October/November 2015 Vol. 13 No. 5 Courts Today 69 Lyme Road, Hanover, NH 03755 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED Why Veteran’s Courts? Outsourcing Collections Boosting Revenue

October / November 2015

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October/November 2015

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with alternative & diversion programs

with alternative & diversion programs



38 Ad Index


4 CTC 2015 Show Tech Wrap-up

10 Ignition Interlock Technology &Substance Abuse Testing Tools

16 Outsourcing Collections, Boosting Revenue

20 Ever-evolving Electronic Monitoring Devices, Apps

26 Why Veteran’s Courts? Rhode Island’s Story.

30 Court Technology Directory & Reference Guide

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JUST OVER 1,200 COURTHOUSEprofessionals assembled September22-24 at the MinneapolisConvention Center to check out thelatest in court technology trends,products and solutions at CTC 2015.The show consisted of six education-al tracks hosted by court imple-menters along with their supportteams. Each of the six concurrenttracks delivered eight hourlong ses-sions. At the same time were ongo-ing vendor-led mini solution show-cases and a presentation/display oftechnology from the folks atCourtroom 21. During exhibit hallhours, all hands were onboard athardware and software companies topoint out the latest and greatest: dig-ital audio records, redaction soft-ware, electronic filing tools, jurorsystems, enterprise case manage-ment, epayment systems and more.Here’s a sampling of some of theproducts and services that were gen-erating a buzz:

Communication SystemsWilliam Sound’s Digi-Wave sys-

tems offer two-way, digital commu-nication technology in a slim, light-weight and easy-to-use design. Thesystem’s DLT 300 Transceiver fea-tures full-duplex capability, support-ing up to four simultaneous talkers

in two-way mode, and up to sixsimultaneous talkers in intercommode. One- or two-way operationoffers flexibility in an array of appli-cations. With the push of a button,users can access two-way communi-cation for immediate interaction.www.williamssound.com, 1.800.843.3544

Online Research ToolWestlawNext is the next genera-

tion in online legal research services.Using this tool, government legal

professionals can research more effi-ciency with great precision and in lesstime than other services. WithWestlawNext, users can to build thestrongest arguments relying on supe-rior legal materials, including: author-itative primary law, exclusive analyti-cal materials, practice area insights,largest online collection of litigationresources, public records, and more.


Judicial ToolsCourtView’s Judicial Tools

empowers judicial officers with waysto better manage cases and work-load whether in chambers, on the


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bench, or remotely. Judicial Toolsconsiders all phases of cases as theymove into and through the court sys-tem—from the moment a new case isreceived and assigned through finalpost-sentence monitoring.

www.courtview.com, 1.800.406.4333

E-Filing for Tennessee Xerox’s e-filing solution has

allowed Tennessee’s Circuit andChancery Courts of Shelby County’sregistered attorneys (and pro-se liti-gants) to file and update all caseselectronically. Getting to a specific

date stamp on a filing can be critical.Access to e-filing allows attorneys towork until midnight to complete a fil-ing, instead of hurrying to the court-house to meet a 4:30pm deadline.

www.xerox.com/justice, 1.877.414.2676

Jury ManagementSoftware

Odyssey Jury is an end-to-end,statewide enterprise jury system thatefficiently organizes and simplifiesthe jury selection process at a stateand county level, for the loading ofthe jury wheel or master list to man-aging the pooling process and pan-els sent to the courtroom for trial, as

well as compensating jurors. www.tylertech.com, 1.800.431.5776

Portable Video MagnifierThe lightweight TOPAZ PHD

offers the comfort and productivityfeatures of a desktop video magnifi-er but folds away like a laptop. Withauto-focus, a wide magnificationrange, intuitive controls, six defaultand 27 customizable high-contrastcolor modes, the new TOPAZ PHDprovides the freedom to indepen-dently read and view the details inthe courtroom or on the go.

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Court Recording SystemsFor decades For the Record (FTR)

has helped transform how courtscapture, access and distribute courtproceedings. FTR develops cus-tomized solutions and offers broad-cast quality recordings, instantaccess, seamless integration andstreamlined transcription productionin a safe and secure environment.

www.fortherecord, 1.877.650.0958

Electronic Filing Solution

The eFlex electronic filing solu-tion system provides the ability tocapture data and documents andthen transmit the information, withstatus results and notifications,between the filer and court. Usingan advanced API, the system createsa two-way automation process thatinteracts with the court case anddocument management systems.The result offers improved efficiencyand response time on submissions

and greatly reduced manual entry.www.tybera.com, 1.801.226.2746

ePayment SolutionsJustice System’s ePayment solu-

tion, working closely with theCitePayUSA payment processingsystem, is said to make it easy andaffordable for courts to accept andmanage online payments. ePaymentincludes a secure public-facing webinterface, a trusted payment pro-cessing service that completes trans-actions and deposits funds in youraccount, and an ePayment modulethat updates FullCourt Enterprise

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The goal of DWI courts is quiteclear: to protect public safety byusing the drug court model to

address the root cause of impaireddriving from alcohol and otherdrugs of abuse. Variants of DWIcourts include drug courts that alsotake DWI offenders, which are com-monly referred to as hybrid DWIcourts or DWI/drug courts.

These courts often enhance theirclose monitoring of offenders usinghome and field visits, as well astechnological innovations such asignition interlock systems and thetransdermal alcohol detectiondevices.

New developments in these

monitoring devices as well as morestringent substance abuse testingprocedures are helping the judiciarybranch keep the roads safer and cutdown on the number of repeatoffenders.

Tracking TechnologyTrends

Smart Start’s CEO Matt Strauszbelieves that as technology continuesto advance, the ignition interlockindustry has seen an increase in thepopularity of camera technology andGPS tracking. “Real-time reportinghas also become an essential aspectof interlock technology. For example,Smart Start’s SSI-20/30 Ignition

Interlock demonstrates the effective-ness of all of these trends. The SSI-20/30 offers 24/7 access to reports viaour SmartWeb platform. Its corre-sponding GPS tracking capabilitiesand Photo ID module have greatlyenhanced the volume and quality ofthe data our company is able to pro-vide to judges and court monitors,”he says.

“When offenders are tasked withinstalling an ignition interlockdevice as part of their court orlicensing requirement, these devicesbecome an avenue by which courtauthorities can access the mostextensive, up-to-date client data,”Strausz explains. He says they are a“consistent, reliable resource” to

Keeping DWI/Drug Courts running smoothly.

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their court partners, to help makeroads safer for everyone.

Calibrated Solutions“In view that most jurisdictions

require all ignition interlock devicesto meet the current NHTSA stan-dards, I believe the new focus willbe on the calibration equipment andthe overall process of how these cer-tified ignition interlocks are calibrat-ed,” says Brad Boyd, COO at LowCost Interlock.

Boyd feels that monitoringauthorities will start to enforcestricter calibration requirements toensure that the retrieved data reportsare a true reflection of the individu-als’ breath tests. “If a device is cali-brated incorrectly—as a result offaulty calibration equipment and oran untrained technician—this willultimately cause incorrect breath testreadings and possibly allow the indi-vidual to drive the vehicle outside thescope of the jurisdictional regula-tions. I foresee monitoring authori-ties increasing calibration regulationsto limit these occurrences.”

Tailored Programs“Increasingly, courts and agencies

are supervising very diverse popula-tions of alcohol clients, and theyneed an integrated, full suite of alco-hol monitoring technologies to tailortheir programs to clients’ needs andrisks,” adds Kathleen Brown, directorof Marketing and Public Relations,SCRAM Systems. “SCRAM CAMand SCRAM Remote Breath areproven technologies that are helpingcourts address the inherent chal-lenges of alcohol monitoring andachieve better outcomes.”

New TechnologyOptions

SafeKey Corporation has devel-oped an affordable, attainable andeffective ignition interlock that issaid to thwart impaired driving in

the first place. “At Safekey, we are focused on

what’s next,” says James F. Rennie,president and CEO. “The clear trendtowards drugged driving will be aneven larger issue than drunk drivingby 2018,” he forecasts. “Safekey isworking with the courts educatingthem that our voluntary ignitioninterlock system which requires thedriver to complete a hand, brain, eyereaction test versus breathalyzer isright on the mark.”

Here are some of the latest igni-tions interlock devices and other sub-stance abuse testing kits that are aid-ing courtrooms across the country:

IN-CAR BREATHALYZERThe Dräger Interlock 7000 is an

in-car breathalyzer that reinvents thetraditional ignition interlock deviceto incorporate enhanced user fea-tures and monitoring capabilities. Aculmination of over 60 years in

breath alcoholdetectors and 20years in ignitioninterlock tech-nology, theDräger Interlock7000 includeshighly advancedbypass protec-tion and offersthe fastestwarm-up timein the industry,they report.



