Volume 22 October 2017 Issue 10 Watch for new Faith Formation opportunities all year long! Coming Soon: Fierce– book study, Thursday nights Dementia Friends– workshop, Sunday am October Highlights October 1st Confirmation Worship 3rd Grade Bibles October 15th “Octoberfest Polka Worship” Hymns set to Old Time music Pancake Breakfast October 22nd Healing Services October 25th Pastor Dave’s Retirement Oasis Meal Taco Oasis Meal, 5-6:15pm October 29th Reformation Celebration Service with Brass, Organ, Choirs and more! Pastor Dave’s retirement reception, during Fellowship Time We are looking forward to Pastor John’s return! His first Sunday back will be October 22nd! Blood Pressure Checks Sunday, October 22nd Reminder!! There will be NO Oasis meal or Wednesday School during MEA break, October 18th!!

October Highlights - First Lutheran Church · October 29th Reformation Celebration Service with Brass, ... Children’s and youth ministries have ... Another area I’d like to highlight

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Volume 22 October 2017 Issue 10

Watch for new Faith Formation

opportunities all year long!

Coming Soon:

Fierce– book study, Thursday nights

Dementia Friends– workshop, Sunday am

October Highlights

October 1st Confirmation Worship

3rd Grade Bibles

October 15th “Octoberfest Polka Worship”

Hymns set to Old Time music

Pancake Breakfast

October 22nd Healing Services

October 25th Pastor Dave’s Retirement Oasis Meal

Taco Oasis Meal, 5-6:15pm

October 29th Reformation Celebration

Service with Brass, Organ, Choirs and more!

Pastor Dave’s retirement reception, during Fellowship Time

We are looking forward to Pastor John’s return! His first Sunday back will be

October 22nd!

Blood Pressure Checks

Sunday, October 22nd

Reminder!! There will be NO Oasis meal or

Wednesday School during MEA break, October


Page 2

Pastor’s Corner by Pastor Dave

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

In this newsletter article, I share with you the article that I was asked to write as a

“conclusion” to the centennial history that is being written as part of the centennial directory.

For me, this article sums up and brings to a conclusion the partnership that we have shared

as the people of God at First Lutheran. Here’s the article:

It has been my privilege to have shared the journey of these past 25 years of First Luther-

an with God’s People at First Lutheran. These “pages of the past” have offered a glimpse

into what ministries the Living God has led us and called us into. They have told us how,

over these 25 years, many, many Doors have been Opened to New Life in Christ AND, at

the same time, many doors that once were a vital part of the ministry of First Lutheran

have “served their time” and now have given ways to other Doors being opened.

And this is the nature of God’s church, is it not? While the Jesus Christ we worship is “the

same yesterday, today, and tomorrow”, How we do ministry in the name of Jesus is con-

stantly evolving and changing with specific ministry doors being opened and closed on

regular basis.

This being said, it has been my thrill to be part of these years of ministry as together we’ve

“Opened Doors to New Life in Christ” in so many ways in this ministry together: doors of

various worship times/styles, Outdoor worship, Christmas at Our House Dinner,

“Rebuilding” Mission trips, Wednesday “Oasis” ministries, Technological Advances in Min-

istry, The ChristFirst Ministry and Building, The Anniversary Gift Giving, the Music and

Concerts, Itasca Family Camping, Faith Friends, Confirmation Retreats, Keeping the

Promise events, Lenten journeys, and so many more.

And now, as to what’s ahead; only our Lord knows what the future holds. This being said,

there is one thing we know. This one thing is what we tell each child baptized at First Lu-

theran, “While we don’t know what the future holds, we know who holds the future”. Today

we begin to “Embrace the Future” of the next 100 years trusting that the same God who

was faithful to First Lutheran for the past 100 years will continue to be faithful for the next

100 years as God’s people continue to: Open Doors to New Life in Christ.

Blessings to all as the next centennial journey of faith begins.

Once again I say THANK YOU for the partnership shared in this journey of faith. I’m looking

forward to celebrating this ministry together in October each week in Worship. This being

said, know that two of our worships will be utilizing two of my favorite “styles” of Worship: an

October 29th “Reformation Worship” with Brass/Organ/Hymns leading the worship and an

October 15th “Octoberfest worship” with “Christian Old time Music” leading the worship.

