
ΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΟΝΙΚΟ ΠΕΡΙΟΔΙΚΟ COMENIUS 2 · Comenius Project entitled "Give our Planet a Hand and Save the Next Generation «elaborated, seeks to open channels of communication

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EDITORIAL As soon as the last meeting of the partners finished in our town -Xanthi- some of the teachers started to work on this Scientific Magazine. We felt the need to make a magazine that will be detailed and helpful for the teachers and the students that worked on this Comenius European program “Give Our Planet a Hand and Save the Next Generation”. A magazine that meets the high expectations of the program and a lot of work which was carried out for 20 months by students and teachers from 6 countries, Turkey, Hellas, Czech Republic, Poland, Spain and Portugal. So teachers Philippos D. Groudos, Livaditou Kyriaki and Nikolaos Papadopoulos undertook this difficult task. We think the result justifies our efforts. We hope you enjoy reading this magazine and the information you receive in order to improve the effort we all make for our planet, this planet which is inherited from our parents and borrowed from our children.

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CONTENTS EDITORIAL p.2 INTRODUCTION p.5-11 RECYCLING p.11 1) Definition of the recycling p.11 2) Recycled materials p.11-13 3) Process of recycling p.13-15 4) Ways and waste reduction advice p.16-25 5) Benefits - Conclusions p.26-29 ENERGY SAVING p.30 1) Definition of energy saving p.30 2) Students' ten tips of energy saving p.31-37 3) Advises – benefits p.37 AIR POLLUTION p.38 1) Definition of air pollution p.39 2) Human activities that cause pollution p.40-44 3) Air pollution effects p.45-48 4) Proposals – Solutions p.49

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WATER POLLUTION p.50 1) Introduction p.50 2) Water and its importance p.51-53 3) Definition of water pollution p.54 4) Causes of infection p.54-61 5) Conclusion – Proposals p.61 DEFORESTATION p.62 1) Definition of deforestation p.63 2) Reasons of deforestation p.64 3) Effects of deforestation p.64-68 4) Proposals-Solutions p.69-71 Thanks giving

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Εισαγωγή Αγαπητοί εταίροι και συνάδελφοι, Το επιστηµονικό περιοδικό που προσπάθησε να συντάξει η εκπαιδευτική οµάδα του Ευρωπαϊκού Προγράµµατος Comenius µε τίτλο “Give our Planet a Hand and Save the Next Generation” έχει ως στόχο να ανοίξει κανάλια επικοινωνίας µε τους µαθητές των έξι (6) συµµετεχόντων χωρών, µε άρθρα από τη σχολική και εξωσχολική ζωή των µαθητών και εκπαιδευτικών τους, την κοινωνία της περιοχής των σχολείων τους, καθώς και µε οποιονδήποτε άλλον ενδιαφέρεται για το Πρόγραµµα αυτό, είτε µέσα στην Ελλάδα είτε στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση. ∆ίνεται έµφαση σε θέµατα που σχετίζονται άµεσα ή έµµεσα µε το περιβάλλον, την τεχνολογία, τη ρύπανση καθώς και την ασχολία των µαθητών µε τέτοιου είδους ζητήµατα. Παρουσιάζονται προβληµατισµοί, προσπάθειες και αποτελέσµατα των εργασιών που εκπόνησαν µαθητές ∆ηµοτικού σε συνεργασία µε τους εκπαιδευτικούς των σχολείων τους. Ο τίτλος του επιστηµονικού περιοδικού είναι : Go green!!! Με τον όρο Go green!!! τονίζεται η έµφαση που πρέπει να δίνεται στον προληπτικό καταρχήν χαρακτήρα της εκπαίδευσης των µαθητών και κατ’

