ם י ל ש ו יר! ב: ה

םילשורי · R’ Shmuel Munkes Chosid of the Alter Rebbe R’ Shmuel Munkes arrived in the city of Shklov and headed straight to the home of his good friend, R’ Pinchos Ra-

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Page 1: םילשורי · R’ Shmuel Munkes Chosid of the Alter Rebbe R’ Shmuel Munkes arrived in the city of Shklov and headed straight to the home of his good friend, R’ Pinchos Ra-



Page 2: םילשורי · R’ Shmuel Munkes Chosid of the Alter Rebbe R’ Shmuel Munkes arrived in the city of Shklov and headed straight to the home of his good friend, R’ Pinchos Ra-


1. Broom 6.


We’re heading for moshiach! But how do we get there? We will travel through our history and meet the Chassidim of old. They will give us

the tools we need get our job done!!

Page 3: םילשורי · R’ Shmuel Munkes Chosid of the Alter Rebbe R’ Shmuel Munkes arrived in the city of Shklov and headed straight to the home of his good friend, R’ Pinchos Ra-

How do I fill up my car?

1. Read one story each night.

2. Do the mission the next day

3.When you complete the mission you cut out the “tool” of that story and you put it in your car. The tool is the picture in the cloud.

4.When you are finished all seven stories and all seven missions, go to shlu-chimkids.org/latestnews to fill out the “Hachlata” form.

5. You have until Chof Beis Shevat to fill up your car.

6. Wait for your PRIZE to come in the mail!

7. Bring MOSHiACH!

Page 4: םילשורי · R’ Shmuel Munkes Chosid of the Alter Rebbe R’ Shmuel Munkes arrived in the city of Shklov and headed straight to the home of his good friend, R’ Pinchos Ra-

R’ Shmuel Munkes Chosid of the Alter Rebbe R’ Shmuel Munkes arrived in the city of Shklov and headed straight to the home of his good friend, R’ Pinchos Ra-

izes. R’ Pinchos ws a rich man who had a big, beautiful home with many spacious rooms. When R’ Shmuel arrived, R’ Pinchos wasn’t home and neither was his wife, so he let himself in. He went into one of the bedrooms and laid down on one of the beds, with his shoes still on! His shoes were dirty and muddy from his traveling and he got the mud all over the beds! When R’ Pinchos’s wife came home and she saw the mud all over the clean linen, she was very upset. She waited until her husband came home and told him what was going on. R’ Pinchos came into the room and, guess who is the stranger who’s getting his house all muddy? None other than, his good friend, R’ Shmuel Munkes! “My friend!” he said, “It is very bad manners to lie down on a bed with muddy shoes. If you wanted to go to sleep, that’s fine. But yous should’ve taken off your shoes!” When R’ Shmuel heard these words, he stood up. “Is this why the rebbe worked for you? So that you should care about things like mud on your bed? If such things still bother you, I’m leaving your

house! And we’re not friends any-more.” And with that he left the house. “Wait!” R’ Pinchos called, “I still want to be friends. What can I do to correct what I’ve done?” R’ Shmuel finally turned around. “Okay,” he said, “I’ll come back. On one condition.” You should take a broom and ride through the streets on the broomstick as if it were a horse, like the way the children play.” Although, R’ Pinchos was the son of the Rav of Shklov, and he was a very important person, he did as R’ Shmuel said. There are many things we can learn from his story. Here are two of them: 1) Gashmius things, like candy and toys, are not the most impor-

tant thing in the world. 2) R’ Pinchos was a very great man, even greater than R’ Shmuel

and still he listened to him when he gave him advice about how to become a better Chosid.

Dor 1

Mission: share your snack or treat with someone—you don’t need to it all yourself! When you’ve done your mission, cut out the broom and put it in your car.

Tool 1

Page 5: םילשורי · R’ Shmuel Munkes Chosid of the Alter Rebbe R’ Shmuel Munkes arrived in the city of Shklov and headed straight to the home of his good friend, R’ Pinchos Ra-

R’ Yekusiel Liepler Chosid of the Mitteler Rebbe R’ Yekusiel Liepler was a storekeeper in the city of (can you guess?) Liepli. One day, he heard that a yungerman had

just come from the Mitteler Rebbe. The young man stayed in Lie-pli for a week. Every day he would say chasidus that he heard from the Mitteler Rebb in public and all the people would come to listen to him. The Yungerman was very smart and he explained the Chasidus very clearly even though it was very hard stuff. R’ Yekusiel listened day after day to the beautiful words of the young Chosid, but he couldn’t understand it at all! And this made him very upset. “Here I am, “ he thought, “already 40 years old. I learned by the Alter Rebbe for 15 years as hard as I can. Then along comes this Bochur’l, and he’s talking, and I can’t understand a thing!” A fire burned inside R’ Yekusiel. “I must understand Chasidus!” he said to himself. He ignored his household and his business. He kept the young Chosid in town for three weeks so he could ex-plain he chasidus to him again and again. He worked on it day and night—but he did not succeed. “That’s it!” R’ Yekusiel decided “I’m going to Lubavitch!” and off he

