" REVIEW" OF U I I l' E D 8 l' A l' o V B R B B . .A B MIL I !,'A RIB A S E S , ,Mr. w.u.u. B. las, ortice, Aaai.tazxt Socretar;y (Intemat1OZlal. Secur1t)' Af'ra1ra) Co1cael Wilmot Ro. I;'cCutchen, Joint Stan _ Captain Charle. c: cal.e7, tim, Joint Stan Co'cael Jaclt 1'. Bn4l:I7, tJSAlI', Joint start SECRn'" 'WP SECRET I obl1gat1ona their derenee aDd to JIOllee., the<:e;l8hWt)' to tultW it. eaza1tment,. ,. . '.

OF · 2015. 9. 14. · "'We~l have need lor ~ych a rbase7 syst'eln, supple-~ mented by forces and facilitie-s m.3intai~d by our allies;' in order/i) to maintaln a deterr~nt to general

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Page 1: OF · 2015. 9. 14. · "'We~l have need lor ~ych a rbase7 syst'eln, supple-~ mented by forces and facilitie-s m.3intai~d by our allies;' in order/i) to maintaln a deterr~nt to general




U I I l' E D 8 l' A l' ~.

o V B R B B . .A B MIL I !,'A RIB A S E S

, ,Mr. w.u.u. B. las, ortice, Aaai.tazxt Socretar;y o~ De~enae (Intemat1OZlal. Secur1t)' Af'ra1ra)

Co1cael Wilmot Ro. I;'cCutchen, ~, Joint Stan _ Captain Charle. c: cal.e7, tim, Joint Stan Co'cael Jaclt 1'. Bn4l:I7, tJSAlI', Joint start



obl1gat1ona ~or their derenee aDd to JIOllee., the<:e;l8hWt)' to tultW it. eaza1tment,.

,. . '.

Page 2: OF · 2015. 9. 14. · "'We~l have need lor ~ych a rbase7 syst'eln, supple-~ mented by forces and facilitie-s m.3intai~d by our allies;' in order/i) to maintaln a deterr~nt to general




z~ October 1959 l


'OEClAsSIFIED ,~f . . Authority me 'lR-sB ";¢;3£ ' ..

Dear Mr. ~PreBident:, . ~ ~:= " ',:.t:fr!? . , • '.' ~.-c NLEDate~£4

At Jhis morning I s meeting' you 'r~err«;d to the report ~ ~ submitted to you in December..J.22Lby Frank Na'h. which ~as co~erned with U. S. Overseas Military ~ses. lD prep~ri_hi. report, Mr. Nash consulted the Secretary. Sf Defense. the Chair­man, Joint Chiefs o~'5tafi, the Ser.vice Secretaries. and, the Unified Commanders. 1 thought you might be Interested in refresh­ing your memory b~ the following pertine,nt excerpts from this rep'ort: .......

"'We~l have need lor ~ych a rbase7 syst'eln, supple-~ mented by forces and facilitie-s m.3intai~d by our allies;' in order/i) to maintaln a deterr~nt to general war by a88~i"Dg . our 'Capability to deliver' a_ stratcrgic counterof!ens~veJ and bX pro,riding the dispersal necessary sO that the enemy ~nnot

. calc~te on erasin ou~ retaliatory power thro h aurprise attack by one blow; to ,a.asure that we c.a.n maintain tactic forces 1f bemg at or close to potential tr.6ubl~ . spots . (supplemented by mobile ior~es m~j~~ed in central areas.>

. 4So that a potential aggressor knows we are de.tertnined to assi6t indigenous forces in defending themselves and have £)&1) '.' varYi?g military capacities for assisting tliem ,which can be l . :' UB~ with discriminatiorl as circumstances dictate; aDd @ ., to promote US Political 'Objectives. giving tangible evide~ce '.; of. poli'tical solidarity ~th ou~ friends and of our ~tion ~ _ ' ,

, ho~!, ~ur various defense alliances, aond the~by encouraglng , , tr.e ~est contribution to the conunon defense on )ilre part of

our.friends and allies. (pages 8-9) , ~ • If ~ ." \

'!, '!Dura"base'system is ke to our 8 'val as &illation. If. '\ "this ,system is so organized a8 to emonstrate our strength and

:. W 'our readine .. to meet all. types oLmllitary action, there is" ' . ,,- -' i .!~ ;;: . soud reason to believe that our policy of containment will ~ en Ai: Z ' sus.c~ed. tJtat total war will beav?ided, and that lli:nited'

- c ~ tOt .aggression can be smothered;I(Thfi'fpregoing analysis of the'

I I ~ g ~, { • . " <\

,j;l~ Deel.SS1fhid.),y.'~D/1SA _, "

cS! z 11 Feb 79l 1n ~CO". dance wl th '·UNClA8SIA.ED ·.'I~.i Ch&pt,~,,~"OODpO~~f-Y' ' .. ~ ;~-,~j~ :-! •.• ~.: •• " . ";.~~~. . .. -. .... - - ..

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. r or Defense a re-examination of

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Page 3: OF · 2015. 9. 14. · "'We~l have need lor ~ych a rbase7 syst'eln, supple-~ mented by forces and facilitie-s m.3intai~d by our allies;' in order/i) to maintaln a deterr~nt to general


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PAR'T"fI . ~" . ....... ~ .... ~ ........... (. ........... .

. BaaiC Jlat1oaal. Strates7· Related- to the Iee4 . &lid DIrntl.opDent or U.S, Baaea 0Yc1'ae .. ", •• , •••

Btratq1c . Air COnnand Oftrae .. Baaea f

............. •

.Air aM. Sea Detenee ot JIarth Allerica ..•....•....• lSa8e1.,1D . E'uro];Ma 1n Support of D!l'O ~ ••••• ~ ......... . . . J. ~ .. ~. in the Jar Eaat ••••••••••••• • •• ~ ••••••••• ...





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Base. in the Middle East, South Asia, IID4 ~ Soutbeaat ~la ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 26'


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Page 4: OF · 2015. 9. 14. · "'We~l have need lor ~ych a rbase7 syst'eln, supple-~ mented by forces and facilitie-s m.3intai~d by our allies;' in order/i) to maintaln a deterr~nt to general

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~P'SEGRfT " ./



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. 'l'h1s r"el'Ort baa been prepared1Jl eazr;pl.1auce nth & re­

quest by the Pres1dent to the Beeretar;y ot Detase· ~ &

re-eum1n&tion or the United State. overaeaa a1lltarJ baae .,.at.em and & review or the t'1n41J:Igs 8Zld~"at1cma cco-t&1.De4 1D the Report to the Prea14eDt 1D r ~957 by the late Mr. Prank c. Baab. .. ~ .

, , . ~ r"el'Ort 1s aMra.sed to the concl.ua1co.a ~ the l\Uh

RelIOrt conce~ the ccotiDu.nlg need or.the OTereeu ·b,.­ayatea for the roreeeeable f'IIture, that 1.,' t.he DelCt;five to ten Jean. . It doe. ~ caiuI1der those port1co.a or !the lIaah n Report t.hat. deu ~ 'nth the polltical aspect. or'

\. reta1D1Dg the ~raeaa baae .,.... '.,

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Page 5: OF · 2015. 9. 14. · "'We~l have need lor ~ych a rbase7 syst'eln, supple-~ mented by forces and facilitie-s m.3intai~d by our allies;' in order/i) to maintaln a deterr~nt to general

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Page 6: OF · 2015. 9. 14. · "'We~l have need lor ~ych a rbase7 syst'eln, supple-~ mented by forces and facilitie-s m.3intai~d by our allies;' in order/i) to maintaln a deterr~nt to general

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/ " "T8P" S[BRET- ~ "" '.

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Page 7: OF · 2015. 9. 14. · "'We~l have need lor ~ych a rbase7 syst'eln, supple-~ mented by forces and facilitie-s m.3intai~d by our allies;' in order/i) to maintaln a deterr~nt to general



..).~ . ~ ". ~-" . ' .. ' '.

