ODRC Newsletter 2007-03-04

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  • 8/6/2019 ODRC Newsletter 2007-03-04


    consumers how to operate a cash register, make changetake orders and stock inventory. Twelve-week classestaught the clients how to develop their retail skills, sociainteractions and greeting skills, along with teamworkClarissa worked with the clients to make their schedulesfor the month and assisted with supervision two days

    a week. When it came to ordering and managing theincome of the store, Clarissa worked each week to keepthe store stocked with snacks and keep the operationrunning smoothly. It was fulfilling watching the con-sumers learn and work in the store, said Clarissa. Theyalways seemed to be enjoying themselves.

    The other major project Clarissa worked on wasthe Token Store. We were moving the store to a new

    location in the workshop, so Clarissaand our retail group packed up the oldstore to get ready for the move. Thenew location needed to be cleaned and

    painted, where again, Clarissa workeddirectly with clients. Once the new storewas ready she and the clients sortedorganized and arranged the new storeby category, did color-coded pricingand developed a Grand Opening for

    Mothers Day items.Along with her big projects at ODW, Clarissa spent

    quality time getting to know many of the clients aOpen Door. I was pretty overwhelmed at first, tryingto meet everyone,learn names andgett ing to knowthe consumers onan individual ba-sis, Clarissa saidof her biggest chal-lenge when startingat Open Door. Butshe soon got overthe newness. Now

    Volume 14 / Number 2

    The Voice Serving Adults with Developmental Disablities March-April 20

    Open Door Rehabilitation Center

    A Different Kind of Volunteer

    (Continued on page 2)

    At Open Door, we have all typesof volunteers, dona-tions and assistance,and they all come invarious shapes andsizes. During thelast nine months, wehave had a differentkind of volunteer...

    an Intern from AuroraUniversity, earning her degree in Social Work. ClarissaHachmeister came to us on August 25, 2006 and endedher internship on April 26, 2007.

    Clarissa was an important part of somany aspects here at the West Work-shop, from developing curriculum totraining to running goals to just being

    a role model and friend to so many ofthe clients. While Clarissa was here, shewas supervised by Beth Risk, an MSW,which is required for all Social WorkInterns at their job sites. Clarissa is verymature and was never quick to judge theclients, said Beth, QMRP. She never ex-pected too little from them, she always had high expec-tations. Clarissa was truly Beths right hand during hertime at Open Door. She definitely used her educationand experience when we had to evaluate situations,stated Beth. She always got the facts before assessingthe problem, which is something she developed whiledoing her internship. According to Beth, Clarissa wasan excellent teacher to the clients.

    One of the major projects that Clarissa worked onwhile she was here was the development and imple-mentation of the Healthy Choice Store. This is a smallstore operated by consumers during break times atthe workshop, which offers healthy snacks for smallprices. Clarissa worked to develop a curriculum to teach

  • 8/6/2019 ODRC Newsletter 2007-03-04


    The Voiceis the bi-monthly

    newsletter of Open DoorRehabilitation Center, a not-for-profit organizationservicing adults withdevelopmental disabilities.

    Headquarters are located at405 South Wells Street, Sand-

    wich, Illinois 60548. Phone:(815) 786-8468Fax: (815) 786-6241.

    The Voicewelcomes yourquestions and contributionsof news of interest to ourfriends and supporters.

    ContributorsRita PotterTerra Stetz

    Laurie WisdomCandi BakerSue Weber

    Gene StephensTami Carper

    Kristina Henson

    Founders of ODRC

    William & Virginia Squier, Sr.David & Juanita Graf

    Executive DirectorDavid Baker

    Board of DirectorsVolunteer Leadership

    PresidentRobert J.Coleman, D.C.

    Vice PresidentLane Kapela

    SecretaryQuendred Carpenter


    Mike BennettJim DockendorfRobin GoldsmithBecky LuekenClaudette McCaslinDenise MestemakerPhyllis Niles

    Jeff Metzger, Sr.Joe RobertsJim Dirst

    The VoiceOpen Door RehabilitationCenter

    Can I Quote You?

    What did you like best about working with Clarissa?

    Cara S.: She was wonderful. I will miss her.

    Steve C.: She was fun to work with and I learned a lot from her.