ALCOLOCK USA is pleased toannounce the expanded features ofthe Alcolock LR ignition interlockdevice, including camera, real-timereporting, and GPS. These newfeatures, combined with the sim-plicity and convenience of the

InterTrack cl ientmanagement soft-ware, provide themost robust ignitioninterlock program onthe market.



Smart Start’s SSI-20/30 features acolor display screen, a user-friendlykeypad, and an alcohol-specific fuelcell for maximum accuracy. Roughlythe size of a cell phone, it boasts

multiple testingoptions, quickinstallation, GPStracking, upcom-ing test alerts,anti-circumven-tion features, mul-tiple languages,p r o g r a m m a b l eviolation levels,compatible Photo

ID module, 27/4Smart Web monitoring,

and immediate notification of viola-tion to monitoring authorities.www.SmartStartInc.com, 1.800.880.3394


Intoxalock eLERT is the firm’sfastest growing product. It combinesfuel cell technology, photo verifica-tion and real-time reporting to meet

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the most rigorous local and staterequirements. Online log reportingprovides instant access to partici-pant information, complete BrACsample history and violations.Intoxalock continues to be an indus-try leader in reliability, customerservice and technology.

www.Intoxalock.com, 1.877.777.5020


SCRAM Continuous AlcoholMonitoring (CAM) is the mostwidely used CAM product in theworld, they note. Extensively peer-reviewed and court validated,SCRAM CAM provides a provendeterrent to drinking. It generatesdaily an average 99.4% Sober Daysrate, meaning that 99.4% of allclients being monitored by theproduct are sober and fully compli-

ant with court orders.www.alcoholmonitoring.com,


MOBILE BREATH TESTThe MobileBreath Continuous

Alcohol Monitoring System is reliableand fast. It automates breath alcoholtesting. With a 90-second enrollee

administered breath alcohol screen.The system will detect down to .001BAC. Results can be emailed or textmessaged to an administrator or casemanager instantly. MobileBreath isaccurate using the U.S. Departmentof Transportation-approved AL 9000

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AlcoMate Fuel Cell breath testingtechnology. Small and lightweight itcomes with a stylish computer bag.



The Determinator ignition inter-lock device analyzes blood alcoholcontent and determines if a driver iswithin a legal limit to get behind thewheel. The system’s computerrecords all test and pertinent drivingdata. This information is download-

able and printable. Any attempt attampering with the unit registers inthis data log as well.http://www.stopdwi.com, 1.800.STOP.DWI


The LifeSafer FC100 IgnitionInterlock features a target-trackingcamera system. It features real-timereporting of violations and vehiclelocation. An indicator light signalshandset-to-camera link, enabling testto begin. It can be separately mount-ed near the rearview mirror withoutobstructing driver’s view.

www.lifesafer.com, 1.800.634.3077



As the leader in oral fluid speci-men collection and testing, OraSureTechnologies Inc. offers their latestadvancement in oral fluid collectionwith the Intercept i2 Oral FluidCollection Device. This is a collec-

tion system uti-lized for lab-based detection ofdrugs of abuse.Oral fluid is col-lected underdirect observationwith the averagecollection time ofjust 3-4 minutes.Collection padsare then put intoa vial, sealed, andsent to your lab with a completedchain-of-custody form for analysis.Results are reported the next day onnegative results, and within 48 to 72hours for positive confirmation.

www.orasure.com, 1.800.869.3538

TESTING SOLUTIONSImmunalysis offers comprehen-

sive, cost-effective solutions for drugand alcohol testing solutions. Theirbroad line of reagents includingSynthetic Cannabinoids, coupledwith their analyzer solutions and

user-friendly LIS systems, ensureusers have the necessary tools tokeep pace with the changing trendsof drug abuse.

www.immunalysis.com, 1.888.664.8378


Hydrocodone/HydromorphoneDrugs of Abuse Assay offers applica-tions for an array of clinical chemistryanalyzers. The drugs of abuse testingscope is expanding rapidly, and DRI

assays meet this challenge by offer-ing one of the most extensive menusfor drugs of abuse testing and devel-oping new assays to respond to ever-emerging drug screening needs.



Alkermes plc is a fully integrated,global biopharmaceutical companythat applies its scientific expertiseand proprietary technologies todevelop innovative medicines thatimprove patient outcomes. The com-pany has a diversified portfolio ofmore than 20 commercial drug prod-ucts and a substantial clinicalpipeline of product candidates thataddress central nervous system(CNS) disorders such as addiction,schizophrenia and depression.

www.alkermes.com, 1.781.609.6000

FINGERNAIL TESTINGUSDTL is the only laboratory

commercially testing fingernail clip-pings for substances of abuse.Fingernail testing offers the ability todetect heavy alcohol or drug use in

the previous 3-6 months with amuch lower ability to alter the speci-men. Fingernail, like hair, is a kera-tinized specimen, but unlike hair,fingernail is not susceptible to adul-teration, chemical treatments orgender bias.

http://www.usdtl.com, 1.800.235.2367

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the Great Recession, courts,facing budget cuts and per-sonnel shortages, saw anincrease in using third partysources to collect fines andfees. Court collection is a com-plex and complicated beast.There is not only the matter of

compliance; there is also the matterof legal restrictions, chasing downthose who don’t pay, convenienceon the payer’s part, etc.

Don McKinley, owner andfounder of National Courts,Collecting, and Consulting (N3CS),notes that collections can becomethe “forgotten stepchild” until it isbudget time. McKinley has dedicat-

ed decades of his career to doing“anything to help courts advance.”As noted on his website(www.n3cs.com), there is an esti-mated $100 billion dollars in gov-ernment and criminal debt that isbeing scrutinized by officials at everylevel of government. Courts areoften criticized for not effectivelycollecting these debts, and they arealso criticized for allegedly levyingand collecting criminal court costs,fees, and fines from those least ableto pay it. (The first NationalAmerican Court CollectionConference took place from October19-21, 2015 to discuss such matters.)Budgets are stretched, personnel are

down, and the fact is, many agree,courts need help. That help cancome from third parties such as con-sulting organizations such as N3CS,other government agencies, andtechnology and service providerssuch as RevQ and nCourt.

Factors to ConsiderThere are several things to con-

sider when debating involving athird party. Nial Raaen, principalconsultant at the National Center forState Courts (NCSC) points out thatduring the recession there was a lotof interest in third party services, butsince then the trend has tapered off a























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bit. (There is not much data onwhether courts are using it more orless.) He furthers that there areavenues that can complicate matters.Legally some states can pass a col-lection fee onto an offender, andsome states cannot, so that will havean impact on utilizing third-partyservices. There is also, says SteveArd, chief operating officer at RevQ,the matter that “it can be very diffi-cult for courts to procure servicesdue to the complexities of the pro-curement process and the compli-ance requirements that surround thecollection of debt.” Raaen suggeststhat courts examine some considera-tions. Who’s going to bear the costs?What will be the metric of success?What services are being offered?

The primary consideration, saysMcKinley, is that jurisdictions notconsider courts to be revenue gener-

ating sources. That’s where entitiescan get into trouble, and once thatpath is taken, it can become a slip-pery slope. He points out theDepartment of Justice’s Report onFerguson, Mo., which “did not havea good collections process.” The sys-tem relied on courts to generate rev-enue rather than for enforcementand complicity. Simply put, if theywrote more tickets, they would havemore money. (Since then, the judgeand clerk in Ferguson haveresigned.) He stresses that there isindeed a positive role for outsidevendors, but courts must be mindfuland pay attention to what thosevendors are doing. It is not just amatter of courts turning over theresponsibility to an outside organi-zation. The court still has the overallresponsibility and jurisdiction in thecase. “It’s a matter of compliance.”

Policy in Place?One problematic policy

addressed at the conference, saysMcKinley, is that courts do not havetheir policies in writing. If policiesare handed down orally, the prob-lem starts there. Steps A through Zshould be in writing. Courts shouldask themselves: How complete arethey? How up-to-date are they? Ifthey are not defined completely,they are open to interpretation, orworse, misinterpretation. It shouldbe, says McKinley, if someonecomes in off the street, they shouldbe able to understand the policy,and those policies should bereviewed every year or two.

He also advises that small stepssuch as referring to those who owemoney as “customers” rather than“defendants” can have an impact.