In' t~ Stra~~: -ftr' CCIIID8Il4, the '~aent overseas baae synb • pel1ll1t..-tbe diaperiJed deployment ot ~UIII bomber strike torce. With

a quick reacUon t1me as Jlell u ettective ~t ot teDDr \mit. in w;ppc>.rt otthe medium and heavy baDber tleeta. ,There w1l1 be 'a " cODtimWIg need tor these baa~s, at least 1DltU 1963. ~ the c4 at that year, becauae ot pol1tIc~ cons1deraUona, & basell P )k)rocco' are seheduled ror rekue. Atter 19/53, :the tuture tenure -Wr ot.ber atrategic bases tor the peacetime dispositIon ot med1\l111 baDbora s.­not ccrt~. WIth turther phase-out ot ~ Jped1uili baDber force, It ' ~ be o;pected that the remaining torce vou1d not be able 1;Q au;pport

~,the CFraeas deployment in ita present scale. ~retorekeWet1me • 'otation1Dg ot medium baDbers overseas !9 be reduced !!!!!:_ in the

}'ellfl rO~3. .In any event, these overseaa .bales v.Ul re- ,,' .1II8.1ft re ror'the 1¢et1D1 te iJto su,pport- wrt1me ,strategic operations involving eme~ cover/ and re-striD 1II18s¥ma • , Theae bases mB;/ also be requi d tor tactical 8114 trans-port e.1rcratt 1IDd' tor stagiI18 purposes. 1ng emergenq as vell as peacetime operations. IiltercoIXt1nental stic III1ss1188 v1ll re-quire DO overse8f! base' 8u;pport except tor tra1n1%lg 8D4 test' purpoaes. . '

OVerseas hUes associated with the Jliiss1on' ot detending the ' North' American continent fraD air and sea attack are regarded ~ . a cont1Du1!Ig re~nt as J.oqs as the potential' ~ lJOsaeSllQ8 ' \ the ~1llty to attack the United States by these 1IIADa. Tbese . bases v1ll not only proVide tor early varn1ng and cUecti," em;pl.oy­mebt ot·the strategic retaliatory torces, but v1ll also serve the 'm1.l1tary and civil detense ettorts in reducing the damage to OuT industrial base and population centers. Additionally, they v1ll continue to assist in ma.1nta1Ding control at v1tal sea areas 8D4 air cClllllUnicationli.

In ~, the United ~e8 vill'requite rOf: the next three to tour )'t:ars SUbstant1ally the seme number ot bases It, IJOII u1:Wzes in aupport1Dg approved NATO lII111tary~. Force cantributiona u;pocted 01' the BATO nations beyond 1.963 are nat t1rlli. The int1"Cld:W:tion ot ~um-range balllstic 1II16s11.e8 1IIt.b HA:ro after 1~3 could reduce the need tor IIQIle 01' the tactical air torce. su;ppl1ed by the United States, with a possible minor ~1on in air base needs. With the continua­tion of BAl'O duriIl8 the 1963-1.969 period, it is eSc:pected that the United Btate. 1oIOUl4 reclu1re maJor torces deployed in Europe, with adequate base su,pport, to continue to ma1nta1n Its l.ea4er.h1p'ill the all1ance and to contribute to 'an ettective l1A!l'O III1l1tair strate81. 1be torces deployed to Europe v1l.l also ~ ~vao.tageoualy lJOsit1ODed ror cont1ngenq gperati01l8 in the Middle Eut:.

In the Far East; the .United States bas reduced its A1'r;Y BUd Air , Force bue bO' iB ngs s1gn1t1~ in the l.aat t:ev ;years. rus 'trend v1ll CClDt1nue to a m1nor degree tor the Air.Force thrOugh 1963, 'UDder present progt'IIZU' f'be remaining bases in ,the J'arEast v1l.l CODt~ue


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Page 8: OF · 2015. 9. 14. · "'We~l have need lor ~ych a rbase7 syst'eln, supple-~ mented by forces and facilitie-s m.3intai~d by our allies;' in order/i) to maintaln a deterr~nt to general

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- , , " ',' ',In theM1~ East, SOuth Ada, 'end SalItheutern Ada areu, ~ :U.S. overseaabue By1rt.em l.s olmost DOll-existent. Present ~Wties vtlich WU14 'benJliUI1"8d u hues .ro, the ~rt or JIIOClern PIS. mill­taI7' rorce~ are gene~ .. 1n.ade;;uate, v1thout extensive ~ruction, ror other than ~i·.cal.e 'JII1l.1.tar,y a.et~on. ~ are ~ l1m1ted possibllj.t1es tor ~1"8u1ns the~ ea,pab111t;y in ]f'&eet1llle, al.'tboI38h SCllle 1Ia.P~Yalent~ ~ been made b;y t~:1me oonst~r cr1tical r-e.cU!ues ' ual. Secur~ Pro , S, cCilliiDmIit

at to tMs are .. or ~ world points up ,t urgent ~ ror-a4eCtuate' II\WPOrt facWties.,d,,< '

- " 1, ' 6

'~' Qverse~ r.;'cwtlea ,VllJ. c;oUt1nue to be 1"8 a JIO!ld-V1de COIIIIIU1l1cat1ona DeWorlt,,, wbich 1a 1naure ea:e e 'COQtro.l or modern mU1 tar,r 4'orces to tac1l1tate the tJ;'8DSlll1.ai01l or e to tbe ted a, IUl4 to Qiniater t~ deployed-rorces. Preaent plana call rot the ' • lIlOdern1ution or thi4.JlYstt=f, thro~ the progreaaive 1natall.at1on or advanced equipment' b7 J.965. Wh1le thia modernization w1ll requ1ioe , adcU.tionaJ.'a1tea, ,it V1ll. permit re-routipg qr reduc't1on to nrmab7

actirtties ulI()Ciated vi '-.pace 1"8 probably create lID nato or· Balle or ihe exirrt;mg stations • ~ va.r1ed I .. ever C~ng 1"8qu1re.Dient .- tie. or .,t~ ,1 nature, ttered througboIrt. ;,

" " .1. FreID 8DoWrall rte;w, 0X).e or the pnme 8tft.te 10 advent s en-

JO)'ql by the United Ste.tes pver i8. aa t or- sur-'~ the (;qpmunist bloc with combat rorces--l.aD4,;:Jtea aDd air:-­~re.teg1cal4r ;poa1t.1OD1Dg at;' s:nut1.ng,theae 'rorce. vberevw ' Deeded. AD adeqUate U.S.;overaeu baee .,-stem 1a a pr:t.ma.ri mellDS or eJqIloit1.ng this benefit' or geograpby endeor praaot1ng :the eon-" t1nued colJ.ecti-ve de'reuseefron CI'IlOZI& tree vor14.Dat1oD8~ ,.'~ '. .. "{' :,,' ,

• 'Recent d1rticultiea .1Dvolv1ng retentiOn or essential. averaeaa ' ~., ,8UCh u in MOrocco, Libya; and the Vest lD41es -l'84eratil' baft',been encounter:edtor 'tile JDOn ~ in:thoaecountr1.s Wi bIP,Ye'l.1ttle or DO 14ezrt1f'1cat1on v1th U.S.: secur1t;y interens ... Our otherbase rights ~ to be .. strong .. the .. 111artC~s or b1-later&l. cQllect~n .. Curlt7 ~s thqaupport.