    Lynn S.: She worked on my money goal with me and came to visit me at

    my house.

    Andrew S.: She was a good teacher.

    Jen M.: I liked going to the library and the dollar store with


    (Continued from page 1)

    I have a much better idea of eachindividuals capabilities. She assistedwith assessments, goal administra-tion, helped clients complete applica-tions and worked on placement skillswith those preparing for communityemployment. Every week she would

    go to the homes of a couple of ladiesand visit with them, taking an interestin their lives outside of the workshop.She took many consumers on librarytrips, helped one client move froma family home to one of the grouphomes, shopping and job site tours.Clients came to rely on her and appreciate her in more ways than one. Not onlydid she help the clients, but the case managers knew they could trust her compe-tence and work ethic to be dedicated and caring in all aspects of the job. Clarissashowed a lot of initiative and worked independently, very much a self-starter, saidPam Morton, Program Coordinator. We were able to implement several programsthis year due to Clarissas help and hard work.

    Clarissa said she would not hesitate to recommend Open Door to other studentswanting an internship or employment. It is a good facility with a lot of teachingand growth with the clients, she said, and the staff is always willing to help.

    It wasnt long before we didnt think of Clarissa as an intern only or someonevolunteering, but as a trusted friend and co-worker here at Open Door, and shewill be missed greatly. Clarissa will be starting a new internship at Good SamaritanHospital in Downers Grove working with the hospital Social Worker there. We haveno doubt they will appreciate her as much as we did.

  • 8/6/2019 ODRC Newsletter 2007-03-04


    Open Door West Rehab TimeWhen you think of the West

    Workshop, you often think ofour clients working hard onthe various jobs we have, and

    parts, parts parts! Recently,however, we have expandedthe learning opportunities of-fered at West by introducing al-ternate work activities, or whatwe affectionately call rehabtime. This gives our individu-als the chance to learn variousskills they may be interestedin or want to brush up on.A catalog was developed bycase manager Carrie Thomas

    that is easy to read and full ofpictures showing the variousactivities that are available.She stated, I look forward tocoming up with more creativeways to increase the desirefor our clients to learn newthings. Its just the beginningto improving the quality of ourworkshop.

    Different activities includeadult education classes, worksamples, work skills games,independent studies and ex-ercise. Some of the classesoffered are back by populardemand while others are new.They include Notable Events,History of Music, History ofMovies, and Pen Pals. Theclients also have the chanceto improve upon or learn anew skill for a job they may

    have difficulty with. These work samples simulate theparts and procedures requiredfor a particular job. This canbe anything from snappingLegos together, to sortingand bagging different coloredpieces of paper, to placingsmall rubber bands on the

    end of a pencil. By practic-ing these tasks, they canfeel confident in beginninga new job and take pride

    in the quality work theyproduce.Another option for rehab

    time is developing workskills through board gamesdealing with different top-ics such as communicationsafety and survival skills, andmoney management. Thereare also worksheets avail-able for independent studythat cover daily living skills

    basic math, and job seekingFinally, we will be able to of-fer exercise activities includ-ing aerobic videos, and nowthat the weather is gettingnicer, we will have outdooractivities such as kickballvolleyball, parachute gameand more!

    Another project that ialso being developed by Car-rie is the Work-For-A-Dayprogram. This program wilutilize businesses in the com-munity that would be willingto have our clients shadow

    a worker for a day. This wilhelp clients that may behesitant about working in thecommunity, or those who juswant to explore their optionsto find out what they wouldlike to do. Keep your ears

    open for more informationwhen this program takes off!

    We are constantly brainstorming new ideas and build-ing on old ones to ensure ourclients have the most oppor-tunities to develop not onlytheir work skills at work, bualso their social, emotiona

    and physical well-being!

  • 8/6/2019 ODRC Newsletter 2007-03-04


    DT Bookworms and Proud of it!A group of in-

    dividuals from theDeve lopmenta lTraining Program isexploring the land

    and wonders of theSandwich Library.They will attendthe library for a12-week course,learning skills suchas obtaining a li-brary card, check-ing out books andthe length of timebefore they must

    be returned, and all of the othermaterials and services that are pro-vided by our community library.The Librarian, Sherry Tinerella, hasoffered to assist us on our 12-weekquest for knowledge.

