GOVERNMENT OF KERALA Povver (A) Department Notification G.O ( Ms ) No: 25/ 2001/ PD Dated, Thiruvananthapuram, 7 th September 2001. S.R.O. No.852 I 2001 - In exerciseof the powersconferredby Sub Rule(2) of Rule 7 of the IndianElectricityRules 1956 andin supersessionof all previousorderson the subject,the Governmentof Keralaherebydirectthatthe fees payablefor testing and inspection and generally for the services of the Inspectors shall be as follows: - / - Rate of fees in RUDees 3% of estimatedcost of works 1.1 1.2 4% of totalcost of works 15%of totalcost of worksplusactualcostof establishmentemDlovedandactualeXDense I I -- - 1 J I Note: TheaboveDercentaae includes Densionarvbenfitsandtoolsandplantsand Dlantcharaes 1.3 GivinQoDin ionon olans,estimatesandsDecifications 75%of InitiallnsDectionfee 1.4 Scrutinyfeefor initial/final approval 75%of initialinspectionfee 1.5 ValuationofelectricalundertakinQs. Rs.1000+0.5%of thevaluationamount 2.0 Rates of fees for settlement of disputes under the Indian Electricity Act (Central Act 9 of 1910)and the Rules madetherunder. I 2.1 Disputed apparatus 01 meters where the inspectorate is caiied in to sellie anyOispute arising under section 2'i or ", section26oftheIndianElectricity Act,1910(Central Act9 of 1910) orunderclauseVIoftheSchedule tothe saidActandtheaooaratus ormeteristestedintheLaboratorv. thefollowinQ feesshallbecharQed, namely :- 2.2 Settlement ofdisDutes inciudinQ testinQofmeterisnecessarv. j (c) L.T.SinaleDhasedomesticonsumer Rs.100/- (d) All otherconsumers Rs.5001- + 1%of disputedamountroundedtothe I nearestenrupees,Subject to a maximum of Rs.10,OOOI-inciuding testinaofmeterifnecessary. J 3.0 InitiallnsDection fee: - ! 3.1 EHV I HV Equipements Rs.21 kVA I kW I kVAr subject to a maximum of I RS.15 000/- 3.2 LVI MV EauiDements Rs.51 KVA I KW I kVAr - 3.3 Busduct RS.1/Ampere 120 m lenathor partthereof 3.4 Switchboard I switches I breakers RS.1/Arnpere I incorner andoutQoina - 3.5 Earthelectrode RS.25 I Electrode -- 3.6 liahtnina orotection Rs.1000 I Buildina 3.7 Overheadlines RS.10/krn - SDecial EauiDements ---.----_. . 3.8 a CT Scanner Rs.5000 1 b X-ravs RS.5 I rnA -J c NeonSian Rs.5001 kVA (d lifts Rs.1000 --1 (e Escalator Rs2500 3.9 HiahRiseBuildina Rs.100I LT I MVDel' consumer -- - I

Notification OF KERALA Povver (A) Department Notification G.O ( Ms ) No: 25/ 2001/ PD Dated, Thiruvananthapuram, 7 th September 2001. S.R.O. No.852 I 2001 - In exercise of the powers

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Page 1: Notification OF KERALA Povver (A) Department Notification G.O ( Ms ) No: 25/ 2001/ PD Dated, Thiruvananthapuram, 7 th September 2001. S.R.O. No.852 I 2001 - In exercise of the powers



G.O( Ms ) No: 25/ 2001/ PD Dated, Thiruvananthapuram, 7 th September2001.

S.R.O. No.852 I 2001 - In exerciseof the powersconferredby Sub Rule(2) of Rule 7 of the IndianElectricityRules1956and in supersessionof all previousorderson the subject,the Governmentof Keralaherebydirectthat the fees payablefortesting and inspection and generally for the services of the Inspectors shall be as follows: -

/ -

Rate of fees in RUDees3%of estimatedcostof works


4% of totalcostof works15%of totalcostofworksplusactualcostofestablishmentemDlovedandactualeXDense


I-- - 1




Note: TheaboveDercentaaeincludes Densionarvbenfitsandtoolsandplantsand Dlantcharaes1.3 GivinQoDinionon olans,estimatesandsDecifications 75%of InitiallnsDectionfee1.4 Scrutinyfeefor initial/finalapproval 75%of initialinspectionfee1.5 Valuationof electricalundertakinQs. Rs.1000+0.5%of the valuationamount2.0 Rates of fees for settlement of disputes under the Indian Electricity Act (Central Act 9 of 1910)and the

Rules madetherunder.