Blessings to all as this Journey in Faith we all are on continues…

Pastor Dave

Page 3

Rachel’s Report by Pastor Rachel

Another school year is in full swing and at First Lutheran, we are back into regularly scheduled

faith formation opportunities. Children’s and youth ministries have always been a cornerstone

here, as well as adult education. This year we are beginning the process of taking a look at how we

approach all this and seeing how everything we do fits into the vision of faith formation. We want

to have a clear idea of how everything fits together so that all ages connect more and more deeply

with God, able to see how God is present and active in our lives, and connect more and more deeply

with each other, across all generations. A big area that we’ll soon be really looking at is adult faith

formation. How do we become a center for faith growth and spirituality for our community? How

do we engage adults in a variety of ways – at church, at home, in the community, in small groups, in

large groups, online, in person, by interest, Bible studies, book studies, long term, short term,

events, and so on. First would be able to create a network of opportunities, some that we host,

some that other area churches are hosting, some that we recommend to you that are hosted online

and that can be done at home at your own pace. I encourage you to keep watching this, knowing

that we dream of it growing over the next months and year, becoming as strong as anything else we

do around here!

Another area I’d like to highlight this month is our Wednesday evening worship. It is a completely

different service than what we do on Sundays, and that we even have different readings. We are

using the Narrative Lectionary, which means we start with a creation story from Genesis on Sep-

tember 13, we go through Old Testament stories in the fall, we get to the birth of Jesus at Christ-

mas, the ministry of Jesus in the winter, Easter, and then the early church and the New Testament

letters between Easter and the end of the school year. It’s a fun way to get a sense of the whole Bi-

ble, in the correct order. Wednesday worship is a half an hour – an intergenerational time of wor-

ship together before we break off into our hour long age specific faith formation choices (Children’s

Ministry, Confirmation, Parent Hour, and usually another adult faith formation option). Instead of a

sermon, we share faith stories, hearing how the story fits in with an

aspect of the speaker’s own faith journey. There is also a kids cor-

ner in one of the side alcoves where little kids can play and still be

in worship. Come and check it out if you haven’t already!

In Christ,

Pastor Rachel Simonson

Page 4

Pillars Support Ministries

There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit.

There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord.

There are different kinds of working,

but the same God works all of them in all men.

1 Cor. 12:4-6

With joy & thanksgiving,

Tanzy Haisley

Office Administrator,

Director of Support Ministries


[email protected]

Ministries that support our pastors and one another in faith growth through worship and fellowship.

OASIS - A time of refreshing in the midst of a dry week.

The crew that prepares, serves and cleans up after our family meal each

Wednesday before worship is back in action! I can’t express enough what

a meaningful ministry they provide for the nourishment, both by food and

fellowship, of our congregation. Give them a hand when you see them!

Changes in seasons are evident & inevitable and so it goes with our Flower Team leadership!

Both Angie Sonstegard and Shelly Maguire are relinquishing the helm of this fabulous group

to Jeannie Gilbertson and Shan Manke! Another of the critical invisible ministries here at

FLC. This group oversees the altar flowers and special flowers of Christmas and Easter.

They also supervise the dressing up of our church home for Advent & Christmas that adds so much to the

beauty and majesty of the season. Give them a hand when you see them!

Another big change is in the Funeral Coordinator Team. After many years of faithful ministry as a Funeral

Coordinator, Elyda Handegard is entering a new season with new direction. Many meals have been served

for families during times of sorrow and Elyda’s capable hands and infectious smile will be sorely missed at

the center of these events in the future. When one door closes, another opens, so we will be excited to see

who steps up and steps in to fill this new opening on the team. Henrietta Malchow and Mary Waalen will

continue to coordinate funeral meals and look forward to working with their next team members! Prayerfully

consider if this is an area of ministry that your gifts would be a blessing to! There

is an amazing group of saints already in place who cheerfully do the work that’s

needed during the time of the meal, they just need someone to coordinate the food

and tasks at hand! Visit with Mary, Henrietta, Elyda or anyone in the church office

if you would like to know more or are possibly interested in this ministry.