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Page 9: OF · 2015. 9. 14. · "'We~l have need lor ~ych a rbase7 syst'eln, supple-~ mented by forces and facilitie-s m.3intai~d by our allies;' in order/i) to maintaln a deterr~nt to general




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Page 11: OF · 2015. 9. 14. · "'We~l have need lor ~ych a rbase7 syst'eln, supple-~ mented by forces and facilitie-s m.3intai~d by our allies;' in order/i) to maintaln a deterr~nt to general

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• 'C.' .lap SEeRfr


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Page 13: OF · 2015. 9. 14. · "'We~l have need lor ~ych a rbase7 syst'eln, supple-~ mented by forces and facilitie-s m.3intai~d by our allies;' in order/i) to maintaln a deterr~nt to general




f . . '.w.t&r7 P"...m,. ~, Reb .. the Jo1nt 8tud:e:c1c Ob~ft. Plm, rr 1Sl6)-61.~ 8Dd JW.O 11:-10, tum1sh camma U t6 iliAtoil:r7 buo ~ aD1 obJecUw. Ii t!ii"1963~. IbN ." "a'te bUe" ~ am be t'c:rrecut traa ccms~ of ew;zasd; ClIP- . al:I1l1t1 •• pl.i.:l.e ~ ~ ~ DIJIr .Sn ~ or 111 UN. l!qaDd 1~, the pbue-1I1 or J:IIeVU ~. ~ b7 the . Berr1ee., ~ 1neb, -= the eUect. of aw:h hctorII .. al.l.1e4 pltma Cl4 CCIIIIId1:amrt.a, ~ ...... MUtie., IID4 the pue:ral. 1nter-nat.1allal }lQllUc:al. ~ beccae sore ~te. JIbr thue .. reuc:ca, t.be preaent rep:l%'t c11~ the a:xt ten Jean 1nto tw bane t.Ua periOd.a: hell the present to 1963, -= f':raa 1963 t.broo&h 11i9.

breport1d.e:zrt.1t1eathoMareu1lhf:re11p1.t1eazlt~ tor t.be ~ or hc1l1t1ea e:xUt ~ c:ert&1D eJIIe%&eDq cca- " c11t.la:1.a. ~ Werii DO bi:ii '4:;::0 are aa1Dta1Ded 1:1 peacetme, f'or pollt1c:.al. or 0UJe:i ru.aaca. aus.seiti certi!D po.alblll ~ . gru 1di1Ch CO\i14 be ti&ii in ~ to better aa8Ure the ~ <. •

&Ta1l.t.b1l1t7 of 8dOq=te rae1l.1t1u 1A these arcu 1IbLm DOe4ed ~":. ml.1:t.U7 ~1.aca. ,~. .. ..


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Page 14: OF · 2015. 9. 14. · "'We~l have need lor ~ych a rbase7 syst'eln, supple-~ mented by forces and facilitie-s m.3intai~d by our allies;' in order/i) to maintaln a deterr~nt to general

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AlID li-wi1iiFi&'iT 01 u. s. ElSSS ~

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('!be c:a:rt.c::rt.. or t!l1. eecUtID II%'e cJ .... 1t1c4 'mE' 'SEC:BE'l \1%Ileu otbr:r-.. Y1.M 1""" c:ate4)' ..

.1 QWtca ar O.B. Jdllt.&%7 "buoa OI'UDeU .uftS to au;pport the "Uoo-l ct.rategy 1Ib1ch £U1dn tbe ~ or u.s. 1d.l1te.rJ 1'prces 1ll peace m:1 war. ~I. ~ or our ~ .cd tat\n'e 0ftZ'­aeu bue II7Staa ahcW.d incl""e, 1n1~, lID ...,..."ri¢loo or the pretICn't m:1 ~aeeahle D&t1cmal JIZ1lltal7 ~ as it relate. to err ~ ~ f'cr ~ baap. (~)


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or buea 1J:i Cr4er to n::a1n c:1ently fiex1bl.e 111 JllDe't1l:lg t.be requ1ra::I::nta f'or ~ l.1aI1te4 sed s=eral war. ~

t . .

IZl ~ wt t.be c:tmtral &1a or ~ gem:ral. 'liar. the ~ pal1q nate. that t.be tb1td 8t&tu II11St ~ m1 adn- ' t&1n as psrt of 1ta Dll1t.&l7 fbrt:e 1t. ettect1Ye nuclear meJ~d.0%7 " power, end .::un Uep tbat pawu MCUl'e trail De'Utn!.l1l:at1cm 0%' f'ral. ' Ii Soviet moc:mu:t bl.ov, -= 117 curpr1H. "!be U:l1tec1 St&te. ESt -&1.80 ,t deTelop end -.1nt.&1l1 ~ 1dllt.v7 pz'CCl' .... tor c:cat1De1Ital def't:ue.


, 'TOP' SECREi •


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lCP-SEe!!T .~


obl1pu~ tor tba1r ~ ext to p:IUUa the CQIbillv to tul.t1U Ita caa1t.at..


-~,~ I'n1n f4 U. ., ......... of the m¢1caal 1dl.1ta%7 ctntca:7 sneSc:'ca 1D • pur:nl. 1rai7 the ftlatial of OtChe ... 1I1l.1t1a7 'buu to \he p::'OMctrU.ao of ".."cUd ar tab, the DeCeaa1ty fOr pro:;pt ru~ to c:az=n' ct 0'fCr't ac;rcu1cD 11:1 a:J7 ram., tm the ,*,";:11:7 n:z. c'rrt.......,.,. of tl'U world ~ 11:1'~.' lD tlIe ~ COC'Ucca of tll1s ~, the pruc:rt and p:oJecte4 0iCnCI&a bue CCZ";'1 ex v11l be I'e'9'1t:ved OIl • ~ ClI4 ma. bub .. it relatu to the nct'mal a1lltar'7 ~.- (Cca114crt.1&l.)


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• 4 • •

.~P SEeREt

'""'.--... ~ .,..<>'''' ........ ~~)&., It" "~.:= - :"".~

Page 17: OF · 2015. 9. 14. · "'We~l have need lor ~ych a rbase7 syst'eln, supple-~ mented by forces and facilitie-s m.3intai~d by our allies;' in order/i) to maintaln a deterr~nt to general

~I ~. , . . '


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Page 18: OF · 2015. 9. 14. · "'We~l have need lor ~ych a rbase7 syst'eln, supple-~ mented by forces and facilitie-s m.3intai~d by our allies;' in order/i) to maintaln a deterr~nt to general

~---,'. .. -'---., . 4/ I' . . / -----.." 1,"11

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Page 19: OF · 2015. 9. 14. · "'We~l have need lor ~ych a rbase7 syst'eln, supple-~ mented by forces and facilitie-s m.3intai~d by our allies;' in order/i) to maintaln a deterr~nt to general

. . .


' ..

.... ~ AlB lXIC".Al'm 01'l.:RS:!'.AS mm:a

(~ ccrtcrt· at t.b1a -=t1a:l cit clamn..s ~

• •

/' S!» ~ Air -0 ., __ .;c:u tbI m¢1""'" J!Ol.Sq of 6Dtezo-r1J:lc p:IIIial W&r 1I'1tll ita ~ ~ of IIc:r:.bc:ra cd mU&1l": n

I' A •

• 18 •• Mtt'ol ~ t=Ie tc:ar:a be eo 4..~ tbI:t _ CICII\7,e:a:::zXJt oca::t CD tb:1r ~ 'b7 • ~ ~ ... lr7 ~. "'-nw ovc:t I: I F baM CC!'W"" ~ c ~ rola 1D ~ u... \ ~ ~tcx'c::4 1brc::ca. \!:1lo tbI bW.k of tbD ctrU:e %t:z'c:U at ~ -tbt 8trcteC1c ~ C?::mmA c:." ~ 1D tl» U:1te4 Btctu, p:::zUc:IDa of u.. t\::a:'ClCS =-111.,. OiCl ..... \Jecea to ~ ~ c:::Xr Q!Z1d raac:t.1aD cc;cMl1t:7, th:a ca;Hcct1:c the p:"Cbl.ea CIt c=::7 plC!C""". \ n. atr1b 1!bn::M al.eo ftl:I' CD 0'fI'IlI"MU ~ to &trcrd ~ ~ c=s;;»h1Ut1u, poct-strtD, IIIld eo:sapaos nco..,.) ....... _

, ." . In 1950 tbI ~ Uz 00 .'O" U JRt;% " lb:r 21.0 ~

%'QCI C:1ch a-a be:1:::a ~ to l.S6 ~ b)' lSlSJ. ~~ of. ~ CIS cl::I=p. til ~1 .. dtjCID a:n ~ as fQllDa.

~ !i€l ~ ls::C:cn ~52) 36 ~ 0 . Jb11l:a ~ (D.Jq/&-SS) ~ Q . . .Tct ~ Cc-l35) as ~

• ~~(l:c-97) 31 -lA

abrUaa BItoc:Ic (~V 3 3 ~ BDcac (D-57 3- 3

K1u1] •• (tcrJK) ~ -II ;-



lap SEeMf , - .