I 2.1Disputed apparatus 01 meters where the inspectorate is caiied in to sellie anyOispute arising under section 2'i or ",

section26oftheIndianElectricityAct,1910(CentralAct9 of1910)orunderclauseVIoftheScheduletothesaidActandtheaooaratusormeteristestedintheLaboratorv.thefollowinQfeesshallbecharQed,namely:-

2.2 SettlementofdisDutesinciudinQtestinQofmeteris necessarv.j(c) L.T. SinaleDhasedomesticconsumer Rs.100/-

(d) All otherconsumers Rs.5001-+ 1% of disputedamountroundedto theInearesttenrupees,Subjecttoa maximumof

Rs.10,OOOI-inciudingtestinaofmeterifnecessary. J3.0 InitiallnsDection fee: - !

3.1 EHV I HV Equipements Rs.21 kVA I kW I kVArsubject to a maximum ofI

RS.15000/-3.2 LVI MVEauiDements Rs.51KVA I KW I kVAr


3.3 Busduct RS.1/Ampere120 m lenathor partthereof3.4 SwitchboardI switchesI breakers RS.1/ArnpereI incornerandoutQoina-3.5 Earthelectrode RS.25I Electrode --3.6 liahtnina orotection Rs.1000I Buildina3.7 Overheadlines RS.10/krn-

SDecial EauiDements---.----_. .

3.8a CT Scanner Rs.5000 1b X-ravs RS.5 I rnA

-Jc NeonSian Rs.5001kVA(d lifts Rs.1000

--1(e Escalator Rs25003.9 HiahRiseBuildina Rs.100I LT I MVDel'consumer -- - I

Page 2: Notification OF KERALA Povver (A) Department Notification G.O ( Ms ) No: 25/ 2001/ PD Dated, Thiruvananthapuram, 7 th September 2001. S.R.O. No.852 I 2001 - In exercise of the powers



Inspection and test by the Inspector by virtue of the powers vested in him shall be as per the following periodicityAll HV / EHV installations and addition thereto, once in a yearAll MV installations, once in two yearsNeon Signs, X-rays, Lifts, Escalators and MV Generators and CT Scanners, once in a year

Note:2Where any licensee or Kerala State Electricity Board or the owner of an installation reports that the wholeinstallation is completed and ready for inspection but during the inspection carried out in the basis of such report itis found that the installation is incomplete and that a subsequent inspection is necessary, full fee shall be chargedfor each inspection. Wherein the opinion of the inspector, it is considered that a check inspection is necessary,fees shall be levied and collected at 50% of the rates under the section cQncerned.

Note:3. . . .

The rates fixed in the appropriate schedule willbe applicable to the inspection of the installation belonging to theKerala State ElectricityBoard also under Rule 46 and 63 of the Rules

Note4The fees prescribed'in the schedule shall be demanded by a billby the Inspector" (after the inspection in the caseof inspection under Rule 63 of the Rules, and befor€' :he inspection in the case of an inspection under Rule 46 ofthe Rules) and shall be paid within thirty days from thi.:date of receipt of the billinto a Government Treasury underthe followinghead of account "0043- 00 -102" 'For testing the appliances and apparatus or meter in the laboratory,the fees payableshallbe at the rate prescribedbythe Gov"'nment .

By e:ia€i cf t~e GOV9!'"nnr

S.ManoharanDeputy Secretary to Government


The existingschedule of inspection fee was fixed during 1984 by the Government vide order NO.30010 / ELA/ 83 / W&Pdated, Thiru.;ananthapuram 5..12..1984 published as SRO No: 45 / 85 in the Kerala Gazatte No: 5 dated 29 th January1985 in exercise of the powersconferredby sub rule (2) of Rule 7 of IndianElectricityRules 1956. It is noticedthat theexisting rates are too low to be commensurate with the expenditure incurred by the department for the various services.Moreover the followingitems were not covered in the existing order for the levy of fees.

6. BusDuct7, Switch Board/Switches/Breakers8. Earth electrode9. Lightningprotection10. Soil resistivitymeasurement

The inspection of the above items involves much expertise and man power. A number of sophisticated testing instrumentsare being utilised for the inspections conducted by the Electrical Inspector. The new rates proposed leads to a simplifiedmethodof calculationof InspectionFee. Hence it is decidedto issue a fresh notificationforthe purpose. This notificatior.is intended to achieve the above object.


1'310 -- Other Inspections "-

1.Certificateunder sub rule (3)of Rule82 ofthe Rules Rs500"--""1;

2. Soil Resistivity Measurement RS.250 V=.3. Temporarv installations Rs.100 j4.Circus/ Exhibition/ Fairs RS.1000 I,

4.0 Rule 46 Inspection Fee ( Periodical Inspection ) (a) 50% of initial inspection feeII--- _._n - .1

(b) 25% of Initial inspection fee for licensees andI


-- ---- -.-

4.1 All the above fee are subject to a minimum of RS.1OO/day.I