Another big Thanks goes out to Wendy, Sami and Rocky! Wendy Fritz has once again blessed us with a

treasure from the Special Education department of the Detroit Lakes High School. Her name is Sami and she

will be our Sanctuary Shepherd for the school year! She and her job coach, Rocky, will come each Thursday

to tidy up and maintain order of our sanctuary. Organizing the hymnals and offering envelopes, making sure

there are sharpened pencils, cleaning out the pew pads & pockets are just some of the critical invisible tasks

she will do each week. One doesn’t notice when things are nicely in order as much one does when they are

in disarray, so here’s bringing to light the great job she does keeping our church home warm & welcoming!

Page 5

Parish Health Denise Gaard 218-847-5656

[email protected]

New book in Library—The Redbird Sings the Song of Hope by Kandy Noles Stevens

Not your typical book about grief, the redbird sings the song of hope is the perfect telling of what grieving people wish others knew. Kandy Noles Stevens unapologetically explains what isn’t always helpful to the bereaved, but does so with grace and wit. Through her personal stories, she provides practical ideas of how to bring comfort to those who are hurting. In an engaging Southern style, Kandy writes about real people (including some pretty colorful ones) who have loved her family in their darkest days. Infused in every page are hope-filled words of God’s faithfulness, including the sending of one redbird

when her family needed it the most. “This is an easy read and well written. It is an excellent book about grief and how to communicate with someone who is dealing with grief.” (Denise, Parish Nurse)

Dementia Friends Minnesota Sunday, October 8th 9:35 AM

FLC Library

Presenter; Amy Dallmann

Land of the Dancing Sky Area Agency on

Aging What Makes You a Dementia Friend? You become

a Dementia Friend by attending a one-hour infor-

mational session to learn about this worldwide

movement, about living with dementia, and the sim-

ple things you can do to support someone living with

the disease. What

Happens at the Information Session? The one-

hour session is a discussion led by a Dementia

Friends Champion. It is not a training session. You’ll

learn what dementia is, what it’s like to live with

the disease, and some tips for communicating with

people who have dementia. Everyone who attends is

asked to turn their new understanding of dementia

into a practical action that can help someone living

in your community. The action can be as big or as

small as you choose—every action counts!

Dementia Friends... is a global movement that is

changing the way people think, act, and talk about

dementia. Developed by the Alzheimer’s Society in

the United Kingdom, the Dementia Friends initia-

tive is underway in Minnesota and across the Unit-

ed States. By helping everyone in a community un-

derstand what dementia is and how it affects fami-

lies, each of us can make a difference for people

touched by dementia.

Sign up in the church office or RSVP to Denise,

Parish Nurse at 847-5656.

Strength and Stretching Class Fall Session! New Time and Day!

The class will be every Wednesday at 12:15 starting

October 4th and ending November 15th. It is held in

the Rec Room. This class offers an opportunity to

learn and do mild stretching and strengthening exer-

cises. These exercises not only provide stress relief,

they also improve balance, strengthen, and tone. The

class is 35-40 minutes of exercise followed by health

information and a devotional. Everyone is wel-

come! Bring a mat or towel.

Blood Pressure Checks – Date Change!

October 22nd Church Office

Page 6

Youth Ministry News

11th Graders Confirmation - Our Confirmation date is approaching quickly and we are excited for these Confirmation youth to affirm their faith. We are having our Confirmation service on October 1st @ 1:30pm. All Confirmands, families, sponsors/mentor, and everyone are wel-come to come and watch our young people become full fledged adults in our congregation as they affirm their faith..

On September 27th, we will have a Confirmation rehearsal at 8pm in the sanctuary. Please be sure to attend so we can get everything in order for Confirmation day!

Junior & Seniors - NEW THIS YEAR! I would love to stay connected with all of you after you’re confirmed in the church. I’m planning on having a monthly Bible Study/Devotion night for you older Confirmands to come to. We will have food, a devotion of some type, and get to hang out together. I’m looking forward to staying connected with you! Maddie will be sending updates about times that we are meeting.

Faith Haven Retreat - Our September Faith Haven retreat was cancelled due to a lack of registrants. BUT we are still planning on going to Faith Haven on October 6th - 8th. Orig-inally, this weekend was open for the 9th & 10th graders; but due to our cancelling of the first weekend, we are opening this weekend up to all Confirmation youth between the grades of 7th & 10th. Please get registration forms in ASAP so we can get a good estimate on numbers! Come and talk to Maddie with any further questions about the retreat.

