It is hard to believe that we have only been in school for a month. We have been very busy! We are very appreciative of our parents and their patience as we re-organized the school. Your children handled everything really well! You will notice that our playground is experiencing some construction work. Thank-you again for your patience as an underground sprinkler system is being installed. The sprinkler system will be used during the summer months to maintain the soccer field. In the meantime, students are managing to remember to stay away from the fenced area. They have been reminded that if anything lands on the inside of the fenced area it cannot be returned unless one of the project managers is available to return the item. It is has been a pleasure to be at Queenston as the Acting Principal in Mr. Ballosingh’s absence. I am impressed with the dedication of the educators and the understanding and support of the parents. Please welcome Ms. Howard, who will continue supporting the school beginning October 11 th . Please read the information in this newsletter carefully. Ms. C. Parr Terry Fox The rain did not stop Queenston Drive Public School students from the Terry Fox run/walk. After an inspiring assembly, all students in grade 1 to 8 either walked or ran in support of Terry’s memory. The kindergarten children cheered for everyone who participated. Terry Fox was only 18 when he was diagnosed with bone cancer, and was forced to have his right leg amputated. In 1980, at the age of 21, he embarked on a cross-Canada run setting off from St John's, QUEENSTON HERALD OCTOBER 2016

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It is hard to believe that we have only been in school for a month. We have been very busy! We are very appreciative of our parents and their patience as we re-organized the school. Your children handled everything really well!

You will notice that our playground is experiencing some construction work. Thank-you again for your patience as an underground sprinkler system is being installed. The sprinkler system will be used during the summer months to maintain the soccer field. In the meantime, students are managing to remember to stay away from the fenced area. They have been reminded that if anything lands on the inside of the fenced area it cannot be returned unless one of the project managers is available to return the item.

It is has been a pleasure to be at Queenston as the Acting Principal in Mr. Ballosingh’s absence. I am impressed with the dedication of the educators and the understanding and support of the parents. Please welcome Ms. Howard, who will continue supporting the school beginning October 11th.

Please read the information in this newsletter carefully.

Ms. C. Parr

Terry Fox

The rain did not stop Queenston Drive Public School students from the Terry Fox run/walk. After an inspiring assembly, all students in grade 1 to 8 either walked or ran in support of Terry’s memory. The kindergarten children cheered for everyone who participated.

Terry Fox was only 18 when he was diagnosed with bone cancer, and was forced to have his right leg amputated. In 1980, at the age of 21, he embarked on a cross-Canada run setting off from St John's, N.L., to raise money and awareness for cancer research. He demonstrated great perseverance which was our character education word for the month!

School Council

School Council is an advisory committee whose purpose is to provide suggestions to school staff that would aid in our decision making. In order to do this it is important for parents to send issues that they would like discussed to the School Council chair, who will present them at the next meeting. In this way, the agenda belongs to parents. Please send issues that you would like discussed to: [email protected].

We had many parents attend the first School CouncilOur next meeting is on: Oct. 27 @ 6:30pm. Babysitting will be provided.


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Child-minders Wanted!...Can you help?

We are hoping to put together a list of possible babysitters that can be used for the School council meetings. If you are interested or if you have a child who has taken the babysitting course and/or First Aid please forward the information to Kristie Marinic using

the [email protected] e-mail address.

Volunteers Needed…PLEASE!!

Parent volunteers are needed to support students with reading in English. We are also searching for people who are willing to read and speak in their first language to Queenston Students. Please email Mrs. Smith if you are interested at [email protected]

Open House at Queenston

Thank you to all parents from K to grade 8 who joined us on October 13th. We trust your child introduced you to their teacher and told you about Growth Mindset! Since this is the season for harvest the theme for the evening was Growth and Harvest. As many of you now know, when we have a growth mindset, we are ready to learn from our mistakes, expand our thinking, and thus we create a ‘Harvest” of ideas and knowledge! We are very pleased to have seen you at the Open House!

Take Me Outside Day happening on October 26th:

This is a special day to raise awareness about the importance of unplugging and spending time outside – being active and connecting with nature (http://takemeoutside.ca/). On October 26th all students will be engaging in activities outside, to get active, socialize, and be healthy! Let’s get away from the screens and appreciate nature.

Hallowe’en: October 31

Students in kindergarten to grade 3 will have an opportunity to dress up on Monday, October 31st for Hallowe’en.

