of all sorts .Item the range

, pothangles, pothooks , the racke , fire sh ovell, tongs , dripping pans , Spitte otheryron stufi e .

3 .


3 6

e O

u o

l 0

12 0

3 U

40 14

2 13

1 0

2 10

3 0


Page 345: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Sketc/i of flu: P a ris/c of C roxall.

In the husbandmans chambers .Item some old beddinge

,and other moveables .

I n the lower larder.Item powdering tubs, a trough, and other moveabl es .

In the brewhouse,bakehouse , and boult ing house .

Item cowpery ware of all sorts,In the cheese chamber.

Item cheese,two great brasse panns, and other moveables, as boards, shelves, tables

I n the kilne chamber.Item all woodden moveable s, and old iron .

Item old bacon .

I tem tenn brasse panns and kettles , churnes, payles, and kymn ells, cheese presses, tu bs of butte rIn the dayry houses.

pott s of tiles, and all other moveables .

I n the grease house .Item all manner of Tallows, grease , and k itchin stuffe .

I tem all the wheat .

In the barne next the stable.

In the further Barne .

A t Roylec F arms.

I tem in ye barne,all the Early oats and hey.

Item in the house an yron grate, and some other small implements.

Grayn thresht of all sorts.

I tem of winnowed Early in the house fiftie thre e q ’


Item two quarter of whea t and Barly ,

Item foureteene quarte r of pease, white and grayItem corne sowed in the feilde.

Item th ree quarte r of oates .

C atte ll of all sorts .

I tem one hundred and eighte en oxen , fine and younge beasts .

Item horses, mares , and colts twenty one .Item sh eepe , two hundred sixtie one .Item swayne

,young and old .

L ease s for yeares to come .Item one lease of a closse in L ullington P ish.Item a lease of ground att Woodford .

I tem a lease of Barton Millne Meadows .

Item a lease of a closse m C oton in F ish de

Item hey .

Without dores,in the Ba rnes stables, yard and feilds , and Bee garden.

I tem the coach and harnesse.

Item foure hives of bees .Item sadd les, bridles , and other things beelongingc to the stables.I tem wnynes and ca rts .I tem foure ploughs, seaven yoak ee , three harrowes, five yron brands sharres, coul ters horse genres, and

all other implements b elonging to husb ondry.

O 13

5 0

20 0


2 10

16 0

4 10


Page 347: Of the History of Croxall

H z


cal St aff/z of Me P am'

s/z of C roxall.

Messuagio et C ottagio spectantibus e t cum eodem demissis et scituatis in Roslaston in C omitatu predicto

nunc vel nuper in occupacionibus cuiusdam Johannis Gartrell et [blank] Alsop vel eorum alterii velassignatorum suorum,

ac de et in uno alio Messuagio in C oton in Comitatu predicto ac diversis acris terreprati e t pasture di cto ultimo recitato messuagio spectanti vel pertinenti et cum eodem demisso vel ocupata

ac munc vel nuper in tenura cuiusdam Anne C oton situato ac de et indauobus allis Messuagiis quadraginte

acris terre quindecm acris prati et viginti acris pasture in C oton predicta di cto ultimo recitato Messuagio

spectantibus sevi pert inentibus et nunc vel nuper in occupacione cuiusdam R icard i Bayley et Will'mi C oultonvel corum alterii vel assignatorum snorum que nuper fu erunt predicts. hereditamenta cuiusdam Thome GreisleyeArmigeri ac ipsa eadem Jana de premissis predictis sic u t prepertur seisita existens, undecimo d ie MarciiAnno Regni dioti domin i nostri C aroli nunc R egis Angli c etc . decimo apud C atton predictam de tali statusuo de et in omnibus e t singulis premissis predictis obiit sie inde seisite. et quod quidam C hristopherusHorton A rmigeri cst et tempore mortis dicte Jane fuit filius e t heres propinquior dic te Jane et temporemortis d icte Jane fui t etatis quadraginta Annorum et amplius e t quod tempore mortis dicte Jane hujusqued iem capcionis hu ius I nquisicionis ipse idem Christopherus exitus et proficua omnium et singulorum premissorum

predictorum ad suum usum proprium accepit et recepit . Et Jura tores predicti alterius dicunt supersacramentum suum predictum quod predictumMessuagium C ot tagium e t premissa predicte. in R ollaston predict a.

ac predicta messuagia terras t enementa et premissa predicta in C oton predicte. nunc ve l nuper in occupacione

d icte Ann e C oton tenentur et tempore mortis d icte Jane tenebantur de Thome Hutchinson M iliti nt deManerio suo de R ollaston i n C omitatu predicto in libero et communi socagio per fidelitat em et redditumtrium solidorum et quatuor denariorum pro omn ibus serviciis et non in C apite nec per servicio militari etvalent clare per annum in omnibus exitib us ultra reprises viginti solidos. Et quod predicts duo al i Messuagit

quodraginta acres terre quindecem acre prati et viginti acre pasture in C oton predicte. nunc vel nuper inoccupacionibus dictorum R icard i Bay ley et Will’ i C ou lton vel eorum alterius t enentari et tempore morti sd icte Jane Horton in brevi predicto nominet e t eneb ant ur de d icto Domino R ege per servicium militare incapite sed per quam partem feodi militis penitu s ignorant e t valent clare per Annum in omnibus exitib us