Lighthouse - With Confirmation starting up again, we will also be starting our Light-house movie and devotion nights again. ALL Confirmation youth are invited to join me every Sunday night in the youth room for a fun filled night of games, movies, devotions, and pizza! Our first Lighthouse is scheduled for September 10th from 6-8pm, and we will continue having these every Sunday night throughout the year. Bring your friends!

Pancake Breakfast - Our first youth pancake breakfast is scheduled for Sunday Oc-tober 15th between services. This is a time where any Confirmation youth are inviting to come and make pancakes, sausages, fruit bowls, etc. for the members of the con-gregation. This is a fun way to fundraise and get some money added to the youth ac-counts! Maddie will have sign up sheets out during the 2nd week of October.

Blessing of the Keys - Any new drivers in our congregation are welcome to join us for the blessing of the keys service. We will do a special prayer of blessing over any new drivers who attend the services. You will also get a keychain from the church to attach to your key ring! The blessing of the keys services are on Wednesday, the 11th and Sunday the 15th. Blessing of the keys will take place at all services on those days. Hope to see some of our new drivers there!

Page 7

Children’s ministry is once again off and running! Our Wednesday and Sunday schools are almost even in numbers, with Wednesday school at about 60, and Sunday school at 57. We blessed backpacks (and the kids who use them!) just before school began, and October 1st and 4th are third grade Bible Sunday/Wednesday.

So far we are off to a good start, learning Bible stories and working on connecting them to our own lives. Each week we are hearing & talking about what we are leaning about who God is based on the story (so we know what God is like and can start to see God at work in our world today), as well as how the story specifically connects with our own lives today. Seeing God actively at work in our lives and in our world helps faith to really come alive.

Teachers & leaders will be intentionally talking throughout the year about how things are going so that we can continue improving what we do and making children’s ministry really meaningful for kids and families.

In Christ,

Pastor Rachel Simonson

Acting Children’s Ministry Director

Children’s Ministry

The Return of the Jedi...

I'm very excited to announce that my time away is almost at an end. I have been so grateful for

this break and it has certainly given me the time for reflection to get the creative juices flowing

again. I've missed you all. So I will be back in the office on the 17th of October and in the

pulpit that Sunday the 22nd. I'm counting down the days.

In Christ,

Pastor John

Pastoral Update In case you missed it last month

Page 8

The Link

The time has come to gather the pumpkins, get out the costumes, and stock up for the Trick or Treaters. Hope all of

you had a great summer.

The Fall Conference 6 will be at Immanuel Lutheran in Wadena on Tuesday, October 10th. Registration begins at

8:30am, the conference starts at 9:00am. Cost is $10. Please pre-register by October 4th with Jane Bagstad at 218-371-

8095 or [email protected]. If you will be attending, please meet in the FLC parking lot at 7:30am on the 10th and we

can ride together to Wadena.

On Saturday, October 7th, the ALCW Conference 5 meeting takes place in Moorhead. The conference will take place at

Barry Auditorium in Grant Center of Concordia College. Registration begins at 9:00am with brunch starting at 9:30am.

The guest speaker this year is Dr. Roy Hamerling.

LWR packing will be on Thursday, October 5th at 9:00am. All kits are needed!

Keep in mind, we will again have a Blanket Drive. If you have blankets to give, we will begin collecting them soon.

The blanket collection box will be located outside the office.

The next meeting of the Co-Council will be Wednesday, October 11th, in the CR at 9:30am. We hope to finalize the

programs for 2016 and also work on the budget for next year. If anyone has any suggestions or ideas please let me


Until I write again,

God Bless each of you,

Norma Smith

Giving Thanks

The following is a note of thanks sent to FLC...sharing with all

Page 9

Anniversary Gift Giving

Update from Trinity/HOPE

News from Trinity HOPE

This is one of a series of articles which we make available each month to keep our

supporters informed about our activities. Trinity HOPE, a not-for-profit charitable

organization, raises funds and administers feeding programs that provide a noon

meal for the hungry children who attend our schools in Haiti where the Good News

of Jesus is shared daily.


2024 Hunters Place, Mt. Juliet, TN 37122 l [email protected] l (615) 394-4950

l Web Page: www.TrinityHope.org l Facebook: trinityhopehaiti


Look the Right Way First By Denise Gudlin

In March, I had the opportunity to visit Les Cayes, Haiti which received a direct hit from Hurricane Matthew in

October 2016. Natural disasters such as hurricanes can be devastating and scary to first-world as well as third-world

countries. We are thankful for the warning systems in place even to those who have no electricity, televisions or

computers such as rural areas of Haiti.

