October 2015 Current Affairs

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  • 7/24/2019 October 2015 Current Affairs


    Current Affairs

    October 2015

    Current Affairs 1 October-2015

  • 7/24/2019 October 2015 Current Affairs


    01 October 2015Paper 2 Topic: Bilateral, regional and globalgroupings and agreements involving Indiaandor affecting India!s interestsIndia to hold G20 Chair in 2018, Delhi a! pla!

    hostIndia is set to be t"e #20 C"air in 201$, and %e&

    'el"i could "ost t"e prestigious annual #20 summit( )"is decision &as ta*en b+ #20 member

    nations recentl+(#20:)"e #roup of )&ent+ is an international forum fort"e governments and central ban* governors from 20maor economies( )"e members include 1individual countries and t"e .uropean /nion ./(

    )"e #20 started in 1 as a meeting of

    inance 3inisters and Central Ban*

    #overnors in t"e aftermat" of t"e Asianfinancial crisis( Collectivel+, t"e #-20 economies account for

    around $54 of t"e gross &orld product#6, $04 of &orld trade, and t&o-t"irdsof t"e &orld population(

    )"e #20 is supported b+ international

    organisations, including t"e inancial7tabilit+ Board, t"e International 8abourOrganisation, t"e International 3onetar+und, t"e Organisation for .conomic Co-

    operation and 'evelopment, t"e /nited%ations, t"e orld Ban* and t"e orld )radeOrgani9ation(

    %otable points: )"e #20 operates as a forum and not as an

    organisation( )"erefore, it does not "ave an+permanent secretariat or management andadministrative structure(

    One of t"e #20 countries is selected to "old

    t"e C"air in rotation, also *no&n as #20presidenc+!( )"e presidenc+ establis"es atemporar+ secretariat for t"e duration it "oldst"e C"air( )"e secretariat coordinates all&or* and organises #20 meetings(

    )"e immediate past, present and ne;t C"air

    constitute a troi*a! and ensure continuit+ int"e #20 &or*( In t"e current +ear 2015, t"epresidenc+ is "eld b+ )ur*e+( )"e C"air &as"anded over to it b+ Australia( )ur*e+ &ill"and over t"e C"air for t"e ne;t +ear 201orea "eld

    t"e C"air( /nder it, 1 countries "ave beencategorised into five regional groupings of ama;imum of four nations eac"(

    7ources: )"e ?indu, g20(

    Paper 2 Topic"#overnment policies andinterventions for development in varioussectors and issues arising out of t"eir

    design and implementation(

    #atural $as price cut in line %ith ne%polic!

    )"e government "as cut t"e price of natural gas b+1$4 to @($1 per million Britis" t"ermal unitmmBtu on a gross calorific value basis from t"ecurrent @(

  • 7/24/2019 October 2015 Current Affairs


    t"e 3a"aras"tra government "as decided to imposedrou$ht ta'(!

    )"is is t"e first time since 1= t"at a state

    government "as decided to ta*e suc" adrastic step(

    )"is ta; is meant to "elp farmers &"o "ave

    been "it b+ one of t"e &orst droug"ts inrecent times(

    )"is arrangement &ill be in place for t"e ne;t

    five mont"s and &ill be revie&ed during t"ene;t budget session(

    )"e 7tate government is e;pected to raise s(


  • 7/24/2019 October 2015 Current Affairs


    Tri.ia: or t"e first time in t"e "istor+ of Indian

    udiciar+, t"e 150-+ear-old 3adras ?ig"Court recentl+ allo&ed live telecast ofcontempt proceeding against t&o 3aduraiadvocates(

    3eg"ala+a #overnor E( 7"anmuganat"an

    &as recentl+ s&orn in as t"e 1=t" #overnorof 3anipur(

    1/ uestion

    it" reference to Business CorrespondentAgentsBan* 3itras under t"e 6rad"an 3antriFan '"an Goana, &"ic" of t"e follo&ingstatements are correctH

    1( )"e+ offer ban*ing services li*e cas"deposit ,&it"dra&al and fund transfer

    2( )"e+ also offer t"e service of openingne& accounts

    ( 6roviding insurance and pension relatedservices too is one of t"eir tas*s( )"e Business Correspondent AgentsBan*

    3itras are also pla+ing a maor role inspread of financial literac+

    7elect t"e correct ans&er using t"e codes givenbelo&(

    a 1, and onl+

    b 1,2 and onl+

    c All of t"e above

    d 1 and onl+

    IncorrectAns: c("ttp:pib(nic(inne&site6rintelease(asp;Hrelid12=0=12/ uestion

    Consider t"e follo&ing statements &it" regard to7ub"as C"andra Bose:

    1( ?e secured from t"e A;is po&ers, adeclaration in favour of IndianIndependence

    2( )"e 6rovisional #overnment of reeIndia! establis"ed b+ "im &as recogni9edb+ Fapan as &ell as #erman+ and ascistItal+

    "ic" of t"e above statements are correctH a 1 onl+

    b 2 onl+

    c Bot" 1 and 2 onl+

    d %eit"er 1 or 2

    Ans: b(Alt"oug" "e could notsecure an A;is declaration in

    favour of Indian Independence, "is 6rovisional#overnment of ree India! &as recogni9ed b+ man+A;is-nations(

    6age 25-2

  • 7/24/2019 October 2015 Current Affairs



  • 7/24/2019 October 2015 Current Affairs


    1004 collection and scientific

    processingdisposal reuserec+cle of3unicipal 7olid aste(

    )o bring about a be"avioral c"ange in people

    regarding "ealt"+ sanitation practices( #enerate a&areness among t"e citi9ens about

    sanitation and its lin*ages &it" public "ealt"(

    7trengt"ening of urban local bodies todesign, e;ecute and operate s+stems( )o create enabling environment for private

    sector participation in Capital .;penditureand Operation N 3aintenance ON3 costs(

    )"e components of t"e programme are: Construction of individual sanitar+ latrines

    for "ouse"olds belo& t"e povert+ line &it"subsid+ $04 &"ere demand e;ists(

    Conversion of dr+ latrines into lo&-cost

    sanitar+ latrines( Construction of e;clusive village sanitar+

    comple;es for &omen providing facilities for"and pumping, bat"ing, sanitation and&as"ing on a selective basis &"ere t"ere isnot adeDuate land or space &it"in "ouses and&"ere village panc"a+ats are &illing tomaintain t"e facilities(

    7etting up of sanitar+ marts(

    )otal sanitation of villages t"roug" t"e

    construction of drains, soa*age pits, solid and

    liDuid &aste disposal( Intensive campaign for a&areness generation

    and "ealt" education to create a felt need forpersonal, "ouse"old and environmentalsanitation facilities(

    7ources: t"e "indu, &i*i(

    6aper )opic:Indians! ac"ievement in7N)(

    #7AI to si$n pact %ith Isro for satelliteappin$ of hi$h%a!s

    )"e %ational ?ig"&a+s Aut"orit+ of India %?AIis planning to sign a memorandum of understanding3o/ &it" t"e Indian 7pace esearc" OrganisationIsro for adoption of best tec"nologies in t"e roadsector(

    It is also planning to utilise #A#A%! and

    B?/EA%! satellite s+stems to prepare a

  • 7/24/2019 October 2015 Current Affairs


    #A#A% &ill provide augmentation service

    for t"e #67 over t"e countr+, t"e Ba+ ofBengal, 7out" .ast Asia and 3iddle .ast andup to Africa(

    7ome of its benefits are improved efficienc+,

    direct routes, increased fuel savings,approac" &it" vertical guidance at run&a+s,significant cost savings because of t"e&it"dra&al of ground aids and reduced&or*load of flig"t cre& and air trafficcontrollers(

    #agan &or*s b+ augmenting and rela+ing

    data from #67 satellites &it" t"e "elp of t&oaugmentation satellites and 15 eart"-basedreference stations(

    )"e s+stem utilises t"e satellite-based &ide

    area augmentation s+stem 7BA7tec"nolog+ &"ic" "as been developed b+

    a+t"eon(7ources: t"e "indu, pib(1/ uestion

    Consider t"e follo&ing statements about t"eIntegrated C"ild 'evelopment 7c"eme:

    1( One of its obectives is to improve t"enutritional and "ealt" status of c"ildren int"e age-group 0-5 +ears

    2( 6rivate pla+ers cannot participate inproviding services under t"is sc"eme

    "ic" of t"e above statements are correctH

    a 1 onl+ b 2 onl+

    c Bot" 1 and 2 onl+

    d %eit"er 1 or 2

    Ans: b(One of its obectives is to improve t"e nutritionaland "ealt" status of c"ildren in t"e age-group 03)!ears("ttp:&&&(t"e"indu(comne&snationalcontractor-ra-on-in-nutrition-sc"emesarticle=

  • 7/24/2019 October 2015 Current Affairs


    "ic" of t"e above statements are correctH a 1 and 2 onl+

    b 2 and onl+

    c 1 and Onl+

    d All t"e above

    Ans: c(G7' is in line &it" t"e /nited %ations!

    ustainable'evelopment #oals 7'#s("ttp:en(unesco(orgevents&orld-+out"-s*ills-da+M"ttp:&&&(t"e"indu(comne&snationalup"ill-tas*-for-s*ill-india-missionarticle=

  • 7/24/2019 October 2015 Current Affairs


    over t"e last one +ear( 7everal of government!s flags"ip

    programmes li*e t"e 7mart Cities 3ission,Atal 3ission for euvenation and /rban)ransformation A3/), 7&ac"" B"arat3ission, %ational ?eritage Cit+'evelopment and Augmentation Goana

    ?I'AG, %ational 3ission for Clean#anga, 3a*e in India polic+, 7oil ?ealt"Card sc"eme, 6rad"an 3antri >ris"i7inc"a+ee Goana and man+ ot"ers aim toac"ieve t"e climate obectives(

    India is t"e fourt" biggest emitter of green"ousegases after C"ina, t"e /nited 7tates, and .uropean/nion as a &"ole(

    7ources: t"e "indu, ie, ndtv(Paper Topic: Bio diversit+(

    #il$iri tahr population o.er ,000In a compre"ensive stud+ of t"e %ilgiri ta"rpopulation in estern #"ats, t"e -India "asput t"e population at ,122(

    It "as also said t"at &it" diligent

    conservation and planning, t"e populationcould reac" t"e 5,000 mar*(

    )"e stud+ &as conducted in t"e "abitat

    spread over 5,=0 sD *m in )amil %adu and>erala(

    'uring t"e surve+, "as discovered 1=

    unrecorded poc*ets of ta"r "abitat in"abitedb+ 11 animals( )"ese potential areas "ad notbeen located in t"e past o&ing to t"eir ruggedterrain t"at remains inaccessible for over "alft"e +ear o&ing to "eav+ rain, mist and fog(

