907.37 МІНІСТЕРСТВО ІНФРАСТРУКТУРИ УКРАЇНИ ДЕРЖАВНА УСТАНОВА «ДЕРЖГІДРОГРАФІЯ» ПОВІДОМЛЕННЯ МОРЕПЛАВЦЯМ Повідомлення № Випуск № 37 417–428 Дата: 7 жовтня 2016 р. За повідомленнями мореплавцям, надрукованими у цьому бюлетені, потрібно виправити морські карти і посібники для плавання. Повідомлення мореплавцям виходять окремими випусками, нумерація яких є безперервною протягом календарного року. Повідомлення мореплавцям видаються з метою вчасного оповіщення морекористувачів про зміни у навігаційній обстановці та режимі плавання. Для постійного підтримування на рівні сучасності карт, лоцій та інших посібників для плавання державна установа «Держгідрографія» просить мореплавців та інші організації надсилати відомості про: 1) нові, виявлені під час плавання, перешкоди: банки, обмілини, камені, скелі, вулканічні утворення тощо; 2) випадки розбіжностей карт, лоцій та посібників для плавання з місцевістю; 3) необхідні для нанесення на карти примітні пункти, об’єкти, а також іншу інформацію, що полегшує визначення місця і сприяє безпечному мореплавству. При повідомленні даних про перешкоди необхідно якомога чіткіше вказувати їх місцезнаходження. При посиланні на книжкові джерела слід вказувати рік видання книг і їх сторінку. При посиланні на карти і повідомленні географічних координат обов’язково необхідно вказувати номер карти, до якої належать повідомлювані дані, і рік її друку. Адреса державної установи «Держгідрографія»: пр-т Гагаріна, 23, м. Київ, 02094 тел. (044) 296-60-40, тел./факс: (044) 292-12-17 e-mail: [email protected]

ПОВІДОМЛЕННЯ МОРЕПЛАВЦЯМ417-428).pdf · - IMO resolution MSC.255 (84) dated May 16, 2008, The Code of the International Standards and Recommended Practices

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Page 1: ПОВІДОМЛЕННЯ МОРЕПЛАВЦЯМ417-428).pdf · - IMO resolution MSC.255 (84) dated May 16, 2008, The Code of the International Standards and Recommended Practices




ПОВІДОМЛЕННЯ МОРЕПЛАВЦЯМ Повідомлення № Випуск № 37

417–428 Дата: 7 жовтня 2016 р.

За повідомленнями мореплавцям, надрукованими у цьому бюлетені, потрібно виправити морські карти і посібники для плавання.

Повідомлення мореплавцям виходять окремими випусками, нумерація яких є безперервною протягом календарного року.

Повідомлення мореплавцям видаються з метою вчасного оповіщення морекористувачів про зміни у навігаційній обстановці та режимі плавання.

Для постійного підтримування на рівні сучасності карт, лоцій та інших посібників для плавання державна установа «Держгідрографія» просить мореплавців та інші організації надсилати відомості про:

1) нові, виявлені під час плавання, перешкоди: банки, обмілини, камені, скелі, вулканічні утворення тощо;

2) випадки розбіжностей карт, лоцій та посібників для плавання з місцевістю;3) необхідні для нанесення на карти примітні пункти, об’єкти, а також іншу

інформацію, що полегшує визначення місця і сприяє безпечному мореплавству.При повідомленні даних про перешкоди необхідно якомога чіткіше вказувати їх

місцезнаходження.При посиланні на книжкові джерела слід вказувати рік видання книг і їх сторінку.

При посиланні на карти і повідомленні географічних координат обов’язково необхідно вказувати номер карти, до якої належать повідомлювані дані, і рік її друку.

Адреса державної установи «Держгідрографія»:пр-т Гагаріна, 23, м. Київ, 02094

тел. (044) 296-60-40, тел./факс: (044) 292-12-17e-mail: [email protected]

Page 2: ПОВІДОМЛЕННЯ МОРЕПЛАВЦЯМ417-428).pdf · - IMO resolution MSC.255 (84) dated May 16, 2008, The Code of the International Standards and Recommended Practices



NOTICES TO MARINERS Notice № Edition № 37

417–428 Date: October 7, 2016

Nautical charts and sailing directions should be updated according to the Notices to Mariners, printed in this statement.

Notices to Mariners are published as separate edition; NtM numeration is keeping continuously during the calendar year.

Notices to Mariners are issued in order to inform mariners timely about all changes of navigational situation and regime of navigation.

To update charts and sailing directions mariners and other agencies are requested to inform State Hydrographic Service of Ukraine about the following:

1) new detected obstructions like banks, shoals, stones, rocks, volcanic formations, etc.;2) all divergences between charts, sailing directions and locality;3) necessity to chart information on conspicuous marks, objects and other information

to facilitate position-finding and ensure safe navigation.Reporting data about obstructions it is necessary to indicate their location as clear as

possible.Referring to publications it is necessary to point out the year of books edition and

page number. Referring to charts and reporting geographic coordinates it is obligatory to indicate the number of chart concerned and year of its edition.

Address of State Hydrographic Service of Ukraine:23, Gagarina Ave., Kyiv, 02094

tel. (044) 296-60-40, tel./fax: (044) 292-12-17e-mail: [email protected]

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Положення об’єктів у Повідомленнях мореплавцям наведено у географічних або полярних координатах, довготу вказано від Гринвіча. Координати коректурних даних для карт наведено за картою найбільшого масштабу.

Напрямки подано дійсні у градусах або румбах.Напрямок створу дано подвійний: перший – з моря від переднього знака до заднього;

другий – з берега. Напрямки меж секторів освітлюваності у градусах подаються від джерела світла і відраховуються за годинниковою стрілкою.

Висоти наведено у метрах. Висоти природних об’єктів (гір, пагорбів, островів, скель тощо), а також вогнів засобів навігаційного обладнання подано від рівня моря, прийнятого на картах цього району для відрахунку висот, а висоти споруд – від їх основи. Якщо висоту споруди дано від рівня моря, то про це обов’язково застерігається.

Дальність видимості вогнів засобів навігаційного обладнання подано у милях.Глибини наведено у метрах від рівня, який на картах відповідного району прийнято

за нуль глибин.З питань придбання карт і посібників для плавання просимо звертатися за адресою:

Державна установа «Держгідрографія»пр-т Гагаріна, 23, м. Київ, 02094

тел. (044) 296-60-40, тел./факс: (044) 292-12-17e-mail: [email protected]



Location of objects in the Notices to Mariners are given in geographical and polar coordinates; longitudes are counted from the Greenwich. Coordinates for chart updating are given by the largest scale chart.

Directions in degrees or bearings are real.Directions of the leading lines are dual: first – from the sea (from the front mark to

the rear), second – from the shore. Directions of the lighted sectors’ limits are given from the light source and measured in degrees clockwise.

Heights are given in metres. The heights of natural objects (mountains, hills, islands, rocks, etc.) and elevation of aids to navigation lights are given from the sea level. This level is adopted in specific area charts for height calculation. Elevation of structures is given from the ground. If elevation of structure is given from the sea level it is specified.

Range of light visibility is given in nautical miles.Depths are given in metres from datum which is adopted in specific area charts as

a chart datum.To purchase charts and sailing directions please contact:

State Hydrographic Service of Ukraine23, Gagarina Ave., Kyiv, 02094

tel. (044) 296-60-40, tel./fax: (044) 292-12-17e-mail: [email protected]


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НомерПовідомлення мореплавцям

НомерПовідомлення мореплавцям

НомерПовідомлення мореплавцям


to MarinersNumber

Notice to Mariners


to Mariners


Карти Charts

3108 425 3221 425 3303 425 3320 423, 424 3404 INT 3886 422 3405 422 3417 423, 424 3421 425 3434 425 3504-4 421 3504-8 420 3522 423, 424

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Номер, рік видання

Повідомлення мореплавцям

Номер, рік видання

Повідомлення мореплавцям

Номер, рік видання

Повідомлення мореплавцям

Number, year of edition

Notice to Mariners

Number, year of edition

Notice to Mariners

Number, year of edition

Notice to Mariners

Книги Books

201-2014 426 202-2011 427 907.35-2016 428

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Розділ І. Загальна інформація ................................................................................. 7

Розділ ІІ. Коректура карт ..........................................................................................85

Розділ ІІІ. Зміни навігаційної обстановки в морському регіоні та на внутрішніх водних шляхах України ........................................-

Розділ ІV. Коректура посібників для плавання .................................................89

Розділ V. Коректура каталогу карт і книг .............................................................-



Section І. General information ..................................................................................... 7

Section ІІ. Chart updating ............................................................................................85

Section ІІІ. Changes of navigational situation in maritime region and inland waterways of Ukraine ............................................................-

Section ІV. Updating of sailing directions ................................................................89

Section V. Updating of chart catalogue and books .................................................-

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Чорне та Азовське моря Black Sea and Sea of Azov

417. ОголошенняДо відновлення конституційного ладу України на тимчасово окупованій території Автономної Республіки Крим та міста Севастополя закрити морські порти Керч, Севастополь, Феодосія, Ялта, Євпаторія.

Наказ Міністерства інфраструктури України від 16.06.2014 № 255

Засоби навігаційного обладнання на узбережжі Кримського півострова тимчасово перебувають поза контролем Держгідрографії України. Мореплавцям слід бути обережними. ПРИП 187/14Про всі зміни навігаційної обстановки, що впливають на безпеку мореплавства, просимо оперативно інформувати Центр навігаційно-гідрографічної інформації (ЦНГІ) Держгідрографії України.

Звертатися слід за адресою:ЦНГІ Держгідрографії Українипр-т Гагаріна, 23, м. Київ, 02094

тел./факс: +38 044 292 41 20моб. тел.: +38 050 411 84 73

e-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Notice

Kerch, Sevastopol, Feodosiia, Yalta and Yevpatoriia sea ports shall be closed till recovery of the constitutional order of Ukraine in the temporarily occupied territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the City of Sevastopol.

According to the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine Order No. 255 dated 16.06.2014

Aids to navigation on coast of the Crimean Peninsula are temporarily out of control of the State Hydrographic Service of Ukraine. Mariners are requested to proceed with caution. Coastal warning 187/14You are requested to inform the Centre of Navigational and Hydrographic Information (CNHI) of the State Hydrographic Service of Ukraine operationally about any changes in navigational circumstances affecting safety of navigation.

Please apply to the following address:CNHI of State Hydrographic Service of Ukraine

23, Gagarina Ave., Kyiv, 02094tel./fax: +38 044 292 41 20mob. tel.: +38 050 411 84 73

e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

418. ОголошенняДля забезпечення мореплавців навігаційно-гідрографічною і довідковою інформацією, необхідною для постійної підтримки карт і посібників для плавання на рівні сучасності, державна установа «Держгідрографія» готує і видає Повідомлення мореплавцям (ПМ України).З 1 січня 2017 року вартість одного примірника ПМ України становитиме 60,00 грн. з урахуванням ПДВ та поштових витрат.

З питань замовлення та придбання звертатися за адресою:ФДУ «Укрморкартографія»

пр-т Гагаріна, 23, м. Київ, 02094тел./факс: (044) 292-64-44e-mail: [email protected]


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419. COMPULSORY REGULATIONS for Mariupol Sea Port

(Опубліковані Обов’язкові постанови відповідають українському тексту, оголошеному в Повідомленнях мореплавцям України № 33 від 02.09.2016. На випадок розбіжностей при тлумаченні тексту, український текст має перевагу над англійським.

These published Obligatory Regulations correspond to the Ukrainian text promulgated in the Notices to Mariners of Ukraine No. 33 dd. 02.09.2016. In case of divergence of interpretation, hereof Ukrainian text takes precedence over the English.)

I. General Provisions

1.1. The Compulsory Regulations for the Mariupol Sea Port (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Compulsory Regulations’) have been developed according to the Merchant Shipping Code of Ukraine and the Law of Ukraine on Ukrainian Sea Ports.

Normative legal acts used in these Compulsory Regulations include: - International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code, 1965 (IMDG Code); - International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (as amended) (SOLAS-74); - International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978, as amended (STCW);

- International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as amended (MARPOL 73/78); - Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972, as amended (COLREG-72); - International Ship and Port Facility Security Code, 2002 (ISPS Code); - European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Inland Waterways (ADN), 2000; - IMO resolution MSC.98 (73) dated December 05, 2000, International Code for Fire Safety Systems; - IMO resolution MSC.158 (78) dated May 20, 2004, Adoption of Amendments to the Technical Provisions for Means of Access for Inspections;

- IMO resolution MSC.159 (78) dated May 21, 2004, Interim Guidance on Control and Compliance Measures to Enhance Maritime Security;

- IMO resolution MSC.255 (84) dated May 16, 2008, The Code of the International Standards and Recommended Practices for a Safety Investigation into a Marine Casualty or Marine Incident (Casualty Investigation Code);

- IMO resolution A.851 (20) dated November 27, 1997, General Principles for Ship Reporting Systems and Ship Reporting Requirements, including Guidelines for Reporting Incidents Involving Dangerous Goods, Harmful Substances, and/or Marine Pollutants;

- IMO resolution A.1052 (27) dated November 30, 2011, Procedures for Port State Control; - IMO resolution A.741 (18) dated November 04, 1993, International Management Code for the Safe Operation of Ships and for Pollution Prevention (International Safety Management (ISM) Code);

- Constitution of Ukraine; - Merchant Shipping Code of Ukraine; - Law of Ukraine on Ukrainian Sea Ports; - Law of Ukraine on Transport; - Water Code of Ukraine; - Code of Civil Protection of Ukraine; - Law of Ukraine on State Border Guard Service of Ukraine; - Law of Ukraine on State Border of Ukraine; - Law of Ukraine on Environmental Protection; - Law of Ukraine on Carriage of Dangerous Cargoes; - Procedure for Determining and Establishing the Limitations on the Discharge of Pollutants, including the List of Pollutants Subject to Such Limitations, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No 1100 dated September 11, 1996;

- Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No 853 dated September 24, 2008, On the Limits of the Water Area of Mariupol Sea Port;

- Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No 451 dated May 21, 2012, On State Border Control for Persons, Road, Water, Railway and Air Vehicles of Carriers, and Goods Transported by Them;

- Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No 406 dated June 03, 2013, Some Issues regarding Sea Port Water Areas; - Provisions on the Procedure for Preparing and Submitting Information about Cargoes for the Safety of Their Transportation by Sea, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Transport of Ukraine No 497 dated December 14, 1998 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on December 30, 2000 under No 848/3288;

- Standard Provisions on Vessel Traffic Service, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Transport of Ukraine No 340 dated May 28, 2001 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on June 25, 2001 under No 545/5736;

- Provisions on Pilot-Operators of Vessel Traffic Services, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Transport of Ukraine No 341 dated May 28, 2001 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on June 25, 2001 under No 544/5736;

- List of Mandatory Radio Equipment for Merchant Vessels (excluding Fishing Vessels and Vessels Not Required to Carry Radio Equipment by Classification Societies) Not Making International Voyages or Falling within the Requirements of SOLAS 74/78, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Transport of Ukraine No 605 dated August 30, 2002 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on September 19, 2002 under No 770/7058;

- Regulations on Vessel Control for Ensuring Maritime Security, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Transport of Ukraine No 545 dated July 17, 2003 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on March 23, 2004 under No 353/8952;

- Provisions on Navigation Safety Management System for Sea and River Transport (SMS), approved by the Order of the Ministry of Transport of Ukraine No 904 dated November 20, 2003 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on December 19, 2003 under No 1193/8514;

- Regulations on Operation of Port Hydraulic Structures, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Transport and Communication of Ukraine No 257 on May 27, 2005 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on October 13, 2005 under No 1191/11471;

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- Provisions on the Navigational and Hydrographic Support of Sailing in the Inland Sea Waters, Territorial Sea, and Exclusive (Maritime) Economic Zone of Ukraine, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Transport and Communication of Ukraine No 514 dated May 29, 2006 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on June 14, 2006 under No 708/12582;

- List of Mandatory Navigational Shipboard Equipment and Systems for Merchant Vessels (excluding Fishing Vessels) of a Gross Tonnage Less than 150 Units Making Any Voyages and Other Vessels Not Making International Voyages, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Transport and Communication No 912 dated July 22, 2008 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on August 01, 2008 under No 706/15397;

- Regulations on Ice Pilotage, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine No 14 dated March 12, 2011 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on April 04, 2011 under No 447/19185;

- Regulations on Navigation and Pilotage in the Operational Zone of Mariupol Vessel Traffic Station, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine No 415 dated July 25, 2012 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on September 03, 2012 under No 1479/21791;

- Provisions on Harbour Masters and Harbour Masters’ Offices, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine No 190 dated March 27, 2013 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on April 08, 2013 under No 632/23164;

- Provisions on Sea Pilots, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine No 292 dated May 08, 2013 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on June 10, 2013 under No 920/23452;

- Procedure for Providing Vessel Traffic Services, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine No 291 dated May 08, 2013 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on May 24, 2013 under No 807/23339;

- Regulations on Service Provision in Sea Ports of Ukraine, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine No 348 dated June 05, 2013 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on August 15, 2013 under No 1401/23933;

- Procedure for Registering the Arrival of Vessels at Sea Ports, Permitting their Departure to Sea, and Registering Their Departure from Sea Ports, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine No 430 dated June 27, 2013 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on July 23, 2013 under No 1230/23762;1.2. The Compulsory Regulations contain information on the limits of the supervision zone, territory, and water area of the

Mariupol Sea Port, including information on depths in the water area of the sea port and approaches to it; technical capabilities of the sea port to receive vessels; areas of compulsory and optional pilotage; categories of vessels and requirements for vessel masters exempted from compulsory pilotage, as determined by the central executive authority responsible for developing and implementing state policy on river and maritime transport; regulations on navigation in the water area of the sea port, channels, and fairways, including regulations on entry and departure to and from the port; procedure for submitting information about the arrival and departure of vessels; procedure for using communication means in the water area of the sea port; procedure for providing pilot services; regulations for the stay of vessels, including coordinates of anchorages in the roadstead and regulations for mooring and unmooring; regulations and designated areas for cargo handling operations; procedure for technical maintenance and repair of vessels; regulations on maintenance of safety and order in the sea port; security procedure for vessels and port facilities; regulations on environmental protection; regulations on dredging works; requirements of quarantine and sanitary regimes according to the department of the state sanitary and epidemiological service of the sea port; requirements of the fire prevention regime in the sea port; procedure for crew members going ashore and staying in the territory of the sea port or seaport town during the stay of their vessels; procedure for obtaining border and customs clearance; information specific for the Mariupol Sea Port; and other information related to ensuring navigational safety in the port.

1.3. The Compulsory Regulations shall be observed by any legal or physical person within the Mariupol Sea Port. The requirements of the Compulsory Regulations apply to vessels, ships, and other floating crafts of any flag (hereinafter referred to as ‘vessels’) within the water area of the Mariupol Sea Port, regardless of their departmental affiliation and form of ownership.

Persons responsible for violating the requirements of the Compulsory Regulations bear liability according to the legislation of Ukraine. Ignorance of the Compulsory Regulations does not relieve from liability any person responsible for their violation.

1.4. The Compulsory Regulations must not be in conflict with current legislation of Ukraine.1.5. All vessels entering the Mariupol Sea Port shall observe any international regulations accepted as obligatory by the

Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. 1.6. The Compulsory Regulations shall be issued in the national language. The Mariupol Sea Port Administration shall

ensure their translation into English. The Compulsory regulations may be issued in other languages, if necessary.1.7. The Compulsory Regulations are subject to revision in case of necessity or changes in international agreements accepted

as obligatory by the Verkhovna Rada, as well as normative legal acts of Ukraine or standards and regulations concerning navigational safety, maritime security, and prevention of environmental pollution.

1.8. Any changes to the Compulsory Regulations must be introduced according to the procedure established by current legislation of Ukraine. In case the extent and character of introduced changes complicate the use of the document or in case of other significant reasons, the Compulsory Regulations must be redrafted.

1.9. Marine agents shall give a copy of the Compulsory Regulations to all vessel masters arriving at the Mariupol Sea Port for the first time.

1.10. Upon implementation of appropriate Port Community Information System modules in the Mariupol Sea Port, the PCIS will be used for the exchange of information and electronic documents necessary to make authorized decisions between the port administration, government bodies authorized to exercise relevant types of control at state border checkpoints, and economic agents conducting their activities in the sea port.

II. Terms, Abbreviations, and Definitions Used in the Compulsory Regulations

2.1. Terms used in the Compulsory Regulations have the following definitions: - Anchorage – a hydraulic structure in the water area of the sea port designated for anchoring; - Berth – a hydraulic structure equipped with fenders and mooring gear and designated for the stay of vessels and servicing of vessels and passengers, particularly for their embarkation and disembarkation or cargo handling operations;

- Code of Customs – the code of customs of the Mariupol Sea Port; - Delta-Pilot – a branch of the Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority state enterprise;

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- Destination terminal – an integrated property complex that is located within the sea port or in inland river waterways and incorporates technologically related port infrastructure facilities, including berths, cargo handling facilities, and other equipment designated for the handling and storage of cargoes, safe stay of vessels, and servicing of vessels and passengers;

- Detention of a vessel – prohibition of a vessel’s departure from the port made by the Harbour Master according to legislation when the vessel’s state or crew are in significant contrast to current requirements;

- Fairway – a water space which is designated for transit traffic between ports, marked in its location and on charts and defined by aids to navigation;

- Flag State administration – the government of the state whose flag is flown by a vessel or an authorized government agency (according to the Regulations on Vessel Control for Ensuring Maritime Security, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Transport of Ukraine No 545 dated July 17, 2003 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on March 23, 2004 under No 353/8952);

- General purpose port infrastructure facilities – the water area of the port, railroad and motor road access communications (to the first branching beyond the port territory), communication lines, heating, gas, water, and electricity supply facilities, engineering networks, and other facilities ensuring the operation of two and more economic agents in the sea port;

- High environmental pollution – spills of oil or oil products exceeding 1.0 m3; filming (by an oil film or other films) of more than one-third of a water body’s surface with a visible area of less than 6 km2 or more than 2 km2 of a water body’s surface with a visible area exceeding 6 km2 caused by the operation of a vessel or related to it;

- Inner approach channel – a hydraulic structure or a natural or man-made waterway located within the water area of the port and designated for the approach and departure of vessels to and from berths and maneuvering within the port water area;

- Inspection – the act of visiting a vessel in order to check the validity of relevant certificates, other documents, the general state of a vessel, its equipment and crew;

- Length, width, and moulded depth – maximum length, width, and moulded depth; - Local navigation – navigation without leaving the limits of the port water area; - Marine agent – in these Compulsory Regulations, the term ‘marine agent’ has the meaning given in Article 116 of the Merchant Shipping Code of Ukraine;

- Maritime emergency – an event caused by the operation of a vessel or related to it that has led or could lead to casualties or injuries, loss of the vessel or its seaworthiness, as well as environmental pollution;

- Mariupol Sea Port Administration – head of the MB of USPA, Harbour Master of the Mariupol Sea Port, General Technical Manager of the MB of USPA, deputy heads of the MB of USPA, Chief Accountant of the MB of USPA;

- Navigable channel – a hydraulic structure, natural or man-made waterway designated for the safe approach of vessels to ports, passage of vessels, or connection of separate water basins;

- Navigational safety – the state in which the life and health of a human, as well as environment and property at sea or in inland waterways are preserved (protected) and there is no unacceptable risk related to casualties, injuries, environmental pollution, or loss of property (according to the Provisions on Navigational Safety Management System for Maritime and River Transport, approved by the order of the Ministry of Transport of Ukraine No 904 dated November 20, 2003 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on December 19, 2003 under No 1193/8514);

- Operational water area of a berth (berths) – a hydraulic structure located within the port water area and designated for the safe approach and departure of vessels to and from berths and maneuvering of vessels during mooring operations or between berths;

- Pollution of natural environment or a pipeline damaged by a vessel – spills of oil or oil products ranging from 0.1 m3 to 1.0 m3 as the result of damage to a vessel that occurred during its operation or is related to it;

- Port authorities – port administration responsible for the efficient operation of the port, economic activity, organization and provision of navigational safety in the port water area and the Harbour Master (Harbour Master’s Office) exercising supervision (control) over navigational safety;

- Port infrastructure facilities – mobile and immobile facilities ensuring the operation of the sea port, such as its water area, hydraulic structures, docks, tugs, icebreakers, and other vessels of the port fleet; aids to navigation and other facilities providing navigational and hydrographic support of sea routes; vessel traffic systems; information systems; cargo handling equipment; railroad and motor road access communications; communication lines; heating, gas, water, and electricity supply facilities; as well as engineering networks located within the territory or water area of the sea port and designated to ensure navigational safety, service provision, and state supervision (control) in the port;

- Port operator (stevedore company) – an economic agent engaged in the operation of a sea terminal, cargo handling operations, servicing and storage of cargoes, servicing of vessels and passengers, and other related economic activity;

- Regulatory authorities – government bodies authorized to supervise the observance of legislative requirements in ports and port water areas;

- Roadstead – an area used for anchoring vessels, particularly for their repair, embarkation (disembarkation) of passengers, cargo handling operations, and located within an unprotected part of the port water area (outer roadstead) or within a part of it which is fully or partially protected by special hydraulic structures or natural features (inner roadstead);

- Sea port – a territory or a water area that is defined by certain boundaries and has facilities for the servicing of vessels and passengers, cargo handling, transport, and forwarding operations, as well as other related economic activity;

- Sea port hydraulic structures (hydraulic structures) – engineering structures (port water area, berths, piers, other types of berthing structures, moles, dykes, breakwaters, other coastal protection structures, man-made and natural underwater structures, including channels, operational berth water areas, anchorages) located within the territory and water area of the sea port and designed to ensure navigational safety and allow the maneuvering and stay of vessels;

- Sea port territory – a part of Ukrainian land territory with defined limits, including man-made plots of land; - Sea port water area (port waters) – a limited body (bodies) of water, excluding the fairway, intended for safe approach, maneuvering, stay, and departure of vessels;

- Sea terminal – an integrated property complex that is located within the sea port and incorporates technologically related port infrastructure facilities, including berths, cargo handling facilities and other equipment designated for the handling and storage of cargoes, safe stay of vessels, and servicing of vessels and passengers;

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- Seaworthiness – a vessel’s properties ensuring its intended operation according to norms, criterion, and requirements defined by a classification society exercising technical supervision over the vessel;

- Serious vessel damage – damage to a vessel that is caused by a maritime emergency and has led to loss of strength of its structure (hull), incapacitation of its essential machinery and gear and/or substantial reduction in the seaworthiness of the vessel or need for its extensive repair or replacement of damaged structure elements;

- Shipowner – the owner of a vessel or any other legal or physical person that has legally assumed obligations and responsibilities regarding the operation of the vessel;

- Small vessel – a motor craft having a hull with a length of 24 meters, a sailing vessel having a hull with a length of 2.5 to 24 meters and gross tonnage of less than 80 units (excluding vessels carrying more than 12 passengers, vessels carrying dangerous cargoes, tugs, pushers, icebreakers, ferries, and vessels of auxiliary and technical fleet), or jet boats (personal water crafts);

- Strategic facilities of port infrastructure – state-owned facilities: hydraulic structures, general purpose port infrastructure facilities, aids to navigation, other facilities providing navigational and hydrographic support of sea routes, and vessel traffic systems;

- Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority – a state enterprise founded according to the legislation that ensures the operation of sea ports, maintenance and usage of state-owned port infrastructure facilities, and fulfillment of other assigned tasks using its own resources or involving its branches, which are established in each sea port (hereinafter ‘sea port administration’);

- Vessel – the term ‘vessel’ is used in these Compulsory Regulations according to the definition specified in the Merchant Shipping Code of Ukraine;

- Vessel crew – a vessel’s personnel tasked with the management and servicing of the vessel during navigation according to an established procedure.

- Such crews include a vessel master, other officers, and a vessel team (non-officers with job responsibilities on a vessel); - Vessel’s arrival – the act of anchoring a vessel in the port water area or mooring it to a berth located within the port water area in a place determined by the Sea Port Administration;

- Vessel’s departure – the act of leaving a berth or an anchorage located within the port water area as performed by a vessel; - Vessel team – vessel crew made up of non-officers with job responsibilities on a vessel; - Yacht – a decked, motor, sailing, or motor sailing vessel used for individual or collective recreation and sports.The terms ‘polluting cargoes’, ‘oil and oil products’, ‘poisonous liquid substances’, and ‘harmful substances’ are used

according to the definitions set out in Annexes I-III to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (hereinafter ‘MARPOL convention’). The term ‘dangerous goods’ is used according to the definition set out in the 2012 International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code); the term ‘noxious liquid substances’ has the meaning given in Chapter 17 of the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code); the term ‘liquefied gases’ has the meaning given in Chapter 19 of The International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code); the term ‘dry materials’ has the meaning given in Annex B of the Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargo (BC Code).

Other terms are applied according to the definitions set out in the Merchant Shipping Code of Ukraine and Provisions on Navigational Safety Management System for Maritime and River Transport, approved by the order of the Ministry of Transport of Ukraine No 904 dated November 20, 2003 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on December 19, 2003 under No 1193/8514.

2.2. The following abbreviations are used in these Compulsory Regulations: - AIS – Automatic Identification System; - ATE – automatic telephone exchange of the port; - AtoN – aids to navigation; - BGSD – Mariupol port Border Guard Service Department of the Donetsk Border Guard Detachment within the Regional Directorate of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine;

- CHO – cargo handling operations; - COLREG-72 – International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972; - CP – checkpoint; - CPRS – central port VHF radio station; - CR – Compulsory Regulations for Mariupol Sea Port; - CRS – coast radar station; - DEP –Department of Environmental Protection; - DFPS – departmental fire protection service; - DP – daily plan; - F&L – fuel and lubricants; - FTSS – Fire and Technogenic Safety Service; - GMDSS – Global Maritime Distress and Safety System; - HESS – Hydraulic and Engineering Structures Service; - HMO – Harbour Master’s Office; - IMDG Code – International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code; - IMO – International Maritime Organization; - ISC – International Signal Code; - ISPS Code – International Ship and Port Facility Security Code; - KYC – Kerch-Yenikalskyi Channel; - LCSSESU – Laboratory Center of State Sanitary Epidemiological Service of Ukraine for Water Transport, a state directorate; - ME – maritime emergency; - MoH – Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine; - MB of USPA – the Mariupol branch of the Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority state enterprise (Mariupol Sea Port Administration); - MPS – Maritime Pilotage Service; - MSS – Maritime Security Service; - NFU – Naval Forces of Ukraine;

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- NSMS RMT – Navigational Safety Management System for River and Maritime Transport; - PF – port facilities; - PFL – port fleet; - PFU – port fire-fighting unit; - PFSO – port facility security officer; - PPS – port pilotage service of Delta-Pilot branch of USPA; - RHT – roadstead handling terminal; - RS – radar station; - RT – recommended track (for vessel traffic); - SAMEI – State Azov Marine Ecological Inspectorate; - SBIPQ – State Border Inspectorate for Plant Quarantine; - SC – stevedore company; - SE “USPA” – Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority state enterprise; - SMS – Safety Management System; - SPFC – self-propelled floating crane; - SQD(S) – Sanitary and Quarantine Department (service); - ST of DSPSU – special team of the Directorate for State Protection Service of Ukraine; - SVCS – State Veterinary Control Service; - TC – tactical characteristics; - VHF – very high frequency; - VLO – very large object (vessels with a length of over 200 m); - VTS – vessel traffic service of Delta-Pilot branch of USPA;

III. Limits of the Supervision Zone, Territory, and Water Area of the Sea Port, including Information on Depths in Sea Port Water Area and Approaches to Sea Port;

Technical Capabilities of Sea Port to Receive Vessels

3.1. The Compulsory Regulations apply within the limits of the Mariupol Sea Port’s territory and water area defined by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No 853 dated September 24, 2008 and include information on: 1) limits of the Mariupol Sea Port; 2) limits of its water area, depths in the port and approach channels; 3) technical characteristics of the Mariupol Sea Port in terms of receiving vessels (Annex 1); 4) navigational areas (cl. 3.4.) and procedures, etc.

3.2. Allowable draughts near berths are calculated on the basis of depths within a three-meter strip from the edges of the berths with no consideration for the wind set-down/set-up in the port. The draughts are announced by an order of the head of the Mariupol Sea Port Administration and are promulgated to all concerned. Currently allowed draughts are determined by the HMO and promulgated to all concerned.

Currently allowed draughts in the approach channel and port may change in case of force-majeure or other emergency circumstances by decision of the Harbour Master.

3.3. The Mariupol Sea Port is situated in the north-western part of the Tahanrozka Gulf of the Azov Sea, 14 miles from the entrance to the gulf.

The boundary of the Mariupol Sea Port’s territory extends down the fence on the Eastern pier, from the head to the root; thence down the fence dividing the territory of the ship repair yard’s port to the square of the marine passenger terminal; thence down the fence along the square and the driveway to the overpass to the bakery plant access road; thence down the fence dividing the territories of the port and the bakery plant and extending through the railway tracks to the Admirala Lunina Ave. in the area of the port’s automatic telephone exchange building; thence down the fence along the Admirala Lunina Ave. and Morska St. to the beach of the Pishchane village; thence down the fence dividing the port territory from the beach of the Pishchane village to the coast-protecting structure; thence down the edge of the coast-protecting structure along the port fence to the head of berth No 18.

The water area of the Mariupol Sea Port includes: 18 cargo berths with a total length of 3657.41 m and depths from 8.0 to 9.75 m and 4 auxiliary berths with a length of 222.02 m.

Based on location and the extent and nature of operations, cargo berths are divided into three areas: - 1st area – includes berths Nos 1-9; - 2nd area – includes berths Nos 10-14; - 3rd area – includes berths Nos 15-18; The majority of the port’s cargo berths have a front line of location. The port also has four piers with cargo berths: berth No 1 – on the one-sided wide pier; berths Nos 5 and 6 – on the

two-sided narrow pier; berths Nos 8 and 9 – on the two-sided wide pier; berth No 18 – on the one-sided wide pier. 3.4. The limits of the port water area are determined by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No 853 dated

September 24, 2008. The port water area consists of the inner and the outer roadstead, as well as approach channels and underwater dumping

grounds within the limits according to the following coordinates: - Inner roadstead:

• The water area of the inner roadstead bounded by a line connecting the navigational mark at the edge of the Eastern pier (47°03’43.9” N, 037°30’56.4” E) with the navigational mark at the edge of the Eastern protecting dyke; thence it extends along the inner edge of the Northern mole to its main part (47°03’03.6” N, 037°31’22.9” E); thence to a position with coordinates 47°01’49.0” N, 037°29’53.2” E; thence to a position with coordinates 47°02’06.7” N, 037°29’33.8” E; thence to the position at the coastline edge with coordinates: 47°02’31.8” N, 037°29’23.6” E; thence along the coastline and the edge of port berths to the navigational mark at the edge of the Eastern pier;

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- Approach channels: • The water area of the Vuhilna Harbour approach channel is 100 m wide, with a guard zone of 100 m from the right and left channel edges, with a total length of its artificial cut being 17.5 km from buoys Nos 1 (46°53’44.7” N, 037°27’23.5” E) and 2 (46°53’44.1” N, 037°27’23.7” E) to the zero km of the mid-channel situated in the water area of the inner roadstead at the entrance to the Vuhilna Harbour, 7 m from the edge of the Eastern mole in the direction of entrance lights (47°02’59.7” N, 037°34’54.6” E);

• The water area of the PAT “MK ‘Azovstal’” approach channel is 100 m wide, with a guard zone of 100 m from the right and left channel edges, with a total length of its artificial cut being 9.192 km from bifurcation buoy No 17 at the intersection with the 3rd km of the Vuhilna Harbour approach channel (47°01’25.5” N, 037°29’46.8” E) to the zero km of the mid-channel situated in the entrance gates to the marine transportation shop of PAT “MK ‘Azovstal’”, 62 m from the edge of the Northern dyke along the leading line of the entrance lights (47°04’59.7” N, 037°34’54.6” E);

• The water area of the section of recommended track No 32, with a 100 m wide guard zone from the mid-channel, from the avantport to the intersection with the guard zone of the Azovstal plant approach channel at a distance of 5.75 km;

- Outer roadstead: • The water area of anchorage No 458 designated for the stay of river-sea-going vessels and marine vessels with a draught of up to 5 m;

• The water area of anchorage No 457 designated for the stay of vessels with a draught of over 5 m; • The water area bounded by the outer edge of the Southern and Eastern moles and the border dyke of the Vuhilna Harbour approach channel, as well as by a line connecting the edge of the Northern mole and the border dyke of the Vuhilna Harbour approach channel. This area is designated for the temporary stay of small-sized crafts.

- Underwater dumping grounds: • The water area of the dumping ground area is bounded by a line extending from a position with coordinates 47°04’08.7” N, 037°31’04.8” E in a direction of 146° at a distance of 9 cables to a point with coordinates 47°03’23.6” N, 037°31’48.6” E; thence in a direction of 221° to the edge of the Northern mole; thence along the outer edge of the Northern mole and Eastern border dyke; the water area of the dumping ground area bounded by lines connecting positions with the following coordinates:

46° 53' 59.7" N, 037° 24' 50.2" E,46° 59' 53.5" N, 037° 27' 19.5" E,46° 59' 47.3" N, 037° 28' 02.0" E,46° 53' 59.7" N, 037° 26' 15.0" E.

Mixed river-sea-going vessels and other marine vessels with a draught of not more than 3.5 m awaiting entry to the Mariupol Sea Port through the gates of the avantport (old gates), as well as through the marine transportation shop of PAT “MK ‘Azovstal’” or the fishing port, may anchor east of the Azovstal approach channel right and left from recommended track No 32.

According to the Law of Ukraine on Ukrainian Sea Ports, Article 75 of the Merchant Shipping Code of Ukraine, and the Provisions on Harbour Masters and Harbour Masters’ Offices, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine No 190 dated March 27, 2013 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on April 18, 2013 under No 632/23164, the limits of the supervision zone, in which the Harbour Master is authorized to supervise navigational safety, are defined by the central executive authority implementing state policy on maritime and river transport safety.

According to the Order of the State Inspectorate of Ukraine for Maritime and River Transport Safety No 331 dated July 23, 2014, On Defining the Limits of Zone Supervised for Navigational Safety, the zone supervised by the Harbour Master of the Mariupol Sea Port is defined in the area shown in Annex 10.

3.5. The port receives vessels with a draught of up to 8.0 m and a length of up to 240 m. Entry of vessels with a length of more than 240 m or vessels loaded beyond the announced draught (but not more than 8.2 m) must be agreed with the Harbour Master. Information on the actual water height in the port can be obtained in the HMO.

3.6. The water area of the Mariupol Sea Port is made up of water spaces designated for the port. It is a state property used by the MB of USPA.

The water area includes anchorages Nos 457 and 458 whose boundaries are shown on charts.The territory of the Mariupol Sea Port within the established boundaries and its water area limited by port hydraulic

structures, as well as anchorages Nos 457 and 458, are regime areas guarded by the MSS of the MB of USPA and subdivisions of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.

IV. Sea Port Description

4.1. The water area of the Mariupol Sea Port includes port berths located in three harbours under the following numbers: 1) Khlibna Harbour: berths Nos 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, ДП -1; 2) Vuhilna Harbour: berths Nos 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, ДП -2, ДП -3; 3) Zakhidna Harbour: berths Nos 15, 16, 17, 18, ДП -4.

4.2. The water area of the Mariupol Sea Port is contiguous with that of the Ship Repair Yard. 4.3. Navigation in the sea port is allowed year-round; the port operates around the clock and has a many-sided Ukrainian

cargo and passenger checkpoint for international maritime and ferry traffic across the state border of Ukraine. 4.4. The water area of the Mariupol Sea Port may freeze in wintertime.4.5. Navigational conditions in the Mariupol Sea Port are characterized by the following hydrometeorological conditions:

from October to March inclusive, north-eastern winds with a speed of 14-17 m/s; north-eastern gale-force winds with a speed of 25-30 m/s; icing-up of vessels and hydraulic structures is possible; wave height in the open water area of the sea port may reach 1.5-2.0 m and, in the closed water area, 0.5 m. The average number of fog days per year is 43. Fogs are most common from October to April inclusive when the average monthly number of fog days amounts to 4-7.