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“Once we label someone, it tends tomake us look down our noses atthem, even if it’s inadvertently.” Hisgoal, he says, is to get customers outof the system as soon as possible. “IfI get out of bed and help someonebe more successful than they werebefore they met me, it was a goodday.” He furthers, “It’s never aboutthe money. It’s about compliance. Ifyou focus on the compliance, therevenue will take care of itself.”

Another Option:Other State Agencies

Another third party option forcourts to use is other state pro-grams, which, says Ard, “act as anagency within the state for courts’collection needs.” California usesthe Franchise Tax Board, which inother states is known as theDepartment of Revenue. SaysRaaen, the Department of Treasurycan provide tax intercept services forstate taxes, but that issue is moot forstates such as Florida and Texas thatdo not have state income taxes.

Steve Ard and Jon Daane ofRevQ note that, “Initially (over thelast 20 years) collections were han-dled in-house. Over time it becamea mix of in-house and outsourcing.This evolved into more outsourcingwith an emphasis on managing theagencies and accounts being for-warded. Now we see a lot of hybridmodels where the courts will takethe initial steps in collecting onaccounts, then based on strategiesthey have in place will outsourcesome or all as well.” RevQ, they say,is in a unique position havingworked with government agencies,particularly courts, for over 20 years.The company provides not just tech-nology but full solutions to improvein-house collections, the ability tooutsource and manage effectively,and integrate with the “bigger pic-ture” programs within the states.Other services are consulting to

increase revenue, reduce manage-ment and improve management.Finally, their services include clientcare, custom development, andtraining.

RevQ’s collection product isRevenue Results, which can be usedin numerous arenas by any govern-ment agency. Revenue Resultsallows governments of any size tocollect delinquent revenue moreefficiently and more effectively. It isdesigned to automate as many debtcollection tasks as possible, which in

turn minimizes user time doingmanual tasks on each account.Those features include generatingautomated work lists, automatedwork flow, automated correspon-dence, payment plans, reporting,forwarding to outside collectionagencies, and more. Those functionsallow courts to electronically ormanually input cases and accountswith automatic linking of multipledebts to a debtor; automaticallyimport account transactions, casesand data from other systems; queryaccounts, store and use case-specificdata, keep track of additional con-tacts or aliases; view collection activ-ity notes; and customize userscreens for specific needs. Daanenotes, “The most successful clientsuse all of the tools.”

There is another stage of debtcollection aside the overworkedcourts and chasing down delin-quent debt. There is also the matterof those who just want to pay theirfine and, as McKinley says, “Getout of the system.” For years the

“It’s never about the money. It’s about compliance. If you focus on thecompliance, the revenue will takecare of itself.”

—Don McKinley

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only two options for paying finesand other fees were either in per-son at the courthouse or by mail.Courts have been adopting the useof technology in every arena, sonaturally collections is amongthem. Software is a primary com-ponent to advancing paymentmethods for payer and payee. Oneof those providers is Kennesaw,Ga.-based nCourt. Tony Clancy,chief executive officer, states thatthe company’s services are offeredin 1,600 courts around the nation(as well as hundreds of other gov-ernment customers). He furthersthat the issues are uniform inalmost all of them: there is toomuch work and not enough people,and the desire to make collectionsmore accessible is everywhere. Hepoints out one consideration thatthose involved in collections have

to constantly keep in mind, andthat is the possibility of error couldmean someone ending up in jail orlosing his or her driver’s license.“The people who do it well have tobe perfect.”

What nCourt offers is the abilityto allow “citizens to satisfy theirobligations over the Internet, ontheir smart phone or tablet, or overthe phone.” Payers visit a cus-tomized website that the companybuilds for the court. After enteringidentifying information, the payerreads and accepts the terms. Payersview payment amounts, agree to aconvenience fee, and then pay witha credit card. They will then receivean email confirmation of payment.On the court’s end, a clerk receivesinstant notification when a paymenthas been made. They use a cus-tomized online system to approve or

deny payment with additionaloptions for transferring to a differentjurisdiction or to mark the paymentas pending. Clerks use a paymentdashboard to run reports or gainadditional details on transactions. Incases where nCourt integrates witha court’s system, the clerk does notneed to review or approve. This alloccurs in real time. The servicecomes at no cost to the court. Thecitizen pays a convenience fee inorder to avoid annoyances such astaking time off work, travel andparking; however, the service doesallow “customers to absorb this costif they wish, buffering citizens fromany additional fees.” Courts alsoreceive daily reports. Brian Cochran,senior marketing manager at nCourtfurthers that there is also a drivetoward text reminders and he seesthis in the very near future.

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ELECTRONIC MONITORING TECHNOLOGYcontinues to offer an ideal cost-effective tool that canmake the difference in assisting an offender’s transitionfrom incarceration or as an alternative to incarceration.The technology was first developed almost 50 years agoby twin brothers Robert and Kirk Gable while studyingin the social psychology department at HarvardUniversity. Since that time, electronic monitoringdevices have become an essential part of the criminaljustice system.

By integrating treatment, job support and other tran-sitional services in a supervised program that electroni-cally tracks and documents movements, communitycorrections officers are now able to help individualsreturn successfully to their communities. Combinedwith the cost-effectiveness of this alternative to incar-ceration, now may be the right time for governmentagencies to use electronic monitoring.

House arrest programs also have the potential to

reduce jail and prison overcrowding, to be more cost-effective than incarceration, to provide a flexible sen-tencing alternative, to provide an immediate sanction,and to provide a greater social benefit than incarcera-tion. When an intensive supervision program is wellrun, it can have successful outcomes.

The technology behind these devices continues toevolve and drive the criminal justice market. Whereonce it used only radio signals to detect whether some-one was home or out in public, now many devices useGPS and cell tower signals to give precise locations. Inaddition, new advancements in monitoring DUI offend-ers also can detect blood-alcohol levels through a per-son’s sweat.

“Quite frankly, providing community-based supervi-sion officers with the ability to simultaneously track andengage in two-way communications with offendersmakes the current electronic monitoring model virtuallyobsolete,” says Jeff Milner, VP of sales and marketing at

Electronic monitoring technology and equipment provide cost-effective alternatives to incarceration.

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Corrisoft, Lexington, Ky. “Havingthe ability to electronically manageoffender scheduling, use technologyto automate a whole host of tasks,and proactively engage with theoffenders vastly improves anagency’s efficiency and enables offi-cers to spend more time in the fieldwhere they can truly help offenders.”

Jeff Hansen, Telmate’s chief mar-keting officer points out that in thepast few years, as a result of federalcourt cases and public elections,there has been a shift from “hardbed” corrections to community cor-rections. States across the countryhave been mandated to releasethousands of prisoners due to over-crowding and voter initiatives thatare reducing felonies to misde-meanors. “As a result, due to thelarge numbers of clients beingreturned to society, community cor-

rections is the growing correctionsmarket in need of effective tools tohelp with the rehabilitation andreintegrating of clients back intosociety. It has become clear that as asociety, we cannot continue tohouse all offenders in hard beds,and therefore we must find effective,efficient and affordable ways to keepreleased offenders under effectivesupervision,” he says.

Telmate offers one of the latestadvancements in this area with theirGuardian system, a technicallyadvanced, low-cost, smartphone-based, GPS monitoring solution forlow-risk populations. LaFayetteCounty, La., recently announcedtheir adoption of the new systeminto their program. Rob Reardon,director of corrections at Lafayettecomments, “The adoption ofTelmate Guardian gives Lafayette

the opportunity to have a low-costalternative to supervise low-riskoffenders while getting more dataabout their whereabouts and behav-iors.” Reardon oversees jail opera-tions and programs such as theSheriff’s Tracking Offender Program(STOP), which is a pre-trial pro-gram. He notes that Lafayette pridesitself in exploring challenging waysto provide the most innovative ser-vices for the community. “Guardianseems to be the right fit to take thispre-trial program to the next level,”Reardon explains.