In the United States when the warning is given that a hurricane will make landfall

and you are in its path, the first thing most do is stock up on food and water, buy new

batteries, sharpen the chainsaw, buy gas for the generators, and finally put up the

storm shutters on all the windows and doors. When our mission team asked our

Haitian translator, Sargine, what her family did to prepare for Hurricane Matthew in

Haiti she said, “We first prayed to God for His protection.” They spend more time in

fervent prayer to their Heavenly Father than they did buying stuff. Shelters with

generators, water and food are not available to them but instead everyone hunkers

down in their modest home which may be cement block and wood with tin roofs.

Securing food and water is not an option when most do not have the extra resources

to buy for the next day. It was a big lesson to me to know which way to look first.

Everything we do is in vain if we don’t first pray to God!

Many Haitians we met shared their Hurricane Matthew story and all started out with,

“Let me show you how God protected us.” God gently laid down trees between

vehicles and homes so nothing was damaged. In a home where many in the

community took shelter, God’s hand protected them as he laid the 100-year-old,

heavy, falling, coconut tree on the fence post which diverted it away from the home

saving all the lives inside. You could see the love of Jesus in their face and eyes as

they told their stories of God’s blessings and they were full of JOY!!

Isaiah 41:10 – “Do not be afraid, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you. I

will help you. I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.”

Page 10

First Lutheran Church acknowledges with grateful appreciation these memorials which have been

received this past month.


In Memory of: Mark Hagedorn

Given by: Dean & Sue Berg


In Memory of:

Given by: Jon & Ardys Horner

Rolland D. Kjos


In Memory of: Jan Johnson

Given by: Ken & Marlys Christianson

In Honor of: Pastor Appreciation

Given by: Fern Brown

In Memory of: Gust Brown

Given by: Fern Brown


In Memory of: Mark Hagedorn

Given by: Bob & Marilyn Jernberg

In Memory of: Irene Erickson

Given by: Edna Mae Pearson

Parish Acts


Bev Thompson August 3

Jake Wolf August 5

Jan Johnson August 9


Matt & Teaira Christen August 18

Lindsay Vanderplaats and Andy Hoffman August 23

Julie Walker & John Pearson August 23


Kylee & Sophia Schulz August 13

Henry Kertscher August 27

Adler Mork September 17

Page 11

‘Action Corp’ Monthly Hospitality Teams

Each family/person has a 3-month quarter in which they will be called upon for serving. If you are on the lists

for October or November, you will rotate each year between September, October and November. If you know

which Sunday you would prefer to help serve during Sunday Coffee Fellowship time, please contact your leader

and let them know! Call the office, 847-5656, if you would like to change the season in which you serve.

Action Corps serves the Coffee Fellowship time on Sunday mornings, provides desserts for funerals and serves

other congregational events.

The month you are on Action Corps, you will be called by your Action Corps leader to see when and how you

would like to participate. For Sunday mornings You can serve (set-up, serving and/or clean up).

You can donate food items or You can donate money to purchase food items.

You will only be called as the need arises for funerals & other events.

We accomplish big things when everybody does a little bit! Thank You!!

OCTOBER Leader: Catie Herman Funerals:

Alinder, Tom & Sandy

Anderson, Dennis & Mary Lou

Anderson, Verly

Arne, Duane & Claudia

Beaton, Dick & Lonni

Brahmer, Sonny

Brehm, John & Dawn

Brekke, Jean

Doppler, Steve & Missy

Fingalson, Carl & Jan

Gram, Randy & Sandy

Haugen, Barbara

Herman, Jim & Catie

Heyer, Dave & Barb

Holmstrom, Keith

Johnson, Jay & Anne McKay

Kvidt, Jan

Listul, Curt & Audrey

Lundmark, Eric & Katie

Mack, Kelli & Brad

Maday, Janelle & Fran

Malchow, Kalan & Renee

Mathison, Pete & Liz

Maxwell, Max & Judy

Mielke, Basil & Myrna

Oberholtzer, Carl & Carol

Oines, Deb

Olson, Ole & Darlene

Palm, Bruce & Judy

Perry, Les & Norma

Peterson, Dave & Joy

Peterson, Evelyn

Price, Jerry & Ruth

Rolle, Vic & Jean

Rusten, Evelyn

Scherzer, Chuck & Barb

Schroeder, Betty & Tom

Sprague, Dan & Deb

Thomsen, Tom & Barb

Tinjum, Rodger & Marilyn

Weaver, Dennis & Angie

Weisenburger, Gaylen & Catharine

Wokasch, Missy & Greg

Wolfe, Cheryl & Tim

NOVEMBER Leader: Susan Busker Funerals: Lorraine McCaw-

Baumgartner, Mitch & Tarrin

Bergeron, Charlotte

Biewer, Jim & Sue

Blom, Clarene

Bollig, Jean & Pat

Bollig, Steve & Linda

Busker, Scott & Susan

Christen, Mark & Janel

Cihak, Ted & Lynn

Cummings, Arlen & Brenda

Dunham, Emil & Grace

Edwardson, Dolores

Fewson, Barry & Judy

Fuhs, Steve & Kim

Galbrecht, Megan & Kody

Gerdes, Louanne

Gunderson, Mark

Hemness, Kathleen

Hilde, Robin & Jake

Hill, Gene & Sharon

Kaldahl, Dave & Barb

King, Shawn & Candi

Knopf, Dave & Diane

Knopf, Justin & Amy

Lunde, Al & Chris

Malchow, Karl & Henrietta

Markuson, Brady & Carissa

McCawley, Lorraine

Mouw, Brant & LeAnn

Nelson, Deb

Omberg, Nick

Ovsak, Tammy

Pearson, Diana

Pearson, Edna Mae

Peck, Norraine

Romine, Travis & Lindsay

Searls, Rod & Shirley

Syvertson, Sharon

Thompson, Charles & Joanne

Thomsen, Meta

Wilson, Matt & Mindy

Windel, Dean & Brenda

Page 12


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


Sunday Schedule

Communion Third Grade Bibles

8:30a Traditional worship, indoor 9:30a Fellowship 10:45a Contemporary worship, outdoor 1:30p Confirmation Service 5:00p 11/12th Bible Study 6:00p Lighthouse

2 8:30a Helping Hands (Hol Inn) 4:30p Tae Kwon Do (Rec Room) 5:00p Al Anon (Library)


8:30a Quilters, Rec Room 9:00a AA (Library) 9:00a Office Staff Meeting 9:30a Rebekah Circle, Lounge 10:30 Comm Svc, Oak Crossing

12:00p OA Serenity Group (Lib)

12:00p Brownbaggers

2:00p Rachel Circle, Lounge

5:30p Tae Kwon Do (Rec Room)

4 6:30a Men's "Daybreak" 11:00a Community Time Bonhoeffer

12:15p Strength and Stretching

5:00p OASIS

5:00p Crisis Center Meeting (CR)

5:00p Worship Team Reh (MP)

6:15p Wednesday Worship

Third Grade Bibles

6:15p Bell Choir Rehearsal

6:45p Faith Formation Hour

7:15p Choir Rehearsal


9:30a Naomi Circle, Lincoln Pk

11:00a Personnel Meeting

1:00p Interim Pastors Meeting

1:30p Ruth Circle, Dining Rm

7:00p Book Club- Fierce @ Roasted

6 12:00p AA (Library) 4:30p Tae Kwon Do (Rec Room)

Youth depart for Faith Haven Retreat


Youth at Faith Haven Retreat

8 Sunday Schedule

Noisy Offering

8:30a Traditional worship, 9:30a Fellowship 9:35a Adult Forum- Dementia Friends 10:45a Contemporary worship 6:00p Lighthouse


8:30a Helping Hands (Hol Inn) 4:30p Tae Kwon Do (Rec Room) 5:00p Al Anon (Library)


8:30a Quilters 9:00a AA (Library) 9:00a Office Staff Meeting 12:00p Brownbaggers

12:00p OA Serenity Group (Lib)

5:30p Tae Kwon Do (Rec Room)

11 6:30a Men's "Daybreak" 9:30a WFLC Co-Council 11:00a Community Time Bonhoeffer 11:00a Comm Svc, Winchester 1:30p Comm Svc, Lincoln Park

5:00p OASIS

5:00p Crisis Center Meeting (CR)

5:00p Worship Team Reh (MP)

