Los Angeles Leadership Academy The Voice Editor-In-Chief: Rebecca Garcia Managing Editor: Joy Woo Copy Editor: David Ortiz Photo Editor: Pablo Espinoza Staff Writers: Marco Aguilar Joseph Cristobal Pablo Espinoza Rebecca Garcia Araceli Gracia Bany Guardado Osacr Isem Jesus Martinez David Ortiz Vanessa Sanchez Jose Serrano Marito Solis Joy Woo Faculty Advisors: Phyllis Rosen Al Schleicher Printer: Gardena Valley News Publication Policies The Voice is a student newspa- per produced by students at L.A. Leadership Academy. This paper is published to inform, educate and entertain the student body, faculty and members of the community of Lincoln Heights. Students, faculty and community members with strong opinions are highly encouraged to write a guest commentary or a letter to the edi- tor, which may be published. Send letters to the editor: [email protected] L.A. Leadership Academy High School Attn: The Voice 234 East Avenue 33 Los Angeles, CA 90031 Newspaper serving the Linclon Heights commnity since 2008 Volume 5 Edition 2 October 2012 The Home of Lion Pride Top Story LALA’s Historic Film Screening Cause and Effect Students React to Film and Curriculum Maria Barajas Senior M’Ney Wade Junior Perla Flores Sophomore Joseph Cristobal Freshman “The advisory activities really got me thinking. , ¿QG LW UHDOO\ VDG DQG something that I can relate to. I have been bullied and have had similar thoughts that the characters were thinking. I followed the storyline of Tyler.” “I liked the run up to the movie because it led us to prepare. It was DQ H[SOLFLW ¿OP DQG detailed about how the victims feel. I learned that there are differ- ent types of bullying that I was not aware of before.” “You get to understand a little more. I enjoyed WKH ¿OP EHFDXVH , IHOW that the characters were strong. I think people can relate to it. Our advisory felt angry towards the schools for not doing enough.” “I learned that there are different types of bully- LQJ 7KH ¿OP ZDV YHU\ HPRWLRQDO DQG LW PDGH PH PDG HVSHFLDOO\ watching the bus scenes with Alex. I have been thinking about those who took their own lives be- cause they were bullied.” OQ )ULGD\ 2FWREHU WK WKH HQWLUH /RV $QJHOHV /HDGHUVKLS +LJK 6FKRRO ZHQW WR VHH WKH GRFX- PHQWDU\ ¿OP %XOO\ DW WKH $UF/LJKW &LQHPDV LQ 3DVDGHQD 6SRQVRUHG E\ WKH )DFLQJ +LVWRU\ DQG Ourselves organization and funded through Do- QRUV &KRRVH VWXGHQWV QDWLRQZLGH KDYH QRZ VHHQ WKH ¿OP DQG H[SHULHQFHG LW¶V SRZHUIXO anti-bullying message. 7KH ZHHN RI 2FWREHU VWWK WKHUH were group activities during advisory to get us UHDG\ IRU WKH ¿OP 2Q 0RQGD\ ZH EHJDQ WR GH¿QH EXOO\LQJ E\ PDNLQJ VRPH SRVWHUV DERXW WKH WKUHH GLIIHUHQW W\SHV RI EXOO\LQJ 6WXGHQWV IURP WKH /HDGHUVKLS FODVV OHG XV WR VHH WKDW EXOO\LQJ LV LQWHQGHG WR KDUP LV UHSHDWHG DQG LQYROYHV DQ imbalance of power. On Tuesday we read a short story by *DU\ 6RWR DERXW D EXOO\ WKDW KDG D EDG OLIH DW home and began to think about what causes some- one to be a bully. On Thursday we were given LQIRUPDWLRQDO SDSHUV DERXW WKH ¿YH GLIIHUHQW VWX- dents being bullied in the students being bullied in WKH ¿OP /DWHU ZH ZLOO PDNH SRVWHUV DERXW these characters. 7KH ¿OP VWUXFN D YHU\ SHUVRQDO FKRUG ZLWKLQ VRPH SHRSOH 6HQLRU $GROIR &ULVWREDO FULHG RXW ³6RPHERG\ GR VRPH- thing!” at a particularly upsetting moment LQ WKH ¿OP 6XSSRUWLYH VWDII PHPEHUV KHOSHG him to deal with his feelings after this emo- tional outburst. Many more students were seen shedding a tear or two throughout the ¿OP PRVW QRWDEO\ ZKHQ HOHYHQ \HDU ROG 7\OHU 6PDOOH\¶V EHVW IULHQG ZDV VKRZQ KHOSLQJ WR FDUU\ KLV FRI¿Q /$/$¶V FRQQHFWLRQ WR WKH ¿OP VWDUWHG 6HSWHPEHU WK ZKHQ RXU VFKRRO¶V *6$ *D\ 6WUDLJKW $OOLDQFH DORQJ ZLWK D hand full of middle school students attended a movie summit. There were other schools IURP DOO RYHU /$ JRLQJ WR WKLV VXPPLW WKDW were interested in seeing the movie before LW ZDV RXW LQ WKHDWUHV DQG WR DOVR JHW WKH RS- portunity to hear from a community panel. ³,W ZDV D JRRG RSSRUWXQLW\ IRU *6$ WR KDYH a different perspective as to how the victims truly feel.” 2XU YLHZLQJ RI %XOO\ ZDV WKH ¿UVW :DON 7KLV :D\ 6WXGHQWV HQWHU WKH$UFOLJKW &LQHPD LQ 3DVDGHQD WR VFUHHQ WKH GRFXPHQWDU\ ¿OP ³%XOO\´ GLUHFWHG E\ /HH +LUVFK time the whole school has ever gone on a ¿HOG WULS 7KH ¿OP JDYH XV PXFK WR WKLQN and talk about in the days ahead. ,Q DQ LQWHUYLHZ ZLWK )DFLQJ +LV- WRU\ %XOO\¶V GLUHFWRU /HH +LUVFK discussed the impact that he hoped the ¿OP ZRXOG KDYH XSRQ WKH GR]HQV RI SDUWLFLSDWLQJ /RV $QJHOHV DUHD KLJK schools who have been viewed WKH ¿OP³6FKRROV KDYH WKH RSSRUWXQLW\ DQG the responsibility to look at and envision what kind of school climate they want to KDYH DQG ZRUN WRZDUGV WKDW´ +LUVFK VDLG “When you have good leadership DQG WKDW OHDGHUVKLS VD\V µ:KDW ZH YDOXH is empathy and the success of all SHRSOH LQ WKLV EXLOGLQJ¶ LW DOORZV VWXGHQWV to come up with a certain sense of what’s ok and what’s not ok.” )RU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ RQ WKH %XOO\ 3URMHFW go to thebullyproject.com %\ 5HEHFFD *DUFLD DQG 2VFDU ,VHP Staff Writers