    Each person showed up withthe proper identification and com-pleted the necessary paperwork to

    obtain a library card. One individ-ual was clearly very proud to havehis very own library card as hewalked around showing everyone what he had. Sherrygave a tour of the library, stopping to point out the high-lights. Several individuals stopped to look at books thatwere of special interest to them. Each person is uniqueas are their interests and they gravitated towards their

    favorite sec-tions.

    T h e

    f r i e n d l y L i b r a r -ian, Sherry,showed acouple ofcompu te rbu f f s thec o m p u t -ers and the

    software availableto them. Their eyes widened as if awhole new worldhad just opened

    u p f o r t h e m !They were usedto working withcompute r s bu thad no idea theywere at the librarytoo. She read thebook, Let it Shine,by Ashley Bryan tothe group. Severalmembers of the

    group are unable to read and enjoybeing read to on a regular basisSherry had a knack for story telling which was clear by the way thegroup hung on to every word sheread and listened so attentively. Shetold them that she will have storytime each week they come. Theyall gleamed at her.

    The individuals left the Sand- wich Library looking forward toreturning for the 12-week course

    This group will have a ceremony and receive prizes andcertificates of completion when the course is finishedOnce completed, the individuals will continue to go tothe library; however, a new group will have a chance tosee what being a DT Bookworm is all about! A speciathank youto SherryTinerellao f t h e

    SandwichLibrary form a k i n gthis pos-sible forus! Thankyou!

  • 8/6/2019 ODRC Newsletter 2007-03-04


    Open for the Senses!The Development Training program at Open Door

    has finally opened the long-awaited Sensory Roomfor use! Sensory rooms have been proven to havetherapeutic value to individuals with developmentaldisabilities.

    How did Open Door make this happen? Severalstaff members did extensive research on the useand benefits of stimulating the senses. They visitedseveral other agencies regarding their sensory roomsand researched thenecessary adaptiveequipment neededto make the bestpossible sensoryroom. The green-eyed monster cameout with envy on

    what appeared to bean unlimited budget(or donations) inthe visited sensoryrooms. Specialized equipment comes with quite alarge price tag. Many items cost $2,000 to $3,000apiece! Wow! That was discouraging. One creativestaff member was determined to make our sensoryroom the best it could be with a limited budget. Shecompared costs of various sensory items, put in somecreativity and ingenuity, and then turned in her pro-

    posal. You guessed it,she was set loose ona shopping spree topurchase as muchas possible withinthe allotted bud-get. She shoppedaround purchas-ing fabrics, showercurtains, clearanceholiday and yardlights, shopped ev-

    erywhere she couldthink of to mimic the effects of the adaptive equip-ment. The door to the sensory room stood lockedfor one week while she worked her magic, wrotecurriculum for small groups and individuals and thentrained staff.

    The doors finally opened for use. The clients wereso excited as the small groups cycled in and out!Some sat in comfy bean bag chairs, others in a mas-

    sage chair and therewas plenty of roomfor those clients whouse wheelchairs.

    Clearly, the atmo-

    sphere was soothingand calming. A senseof peacefulness wasin the room. Withthe lights dimly liand the scent of lav-ender in the air, one

    individual listened to the sounds of the seas. Hespoke of the sounds of the birds, waves and windshe could hear and stated, Wow, its been a long timesince Ive been to the beach; I can almost feel the sandbetween my toes. That statement told us the goal

    had been achieved. Many others enjoyed the senseof touch by exploring textures of many various items

    The room also in-cludes a wonderfulight show, some ofthe lights are handson and others are forvisual stimulation.

    The s en s o r yroom is a wonderfuassest for the clients

    to enjoy. We hopeto continue addingitems to enhance

    our sensory room. There are a few pieces of adaptiveequipment we are unable to make or create; onceagain, these items come with a large price tag. OpenDoor has been applying for grants to help us out noluck so far but well keep trying!