    )"en stud+ recommends periodic monitoring

    for conservation( )"e stud+ also "elps in preparing a

    compre"ensive conservation plan()"e t"reats identified b+ t"e stud+ include:

    incidents of forest fire destro+ing fodder

    spread of diseases t"roug" unregulated cattle

    Current Affairs October-2015

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    cra9ing in areas close to t"e "abitat unsustainable non-timber forest produce

    collection poac"ing and unabated "uman intervention in

    t"e "abitat in t"e name of pilgrimage tosacred places

    %ilgiri ta"r:)"e %ilgiri ta"r, *no&n locall+ as t"e %ilgiri ibe; orsimpl+ ibe;, is an ungulate t"at is endeicto t"e%ilgiri ?ills and t"e sout"ern portion of t"e estern#"ats in t"e states of )amil %adu and >erala in7out"ern India(

    It is t"e state anialof )amil %adu(

    It "as been classified as endan$eredas per

    I/C%(7ources: )"e ?indu, i*i(

    Paper Topic"7cience and )ec"nolog+-

    developments and t"eir applications andeffects in ever+da+ life(

    TAI stands b! its decision of a(in$GP andator! in all handsets

    )AI "as stood b+ its proposal of a sunset date forma*ing #67 mandator+ in all "andsets, &"ic" can"elp find out e;act location of t"e caller in anemergenc+(

    It sa+s feature p"ones are slo&l+ being

    replaced, &it" users s"ifting to smartp"ones,

    and introducing a #67 c"ip in "andsetss"ould not be ver+ costl+ once it is mandated(Bac*ground:

    )"e )elecom egulator+ Aut"orit+ of India

    )AI in April came out &it"recommendations on ma*ing 112 as t"esingle emergenc+ number(

    )AI proposed implementation of public

    safet+ ans&ering point 67A6 basedintegrated emergenc+ communication andresponse s+stem I.C7 in t"e countr+,

    &"ic" &ill be accessed t"roug" a singleemergenc+ number 112(

    It "ad proposed t"at 'o) ma+ consider

    mandating a transition to global positionings+stems #67 enabled "andsets in a certaintimeframe to obtain more accurate locationinformation of t"e caller(

    ?o&ever, t"e proposal &as reected b+ t"e

    'epartment of )elecom 'o), sa+ing t"ereis a maor percentage of lo&-cost "andsets&it" subscribers &"ic" do not support #67and t"e impact of enabling all mobile p"one"andsets &it" #67 ma+ be studied before

    ta*ing a call on t"e issue(About )AI:

    It is t"e independent regulator of t"e

    telecommunications business in India( It &as establis"ed in 1= b+ an Act of

    6arliament to regulate telecom services andtariffs in India(

    In Fanuar+ 2000, )AI &as amended to

    establis" t"e )elecom 'isputes 7ettlementAppellate )ribunal )'7A) to ta*e over t"eadudicator+ functions of t"e )AI( )"e)'7A) &as set up to resolve an+ disputebet&een a licencor and a licensee, bet&eent&o or more service providers, bet&een aservice provider and a group of consumers(In addition, an+ direction, )AI orders ordecisions can be c"allenged b+ appealing to)'7A)(

    7ources: ie, pib(1/ uestionConsider t"e follo&ing statements:

    1( )"e 7a*a calendar is t"e national calendaralong &it" t"e #regorian calendar, usedb+ t"e #overnment of India for certainofficial purposes

    2( )"e >us"ana emperor >anis"*a is allegedto "ave initiated t"e 7a*a era

    ( )"e Ei*ram 7amvat is said to "ave begun&it" Ei*ramadit+a!s accession to t"e

    t"rone in 5= A'"ic" of t"e above statements are incorrectH

    a 1 and 2 onl+

    b 2 and onl+

    c 1 and onl+

    d Onl+

    Ans: d("ttp:&&&(arc"ive(india(gov(in*no&indianationalPs+mbols(p"pHid10


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    ( Blood of t"e goat is used to &as" a&a+an+ sins committed b+ 3uslims

    ( Islam permits onl+ goats to be sacrificedduring t"is celebration

    7elect t"e correct ans&er using t"e codes givenbelo&:

    a 1, 2 and onl+

    b 1, and onl+

    c 1 Onl+

    d Onl+

    Ans: b("ttp:&&&(t"e"indu(comfeaturesfrida+-revie&religionreligious-discourse-significance-of-ba*ridarticle=ingdom!s .Dualities Act, 2010!:1( It recogni9es caste discrimination as an

    aspect of race discrimination2( )"is act &as made to tac*le, among

    ot"ers, t"e menace of race as &ell as castediscrimination, &it"in t"e /> onl+

    "ic" of t"e above statements are incorrectH a 1 Onl+

    b 2 Onl+

    c Bot" 1 and 2

    d %eit"er 1 or 2

    Ans: c("ttp:&&&(t"e"indu(comne&sinternational&oman-gets-1$*-in-u*-caste-bias-casearticle=

  • 7/24/2019 October 2015 Current Affairs


    05 October 2015Paper Topic: conservation(

    isheren apprehensi.e as 9eralaprepares to roll out *orld 6an(3aided

    pro:ect)"e >erala government is gearing up to implement

    an Integrated Coastal Rone 3anagement ICR3proect aimed at liveli"ood improvement of coastalcommunities and conservation of t"e coastalecos+stem, amid voices of protest from t"efis"ermen communit+(

    )"e proect director "as alread+ been

    appointed b+ t"e government("+ t"e fis"ermen are opposingH)"e fis"ermen are appre"ensive about t"e proectand its impact on t"e coastline( )"e+ fear t"e proect&ould pave t"e &a+ for a construction spree,

    eopardising t"e fragile coastal environment andfurt"er endangering t"eir liveli"ood(About t"e Integrated Coastal Rone 3anagementICR3:

    ICR3 aims to improve liveli"ood of coastal

    communities and conserve t"e coastalecos+stem(

    )"e ICR3 plan involves identification of

    infrastructure reDuirements and liveli"oodimprovement means in coastal districts(

    Conservation of mangroves is among t"ecomponents( )"e national component of t"e proect

    includes mapping of t"e countr+!s coastlineand demarcation of t"e "a9ard line(

    It is a orld Ban* assisted proect(

    It is being implemented b+ t"e 'epartment of

    orests and .nvironment &it" assistancefrom t"e /nion 3inistr+ of .nvironment,orests and Climate C"ange 3o.CC(

    )"e %ational Centre for 7ustainable Coastal

    3anagement %C7C3, C"ennai, &illprovide scientific and tec"nical inputs(

    >erala &ill be included in t"e second p"ase of t"es(1,155(

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    simplif+ing procedures used at ports forcargo movement and promotes usage ofelectronic c"annels for information e;c"angeleading to Duic*, efficient, "assle-free andseamless cargo movement(

    It also strives to ensure sustainable

    development of t"e population living in t"eCoastal .conomic Rone C.R( )"is &ouldbe done b+ s+nergising and coordinating &it"7tate #overnments and line 3inistries ofCentral #overnment t"roug" t"eir e;istingsc"emes and programmes suc" as t"oserelated to communit+ and rural development,

    tribal development and emplo+mentgeneration, fis"eries, s*ill development,tourism promotion etc(

    %7AC:A %ational 7agarmala Ape; Committee %7AC isenvisaged for overall polic+ guidance and "ig" levelcoordination, and to revie& various aspects ofplanning and implementation of t"e plan and

    proects( )"e %7AC s"all be c"aired b+ t"e 3inisterinc"arge of 7"ipping, &it" Cabinet 3inisters fromsta*e"older 3inistries and C"ief 3inisters3inistersinc"arge of ports of maritime states as members7ources: t"e "indu, livemint(

    Paper Topic"7cience and )ec"nolog+-Ac"ievements of Indians in science Ntec"nolog+(

    DDO sets up %orld-s hi$hest terrestrial

    centre in ;ada(h'efence esearc" and 'evelopment Organisation''O "as establis"ed t"e %orld-s hi$hest

    Current Affairs 1 October-2015

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    terrestrial centreat 1=,e+ features:

    )"e centre &ill serve as a natural cold

    storage for preserving rare and endangeredmedical plants for generations to come(

    )"e centre &ill act as an important utilit+ for

    researc" &or* in frontal areas of food andagriculture and bio-medical sciences for &ellbeing of t"e soldiers deplo+ed in "ig"altitude cold desert(

    Ot"er activities t"at are proposed to be

    underta*en "ere include "uman p"+siological&or*, designing, testing, validation anddemonstration of mobile and portablegreen"ouses, soil-less micro-farmingtec"nologies for fres" food in remotelandloc*ed posts besides conservation and

    propagation of endangered e;treme altitudemedicinal plants and ot"ers(

    7ources: toi(1/ uestion

    it" reference to t"e #ond tribe of India,consider t"e follo&ing statements:

    1( )"eir language, #ondi!, lac*s a &or*ingscript

    2( #ond&ana! is a derived from t"is tribe!sname, and it means 8and of t"e #onds!

    ( )"e+ venerate avana from t"e ?indu

    literature J ama+ana, and &ors"ip ?im"ic" of t"e above statements are incorrectH

    a 1 and 2 onl+

    b 1 and onl+

    c All of t"e above

    d %one of t"e above

    Ans: d("ttp:&&&(t"e"indu(comne&snationalot"er-stateson-t"e-margins-c"ampioning-gond-culturearticle=

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    secretar+-ais"an*ar-puts-"is-imprint-in-mea-team-res"ufflearticle=isan programme is beinglaunc"ed on pilot basis(Advantages:

    #ives accurate data to enable crop insurancecompanies to give proper compensation to

    Current Affairs 15 October-2015

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    affected farmers( ?elps develop inde;-based data for insurance

    companies( )"e scientific data collected b+ drones and

    collated &it" satellites imager+ &ill bematc"ed &it" traditional crop cuttinge;periments to arrive at a foolproof data(

    It also "elps in bloc* level +ield estimation(

    Initiall+, t"e pilot stud+ &ill be carried out in riceand cotton fields in four districts( )"e programme&ill be scaled up across t"e countr+ after assessingt"e results()"e programme &ill be ointl+ conducted b+3a"alanobis %ational Crop orecast Centre, Indian7pace esearc" Organisation, India 3eteorological'epartment, 7tate Agriculture 'epartments andemote 7ensing Centres, Climate C"ange,Agriculture and ood 7ecurit+ CCA7(

    7ources: t"e ?indu(

    Paper Topic:e-tec"nolog+ in t"e aidof farmers(

    App to collect hailstor data)"e centre "as launc"ed an Android-based app forcollection of data of "ailstorm( )"is gives access tolarge-scale damage to standing crops(

    )"e app &ill be used b+ state agriculture

    officials for data collection and t"e data &ill"elp t"e union agriculture ministr+ in "aving

    ver+ fast assessment of damage to cropsbecause of "ailstorm(

    .ven farmers can do&nload t"e app and send

    pictures of "ailstorm( )"e app "as been developed &it" t"e support

    of I7O( )"e app can be used t"roug" smartp"ones for

    collection of "ailstorm data along &it"p"otograp"s and locations and can beuploaded on real-time to I7O!s B"uvan

    server()"e app allo&s t"e farmers to immediatel+ sendp"otos of t"eir crop damage to officials concernedfor immediate relief( )"is &ill cut t"e red tape inreac"ing assistance to farmers?ailstorm:

    An+ t"understorm &"ic" produces "ail t"at

    reac"es t"e ground is *no&n as a "ailstorm(?ail is a form of solid precipitation( Itconsists of balls or irregular lumps of ice,eac" of &"ic" is called a "ailstone(

    ?ail formation reDuires environments ofstrong, up&ard motion of air &it" t"e parent

    t"understorm and lo&ered "eig"ts of t"efree9ing level( In t"e mid-latitudes, "ailforms near t"e interiors of continents, &"ilein t"e tropics, it tends to be confined to "ig"

    elevations(?ailstorms cause large scale damage to standing

    crops( ?o&ever, at present, t"ere is nocompre"ensive approac" to collect "ailstorm data(7ources: )"e ?indu, i*i(

    Paper 2 Topic"Bilateral, regional andglobal groupings and agreementsinvolving India andor affecting India!sinterests(

    Geran! %on-t si$n &;AT, cites deathpenalt!