“I know there are options outthere, but they do not seem as sim-ple to the user as Guardian,” addsTommy D. Payne, president,Intertech Probation, Inc., Carrollton,Ga. “The Guardian system gives usa reliable monitoring device for afraction of traditional costs while

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keeping our community safe.”Here are a few of the latest elec-

tronic monitoring solutions on themarket that are helping provideagencies some cost-effective optionsto incarceration:

TRACKING SOLUTIONShadowtrack has been providing

voice biometric, community tracking

solutions to the courts for over 15years. Their newest solution releasecontains Dual Location Authen-tication Technology. The integra-tion of cellular triangulation coupledwith GPS location requests is usedto guard against location spoofing.Shadowtrack has been approved by

all major cellular carriers in the U.S.www.ShadowTrack.com, 985.867.3771

HOUSE ARREST APPThis comprehensive GPS offender

tracking and monitoring program isa smart phone-based, house arrestapp program that incorporates a

number of biometric safeguards toidentify offenders and provide accu-rate, actionable, alerts. All verifiedcheck-ins are time stamped and eas-ily tracked. The web-enabledDashboard Monitoring Center isaccessible by smart phones, iPads,and tablets, as well as traditional

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methods, such as desktop and laptopcomputers to assist in compliance.

www.E-Cell.com, 1.888.316.0600


Driven by customer demand toimprove the affordability and per-formance of electronic monitoringdevices, Shadow is reported to bethe smallest and lightest device of itskind with a sleek, modern designfeaturing an enhanced mobile

charging capability that makes iteasier to use. The device is also 3Gcompliant and fully supported by allglobal mobility providers.

http://trackgrp.com, 1.877.260.2010


Omnilink’s electronic offendermonitoring system is reported tocombine fewer alerts, intuitive soft-ware, dependable hardware andcomprehensive support services soyou can more effectively increasecompliance, reduce recidivism, andmaintain public safety.

www.omnilink.com, 678.624.5900

GPS & TWO-WAY COMMSCRAM GPS combines superior

location monitoring accuracy and 2-way communication with an indus-try-leading strap that virtually elimi-nates false alerts, notes the compa-ny. The bracelet’s strap design is dif-ferent from other GPS products,essentially eliminating intermittentstrap disruptions that are responsi-ble for the system-imposed grace

period. The company’s GPS soft-ware also offers modern, street-levelmap views to put clients’ move-ments in context and provide bettersupervision data. SCRAM GPS is anintegrated component of theSCRAM Systems suite of products.



Corrisoft’s Alternative toIncarceration via Rehabilitation(AIR) program is an offender moni-toring solution that features a cus-tom-configured, highly controlled

smart phone paired with a uniqueidentifier. This smart phone system,called AIR Mobile Connect, servesas both an extremely accurate moni-toring device as well as a powerfultool connecting offenders to vitalrehabilitation and reintegrationresources, reports the firm. The AIRprogram’s use of use of smart phonetechnology affords community-based supervision officers the abilityto engage in real-time, two-way

communications with offenders.This approach improves agency effi-ciency, increases offender account-ability, and streamlines activitymanagement efforts.

www.corrisoft.com, .859.271.1190


Telmate Guardian is a technicallyadvanced, low-cost, smartphone-based, GPS monitoring solution thatoffers a high-tech level of monitor-ing to lower risk populations withincommunity corrections, including

pre-trial, work release, probationand parole, reports the company.The free app is compatible withAndroid and Apple smartphones,requires no new hardware for casemanagers or enrollees, and featuresinnovative face and voice detectiontechnology.


TRACKING PLATFORMSSuperCom has created a compre-

hensive corrections tracking plat-form, delivering cutting-edge hard-ware and software solutions.

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Scott Tirocchi said that when RhodeIsland District Court started a vettreatment program in 2011, it had acapacity of 25. As of last month theprogram’s capacity is about 80. Thatseems to be following the number ofarrested vets coming into the state’sjail population: one year ago thenumber of justice-involved vets inthe state was 150, this year thatnumber is 250.

While there is no hard and fastnumber of vets seeking treatment,“they don’t appear to be reducing,”says Tirocchi, who is the administra-tor of the Veterans Treatment Court

and deputy director of the PretrialServices Unit.

The day we spoke PresidentObama had changed course andhad just extended our country’spresence in Afghanistan, keeping5,500 troops on the ground thereinto 2017. “We can’t expect it not tohave repercussions,” he noted.

Of 320 million people in the U.S.less than 1% have served in the mil-itary. Yet, despite the relatively smallpercentage, there are currently 22.5million living U.S. military veterans,and this number is expected toincrease dramatically as military

personnel return from Iraq andAfghanistan. In 2010 when Tirocchiwas serving as a counselor in the jailsystem, he observed that a high por-tion of those inmates were first timeoffenders who had never been introuble with the law.

Their behavior was not appropri-ate for civilian life. For example,they were driving at a high rate ofspeed, a kind of behavior needed inwar zones, he explains, and theywere commonly arrested for reck-less driving or for disorderly con-duct. They weren’t aware of thehigh-risk behavior they were


Island’s VTC

specificallyhelps vetstransition

back to civilian

life.Vet’s Courts help withcriminal and clinical treat-ment to help those return-ing from deployment tran-sition back into civilian life.

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exhibiting, he says.Veterans had issues such as “TBI, PTSD and sub-

stance abuse,” he says, referring to traumatic braininjuries and post traumatic stress disorder. There wasand is also significant alcohol dependence and abuse, aswell as abuse of opinoids. This type of behavior is on parwith veterans across the country, he says.

In fact, in 2008 when a judge in Buffalo, N.Y., beganmaking these same observations and noticing anincrease in the number of veterans appearing on hisDrug Court and Mental Health Court dockets, theHonorable Robert Russell founded the first VeteransTreatment Court. It is a hybrid drug and mental healththat treats the particular stressors that follow veteranshome. As of June 2014 there were more than 200 ofthese veterans problem-solving courts in the U.S.,according the National Institute of Justice.

Statistics on VetsStudies bear out that returning vets have difficulties

returning to civilian life. In fact, according to a NationalAcademies study, a full 44 percent of returning servicemembers from Iraq and Afghanistan have reported dif-ficulties after they returned. Significant numbers ofthese deployed personnel have suffered traumatic braininjuries and many have shown symptoms of posttrau-matic stress disorder, depression, and substance misuseor abuse. In the scientific literature, the estimates of theprevalence of those conditions among service memberswho served in these two conflicts range from 19.5 to22.8 percent for mild TBI (commonly known as concus-sion), 4 to 20 percent for PTSD, 5 to 37 percent fordepression, and 4.7 to 39 percent for problematic alco-hol use.

These military and veteran personnel often havemore than one health condition. The most commonoverlapping health disorders are PTSD, substance usedisorders, depression, and symptoms attributed to mildTBI. In 2010, nearly 300 service members committedsuicide, and about half of those suicides involved servicemembers who had deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan.

Unlike physical wounds, these conditions affectmood, thoughts, and behavior and often remain invisi-ble to other service members, family, and society. Inaddition, symptoms of these conditions, especiallyPTSD and depression, can have a delayed onset—appearing months after exposure to stress.

The Buffalo Court acknowledged those comorbid dis-orders within the veteran population and takes a multi-pronged approach to dealing with them. As such, it is acollaborative effort among law enforcement, the courts,the V.A. healthcare system and a mentoring program.Like other problem-solving courts, it attempts to rehabili-

tate participants using structured treatment programsrather than relying on punitive sentences. It is reportedhave excellent results: for those who have graduated theBuffalo program, the recidivism rate has plummeted, withonly 5 percent returning to jail, according to a newspaperseries on war veterans in The Ithaca Times in June 2015.

High Deployment RatesBack in Rhode Island, Tirocchi points out they have

faced an unusual phenomena in regard to the highnumbers of deployments since 9/11. Possibly owing tomany Rhode Islanders in the Army and Air NationalGuard, its 10,000 calls since 2001 from the Departmentof Defense represent the nation’s second highestdeployment rate per capita.

When veterans began appearing in their court sys-tem, common problems they exhibited were sporadicfeelings of isolation, having difficulty relating to thosewho have not served and future planning goals pertain-ing to finances, family, vocational and educationalobjectives. Along with PTSD and TBI, they were havingtrouble readjusting to the civilian world, and they hadsubstance abuse issues mentioned above. Other unique

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issues the Court found in thosereturning from deployment, Tirocchisays, are that “many will not self-identify as veterans. They also havea lot of pride…but also a lot ofshame.”

In response, in April 2011District Court Chief Judge JeanneLaFazia requested the Court estab-lish the first Veteran TreatmentCourt (VTC) within the state of R.I.The RIVTC is designed to directdefendants who have served in themilitary into a Court program thatintegrates treatment plans and sup-port with the judicial process. Itoffers offenders a treatment option,which is judicially supervised anddesigned to divert offenders awayfrom incarceration by providingrehabilitative alternatives.

“It gave them a chance to pressthe pause button and recognize theyneeded the intervention,” explainsTirocchi, who is a veteran himself.