ultra reprises decem solidos. Et Juratores predicti ulterius dicunt super sa cramentum suum predictumquod predicts Jana. Horton in brevi predicto nominate. non habuit nec tenuit tempore mortis sue aliqua

alia sevi plura terras tenementa sevi hereditamenta in possessione reversione remanerio nec use. in dictoC omitatu Derbie nec al ibi ad eor um notitiam. In cuius rei testimonium uni parti huius I nquisicionis penesEscaetorem predictum remanenti tam Escheator predictus quam Jura tores predicti sigilla sua apposuerunt

alteri vero parti huius I nquisicionis penes primum Jnra torem predictum remanenti. Escae tor predictus sigillumsuum apposuit data d i e anno e t loco supra dictis R ichard V ick ard, Francis C ockaine , John Tayler, L awrenceBal l

,William Twigge , Will ’ im Wilder, R ichard P ickardt Thomas Shep ard

,John Steare

,R ichard R oe


Shepard , R obert Campion , Hugh Roome, John Agard .

vs. Hen : Gregson .


WAL TER HORTON ,of d . 11 March, 1635.

I nq . p . m.

, 22 Aug .,1636 .

C HRISTOPHER, s . at h .

,born and bap . , 1595.

Inqui sition taken at Derby 22 Aug. 12 C harles I . , 1636 before Henry Gregson, the King ’ s Escheator inDerbyshire , by virtue of the King ’s wri t to inquire after the death of Jane Horton , late of Catton widow,defunct

,by the oath of Francis C ock ain e , John Tay lor, Lawrence Ball , Will iam Twigge , Wi l liam Wilder,

R ichard V ickard. Thomas Shepard , John Steare, R ichard R oe, John Shepard , R obert C ampion , Hugh R oome,and John Agard

,good and lawfu l men of t h e C ounty who being charged and sworn say on their oath, that

Jane Horton long before, and at t he time of her death , was in her demesne as of fee of and in one messuage,one cottage

,and d ivers acres of land meadow and pasture reguardant to the said messuage and cottage and

d ivises with them and situated in Roslaston in the said C ounty and now or lately in the occupation of JohnGartrell and A lsop

,or of either of them or of their assigns. And of another messuage in C oton in th e

same C ounty with d ivers acres of land, etc. , now or late ly in the tenure of Anne C oton , and of two othermessuages

,40 acres of land

,15 of meadow, and 20 of pasture in C oton , now or lately in the occupation of

R ichard Bay ley and William C oulton, lately the inheritance of Thomas Greislye esq. And Jane being thus seised

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sé of C roxall.

in this her estate and in all and each of the premisses died at Catton 11 March 12 C ar.I . 1635 and

Christopher Horton esq was her son and next heir aged at the time of her death 40 and more and from thetime of her death until the day of taking this inquisition he took and received a ll the issues and profits ofth e premisses held by Anne C oton and the Jurors say that the messeages etc in Roslaston and C oton are heldfrom Thomas Hutchinson Kt as of h is Manor of R oslaston in free and common socage by homage and rent of33 . 4d. for all services and not in capite, nor by military service, and are worth yearly clear 205. And the twoother messeag es 40 acres of land, 15 of meadow

,and 20 of pasture held by R ichard Bayley and William C oulton

are , and at the time of Jane ’s death, were , held of the King by mil itary service in cap ite, but by what part of aknight's fee , they are altogether ignorant and are worth 100 a year clear. And Jane at her death held noother lands , tenements, or hereditaments in possession , reversion, remainder or use in C o . Derby or elsewhere totheir knowledge . In testimony whereof the Jurors as well as the Escheator have put their seals to the part ofthis Inquisition remaining wi th the Escheator but to the other part remaining with the first Juror the Escheatorhas put his seal .

[Signed by the Jurors and the Escheator and marked 58 ]



He leaves his body to be buried in the chancell of the church of C roxal l. To his beloved daughter MaryHorton the sum of eight hundred pounds . To his be loved daughter E lizabeth Horton the like sum . To hisyoungest son and name Christopher Horton the sum of one thousand pounds. To his eldest son and hei rWalter he left his Lordshipp and C unstablewick of C atton . He appointed his father Walter and his brotherAlexander Horton

,his executors .



He left his body to be buried near h is ancestours at C roxall, and as near to his late wife as possible .To A lexander his loveinge sonne , ten poundes to buy himmourning, unto his loveinge daughters, Dorothy

and L ette le,the sum of five poundes, to buy them mourning, and to Will iam Pim his servant the sum of ten

pounds .To his sonne Christopher he leaves all hi s personal estate , and the annual rent of five pounds issuing out

of the liberty of Thorpe in the clods in the county of N ottingham , and he appointed his said son sole executorof his wi ll .