    #erman+ "as e;pressed its inabilit+ to sign t"e

    3utual 8egal Assistance )reat+ 38A) &it" India,citing its provision for Kdeat" penalt+L for "einouscrimes and terror activities(

    )"is is per"aps t"e first time a countr+ "as

    refused to sign t"e treat+ on grounds of t"edeat" penalt+ provision(

    India "as signed 38A) &it" countries,

    including t"e /nited 7tates( India and #erman+ "ave been negotiating

    since 200= to sign t"e 3utual 8egal

    Assistance )reat+ in criminal matters but"ave not been able to reac" a conclusion dueto #erman+!s strong reservation to t"eprovision of deat" penalt+ in Indian la&(

    About 3utual 8egal Assistance )reat+ 38A): 38A) is an agreement bet&een t&o or more

    countries for gat"ering and e;c"anginginformation to enforce public or criminalla&s(

    /nder t"e agreement, mec"anisms "ave been

    developed among nations for reDuesting and

    obtaining evidence for criminalinvestigations and prosecutions(

    Current Affairs 1< October-2015

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    &utual le$al assistance: "en evidence or ot"erforms of legal assistance, suc" as &itness statementsor t"e service of documents, are needed from aforeign sovereign, states ma+ attempt to cooperateinformall+ t"roug" t"eir respective police agenciesor, alternativel+, resort to &"at is t+picall+ referredto as reDuests for mutual legal assistance!(Abolition of deat" penalt+ in India:

    )"e 8a& Commission of India "as alread+recommended for abolition of deat" penalt+ e;ceptin terror-related cases( ?o&ever, t"e ?ome 3inistr+is believed to be against it maintaining t"at time &asnot ripe +et to remove it completel+ from t"e statuteboo* *eeping in mind t"e t"reat from terrorism(7ources: )"e ?indu, i*i(

    Paper Topic" 7cience and )ec"nolog+-developments and t"eir applications and

    effects in ever+da+ life( %in #obel Pri

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    ;!phatic filariasiscan lead to s&elling of t"e limbs and genitals, called elep"antiasis, and it!sprimaril+ a t"reat in Africa and Asia( )"e ?O sa+s 120 million people are infected &it" t"e disease,&it"out about 0 million disfigured and incapacitated(

    &alariais a mosDuito-borne disease t"at still *ills around 500,000 people a +ear, mostl+ in Africa,despite efforts to control it(

    Current Affairs 1$ October-2015

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    %obel 6ri9e in 6"+siolog+ or 3edicine: )"e %obel 6ri9e in 6"+siolog+ or 3edicine is a&arded once a +ear for outstanding discoveries in t"e

    fields of life sciences and medicine( It is a&arded b+ t"e 7&edis" >arolins*a Institute to scientistsand doctors(

    It is one of five %obel 6ri9es establis"ed in 1$5 b+ 7&edis" c"emist Alfred %obel, t"e inventor of

    d+namite, in "is &ill( It carries a cas" pri9e of $ million 7&edis" *ronor about @

  • 7/24/2019 October 2015 Current Affairs


    traffic condition &"ereas electronic detectionand centrali9ed information of offences&ould facilitate to identif+ repeat-offenders(

    %e& proposed Agencies and s+stems: )"e Bill proposes to introduce an

    independent agenc+ called t"e %ational oad7afet+ Aut"orit+ of India, &"ic" &ill be anindependent, legall+ empo&ered andaccountable e;pert lead agenc+( It s"all beaccountable to t"e 6arliament and Central#overnment(

    )"e ne& Bill provides for t"e establis"ment

    of 7tate 7afet+ Aut"orities &"ic" s"all act inaccordance &it" t"e directions issued b+ t"e%ational Aut"orit+(

    )"e Bill see*s to establis" a unified driver

    licensing s+stem in India &"ic" &ill betransparent( 7uc" a s+stem s"all facilitate an+

    time an+&"ere licence applicationmec"anism in t"e countr+ and mitigateduplication of licences from various regionaltransport offices(

    According to t"e 6rovisions of t"e Bill t"ere

    &ill be a unified ve"icle registration s+stemto enable electronic and online submission ofapplications for registration at an+ registeringaut"orit+ leading to real time interc"ange ofdata relating to suc" an activit+(

    On t"e safet+ issues, t"e Bill envisages for

    enforcement of modern safet+ tec"nologies( It also contains t"e provision for creation of a

    motor ve"icle accident fund for immediaterelief to t"e accident victim( It gives specialemp"asis on safet+ of sc"ool c"ildren andsecurit+ of &omen(

    )"e Bill also includes t"e setting up of a

    ?ig"&a+ )raffic egulation and 6rotectionorce ?)6(

    "+ are some against t"is BillH

    'ue to some provisions in t"e proposed bill()"e+ sa+ t"at t"e proposed fines are too "ig"( According to provisions of t"e Bill, t"e

    3otor Ee"icle Act 1$$ &ill be scrapped and7tate )Os &ill close( Instead, a Centralaut"orit+ &ill be created and private entities&ill issue and rene& licences( )"is move isnot being &elcomed(

    )"e provisions in t"e Bill are said to be

    against t"e principles of urisprudence( 7ome state governments allege t"at t"e bill

    encroac"es upon t"e financial, legislative andadministrative po&ers of state governments(

    7ources: )"e ?indu, pib(

    Paper 2 Topic:Issues relating to povert+and "unger(

    *orld 6an( estiates sho% fall in India-spo.ert! rate

    )"e orld Ban* "as revised t"e global povert+ line,

    previousl+ pegged at @1(25 a da+ to @1(0 a da+appro;imatel+ s( 10( )"is &as stated in its latestreport .nding .;treme 6overt+, 7"aring 6rosperit+:6rogress and 6olicies!(

    )"e ne& povert+ line "as been arrived at

    based on an average of t"e national povert+lines of 15 poorest economies of t"e &orld()"e povert+ lines &ere converted from localcurrenc+ into /(7( dollars using t"e ne&2011 6urc"asing 6o&er 6arit+ 666 data(

    %otable facts:

    )"e latest "eadline estimate for 2012 basedon t"e ne& data suggests t"at close to 00million people 12($4 of t"e globalpopulation lived in e;treme povert+(Compared &it" 2011, t"is number representscontinued povert+ reduction, as t"e"eadcount estimate t"en, using 2011 666data, &as $= million people 1(24 ofglobal population(

    India!s povert+ rate is one of t"e lo&est

    among t"ose countries &it" t"e largestnumber of poor( India!s povert+ rate for201112 is 21(24(

    )"e number of people living in e;treme

    povert+ around t"e &orld is li*el+ to fall tounder 104 of t"e global population in 2015(

    )"e povert+ rate in lo&-income countries

    averages 4 in 2012, compared to 14 inlo&er-middle-income countries( Get lo&ermiddle-income countries are "ome to about"alf of t"e global poor, compared to a t"ird

    for lo&-income countries( In 7out" Asia, t"e povert+ &ould fall to

    1(54 in 2015 compared to 1$($4 in 20127ub-7a"aran Africa povert+ &ould decline to5(24 in 2015 compared to 2(

  • 7/24/2019 October 2015 Current Affairs


    in e;treme povert+ to less t"an 4 of t"e &orldpopulation b+ 200(7ources: )"e ?indu(

    Paper 2 Topic"Bilateral, regional andglobal groupings and agreements(

    >//, 11 nations reach historic deal)rade ministers from t"e Asia-6acific region "avereac"ed a deal on t"e 6acific trade pact t"at isintended to cut trade barriers and establis" commonstandards for 12 countries( )"is is t"e largest tradepact in 20 +ears(About t"e )rans-6acific 6artners"ip:

    )"e Trans3Pacific Partnershipis "eaded b+

    t"e /7 and includes Australia, Brunei,Canada, C"ile, Fapan, 3ala+sia, 3e;ico,%e& Realand, 6eru, 7ingapore, and Eietnam(

    )"e agreement covers 04 of t"e &orld!s

    econom+( It &ould set ne& terms for trade and business

    investment among t"e /nited 7tates and 11ot"er 6acific im nations(

    It &ould p"ase out t"ousands of import tariffs

    as &ell as ot"er barriers to internationaltrade( It also &ould establis" uniform ruleson corporations! intellectual propert+, opent"e Internet even in communist Eietnam andcrac* do&n on &ildlife traffic*ing andenvironmental abuses(

    "at t"e supporters sa+H It &ould be a boon for all t"e nations

    involved( It &ould unloc* opportunities andaddress vital 21st-centur+ issues &it"in t"eglobal econom+(

    "at t"e opponents sa+H Opponents in t"e /nited 7tates see t"e pact

    as mostl+ a givea&a+ to business,encouraging furt"er e;port of manufacturing

    obs to lo&-&age nations &"ile limitingcompetition and encouraging "ig"er pricesfor p"armaceuticals and ot"er "ig"-value

    products b+ spreading American standardsfor patent protections to ot"er countries(A provision allo&ing multinational corporations toc"allenge regulations and court rulings beforespecial tribunals is dra&ing intense opposition(

    Current Affairs 21 October-2015

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    "+ t"e /7 is interested in t"is pact: )"e pact is a maor component of 6resident Obama!s KpivotL to Asia( It is seen as a &a+ to bind

    6acific trading partners closer to t"e /nited 7tates &"ile raising a c"allenge to Asia!s rising po&er,C"ina, &"ic" "as pointedl+ been e;cluded from t"e deal, at least for no&(

    It is seen as a means to address a number of festering issues t"at "ave become stumbling bloc*s as

    global trade "as soared, including e-commerce, financial services and cross-border Internetcommunications(

    7ources: t"e ?indu, et(Trivia:India "as decided to set up a fast-trac* s+stem for#erman companies in t"e 'epartment of Industrial6olic+ and 6romotion DIPP, 3inistr+ ofCommerce and Industr+( )"e &ing &ill become full+operational b+ 201