Primary students can come dressed in the morning, but will need to change out of their costumes before going outside for recess. As soon as students arrive in the morning, primary students will visit classes to share their costumes with older students.

Parents will need to use good judgment in determining the appropriateness of costumes, and students may not bring weapons (even if they are a part of their costume). If students have toy swords, knives, or guns, as part of their costume, they will have to keep them at home. Masks are also not permitted … we must be able to clearly see students’ faces.

Students who are not dressing up are encouraged to wear Orange and Black. In-class activities featuring Hallowe’en literacy and mathematics may be experienced throughout the day.

Tuck Shop

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 Mrs. Krasko and the students in the ASD Class have opened the Tuck Shop for the 2016-2017 school year. This year we are selling both cookies (chocolate chip OR chocolate fudge) AND popcorn (light butter salt OR sweet kettle corn). All food products meet the Ministry's "School Food and Beverage Policy" guidelines as "sell most" products. All profits generated from this Tuck Shop support the Life Skills Program (cooking classes, field trips, special learning opportunities) of the ASD Class. We greatly appreciate your support! Mrs. Glover, Mrs. Krasko, Mrs. Awais and the students in the ASD Class

Late Arrivals

Parents must always bring their child to the office if they are arriving after 9:00 a.m.. Please do not go directly to the classroom door. You will know that you that your child is late if there are no teachers on duty outside the school.

Please note that during regular school hours, all parents and visitors must enter through the front doors and come to the office. As part of the Ministry of Education ‘safe schools’ initiative a video intercom has been installed at the front doors of the school. During the academic day visitors will need to identify themselves by using the intercom and standing in front of the camera and then be ‘buzzed’ in.

Unescorted visitors may not be in the hallways. In this way, we are all working together to keep our children safe.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in keeping everyone safe.


Parents are asked to please park on side streets. Unfortunately the staff parking lot in the morning and at the end of the day is for staff only. To keep traffic flowing and to ensure the safety of all children please help us by parking on the road or using the Kiss and Ride appropriately. Thank-you for your consideration.

Character Education

Every month, we recognize students for demonstrating a character trait (determination, respect, responsibility, caring, inclusivity, initiative and co-operation). Students who consistently demonstrate Respect will be recognized for the month of October.

Club News:The following clubs have begun:

Junior FootballSenior Football

The Senior team has a tournament on October 19

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Girls Football (grades 7/8)Junior Band (for first time instrumental players) Change Now (a club focused on global issues) Eco ClubBreakfast Club

Thank you to all the staff volunteer coaches and helpers!

ECO Club News

We are aiming to achieve GOLD status this year. Once again, we will continue with Litterless Lunch Thursday. All students are asked to bring a lunch in reusable containers. Any garbage, such as wrappers from straws or cookies, will be sent home in your child’s lunch bag. Teachers or ECO ambassadors will be collecting the results from each class to see who wins the Golden Lunch Box for the week! We are also recycling crayola markers and batteries. Feel free to send yours in and we will make sure they get put in the correct place! Thanks for helping us keep Queenston green!

Pizza Day: Every Wednesday

Thank-you to the School Council members who run Pizza Day every Wednesday. This is a practical fundraiser for the school.! A slice of pizza is $1.50 and a juice box is $.75. Students simply bring the money to school on Wednesday.

Information about fundraising goals will be discussed at the next School Council meeting.

Breakfast Club

A healthy breakfast is offered daily from 8:45-9:00am. A donation of $0.25-$0.50 is suggested to help offset costs. We do not want to run out of money before the school year ends. Students receive 3 items: fresh fruit or juice, cereal or toast and cheese or yogurt. Last year we served between 30-70 students a day. Your support to help keep the program going is appreciated.

Picture Day:

Come with your best smiles on October 17th. It is picture day. Reminders were sent home October 13 th.


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Individual student reports for EQAO will be sent home shortly, for Grade 4 and 7 students (they wrote the test in June the previous school year). A letter summarizing how we did as a school will be sent out at the same time to all parents.

AllergiesQueenston Drive P.S. has many students that have severe allergies to nuts. Please do not send any nut products to school. We also have a teacher who has a severe life threatening allergy to seafood. Even being in the same room as seafood can cause a violent reaction. We ask that you refrain from sending seafood to school. Thank you for your support in keeping our school safe and healthy.