DEAR S ISTERI was very glad to reads in my neice P arnel’s L etter to her sister yt you now injoy bette r health

than of late,wh till then in regard of yr long si lence I much feared for I wri tte to you near two months since

intreating my brother would meet t Mr. S tanhope at y° Assizes at Darby about ye settlement for yr yongerchildren

,wch I hope is now done as I desire, and to y‘ content , thou gh I be not yett informed of it by y" letter

wch would be a greate sa ttisfaction to me ; I am now to present to y' consideration of my good brotheryr selfe another business in wch in particular concerns yr daughte r Betty , theare is a gentleman in towne wh oe

Page 349: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Skate/i ofMe P a ris/i of C roxall.

ba th a greats respect and kindness for her, y° man in his purson desourving , for ought I can hear y3 of a veryciville good conversation , his name Mr. Edward Wynne of Gray 's Inn a barrister, y° business was at firs tproposed to me by a very vertuous good l ady (who bath lodged in y° same house w ith us ever since mybrother S tanhope went hence) the lady Marga rett Thirlwall daughter to y' old Earle of Mulgrave whos wasmarried to a kinsman of y° gentleman ’ s in Denbighshire in Wales, of w¢h countrey he is, and hath there anestate of y° value of £250 per anom, £200 of wch he being a yonger brother was given him by an uncle theo ther £50 sin ce purchased by his own good hu sbandry, and he is now abuying a counsell


s place in the

Marshalsea,there are but four of them the meanest of which gets about £150 yearley, the other £3 or 400 a

piece,some of the most eminent lawyers namely Judge Wylde, Mr . P emburton and oth ers have made their

firsts practice in y‘ C ourt, 8: have confessed to have grea t experience advantage by it, have sin ce ri sen togreat estates, it is not improbable but he may doe y° like, being a person noe wayes extravagant as I aminformed dilligent carefull in what he undertakes, now it is expected St I hope you w ill bestow £1000 uponyr daughter, since it y8 no more than I know my brother can doe both for her and her elder sisters and thoughdistant from you

,I am sure her duty and affection to her father 85 y' selfe is not inferiour to any 8: so speaks

noe more but truth,I know her to be as sober a well inclined young woman as any i s in y° world, now if ye port ion

w<=h you g ive her y' gentleman doth not desire to meddle with any part of it, but y‘ i t should be layed out uponsomethin g for lives or otherwyse, as her father and you shall think fi t, and y° l ike libertys he desires I shouldtake in whats doe for her he w i ll settle £200 per anom of his own esta te in joynture upon her, 65 y° wholeupon childe or children after their deceas e y° estate of inheritance I confesse i s smalls y° di stance from hencegreate but I think not above 60 miles from you for his esta te lyes but 3 miles from Ruthin in Denbighshire 8:not above 10 miles from C hester they te l l me it lyes in y° best part of Wales their rents are as well payedas any in England . Y° present maintenance and joynt ure wilb e better than in most places you can thinks tomatch her it is better I conceive to marry to one whoe is l ikely to increase his fortune than to one whosthough possest of more accord ing to y° times extravagantly wastes it. I have bin importuned these five or sixweeks to present you w ith y’ gentleman ’s request to be admitte d a servaunt to y" daughte r but I have heath ertodelayed desiring as much as I could to inform myselfs Of all things before I acquainted _ you w ith it fory° conversation of y° man I can hears nothing but very good , for ye esta te it cannot for ye present be mademore but if my brother you think e worthy to be accepted

,you can easily inform y

r selves of ye truth of it ,being as I sa id not far d istant from you , pray consider well of all things, 87. with what Speed you can l ett meknow yr pleasure for till then injoyned him not to make any particular addresss to ye girle , wch he looks uponas a very hard instance is a little impatient to hears it much longer, for he often sees her w ith his relationsin y

° house (whoe are very sober persons) we being comonly together, I am further to tell you as aninducement to y° approbation yt if y° business succeed to settle about town , as being most preper for hisplace St imployment he would now have waited on you himself

,but I thought y‘ not convenient unti l I had

first acquainted you wi it. I suppose my bro ther wilb e in town ere long upon other business,and then he may

d ispatch both together but in y° means time I beg to know with what speed you can ,whether these preposalls

in y° general may be accepted , wChy° gentleman assures me shalb e made good in every part icular I am so wearv

with writting , yt I can only ad my affectionate services to my good brother and yr self, beseeching God tod irect you both .

Yr faithfully loveing sisterEl iza :Hyde April y°

P S The name of the gentleman ’s house is Brith tyr.



B eing somewhat indisposed in body , e tc ., he left his soul to God his body to be buried at thedirection of his executors . He left his children his greatest riches upon earth

,to the care of S ir John

F loyer, Brother C lement Kynnersley, and his wife , so long as she con t inues a widow ,he left to his e ldest son

C hristopher as much of his goods db chattels as may be thought convenient for him to keep , the remainder to be

Page 351: Of the History of Croxall

248 H istorical St a r/z of f/ze P am'

s/z of C ram/Z.

his cousin Thomas Horton if he should be brought up to the study of Divin i ty . To his d ear siste r Wynne thesum of fifty pounds . To his faithful servants Thomas Pickering, and M rs . Patience C rompton the sum oftwenty pounds a piece

,if they con tinue in my service to the time of my dea th ; he appointed his dea rest

k i nsman Christopher Horton , to whom he bequeaths a c lose meadow in or near L itchurch in the county ofDerby

.which is known by the name of L itchurch Holme , and leased out for several vears to Samuel Lock oe of

Derby for th e rent of fifty pounds yearly,and he would earnestly beg thi s estate to remain in that very ancient

family, as a lasting testimony of my esteem ,

and my gratitude to that worthy house for the benefi t of myeduca tion . And he leaves al l his personal property and residue , to be divided equal ly between his executor'smother

,and brothers and sisters. In a cod ici l he leaves three hundred pounds to C hristopher Horton ’s mother ,

and to his two sisters,Mrs . Elizabeth Adderly and Mrs . Mary Horton , the sum of three hundred pounds, and

the same to Mr. John Horton .

