THE JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN OIL CHEMISTS' SOCIETY VOL. 31 William F.' Tomlinson has been named director of re- search and development of the Stepan Chemical Company, Chicago, where he Will head the company's newly expand- ed laboratory facilities on S. Kedzie Avenue. Mr. Tomlin- son was formerly director of re- search and development for Fels and Company, Philadel phia. He joined the Stepan Chemical Company in 1952 and served as a technical repre- sentative in the field before assuming his new position. October Is A.B.C. Month F orty years ago the Audit Bureau of Oirculations was born. To many of our readers not familiar with the pub- ]ishing business that event may not have much meaning. Yet the fornmtion of A.B.C. began a new era of coopera- tion between advertisers and publishers. It is no secret that most publications find it difficult to exist on circulation rev- enue alone, with no advertising income to help cover pub- lishing costs. Indeed, without advertising, the editorial quality of our publications would be impaired, perhaps seriously. That's why sound business relations between advertisers and publishers are imperative if editorial quality is to be high. Such good re- lations enable us to give you the latest news and informa- tion every month. J UST where does the A.B.C. fit into this picture? The Audit Bureau of Circulations is tile keystone of relations between the advertising buyer (the advertiser and his advertising agency), and the advertising seller (the publisher). A~B.C. is a nonprofit, cooperative service association with 3,575 publisher, advertiser, and advertising agency members. The Bureau has been charged by the advertising and publishing industy with the responsibility for establishing and main- taining known standards for paid circulation. Each year one or more members of A.B.C.'s staff of 65 field auditors visit each publisher member's office. By check- ing every one of the publish-'r's books and records deemed. necessary, Bureau auditors examine thoroughly the publish- er's circulation. The resulting findings are then published by A.B.C. and sent to advertisers and advertising agencies, the buyers of advertising space. In these reports are factual answers to such questions as: how much paid circulation? how much unpaid distribution? what is the subscriber's business or occupation? how much do subscribers pay? where are they located? how many subscrib- ers are in arrears? what's the renewal percentage? and a great deal more specific information. These are all questions which every advertiser nmst have answered in order to evalu- ate and measure the usefulness of any publication for his sales message. Advertisers must have facts about circulation to send the right message to the right people. For 40 years the Bureau has guarded circulation integrity. It has faithfully fulfilled its purposes, to define net paid circulation standards, determine the facts about member publications circulations, and report these facts accurately. On this, the Bureau's Fortieth Anniversary of service, the Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society joins with fel- low publisher, advertiser, and advertising agency members to salute our A.B.C. .... : : :- .7, C-:: : :" -¸¸ Clarity alone is rarely proof of absolute purity. Fats "~,,._~ and oils need more than simple decolorization and deodor- ization to insure complete removal of impurities and cata- lyst poisons. Nucbar's greater bulk means increased sur- face areas where these soluble soaps, resins, peroxides, and other unwanted compounds are adsorbed. Even trace im- purities of 0.10% may be removed by Nucbar Activated Carbon's millions of particles. It's important to use Nuchar before hydrogenation as an insurance against the harmful effects of catalyst poisons and inhibitors. From the economic view- point, use of Nucbar will often save at least {/a on costs, compared to other activated carbons. Industrial's Nuchar technical staff has been working on purification prob- lems for thirty years. Therefore, they are experienced in dealing with special requirements in the use of activated carbon, They are at your service. Call on them, whether your problems be large or small. [ ~ ~ ~ ~ H E ~ J C A L SALES division west virginia pulp and paper company New York Central Building 230 Park Avenue Flew York 17, N. Y. Lincoln-Liberty Bldg. Broad & Chestnut Sts. Philadelphia 7, Po. 20 Pure Oil Bldg. 3S E. Wacker Drive Chicago 1, Illinois 2775 S. Moreland Blvd. At Shaker Square Cleveland 20, Ohio

October is A.B.C. Month

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Wil l i am F . ' Toml inson ha s been named director of re- search and deve lopment of the S t epan Chemical Company, Chicago, where he Will head the company ' s newly expand- ed l abora to ry faci l i t ies on S. Kedz ie Avenue . Mr. Tomlin- son was fo rmer ly director of re- search and development for Fels and Company, Phi lade l phia. He jo ined the S t epan Chemical C ompany in 1952 and served as a technica l repre- sen ta t ive in the f ield before a s s u m i n g his new posit ion.

October Is A.B.C. Month

F or ty years ago the Aud i t B u r e a u of Oirculat ions was born. To m a n y of our readers not f ami l i a r wi th the pub- ] i sh ing bus iness t h a t event m a y no t have much mean ing .