went. When he came to Lubavitch he found that there were many young men there and they understood the Cha-sidus very well, much better than he did. And it made him very sad. When he went into Yechidus he told the Mitteler Rebbe how he wanted so much to understand but nothing helped! The Mitteler Rebbe said to him: “If you really want to you’ll be able to understand!” When R’ Yekusiel heard that he decided, “I’m not leaving Lubavitch until I understand Chasidus!” The end of the story is that the Mitteler Rebbe wrote a Sefer especially for R’ Yekusiel, and it’s a very very hard sefer. So finally, R’ Yekusiel got what he wanted to badly—to under-stand the words of the Rebbe!

Dor 2

Mission: ask your mommy, tatty, or big brother or sister to tell you a dvar torah about this week’s parsha When you’ve done your mission cut out the Tanya and put it in your car

Page 6: םילשורי · R’ Shmuel Munkes Chosid of the Alter Rebbe R’ Shmuel Munkes arrived in the city of Shklov and headed straight to the home of his good friend, R’ Pinchos Ra-

חנוך הענדל קוגל‘ ר Chosid of the Tzemach Tzedek R’ Chanoch Hendel was known for his Ahavas Yisroel. He would try his

hardest to help every Yid while he himself made do with very little. Once, one of the Chassidim, R’ Shraga Feivish became sick and he needed to drink fresh milk in order to get better. So every morning, R’ Hendel would wake up very early and travel a long way to get some fresh milk for the sick Chosid. Then he would come all the way back and warm up the milk on a little fire, and then bring it to R’ Shraga Feivish. He did this Mitzva with a lot of Chayus. And can you guess what R’ Hendel himself ate? Just bread and water!! R’ Chanoch was living in Lubavitch when a big, big fire broke out and tons of houses were being burned. R’

Hendel was standing in the street and watching the flames. He burst out crying, “Yidddishe money is burning!” he cried. He was so sad for the people who were losing their houses and their clothes and their money that it made him very very sick.

Dor 3

Mission: say a perek tehilim for a sick person that you know When you’ve done your mission, cut out the milk bottle and put it in your car!!

Page 7: םילשורי · R’ Shmuel Munkes Chosid of the Alter Rebbe R’ Shmuel Munkes arrived in the city of Shklov and headed straight to the home of his good friend, R’ Pinchos Ra-

R’ Leib Poizen Chosid of the rebbe maharash R’ Leib Poizen and R’ Shmuel Brown were two Chassidim who lived in the city of Vitebsk. They were both wealthy businessmen. Both

of them made time to learn Torah and gave money to Tzedaka. But one day, R’ Shmuel’s business started having trouble. And soon, he lost all his money! Soon afterwards R’ Leib was visiting Lubavitch. When he went to speak to the Maharash he asked for hatzlacha in his business and then he said, “It’s so sad what happened to R’ Shmuel! He really needs a bracha. I mean, everything is in the hands of Hashem so I’m sure it’s all for the best. Still, it’s very sad.” The Rebbe Maharash was silent. A little while later, a big fire broke out and burned R’ Leib’s house and his store. He was in danger of losing everything! R’ Leib rushed to the Rebbe Maharash in distress. “Please help me!” he begged. The Rebbe Maharash looked at him, “When your friend was in trouble you said ‘It’s all in hashem’s hands’ but when YOU are in trouble you are distressed.” It seems that you care about yourself more than your friend!” R’ Leib left yechidus. For a few days he thought about the Rebbe’s words and finally he went back to ask the Rebbe how he could correct his behavior. This time the Rebbe Maharash looked at him softly, like a father to a son. And he told him in a sing song: “The Baal Shem Tov taught us that if you judge your friends hashem will judge you. If you are kind to your friends Hashem will be kind to you!” Go now,” continued

the Rebbe “And give your friend THREE THOUSAND ruble. Give it with a smile and Hashem will surely pay you back!”” R’ Leib returned immediately to Vitebsk. He took 3,000 ruble and went to find R’ Shmuel—but he was nowhere to be found! R’ Leib had to travel to Moscow to take care of his busi- ness but he did not go. He waited until R’ Shmuel came back to town, and then he gave him the money. “I won’t take the money!” R’ Shmuel said. “My business is doing badly and who knows if I’ll be able to pay you back?” Even after R’ Leib told him that he was giving him the money because the Rebbe said—R’ Shmuel still wouldn’t take it. So, R’ Leib went back to Lubavitch and gave the 3,000 ruble to the Rebbe. Very soon, the brachos of the Rebbe came true, and R’ Leib and R’ Shmuel began to do very well in business again. Of course, they continued to give tzedaka and to learn. Of course, R’ Leib always remembered the Rebbe Maharash’s words and he knew that you have to care about the other person even more than your-self!