October 2012

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Vol 5, Ed. 2

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Los Angeles Leadership Academy

The VoiceEditor-In-Chief:Rebecca Garcia

Managing Editor:Joy Woo

Copy Editor:David Ortiz

Photo Editor:Pablo Espinoza

Staff Writers:Marco AguilarJoseph CristobalPablo EspinozaRebecca GarciaAraceli GraciaBany GuardadoOsacr Isem Jesus MartinezDavid OrtizVanessa SanchezJose SerranoMarito SolisJoy Woo

Faculty Advisors:Phyllis RosenAl Schleicher

Printer:Gardena Valley News

Publication PoliciesThe Voice is a student newspa-per produced by students at L.A. Leadership Academy. This paper is published to inform, educate and entertain the student body, faculty and members of the community of Lincoln Heights.

Students, faculty and community members with strong opinions are highly encouraged to write a guest commentary or a letter to the edi-tor, which may be published.

Send letters to the editor:

[email protected]

L.A. Leadership Academy High School

Attn: The Voice234 East Avenue 33

Los Angeles, CA 90031

Newspaper serving the Linclon Heights commnity since 2008Volume 5 Edition 2 October 2012

The Home of Lion Pride

Top Story

LALA’s Historic Film Screening

Cause and Effect

Students React to Film and Curriculum

Maria BarajasSenior

M’Ney WadeJunior

Perla FloresSophomore

Joseph CristobalFreshman

“The advisory activities really got me thinking. ,�¿QG�LW�UHDOO\�VDG��DQG�something that I can relate to. I have been bullied and have had similar thoughts that the characters were thinking. I followed the storyline of Tyler.”

“I liked the run up to the movie because it led us to prepare. It was DQ�H[SOLFLW�¿OP��DQG�detailed about how the victims feel. I learned that there are differ-ent types of bullying that I was not aware of before.”

“You get to understand a little more. I enjoyed WKH�¿OP�EHFDXVH�,�IHOW�that the characters were strong. I think people can relate to it. Our advisory felt angry towards the schools for not doing enough.”

“I learned that there are different types of bully-LQJ��7KH�¿OP�ZDV�YHU\�HPRWLRQDO��DQG�LW�PDGH�PH�PDG��HVSHFLDOO\�watching the bus scenes with Alex. I have been thinking about those who took their own lives be-cause they were bullied.”

OQ�)ULGD\��2FWREHU���WK��WKH�HQWLUH�/RV�$QJHOHV�/HDGHUVKLS�+LJK�6FKRRO�ZHQW�WR�VHH�WKH�GRFX-PHQWDU\�¿OP��%XOO\��DW�WKH�$UF/LJKW�&LQHPDV�LQ�3DVDGHQD���6SRQVRUHG�E\�WKH�)DFLQJ�+LVWRU\�DQG�Ourselves organization and funded through Do-QRUV�&KRRVH����������VWXGHQWV�QDWLRQZLGH�KDYH�QRZ�VHHQ�WKH�¿OP�DQG�H[SHULHQFHG�LW¶V�SRZHUIXO�anti-bullying message. � 7KH�ZHHN�RI�2FWREHU���VW���WK�WKHUH�were group activities during advisory to get us UHDG\�IRU�WKH�¿OP���2Q�0RQGD\�ZH�EHJDQ�WR�GH¿QH�EXOO\LQJ�E\�PDNLQJ�VRPH�SRVWHUV�DERXW�WKH�WKUHH�GLIIHUHQW�W\SHV�RI�EXOO\LQJ���6WXGHQWV�IURP�WKH�/HDGHUVKLS�FODVV�OHG�XV�WR�VHH�WKDW�EXOO\LQJ�LV�LQWHQGHG�WR�KDUP��LV�UHSHDWHG�DQG�LQYROYHV�DQ�imbalance of power. On Tuesday we read a short story by *DU\�6RWR�DERXW�D�EXOO\�WKDW�KDG�D�EDG�OLIH�DW�home and began to think about what causes some-one to be a bully. On Thursday we were given LQIRUPDWLRQDO�SDSHUV�DERXW�WKH�¿YH�GLIIHUHQW�VWX-dents being bullied in the students being bullied in WKH�¿OP��/DWHU�ZH�ZLOO�PDNH�SRVWHUV�DERXW�

these characters. 7KH�¿OP�VWUXFN�D�YHU\�SHUVRQDO�FKRUG�ZLWKLQ�VRPH�SHRSOH����6HQLRU�$GROIR�&ULVWREDO�FULHG�RXW��³6RPHERG\�GR�VRPH-thing!” at a particularly upsetting moment LQ��WKH�¿OP��6XSSRUWLYH�VWDII�PHPEHUV�KHOSHG�him to deal with his feelings after this emo-tional outburst. Many more students were seen shedding a tear or two throughout the ¿OP��PRVW�QRWDEO\�ZKHQ�HOHYHQ�\HDU�ROG�7\OHU�6PDOOH\¶V�EHVW�IULHQG�ZDV�VKRZQ�KHOSLQJ�WR�FDUU\�KLV�FRI¿Q�� /$/$¶V�FRQQHFWLRQ�WR�WKH�¿OP�VWDUWHG�6HSWHPEHU���WK�ZKHQ�RXU�VFKRRO¶V�*6$��*D\�6WUDLJKW�$OOLDQFH���DORQJ�ZLWK�D�hand full of middle school students attended a movie summit. There were other schools IURP�DOO�RYHU�/�$�JRLQJ�WR�WKLV�VXPPLW�WKDW�were interested in seeing the movie before LW�ZDV�RXW�LQ�WKHDWUHV��DQG�WR�DOVR�JHW�WKH�RS-portunity to hear from a community panel. ³,W�ZDV�D�JRRG�RSSRUWXQLW\�IRU�*6$�WR�KDYH�a different perspective as to how the victims truly feel.” � 2XU�YLHZLQJ�RI�%XOO\�ZDV�WKH�¿UVW�


time the whole school has ever gone on a ¿HOG�WULS���7KH�¿OP��JDYH�XV�PXFK�WR�WKLQN�and talk about in the days ahead. � ,Q�DQ�LQWHUYLHZ�ZLWK�)DFLQJ�+LV-WRU\��%XOO\¶V�GLUHFWRU��/HH�+LUVFK�discussed the impact that he hoped the ¿OP�ZRXOG�KDYH�XSRQ�WKH�GR]HQVRI�SDUWLFLSDWLQJ�/RV�$QJHOHV�DUHD�KLJK�schools who have been viewedWKH�¿OP�³6FKRROV�KDYH�WKH�RSSRUWXQLW\�DQG�the responsibility to look at and envision what kind of school climate they want to KDYH�DQG�ZRUN�WRZDUGV�WKDW�´�+LUVFK�VDLG��� “When you have good leadership DQG�WKDW�OHDGHUVKLS�VD\V��µ:KDW�ZH�YDOXH�is empathy and the success of allSHRSOH�LQ�WKLV�EXLOGLQJ�¶�LW�DOORZV�VWXGHQWV�to come up with a certain sense of what’s ok and what’s not ok.”

)RU�PRUH�LQIRUPDWLRQ�RQ�WKH�%XOO\�3URMHFW��go to thebullyproject.com


News & Features2 The Voice October 2012


Tis the Season for SpeakingSpeech and Debate Team introduce themselves to competition

%\�'DYLG�2UWL] and Jose SerranoStaff Writers

OQ�6HSWHPEHU�����/$/$¶V�VSHHFK�DQG�debate team hit the road to Gabrielino +LJK�6FKRRO�WR�SDUWLFLSDWH�LQ�WKHLU�¿UVW�WRXUQDPHQW�RI�WKH�\HDU��3DEOR�6DUDYLD�FRPPHQWHG�RQ�KLV�¿UVW�WRXUQDPHQW�E\�VD\LQJ��³RQH�RI�D�NLQG�EHFDXVH�,�JRW�WR�VHH�ZKDW�WKHVH�NLQGV�RI�WRXUQDPHQWV�DUH��I always heard about speech and debate WRXUQDPHQWV��EXW�,�QHYHU�DFWXDOO\�VDZ�P\VHOI�LQ�RQH��6R�WR�JR�WR�RQH�ZDV�SUHWW\�exciting.” The tournament was an Ice-breaker Tournament that was comprised of four team events. Those events were LPSURYLVDWLRQDO�GXR��63$5��VSRQWDQHRXV�DUJXPHQW���UDGLR�LPSURYLVDWLRQ��DQG�FKDU-DFWHU�GHEDWH��/$/$�VWXGHQWV�SDLUHG�XS�WR�compete in all four rounds. Although most of the team was PDGH�XS�RI�QRYLFHV��WKH\�DOO�VHHPHG�WR�have a good experience. When asked DERXW�WKH��WRXUQDPHQW��$GULDQD�9HMDU�VWDW-HG�´�,�WKLQN�,�GLG�DPD]LQJ��,�ZDV�VXUSULVHG�OLNH�$\�'LRV�0LR��$ERXW�WKH�¿UVW�URXQG��,�GLGQ¶W�WKLQN�,�ZDV�JRLQJ�WR�GR�VR�ZHOO��EXW�it ended up great!”