Page 20: OF · 2015. 9. 14. · "'We~l have need lor ~ych a rbase7 syst'eln, supple-~ mented by forces and facilitie-s m.3intai~d by our allies;' in order/i) to maintaln a deterr~nt to general

) - /\ r'-... .. )

l"1'!rl~ll[I · llU· P (~i~fln~ci !~ ~nJt~IIC!~ \. · , hLI. r:rf hPr:lq:1t r.r:P.frflqrR~,~ lf~i(f.~~lc~r Jgo!lt .,

I. _ ~9~ft' B~ :Jf~a h! 1:1 III ts h S~qS I f 'I li " r r -E

It , IS ~

.'''' · · il~ ilt!!1 is . r~ ii!~ !aUf ~ ~i' iiflfit!ilf~ ? r

, r: II IE & I tiJ! q Ii Iff·

''-'',' ~,.. tt"'ft'Jqr' sit tit II i8~i ih(ftl/ ~i- Ilfn:L&1 ,c, li!l'gl ': UJith ·tal ,rrn

1io '. IlU U:I[ iilll .

, , , q =e: .. 9 ~UI'I.' ~ a~t (- i,· 'IU· i~ !!(~ -'. ~ .~ "'0' '" \.~ ~ "', ~, -:)~ . r--.. ~ 'i, ~ ,,' - 4f"\ -,,~ J' c--. ...::! '-. -. --- .. '4 ~ ~ ~::J"'" • ~.

'''',<;",; I., ~ '\': '.1-~~~~' \wl ~!\ )~M'~_~W_lJdlfi1mi~; mat li:_£.t;:;:;:,lt4ZI44I1 !!J\'m¥,:!o()'~'~JPlZ. :d H<\Ni1l\l1#9 "


Page 21: OF · 2015. 9. 14. · "'We~l have need lor ~ych a rbase7 syst'eln, supple-~ mented by forces and facilitie-s m.3intai~d by our allies;' in order/i) to maintaln a deterr~nt to general

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Page 22: OF · 2015. 9. 14. · "'We~l have need lor ~ych a rbase7 syst'eln, supple-~ mented by forces and facilitie-s m.3intai~d by our allies;' in order/i) to maintaln a deterr~nt to general


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f1 : "C', ,i l, .... '7~~, ~ '< -5011"1t:'~, :..' 1?"V~.'-~!l


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" 'If I JI'ilfJt!i~Ullif~ iU:i~nl[Hllli I • ' It r. ,~ I~ tV I t m~,. III Lt jj' _ II (; ~ .Q ~ ... IJ ~ if ~ _ ~1! & I: .. fLllt _ • r;t

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" ,~ . \. ; II ~It:lf l,!:;lUI::II' I:tb . tiltll;lfl~ /.9." ,.'T ~:,~' , • II Iii[ tfl1fl( it ,IiJ "ij ~1 '~If ~ it) -I, 6 " " " , " " 1 Ii ~ i ~ ~ l; I f 8, Ii r ,I, II " ~ ~ . f II ~ f ,,' '_ ~ "

, Jl .. ~' 6 altl .. ~It fl~1 f, li li 'I u ~nl- "

:,,' ,'y..--<t ( f\,,; -: ~\ ,0 . "

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Page 23: OF · 2015. 9. 14. · "'We~l have need lor ~ych a rbase7 syst'eln, supple-~ mented by forces and facilitie-s m.3intai~d by our allies;' in order/i) to maintaln a deterr~nt to general

, . ..

lDlIdd1ti.Cm to tbeae tac1l1Uea. which' are ,dea1&J1e4 ~ use ~ t.he'J..cm&-nmge bomber IIDd air-brea:tll1ns misaile threat. 1;.hreeother h­ate.l.\&Ucma v1ll be ~ t'Dr the llall1st1c,K1as1l.e EBrl;r Va:rJl1Ds fI7atea (llMElJs): at Cl.ear. A.lAaka; ~. CreenlAm4; IIDIl at ~ Moori -lh1ted~. At each c4 theae, ctaUcma. a ldgb-povercdi lons-~' radar 1.8 a;pcct.e4 ~ be able to c1etect e%laI;1 l.cmg-rtmge Jd.aaUu " abd'rtl.T after lcmch. ~s radar watch cou14 atrord PiP to ~ , m1.mrtea t.act1cal VB.r1l1ll.g to U.S. r;tra.tegic ~ forcer.

- poa1'£ICID1Ilg c4 these radar stat1c:mS 1s des1gDed toproT14eCOYenge c4. the poJ.ar regiQD. Were the cc:m;:y aias1le traJectories .1Ip1nat the lh1ted State. are ~ to be~. :J:!le ~,sltes h . .Al.aaka 1CXl GreeDl..and are DOW lmder c:cmstruct1aIl; ~1cma'haTe beeD c:a::;pl.eted :tor ~ est-abl1 .bmrnt. of the tbUd· -.lte h the lJa1ted lOJ:2gdcD.

S1% :fD:n:~ base. ~ the ~ A~I,c ~ a number of rttal. or ~ Wrt1me-Ci4 peaceUme·,m:laa1anB c4 the U.S. lIDal ~ UDder 'the' O"i=r=nAer h Chief' • .Atlant1c. ~ae 'buea are .Argept1a. 'J

" 'F I!;ytem"'"; XePIFrllh. Ire'''''''; ~a; ~ _. Cuba;·the --::3Ji" .ll:orea; IID4 P"'mm,', !r2D1I1,.". • ~ zurnl. aDd air :tacW.t1ea at -10 . Arpnt1a au;worto air earl;r vam1Ds ~ h,ccmt1DeDt&l air ",

defense. ct.1-S\1l:Iaw:1De open:t1cmsJl aea-a1r ~~ • .I'lee1; o;pe:n- / Uaua ~ the lIorth At.l.ant1c'~ of ccpanjc&t1caa. ' ~ /""

~ JWro he). storap :tac1l1tt at ~~~.1Ibal~. .~.' vUJ., ~ f'a:rther l.og1st1c scwm to to 1lU't1me open:t1cms.

~ vb1l.e DaTal. :tacnitles UDder cODstructicm the lCe1'laY1k.ur Base' :

I v1ll. be lID easent1al"l.iU h the 1"""""" peacet1me air earl;r 1I8%'D1DS' " 'barr1er' cbdn :tI'CD Gteen1.aD4 to t.be UIl1ted~. Jac1l1t1u h ' :Be ...... "'. are ut1l.Ue4 b7 naval. air'forces to.~ crt1-"""""l'1De . operat1cma. neet reCODD&1sUDCe. IIDIl a:1rcreft ~. ~a441t1c1:l -to the air :tac1l1Uea. 'there are fUel. IIDIl CllllUDit.1oil 8torep areas

I ,'_ .', , ~.Daft't~~·the'~~.area baa proY1W excel.ldt. 7HZ' aZ'OIm4 'tra1l:dzI& ,fac1llUes ;to, 'U.S. lI&'Yal, forces ~ h the UIl1te4 8t;at.ea. 9ds 1Datel.lat1oD alJIo~s aD ~ WJI1j)CUt, bue b' wartiJDe D&ftl. o.perat1oDs 1A''ti.lcar1b-be8D uea. .AD eaA1t1ODal ~.rla-fal ~.1'ot',~,~ .:~,

~ eaeort operat10D8. aD4 ~ of :tleet. UD1ta~ u'a.a.1iitat.De4 &t.~-:-;---T ~. ~~ CD. steDd-lij-~. :".; .~)POimo.~·~ " '-:

'. 'I lZl65, • sec. 1-301 (a . , • I .'~ '. ~: ."