  • 7/24/2019 October 2015 Current Affairs


    &ater or eart"7elect t"e correct ans&er using codes givenbelo&:

    a 1 and Onl+

    b 2, and Onl+

    c and Onl+

    d 1, and Onl+

    Ans: c()"ere is no )"are&u*ara movement!T"ttp:pib(nic(inne&sitemb.rel(asp;Hrelid12=0

  • 7/24/2019 October 2015 Current Affairs


    )"e uniDue "ull form of t"e s"ip demonstratest"e countr+!s s"ip design and s"ipbuildingcapabilities( )"e catamaran "ull configurationsignificantl+ reduces t"e po&er reDuirement oft"e s"ip t"at is capable of attaining 15 *nots(

    )"e uniDue design of t"e vessel is a

    collaborative effort of %aval 7cience and)ec"nological 8aborator+ %7)8, II)>"aragpur and 7"oft 7"ip+ard(

    I%7 Astrad"ani &ill be used to carr+ out t"e

    tec"nical trials of under&ater &eapons ands+stems developed b+ %7)8(

    It reflects t"e capabilit+ of our scientists and

    manufacturing facilities and &ould go a long&a+ in t"e 3a*e in India! campaign(

    sources: pib(

    Paper Topic: .ffects of liberali9ation

    on t"e econom+, c"anges in industrialpolic+ and t"eir effects on industrialgro&t"(

    I& cuts India-s $ro%th forecast for 1)to ?/B

    In its latest orld .conomic Outloo* .O, t"eI3 "as forecast global gro&t" of (14 t"is +earand (

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    force( )"e &ea*ness of t"is force givesneutrinos t"e propert+ t"at matter is almosttrans- parent to t"em(

    7ince t"e+ rarel+ interact, t"ese neutrinos

    pass t"roug" t"e 7un, and even t"e .art",un"indered( )"ere are man+ ot"er naturalsources of neutrinos including e;plodingstars supernovae, relic neutrinos, naturalradioactivit+, and cosmic ra+ interactions int"e atmosp"ere of t"e .art"(

    )"e neutrino &as proposed b+ olfgang

    6auli in 10 but it too* anot"er 2< +ears forit to be actuall+ detected( In 15< eines andCo&an found evidence of neutrinointeractions b+ monitoring a volume ofcadmium c"loride &it" scintillating liDuidnear to a nuclear reactor( eines &as ointl+a&arded t"e %obel 6ri9e in 6"+sics in 15

    in part for t"is revolutionar+ &or*(sources: t"e "indu, &i*i(

    Paper Topic:Investment models(

    ?,500 ( of 6OT hi$h%a! pro:ects at ris("CII;

    According to CI7I8 atings, around =,500 *m of"ig"&a+ proects in IndiaM 5,100 *m underconstruction and 2,00 *m operational M a&ardedbet&een G10 and G12 on a build, operate,transfer BO) basis M are at "ig" ris*(

    CI7I8!s anal+sis s"o&s around 504 of t"e

    proects under construction are at "ig" ris* ofnot being completed because of significantcost overruns and &ea* &"ere&it"al ofsponsors(

    ?o&ever, CI7I8 atings considers t"e

    recent government move to ensure $04rig"t of &a+! before a proect is a&arded tobe constructive(

    ?o& t"e situation can be improvedH

    )"e removal of restriction on e;it clause canallo& developers to sell sta*es in someproects and raise about s 5,000 crore()"ese funds can be used to turn aroundstressed proects, meet e;isting commitmentsand also as gro&t" capital(

    A c"ange of promoter in proects sold could

    also open up access to better refinancingterms and furt"er financial support(

    'evelopers &it" operational proects can also

    securiti9e receivables to eit"er raise

    additional debt to support fund commitmentsor to improve proect viabilit+ b+ realigning

    debt repa+ment and reducing cost ofborro&ing( Around s 15,000 crore of debtcan be refinanced t"roug" capital mar*etincluding t"roug" Infrastructure 'ebt undsI's(

    About BuildJoperateJtransfer BO):It is a form of proect financing, &"erein a privateentit+ receives a concession from t"e private or

    public sector to finance, design, construct, andoperate a facilit+ stated in t"e concession contract(

    BO) finds e;tensive application in

    infrastructure proects and in publicJprivatepartners"ip(

    ?o& it operatesHIn t"e BO) frame&or* a t"ird part+, delegates to aprivate sector entit+ to design and buildinfrastructure and to operate and maintain t"esefacilities for a certain period( 'uring t"is period t"e

    private part+ "as t"e responsibilit+ to raise t"efinance for t"e proect and is entitled to retain allrevenues generated b+ t"e proect and is t"e o&nerof t"e regarded facilit+( )"e facilit+ &ill be t"entransferred to t"e public administration at t"e end oft"e concession agreement, &it"out an+ remunerationof t"e private entit+ involved(?o&ever, in suc" proects t"e private entit+ bears asubstantial part of t"e ris*( 7ome t+pes of t"e mostcommon ris*s involved:

    6olitical ris*: especiall+ in t"e developing

    countries because of t"e possibilit+ ofdramatic overnig"t political c"ange(

    )ec"nical ris*: construction difficulties, for

    e;ample unforeseen soil conditions,brea*do&n of eDuipment(

    inancing ris*: foreign e;c"ange rate ris*

    and interest rate fluctuation, mar*et ris*c"ange in t"e price of ra& materials,income ris* over-optimistic cas"-flo&forecasts, cost overrun ris*(

    sources: bs, &i*i(1/ uestion

    Consider t"e follo&ing statements:1( )"e C'3 Clean 'evelopment

    3ec"anism "as been establis"ed undert"e >+oto 6rotocol

    2( 6arties participating in t"e secondcommitment period of t"e >+oto 6rotocolrepresent onl+ 12 per cent of globalemissions

    "ic" of t"e above statements are correctH a 1 Onl+

    b 2 Onl+

    c Bot" 1 and 2

    Current Affairs 25 October-2015

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    d %eit"er 1 or 2

    Ans: c(6g 12$, .conomic 7urve+ 201-15 Eolume 2"ttp:pib(nic(inne&site6rintelease(asp;Hrelid12$222/ uestion

    If potatoes cost s(100 per *g in August 201,s(110 per *g in August 2015 and s(120 per *gin August 201

  • 7/24/2019 October 2015 Current Affairs


    "ic" of t"e follo&ing statements aboutI%)AC? Indian %ational )rust for Art andCultural ?eritage isare trueH

    1( It is under t"e 3inistr+ of Culture,#overnment of India

    2( It!s mission is in line &it" t"efundamental dut+ of preserving t"e ric""eritage of our composite culture

    7elect t"e correct ans&er using t"e codes givenbelo&:

    a 1 Onl+

    b 2 Onl+

    c Bot" 1 and 2

    d %eit"er 1 0r 2

    Ans: b("ttp:&&&(t"e"indu(comne&snational*arnata*agovernments-urged-to-safeguard-monuments-at-


  • 7/24/2019 October 2015 Current Affairs


    If t"e government eventuall+ ans&ers t"ese Duestions in t"e affirmative, t"e conseDuences could be drastic( It could lead to a classification of Internet applications based on arbitrar+ grounds, b+ bringing some

    of t"em, &"om t"e government vie&s as "armful to societ+ in some manner or anot"er, &it"in itsregulator+ net(

    )"roug" suc" a move, t"e state, contrar+ to "elping establis" principles of %et neutralit+ as a rule of

    la&, &ould be activel+ promoting an uneDual Internet("+ it is necessar+ to "ave a specific la& mandating net neutralit+H

    In t"e absence of a specific la& mandating a neutral Internet, telecom companies eno+ a virtual carte

    blanc"e to discriminate bet&een different applications( )"oug" t"ese companies "ave not +et completel+ e;ploited t"is autonom+, t"e+ are certainl+

    proceeding to&ards suc" an e;ercise( Also alarming is t"at mobile Internet service providers could, in t"e future, plausibl+ also control t"e

    speeds at &"ic" different applications are delivered to consumers( )"is *ind of discrimination tendsto breed an uneDual pla+ing field, and, if allo&ed to subsist, it could create a deep division in t"eonline &orld(

    Airtel Rero case: In April t"is +ear, Airtel announced Airtel Rero, an initiative t"at &ould allo& applications to

    purc"ase data from Airtel in e;c"ange for t"e telecom compan+ offering t"em to consumers free of

    cost( Airtel Rero &as &idel+ perceived as a violation of net neutralit+ &"ic" could potentiall+ stifle

    innovation and startup gro&t"( )"ere &as also an allegation t"at it effectivel+ tilts t"e balance infavor of t"e bigger pla+ers(

    B+ pa+ing to be on Airtel Rero, companies could ma*e sure t"at t"eir users get free access to t"eir

    service, &"ile smaller pla+ers are at a disadvantage( ?o&ever, Airtel "as said t"at 9ero rating does notviolate net neutralit+ as it lo&ers t"e cost of access and it is Knon-discriminator+L(

    )o prevent suc" t"ings, it appears necessar+ to "ave a specific mandating a neutral internet(

    Eie&s of telecom companies: )elecom companies t"at &is" to discriminate bet&een applications argue t"at in t"e absence of an

    Internet t"at "as completel+ permeated all strata of societ+, an obligation to maintain neutralit+ is notonl+ unreasonable on t"e companies, but also unfair on t"e consumer( )"e+ argue t"at initiatives li*e internet(org and Airtel 9ero bring, at least, some portions of t"e

    Internet to people &"o ot"er&ise "ave no means to access t"e &eb()"is gives rise to a clas" of values: bet&een access to t"e Internet in a limited form and t"e maintenance ofneutralit+ in an atmosp"ere t"at is in"erentl+ uneDual( )"is ma*es tailoring a solution to t"e problem aparticularl+ arduous process("at net neutralit+ proponents sa+H

    %et neutralit+ proponents aren!t resistant to t"e idea of a greater penetration of t"e Internet( But, t"eir

    appre"ensions lie in companies resorting to &"at t"e+ believe is an unet"ical means to ac"ieving, atleast in t"eor+, a laudable end(

    According to t"em, negating %et neutralit+, in a bid to purportedl+ ac"ieve greater access to t"eInternet in t"e immediate future, could prove profoundl+ inurious in t"e long run(

    Conclusion:It is t"erefore, absolutel+ necessar+ t"at an+ debate t"at on t"e issue oug"t to include t"e tension bet&een t"et&o apparentl+ conflicting values M t"e importance of maintaining a neutral Internet and t"e need to ensurea greater access to t"e &eb across t"e countr+( aceboo*!s C.O Ruc*erberg argues t"at t"ese t&o values arenot fundamentall+ opposed to eac" ot"er, but can M and must M coe;ist( ?e is possibl+ correct at at"eoretical level(

    7ource: )"e ?indu()opic Covered 6aper J 2:

    Important aspects of governance, transparency and accountability. (UPSC Civil Services Mains Syllabus)

    Current Affairs 2$ October-2015

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    08 October 2015Paper Topic"infrastructure