4.6. The Mariupol Sea Port is situated within GMDSS Sea Area 1.

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4.7. The Mariupol Sea Port has capabilities for cargo handling operations, including dangerous cargoes, in accordance with national and international requirements, fumigation, embarkation and disembarkation of passengers, replenishment of food supplies, fuel, fresh water, reception of sewage, oil retaining waters, garbage of all categories, as well as equipment repair, underwater inspection, etc.

4.8. Information on the technical capabilities of the Mariupol Sea Port in terms of receiving vessels is given in Annex 1. 4.9. Information on the fairways of the Mariupol Sea Port is given in Annex 2.4.10. Information on the areas of compulsory pilotage in the Mariupol Sea Port is given in Annex 3.4.11. Information on the minimum number and power of tugs for mooring operations in the Mariupol Sea Port is given in Annex 4.4.12. Information on the anchorages of the Mariupol Sea Port is given in Annex 5.4.13. Diagrams of the anchorages are given in Annex 6.4.14. A diagrammatic plan of the Mariupol Sea Port with the approaches and its water area (in the WGS-84 datum) is

given in Annex 7. 4.15. A table of ICS signals is given in Annex 8.4.16. Regulations on navigation and pilotage in the Mariupol VTS operational zone are given in Annex 9.4.17. The limits of the supervision zone in which the Harbour Master is authorized to supervise navigational safety are

described in Annex 10. 4.18. The limits of the zone of search and rescue responsibility are described in Annex 11.4.19. The standard list of maritime security information about a vessel intending to enter the Mariupol Sea Port is given

in Annex 12. 4.20. E-mail addresses and contact phone numbers of the port’s officials for providing the standard list of security information

are given in Annex 13.4.21. Procedure for navigation of small-sized, sports, and pleasure vessels is described in Annex 14.4.22. Information on VHF communication channels used in the Mariupol Sea Port is given in Annex 15.

V. Regulations on Navigation in Sea Port Water Area, Channels, and Fairways, including Rules for Entry and Departure to and from Sea Port,

Procedure for Submitting Information on Arrival and Departure of Vessels, and Procedure for Using Communication Means in Sea Port Water Area

5.1. General Provisions

5.1.1. The CR apply to vessels of all flags within the port waters, regardless of their departmental affiliation or form of ownership, as well as enterprises, organizations, institutions, and individual persons conducting their activities in the territory and water area of the port. In addition to the CR requirements, all vessels shall observe the requirements of the Regulations on Navigation and Pilotage in the Operational Zone of Mariupol Vessel Traffic Station, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine No 415 dated July 25, 2012 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on September 03, 2012 under No 1479/21791 (hereinafter ‘the Regulations on Navigation’). Ignorance of the requirements of the Regulations on Navigation and these CR does not relieve from liability any person responsible for their violation. In case of any discrepancies between the requirements of these CR and the Regulations on Navigation, the latter shall take precedence.

5.1.2. Vessels entering the Mariupol Sea Port, regardless of their departmental affiliation or flag, shall comply with international agreements accepted as obligatory by the Verkhovna Rada and meet requirements for the safety of the port, environment, human life, and vessels themselves. Control inspection aimed at checking the vessel’s documents, their conformance to the essential characteristics of the vessel, and observance of manning requirements shall be conducted by the Harbour Master’s Office of the Mariupol Sea Port according to the rules of the Merchant Shipping Code of Ukraine and Provisions on Harbour Masters and Harbour Masters’ Offices, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine No 190 dated March 27, 2013 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on April 08, 2013 under No 632/23164.

The Harbour Master has the right to deny vessels posing a threat to navigational safety permission for departure from the Mariupol Sea Port or prohibit them from navigating in the water area of the Mariupol Sea Port until they meet the requirements of legal acts and regulations. After inspection, vessels may also be detained in keeping with PSC procedures which do not entail prohibition of their operation.

5.1.3. In case of necessity, the Mariupol Sea Port Administration shall organize salvage operations. The Harbour Master of the Mariupol Sea Port shall give permission for salvage and construction of hydraulic structures within the territory and water area of the Mariupol Sea Port.

5.1.4. In the water area of the Mariupol Sea Port limited by port hydraulic structures, any activities related to rental of motor and jet boats, as well as riding on objects towed by motor vehicles, are forbidden.

5.1.5. The Harbour Master of the Mariupol Sea Port shall exercise supervision over the observance of legislation and regulations on navigational safety in the Mariupol Sea Port.

5.2. Entry and Departure of Vessels to and from the Port

The procedure for entering the port water area, approaching or leaving berths of marine terminals and enterprises, and leaving the water area of the Mariupol Sea Port, with consideration for vessels in transit (without permission for further navigation in sea waters), is defined by these CR, Regulations on Navigation, and the Procedure for Registering the Arrival of Vessels at Sea Ports, Permitting their Departure to Sea, and Registering Their Departure from Sea Ports, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine No 430 dated June 27, 2013.

5.3. Arrival of Vessels at the Port (Registration of Arrival)

5.3.1. The arrival of vessels at the port shall be reported according to the following procedure: A vessel master proceeding to the Mariupol Sea Port shall, directly or through a marine agent, submit to the port

authorities information on the approach of the vessel including the following details:

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- vessel’s name, call sign, and flag; - vessel’s type, IMO Identification Number, and Maritime Mobile Service Identity number (hereinafter ‘MMSI number’); - current level of security on the vessel, according to the requirements of the ISPS code; - full name of the shipowner; - port of departure (previous port of call); - names of 10 last ports that the vessel entered; - destination terminal; - maximum length and width of the vessel; - moulded depth; - actual forward and after draught; - cargo and its quantity; - numbers of passengers and crew members on board; - vessel’s deadweight, number and volume of holds, availability and number of tweendecks; - full name of the marine agent; - need for bunkering, fresh water, supplies, etc.; - application for port services; - estimated time of arrival (ETA) at the destination port or pilot station, as required by the authorities of the vessel’s port of call, and the estimated time of departure from the port (ETD);

- operations planned in the destination port or anchorage (loading, unloading, etc.); - planned obligatory inspections, as well as main technical maintenance and repair works due to be carried out during the stay in the port;

- date of the last inspection conducted by the control inspectorate of the port State as part of the Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control in the Black Sea Region;

- date of the last inspection conducted by the control inspectorate of the port State (for vessels under the Ukrainian flag); - sea protests (if any). Shipping companies, marine agents, or masters of vessels carrying dangerous or polluting cargoes and proceeding to

a Ukrainian sea port or anchorage located in the territorial waters of Ukraine shall report to the port authorities, not later than during departure from the port of embarkation or as soon as the port of destination or anchorage becomes known (unless this information is available at the time of departure), the following details:

- accurate transport names of dangerous and polluting cargoes, UN number, class of hazard and additional hazard (if any); - quantity of the cargoes, their location on board if they are carried in cargo transport units other than tanks, and identification number;

- confirmation that information on carried dangerous and polluting cargoes and their location on board is available on the vessel;

- contact details of the shipping company, marine agent, port administration, or other person having information on physicochemical properties of the cargo, as well as on measures necessary in case of emergency. Vessels falling under the requirements of Regulation XI-2/2 of the SOLAS Convention and the ISPS Code shall

additionally submit to the port authorities information on security measures (if the vessel’s security level differs from the one implemented at the destination terminal). Vessel masters or marine agents shall inform the port authorities of: - any dysfunctional cargo handling devices (gear) or inability to provide electric lighting necessary for CHO; - any serious damage to the vessel’s hull, machinery, or equipment; insufficient controllability that may substantially affect navigational safety in the port. Information specified in sub-clauses– must be submitted:

- at least 24 hours before the estimated time of the vessel’s arrival at the Mariupol Sea Port; or - before the vessel leaves the previous port if the time of passage is less than 24 hours; - or, if the port of call is unknown or changes during navigation, as soon as this information becomes available. Vessel masters entering or proceeding through areas of mandatory ship reporting systems shall ensure reliable

reporting of the following information about the vessel: - vessel’s identification (name, call sign, IMO/MMSI number); - date and time; - latitude and longitude position or true bearing and range in nautical miles from a clearly defined navigational mark; - course; - speed; - port of destination and estimated time of arrival; - cargoes and, if the vessel carries dangerous cargoes, their quantity and IMO class; - contact details to obtain information on the cargoes; - total number of persons on board; - description and calculated quantity of bunker fuel (for vessels with a gross tonnage of more than 1000 units); - navigational status. Vessel masters shall immediately report to the port authorities any changes in the information provided according

to this clause. Vessel masters are responsible for late submission of the information and submission of false information.5.3.2. Arrival of vessels at the Mariupol Sea Port is allowed around the clock. If the port of call changes (due to vessel rerouting), the vessel master shall cancel the application about the vessel’s

approach previously submitted to the Mariupol Sea Port. In the port waters and the supervision zone, in which the Harbour Master is authorized to supervise navigational

safety, vessels primarily navigate in fairways and recommended tracks (Annex 2, Annex 10).

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16 Vessel masters shall report to the Chief Dispatcher of the MB of USPA their time of arrival at least 24 hours in advance, with subsequent updates 12 and 4 hours prior to approaching the water area of the Mariupol Sea Port.

Masters of gas carriers, chemical carriers, and tankers shall report to the Harbour Master of the Mariupol Sea Port and the Chief Dispatcher of the MB of USPA their time of arrival at least 24 hours in advance, with a subsequent update 12 hours prior to approaching the roundabout of the vessel traffic scheme.

If the duration of passage is less than 24 hours, the report must be made within 1 hour after the vessel has departed from the previous port.

Within 4 hours prior to approaching the pilot boarding place, vessel masters shall give an update on the time of the vessel’s arrival at the Mariupol Sea Port and report the vessel’s forward and after draught expected at the time of arrival.

5.3.3. Upon arrival of a vessel at the VTS operational zone, the VTS pilot-operator shall inform the vessel master of the anchorage or pilot boarding time.

Upon entering the coverage zone in the approaches to lighted buoy No 1 of the Vuhilna Harbour approach channel, vessel masters shall contact the Mariupol VTS using a VHF radio station on channel 67 (Mariupol-trafik kontrol) to obtain information about the berthing or anchoring place for waiting before proceeding to the port.

5.3.4. Arrival of vessels at the Mariupol Sea Port is registered by HMO inspectors at the port supervision post located at berth No 8/9.

For non-commercial pleasure crafts, yachts, and small-sized vessels, permission for navigation in the water area of the Mariupol Sea Port and departure/arrival must be registered at the port supervision post by HMO inspectors at berth No 8/9.

5.3.5. Arrival of vessels at the Mariupol Sea Port is registered according to the following procedure: Before commencement of cargo handling operations, all vessels that have arrived at the port must be inspected by

authorized HMO officials (except for vessels given free pratique) for absence of the following violations during the last voyage: - vessel’s loading exceeding the loadline draught; - number of persons on board exceeding the number of persons for which life saving appliances are provided; - number of passengers on board exceeding the number specified in the passenger certificate; - list (over 5 degrees), as well as trim by the bow, unless the trim is due to the vessel’s structure or the information on stability includes a loading option with a trim by the bow;

- obstruction of free access to life saving appliances, emergency exits, sounding pipes, fire cocks, and drain holes, as well as means of vessel damage control and places of embarkation on life saving appliances, for reasons of incorrect placement of deck cargo, packaging, vessel supplies, or other property;

- failure to fulfill the requirements of previous certificates of inspection by the port State’s control inspectors and HMO; - circumstances compromising navigational safety in the port water area or actions in conditions of accidental oil pollution or threat thereof. Upon discovery of violations related to navigational safety rules, conveyance of passengers and cargoes, operation of

the vessel, and other violations performed by the vessel’s crew, the Harbour Master of the sea port and the central executive authority implementing state policy on maritime and river transport safety, within their competence, will take measures required by current legislation. A vessel’s arrival at the port shall be registered by the Harbour Master at least 6 hours after the vessel has arrived, provided border guard, customs, sanitary, and quarantine procedures have been completed and the vessel has been visited by an authorized HMO official. Vessel masters (or marine agents) shall submit to the Harbour Master of the Mariupol Sea Port a General Declaration with the ‘Arrival’ entry on it, Crew List, Passenger List, IMO Ship’s Stores Declaration, and IMO Crew’s Effects Declaration. Arrival of a towed vessel at the port, provided it has a crew headed by the vessel’s master, shall be registered by the master of this vessel (or an agent). In all other cases, the arrival of a tow shall be registered by the master of the towing vessel. Arrival of local traffic, small-sized, and fishing vessels at the port shall be registered according to the procedure established by the CR.

Arrival of inland and mixed river-sea-going vessels (except for passenger vessels and vessels carrying dangerous cargoes) making coastal voyages in the water area of the Mariupol Sea Port shall be registered once per three months during the first entry to the Mariupol Sea Port’s water area.

Departure and arrival of hydrographic (buoyage) vessels within the water area and approach channels of the port for the purpose of restoring the normal operation of AtoN is allowed by permission of the Harbour Master, without registration of their departure. Upon arrival at the port, the vessel master (or marine agent) shall submit to the Harbour Master or an authorized HMO official, together with the documents specified in sub-clause, copies of the following documents containing his signature and the vessel’s seal:

- Classification Certificate; - Ship’s Registry Certificate; - Tonnage Certificate; - Load Line Certificate;The Harbour Master of the sea port or an authorized HMO official, if required by legislation and depending on the vessel

type, limitations defined by a classification society, and the nature of cargoes, has the right to obtain copies of other documents not mentioned in this sub-clause.

The list of documents mentioned in this sub-clause may vary depending on the vessel’s area of navigation, its technical parameters, the nature of cargoes, and current legislation of the flag State.

Copies of provided documents must be stored at the HMO for 2 years. If since the date of the previous entry to the sea port the documents mentioned in this sub-clause have been changed on

the vessel, the vessel master (or marine agent), upon arrival at the port, shall submit to the Harbour Master or an authorized HMO official copies of new documents containing his/her signature and the vessel’s seal (if any).

Personal files are stored at the HMO for 2 years from the date of a vessel’s last call at the sea port. Vessel masters bear responsibility for the accuracy of submitted documents and information.

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17 In case of any malfunctions of devices, units, and machinery detected on the vessel during the previous voyage, the vessel master shall report them to the Harbour Master of the Mariupol Sea Port in writing. An authorized HMO official shall register the arrival of each vessel in the Arrival Registration Logbook. On-duty HMO officials authorized to make entries in the Logbook shall ensure the accuracy and timeliness of such entries,

as well as Logbook keeping and storage. Arrival of vessels navigating under the Ukrainian flag must be confirmed by a seal of arrival stamped onto the Crew List, which must be returned to the vessel’s master.

Arrival Registration Logbooks must be bound and numbered and must contain the Harbour Master’s seal. Upon making the last entry, Arrival Registration Logbooks must be stored at the HMO for 5 years. Vessel masters, regardless of their flag, having limitations related to the area of navigation defined by classification

certificates, shall additionally submit the plan of the previous voyage, logbook, and other documents confirming that the vessel proceeds in the defined navigational area. Vessels falling under Chapter XI-2 of the SOLAS-74 and the ISPS Code are subject to control by the port authorities, in accordance with Regulation XI-2/9 of the Annex to the SOLAS-74. In case a yacht from a foreign state enters the Mariupol Sea Port, the yacht master or marine agent shall submit documents according to cl. of this section.

5.3.6. Prior to commencement of cargo handling operations, vessel masters shall submit to the HMO the following documents: - previous cargo plan of the vessel; - cargo declaration; - estimated stability and longitudinal strength of the vessel’s hull;Information about the cargo and its condition as of the date of loading, which is provided to the vessel master as cargo

information for the purpose of its safe transportation by sea, must include at least the following details: - accurate transport names of dangerous and polluting cargoes, UN number, and additional hazard (if any); - quantity of the cargoes and, if they are carried in cargo transport units other than tanks, their identification number; - vessel’s cargo plan – to prevent loading with dangerous cargoes unprepared for joint transportation; - in case of loading with dangerous cargoes, document of compliance (Regulation II-2/54.3 of the SOLAS for vessels constructed before July 01, 2002, or Regulation II-2/19.4 of the SOLAS-74 for vessels constructed after this date);

- in case of loading with bulk cargoes, Certificate of Fitness of the Ship for the Carriage of Bulk Cargoes; - in case of loading with grain cargoes, information on the vessel’s stability and grain loading, as well as a Certificate of Fitness of the Ship for the Carriage of Grain in Bulk (added to the information on the vessel’s stability and grain loading);

- in case of loading with liquid cargoes specified in Annex 1 to the MARPOL convention and liquid marine fuel, Material Safety Data Sheets (hereinafter ‘MSDS’);

- in case of loading with cargoes specified in Annex 1 to the MARPOL convention, safety data sheets must contain the physicochemical characteristics of the materials, including, where appropriate, their viscosity in cSt at 50°C and density at 15°C, as well as other data specified in material safety data sheets, according to IMO resolution MSC.286 (86);

- contact details of the consignor or other person or organization possessing information on the physicochemical properties of the materials and measures necessary in case of emergency. The consignor must provide to the vessel master or shipping company information on the cargoes and ensure the cargoes

comply with the declared information given to the vessel master.The inspection of Ukrainian vessels prior to cargo handling operations must be conducted involving FTSS officials with

appropriate qualification.5.3.7. Vessels taking part in emergency operations shall register their arrival with the HMO on VHF channel Local traffic or locally based vessels navigating within the limits of the Mariupol Sea Port’s water area are not required

to register their arrival when entering the port later on and shall only report to the HMO the following information: time of approach, destination point, quantity of passengers and cargoes. Vessels planning special operations in the port water area that do not require berthing may register their arrival/departure with the HMO on VHF channel 14 having obtained written permission of the HMO.

5.3.9. Fishing vessels may be permitted to enter the sea port only by the HMO after it has been agreed with the BGSD and the MSS of the MB of USPA.

5.3.10. Marine agents shall in advance submit to the Chief Dispatcher of the MB of USPA an application for port services (water supply; discharge of bilge, sewage, and waste waters, disposal of solid garbage, etc.).

5.4. Departure of Vessels from the Sea Port5.4.1. Preparation for Departure Departure of vessels from the Mariupol Sea Port is allowed around the clock. Conformity of vessels to the requirements of international conventions, codes, national regulations, and other

regulatory documents on navigational safety, safety of life at sea, and prevention of environmental pollution shall be checked by the HMO, port authorities, and other regulatory authorities. Departure of vessels is registered during 2-3 hours in advance, after all necessary procedures, including loading operations and cargo securing, have been completed. During the registration of a vessel’s departure, an authorized HMO official shall be present on board.

Permission for departure shall be given by the Harbour Master of the sea port according to the Regulations on Vessel Control for Ensuring Maritime Security, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Transport of Ukraine No 545 dated Jul 17, 2003 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on March 23, 2004 under No 353/8952, and upon inspection of the vessel’s documents, provided the results of vessel control are positive and the vessel’s seaworthiness and readiness to proceed to sea is satisfactory.

Results of conformity checks are executed using the A form or, in case of non-conformities, the B form, according to the Regulations on Vessel Control for Ensuring Maritime Security, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Transport of Ukraine No 545 dated Jul 17, 2003 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on March 23, 2004 under No 353/8952.

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During the registration of vessels, an authorized HMO official shall ensure voyage related information is entered correctly in AIS vessel equipment, comparing the data with the actual loading condition of the vessel, check the accuracy of voyage information, and display the results of the vessel AIS equipment check (clause 6.3 of the Recommendation on Performance Standards for Universal Automatic Identification System (AIS) adopted by Resolution MSC.74(69) of the IMO Maritime Safety Committee on May 12, 1998). In case maneuvering operations are delayed for more than 30 minutes or in case of a vessel master’s refusal to moor, re-moor, or unmoor the vessel after being informed of the vessel’s readiness for named operations, pilots and tugs assigned to the operations may be recalled. In such case, a new application must be submitted for them and the vessel master will be required to pay the pilot charges according to the tariffs established by the Order of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine No 965, On Establishing Tariffs for Pilotage Services, dated December 03, 2013 and will be charged for the actual work time of the tugs, according to relevant agreements and established tariffs (except in cases when hydrometeorological conditions change after tugs leave the base berth for the place of operations, which does not allow to conduct the mooring operation safely). For non-commercial pleasure crafts, yachts, and small-sized vessels, departure/arrival and departure on a foreign voyage must be registered at the port supervision post by HMO inspectors. If a transport vessels is to leave the port with passengers on board (family members, business travelers, etc.), during the registration of its departure the vessel master shall present to the HMO a list of such persons and confirmation of the shipowner. Registration and inspection services must be paid for according to current tariffs of the port.

5.4.2. Registration of Departure from the Port Vessel masters shall inform the Harbour Master of the sea port of a planned departure from the port in advance but not later than 6 hours prior to the departure.

In case of a short-term stay in the port (less than 6 hours), the Harbour Master must be informed of a planned departure within 2 hours in advance.

Local traffic vessels departing from the port after a stay of less than 12 hours, by permission of the Harbour Master, may register their departure during the registration of their arrival. Within a day prior to leaving the port, masters of Ukrainian vessels shall, directly or via agency companies, inform the FTSS of the MB of USPA about their departure to have the FTSS check their vessels’ readiness to depart in terms of fire and explosion safety and issue a Fire Safety Certificate for the departure. The certificate must be paid for according to current tariffs approved in keeping with the procedure established by normative legal acts. To obtain permission for departure, the vessel master shall present to an authorized HMO official: - General Declaration with the ‘Departure’ entry on it; - Crew List; - qualification documents of crew members (in case of any changes since the time of arrival); - list of passengers (if any); - copy of the vessel’s cargo plan; - a stowage diagram, in case of loaded cargoes that require securing (may be presented in an electronic form); - estimated stability and longitudinal strength of the vessel’s hull throughout the voyage; - a securing plan and diagram for deck and heavy-lift cargoes; - for vessels under the Ukrainian flag, a Fire Department Certificate for Departure of Vessel to Sea.Presented documents must be certified by the vessel master and stored at the HMO for two years. Before the registration of the vessel’s departure, an authorized HMO official shall additionally check the passage plan and

the availability of a weather forecast for the planned passage route.Inland and mixed river-sea-going vessels (except for passenger vessels and vessels carrying dangerous cargoes) making

coastal voyages in the water area of the Mariupol Sea Port shall obtain permission for departure and register their departure according to the usual procedure, once per three months during the first entry to the sea port water area.

To obtain permission for the departure of a vessel damaged during its voyage or stay in the Mariupol Sea Port, the vessel master shall provide classification society documents attesting to its seaworthiness.

In case the HMO inspector has been requested to register the departure of a vessel without providing the information specified in this clause, the vessel master shall sign, according to the tariff approved in keeping with the procedure established by current legislation, a bill for the inspector’s request and all expenses related to the conveyance of the inspector to the vessel and back to the HMO.

If the vessel’s documents establish restrictions related to navigational areas, weather, or other conditions, the Harbour Master of the Mariupol Sea Port shall give permission for departure with consideration of such restrictions. In such case, the vessel master shall ensure observance of the established restrictions during the voyage. Vessels under the Ukrainian flag setting out on a foreign voyage, as well as foreign vessels must be issued a Port Clearance Certificate.

The Harbour Master confirms permission to depart from the port by a departure stamp, which is applied to the Crew List of Ukrainian vessels making coastal voyages.

Permission for departure is valid during 24 hours unless otherwise stipulated in the Compulsory Regulations for the port. If for any reason a vessel has been detained in the port longer than the established period (24 hours), the vessel master shall

report it to the HMO and register the vessel’s departure again. Departure of vessels from the port shall be registered by an authorized HMO official in the Departure Registration

Logbook. On-duty HMO officials authorized to make entries in the Logbook bear responsibility for the accuracy and timeliness of such entries, as well as the storage of the Logbook.

Departure Registration Logbooks must be bound and numbered and must contain the Harbour Master’s seal. Upon making the last entry, Departure Registration Logbooks must be stored at the HMO for 5 years. No vessel may depart from the Mariupol Sea Port without appropriate registration by the Harbour Master, except

for vessels leaving the port due to natural hazards or to provide emergency assistance to vessels or people in distress.

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In such case, vessel masters shall inform the Harbour Master of the Mariupol Sea Port of the actual departure of the vessel by all available means.

For a temporary departure due to force majeure, a natural disaster, or a rescue mission, permission from the customs authority is optional. Such events shall be immediately reported to the customs authority by the HMO. In case of any changes in a vessel’s crew or technical conditions after the registration of its departure, the vessel master shall report them to the Harbour Master of the Mariupol Sea Port and register the vessel’s departure again. A vessel must in all cases be loaded so as not to exceed the draught specified in the vessel’s documents and the CR with changes promulgated by Notices to Mariners, taking into account desalination and seasonal restrictions. Marine agents shall inform the on-duty dispatcher of the MB of USPA not less than 30 minutes in advance of the expected time when departure registration will be complete and the vessel will be ready to receive the pilot.

The on-duty dispatcher of the MB of USPA, taking into consideration the readiness of the pilot and tugboats, shall inform the vessel master through the marine agent about the time of the pilot’s arrival onboard and notify the VTS of the planned operation. Masters of tugboats conducting towage operations beyond the water area of the Mariupol Sea Port, due to planned departure from the sea port with the towed object, shall apply to the HMO for permission to depart from the sea port within 24 hours before the planned departure, regardless of its flag.

Prior to distant towage, owners of vessels or other towed objects shall submit to the Harbour Master the following information:

- full information about the towed object (name, type, length, width, draught); - name of the tugboat, its flag, IMO Identification Number, main engine power, towline length (maximum length on a winch), type, and diameter (circumference);

- plan of passage approved by the shipowner, agreed with the Harbour Master (HMO), and signed by the tugboat’s master; - when planning towage of an unmanned object, owners shall submit a certificate of conversion and permission for towage from a classification society;

- estimated stability during towage and the corresponding draught and trim of the vessel; - underwater inspection certificate; - confirmation of the inspection of all waterproof and splash-proof equipment, intactness of closing devices for all hatches, valves, air ducts, ventilation, and other openings, through which water can penetrate into the vessel’s hull;

- breakout of the vessel’s rudder plate (steering nozzle) in the vessel’s centerline plane; - locking of the screw from rotation; - readiness to use the vessel’s anchoring equipment; - gauging of tanks for oil products to prevent environmental pollution; - any ballast on board. Vessels of the port fleet, tugboats, and other auxiliary fleet of outside organizations are subject to monthly HMO

inspections conducted according to the schedule and on a paid basis (bills) (in accordance with the tariff approved by the MB of USPA). The inspection certificate confirms the right of these vessels to operate in the water area of the Mariupol Sea Port for a period of one month, provided there are no problems with the vessel’s or crew documents, as well as the state of the vessels and their equipment.

Arrival/departure of vessels must be registered in keeping with the procedure defined by current legislation. All local traffic vessels making frequent voyages and staying in the Mariupol Sea Port for short terms, by written

permission of the Mariupol Sea Port Administration, are subject to monthly HMO inspections on a paid basis (bills) (in accordance with the tariff approved by the MB of USPA).

Arrival/departure of vessels must be registered in keeping with the procedure defined by regulatory documents. Permission for departure of vessels that have completed registration is given by the VTS on VHF after it has been

agreed with the HMO and the on-duty dispatcher. The Harbour Master shall deny permission for departure in case of:

1) violations of the requirements of the vessel’s documents; 2) any unpaid dues, fines, or fees; 3) unseaworthiness of the vessel, namely:

- list (over 5 degrees), as well as trim by the bow, unless the trim is due to the vessel’s structure or the information on stability includes a loading option with a trim by the bow;

- unreliable deck cargo securing; 4) violations of loading requirements:

- loading exceeding the loadline draught; - number of persons on board exceeding the number of persons, for which life saving appliances are provided;

5) violations of requirements for vessel manning or other deficiencies posing a threat to the health of people onboard, navigational safety, or environment, namely:

- lack of appropriate documents attesting to the qualification of crew members; - failure to meet the requirements of the Minimum Safe Manning Certificate defining the minimum number of crew members for going to sea;

- number of passengers on board exceeding the number specified in the passenger certificate; - obstruction of free access to life saving appliances, passages, sounding pipes, fire cocks, and drain holes, as well as means of vessel damage control and places of embarkation on life saving appliances for reasons of incorrect placement of deck cargo, packaging, vessel supplies, or other property;

- incomplete emergency property kit or lack of fire-fighting and life-saving equipment required by current regulations; - lack or malfunction of vessel water fire-fighting equipment or equipment for accidental oil spill containment required by the vessel’s documents;

- circumstances compromising navigational safety in the port waters, including in cases of accidental oil pollution or threat thereof;

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- crew unprepared for vessel damage control; - area and conditions of the planned voyage at variance with restrictions specified in the vessel’s documents; - incomplete or malfunctioning GMDSS equipment; - lack or malfunction of magnetic compasses, gyros, echosounders, or radar stations, and current magnetic compass deviation card;

- navigational or hydrometeorological circumstances preventing departure of the vessel from the port; - impossibility of ensuring the evacuation of people from the vessel’s spaces; - lack of a complete emergency property kit, as well as fire-fighting and life-saving equipment required by current regulations and transport hazards of the cargo specified in cargo documents;

- absence of the pilot on board, if pilotage is compulsory for the vessel.Departure of vessels from the port without permission of the sea port’s Harbour Master is forbidden. If the Harbour Master receives any information on border crossing restrictions imposed by regulatory authorities on an

overseas vessel, he/she shall deny permission for the vessel’s departure. Vessel masters arriving at the sea port for loading or partial unloading of grain or bulk cargoes shall, prior to cargo

handling operations, submit to the HMO their cargo plan (as of the time of completion of loading or partial unloading), which must conform to one of the loading options according to the information on the vessel’s stability during the carriage of grain or non-grain bulk cargoes. The stability information must be confirmed (with a signature and seal) by a classification society.

If no stability information is available on the vessel during the carriage of grain or bulk cargoes or if such information is not certified by a classification society, departure may be permitted only after the cargo plan has been drawn up by a classification society, which will add an appropriate entry to it. Before a vessel departs to sea, its administration shall submit to the HMO information on the estimated stability of the vessel and a static stability curve with corrected and allowable metacentric heights.

To register the departure of tows formed by tugboats and objects (including converted objects) of interport (marine) towage, their owners or representatives (agents) shall submit to the HMO the following documents:

- certificate for the towed object issued by the flag State and classification society exercising technical supervision over the towed objects (a copy of it must be kept by the HMO);

- certificate for the tugboats issued by the flag State and classification society exercising technical supervision over the tugboats (a copy of it must be kept by the HMO);

- justification of a one-time towage for the towed object approved by a classification society; - certificate for a one-time towage issued by a classification society (a copy of it must be kept by the HMO); - certificate of the object’s fitness for towage, issued by a classification society (a copy of it must be kept by the HMO); - towage instructions for tugboat masters approved by a classification society; - orders assigning head of the towing operation and allocating duties and responsibilities to the tugboats; - acceptance certificate for the towed object drawn up by the masters of the tugboats (a copy of it must be kept by the HMO); - insurance towing certificate drawn up by an insurance company’s surveyor (a copy of it must be kept by the HMO); - tow line scheme approved by an insurance company’s surveyor (a copy of it must be kept by the HMO); - Towage Approval Survey Report drawn up by an insurance company’s surveyor;HMO inspectors shall perform outer inspection of towed objects and draw up an appropriate report if such inspection is

required by the documents approved by a classification society.Permission to depart from the sea port must be given only after submitting the above-listed documents and a written

certificate of a 3-day favorable weather forecast. HMO services for registration of arrival or departure of vessels, as well as their inspection for compliance with

international conventions, must be paid for according to current tariffs approved according to the procedure established by the legislation of Ukraine. Departure of vessels shall be registered with the HMO by vessel masters or marine agents. Departure of pilot launches, auxiliary service vessels, small-sized vessels, and passenger launches navigating in the port water

area must ebe registered by the HMO in the following manner:During the period of their operation or navigation, they are subject to monthly inspections by the HMO, requiring an

inspection certificate of the established form. The inspection certificate confirms the right of a vessel to operate and navigate in the port water area and VTS operational zone for the period of one month from the date of issue.

Departure to sea shall be planned by the Chief Dispatcher’s Office of the MB of USPA and agreed with the HMO or, in case of the VTS operational zone, upon its command.

5.4.3. General Procedure for Entry and Departure of Vessels to and from the Port All vessel masters shall meet the requirements of these CR when navigating in the port waters. Vessels shall enter and depart from the Mariupol Sea Port through:

- the 100 m wide Vuhilna Harbour approach channel having a guard zone of 100 m from the right and left channel edges, with a total length of its artificial cut being 17.5 km from buoys Nos 1 (46°53’44.7” N, 037°27’23.5” E) and 2 (46°53’44.1” N, 037°27’23.7” E) to the zero km of the mid-channel situated in the water area of the inner roadstead at the entrance to the Vuhilna Harbour, 7 m from the edge of the Eastern mole in the direction of entrance lights (47°02’59.7” N, 037°29’54.6” E);

- The 100 m wide water area of the PAT “MK ‘Azovstal’” approach channel having a guard zone of 100 m from the right and left channel edges, with a total length of its artificial cut being 9.192 km from bifurcation buoy No 17 at the intersection with the 3rd km of the Vuhilna Harbour approach channel (47°01’25.5” N, 037°29’46.8” E) to the zero km of the mid-channel situated in the entrance gates to the marine transportation shop of PAT “MK ‘Azovstal’”, 62 m from the edge of the Northern dyke along the leading line of the entrance lights (47°04’59.7” N, 037°34’54.6” E);

- The water area of the section of recommended track No 32 having a 100 m wide guard zone from the mid-channel, from the avantport to the intersection with the guard zone of the Azovstal plant approach channel at a distance of 5.75 km.Pilotage of vessels in the Mariupol Sea Port is compulsory unless otherwise stipulated by the CR. Arrival of vessels at the

Mariupol Sea Port, departure from it, and re-mooring in the port is allowed around the clock and only under pilotage.

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Exceptions include vessels belonging to the MB of USPA, as well as Ukrainian vessels that have obtained permission to navigate without pilotage from the Harbour Master of the Mariupol Sea Port; vessels and ships of the NFU and the Ukrainian Sea Guard; the dredging and technical fleet conducting operations in the water area of the Mariupol Sea Port by request of the MB of USPA when it does not compromise navigational safety.

To ensure navigational safety, according to the Order of the Ministry of Transport of Ukraine No 67 dated August 29, 2000, piloted vessels navigating in ballast shall have a sufficient quantity of ballast required by their tactical characteristics.

Non-commercial leisure vessels may enter and depart from the Mariupol Sea Port without a sea pilot provided permission has been obtained from the VTS and it has been agreed with the HMO. When entering the water area limited by hydraulic structures of the Mariupol Sea Port, the VTS shall give permission for entry to the Mariupol Sea Port only after it has been agreed with the receiving party and port operator. Vessel masters (through a marine agent) shall request the sea pilot via the Chief Dispatcher’s Office of the MB of USPA (‘Mariupol-radio-Pryboi”, VHF channel 29, tel.: +3 8(0629) 40-82-02, +38(0629) 40-82-14) 45 minutes before their vessels are fully ready for mooring operations. Thirty minutes prior to commencement of the mooring operations, vessel masters (directly or through a marine agent) shall confirm the readiness of their vessels with the on-duty dispatcher of the Mariupol PPS (VHF channel 73, tel.: +38(0629) 40-78-46). To request tugboat assistance and/or a mooring team, vessel masters shall submit through their vessel agents an application specifying the number and power of tugboats required by fax or e-mail within 2 hours before their vessels are fully ready for the mooring operations.

Vessel masters that have requested a sea pilot and refused pilotage services upon the pilot’s arrival shall sign a pilotage receipt and pay the pilotage fee according to the current legislation of Ukraine.

If a pilot is detained on a vessel for more than two hours due to inaccurate information in the application or a need for loading or unloading, malfunctioning vessel equipment, quarantine, or other circumstances not caused by force majeure, the vessel master shall sign a pilotage receipt specifying the reasons for the delay and pay to the pilot organization a detention fee in the amount established by the current legislation of Ukraine. In such case, the pilot organization may recall the pilot from the vessel, whereafter the application will be cancelled and will have to be resubmitted according to the established procedure. Thirty minutes prior to commencement of mooring operations, vessel masters shall request a necessary number and power of tugboats on VHF channel 09, having previously agreed it with the sea pilot and confirmed it with the dispatcher office of the owner of the tugboats.

The number and power of tugboats necessary for a mooring operation in the Mariupol Sea Port shall be determined by vessel masters and agreed by sea pilots in each individual case, depending on the circumstances and in accordance with the provisions of the CR concerning the minimum number and power of tugboats for mooring operations in the sea port (Annex 4). In case of unfavorable weather conditions, the pilot boarding/disembarkation place may be changed by agreement with the vessel master, sea pilot, VTS pilot-operator, and master of the floating craft conveying the sea pilot. Sea pilots may be conveyed to vessels or disembark by means of floating crafts equipped with boarding/disembarkation safety devices, depending on weather conditions.

Vessels proceeding from their anchorage to the port shall receive pilots in the anchorage. In this case, a pilot must be requested two hours before weighing anchor. Masters of Ukrainian vessels that have a draught of up to 5 m and regularly enter the Mariupol Sea Port may obtain permission for unassisted navigation (for a limited period) in the port water area, which is issued by the Harbour Master by agreement with the enterprise providing pilotage services. To obtain the right to navigate in the port waters without pilotage, navigators (masters, officers on duty, and navigators of related professions) of auxiliary service vessels, small-sized vessels and passenger launches shall submit to the Harbour Master of the Mariupol Sea Port the protocol of annual knowledge assessment in respect of the COLREG-72, CR, Regulations on Navigation, navigational areas and their buoyage, as well as tactical characteristics of their vessels.

In case of gross violations of the COLREG-72, Regulations on Navigation, and CR, the Harbour Master shall cancel permission for unassisted navigation in the water area of the Mariupol Sea Port. Regardless of the right for unassisted navigation, by direction of the VTS pilot-operator as agreed with the HMO, masters of all vessels except for passenger launches, SPFCs, and small-sized vessels shall receive a sea pilot if navigational circumstances in the port waters have changed. Mooring, re-mooring, and unmooring of vessels with their main engines or anchor/steering gear put out of operation must be conducted only by agreement with the HMO. Prior to arriving at the Mariupol Sea Port or departing on a voyage, vessel masters shall ensure no unauthorized person is present onboard their vessels and report it to the border guard authorities. Vessels carrying inflammable and explosive cargoes shall anchor in the area specified by the VTS by agreement with the HMO until further orders from the Mariupol Sea Port Administration. In the port water area, such vessels shall exhibit the following signals where they can best be seen: by day, flag BRAVO; and by night, a red light visible all around the horizon (at a range of at least 3 miles).

5.4.4. Navigation in Water Area of Mariupol Sea Port Navigational Regime During navigation in the water area of the Mariupol Sea Port, all vessels shall comply with the COLREG-72 and Regulations on Navigation and Pilotage in the Mariupol VTS Operational Zone (Annex 9). No vessel may navigate in the port waters without permission of the VTS and HMO. Vessels with their main engines not ready for operation are prohibited from navigating or conducting mooring

operations (except for shifting alongside berths on mooring lines). If necessary, according to a terminal’s application, the Harbour Master of the Mariupol Sea Port shall consider re-mooring

the vessel, swinging it around, or moving it to an anchorage, taking into account the vessel’s tactical characteristics, weather conditions, and the time of day.

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22 Navigation of Vessels Procedure for navigation in the port waters is defined by the VTS. Traffic in the approach channel and port waters is one-way. Meeting other vessels in the inner water area and

approach channel is allowed only for vessels of port, auxiliary service, and technical fleet engaged in dredging works in the approach channel and water area of the Mariupol Sea Port: suction dredgers with a length of up to 120 m and width up to 20 m; dipper dredgers with a length of up to 60 m and width of up to 20 m; non-self-propelled dump barges with a length of up to 60 m and width of up to 15 m; tugboats with a length of up to 28 m and width of up to 10 m with transport vessels not carrying dangerous cargoes at a visibility of more than 2 miles and under favorable weather conditions. Vessels with a small draught, by permission of the VTS, may navigate beyond the edges according to the approved traffic scheme (Annex 9).

During navigation in the port water area and mooring operations, all vessels shall keep watch on VHF channels 14, 16, and At a visibility of less than 500 meters, vessels may navigate only by agreement of their masters and permission of

the Harbour Master (each mooring operation is considered individually).Navigation of auxiliary service vessels in the port at a visibility of up to 500-1000 m in the port water area is allowed only

under own power, with an operational RS and two navigators that have completed training on an RS simulator, and under the pilotage of the VTS pilot-operator in the VTS operational zone.