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επέκταση των ενηλίκων, η προσπάθεια που πρέπει όλοι να καταβάλουµε για ένα καθαρότερο περιβάλλον και για τη βελτίωση της ποιότητα της ζωής, όχι µόνον της δικής µας αλλά και των παιδιών µας. Προσδοκούµε αυτή η προσπάθεια να συνεχιστεί και να καρπίσει έτσι ώστε στο µέλλον να µην βλέπουµε τις φρικτές και αποκρουστικές εικόνες που έχει σήµερα ο πλανήτης µας σε πάρα πολλά µέρη. Να µπορούµε να βλέπουµε δάση και ποτάµια, θάλασσες και ρεµατιές απαλλαγµένες από τη βρωµιά, να αναπνέουµε καθαρό οξυγόνο και να καταναλώνουµε την ενέργεια που µας προσφέρει απλόχερα η φύση, χωρίς να την καταστρέφουµε. Introduction Dear partners and colleagues, The scientific journal that the Greek educational team of the European Comenius Project entitled "Give our Planet a Hand and Save the Next Generation «elaborated, seeks to open channels of communication with the students of the six (6) participating countries, with articles from school and extracurricular lives of students and their teachers, the society of the area schools, as well as anyone else interested in this program, either in Greece or in the European Union. Emphasis is placed on issues related directly or indirectly to the environment, technology, pollution and the occupation of

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students with such issues. Featured concerns, efforts and results of the work produced by primary school students in collaboration with the teachers of their schools. The title of the journal is: Go green!!! By Go green!!! highlighted the emphasis should be on the precautionary principle character education of students and hence adults, the effort should all make for a cleaner environment and improved quality of life, not only our own but also our children. We expect this effort to continue to bear fruit in the future so as not to see the horrible and repulsive images that currently has our planet in too many places. We can see forests and rivers, seas and streams free of dirt; to breathe pure oxygen and consume energy that nature offers generously without destroying it.

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ARTICLE 1st Summary The article refers to recycling that each one of us has to do, the ways of recycling we can use, the materials can be recycled and the benefits accruing to humans, animals and the planet in general. MAIN BODY Within the framework of the European program Comenius pupils of the 6th Grade of 18th school of Xanthi were asked to create a PowerPoint on recycling. They were divided into groups and worked with the method of the research paper. The subjects given to each group were 1) definition of recycling, 2) recycled materials, 3) benefits, 4) ways and waste reduction advice and 5) the process of recycling. Also, students in the 5th Grade experienced the process of collecting plastic bottles and aluminium cans and making structures. They created puzzles and matching exercises with online

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programs on recycling in the five languages of the countries taking part in the program Comenius.

Also you can watch a video related to recycling in the following address: www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3k5t1v9wWM

Simultaneously, students from all the participating countries made similar workshops and constructions.

The methodology followed has double profit because students gain deep insight into the functional level of understanding on the issue of recycling study, while at the same time, the systematic involvement in such processes, develop attitudes and abilities investigation. 'This ensures the independence of thought, action and learning of students, which is the ultimate aim of education. They also activate thinking, creativity and initiative of students through direct and active involvement. It engages students in thinking and the scientific method as required by the purpose of education in authentic working conditions.

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It increases interest because students perceive practical understanding of the world and dealing with everyday problems and major issues of life. It aims at the development of critical and self-critical thinking and personal responsibility around human choices and actions, values and ethical dilemmas in contemporary multicultural societies.

Additionally, it fosters collegiality and collaboration , as students work together in groups to study the issues and develop common work with scientific background. It shifts the learning process from the teacher’s dominance into the students’ active role as the teacher only guides and supports. The inter-student collaboration is an ideal framework for experiential learning, development of various skills and developing team spirit. The Social psychology, that studies the dynamics of groups, demonstrates the possibilities of creativity. It also claims that group collaboration exceeds the sum of the individual capabilities of its members. Within the dynamics of interaction, students learn and grow effectively. In addition, student groups develop social solidarity and support among their members, precious emotions in difficult circumstances. It is worth noting the pedagogical principle of interdisciplinary collaboration between Course of English and Computer

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Studies implemented by creating power point, puzzles and matching exercises on the on-line program Hot Potatoes.

