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  • 7/31/2019 od p1




    Department of Business Administration

    Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering



    Organizational development (OD) is a change management strategy which has been in operation

    for the last forty or so years. It is based on the understanding of behavioral sciences and is

    concerned with how people and organizations function and how they can be made to function

    better through effective use of human and social processes. The turbulence facing the modern

    man and organization is at a level that may not have been experienced before in human history.

    Both man and organization are faced by constantly mutating environments that defy any

    explanation or rationale. Modern changes are more revolutionary than evolutionary as we have

    understood historical changes. The changes may be influenced by changing customer tastes,

    competition arising from new technology, changing cultures and processes and higher demands

    for efficiency, effectiveness, profitability and sustainability. and OD applies behavioral-science

    knowledge and practices to help organizations change to achieve greater effectiveness. It seeks to

    improve how organizations relate to their external environments and function internally to attain

    high performance and high quality of work life OD emphasizes change in organizations that is

    planned and implemented deliberately. It is both an applied field of social practice and a domain

    of scientific inquiry. Practitioners, such as managers, staff experts, and consultants, apply

    relevant knowledge and methods to organization change processes, while researchers study those

    processes to derive new knowledge that can subsequently be applied

    Key words: Organizational development, Technology, profitability and sustainability


    India in the past decade has come a long as far as opening up its economy; introducing

    competition, globalization, and liberalization are concerned. The telecom and IT revolution of

    the country is a case in point and we are continue to lag behind in terms of economic indicators

    such as per captia income The civil services and public sector in INDIA should be the engines of

    growth but are perceived by the public as being obstacles to rapid economic development. I am

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    interested in subject of public sector and I recently had the opportunity to attend a course on e-

    government organized by the Singapore Government. Singapore economic development has

    been and continues to be orchestrated and implemented largely by its government. Exposure to

    e- government as it has been implemented in Singapore was an eye-opener; I felt e- government

    holds the solution too many civil services and public sector ailments

    E- Government is an ideal tool to:

    Accelerate public sector reforms

    Improve Government service radically

    Improve the image of the government in the eyes of the public

    Spur economic development

    Attract greater foreign investment to the country

    Encourage domestic investment and entrepreneurship

    Boost tourism

    Vastly improve the quality of life of our citizens

    It has been amply demonstrated by e-government success stories, such as Singapore that the

    effective implementation of e government apart from improving services delivery, and civils

    servants performance, also increases transparency and reduces administrative corruption. With

    greater public access to government rules, procedure and performance data, transparency is

    enhanced. Implementation of e- government makes it possible to monitor government officers

    decisions online, brings about automation of procedures, reduces the discretionary powers of

    public officials and eliminates intermediaries, thus lowering the scope for corruption.

    Literature and Review

    According to Warren Bennis, Organizational Development (OD) (1969) is a

    response to change, a complex educational strategy intended to change the beliefs, attitudes,

    values, and structure of organizations so that they can better adapt to new technologies, markets,

    and challenges, and the dizzying rate of change itself.

    Some of the more common OD interventions include: change management, coaching,

    organizational design, visions, missions, values, and teambuilding.

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    Organizational Development (OD) is the process of planned change and improvement of

    organizations through the application of knowledge of the behavioral sciences. Moorhead and

    Griffin (2001). Three points in this definition make it simple to remember and use. First,

    organizational development involves attempt to plan organizational changes, which excludes

    spontaneous, haphazard initiatives. Second, the specific intention of organization development is

    to improve organizations. This point excludes changes that merely imitate those of other

    organizations, or which are forced on the organization by external pressures, or are undertaken

    merely for the sake of changing. Thirdly the planned improvement must be based on the

    knowledge of behavioral sciences, such as organizational behavior, psychology, sociology,

    cultural anthropology, and related fields of study, rather than on financial or technological


    In the opinions French and Bell (1999) Organizational development is a long-terms effort led and

    supported by top management, to improve problem solving processes through an on-going,

    Collaborative management of Organizational Culture-with special emphasis on the consultant

    facilitator role and the theory and technology of applied behavioral science, including

    participants action research.

    According to Umoh (2002) Organizational Development refers to the development of and

    performance of people working in the organization. OD is an applied behavioural science

    approach to planned change and development of an organization in attempts to improve the

    overall performance and effectiveness. In this case, Umoh posits that, it is concerned with the

    diagnosis of organizational health and the ability to adapt to change and therefore embraces a

    wide range of intervention strategies into the social processes of the organization.

    OD is a planned effort, initiated by process specialists to help an organization develop its

    diagnostic skills, coping capabilities, linkage strategies in the form of temporary and semi-

    permanent systems and a culture of mutuality ( Pareek, 1975)

    OD is a systematic effort, using behavioral science knowledge and skill, to change or transform

    the organization to a new state. (Beckhard, 1999)

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    OD . is a response to change, a complex educational strategy intended to change the beliefs,

    attitudes, values, and structure of organization so that they can better adapt to new technologies,

    markets, and challenges, and the dizzying rate of change itself (Bennis, 1969)

    OD is a system-wide and value based collaborative process of applying behavioural science

    knowledge to the adaptive development, improvement, and reinforcement of such organizational

    features as the strategies, structures, processes, people, and cultures that lead to organizational

    effectiveness (Bradford, Burke, Seashore and Worley, 2004 as quoted by Warrick, 2005)

    Research and Methodology


    The aim of this study was to further the process of developing Organizational Development

    (OD), by contributing to the emergence of theories and formal documentation of this field. In

    this we introduce qualitative inquiry as the methodological framework of this study. It begins

    with an overview of the research method, explaining the philosophical framework and research

    strategy in practical and theoretical terms. It then describes the details of the method, including

    the data collection and data analysis processes. I this study we own focus are the related methods

    the way the samples were selected and the data generated and analyzed. data generation is via

    qualitative interviewing the data are elicited through open-ended questions asked during

    interviews, and capture direct quotations about peoples personal perspectives and experience.

    Data Collection

    Data in qualitative research can come from interviews, observations or document analysis The

    first step of the data analysis process was to transcribe the interviews I decided to do this myself

    to enable me to get close to and familiar with the data. This was followed by working through a

    generic approach to inductive analysis, suggested by Tesch (1990). I used Microsoft Excel to

    manage my data.

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    Data management.

    The data was managed during the analysis process using Microsoft Excel (Excel). Initially the

    transcripts were written in Microsoft Word (MSWord), and converted to tables which enabled

    the transcripts to be broken into chunks of information (Tesch, 1990) by creating a row for

    each chunk

    The data has been collected from 60 respondents 30 from India and 30 from Singapore working

    in the organization through online survey method by using the questionnaire. For preparing

    questionnaire, care was taken to se that questions were framed based on the objective of the

    study, questionnaire was basically designed to find out the Organization Development in

    Jubilant Life Science.


    There are a number of limitations to this study the most significant is that I was the only

    participant in the study the limited amount of time available to devote to this study and the age of

    the data used in this study. My lack of experience as a qualitative researcher and the

    complications of interviewing people more senior to me in terms of Process Work knowledge

    and expertise are further limitations.