  • 8/6/2019 ODRC Newsletter 2007-03-04


    What Were All AboutThe Open Door Rehabilitation Center believes that the most

    fundamental contribution it can make is to help the disabled help

    themselves. This belief is central to every service and program we


    The person with disabilities has talent and potential. The heart

    of our operation is to recognize, evaluate and nurture this talent andpotential in order to help the individual function up to his maximum


    A person who realizes that he is rendering a useful service gains

    in self-respect and self-esteem. This sense of self-worth is intimately

    related to successful personal adjustment and development of the skills

    of daily living. And beyond these basic factors, an improved quality

    of life includes meaningful leisure time activities. The consumer must

    be involved in the planning of these activities so that he can discern

    those that give pleasure and learn how to pursue them.

    Thus, independence and self worth are built upon a foundation

    of personal development, useful service to others and meaningful

    management of leisure time.

    The above is taken directly from Open Doors Philosophy State-ment. This is the heart of what Open Door is. We staff members atOpen Door consider ourselves to be a teaching facility. This meansthat we take the notion of helping others to help themselves veryseriously. The proof is in the programs. Every program we offer isbased around the ideal that teaching the individual is more importantthan doing for the individual. Of course, there are things that wemust do for individuals who simply cannot, for whatever reason,do it for themselves. However, each individual tries to the best of

    his/her ability.There is no failure in trying. With every program whether it is cooking, checkbook keeping, activity planning, orsocial skills, etc. the learning process is always focused upon. In thebusiness this concept is called Caretaking vs. Facilitating. OpenDoor provides care for all individuals while facilitating the learningprocess so that the individual may be self-sufficient and develop asense of self-respect, self-esteem and self-worth. As the old wisesaying states, Give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Teach a manto fish and he eats for a lifetime.

  • 8/6/2019 ODRC Newsletter 2007-03-04


    DO YOU FEEL LUCKY?Purchase a numbered golf ball and you might win $1000!

    On Wednesday, July 25, 2007 at 12:30 PM

    500 numbered golf balls will be dropped onto the driving range at Edgebrook County ClubThe three golf balls that land on the mark or closest to the mark willwin cash prizes ! Winners will be announcedat the evening Banquet Dinner; winners do not need to be present to win!

    Please help support programs that serve our consumers!

    Complete the form below and return with payment in enclosed envelope.

    Upon receipt of your check, your name and number for your golf ballwill be entered into our database for the golf ball drop competition!

    You will receive confirmation of your purchase and your number(s)!

    $ 10.00 will purchase 1 numbered golf ball.

    $ 50.00 will purchase 6 numbered golf balls.

    $ 100.00 will purchase 12 numbered golf balls.

    Please complete form below and return with payment so that we receive on or before Monday, July 23. Please allow plenty of time for mailing. For a copy of the contest rules & regulations, please contact Candi Baker:

    [email protected]

    Phone: (815) 786-8468, ext. 222Fax: (815) 786-6241

    (cut at dotted line)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    1st Prize$ 1000.00

    2nd Prize$ 500.00

    3rd Prize$ 250.00

    $ 10.00 for 1 ball

    $ 50.00 for 6 balls

    $100 for 12 balls

    Name: ______________________________________

    Street or P.O.: _______________________________

    City:___________________State: ________________

    Zip: ____________ Ph: ________________________

    Email Address: ______________________________

    Enclosed is my payment of: $____________ for______# of golf balls.

  • 8/6/2019 ODRC Newsletter 2007-03-04



    Join us on Wednesday, July 25, 2007 Edgebrook Country Club in Sandwich

    Boogety AM Flight Shotgun StartCheck-in & Early Bird Breakfast

    6:30 AM 7:00 AM

    7:00 AM Shotgun Start11:30 AM Banquet Luncheon

    Boogety PM Flight Shotgun StartCheck-in & Racetrack Hot Dog Lunch

    11:30 AM 1:00 PM

    1:00 PM Shotgun Start6:30 PM Banquet Dinner

    MANY SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE!(Please see registration form!)

    For reservations, contact Candi Baker at Ph: (815) 786-8468, ext. 222Fax: (815) 786-6241 Email: [email protected]

    Please mail payment & registration so we receive on or before July 6!


    Race to the finish line and have tons of fun all the way!We have Jimmie Johnson and Jeff Gordons Banquet meals:

    Fried Chicken, Lasagna, Baked Potato, Coleslaw, Green Bean Casserole,Lettuce Salad w/Cucumber & Tomato, and Dessert.