Queenston Drive’s New Class Organization

Kindergarten: Ms. Param, Ms Zhao, Ms. Sidhu, Ms. Tarr, Ms. Knuff, Ms. Rodriques-Gonsalves, Ms. Fleming and Ms. BhardwajGrade 1 - Mrs. Foster and Ms. RothfieldGrade 2 - Ms. BaerGrade 2/3 - Mr. BurgessGrade 3 - Ms. MartiniGrade 4 – Mr. PrestonGrade 4/5 - Ms. SalatiASD - Mrs. GloverGrade 5/6 - Ms. GardnerGrade 6 - Ms. JenkinsGrade 7 - Ms. Toni and Ms. Wierdsma Grade 8 - Mr. Fata and Ms. MitchellMusic - Ms. WintersFrench - Ms. Quintal Collaborative Support - Mrs. Cameriere, Mrs. Hebert, Mrs. Shannon, Ms. SmithLibrary, Planning Time - Mrs. McCubbinDrama /Dance - Ms MansouriGuidance and Physical Education –Mr. WalkerTAs - Ms. Adilovic-Burkic, Mrs. Krasko, Mrs. Awais, Mrs. Gallivan, Ms. Brown, Mrs. Acheampong

DATES to Remember

October 13: Opening House (6:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m.)October 17: Picture DayOctober 26: Take Me Outside DayOctober 31: Halloween November 2: Awards assembly: New character word: CooperationNovember 11: Remembrance Day

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School bus safety week is Oct 17-21 In Ontario over 825,000 students travel to and from school safely on a school bus each and every

school day. School Bus safety week is intended to raise awareness about school bus safety and the important work our School Bus Drivers perform throughout the province in safely transporting students.

According to the Canada Safety Council, it is 16 times safer per kilometre to travel on a school bus than in a family vehicle. However, while bus transportation is safe, accidents do occur.

Wednesday October 19, 2016 is School Bus Driver Appreciation Day.We would like to take this opportunity to say “Thank You” to all of our dedicated School Bus drivers for the incredible job they do in keeping our students safe each and every school day. On Wednesday October 19, 2016 please take a moment to offer a word of thanks to your children’s bus driver.

Tips for riding the bus Take a seat as quickly as possible, put belongings under the seat and stay seated. Never stick anything out of the window, including part of your body. Refrain from eating on the bus. If a choking incident occurs, the driver may not be able to help

immediately. Wait until the school bus stops before standing up to exit the vehicle.

Tips for exiting the bus: When getting off the bus, take two large steps away from bus. If you have to walk in front of the

bus, do so at least three metres (10 giant steps) away from the bus. The driver must be able to see students exiting the bus and will give a signal when itis safe to

cross. If more than one student is crossing in front of the bus at the same time, they should cross in single file.

Children must never reach for something that is under the bus without the driver’s permission. Let the driver know that something is under the bus or wait until the bus moves out of the way.

Tips for walking to school: Help your child establish a safe, direct route to school. Avoid potential safety hazards such as train

tracks, busy intersections, and reinforce what safety precautions to follow. Stay on sidewalks whenever possible. If there is no sidewalk, walk on the left side of the road and

walk facing traffic. Cross streets at intersections and at crosswalks and learn to look to the left, the right, and the left

again before proceeding. Wait until traffic comes to a stop before crossing. Make sure drivers see you before you cross.

Don't assume the driver will stop for you. For more information about school bus safety, visit www.elmer.ca or www.safety-council.org.

Courtesy Bussing : Applications for courtesy bussing can be picked up at the school office. Please be aware that most of the busses servicing Queenston are very full. You will be informed during the third week of October whether courtesy bussing is possible.

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Give what you can on United Way Giving Day – Oct. 26, 2016

At the Peel District School Board, our mission is to inspire success, confidence and hope in each student – each and every day. Yet we know that there are many needs in our community that we can’t address on our own, like providing food for families that may go without or supporting communities after a crisis. That’s why we are holding a board-wide giving day in support of United Way of Peel Region, a key partner and supporter of Peel families.

This year, the Peel board has declared Oct. 26 as United Way Giving Day to raise much needed funds for United Way of Peel Region and the network of social service agencies it supports. Whether it’s providing shelter for a mother and her children in Brampton, matching a child who is at risk with a mentor in Caledon, or funding a breakfast program in Mississauga for youth that would otherwise go hungry, United Way of Peel Region offers hope and possibility to thousands in our community.