.. .tOP SEeRff

Page 24: OF · 2015. 9. 14. · "'We~l have need lor ~ych a rbase7 syst'eln, supple-~ mented by forces and facilitie-s m.3intai~d by our allies;' in order/i) to maintaln a deterr~nt to general

'. ., ~.. • ., -~ ,- • < - •••

. : ... ..,;,;.---. ...... -"""':" ................. -.IIIorooI ..... _oiloIII_;.,...'i~~ .......... *-'~ ... ~ld~.:J..Wi~~;;' ~~.~;....,. ...... """'......,j.oIo."".:' ...... ;.-,?~..::.: >~J

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Page 25: OF · 2015. 9. 14. · "'We~l have need lor ~ych a rbase7 syst'eln, supple-~ mented by forces and facilitie-s m.3intai~d by our allies;' in order/i) to maintaln a deterr~nt to general

'WP SEettn


Page 26: OF · 2015. 9. 14. · "'We~l have need lor ~ych a rbase7 syst'eln, supple-~ mented by forces and facilitie-s m.3intai~d by our allies;' in order/i) to maintaln a deterr~nt to general


"~RET ..

other overaeu "hues in the Borth Atlmt1c--in DImnx'., Cab&, the .bores, and Puerto B1co--v1ll. prov14e 1z:;Iortant ""IPJIlIU"t ~ D&val. torces c:arT71D8 out C1t1-~ I11sa1caa. Stcd1ar:b', ~ .... " air wrn1l1s aDd mt1-sullr::ar1ne operat1C;l.a in the lIeU "PacU'1c are " ~ em navel. bases in ~, ~, and Aleab, u well. .. on the Vest Cocat" or the 'OIl1ted st&tes.


Page 27: OF · 2015. 9. 14. · "'We~l have need lor ~ych a rbase7 syst'eln, supple-~ mented by forces and facilitie-s m.3intai~d by our allies;' in order/i) to maintaln a deterr~nt to general

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BASES 'IN E}.JROPE iN SU~~"" O! N~TC?, R I' .1 T U .. I S I ... -..~. _To

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Page 29: OF · 2015. 9. 14. · "'We~l have need lor ~ych a rbase7 syst'eln, supple-~ mented by forces and facilitie-s m.3intai~d by our allies;' in order/i) to maintaln a deterr~nt to general

. ., . T~Hfeft~f ,. , .

, JW:tEs III ~ III Summr' oF tw:O . , . . (~ ~ 6? w.. ~&re.clu~ ~)'

.. ' .

.~ . '"

19 ? ..

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, T.oP SElIET ..c.

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Page 30: OF · 2015. 9. 14. · "'We~l have need lor ~ych a rbase7 syst'eln, supple-~ mented by forces and facilitie-s m.3intai~d by our allies;' in order/i) to maintaln a deterr~nt to general

lOP S~C~EI .... ~!'-,

Page 31: OF · 2015. 9. 14. · "'We~l have need lor ~ych a rbase7 syst'eln, supple-~ mented by forces and facilitie-s m.3intai~d by our allies;' in order/i) to maintaln a deterr~nt to general

:w~ SEGREt".,

Page 32: OF · 2015. 9. 14. · "'We~l have need lor ~ych a rbase7 syst'eln, supple-~ mented by forces and facilitie-s m.3intai~d by our allies;' in order/i) to maintaln a deterr~nt to general


, "

'. ' .

.. . . - . .. a result of tho 4eda1ca to ~ ~~ ~ ~ tba JIAm anc:uaJ., ciiJ.l.a for U.S. 'coat~ eaase:n.t1aJ.l;f e ~ are . todq tb:rOugh 1.963 eXcept for,a ~ of t.&ctlcal. a1r ~, trca "9 to "3. ',JIa8e =cds to IN;PllOZ't t.bea ,ccatr1btxt1.cma haTe ~

.... bocn u.tl.u.ed exce;t tar f'ac1l1t1 .. t~ DGWf air 4elenao VlSe;pcma, . tit.ct1eal·~a1l.eib Ca=rn';"1 cat1c:ina, IIDd 'certa1n DaTal ~ f'aaW­tie •• ~,Foject. W1eh.~ .. BAlO,~ moe pl.el:mod tar cxmatruct~ j;hroagh th!a proc:edm'e. ~'~ ft4uct1Qn of'

OJ.s. 't&ctleaJ. air ~, .. c:onta.1ned in KC-70, 'Would ~ 'be" ae~ed b7 aciDe ~. to the a1r bu.e .trw:tux:e in EnglitM· Cl4 . Fl'amce • '

"l • •

, -.' ..

'I :

, ..

. ~.


" ' . "

Page 33: OF · 2015. 9. 14. · "'We~l have need lor ~ych a rbase7 syst'eln, supple-~ mented by forces and facilitie-s m.3intai~d by our allies;' in order/i) to maintaln a deterr~nt to general

, TO?-Stt&E I

1/ : , ~ '. EASES III m PAa !:AS'l . ./ .

('DIe ~ ~ w.. IIOCt1aD CIt cl.Aaa1t1.e4 f.!.l!:C'BE'l')

, • u.s. JJ:rJrr P&c1.t1e ~ ~ to the ~ ~ #

!mea nth two 41"f1A1o::1a m1 &,1:111.,1. ~ &:w;portodb7 ... ,1""", t&ct1cal., and l.o(;1ct1c&l. b&sea 1D ~ p::IiU1Il. &reU 1D tlmt c:oa:tt::1. ba tbur arou . .1J1 'b::rD ccc.te1D 22 41ttueat 1mrtallat;1gna. 2be J:rt:t:r abo ut1l11te8 1itcI:qe, ~, emrrn1cat1onl eM l.cs1St1c&l. . he1l.1Ua at 15 -.M1t1a::lA1. 1l:Ist""et~rm..(5 1D 0l:1mara an410 1zl.oT~) ..... Sb:ae 1nstal]~ aa.1ata1A • raene of c:c:abat. easent1al. #-tc:Ia.~ u.s., mr. IID4, lJlI to%Cee 1D ~ Im4 JI1Vf'1de ISlJWC)trt tor ~ .. a1bJ.e cnnt1~ ~ D otlIa' mas of the JU!:Ut, &Q4 ibuth-

l uat. J.aia. ~ u.s. Ar1Irt bUe c:cz:;tl" m the IV Bast 18 ~ ~ ... ~mtel;r ll.6,OOO PUr:caD=l iCC, ''''''ns ~,aoo 1II1lS:~,OOO b.s. .

':e1T1l.1m ~ C24 58,000 1bz'e1p D&tjme1e. S1nca' 1958, the ntlmaal ~ b::JJq ea:bat mld rel&ted ~ rorca. oTapm' IIu 'ft8Ql.te41D t.be ~ to tbe oTeqoJCDeN G;:iler:tilliidlt of' __ 82 ~ hc1l1Ue. mil the ~ to 't:le k\7 8:D4 A1r b'ce ~ 26 oUaer hc1l1t1ea. 1b1a nthtraalllu DOW beeD ~ .!!.'lIe ~ 18 at ~ ~ _ ~ ~.pog;p, nth.ab1le lac1st1cal. ~, to ())1 ...... ~ .. the ftftb battle czgup ~ t.he 25th ~ It1rta1m, 1acated D 8IR11. !!11. fbfte 1IOQlA ut1.l.1&e ex1st­iDS hdl1t1e. CD 0);1""", ~ U uecea.u,-.

~ .. . JUal. mil IIIIIrtDe f'o:rc:u 1D:t;.be Jar Jrut con.s1et ~ ~'j8 ,~ '"

~3 ~ (~ bca attack ~ W 1dDe. neepen), ~.c:cr1er

... '.

.. -

Page 34: OF · 2015. 9. 14. · "'We~l have need lor ~ych a rbase7 syst'eln, supple-~ mented by forces and facilitie-s m.3intai~d by our allies;' in order/i) to maintaln a deterr~nt to general


,~ .....

air ~~ ~ a1rcnI.ft ~ 'ncl'''''na two ~ Air 0:I:w,pa~ d tw-t.h1rda or a M:Ir1DD J>1Y1a1ac. !IZae terce. are ~ 117 17 ~tm.~ 5 or 1it1c:h are in Je;pan, 2 1n the Ph1lJmI1De., 9 in Ok'NMl, CI4 1 1n 0:.m:II. 'lbt Clt1re JlaT7 and ~ Carpa Fa:' J:aA 0"fUSCU bye ca:;',1;!1mr 1a ~ b7 ~ 56,~ peraaanel. 1ncltxUns 30,000 mU1tcl7~ 1~000 U.S. e1nJ.1en~ . .m 25,000 fcre~ p::t'nnc:"~ 1.be r..b F.lcet ~ ~ ~ 1nJIIPID fttr .it. DJar a;wpa.rt. JbZ' ~., it hu beQ ~ t.bet~~~~ .. (,!

be . to the CAV&l. tIzl :

c " .. blJmd bue. 1n Yal:e, Ck*I, lnlvctck, ~, Jo!:nston~ EIraJalein

cd be J1:a proT1de eaae:It1&l. CI1r tnmI:1t he1l1t1ea to the t.actic:aJ. m foree. i!iir1z2s ~me. In eM1t.1an, toar ex1.st1l:Ia air bue •. in ~ ClId ~_, a!::=d 117 boat .tate ttm:a~ vUl. be requ1red tor ~ ~ b7 tba U.S. Air Jb:rce •.