    On Victory Lane, youll be offered complimentary beverages from the Pit Stop, Gasoline Alley,and of course the mobile Pit Crews #1 and #2! You wont go thirsty!

    Its NASCAR all the waaaaay! Get your racecar in gear, dress the part (only if you want to), and look for thecheckered flag! Prizes for Best-Dressed & Best Racecar!

    Its a race to the finish line!

    You can help in making all of our consumers winners at the finish lineby supporting quality programs that serve adults who have such disabilities as

    mental retardation, autism, Downs syndrome, and cerebral palsy.

  • 8/6/2019 ODRC Newsletter 2007-03-04


    Registration for Golf and/or SponsorshipOpen Doors NASCAR RACE DAY

    15th Anniversary Bobby Holmes Memorial Golf OutingBest Ball Scramble

    (Please check the appropriate boxes.)

    7:00 AM Boogety Shotgun Start OR 1:00 PM Boogety Shotgun Start

    $65 Golf/Cart/Early Eats $65 Golf/Cart/Racetrack Hot Dog Lunch$85 All of the Above & Banquet Luncheon $85 All of the Above & Banquet Dinner

    Name:_____________________________________ Golf Only ($65) Golf & Banquet Meal ($85)Name:_____________________________________ Golf Only ($65) Golf & Banquet Meal ($85)Name:_____________________________________ Golf Only ($65) Golf & Banquet Meal ($85)Name:_____________________________________ Golf Only ($65) Golf & Banquet Meal ($85)

    ComplimentaryBeverage Carts circulating all day!


    $1000 Jeff Gordons Banquet Luncheon$1000 Racetrack Hot Dog Lunch$ 800 (Limit 3) Jimmie Johnsons Banquet Dinner$ 500 Pit Crew #1$ 500 Pit Crew #2$ 500 Pit Stop (Beverage Hole #1)$ 500 Gasoline Alley (Beverage Hole #2)$ 500 AM Golf Carts$ 300 Game Match$ 300 Photos & Prize Money

    $ 300 Snacks & Prize Money$ 300 Sweets n Early Eats$ 300 Tokens for Qualifier$ 300 Decorations & Picture Boards$ 250 Victory Lane Hole Sponsors$ 150 Eagles Nest$ 100 Eagle$ 50 Birdie$ 25 ParPlease make checks payable to Open Door. Mail or drop off before July 5, 2007 to:Open Door Rehabilitation Center, 405 S. Wells St., Sandwich, IL 60548

    Name (as you would like it to appear in Program/Sign): ________________________________________________

    Street: _____________________________________________City: _________________________________________

    State: ________________________ Zip: _________________Ph: __________________________________________

  • 8/6/2019 ODRC Newsletter 2007-03-04


    Spaghetti WarehouseThe Spaghetti Warehouse was all the consumers had hoped it would be. Smiles all around! Great Food! Great

    Companionship! Great Time!Heartfelt thanks to the following sponsors:

    Lawrence & Mary Jo Gardner

    Frances HansenJohn & Beth SwansonShirley VezainDick & Cindy Westbrook

    There will not be a dull moment this summer. Lots of fantastic events are happening. Paddle Wheel RiverboaCruise at St. Charles, complete with a picnic. Vintage Truck Show in Yorkville, Car Show in Ottawa, a trip to theBrookfield Zoo, Sugar Grove Corn Boil, Windmill City Festival in Batavia, Vintage Baseball games in Somonaukand Cougars games all summer long. You just cant beat this type of entertainment!

    Once again, thanks for all that you do to bring happiness to the folks here at Open Door. If you would like tosponsor an activity, simply mail a check to Open Door and designate that it is for activities. All donations of anyamount are welcome!

    ALMOST THERE! ALMOST THERE!We are just a couple of thousand dollars short of our goal of $40,000 in contributions to Open Doors

    2006-2007 Membership Drive! We cannot thank you enough for all of your generous support! Your donationsare well-spent in providing quality programs for folks who have developmental disabilities. Because of yoursupport, these individuals are discovering their abilities, and isnt that what its all about? Hearty thanks toevery one of you!