C odi cil dated Feb . 12th , 1727.

C ATTON , N o . XX V II.

Es rxms m A B IB LE AT C ATTON BY v . Warre n Hoxrox.

Walterus Hort on F ilus natu secundus Walteri Horton armiger natus xxii . Augusti, B apt izatus xxxu . AnnoDomin i MDCL IV . , nuptus in Ecclesia de Walton super Trent in C omita tu Darbie per Thomas DesboroughRe ctoum d e Hartshorne. Bathiya Filia Hogeri Alstree generosi nata xxx. Junii anno salutis MDCXL IX .

Walt er us nuptus Ba th ijae N ovemb ris xxviii . anno MDCLXXX I . L iberi. Maria nata xxiv. Octobris 1682.

Baptizat us 31, suscep toribus Wilielmo Alstree armigero Domina Maria Turner et Domina Horton deC atton Rogerus nuptus Martii xxiv . Bapt iza t us April 2 susceptoribus Waltero Horton armigero de Catton et

Seth Alstree generoso e t Domince Ra che l Goodwin de Derb ie denatus xxx . Decembris MDCLXXXIV. Eodem

anno Decemb ris xxiii . scitus puer al ius natus e t quam cit issime animalam efilavit suam . Sarah nata N ovembrisxv . Bap tizata xxviii . susceptoribus C hristoph ero Horton generoso de C atto n et Dominis L ce titiae e t DorotheaHorton anno 1685 et Maia 30 denatu . Walterus Hort on natus Derb ie circiteo Horam sept iniam matuti ' amF e b 3 1685 Bapt iz atus 17 in ecclesia omnium sanctorum susceptoribus Domino Thome Goodwin et Wi l lelmoTurner generoso et Domine. C arey de Burg : Derb ie . L aetitae nata 17 Aprilis 1688 C irciter horam oct avam

mat ut inem 28 Aprilis b ab tizata suscep toribus Honerablli L oetit iae Stanhope et Honeranda Eliz eb e tha Ferrers e tWaltero Horton de C atton armigero . Willelmus natu s Jan 1 ciscit er horam nonam V espertinam strene locomissus susceptorib us Willelmo Alstree armigero e t Wi llelmo Turner generoso e t Domina Gratis Turner anno168—3, Baptizatus Jan 17 in ecc lesia Omnium Sancto rum Derb ie denatus April 29 ad horam secundam noctissepultu s in ecclesia Omnium Sanctorum Derb ie 1691 d ie Phil ippi et Jacobi Apostolibus Ma ie primo .

September x . 1692. C b arissima ac fi delessima uxor Ba th ijali annumam a gebat in ter horam quartam e t

quintam pomeridianam maestissimus marit us morienti lamina clausit sepu lta erat September xii. in ter horamsept imam et octavam V espert inam i n navi ecclesie Omnium Sanctorum Derb ie . March 22 17193 . M aria filianatu maxima (h eu mihi) annum agens decimum h onum lect issima Virgo cujus pie tatem pratis luctuosus desiderat ,obiit . I s lumina morient i clau sit lab eu tem inferiorem maxillam confe rmavit

,lachrymis consumpt is in fixus an imo

hoeret dolor . Sepulta erat festo annuntiationis Bealissime V iginis inter horam xi . et xu . Vespertinas naviecc lesie Omnium Sanctorum Derb ie . Obut inter horas x . ac xi . martut inas peractis precibus, plaside ob dormivit .

July 30th 1708 Walterus Hort on fi lius unicus egregia forma ac aetat o integra annum agens V icesinumprimu in

eximia suavita te morum collegii Orielensis Oxon C ommensalis per ann os duos et dimidium. A ssiduo ac veh ement o

stud io ruptis pulmonibus. Derbie occub uit xxvi ii . Juli lumina clausit . L uctuosisimus pate r, e t sepultus erat innavi ecclesia Omnium Sanctorum Derb ie cineris

,ac ossib us matris ac sororis consopit us , inter horas viii . ac ix .

Vespertinas . 1720 Feb . vi. L aetitia inter hora m sextam e t sept iniam an animam Deo reddidit , Acerb issimum

funus pater curavit , e t d ie novo sepulta erat in choro Bea tae V irginis in ecclesia Ca thedrali Lichfieldiensi, Anno(e ta tis xxxi . Omnibus orb atus pater lib eris semivivus oculas morientes clausit .

Walter Horton second son of Walter Horton Esqe . born xxu . of August. Baptized xxxi . of Augustin the vear of our L ord MDC L IV . Bathijah daughter of Roger Alstree Gent born xxx of June in

the year of sa lvation MDCXL IX . Walter married to Ba thijah N ovember xxvi ii . in th e year of MDCLX XX I .