S1rIce the Bull ~, the A1r J'O:'ce baa estabJ' slpd ~ 'fac1l1Uca in Japm (1=''''''na 12 t.a:bm cm:r traa tbe krIq) emil .. ftlaeed cme . -"or air bue cn4 51 otber tacWt1U tb. tbe JIcR eowt17. 9Ie Air

- Jbrc:a 1D the tar East are be1na ~ b7 12 ~ ~ t.be 1~3 tuB per1C4 -= 2 .aJar 'bud 1D Ja;pIm are to' be ~ftte4. !be ftm1n'. 9 air 'buea v1lJ. coat1lme to be zoequ1re4 tor the =--

, ; !t,.-~ ~~1';

aee&ble ~ in, order to afftI:r4 .... c!qree or pl'Otect1oD trcD the • ~ pobl.eia wtcll 1a ~.i84 to e:z:1.t in W. ~ \

In aM1t1aD to the ~. ~ tbt baae bo'II",.. ~ ~, . e,pet::I&4't 1n pr1Dc1pl.e bY reacbed Vltb the ~ 'Q:mml--=t to ~ 1Dact1ft1 baM in tb&t ~ Hpte8Clllt1.Da ' 283~656 acru aDd to aequ1ra~ .. Co • CCIIIb1DlCl bu1a 1d.tb the ~ ame4 :torce., KIll! w:zou ~ -- wwort •

. ~. J8P&lGR'l

~,.' ,

.~_~";*",,,,,~,,~-,,; t-!f":"-~." ,,~". ,~NtJtIIII· ... ,,,'!"'it';;';;'9J'Jit?8_. .¥~

Page 35: OF · 2015. 9. 14. · "'We~l have need lor ~ych a rbase7 syst'eln, supple-~ mented by forces and facilitie-s m.3intai~d by our allies;' in order/i) to maintaln a deterr~nt to general

14 SA , .......

.. ; ,


" , \

cold war 18 'YbwIl.1se4 .. & ,ccut1zm1ns ~ or thrf ~ to poaaa.w.e C02R'm

'-t agreaa1oD. In cue or l.1m1te4:v.r.l theU.8~. ' ,

buea# b7 their ~:t7 to ~ueu or CUltUet# v1l1~t the ur~ c:cma1tmeDt or lIiPl\IXo;pz1ate ~. to bcl,p cSereat w. . , egrea.1cD and :p:nmmt 'br"''''en1n8 or tho COllfUct. .Alao# ~cau.ae '. ot the ~a. of :thi. erea# the 'baae, 1itru.Cture1l1 the J'ir East·, '" v1ll ccmt1nue to rcprellCl't a mnJcr cc;peb1ll't7 to absorb the 1D1t1al .... log1at1c 4ra1n Wich, ~ ac~ea ccm.t1l:lgel1q or e:;IC1'senq operat1oaa.· '. ...... '

r. • .... • I

., , I

~ ex;pecte4 srovth ot ~st'.Ch1Deee millte:t7:-strength em-1Dg the caU.ng ~ara# cou;pled vi tbeir~1oD.1st ~# reDden 'm)1'kr~ my aettl.emeJrt; CCJ:!81stent vith U.S~ teCUl'1't7 1ntereat. or IIUCh queat1cna as the diY1ded !'tlrea and V1et.z:1t.im~: COr:tt~ m1l1tar,; presence in the Far East 18# tberet'ore#' ~ easent14,~ the '. ", 1900-1963 period. 'nle ~ or theae-':torce. 18 not ilc1q ~.­a&r7 tor the IV East regj.CID but 1JI also Z'CQ;t11recl ~ n;J1d react1ar1 to COIlt1ngenc:iea vh:1ch ere ~. to er1ae in 8cNtbsaatAs1a IIZJ4 ~a~ Soath Asia., kIse lhd.ta.t1ClDa 111 thia reg1oZ!. v1ll. 'be .. die­c:wsaed in the toll.ov1Ils aect1CID ot th18 report.


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Page 36: OF · 2015. 9. 14. · "'We~l have need lor ~ych a rbase7 syst'eln, supple-~ mented by forces and facilitie-s m.3intai~d by our allies;' in order/i) to maintaln a deterr~nt to general

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TttP-:SECftET -


\'l!Ie ~I 'o~ thia aect100 ~ cl ... U1ed £RET). ;. . . " .' In the' vide arc ~ the aoatbern ~ of the '·S1Do-Soviet bloc"

. &aile 80 ~a ~ J.cmg1tude 'bctveen '1'UrlD:7 Im4 the Ph1J.1al1neI, the United Statel ma1.t1ta1nB l1ttl.e or DO be.ae bold1zl8a. Aside trcD rda­t1~ ~fN but atre.tegical.lJ' located 2c1Gl~eee.~zn1-cU1CJrl1'tae1l1tlea.l tbe CiEili 8!ieibliiT.8. ~ Ul1I area ' Is the.ill &IU at 11bOOrazl. SImd1 Arabia. Othu u.s. mctallat10na ' ..

are ~ m1Dqr aizlll and ,are de~~ to aern idl1tar,y' aDd "')"";'" eCOIlO::21c aid m1aalCJrl1. . • • .... .

• '1!Ie acarc1,ty Cst fac1l1t1ea ~ tbe Middle Etst, in ~ In41aD . ~~ '* ~ , •

Occtm-SoIltJi Alla area, end 1n Sout.beut Alia in ~ ~ u.s. torces : 1/ ~I 1s ch1etl.y.due to lIOl1t1cal. d1m.c:ul.ttea 1n uldJ:Ig tlle DeCeS&ar7. sr- II -nmg=enta aDd to theliClt of iViiIliblAii u.s. rorcel and relOQl"Cea to d.eTel.op or ut1l1ze such tac1l1t1ea in peac:et1llie. tet the UIl1ted Statu 1& ccazd.~ b7-the Southeast Alia collect1ve:4ehnae treaty aDd b7 mmounced pol1q in the M1ddl.e East, to uBiat reg1ccal COUZ1-, t'r1es 1n CCZIlbat1Il8 ca::::UIl'at eggreaaicm e,gaiJlst their terr1tozy. _ ~, in all. ~ these areu South ~ tbe Soviet 8%14 Ct=:;Izn1 at "-

,-Ch1Dese borders, the;'F ere politlcal. and eeaa.aa1c tena1cma which . could create emergen~ aitue:t1Qaa requ1.r1lla u.s. m1l1'tar7 1ntenen-

tlC11l in acae rom. \

'1!Ie tlD.tt1ed Oc:I:I:Iw¥lera.and tbe Mn1tmy SerY1cel h&ve reCOSD1zed II tbe need tor ~ base su;wort in the Middle East. IIlId Southeast .&.a1&; ~c requtiements tor :pre-stocla!Ip purposea IIlId ~ r1shta to use ez:1st1Jls lIost atate hc1l1t1ea in vart1JDe have been ret'l.ected ,in qpropx:1ste 1I1lltar.1 p'airn'''6 docIamta cc:msr1ng &aile ~ the Can­t1ngenc1ea 1Ih1ch III1gJIt arise in these areas. JI:Miftr" 't;he ab1l1ty o~ U.S. tox-cea to respcmd 1lU1~ aDd c1ec1a1~ 1n eaaergeJlc1e •. 1I hc:mpered CIlOaS other ~ b7 tlJe 1"II!;IIOte:\: .. at tb1a reg1QD ~ the vor14 IIZl4 b7. the relat1~ l1JI1ted m=ber ~. au:ltabl.4 he1l1tiea 1n the area 1dIl:ch coul4 aqpport U.S. open.t1ona. Aside fl'CD the probl.al ~ Obte'n'''6 the necelaa17 emersency r1gb:ts, U.S. to:rcea with their . 1n1t1al equipaent must be brouglrt, in e1ther 1'l:aa~ areas ~ ~ (INCh as the :ru kat or Europe) or trca the UIl1te4 statea aDd tbImta.t'te.r IIUiP,POl't64 1'l:aa l.og:l.t1c 'baae'-cc:a,pJexe. devel.o;pe4 after the 0IZtbreak ~ hoat1l1tiea. U.S. II1l.1tarr operst1ooa v11l al80 be h1DdeZ'ec1 b7 .tbe prl:aI1Uft aDd 4U'.t1c:ul.t rJ&ture.!'~ the terrain" 1Ih1c;h.