  • 8/6/2019 ODRC Newsletter 2007-03-04


    Contributions & Memorials

    Listed below are contributions and memorials received between 3/1/07 and 4/30/07.


    We deeply appreciate all of the honorariums, memorials, and donations given to Open Door.For your convenience, we provide a donation envelope in each newsletter. We hope you find

    this to be helpful.

    Thank you very much! We are deeply gratefulto you for all of your support!

    Eugene & Mary AdamsFrances AdamsHarold & Joyce AllenBud & Shirley AndersonThomas & Mary Andresen

    Anonymous (4)Shawn ArmstrongDon Augustine/AugustineBrothersRobert BaileyDave, Candi & Brent BakerDon & Connie BakerJoe & Debbie BaroBonnie BauerBeverly BenderRon & Carol Benninger

    Jeff & Terri BernsMary Margaret BieberMalcolm & Betty BrambleRichard BravickDonald & Rosemary BrengmanFrances & Ronald BretthauerJoan BreunigRuth BreunigDon & Pat BrummelRose & Don BurtonCalvary Lutheran WelcaTom & Karin Carlson & StephenJack & Alberta CarrJohn & Nancy CastleRuth Ann ChellbergJohn & Mary ChurchPat & Don ClasonGerald & Judy CombsCommunity DisposalTom & Linda Curry & Julie

    Christine Johnson/Dekalb CountyTreasurerDean & Eileen Johnson & FamilyGlenn & Carol JohnsonLeonard Johnson

    Ron & Barb JohnsonLane & Donna KapelaMarcella KetchumWarren KiestEmma KinselCelestine KitnerKnight Insurance AgencyDr. & Mrs. Howard KochHarry & Doris LandKaren LarsonVelma C. Latimer

    Daniel & Diane LauberWillard & Shirley LeeGeorge & Donna LeidolfHelen LemkeGary LeonardBob & Ann LessickBuzz & Sue LindholmRick LindnerBud & Lois LindstromJoyce & Richard MalacinaMax & Betty MaloneMr. & Mrs. Edward MamayekIone MartinWilbur & Loretta MartinJohn F. MarzoloLowell & Uvanna MathreFrank & Connie MatiasJane McguinnJeanne & James McNishKevin & Linda McVicker

    Ed DahmerDanielson FarmsDr. Parin DesaiiCharles DoetschmanRamona & Warren Early

    Jim & Marilyn Elliott Jewel FeierabendFirst Impressions DentistryWayne & Frances FitzpatrickRobert & Joan FrancisVeronica Fraser/Fraser RealtyClyde & Betty FrenchWilliam & Janice FritschDiane GibsonStephen & Luree GillDan & Carol Giltjes

    Duane & Pamela GomanGreg, Karyn & Chad GrandgeorgeKarol GrandgeorgeMerle & Flora GriswoldCharles & Darlene HaasRobert HaasLee & Sue HageFrances HansenLawrence & Ida HansonTom & Jackie HarmonMary & Don HendricksonRay & Judy HendronRobert & Ann HenrichChuck & Linda HickeyPeggy HigginsRonald & Roseann HubbardConnie HuntLyle Hyatt & Co., Inc.Idle Hour LanesIndian Valley Community Band

  • 8/6/2019 ODRC Newsletter 2007-03-04


    Contributions (Cont.)

    Linda MelsonShirley MenkKenneth & Denise MestemakerEd & Kate MeyerTom & Lisa Meyer & Family

    David MichaelRichard MiechJean MillerLeona MillerThe Hon Robert W. MitchlerRobert & Wendy ModineRay MooreMr. & Mrs. Robert Morel, Jr.Kristeen MorganeggPam & Allen MortonThe National Bank & Trust Com-

    panyRuth NelsonLouis NeuendorfNancy NilesDennis & Phyllis OConnellChristine & Michael OFlynnLinda OlesonGene & Carrol OlsonOtto Machine Co.Jim & Joan ParkerRobert & Susan Paulson

    Mitch & Pat PazdroPella Windows & DoorsPlano Plaza Shopping CenterSid & Carole PetersonDoris PotterMary Ellen PrestegaardRobert & Mary PritchardBill PrynnSue Purdue