Finally, a channel of communication between school and the local community and its problems is created. The issue of recycling is searched at local, national and global level thus preparing students to think and act as responsible citizens of their country and the world.

The students’ projects are posted at http://nikmyk.blogspot.gr/2014/03/recycling-18th-primary-school-xanthi.html

Below are quoting some photos and articles of them.

RECYCLING is the process of treating used products or materials so that they can be used again.


Our rubbish can be divided into seven basic groups:

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More specifically for the glass recycling, the students from Igilomia School in Poland made the follow workshop:


More specifically for the glass recycling, the students from Igilomia School in he follow workshop:

More specifically for the glass recycling, the students from Igilomia School in

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Glass collection points are known as bottle banks.

White containers are used for collecting colourless glass, whereas green, brown and amber glass is collected in green containers. Although glass is not harmful to the environment, recycling it can bring a lot of economical and ecological benefits.

Glass is the perfect recyclable material with unlimited possibilities. It can be recycled repeatedly again and again, with no loss of purity or quality in the glass.

The crushed glass called ”cullet” can be used for making new glass containers, insulation fibres and as components of a ceramic mass, plaster, fibreglass, rubber, paints, office materials and others.


Talking with our students about recycling, they made many questions about the process of recycling. We used the questionnaire method in order to lead them to the appropriate answers. So, they learned that each material follows a

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different way until to become reusable. In the below, we can see the process of the plastic bottles or plastics in general.

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Similar to this is the process of all materials. The most important is to learn how to segregate the materials for recycling. To begin with, we should know that only pure materials can be recycled properly. Moreover, we have to separate the caps from the bottles, in order to crease them and reduce the occupied space. Also, for the same reason, you should fold the cards and newspapers that are going for recycling. As it concerns the glass, we have to take care of the bottles, not to break them and to use the bins that are should use the bins that are placed in our neighborhood or city.

In conclusion, you should know that each material has its own homework until recycled and naturally are produced hundreds of recycled products and materials.

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All of us are using every day many products and materials that can be recycled. Although, only a small percentage of us is recycling consciously and make great effort in order to do this in the right way.

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But, there are 5 easy steps that we can follow so as to make the recycling in an easier and better way. The students of 18th Primary School of Xanthi and the cooperating students of the other countries suggest:

1) Think before you buy

2) Buy recycling or recyclable package

3) Buy better products

4) Reduce- Reuse the food you waste

5) Reduce packaging

Examining the above tips that the students suggest us to do, we can find a huge range of thing that we can do for each tip.

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The first tip “Think before you buy’’can be analyzed as follows:


You can reduce waste by giving family or friends a gift experience instead of a product. For example, a gift certificate might be just the thing for someone who would like to begin a new hobby or try something new.

Gift certificate ideas:

• Dinner in a restaurant • Beauty salon or spa voucher • Language lessons

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• Sports classes/lessons • National Trust Membership • Passes to a museum or special exhibition • Tickets for a game

Use rechargeable batteries

Use rechargeable batteries and a battery charger. This saves energy because the energy needed to manufacture a battery is on average 50 times greater than the energy it gives out. While the rechargeable cells have a higher initial cost, rechargeable batteries can be recharged many times.

Buy recycling or recyclable package

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Watching the follow photos, we can easy understand that the students show us a way to use some “useless” materials in order to make a new product or thing.

The following photos are a sample from the students of the 18of Xanthi about our garbage and depicting some useful constructions made with multiple recycling materials.


Watching the follow photos, we can easy understand that the students show us a way to use some “useless” materials in order to make a new product or

The following photos are a sample from the students of the 18of Xanthi about our garbage and depicting some useful constructions made with multiple recycling materials.