Page 352: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Séefc/z of t/ze P am'

s/z of C roxall.

in the Church of Walton upon Trent,

' in the C ounty of Derby by Thomas Desborough R ector ofHartshorn . Children . Mary born xxiv

,of October 1682. Baptized 31, her sponsors being William Alstree

Esge , Mistress Mary Turner, and Mistress Horton of C atton . Roger born March xxiv. , Baptiz ed April2 his sponsors being Wal ter Horton of Catton Esqe . Seth Alstree Gent and Mistress Rachel Goodwin of Derby .

C eased to be xxx of December MDC LXXX IV . In the same year December xxiii . another good ly son was bornand as quickly as possible breathed away his little sou l . Sarah born N ovember xv . Baptized xxvi ii . sponsors beingC hristopher Horton Gent of C atton and Mistresses L aetitia and Dorothy Horton of C atton , in the year 1685and on May the 30th

,ceased to be . Walter Horton born at Derby about seven o’ clock in the morning F eb .

3d 1687. Baptized 17th in the Church of All Saints ' Derby , his sponsors being Thomas Goodwin , Wil liam Turner,gentlemen and M istress C ary of the Borough of Derby . L aetitia born 17th of Apri l 1688 about the hour of 8o'clock in the morning

,28th of Apri l baptized her sponsors being the Honourable L aetitia. Stanhope the to be

honoured E lizabeth Ferrers,and Walter Horton of C atto n Esquire . Wi lliam born January lst about 9 o’clock

in the evening sent in the stead of a N ew Year’ s gift,his sponsors being William Alstree Esq s , Wil liam

Turner,and Mistress Grace Turner

,in the year 1681} he was baptized January 17th in the C hurch of All Sa ints

Derby, ceased to be Apri l 29th at two o'clock at night. Buried in the C hurch of All Saints' Derby 1691 on theeve of SS . Philip and James the Apostles

,May 1 . September x 1682 my most dear and faithful wife

Bathijah departed this life between the hours of four and five in the afternoon . Her most sorrowful husbandclosed her eyes when dying. She was buried September xii between the hours of seven and eight in theevening in the nave of A l l Saints ’ Derby . March 22 1756 Mary my eldest daughter, alas me ! When in hernineteenth year a most choice maiden

,whose affection a mourning father h as to regret, is dead . He closed

her eyes when dying,and fixed the dropping lower jaw. Having expended his tears, sorrow remains fixed in his

heart She was buried on the Feast of the Annunciation of the most B lessed V irgin , between the hours of xi .and x1 1

,in the evening

,in t he nave of the C hurch of A l l Saints ’ Derby . She d ied between the hours of

x,and xi

,in the morning . When prayers had been duly offered she fe l l asleep . July 30, 1708, Walter Horton

my only son of excel lent figure,and full age in his 2lst year, of rare sweetness of character , a Fel low C ommoner

of Oriel C ol lege,Oxford , for two years and a half, having ruptured his lungs through assiduous and vehement

study,d ied at Derby xxviii . of July . His most sorrowful father closed his eyes , and he was buried in the h ave

of the Church of Al l Saints',Derby

,sleeping with the ashes

,and bones of his mother and sister , between the hours

of viii,and ix

,in the evening . 1720 Feb .

vi,L aetitia between the sixth and seventh hours , gave up her sou l to

God,her father took the charge of her most bitter funeral

,and the ninth day was buried in the choir

the B lessed Virgin , in the C athedral Church of L ich fi eld, in the year of her age xxxi . Her father deprived ofal l his children

,himse lf half dead

,closed her dy ing eyes .



rs momran W I LL or Manx HORTON , 1765.

I give to my eldest brother,Christopher Horton my sisters Lady L ittleton , L ady C arbery , the sum of


g uineas a. piece to buy them rings , or other token for me .I give to my sister Honor the sum of six hundred pounds, I give to my brothers John , Eusebius, Edward,

and C lement the sum of two hundred and fifty pounds .I give to L ord C arberry , Sir Edward L ittleton , Bart . , and my sister Horton , one guinea a piece to buy

them rings .I bequeath two guineas to the poor as my executrix shal l think fit .I leave a l l my residue to be divided equal ly among my brothers John , Eusebius , Edward , C lement, and my

sister Honor.I appoint my mother my sole executrix

,and I leave her twenty guineas, and my five guinea piece as

tokens of my love and duty to her .Signed 27th of August 1765.

She was buried at C roxal l 25th of September, 1765.

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WI L L o r C nmsrormzn H oa'

ron, HU SBAND or Annmarrnnwaans Dncmass or CUMBERL AND , 1768 .

I n the Name of God Amen,I Christopher Horton of Catton in the C ounty of Derby E squire , being in

reasonable good health,but desirou s to make a d isposition of my affairs, do make and ordain this my las t w il l

and testament (that is to say) I desire to be buried in the fami ly vault at Croxall, in as private a. manner as maybe . F irs t I will and order that all my debts legacie s and funeral expenses shall b e paid , and do charge myreal e states wi th the payment thereof in cas e my personal estate shall fall short . A lso I g ive to my mother,Lord and Lady Carberry

,S ir Edward and Lady Littleton

,five gu ineas a piece to buy them Rings . Als o I g ive

to every one of my brothers,and s ister Honor

,fifty pounds a piece in case I shall d ie w ithout issue . Also I

g ive to my old servant James Lucas , five pounds a year,payable quarterly during his life out of my estate at

Catton . Also I give and devise all my messuages , lands , and estate in Tatenhill unto my dear loving wifeduring her l ife . And in case I shall d ie wi thout a son , then I give and devise all and every my real estateswhatsoever and wheresoever whereof I have power to d ispose

,unto my dea r loving wife during her widowhood .