The Court is a pre-plea, pre-sen-tence diversion program that is onaverage 12 months in length. Itserves the entire state: the Court iscentrally located inWarwick, R.I., andcases are transferredfrom other countiessuch as Providence,Washington andNewport, when

deemed appropriate. Similar to those in the general jail

population, some individuals havecriminogenic risk and will requirecriminogenic interventions toaddress these needs. These risksmight be a history of antisocialbehavior, antisocial personality pat-tern, antisocial cognition, antisocialattitudes, family and/or marital dis-cord, poor school and/or work per-formance, few leisure or recreationactivities, substance abuse andPTSD.

Tirocchi explains that the formersoldiers are identified as high risk(criminal)/high need (treatment) orhigh need/low risk and they treateach accordingly. He notes that hisstate’s court provides a multi-disci-plined team that includes mentalhealth and substance abuse, coun-selors, prosecutors, the judge, andancillary organizations such asAmericore, as well as the V.A. “Wereally do an assessment—bothcriminal and clinical in nature todetermine the programmingaround them. We don’t do the

same [treatment] for everyone butwe tailor it to each individual’sneed,” he says.

Veterans have their uniqueissues, he furthers. “Many are isola-tive. They have their own culture…Internally they wage their own littlebattles and keep to themselves,”Tirocchi says. At the same time hepoints out civilians in the reservesare being deployed; not just oncebut multiple deployments.

“We face this with treatment thatis much more precise, tailored, cog-nitive behavioral therapy,” he says.“It is a holistic, veteran-centeredapproach.” And because the PretrialServices Unit oversees the RIVTA,he continues, “we can ID themearly, usually at arraignment.”

Treatment ModelsRIVTC employs various treatment

models. Among these are:• TAMAR Education Model, a

SAMHSA-approved trauma-specificintervention based on psychosocialeducational empowerment princi-

ples. This model, whichstands for

T r a u m a ,Addiction,M e n t a lH e a l t h ,a n d

R e c o v e r y ,

Since 9/11, R.I.’s 10,000calls from the Departmentof Defense represent thenation’s second highest

deploymentrate percapita.

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was developed for women in correc-tional settings, and provides basicinsights on trauma, its developmen-tal effects on symptoms and currentfunctioning. It is a 10-week inter-vention combining psycho-educa-tional approaches with expressivetherapies.

• Another is DBT, or DialecticalBehavior Therapy, a cognitivebehavioral treatment that was origi-nally developed to treat chronicallysuicidal individuals diagnosed withborderline personality disorder(BPD) and it is now recognized astandard psychological treatment forthis population. It is an evidence-based model that assists in gainingcommon skills to address interper-sonal skills, says Tirocchi.

• MRT, or Moral ReconationTherapy, is a cognitive-behavioralprogram that is ideal for this popu-

lation because it address both sub-stance abuse treatment and crim-inogenic needs. MRT addressesbeliefs and reasoning. It is a system-atic, step-by-step group counselingtreatment approach for treatment-resistant clients. Tirocchi says hecan’t speak enough about it becauseit offers treatment in a nontradition-al manner. It has a homework com-ponent and perhaps most signifi-cantly “it hits upon values commonto the veteran community—i.e., get-ting one’s own house in order, look-ing out for others, giving back.”

In January 2015 RIVTC initiatedthe MRT veteran-specific treatmentcomponent called Winning theInvisible War. “It is especially effec-tive with this particular population,”he believes.

The Rhode Island Court also hasanother tool that is particularly

effective—a strong mentoring pro-gram, says Tirocchi. In the program19 veterans serve as mentors, repre-senting all branches of the service.“They tend to open up a lot morethan with non veterans,” he adds.

Since the beginning, we have had170 folks graduate, Tirocchi says,and between 75 and 80 participantscan be accommodated concurrentlyin the caseload. The court is one of agrowing trend: according to Justicefor Vets, a professional services divi-sion of the National Association ofDrug Court Professionals, as of June2014, 220 Veterans TreatmentCourts across the U.S have alreadyserved 11,000 vets. As long as “ourcitizen soldiers” will be called upon,says Tirocchi, Veterans Courts willbe challenged to help them readjustto civilian life with as much produc-tivity and normalcy as possible.

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ADA RequirementsComputing Systems InnovationsMarshall Furniture

Architectural & Construction CGLMarshall FurnitureProfessional Systems Engineering

Audio/Video SystemsAdGators Digital SignageFort The Record (FTR)InfaxMarshall FurniturePointmaker, LLCProfessional Systems Engineering

Collections; Receivables ManagementnCourt, LLCRevQXerox

ConsultantsCGLIntegrated Software SpecialistsProfessional Systems EngineeringXerox

Court AutomationAdGators Digital SignageComputing Systems InnovationsCourtView Justice SolutionsFor The Record (FTR)Gottlieb & Wertz, Inc. ImageSoftIntegrated Software SpecialistsJudicial SystemsJury SystemsNational Sheriff’s AssociationRevQThomson ReutersTyberaTyler TechnologiesSysconXerox

Data IntegrationComputing Systems InnovationsIntegrated Software Specialists

Detectors; Weapons and ExplosivesAutoclearCEIA USAGarrett Metal Detectors

Document ManagementComputing Systems InnovationsCourtView Justice SolutionsExtract SystemsImageSoftIntegrated Software SpecialistsRelational SemanticsSysconThomson ReutersTyberaTyler Technologies

Digital Signage/ Electronic DocketsAdGators Digital SignageInfax

Drug/Alcohol Testing and DetectionDraeger Safety DiagnosticsOrasureStreeTime TechnologiesUSDTL

Education/Trainingadventfs.comCorrectional Counseling, Inc. Judicial SystemsNational Sheriff’s AssociationPointmaker, LLCUSDTL

Electronic MonitoringE-Cell House ArrestSaltusTelmate

Facility ManagementCGLDraeger Safety DiagnosticsJudicial SystemsNational Sheriff’s Association

Ignition InterlockDraeger Safety Diagnostics

Jury Services & SystemsJudicial SystemsJury SystemsXerox

KiosksAdGators Digital SignageInfaxInteractive Touchscreen SolutionsJury SystemsMarshall FurnitureStreeTime TechnologiesXerox

Presentation EquipmentInteractive Touchscreen SolutionsMarshall FurniturePointmaker, LL

Security-ElectonicGarrett Metal DetectorsProfessional Systems Engineering

Security-PhysicalAutoclearCEIA USAGarrett Metal DetectorsProfessional Systems Engineering

SoftwareComputing Systems InnovationsCourtView Justice SolutionsExtract SystemsGottlieb & Wertz, Inc. ImagesoftInfaxIntegrated Software SpecialistsInteractive Touchscreen SolutionsJudicial SystemsnCourt, LLCRelational SemanticsRevQSysconTyberaTyler TechnologiesXerox

System IntegratorsComputing Systems InnovationsInfaxIntegrated Software SpecialistsRelational SemanticsXerox

Web Based Services, ElectronicAccess, Online Access

adventfs.comComputing Systems InnovationsCourtView Justice SolutionsImageSoftIntegrated Software SpecialistsJury SystemsnCourt, LLCRelational SemanticsTelmateThomson ReutersTyberaXerox

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October/November 2015x31WWW.COURTSTODAY.COM

AdGators Digital Signage Company3905 Kingsley DriveSpringfield, IL 62711tel: 866-610-5554 ext. 2contact: Coleen Hammond, BusinessDevelopment Manager email: [email protected] site:www.adgators.com

...AdGators is a fullservice digitalsignage company,dedicated to providing industry-leading digital signage and kiosktechnologies.

Docket Vision™designed by AdGatorsprovides courthouses and justice cen-ters the ability to display case information electronically and Check-In visitors via kiosks to increase efficienciesand guide public to their appropriate destination.

4500 Bowling Blvd, Suite 100Louisville KY 40207tel: 866-494-8556 fax:270 234-8035contact: Josh Hartlage, Presidentemail: [email protected] site:www.adventfs.com... adventfs.com’s Diversion Manager isan internet-based system that offers aseries of online education programsallowing judges, probation officers andpre-trial professionals to divert qualified defendants into a positive preventionexperience …offering a behavior-changing alternative to punishment.

2 Gardner Rd Fairfield, NJ 07004 tel: 973-276-6000 fax: 973-276-6166contact:Salesemail: [email protected] site:www.a-clear.com...Autoclear delivers innovative andaffordable security screening systems to

detect and identify explosives, weapons,contraband and narcotics. Applications include checkpoint, mail and cargoscreening using X-ray inspection, explosives/narcotics trace detection andmetal detection technologies. Autoclearproudly serves the military, government and private industryworldwide for their security needs.