Watching the follow photos, we can easy understand that the students show us a way to use some “useless” materials in order to make a new product or

The following photos are a sample from the students of the 18th Primary school of Xanthi about our garbage and depicting some useful constructions made

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� Look for products that use less packaging. When manufacturers make their products with less packaging, they use fewer raw materials. This reduces waste and costs. These extra savings can be passed along to the consumer. Buying in bulk, for example, can reduce packaging and save money. Also many brands now produce electrical items that reduce the impact on the environment, products that do not consume a lot of energy- such as the Class A++ devices- and are friendly to the environment. � Use equipment that free refills. � This way we can pull through money and benefit the environment. � Try to buy unpacked products, not in plastic or paper bags. � Avoid the excessive packing.

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Many people today are producing a great amount of waste food and throwing it in the bins. We have to help them giving some advice about this problem; First of all they must get more responsible and thinking citizens buying only the quantity that they need, secondly, to cook and consume only the appropriate quantity. Moreover, there is a better way to save this waste and to gain from our garbage: the process of composting gives us the opportunity to create fertilizers and wonderful landscapes as the MPO recycling factory made in Krakow.

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In addition, this artificial landscape produces bio-gas which is used in central heating of the houses. As can be appreciated, the benefits of recycling and reusing of our garbage are many and the uses of them are becoming more and more day by day.

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In conclusion, will use an expression I think that can help our Planet:

Let’s not stay indifferent in all these, let’s participate as protagonists in the earth saving.

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Benefits of Recycling

We create

new jobs.

Going fyrther to the next topic that is benefits that peolple and planet gain when we recycle,we have a lot of workshops and photos.Looking in the follow slide made of the Greek students, are quoted some of the benefits for the environment and the people.

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As we can see, the first four are tightly connected to our daily lives and the fifth one is very-very important for the animals, because the animals are included in the live beings of our planet and effects we produce on the

Furthermore, some students found that there are some more benefits for the environment and its habitants:

• Conserves natural resources such as timber, water, and minerals;• Prevents pollution by reduci


As we can see, the first four are tightly connected to our daily lives and the fifth very important for the animals, because the animals are included in

the live beings of our planet and unfortunately tolerate all our planet without being able to reacting.

Furthermore, some students found that there are some more benefits for the environment and its habitants:

Conserves natural resources such as timber, water, and minerals;Prevents pollution by reducing the need to collect new raw materials;

As we can see, the first four are tightly connected to our daily lives and the fifth very important for the animals, because the animals are included in

our garbage and bad reacting.

Furthermore, some students found that there are some more benefits for the

Conserves natural resources such as timber, water, and minerals; ng the need to collect new raw materials;

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• Saves energy; • Reduces greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to global climate

change; • Helps sustain the environment for future generations; • Helps create new well-paying jobs in the recycling and manufacturing

industries in the United States.

The Educational Centre in Igolomia suggests that introducing the good habits of segregating rubbish to their students by the school teachers, they can learn about recycling in biology, physics and natural science lessons, at weekly class meetings and during specially prepared for us lectures. If all of us follow this suggestion, in 5-6 years the results of the recycling will be wonderful and the tomorrow citizens will have become more conscious and sensitive for our planet!

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We quote a presentation of our students in order to to highlight the importance and necessity of recycling. Click on the green slide in order to watch it.

18th Primary School

of Xanthi

6th Grade

A project on recycling

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Article 2 nd

ENERGY SAVING Summary This article refers to the reasons people have to conserve energy, ways and means that they can use to accomplish this and the results that we have when we make reasonable use of energy. Definition of energy saving Energy saving is the effort that all of people have to do in order to consume less energy for the households, the factories, the cars and all motor vehicles and ships. It is the effort to consume more ecological energy produced from renewable energy sources.

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Students’ ten tips of energy saving

In this paragraph will learn the ten tips of energy saving that the students from the 18th Primary School of Xanthi in collaboration with the students from the Igolomia School made in order to show us how to do it!!!!

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1) Control direct sunlight – use natural lightning when possible.

2) Open your blinds or curtains on sunny days to let the sun shine into your

home. 3) Switch off the lights when you don’t use them.

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4) Switch off other household appliances when they are not in use.

5) Do not leave you computer, TV and other appliances in standby mode – is consumes energy!