� 2Q�2FWREHU�����WKH�WHDP�ZHQW�WR�FRPSHWH�DW�D�WRXUQDPHQW�DW�$UFDGLD�+LJK�6FKRRO�ZLWK�RWKHU�ORFDO�KLJK�VFKRROV��Each student competed in the follow-LQJ�FDWHJRULHV��H[WHPSRUDQHRXV�VSHHFK��LQWHUSUHWDWLRQ�VSHHFK��DQG�LPSURPSWX��The team ended the day by competing in ³6WXGHQW�&RQJUHVV�´�ZKLFK�PDQ\�RI�WKH�VWXGHQWV�GLG�QRW�OLNH��7KH�PRVWO\���WK�DQG���WK�JUDGH�WHDP�VKRZHG�XS�RQ�WKLV�PDJQL¿FHQW�GD\�WR�FRPSHWH�IRU�IXQ��PHHW�new people and learn something about themselves. � /DVW�\HDU��RYHU�����VWXGHQWV�competed at the tournament. This tourna-ment was by far one of the most enjoy-DEOH��:D¿N�0LOLDQ�VDLG�³�,�GLG�SUHWW\�JRRG�RQ�LPSURPSWX��,W�ZDV�DZHVRPH�EUR�´�$OVR��$GULDQD�9HMDU�VDLG�³,�GLG�P\�EHVW��it was fun especially interpretation which ZDV�P\�IDYRULWH��KRSHIXOO\�WKH�QH[W�RQH�ZLOO�EH�HYHQ�EHWWHU�´�6SHHFK��'HEDWH�LV�one of the most involving electives in the school to help students get involved with their classes during the weekend. The speech and debate program is overall a great way to help speakers put themselves out there and experience the real thing.

CSU App Day a SuccessSeniors begin to realize the end of the college tunnel


%\�3DEOR�(VSLQR]D�DQG�-RVH�6HUUDQR�Staff Writers

Closer LOOK

College Corner








“Three years ago I never thought I ZRXOG�EH�DSSO\LQJ�WR�FROOHJH�´�VWDWHG�VHQLRU�$UDFHOL�*UDFLD���%XW�RQ�2FWREHU�����VKH�DQG�WKH�UHVW�RI�/RV�$QJHOHV�/HDGHU-VKLS�$FDGHP\¶V�FODVV�RI������DOO�DSSOLHG�WR�IRXU�&DOLIRUQLD�6WDWH�8QLYHUVLWLHV�� It was an exciting day for every senior because of their hard work for the past four years. The school administration provided a whole day for seniors to apply to four cal states. The school administration pro-vided a whole day for seniors to complete this complicated procees and supplied YPI 6WDII��WHDFKHUV�DQG���PRVW�RI�DOO���WKHLU�EH-ORYHG�FRXQVHORU��(ULQ�.LP��WR�DVVLVW�WKHP������ 6HQLRUV�ZHUH�VSOLW�LQWR�GLIIHUHQW�rooms to use laptops at different places. “We were trying to work on our applica-WLRQV�LQ�&DIHWHULD����EXW�WKH�LQWHUQHW�NHSW�JRLQJ�RQ�DQG�RII�´�$QJHOD�0DOGRQDGR�VDLG���6HQLRUV�KDG�WR�WXUQ�RII�WKHLU�SKRQHV�and electronic devices so the internet would not be down. � 3DEOR�6DUDYLD�REVHUYHG�WKDW���³,W�was really unreal because it was like just yesterday when I was a freshman.” � 7KURXJKRXW��&68�DSSOLFDWLRQ�SURFHVV��PDQ\�VHQLRUV�UHPLQLVFHG��DERXW�their entire high school career when they

LQSXWWHG�WKHLU�JUDGHV�RQ�&680HQWRU���Each click made seniors want to relive every bad performance in high school all over again.� $IWHU�HDFK�VWXGHQW�¿OOHG�LQ�WKHLU�DFDGHPLF�KLVWRU\��LW�ZDV�DSSURYHG�E\�WKHLU�teacher who was supervising them and it took one single click to apply to their universities of their choice. “My favorite SDUW�ZDV�KLWWLQJ�68%0,7�´�3DEOR�6DYDUULD�VDLG�RQ�UHÀHFWLRQ� “It was a breakthrough experi-HQFH�LQ�P\�FDUHHU�´�VDLG�,JQDFLR�6LOYD���Many seniors could relate to his comment EHFDXVH�WKH�KDUG�ZRUN�¿QDOO\�SDLG�RII��-RUGDQ�%OHYLQV�DGGHG��³,W��ZDV�D�IXQ�experience that I will remember for time to come”.� 7KH�&68��FOLFNV�ZHUH��MXVW�WKH�beginning. Now only fate can determine which college the seniors will get ac-cepted to and the route that they will eventually choose to take. Cheers to new beginnings and dreams that will come true.


*each senior applied to four universities


WKDW¶V�JRLQJ�RQ�ZLWK�/RV�$QJHOHV�/HDGHUVKLS�$FDGHP\�DOXPQL�5XWK�*DODYL]�DW�%UDQGHLV�8QLYHUVLW\"�� )LUVW�RII��5XWK�PHQWLRQV�WKH�workload. What we complain about at /$/$��LV�QRWKLQJ�FRPSDUHG�WR�WKH�ZRUN-ORDG�LQ�FROOHJH��5XWK�VWDWHG��³/$/$¶V�QRW�preparing you for the workload inFROOHJH�´�DQG�WKDWV�ZKHQ�LW�FRPHV�WR�VFL-HQFH��³6FLHQFH�LV�D�ZKROH�RWKHU�EHDVW�´� 5XWK�WHOOV�WKH�9RLFH�WKDW��³<RX�meet a lot of interesting people and also you have to deal with people you don’t re-DOO\�OLNH�´�$W�%UDQGHLV��GRUP�OLIH�LV�DERXW�meeting a diverse group of people that come from all around the world. � 2QH�RI�WKH�WKLQJV�5XWK�PLVVHV�WKH�PRVW�LV��IRRG��<RX�PLVV�HYHU\WKLQJ�WKDW¶V�VSHFLDO�WR�\RXU�FRPPXQLW\�´�5XWK�FDXWLRQV�/$/$�VWXGHQWV�ZKR�JR�WR�FROOHJH�RXW�RI�VWDWH�DV�VKH�GRHV��³,I�\RX¶UH�JRLQJ�WR�JR