Yet the fo rnmt ion of A.B.C. began a new era of coopera- t ion be tween adver t i sers and publ ishers . I t is no secret t ha t mos t publ ica t ions f ind it d i f f i cu l t to exis t on c i rculat ion rev- enue alone, wi th no adve r t i s ing income to help cover pub- l i sh ing costs.

Indeed , wi thout adver t i s ing , the edi tor ia l qual i ty of our publ ica t ions would be impai red , pe rhaps seriously. T h a t ' s why sound bus iness re la t ions between adver t i sers and publ i shers are impera t ive i f edi torial qual i ty is to be high. Such good re-

la t ions enable us to give you the la tes t news and informa- t ion every month .

J U S T where does the A.B.C. fit into th is p ic tu re? The Aud i t B u r e a u of Circula t ions is tile keystone of re la t ions between

the adve r t i s i ng buyer ( the adver t i se r and his adver t i s ing agency) , and the adve r t i s ing seller ( the pub l i she r ) . A~B.C. is a nonprof i t , cooperat ive service assoc ia t ion wi th 3,575 publ isher , adver t i ser , and adve r t i s ing agency members . The Bureau ha s been charged by the adve r t i s ing and pub l i sh ing i ndus ty wi th the respons ib i l i ty for e s tab l i sh ing and main- t a in ing known s t a n d a r d s for pa id circulat ion.

Each yea r one or more member s of A .B .C . ' s s taff of 65 f ield aud i to r s vis i t each publ i sher member ' s office. By check- ing every one of the publ ish- ' r ' s books and records deemed. necessary, B u r e a u audi tors examine tho rough ly the publish- er 's circulat ion. The resu l t ing f ind ings are then publ ished by A.B.C. and sen t to adver t i sers and adve r t i s ing agencies, the buyers of adve r t i s i ng space.

I n these repor t s are f ac tua l answers to such quest ions as : how much pa id c i rculat ion? how much unpa id d i s t r ibu t ion? what is the s u b s c r i b e r ' s bus iness or occupat ion? how much do subscr ibers pay? where are they located? how m a n y subscrib- ers a re in a r r ea r s? wha t ' s the renewal pe rcen tage? and a g r ea t deal more specif ic i n fo rma t ion . These are all quest ions which every adver t i se r nms t have answered in order to evalu- ate and measu re the use fu lness of any publ ica t ion for his sales message . Adver t i se r s m u s t have fac t s abou t c irculat ion to send the r igh t message to the r i g h t people.

For 40 yea r s the Bureau has gua rded c i rcula t ion in tegr i ty . I t has f a i t h f u l l y fulfilled i ts purposes , to define ne t pa id c i rculat ion s t anda rds , de te rmine the f ac t s abou t member publ ica t ions c i rculat ions, and repor t these f a c t s accurately.

On this , the B u r e a u ' s F o r t i e t h A n n i v e r s a r y of service, the Jou rna l of the Amer i can Oil Chemis t s ' Society jo ins wi th fel- low publ isher , adver t iser , and adve r t i s ing agency members to sa lute our A.B.C.

.... : : : - .7, C-:: : :" -̧ ̧

Clari ty alone is rarely proof of absolute puri ty. Fats " ~ , , . _ ~ and oils need more than simple decolorization and deodor- ization to insure complete removal of impurities and cata- lyst poisons. Nucbar ' s greater bulk means increased sur- face areas where these soluble soaps, resins, peroxides, and other unwanted compounds are adsorbed. Even trace im- purities of 0 .10% may be removed by Nucbar Activated Carbon ' s millions of particles.

I t ' s impor tan t to use Nuchar before hydrogenat ion as an insurance against the harmful effects of catalyst poisons and inhibitors. F rom the economic view-

p o i n t , use of Nucbar will often save at least {/a on costs, compared to other activated carbons.

Industr ia l ' s Nuchar technical staff has been work ing on purification prob- lems for th i r ty years. Therefore, they are experienced in dealing wi th special requirements in the use of activated carbon, T h e y are at your service. Call on them, whether your problems be large or small.

[ ~ ~ ~ ~ H E ~ J C A L SALES division west virginia pulp and paper company

New York Central Building 230 Park Avenue

Flew York 17, N. Y.

Lincoln-Liberty Bldg. Broad & Chestnut Sts.

Philadelphia 7, Po.


Pure Oil Bldg. 3S E. Wacker Drive Chicago 1, Illinois

2775 S. Moreland Blvd. At Shaker Square

Cleveland 20, Ohio