And after the determination of that estate I g ive and devise all and every my said real estates unto mybrother John for his life

,wi thout impeachment of waste wi th remainder to the said Lord Carbery and Sir

Edward L ittleton and their he irs in trust to preserve the contingent remainders wi th remainder to the firs t andother son s of my sa id brother John successively in tail mail wi th remainder to my brother E usebius for his life ,without impeachment of waste with remainder to said Lord Carbery and S ir Edward Littleton and their heirs intrust to preserve the contingent remainders with remainder to the fi rst and other sons of my said brother Eusebiussuccessively in tail male w ith remainder to my brother Edward for his life , without impeachment of waste wi thremainder to said Carbery and Sir Edward Littleton , and their heirs in tru st to preserve the contingent remainde rswith remainder to the first and other sons of my said brother Edward successively in tail male with remainderto my brother Clement, etc . And in case I shall have but one daughter then I b equethe to her the sum oftwo thousand pounds over and besides what she is entitled to by my marriage settlement.

Also I b equeath e to my dear and loving wife , the use of my plate and furniture during h er widowhood.

In case I leave children I appoint my said wife their sole guardian . And all the residue of the e state I giveunto my said wife . S igned the nineteenth day of December 1768.



Under Repton Priory in the Monasticon Anglicanum is the following,under va l ua tion of P rio ry Lands , etc .

Catton . Erma t enementa et terra £0 11 0 .

In a roll of estreat indented of the first payment of the two subsidi es within the Hundred of Morleston

and Litchurch temp . Charles I ., we find

Catton . Walter Horton in terris £00 10 10.

Page 355: Of the History of Croxall
Page 356: Of the History of Croxall


'lclea Acleia Acle Ockle Okeley Oakley

N the reign of King Ethelred,nine hundred years ago , th i s

manor was held by Wulfric Spott,who was a d i stingui shed

person in that King’ s reign . He was Earl ofMercia,of

Roya l descent, and he d ied in 1010 . By h i s wi l l he

gave th i s manor of Oakley,anciently Aclc

,or Acleia, to

h i s daugh ter for l ife,and after herdeath to Burton Abbey

,wh ich he founded .

The grant to her i s made in the fo l lowing manner . Extract from the wi l l

of VVulfric Sp’

o tt : And I gi ve to my poo r daughter the land at E lford

and that at Oakley,wi th all that thereto now belongs

,the wh i le that her

day shal l be, and after her day let the l and go to the C onvent at Burton,

because i t was my godfather’ s gift . But let her have the use of i t wh i le

she be deserving of i t,but she may no t on any account impair i t . And I

wi l l that ZElfhelm be her guard ian , and oi'

the land .

” JElf'

helm was her

bro ther,Earl of No rthampton , by who se daughter Algiva, C anute the

Great had Sweyn , King of Norway,and Harold

,King of England .

Burton Abbey d id no t long continue to hold i t,if i t ever d id

,as we

Page 357: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Sketck of Me P am'

s/z of C roxall.

find i n Domesday Book that Coun t Algar held i t i n the t ime of the

C onfes sor . Oakley is no t mentioned by that name in Domesday Book ;

i t was mo re than p robably incl uded in the three h ides of E lford .


Rex tenet Elford. Algar comes tenu it Ibi sun t v . hides Terra est xj . carucatas. I n

dom in io sun t iij et xxiiij uillani et viij bordarii cum viij carucatas. Ibi xxiiij . ac prat iet ij molin i de xx solidi . Tempore regis Edwardi valebat xj libras modo zij .

Oakley may have been the Acle of wh ich Domesday Book says— Ipse R (Robertus deStafford) tenet in Acle ij b idsa et Hel io de co Vluminus tenu it et l iber herus fu it terra est

iiij carucatas. I n dom inio est una et ij villani et vj bordarii cum j carucatas. Ibiiiij ac prati valet xx solidi .

It i s mo st probable that these land s at Oakley , wh ich were held by

‘vVulfric Spo tt wi th the rest of the po ssessions of that family

,became a


of the C rown by confi scation , and would appear by the later extract

from Domesday Book,g i ven above

,to have been granted fi rst to Robert

de Stafford . Oakley does not appear to have stayed wi th h im ; perhaps

i t was fo rfe i ted wi th the great Stafford fo rfe i tures in the twelfth century,

when almo st all the lands went temporarily to the Earl of Chester .

It afterward s passed wi th the Ardernes to E lford . Thomas Arderne held

at h i s death,wi th E lfo rd


,four messuages

,l carucate of land ( I . P . M .