DZD\��EH�SUHSDUHG�WR�PLVV�VRPHWKLQJ�´��%UDQGHLV�LV�LQ�:DOWKDP��0DVVDFKXVHWWV�� Going back to the education at %UDQGHLV�DQG�/$/$��5XWK�FRPPHQWHG�that her favorite classes are her Writing Class and Philosophy class because both classes make her think beyond normal understanding. But with the thinking “outside of the box” comes the struggle of thinking way too much. � -XVW�DV�/$/$�VWXGHQWV�FDQ�KDYH�troubles with teachers spitting information DW�XV��5XWK�FRPPHQWHG�WKDW�VKH�KDG�EHHQ�having the same problems in college. In KHU�OHDVW�IDYRULWH�FODVV��ZKLFK�LV�VFLHQFH��5XWK�¿QGV�WKDW�KHU�WHDFKHU�NQRZV�KHU�VWXII��WKHUH¶V�QR�GRXEW�DERXW�WKDW���%XW�WKH�WHDFKHU��³VSLWV�RXW�DOO�WKH�LQIRUPDWLRQ�VKH�NQRZV�´�5XWK�KDV�KDG�WR�DGMXVW�IURP�going to a school where the teachers hold your hand to a school where it all goes down to a lot of independent studying. When aked about the best and ZRUVW�WKLQJV�DERXW�FROOHJH��5XWK¶V�HFKRHV�D�IULHQG�RI�KHUV�ZKR�VWDWHG��³1R�RQH�WHOO-ing you what to do.” The best thing about this is that you get the freedom to make \RXU�RZQ�FKRLFHV��EXW�WKH�ZRUVW�WKLQJV�LV�WKDW��³\RX¶UH�QRW�JHWWLQJ�DV�PXFK�JXLGDQFH�as you might want. It’s like a trial and er-ror kind of thing.” � ,Q�WKH�HQG��5XWK�ORYHV�KHU�FROOHJH�and believes that anyone can survive as long as they do what they have got to do and ask for help when they need it.

%\�-R\�:RRStaff Writer


News & Features

%\�3DEOR�(VSLQR]DStaff Writer

3The VoiceOctober 2012

The Home of Lion Pride

Online Learning?

APEX brings opportunity to high school students

AOWKRXJK�FHOOSKRQHV��PS�V��DQG�RWKHU�technological devices are not allowed at VFKRRO��$SH[��WKH�RQOLQH�FRXUVH�WKDW�/RV�$QJHOHV�/HDGHUVKLS�$FDGHP\�KDV�DXWKR-UL]HG�WR�LQSXW�LQWR�WKH�VFKRRO�FXUULFXOXP��LV�RI¿FLDOO\�DSSURYHG���� +RZ�GRHV�$SH[�ZRUN"�6WXGHQWV�DUH�JLYHQ�SHUVRQDO�RQOLQH�DFFRXQWV��ZKLFK�holds their class that they need to retake GXH�WR�D�QRQ�SDVVLQJ�JUDGH��RU�FKDOOHQJH�themselves by taking a class to advance in their academics. The school day program allows approximately forty students to complete their assignments at their own pace; the students have to manage their time to turn in their assignments.�� $SH[�LV�WDNHQ�LQ�5RRP������ZKHUH�0DULD�5DPLUH]�VXSHUYLVHV�DQG�helps the students during school hours. $IWHU�VFKRRO��LQ�WKH�%723�FRPSXWHU�ODE��students work for credit recovery while Miguel Arriaga monitors the students.