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6) Use energy saving bulbs 80%.

7) Make sure the refrigerator doors are airtight.Don’t keep your refrigerator doors open for a long period of time.


Use energy saving bulbs – they can reduce energy consumption up to

Make sure the refrigerator doors are airtight. Don’t keep your refrigerator doors open for a long period of time.

energy consumption up to

Don’t keep your refrigerator doors open for a long period of time.

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8) Check energy efficiency labels on the appliances you buy.

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9) Use fans rather than air conditioning.

10) Unplug devices that you don’t use.

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Ending this presentation, we have to say that the students were really informative and helpful. Following their tips, we will really save energy and will help our planet “to take a breath”. Advices – Benefits It's actually all quite understandable that our planet needs help. The energy savings also offers many other goods. In any city or state that can implement such energy saving programs, citizens will enjoy saving money, which can be allocated to utilities like hospitals, playgrounds, parks etc.

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Article 3 rd

AIR POLLUTION SUMMARY In this article of the magazine, we will focus on the air pollution. An infection caused purely by human factors and less due to physical reasons, such as volcanoes or fires and increasing daily by burning materials that produce harmful particles. We will consider these factors and propose some solutions that will help the environment and humans.

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When we burn oil, coal and natural gas, producing carbon dioxide and water vapor. Besides the above gases are produced and various harmful substances, such as sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, which are pollutants that contaminate the air and cause severe cardio respiratory problems in humans.

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HUMAN ACTIVITIES THAT CAUSE POLLUTION Most human activities pollute the air. The main sources of pollution are: Modes


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Burners heating

Technical projects- Fires

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In the diagram below, depicted clearly the way and the reasons that human activities harm atmosphere

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THE SUBSTANCES THAT POLLUTE THE AIR: The lower layer of the atmosphere is air, consisting essentially of nitrogen and oxygen. The atmosphere also contains argon, carbon dioxide and other gases. When referring to constituents of air, you should know that we separate into beneficial and harmful ingredients. The ratio of noble gases in these dry (without water vapor) atmospheres near the surface of the sea is:

Nitrogen N2 N2 78,08 %

Oxygen O2 20,95 %

Argon Ar 0,93%

Carbon dioxide CO2 0,03%

Other gases 0.01%

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THE MAIN AIR POLLUTANTS AND THE SOURCES ARE: 1. Sulphur dioxide (SO2), which is produced during the combustion of solid and liquid fuels. Also large quantities of sulfur dioxide released into the air during volcanic eruptions. 2. Nitrogen oxides, which are produced during the operation of gasoline. By the effect of solar radiation by nitrogen oxides and ozone is produced, which is irritating gas. 3. Carbon monoxide (CO), which is derived mainly from combustion engines of cars, and is poison. 4. Carbon dioxide (CO2), which is produced during the combustion of solid and liquid fuels. 5. Various hydrocarbons, which are components of fuel escaping into the atmosphere without being burned, and is very harmful. 6. Suspended particles, such as soot (coal dust, soot) and dust, which mainly come from the structures and volcanoes.

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AIR POLLUTION EFFECTS Air pollution has effects on:

i. Vegetation-Wild life

Just like humans, animals also face some devastating effects of air pollution. The visible and invisible toxic chemicals present in the air and on the ground can force wildlife species to move to new place and change their habitat. The

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toxic pollutants deposit over the surface of the water and can also affect sea animals.

ii. Climate

Another direct effect is the immediate alterations that the world is witnessing due to Global warming. With increased temperatures world wide, increase in sea levels and melting of ice from colder regions and icebergs, displacement and loss of habitat have already signaled an impending disaster if actions for preservation and normalization aren’t undertaken soon.

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iii. Buildings- Monuments

Harmful gases like nitrogen oxides and sulfur oxides are released into the atmosphere during the burning of fossil fuels. When it rains, the water droplets combines with these air pollutants, becomes acidic and then falls on the ground in the form of acid rain. Acid rain can cause great damage to human, animals and crops.