Dor 4

Mission: Give an extra quarter to tzedaka—from your own money! When you’ve done your mission, cut out the dollar bills and put ithem in your car!!

Page 8: םילשורי · R’ Shmuel Munkes Chosid of the Alter Rebbe R’ Shmuel Munkes arrived in the city of Shklov and headed straight to the home of his good friend, R’ Pinchos Ra-

)מאויאר(אברהם דרייזין ‘ ר Chosid of the rebbe maharash R’ Avrohom Mayar was a very great Cho-sid, who was Mashpia in Tomchei Temimim. But he wasn’t always a Cho-sid. Here’s a piece of R’ Avrohom’s own

diary about his first days in Lubavitch: “I came to Lubavitch with a Recommendation letter from the

Rav in my city. We traveled all night long, and by morning we reached Rodnia. From there we went to Lubavitch. I came to-gether with many other boys that came to yeshiva.

“It was very hard to get accepted and most of the boys that came were not accepted into the Yeshiva. I was one of the few that did.

“After I was accepted I went to see the Yeshiva. I walked into the Zal and I was shoucked by what I saw. All the Bochurim had beards (where I came from the bochurim didn’t have full beards before they got married) and they were wearing old and tattered clothing. And I, although we were not wealthy, had some decent suits.

I” decided I was going home. I didn’t want to stay in this place. But because I was one of the only ones that passed the test to get in I didn't’ want to leave right away. I decided I would stay for a few days and then I would go home.

“The first few days passed and it was Shabbos. On Shab-

bos there’s no class accept on Shabbos afternoon.

“At three o’clock I walked into the Zal and I saw something spectacular! There were tens of Bochurim who were still davening at three o’clock in the afternoon!

“These bochurim were called “עובדים” because they spent so many hours davening. There were many עובדים in תומכי תמימים in Lubavitch.

“I remember very well one Tamim whose name was Hillel Futcheper. He was tall and hansome. He stood there with his eyes closed and he sang a niggun so beautifull, so real, so deep.

“That niggun and the one who sang it captured my heart. “I’ll never forget that niggun. “At that moment I decided: I’m staying in Lubavitch…”

Dor 5

Mission: sing a niggun before you daven in the morning When you’ve done your mission, cut out the music notes and put ithem in your car!!

Page 9: םילשורי · R’ Shmuel Munkes Chosid of the Alter Rebbe R’ Shmuel Munkes arrived in the city of Shklov and headed straight to the home of his good friend, R’ Pinchos Ra-

מענדל פוטערפאס‘ ר Chosid of the Frierdike Rebbe It was dark times for the Chassidim in Russia. All yiddishkeit had to be kept in secret, many Chassidim were arrested, and sent to Siberia or killed. And the

rest lived in fear, that any day they would also be cought. There was no way out. All gates were sealed. And then one door opened. After the war, the Russian government allowed polish citi-

zens to return home. The Chassidim had a great idea. They could pretend to be

polish citizens. They could get fake polish passports and then they would be allowed to leave Russia!

This was a very difficult and dangerous idea. Where could they get the fake passports from? And what if they got cought?

R’ Mendel was very involved in this project. He helped many Chassidim escape from Russia. He would help them hide in the city of Lemberg (where the trains left), get them money and passports.

Eventually, the Russians got wind of all this activity and they were ready to swoop down and arrest anyone involved. “Run!” the message was sent around “Get out before it’s too late!”

R’ Mendel got the message too and he made plans to leave

on the next train with his family. It was to be the last train. The last chance for freedom.

But as he was about to leave he stopped suddenly. “If I leave,” he thought, “who’s going to take my place? What will be with the Cheder? The mikva? All the Yid-den that were left behind?”

He turned around, “I’m staying here!!” he decided. “I can’t leave Russia when the job is still not done.”

R’ Mendel made this decision even though he knew that he was putting his life in danger.

R’ Mendel was later arrested and was in prison for many years.

The Russians would harass him because he wanted to leave Russia. “You’re a traitor, you hate Mother Russia! You are not a good citizen!” They would tell him.

R’ Mendel would answer them. “It has nothing to do. I like Rus-sia a lot, but the Rebbe is in New York. And I MUST travel to the Rebbe! If the Rebbe was in Russia I would do everything I could to come back to Russia because the Rebbe is my whole life!”

Dor 6

Mission: sing a niggun before you daven in the morning When you’ve done your mission, cut out the music notes and put ithem in your car!!

Page 10: םילשורי · R’ Shmuel Munkes Chosid of the Alter Rebbe R’ Shmuel Munkes arrived in the city of Shklov and headed straight to the home of his good friend, R’ Pinchos Ra-

Your Name: ___________ Chosid of our Rebbe

Write a story about yourself. The story could be about: 1) You did something to bring Moshiach closer. 2) A story about your Shlichus. 3) A story about your connection to the Rebbe. 4) A story about when you did something that a Chosid would

do. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Dor 7

Mission: write your own story! When you’ve done your mission, cut out the mirror and put it in your car!!