Those who are in Apex are stu-GHQWV�ZKR�³QHHGHG�PRUH�FODVV�WLPH�´�VD\V�YPI Coordinator Abeni Carr. Due to bud-JHW�FXWV��PRVW�DGXOW�VFKRROV�DQG�VFKRROV�WKDW�SURYLGHG�FUHGLW�UHFRYHU\�FODVVHV��RU�offered classes to get ahead were shut GRZQ��DV�D�UHVXOW��WKH�VWXGHQWV�ZKR�ZHUH�planning to recover their credits during the summer were faced with the unfortunate UHVXOW�RI�WKH�EXGJHW�FXWV��DQG�IDLOHG�WR�recover their credits.� /DVW�\HDU������RI�WKRVH�ZKR�were enrolled in Apex after school and GXULQJ�WKH�VXPPHU�SDVVHG�ZLWK�D�����RU�KLJKHU�LQ�WKHLU�FRXUVH������RI�WKH�SHRSOH�ZKR�WDNH�$3�FODVVHV�SDVV�WKHP´�LQ�$SH[���Abeni added.� $UH�/$/$�VWXGHQWV�SUHSDUHG�WR�FKDOOHQJH�WKHPVHOYHV�RQOLQH"�$SH[�allows students to take classes that are not RIIHUHG�DW�/$/$��VR�VWXGHQWV�FDQ�EH�PRUH�competitive academically when apply-ing to colleges. Many students are taking 6SDQLVK�FODVVHV�WKDW�ZRXOG�QRW�EH�DYDLO-able otherwise. � ³���%H�IULHQGO\«����%H�D�OLV-WHQHU«´�DUH�/$/$¶V�FODVVURRPV�QRUPV��+RZ�FDQ�D�VWXGHQW�EH�IULHQGO\�RU�OLVWHQ�WR�D�FRPSXWHU"�³+RZ�DUH�ZH�EXLOGLQJ�WKH�UH-ODWLRQVKLS�ZLWK�VWXGHQWV"´�DVNHG�$VVLVWDQW�3ULQFLSDO�-XGHH�)HUQDQGH]��6WXGHQWV�DUH�accustomed to being in an environment where they can interact with one another and interact with their teachers. Apex interferes with the bond that a student and WHDFKHU�FUHDWH��ZKLFK�PDNHV�LW�GLI¿FXOW�IRU�a teacher to write a letter of recommenda-tion. The decision has been made to keep moving forward with Apex this academic year. The outlying concern with school faculty is whether or not there LV�HQRXJK�GDWD�WR�SURYH�VXFFHVV�DW�/�$��/HDGHUVKLS�$FDGHP\��$V�0LJXHO�$UULDJD�SRLQWV�RXW��³WKLV�LV�DQ�RSSRUWXQLW\��EXW�WKH�students have to show more responsibility in order to be successful with this online program.”

This Way to the CafeteriaStudents divided by “Rope Line” to create order from hallway chaos

Silent, but Deadly Sustained Silent Reading takes hold in advisories


%\�0DUFR�$JXLODUStaff Writer

The rope line has been something that has caught the attention of everyone here DW�/RV�$QJHOHV�/HDGHUVKLS�$FDGHP\��)RU�WKRVH�ZKR�GR�QRW�NQRZ��WKH�URSH�OLQH�ZDV�created to make sure every student got their food during lunch and nutrition. The line further assists an orderly method of student movement. Every time the school food is or-GHUHG�IURP�³5R\DO�'LQLQJ�´�WKH\�DVN�IRU�D�VHW�QXPEHU�RI�VWXGHQWV��WKH�RQO\�SUREOHP�was that not everyone was taking their OXQFK��7R�¿[�WKLV�SUREOHP��VFKRRO�FXVWR-dian Juan Zepeda and Assistant Principal Judee Fernandez came up with the rope

OLQH�LQ�RUGHU�WR�DFFRXQW�IRU�DOO�����VWX-dents in the school. One of the main problems that is faced now is that there is not enough supervision to catch those students who GHFLGH�QRW�WR�JHW�LQ�OLQH��RU�FXW�WKHLU�ZD\�LQWR�LW��,Q�WKH�ZRUGV�RI�-XDQ�=HSHGD��WKH�rope line is simply “not working.” � 7KH�ODVW�WLPH�/$/$�WULHG�D�URSH�OLQH�ZDV�LQ�������7KH�SXUSRVH�ZDV�WR�create a more orderly way of getting into &DIH����)RUPHU�$VVLVWDQW�3ULQFLSDO�0DUN�Campbell points out that the facility was not built to feed this many people at one time. “We were trying to get everyone through the line so that every student FRXOG�EH�FRXQWHG�´�0DUN�VD\V��(YHQWXDOO\��the rope was discontinued in favor of

other methods for counting students. The students are not so sure of the new line. “It is the same as it was be-fore the rope line because students bunch XS��DQG�LW�WDNHV�D�ORW�RI�ZRUN�MXVW�WR�JHW�VWXGHQWV�LQ�OLQH�´�GHFODUHV�-XQLRU�.DVVDQ-GUD�6LHUUD�� The assistant principal sees it dif-IHUHQWO\��ZLWK�WKH�KRSH�WKDW�WLPH�ZLOO�WHOO��³,�WKLQN�LW¶V�WKH�EHVW�LGHD�ZH¶YH�KDG�´�0V��)HUQDQGH]�VD\V��6KH�LV�DOVR�RSHQ�WR�QHZ�LGHDV��DQG�LV�ZLOOLQJ�WR�FKDQJH�WKH�URSH�line if someone gives her some sugges-tions. The line has cleared the hallway LQ�IURQW�RI�+LVWRU\�WHDFKHU�3K\OOLV�5RVHQ¶V�FODVVURRP��³,�FDQ�QRZ�JHW�RXW�RI�P\�URRP�to walk around.”