Entering or departing from the Mariupol Sea Port at a limited visibility (up to 500 m) and under radar pilotage is allowed only on the basis of an application of the vessel’s agent and master and permission from the Harbour Master of the Mariupol Sea Port.

Usage of VTS information by vessel masters does not relieve them from responsibility to ensure safe navigation at a limited visibility.

Navigation of launches with passengers onboard (except for pilot launches) at a visibility of up to 500 m is forbidden. Overtaking in the water area of the Mariupol Sea Port is forbidden. Vessels proceeding to moor at berths shall be ready to immediately drop their anchor in case of emergency. During navigation all vessels are prohibited from keeping derricks, cranes, gangways, boats, and other objects

swung outboard (except for pilot ladders). This prohibition also applies to the seaward side of moored vessels. Vessels having any kind of gates and ports shall have them closed and fastened in sailing position when navigating. Gates

and ports are allowed to be open only after mooring to a berth. Similarly, vessels are permitted to leave berths only after gates and ports have been closed and fastened in sailing position. When moving near vessels staying at berths or lying at anchor, places of ongoing underwater or diving operations, vessels shall navigate with the lowest speed that would ensure steerability of the vessel under these navigational conditions. If there is no technical capability to move with such speed, vessels shall navigate under tow. The navigation of vessels with dynamic maintenance principles within the inner water area of the Mariupol Sea Port is allowed only in the hull-borne mode. Within the other part of the VTS operational area, by permission of the VTS and depending on particular conditions and circumstances, such vessels may navigate in the non-hull-borne mode along the recommended tracks or approved routes, with their speed and route agreed with the VTS in advance. Speed limit requirements do not apply to vessels proceeding to take part in salvage and rescue operations or to ships and vessels of the State Border Service or State Customs Service performing special tasks. However, vessels shall not constitute a danger (hazard) to other vessels and objects. Upon request of the VTS, any vessel navigating in the water area of the Mariupol Sea Port shall stop or reduce its speed, if necessary. Vessels not equipped with a VHF radio station are prohibited from navigating in the port waters. Vessels with a draught of up to 3.5 m may navigate beyond the channel between buoys Nos 1 and 15. Vessels with

a draught of up to 5.3 m may navigate in the area between buoys Nos 1 and 11, to the right of the channel along fairway No 55. The speed of vessels in the approach channels must not exceed 8 knots. Vessels proceeding along the approach channel of the PAT “MK ‘Azovstal’” marine transportation shop shall keep

out of the way of vessels proceeding along the approach channel of the Vuhilna Harbour. Navigation along RT No 32 in the area from the lighted buoy of centerline point A1 to the entrance to the

avantport is allowed for vessels with a draught of up to 3.5 m. Vessels proceeding along this RT shall keep out of the way of vessels proceeding along the approach channel of the PAT “MK ‘Azovstal’” marine transportation shop. At the port entrance, vessels leaving the port shall keep out of the way of vessels that enter the port. In the inner roadstead, vessels shall proceed at low speed sufficient to control the vessel. This requirement may

be ignored only in exceptional cases in order to prevent an accident. Vessels are prohibited from keeping close to survey launches. When passing such launches or vessels that service

AtoN, vessels shall proceed with low speed. Vessels, launches, and motorboats are prohibited from passing closer than 50 m from rafts or other floating crafts

with people engaged in the repair of hydraulic structures. In such cases, vessels shall navigate with lowest possible speed. Hydrofoil vessels may navigate in the inner water area only in the hull-borne mode. Vessels of the port fleet may leave the port water area only by permission of the VTS and HMO. Entry and departure of vessels through ‘the old gates’ is allowed for vessels with a draught of up to 3.5 m in the

day time, at a wind speed of up to 11 m/s. Entry and departure of vessels through ‘the old gates’ at nighttime is allowed only under the compulsory pilotage of the VTS and by permission of the Harbour Master. It is forbidden to bring vessels into or out of the water area of the ship repair yard and floating docks at a wind speed of more than 8 m/s. In the water area of the Repair Basin, pilotage is provided by sea pilots.

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VI. Areas of Compulsory and Optional Pilotage, Categories of Vessels and Requirements for Vessel Masters Exempted from Compulsory Pilotage,

and Procedure for Providing Sea Pilot Services

6.1. Areas of compulsory pilotage and organization of pilotage services are determined by the Order of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine No 662, On Approving the List of Areas of Compulsory Pilotage and Vessel Categories Exempted from Compulsory Pilotage, dated September 04, 2013 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on September 12, 2013 under No 1575/24107.

6.2. For transport vessels with a gross tonnage of over 500 t, pilotage is compulsory. Vessels proceeding to anchorages (from anchorages) to sea (from sea) navigate without assistance, under the pilotage of the VTS.

Applications for a sea pilot must be forwarded to the on-duty PPS dispatcher together with information on the vessel’s approach. To request a pilot when leaving the port, masters of Ukrainian vessels shall contact the PSS dispatcher office by phone or

VHF and masters of foreign vessels shall contact an agency company within 2 hours before the appointed time of departure. 6.3. Pilotage is conducted by sea pilots. The permission-based procedure for the navigation and stay of vessels is determined

in keeping with the traffic schedule and arrangement of vessels in the Mariupol Sea Port. Sea pilots shall inform the masters of vessels piloted by him of any detected violations of navigational rules, the CR, and other rules, require correction of the noticed (detected) violations and, in the event of failure of the vessel master to fulfill these or any other lawful requirements of the sea pilot, immediately report them to the Harbour Master of the Mariupol Sea Port (Annex 9).

After pilotage has been completed and pilotage receipts have been drawn up and signed, one copy of a drawn up and signed pilotage receipt shall be forwarded to the MB of USPA. Time and procedure for the submission of these pilotage receipts shall be agreed separately between the MB of USPA, the agent of economic activity, and Delta-Pilot.

6.4. Pilot services are provided according to the procedure established by Provisions on Sea Pilots, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine No 292 dated May 08, 2013 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on June 10, 2013 under No 920/23452.

6.5. The VTS controls traffic and navigational safety of all vessels and floating crafts in the port waters and VTS operational zone. Pilotage and traffic control services (for vessels visiting the port, as well as transit vessels) are requested by applications submitted in due time by vessel masters (marine agents) to the PPS dispatcher. Applications for approach, navigation of vessels (ships) in the VTS operational zone, and sea pilot or VTS services must be submitted to the PPS dispatcher by e-mail or fax using the contact details available on the official website of the USPA, before 20:00 on the day preceding the day of the vessel’s (ship’s) arrival. The services must be paid for according to current tariffs approved in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of Ukraine.

VTS services must be provided according to the procedure established by current legislation, particularly the Procedure for Providing Vessel Traffic Services, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine No 291 dated May 08, 2013 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on May 24, 2013 under No 807/23339.

The central executive authority responsible for developing and implementing state policy on river and maritime transport, in consultation with other concerned ministries and central executive authorities, approves the list of compulsory pilotage areas and categories of vessels exempted from compulsory pilotage and promulgates this information in Sailing Directions and Notices to Mariners.

6.6. Pilotage in the water area limited by hydraulic structures is considered in-port. 6.7. Vessels shall receive pilots near lighted buoy No 1 of the Vuhilna Harbour approach channel (46°53.8’N, 37°27.5’E) and

in anchorages Nos 457 and 458 provided the wind speed does not exceed 14 m/s and the sea swell does not exceed 4 degrees.Pilot change (boarding and disembarkation) may take place in the area of the port gates in the following cases:

- when the vessel is being brought out of the port; - under ice conditions when the vessel is being brought into the port.If it is impossible for a pilot to board (disembark from) a vessel due to hydrometeorological conditions, the vessel master

shall anchor in the outer roadstead in anchorage No 457 or 458, by direction of the VTS.When proceeding from an anchorage to the port, vessels shall receive the pilot at the anchorage. In this case, the pilot must

be requested 2 hours before weighing anchor.In case of unfavorable weather conditions, the pilot boarding/disembarkation place may be changed by agreement with the vessel

master, sea pilot, VTS pilot-operator, and master of the floating craft conveying the sea pilot. Sea pilots may be conveyed to vessels or disembark by means of floating crafts equipped with boarding/disembarkation safety devices, depending on weather conditions.

VII. Description of Vessel Traffic System Operational Zone and Procedure for Navigation in this Zone

7.1. General Provisions

7.1.1. In accordance with Chapter 4 of Section IV of the Merchant Shipping Code of Ukraine, Standard Provisions on Vessel Traffic Service, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Transport of Ukraine No 340 dated May 28, 2001 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on June 25, 2001 under No 545/5736, and Regulations on Navigation and Pilotage in the Operational Zone of Mariupol Vessel Traffic Station, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine No 415 dated July 25, 2012 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on September 03, 2012 under No 1479/21791, traffic in the port water area in the VTS operational zone is regulated (Annex 9).

7.1.2. Vessels shall request permission of VTS for any operations (entering the operational zone, crossing the boundaries of the Mariupol Sea Port, embarkation or disembarkation of sea pilots, anchoring, re-mooring, mooring alongside other vessels, etc.). If during 30 minutes a vessel has not commenced permitted operations or entered the VTS operational zone, the permission will be cancelled and the vessel will have to make a new request.

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7.1.3. All vessels and floating crafts are prohibited from entering the control zone and navigate without permission from the VTS. One mile before approaching the VTS operational zone, vessel masters shall inform the VTS of their approach and obtain permission for navigation.

7.1.4. Vessels shall follow all recommendations and orders of the VTS that concern them or, if it is not possible, report the reason for failure to comply and their further intentions.

7.1.5. Usage of VTS information by vessel masters does not relieve them from responsibility to ensure safe navigation.7.1.6. In case of malfunction of main engines, steering gear, or navigational equipment affecting navigational safety or loss of

communication with the VTS, vessel masters shall immediately report it to the VTS by all available means and act according to its instructions.

7.2. Navigation of Vessels in Port Water Area7.2.1. Navigational Regime (General Provisions) Vessels proceeding to berths of the Mariupol Sea Port are prohibited from keeping anchors hanging loose from hawse holes, although they must be ready to be immediately dropped in case of a critical situation. Vessels carrying inflammable and explosive cargoes shall anchor at anchoring berth No 351 until further orders from the HMO.

In the port waters, such vessels shall exhibit the following signals where they can best be seen: by day, flag BRAVO; by night, a red light visible all round the horizon (at a range of at least 3 miles).

When approaching such vessels, mariners should exercise particular caution. In the port waters, it is forbidden to use light or acoustic signals not falling under the COLREG-72, General

Regulations, or there CR. In order to coordinate the operation of enterprises conducting economic activity in the water area and territory of

the Mariupol Sea Port, the Chief Dispatcher’s Office of the MB of USPA shall plan mooring operations and draw up daily plans of port operation. Mooring operations must be planned as part of daily plans (DP) before 08:30 on the same day.

The following information must be considered when drawing up DPs: - Dates of vessels’ approach (docking); - Priority of vessels’ approach according to notices; - Availability of free berths (docks) of SCs where handling or repair of vessels has been confirmed.Information for DPs must be presented by port operators (SC), consignors, charterers, shipowners, forwarders, marine

agents to the Chief Dispatcher’s Office of the MB of USPA during the vessel’s approach, according to the procedure and rules established by the Code of Customs of the Mariupol Sea Port.

Plans of mooring operations for the Mariupol Sea Port must be drawn up considering these Compulsory Regulations, as well as requirements of navigational safety and good maritime practice.

Plans of mooring operations must be adjusted by the Chief Dispatcher’s Office of MB of USPA by agreement with the Mariupol HMO.

Daily plans of the Mariupol Sea Port’s operation shall be observed by all entities conducting their activities in the territory of the Mariupol Sea Port. To obtain permission for the stationing and operation of dredgers in the port water area, dredge masters shall submit to the Mariupol HMO 3 (three) copies, and to the Chief Dispatcher’s Office of the MB of USPA and General Technical Manager of the Mariupol Sea Port Administration 1 (one) copy, of their stationing schemes and operation areas, including routes to dumping sites for dump barges. The schemes must be agreed by the HMO, Chief Dispatcher’s Office of the MB of USPA, VTS, and General Technical Manager and approved by the Harbour Master of the Mariupol Sea Port. Floating cranes and other vessels conducting complicated and dangerous operations involving large-tonnage vessels at berths or in the roadstead shall exhibit: by day, two flags RY according to the ICS; by night, red and green lights above each other, visible all around the horizon. Vessels passing nearby shall proceed with minimum speed. Any cases of anchors or other navigationally dangerous objects being lost or detected in the water area of the Mariupol Sea Port shall be immediately reported by vessel masters to the Mariupol Sea Port’s Harbour Master and Chief Dispatcher’s Office of the MB of USPA. The guard zone of the Mariupol-Port marine weather station is limited by a 200 m radius with the MWS as its center (47°02’ N, 037°31’ E).

In the seaward section of the guard zone, navigation of all floating crafts and vessels, as well as fishing, is forbidden. Any vessel within the port waters having a draught of 7.5 m and more is considered as constrained by its draught

and shall exhibit lights and signals according to Rule 28 of COLREG-72. The speed of vessels in the port water area limited by hydraulic structures of the Mariupol Sea Port and in the

approach channel must not exceed 8 knots or must be sufficient to maintain course. The main engines must operate in the maneuver mode under all circumstances. The speed of vessels in the approaches to the Mariupol Sea Port and in the outer roadstead is determined by the VTS in each individual case.

The requirement of this clause does not apply to tugboats and fire-fighting launches proceeding to places of special operations; however, their speed must be safe for vessels moored alongside berths or other vessels.

7.2.2. Vessel Traffic Regulation The Mariupol VTS is a port vessel traffic service that provides services for vessels in the water area of the Mariupol port and in the approaches to it.

The operational zone of the VTS is a water area with its northern and eastern boundaries defined by the coastline and its eastern and southern boundaries defined by a 12 mile radius arc with its center being the location of the Mariupol VTS in the Pishchane village (47°02.116’ N; 037°28.655’ E). In this zone, the VTS performs its functions and has rights and duties regulated by these CR and Provisions on the VTS.

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25 The VTS pilot-operator, using the coast radar station within the scope of its technical capabilities, can: - conduct pilotage through the channel of the Mariupol port’s Vuhilna Harbour; - conduct pilotage through the old gates and the approach channel of the marine transportation shop of PAT “MK ‘Azovstal’”; - provide assistance to vessels in the operational zone in terms of allocating places, guiding through the area, and passing other vessels. The VTS pilot-operator shall follow the Provisions on VTS, these CR, and Regulations on Navigation and Pilotage

in the Operational Zone of Mariupol Vessel Traffic Station, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine No 415 dated July 25, 2012 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on September 03, 2012 under No 1479/21791.

The Mariupol VTS shall provide the following services: - Information services transmitted to vessels (ships):

• Hydrometeorological information; • Information about changes in AtoN operation, location and displacement of floating AtoN, and other navigational and hydrographic information;

• Information about the state of navigational circumstances and factors complicating navigation; • Warnings in case of dangerous approach to other vessels (ships) and recommendations to avoid it; • Warnings in case of deviation from a safe route and recommendations to get back on the route;

Information services shall be provided by decision of the VTS or upon request of vessels (ships). Radar traffic control of vessels (ships) and their positions in anchorages of the radar observation zone must be conducted by transmitting warnings about deviation of vessels (ships) from safe navigational routes or dangerous anchor dragging.

The service must be provided on a continuous basis and is compulsory for all vessels (ships) navigating or lying at anchor in the VTS operational zone.

Radar pilotage (navigational assistance) must be conducted by transmitting information that facilitates decisions on safe navigation by vessel (ship) masters.

Start and end time of radar pilotage must be recorded in the logbook and by VTS documentation technologies. Before the start of radar pilotage, reliable communication must be established between a vessel (ship) and the VTS.

The vessel (ship) master and the VTS pilot-operator shall ensure the vessel (ship) is identified correctly and agree the procedure for radar pilotage.

During radar pilotage, the VTS shall transmit to vessels (ships) information about: - Position of vessels (ships) relative to navigational landmarks, fairways, intermediate route points; - Course and speed of vessels (ships) relative to the bottom; - Identification data, positions of other vessels (ships), and their state of navigation; - Time and place for changing course and/or speed; - Time of a vessel’s (ship’s) arrival at a place of anchorage;During radar pilotage, vessels (ships) shall confirm the information obtained from the VTS and report all actions.In case of sudden VTS equipment malfunction or loss of communication with the VTS, vessel (ship) masters shall take

measures necessary to ensure the safety of their vessels (ships).The service shall be provided upon request of a vessel (ship) master, except at a visibility of two miles when it is compulsory.Vessel traffic control shall be realized by establishing a regime of vessel (ship) traffic, traffic priority, start time of navigation,

routes, speed and traffic intervals, and anchorages.The service shall be provided on a continuous basis and is compulsory for vessels (ships) in the VTS operational zone.When acting on the basis of information, recommendations, and instructions obtained from the VTS, vessel (ship) masters

shall make their own decisions regarding the direct control of their vessels (ships), their navigational safety, and safety of other vessels and objects in their navigational area according to these CR. Regardless of visibility, VTS services must be provided in the operational zone around-the-clock, with fees charged according to the established procedure and tariffs approved by normative legal acts of Ukraine on the basis of receipts issued by the VTS pilot-operator.

All vessels within the VTS operational zone shall use VTS services. Ships and vessels exempted from paying for the services by current legislation of Ukraine may use them free of charge.

Information on entry and departure of vessels to/from the port water area shall be submitted by the VTS to the MB of USPA according to the established procedure.

Vessels belonging to the USPA, whose masters have the right to navigate in the port waters without assistance, as well as vessels belonging to the MB of USPA and subordinated to it, shall use VTS services only upon request when navigating at a limited visibility (up to 1000 m) in the outer roadstead.

Radar pilotage (which is an active type of radar services) in the control zone, regardless of visibility, is compulsory for: - Passenger vessels, gas carriers, chemical carriers, ferries, tankers, specialized vessels (lighter aboard ships, container ships, Ro-Ro vessels), and vessels with a length of over 200 m;

- All vessels when anchoring at anchoring berth No 457 and weighing anchor at anchoring berth No 458.The VTS shall provide services in the following order:

a) Injured vessels and vessels proceeding to provide assistance; b) Ships and vessels of the Naval Forces of Ukraine; c) Passenger vessels plying according to the schedule; d) Vessels with perishable cargo; e) Hydrographic vessels when on duty; f) Vessels with a sick person on board; g) Other vessels, according to the time their applications were submitted.

All vessels equipped with an AIS navigating or lying at anchor in the VTS operational zone shall keep AIS vessel equipment turned on.

When staying at berths, AIS vessel equipment may be turned off. During mooring operations and navigation in the VTS control zone, vessels shall keep permanent watch on

VHF channel 14.

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7.3. Navigation of Vessels

7.3.1. In the port waters and control zone, vessels primarily navigate in fairways and recommended tracks (Annex 2).7.3.2. Navigation in the approach channel is one-way.

7.4. Passing of Vessels

7.4.1. Vessels proceeding through the approach channel shall take precedence over vessels intending to cross the channel. 7.4.2. When navigating in the inner water area of the Mariupol Sea Port, passenger launches and pilot boats shall keep out

of the way of transport vessels, SPFCs, vessels involved in towage, and bunkering vessels. 7.4.3. Meeting and overtaking vessels in the approach channel, as well as in the water area limited by hydraulic structures

and the port gate of the Mariupol Sea Port, is forbidden. 7.4.4. It is forbidden to overtake tugs engaged in vessels towing in the port waters, at overtaking speed over 6 knots and a

distance less than 0.5 cables to the towed object.7.5. Regulation of sailing of support ships and vessels of Naval Forces of Ukraine and State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.7.5.1. Ships and vessels of support of the Naval Forces of Ukraine and Maritime Security Service of SBS of Ukraine

(hereinafter - support ships and vessels) shall be guided by the Navigation Rules and these Compulsory Regulations.7.5.2. Support ships and vessels navigate under VTS control. Instructions of a VTS pilot-operator concerning safety of

navigation are mandatory for support ships captains and vessels masters. In case of necessity to change the regime of navigation and order of entrance / departure set by the VTS pilot-operator, these issues shall be agreed by the on-duty operator of a naval base or detachment of marine guard with the VTS pilot-operator. The commander of the support ship, the vessel master have no right to change the orders attributed to him/her by a pilot-operator till receipt of a new order.

7.5.3. Support ships and vessels are provided an entrance to the Mariupol Sea Port and departure from the port in the first place, except in emergencies. In case of port call (departure) of ships and support vessels in need of pilotage and towing support, applications for their arrival / departure shall be submitted to the Chief Dispatcher’s Office of MB of SE "USPA" and to the PPS dispatcher till 10:00 of the day prior to departure. Call / departure in such circumstances shall be fulfilled in accordance with the plan of mooring works of MB of SE "USPA".

7.5.4. Two miles to the entrance to the VTS zone, ships and support vessels of the Naval Forces of Ukraine shall set communication with VTS on VHF radio channel 14, report the board number, the location, course, speed and the necessity of radar convoying in order to enter the Mariupol Sea Port.

7.5.5. An operational on-duty operator of a naval base or a detachment of maritime security shall inform the chief dispatcher, Harbour Master of the Mariupol Sea Port and VTS no later than 1 hour before the envisaged departure of ships and support vessels of Navy Maritime Security Detachment of Ukraine from the Mariupol Sea Port.

7.5.6. An operational on-duty operator of naval base or detachment of maritime security shall inform the chief dispatcher of MB of SE "USPA", Harbour Master of the Mariupol Sea Port and VTS no later than 4 hours about the envisaged arrival of ships and support vessels of Navy Maritime Security Detachment of Ukraine at the Mariupol Sea Port.

7.5.7. 15 minutes before the scheduled (planned) time, the master of a vessel (ship’s master) must ask for access permission from the VTS and report it to the Mariupol Border Detachment.

VIII. Rules of Vessels Anchoring Including Coordinates of Places for Anchorages in the Roadstead, Mooring and Unmooring Rules

8.1. Vessels Anchoring in the Roadstead

8.1.1. Vessels anchoring in the roadstead is carried out in the areas of the sea port anchorages in inner and outer roads of the Mariupol Sea Port in the areas of anchorages (Annex 6).

Vessels anchoring at anchorages shall be carried out so that the hull does not spread beyond the anchorage area limits.8.1.2. If a vessel master believes that the anchorage place is dangerous, he/she must inform the VTS and HMO. In this case,

the vessel must be indicated another place that provides secure anchorage. If a safe anchorage in the Mariupol Sea Port is not possible to be provided, such vessel must go beyond the Mariupol Sea Port limits.

8.1.3. Placing to roadstead of floating cranes, lighters, barges, and other floating crafts in order to fulfill handling and other operations shall be agreed with VTS.

Bunkering of vessels lying in the roadstead with fuel or combustible and lubrication means shall be allowed at wind speed 12 m/s at most.

8.1.4. Raising of lights that can be taken for navigation lights is not allowed on ships and other floating objects.At night a regular external lighting shall be turned on an anchored ship.The vessel in the roads with anchors wound from the stern except for lights and signs provided in COLREG - 72, shall bear

a white light at night time, and in the daytime – a red flag, lowered from the stern near the anchor chain at half the height of the vessel freeboard.

8.1.5. When anchoring non-self-propelled crafts or vessels with faulty anchor devices and / or main engines, tow support of such crafts or vessels shall ensure their secure anchoring and a safe withdrawal of crafts or vessels from the sea port or anchoring them to a berth, or another anchorage in case of dangerous hydrometeorological phenomena.

8.1.6. Under the current legislation of Ukraine, during a vessel anchoring at anchoring berths within the waters of the Mariupol Sea Port, corresponding port charges are charged as stipulated by the order of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine dd. May 27, 2013 No. 316 "On Port Charges", registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on June 12, 2013 under number 930/23462. Payment of port charges, thus, must be made prior to a vessel departure from the waters of the Mariupol Sea Port.

8.1.7. Outer roadstead is used for anchoring of vessels waiting for leading to the port and includes two main areas of anchorages: area No. 457 and the area No. 458 as well as the area situated to the east of the gate of the avantport, designed for anchoring of river-sea type vessels and other marine vessels with a draft of 3.5 m at most.

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8.1.8. Waiting for berthing and for auxiliary operations (fumigation, preparation for repairs and in other necessary cases), vessels can be placed in the inner roadstead - in the avantport to anchor or dropping anchor stern to the mole in places equipped with mooring devices. Only one vessel having a length not exceeding 135 m can be placed at anchor in the outer harbor for a short time. Anchoring near moles, anchoring in the avantport and elsewhere in the inner roads are charged the appropriate port charges.

8.1.9. Setting to moles shall be conducted with the permission of the Harbour Master and shall be agreed with checkpoints of border and the vessel master. Mooring (unmooring) shall be fulfilled only at wind speed not exceeding 11 m/s in the daytime. An oil vessel can be placed in the avantport to the Pivnichnyi Mole in a specially provided place. Mooring to the Pivnichnyi Mole of vessels with closed border is prohibited; it is permitted in exceptional cases, as agreed with checkpoints of border troops.

8.1.10. Due to the awkwardness of inner roadstead, each vessel that is anchored in the avantport or unmoored stern to the mole, shall be obliged to move to the outer roadstead on demand of the Harbour Master.

8.1.11. In order to obtain a permission to anchor a vessel at anchorages of the Mariupol Sea Port and to unanchor it, the shipowner having a corresponding contract with MB of SE "USPA" or a marine agent who represents his/her interests in the port, shall submit in advance to the Chief Dispatcher’s Office of MB of SE "USPA" an application for anchoring the vessel to an anchorage or for unanchoring it, as well as an application to the PPS of "Mariupol" for the services provided by VTS. While a vessel approach at the distance of one mile to the VTS zone, the vessel master asks for permission to anchor at the port anchorage through the pilot-operator. With the permission of the Chief Dispatcher’s Office of MB of SE "USPA" agreed with HMO, VTS pilot-operator indicates the coordinates of vessel anchorage. At this, the application for the vessel anchoring or unanchoring shall contain basic information about the performance characteristics of the vessel, the purpose of entry to the Mariupol Sea Port or the port waters (waiting for berthing, cargo handling operations in the roadstead, towing, repair, maintenance, replacement of crew, etc.). If the purpose is planned operations it the port roadstead (except for waiting for berthing), the information in the application must include data about anticipated terms of the specified operations, and after that the vessel arrival shall be registered by HMO.

In the absence of a permission from the Chief Dispatcher’s Office of MB of SE "USPA" for entering the port waters and the absence of the corresponding application for VTS services, the vessel arrival / departure is prohibited.

8.2. Vessels Anchoring near Berths 8.2.1. General Provisions While preparation of a berth for a vessel mooring: - a sufficient length of a berth for a vessel mooring is provided in accordance with РД 31.31.37-78; - cranes must be installed in a position which excludes lean-on of stem and after body, with crane operators located on cranes for case of cranes movement necessity;

- a berth shall be released from cargoes, equipment and other things which obstruct safe mooring (unmooring); - works and traffic of all types of transport shall be stopped within the mooring zone; - at night time lighting of a berth shall be provided.Lighting at berths near which vessels are moored and to which vessels are to be moored, at night time shall be at least 25

lux under the labour protection regulatory acts. Obligation of provision the appropriate lighting of a berth shall rest with the port operator administration. A vessel which is at a berth shall always have a part of the crew which is able to provide works and watchkeeping. When a vessel is docked in a port on mooring ropes, belayed across the navigable part of the waters as well as on

the edges of the vessel, extending beyond the berth line, red flags shall be exhibited in the daytime, and red lights shall be exhibited at night time. Accommodation ladders of a vessel on the berth shall be located so as not to interfere with the movement of cranes and railway rolling stock. The port shall not be liable for damage to the vessel accommodation ladders and gangways, installed in the area of cranes and railway rolling stock movement. At the vessel staying in the port, regardless of its size and ownership, a rotational worker shall be placed at the gangway. Berths shall have serviceable fenders and mooring bollards, berthing line is to be illuminated, mooring bollards shall be painted and numbered. When a vessel is docked in the port with dangerous cargoes, its engine and steering device shall be in constant readiness. Eye-splices of towlines shall be lowered from the head and stern to water. In case of people fall into water, fires and other emergencies and accidents, the master of the vessel shall immediately report to HMO about the event by VHF radio or by telephone and make the necessary arrangements to rescue people, the vessel, port equipment, cargo and eliminate the danger. Unloading of the vessel property, domestic and production wastes at the border part of a berth is prohibited. The vessel having a fender, shall have vertically arranged fenders tipped-out overboard at berthing at the port berths. Storm warnings are to be transmitted to vessels by Central VHF radiostation on the radiophone, channel 16.

Vessels which are at berths, shall be notified of approaching storm by the Harbour Master Office by phone or via messenger. Upon receipt of a storm warning, readiness of the main engine must be increased, the master or a chief mate must be on board a vessel. Due to the fact that vessels that pass can cause dynamic performance of a "trailer", a shift mate shall monitor the condition of belayed mooring lines while the vessel berthing at berths and moles. Monitoring of permissible vessel draught at reception of cargo at berths and moles shall be conducted by the vessel administration. Berthing of vessels of auxiliary fleet at berths No. 15-18 shall be prohibited. All the berths of the Mariupol Sea Port have external marking, defining their limits. In addition, each mooring

bollard has specified distances in meters to the nearest mooring bollard. 2-meter external strip of a berth shall be free from cargoes and foreign objects to ensure safe operation of coastal sailors during mooring operations.

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In winter: - border part of a berth must be free of ice and snow and sanded; - before a vessel approach, ice in the berthing area shall be broken, fast ice belt shall be chipped from the berth by tugs or an icebreaker.In day time the dockage place is designated with a flag, and at night time - with a lantern.The obligation to maintain the berth in good condition rests with the persons appointed by the Mariupol Sea port

Administration and port operators (SC) engaged in CHO through the port berths under the relevant agreements. Readiness of the berth shall be reported by a dispatcher (stevedore) of the terminal to an on-duty dispatcher of

the Chief Dispatcher’s Office of MB of SE "USPA". Readiness of the berth shall be reported by an on-duty dispatcher to the marine pilot and HMO. Marine pilot (if possible) before entering the vessel must necessarily assure himself in readiness of the berth for the vessel mooring; this information shall be passed to an on-duty dispatcher of MB of SE "USPA" and HMO Master. A port operator shall be responsible for the berth readiness to receive a vessel. While mooring, turning around and unmooring vessels, only a handling terminal representative, HMO representative and a mooring team headed by a mooring operations manager, who arrive at the berth 20 minutes before the mooring works start, shall be on the berth. At that the mooring place shall be defined by the HMO representative.

To provide mooring operations, the following number of coastal mooring members shall be allocated for the following vessel lengths: - up to 60 m – 2; - from 60 m to 100 m – 3; - from 100 m to 135 m – 4; - from 135 m to 155 m – 6; - from 155 m to 200 m – 8; - more than 200 m – Mooring, turning around vessels to the berths which are not properly prepared is forbidden. The masters of all vessels must keep up steam and water outlets in the hulls to be thoroughly covered with boards

or canvas.On board vessels standing at berths it is forbidden to conduct outboard works.To launch auxiliary, rescue and other vessel floating crafts from the vessels moored near berths of the Mariupol Sea Port

as well as to move them along the water area of the Mariupol Sea Port is allowed only upon approval from MSS and HMO. For each approach of a floating craft from a vessel as well as approach of other floating crafts to a vessel it is necessary to

obtain a permission from the Harbour Master and Border Forces checkpoint.Use of floating crafts for fishing and journey in the port waters are prohibited.While a floating craft berthing there shall be a member of the vessel crew on it who ensures the safety and preserving of the craft.Persons managing a floating craft must have the necessary permits. All the people staying on the craft must have documents

which prove their identity.In any event of an emergency with a floating craft, including its loss in the port waters, the owners must immediately inform

HMO and a checkpoint of the border troops. If a damage of a vessel or its technical means occurred during handling works or berthing in the port, the vessel

master must immediately inform his agents and hand over through them a written application about the occasion, until the end of the working shift during which the damage occurred, to the port operator dispatcher. Independent rearrangement from a berth to a berth, and dragging along a berth at the mooring lines shall be permitted to such vessels:

- non-self-propelled (barges, lighters etc.); - of a gross tonnage up to 500 tons; - of port fleet; - of technical fleet; - vessels whose masters have a permit from the Harbour Master for the right of navigation in the port waters without a marine pilot.Siding over of vessels is permitted provided that the fenders on berths will not be damaged.In case of a fender damage, the master of a vessel (or through the marine agent) must immediately report about such case

to the terminal administration and to HMO. Other vessels are allowed to side over at mooring lines individually only at a distance not exceeding 50 m, after a

prior approval of the siding-over procedure from HMO. At this, representatives of HMO and of cargo handling terminal must be present on the berth. Upcoming siding over, re-mooring, the beginning (end) of cargo handling and auxiliary operations shall be notified to a vessel by the port operator dispatcher 2 hours in advance if such operations will be carried out during daylight hours (08:00 to 17:00) and to 15:00 if the operations are to be fulfilled in the evening and at night (from 17:00 to 08:00 of the next day), and shall be informed to the on-duty dispatcher of the MB of SE "USPA". A written request to the Harbour Master of the Mariupol Sea Port for permit to work on board a vessel demanding decommissioning of the main engine, steering and anchoring devices must be previously agreed with the Chief Dispatcher’s Office of MB of SE "USPA", port operator, FTSS and MSS and shall contain clearly specified time of start and completion of the works. Permit to simultaneous fulfillment of such works can not be granted to several vessels, to one only. In case of emergency all towing vessels which stay in the port shall be passed to operational control of MB of SE "USPA" and shall execute its orders. In case of bad weather forecasts, HMO shall be obliged to notify all the vessels moored at the Mariupol Sea Port about it. The notification shall be made as follows:

- vessels staying in the roadstead shall be notified by the pilot-operator of the Station via VHF radio channels 14, 16 and 67; - vessels staying near berths shall be notified by the HMO on-duty master through marine agents of these vessels; - port fleet vessels shall be notified by the HMO on-duty master through an on-duty dispatcher of the port fleet; - dredging convoys shall be notified by a pilot-operator of the Station through a convoy chief.

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29 Vessels moored with a vessel hull outreach, shall be well fastened. During cargo handling operations such vessels have to use the signals in accordance with the International Code of Signals: at day time - "ROMEO-YANKEE" ("You have to move at slow speed, passing by me"); at night - red and green lights, positioned vertically (according to the COLREG-72).

Besides, such vessels, irrespective of the purpose of anchoring, at night shall exhibit a red light, half-masted from the bow or stern, which shall ensure visibility of maximum outreach of the vessel beyond the berth. Moorage for vessels (berth number, mooring board, anchoring) shall be defined for all the vessels except for passenger and emergency ones – Chief Dispatcher’s Office of the Mariupol Sea Port upon approval from HMO:

- for passenger vessels – manager of the passenger terminal upon coordination with the Chief Dispatcher’s Office of MB of SE “USPA” and Mariupol HMO;

- for emergency vessels – Harbour Master of the Mariupol Sea Port upon approval from the chief of the ES staff.Shipboard cranes and booms during cargo handling operations shall be installed the way not to extend beyond the vessel

board towards the sea, and so as not to interfere with coastal and floating cranes work. Berthing of vessels at berths No. 5, 6, 8, 9, 14 is prohibited if the stern extends beyond the berth, and is allowed in

exceptional cases with the permission of the Harbour Master. In case of exceeding the size of the vessel, confirmed for handling by the port operator, constraints determined for

berthing, responsibility for any possible consequences and / or financial losses associated with such inconsistency shall be borne by the party in fault.

8.2.2. Preparation of Berths for Vessels Mooring The persons responsible for meeting the conditions for berths preparation to vessels departure or arrival are: - responsible person of the company, which fulfills CHO through the port berths under the relevant agreements (head of the port operator (SC) or persons appointed by heads of the port operator, shipyards and others).

- in other cases – the responsible person of the enterprise that provides mooring services in the port. Small vessels (tugs and motor boats) as well as pilot boats shall fulfill mooring operations without help of a marine

pilot. Due to that masters (rotational officers) of the defined vessels shall be obliged to assess the berth readiness for such vessels mooring by their own, while the vessel approaches the berth. Mooring of vessels to the berths which are not properly prepared is forbidden.If the pilot left for a vessel while the berth is not prepared to receive the vessel, the HMO representative shall inform the

pilot and the the Chief Dispatcher’s Office of the Mariupol Sea Port Administration accordingly. The vessel proceeding to the berth from sea is to be anchored within the anchorage No. 457, 458 or in the inner roads (with towage support) upon the pilot’s recommendation until the berth is completely ready. The pilot draws a report to the Mariupol Sea Port Harbour Master on violation of Compulsory Regulations in each case of the berth non-availability. In this case payment for the actual work of tugs (under the rates approved by the enterprise which renders tug services) and a marine pilot shall be made by the party which didn’t provide the berth readiness (except where hydrometeorological conditions worthened very much after departure of tugs from the base berth to the works fulfillment location, which doesn’t allow to fulfill a mooring operation safely). Cargo handling operations as well as displacement of people on the decks, not related to the mooring operation, must be stopped for the period of the vessel mooring on the vessel, to/from which another vessel is moored/unmoored.

8.2.3. Approach to Berths and Mooring Port berths are designed for vessels approach at an angle not exceeding 6°. When mooring, particular care must be exercised as the coastal cranes are located close to the berths border line. Mooring operations of cargo ships with a gross register capacity of 1,415 m (500 reg. t) or more must be fulfilled only by means of tugs. When approaching the berth, a vessel must kill the way and draw to the berth only by using tugs. Approach speed of the vessel and a berth shall not exceed 0.1 m/s, docking of the vessel and a berth shall be done with the entire hull. Main machines work is permitted only in exceptional cases, in order to avoid an accident. Vessels with a length of 100 m or more shall perform mooring operations by means of two port tugs of total capacity at least 1500 hp. Vessels of less than 100 m length can perform mooring operations using tugs of total capacity less than 1500 hp. In general, the required number of tugs shall be determined by the vessel master and approved by marine pilots in each case depending on the circumstances and on the basis of the CR in the part of the minimum number and power of tugs for mooring operations of vessels in the Mariupol Sea Port (Annex 4). Allocation of vessels at a berth is allowed at intervals from 10 m to 25 m between them, depending on the size of vessels and conditions of berthing. The deviation is permitted from these distances, depending on the conditions of mooring and berthing, space margin for mooring is determined in accordance with current РД 31.31.37-78 and shall be agreed by HMO. Mooring operations of transport vessels in the port at wind speed over 14 m/s and mooring of vessels to tankers and to other vessels board at wind speed exceeding 11 m/s are forbidden. Re-mooring of a vessel in the port during cargo handling operations is allowed once during loading / unloading, and if necessary to shift it in the course of loading / unloading through specialization of transshipment terminals - one more re-mooring. Payment for tugs and a pilot in these cases shall be done by the shipowner. When re-mooring of a vessel with a decommissioned main engine, faulty anchor or steering devices, towing collection rate shall be doubled, unless otherwise is conditioned by regulatory documents. Re-mooring of a vessel in this case shall be allowed at wind speed: - up to 8 m/s - in ballast; - not exceeding 11 m/s - in cargo. Setting vessels alongside the board of a vessel staying at a berth is allowed with the permission of the Harbour Master Office upon coordination with the Main Dispatcher of the port, and for foreign vessels - additionally with the permission of the customs office and border troops checkpoint. Moving people from the vessel staying alongside, through a foreign ship to shore is prohibited. The ship which stands at a berth and agreed to mooring to board of another vessel, must prepare an external board for mooring, not to have a heel on this side, and allocate a sufficient number of crew members for receiving mooring lines. Shifting of vessels along a berth by transferring mooring lines is allowed to do at a distance of no more than 50 m. Shifting over a distance of 50 meters must be carried out with the help of tugs and a pilot on board.

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30 Relocation of a vessel with other vessels made fast to it is not allowed. Pilotage service while vessels remooring and shifting in the port is obligatory. Prior to a vessel remooring its main engine must be prepared to work. During mooring, unmooring or shifting of vessels, the following officials must be presented on the berth:

representative of the company, which performs CHO through the Mariupol Sea Port berths under the relevant agreements, and HMO representative with a portable VHF radiostation for communication with VTS and a pilot on the vessel.