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iv. On human health.

The effects of Air pollution are alarming. They are known to create several respiratory and heart conditions along with Cancer, among other threats to the body. Several millions are known to have died due to direct or indirect effects of Air pollution. Children in areas exposed to air pollutants are said to commonly suffer from pneumonia and asthma.

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PROPOSALS- SOLUTIONS Watching and studying all the data quoted in this section, we all have to be more sensitive and try much more, so as to see the blue sky and breathe as much as possible the healthy components of air. The students that took part in this research propose the following: A. To improve the quality of fuel- or to use alternative sources of energy. B. Please use alternative fuels such as hydrogen, ethanol etc. C. Check exhaust and especially the emissions in vehicles and industries. D. To exploit technology pollution (e.g. exhaust filters, catalysts, etc.). E. To improve public transportation in order to reduce the circulation of cars. F. Correctly maintenance of car engines and boilers radiators. G. Adjust one degree lower temperature in heated buildings, so it is economy to oil at a rate of about 10%.

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Article 4 th



This article of the magazine refers to water contamination of the planet. Examines human responsibility and participation in the destruction and the reasons that cause it. It records some statistics and proposes ways and solutions to this major issue.

INTRODUCTION Beginning our work on water pollution, our students have raised too many questions on this topic. For this reason we proposed and urged them to look for themselves the causes of water pollution. The causes that will develop in the following pages are the result of the work of our students.

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Starting the research, we have to know what the water is, so will quote the aspect of the Igolomia students: Water is needed to sustain life and it is the most important component of living organisms. It is a source for consumption but is also essential for the upkeep of the cities and villages, and for our daily activities. Many people do not realize how serious the problem of water pollution has become.

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In the past that problem almost did not exist as the waters had properties to clean themselves fast enough. But with the growth of population, industry and technology those things have dramatically changed. How important is clean water for us?

The students from Dubicko School and their teacher of Biology in class 6 decided to perform an experiment that would demonstrate the importance of clean water for living organisms. So they did the following experiment: We sowed seeds in four flowerpots. When they grew, we watered them with four different water solutions:

1) Pure water

2) Water with vinegar

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3) Water with diesel oil

4) Water with soap

Plants watered with the mixtures of vinegar and diesel oil turned brown and died after the third watering step. Plants watered with the soap solution turned slightly yellow after the fourth watering step. As we can understand, the plants, the animals and the trees have the same needs with the humans.

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It is the burden with pollutants of the planet's water, ie rivers, lakes, seas and groundwater making those infected and causing the decrease usability of humans and animals. At the same time decreases and the flora and fauna of these waters. CAUSES OF INFECTION • Agricultural Pollution • Industrial Pollution • Eutrophication • Toxic - Chemicals • Acid rain • Pollution from oil

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• Agricultural pollution

The pollution in waters from agricultural activities concerning pollution from fertilizers related to eutrophication of waters and pesticide pollution. This pollution reaches surface waters through runoff with rainwater, or by contacting the underground waters meanwhile polluted drainage waters for irrigation of fields.

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• Industrial pollution

They are liquid industrial runoff (water or other derivatives) associated with the production process of the industry. Industrial pollution burdens the waters of our Planet: Organic, with affects on oxygen consumption of the water, such as from the food industries that are developed in each region (pasteurization milk industries, slaughterhouses). Nutrient pollution, affecting the appearance of eutrophication in water such as fertilizer industry or industries also.

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Pollution with heavy metals, such as chemical and tanning industries. Thermal pollution from cooling water. This form of pollution is limited in Greece. • Eutrophication

Eutrophication occurs in lakes or in shallow bays closed under certain conditions. The result is a varied fauna and flora of the water, the view to be very unsightly and, because of the green slimy surface, finding it difficult to fish. Aftermath Eutrophication is the progressive deterioration of water quality, reduction of aesthetic value, limited opportunities for recreation and sports.