665��RU�6LOHQW�6XVWDLQHG�5HDGLQJ�KDV�made its way into advisories this year at /RV�$QJHOHV�/HDGHUVKLS�$FDGHP\� Assistant Principal Judee Fernan-dez brought the idea of silent reading from her old school; they would have students UHDG�IRU����PLQXWHV�� Decades of educational studies have shown the value of sustained silent reading. One such study used the Nelson 'HQQ\�5HDGLQJ�7HVW�WR�DVVHVV�UDWHV�RI�improvement in vocabulary and reading comprehension among a group of high VFKRRO�VWXGHQWV�LQ�&RORUDGR��6WXGHQWV�ZKR�KDG�FRPSOHWHG�DQ����ZHHN�VLOHQW�UHDGLQJ�SURJUDP�VKRZHG�DQ�LPSURYHPHQW�RI�����JUDGH�OHYHOV���6WHYH�*DUGLQHU�LQ�(GXFD-WLRQDO�/HDGHUVKLS�� -XGHH�VDLG��³:KHQ�665�LV��GRQH�ULJKW��LW¶V�EHQH¿FLDO��6XFK�DV�WKH�URRP�LV�TXLHW����,I�WKH�WHDFKHU�LV�QRW�PRGHOLQJ��LW¶V�not done right. Teachers should also be UHDGLQJ��6LOHQW�UHDGLQJ�LV�DERXW�UHDGLQJ�what students enjoy and could even go to the library to read.” � (QJOLVK�WHDFKHU�$O�6FKOHLFKHU�LV�FRQVWDQWO\�FLWLQJ�VWXGLHV�SURYLQJ�WKDW�665�KHOSV�VWXGHQWV�LPSURYH�WKHLU�YRFDEXODU\��UHDGLQJ��DQG�HYHU\WKLQJ���,Q�RWKHU�ZRUGV��6LOHQW�5HDGLQJ�ZDV�PDGH�WR�KHOS�VWXGHQWV�with more than their reading. It helps them in their habits. When they have an essay RU�VSHHFK�WR�GR��WKH\�KDYH�PRUH�LQIR�WR�

GRZQORDG�IURP��7KH�PRUH�WKH\�UHDG��WKH�more students are going to be able to con-nect when they speak. It makes it easier for them to write and their vocabulary expands more. If the students see their adviser reading WKH\�DUH�HQFRXUDJHG�WR�UHDG��WRR��,W�KHOSV�VWXGHQWV�WR�KDYH�D�TXLHW�SODFH�WR�UHDG��especially when it’s a book they need to read for class. But many students do not take silent reading seriously and do not take DGYDQWDJH�RI�LW��6HQLRU�-RVH�0DUWLQH]�VDLG��³6LOHQW�UHDGLQJ�LV�QRW�EHQH¿FLDO�IRU�students. I see many students off task and most of them just skim through their books. I think the school should imple-ment a study hall so that students can DFWXDOO\�¿QLVK�VRPH�RI�WKHLU�KRPHZRUN�and turn it on time.” “I’d rather be completing work IRU�RWKHU�FODVVHV�,�QHHG�KHOS�LQ�´�VDLG�6RSKRPRUH�(ULFN�*X]PDQ���³(YHQ�WKRXJK�LW�LV�EHQH¿FLDO�LQ�D�ZD\���ZH�FRXOG�GR�LW�RQ�our own time.” � 0DQ\�/$/$�VWXGHQWV�KDYH�WROG�7KH�9RLFH�WKDW�WKH\�ZRXOG�UDWKHU�GR�homework. They complain that there’s no GD\�IRU�GRLQJ�KRPHZRUN�LQ�DGYLVRU\��WKDW�WKH\�PLJKW�QRW�¿QLVK�DOO�RI�WKHLU�KRPH-ZRUN��EXW�DW�OHDVW�ZRXOG�KDYH�VWDUWHG�DQG�have less to do at home. � 6RPHWLPHV�VWXGHQWV�KDYH�WR�GR�other things and can not accomplish them because they have to read. One student complained that she had to do a group

essay and needed to put it together during advisory but was not able to because it ZDV�D�0RQGD\�ZKLFK�PHDQW�6LOHQW�5HDG-ing. When asked about the student ZKR�ZRXOG�UDWKHU�GR�KRPHZRUN��-XGHH�UHSOLHG��³,�WKLQN�LWV�JUHDW��WKH�GHVLUH�WR�GR�homework. But that’s at a different time DQG�SODFH��,I�WKH\�UHDG����PLQXWHV�RXW�RI�WKH�KRXUV�WKH\�DUH�LQ�VFKRRO��WKH\�PDNH�LW�a habit.”










News & Features

%\�-RVHSK�&ULVWREDOStaff Writer

4 October 2012The Voice


Prisons Perpetuate Violence with Unjust Living ConditionsAdvocate for prison reform speaks to high school students regarding unfair treatment of prisoners

Breaking the Silence: A Three Part Series

FDFLQJ�+LVWRU\�VWXGHQWV�DUH�EHLQJ�WUHDWHG�to weekly lessons on community activism E\�3DWULVVH�&ROORUV��OHDGHU�RI�WKH�&RDOL-WLRQ�WR�(QG�6KHULII�9LROHQFH�LQ�/�$��-DLOV� The topic of the recent discus-sion is about police brutality in and out of MDLOV��3DWULVVH�KDV�EHHQ�¿JKWLQJ�LQMXVWLFH�LQ�WKH�SULVRQ�V\VWHP��DQG�RQH�RI�UHDVRQV�that she started the group was because of her brother Monte. Monte was one of the inmates who suffered through the police EUXWDOLW\�LQ�SULVRQ��DQG�3DWULVVH�VKDUHV�KLV�story of what happened during his time locked up.��� 0RQWH�JRW�LQWR�D�¿JKW�ZLWK�D�GHSXW\�LQ�SULVRQ��³6R�KH�WROG�PH�WR�JHW�LQ�OLQH��JHW�LQ�OLQH��DQG�,�VDLG��µ,�DP�LQ�OLQH¶«�+H�ORRNHG�DW�PH�DQG�KH�WKRXJKW�,�ZDV�EHLQJ�REVWLQDWH��WU\LQJ�WR�«�SXII�P\�FKHVW�RXW�DW�KLP��VR�KH�SXVKHG�PH�´��0RQWH�WKHQ�SXQFKHG�WKH��GHSXW\��DQG�KH��said that it was wrong to do. Deputies responded and whacked him with Billy clubs in the head and tazered him. Monte became distraught and was bleeding a lot from his face. This is what police brutality is in SULVRQ��DQG�0RQWH�LV�QRW�WKH�RQO\�RQH�ZKR�goes through all of this; there are many more inmates who go through problems similar to this situation. Patrisse spends