15 R ichard II .,M. E lfo rd passed from the Ardernes downward

through the famil ies of Stanley,Staunton


,Hudd leston


and Howards . Richard Bowes devi sed an estate at Oakley to h i s daugh ter

E l iz abeth Heveningham,for ten years . Th i s estate reverted to the Bowes

to whom the Howard s succeeded . The Howard estate in Oakley was

bequeathed by Mrs . Howard i n 1878 to Howard F . P aget,E sq .

,son of


the Reverend F . P aget,Recto r of E lford . To tho se who may wi sh to

know further particulars of the descent of the Mano r of E lford , I must

refer them to Richardson ’ s Memo irs of the Lord s of E lfo rd,

and the

Reverend F . P aget ’ s V o l ume on E lford . Shaw,in h i s H i s to ry of Staffo rd

sh ire,wri tes of


Oakley,thus Oakley

,anciently wr itten Acley, i s an old

Page 359: Of the History of Croxall

H istorical Sketcfi of Me P a ris/c of C roxall.

and turnips,wi th a large proportion of r ich meadow land bo rder ing on

the R i vers Maese and Tame . The ro tation of crops on Mr. Will iam

Smith ’s farm here i s seed s,wheat

,barl ey


,and turnips .

The R i ver Tame,befo re described

,flows through Oakley . It i s

cro ssed here by means of a bridge,known as Sal ter’ s Bridge . Shaw

ascri bes th i s appel lation to sal t having been conveyed th i s way formerly

from the Stafford sh ire brine pi ts . The fol lowing extracts are taken from

the same source Th i s year,the 1st of July

,the b ridge upon

Tame, cal led Sal ter’ s Bridge,be ing greatly in decay and broken down ,

was of new b egonne , and made broder by two foo te,wh ich coste the

wo rkmansh ip two hundred poundes, whereof th i s Hundred of Offeley pa id

one hundred poundes, the o ther four Hundred s pa ide the reste,the 17th

of July,the foundationes began to be la ide .

“ 1795. After the great flood of th i s year the bridge i s thus wri tten

of— I t i s remarkable tha t Sal ter ’ s Bridge,on the r i ver Tame

,susta ined

very l i ttle damage,wh ich i s suppo sed to be from the breadth of the centre

arch and the great sweep i t commands .” Th i s bridge was taken down,and

another buil t in the year 1824 . It bears an i nscription to th i s effect,and

states that Sir Geo rge C hetwynd was then C hairman of Quarter Ses sion s .

In th i s neighbourhood there were fo rmerly some ancient tumul i , or barrows'

only one now rema in s,on the top of wh ich grows an oak tree . In the year

1874 , when some wo rkmen were d igging grave l from a pit,a l i ttle to the west

of Oakley farmhouse,on the land of the Rev . Sir Geo rge L . Wilmo t

Ho rton , Bart. , they d i scovered, at four feet from the surface,three

ancien t Br iti sh urn s , wh ich have been depo si ted i n the L ichfield Museum .

Acco rd ing t o the accepted terms that have been bes towed on these

antiquities,one was a cinerary urn ten inches h igh

,and eigh t and

a half inches i n d iameter at the mouth ; the o thers were smal ler .

P lates of these are g iven . A d il igent search was made for mo re, but

wi th no resul t . The ground i n wh ich these were found presented no

Page 360: Of the History of Croxall




Page 361: Of the History of Croxall
Page 363: Of the History of Croxall

H isiorical SéeZc/i

Middle Close.

Hall Meadow.

Barn Close.

M ill Meadow.

Do . do .

L it tle M ill C lose.

Great Do . Do .

Carter’s Great Close .

House and Garden .

Rema inder of Near Hou se Close .

Part of Near House Close .

Croft .

Oak ley F arm House.

Ra ilway through Townsh ip .

R ickyard C lose.

Big Meadow.

L ittle Meadow.

Slang adjoin ing Ra ilway.

Broadfi eld.

Horse Piece .

Shed Piece .

L ow Piece .

Ashmuck Piece .

Broadfi eld’

s F arm House.

Croft .

Barn Piece .

Lower I ngstones.

Upper Do .

In the marriage settlement of Geo rge C urz on and Mary L eveson h i s

father i s described as ho ld ing land i n Ockley .

There i s a trad i tion wh ich says that Edward I V . used to stay at

Oakley wh ile hunting in Needwood Fo rest .

t/ze P a ris/z of C roxall.

40 Wil low Bed.

41 F ar Bank .

42 Stitch .

43 M iddle Piece .

44 Clover P iece .

45 F ar H ill.46 Bu tts Close .

47 F ar Horse Close .

48 Elford Park Road C lose .

49 Carter’s L itt le Close .

50 Coppice.

51 Sheep Close .

52 R oad adjoin ing Do.

53 Oakley Brand .

54 M idd le Brand .

55 Hovel Brand.

56 R iver Brand.

57 Great Brand .

56 L ittle Meadow.

57 Great Brand.

58 L ittle Meadow.

59 Big Meadow.

60 Wrigh t ’s C lose .

61 Little Hopleys.

62 M ill Meadow.

63 Pingle .

64 Great Hopleys.

65 N ew Close .

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Page 365: Of the History of Croxall
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Page 368: Of the History of Croxall
Page 369: Of the History of Croxall

Yates, 95- 6

e e,170, 202, 214- 15

Tatt on , 6, 48Taverner

, 109 Z ogobe, 26

Page 371: Of the History of Croxall


Eccl eshall , 99, 124Eddingto n , 125Edgehi ll, 9Edinburg, 125Eggingto n 85E lford

,if, 18, 25. 68 , 71,

96 , 104 , 191, 209, 254 ,255, 257- 8E llingham

, 127Elseworth , 123Ely, 123Rueden


Ensh arn ,125

Ep erto n , 128

Esseb orne,141

E to ne , 210 , 220E twa ll , 87, 100Eusden , 127

G .