A donation of: $2 may go towards a warm winter coat for a child. $10 supports a child with interactive, recreational outings for one year, including healthy snacks and

transportation, to help them build their social skills and self-esteem. $25 matches a teen with a caring adult mentor who will meet with him or her several times each

month for fun activities.

This is a completely voluntary campaign and any contributions are welcome. Whether you send a loonie, toonie or cheque made out to your child’s school, your contribution will make a difference. Pledges of $25 or more will automatically receive a tax receipt from United Way of Peel Region. To receive a receipt, you must fill out the pledge form on the back and send it to school with your donation by Dec. 16, 2016.

Thank you for lending a helping hand to those who need it most. Together, we can Inspire Possibility!

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Regional Learning Choices Programs offered by the Peel District School Board empower students by providing them with opportunities to develop and explore skills in a particular area of interest. Regional programs are open to all students who meet the criteria for acceptance. Students and their families are encouraged to attend the information night for the program of their choice to receive more information about the program and application details. Transportation is not provided for students in regional programs. If students have been accepted into a regional program and they live within the school boundary, they are eligible for busing only if they meet the distance criteria outlined in the board’s Transportation Policy #39.

All regional programs include annual fees, including an $40 application fee for all regional programs. The application process for secondary regional programs opens Nov. 9, 2016. Application dates for middle school programs vary from school to school. Programs Starts in grade: 6 7 9Actively in Motion (AIM) – Royal Orchard MS

Advanced Placement – Central Peel SS, John Fraser SSArts – Earnscliffe Sr. PS (starts in grade 6), Queen Elizabeth Sr. PS (starts in grade 7), Cawthra Park SS, Mayfield SSArts and Technology – Morning Star MS

Graphic Design Management – Gordon Graydon Memorial SSInternational Baccalaureate – Bristol Rd. MS, WG Davis Sr. PS, Erindale SS, Glenforest SS, Harold M. Brathwaite SS, Turner Fenton SSInternational Business and Technology – Allan A. Martin Sr. PS, Lisgar MS, Williams Pkwy Sr. PS, Gordon Graydon Memorial SS, Meadowvale SS, North Park SSInternational and Executive Leadership Academy – TL Kennedy SSSciTech – Centennial Sr. PS, Macville PS, Tomken Rd. MS, Chinguacousy SS, Port Credit SSSports – Applewood Heights SS

Strings – Central Peel SS, Port Credit SS

Truck and Coach Engineering and Technology – Bramalea Secondary School

A number of other specialized programs that extend beyond the regular curriculum are available to Peel high school students. Learn more: Co-operative Education Program Dual Credit Programs Explore High Skills Extended French/French Immersion

Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program

Peel Region High Performers Program Regional Co-operative Education Programs Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) Progr

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For more information about program information nights, busing, fees and the application process/dates, contact the school or visit www.peelschools.org/RegionalPrograms.

Peel board launches new Plan for Student Success 2016-21

In August 2016, the Peel District School Board launched its new Plan for Student Success, a set of four goals that will guide decision-making during 2016-21 to help us achieve our mission to inspire success, confidence and hope in each student.

Each goal, listed in no particular order, is key to student success.

High Expectations for Achievement: Set high expectations for staff and students to ensure all students achieve personal excellence.

Parent, Community and Staff Engagement: Engage staff, parents and communities to support student success.

Equity and Inclusion: Achieve inclusion for all through our continuous progress on equity.

Safe, Positive Healthy Climate/Well-Being: Build safe, positive, healthy climates for learning and working to nurture student and staff well-being.

More information about the Plan for Student Success will soon be available

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FASD Caregiver Support Group (Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder)

A parent-run group offering encouragement to those supporting individuals with FASD Adoptive parents, foster parents, grandparents and birth parents are invited to share their experiences, strategies and knowledge in a safe, non-judgmental environment.

Location: Real Canadian Superstore Community Room (2nd floor) 3045 Mavis Road, Mississauga Time: 6:30-9:30 pm

Dates: 2nd Tuesday of each month October 11, 2016 November 8, 2016 December 13, 2016

Contact Information: De-Ann DeGraaf Lisa Picano 647-883-9572 416-303-2302 [email protected]