9155 Dutton DriveTwinsburg, OH 44087tel:888-532-2342 fax:330-405-3196email:[email protected] site:www.ceia-usa.com...CEIA solutions include metaldetectors that comply with the strictestsecurity standards and provideunmatched reliability and consistencyto detect a full range of metal weaponthreat items, over the entire body of theindividual. CEIA USA security screen-ing solutions include walk-through andhand-held metal detectors, cell phonedetector and letter/parcel inspectionsystem.

801 Brickell Avenue, Suite 720 Miami, FL 33131 tel:786-409-7000 contact:Eli Gage, Executive VP, Mktg &Business Developmentemail: [email protected] site:www.CGLcompanies.com...CGL works to provide local, state, andnational communities with more efficient facilities to better serve thepublic. CGL provides facility planning,needs assessments (including securityand health care), architectural programs, building design, programmanagement, facility maintenance,development, and financing servicesspecifically for criminal justice facilities,

offering our clients the unique ability towisely minimize the Total Cost ofOwnership of their existing or to-be-built facilities.

791 Piedmont Wekiwa Rd. Apopka, FL 32703tel: 407-598-1825 fax: 407-598-1879email: [email protected] site: www.csisoft.com...Computing System Innovations (CSI)is America's leading provider of automated redaction, indexing, andclassification solutions for state andlocal governments. CSI's flagship product, INTELLIDACT, reduces therisk of privacy information leakage viahighly accurate automatic redaction,while increasing workflow efficienciesvia automated document classificationand indexing. Intellidact provides a fullsuite solution for court documents thatspans attorney document creation, e-filing, repository protections, andonline public search and access.

Correctional Counseling, Inc.2028 Exeter Rd. Germantown, TN 38138tel:901-360-1564fax:901-757-1995 email: [email protected] site:www.ccimrt.com...CCI provides evidence-based cognitive-behavioral curriculums thataddress a variety of issues, includingsubstance abuse, relapse prevention,DUI offenses, domestic violence, andanger management amongst others.The curriculums are successful foradults and juveniles and have beenimplemented at all levels of correctionalsettings. The most widely known curriculum is Moral ReconationTherapy™ (MRT).

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4825 Higbee Ave. NW, Suite 101Canton, Ohio 44719tel: 330-470-0816fax: 330-494-2483contact: Gary Enger, Dir. of Bus. Dev. email: [email protected] site: www.courtview.com...For more than two decadesCourtView Justice Solutions has successfully implemented dynamicand intelligent integrated technology solutions in justice agencies across the United States. Wehelp courts, judges, clerks, prosecut-ing attorneys, public defenders, pro-bation offices, detention operatorsand law enforcement agenciesenhance operations, increase accessto justice and improve public safety.

E-Cell House Arrest200 South 7th Street,Fort Smith, AR 72901tel: 888-316-0600 fax: 479-222-6286contact: Kris Keyton,President; Doug Wyatt,National SalesDirectoremail: [email protected] site: http://housearrestapp.com...E-Cell (patent-pending) electronic monitoring products: • E-Cell House Arrest Offender Appfor smart-phones • E-Cell House Arrest Bit (HABIT)wrist-worn band• E-Cell House Arrest Admin Appfor monitoring agencies...E-Cell House Arrest Apps with simple-to-use advanced technology (GPS tracking, biometric identification, random/voluntary photo/videocheck-ins) for better results without ankle bracelets, and complete, secure, remotely-accessed, court-readyrecords management.

Draeger Safety Diagnostics, Inc.4040 W. Royal Lane, Suite 136Irving, TX 75063tel: 972-929-1100 fax: 972-573-1753email: [email protected] site: www.draeger.com/courts...Dräger provides a comprehensive portfolio ofsolutions for court officials to detectpotential alcohol-and drug-relatedimpairment or monitor program compliance. Our alcohol breathalyzers and ignition interlocksare extremely accurate, reliable, andeasy to use. Our newest oral fluiddrug screening device, the DrägerDrugTest® 5000, is the first of its kind,providing analyzed screening resultswithin minutes.

Extract Systems8517 Excelsior Drive, Suite 400Madison, WI 53717tel: 877-778-2543 ext. 534contact: Troy Burkeemail: [email protected] site: www.fortherecord.com...Extract Systems is the leadingprovider of intelligent redaction anddata capture solutions for government. ID Shield RedactionSoftware has redacted more than 3billion image pages for 300 govern-ment customers, including districtattorneys, municipal, local and statecourts. FLEX Index streamlines docketing, auto-capturing 70-90% ofrequired indexing fields.

For The Record (FTR)1875 Lawrence St., Suite 620Denver, CO 80202tel: 877-650-0958email: [email protected] site: www.fortherecord.com...For The Record (FTR) is a globalleader, dedicated to providingdigital court recording solutions forjustice and public safety venues. FTRsolutions are sold through a globalnetwork of authorized resellers andsystems integrators and can be foundin over 27,000 facilities across 65 countries.

1881 W. State Street Garland, TX 75042tel: 972-494-6151 fax: 972-494-1881contact: James Hurst, Security Salesemail: [email protected] site: www.garrett.com...Garrett Metal Detectors is the global leader in the research and manufacturer of security walk-through, hand-held and ground searchmetal detectors. The company supplieswalk-through, hand-held and groundsearch products for special events, air-ports, courthouses, schools, correction-al facilities and government buildings.Visit www.garrett.com for completeproduct and application information.

Gottlieb & Wertz, Inc.12821 E. New Market Street, Ste 308Carmel, IN 46032contact: William S. Gottlieb,Presidenttel: 317-471-9005email: [email protected] site: www.GAWQuest.com...Powerful case management and datasharing technology designed specifically for the juvenile justicecommunity. Quest is a Web-basedintegrated solution connecting courts,probation, detention, clerks,prosecutors, public defenders, police,intake/diversion, schools, and others inthe juvenile justice community.Developed with direct input from juvenile court judges, juvenile justiceadministrators, and system users.

25900 W. 11 Mile Road, Suite 100Southfield, MI 48034tel: 248-948-8100 X 200contact: Scott Badeemail: [email protected] site: www.imagesoftinc.com...ImageSoft offer’s JusticeTech™, a com-prehensive electronic justice system solu-tion that harnesses high-speed documentscanning, redaction, electronicsignatureand extensive workflow automation tocreate a fully electronic court. JusticeTechintegrates with the court’s CMS to providea better-than-paper experience for thejudge, clerk and court staff.

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4250 River Green Parkway, Ste D.Duluth, GA 30096tel: 678-533-4025 contact:Maddie Alexander, Director of Judicial Salesemail:[email protected] site: www.infax.com...Infax, Inc. provides real-time docketand facility information to patrons atparticular junctions. The CourtSightSuite is an integrated digital signagesolution for your courthouse. It helpsalleviate wayfinding confusion, andhelps patrons successfully navigatethrough your facility. The system usescommercial displays, kiosks and theweb to electronically guide patrons totheir end destination.

contact:Natalie Bobliatel: 800-652-4830 x 316email: [email protected] site: www.itouchinc.com...Interactive Touchscreen Solutions,Inc. offers digital signage solutions tomodernize and improve efficiency inany facility. We offer - Navigo ActiveSignage, Touchscreen Directory,Wayfinding, Room Scheduler &Visitor Management Solutions.Contact us today and learn howthe Navigo Suite of Products canwork for you.

Integrated Software Specialists (aka iJustice Solutions)

1251 N. Plum Grove Rd, Ste. 105Schaumburg, IL 60173tel: 847-240-5070 x 5353fax: 847-240-5073contact:Michael Locascio, CEOemail: www.ijusticesolutions.comweb site: [email protected] trusted name servinggovernment customers for over 25years! Find out why more Court andjustice customers throughout the

USA and Africa are choosing ouraward-winning iJustice® (integratedjustice) software for Courts, DiversionPrograms, Supervision, Probation,Prosecution, Integration,eFiling/eServices, and more.Innovative solutions, 100% successfulprojects, 100% Customer Satisfaction!

211 Robert E. Lee Drive. Tyler, TX 75703tel: 903-561-8328 fax: 903-561-8329contact:Heath Rosenstein, Director ofSales and Marketingemail:[email protected] site: www.judicialsystems.com...Judicial Systems, Inc. is the premier provider of jury managementsoftware systems and court technology services to courts andmunicipalities nationwide. We serveour customers by delivering servicesand solutions focused on each customer's specific needs, with particular emphasis on developingand integrating information systemsand improving technology in court processing.