6:15p Wednesday Worship

Noisy Offering

6:15p Bell Choir Rehearsal

6:45p Faith Formation Hour

7:15p Choir Rehearsal

12 8:30a Ministerial

13 12:00p AA (Library) 4:30p Tae Kwon Do (Rec Room)


5:00p Former’s Group, DR

15 Sunday Schedule

Oktoberfest Polka Worship

Communion Pancake Breakfast

Blessing of the Keys

8:30a Traditional worship, 9:30a Fellowship 9:30a Blood Pressure Checks 10:45a Contemporary worship 6:00p Lighthouse

16 8:30a Helping Hands (Hol Inn) 4:30p Tae Kwon Do (Rec Room) 5:00p Al Anon (Library)

17 8:30a Quilters, Rec Room 9:00a Staff Meeting 9:00a AA (Library) 12:00p Brownbaggers

12:00p OA Serenity Group (Lib)

5:30p Tae Kwon Do (Rec Room)


No Oasis Events Today 6:30a Men's "Daybreak" 10:30a Comm Svc, Ecumen 11:00a Community Time Bonhoeffer

5:00p Crisis Center Meeting (CR)

5:00p Worship Team Reh (MP)

6:15p Wednesday Worship

6:15p Bell Choir Rehearsal

6:45p Faith Formation Hour

7:15p Choir Rehearsal

19 9:30a Naomi Circle, Lincoln Pk 9:30a Lincoln Pk Bible Study 9:30a Comm Svc, Park Manor 10:15a Comm Svc, Marigold 7:00p Book Club Fierce

20 12:00p AA (Library) 4:30p Tae Kwon Do (Rec Room)


22 Sunday Schedule

8:30a Traditional worship, 9:30a Fellowship 9:30a Blood Pressure Checks 9:30a FLC Foundation Meeting 10:45a Contemporary worship 6:00p Lighthouse

23 8:30a Helping Hands (Hol Inn) 10:00a LSS Morning Out

4:30p Tae Kwon Do (Rec Room) 5:00p Al Anon (Library)


Newsletter Deadline 8:30a Quilters, Rec Room 9:00a AA (Library)

12:00p OA Serenity Group (Lib)

12:00p Brownbaggers

5:30p Tae Kwon Do (Rec Room)

6:30p New Member Meet & Greet

7:00p Vision Council

25 6:30a Men's "Daybreak" 11:00a Comm Time, Bonhoeffer

5:00p OASIS

Retirement Dinner for Pastor Dave

5:00p Crisis Center Meeting (CR)

5:00p Worship Team Reh (MP)

6:15p Wednesday Worship

6:15p Bell Choir Rehearsal

6:45p Faith Formation Hour

7:15p Choir Rehearsal

8:00p Vision Council

26 2:00p LSS Americorps Training 7:00p Book Club Fierce


12:00p AA (Library) 4:30p Tae Kwon Do (Rec Room)


29 Sunday Schedule

Reformation Sunday

8:30a Traditional worship, 9:30a Fellowship 9:30a Reception for Pastor Dave 9:30a FLC Foundation Meeting 10:45a Contemporary worship 6:00p Lighthouse

30 8:30a Helping Hands (Hol Inn) 10:00a LSS Morning Out

4:30p Tae Kwon Do (Rec Room) 5:00p Al Anon (Library)

31 8:30a Quilters, Rec Room 9:00a AA (Library)

12:00p OA Serenity Group (Lib)

12:00p Brownbaggers

5:30p Tae Kwon Do (Rec Room)

Wednesday OASIS 5:00 Family Meal 6:15 Worship 6:45 Faith Formation Hour

Sunday Schedule 8:30 Traditional Worship 9:35 Education Time 10:45 Contemporary Worship

Page 13

FLC Happenings

With his October 31 retirement date inching closer, members of the congregation have two opportuni-ties to enjoy some table-talk with Pastor Dave and Joy . . . over food, of course! We ARE (mostly) Scandinavian Lutherans!

Meal – Wednesday October 25th

Dave Johnson will be rustling up a Taco Oasis Meal – a favorite of the Peterson’s. This will be served from 5 – 6:15 p.m. in the dining room. All are welcome!

Dessert – Sunday, October 29th

Cake will be served during fellowship time in the dining room, 9:30 -10:45 a.m. Come and remi-nisce, extend greetings, and wish the Petersons well as they “get to” begin a new direction in this jour-

ney of living.