Small crafts of MB of SE "USPA", including auxiliary fleet of the Mariupol Sea Port, as well as pilot boats shall perform mooring operations without help of a marine pilot and tugs. In these cases, staying on a berth of a representative of the company and a HMO representative is not required and not stipulated. Mooring workers of the enterprise which provides mooring services in the port shall moor and unmoor a vessel while mooring operations (mooring and unmooring), regardless of the purpose of mooring them to berths in a dry cargo port.

The mooring team shall be ordered by a vessel master through the dispatcher of the Chief Dispatcher’s Office of MB of SE "USPA" 45 minutes before the beginning of mooring operations with the vessel.

Small vessels of SE "USPA" including auxiliary fleet of the Mariupol Sea Port and pilot boats under normal conditions (the standard procedure) shall carry out mooring operations without the help of a mooring team. If under any conditions the specified vessels require assistance of mooring workers, masters (watch officers) of these vessels have to order mooring workers through a dispatcher of the Chief Dispatcher’s Office of MB of SE "USPA" 45 minutes before start of the mooring operations with the small vessel. Mooring teams shall be sent by dispatcher office of the port operator of the company, which provides mooring services in the port. In the Mariupol Sea Port it is prohibited: - to put research and training vessels alongside each other.In case of production necessity and depending on the specific size and condition of the vessel, weather conditions and

subject to observing the necessary preventive measures, a deviation from these requirements is possible, but with the necessary consent of the Mariupol Sea Port Harbour Master and upon consent of the vessel master.

- to perform repair and adjustment works of radar systems on vessels moored at berths with switching on high voltage without HMO permission.

8.2.4. Lights on Vessels Staying at Berths

Vessels moored at berths with the hull extending beyond the berth limits shall be fixed well. While cargo-handling operations, such vessels must exhibit the signals according to the Interantional Signals Code: in day time – ROMEO-YANKEE, at night – red and green lights adjusted vertically.

Besides and irrespective of the purpose of staying, at night such vessels shall exhibit the red light, lowered from the bow or stern, which shall provide visibility of the maximum extension of the vessel beyond the berth.

8.2.5. Safety of Anchorage Large vessels, upon consent of the Mariupol Sea Port Harbour Master and consent of the vessel master, shall moor to the berth No. 14 and No. 18 with the stern outreach 12 m at most.

Upon receipt of the guarantee of tugboat services payment, the Harbour Master at the request of the master of the vessel that is driven off from the berth by wind, shall give an order to the the tugs owner dispatcher service for safe anchorage ensuring.

At the request of the tug, the master of the vessel shall deliver to it a reliable ship cable rope from the stern. Owners of vessels carrying passengers, and owners of passenger berths, floating piers and other facilities intended

for embarkation and disembarkation of passengers shall ensure full safety of operations for embarkation and disembarkation of passengers which would exclude accidents with them. Control of safety of embarkation and disembarkation of passengers on berths of a passenger terminal shall be conducted by a changeable assistant manager of a passenger terminal and masters of passenger vessels.

8.2.6. Change of Anchorages Vessels in the port shall be shifted only with a marine pilot. The exception is non-self-propelled vessels with a capacity of up to 500 gross reg. t and vessels belonging to MB of SE "USPA" or auxiliary fleet of the Mariupol Sea Port whose navigators have HMO permission for the right of sailing within the waters of the Mariupol Sea Port without a marine pilot. Masters of vessels are permitted to shift vessels along the berth for a distance of 50 meters after agreement with HMO and Chief Dispatcher’s Office of MB of SE "USPA".

In this respect, in the waters of the Mariupol Sea Port such restrictions related to shifting shall be introduced: - ballast vessels and vessels having onboard no more than 20% of cargo of deadweight (except for large vessels) shall be shifted on condition of wind power not exceeding 14 m/s;

- vessels with unserviceable main engines and steering or anchor devices shall be shifted only if wind power does not exceed 11 m/s; - pneumatic reloaders, floating cranes and non-self-propelled floating units shall be shifted in accordance in hydrometereological conditions in accordance with Register documents at any time of the day with sufficient towing provision;

- mooring of vessels alongside, or to moles of the port shall be fulfilled only in the light hours of the day, provided wind power not exceeding 10 m/s or visibility no less than 500 meters, with the consent of both masters and in the the absence of explosive and flammable cargoes on board. After completion of cargo handling operations and in production need, on demand of the Chief Dispatcher’s Office

of MB of SE "USPA", each vessel shall be taken away from the berth and taken from the internal waters of the port at the cost of the shipowner.

In the case of non-compliance with this article and the need for the immediate release of a berth, taking away of such vessel from the berth shall be carried out by port fleet means at the cost of the shipowner. Costs associated with delayed clearing of the berth, shall be borne by the shipowner.

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8.2.7. Actions in case of stormIn case of receipt of a storm warning about strengthening of the wind of eastern directions (0°–90°–180°) up to 22 m/s or

more, vessels at anchors at the anchorage place No. 458, at the request of the VTS pilot-operator must change the anchorage place: - auxiliary vessels and small craft shall be led into the port and moored to berths reliably; - all other vessels shall anchor at anchorage No. 457 or exit to sea to be in a gale; - the above rearrangement of vessels in the roadstead shall be carried out at the direction, with the permission and under the supervision and convoying of VTS.

8.3. Safety Measures for a Vessel Moorage while Fumigation Fulfillment

8.3.1. Vessels shall be moored alongside the berth, ensuring reliable and secure communication with the coast (except as provided in these CR or scheme of mooring works).

8.3.2. Stern mooring is allowed only with the consent of fumigators and with availability of means of communication with the coast through the stern (ladder, gangway).

8.3.3. An accommodation ladder or a storm ladder from the side of sea shall be removed, the deck shall be lightened.8.3.4. During fumigation, vessels are obliged to raise in a prominent place in the day time – flags "VICTOR" "ECHO";

at night – green and white lights arranged vertically. Day and night special signals must be raised in accordance with the International Code of Signals (Annex 8). On shore near stems, broadsheets in Ukrainian and English saying “GASES! NO ENTRY” must be installed.

Near entry to the staircases it is obligatory to exhibit a prominent announcement in Ukrainian and English saying about express prohibition to enter the vessel due to fumigation.

8.3.5. For the period of fumigation, a watch service shall be comprised of five crew members: - watch ship mate; - watch engineer; - watchman; - watch motorman; - watch electrician. 8.3.6. Watch service is obliged to keep constant external watch, ensuring uninterrupted watch of the staircases and shipboard. 8.3.7. During fumigation a watch ship mate shall have a list of the vessel crew members keeping the watch. This list shall

be submitted by request of persons performing inspection in due order.8.3.8. A watch ship mate must know the telephone numbers of the vessel master, HMO, ambulance, on-duty dispatcher,

MSS, FTSS of the MB of SE “USPA.8.3.9. The crew must strictly execute the fumigation lot management instructions related to health protection of the crew

members being ashore near the vessel, as well as those who came onboard in order to fulfill the required works. 8.3.10. In all cases when the vessel safety is endangered, an on-duty ship mate shall call the vessel master who informs an

on-duty dispatcher, MSS and HMO of the MB of SE “USPA” directly or through a marine agent.

8.4. Long Stay and Lay-up of Vessels at the Port

8.4.1. Organizations, enterprises, institutions, regardless of their form of ownership or departmental affiliation, as well as natural persons arranging a long stay or lay-up (vessels staying for a long period with removal from operation) shall meet the requirements of the current legislation and these Compulsory Regulations.

8.4.2. Long stay at the Mariupol Sea Port, exceeding the time required for cargo handling operations and vessel servicing (hereinafter referred to as a ‘long stay’) and long moorage or lay-up (vessels staying for a long period with removal from operation) are allowed with permission of the Mariupol Sea Port Administration and with approval from the Mariupol Sea Port Harbour Master, based on the application that shall be submitted by the master of the vessel or a shipowner (with vessel documents attached) and contain the following information:

- vessel’s IMO number; - vessel’s name; - vessel’s size; - Flag State and port of registry of the vessel; - place and estimated time of stay in the sea port; - long stay crew; - information on ballast, water, and fuel tanks, their location scheme; - fire safety plan of the vessel; - watchkeeping procedure; - IMO number, name and address of the shipowner; - contact details of the person responsible for a long stay safety.8.4.3. Vessels staying in the Mariupol Port for a long period shall have safety operation plans for their long stay that are

approved by the shipowner and coordinated by the Mariupol Sea Port Harbour Master and MSS, as well as acts of removal from operation, instructions on watchkeeping during laying-up (of which the vessel’s crew and offshore personnel shall be informed), a list of contact phone numbers (emergency services, port subdivisions, shipowner, and the person responsible for the long stay safety).

8.4.4. Before arranging a long stay for tank vessels, full cleaning and degassing of tanks and pump rooms must be carried out.8.4.5. Liquid fuel reserve onboard the vessel being on long stay can be left only by authority of the port Environmental

Monitoring Station, MSS and upon approval from the Mariupol Sea Port Harbour Master.8.4.6. During a long stay, vessels shall be provided the means of around-the-clock communication (telephone and VHF radio).8.4.7. Each laid-up vessel shall be moored the way not to obstruct other vessels traffic and cargo handling operations; each

laid-up vessel shall be staffed with a sufficient number of crew members or members of the watchkeeping service which ensures safety of the vessel stay.

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8.4.8. Shipowners, vessels masters or enterprises (organizations) authorized by them shall: - arrange lay-up zones for vessels temporarily or permanently removed from operation; - draw up an arrangement plan for vessels in advance and not later than 10 days prior to the start of arrangement operations agree it with the Harbour Master of the Mariupol Sea Port and the main dispatcher of the Mariupol Sea Port;

- organize the security of laid-up vessels and ensure sanitary rules and requirements for fire safety and environmental protection are observed;

- provide latest measurements of the hull width and a decision of a classification society concerning the hull waterproofness, the vessel’s readiness for stay;

- ensure the safety of the vessel’s stay (operating conditions of machinery and equipment responsible for the fire safety and working order of the vessel, as well the sufficient amount of reliable mooring lines, reliable fender protection, etc.).8.4.9. Responsibility for safety of laid-up vessels, their crews, and watch services shall rest with the shipowners or enterprises

(organizations) authorized by them.

8.5. Vessels Staying at Port

8.5.1. At night, berths shall be illuminated well with the responsibility borne by the business entity, which has the illuminating means on balance.

8.5.2. All vessels shall have outlets in their hulls for steam and water, equipped with devices for excluding penetration of water and other substances to the berth.

8.5.3. On vessels standing at berths of the Mariupol Sea Port it is forbidden to conduct outboard works without approval from the HMO and Chief Dispatcher’s Office of the Mariupol Branch of the SE “USPA”.

8.5.4. Change of a foreign vessel mooring place shall be informed by VTS pilot-operator to the bodies which execute control at the state border.

8.5.5. Vessels crew members shall observe general rules of staying at the Mariupol Sea Port, as well as civil order. A member of a foreign vessel crew in such case can be deforced of the right to come ashore by the bodies which execute control at the state border.

8.5.6. Vessels of the Mariupol Sea Port and vessels of other organizations can approach foreign vessels staying at berths and in the roadstead, only after obligatory notification of the bodies, which execute control at the state border, about their intentions.

8.6. Moorage of Vessels and Floating Crafts in the Port

8.6.1. All the auxiliary vessels and floating crafts shall be held anchorage near berth No. 1 or as agreed by the Main Dispathcer Office of MB of SE “USPA” and HMO – at free berths of the port.

8.6.2. It is prohibited to moor vessels and floating crafts of other organizations to the berths No. 1 and mooring floats located on them without coordination with HMO.

8.7. Vessels Wintering and Laying-up at the Port 8.7.1. At the Mariupol Sea Port the vessels having no ice class, belonging to MB of SE “USPA” and other organizations, as

agreed by the Chief Dispatcher’s Office of MB of SE “USPA” and the Harbour Master, shall be stayed for wintering for the period of difficult ice conditions.

8.7.2. Auxiliary and small vessels belonging to MB of SE “USPA” and other organizations shall be stayed for wintering near berth No. 1 and berthing floats located on them, unless otherwise agreed by the berthing schemes approved by the Mariupol Sea Port Administration Head and the Harbour Master.

IX. Special Cases of Vessels Navigation within the Port Water Area

9.1. Vessels Towage within the Port Water Area

9.1.1. For vessels longer than 50 meters or capacity exceeding 500 tons, using of tugboats during mooring operations is obligatory.

9.1.2. Towing vessels provide services for berthing, taking away, swinging around, remooring of vessels at all the berths and all roadstead transshipment terminals, located in the waters of the Mariupol Sea Port.

The crews of tugboats must undergo special training (dangerous cargoes) to work in the waters of the Mariupol Sea Port. Masters of tugs that operate in the waters of the Mariupol Sea Port must pass exams to the committee chaired by the Mariupol Sea Port Harbour Master.

9.1.3. The master of the vessel shall apply for tugs to an on-duty dispatcher of tugs owner via a marine agent no later than 2 hours before the vessel approach; master of the vessel which is in the Mariupol Sea Port – not later than 2 hours before the towing operation start.

Call of tugs shall be carried out by a vessel master with the help of a marine pilot only via an on-duty dispatcher of the enterprise providing tugs, 45 minutes before the full readiness of the vessel for departure, remooring or for the vessel approach from sea to the gates of the Mariupol Sea Port.

9.1.4. Refusal to use tug(-s) according to the previously submitted request shall be forwarded by the marine agent to the on-duty dispatcher of the enterprise providing tugs at least 1 hour before the specified time of the start of a towage operation.

9.1.5. Orders for towing works shall be executed after their completion, signed by the master of the vessel (marine agent), certified with vessel seal and sent directly to the tug or a marine pilot.

9.1.6. If the towage operation is delayed by more than 30 minutes from the specified time, the port on-duty dispatcher of the enterprise providing the tugs has the right to withdraw the tugs. In this case, the vessel master (or a person substituting him/her) shall issue the orders for payment indicating the time spent by the tugs to navigate to the vessel and back, and the time of wait for the towage operation start.

9.1.7. Management and control of tugboats work at towing or mooring operations of a self-propelled vessel, irrespective of its capacity and wether it uses its machines or not, shall be fulfilled by the towed vessel master.

Management of towage or towing operation at shifting of non-self-propelled vessels and floating crafts of gross capacity up to 500 tons shall be fulfilled by a towing vessel master. If towing involves several tugboats, the towing management relies on

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the main tug master. However, regardless of the method of towing (astern, alongside, pushing, and so on), it is necessary to determine the main tug before the towing start.

Management of towage of non-self-propelled vessels of gross capacity of 500 tons and more with the crew available onboard shall be fulfilled by the towed vessel master.

9.1.8. To operate the tugs work during mooring operations, VHF radio channels 6 and 8 shall be used.9.1.9. Towing manager provides prevention of damages and shall bear responsibility for damages of towing and towed

vessels, hydraulic structures and devices and vessels at anchor or at berth.9.1.10. If the tug vessel employer manages towing, safety and property preservation during towing operations rests with the

master (shipowner) of employer vessel until the employer vessel declaration to release the tug.9.1.11. If an application for tugs was filed in violation of the procedures specified in cl. 9.1.3, cl. 9.1.4 and other clauses of

these CR, in case of unreadiness of a vessel to depart at the indicated time, the costs associated with delays and demurrage of a vessel shall rest with the master (shipowner) or companies authorized by them.

9.1.12. The required quantity of tugs for mooring operations with other vessels shall be determined by the master and a marine pilot in each specific case depending on conditions and based on the CR in the part of employment of dock tugs while maneovring operations with one vessel, presented in Annex 4 to these Compulsory Regulations.

The vessel master using a marine pilot informs the on-duty dispatcher of the enterprise, which provides tugs, about the tugs number required to perform the mooring operations. The tugs for a mooring operation fulfillment shall be directed by by an on-duty dispatcher of the tugs owner. Absence of the master’s request for tugs service does not exempt him from a payment for tugs work at the rates approved by the company (enterprise) that provides services for towing support.

9.1.13. An on-duty dispatcher of the tugs owner, in order to avoid vessels delays and demurrage through engagement of tugs of the declared capacity, with the consent of the vessel master and a marine pilot (at favorable hydrometereological conditions), can direct tugs having less power for towing.

9.1.14. The length of the tow rope while towing of floating crafts in the waters of the Mariupol Sea Port and the entrance channel must not exceed 50 m and must ensure the towing safety.

9.1.15. Towing of vessels that operate ("run") their main engines, shall be made on the shortest possible tug with which the safety of towing is ensured.

9.1.16. Vessels having tuberous stems shall deliver a tow line under way by means of a heaving line.9.1.17. Masters of tugboats are forbidden to leave barges and other non-self-propelled floating crafts in the port waters at

anchor without permission of VTS pilot-operator and main dispatcher of MB of SE "USPA".Towing of non-self-propelled barges at night is prohibited, except as coordination of such operations with the Harbour

Master of the Mariupol Sea Port.9.1.18. A vessel of a length exceeding 150 m, with the decommissioned main engine or steering gear, while towing in the

waters of the the Mariupol Sea Port shall obligatorily exhibit lights and signs provided for by the Rule 27 (cl. a) of COLREG-72 in addition to the ones recommended by the Rule 24 (cl. e).

9.1.19. When towing of non-self-propelled vessels that have a steering device, a helmsman shall be at the helm.9.1.20. During cargo handling operations in the roadstead, towing vessels are prohibited to leave floating cranes and other

floating ship elevators near the vessel board without coordination of the vessel master and HMO.9.1.21. Safe anchorage of a non-self-propelled vessels moored to the vessel board shall be provided by the vessel master.9.1.22. During mooring operations tugs shall meet the vessel that enters the Mariupol Sea Port, in the area of the port gate

(abeam of the buoy No. 22). In the event of adverse weather conditions, the meeting place may be changed after coordination with the marine pilot and the masters of the vessel and of the tug.

9.1.23. All the vessels shall be obliged to deliver and receive a tow line by means of heaving lines.9.1.24. Towing of a vessel, floating dock, floating crane, barges, lighters and other non-self-propelled floating crafts shall be

managed by the master of the vessel which tows.9.1.25. Prior to a towing operation, a towing head shall be determined of which entries in the logs shall be made and

reported to the VTS.9.1.26. Vessels that use the port tugs shall provide reliable towing ropes.9.1.27. Towing of non-self-propelled vessels in the port waters with wind speed exceeding 11 m/s is prohibited.9.1.28. Within the port waters towing vessels shall not have more than one barge on a short tug, and the tug length shall

not exceed: a) 50 m in the outer roadstead; b) 30 m the inner roadstead.9.1.29. The towing vessel, having delivered the towed object to the port, shall provide a reliable anchoring at the place

indicated by VTS and shall not get clear from alongside until check of its anchorage safety by HMO workers.9.1.30. The required number of tugs for mooring operations with vessels shall be coordinated by a pilot and a master in each

specific case depending on the circumstances and on the basis of the CR.Depending on weather conditions and at night the number of tugs to escort towing shall be defined by the Mariupol Sea

Port Harbour Master.Towing of non-self-propelled vessels and vessels with an idle main engine shall be exercised by two tugs.9.1.31. The master of the vessel by means of a marine pilot shall give the request for tugs at least:

- 40 minutes before entering the port; - 30 minutes before unmooring or remooring.The application shall be filed to tugs owner dispatcher on VHF radio or telephone.

9.2. Vessels Navigation in Ice Conditions

9.2.1. To manage pilotage in ice within the Port waters, the Head of the Mariupol Sea Port Administration annually appoints the command group in charge of pilotage in ice headed by the Harbour Master of the Mariupol Sea Port.

9.2.2. Depending on actual ice conditions in the port waters, the Harbour Master of the Mariupol Sea Port shall announce the beginning and end of an ice campaign in the port waters and inform all the concerned organizations about it.

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9.2.3. All services and divisions of the Mariupol Sea Port Administration shall follow the instructions of the Chief of the command group for the period of ice campaign in connection with all issues connected with ice operations.

9.2.4. All owners of vessels based in the Mariupol Sea Port shall annually (until the 1st of December) submit to the Harbour Master the lists of all vessels allowed to navigate under ice conditions.

9.2.5. On the approach channel and within the port water area vessels are allowed to navigate under complicated ice conditions depending on the category of ice strengthening, main engine capacity determined by classification of Navigation Register of Ukraine, the Compulsory Regulations and other regulatory documents.

The Mariupol Sea Port Administration shall issue annual orders which determine types of vessels which can enter within winter navigation period without limitations. Within the full period of ice navigation a log is maintained by the HMO in which the following shall be fixed:

- ice conditions in approaches to the approach channel and within the port water area as well as near port facilities; - time spent on mooring (shifting) and unmooring vessels in ice conditions; - list and efficiency of the measures applied and taken against ice; - damage of vessels and facilities caused by ice conditions.9.2.6 Establishment of priorities in entering and leaving the Mariupol Sea Port, management of icebreaking means in the

Mariupol Sea Port waters is executed by the Chief of command group in charge of pilotage in ice (hereinafter - Chief of command group).

Under complicated ice conditions, priorities of pilotage operations in ice are established at the working meeting with the Chief of command group and entered in day-plans of icebreaking and traffic operations (mooring) in the Mariupol Sea Port. All the risks and costs related to demurrage in case of an ice breaker approach later than the time determined by the daily plan, if it happened due to difficult ice conditions or weather conditions, shall be borne by the vessel owner.

Under complicated ice conditions in the Mariupol Sea Port and the adjacent territory that compromise the safety of operations on pilot boats, the embarkation/disembarkation of pilots to/from the vessels shall be carried out by forces and means of the owner of the tugs equipped with means of safe embarkation/disembarkation of pilots, at the expense of the shipowner.

9.2.7. Vessels masters shall follow all the icebreaker master’s instructions concerning movement in ice, and act according to them.Ice channeling and chipping ice near a transportation vessel by another transportation vessel is prohibited.9.2.8. The request for icebreaking support while entering/departure from the Mariupol Sea Port shall be submitted to the

Chief Dispatcher’s Office of MB of SE “USPA” at least 24 hours before the channeling and shall be specified 12 hours and 4 hours before approach to the VTS coverage zone or to an ice edge. The request for icebreaking support for departure from the port shall be submitted 24 hours before the departure.

The request shall contain the following information: the name of a vessel, main dimensions, draught, main engines' capacity, daily stock of bunker and water available, speed in clean water, propeller material, total quantity of cargo, certificates for navigation in ice, the vessel ice class, and the vessel's seaworthiness at the time of approach.

9.2.9. During an announced ice campaign, masters of the vessels entering (leaving) the Mariupol Sea Port shall have onboard the vessel supplies of fuel, oil, water, and food for at least 10 days.

Icebreaking tugs shall have onboard a 10-days reserve of fuel, oil, water and food.9.2.10. Vessels not authorized for ice navigation are accepted for ice pilotage only if the vessel master/owner as well as a

classification society agree in writing to ice pilotage and payment of costs for the repair of possible ice damage to the vessel. 9.2.11. During the announced ice campaign, the Mariupol Sea Port Administration shall organize icebreaking operations in

the port water area and collect payments according to the current legislation.9.2.12. Masters of vessels navigating in ice conditions shall consult the Rules of Ice Pilotage approved by the order of the

Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine No. 14 dated 12.03.2011 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on April 04, 2011 under No. 447/19185, Rules for Vessels Accompanied by Ice Breakers through Ice and Vessels Communication while Ice Navigation.

9.2.13. Masters of vessels which have permission to running voyage in ice, shall inform of their position, ice condition, speed of movement in ice each 4 hours to the Harbour Master of the port of destination.

9.2.14. Master of a vessel shall ensure following the active legislation requirements concerning environmental protection, observing the rules of ice navigation as well as soundness and preservation of property (vessel, its structures etc.).

9.2.15. All the costs related to towage support required for fulfillment of mooring operations with a specific vessel, including towage escort, berth cutting away for a specific vessel mooring, cutting away a moored vessel before departure and breaking out (crackdown) of ice from space between the vessel board and the berth wall in the process of mooring shall be paid by the vessel owner.

9.2.16. Inspection and control of vessels ice support in the approaches to the Mariupol Sea Port and within its water area shall be fulfilled by the Harbour Master of the Mariupol Sea Port.

9.2.17. Date of beginning and end of winter navigation within the port water area shall be defined and declared by the order of the head of MB of SE “USPA”.

9.2.18. Only vessels having a corresponding ice class of the marine Register or a foreign classification society shall be admitted to navigation in ice.

9.2.19. The Master of the vessel entering or leaving MSCP must submit a request in writing for ice pilotage to the Harbour Master where the following shall be mentioned: availability of documents granting the right for ice navigation, seaworthiness, vessel’s general size, propeller material, quantity and type of cargo, draught, main engine capacity, speed in clear water, operability of the coast radar and VHF radio stations, fuel capacity, fresh water capacity and reserve of food.

9.2.20. Requests for all types of icebreaker operations shall be submitted 48 hours prior to the approach to light buoy No. 1 of the Kerch-Yeni-Kale Channel and 24 hours prior to the departure from the port.

9.2.21. A vessels convoy to leave the port shall be formed in the port water area according to the plan developed by the Ice Operations Headquarter.

9.2.22. A vessels convoy to enter the port shall be formed near an ice edge in the Sea of Azov at the direction of icebreaker’s Master according to the plan developed by the Ice Operations Headquarter.

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9.3. Navigation of Small and Sport Vessels

9.3.1. Managers of small boats bases located on the territory or in the waters of the Mariupol Sea Port, shall inform HMO on the daily basis of departure and the arrival of vessels at the base.

Masters of vessels staying in the waters of the Mariupol Sea Port shall promptly inform HMO of intentions to fulfill further movement of their vessels, maneuvering etc.

9.3.2. While a vessel movement in order to communicate with VTS, responsible persons on board vessel shall keep radio watch on VHF channels 14, 16 and 67 observing radio connection order.

One should avoid sailing in the traffic separation scheme, on board vessel have the applied vessel's name, well-recognized at a safe distance.

Only persons having the appropriate certificates for the right to drive journey non-commercial vessels are allowed to drive them.9.3.3. Small and sports vessels navigating in the waters of the Mariupol Sea Port, shall have (concerned) on board updated

nautical charts and publications for the navigation area, chart instruments, magnetic compass, water gauge (echo sounder), AIS device, VHF radio station.

9.3.4. In the territory and in the waters of the Mariupol Sea Port it is forbidden to store small boats belonging to businesses and individuals, without a written permission of the Mariupol Sea Port Harbour Master.

9.4. Passenger Operations

9.4.1. Passenger traffic in the port waters is allowed only on specially equipped vessels having documents for the right to transfer passengers.

9.4.2. Passengers transfer by port fleet vessels in the outer roadstead is allowed only with the permission of HMO and border troops checkpoint. Passengers transfer at wind speed exceeding 11 m/s and visibility less than 2 miles is prohibited.

9.4.3. Simultaneous transportation of cargo and passengers on the port navigation vessels is prohibited.9.4.5. It is prohibited to make change of carriers by passengers in the outer roadstead at the height of waves over 0.5 meters.9.4.6. Passenger and cargo transportation on the port navigation vessels to foreign ships and port moles without the border

troops checkpoint is prohibited.9.4.7. Embarkation and disembarkation of passengers to/from the vessel/port navigation vessels shall be carried out only on

berths, determined by MB of SE "USPA" in consultation with HMO.9.4.8. Embarkation and disembarkation of people to/from the vessel/port navigation vessels on berths No. 15-18 at wind

speed exceeding 11 m/s shall be prohibited.

X. Environmental Protection Rules

10.1. General Provisions

10.1.1. All the vessels, legal entities and physical persons conducting their activities/staying within the port water area and within the territory of the Mariupol Sea Port, shall be obliged:

- to observe the requirements stipulated by the national and international environmental protection legislation of Ukraine, the Compulsory Regulations, the Code of Customs as well as other regulatory documents effective at the port;

- to provide access to representatives of the MB of SE "USPA" in order to perform environmental monitoring within their expertise, and eliminate the defects identified by them on the timely basis;

- to coordinate with the MB of SE "USPA" (environmental protection subdivision of the Mariupol Sea Port Administration) all its actions which can lead to environmental pollution. Costs and expenses of the MB of SE "USPA", borne due to elimination of a pollution and its consequences, for rent of the engaged equipment, floating crafts and other enterprises’ staff as well as other rendered services related to elimination of consequences of an emergency marine event, shall be responsibility of the party in fault;

- to take urgent actions to suspend operations which led to pollution of the port territory or water area of the Mariupol Sea Port, elimination or localization of the pollution source and take priority actions to minimize the pollution consequences.

- All the costs and expenses of the MB of SE "USPA", related to removal of pollution of the territory or water area of the Mariupol Sea Port, shall be reimbursed by the party in fault in full;

- In case of any discharge of contaminating substances, possible threat of such discharge or identification of the port water area pollution, the Mariupol Sea Port Administration shall be notified immediately. At that the precise location, possible reason, nature, size and direction of movement of the pollution shall be indicated.10.1.2. The vessel administration, except for cases provided for by cl. 10.1.1 of these Compulsory Regulations, shall be obliged:

- before entering the territorial waters of Ukraine, to change a segregated ballast taken in other areas of the World Ocean for the ballast of the Black Sea waters with a corresponding notice made in the logbook;

- deballasting shall be carried out only through the vessel's pipelines and pumps specially intended for this purpose; - before entering the inland sea waters and territorial sea of Ukraine all closure devices, through which it is possible to discharge contaminating substances, including contamination-containing waters, shall be closed;

- contaminants, including contaminated waters, and wastes shall be collected in special (marked) vessel containers; liquid and solid contaminants shall be collected according to types separately;

- before a vessel departure from the port berth to deliver (in accordance with the Shipboard Plan for Contaminations Treatment) contaminations to receiving facilities of the Mariupol Sea Port or a specialized enterprise which acts at the port under a relative agreement;

- all operations with oil, oil products, contaminations from vessels which contain oil products and other polluting substances shall be registered in special logbooks of a pattern standard form. It is necessary to take the necessary measures to prevent their penetration into environment (all deck scuppers shall be closed hermetically, pans shall be placed, contaminations formed on decks and containing the above mentioned substances, shall be removed).

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10.1.3. Beside the obligations set forth in cl. 10.1.1. of these Compulsory Regulations, business entities which conduct their business activities in the water area and territory of the Mariupol Sea Port (including on the basis of rent, concession enterprises, stevedore companies located in the port etc.) shall be obliged:

- to have the permission documents and licenses in the field of environmental safety, provided for by legislation; - to keep prime records and provide the required records in environmental protection field; - to make settlements and payment of environmental tax by means and in manner provided for by the acting legislation; - to fulfill loading works following the environmental protection requirements, set out in the corresponding process flow diagrams and TTIP;

- to accumulate wastes according to their types separately and safely to a shipment in special (marked) containers, premises etc., formed as a result of their activities, and to transfer these wastes regularly for the further treatment under agreements with specialized organizations having permitting documents, licenses for such activities in accordance with the requirements of the active legislation;

- to develop plans and take measures directed to maximum reduction of wastes formation volumes and their negative impact on human health, contaminating water discharge, contaminating substances emission, prevention and elimination of pollution consequences, inflicted as a result of emergency situations and accidents;

- to develop together with the Mariupol Sea Port Administration complex measures for environmental protection in the area of the port facilities location and take part in financing and/or acquisition of equipment, technologies, monitoring investigations and instrumental control of environment etc., required for that. 10.1.4. All the vessels regardless of department participation and flag and form of ownership shall be obliged to confirm

that they meet the requirements of environmental protection legislation of Ukraine as well as MARPOL 73/78 International Convention (except for the vessels which are not subject to this Convention).

Vessels which do not meet the above requirements, can be not received by the Mariupol Sea Port.All the vessels and other floating crafts during their stay within the Mariupol Sea Port water area and in the roadstead

as well as enterprises and organizations located within its territory (or making discharges into the port water area) shall be PROHIBITED:

- To discharge into sea: • any contaminations, wastes, garbage, residues of cargoes and dirty snow; • waters containing contaminants in concentrations above the immission limits of main contaminants; • chemical raw materials as well as products of chemical production; • unpurified discharges or sewage waters after vessels’ installations which do not satisfy MARPOL 73/78 International Convention requirements and are not approved by the relevant international certificate or if efficiency test results are not available.

It is prohibited to discharge segregated ballast waters from vessel flood valves of a tanker, located from the “shore side”. - To pollute air:

• with contaminants emissions above the established (permitted) standards; • with emissions into air as a result of open burning of contaminants and from the vessel “incinerators” for solid contaminations burning.

- To pollute the territory be means of: • removal of any contaminations/wastes and their accumulation within the Mariupol Sea Port territory in unmeant places; • mixing of different types of contaminants/wastes and their accumulation in containers destined (marked) for other types of contaminants/wastes;

• removal of vessel contaminants not into containers of the MB of SE "USPA" or a specialized enterprise which carries out these works in accordance with an agreement/instruction of the MB of SE "USPA".

- To perform: • any cleaning of outboard and underwater parts of hulls of floating crafts being afloat; • repair and maintenance works (beating off, cleaning, painting, washing etc.) on board vessels, berths, port cranes and other mechanisms without observance of preventive measures which would exclude pollution of the Mariupol Sea Port water area and the territory, as well as without compulsory approval from the MB of SE "USPA" (environmental subdivision);

• burning of vessel contaminants/wastes and in vessel “incinerators”by open method; • washing of mechanisms, grapples and other equipment in unmeant places.

- To use: • for the port water area cleaning – substances which dissolve contaminations, including oil and/or oil products in sea water, bottom them without permitting documents for their use under the legislation requirements.

IT IS ALLOWED: - To discharge into sea:

• sewage waters from vessels only in case the number of people on board does not exceed 10 persons and the vessel is not equipped with closed flushing system (absence of accumulation tank);

• waste waters after they are purified by vessels’ devices that satisfy requirements of sanitary and environmental legislation of Ukraine, MARPOL 73/78 International Convention requirements and have confirmation of conformity to these requirements (acting international certificate and a certificate of quality of discharge of a corresponding pattern);

• segregated ballast waters, if they were changed for waters of the Black Sea before the vessel enters the territorial sea of Ukraine, or taken within the territorial waters of Ukraine; at this start of deballasting (if a vessel stands near the port berth) shall be carried out under supervision of the HMO representative who shall be also provided the information about the general quantity of segregated ballast subject to discharge.

- To use: • sorbing materials (chemical and biological preparations which passed health expertise and have a positive decision concerning their use) for elimination of sequences of accidents onboard with further transfer of the formed contaminations (before a vessel departure from the port) to onshore receiving facilities.

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10.1.5. In order to prevent contaminants discharge from vessels, all the closing devices (through which it is possible to discharge) must be closed and sealed.

Closing all the devices destined for contaminants discharge, including contaminant-containing waters, shall be made by the responsible persons from the vessel crew before the vessel enters the territorial and inland waters of Ukraine with a corresponding notice made in the logbook.

Sealing these devices shall be made by specially authorized officials, appointed in accordance with the acting regulatory acts of Ukraine, upon a vessel berthing at the the Mariupol Sea Port.

The list of devices to be sealed shall be determined by an authorized person during vessel inspection, taking into account the requirements set out in Annex 1 to the “Instruction on the Order of Sealing Vessel’s Closure Devices Destined for Polluting Substances and Contaminant-Containing Waters in Sea Commercial and River Ports of Ukraine” approved by the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dd. 30.09.2002 No. 695, registered by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on 14.10. 2002 under No. 826/7114.

Sealing the devices fulfilled by a specially authorized official shall not release the vessel authority and/or a shipowner as well as a vessel crew from responsibility for marine environment pollution and disuse of navigational safety securing actions specified by the Code of Merchant Shipping and other national legislation acts and international conventions.

In case of illegal break of the seal the vessel administration shall be entitled to take urgent actions for prevention of discharge of polluting substances through closure devices, record the location, time, date and the reason for the seal breakage in the logbook, and inform of it the corresponding services which committed the sealing.

10.1.6. Before fulfilling any handling operations with petroleum, petroleum items and oils at the berths of the Mariupol Sea Port: all the tankers standing near berths, shall be fenced with booms. Boom fencing installation shall be made by the MB of SE "USPA" or a responsible organization acting on the basis of a corresponding agreement with the MB of SE "USPA". Exception for the corresponding boom fencing installation (through its inefficiency and inexpediency) can be: availability of ice within the port water area, actual wind speed over 15 m/s and wave disturbance within the Mariupol Sea Port water area over 3 points; a “Vessel-Coast (Terminal) Check List” with indication of boom fences installation shall be executed, checked and signed by representatives of the vessel, sea port operator administration and organizations fulfilling cargo loading (cargo acceptance/shipment). Loading operations without obtaining positive answers to all the questions put in the “Check List” are strictly prohibited.

10.1.7. In case of vessels bunkering near a berth from oil tankers or a fueler, necessity to install permanent boom fences should be regarded taking into account ecological expediency. In this regard:

- an oil garbage disposal vessel can be headed for watch to the water area where this operation is carried out; - for vessels bunkering it is necessary to ensure availability on board of a fueler the required facilities (operative boom floating fences in a set with an oil recovery device, a biopreparation, instruments etc.) and a trained staff in order to take immediate actions for localization and elimination of possible accidental environmental pollution. 10.1.8. In case of pollution of water surface while bunkering or cargo acceptance/discharge, all the operations related to

this pollution shall be suspended till elimination of the reasons and sequences of environmental pollution. Initiator of the above operations suspension can be subdivisions of the State Environmental Inspection, Harbour Master of the Mariupol Sea Port, Mariupol Sea Port Administration or the party in fault or concerned in the pollution.

10.1.9. Vessels and all floating crafts shall be prohibited to cross the polluted water area. Near the areas of oil products retracting the speed shall be decreased to possible minimum. Vessel trapped to the polluted “field” while accidental oil spill shall not start movement till special permission on the part of oil products retracting operations manager or the organization which manages vessels traffic in the Mariupol Sea Port.

10.1.10. All the vessels shall pay sanitary fee in the volumes set by and on the basis of the effective regulatory acts.10.1.11. Collecting sanitary fee provides for:

- obligatory receiving contaminations from vessels at the Mariupol Sea Port (except for ballast waters, remains of cargoes, separate kinds of dangerous wastes etc.) which formed for the full time of dockage as well as fulfillment (by own forces and at own cost) of operations related to receipt of the contamination (placing and cleaning floating crafts, provision of containers and other tankages for garbage disposal, handling operations etc.);

- delivery by a vessel at the Mariupol Sea Port of contaminations formed on board (in accordance with the vessel plan of contaminations/wastes treatment) in order to prevent their discharge into sea. Contaminations acceptance/delivery fact shall be registered by the corresponding certificate/act. The form of such certificate/act shall be established by the Mariupol Sea Port Administration.10.1.12. Vessels equipped by environment-oriented equipment for full utilization of all kinds of vessel wastes and

contaminations and have an international certificate for prevention of sea pollution with oil, sewage waters and garbage (pollution-free one), shall be provided a 50 % discount when making a sanitary fee payment.

10.1.13. In order to obtain a 50% discount for the sanitary fee, it is necessary to submit the documents confirming availability on board vessel an efficiently working equipment for full utilization of all kinds of vessel contaminations (certificates, results of efficiency/conformity etc.) and effective international certificates about prevention of sea pollution with oil, sewage waters and garbage. These documents are to be submitted to the MB of SE "USPA" environmental subdivision representative. For the vessels which confirmed their conformance to the requirements of subclause 10.1.11., a special corresponding act in due form shall be executed by environmental subdivision/authorized person from the MB of SE "USPA", in accordance with the requirements of the provision which acts in the MB of SE "USPA", which shall be the basis for provision of 50% discount for the sanitary fee.

10.1.14. Collecting, shipment and other operations concerning further handling contaminations/wastes from vessels and other facilities located within the Mariupol Sea Port, shall be fulfilled by the MB of SE "USPA", specialized enterprises (under requests, agreements etc.) with payment made under the approved tariffs.

10.1.15. Solid contaminations from vessels (garbage) shall be received in closed and undamaged plastic bags which shall exclude garbage dispersal. The bags shall be marked according to types in accordance with MARPOL 73/78.

Solid contaminations from vessels shall be removed and piled up by the vessels crew into containers. The wastes operator shall provide separate containers for collecting of different types of garbage under the previously received request from the vessel agent.

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10.1.16. From the moment of intake of contaminations/wastes into wastes operators containers, the title to these contaminations/wastes shall pass based on the requirements of effective legislation.