1985 Yosemite Ave., Suite 135Simi Valley, CA 93063tel: 805-285-5831 fax: 805-285-5842contact: Benjamin Myers, AccountExecutiveemail: [email protected] site: www.jurysystems.com...Jury Systems Incorporated wasfounded by jury professionals andhas been providing the best and mostcomprehensive jury management solutions for 25+ years.Whether large or small, our productshave the flexibility and configurabili-ty to meet any court’s need. Ourteam’s expert insight as well asunmatched customer service andsupport prove we are the industryleader in jury management. We'rehere 24/7 to ensure your success.

Marshall Furniture Inc.999 Anita Ave, Antioch IL 60002tel: 847-395-9350 fax: 847-395-9351contact:Michelle Willeemail: [email protected] site: www.marshallfurniture.com

... Since 1986 Marshall Furniture hasbeen providing courtroom technology furniture. From ADAlecterns, evidence carts and counsel tables to boardroom andvideo conference furniture, we canmatch any architectural detail andmeet any budget. Let us help designand build your next project.

nCourt,LLC955 A Cobb Place Blvd. Kennesaw, GA 30144tel: 888-912-1540fax: 800-472-0614contact: Tony Clancy, CEOemail: [email protected] site: www.ncourt.com...nCourt services more than 2,300government customers in 30 states.Through customized websites andour live, bilingual Customer CareCenter, citizens pay for multiple services using credit or debit cards.Our expanded payment portfolioincludes traffic citations, propertytaxes, utilities, court fines and fees,parking tickets, and probation payments.

Northpointe Inc. 1764 Forest Ridge Dr., Suite ATraverse City, MI 49686tel: 888-221-4615 or 231-938-5959email: [email protected] site: www.northpointeinc.com...Established in 1989, Northpointe isa recognized consulting and researchfirm that delivers software products,training and implementation servicesfor behavioral and risk assessmentsto more than 200 federal, state andlocal criminal justice systems and pol-icy makes throughout the UnitedStates and Canada.

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National Sheriffs' Association1450 Duke St.Alexandria, VA 22314tel: 703-838-5320contact:Hilary Burgess, Manager ofTrainingemail: [email protected] site: www.sheriffs.orgNational Sheriffs' Association (NSA)provides certification, training andassessments to maintain professionalism and security relatingto courthouses and courtrooms.Online training is available also.

220 E. 1st Street Bethlehem, PA 18015tel: 610-882-1820 fax: 610-332-3494contact: Jackie Pirone, Mktg SAT and IRemail: [email protected] site: www.orasure.com...OraSure Technologies, the pioneersof oral fluid drug testing, offers test-ing products for drugs of abuse, cotinine and alcohol. The Intercept®and OraSure® Oral Fluid Tests offerlaboratory confidence with oral fluidconvenience. Q.E.D.®, our point-of-care alcohol test offers quantitativeethanol detection with a high correlation to blood levels.

1010 Church Road Lansdale, PA 19446 tel: 800-839-5060 ext. 111fax: 215-661-1280contact: Anne Waite, Mktg. Coord.email: [email protected] site: http://profsyseng.com/...Federal Contract #USCA12D0125for all AOUSC and public bid entitiesfor acoustics and audio/visual designcontracts to provide consulting ser-vices to Courts, Architects, InteriorDesigners, Engineers, andDesign/Build Teams for evaluation,design, and installation support of

Court Technology Electronic Systemsfor new construction, upgrades, andreplacement of existing systems.Includes video conferencing, A/Vcontrol, media distribution, low volt-age electronic systems, and cablingdesign including acoustical evalua-tion and noise and vibration control(N&VC) recommendations.

4650 S. Butterfield Rd. Tuscon, AZ tel: 520-745-0001 fax: 520-745-0001contact: Jonelle Kearney,Communications Specialistemail:[email protected] site: www.pointmaker.com...Designed specifically for courtrooms, the Pointmaker CPN-6000 live streaming annotationsystem allows annotation of visualevidence from multiple video andcomputer sources while presentingfrom an iPad or touch display. Newfeatures include video/audio streaming, audio de-embedding, plusHDCP and HID compliance. Used inmore courtrooms than any otherannotator.

Relational Semantics, Inc.1185 Washington St. Newton, MA 02465tel: 617 965-1700contact: Bob Gorman, Presidentemail: [email protected] site: http://www.rsi.com/...Relational Semantics, Inc. (RSI)develops and delivers solutions thathelp state courts streamline processes, lower costs, and improvecustomer service. Combining 25 yearsof judicial experience and expertise inthe latest technologies, RSI can helpyour court solve modern challengesincluding case management, efilingintegration, mobile productivity, andpublic access.

RevQ4400 NE 77th Avenue, Suite 100Vancouver, WA 98622tel: 866-684-7387 (REVQ)fax: 360-260-1614contact: Jon Daaneemail: [email protected] site:www.revq.com...RevQ, part of the ColumbiaUltimate family of companies, provides industry-leading softwaresolutions and consulting services toimprove success in revenue recoveryand restitution compliance forCourts, Taxation and other publicsector entities. RevQ leverages leading collections tools, techniquesand technologies and unparalleledgovernment expertise to help clientsoptimize efficiency, improve compliance, and increase collections.

Saltus Technologies, LLC907 South Detroit Avenue, Suite 820Tulsa, OK 74120tel: 918-392-3900 fax: 918-392-3901contact: Shawn Sicking, Sales andMarketing Directoremail: [email protected] site:www.saltustechnologies.com...Saltus Technologies is dedicated topartnering with the Public SafetyCommunity to provide the highestquality eCitation solution backed byindustry-leading personalized customer care. Our digiTICKET® electronic ticketing solution is a forcemultiplier - enabling officers toquickly issue tickets while eliminat-ing illegible handwriting, error-pronedata entry, and missing tickets.

1127 Sport Hill Rd, Easton, CT 06612 tel: 877-727-7764 fax: 615-261-9332contact: John Diamond, Dir. of [email protected] site: www.streetimetechnologies.com...StreeTime Technologies providesunique system for monitoring of alcohol and other drugs of abuseusing ocular screening, sleep algorithms and automated PBT units.The PassPoint Ocular Scan is capableof screening large and medium sizepopulations multiple times a weekwith only minimal officer or technician involvement in the screening process.

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tel: 205-758-2000 888 797-2661fax: 205-345-5525email: [email protected] site:www.syscononline.com...Court Clerk streamlines court operations providing scanning, indexing, and viewing of documents associated with a case. Flexibleinterfaces allow transfer of information to/from law enforcement,integrated online payments, telephone reminders, and adjudicat-ed information to state agencies tokeep all agencies up to date and accurate. Syscon’s award winningCMS uses fingerprint scanners forauthentication and electronic signingof forms by judges, clerks, attorneys,and officers. Fingerprint scanners,along with signature pads and PDFgeneration of forms and reports,allow a court to become virtuallypaperless.

Telmatetel: 866-516-0155email: [email protected] site:www.telmate.com/guardian

...TelmateGuardian is atechnicallyadvanced,low-cost,smartphone-based, GPSmonitoring

solution that offers a high-tech levelof monitoring to lower risk popula-tions within community corrections,including pre-trial, work release, probation and parole. The free app iscompatible with Android and Applesmartphones, requires no new hard-ware for case managers or enrollees,and features innovative face andvoice detection technology. Guardiangives courts, jail administrators andprobation departments a cost-effec-tive tool to revolutionize theirapproach to monitoring. It adds anew human dimension to offendermonitoring, letting case managersknow where and how enrollees are.

5101 Tennyson Pkwy Plano, TX 75024tel: 972-713-37681 fax: 972-713-3777contact:Michael Kleimanemail: [email protected] site: www.tylertech.com...Tyler’s Odyssey® product suite is acomplete solution, from case management and document management to e-filing and financialsystems. Odyssey seamlessly integrates these capabilities, improving the user’s experience andincreasing court efficiencies. TheOdyssey system has become the market leader, resulting in satisfiedclients in more than 500 counties andacross the U.S.

610 Opperman Dr. Eagan, MN 55123tel: 651-687-7799contact: Jackie Black, Sr. Marketeremail: [email protected]@thomson-reuters.comweb site:www.legalsolutions.com/court-management...C-Track allows courts to efficiently man-age cases while improving collaborationacross other judicial partners, enablingthem to operate more efficiently, eliminateredundancies, and increase transparencyand automating tasks associated withcomplex court processes. C-Track, a web-based enterprise software product, pro-vides courts with an adaptable CMS solu-tion built on open system architecture thatcan be updated and changed to adapt tothe court’s needs.