·11 ~ UI28U1ted to preaeut a)del.a ~ h1ab perl'omuee. a1rcraft IID4 l.aD4 "f'eh1clea'~ lov croll-country 1IOb1l1ty. A 8UCcea8~ U.S. mU1-tq .eutaw in thil area 11 t.beref'ore ~ 4epeD4eDt OIl &tta1D­ins • auata1Ded l.oglet1c cepsb1l1'ty IIZl4 on the cooperat1ca..11D4 cap­ab1l1~ ~ ~ ~orce.. .

,;lap SEGRET


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Page 37: OF · 2015. 9. 14. · "'We~l have need lor ~ych a rbase7 syst'eln, supple-~ mented by forces and facilitie-s m.3intai~d by our allies;' in order/i) to maintaln a deterr~nt to general


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Page 38: OF · 2015. 9. 14. · "'We~l have need lor ~ych a rbase7 syst'eln, supple-~ mented by forces and facilitie-s m.3intai~d by our allies;' in order/i) to maintaln a deterr~nt to general

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BoveTer, a1rcraft perlWlg area. ,C14 acce'. roa48 v1ll. be ~ .' nee4ed at the .. &1rt1el.da to IIIIke thea ~ eUecUw 1n 11m1te4 .: VIZ open.t1oz1&.

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Page 39: OF · 2015. 9. 14. · "'We~l have need lor ~ych a rbase7 syst'eln, supple-~ mented by forces and facilitie-s m.3intai~d by our allies;' in order/i) to maintaln a deterr~nt to general

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Page 40: OF · 2015. 9. 14. · "'We~l have need lor ~ych a rbase7 syst'eln, supple-~ mented by forces and facilitie-s m.3intai~d by our allies;' in order/i) to maintaln a deterr~nt to general

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Page 41: OF · 2015. 9. 14. · "'We~l have need lor ~ych a rbase7 syst'eln, supple-~ mented by forces and facilitie-s m.3intai~d by our allies;' in order/i) to maintaln a deterr~nt to general


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TOP-SreRft'" .. I ...


,,:'{~ conten~8 or thi& se\tionare clas.1fied:'~) . .

The world-vide deployment c4 u.s. mUitar,y '~Orce8 baa neceaa1-tate4 'the dege!.o;ment or' a wrld-v1d.e cacm1 caUona netwrk. Such ' a netvork 1. mandatory in order to 1.ruIu.%e r.deQ,Wlte control ot modern .

b l'.WI:lber and types c4 1nStauat1ona are dependent on distance.' involyed, :progreIiS in q:mnmications teclmologJ, and strategic re­~ 0VUIIea.a. The l'l'esent network ~ long-heW. eamrnm1cationa stat:mn:i support ~ipalll !'=!P 1'requencz or enble ·tX'llZl.Bmi881an •• 1'0 1nBure 1Idequac:y'1md divers1ty ot cOll:llUil1cati~ support, more' , rdillhle end Secure methods ot elt:et1"Clll8gDetlc CQImIm1C8tiona with " high CfqleC1ty,' such as tropospber1e ae&tter, are belIlg 1nstall.ed progreaa1~ end v1ll be ~ iii conJunction.with ~1J)g or platmed hi6b 1':requenq end cahl.e rel.ay8. In1 t1al. pl fI%lT!1 ng tor the ' tuture CQICIm:i cat10ns network 1ndicate8 the use ot &aile 1.20 ,fixed 1nstal.l.r.tlona tor cCXlll1Un1cat1ona purposes overse~. 1b1. 'count ·does. not 1nclude all those ~1cn.I c:otmected vith such opent1ona as m:w I..iDe, Kid-ce.nada; and ot.l=r ~ 1nterlaclIlg C8D&da and Alaaka. B,pace and detail pem1tting, the J:e.jor1ty or the 120 sites have been 1debUt1ed on the at~ 'chart. It v1ll be DOted that . aevereJ. areas in the c:hart, l.e. Spain, Get:%1Jf& and Jcr.pen. have a aee::1ngl,y di8p%~ionate ishare of and relaY £tAt1 ema. These are necessary to l'l'OV1de dive~ in rout!y; diversity 111 methocl or ca::Rm.1cat1on; and to ac"'daie 1ncrease4 Service re­'qii1ri:iIiiilita generated 1)7 the IIIOl'e adTllIlCed ve~ systeu.

These locat1ona are des1gDed"tO :meet ex1ating and pl.eained re­qu1rementa and are suaeept1ble to. 1ntegnttion into a wr14-w1c1e '\ ,301ut. c:a:mm1 e&t1ona Detwrk Dow l)e1Ilg c1evelo,ped Yh1cll will be ~ able or aeet1.ng m1l.1.tary lDng-haul, po1nt-to-point requ1rementh-J 1b1a DII'tlIork vU1 not'1ncl.u4e: (a) tactical·~m1cati~ 8ysteu, aelt~ vith1n tactical. orgap1u.t1ons; ,(b) selt-conta1ned . 1ntomat1Oa ptber1n8, transmitt1n6' and processlDg 8)'Stema ~ loc&l 111 .rat1on and uaeSj and (~) l.aZId~ abip or airborne tem.1Dal tac1l1t1ea or broadeast &yStems, abip-to-aho:re, abip-to-s):I1p, a1r-.~,'

tll"OlMd-a1r .,.ateu. ,. ._

. '-~ In order to ~. the degree ~ ~ab1l1t7 nece8aar;r to meet requ'l"ftIlt'Dt8 tor the trIII:uImission or Yit8l cam"""., Cl'1t1cal in-

.I • ~, ~ Cantrol1ntODl&t1cm., aDd eaae:t1al 8'U'P,POrt 4&ta, tbue 81tH aioe ~ ut1l1.zed and ~speraed as to lftClude major 4IIzIep to .wor14-vic1e joint COlIIINZl1cat1ona network, ~ eppree1able 4ea­ace ~ ~ 111 arrr one large geop'II;Ph1cal~. 1'0 acCCU;P.pab.

'. 29 .' , TOP SfCREt- .~' . ' ~ . .~ .