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• Toxic chemicals Toxic chemicals on aquatic ecosystems are heavy metals, ie iron (Fe), chromium (Gr), lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd), zinc (Zn), the manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), nickel (Ni), arsenic (As) etc. Furthermore, pesticides, herbicides, pesticides and acids over a threshold, causing poisoning, inhibition of the growth and photosynthesis, selective absorption and accumulation in some species. Contamination by pesticides and herbicides from grey water their manufacturers, from textile mills, food processing industries and agricultural uses. Pollution from heavy metals in our country’s aquatic ecosystems is relatively low and at levels similar to those given for regions with internationally relatively little pollution

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• Acid rain

The phenomenon of acid rain occurs when rainwater has greatly increased acidic properties, i.e. pH5 or less, because acids which are found in the atmosphere. How to create? Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, which are emitted into the atmosphere by some chemical formulations, oxidized to trioxides, which then in the presence of atmospheric moisture are converted to sulfuric and nitric acid. These acids may be transported by the wind over long distances and fall to Earth in the form of acid rain.

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• Pollution from oil

These oils have the property to disperse and spread across vast areas, because form monomolecular layers. Thus, by covering the surface of the water, preventing gas exchange between air and water and harm aquatic organisms. Even the oil affects the food chain, is polluting sources of food in the early of the food chain, prevents the reproduction of marine life and reduces the physical resistance of organisms. However, many bacteria that live in petroleum, have the ability to cleave, healthing thus polluted areas. The oil also cleaved by the motion of tidal and wave.

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CONCLUSION -PROPOSALS Water is perhaps the most precious commodity that nature provides us.

It is undoubtedly an important factor in development, healthy living, life itself. But this lifeline is now scarce species. Moreover, the few remaining amounts of water are not always characterized by the highest quality. Let's see then some simple ways to save water: 1) Do not neglect leaks in your plumbing. A dripping faucet can cost you up to 200 liters of extra consumption every month. 2) Do not hold open the tap while shaving or brushing your teeth. 3) Prefer shower bath in the tub. 4) Place taps to reduce flow.

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Article 5 th DEFORESTATION Summary The article refers to the definition of deforestation, the reasons for this and the very severe consequences for the planet and mankind. It also proposes some ideas and solutions that will help the students first and by extension their parents and other adults to enhance afforestation and stop the reckless destruction of forests.

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Definition of deforestation Cutting down and removal all or most of the trees in a forested area. Deforestation can erode soils, contribute to desertification and the pollution of waterways, and decrease biodiversity through the destruction of habitat.

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Reasons of deforestation Forests are cut down for many reasons, but most of them are related to money or to people’s need to provide for their families. The biggest driver of deforestation is agriculture. Farmers cut forests to provide more room for planting crops or grazing livestock. Often many small farmers will each clear a few acres to feed their families by cutting down trees and burning them in a process known as “slash and burn” agriculture. Effects of deforestation

Deforestation has many negative effects on the environment.

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The most dramatic impact is a loss of habitat for millions of species. Seventy percent of Earth’s land animals and plants live in forests, and many cannot survive the deforestation that destroys their homes. In the graph bellow, we can see the results of deforestation in one of the most important areas in our planet, in the area of Amazon!! This graph depicts the deforestation from 1988 until and the target of saving until 2017. As it seems, in 1996, 2005 and 2007 the deforestation was in high levels and the destroy of the area huge.

Deforestation also drives climate change. Forest soils are moist, but without protection from sun-blocking tree cover they quickly dry out.

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Trees also help perpetuate the water cycle by returning water vapor back into the atmosphere. Without trees to fill these roles, many former forest lands can quickly become barren deserts.

Removing trees deprives the forest of portions of its canopy, which blocks the sun’s rays during the day and holds in heat at night. This disruption leads to more extreme temperatures swings that can be harmful to plants and animals.

Trees also play a critical role in absorbing the greenhouse gases that fuel global warming. Fewer forests mean larger amounts of greenhouse gases entering the atmosphere—and increased speed and severity of global warming.