563 E 770 North Orem, Utah 84097tel: 801-226-2746email: [email protected] site:www.tybera.com...Tybera is a market leader in providing eFlex efiling software tocourts, attorneys, and governmentagencies statewide. eFlex providesseveral workflow queues where submissions can be routed for e-signatures and reassignment,

document generation, gatekeepers forjudges and our CASEaDia PDFbinders judicial tool. Tybera also provides Alpine, a browser-basedcase management system that manages parties, events and calen-daring through the complete lifecycleof a case. Alpine improves standardconcepts of case management byadding powerful natural languagesearch features that people expectfrom web applications. Lastly, Tyberaprovides a very affordable document management system, CEDAR,designed specifically for courts whoare moving away from full featuredDMS systems because of the highcost of licensing and maintainingusers and interactive connections.

1700 S. Mt. Prospect Rd. tel: 800-235-2367 fax: 847-375-0775contact:Meghan Burkeemail: [email protected] site: www.usdtl.com...A leader in forensic specimen toxicology, USDTL was the first lab totest for the drug exposure in children’s hair, and continues to leadthe industry in the development ofobjective assays for testing alternativespecimens, such as fingernail, hairand blood spots, for heavy substanceabuse. Certain specimens can detectheavy use as far back as 3-6 months.

2025 Leestown Road, Suite A1Lexington, KY 40511tel: 585-943-1843contact:Michael Hartman, VP of Salesemail: [email protected] site: www.xerox.com/justice...At XEROX, we have decades ofexperience providing and implementing case and jury management solutions in complex,real-world justice environments. Weare a Fortune 500 company offeringsystems integration, justice revenueservices, electronic filing, interactivevoice response, audio/visualtechnologies, document managementsystems, imaging and microfilm conversion, and violation processing.

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HER AT [email protected].

The Renaissance Atlanta Waverly Hotel &

APPA 2016 Winter Training Institute and APPA has secured a lodging rate at the federally approved government per diem of $138 (single/double/triple/quad).




























J A N U A R Y 31 - F E B R U A R Y 3 , 20 1 6

Discover a stunning luxury hotel offering a dramatic 14-story atrium and recently renovated accommodations at the Renaissance Atlanta Waverly Hotel & Convention Center. Directly connected to the Cobb Galleria Centre, this hotel in


The Renaissance Atlanta Waverly Hotel & Convention Center is currently accepting reservations and APPA Institute attendees may reserve rooms by visiting the following link: http://cwp.marriott.com/atlrb/appawintertraining/. You can also make reservations directly by calling 1-800-468-3571 using Group Code APPAPPA. APPA’s special rates are based on availability until December 31, 2015. The Renaissance Atlanta Waverly Hotel & Convention Center


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solution automatically when onlinepayments are collected.www.justicesystems.com, 1.505.883.3987

Seamless RedactionExtract Systems created ID Shield

to meet the specific demands of gov-ernment and public organizations toautomatically capture and redactinformation from their recorded doc-uments. ID Shield removes sensitivedata from electronic or paper-basedcontent permanently and securely.

The system’s technology wasdesigned to seamlessly integratewith all case management systemsand other workflow solutions.www.extractsystems.com, 1.877.778.2543

Workflow SolutionJusticeTech is a comprehensive

technology solution that enablescourts and public safety to store andmanage 100% of their informationelectronically. It does this by inte-grating workflow and a commonelectronic case file with a court’sexisting case management system.The resulting solution enables infor-mation to move efficiently throughthe process and allows key parties inthe justice system to work collabora-tively as a single, connected unit.The result is improved efficiency,enhanced transparency, reducedcosts and increased public safety.

www.imagesoftinc.com, 1.248.948.8100

Case Management SystemHP’s Justice Case Management

Solution is a customizable solutionthat helps facilitate the court’s workby automating and streamliningcase management processes. It is anapplication framework built on theMicrosoft Dynamics CRM platformthat includes a suite at all levels ofthe judicial system. It is preconfig-

ured to include core court case man-agement features and functions.


Integrated TechnologySolutions

Sierra-Cedar provides innovativesolutions for organizations withinthe Justice and Public Safety (JPS)sectors. The company’s provenexperience working with state,county, and municipal JPS agenciesprovides them with insight on howthey can leverage optimal technolo-gy solutions to improve operatingperformance and enhance publicservice and safety. They are also a

Tyler Technologies partner special-izing in Odyssey integration.

www.sierra-cedar.com, 310.536.6288

Digital Recording SoftwareNoteWise from JAVS brings elite

recording capabilities to a simple inter-

face you can use on any PC. Ideal forcourts, NoteWise is designed to makecourtroom audio recording easier thanever. Automatic Notes combined withpre-filled entries make repetitive note-taking a thing of the past.

www.javs.org, 1.800.354.JAVS

Jury Management SystemsWith the browser-based world

becoming more prevalent in govern-ment applications, Jury Systemsintroduces JURY+ Web Generation(WebGen). Its new browser-basedcore JMS system offers a plethora ofmeaningful statistical and data cap-ture elements to help each courtrecord what is most important totheir business needs and confirm they

are using the system to its fullestpotential. From source lists to sum-monses, payroll, and backendreporting, the software is specifical-ly designed to help master everyaspect of jury management with therobustness and flexibility to adapt tocourts of all sizes.

www.jurysystems.com, 1.800.222.6974

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PureTrack leverages smart phonetechnology to provide the ultimateGPS enrollee tracking platform, thecompany says. PureCom RF BaseStation brings new features andfunctionality to RF programs.PureTag is a highly secure compactRF bracelet that operates across thecomplete spectrum of thePureSecurity Corrections TrackingSuite. PureMonitor is designed to

get users the information they need.Use the tracking platform to quicklynavigate through the intuitive inter-face to set schedules, generatereports, review tracking and runprograms efficiently and effectively.

www.supercom.com, 212.675.4606


The IN-HOM S.M.A.R.T. Mobileis a portable, handheld, breath testsystem that includes facial detectionsoftware when the user provides abreath sample. While the devicewill accept a breath sample at anytime, the primary function is for theuser to provide breath samples on a

fixed schedule designated by theirmonitoring authority. The light-weight device allows the user mobil-ity and discretion to test at work,home, or anywhere else. www.smartstartinc.com, 1.800.880.3394


Satellite Tracking of People LLCprovides a suite of GPS and RFoffender monitoring hardware, soft-ware and services. BLUtag is a one-piece GPS monitoring device. Itreports four types of tampering: case,strap, GPS jamming and GPSshielding and offers enhanced sec-ondary location technology and isthe only device with 48+ hours ofbattery power on a single chargewhen receiving one GPS location

point per minute. Unit can store upto 10 days of GPS monitoring data inits built-in memory. All zone infor-mation is stored in its built-in mem-ory. Auxiliary optional equipmentexpands monitoring capabilities.

www.stopllc.com, 866.525.8824

MONITORING SERVICESReliant is a public safety man-

agement and corrections technolo-gy corporation committed to assist-ing their customers and partners indeploying programming and tech-nology strategies which increasesafety, improve community super-vision outcomes and reducestaffing costs. Their monitoringservices division provides compre-hensive electronic and alcoholmonitoring equipment and supportservices to local governments, lawenforcement agencies and privatecitizens.


SCRAM HOUSE ARRESTSCRAM House Arrest is a stand-

alone home curfew system that isbuilt to work with today’s homecommunication options. SCRAMHouse Arrest connects with anadvanced base station, which canoperate overhome Internet routers,

standard or digital phone lines,DSL, Vonage, or a SCRAM-provid-ed wireless system. The system fullyintegrates in a single software appli-cation with the entire SCRAMSystems suite of electronic monitor-ing technologies.


Continued from page 24


This advertisers index is provided as a serviceto our readers only. The publisher does not

assume liability for errors or omissions.

Columbia Ultimate/REVQ........17Computing System

Innovations ............................15Correctional Counseling............8CourtView....................................7Extract Systems.........................29FTR Limited ................................5Infax .............................................2Journal Technologies .................9Mentis Technology

Solutions, LLC..........................3National Sheriff's

Association ............................25OraSure Technologies, Inc. .....13Professional Systems

Engineering .............................6Rapid Financial Solutions ........19Streetime...................................22StunCuff Enterprises, Inc...........8Telmate ......................................21Thermo Fisher Scientific ..........11Thomson Reuters.....................40Tyler Technologies....................39Xerox..........................................23

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