    Ben & Marilyn RasmusenJim & Mary RatosCharles & Alice RohrerHarry RothaugKarl & Pat Rud

    Walter & Catherine RudDavid RuhlDawn RussellSandwich Community FundSandwich Floral ShopSandwich Lions ClubSanta Fe RestaurantFred & Mary SchepplerGerry & Sandy SchmidtEdward & Lavergne SchuettMarquerite & Maye Sebby

    Mr. & Mrs. Don SenekMarquita SheedySheridan Community ChestGene & Linda ShumwayShirley SimonsonDebby & Cecil SmithSuzanne SmithWendell SmithMr. & Mrs. Arthur Smith & RodneySomonauk Community ChestGarland Spoonmore

    St. Johns Lutheran ChurchDarin StanfordMary Ann StevensonMickey StillsonIda SuppesMargaret SwensonJohn TallentMargaret TellezMr. & Mrs. Robert TempleEdward & Brenda Thieman

    La Verne & June ThompsonMarge ThompsonManley & Dorothy ThorsonBarbara ThrallArt & Joyce Titzel

    Clarence & Mary ToftoyFrances C. ToombsKeith & Norma TuckerSean TurnerClive & Julia TurveyUnited Church of SandwichErnst & Ellen Van HaagenThomas & Margaret WagnerRon & Pat WallisAlvin & Myrtie WarrenLen & Kathy Wass

    John & Joan WassonWaterman Community ChestGary WeberJim & Carole WehrsDr. Mark Weinhold, DDSRay & Patricia WeisenburgerWilma WessonBill & Betty WestbrookPam WhitcraftClifford & Naomi WhiteDon & Rita Wiesbrook

    Mr. & Mrs. Greg Wiesbrook &FamilyWilbe Co., Inc.Shirley WilkowskiEunice WindettCarla S. WomackJim & Rita WoodyYingling Salvage, Inc.Yorkville Congregational Church

    In Memory of Bob Anderson

    Margo Romme

    In Memory of Elise Baker

    Don & Bonnie Moudy


    In Memory of Don Bark

    Dennie J. & Merrilee Knight

    In Memory of Ed & Shirley


    Eric & Maria Danielson

    In Memory of Tara Lee Dirst

    Dr. Robert & Eda Coleman

    In Memory of John P. Donahue

    Jim & Sally Donahue

    Apology: A memorial donation made in memory of Jennifer Wesson by Richard and Jeanne Baker was recorded

    incorrectly in our last newsletter. We sincerely apologize for this error.

  • 8/6/2019 ODRC Newsletter 2007-03-04


    Erik & Audrey OswaldMitch & Pat PazdroIrene PodiasekTed PozniakGary & Janice PyrceJerrold & Ardi RaskeJ. Kurt Roley

    Frank SmoczynskiMr. & Mrs. Donald SoaveRick TurnerKaren & Doug WatsonEdie & Larry Weeks

    In Memory of Maxwell


    Charles & Linda Hickey

    In Memory of Judith C. Key

    Tom & Betty Thomas

    In Memory of Michael MickeyKing

    Mahala Meilinger

    In Memory of Charles Lackey

    Greg & Karyn GrandgeorgeJohn & Barbara HavrillaChuck, Linda & Julie HickeyJerry & Carol Hinterlong

    Roberta KrausBarbara Meyer

    In Memory of Albert Lawrence

    Mrs. Robert (Donna) Fatten

    In Memory of Paul T. Leifheit

    Kaye BaggDavid & Judith DwyerMrs. Betty Papanek

    In Memory of Bill Lemke Jr.Gerald & Joann CasnerWayne & Frances FitzpatrickBernice MillerGene & Carrol OlsonMerrill & Bev Risk