10.1.17. All the vessels owners and business entities, which failed to comply with the requirements of this section of the Compulsory Regulations, shall repay all the costs of the MB of SE "USPA" for elimination of pollution and its consequences, penalties and costs related to engagement of floating crafts, staff and equipment of other enterprises.

10.1.18. All the vessels and business entities which conduct business activities (located) within the water area or territory of the Mariupol Sea Port, shall bear full responsibility for failure to comply with requirements of sanitary and environmental legislation of Ukraine and undue sanitary and environmental conditions within the allocated territory and adjacent water area.

10.1.19. Contaminations / wastes of the first to the third grades of hazard shall be removed from the port territory on the basis of the documents that have the relevant approval from the environmental subdivision of the MB of SE "USPA"

XI. Requirements to Fumigation and Bunkering Operations

11.1. Fumigation Operations

11.1.1. Fumigation operations are carried out in the territory of the Mariupol Sea Port by business entities having relevant contractual relations with MB of SE "USPA" concerning such operations.

The materials used for fumigation, shall have an information card (passport, certificate), which contains their physical and chemical properties as well as fire hazard data.

If substances, that can interact with water dangerously, are used for fumigation, measures shall be taken to prevent direct contact of these substances with water, moist substances and materials. Use of flammable gases for the purpose of fumigation, as well as use of flammable liquids and solid flammable substances shall be subject to special consideration of MB of SE “USPA” FTSS.

Fumigation of any vessel premises by open burning of fumigants in them is prohibited.11.1.2. Organizations that carry out cargo fumigation operations are required to comply with environmental and health

legislation during performance of these works, including in terms of emissions and wastes that can be formed, and payment of the relevant fees provided by the legislation of Ukraine.

11.1.3. Fumigation companies must submit the "Certificate of Training in Marine Gumigation Received at PGI for MRT" to the vessel master; this certificate shall confirm the qualifications and credentials of the maritime fumigation company for fumigation fulfillment in the specific conditions of a vessel and port.

11.2. Bunkering Operations

11.2.1. Bunkering operations must be carried out in strict accordance with the flow charts, instructions and other guidance documents, establishing procedures for their conduct, and only under favorable weather conditions, with wind speed up to 12 m/s and sea disturbance up to 2 points.

11.2.2. Bunkering operations of fleet service vessels of MB of SE “USPA” shall be carried out in accordance with the flow chart No. П-12.1 approved by the head of MB of SE “USPA” on April 14, 2015 on berths No. 1, 5 in the corner of 9, 10.

Vessels bunkering operations of SE "MCSP" fleet service shall be carried out in accordance with the flow chart number П-12.2 approved by the Chief Engineer of SE "MCSP" on April 14, 2015 on berths No. 6, No. 9.

11.2.3. Bunkering operations of vessels and from bunkering vessels in the port waters shall be carried out with the permission (except as in cl.11.2.2) of the Chief Dispatcher’s Office of MB of SE “USPA” in cooordination with the Environmental Monitoring Terminal (State Environmental Inspection), environmental service and MB of SE “USPA” FTSS and providing that there is a corresponding agreement with the MB of SE “USPA” for such operations fulfillment through the berths of MB of SE “USPA”.

11.2.4. To conduct bunkering operation is permitted only through the hoses, which must meet the requirements of the State Standards of Ukraine and the actual date of the regular test.

Connection of these hoses is allowed only to the vessel's fuel system by means of flanges or adapters ensuring a tight connection.

Receiving a bunker by open method (through the mouth of the tanks, air pipes, etc.) is strictly forbidden.11.2.5. While fueler bunkering to board of a vessel which must receive the fueler, from that board no floating crafts shall

be between them. 11.2.6. To prevent oil spill, parties involved in the bunkering shall take all the necessary measures, including:

- ensure safe mooring of vessels, eliminating the possibility of displacement, shock and friction; - tightly close all deck scuppers and other technological holes through which infiltration of oil into the marine environment is possible;

- establish a permanent and reliable communication and decide on the corresponding signals, signs and the flow rate of the bunker;

- install trays under all involved flanged connections and air pipes; - appoint responsible persons and organize a station with the means to eliminate possible oil spill and fire fighting; - constantly monitor the condition of hoses and flanges, the level of oil in tanks and the purity of the waters around the vessel; - disconnection of turns shall be performed only above the trays and moving the hoses shall be made only after air-tight caps installation.11.2.7. In case of oil products spill, bunkering operations shall be immediately suspended till complete elimination of

the reasons and consequences, and this case must be notified to the Chief Dispatcher’s Office of MB of SE “USPA” by telephone: +38 (0629) 40-82-02 and Chief Dispatcher’s Office of SE "MCSP" by telephone number +38 (0629) 40-07-56, HMO: +38 (0629) 40-08-50. In case of oil spills all the contaminated materials and oil products must be collected into separate containers and transferred to specialized companies for further safe handling and disposal.

11.2.8. While hosing and other operations with valves used for pumping fuel, tools and accessories (wrenches, clamps, trays etc.) made of a material that prevents friction sparks, must be applied.

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11.2.9. In the process of a fueler receiving a danger signal shall be raised on the masts of the fueler and the vessel being bunkered: in the day - flag "BRAVO"; at night - red light.

11.2.10. It is prohibited to bunker vessels while fulfillment of dangerous cargo handling by them.11.2.11. A bunker delivery in open sea shall be fulfilled by scheme coordinated by masters of both vessels taking into account

a specific condition. 11.2.12. During bunkering vessels near a port berth, hot works within a radius of 100 meters from fuel transfer shall be stopped.11.2.13. In case of vessels bunkering near a berth from oil tankers or a fueler, necessity to install permanent boom fences

should be regarded taking into account ecological expediency. In this regard an oil garbage disposal vessel can be headed for watch to the water area where this operation is carried out.For vessels bunkering it is necessary to ensure availability on board of a fueler the required facilities (operative boom

floating fences in a set with an oil recovery device, a biopreparation, instruments etc.) and a trained staff in order to take immediate actions for localization and elimination of possible accidental environmental pollution.

11.2.14. All floating crafts that perform bunkering or other works must meet the following requirements: - the crew must be provided with good set of isolating air breathing apparatus of an approved type, and each crew member is trained in safe methods of work and protection during vessels servicing;

- main engine shall be in constant readiness, and spark extinguishing shall be switched on; - VHF radio must be continuously turned on on the channels 14 and While bunkering it is prohibited:

- to fulfill repair works using open fire; - to remoor (side over) the vessel being bunkered; - to remove from operation at least one of the stationary firefighting system.During thunder bunkering operations shall be suspended.

XII. Rules of Use of Special Means of Communication in the Territory and Waters of the Sea Port

12.1. In the sea port, radio communication related to safety of navigation shall be implemented on channel 14 VHF.Any communications not related to navigational safety support and regulation of maritime traffic, is prohibited on the

channels indicated in the first paragraph of this clause. 12.2. Vessels at the sea port anchorages shall keep permanent radio watch on VHF communication channel 67,16 and vessels

moored at berths are permitted to use VHF radio stations only for signalling security, urgency and safety.12.3. Radio communication of a vessel with telephone network subscribers shall be fulfilled via automatic radiotelephone

system.12.4. Work of vessel radiolocation stations in the mode of high-frequency radiation on vessels at berths is prohibited.12.5. Within the limits of the Mariupol Sea Port VHF radiostations work; their list is given in Annex 15 hereto.12.6. The vessels that are within the control zone of the Mariupol Sea Port (at anchorages, berths and while motion) are

prohibited to use VHF radiostations for private communication on channels at frequencies 14, 16, 67. Provisions of this clause are obligatory for execution by all users of VHF radiostations.

XIII. Information about Sea Areas Limits A1 of Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS)

13.1. Information about sea areas limits A1 of Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) is in Annex 11 to these CR.

13.2. Mariupol Sea Port is a part of the zone of sea area A1 GMDSS associated in informational sense with MRCC Mariupol (MMSI 002723650).

13.3. Communication in the sea area A1 GMDSS is provided by work of a base station Mariupol, with a radius of 25 nautical miles centered at 47°03' north latitude and 037°30' east longitude.

13.4. Sea area A1 is the area within the coverage zone of at least one VHF coastal station that provides a constant opportunity of distress alert using DSC on channel 70 (up to 30 nautical miles from the coastal station).

XIV. Data on Technical Capabilities of the Mariupol Sea Port Concerning Receiving Vessels and Depths of the Sea Port Water Area

14.1. Data on technical capabilities of the port concerning receiving vessels and depths are given in Annex 1 hereto. 14.2. Technical capabilities of the Mariupol Sea Port allow to receive vessels to fulfill handling operations and passenger

transfer as well as vessels repair works. 14.3. Permissible draught of vessels shall be determined taking into account minimum water capacity underkeel based on

these Compulsory Regulations, other regulations and standards of shipping companies. The sea port receives vessels with a draught up to 8 m.

14.4. Information about the technical capabilities of the sea port in the part of vessels receipt is given in Annex 1 to these CR.14.5. At least once per half-year, head of the Mariupol Sea Port Administration, by agreement with the Harbour Master of

the Mariupol Sea Port, issues a decree on actual depths near berths based on the latest soundings.14.6. Information on actual depths of the water area and near berths as well as maximum permitted draughts of vessels shall

be rendered by the Mariupol Sea Port Harbour Master to the attention of mariners on annual basis in case of their change.

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XV. Rules and Places Set for Handling Works Fulfillment, Order of Vessels Repair and Maintenance at the Sea Port

15.1. Handling works shall be fulfilled on the basis of the Rules of Service Provision in Sea Ports of Ukraine (Order of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine No. 348 dated 05.06.2013), registered at the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on August, 15 2013 under No. 1401/23933, other acts of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine, Customs Code of the Mariupol Sea Port, acts of the State Enterprise “Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority” as well as the Mariupol Sea Port Administration.

15.2. Movement and treatment of automotive transport at the port, traffic of passengers and vessels crew members shall be carried out in accordance with flow charts and regulations, approved and acting within the territory of the Mariupol Sea Port.

15.3. Requirements on observing personal safety within the Mariupol Sea Port territory, the traffic safety shall be regulated by the active regulatory acts and corresponding provisions on the rules of conduct and main safety actions as well as traffic management acting within the Mariupol Sea Port territory.

XVI. Information about Dangerous Cargo Handling

16.1. In the Mariupol Sea Port dangerous cargoes handling is fulfilled in accordance with the national and international requirements and if the port operator has the documents and means necessary for storage, transportation and handling of dangerous cargo within the territory of the corresponding terminal.

16.2. MB of SE “USPA”, owners of marine terminals and hydrotechnical structures, shipowners, other business entities of any form of ownership, which fulfill operations related to storage, transportation and rehandling of dangerous cargo, must have remedies and emergency teams for localization and elimination of possible emergency situations, and shall follow the requirements of the effective legislation of Ukraine concerning navigational safety, dangerous cargo handling as well as international regulatory documents.

16.3. Vessels having a dangerous cargo onboard, in order to enter the Mariupol Sea Port, shall obtain a permit from the Mariupol Sea Port Administration and the terminal of the berth near which vessel handling is planned.

Information about dangerous cargo availability shall be submitted to FTSS of MB of SE “USPA” as well as to HMO. 16.4. Mitigation of consequences of accidents occurring during transportation of dangerous cargoes shall be carried out,

depending on the category of an accident and according to the plan of emergency response, by SES and subjects of dangerous goods transportation, other enterprises, institutions and organizations involved in the elimination of such accidents, or a carrier alone or with the assistance of the relevant enterprises, institutions and organizations.

16.5. Port operators fulfilling operations for storage, transportation and handling dangerous cargoes, must have remedies and emergency teams for localization and elimination of possible emergency situations.

16.6. During the works for elimination of accidents with dangerous goods, it is necessary to follow the current legislation of Ukraine, including its international obligations, including International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code, 1965 (IMDG Code); European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Inland Waterways (ADN), 2000.

XVII. Rules of Ensuring Safety and Order at the Mariupol Sea Port, Order of Vessels and Port Facilities Security

17.1. Control of Vessels Intending to Enter the Sea Port

17.1.1. The vessel master by himself / herself or through a marine agent in the primary information about the vessel approach shall inform the Harbour Master of the port, Chief Dispatcher’s Office and MB of SE “USPA” FTSS of the data required for the vessel identification, including the ones concerning maritime security. Information on e-mails and contact phone numbers of the officials from MB of SE “USPA” (port facilities) concerning provision of a standard list of security information is given in Annex 13 hereto.

17.1.2. Each foreign vessel that intends to enter the Mariupol Sea Port, shall render a standard list of information on maritime security (Annex 12) not later than 24 hours before entering the port upon the request of the officials duly authorized by the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine.

17.1.3. Standard list of information on maritime security can be submitted by one of the following persons: - master of vessel; - person of the vessel’s commanding officers responsible for security; - shipping company’s official responsible for security; - vessel’s marine agent in the port of call.17.1.4. If the vessel intending to enter the Mariupol Sea Port has one or several illegal passenger(s) on board, the vessel

shall submit information about each of the illegal passengers in addition to the standard safety information, in accordance with IMO Resolution A.871(20) of 27.11.1997.

17.1.5. Officials of the FTSS of the Mariupol Sea Port, if necessary, may request additional safety information, and the vessel intending to enter the port shall submit such information (Regulation XI-2/ of SOLAS-74).

17.1.6. In case of refusal to provide such information or if the provided information is unreliable or not full, the vessel’s entering the Mariupol Sea Port or a marine terminal may be prohibited.

17.1.7. Information obtained from vessel masters (including information on the availability of dangerous cargoes, expected changes of crew members, shipowners’ representatives, crewing companies, crew members’ families planning to visit the board of the vessel during its stay in the port, as well as information on survey, ship chandler, and other organizations involved in the servicing of vessels) shall be submited to the MSS of MB of SE “USPA” by agency companies nominated in the Mariupol Sea Port, not later than 24 hours prior to the expected arrival at the port.

17.1.8. Vessel masters and marine agency managers are responsible for timeliness, accuracy and completeness of the submitted information to the MB of SE “USPA” MSS, port operator MSS.

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17.1.9. Marine agency representatives are obliged to submit the information on location and numbers of the office telephones of the Mariupol Sea Port Administration, MSS, FTSS, HMO, BSD, port operators and other subdivisions of the Mariupol Sea Port which interact with vessels, to the vessel authority.

17.1.10. In case of changing the port of call (readdressing of the ship) the vessel master shall cancel the information given previously to the Mariupol Sea Port about the vessel approach.

17.1.11. All the vessels entering the Mariupol Sea Port shall be equipped with a vessel alarm signal system for cases of security breach or threat thereof within the time frame specified in Chapter XI-2/6.1 of SOLAS-74 and ISPS Code.

17.2. Control of Vessels While Staying at the Sea Port and Port Facility

17.2.1. To ensure a permanently active system of maritime security measures in the port (at a port facility) according to the ISPS Code, master of the vessel falling within the requirements of the ISPS Code shall independently, with the help of the crew, implement a set of measures required by the defined security level for the whole period of the vessel’s interaction with the port facility or, alternatively, use watchman guard service for the whole period of the vessel’s interaction with the port facility, to be paid under the effective tariffs.

17.2.2. Besides, security services of vessels which are at berths of the Mariupol Sea Port, port facility, at anchorages, etc. shall be provided on a contractual basis in case of:

- identification of non-compliance with the requirements of the ISPS Code while vessels inspection; - absence on board of a number of staff sufficient to provide round the clock protection of a vessel; - dangerous cargo handling by a vessel; - special cargoes (cargoes of double designation) handling by a vessel; - detection during the inspection of the vessel of obvious reasons to believe that there is a potential threat to the port (PT), which a vessel can bring;

- establishing at the port (PT) of protection levels 2 or 3; - establishing on vessel board of protection levels 2 or 3; - other.17.2.3. To all vessels flying the flags of states which are neither contracting states of SOLAS-74, nor parties to the Protocol

of 1988 relating thereto, as well as vessels having a smaller size than those falling within SOLAS-74 and vessels not falling within the ISPS Code upon entering conventional port facilities, the MSS of IB of SE “USPA”, during the whole period of vessel/port facility interaction, shall apply security measures and procedures implemented at the port facility, considering the defined security level and any other information on maritime security. The MSS of the IB of SE “USPA” shall also draw up and sign the Security Declaration.

In case of the vessel master’s address through the agent company, the treaty base of the vessel’s watchman security shall be negotiated.

17.2.4. All the business entities conducting their activities within the Mariupol Sea Port territory and water area, as well as vessels arriving at the port, regardless of the flag or whether they carry an International Ship Security Certificate, shall meet security requirements using their own forces and resources, and following the procedure agreed with the MSS of IB of SE “USPA”.

17.2.5. All vessels falling within Chapter XI-2 of the SOLAS-74 and ISPS Code, staying at the sea port, shall be subject to control by the MSS of IB of SE “USPA” or together with the officials of the port facilities, responsible for the port facility security.

17.2.6. Control of a vessel by officials of MSS of MB of SE “USPA” shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements of Chapter ХI-2/9 of Convention SOLAS-74, Part B of ISPS Code.

17.2.7. During stay of vessels at port berths of the Mariupol Sea Port or port facilities, watchkeeping check on vessels shall be fulfilled by the MSS of MB of SE “USPA” and the BSD. An official from the port facility, responsible for watchkeeping, shall check watchkeeping on vessels which stay within the limits of the corresponding port operator.

17.2.8. The implementation of rules, regulations, standards, and procedures set out in Chapter XI-2 of the Annex to the SOLAS-74, the ISPS Code, as well as other national and international normative acts on maritime safety at port facilities of the Mariupol Sea Port shall be ensured by appropriate officials of the port facilities and the MSS of MB of SE “USPA”.

17.2.9. The MSS of MB of SE “USPA” shall coordinate any common activities and control the implementation of measures aimed at maintaining a proper level of maritime safety at all port facilities located in the area of the Mariupol Sea Port responsibility for maritime safety.

17.2.10. The MSS of MB of SE “USPA” shall have the right of access to all port facilities located within the port territory, port water area, or area of the port’s responsibility for maritime safety to exercise control of implementation of maritime safety measures. The MSS of MB of SE “USPA” shall have the right to demand and supervise compliance with maritime safety requirements on the part of the personnel of all port facilities.

17.2.11. In the Mariupol Sea Port, MSS of MB of SE "USPA" renders services to vessels engaged in international voyages on the control of vessels in the port and maintaining an adequate level of maritime safety in the waters of the Mariupol Sea Port in accordance with MK OSPZ.

17.3. Order of Actions in Case of Occurrence of Threat of Acts of Unlawful Interference in the Port.

17.3.1. In the event of the threat of an act of unlawful interference, the vessel master or an officer of the vessel responsible for the vessel security, immediately informs the MSS of the MB of SE “USPA”, an official of the port facility, responsible for security as well as the Harbour Master of the Mariupol Sea Port.

17.3.2. Notification of a threat of acts of unlawful interference in the port and change of the vessel security level, as well as acknowledgment of receipt of the above notifications shall be immediately implemented from the moment of occurrence of the circumstances mentioned in the notification, on the working channels of VHF radio.

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17.3.3. Vessel masters or crew members responsible for the security of the vessels staying in the port shall use VHF operating channels and any additional communication means to immediately inform the MSS of MB of SE “USPA”, a port facility official responsible for security, and the Harbour Master of any events related to the discovery of suspicious objects or explosive devices, signs of the preparation or execution of unlawful interference, cases of vessel invasion, as well as information on preparation of terrorist attacks, violation of the established procedures, and any suspicious persons in the port.

17.4. Pass Entry System and Port Security

17.4.1. The territory of the Mariupol Sea Port includes a Ukrainian state border checkpoint for Mariupol Commercial Sea Port international marine and ferry communications. The procedure for staying in the territory of the checkpoint and the general procedure for organization and execution of all types of control required by the legislation of Ukraine shall be defined by:

- instruction about instituting and control of following the regime in the checkpoint through the state border of Ukraine for international marine and ferry communications “Mariupol Commercial Sea Port”;

- process scheme of border clearance for persons, vehicles, and cargoes at Ukrainian state border checkpoint for international marine and ferry communications “Mariupol Commercial Sea Port”, approved by in the established order and promulgated on the site of SE “USPA”.

- order of Mariupol Border Detachment “About Determining the Limits of Border Control in Ukrainian state border checkpoint for international marine and ferry communications “Mariupol Commercial Sea Port”;

- decision of the customs body about formation of the customs control zone in the territory of the “Mariupol Commercial Sea Port” checkpoint.Provisions of the above documents are obligatory for fulfillment by all physical persons and business entities which stay at

“Mariupol Commercial Sea Port” checkpoint.17.4.2. Access regime and internal security policy within the territory of Mariupol Sea Port shall be regulated by the

Provision about Securing Access Regime and Internal Security Policy within the Territory of the Mariupol Sea Port, approved by the order of the Head of the Mariupol Commercial Sea Port Administration. Provision about the Securing Access Regime and Internal Security Policy within the Territory of the Mariupol Sea Port shall be obligatory for fulfillment by all the physical persons and entities staying within the “Mariupol Commercial Sea Port” checkpoint.

All the persons staying within he regime territory of the Mariupol Sea Port, are obliged to have passes of the established standard form or other documents which empower to staying within the port territory, and show them upon request of the MSS of MB of SE “USPA” and BSD, or MSS of the port operator in the territory of which a person is staying.

17.4.3. Access regime and internal security policy within the territory of business entities shall be provided by relative security services and port operators security.

17.4.4. MSS of MB of SE "USPA" shall perform, in cooperation, in accordance with the applicable law, with the Mariupol BGSD, customs terminal "Mariupol-port," the law enforcement agencies as well as in accordance with the PF security plans approved in the established order, the following measures for:

- detection and prevention of unauthorized penetration of weapons, explosives, drugs and chemicals and other dangerous items as well as contraband goods into the territory of the Mariupol Sea Port or PF and on board vessels;

- control of access of persons and transfer of things into the area of the Mariupol Sea Port or PF by checking the transport carriers, ship and cargo documents, luggage, ship's stores, sailors’ documents, identity cards of the port or PF personnel, representatives of the emergency services and representatives of cargo owners, other persons which pass into the territory of the Mariupol Sea Port or PF, representatives of legal entities engaged in supply, etc;

- implementation (if necessary) of inspection of people and their personal belongings in compliance with applicable laws; - support of visitors and transport carriers within the territory of the Mariupol Sea Port or PF in cases stipulated by the ISPS Code and the PF protection plan approved in due course;

- preventing illegal operations with cargo, equipment, containers, raw material, security systems, process equipment and communication systems that violate the activities of the administration of the sea ports of Ukraine, marine terminals and port operators as well as measures to prevent other illegal actions.17.4.5. Control of safety of vessel crew members, passengers, their things, baggage, cargo, consumables, transport facilities,

including by means of technical equipment, shall be fulfilled following the effective legislation requirements. In case a sender refuses to pass control of safety of the baggage, cargo, consumables – they shall not be allowed to be loaded. 17.4.6. Admission of pedestrians and motor transport into the Mariupol Sea Port territory shall be realized through the

defined checkpoints. Information on the checkpoints location shall be given by a marine agency representative.17.4.7. Persons without a photograph in their passes (for one occasion or temporary ones) shall be obliged to submit the

identifying documents.17.4.8. Persons not being a part of the vessel crew shall be prohibited to live on board the vessel with the exception of the

crew members’ immediate family.17.4.9. The following actions shall be prohibited within the port territory subjected to the regime as well as in the port

territory and channels: - fishing, both from berths and from any other floating crafts; - hunting and firing any type of weapons; - swimming from floating crafts, berths and other hydraulic structures; - sale and use alcohol drinks and drugs; gambling; - illegal bringing (delivery), taking out (exporting) of film, video and photographic equipment as well as duplicating, copy and computer equipment;

- to fulfill filming and video recording without coordination from the MSS of MB of SE “USPA” and Donetsk Border Detachment and a special permit from top-secret sector of MB of SE “USPA”.

- carrying personal things not used in work, combustibles, flammable, explosive and toxic substances, alcohol, drugs, weapons to the Mariupol Sea Port territory

- practising other non-production activities not related to the port operation.

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17.4.10. People in a drunken state or drug intoxication state shall be prohibited to enter the Mariupol Sea Port territory, operate vessels and vessel mechanisms, conduct any kind of operations.

17.4.11. Guard of vessels staying at the Mariupol Sea Port and their onboard cargo shall belong to the shipowners’ duties.17.4.12. Passage to the Mariupol Sea Port and stay on board of the vessels staying at berths shall be permitted to the crew

members families upon approval from Mariupol BSD, provided the crew list approved by the vessel master is available as well as a guarantee letter from the vessel master.

17.4.13. Coming ashore and stay of the crew members within the port and port place while dockage shall be determined by the active legislation of Ukraine.

XVIII. Information Concerning Ensuring Navigational Safety at the Mariupol Sea Port

18.1. Information about Organization and Functioning of the Navigational Safety Management System

18.1.1. Obligation for securing arrangement of works for navigational safety, navigational safety status, navigational Safety Management System (hereinafter SMS) functioning, preventive measures for accidents prevention shall rest with business entities managers (SRT NSMS management objects) and with the Head of the Mariupol Sea Port Administration – at the MB of SE “USPASE”.

18.1.2. Owners (users) of sea terminals, shipowners, other economic entities, which conduct their activities within the Mariupol Sea Port water area, shall secure navigational safety according to the requirements set by these Obligatory Regulations.

18.1.3. Navigational safety at the Mariupol Sea Port exists in a systematized and documented form – navigational safety management system. The SMS shall not replace other documents which regulate works operation, staff management etc.

18.1.4. SMS functioning at the Mariupol Sea Port shall be implemented on the basis of effective national regulatory acts as well as international conventions and agreements, related to navigational safety, to which Ukraine is a party.

18.1.5. Coordination of the Mariupol Sea Port Administration actions related to SMS implementation and functioning shall be fulfilled by the management apparatus of the State Enterprise “Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority” (SE “USPA”).

18.1.6. At the Mariupol Sea Port equal conditions for all business entities shall act, including those related to responsibility. Business entities which conduct business at the Mariupol Sea Port shall bear responsibility for failure to comply with the requirements of legislation for navigational safety, labor protection; fire, sanitary, environmental safety according to the law.

18.1.7. Each business entity which (under cl. 4.2.3 of the Provision about Sea and River Transport Navigational Safety Management System, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Transport of Ukraine dd. 20.11.2003 No. 904, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on 19.12.2003 under No. 1193/8514, hereinafter – the Provision) shall be subject to management of Sea and River Transport Navigational Safety Management System (SRT NSMS), shall develop SMS taking into account peculiarities of production process, cargo nomenclature and hazard level, structure and staff of the enterprise, its dimension, location, activity areas, legal foundations of functioning etc.

18.1.8. In the issues of business entities cooperation between each other, and MB of SE “USPA” in case of vessels emergencies, their SMS shall be interrelated, mutually agreed and coordinated by the Mariupol Sea Port Administration. Combined actions for vessels emergencies elimination shall be worked off on a regular basis under an agreed schedule.

Other issues related to arrangement of work for navigational safety security at the Mariupol Sea Port involving the Mariupol Sea Port Administration and business entities shall be implemented exclusively on the basis of agreements.

Under clause 6.1 of the Provision, managers of business entities shall organize order of their work, appointed persons’ work, other staff’s work, so that the information about an emergency shall be conveyed immediately. This order must be documented in the SMS.

At the MB of SE "USPA", a permanent commission for navigational safety shall be established. Its main tasks shall be revisions for identification of noncompliance with SMS requirements concerning navigational safety issues, safety days arrangement, control over detected defects elimination. Members of the commission can (as agreed) be authorized workers of business entities, who are imposed a function of navigational safety works arrangement.

18.1.9. Safety days shall be arranged by SMS management objects for the purpose of compliance with the Provision, at least once a month, in order to prevent accidents and secure consistency of navigational safety works.

18.1.10. Business entities that operate in the sea port shall conclude agreements with MB of SE "USPA" concerning compliance with safety of navigation requirements in the order prescribed by the Mariupol Sea Port Administration.

18.1.11. Each terminal (business entity) functioning at the Mariupol Sea Port shall have an official on the staff, entrusted with coordination of activities for navigational safety with the Mariupol Sea Port Administration. It can be an appointed person from SMS having a specialized marine education.

Terminals staff shall possess knowledge and information related to the cargo handled at the terminal, be acquainted with flow charts and specific nature of their treatment.

In case of dangerous cargo handling by terminals, the staff must take special training by employers of dangerous cargo transfer subjects, who deal with classification, packing, marking or application of hazard marks and information boards to packing, transportation documents execution, delivery, transfer or acceptance of dangerous cargo, handling and other operations connected to such cargo transfer. Training shall be taken at one of the training centers accredited by the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine (in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “About Special Cargo Transfer” dd. 31.10.2007 No. 1285 “About Approval of Order of Realization of Training for Dangerous Cargo Transfer Subjects”).

18.1.12. Harbour Master of the Mariupol Sea Port, within his/her powers, shall be entitled to fulfill a periodical formalized assessment (at least once a year) of the practical functioning of business entities SMS under the Plan of the Harbour Master Work.

18.2. Navigational Safety Management System at the Mariupol Sea Port

18.2.1. All the organizations conducting business at the Mariupol Sea Port as well as vessels flying Ukrainian flag, regardless of availability of International Certificate of Safety Management System, shall comply with the requirements of the Provision on the Sea and River Transport Navigational Safety Management System, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Transport of Ukraine dd. 20.11.2003 No. 904 registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on December 19, 2003 under No. 1193/89514.

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18.2.2. An appointed official from the MB of SE “USPASE” SMS shall have the right: - to obtain information, documents, materials from all the port subdivisions and from enterprises and organizations which conduct business activities at the Mariupol Sea Port, which are required to comply with obligations for accidents elimination;

- to unobstructed access to all the objects within the port zone of responsibility (including vessels) in order to fulfill the works related to SMS, for accidents elimination;

- to require execution of the rules provided for by safety measures and implementation of decisions taken for accidents elimination in the port zone of responsibility by all persons and authorized representatives of enterprises and organizations, staying within this zone.An appointed person from SMS of the MB of SE “USPA” SMS shall take part in the work of the commission for

investigation of the accidents which occurred to the vessels of the Branch economic control.18.2.3. Each business entity conducting business at the port, in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Transport of

Ukraine No. 904 dated November 20, 2003 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on December 19, 2003 under No 1193/8514 shall develop and coordinate at the MB of SE “USPA” a Safety Management System Guidance which shall be a component of the general “Mariupol Sea Port SMS Guidance”.

Each business entity doing business in the port, shall develop and approve in MB of SE "USPA" an Actions Plan for Localization and Elimination of Emergencies and Accidents, and the Emergency Action Plan.

Safe operation of infrastructure objects within the water area, within the port territory shall be fulfilled in accordance with the technical regulations determined by the owners (users) of marine terminals, shipowners, other business entities.

Each business entity doing business in the port, shall develop and approve in MB of SE "USPA" a Technical Regime of Safe Operation of Port Infrastructure Facilities.

Each business entity conducting business within the Mariupol Sea Port, shall have an “appointed person from SMS” on the staff, who arranges activities for navigational safety at the enterprise, coodinates them with the Mariupol Sea Port Administration, efficiently cooperates with the “appointed person from MB of SE “USPA” SMS”.

18.2.4. Business entities conducting business at the Mariupol Sea Port, shall immediately inform MB of SE “USPA” (on-duty dispatcher, HMO, an appointed person from SMS) of situations which endanger navigational safety.

Business entities staff related to SMS organization shall understand and be aware of importance of due SMS execution, be responsible towards the SMS requirements, take training at SMS auditors courses.

18.3. Fishing and Swimming within the Port Water Area

Fishing and swimming within the port water area limited with hydraulic structures of the Mariupol Sea Port shall be prohibited both from hydraulic structures and from any floating crafts.

XIX. Information about Conveyance of Navigational and Hydrometeorological Information to Masters of the Vessels which Stay at the Sea Port

19.1. General Information

The coastal radio center informs of the weather forecast and hydrometeorological information (storm warnings etc.) as well as information related to navigational safety and order in the sea port every day on the VHF communication channel 14 at 08:00, 14:00 and 21:00. Information about storm warning shall be conveyed immediately upon its receipt by VTS.

Vessels staying at the Mariupol Sea Port, shall be provided navigational and hydrometeorological information by means of a coastal warning (hereinafter – Coastal Warning) receipt by radio through the international automated service for delivery of navigational and meteorological warnings and forecasts as well as urgent maritime safety information to ships (hereinafter NAVTEX) within the period provided for by NAVTEX system by means of conveyance to vessels to the channels 14 and 16 VHF of hydrometeorological information, including storm warnings, received from the HMO, information about changes in AtoNs operation, shift of floating AtoNs from their proper locations and other navigational and hydrographic information within VTS coverage; information about traffic status within VTS coverage and factors which complicate sailing.

Information shall be conveyed to vessels by an announced schedule, at the vessel’s request or at the VTS initiative.

19.2. Aids to Navigation

19.2.1. Vessels masters and marine pilots who detected floating objects, which can be a danger for sailing, within the water area of the Mariupol Sea Port, damaged (situated not at their proper location) AtoNs or spots of oil spills, mechanical stoppage which influence navigational safety, shall immediately inform a the pilot-operator of VTS who shall inform the Mariupol Sea Port HMO of such event.

19.2.2. In case of damage by a vessel of any navigational aid, the master shall immediately inform of this the VTS pilot-operator who shall immediately inform the Mariupol Sea Port HMO of such event in order to announce to navigators and take measures to restore the aids.

VTS operator shall be obliged to inform all the vessels, which sail within the Control Zone, about breaking down of such AtoN till its restoration.

19.2.3. Any construction of new facilities or reconstruction of existing ones, located in the area of AtoNs or at leading lines, are prohibited without approval from the Harbour Master of the Mariupol Sea Port and organizations which command the AtoNs.

ХХ. Order and Organization of Communication in the Port Territory

20.1. At the port local and municipal connection of Mariupol telephone network operates.20.2. Local telephone communication of MB of SE "USPA" is based on the numbering capacity 200.20.3. City telephone network: +38 (0629)

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20.4. Contact details of MB of SE “USPA” services:

Position Telephone number

Head of Mariupol Sea Port Administration +38(0629)40-82-57Mariupol Sea Port Harbour Master +38(0629)40-08-09, 40-82-91Secretary of Harbour Master Office +38(0629)40-08-45Deputy Harbour Master +38(0629)40-08-46Harbour Master Office: Shiftman of HMO (around the clock)landline +38(0629)40-08-50mobile +38(067)644-70-99Diploma and passport department (DPD) +38(0629)40-08-29Deputy Chief of Operative Activities Branch +38(0629)40-82-63Deputy Chief of Economy and Finance Branch +38(0629)40-82-55Chief of Administrative Service +38(0629)40-82-56Chief Engineer +38(0629)40-82-50Chief Accountant +38(0629)40-82-54Chief Dispatcher +38(0629)40-82-01On-duty Dispatcher +38(0629)40-82-02On-duty dispatcher of the Fleet Service of the State Enterprise “Mariupol Commercial Sea Port”


MSS Chief +38(0629)40-82-97Chief of Economic Department +38(0629)40-82-52Chief of Legal Department +38(0629)40-82-21Chief of Bidding Procedures Department +38(0629)40-08-75Chief of IT Department +38(0629)40-08-70Chief of Communication Department +38(0629)40-82-65Chief of Hydraulic, Engineering Structures and Capital Construction Department +38(0629)40-08-24Chief of Procurement Department +38(0629)40-82-58Chief of Power Supply Department +38(0629)40-08-04Chief of MB of SE “USPA” Port Fleet +38(0629)40-82-12MB of SE “USPA” Fire Protection Service +38(0629)40-82-11Fire-fighting service of the Port:Fire-fighting team +38(0629)40-01-01CP and MW Department +38(0629)40-82-09Help desk of the Mariupol Sea Port +38(0629)40-03-09Chief of VTS +38(0629)40-78-86Chief of PPS +38(0629)40-98-08Senior pilot-operator +38(0629)40-78-89Vessel traffic service (VTS) – pilot-operators “Mariupol” PPS on-duty dispatcher


20.5. Information about e-mails and contact numbers of officials of the Mariupol Sea Port concerning provision of a standard list of security information (Annex 13).

Maritime Security Service: - MSS Chief : +38(0629) 40-82-97; +38(067) 503-34-51; - officers of PF security: +38(0629) 40-82-95; +38(067) 502-93-77; - on-duty operator of MMS sea port security detachment: +38(050) 425-04-22.

XXI. Sea Port Fire Prevention Regime Requirements

21.1. General Provisions

21.1.1. Сontrol of observing the Fire Safety Rules on the Port Onshore Facilities, located within the Mariupol Sea Port territory, as well as fire preventive work on vessels flying the State Flag of Ukraine, which stay near the port berths, shall be executed by the departmental fire protection service (hereinafter – DFPS) at the place of its formation, FTSS of the MB of SE “USPA” and department of civil protection and fire protection of SE “MCSP” within their responsibility.

21.1.2. Business entities and physical persons, vessels crews which stay within the Mariupol Sea Port territory and water area, shall follow the requirements of the Ukrainian Fire Safety Rules, Fire Safety Rules On Board Vessels of Ukraine and requirements of these Compulsory Regulations. In case of identification of fire evidences, DFPS of the MB of SE “USPA” shall be notified immediately by phone number 101, +38(0629) 40-01-01 and measures are taken for people evacuation and fire elimination.

21.1.3. Responsibility for onshore facilities fire safety rests with managers of these facilities, and vessel masters shall be responsible for the vessels fire safety.

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21.1.4. General management of the actions of the vessel crew and subdivisions which arrived at the vessel in order to extinguish a fire and rescue people, shall be fulfilled by the vessel master or an acting vessel master.

21.1.5. Instructions, special training, assessment of knowledge in fire safety shall be executed in accordance with the Code of Civil Protection of Ukraine and the Rules of Fire Safety in Ukraine.

21.1.6. Concerning the issues of fire protection of building structures, engineering equipment at the port one should be guided by the Fire Protection Rules, approved by the Order of the Ukrainian Ministry of Emergency Situations and Protection of Population from the Chornobyl Disaster Consequences dd. July 02, 2007 No. 460 registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on July 24, 2007 under No. 849/14116.

21.1.7. Business entities which conduct their business activities at the Mariupol Sea Port, shall be obliged to conduct fire-protection, anti-damage, tactical and other exercises for emergencies (accidents) elimination.

21.1.8. Facilities of enterprises of all forms of ownership shall be provided with primary fire extinguishers, equipped with automatic fire protection system, with the signal output to the licensed centralized survey station.

21.1.9. Business entities that operate in the Mariupol Sea Port, shall inspect lightning protection devices of the territory and buildings with the corresponding licensing organizations.

21.1.10. Within the Mariupol Sea Port territory it is prohibited: - to burn garbage, dry grass and other burnable wastes; - to make fire; - to smoke in unmeant places; - warm up bitumen, paste, fulfill electric gas welding and other fire dangerous works without written approval from DFPS.21.1.11 Protection of buildings, facilities and outdoor installations against direct lightning hits and its secondary manifestations

as well as their test shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Rules of Fire Safety in Ukraine.21.1.12 Conduct of hot and other flammable works shall be done in accordance with the Rules of Fire Safety in Ukraine,

Rules of Fire Safety on Vessels of Ukraine, Instructions of Safe Conduct of Fire Works on Explosive and Flammable Objects.

21.2. Provision of Fire Safety within the Territory of the Mariupol Sea Port

21.2.1. Roads, driveways and passages to buildings, structures, fire water sources, including firefighting piers, approaches to the fire escape ladders, fire fighting equipment, shall always be free, maintained in good condition, cleaned of snow in winter. It is prohibited to reduce rated width of roads and driveways at will.

21.2.2. It is prohibited to load fire hydrants, cranes, firefighting piers, approaches to them and fire access routes. Free space near fire hydrants shall be of at least 4 m radius, and of 9 m width near firefighting vehicles and vehicular access to the sea. It is prohibited to stand transport on buildings drivethrough at the distance of less than 10 m near entrance, less than 5 m from fire hydrants and other water withdrawal places, firefighting equipment and auxiliaries, dead-end entrance turntables, to equip parking places at a distance less than 9 m from buildings.

21.2.3. Fire water supply system, fixed extinguishing equipment may be disconnected only if agreed with the DFPS. Excavation of roads within the port and berths shall be carried out after the DFPS, FTSS of the MB of SE “USPA” is notified in advance.