    6an(s (illed road sector" officiaload 7ecretar+ Eia+ C""ibber recentl+ told t"atKban*s "ave *illed t"e road sectorL( According to"im, ban*s caused a bubble, failed to do duediligence and lent more t"an &"at &as &arranted todevelopers, and t"is "as led to t"e "ig" %on-6erforming Assets %6A arising out of t"e roadsector(?is allegations on ban*s:

    )"ere &as a bubble because t"e ban*s gave

    developers mone+ even before t"e land &asmade available(

    )"e+ allo&ed funding to "appen to t"ese

    proects &"ic" &ere not +et read+ forconstruction(

    )"e+ agreed to costs and )6Cs Vtotal proectcostW muc" "ig"er t"an &"at %?AI "adassessed(

    /ltimatel+, developers received loans for

    amounts far "ig"er t"an t"e government!sproect cost estimates(

    ?e also calls it a scam( "+HBan*s "ave not done proper diligence beforereleasing so muc" mone+( ?ere, developers do not"ave an+ problem( )"e+ "ave ta*en t"eir mone+ outof t"e proects, but t"e ban*s are t"e ones in trouble(

    And, ta;pa+ers are as*ed to re-capitalise t"e ban*s()"us, "e calls it a scam(%6As :In August 2015, /nion inance 3inister ArunFaitle+ said t"e road sector &as responsible for t"esecond "ig"est amount of %6As, after t"e steelsector(A recent Crisil report said Kalmost "alf of t"e roadproects, being constructed under t"e build, operate,transfer &it" a sanctioned debt of s( 5,00 crore,are at "ig" ris* of not being completed(Ot"er allegations:

    )"e developers are entitled to a "ig"er )6C

    due to dela+s, but t"e+ usuall+ ta*eadvantage of it( .ven if t"ere is a dela+, atbest, t"ere &ill be a 104 increase or a 204increase in overall cost( But, in a portfolio of=0 proects, most of t"e proects see moret"an =04 increase(

    %?AI is a professional road construction

    compan+( It "ad assessed a proect at s(

    1,000 crore, but t"e developers said t"e totalcost &as s( 2,000 crore(

    7ources: )"e ?indu(

    Paper 2 Topic: Issues relating todevelopment and management of 7ocial7ector7ervices relating to ?ealt",.ducation, ?uman esources(

    Den$ue alert could ha.e helped sa.e li.es"e'perts

    6ublic "ealt" e;perts feel t"at effective ris(counicationstrateg+ b+ public "ealt" aut"oritiesto &arn and alert people in advance of impendingoutbrea* of diseases and protective measures to beta*en could "ave prevented avoidable deat"s suc" ast"ose caused b+ dengue in different parts of t"ecountr+(is( counicationis an essential public "ealt"function to disseminate information about outbrea*s,epidemics and upcoming emergencies to people(6ractices in ot"er countries:

    is* communication "as evolved as a sop"isticatedtool and deplo+ed effectivel+ in developed nationsfor people to ta*e protective measures during naturaldisasters, disease outbrea*s and food-borne illnesses,among ot"ers(In >J

    ?ere, colour-coded ris*s, developed b+ t"e

    /7 ederal .mergenc+ 3anagement Agenc+.3A &it" red indicating t"e "ig"estt"reat, are used( ecentl+, after "urricane>atrina claimed over 1,200 lives and

    damaged propert+ estimated at nearl+ @ 10$billion, .3A disseminated informationt"roug" cooperation and collaboration &it"7tate and local public "ealt" aut"orities(

    7imilarl+, /7-based Centers for 'isease

    Control and 6revention C'C "avededicated teams of epidemiologists to scourt"eir passive surveillance s+stem to identif+an+ disease outbrea*s( )"e C'C!s Crisis and.mergenc+ is* Communication C.C,&"ic" &as formed after t"e 11 attac*s andant"ra; t"reats, "as dedicated personnel &"odra& lessons from public "ealt" emergenciesto improve and strengt"en communication(

    In >9J In t"e /nited >ingdom, t"e Cabinet provides

    specific guidelines on communicating ris*sto t"eir population(

    In India"Alt"oug" t"e %ational Eector Borne 'isease Control6rogramme in India "as a long-term action plan

    document to prevent and control dengue andc"i*ungun+a &it" t"e 7tates e;pected to prepare acontingenc+ plan, ver+ little communication "as

    Current Affairs 2 October-2015

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    been in t"e public domain( 'espite being inundated&it" information, t"e public "ealt" sector lac*s t"e&"ere&it"al to communicate appropriatel+(#eed for India"

    it" large population in India susceptible to

    infectious disease outbrea*s, it is importantt"at an+ information about potentialoutbrea*s or diseases be communicatedappropriatel+ and repeatedl+ to t"e public(

    Gear after +ear, dengue cases are seen

    popping up in India e;actl+ for t"e samereasonsMlac* of a&areness about da+timemosDuito bites, lac* of *no&ledge aboutsigns and s+mptoms and lac* of resources onsee*ing "elp in a timel+ manner( ?ence,Information about dengue and measures forprotection s"ould be issued at t"e start of t"emonsoon season &it" repeated reminders(

    7ources: t"e "indu(Paper 2 Topic"#overnment policies andinterventions for development in varioussectors and issues arising out of t"eirdesign and implementation(

    Go.t/ can-t punish us for lac( ofeducation-

    omen candidates affected b+ ?ar+ana!s ne& pollla& imposing minimum educational Dualifications tocontest panc"a+at elections recentl+ told t"e

    7upreme Court t"at Kpeople do not c"oose to beilliterate(L

    )"e+ sa+ it is t"e 7tate!s failure to "ave not

    provided t"em &it" education and "ence,t"e+ s"ould not be punis"ed for t"e 7tate!sfailure(

    According to t"em, India is a countr+ &"ere

    primar+ and secondar+ education is "ardl+available(


    )"is &as t"e maiden "earing follo&ing t"e?ar+ana government!s decision to free9e itspanc"a+at elections sc"eduled in Octoberafter t"e 7upreme Court refused to stopDuestioning t"e constitutionalit+ of imposingminimum educational Dualifications oncandidates aspiring to be part of grassrootsdemocrac+(

    3an+ candidates "ave been affected b+ t"e

    ?ar+ana 6anc"a+ati a Amendment Act,2015(

    )"e court "ad sta+ed t"e ne& amendments int"e 7tate!s panc"a+at poll la&, seeing it as

    prima facie a move affecting poor illiteratepeople from contesting elections(

    )"e 7tate government "ad gone a"ead &it"

    t"e c"anges despite t"e 6unab and ?ar+ana?ig" Court sta+ing t"e relevant ordinance inAugust 2015(

    About t"e ?ar+ana 6anc"a+ati a AmendmentAct, 2015:

    According to t"e amendments, general

    categor+ candidates reDuire a minimumDualification of Class S pass, men contestingin t"e 7c"eduled Caste categor+ and &omenin t"e general categor+ need to be Class EIIIpass, &"ile &omen in t"e 7c"eduled Castecategor+ need to be Class E pass to beeligible(

    )"e amendments also reDuire t"at candidates

    s"ould not "ave an+ dues in co-operative

    ban*s, electricit+ bills s"ould be paid up andt"ere s"ould be a functional toilet at "ome(

    )"e petition also sa+s t"at $4 of 'alit &omen and=14 &omen in general and 5/#/ cliate panel?oesung 8ee, orean professor of economicsof climate c"ange, energ+ and sustainabledevelopment, "as been elected as "ead of t"e Inter-governmental 6anel for Climate C"ange( ?esucceeds (>( 6ac"auri of India(About ?oesung lee:

    8ee, until no& one of t"e vice-c"airs of t"e

    Current Affairs 0 October-2015

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    I6CC, served as e;ecutive member of t"e>orean Academ+ of .nvironmental 7ciencesa member of t"e Asia 'evelopment Ban*6resident!s advisor+ board a council memberof t"e #lobal #reen #ro&t" Institute and aneditorial board member of t"e /(>(-basedClimate 6olic+(

    ?e &as t"e founding president of t"e >orea

    .nerg+ .conomic Institute and t"e formerpresident of t"e International Association for.nerg+ .conomics( ?e "as been serving t"eI6CC in various capacities, including asor*ing #roup III Co-C"air since its 7econdAssessment eport of 12(

    About I6CC: )"e Intergovernmental 6anel on Climate

    C"ange I6CC is a scientificintergovernmental bod+ under t"e auspices of

    t"e /nited %ations, set up at t"e reDuest ofmember governments( It &as first establis"ed in 1$$ b+ t&o /nited

    %ations organi9ations, t"e orld3eteorological Organi9ation 3O and t"e/nited %ations .nvironment 6rogramme/%.6, and later endorsed b+ t"e /nited%ations #eneral Assembl+(

    3embers"ip of t"e I6CC is open to all

    members of t"e 3O and /%.6( )"e I6CC produces reports t"at support t"e

    /nited %ations rame&or* Convention onClimate C"ange /%CCC, &"ic" is t"emain international treat+ on climate c"ange(

    )"e I6CC does not carr+ out its o&n original

    researc", nor does it do t"e &or* ofmonitoring climate or related p"enomenaitself( )"e I6CC bases its assessment on t"epublis"ed literature, &"ic" includes peer-revie&ed and non-peer-revie&ed sources(

    )"ousands of scientists and ot"er e;perts

    contribute, on a voluntar+ basis, to &ritingand revie&ing reports, &"ic" are t"enrevie&ed b+ governments(

    I6CC reports contain a K7ummar+ for

    6olic+ma*ersL, &"ic" is subect to line-b+-line approval b+ delegates from allparticipating governments(

    )"e I6CC provides an internationall+

    accepted aut"orit+ on climate c"ange,producing reports &"ic" "ave t"e agreementof leading climate scientists and t"econsensus of participating governments(

    )"e 200= %obel 6eace 6ri9e &as s"ared, int&o eDual parts, bet&een t"e I6CC and Al#ore(

    sources: t"e "indu, &i*i(

    Paper Topic"7cience and )ec"nolog+-developments and t"eir applications(

    Cheistr! #obel for appin$ ho% cellsrepair daa$ed D#A

    )omas 8inda"l, 6aul 8( 3odric" and A9i9 7ancar"ave ointl+ &on t"e 2015 %obel 6ri9e in C"emistr+for "aving apped and e'plained ho% the cellrepairs its D#Aand safeguards its geneticinformation(About t"e a&ardees:

    8inda"l, of t"e rancis Cric* Institute in8ondon, &as "onoured for "is discoveries onbase e;cision repair M t"e cellular mec"anismt"at repairs damaged '%A during t"e cellc+cle(

    3odric", of t"e ?o&ard ?ug"es 3edical

    Institute and 'u*e /niversit+ 7c"ool of3edicine, &as recognised for s"o&ing "o&

    cells correct errors t"at occur &"en '%A isreplicated during cell division(

    7ancar, of t"e /niversit+ of %ort" Carolina,

    C"apel ?ill, &as cited for mapping t"emec"anism cells use to repair ultravioletdamage to '%A(