    In Memory of Margaret Peg


    Patricia Weisenburger

    In Memory of Alice Marel

    George & Martha Cross

    In Memory of Lillian Medlar

    Jim & Sally Donahue

    In Memory of Renee onkemeyer

    Leona Miller

    In Memory of Ronald Moris

    Tom & Betty Thomas

    In Memory of Mary Jane Skinner


    Paul & Judy BrandowGreg & Karyn Grandgeorge

    In Memory of Dustin Nichols Sr.,

    Dustin Nichols Jr., & DonovanNicholsRobert & Carol Nordengren

    In Memory of Donald C. Olson

    Dr. Robert & Eda Coleman

    In Memory of Pete Peterson

    Dr. Robert & Eda Coleman

    In Memory of Jerry

    ReidelspergerDorothy Schule

    In Memory of Jeremy Glen


    Gary & Pat Myers

    In Memory of Alice Rogers

    Diane F. Shroyer

    In Memory of Dale Rogers

    Melvin & Rose ChristophersonVeronica Fraser/Fraser Realty

    In Memory of Walter Scent

    Carol Meyer

    In Memory of Janice Stamper

    David & Linda Johnson

    In Memory of Ella Mae Enger

    Marlene Diehl

    In Memory of Marjorie Faltz

    David & Barbara Voss

    In Memory of Greg Fanning

    Robert & Jean Fanning

    Jim & Gert Meyer

    Ray & Phyllis Niles

    In Memory of Mae & Gary


    David & Barbara Voss

    In Memory of Chuck James

    Mary Lou Grandgeorge

    Carol A. Meyer

    In Memory of Donald R.


    Dan & Traci GrandgeorgeBob & Sue Paulson

    In Memory of Josephine Kapela

    Don AugustineDave, Candi & Brent BakerVeronica & John Beck

    Bel-Mar Wire Products, Inc.Robert & Terry BenbowRobert & Quendred CarpenterDr. Robert & Eda ColemanDr. Robert & Joan ConnorDonald & Mary FoxDorothy M. GerlowskiGladys GrandgeorgeJohn & Barbara HavrillaChuck, Linda & Julie HickeyJerry & Carol Hinterlong

    George & Carol HoltermanGerald & Katherine JohnsonDean & Judy KleinhenzRoberta KrauseMary LubinskiDr. Michael & Nancy MarosciaBarbara MeyerTom & Sandy MoomeyRay & Phyllis Niles

  • 8/6/2019 ODRC Newsletter 2007-03-04


    Memorials (Cont.)

    In Memory of Seth Sleezer

    Judith SleezerDon & Rita Wiesbrook

    In Memory of Earl Thompson

    Roger & Jean Anderson

    In Memory of Dr. Rosalyn


    Sonya Goldsmith

    In Memory of Virginia


    Mary Lou Grandgeorge

    In Memory of Mildred Millie


    Richard & Jeanne Baker


    In Honor of Dr. Robert & Edie


    Dr. Bruce & Clara Coleman

    In Honor of Father Donald De

    Salvos Retirement

    Chuck & Linda HickeyMrs. Clarion Kohler

    In Honor of Mary Lou

    Grandgeorges 80th Birthday

    Stan & Ginny Magnuson

    In Honor of Edna Johnsons

    100th Birthday

    Beverly Bower

    In Honor of Kasey Morgan


    Ted McCannon

    In Honor of Kristina


    Bill & Marty Francis

    In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. Joe

    Neuhausers 63rd Anniversary

    Joanne & Gary Parris

    In Honor of Jerry Vosss 80th


    Bob & Barb Johnson

    In Honor of Al & Myrtie Warrens

    50th Anniversary

    Janet Kessler

    In Honor of Staff at Open Door

    Charles & Mardel Yonikas

    Matching Gifts

    Corporate Matching GiftAnonymous

    Employee/Retiree Matching GiftMarlys & Thomas Smith

    Corporate Matching GiftEdison International

    Employee/Retiree Matching Gift Jerrold Raske

    Corporate Matching GiftEdison International

    Employee/Retiree Matching Gift Gregory Wills

  • 8/6/2019 ODRC Newsletter 2007-03-04


  • 8/6/2019 ODRC Newsletter 2007-03-04


    Open Door Rehabilitation Center405 South Wells Street

    Sandwich, Illinois, 60548


    PAIDSpringfield, ILPermit No. 364


    Open Door is proud to be a member of the Illinois Association of Rehabilitation Facilities, Inc.

    LOOKING AHEAD:Parents/VFW Picnic ---------------------- June 22, 2007

    15th Annual Golf Outing ----------------- July 25, 2007

    Sandwich Fair -------------------- September 5-9, 2007