21.2.4. Means of fire protection, communication, fire trucks, machinery, equipment must be in good condition and ready for immediate use. It is not allowed to use them for unmeant purposes. All fire pumps of DFPS, economic entities, subdivisions of MB of SE "USPA" shall be maintained in constant readiness for use and checked for required pressure by trial turning on at least once a month (with a corresponding entry made in the log).

21.2.5. It is prohibited to obstruct passages, doors, wind porches and staircases with different things and equipment. All the emergency exits doors shall be easily opened in direction of a building exit. In case of fire it is necessary to provide for possibility of quick and safe evacuation of people and material values located in production buildings.

21.2.6. Motor transport and cargo handling gears used at the Mariupol Sea Port must be equipped with fire extinguishers and a spark extinguishers in accordance with the regulatory acts of Ukraine.

21.2.7. Within the Mariupol Sea Port territory, on berths, in buildings, structures, in the territories of warehouses, trucking and loading equipment, regardless of their ownership and subordination, smoking is prohibited.

Smoking is allowed only in specially equipped places, approved by the administration of objects from DFPS of MB of SE “USPA”, specially marked and equipped with litter-boxes or ash-trays made of incombustible materials.

21.2.8. It is unacceptable to conduct cargo handling works in closed warehouses by lift trucks, autoloaders, cars and other machines with combustion engines not equipped with a spark extinguishing system.

21.2.9. It is prohibited to use in production processes and keep substances and materials with uninvestigated parameters concerning their fire and explosive danger.

21.2.10. While loading and unloading of flammable cargoes, business entities, at the request of the MB of SE “USPA” DFPS, shall provide people to provide the loading places with fire stations for the full period of the works fulfillment.

21.2.11. Voluntary fire brigades shall monitor the observance of fire regime at the facility (indoors), and supervision of conditions and readiness for action of all fire fighting devices.

21.2.12. Territories of fuel filling stations (FFS) and open fields for storage of combustible liquids in containers, shall be kept clean, and spilled combustible and flammable liquids shall be timely removed.

21.2.13. Crossings and passages across the inner port railways shall always be kept free for fire engines and must have a solid floor at the same level as rail heads.

It is forbidden to leave railroad cars without locomotives at crossroads.21.2.14. All hot spots and facilities of the Mariupol Port should be provided with well visible all-round-the-clock warning

inscriptions in Ukrainian and English "NO SMOKING", "DO NOT USE OPEN FIRE" etc.Such inscriptions allocation shall be provided by heads of organizational subdivisions of enterprises in whose zones of

responsibility these sections are located.21.2.15. For each wood-sawing storehouse a plan of fire extinguishing organization (fire extinguishing operative plan) shall

be developed with determination of measures for clearing-away of piles, chips assemblage etc., as well as places of stations with fire-fighting inventory stock. Firefighting plan shall be worked out annually with all the changes of an enterprise.

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21.3. Securing fire Prevention on Vessels Staying at Port

21.3.1. Fire safety from sea of the Mariupol Sea Port shall be provided by the vessels adapted for the purpose of fire fighting and provided by fire-fighting monitors, foam generators and a stock of extinguishing agents, in accordance with the interaction instruction.

21.3.2. Bunkering by liquid fuel of vessels staying at berths of the dry cargo port and in the roadstead shall be made from floating fuelers or a tanker. Bunkering in the Mariupol Sea Port is carried out under the order No. 31 dated January 31, 2014 of the Head of Administration of the Mariupol Sea Port Administration.

21.3.3. Bunkering of passenger vessels shall be fulfilled exclusively by self-propelled fuelers. If due to certain reasons it is necessary to involve non-self-propelled fuelers, then a tug must be alongside fuelers board throughout the bunkering period. For the whole period of staying near a board of a bunkered vessel, towlines (which are lowered to water) are fastened on bollards on stern and head of a non-selfpropelled tug.

21.3.4. While performance of bunkering or loading operations with flammable or explosive cargo near berths of the Mariupol Sea Port, or if an explosive cargo is available on a vessel, it is necessary to arrange watch of the fire-fighting rescue tug. The vessel master shall be obliged to submit a request for watch near board of the fire-fighting tug and pay costs of forced firefighting watch according to the rates effective at the port. In case of nonobservance of this provision by the vessels masters, loading operations on a vessel shall be prohibited.

21.3.5. It is prohibited to moor fuelers alongside each other, if one of them carries a cargo of 3.1 or 3.2 subclasses according to the National Standard of Ukraine 4500-3:2008 “Dangerous Cargoes. Classification”. (Order of the State Committee of Ukraine for Technical Regulation and Consumer Policy of August 4, 2008 No. 270 "On Approval of National Standards, Amendments to National Standards, Amendments to National Classifications and Changes to Orders of Derzhspozhyvstandart of December 26, 2006 No. 372 and of June 12, 2008 No. 192").

21.3.6. Mooring of tankers with cargo or in ballast with degasified tanks as well as vessels having on board cargo of the third class under IMDG Code to dry cargo berths can be allowed only after special agreement of FTSS of MB of SE “USPA” and the Harbour Master .

21.3.7. Payment of tugboats work shall be done at the expense of the shipowner. The obligation to ensure the safe conduct of such activities and prevent of possible adverse consequences (damage, loss, etc.) rests entirely with the master of the vessel (shipowner).

21.3.8. Costs borne by the MB of SE “USPASE” during extinguishing fires, ignitions, and elimination of other types of accidents, which occurred onboard near berths, within the Mariupol Sea Port water area and during fulfillment of tasks for firefighting security in case of accidents onboard vessels, shall be reimbursed in full or partially in accordance with the law by business entities or by the owners of the vessels on which the event occurred, if they are in fault.

21.3.9. Importation of flammable cargo shall be agreed with FTSS of MB of SE “USPA” when a business entity confirmed their readiness for the CHO, the availability of the emergency team, as well as the readiness of space for cargo allocation, the duration of its storage and time of exportation.

21.3.10. To extinguish the fire, local administrations, local authorities and entities at the request of the head of fire extinguishing are obliged to provide to his/her disposal free of charge extinguishing agents, machinery, fuel and lubricants, equipment, communication means, and if the fire lasts for more than three hours - food, premise for rest and rehabilitation of the persons involved in extinguishing the fire.

21.3.11. According to the Regulations on the Departmental Fire Protection of Objects of Sea and River Transport of Ukraine, workers of DFPS give masters of vessels flying the flag of Ukraine a "Certificate of Fire Protection for the Right to Depart from the Mariupol Sea Port".

21.3.12. Employees of DFPS of entities that conduct work for the prevention of fires on vessels, involved in firefighting organization, shall have appropriate qualifications and experience in this field for at least one year.

21.3.13. It is prohibited to fulfill electric gas welding and other hot works as well as to carry out vessels bunkering at dry-cargo and passenger berths of the Mariupol Sea Port at night time, except for cases of necessity to perform emergency works and other urgent, emergent works. In exceptional circumstances fulfillment of the above works can be allowed with obligatory firefighting provision and with payment for the rendered services under the rates effective at the port, approved and established by the effective legislation of Ukraine.

XXII. Civil Protection and Technogenic Safety

22.1. Permanent regulatory bodies for civil protection at the territory and water area of the Mariupol Port regarding organization and implementation of civil protection measures are the following:

- administration of the Mariupol Sea Port and business entities which conduct their business activities at the Mariupol Sea Port as well as subdivisions (officials) for issues of civil protection which are established (appointed) by such bodies in accordance with legislation;

- emergency situation commission of the MB of SE “USPA”, which coordinates work of the MB of SE “USPA” and business entities, which conduct their activities in the sea port regarding technogenic and environmental safety, protection of population and territories, prevention and reaction to emergencies.22.2. On-duty dispatcher services of the MB of SE “USPA” and business entities, which conduct their activities in the

sea port shall ensure management of civil protection forces, coordination of their actions, day-and-night duty and securing of functioning of the system of collection, processing, generalization and analysis of information about conditions in the areas of emergency occurrence (out of hours, prior to CP management bodies arrival).

22.3. MB of SE “USPA” and business entities which operate in the Mariupol Sea Port shall take urgent measures to prevent and eliminate consequences of natural disasters, accidents and disasters, which may lead or led to a malfunction in the Mariupol Sea Port.

22.4. MB of SE “USPA” and business entities which operate in the Mariupol Sea Port must comply with the requirements of Ukrainian legislation in the sphere of civil defense, including technogenic and fire safety rules in order to prevent emergency situations within the Mariupol Sea Port territory and waters.

22.5. MB of SE “USPA” together with business entities, which conduct their business activites at the Mariupol Sea Port, shall conduct joint special facility instruction and training of the facilities staff for all types of hazards and specific types of emergencies.

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22.6. Elimination of an accident, which occurred at a business entity territory and which didn’t overpass its limits, shall be performed by the manager of this enterprise.

22.7. Elimination of an accident which overpassed the business entity territory and spreads to the port territory and water area, shall be carried out by the MB of SE “USPA”, involving all the necessary powers and means under the “Plan of Localization and Elimination of Accidents (Disasters) of the MB of SE “USPA”.

22.8. Business entities and separate territories at which there is a danger of emergency occurrence, shall be subject to permanent and obligatory servicing on agreement basis by emergency and rescue service and formations of the Operations and Rescue Service of civil protection, which were attested in accordance with the established procedure.

22.9. Elimination of the consequences of accidents which occur during transportation of dangerous cargoes is carried out depending on the category of the accident and in accordance with the plan of liquidation, State Service for Emergencies and subjects of dangerous cargoes transportation, other enterprises, institutions and organizations involved in elimination of the consequences of such accidents, or a carrier alone or with the involvement of relevant enterprises, institutions and organizations.

22.10. During works in the event of liquidation of accidents involving dangerous cargoes, requirements of the current legislation and international rules and regulations are to be followed.

ХХІІІ. Rules for Conducting Dredging Operations

23.1. Dredging, Sounding and Diving Operations

23.1.1. The dredge convoy shall be permitted to enter the Mariupol Sea Port in order to fulfill dredging works only with the permission of the Mariupol Sea Port Administration as agreed upon with the Mariupol Port HMO.

23.1.2. Before the dredger placement in the area of dredging operations and before any change of its place, the dredge master shall agree with the Harbour Master of the Mariupol Sea Port to approve the dredger work area, the “Scheme of Working Ropes and Anchors Disposal” as well as the “Scheme of Dump Barges Routes from Dredging Area to Dumping Sites”. Three scheme copies shall be provided to the Mariupol Sea Port Harbour Master.

23.1.3. The vessel which carries out dredging operations shall raise signals and lights according to the Rule 27 (d) of COLREGs-72.

23.1.4. The dump barges of dredging convoys shall make way to all transport vessels proceeding to/from the Mariupol Sea Port or to/from the shop of marine transportations of the “Azovstal SP” PJSC (heading by approach channels of Vuhilna Harbour of the Mariupol Sea Port and the shop of marine transportations of the “Azovstal SP” PJSC).

23.1.5. All the dump barges are prohibited to anchor within the inner water area of the Mariupol Sea Port outside the dredger work area.

23.1.6. The vessel which carries out sounding operations shall raise signals and lights according to the Rule 27 (b) of COLREGs-72. It is allowed to pass by such vessel exclusively at a slow speed and only after the signal indicating the passing side is given.

23.1.7. Any diving operations at the Mariupol Sea Port can be fulfilled only upon receipt of a permit from the Harbour Master of the Mariupol Sea Port.

Vessel’s master or a client entity shall request permission for these operations from HMO, and a diving boat captain immediately prior to the operations – from HMO and FTSS.

23.1.8. While diving operations fulfillment vessels must carry special lights and signals specified by the Rule 27 (e) of COLREGs-72.

23.1.9. All the vessels are prohibited to approach the vessel fulfilling diving operations closer than 50 meters.All the vessels shall slacken the speed and sail at the minimum speed while passing by the area where the vessel fulfills

diving operations.23.1.10. Dredging works in the port approach channels and in the port waters shall be made to maintain guaranteed

navigational depths in the waters of the Mariupol Sea Port, in the approach channels to them where they are defined.23.1.11. Monitoring of compliance with the established regime of operation of approach channels and the port waters as

well as control of keeping their design and passport parameters shall be done by HMO through engineering surveys and regular soundings works.

23.1.12. Frequency of soundings and trawling works is determined by the Mariupol Sea Port Administration, depending on weather conditions and intensity of silt deposits in the approach channels and port waters; for the Mariupol Sea Port conditions – twice a year.

23.1.13. Based on these measurements it is necessary to draw up plans for depths of approach channels and navigable parts of waters, to determine layer thickness, intensity and sources of silt, and the amount of necessary maintenance dredging works and the timing of their implementation.

23.1.14. For approach channels and port waters passports shall be made up. Making additions and corrections to passports of approach channels and port waters shall be done by a division of MB of SE "USPA", responsible services: Hydraulic and Engineering Structures Service (HESS) and Harbour Master Office of the Mariupol Sea Port (HMO).

23.2. Operational Dredging Works

23.2.1. Operational dredging works at approaching channels and port water areas shall be fulfilled according to the provisions of the Navigational and Hydrographic Support of Sailing in the Inland Sea Waters, Territorial Sea, and Exclusive (Maritime) Economic Zone of Ukraine, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Ukraine No. 514 dated 29.05.2006 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on June 14, 2006 under No. 708/12582.

23.2.2. To determine the scope and timing of operational dredging works fulfillment as well as to obtain a permit for mining and ground storage on underwater dumps materials which characterize the morphology of the bottom of the water approaches and port waters, as well as information on the amount of the previously executed operational dredging, sedimentation intensity, physical, mechanical, chemical and biological properties of the bottom sediments shall be systematized and stored.

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23.2.3. Terms of reference for the operational dredging works and plan of their implementation shall be made up in HESS department and approved by the chief engineer upon coordination of the Mariupol Sea Port Harbour Master.

23.2.4. Terms of implementation of operational dredging works should be determined depending on the intensity of siltation, accepted margin to siltation as well as taking into account technical and operational characteristics of the used dredging means.

23.2.5. Materials for obtaining permissions to operational dredging works and dumping ground shall be prepared by services of MB of SE “USPA” and a specialized organization against order of the State Enterprise “Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority”.

23.2.6. Operational dredging works on the approach channels and in port waters must be carried out by specialized organizations that have the appropriate technical equipment, licenses and permits obtained in accordance with established procedure.

23.2.7. Underwater dump must be equipped with AtoNs by the relevant organizations in the areas of works fulfillment.23.2.8. Safe distance from the front verge of construction to the working cut limits as well as from the boundaries of

protection zones to the drag head and dredger anchor must be specified in the terms of reference for carrying out operational dredging works near constructions or in the area of underwater engineering communications.

XXIV. Construction, Operation and Keeping the Port Facilities

24.1. General Provisions

24.1.1. Organization and ensuring safe operation of facilities in the port area shall be fulfilled in accordance with the active legislation, field regulatrory acts as well as other documents which act or shall be accepted in Ukraine within the maintenance period.

24.1.2. All the vessels and floating crafts are prohibited to approach head on to the berth.24.1.3. Conditions of vessels approach to berths are indicated in Table


Berth No.Vessel water tonnage

(thous. t)Approach angle, °

Approach speed, m/s (norm. condition)

Additional information

1-18 more than 500 reg. t 6° 0,1 m/sLength of berth place

of mooring shall correspond to РД 31.31.37-78

24.1.4. HESS together with the Harbour Master’s Office shall conduct control of the status and operation condition of hydraulic structures and maintain the relative technical documentation.

24.1.5. Requirements of HESS concerning operation of the hydraulic structures and the port water area which are based on the active legislation, issued by the Mariupol Sea Port Administrationand the Harbour Master are subject to compulsory implementation by all the organizations which conduct their activities within the port territory and water area.

24.1.6. While mooring to the berth, a vessel is prohibited to operate a thruster as well as a master motor at a distance less than 15 m from the berth, except for the cases caused by the necessity to avoid damage of the vessel or berth.

24.1.7. Vessels moored by the berths of the Mariupol Sea Port shall be prohibited to operate propellers.As an exception, propellers rollover is allowed to diesel-propelled vessels at the least revolutions – before the vessel

departure from the berth. 24.1.8. All the damages caused by a vessel to port structures shall be reimbursed by the shipowner.24.1.9. Construction works within the Mariupol Sea Port territory and water area shall be fulfilled in order established by

the law. Construction works of hydraulic structures within the territory and water area shall be performed if allowed by the Harbour Master.

24.1.10. Owners/leasers of all the buildings and structures, located within the Mariupol Sea Port territory and portside area, shall be obliged to maintain them in technically sound state. Buildings and structures facades must be tidy; order and cleanness shall be maintained at the distance of up to 20 m on the adjacent territory.

24.1.11. State and public enterprises, institutions and organizations located on the territory of the Mariupol Sea Port shall clean their areas, warehouses, stores, berths and other places by their forces, means and at their expense on the daily basis according to the contracts.

24.1.12. Removal of garbage, snow and ice on approaching rail tracks, automotive passages, located near the storehouses owned and operated by MB of SE “USPA”, shall be performed at the expense of MB of SE “USPA”.

Removal of garbage, snow and ice on approaching rail tracks, automotive passages located near the storehouses operated by port operators (stevedore companies) or other adjacent enterprises, shall be performed at the expense of these enterprises and companies, based on the entered into agreements.

24.1.13. All the organizations, businesses and institutions located in the Mariupol Sea Port teritory of within the territory separated from the port area, which is directly adjacent to the territory of the Mariupol Sea Port, shall participate in cleaning the roads of common use. The area to be cleaned is assigned to one or another organization by the order of the head of the Mariupol Sea Port Administration, which is communicated to each organization.

24.1.14. In order to ensure safe mooring of vessels and berthing facilities maintenance: - mooring and fender devices must be in good condition and their performance characteristics shall meet the vessels moored to berths;

- actual free length margin of berths during mooring of vessels shall not be less than regulatory one in accordance with РД 31.31.37-78;

- normal components of speed of vessels approaching to berths shall not exceed normative values unless other restrictions are provided for project documentation and passports;

- mooring of vessels to protective and coast-protective structures is prohibited except as provided by project documentation of such structures.

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24.2. Organization and Provision of Safe Operation of the Port Infrastructure Facilities

24.2.1. Technical operation is a set of technical measures which ensure use of a structure according to functional assignments within the determined period of operation.

24.2.2. Accept for operation of the objects completed by construction (new construction, reconstruction, restoration, overhaul) shall be carried out under the Procedures of Accept for Operation of Completed Construction Objects, approved by the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on April 13, 2011 No. 461.

24.2.3. Business entities conducting business activities at the Mariupol Sea Port and using port infrastructure facilities of state property in their business activities, shall follow the established operation condition, safety, legislation on environmental protection.

24.2.4. Operation of infrastructure facilities of the Mariupol Sea Port shall be carried out in accordance with the current regulatory acts/normative documents concerning operation, in particular, Rules of Operation of Port Hydraulic Structures, Regulations on Operation of Port Hydraulic Structures, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Transport and Communication of Ukraine No 257 on May 27, 2005 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on October 13, 2005 under No 1191/11471, regulatory documents concerning investigation, passportization, safe and reliable operation of production premises and structures as well as other documents.

24.2.5. Mode of operation - use of buildings, structures by intended operational parameters due to design or set in the process of operation in view of technical condition.

24.2.6. Mode of operation of buildings, structures shall meet its purpose, passport characteristics, actual condition, conditions of the impact of the environment.

24.2.7. A building, structure or its individual elements shall not be changed in the location (position) compared to the project one. Movement and deformations of a structure during its operation shall not exceed the maximum permissible values of movement for the period of operation.

24.2.8. Mode of operation of buildings, structures may be revised in case of changing conditions of work or technical condition. Changes in the set mode of operation of a building should be implemented on the basis of systematic inspections (reviews) and the results of its verification calculations of the load capacity.

24.2.9. Entities which operate in the Mariupol Sea Port shall develop and set the operating mode of the sea port infrastructure facilities, belonging to them by the right of private ownership, and make them operate according to the requirements of safety, legislation on environmental protection.

24.2.10. Entities that conduct economic activities in the Mariupol Sea Port and using port infrastructure objects of state ownership in their business, must follow the mode of operation of state ownership port infrastructure facilities, set by the MB of SE “USPA” in accordance with applicable regulatory regulations.

24.2.11. Control of AtoNs correct operation is the responsibility of the Harbour Master as well as organizations in zones of their responsibility (State Hydrographic Service of Ukraine).

24.3. Measures to Prevent Damage to Submarine Cables and Pipe Trucks

24.3.1. Areas forbidden for dropping anchors and dragging of various objects on the ground (including anchors), defined in the navigational charts.

24.3.2. To prevent damage to underwater objects (cables, pipelines) if their routes cross the approach channels, port water areas, protection zones (areas) shall be established and marked with appropriate signs.

24.3.3. In protection zones it is prohibited: - to drop anchor; - to pass with dropped anchors, chains, sea gages, small trawls and trawls; - to perform dredging operations; - to fulfill handling works; - to berth to coast in places fenced with signal beacons.24.3.4. All the works to be performed in protected zones or near them, should be agreed in advance with the enterprises in

charge of underwater objects (cables, pipelines).24.3.5. Diving operations in the port shall be conducted only with permission of the Harbour Master of the Mariupol Sea Port.Before the works start, the vessel master or the client organization shall obtain a permit to diving works from HMO.

Immediately before the works start, the diving boat master or diving works manager announces the start of such works to HMO and VTS.

24.3.6. During diving operations all measures must be taken to meet the requirements of safety precautions and labour protection according to the current legislation.

Head of Mariupol Sea Port Administration О.К. Rosinskyi

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Annex 1 to Compulsory Regulations

for Mariupol Sea Port

Information on Technical Capabilities of Mariupol Sea Port in terms of Receiving Vessels

Berth name Location

Technical characteristicsDeclared

draught, (m)Length, mDesign depth

(according to structure passports, m)

Berth No 1

Khlibna Harbour

256.7 162.3 8.0Berth No 2 150 130 7.7Berth No 3 145.6 120 8.0Berth No 4 220 187.2 8.0Berth No 5 212.3 170 8.0Berth No 6 223.34 180 8.0Berth No 7 262.71 162.3 8.0Berth No 8 221.71 146.1 8.0Berth No 9

including the straight section without the side part

Vuhilna Harbour


188.71173.0 8.0

Berth No 10 208.27 175 8.0Berth No 11 164 146.1 8.0Berth No 12 165 146.1 8.0Berth No 13 210.53 146.1 8.0Berth No 14 262.76 200 8.0

Auxiliary berth ДП1 107.49 vessels of port fleet 7.0Auxiliary berth ДП2 30.69 35 (aft or forward) 5.0Auxiliary berth ДП3 35.5 33.25 7.3

Berth No 15

Zakhidna Harbour

151.55 140 7.5Berth No 16 200 187.2 8.0Berth No 17 200 187.2 8.0Berth No 18 202.96 162.2 8.0

Auxiliary berth ДП4 47.94 35 5.0

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Annex 2 to Compulsory Regulations

for Mariupol Sea Port

Information on Fairways of Mariupol Sea Port

Structure nameMaximum vessel length allowed


Navigational depth(according to structure

passports, m)

Maintained navigational depth


Declared draught(m)

Vuhilna Harbour approach channel

240 8.6 8.6 8.0

Channel to closed water area of

PAT “MK ‘Azovstal’”140 Not defined Not maintained 3.5

Recommended track РШ-32 120 Not defined Not maintained 3.5

Annex 3 to Compulsory Regulations

for Mariupol Sea Port

Information on Areas of Compulsory Pilotage in Mariupol Sea Port

1. In the water area of the Mariupol Sea Port, pilotage is compulsory for all vessels excluding small industrial vessels, small passenger vessels frequently entering the port, hopper barges, port fleet vessels, technical fleet vessels whose masters are permitted to navigate without a pilot, as well as ships and vessels of the NFU and State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. Entry to the port, departure from the port, and re-mooring is allowed around the clock and must be conducted only under the pilotage of a sea pilot.

2. Pilotage in the Mariupol Sea Port and Sea of Azov shall be conducted only by Ukrainian sea pilots. 3. Pilotage in the Sea of Azov, from the Kerchenska strait to the Mariupol Sea Port and back, is compulsory for:

• all vessels flying foreign flags; • vessels in an emergency state; • vessels carrying oil or dangerous cargoes; • nuclear-powered vessels; • all vessels, regardless of their size or draught, during ice campaigns in the Sea of Azov.Vessels with a draught of up to 5 m whose masters have completed a passage through the Sea of Azov to the Mariupol

Sea Port three times with a pilot on board may be exempted from compulsory pilotage provided their vessels have modern navigational equipment and they have obtained written confirmation (see template below) of the right for unassisted navigation from the Harbour Master. Foreign and Ukrainian vessels which have entered the Ukrainian territory without passing border control or passed border control to depart from Ukraine may have no more than two sea pilots on board (more pilots must be agreed with the CP of border guard troops).

Due to the temporary annexation of Crimea, pilotage in the Sea of Azov has been cancelled in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine No 80 dated 27.02.2015 (on a temporary basis, until the end of the annexation).

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Annex 3 (continued)PROTOCOL №

dated « » 20

On competence assessment of the master of

Flag , shipowner (time charter)

(full name)

For the right of unassisted navigation in the Sea of Azov from the KYC to the Mariupol port, Azovstal port, and back, including the water areas of these ports.

Commission composed of:

Harbour Master of Mariupol port

Chief Specialist of Department for State Control and Supervision over Transport Safety of Ukrtransbezpeka directorate in Donetsk Oblast

Head of Mariupol PPS of Delta-Pilot

Head of Mariupol VTS of Delta-Pilot

Chief Marine Accident Investigation Inspector of HMO

As regards the following issues:

1. Rules of navigation in the Sea of Azov:

а) Traffic separation scheme

б) Hydrometeorological regime

в) AtoN system and navigational circumstances

г) Compulsory Regulations for Mariupol Sea Port


is granted(full name of master)

permission for unassisted navigation in the Sea of Azov from the KYC to the Mariupol port, Azovstal port, and back, including the water areas of these ports. This permission does not restrict the master to use pilotage services when necessary. In case of any navigational accident due to the crew’s fault, the vessel master will be deprived of the right for unassisted navigation and will have to recomplete competence assessment.

Harbour Master of Mariupol port

Chief Specialist of Department for State Control and Supervision over Transport Safety of Ukrtransbezpeka directorate in Donetsk Oblast

Head of Mariupol PPS of Delta-Pilot

Head of Mariupol VTS of Delta-Pilot

Chief Marine Accident Investigation Inspector of HMO

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Annex 4 to Compulsory Regulations

for Mariupol Sea Port

Information on Minimum Number and Power of Tugs for Mooring Operations in Mariupol Sea Port

Vessel’s deadweightMinimum number of tugs and their power (kilowatts) *

at wind of force up to 5(up to 10 meters per second)

at wind of force 5 and more(10 - 14 meters per second)

Vessels under 3000 tons with a thruster 2 × 220 1 × 220, 1 × 880under 5 000 tons 1 × 220, 1 × 800 1 × 220, 1 × 1200

5 000 – 10 000 tons 1 × 220, 1 × 1200 1 × 1800, 1 × 120010 000 – 20 000 tons 1 × 800, 1 × 1200 1 × 1200, 1 × 180020 000 – 30 000 tons 1 × 1200, 1 × 1800 1 × 1800, 1 × 1200, 1 × 90030 000 – 50 000 tons 1 × 1800, 1 × 3700 1 × 1800, 1 × 1200, 1 × 3700

over 50 000 tons 1 × 800, 1 × 1200, 1 × 3700 1 × 4200, 1 × 3700, 1 × 800

* for all berths

1. MV Eniseets - 220 kW2. MV Murmanets - 220 kW3. DT Alamak - 1180 kW4. DT Nikita Bespalyy - 882 kW5. PT Aleksandr Yakovenko - 600 kW.6. DT Portovik - 1854 kW7. DT Kapitan Markin - 4200 kW8. DT Kapitan Merkulov - 3728 kW

Annex 5 to Compulsory Regulations

for Mariupol Sea Port

Information on Anchorages of Mariupol Sea Port

Port anchorages are located in the water area of the outer roadstead which is situated east of the approach channel of the Vuhilna Harbour and includes three areas.

Anchorage No 458 is limited by lines connecting positions with the following coordinates: 46° 59’45,4" N 037° 29’43,6" E46° 59’49,1" N 037° 33’26,8" E46° 58’25,4" N 037° 34’26,1" E46° 57’55,6" N 037° 29’08,4" E

This area is designated for the stay of river-sea-going vessels and marine vessels with a draught of up to 5 m. Anchorage No 457 is limited by lines connecting positions with the following coordinates:

46° 57’44,3" N 037° 29’07,2" E46° 57’36,1" N 037° 31’28,5" E46° 54’10,2" N 037° 30’26,4" E46° 54’10,7" N 037° 27’59,4" E

This area is designated for the stay of mixed river-sea-going vessels and marine vessels with a draught of over 5 m. The area bounded by the outer edges of Northern and Eastern moles, protecting dyke, and a line connecting the edges of

the Northern mole and protecting dyke is used for the temporary stay of small-sized vessels. Mixed river-sea-going vessels, as well as other marine vessels with a draught not exceeding 3.5 m, waiting to enter the

Mariupol Sea Port through the avantport gates (old gates) or enter the Azovstal or fishing port may anchor east of the Azovstal port approach channel on the right or left of recommended track No 32.

Due to restrictions of the inner roadstead and unreliable mole mooring gear, each vessel anchored in the avantport or moored stern to the moles shall, upon first request of the chief HMO officer, proceed to the outer roadstead.

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Annex 6 to Compulsory Regulations

for Mariupol Sea Port

Diagrams of Anchorages

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Annex 7 to Compulsory Regulations

for Mariupol Sea Port

Diagrammatic Plan of Mariupol Sea Port with Approaches and its Water Area (in WGS-84 Datum)

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Annex 8 to Compulsory Regulations

for Mariupol Sea Port

Table of ICS Signals

The International Code of Signals or INTERCO is designed for communication by different methods and means to ensure navigational safety and safety of life at sea, particularly in cases of language difficulties. In developing the Code, it was taken into account that the broad use of radiotelephone and radiotelegraph, in the absence of language difficulties, always allows simple and efficient communication in plain language.

Signals included in the Code consist of:1. Single-letter signals for emergency, significant, or frequently used messages;2. Two-letter signals which make up the General section;3. Three-letter signals which make up the Medical section and start with ‘M’.

Table of ICS Signals

Signal meaning By day By night

You should proceed at slow speed when passing me (or vessels making this signal)


ROMEO YANKEERed and green lights disposed


I have a diver down; keep well clear at low speed

A ALFAThree all-round lights disposed

vertically. Red, white, redMy vessel is ‘healthy’ and I request free pratique

Q QUEBECRed and white lights disposed


I am training; keep clear of meUY


I am disinfecting (fumigating) my vessel

VICTOR ECHO Green and white lights disposed

verticallyI am calibrating a direction-finder or determining the deviation of compasses



I am loading, carrying, or discharging dangerous cargo

B BRAVORed light on top of the mast

(mast truck)Man overboard О OSCAR —I am in distress and require immediate assistance



I require assistance V VICTOR —I require medical assistance W WHISKEY —

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Annex 9 to Compulsory Regulations

for Mariupol Sea Port

Regulations on Navigation and Pilotage in Mariupol VTS Operational Zone

1. In the VTS operational zone, no vessel may navigate (enter the zone or a passage route, anchor, weigh anchor, approach or leave berths, re-moor, etc.) without permission of the VTS. If a vessel does not commence permitted actions within 30 minutes, permission will be cancelled and the vessel will have to request it again.

2. Mandatory directions include those related to traffic priority, routes, speed, anchorages, and actions to prevent immediate danger. Vessels shall follow all directions that are directly related to them and, in case of disagreement, report the reason and further actions.

3. The VTS shall provide services in the following order: ships of the NFU and State Border Guard Service; passenger vessels plying according to the schedule; vessels with dangerous cargo; liner vessels; other vessels, according to the approved traffic schedule.

4. Navigation in the approach channels of the Vuhilna Harbour and Azovstal port is allowed around the clock. Traffic in the channels is one-way.

5. Permission for navigation is requested from the VTS on VHF channel 67, 14. Vessels shall remain on this channel until completion of permitted actions.

6. The VTS shall regulate traffic on the basis of information obtained by means of visual or radar observation, as well as VHF radio communication.

7. Control over the navigation and stay of vessels in the VTS operational zone, their adherence to defined routes, or speed and distance between vessels shall be exercised by the VTS on the basis of information obtained by means of equipment.

8. Upon detection of a potential emergency situation, violation of navigational rules, drifting of vessels from anchorages or AtoN from their proper positions, as well as in other cases affecting navigational safety, the VTS shall provide necessary information and appropriate directions to vessels while coordinating their actions.

9. Vessels approaching the VTS operational zone from sea shall establish radio communication with the VTS and report the following information:

- vessel type and name; - time of approach to VTS operational zone; - engine plant power; - speed in the maneuvering mode; - state and departmental affiliation; - port of destination; - overall dimensions; - draught; - nature and quantity of cargo; - on-board radar state; - level of vessel’s steerability.10. The VTS bears responsibility for the correctness of directions and information transmitted by them within the accuracy

of used equipment.11. When acting on the basis of directions and information of the VTS, vessel masters are not relieved from the responsibility

for navigating their vessels and ensuring their safety.

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Annex 10 to Compulsory Regulations

for Mariupol Sea Port

Limits of the Supervision Zone, in which Harbour Master is Authorized to Supervise Navigational Safety

(Order No 331 dated 23.07.2014, State Inspectorate of Ukraine for Maritime and River Transport Safety, Kyiv)

Port navigational safety supervision zone in the area: The water area is bounded:By the coastline between positions with the following coordinates: φ 46°38'06.28" N λ 036°46'24.16" Eφ 47°07'05.60" N λ 038°14'48.36" Ethence along the line guarded by the border guard troops of Ukraine to the position: φ 47°00'6 N λ 038°21'0 Eφ 46°49'0N λ 037°29'5Eto the position:φ 46°05'23.99" N λ 037°02'26.37" Ethence:φ 46°02'45.28" N λ 036°57'10.49" Eφ 46°01'40.57" N λ 036°40'15.42" Eφ 45°59'07.71" N λ 036°13'45.52" Eφ 45°58'16.86" N λ 035°51'29.65" Eφ 46°38'06.28" N λ 036°46'24.16" E

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Annex 11 to Compulsory Regulations

for Mariupol Sea Port

Limits of Search and Rescue Responsibility Zone

In conformity with the Order of the State Department for River and Maritime Transport No 161 dated 29.10.1998, as amended according to the Protocol between the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine and the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation on Cooperation in Marine and Air Search and Rescue Operations in the Black Sea and Sea of Azov dated 28.09.2011, the search and rescue responsibility zone of the Mariupol Maritime Rescue Coordination Subcenter is bounded by lines connecting points with the following geographical coordinates:

46°00’00.00" N 034°51’00.00" E46°00’00.00" N 037°00’00.00" E46°46’59.65" N 037°29’54.63" E46°58’59.69" N 038°19’54.65" E47°06’41.70" N 038°13’18.63" E

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Annex 12 to Compulsory Regulations

for Mariupol Sea Port

Standard List of Maritime Security Information about Vessel Intending to Enter the Mariupol Sea Port

SECURITY RELATED INFORMATION*Стандартна інформація щодо охорони

(The following information must be transmitted to the Maritime Security Department of ___________ branch of State Enterprise «Ukraine Sea Port Authority» port of call not less than 24 hours prior to ship entry. Any changes must be notified accordingly).(Наступна інформація повинна бути наданою до Служби морської безпеки відповідної філії Адміністрації Морських портів України не пізніше ніж за 24 години. Будь-які зміни повинні бути повідомлено завчасно)

To (кому)

From (від кого):

Maritime Security Department (Служба морської безпеки)

Fax: Fax:


Name of Ship (Назва судна)

Port of Registry (Порт реєстрації)

Name of Company. Company Identification Number (Назва компанії. Ідентифікаційний номер ММО,

наданий компанії)

Port of arrival and facility where the ship is to berth, if known

(Порт прибуття та портовий засіб, до якого буде підходити судно, якщо відомо)

The ship is provided with a valid (Судно має дійсне)

International Ship Security Certificate (Міжнародне свідоцтво з охорони судна (МСОС)

The Certificate has been issued by (Свідоцтво видано

введіть назву органу влади, або визнаної організації з охорони)

Yes NoТак Ні

Yes NoТак Ні

Date of issue (dd.MM.yy)

(Дата видання день, місяць, рік)

Interim International Ship Security Certificate (Тимчасове Міжнародне свідоцтво з охорони судна (ТМСОС))

Date of expire (dd.MM.yy) (Строк дії

закінчується день, місяць, рік)

Primary purpose of call (Основна мета заходу)

Expected date and time of arrival of the ship in port

(Очікувана дата та час прибуття судна в порт)

Flag State (Держава прапора)

Name and 24-hours contact details of the ship in port (Назва та детальна інформація

щодо цілодобового зв’язку з судном у порту)

Gross Tonnage (Валовий

реєстровий тоннаж)

Inmarsat call number (Інмарсат назва, номер)

Call Sign (Позивний)

IMO Number (номер ММО)

Type (тип)


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If ship is not provided with a valid international Ship Security Certificate, explain why?

(Якщо судно не має дійсного Свідоцтва з охорони, пояснить чому?)

Does the ship have an approved ship security plan on board?

(Наявність на судні схваленого Плану охорони судна)

Сurrent security level(Поточний

рівень охорони)

Yes NoТак Ні

1 2 3

Does the ship have a provide continuous synopsis record on board?(На борту судна є діючий Журнал

безперервної реєстрації):

CSO(Ім’я і контактна інформація офіцера

охорони компанії (цілодобово)

SSO(Офіцер охорони судна – посада,

П.І.Б, № діючого сертифікату ООС).

Yes NoТак Ні

Location of the ship at the time the report is madeМісцезнаходження судна на час надання інформації)

List the last ten calls, in chronological order with the most recent call first, at port facilities at which the ship contacted ship/port interface together with the security level at which the ship operated(Інформація про десять останніх заходів у хронологічному порядку, починаючи з самого недавнього,

у порти і портові засоби, де відбувалася взаємодія судно/порт і рівні охорони, що підтримувало судно

From (dd.MM.yy)

з (день, місяць, рік)

To (dd.MM.yy)до (день,

місяць, рік)

Port, Country, Port Facility and UNLOCODE

(Порт, країна, портовий засіб та його UN Код місцеположення UNLOCODE)

Special or additional security measures

(спеціальні чи додаткові заходи з охорони)

Security Level

(рівень охорони)





















List the ship-to-ship activities, in chronological order with the most recent ship-to-ship activity first, which have been carried out during the period specified above

(Інформація про взаємодію судно-судно в хронологічному порядку починаючи з останнього за період що встановлюється)

From (dd.MM.yy)

з (дата, місяць, рік)

To (dd.MM.yy) до (дата,

місяць, рік)

Location or Latitude and Longitude (Місце взаємодії або широта і довгота)

Security measures applied

(Застосовані заходи з охорони)

Ship-to-ship activity

(взаємодія «судно-судно»)

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General description of cargo aboard the ship (Загальний опис вантажу)

Type of cargo(тип вантажу)

Is the ship carrying any dangerous substances

as cargo?(Інформація

про наявність на судні небезпечних вантажів)

If answer is YES, provide details or attach a copy of the Dangerous

Goods Manifest (IMO FAL Form 7)

(Якщо ТАК, то надати подробиці про нього або надати копію Маніфесту про небезпечний вантаж

(Форма FAL 7ІМО)Form 7

is attached (форма 7 додається)

Yes NoТак Ні

Crew and Passenger List (суднова роль екіпажу та пасажирський маніфест)

A copy of the ship’s Crew List (IMO FAL Form 5) is attached(Копія суднової ролі екіпажу (ММО ФАЛ форма 5) додається)

Yes NoТак Ні

A copy of the ship’s Passenger List (IMO FAL Form 6) is attached(Копія пасажирського маніфесту (ММО ФАЛ форма 6) додається)

Yes NoТак Ні

Other security-relate (інша інформація щодо охорони)

Is there any security-related matter you wish to report? (Чи існує ще яка-небудь інформація, що відноситься до безпеки,

про яку ви хотіли б повідомити?