    )"eir s+stematic &or* "as made a decisivecontribution to t"e understanding of "o& t"e living

    Current Affairs 1 October-2015

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    cell functions, as &ell as providing *no&ledge aboutt"e molecular causes of several "ereditar+ diseasesand about mec"anisms be"ind bot" cancerdevelopment and aging(sources: t"e "indu(

    Paper 2 Topic:.ffect of policies andpolitics of developed and developing

    countries on India!s interests(

    #annin$ eer$es as a pillar of the&aritie il( oad

    C"ina "as made #annin$one of t"e focal points oft"e proposed 3aritime 7il* oad, leveraging t"esout"ern cit+!s natural connectivit+ lin*ages &it"7out"east Asia and gro&t" "ubs of #uang9"ou,

    ?ong >ong and 3acao(

    )"e &ater&a+s of Siiang iver t"at flo&st"roug" %anning cit+ lead to t"e 6earl iverand t"e 7out" C"ina 7ea(

    %anning &ould enable a cargo s"ip of 2,000

    tonnes to "ead for t"e bustling commercialcities of #uang9"ou, ?ong >ong and 3acao(B+ 2020, %anning port!s capacit+ is e;pectedto rise to 22($ million tonnes(

    )"e #uang;i province, of &"ic" %anning is

    t"e capital, is also t"e gate&a+ to a large

    landloc*ed space( Its pri9ed geograp"ic location is ma*ing t"e

    cit+ t"e fulcrum of C"ina!s access to t"e mostd+namic 9ones of 7out"east Asia(

    37 :)"e 37maritime sil* road is part of a string of7il* oad initiatives t"at t"e C"inese areunderta*ing t"at includes t"e Banglades"-C"ina-India-3+anmar BCI3 corridor, &"ic" aspire toestablis" integral economic lin*ages bet&een 7out"and 7out"east Asia(

    )"e 7il* oad proect is an initiative b+C"ina to resurrect t"e ancient maritime 7il*

    oad( It is perceived to be an attempt b+C"ina to ameliorate relations &it" 7out" and7out"east Asia(

    )"e ne& initiative is a pet proect of

    6resident Si Finping for connecting Asia &it".urope along a land corridor, &it" C"ina asits "ub(

    /nder t"e ne& 7il* oute, t"e C"inese &ant toopen up t"e transportation c"annel from t"e6acific to t"e Baltic 7ea, from &"ic" &ould

    radiate rail and road routes, &"ic" &ould alsoconnect &it" .ast Asia, est Asia, and 7out"Asia(

    )"e 7il* oad strateg+!s ambitious vision

    aligns &it" Beiing!s goals muc" moreclosel+ t"an t"e )rans-6acific 6artners"ip)66, &"ic" is a reflection of t"e /(7(international trade model &rit large(

    )"e 7il* oad strateg+ aims to facilitate

    large-scale infrastructure construction,energ+ sale and transport, and relocation of

    manufacturing industries( )"is initiative aspires to deepen lin*ages

    Current Affairs 2 October-2015

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    bet&een C"ina and its neig"bours via trade,investment, energ+, infrastructure, andinternationali9ation of C"ina!s currenc+, t"e

    renminbi(sources: t"e "indu(

    1/ uestion

    "ic" of t"e follo&ing statements about7ustainable 'evelopment #oals! 7'#s isareincorrectH

    1( It is a set of 1= goals &"ic" &ill cover aperiod of 1= +ears

    2( )"ese are applicable to all members oft"e /nited %ations and not onl+ t"e

    developing7elect t"e correct ans&er using t"e codes givenbelo&:

    a 1 Onl+

    b 2 Onl+

    c Bot" 1 and 2

    d %eit"er 1 or 2

    Ans: a(

    Current Affairs October-2015

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    2/ uestion

    "ic" of t"e follo&ing statements about t"ea9a*ars! isare incorrectH

    1( )"e+ resisted t"e integrationof ?+derabad 7tate into t"e 'ominion ofIndia

    2( )"e+ &ere once led b+ Xasim a9vi( )"is regiment captured areas around

    8a"ore in t"e Indo-6a*istani ar of 1

  • 7/24/2019 October 2015 Current Affairs


    1( '6) 'ipt"eria, 6ertusis and )etanus2( '6) 'ipt"eria, 6olio and )etanus( ?epatitis B( ?aemop"ilus Influen9a )+pe B5( 3easles

    7elect t"e correct ans&er using t"e codes givenbelo&:

    a 1 and Onl+

    b and Onl+

    c 1, 2 and Onl+

    d 1, and Onl+

    Ans: d("ttp:&&&(searo(&"o(intindiatopicsroutinePimmuni9ation6entavalentPvaccineP#uidePforP?sP&it"


    Insi$hts Into +ditorial" Cliate Goals on Tar$et0 October 2015)"ere is a criticism t"at India!s use of coal for electricit+ generation is proected to double b! 200( But, ifseen in t"e perspective of International .nerg+ Agenc+, India &ill use lesscoal for electricit+ generationthan the >even in 200(India!s efforts to&ards combating climate c"ange:

    India is t"e third lar$est econo! in ters of PPP( In t"e recent times, it is offering concrete deliverables( In 200, it "ad promised an emissions intensit+ reduction of 20-254 b+ 2020, from 2005 levels( It

    "as ac"ieved an emissions intensit+ reduction of 1$(

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    tonnes of carbon dio;ide per capita &"ereas India!s per capita emissions &ill be ust one-Duarter oft"is level(

    India!s strateg+: )"e information tec"nolog+ revolution spear"eaded b+ India is t"e first $lobal transforationnot

    based on increasin$ use of ener$!( India "as also ta*en t"e initiative to "ost a eetin$ of 10? sunshineHcountriesbefore t"e 6aris

    summit, to forge a common platform on s"aring researc" and loo*ing for common financialsolutions(

    India "as also proposed to set up a $lobal .irtual centre for clean ener$! research and

    de.elopentand fund collaborative proects(.;perts sa+ t"at India s"ould integrate its 7mart Cities campaign into a plan for lo& carbon development ofcities(6roblem &it" t"e current met"odolog+:)"e current emp"asis on emission reductions focuses on s+mptoms rat"er t"an causes and solutions( aced&it" global ecological limits, focus "as to s"ift from en.ironental ris( ana$eent- to econoic$ro%th %ithin ecolo$ical liits-(Ant"ropogenic impact:It "as been estimated t"at currentl+ three basic- huan needsM "ousing, food, mobilit+ M directl+

    account for $04 of resource use, 04 of energ+ demand and e+ s+stems suc" as t"e transport, energ+, "ousing and food s+stems s"ould be transformed(

    ocus s"ould be on long term remedies(

    6eriodic revie&s of national contributions s"ould also be underta*en(

    ource:)"e ?induTopic: .nvironmental 6ollution 6aper J

    0F October 2015Paper 2 Topic"ole of civil services in ademocrac+(

    Indian (ill De.elopent er.ice)"e /nion cabinet recentl+ gave its nod for t"eformations of Indian 7*ill 'evelopment 7erviceI7'7('etails:

    Indian 7*ill 'evelopment 7ervice I7'7

    &ill be a #roup A! service of t"e tec"nical

    cadre of t"e 3inistr+ of 7*ill 'evelopment N.ntrepreneurs"ip 37'N.(

    I7'7 &as earlier called t"e 'irectorate

    #eneral of .mplo+ment N )raining &"ic"&as under t"e aegis of 3inistr+ of 8abour.mplo+ment(

    "+ &as it createdH )o improve s*ill development administration

    in t"e countr+( )o en"ance t"e capacit+ and efficienc+ of t"e

    organi9ation(7election:)"e cadre &ill be selected t"roug" t"e /nion 6ublic

    7ervice Commission /67C and "ave t"e sameran*s and profile as ot"er #roup A services suc" ast"e Indian evenue 7ervice, Indian Audit andAccounts 7ervice and Indian ail&a+ 7ervice()"eir roles:

    )"e ne& cadre of officers &ill run t"e s*ill

    development and entrepreneurs"ip ministr+,"elp implement various s*ill andapprentices"ip sc"emes conducted b+ t"eministr+ as &ell as t"ose b+ t"e 'irectorate#eneral of )raining '#)(

    )"e ne& officers &ill "elp formulate s*illpolicies, devise a road map for improving t"eapprentices"ip s+stem, revamping I)Is andalso "elp revamp course &or* for varioussc"emes(

    as it necessar+HIndia aims to s*ill some 500 million people b+ 2022in bot" organi9ed and unorgani9ed sectors toimprove t"e efficienc+ of t"e &or* force, provide

    ob-read+ "uman resources to industries andultimatel+ improve t"e competitiveness of a +oung

    demograp"+ considered crucial for t"e economicgro&t" of India( )o ac"ieve t"ese obectives, it isnecessar+ to "ave suc" a dedicated service(

    Current Affairs < October-2015

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    sources: pib(

    Paper 2 Topic: #overnment policies andinterventions for development in varioussectors(

    #eeranchal- pro$rae $ets Cabinet nod)"e *orld 6an(3assisted%ational aters"ed3anagement 6roect! or %eeranc"al! "as receivedt"e approval for implementation b+ t"e /nionCabinet(%eeranc"al:%eeranc"al is designed to furt"er strengt"en andprovide tec"nical assistance to t"e aters"edComponent of 63>7G, in particular and allcomponents of 63>7G, in general and to en"anceits deliver+ capacit+(Aim: )"e proect aims to fulfil t"e &aters"edcomponent of t"e 6rad"an 3antri >ris"i 7inc"ai

    Goana 637>G to reduce surface runoff ofrain&ater, increase ground&ater levels and better&ater availabilit+ in rain-fed areas(

    )"e cost of t"e proect is estimated at s(

    2,12(0 crore of &"ic" t"e Centre &ill bepitc"ing in &it" s( $$ crore &"ile s( 1$2crore &ill be provided b+ t"e respective 7tate#overnments( )"e remaining 504 of t"eproect cost &ill be financed b+ a orldBan* loan(

    It &ill be implemented across nine 7tates J

    And"ra 6rades", )elangana, 3ad"+a6rades", 3a"aras"tra, #uarat, Odis"a,C""attisgar", F"ar*"and and aast"an(

    %eeranc"al is primaril+ designed to address t"efollo&ing concerns:

    bring about institutional c"anges in

    &aters"ed and rainfed agriculturalmanagement practices in India,

    build s+stems t"at ensure &aters"ed

    programmes and rainfed irrigationmanagement practices are better focussed,and more coordinated, and "ave Duantifiableresults,

    devise strategies for t"e sustainabilit+

    of improved &aters"ed( managementpractices in programme areas, even after t"e&it"dra&al of proect support,

    t"roug" t"e &aters"ed plus approac",

    support improved eDuit+, liveli"oods, andincomes t"roug" for&ard lin*ages, on aplatform of inclusiveness and local

    participation(About t"e 6rad"an 3antri >ris"i 7inc"ai Goana637>G:

    It is a central sc"eme t"at aims at providingirrigation facilities to ever+ village in t"e countr+ b+converging ongoing irrigation sc"emes implementedb+ various ministries(

    /nder t"e proect, a d+namic annual fund

    allocation met"odolog+, &"ic" mandatesstates to allot more funds to irrigation sectorsfor becoming eligible to access funds undert"is sc"eme, is being considered(

    )"e 7c"eme intends to focus on end-to-end

    solution! in irrigation suppl+ c"ain b+implementing t"e ne& programme in aKproect modeL &it" decentralised state-levelplanning and e;ecution(

    )"e programme arc"itecture of 63>7G aims

    at a decentrali9ed 7tate level planning ande;ecution! structure, in order to allo& 7tatesto dra& up a 'istrict Irrigation 6lan 'I6

    and a 7tate Irrigation 6lan 7I6(Implementation:

    )"e programme &ill be supervised and

    monitored at t"e national level b+ an Inter-3inisterial %ational 7teering Committee%7C under t"e C"airmans"ip of t"e 6rime3inister &it" /nion 3inisters of allconcerned 3inistries(

    A %ational .;ecutive Committee %.C &ill

    be constituted under t"e C"airmans"ip of t"eEice C"airman, %I)I Aa+og to oversee

    programme implementation, allocation ofresources, inter ministerial coordination,monitoring and performance assessment,addressing administrative issues etc(

    At t"e state level t"e sc"eme &ill be

    administered b+ a 7tate 8evel 7anctioningCommittee 787C to be C"aired b+ t"eC"ief 7ecretar+ of t"e respective 7tates( )"ecommittee &ill "ave all aut"orit+ to sanctiont"e proect and also monitor t"e progress oft"e sc"eme(

    At t"e district level t"ere &ill be a district

    level implementation committee for ensuringlast mile coordination at t"e field level(

    )"e state agriculture department &ould be

    t"e nodal agenc+ for implementation of63>7G proects(

    .ligibilit+ and funds: A state &ill become eligible to access

    63>7G funds onl+ if it "as prepared t"edistrict irrigation plans and state irrigation

    plans and sustained an increasing e;pendituretrend in irrigation sector in state plan(

    Current Affairs = October-2015

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    )"e programme "as an outla+ of s( 50,000

    crore over a period of five +ears 2015-1< to201-20( )"e allocation for t"e currentfinancial +ear is s( 500 crore(

    63>7G funds &ould be given to states as

    =54 grant b+ t"e central government and t"eremaining 254 s"are is to be borne b+ t"estate government( or nort"eastern regionand "ill+ states, t"e funding pattern &ould be0:10(

    7ources: 6IB(

    Paper Topic"A&areness in t"e fieldsof I), 7pace(

    AAI read!in$ sops to push GAGA#Civil Aviation 3inistr+ is planning to aggressivel+promote #A#A% across all transportation sectors,suc" as ail&a+s, maritime and road transport(

    Airport Aut"orit+ of India is also consideringincentives and programmes to accelerate#A#A%!s use among commercial airlinesand general aviation aircraft(

    About #A#A%:

    #A#A% &as developed b+ t"e Indian 7paceesearc" Organisation I7O and t"eAirports Aut"orit+ of India AAI at a cost ofs( == crore, over 15 +ears(

    #A#A% &ill provide augmentation service

    for t"e #67 over t"e countr+, t"e Ba+ ofBengal, 7out" .ast Asia and 3iddle .ast andup to Africa(

    7ome of its benefits are improved efficienc+,direct routes, increased fuel savings,approac" &it" vertical guidance at run&a+s,significant cost savings because of t"e&it"dra&al of ground aids and reduced&or*load of flig"t cre& and air trafficcontrollers(

    #agan &or*s b+ augmenting and rela+ing

    data from #67 satellites &it" t"e "elp of t&oaugmentation satellites and 15 eart"-basedreference stations(

    )"e s+stem utilises t"e satellite-based &idearea augmentation s+stem 7BA7

    tec"nolog+ &"ic" "as been developed b+a+t"eon(

    India is t"e fourt" countr+ to offer space-basedsatellite navigation services to t"e aviation sector(sources: t"e "indu, pib(

    topic: #eneral a&areness

    =ournalist %ins literature #obel7vetlana Ale;ievic", a Belarusian ournalist andprose &riter, "as &on t"e 2015 %obel 6ri9e in8iterature for "er pol+p"onic &ritings, courage and amonument to suffering(About 7vetlana ale;ievic":

    Ale;ievic", arnata*a &ill officiall+ unveil itsI)-based initiative to trac* and control malaria cases

    on October 1=('etails: )"e initiative &ould be t"roug" soft&are

    Current Affairs $ October-2015

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    developed under a public-private partners"ip( )"e soft&are "as a &eb-based s+stem for

    clinics and laboratories, a mobile-baseds+stem for field &or*ers or multi-purpose"ealt" &or*ers, and anot"er &eb-baseds+stem for t"e cit+ corporation(

    )"e soft&are connects t"e field &or*ers

    &"o visit "ouse"olds and report sources ofmalaria and malaria cases, clinics andlaboratories &"ic" are supposed to report tot"e civic bod+ &"en a malaria case isdiagnosed and t"e officials in cit+corporation(

    )"e soft&are "as been developed b+

    follo&ing t"e guidelines of t"e %ationalEector Borne 'isease Control 6rogramme%EB'C6(

    Clinics, laboratories and "ospitals &ould

    "ave to compulsoril+ feed data on malariacases reported follo&ing blood tests( 3ulti-purpose "ealt" &or*ers &ould "ave access tot"is data and t"e+, in turn, &ill visit "ousesand areas from &"ere t"e cases "ave beenreported( )"e+ &ill initiate steps forcontrolling t"e disease bot" among patientsand in breeding places( A file &ould beopened for eac" case and it &ould bemonitored b+ senior officials till eac" file isclosed( In addition, t"e &or*ers &ould

    conduct field visits on t"eir o&n()"e soft&are &ould no& give cit+ planners,including officials and elected representatives, abird!s e+e vie& of instances of outbrea* of malariaand follo&-up action on t"e ground(6resent situation:At present, t"e reports from field &or*ers and clinics

    and laboratories reac" t"e civic bod+ a &ee* or amont" after t"e case is diagnosed( %o purpose &ouldbe served if t"ere is a case of malaria reported after0 da+s( )"e soft&are &ill "elp bridge t"is gap andalso in reporting malaria &it"in $ "ours(sources: t"e "indu(1/ uestion

    )"e Aegean 7ea lies in-bet&een a Ital+ and Croatia b Ital+ and #reece

    c )ur*e+ and #reece

    d )ur*e+ and .g+pt

    Ans: c(2/ uestion

    Consider t"e follo&ing statements about t"eIndian .vidence Act:

    1( It &as framed during t"e time of Britis"a

    2( )"e same la& e;ists toda+, &it" anamendment "aving been passed onl+ oncedue to t"e rapid increase in o&ners"ip ofmobile p"ones

    "ic" of t"e above statements are trueH a 1 Onl+

    b 2 Onl+

    c Bot" 1 and 2

    d %eit"er 1 or 2

    Ans: a("ttp:&&&(t"e"indu(comne&snationalevidence-


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    7elect t"e correct ans&er using t"e codes givenbelo&:

    a 1-2--

    b 1---2

    c -2-1-

    d -1-2-

    Ans: b(

    it" respect to t"e 1

  • 7/24/2019 October 2015 Current Affairs


    "at its opponents sa+H

    Current Affairs 1 October-2015

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    Critics in t"e /7 sa+ it &ould onl+ "elp American companies send obs abroad( 7ome people call it a

    Ktrade disasterL( Critics in ot"er countries sa+ it &ould benefit large corporations, particularl+ American big p"arma,

    &it" t"e common people at t"e receiving end(

    7ome people sa+ it &ould reduce access to generic medicines in developing countries( Internet freedom campaigners see it as a big t"reat(

    "+ is t"e /7 interested in t"is dealH It is seen as a &a+ to bind 6acific trading partners closer to t"e /nited 7tates &"ile raising a

    c"allenge to Asia!s rising po&er, C"ina( )raditionall+, t"e /(7( "as tried to isolate its enemies and integrate allies &it" its o&n &orldvie&(

    it" c"ina it couldn!t do eit"er( C"ina is no& t"e &orld!s second largest econom+, &"ic" "as invested trillions of dollars in /(7(

    treasur+ bonds( ?ence, isolating suc" an econom+ is ne;t to impossible( %o&, &it" C"ina emerging as an economic po&er"ouse &it" ne& institutions suc" as t"e Asian

    Infrastructure Investment Ban* in place, t"e /(7( is tr+ing to form a grand alliance t"at &ould s"oreup its influence in Asia(

    .conomists suc" as Fosep" 7tiglit9 "ave pointed out t"at t"e )66 &ould "ardl+ meet eit"er its declared

    Current Affairs 2 October-2015

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    commercial goals or its undeclared strategic ambitions, and could turn counterproductive(

    10 October 2015Paper Topic: conservation(

    *est 6en$al to $et India-s first dolphinreser.e

    India!s first counit! reser.eto protect t"e

    endan$ered Gan$etic ri.erdolp"ins &ill come upin est Bengal( )"is decision &as ta*en at t"erecentl+ "eld 7tate ildlife Board meeting in B(

    )"e reserve &ill be set up in t"e ?oog"l+

    river( )"e met"odolog+ to develop t"e communit+

    reserve is being c"al*ed out b+ a separatecommittee( )"e committee &ill ta*e adecision based on inputs from allsta*e"olders since it!s a communit+ reserve(

    About #angetic 'olp"in:

    )"e #anges iver dolp"in, or susu, in"abitst"e #anges-Bra"maputra-3eg"na and>arnap"uli-7angu river s+stems of %epal,

    India, and Banglades"( It is a fresh%ater Once found in t"ousands, t"ere are fe&er

    t"an 2,000 #angetic dolp"ins left in t"ecountr+ in t"e entire distribution range alongt"e #anga and Bra"amaputra river s+stem(

    It &as declared as t"e #ational A4uatic

    Anialin 2010( One of t"e main t"reats to t"e species is loss

    of "abitat due in large part to t"e creation ofdams and irrigation proects( It is also

    t"reatened b+ removal of river &ater andsiltation arising from deforestation, pollutionand entanglement in fis"eries nets(

    )"is species is also referred to as t"e Kblind

    dolphinK( It "as been classified as Kendan$eredL b+ t"e

    I/C%(sources: t"e "indu, &i*i(

    Paper Topic"Agriculture, space(

    ar sector sure to $ain fro space techIndian 7pace esearc" Organisation C"airman A(7(>iran >umar "as indicated t"at t"e countr+!s

    agriculture sector &ould increasingl+ reap t"ebenefits of space tec"nolog+ in t"e coming +earst"roug" various upcoming proects, including t"eIndo-/7 %I7A %A7A-I7O 7+nt"etic Apertureadar satellite(About %I7A:

    )"e %asa-Isro 7+nt"etic Aperture adar

    %I7A mission is a:oint pro:ectbet&een%A7A and I7O to co-develop and launc" adual freDuenc+ s+nt"etic aperture radarsatellite(

    )"e satellite &ill be t"e first radar imaging

    satellite to use dual freDuenc+ and it isplanned to be used for remote sensing toobserve and understand natural processes oft"e .art"(

    It is slated to be launc"ed in 2020-21(

    %I7A &ould provide information about aplace more freDuentl+ t"an older satellitesorbiting t"e .art" at present(

    Among t"e obectives of %I7A are

    estimation of soil moisture, agriculture andforest biomass(

    It is also designed to observe and ta*e

    measurements of some of t"e planet!s mostcomple; processes, including ecos+stemdisturbances, ice-s"eet collapse, and natural"a9ards suc" as eart"Dua*es, tsunamis,

    volcanoes and landslides(sources: t"e "indu, &i*i, isro(

    Paper 2 Topic: Bilateral, regional andglobal groupings and agreementsinvolving India andor affecting India!sinterests(

    6IC to establish liberal .isa re$ieaon$ eber countries

    )"e BIC7 nations "ave decided to allo& free

    movement of Ks*illed professionalsL among membercountries b+ setting up a liberalised visa regime()"is oint declaration &as issued at t"e first-everministerial meeting on migration "eld recentl+ in7oc"i, ussia(Ot"er outcomes of t"e meeting:

    )"e BIC7 countries "ave oined "ands to

    combat and prevent organised "umantraffic*ing and migrant smuggling, and "avepromised to strengt"en dialogue andcooperation among t"e member countries(

    )"e+ "ave also resolved to combat andprevent transnational organised crime(

    Current Affairs October-2015

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    )"e nations "ave affirmed t"eir interest in

    e;c"anging of vie&s and s"aring ofe;perience on migration issues(

    )"e+ "ave accepted t"e inter-relations"ip

    bet&een transnational migration anddevelopment and t"e need to deal &it" t"eopportunities and c"allenges t"at migrationpresents and ta*e advantage of its positiveimpacts(

    )"e meeting &as also attended b+

    representatives of 7"ang"ai CooperationCouncil, t"e Common&ealt" of Independent7tates and ot"er international bodies &or*ingon migration(

    sources: t"e "indu(

    Paper 2 Topic: Bilateral, regional andglobal groupings and agreements

    involving India andor affecting India!sinterests(

    #o decision at &TC eetin$)"e meeting of t"e 3issile )ec"nolog+ Controlegime &CT concluded recentl+ in t"e%et"erlands( But, t"e decision on India!smembers"ip is still pending(

    India "as alread+ said t"at its inclusion &ould

    furt"er strengt"en global non- proliferationobectives(

    India &ants to gain entr+ into 3C)

    favouring non-proliferation of unmanneddeliver+ s+stems capable of delivering&eapons of mass destruction(

    India "as an application under submission

    since Fune 2015 to be a member of t"e3issile )ec"nolog+ Control egime3)C((

    "ile countries li*e t"e /nited 7tates and

    7&eden "ave been bac*ing India!s bid, ot"ernations li*e Ital+ and C"ina are not too

    ent"usiastic about granting it members"ip(About 3C): Duic* facts

    )"e 3issile )ec"nolog+ Control egime

    3)C is an informal and voluntar+partners"ip bet&een countries to preventt"e proliferation of missile and unmannedaerial ve"icle tec"nolog+ capable of carr+inga 500 *g pa+load for at least 00 *m(

    It &as establis"ed in April 1$= b+ Canada,

    rance, #erman+, Ital+, Fapan, #reat Britain,and t"e /nited 7tates(

    C"ina is not a member of t"e 3)C(In 2002, t"e 3)C &as supplemented b+ t"e

    International Code of Conduct a$ainst 6allistic&issile Proliferation ICOCJ, also *no&n as t"e7a$ue Code of Conduct, &"ic" calls for restraintand care in t"e proliferation of ballistic missiles+stems capable of delivering &eapons of massdestruction, and "as 11 members, t"us &or*ingparallel to t"e 3)C &it" less specific restrictionsbut &it" a greater members"ip(

    sources: t"e "indu, &i*i(

    Paper 1 Topic"orld ?istor+ and#eneral a&areness(

    Tunisian ediators %in #obel Peace Pri

  • 7/24/2019 October 2015 Current Affairs


    .ast( In man+ of t"ese countries, t"e strugglefor democrac+ and "uman rig"ts "as come toa standstill or suffered setbac*s( )unisia,"o&ever, "as seen a democratic transitionbased on vibrant civil societ+, &it" demandsfor respect of basic "uman rig"ts(

    )unisia!s uprising &as t"e first and most

    successful of t"e Arab 7pring(sources: t"e "indu, bbc, &i*i(

    Paper 2 Topic" Bilateral, regional andglobal groupings and agreementsinvolving India andor affecting India!sinterests(

    e.ision of Pirac! 7i$h is( Area 7AJ.uropean /nion Chair of the Contact Group of

    Pirac! off the Coast of oalia CGPCJ"asannounced t"e revision of t"e limits of t"e pirac+7i$h is( Area 7AJ(

    it" t"is, India!s &est coast "as been

    e;cluded from pirac+ ?ig" is* Area ?A( )"e decision &ill come into effect from

    'ecember 1(Bac*ground:

    ConseDuent to t"e spread of pirac+ to t"e

    .ast Arabian 7ea, t"e international s"ippingindustr+ "ad e;tended t"e eastern limit ofpirac+ ?A in Fune 2010 to =$o. longitude,t"ereb+ including t"e &est coast of India&it"in its ambit(

    "+ &as india concerned about t"isH

    )"is e;tension "ad led to securit+ concerns onaccount of t"e presence of private securit+personnel onboard merc"ant vessels transitingt"e pirac+ ?A, and t"e presence of floatingarmouries off t"e Indian coast(

    )"e s"ipping industr+ also incurred

    additional costs for insurance andimplementation of various recommendationsfor transit t"roug" t"e pirac+ ?A(

    )"e e;tended ?A also came near t"e Indian

    coastline up to as close as about 5 nautical

    miles from t"e baseline( )"is &as anun&arranted encroac"ment into India!s ..R.;clusive .conomic Rone(

    "at made t"is revision necessar+H Affirmative action and increased surveillance

    contributed to&ards t"e decline of pirac+incidents in t"e .ast Arabian 7ea( )"e lastreported piratical activit+ in t"e .ast Arabian7ea &as in 3arc", 2012(

    In addition to deplo+ment of Indian %aval

    s"ips in t"e #ulf of Aden since October 200$for anti-pirac+ patrols, robust action b+ t"eIndian %av+ and Indian Coast #uard led tot"e arrest of 120 pirates from four pirate

    mot"er-s"ips! bet&een Fanuar+-3arc" 2011( )"e absence of pirac+ in Indian maritime

    9ones led to India see*ing a revie& &it"

    Current Affairs 5 October-2015

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    support from man+ ot"er countries()"is revision of t"e ?A boundar+ bac* to itsoriginal state s"ould t"us greatl+ reduce t"einsurance costs of Indian s"ipping companies( Intotal, t"is could save t"e industr+ @25 million(sources: t"e "indu, pib(1/ uestion

    Consider t"e follo&ing statements:

    Assertion A: ild fluctuations and allegedirregularities "ave remained untamed in t"ecommodities mar*etseasons : )"e or&ard 3ar*ets Commission&as t"e regulator of commodities mar*ets untilrecentl+7elect t"e correct ans&er using t"e codes givenbelo&:

    a A and bot" are true, and is t"e

    correct e;planation for A b A and bot" are true, and is t"e

    %O) t"e correct e;planation for A c A is correct, is incorrect

    d A and bot" are incorrect

    Ans: b(3C "as been regulating commodities mar*etssince 15, but lac( of po%ers"as led to &ildfluctuations and alleged irregularities remaininguntamed in t"is mar*et segment(2/ uestion

    "ic" among t"e follo&ing statements best

    describe t"e %e& orld Order!H a As a conspirac+ t"eor+, it refers to t"e

    emergence of a totalitarian &orldgovernment

    b It refers to a bac*door-agreement to be

    struc* b+ t"e permanent members of t"e/nited %ations 7ecurit+ Council &it" t"e#

    c It refers to a proposed idea of an

    alternative to t"e /nited %ations, b+ t"e#Y1

    d It is t"e blueprint created b+ estern

    nations involved in t"e &arsbattles ofest Asia since earl+ 2000s

    Ans: a("ttps:en(&i*ipedia(org&i*i%e&PorldPOrderPconspirac+Pt"eor+


  • 7/24/2019 October 2015 Current Affairs


    onl+ bet&een Bermuda, Canada, 3e;ico,/7A and #reenland, a similar tradepartners"ip in 7out" Asia &ould include alarger number of members

    7elect t"e correct ans&er using t"e codes givenbelo&:

    a 1 and 2 onl+

    b 2 and onl+

    c 1 and Onl+

    d All t"e above

    Ans: b"o said C"ina is t"e anc"or econom+ of 7out"-AsiaH F%A)A is an agreement signed b+ Canada, 3e;ico,and t"e /nited 7tates, creating a trilateral rules-based trade bloc in %ort" America("ttp:&&&(t"e"indu(combusinesssout"-asia-important-for-india-geopoliticall+-but-not-

    economicall+-ceaarticle==0215(ece)/ uestion"ic" among t"e follo&ing best describesAccommodative 3onetar+ 6olic+!H

    a "en a central ban* ta*es into

    consideration gro&t" as &ell as inflationtrends &"ile deciding &"et"er to e;pandor contract mone+ suppl+ in an econom+

    b "en a central ban* attempts to

    e;pand t"e overall mone+ suppl+ to boostt"e econom+, &"en gro&t" is slo&ing asmeasured b+ #'6

    c "en a central ban* pa+s "eed to

    demands of t"e inance 3inistr+ of t"e#overnment

    d "en a central ban* and t"e inance

    3inistr+ of t"e #overnment toget"erdecide on repurc"ase-agreement rates

    Ans: b("ttp:&&&(investopedia(comtermsaaccomodativemonetar+polic+(asp"ile t"e BI!s stance &ill continue to beaccommodative, 'r( aan said, t"e focus of

    monetar+ action for t"e near term &ill s"ift to&or*ing &it" t"e #overnment to ensure t"atimpediments to ban*s passing on t"e bul* of t"ecumulative 125 basis points cut in t"e polic+ rate areremoved(

    Insi$hts into +ditorials" ;iited inance ;iits Deocrac!12 October 2015

    India!s campaign finance rules are freDuentl+ violated( It is no& a &ell *no&n fact t"at candidates in Indian

    elections grossl+ overs"oot spending limits imposed b+ t"e .lection Commission .C( 7uc" violations

    create deeper problems for representation and democrac+ at large( )"e maor Indian political parties agree

    t"at spending limits in Indian elections, and t"e countr+!s campaign finance rules in general, are

    unreasonable and "ave called for a radical