G il e s,Saint


Gloucester, 127- 8Gournay


Gran dchester , 123Gra twode , 128Greenwi ch , 162Greisley, 163 , 178 , 207,

Grendon , 107, 220Gresley , 10 , 22, 90, 98Grim sby, Great , 127Grimston


Habberl ey , 127H ab en tree , 124

Haddenham, 124

H agelby, 124

Hakleston . 210Halifax , 128Hambleto n , 128H amsh ill


Hanbury , 29, 89,Hanover

, 9

Hareworth, 141

Harlastone, 94, 102, 109,200 , 213

Harlow , 125Harstoft , 126

Hartford, 171

I ndex of P laces.




Hassel, 170Hastings

, 126

H ant ey,125

Hault Hucknall , 126Hann to n , 91

Havan t,123

Headington , 127Heath ,Hedon , 123H egh am,



H ertesh orne,

He thwait e , 126

Hexham , 128

Hin glock , 127H inston , 127Hinton - in - the—Hedge s ,129

H ok enh ull, 198


Holde rn ess,123

Hollmark et 125, 128Holt, 128Honolulu , 22Hopwas , 85Hornsea , 124Horsemonden , 124Horwood



H oun dh ill, 36, 172

H oun sdi tch , 126

Huist in , 127

Hyneb oley, 208

189, 194,

J .Jugman th orpe, 127

K .

Kedleston , 4 , 5, 135-6

Keele, 174Kemh u ton ,


Kenewarton , 222


Kidymoun t , 126

Kin g’ s Bromley , 14Kingston - upon -Hull , 127Kingswood


Kirkdrigh ton , 127- 8

Kn ighto n , 128Kynn esbnry, 211

Kyrton- in -Lindsey , 124

Neath . 128N e th erh aven ,

123 , 210

N e th erseale , 99, 101, 103Nether Winchingt on , 173Newall , 98New Alresford , 123

R .

Radcli ffe , 232- 33R andwith , 128

Repton , 5, 10 , 20. 22, 28 ,

138 , 143 - 4 , 164 , 185,

202, 217, 223 , 233 - 4, 250

L angeley, 234Lapley, 127

Leake , 96Lee , 102Leiceste r, 129 , 146, 187Leigh ton , 126L e tchlad, 127Leomin s te r, 124L ich fi eld, 7, 11, 13, 14,20 - 1 . 50, 82, 86 , 88 - 9



,108 - 10 ,

126, 178, 184-5, 198 ,216 - 17, 226, 232, 247- 9

L inseil, 36L isb urn e


L i tchurch,248 , 250L i ttlepo rt

, 124 ,129

L ittle , S t. Andrews , 127L ive rpool, 126

Llan villing , 125Log Hill, 131London , 113Longdon , 89 , 102Louth, 127a dwa te r, 127L uddleton


Lullin gto n , 13 , 18 , 100,

105, 109 , 162 3 , 242

L u tgarehill, 219Lyn ton . 98- 9Lyon s, 128L yt h ewood, 126

M .

Madresfi eld, 6Mai ton,141

Malan es,123

Malpas,170- 1

Mancette r, 7Mappleton,127

March yn tone ,214

Market Ray son,125

Market Lassington , 128Mar ston , 88Massingham



Mav esyn Ridware, 100 ,102Mean storke ,Measham, 208 , 222, 230 - 1


23 4


, 125Merriden


Mimh ead, 123Mi tcham , 126




Morga n ’ s Lan e , 124Mo rleston , 250Mo rpeth

, 123Moun t Sorrel] , 123Mousk erley, 124

Mulbrook e , 220

Newarke . 129N ewb olde V ordene, 208 ,222

Newbury , 123Newcastle - under-Lyne


44 , 126 , 176

Newent , 128Newingto n , 127New l and , 127Newport , 128New Shoreham


Newto n , King’ s, 89, 90Normanto n , 84Northampto n


N orth enb ury,129

N orth fl eet . 125North Marden

, 124

Northwi ch, 171, 194, 198 ,210 - 11

Norto n , 87. 127No rw i ch

, 123 , 215Nottingham, 128 , 136 ,215- 6

0 .

Ob erbarmen, 125


s, St .

, 123 , 125, 127Oldb tiry, 127O range

, 124

O rford , 125O rgreave , 67Ormslfl


rk , 128Osb asto n

, 23 4

O sgathorpe, 89

O smaston, 27, 71 , 174, 234O swestry


O tte ry S t. Mary, 126


Oxford, 111, 124,220

Oxstead, 127

Page 372: Of the History of Croxall

I ndex of P laces.

Upton , 126U sk,127Uttoxeter

, 88 , 105, 247