Yes NoТак Ні

If the answer is YES, provide details

(Якщо відповідь ТАК, надайте подробиці

Agent of the ship at the port of arrival (агент судна в порту прибуття)

Name of Company (назва компанії)

Name of Agent (им’я агента)




This report is dated at on at (дата доповоді з) (enter place) (місце) (enter time and date) (час та дата)

(Title or position) (Name of the person providing the information)(Звання та посада) Ім’я особи , що надала інформацію

(Master, SSO, CSO, Agent) (Signature) (підпис)

*) For details look at the «Explanatory notes» or IMO MSC/Circ. 1305 o№ 02.06.2009 (За більш докладною інформацією звертайтесь до «Пояснювальних записках» чи до ММО MSC/Циркуляр 1305 від 02.06.2009)

- This ship security information must be sent to the Maritime Security Department of _Mariupol_ branch of State Enterprise “Ukraine Sea Port Authority”

- tel: +38(050) - 471-96-35 - fax :+38(0629) -40-82-95 - E-mail: [email protected]

- Вказана інформація повинна надаватися до Служби морської безпеки Маріупольського філіалу ДП «Адміністрація морських портів України»

- Тлф : :+38(067) -502-93-77 - факс: +38(0629)-40-82-95 - E-mail: [email protected]

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Annex 13 to Compulsory Regulations

for Mariupol Sea Port

E-mail Addresses and Contact Phone Numbers of Port Officials for Providing the Standard List of Security Information

Harbour Master of the sea port ofof USPA Mariupol Branch: e-mail: [email protected]/tel: +38 (0629) 40-08-45Mobile: +38 (067) 644-74-40, +38 (050) 473-69-60

Maritime Security Service of USPA Mariupol Branch: e-mail: [email protected]/tel: +38 (0629) 40-82-95Mobile: +38 (067) 502-93-77

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Annex 14 to Compulsory Regulations

for Mariupol Sea Port

Procedure for Navigation of Small-Sized, Sports, and Pleasure Vessels

Vessels stationed in yacht clubs or at berths, as well as owners of boats, launches, lifeboats, and other floating crafts located in the Mariupol port water area, shall observe these Compulsory Regulations.

During navigation responsible persons on board shall maintain radio watch on VHF channels 14 and 16 while following the Radio Regulations.

Small-sized vessels should avoid navigating in Traffic Separation Schemes. Their names should be displayed on each side and be intelligible from a safe distance.

To operate a non-commercial pleasure vessel, navigators shall have necessary documents.The speed of small-sized vessels shall not exceed the speed of any other vessel in the port water area, i.e. shall not be more

than 6 knots. During the navigation of non-commercial pleasure and small-sized vessels in the port water area, it is prohibited:

- To depart to sea without permission of the Harbour Master and persons responsible for departure of vessels in yacht clubs; - To use non-commercial pleasure vessels for unintended purposes; - To operate vessels in a state of intoxication of any kind; - To proceed under sail without previous agreement with the Harbour Master or under oars in the water area limited by port hydraulic structures;

- To transfer people to another vessel at sea or go ashore (except in cases related to accidents and natural disasters or by permission of the BGSD);

- To cross another vessel’s way ahead or maneuver in close proximity of transport vessels, dredgers, or floating cranes when they are moving;

- To approach vessels flying a foreign flag and staying in the roadstead or at port berths without permission of the Border Guard Service and Customs Service;

- To approach berths or the coastline in the port water area without appropriate permission, particularly in public recreation areas; - To navigate in anchorages obstructing the passage of transport vessels; - To moor to floating and fixed aids to navigation or anchor near them.Yacht clubs and other organizations arranging public sports contests (regattas, races, cruises, etc.) in the port water area

shall agree event activities with the Harbour Master within 3 days in advance by submitting a written application, traffic schemes, event security measures, the number, names, and type of support floating crafts and the availability of VTS operational channels on them, full name of the event manager and person responsible for the security measures, their location and contact details, and other necessary documents. This information must also be submitted to the Main Dispatcher Office of the port.

Floating crafts involved in such sports events shall be equipped with VHF radio stations and keep radio watch on channel 16 (calling channel) and the VTS operating channel (channel 14). One hour before the beginning of a sports event, a floating craft shall establish communication with the VTS and maintain it until the event has ended.

Organizations responsible for the arrangement of such sports events shall ensure preparation and safe navigation of sports vessels.

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Annex 15 to Compulsory Regulations

for Mariupol Sea Port

Information on VHF Communication Channels Used in the Mariupol Sea Port

Nos User name Call signChannels Working

hoursTelephone numberCalling Operating

1 Chief Dispatcher of MB of USPA PRYBOY 31 31 24h 40-82-01

2Port Fleet Dispatcher

of MB of USPACHAYKA 29 29 24h 40-82-02

3Dispatcher of

Mariupol Commercial Sea Port

Mariupol-radio-2 20 20 24h40-87-20 40-07-56

4 Harbour Master’s Office Mariupol-radio-19 14, 16 14, 89 24h400-850400-851

5Port Fleet Dispatcher of

Mariupol Commercial Sea Port Mariupol-radio-6 9 9 24h 40-87-37

6 Dispatcher of Ship Repair Yard Mariupol-radio-81 37 37 24h 40-75-55

7 Mariupol VTSMariupol-trafik-

kontrol14, 67

14, 67emergency

11 24h


8Maritime Rescue Coordination

SubcenterMariupol RSC 16 22, 70 24h 40-28-53

9 On-duty dispatcher of Delta-Pilot PPS Delta-lotsman 73 73 24h 40-78-46

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Annex 16 to Compulsory Regulations

for Mariupol Sea Port

APPROVEDby Order of Donetsk Border Guard Detachment No dated

PROCEDURAL SCHEME of Border Control for Persons, Marine Vessels, and Goods at Mariupol Commercial Sea Port

State Border Checkpoint for International Maritime and Ferry Traffic

Chapter I. General Provisions

1.1. This Procedural Scheme has been developed according to Article 25 of the Law of Ukraine on Border Control, clause 19 of the Provisions on State Border Checkpoints and Control Checkpoints approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No 751 dated 18.08.2010, clause 19 of the Standard Procedural Scheme of State Border Control for Persons, Road, Water, Railway and Air Vehicles of Carriers, and Goods Transported by Them, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No 451 dated May 21, 2012, On State Border Control for Persons, Road, Water, Railway and Air Vehicles of Carriers, and Goods Transported by Them (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Standard Procedural Scheme’), and other legislative and normative legal acts.

1.2. This Procedural Scheme is aimed at defining the order of procedures related to border, customs, and other kinds of state control for persons, marine vessels, and goods crossing the state border at the Mariupol Commercial Sea Port checkpoint for international maritime and ferry traffic.

1.3. Terms used in this Procedural Scheme are defined by normative legal acts on state border security, customs procedures, and execution of cargo carriage documents for marine transport.

1.4. The following abbreviations are used in this Procedural Scheme: - BGSD – Mariupol Border Guard Service Department; - BS – border squad (joint border squad); - BSSL – border squad shift leader; - CPSBSO – checkpoint senior border squad officer; - DRA & PCO – Directorate for Risk Analysis and Prevention of Customs Offences within SFS Donetsk Customs. - Mariupol-Port CP – Mariupol-Port customs post of SFS Donetsk Customs; - MCSP – Mariupol Commercial Sea Port state enterprise; - MCSP CP – Mariupol Commercial Sea Port state border checkpoint for international maritime and ferry traffic; - OASB – order of an authorized state body; - PCIS – port community information system of the Mariupol Sea Port; - Port administration – Mariupol branch of the Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority state enterprise (Mariupol Sea Port Administration); - Port dispatcher – on-duty dispatcher of the Mariupol Sea Port Administration’s Main Dispatcher Office; - SBU – state border of Ukraine; - VI – vehicle inspection, control;

Chapter II. MCSP CP Functional Framework

2.1. The MCSP CP has been introduced in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No 249-р dated 05.06.2000.

2.2. MCSP CP characteristics: - category – international; - traffic type – maritime and ferry traffic; - transportation type – passenger and cargo; - operational regime – continuous; - operating hours – 24-hour. 2.3. Border controls at the SBU for persons, marine vessels, and goods shall be conducted within the limits of the MCSP

CP defined by the order of the Port Administration’s head agreed with the head of the Donetsk Border Guard Detachment and the head of the SFS Donetsk Customs.

2.4. The following types of control shall be exercised at the MCSP CP: - border control; - customs control; - sanitary and epidemiological control; - phytosanitary control; - veterinary and sanitary control; - ecological control; - radiological control.2.5. In the sea port territory, state agencies authorized to exercise relevant types of control at the MCSP CP and all other

members of the port community performing duties related to border control for persons, vehicles, and goods passing through the checkpoint may use the PCIS if it functions.

Implementation and development of the PCIS at the checkpoint must follow the recommendations of the UN Economic Commission for Europe Nos 33 – 35, requirements of clause 7 of the Standard Procedural Scheme, Regulations on Service Provision in Sea Ports of Ukraine approved by the Order of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine No 348 dated June 05, 2013

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and registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on August 15, 2013 under No 1401/23933, and procedural schemes developed by the Port Administration for implementing the provisions of Article 19 of the Law of Ukraine on Ukrainian Ports.

In accordance with paragraph 8 of clause 7 of the Standard Procedural Scheme, the PCIS is used by the Port Administration, state agencies authorized to exercise relevant types of control at the checkpoint, agency companies (marine agents), port operators (stevedore companies), and forwarding companies conducting their activities in the port territory during operations involving goods and vehicles. The PCIS is used in compliance with the Agreements on Informational Cooperation concluded by the Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority state enterprise with each of such state agencies and economic agents.

The structure and format of data exchange within the PCIS must be determined by the Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority state enterprise and, insofar as they apply to digital information and document exchange with state agencies authorized to exercise relevant types of control at the checkpoint, agreed with these regulatory agencies.

All actions of PCIS members must be confirmed within the PCIS by a digital signature. Digital data provided by agency companies (marine agents), port operators (stevedore companies), forwarding companies conducting their activities in the port territory, and state agencies authorized to exercise relevant types of control at the MCSP CP must be processed on a priority basis.

In cases defined by the legislation, goods are allowed to cross the state border only after procedures for sanitary epidemiological, veterinary and sanitary, phytosanitary, ecological, and radiological control, as well control over the transfer of cultural values, have been completed by officials of the executive body responsible for these types of control according to the legislation.

In other cases, sanitary and epidemiological, veterinary and sanitary, phytosanitary, ecological control of individual goods, and control over the transfer of cultural values transported into the customs territory of Ukraine (particularly for transit) at checkpoints shall be exercised by officials of customs authorities as preliminary document control, according to the procedure approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No 1030 dated October 05, 2011.

Officials of the Mariupol-Port CP, on the basis of presented shipping (transportation) documents and according to the list of goods subject to state control (particularly as preliminary document control) when crossing the Ukrainian customs border, shall determine the types of state control and form of its execution (preliminary document control by a customs authority official or its termination and involvement of regulatory agency officials), as well as the place of its execution at the MCSP CP.

2.6. Sanitary and epidemiological control is exercised in order to prevent the importation of contagions, viruses, and diseases that can cause an epidemic into Ukraine. Medical (sanitary) inspection of persons, marine vessels, cargoes, goods, and other items crossing the Ukrainian border generally only requires document processing; however, if needed to conduct sanitary and epidemiological inspection on a vessel, it must precede border, customs, and other types of control at the MCSP CP. In such case border, customs, and other types of control must be exercised after sanitary and epidemiological control and by permission of the sanitary and epidemiological service inspector.

2.7. Phytosanitary control is exercised in order to prevent the importation of regulated hazardous organisms and other dangerous pests and plant or weed diseases that can lead to significant agricultural losses into the Ukrainian territory. Items of phytosanitary control regulation include: seeds and horticultural materials, forestry and decorative crops, plants and their parts (cuttings, bulbs, tubers, fruits, etc.), victualling stores on Ukrainian and foreign vessels, and other plant-based products. Phytosanitary control is exercised according to the Law of Ukraine on Plant Quarantine dated 06.11.2015.

2.8. Veterinary and sanitary control is exercised in order to prevent the importation of animal diseases from the territories of other states into Ukraine and ensure the observance of the Law of Ukraine on General Principles and Requirements for Quality and Safety of Food Products and the Law of Ukraine on Veterinary Medicine during the export, import, and transit of animals, food products, fodder, and other items subject to such control.

2.9. Ecological and radiological control is exercised according to the requirements of Articles 4 – 6 of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships of 1973, clause 4.3 of Chapter 4 of the Provisions on Ecological Control, Water Code of Ukraine, Law of Ukraine on Environmental Protection, and Provisions on State Ecological Inspectorate of Ukraine approved by the Order of the President of Ukraine No 454/2011 dated 13.04.2011 and the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No 269 dated 19.02.1996 (as amended by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No 492 07.07.2015). It is aimed at ensuring ecological safety during the importation of raw and consumable materials or other items.

2.10. Regulations for entry and departure of vessels to and from the sea port, procedures for submitting information on arrival and departure of vessels, using communication means in the port water area, providing pilot services, navigation of vessels in the port water area, implementing necessary navigational security measures, other navigational issues, etc. are defined in the Code of Customs and Compulsory Regulations for Mariupol Sea Port, according to Articles 9 and 17 of the Law of Ukraine on Ukrainian Sea Ports.

2.11. Before departing to sea, a vessel is subject to control by the State Port Supervisory Inspection Service of the Harbour Master’s Office aimed at checking the vessel’s documents, their conformance to the essential characteristics of the vessel, and observance of manning requirements.

2.12. Border control of marine vessels shall be exercised in the border control zone with limits defined by an order of the Donetsk Border Guard Detachment, namely at berths, near vessels, in the port water area, and in roadstead anchorages.

2.13. Registration of passenger vessels shall be conducted in priority to other vessels, according to their traffic schedule previously agreed with the Donetsk Border Guard Detachment and SFS Donetsk Customs. Border control may be exercised during the navigation of vessels. For foreign-going vessels, border control in the port water area and roadstead anchorages must be exercised by agreement with the Mariupol BGSD.

2.14. The territory of MCSP CP includes customs control zones defined by a decision of the Mariupol CP’s head by agreement with the head of the Donetsk Border Guard Detachment and the head of the Port Administration.

2.15. Foreign-going vessels must remain under customs control throughout their stay in the port. During this period, the Mariupol CP is entitled to inspect and re-inspect vessels, seal individual holds or spaces containing goods whose import into the customs territory of Ukraine, export out of the customs territory of Ukraine, or transit through the territory of Ukraine is illegal. For the period of customs control, customs control zones must be established on each foreign-going vessel. Persons present at the time of customs control and registration must be informed of the regime of such customs control zones. Responsibility for regime measures in customs control zones, if necessary, may be imposed on the DRA & PCO.

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Chapter III. General Principles and Aspects of Customs and Border Control at MCSP CP.

3.1. Foreign-going vessels are registered around-the-clock in order of arrival (departure). For foreign-going vessels waiting at the MCSP CP for registration of their arrival and departure when it is impossible to register both simultaneously, arrival must be registered first.

3.2. The order of pilotage and registration of foreign-going vessels must be determined by the Port Administration’s dispatcher by agreement with the BSSL (CPSBSO) of the Mariupol BGSD and the shift leader of the Mariupol-Port CP.

3.3. If a foreign-going vessel is unprepared for any type of control or in case of failure of the agency company representative (marine agent) to arrive at the appointed time, presence of unauthorized persons on board, or absence of all crew members, etc., the application (request) for departure control will be cancelled. The time of the next control procedure shall be defined by the Port Administration by agreement with the BSSL (CPSBSO) of the Mariupol BGSD and the head of the Mariupol-Port CP squad after obtaining a new application from the marine agent.

3.4. In case of any uncoordinated issues related to the departure control of a foreign-going vessel (additional time for document processing, etc.), the Port Administration’s dispatcher or the agency company representative (marine agent) shall notify the BSSL (CPSBSO) of the Mariupol BGSD and the shift leader of the Mariupol-Port CP.

3.5. In case of arrival at the MCSP CP of a foreign-going yacht or its departure from the port, the yacht master (marine agent representative) shall notify the State Port Supervisory Inspection Service of the Harbour Master’s Office within four hours prior to the yacht’s arrival or departure from the port. The State Port Supervisory Inspection Service of the Harbour Master’s Office shall inform the BSSL (CPSBSO) of the Mariupol BGSD and the head of the Mariupol-Port CP squad of the yacht’s arrival or departure by means of the PCIS or in written form.

3.6. Registration (control) of foreign-going yachts follows the requirements of the current legislation of Ukraine. 3.7. Control of foreign-going vessels follows the requirements of cl. 10 of the Standard Procedural Scheme of State Border

Control for Persons, Road, Water, Railway and Air Vehicles of Carriers, and Goods Transported by Them. Border control is exercised at places defined by Article 5 of the Law of Ukraine on Border Control. Customs control of goods carried by members of vessel crews is exercised in accordance with the requirements of cl. 7 of

the Standard Procedural Scheme of Customs Control for Watercrafts of Carriers and Goods Transported by Them At State Border Checkpoints.

If necessary, control of foreign-going vessels may be exercised by a border squad that may involve Mariupol-Port CP officials or, if required (by duties) to agree it with the BSSL (CPSBSO) of the Mariupol BGSD and the SL of the Mariupol-Port CP: Port Administration representatives, the agency company representative (marine agent), and officials of the state agencies exercising control during the transportation of goods across the Ukrainian state border (hereinafter ‘regulatory agencies’).

Officials of the State Port Supervisory Inspection Service of the Harbour Master’s Office shall exercise navigational safety control over vessels. Information about it must be included in the PCIS.

Officials of the Port Administration’s Maritime Security Service shall exercise control over the observance of the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code by vessels. Information about it must be included in the PCIS.

3.8. The border squad (joint border squad) shall be ready to conduct control operations upon application (request) of the agency company representative (marine agent) or the Port Administration which shall ensure the presence of the squad at designated places for the performance of their duties.

3.9. A marine agent as an agent of economic activity is a representative of a shipowner which undertakes to provide services for a consideration on the basis of an agency service contract. Such services include fulfilling port formalities, servicing of vessels (fuel, water, and food supplies), executing cargo documents, and other functions stipulated in the agency service contract, including providing necessary assistance to state regulatory agency officials in control procedures during the whole period of the vessel’s stay at the MCSP CP.

3.10. By agreement with the CPSBSO of the Mariupol BGSD, vessel control may be exercised without delay of cargo operations. By permission of the Mariupol-Port CP, unloading and reloading operations may be conducted during control procedures or thereafter, with documents provided by the PCIS or in written form for preliminary control required by current legislation.

If customs control is exercised through document processing, the agency company representative (marine agent) shall seal, in the presence of other employees, the vessel’s weapon storage room (safe) and other spaces containing goods subject to customs control, particularly vessel stores, medicines, and currency valuables.

3.11. A foreign-going vessel that has registered its departure shall leave the water area of the MCSP CP within two hours. In case of ice pilotage complication or other circumstances, by agreement with the BSSL (CPSBSO) of the Mariupol BGSD, the shift leader of the Mariupol-Port CP, and the Port Administration’s dispatcher, the period for departure may be extended.

In case of failure to depart within the specified period, border departure control will be cancelled by decision of the BSSL (CPSBSO) of the Mariupol BGSD.

3.12. For temporary departure of a vessel due to force majeure, a natural disaster, or a rescue mission, permission of the BSSL (CPSBSO) of the Mariupol BGSD is optional; however, the vessel shall take measures to inform the CPSBSO and shift leader of the Mariupol-Port CP as soon as possible. Upon cessation of such circumstances, measures directed at fulfilling legal requirements must be taken promptly.

3.13. A foreign-going vessel entering the water area of the MCSP CP to replenish water, fuel, and food supplies or execute urgent repair works for a period of up to 5 days is not subject to customs registration but must be controlled by officials of the Mariupol BGSD border squad shift and Mariupol-Port CP shift until its departure.

Goods loaded aboard the vessel are subject to customs registration according to the standard procedure. Replenishment of water, fuel, and food supplies and urgent repair works must be agreed with the CPSBSO and shift leader

of the Mariupol-Port CP. 3.14. Clearance of persons, marine vessels, and goods at the state border of Ukraine must be conducted by an official

from the Mariupol BGSD border squad shift and requires entries made by Mariupol-Port CP officials and, if necessary, other regulatory agencies in appropriate documents and the Certificate of Border Control Results (Appendices 1, 2) confirming the positive results of all legislatively defined types of control.

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3.15. During the stay of a foreign-going vessel at the MCSP CP, floating crafts may moor alongside it only after obtaining permission from the CPSBSO of the Mariupol BGSD and the shift leader of the Mariupol-Port CP, except in cases of accidents, rescue measures, or natural disasters.

Chapter IV. Procedure for Registration of Marine Vessels and Cargoes Arriving in Ukraine. Cargo Line.

4.1. The Port Administration’s dispatcher shall provide information on forthcoming arrival of foreign-going vessels at the MCSP CP to the CPSBSO of the Mariupol BGSD and the head of the Mariupol-Port CP squad giving updates on the time of arrival after a vessel has passed through the Kerch-Yenikalskyi Channel or after obtaining information on such vessels.

Each day the Port Administration’s dispatcher shall submit information on navigation of foreign-going vessels to the CPSBSO of the Mariupol BGSD and the shift leader of the Mariupol-Port CP. The information must be presented as the following documents in a hard-copy form:

- Information on Vessels; - Port’s Daily Plan; - Plan of Maneuvering Operations. 4.2. For persons or vehicles leaving (entering) Ukraine with goods, control shall begin with the border control and end with

the customs control. Within an hour before arrival of a foreign-going vessel at the port and, in case the passage to the port takes less than one day, immediately upon departing from the previous port, the marine agent’s representative shall provide to the CPSBSO of the Mariupol BGSD and the head of the Mariupol-Port CP squad information on the vessel using the PCIS or, if it is impossible, provide this information in a hard-copy form including the details required by legislation and this Procedural Scheme.

4.3. Within an hour prior to arrival of a foreign-going vessel at the port, agency companies (marine agents) shall submit to the customs authority, in the form defined by Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, information on goods accepted for transportation in containers. This information is used by the customs authority solely in order to determine the form and extent of control sufficient to meet the requirements of customs legislation.

If information on goods accepted for transportation in containers to the destination port in the Ukrainian customs territory has not been submitted to the customs authority by an agency company (marine agent) according to the established procedure, the Port Administration’s dispatcher shall be notified of it and on this ground shall prohibit foreign-going vessels from entering the port water area.

4.4. State types of control over goods crossing the customs border of Ukraine shall be exercised by Mariupol-Port CP officials as preliminary document control. The procedure and form for submission of information on goods subject to sanitary and epidemiological, veterinary, phytosanitary, ecological, and radiological control are defined by the requirements of the Procedure for Preliminary Document Control at Ukrainian State Border Checkpoints approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No 1030 dated 05.09.2011.

If necessary to exercise control over vehicles and goods other than border and customs control by executive officials responsible for such types of control according to legislation, such persons shall arrive at the checkpoint and be involved in the administration of such type of state control. If it is not possible, vehicles and goods must be transferred to the checkpoint that the executive officials can arrive at.

4.5. If necessary, upon advance application of the Port Administration’s dispatcher by permission of the CPSBSO of the Mariupol BGSD and the shift leader of the Mariupol-Port CP, customs and other types of control over foreign-going vessels may be exercised in the roadstead, within the defined limits of the MCSP CP.

4.6. If necessary, a BS from the border squad shift may be put on a foreign-going vessel to accompany it to the port. 4.7. Masters of foreign-going vessels shall inform, through marine agents, the Port Administration’s dispatcher and Sanitary

Quarantine Department of the epidemiological situation on their vessels. Subsequently, the head of the Sanitary Quarantine Department or the on-duty epidemiologist shall exercise control over such foreign-going vessels according to the procedure established by current legislation of Ukraine.

4.8. Before arrival of a foreign-going vessel at the MCSP CP, the marine agent shall instruct the vessel’s administration on border, customs, and other rules at the MCSP CP and inform them of the list and number of documents necessary for the vessel’s control.

4.9. Marine agents, within 4 hours prior to arrival of a vessel at the port, shall submit to the CPSBSO of the Mariupol BGSD and the head of the Mariupol-Port CP squad an application using the PCIS or hard-copy information for vessel control using the form given in Appendix 3 to this Procedural Scheme, providing subsequent updates regarding its content 1 hour prior to the start of control procedures and, if necessary, two copies of the Crew List and Passenger List.

At least four hours before arrival, vessel masters (shipowners’ representatives, marine agents, sea terminal operators servicing yachts) shall submit, by using the PCIS or providing a hard copy, to the Port Administration, Mariupol BGSD, Mariupol-Port CP, and other regulatory agencies documents required by the Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic of 1965 for customs, border, sanitary, veterinary, and phytosanitary control.

4.10. Considering information on a foreign-going vessel, its crew and goods, on the basis of risk analysis and assessment, the BSSL shall decide on the procedure for the vessel’s control (inspection).The shift leader of the Mariupol-Port CP, in keeping with Ukrainian legislation, shall furthermore define compulsory types of control and decide on the procedure of the vessel’s control by specifying the reason for control in the General Declaration. If the sea port has an operational PCIS, the reason must be specified using this system.

If there are clear reasons for control to be exercised directly onboard the vessel, such control shall be exercised by officials of regulatory agencies which initiated control on the vessel, without delaying cargo handling operations.

In such case, an official of a regulatory agency shall specify the reason for control in the PCIS or General Declaration. 4.11. From the time of arrival of a foreign-going vessel and until completion of border and other types of control, the

CPSBSO of the Mariupol BGSD, in order to prevent persons from performing unauthorized activities (disembarkation) and cargo handling operations, shall organize surveillance over the foreign-going vessel and control regime restrictions.

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4.12. According to current legislation, the following types of control are exercised at the MCSP CP: - Border control; - Customs control;If necessary to involve representatives, the following types of state control may be exercised:

- Sanitary and epidemiological control; - Phytosanitary control; - Veterinary and sanitary control; - Ecological control; - Radiological control.4.13. By permission of the head of the Donetsk Border Guard Detachment and SFS Donetsk Customs, representatives

of other state agencies, institutions, and organizations may be involved during control procedures (in case of necessity or appropriate grounds).

4.14. The border squad (joint border squad) is headed by the border squad shift leader from the Mariupol BGSD border squad shift.

4.15. If control is to be exercised directly onboard a foreign-going vessel, officials shall embark the vessel in the following order: - Sanitary Inspector; - Senior BS officer; - Representatives of other regulatory agencies; - Junior BS officer.4.16. If medical and sanitary control is exercised directly onboard a foreign-going vessel, shift members (authorized

representatives of regulatory agencies) shall commence their work immediately upon completion of medical and sanitary control, after obtaining permission from an official of the Sanitary Quarantine Department.

4.17. Upon commencement of control, the Senior BS officer shall question the vessel master about the availability of crew members or persons not included in the Crew List and Passenger List, as well as items prohibited from importation into Ukraine, onboard the vessel.

4.18. For performance of control procedures, the vessel’s administration shall allocate a space with adequate conditions for all necessary types of control.

4.19. For border and customs control, the master of a foreign-going vessel or other crew member authorized by the master, through a marine agent’s representative, shall prepare and provide the following documents in a hard-copy form or by using the PCIS: a) To the senior BS officer from the border squad shift:

- Crew List – 3 copies (if the vessel is flying the Ukrainian flag, the Crew List must contain the seals of an SBGS official at the departure checkpoint);

- identification documents or seaman’s passports of crew members; - Nil List – 1 copy; - logbook entry on the vessel’s inspection by crew members (for vessels flying the Ukrainian flag); - Passenger List – 3 copies (if the vessel has passengers); - national passports of passengers (if the vessel has passengers); - list of ports of call – 1 copy; - General Declaration – 1 copy; - Cargo Declaration – 1 copy; - Cargo Manifest (containing an entry by the Mariupol-Port CP official confirming completion of customs registration if the vessel carries cargo);

- Bills of Lading (if the vessel carries cargo); - other documents required by the current legislation of Ukraine, upon request of the senior BS officer;

b) To the Mariupol-Port CP official: - General Declaration; - Cargo Declaration; - Ship’s Stores Declaration; - Crew’s Effect Declaration; - Crew List; - Passenger List; - document defined by the acts of the Universal Postal Union (if any); - transport (carriage) documents for goods (if any), which particularly contain information on the total quantity of the goods and cargo packages, names of the goods, packaging type (bills of lading, manifests, etc.);

- commercial documents (if any) for goods and information on the location of the goods onboard the vessel; - information on the availability (absence) of goods whose importation into Ukraine is forbidden or limited, including currency valuables of crew members and medicines containing hard drugs or psychotropic and poisonous substances;

- information on the availability (absence) of dangerous goods, weapons, ammunition; - vessel master’s guarantee of the re-import (re-export) of the foreign-going vessel in the form defined by the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine;

- if the vessel is flying the Ukrainian flag, the master’s guarantee that the vessel stores bought abroad, particularly victualling stores, will not leave the vessel;

- second copy of the guarantee of the re-import (re-export) of the foreign-going vessel flying the Ukrainian flag, executed during departure from Ukraine;

- documents required by the Customs Code of Ukraine, other legislative customs acts, and international treaties of Ukraine (if necessary);

For types of control other than border and customs control, upon request of an authorized representative of a regulatory agency, other documents required by current legislation must be presented.

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4.20. One copy of the Crew List and one copy of the Passenger List containing entries that confirm crossing of the Ukrainian state border shall be returned to the vessel master so that they can be presented upon request of Ukrainian state authorities when staying in the port.

4.21. Submitted documents in a hard-copy form must contain the vessel’s seal and be signed by the vessel master or other crew member duly authorized by the vessel master or an authorized employee of an agency company (marine agent).

4.22. If requested by officials of regulatory services, the administration of a foreign-going vessel shall submit other documents required by the legislation and international treaties of Ukraine.

If necessary, additional copies of the above-listed documents may be submitted as well. 4.23. Documents of crew members and passengers are inspected in order to define the legal grounds for crossing the

Ukrainian state border, to prevent attempts of illegal border crossing by persons without documents or owning stolen, invalid, or forged documents, and to detect persons prohibited from crossing the Ukrainian state border and persons for which an OASB has been issued.

4.24. Identification of persons must be conducted in cabins in the presence of a crew member defined by the vessel’s administration or in the presence of all crew members in one of the vessel’s spaces.

4.25. Inspection of documents for the crossing of the Ukrainian state border may be conducted by the border squad in the port, premises of the border squad shift or port CP, or at the vessel’s ladder.

4.26. Upon inspection, documents of crew members must be returned to the vessel master. If inspection of passport documents has been conducted at the premises of the border squad shift, the border squad shall return the documents to the master of a foreign-going vessel through a marine agent’s representative or in his/her presence.

4.27. In accordance with cl. 7 of the Standard Procedural Scheme of Customs Control for Watercrafts of Carriers and Goods Transported by Them At State Border Checkpoints, customs control for goods carried by a vessel’s crew members is generally exercised onboard the vessel. Customs control for goods carried by passengers is generally exercised at the port’s examination room. The head of the customs squad determines the form and extent of customs control sufficient to meet the requirements of current Ukrainian customs legislation.

4.28. If control is exercised directly onboard a vessel, officials of regulatory agencies shall inspect documents first and then, after obtaining permission from the senior border squad officer, inspect facilities within their jurisdiction.

4.29. Cargo handling operations on a vessel must commence immediately upon completion of mooring operations, granted permission from the CPSBSO and the head of the customs squad has been obtained, or immediately upon completion of medical and sanitary control over the vessel. The list of port employees and employees of the stevedore company engaged in the cargo handling operations must be submitted to the CPSBSO and Mariupol-Port CP, if necessary in advance, prior to commencement of the operations and berthing. Such lists may also be provided to the border squad, which is exercising border control over the vessel, at the vessel’s ladder. The employees must board the vessel according to the provided list and have a (temporary) permit for boarding a foreign-going vessel issued by the head of the Donetsk Border Guard Detachment (head of the Mariupol BGSD). If the permit lacks a photograph, an identification document of a state-approved format must be presented.

4.30. An official of the Mariupol Border Inspection Post of the Donetsk Regional Service for State Veterinary and Sanitary Control and Supervision with respect to the State Border and Transport shall exercise control and supervision over the veterinary and sanitary state of vessels (document control and control directly onboard vessels).

4.31. If control is exercised directly onboard a vessel, by agreement with a Mariupol-Port CP official, representatives of state regulatory agencies shall sample the goods in the amount defined by legislation, with crew members present.

4.32. Upon completion of border and customs control and in case other types of control are to be exercised onboard a vessel, the border squad’s senior officer shall inform a representative of the marine agent and vessel master of the results of such control. If crew members, passengers, materials, or items are denied state border clearance (disembarkation), officials exercising control shall state the reason for denial and execute appropriate documents, making reference to detected problems and giving necessary recommendations for the period of stay.

If a vessel and its goods are denied customs border clearance, an official of a state regulatory agency shall promptly submit a written notification stating the reason for denial to the BSSL (CPSBSO) of the Mariupol BGSD and the shift leader of the Mariupol-Port CP.

4.33. Vessel masters shall submit to the border squad’s senior officer shorepasses (passes granting crew members permission for staying in the city) previously prepared and signed by them. The border squad’s senior officer shall check if they are correctly filled, make ‘Arrival’ entries overleaf, and return them to the vessel master.

4.34. A marine agent’s representative shall inform the vessel master of customs, border, and other rules at the MCSP CP. After familiarization with the rules, the vessel master shall specify the number of returned shorepasses in the General Declaration and, for any person onboard which has been denied state border clearance, shall guarantee their presence onboard during the vessel’s stay at the MCSP CP. The vessel master shall sign and seal the above-mentioned information in the General Declaration, which must be attached to the Certificate of Border Control Results.

4.35. Shorepasses must be issued by the border squad to crew members crossing the state border of Ukraine and foreign citizens permitted to disembark based on the results of document inspection.

Shorepasses must also be issued to foreign citizens arriving to replace crew members of foreign-going vessels staying at the MCSP CP for their further disembarkation.

4.36. A shorepass with an ‘Arrival’ entry made by the border squad overleaf grants permission to a crew member of a foreign-going vessel or a foreign citizen for a temporary stay in the territory of the MCSP CP and Mariupol city during the stay of his/her vessel at the MCSP CP.

4.37. Lists of crew members and passengers permitted to cross the state border of Ukraine must be forwarded by the BSSL (CPSBSO) of the Mariupol BGSD to the port guard, and the lists must be left at defined entrance posts of the MCSP CP during the whole stay of the vessel. The port guard shall register the fact of border crossing by crew members and passengers and record the time of it.

4.38. The period for staying in the city starts from the moment the vessel enters the city through an entrance post of the MCSP CP and ends when it returns from the city to the MCSP CP. A one-time stay must not exceed 24 hours.

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4.39. Upon detection of a violation of the procedure for temporary stay in the city by a foreign-going vessel’s crew member or foreign citizen passenger, an official from the border squad shift shall check and question such person in order to determine the administrative penalties to be imposed according to legislation.

4.40. Vessel masters or marine agents shall promptly inform the Mariupol BGSD of any changes in the crew or number of passengers.

4.41. After necessary types of control have been completed, officials of state regulatory agencies shall make entries on the results of such control in transport (carriage) documents, which must be returned to an official from the customs squad for completion of customs control. Information on preliminary document control must be included in the Unified Computer-Based Information System of the State Customs Service.

4.42. The senior BS officer shall summarize the results of the foreign-going vessel’s control and ask the vessel master and marine agent for complaints, claims, and suggestions.

4.43. Based on the results of control, the border squad’s senior officer shall issue a certificate with entries on completed types of control made by officials of all regulatory agencies (last name, signature, and time of control). Border control certificates must be stored in the file of the Mariupol BGSD according to the established procedure.

4.44. A vessel’s control is considered complete if: - inspection of passport documents on the vessel has been finished and entries in the Crew List (Passenger List) have been made; - no violation of Ukrainian legislation has been detected; - appropriate entries (last name, signature, time of control by an authorized agency or service) on control completion and results have been made in the Certificate of Border Control Results and transport (carriage) documents.4.45. During the stay of a vessel at the MCSP CP, officials of state regulatory agencies have the right to perform relevant

control functions in the presence of a shipowner’s representative or marine agent, by permission of the BSSL (CPSBSO) of the Mariupol BGSD and the shift leader of the Mariupol-Port CP, while informing them of control results.

4.46. If customs registration for goods being imported into Ukraine for free circulation in its territory is conducted directly at the Mariupol-Port CP involving a customs declaration, customs registration may be completed only after a Mariupol-Port CP official has received a favorable conclusion of relevant regulatory agencies and all taxes (mandatory fees) required by the legislation of Ukraine have been paid.

4.47. Upon detection of persons involved in terrorist activities or any sabotage devices during a vessel’s control, all control procedures must be stopped, and the border squad’s senior officer shall report it to relevant authorized agencies and regulatory agencies that exercised control over the Port Administration’s dispatcher and act according to the emergency response plan of the MCSP CP.

4.48. In case of necessity or reasonable grounds, conveyance of crew members from the roadstead or the water area of the MCSP CP to the port may be conducted after agreement with the head of the Mariupol BGSD and the head of the Mariupol-Port CP squad by port fleet vessels or pilot boats proceeding from the roadstead of the MCSP CP. In such case, crew members are subject to all types of control according to the standard procedure, in the presence of the shipowner’s or marine agent’s representatives, and persons must be registered in accordance with a separate Crew List and application submitted by a marine agent’s representative in keeping with the standard procedure.

Chapter V. Procedure for Registration of Persons, Marine Vessels, and Cargoes Departing from Ukraine. Cargo Line

5.1. Vessel masters (marine agents) or the Port Administration’s dispatcher shall inform the BSSL (CPSBSO) of the Mariupol BGSD and the head of the Mariupol-Port CP squad of oncoming departure of foreign-going vessels from the MCSP CP.

5.2. Departure control (registration) over foreign-going vessels may be exercised at berths or in the avantport. If necessary, upon advance application of a marine agent and by agreement with the BSSL (CPSBSO) of the Mariupol BGSD and the shift leader of the Mariupol-Port CP, border, customs, and other types of control over vessels may be exercised in the outer roadstead, within the defined limits of the MCSP CP. For persons, vehicles, and goods leaving Ukraine with goods, control must begin with the customs control and end with the border control.

5.3. Vessels not registered for departure from Ukraine may proceed to the outer roadstead within the MCSP CP only by permission of the head of the Mariupol BGSD and the shift leader of the Mariupol-Port CP.

5.4. Marine agents shall control the readiness of foreign-vessels for departure, agree the time of departure with vessel masters and the Port Administration’s dispatcher, and ensure the readiness and submission of all documents necessary to register the departure of a foreign-going vessel.

5.5. At least four hours before departure, vessel masters (shipowners’ representatives, marine agents, sea terminal operators servicing yachts) shall submit, by using the PCIS or other available communication means, to the Port Administration, BSSL (CPSBSO) of the Mariupol BGSD, Mariupol-Port CP, and other regulatory agencies documents required by the Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic of 1965 for customs, border, sanitary, veterinary, and phytosanitary control. Additionally, they shall submit to the BSSL (CPSBSO) of the Mariupol BGSD and the head of the Mariupol-Port CP squad a written application for vessel control, providing updates regarding its content 1 hour in advance.

For customs control, the vessel master or a crew member duly authorized by the vessel master shall submit, using available communication means, documents required by the Customs Code of Ukraine, the vessel master’s covenant to re-import (re-export) the foreign-going vessel in the form defined by the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, and the master’s covenant that the vessel stores bought abroad, particularly victualling stores, will not leave the vessel.

5.6. In case of any non-conformities detected or restrictions imposed by regulatory agencies and the Mariupol-Port CP, they shall prohibit goods from crossing the state border of Ukraine and take measures in accordance with Ukrainian legislation.

5.7. Customs registration of goods must be confirmed by entries made by Mariupol-Port CP officials in transport (carriage) documents and appropriate information added to the Unified Computer-Based Information System of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine.

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5.8. If goods are subject to one of control types by regulatory agencies directly at the MSCP CP, completion of necessary control procedures must be confirmed by appropriate entries on their results made by officials of these regulatory agencies in transport (carriage) documents.

5.9. In case of negative control results, an official of a relevant regulatory agency shall, within an hour, submit to the BSSL (CPSBSO) of the Mariupol BGSD and the head of the Mariupol-Port CP squad written information containing the name and (net) weight of goods, their codes according to the Ukrainian Classification of Goods for Foreign Economic Activity, details about the consignor and consignee (if available), the reason for negative control results, and information on the intended disposition of the goods.