Thank you, Pastor Dave and Joy, for sharing 25 years of ministry with First Lutheran Church!

This congregation has been blessed in so many ways by your presence here.

Come Celebrate - Don & Norma Smith and family will be celebrating their 60th anniversary & Don’s 80th

birthday on October 7th, 2:00-4:00 PM, at Vergas Community Center. All friends are invited to come have

cake and coffee and help celebrate!

Dementia Friends – Sunday, October 8th at 9:35 AM in the Library. Amy Dallmann from Land of the

Dancing Sky Area Agency on Aging will present a one-hour discussion session on what it is like to live

with dementia, and give tips for communicating with someone who has the disease. By learning more

about dementia we can make a big difference in the lives of those who live with the disease. Please sign

up for this session in the church office. Questions? Contact: Denise, 847-5656.

It's our fall Highway Clean-up! Meet at Bleachers at 4:30 Tuesday, Oct. 10th. With many hands

we'll be done by 6:00. Bring good work gloves. See you at Bleachers!

Thank You to all that donated to Hurricane Relief Fund. Total donated: $3,033.00...and counting!

Strength and Stretching Class Fall Session - New Time and Day! The fall session will be every

Wednesday at 12:15 starting October 4th and ending November 15th. It is held in the FLC Rec. Room.

This class offers an opportunity to do mild stretching and strengthening exercises. These exercises not

only provide stress relief, they also improve balance, strengthen and tone. The class is 35-40 minutes of

exercise followed by health information and a devotional. Everyone is welcome! Bring a mat or towel.

First Lutheran Church Women (WFLC) - Please put Saturday, October 7th on your calendar for our

ALCW Conference 5 meeting. To be held at Barry Auditorium in the Grant Center of Concordia College,

Moorhead on the corner of 8th Ave. & 5th St.. Registration is at 9:00am with brunch at 9:30. Guest

speaker: Dr. Roy Hamerling.

WFLC Fall Conference 6 will be at Immanuel Lutheran in Wadena (403 2nd St SE) on Tuesday,

October 10th at 9:00 am. Registration is $10. Begins at 8:30; Pre-register by Ocober 4th with Jane

Bagstad at 218-371-8095 or [email protected]. Meet in the church parking lot at 7:30 to ride together to


Pastoral Update...the retirement

Page 14

The First Messenger

First Lutheran Church

912 Lake Avenue

Detroit Lakes, MN 56501

Volume 20 Issue 11

Non-Profit Organization

#0025610 Permit #32

The First Messenger is published monthly

and mailed to the members and friends of

First Lutheran Church. The purpose of this

publication is to inform the congregation of

church activities and upcoming events.

Articles for publication are to be submitted

to the church office by the 20th of each


Office Hours:

Monday - Thursday: 8:30 - 4:00

Office Phone: 847-5656

Fax Phone: 847-7009

[email protected]


Congregational Staff


Dave Peterson [email protected]

John Simonson [email protected]

Rachel Simonson [email protected]

Children’s Ministry Director:

Rachel Simonson [email protected]

Director of Youth Ministry:

Maddie Hanson [email protected]

KidsFirst Preschool Director:

Diane Ullyott [email protected]

Business Manager:

Susie Reitmeier [email protected]

Office Administrator, Support Ministries:

Tanzy Haisley [email protected]

Office Administrator, Communications:

Julie Hibma [email protected]

Cory Oswald [email protected]

Parish Nurse:

Denise Gaard [email protected]

Custodian: Mary Totland

Vision Council

President: Shawn Nygaard

President-Elect: Dave Melgaard

Secretary: Catie Herman

Treasurer: Sue Schaffer

Jessica Burhans

Chris Malecka

LeeAnn Mouw

Nathan Mork

Ted Cihak

Kari Borgmann

Foundation Board

President: Tim Sundby

Vice President: Matt Hedstrom

Secretary: Susan Busker

Treasurer: Mike Fillmore

Joyce Klyve

David Opsahl

Jim Buchholz

Mason Pender

Jay Sorensen

Worship is broadcast on KDLM-1340 AM and on 93.1 FM Radio each Sunday Morning at 10:00

Worship is also webcasted on the church website www.firstlutheranchurch.com.

Blessings on your retirement Pastor Dave!

I do not cease to give thanks for you as I remember you in my prayers. Ephesians 1:16