The quickest solution to deforestation would be to simply stop cutting down trees. Though deforestation rates have slowed a bit in recent years, financial realities make this unlikely to occur. Let’s learn more detail about these effects of Deforestation.

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1) Global warming Global warming is an increase in the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere, especially a sustained increase sufficient to cause climatic change.

2) Greenhouse effect

History of climate change science The existence of the greenhouse effect was argued for by Joseph Fourier in 1824. The argument and the evidence was further strengthened by Claude Pouillet in 1827 and 1838, and reasoned from experimental observations by John Tyndall in 1859, and more fully quantified by Svante Arrhenius in 1896.

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Definition of Greenhouse effect The greenhouse effect is a process by which thermal radiation from a planetary surface is absorbed by atmospheric greenhouse gases and is re-radiated in all directions. Since part of this re-radiation is back towards the surface and the lower atmosphere, it results in an elevation of the average surface temperature above what it would be in the absence of the gases.

3) Sea level Mean sea level (MSL) is a datum representing the average height of the ocean's surface (such as the halfway point between the mean high tide and the mean low tide); used as a standard in reckoning land elevation. MSL also plays an important role in marine navigation as a chart datum and aviation, where standard sea level pressure is used as the measurement datum of altitude at flight levels. Detection of long-term variations of mean sea level requires careful measurement but can provide information on climate change. Sea level responds to a variety of influences and has varied greatly over geologic time. Currently, sea level is rising, which scientists cite as evidence supporting the view that the climate system is warming.

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Proposals – Solutions A more workable solution is to carefully manage forest resources by eliminating clear-cutting to make sure that forest environments remain intact. The cutting that does occur should be balanced by the planting of enough young trees to replace the older ones felled in any given forest. The number of new tree plantations is growing each year, but their total still equals a tiny fraction of the Earth’s forested land. Also, the forestation that all of us make, is very important. We have to teach our students why we are planting trees and

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flowers, why we must protect the forests and how to persuade their parents in order to participate in such a procession. Many actions about forestation and plantation would also be helpful for the students and the people generally. Below we can see such proposals that the students from the school in Xanthi(Hellas)and from the school in Dubicko(Czech republic)followed in order to enter their students in this process.

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In the winter teachers with aid of ARPOK organization prepared The day od trees for pupils from 1.- 4th class.

Children were divided into four groups. Then they were walking in the school and they were fulfilling the tasks.

During these activities they were learning e.g. about forest, trees and about ways of utilization of wood.

Czech Republic4

The small students from the school of Dubicko learned about the plantation and the day of trees. The teaching can go further, especially the rainy days of the winter; we can use the crossword, the theatrical performance, painting and creating tales in order the young students to become familiar with the concepts associated with this item. Following such methods, the students will become easier and happier the tomorrow guards of the environment.

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Κλείνοντας , θα ήθελα να ευχαριστήσω όλους αυτούς που εργάστηκαν για να γίνει αυτό το επιστηµονικό περιοδικό, τους µαθητές και τους εκπαιδευτικούς από τις έξι συµµετέχουσες χώρες(Τουρκία, Ελλάδα, Τσεχία, Πολωνία και Πορτογαλία) και ιδιαίτερα την εκπαιδευτικό του 18ου ∆ηµοτικού Σχολείου Ξάνθης. Την κυρία Κυριακή Λειβαδίτου. Με εκτίµηση Γρούδος ∆. Φίλιππος Καθηγητής Φυσικής Αγωγής Υπεύθυνος του Προγράµµατος Comenius µε τίτλο «Give Our Planet a Hand and Save the Next Generation». Ending this scientific magazine, I would like to thank all those who worked to this journal, students and teachers from the six participating countries (Turkey, Hellas, Czech Republic and Poland Portugal) and especially the teacher of the 18th Primary School of Xanthi Mrs. Kyriaki Livaditou. With Sincerely Groudos Philip D. Professor of Physical Education Contact face for the Comenius Program «Give Our Planet a Hand and Save the Next Generation».