5.10. The BSSL (CPSBSO) of the Mariupol BGSD shall increase regime control in berth areas, organize surveillance for the period of control over vessels and until foreign-going vessels leave the water area of the MCSP CP, control the visiting of vessels, and agree onboard working procedures with officials of regulatory agencies.

5.11. Before commencement of control procedures, vessel masters shall ensure all crew members (passengers) are present onboard and there are no unauthorized persons.

5.12. If before commencement of control procedures any crew member or passenger is absent onboard, the vessel master shall compose a letter to the head of the Donetsk Border Guard Detachment stating his/her decision to depart from the port without the missing crew member (passenger). In such case, the crew member’s (passenger’s) documents must be left with the Mariupol BGSD with his effects remaining on the vessel. Such crew members or passengers (foreign citizens) must be sent abroad on vessels proceeding to the same area or by other modes of transport. Storage and execution of necessary documents, as well as transportation of such persons, shall be organized by the marine vessel at the expense of the shipowner.

5.13. All types of control at the MCSP CP may be exercised only if there are reasonable grounds for one of the following types of control:

- border control; - customs control.5.14. By permission of the head of the Donetsk Border Guard Detachment and head of the SFS Donetsk Customs,

representative of other state agencies, institutions, and organizations may be involved during control procedures (in case of necessity or appropriate grounds).

5.15. The border squad (joint border squad) is headed by the border squad’s senior officer from the Mariupol BGSD border squad shift.

5.16. Officials shall embark a foreign-going vessel in the following order: - Senior BS officer; - Other representatives of the BS and regulatory agencies; - Junior BS officer.5.17. The start time of control procedures is considered the time of submission by the vessel master or a crew member duly

authorized by the vessel master of all properly executed documents necessary for control, which are listed in clause 5.20 of this Procedural Scheme.

5.18. The Senior BS officer shall question vessel masters about the availability of crew members or persons not included in the Crew List and Passenger List, as well as items prohibited from importation into Ukraine, onboard the vessel.

5.19. For performance of control procedures, the administration of a foreign-going vessel shall allocate a space with adequate conditions for all necessary types of control.

5.20. Before control procedures, the master of foreign-going vessel or other crew member authorized by the master, through the marine agent’s representative, shall prepare and provide the following documents in a hard-copy form or by using the PCIS: a) to the Senior BS officer:

- General Declaration – 1 copy; - logbook entry on the vessel’s inspection by crew members (for vessels flying the Ukrainian flag); - Crew List – 1 copy (in case the crew is to be replaced); - identification documents or seaman’s passports of crew members; - Passenger List – 1 copy (if the vessel has passengers); - national passports of passengers (if the vessel has passengers); - if the crew includes foreign citizens, shorepasses; - Cargo Declaration; - Cargo Manifest (containing an entry by a Mariupol-Port CP official confirming completion of customs registration); - Bills of Lading; - copy of the Harbour Master’s permission for departure of the vessel from the port, certified by the marine agent (vessel master);

- other documents required by current legislation, upon demand; b) to the head of the customs squad:

- General Declaration; - Cargo Declaration; - Ship’s Stores Declaration; - Crew’s Effect Declaration; - Crew List; - Passenger List; - document defined by the acts of the Universal Postal Union which accompanies international postal items (if any); - transport (carriage) documents for goods (if any) which particularly contain information on the total quantity of the goods and cargo packages, names of the goods, packaging type (bills of lading, manifests, etc.);

- commercial documents (if any) for goods and information on the location of the goods on board the vessel;

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- information on the availability (absence) of goods whose importation into Ukraine is forbidden or limited, including currency valuables of crew members and medicines containing hard drugs or psychotropic and poisonous substances;

- information on the availability (absence) of dangerous goods, weapons, ammunition; - vessel master’s guarantee of the re-import (re-export) of the foreign-going vessel in the form defined by the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine;

- second copy of the guarantee of the return (import) of the foreign-going vessel into the customs territory of Ukraine, executed after arrival in Ukraine;

- documents required by the Customs Code of Ukraine, other legislative customs acts, and international treaties of Ukraine (if necessary);

5.21. Submitted documents in a hard-copy form must contain the vessel’s seal and be signed by the vessel master or other crew member duly authorized by the vessel master or an authorized employee of an agency company (marine agent).

5.22. When necessary, the administration of a foreign-going vessel shall submit other documents required by Ukrainian legislation and international treaties of Ukraine. Additional copies of the above-listed documents may be submitted as well.

If prior to customs registration more than one copy of a document is submitted, the copy left in the files of the Mariupol-Port CP must contain an entry on the number of executed copies of such document.

5.23. During control procedures, relevant officials shall examine provided documents, inspect them, and make appropriate entries.

5.24. If transport (carriage) documents contain entries confirming the positive results of control procedures, officials of regulatory agencies, when involved, shall inform the senior BS officer of such results.

5.25. The head of the customs squad shall define the form and extent of customs control sufficient to meet the requirements of customs legislation.

5.26. Upon completion of customs control, after the master of the foreign-going vessel returns shorepasses, the senior BS officer shall conduct identification procedures.

5.27. After inspection passport documents of crew members (passengers) must be issued to the vessel master or other crew member authorized by the vessel master.

5.28. Identification of persons must be conducted by decision of the senior BS officer in cabins, in the presence of a crew member (passenger) defined by the vessel’s administration or in the presence of all crew members (passengers) in one of the vessel’s spaces.

5.29. The border squad senior officer shall summarize the results of the vessel’s registration and ask the vessel master and marine agent’s representative for complaints, claims, and suggestions.

5.30. Based on the results of control, a certificate containing necessary entries (last name, signature, and time of control by an agency or service) by officials of all regulatory agencies must be issued.

5.31. A vessel’s control is considered complete if: - inspection of passport documents has been finished and entries in the Crew List (Passenger List) and, if necessary, passport and other personal documents have been made;

- no violation of Ukrainian legislation has been detected; - appropriate entries (the last name, signature, time of control by an authorized agency or service) on control completion and results have been made in the Certificate of Border Control Results and transport (carriage) documents. 5.32. If control is exercised directly onboard a vessel, representatives of regulatory agencies shall disembark the vessel, with

the senior BS officer leaving last. 5.33. The BSSL (CPSBSO) of the Mariupol BGSD shall agree interaction with the pilot service and organize continuous

surveillance over vessels until their departure from the water area of the MCSP CP.5.34. If necessary, a BS from the border squad shift may be put on a foreign-going vessel to accompany it from the port. 5.35. Upon detection of persons involved in terrorist activities or any sabotage devices during a vessel’s registration, all

control procedures must be stopped, and the border squad’s senior officer shall report it to relevant authorities and the Port Administration’s dispatcher and act according to the emergency response plan of the MCSP CP.

5.36. If necessary to exercise control over individual crew members (passengers) of a foreign-going vessel staying in the roadstead or water area of the MCSP CP, all types of control, by agreement with the head of the Mariupol BGSD and the shift leader of the Mariupol-Port CP, must be exercised according to the standard procedure at the premises of regulatory agencies, with representatives of the marine agent or shipowner present.

5.37. Crew members (passengers) must be conveyed to foreign-going vessels staying in the roadstead or water area of the MCSP CP by vessels of the port fleet accompanied by a launch with a special border squad furnished by the BSSL (CPSBSO) of the Mariupol BGSD. In such case, persons must be registered in accordance with a separate Crew List and application submitted by a marine agent’s representative in keeping with the standard procedure.

Chapter VI. Procedure for Registration of Persons, Marine Vessels, and Cargoes. Passenger Line

6.1. Registration of foreign-going persons crossing the state border of Ukraine by the passenger line is determined by the head of the Mariupol BGSD and Mariupol-Port CP and may be conducted at the premises of the passenger terminal or onboard the foreign-going vessel according to the scheme of the cargo line defined by Chapters IV and V of this Procedural Scheme. Customs control over the goods carried by passengers is generally exercised at the port’s examination room.

6.2. For registration of passengers arriving by the passenger line, after the berthing of the foreign-going vessel and prior to commencement of control procedures, the vessel’s administration shall provide the senior BS officer with the Passenger List at the premises of the passenger terminal, whereafter the passengers shall disembark and proceed to the accumulation room of the terminal accompanied by a border squad.

6.3. Prior to passenger registration, the border squad shall survey the accumulation room and establish an appropriate regime. 6.4. In the accumulation room, passengers, in cases defined by the legislation of Ukraine, shall fill immigration cards, customs

declarations, or other documents and pass border, customs, and other types of control.

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6.5. In case of registration of passengers which have arrived by the passenger line, upon completion of legislatively required types of control and registration of the foreign-going vessel’s departure, passengers shall pass all types of control, leave the accumulation room of the passenger terminal, and arrive onboard the foreign-going vessel accompanied by the border squad.

6.6. Registration of foreign-going vessels and their crew members which have arrived by the passenger line must be conducted according to the cargo line scheme.

6.7. Departure of passengers on cargo vessels requires permission of the State Port Supervisory Inspection Service of the Harbour Master’s Office and a letter from the marine agent or a shipowner’s representative about such passenger’s departure with copies of the shipowner’s documents confirming the need and/or stating the reason for departure as a passenger on a cargo vessel.

6.8. Before international maritime transportation of passengers, carriers shall inspect their documents for transit and entry to the destination state and, in case of failure to present necessary documents, deny transportation to such persons.

Chapter VII. Procedure for Inspection of Marine Vessels and Cargoes

7.1. To prevent illegal entry and departure of unauthorized persons on vessels flying the Ukrainian flag, vessel masters shall organize careful inspection of all vessel spaces involving the vessel’s crew.

By order of vessel masters, vessel spaces must be allocated to individual crew members for inspection within their responsibility.

7.2. Inspection of vessels flying the Ukrainian flag shall be conducted by crew members: - immediately before departure from the port of Ukraine on a foreign voyage and before arrival at the foreign port; - before departure from each foreign port when proceeding to a port of Ukraine and before arrival at the port of Ukraine.7.3. Upon arrival at the port and during the stay of a foreign going vessel in the port, officials of regulatory agencies shall

conduct its inspection according to the procedure established by the legislation of Ukraine.7.4. Foreign-going vessels must remain under customs control throughout their stay in the port. 7.5. During this period, the Donetsk SFS Customs may inspect and re-inspect vessels, seal individual holds or spaces

containing goods whose import into the customs territory of Ukraine, export out of the customs territory of Ukraine, or transit through the territory of Ukraine is illegal. Customs inspection of foreign-going vessels is aimed at verifying document information.

7.6. Officials of the Donetsk Border Guard Detachment engaged in official operational activities at the MCSP CP in accordance with their official duties for the performance of tasks of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine are entitled to inspect marine vessels and goods following the provisions of clause 6 of Article 20 of the Law of Ukraine on Ukrainian State Border Guard Service.

7.7. Inspection may be conducted during control procedures. Re-inspection may be conducted by decision of the head of the Mariupol BGSD for preventing smuggling of persons in hidden compartments and illegal importation, particularly using hidden compartments, of weapons, drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors, ammunition, explosives, and other materials and items prohibited from being imported into Ukraine.

7.8. Inspection may incorporate control measures of the first and second lines of border control.7.9. First line control includes inspection measures to be applied to a minimum necessary extent in order to define if there

are legal grounds for a water craft and goods to cross the state border of Ukraine and implies their visual inspection without examining their structural features.

7.10. Second line control includes measures of additional examination to define if there are legal grounds for a water craft and goods to cross the state border of Ukraine. Second line control, if applied, must be conducted by specially appointed ‘vehicle inspection’ border squads.

7.11. Second line control must be conducted: - in case of search activities involving operational and technical equipment and materials of investigative activities; - in case of a detecting response from border control equipment and service dogs; - in case of an order from the head of the Border Guard Detachment; - during the execution of an OASB or of intelligence bodies concerning the inspection (involving, if necessary, officials and technical and special means of customs control) of vessels, confiscation of detected items and substances prohibited from being exported or imported into Ukraine and counterfeit;

- on the basis of information provided by law enforcement agencies and border guard services of bordering states; - in case of violations related to smuggling of items and substances prohibited from being imported into Ukraine, as detected during first line control;

- when a vessel arrives for repair works or departs after repair; - if it is known that the vessel violated the legislation of Ukraine with respect to border control or customs procedures during previous calls at Ukrainian ports;

- if a vessel has arrived from a state which is a supplier of illegal immigrants, state located in a combat zone, state with a free sale policy on weapons and ammunition, or region which is a supplier of drugs, psychotropic substances, and precursors, in accordance with lists provided to the administration of the State Border Guard Service;

- violation of seal, container, or package integrity; - in other cases stipulated by Ukrainian legislation.7.12. Enhanced inspection of vessels as a second line control procedure must be conducted separately (when necessary,

if such inspection has been initiated, together) by border and customs squads within a joint border facility squad without overlapping of functions of the State Border Guard Service and State Fiscal Service. Any items or materials prohibited from importing into Ukraine that have been discovered during personal inspection must be delivered to the employees of the Mariupol-Port CP according to Article 97 of the Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine.

7.13. The procedure for enhanced inspection by the BS and officials of the Mariupol-Port CP must be defined by the BSSL (CPSBSO) of the Mariupol BGSD and the head of the Mariupol-Port CP squad.

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7.14. Based on the results of enhanced inspection, the initiator shall draw up a report in the form defined by Appendix 3 to this Procedural Scheme which must be signed by inspecting representatives of the joint border squad.

7.15. Regular and enhanced inspection of a vessel must be conducted in the presence of crew members which must be defined by the vessel master and must have keys to all living and non-living vessel spaces. Inspection must be conducted based on the analysis of circumstances, objects of search, structural features of the vessel, its type, nature of cargoes, and the number of inspecting groups. All other crew members with border clearance documents shall remain in their living spaces.

7.16. In case of a violation of current legislation or procedures falling under the competence of the customs, an official of a regulatory agency who has detected such violation shall inform the head of the Mariupol-Port CP squad and act according to current legislation of Ukraine.

7.17. Personal inspection of persons crossing the state border of Ukraine and persons within the customs control zone of the MCSP CP or arriving at the customs control zone of the MCSP CP must be conducted on the basis of sufficient grounds, by written resolution of the head of the SFS Donetsk Customs or Mariupol-Port CP or persons fulfilling their duties.

7.18. Before arrival of a vessel, the vessel master or a representative of the marine agent shall immediately inform the BSSL (CPSBSO) of the Mariupol BGSD of any persons without passport documents onboard (illegal immigrants). Such persons shall remain onboard until disembarkation or deportation from the country.

7.19. If a vessel arrives with an illegal immigrant onboard or such an immigrant is detected onboard during inspection, the vessel master shall:

- provide all available information on the person to the senior BS officer specifying where and under what circumstances the person was detected and what documents he/she carried;

- provide a letter of guarantee stating that the person will remain under the supervision of crew members in an individual space during the stay in the Ukrainian territorial waters and will be transported out of Ukraine;

- provide copies of available documents of the illegal immigrant to the senior BS officer (if any).Throughout the period of the vessel’s stay in the port, the BSSL (CPSBSO) of the Mariupol BGSD shall furnish

a ‘sentry-at-ladder’ or ‘regime control’ border squad for duty on the berth. 7.20. Customs control procedures may be conducted at any stage of the period goods remain in the customs control zone

of the MCSP CP, provided there are reasonable grounds for such inspection and requirements of current Ukrainian legislation and normative legal acts are observed.

Preliminary inspection of goods may also be conducted in the warehouses of consignees (cargo owner) or customs cargo terminals outside the checkpoint, provided there are legal grounds for it.

Chapter VIII. Procedure for Registration of Container Ships and Registration and Clearance of Cargoes Arriving in Ukraine in Containers

8.1. Container ships must be registered according to the procedure set out in Chapters IV and V of this Procedural Scheme.8.2. From the time of arrival of a foreign-going vessel and until completion of border and other types of control, the BSSL

(CPSBSO) of the Mariupol BGSD, in order to prevent persons from performing unauthorized activities (disembarkation) and cargo handling operations, shall organize surveillance over the foreign-going vessel by furnishing a ‘sentry-at-ladder’ or ‘regime control’ border squad.

8.3. If container transportation has been agreed with the head of the Mariupol BGSD and a Mariupol-Port CP official, upon berthing, the port operator shall ensure the possibility of loading and unloading, as well as other auxiliary operations with goods (unfastening, onboard cargo handling), etc. Engagement in onboard works is allowed only for persons with operational duties (according to a work order) and permits for boarding foreign vessels (stevedores, dock engineers, etc.). Documents must be inspected by the border squad at the vessel’s ladder.

8.4. By agreement of a cargo owner or person authorized by the cargo owner, customs control over goods carried inside containers may be conducted in customs control zones of customs cargo terminals.

8.5. Inspection of containers by ‘sentry-at-ladder’ and ‘regime control’ border squads must be carried out immediately before loading and unloading by means of visual inspection and involving service dogs at a specially designated place or directly onboard a foreign-going vessel. The inspection may also be carried out jointly, in the presence of other concerned regulatory agencies and by representatives of law enforcement agencies according to the procedure established by Ukrainian legislation.

8.6. Inspection of containers, holds, and spaces designated for transportation of the containers must be conducted by the joint border squad including representatives of the Mariupol BGSD, employees of the Mariupol-Port CP and, if necessary, representatives of other regulatory agencies in the presence of one crew member.

For purposes of navigational safety, the port operator shall check the gross weight of containers to be loaded on a vessel. The results of this check must be submitted by him to the marine agent. The gross weight of containers must be checked in accordance with transport (carriage) documents or, if there are no documents confirming their gross weight, such containers must be weighed at the expense of the cargo owner.

If the sea port has an operational PCIS, information on the results of a gross weight check shall be provided to the marine agent by the port operator using such system.

8.7. Decision on conducting enhanced inspection of a container or goods (cargoes) may be taken on the basis of legal grounds (relevant investigative information, features detected during general inspection which indicate the presence of secret compartments, or conclusions of risk analysis and assessment) by the head of the Mariupol BGSD and head of the Mariupol-Port CP, by agreement with relevant executives of the SFS Donetsk Customs and Donetsk Border Guard Detachment.

8.8. If upon completion of customs control and registration, there is available investigative information on crimes or criminal intentions involving container carriage, an outward sign of the violation of seal or package integrity, or a detecting response from service dogs or control equipment, the head of the SFS Donetsk Customs, upon application of the Donetsk Border Guard Detachment, may decide on joint re-inspection of marine vessels (containers, goods).

8.9. The initiator of joint re-inspection shall submit to the head of the SFS Donetsk Customs a written application stating the grounds for the re-inspection of container goods crossing the Ukrainian state border.

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8.10. The head of the customs or his/her deputy, upon receiving the information, shall make decision on joint re-inspection of a vehicle and/or container(s) as soon as possible. In case of a positive decision confirmed by endorsement of the application, joint re-inspection must conducted with officials of the SFS Donetsk Customs according to the rules and requirements of Article 338 of the Customs Code of Ukraine.

8.11. Upon detection of non-compliant seals, violation of package integrity, wrongful execution of carriage documents, and other legal violations, a port guard employee shall inform the BSSL (CPSBSO) of the Mariupol BGSD and head of the Mariupol-Port CP squad, temporarily deny road vehicle drivers the right to depart from the MCSP CP, which moves the container or cargo transferred from the container in the general flow without delaying the operational procedure until clarification of circumstances.

Chapter IX. Time Standards for Control Operations

9.11. The following time standards for control operations involving persons, marine vessels, and cargoes by officials of the Mariupol BGSD, Mariupol-Port CP, and state regulatory agencies apply at the MCSP CP:

Control typesTime standards

Person Vehicle Cargo unit

Border control up to 2 minup to 1 hr (up to 2 hrs taking into

account time for enhanced inspection)up to 1 hr (up to 2 hrs taking into

account time for enhanced inspection)

Customs control up to 3 minup to 1 hr (up to 2 hrs taking into

account time for enhanced inspection)up to 6 hrs

Sanitary and quarantine control

if necessary, up to 30 min

if necessary, up to 30 min if necessary, up to 30 min

Phytosanitary control - if necessary, up to 2 hrs if necessary, up to 2 hrsVeterinary control - if necessary, up to 2 hrs if necessary, up to 2 hrs

Ecological (radiological) control

-up to 30 min (together with officials of Mariupol-Port CP customs squad and border squad from border squad shift)

if necessary, up to 30 min

9.2. The time standards may be ignored in case of reasonable grounds to believe persons, marine vessels, and cargoes are crossing the Ukrainian state border in violation of Ukrainian legislation, customs rules, and other regulations, pose a threat to navigational safety, or in case of their detainment upon detection of violations.

9.3. The duration of a foreign-going vessel’s registration may not be reduced to the detriment of control operations by officials exercising control over the vessel.

Chapter X. Procedure for Establishing and Maintaining Regime at MCSP CP

10.1. Regime maintenance at the MCSP CP is aimed at exercising surveillance over foreign-going vessels in the port and its water area, as well as searching and detecting persons and marine vessels staying within the MCSP CP (port) or violating the established regime regulations and persons engaged in preparations for illegal border crossing or other unlawful activities.

10.2. The regime of the MCSP CP is established by an order of the head of the Donetsk Border Guard Detachment by agreement with the head of the SFS Donetsk Customs and Port Administration and is regulated by the Provisions on Regime of MCSP CP approved by a relevant order.

10.3. To arrive at the MCSP CP, foreign-going persons shall be able to present appropriate clearance passport documents, crew lists (passenger lists), appropriate document extracts, and other documents defined by the legislation of Ukraine and international treaties.

10.4. Representatives of a legal person or physical persons, relatives of a foreign-going vessel’s crew members, and other persons intending to stay at the MCSP CP and obtain permission for a temporary stay at the MCSP CP for performance of their official duties related to border clearance of persons, marine vessels, and cargoes, servicing of crew members (passengers), maintaining operation of the MCSP CP, or other issues shall follow the Provisions on Regime of MCSP CP approved by an order of the Donetsk Border Guard Detachment.

10.5. Officials of law enforcement agencies with the MCSP CP in their zone of responsibility, for the administration of their authority at border control checkpoints, may access customs control zones and foreign-going vessels undergoing registration in the roadstead or at berths only in cases and according to the procedure defined by the legislation of Ukraine.

10.6. Temporary stay of representatives of legal or physical persons at the places of border control located at the MCSP CP requires identification documents of a state-approved format (if necessary, other documents) and permission of the head of the Mariupol BGSD.

For this purpose, such representatives must be issued appropriate numbered passes or general-purpose representative cards to be worn over upper garments and returned to the CPSBSO of the Mariupol BGSD at the MCSP CP at the end of the visit.

10.7. Officials of regulatory agencies and transport or other enterprises (organizations, institutions) conducting their activities at the MCSP CP shall stay at the checkpoint on the basis of their service certificates and in accordance with work lists and schedules submitted to the head of the Mariupol BGSD before the 25th day of each month. When staying at the MCSP CP, all above-mentioned persons shall have representative cards of an approved format worn over upper garments.

Economic activities in customs control zones and transportation of goods, vehicles, citizens not crossing the Ukrainian customs border, officials of local agencies (excluding customs) of the central executive body responsible for developing and implementing state tax and customs policy, as well as officials of state agencies not responsible for exercising the types of control specified in Article 319 of Part I of this Code, must be conducted in compliance with the regime of

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customs control zones, by written permission of the head of the SFS Donetsk Customs (Mariupol-Port CP) or persons fulfilling their duties and, in customs control zones located at state border checkpoints, also by agreement with the head of a relevant state border guard agency. Persons granted access into customs control zones are prohibited from interfering in the activities of SFS Donetsk Customs (Mariupol-Port CP) officials engaged in customs control and registration procedures or performing any actions that involve goods, vehicles, and other persons staying in a customs control zone, unless otherwise stipulated by law.

10.8. Once per half-year, executives of regulatory agencies and transport or other enterprises (organizations, institutions) conducting their activities at the MCSP CP shall submit to the head of the Donetsk Border Guard Detachment lists of their employees for approval.

10.9. Service vehicles belonging to the SFS Donetsk Customs, regulatory agencies, and transport or other enterprises (organizations, institutions) engaged in border clearance of persons, marine vessels, and cargoes may access the MCSP CP only by permission of the head of the Donetsk Border Guard Detachment in accordance with relevant lists.

Lists of such vehicles must be submitted to the head of the Donetsk Border Guard Detachment by executives of the above-mentioned services (organizations) once a year. If necessary, changes and additions may be introduced to approved lists using the same procedure.

10.10. Service vehicles of the executives of the SFS Donetsk Customs or regulatory agencies may access the MCSP CP by agreement with the head of the Donetsk Border Guard Detachment.

10.11. Clearance of persons, road vehicles, trains, and service transport entering or leaving the port shall be conducted by the port guard personnel.

10.12. Crew members and passengers of cargo line vessels must have shorepasses to go ashore and may do so only for a period of up to 24 hours.

10.13. Close relatives of a foreign-going vessel’s crew members must have passport documents or documents attesting to the degree of relationship to access the MCSP CP and may do so only in accordance with visitor lists containing the signature and seal of the vessel master and a border squad’s entry.

Members of seamen’s families which are Ukrainian citizens must have passports or, in case of children, birth certificates or passports of their parents with appropriate entries to access vessels. Port guard employees shall record the time during which such persons stay at the MCSP CP in visitor lists.

10.14. Persons conducting economic activities at the MCSP CP must have border passes of the Donetsk Border Guard Detachment to access foreign-going vessels for performing duties related to the servicing of vessels, cargo handling operations, and/or cargo processing and may do so only according to a work order signed by the head of the workshop (foreman) and certified by the seal of the head of the workshop that issued the order.

10.15. Any passes for access to places of border control at the MCSP CP, except for shorepasses, are valid only if presented together with identification documents of a state-approved format.

10.16. Persons without documents granting access to the MCSP CP and identification documents of a state-approved format are prohibited from staying at the MCSP CP.

10.17. Crew members and other persons from a vessel that has arrived at the MCSP CP from abroad and has not completed border control are prohibited from going ashore. After completion of border control procedures for departure from Ukraine and embarkation/disembarkation of a state sea pilot, any persons are prohibited from boarding such vessels.

10.18. During border or other types of control, permission for embarkation/disembarkation on/from a vessel for any person must be issued by the senior border squad officer on the vessel.

10.19. All persons boarding a vessel for performance of their service duties, during border control, shall present to the ‘regime control’ border squad appropriate passes or documents permitting embarkation and access to places of border control. The senior BS officer on the vessel shall check if the documents belong to the their bearers, ask for the purpose of arrival, and, if the documents are properly executed and there are legal grounds for it, permit such persons to embark and personally accompany them around the vessel.

10.20. During control procedures on a vessel, movement of persons around the vessel for performance of their service duties requires permission of the senior BS officer.

10.21. The Port Administration exercises constant control over the observance of regime regulations at the MCSP CP by port operator employees, persons visiting the port for performance of their service duties, and the port guard personnel.

10.22. General control over the observance of the regime at the MCSP CP shall be exercised by the personnel of the Mariupol BGSD through regular inspections by border squads. Public tranquility at the MCSP CP must be ensured by the personnel of the Mariupol BGSD in cooperation with the Prymorskyi National Police District Office of the Mariupol National Police Headquarters in the Donetsk oblast (if necessary).

10.23. Upon violation of the procedure for temporary stay at the checkpoint, an official from the border squad shift shall detain the violator (if necessary) or invite him/her to the premises of the State Border Guard Service to determine the administrative penalties to be imposed according to the legislation of Ukraine.

Chapter XI. Final Provisions

11.1. Officials of the Mariupol BGSD, acting within their legal authority, shall coordinate activities performed by officials of regulatory services exercising different types of control during the border clearance of persons, marine vessels, and cargoes and engage in the administration of the regime at the MCSP CP. Procedure for conducting activities at the MCSP CP shall be followed by all officials of state regulatory services exercising control functions in its territory

11.2. Interaction must be maintained on the level of senior officers of border squad and Mariupol-Port CP shifts involving (if necessary) representatives of state regulatory agencies by exchanging information, holding meetings, defining joint briefings, etc. for the purpose of providing continuous border clearance of persons, marine vessels, and cargoes carried by them.

11.3. Any emblems, flags, and other symbols of organizations, enterprises, or institutions other than the state symbols of Ukraine are prohibited from being displayed at the MCSP CP.

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11.4. In case of revision or invalidation of legislative acts of Ukraine, according to which this Procedural Scheme has been developed and implemented, the management of the Donetsk Border Guard Detachment, by agreement with the SFS Donetsk Customs, Mariupol branch of the Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority state enterprise, and other regulatory agencies and services exercising state control at the checkpoint, shall prepare and introduce appropriate amendments and additions within the time period defined by the legislation of Ukraine.

Vice Chief of Donetsk Border Guard Detachment – Chief of Staff Colonel O.P. Ivanov


Acting Head of SFS Donetsk Customs

S. V. Pasiuk

Head of Mariupol Branch of USPA

O. K. Rosinskyi

Head of MCSP state enterprise

O. O. Oliinyk

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Appendix 1 to Procedural Scheme of Border Control for Persons, Marine Vessels, and Goods at Mariupol Commercial Sea Port State Border Checkpoint for International Maritime and Ferry Traffic

CERTIFICATE of Border Control Results


« » 20 Mariupol Commercial Sea Port checkpoint

Vessel’s name: Vessel’s type:

Flag State: Port of registry:


Deadweight: Cargo:

Vessel master , crew: Ukrainian citizens , foreigners/persons without citizenship ,

Total number of passengers including Ukrainian citizens , foreigners/persons without citizenship ,

Time and date of arrival: « » 20 . hrs min from (port) ,

Piloted by: Place of vessel’s stay: berth

Control started: hrs min « » 20 .

Squad: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4

Documents checked by: crew documents , passenger documents

Document check results:

Reasons for inspection:

Inspection conducted by:

Inspection results:

Security procedures on the vessel are conducted:

Applications or requests (signature, vessel master’s entry)

Other issues (presence of other regulatory agencies onboard, possible delays of cargo handling operations, etc.):

Control finished: hrs min « » 20

Senior officer of border document inspection squad

(rank, signature, last name)

Senior officer of border squads at MCSP CP

(rank, signature, last name)

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of Border Control Results


« » 20 Mariupol Commercial Sea Port checkpoint

Vessel’s name: Vessel’s type:

Flag State: Port of registry:


Deadweight: Cargo:

Vessel master , crew: Ukrainian citizens , foreigners/persons without citizenship ,

Total number of passengers including Ukrainian citizens , foreigners/persons without citizenship ,

Time and date of arrival: « » 20 . hrs min from (port) ,

Piloted by: Place of vessel’s stay: berth

Control started: hrs min « » 20

Squad: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4

Documents checked by: crew documents , passenger documents

Document check results:

Reasons for inspection:

Inspection conducted by:

Inspection results:

Security procedures on the vessel are conducted:

Applications or requests (signature, vessel master’s entry)

Other issues (presence of other regulatory agencies onboard, possible delays of cargo handling operations, etc.):

Control finished: hrs min « » 20

Senior officer of border document inspection squad

(rank, signature, last name)

Senior officer of border squads at MCSP CP

(rank, signature, last name)

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Appendix 2to Procedural Scheme of Border Control for Persons, Marine Vessels, and Goods at Mariupol Commercial Sea Port State Border Checkpoint for International Maritime and Ferry Traffic

Letter of Application

for Vessel Control

Submission time:

Time of control:

Arrival – Departure

Vessel’s name




Nature of cargoes

Number of crew members/passengers

National composition

Unauthorized persons

Port of departure / port of destination

Sick persons

Marine agent’s representative

Date Date

Time Time

Delivered by : Received by :

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Appendix 3to Procedural Scheme of Border Control for Persons, Marine Vessels, and Goods at Mariupol Commercial Sea Port State Border Checkpoint for International Maritime and Ferry Traffic


Vessel’s type , name « », flag Control started « » 20 ,Control finished « » 20

Main tactical characteristics of the vessel

deadweight length widthNumber of life boats Number of holds Flag

Briefing of crew members appointed for accompanying the inspection group

1. To cooperate with the border squad during vessel inspection; 2. To act as witnesses in case of detection of items prohibited from crossing the state border of Ukraine and concealed for

border and customs control; 3. To open spaces, hatches, lockers and present them for inspection; 4. To warn the border squad of dangerous places on the vessel, high voltage, etc.

Crew members that received the briefing: 1. (signature, last name)

2. (signature, last name)

3. (signature, last name)

Translator: (signature, last name)

Areas Joint border squad (VI)

1. Forecastle – stern (all spaces), holds, cargo cranes, main deck up to superstructure, deck spaces. Bridge deck, upper bridge deck, mast, funnel, wheelhouse, chart room, ladder, companionway.

Border squad:Customs squad:Accompanying crew member:Others:

2. Non-living spaces: officer and crew messrooms, pantry, ironing and laundry spaces, temporarily non-living cabins, latrines, fire boxes. Lifeboat deck, radio room, broadcasting room, storerooms, ambulance room, sick berth, lifeboats, fire boxes. Living spaces: cabins etc.

Border squad:Customs squad:Accompanying crew member:Others:

3. Engineroom: sea watch in the conning room, sea watch in the engine and boiler room.

Border squad:Customs squad:Accompanying crew member:Others:

Inspection results

Senior border squad officer: Senior customs squad officer: Vessel master: Marine agent: « » 20

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Північно-західна частина Чорного моря North-Western part of the Black Sea

Річка Дунай Danube River

420. Карта (Chart) 3504-8Виправити Матросская на Лист № 198-СЗ Матроска від 27.09.2016Amend (Matrosskaya to Letter No. 198-СЗ Matroska) 45°20'33.9" N 28°46'54.7" E dated 27.09.2016 Система координат WGS-84 (WGS-84 Datum)

421. Карта (Chart) 3504-4Нанести Мильний знак 56 милі ПРИП 450/16Insert (56 mile mark) 45°17'28" N 28°27'32" Е Coastal warnings 450/16 Система координат WGS-84 (WGS-84 Datum)

Відм. ПРИП (Cancel Coastal warning) 450/16

Відм. ПМ (Cancel NtM) 105/16(4)

Бузько-Дніпровсько-Лиманський канал Buzko-Dniprovsko-Lymanskyi Channel

422. Карти (Charts) 3404 INT 3886, 3405Скасувати Буй ПРИП 441/16Delete (Buoy) 46°37'36.41" N 31°55'17.62" E Coastal warning 441/16 Система координат WGS-84 (WGS-84 Datum)

Відм. ПРИП (Cancel Coastal warning) 441/16

Відм. ПМ (Cancel NtM) 158(T)/16(2)

Азовське море Sea of Azov

Керченська протока Kerchenska Strait

423. Карти (Charts) 3522, 3417, 3320 (1, 3)Скасувати 1. Підводну перешкоду, напис «снаряд» NAVAREA III 576/16Delete (Underwater obstruction, legend «Shell») 45°12.07' N 36°30.84' Е NAVAREA III 576/16 2. Район, небезпечний для плавання, радіусом 2.7 кбт (Area dangerous for sailing of 2.7 cables radius) 45°12.07' N 36°30.84' Е 3. Підводну перешкоду, напис «снаряд» (Underwater obstruction, legend «Shell») 45°12.07' N 36°28.72' Е 4. Район, небезпечний для плавання, радіусом 2.7 кбт (Area dangerous for sailing of 2.7 cables radius) 45°12.07' N 36°28.72' Е 5. Підводну перешкоду, напис «снаряд» (Underwater obstruction, legend «Shell») 45°12.11' N 36°28.67' Е 6. Район, небезпечний для плавання, радіусом 2.7 кбт (Area dangerous for sailing of 2.7 cables radius) 45°12.11' N 36°28.67' Е Система координат WGS-84 (WGS-84 Datum)

Відм. ПМ (Cancel NtM) 209/16


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424. Карти (Charts) 3522, 3417, 3320 (1, 5, 7, 9, 11)Скасувати 1. Підводну перешкоду, напис «вибух. реч.» NAVAREA III 576/16Delete (Underwater obstruction, legend «Explosives») 45°11.397' N 36°24.540' Е NAVAREA III 576/16 2. Район, заборонений для плавання, радіусом 2.7 кбт (Area prohibited for sailing of 2.7 cables radius) 45°11.397' N 36°24.540' Е 3. Підводну перешкоду, напис «вибух. реч.» (Underwater obstruction, legend «Explosives») 45°11.978' N 36°28.635' Е 4. Район, заборонений для плавання, радіусом 2.7 кбт (Area prohibited for sailing of 2.7 cables radius) 45°11.978' N 36°28.635' Е 5. Підводну перешкоду, напис «вибух. реч.» (Underwater obstruction, legend «Explosives») 45°12.268' N 36°29.795' Е 6. Район, заборонений для плавання, радіусом 2.7 кбт (Area prohibited for sailing of 2.7 cables radius) 45°12.268' N 36°29.795' Е 7. Підводну перешкоду, напис «вибух. реч.» (Underwater obstruction, legend «Explosives») 45°12.330' N 36°30.088' Е 8. Район, заборонений для плавання, радіусом 2.7 кбт (Area prohibited for sailing of 2.7 cables radius) 45°12.330' N 36°30.088' Е 9. Підводну перешкоду, напис «вибух. реч.» (Underwater obstruction, legend «Explosives») 45°11.788' N 36°34.438' Е 10. Район, заборонений для плавання, радіусом 2.7 кбт (Area prohibited for sailing of 2.7 cables radius) 45°11.788' N 36°34.438' Е 11. Підводну перешкоду, напис «вибух. реч.» (Underwater obstruction, legend «Explosives») 45°11.465' N 36°34.690' Е 12. Район, заборонений для плавання, радіусом 2.7 кбт (Area prohibited for sailing of 2.7 cables radius) 45°11.465' N 36°34.690' Е Система координат WGS-84 (WGS-84 Datum)

Відм. ПМ (Cancel NtM) 210/16

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Підходи до порту Маріуполь Approaches to Mariupol Port

425. Карти (Charts) 3421, 3434, 3303, 3221, 3108Нанести Район, заборонений для плавання, напис «мінна небезпека» між береговою лінією і точками ПРИП 458/16Insert (Area, prohibited for sailing, legend «Mine danger» between coastline and positions) 47°05.2' N 37°42.0' E Coastal warning 458/16 47°02.0' N 37°42.0' EРамка карти (Chart frame) 3421 47°02.0' N 37°43.4' EРамка карти (Chart frame) 3434 47°02.0' N 37°58.3' E 47°02.0' N 38°06.0' E 47°06.0' N 38°06.0' E Система координат WGS-84 (WGS-84 Datum)

Відм. ПРИП (Cancel Coastal warning) 458/16

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426. Книга 201, вид. 2014 р.

1 2 3 4 5

928.1 Буйлівої сторони

46 56.1 N 31 59.1 E ПМ 426/16

928.2 Буйправої сторони

46 55.7 N 31 58.3 E ПМ 426/16

427. Книга 202, вид. 2011 р.Стор. 86

1 2 3 4 5

6703.1 56 милі45 17.5 N 28 27.5 EНа 56 милі лівого

берега річки

Див. рис. В.2

ПМ 427/16

Стор. 87

1 2 3 4 5

6703.1 56 мили45 17.5 N 28 27.5 EНа 56 мили левого

берега реки

См. рис. В.2

ПМ 427/16

Повідомлення мореплавцям Notice to Mariners

428. Книга 907.35, вид. 2016 р.Стор. 42. У ПМ 405/16 додати номер карти 3103 (1, 4).

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Відповідальний за випуск В. Северин Замовлення № 37Responsible for edition V. Severyn Order No. 37

Складено і підготовлено до друкуфілією державної установи «Держгідрографія»

«Укрморкартографія»,пр-т Гагаріна, 23, м. Київ, 02094

тел./факс: (044) 292-64-44

Свідоцтво про внесеннядо державного реєстру видавців, виготівників

і розповсюджувачів видавничої продукціїСерія ДК № 2469 від 25.04.2006

Compiled and prepared for publication byState Hydrographic Service of Ukraine Branch

«Ukrmorcartographia»,23, Gagarina Ave., Kyiv, 02094

tel./fax: (044) 292-64-44

Entry certificate State registry of editors,manufacturers and distributors

of publishing productionSeries ДК № 2469 dated 25.04.2006

© Державна установа «Держгідрографія»© State Hydrographic Service of Ukraine

Копіювання матеріалів, опублікованих у «Повідомленнях мореплавцям»державної установи «Держгідрографія», можливе тільки з дозволу видавця.

Copying of materials published in Notices to Mariners ofState Hydrographic Service of Ukraine is possible only with permission of publisher.