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Page 42: OF · 2015. 9. 14. · "'We~l have need lor ~ych a rbase7 syst'eln, supple-~ mented by forces and facilitie-s m.3intai~d by our allies;' in order/i) to maintaln a deterr~nt to general

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Page 43: OF · 2015. 9. 14. · "'We~l have need lor ~ych a rbase7 syst'eln, supple-~ mented by forces and facilitie-s m.3intai~d by our allies;' in order/i) to maintaln a deterr~nt to general


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~ ('Ibe ,~ ot 'thi. ..~~ are clu82:f1ec1 mx:RE'l') . . '

t· . .' , ~ ~

As prev1~ mentl0De4,' eo ~reee.st of the !Iee4 tor'~ U.S. pver­!leU baBe B;YBtem tor the )'ear. toJ.l.ow1Jlg 1963 must be t0un4e4 OIl IIICI1'8 1ndet1n1te te.etor1i and irends than areava1l.llhle tor ,the~, ' Mure. ibe effect' cp1 bAse 'JSecda or e.ctual~iOll and ~ " prosrema 18 ~ lpeculn't!ve., ~8!!\Yi:th the Al:lU:ll;PtiOll . that. 1'O%'ld ,tenS1aP.ee,Dd tlle ~ vithvor14 eci::::nm1p vlll. ton­tinue '6ade~ are' ~Ciid Vi~ ~ aasum;ptlcm that the present nat1Cmal JX)l1cyto ea~r the ca=:nm'st threat. to u~S. and free world aecur1ty \I1ll. rema:1n val1d tor tbe, Murei it 18 JIOS81bler­to set torth cex't$ tactors \lh1eh v:lll. 1n.tJ.ucnce the uee4 tor ~­tenance of an ~ee.s be.ee eystem. ','!be ~ ot ~. in weapona tecbnO~osy, partiClll..U~ tboae of'breaktbrough c:h.iu:acter--.... (~ Sl1l:h aa space ftMcl.e.a":-ia even more d1U1cult to easeaa. ".:t

- lbr the period aflter 1963,. '~t 1.. u81.I:Ced that the U:s~ poll : v1ll remain tbat or deterrlnB the ca:r:mm1 st8 tl'aIl ,resortl.ng to cM!~~ aggreaB101l mid that the United State8 and: ita eJ.l1ea ab::nUd be pre­pared~ 'meet such aggression 1! tm::I tom if 1t aJ;Ioul4 occar. It .. ' ' is l.1.kel.y that UDlesa there i8 eo l'.'Ul IIOlutlon to the .u.:..msment ' probleia, t.Qe Sillo-Sov1et" bloc v1ll eoat1nue to 1IZ1nt&1D' ~Ba1ve· m1l1tary p:Ner. 'Whether or DOt a settl.emimt. lareached over Gcmm:rr ' and Cetrt.ral Europe, It 18 reuooable to suppose ~t the collective security concept embodied. in l'Wro v1ll continue.' ~ United Statea woul4 be ca:am1tted m1l1tar1ly:to suCh an allfflnMj and to 8.ll.1eneeB with ather ~ world'nationa, with JX)as1bleadjuatmenta in toree ' c'olItribUt1oD.s frail that DOw preva1l1J:Ig or~. ' ~,Y - '?-

, . .r-. -

In carr,ying but the central. a1m or ~.genere.l. wr·~." . i963-1969, it 1a alao .. SUllIed that nat!oDal-tiOl1cy flllc:cmt1Due':to , require' e.s part or ita m1l1~'-1ID effective ~ar zo8ta11a..

tory power , a jIOWer1l211a1Viil be l:ept secure tl'aIl ~1Ca,' ., ..i even t'raila surpr18!' attack. 'DIe J'Ole ot-0Ver8ea8, baaea 1D ~

the' ffect1W%le •• ot the present retallatory torc;e and 1DenhlmciDg tbe C\Il'1t;y of that torce baa ~ l,leen c1~.~.!Ille ;1'Ol.e oL.over-aeu a 1D avpportiDg ·a. U.S. ~~ retalJ.ator," tot'Ce after 1963

depend ~ on veapcms ;yet top be ~'4evelo,pe4 and oil a10aa Jet to be made rega.J:'\Ulls the ,1t1oci of auc:h .., force,.

FztD certain evident or ~ ~ in. ~lea • and 1'orce CCIlI,POa1t1on, 1t appears that, oveneaa bue.

tIa1 plq a d1m1n11b.1ng part 1D ~ of tbe zmclear force. ' ", •

.' I . ~ .... ... " .. ,;"" . •

4: ~ present trend in campodtitlO.ot the ~ ~ torce. v1ll , ~t in a continued~!co.1n ~-~7 •. and lC-srT ~r 1nventO%;y.

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Page 44: OF · 2015. 9. 14. · "'We~l have need lor ~ych a rbase7 syst'eln, supple-~ mented by forces and facilitie-s m.3intai~d by our allies;' in order/i) to maintaln a deterr~nt to general

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Page 46: OF · 2015. 9. 14. · "'We~l have need lor ~ych a rbase7 syst'eln, supple-~ mented by forces and facilitie-s m.3intai~d by our allies;' in order/i) to maintaln a deterr~nt to general


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~ .be.K. auoc1ated with ·t.he:;1adoc or de~ the • . ' D:lrth 'Al:IerlpIa Cc:rt.1Ilent tra: 'e.1r end ~ att&ek are rega.l"I1ed aa I . a ccmt1.mt1l:l8 ~ u 2l::::::Ig aa t.f:e. pote:lt1al ene:::,y poa.aeue.o ~~ . the e~=b t7 to att.a.ck the ~tcd Stt;tea b7 t.bece =tma. 5bese Il' '~ buea ; DOt..cn:q ll1"D1'1de tor e~l)" ~ III:Id ef'fect1ve c:::::;ploi'l.' , 1:Iellt the1ct.rates1e ~ ~a~ but w1ll alJIo aerve the t JUll't&r)- de!enae errorta in redw::1Dg tbe ~ 'to our ~, " . base Cldpoy.uat1pD eenten. ,1M1tjonell,., 'theJ' v1lJ., CQlt1:me to " udst in ~ ea:rt.rol or vital l.amd a:::;d eea ce8Jl and air _ ca::u::u.c:.tlau. ,. • ,p

qtber ·c1::::ngea. to the oven:ees base. ~ are a;pedcd. to be tUDor. lbe -mr1ed actlrtt1ell euoc1.ctcd.1I'1th ~ reaeuch Y1ll. . probe:bl,- cred.e an ever ~ ~ cm::t &::::all !'ac:U1- .• Uea or a ~ nat.ure, ~t.ered tlle ~ld. Also, AS previOUAl;r JX:l'ted,' plena for' l.a::g-:bmu. '('C!!"T=;1D1 cations envis10n the ~ahxnt.. b7 1955 0: edd1t1o:lal. 1c5t.allaUClIlB to acCO"""OOate oever . .........,m1Catlota ~, v1th a ra&1ct1oD 1D 8QIIe of the exUt- ' 1Ilo ~~U1t1~. . . ' ~ ~ the 1963-1969 period'~ 1a' a posa1bW.~ or attain- .

1Dg IICCIe tom of .1ntemaUaaal ama..l:CIDt%'ol cgreeaen1; v1th ~ S!Do-' SoY:1et bloc. . lIcca.wpe or 'the mrs:rJ:J ,and 'VV1ed -e,pea or ~. .



lIh1Ch c1tb't 1:Se ~, mmi pon1bl.e. ~ affecting Cftl"-sua baae.\bolt'11~ ..,. result.. It. 1. ~ to DOte, -havever,

• tlIAt .~ in O.S. '1'orce l.eve.l.a brought. about b7 .such 41s- ~ ~ ~ •. " .if c:oupl.e4 v1th.a ftl.1nq\111ll1z1ezIt or oveneu . base., v1ll c1.oubq ~ the ab~~ Qr theU::i1te4 State. to depl..oT it .• :rmefn1 ng'lI1lltai7 paver to c::r1t1caJ. area. or til! t:ree wr14.

. J'raac ~rau.,T18v~,~·or t.he.~ 1Jt~ .,m,ntqes enJd1ed.b7 :t.be U:D.1te6 state4-'O"f'8r the USSR is the poaa1b1l1ty ~_ ~ the CcIII:lm1st moe ~tb c:a::bat ~6~~ ae~) ~

~a1r--or .qr. str&tq1cal.lS l'081ti~ en: eh11'Uas tbe.ae ~," ' . Wen:Yer .Deeded •• AD ~qur.te O.S. overlie ... base sr.rste= is an ' easeatittJ. med of ~ltSM t.h1a benefit or ~'8ll4 or prO­mot1Xls tbe car:rt.1nlJed coll.ect1ve 'de~ et'tort..~ l'ree world ~'" nat1cc.s. . . " '. ' . .. • • '-.,

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Page 47: OF · 2015. 9. 14. · "'We~l have need lor ~ych a rbase7 syst'eln, supple-~ mented by forces and facilitie-s m.3intai~d by our allies;' in order/i) to maintaln a deterr~nt to general

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