complaints about police tactics. Patrisse believes that the cor-ruption of deputies in prison is immense. ,Q�������LQPDWH�-RVHSK�+DJHU�ZDV�WDNHQ�out of his cell and was sent to the prison library where he was beaten by the

the police while he was handcuffed. Mr. +DJHU�ZDV�NQRFNHG�XQFRQVFLHQFH��$�SROLFH�RI¿FLDO�VDLG�³,�WULHG�WR�NLOO�\RX�EXW�you are lucky that you can still breathe.” The damage caused fractures in Mr. +DJHU¶V�IDFH�DQG�VXUJHU\�ZDV�QHFHVVDU\���When reporters came to interview him he was afraid of telling the truth. The unfair treatment of prisoners FRQWLQXHV��ZKLOH�3DWULVVH�RUJDQL]HV�DQG�raises awareness from the outside. Facing +LVWRU\�WHDFKHU�+DOD�'LOOVL�DJUHHV��³,�KDYH�been so inspired by the work of the Coali-WLRQ�WR�(QG�6KHULII�9LROHQFH��7KH\�DUH�PDNLQJ�KLVWRU\�E\�EHLQJ�WKH�¿UVW�WR�FKDO-OHQJH�WKH�LQMXVWLFH��DQG�GHPDQG�GLJQLW\�and power for all of our people.” By having Patrisse Collors and other community organizers come WR�/$/$��WKH�)DFLQJ�+LVWRU\�VWXGHQWV�receive a real understanding of history WROG�E\�RWKHUV��$V�D�KLVWRU\�WHDFKHU��+DOD�Dillsi feels the connection that students are making. “All of our coomunities and IDPLOLHV�DUH�WRXFKHG�E\�MDLOV�DQG�SULVRQV�´�she notes. Asked why this is important IRU��WK�JUDGHUV�WR�XQGHUVWDQG��+DOD�VD\V�WKDW�³)DFLQJ�+LVWRU\�VWXGHQWV�DUH�HPSRZ-HULQJ�WKHPVHOYHV�E\�OHDUQLQJ�WKH�IDFWV��TXHVWLRQLQJ�WKH�LQMXVWLFH��WDNLQJ�DFWLRQ��FUHDWLQJ�D�QHZ�YLVLRQ�IRU�RXU�FRPPXQLW\��and demanding dignity and power for all people.”


Mr. C, Not Your Average Teacher

Posse UpdateFor a few Seniors, round two%\�0DULWR�6ROLV�DQG�$UDFHOL�*UDFLDStaff Writers

DXULQJ� WKLV��������� VFKRRO�\HDU����� VH-niors were nominated for a full tuition paid scholarship called Posse. Posse started when an alumnus said. “I would have never dropped out of college if I had a posse.” Posse aims to keep students in college by providing a support network of students who are also Posse recipients and professors who are in-volved with the program. There are three steps in becom-LQJ� D� 3RVVH� VFKRODU�� 7KH� ¿UVW� LV� VLPSO\�being nominated for Posse. Once nomi-QDWHG��\RX�PXVW�DWWHQG�WKH�¿UVW� LQWHUYLHZ��URXQG� ���7KLV� URXQG� LV� D� JURXS� LQWHUYLHZ�ZLWK�DERXW����RWKHU�VWXGHQWV�IURP�GLIIHUHQW�KLJK�VFKRROV��(YHU\RQH�LV�VSOLW�LQWR�LQGH¿-nite groups for certain activities which the Posse staff uses to assess you individually on how well you work in a group and show leadership. We participated in certain activi-WLHV�OLNH�IDNH�3XEOLF�$QQRXQFHPHQWV��WRZ-HU�EXLOGLQJ��ZLWK�RXU�OHVV�GRPLQDQW�KDQG��DQG�PRGHUDWLQJ�GHEDWHV��(QWHULQJ�WKH�¿UVW�URXQG��PDQ\�RI�XV�ZHUH�QHUYRXV�DQG�GLGQ¶W�know what to expect. The best advice was “just be yourselves” � $V�VRPH�RI�WKH�VWXGHQWV�KDYH�VDLG��“There were a lot of fake people there.” /RWV�RI�WKH�VWXGHQWV�WKHUH�VHH�WKLV�VFKRODU-ship as more about the money than the

security of having people to rely on to help \RX�VXFFHHG�LQ�FROOHJH��8QIRUWXQDWHO\��QRW�all of our fellow classmates made it to the QH[W� URXQG� EXW�PRVW� RI� WKH� /$/$� QRPL-nees were called back. The second round is a one- on �RQH� LQWHUYLHZ�� ORRNLQJ�WR�VHH� WKH�NLQG�RI�person you are. The interviewers want to know about the struggles you’ve over-come.In round two they want you to be very open and dig deep into your personal life. They ask you to describe yourself in three words. Nominee Zuleyma Guillermo de-VFULEHG��KHUVHOI�DV�D�³¿JKWHU��EHOLHYHU��DQG�FRQ¿GHQW�SHUVRQ�´� Jose Martinez confessed that he ZDV� QHUYRXV� IRU� KLV� LQWHUYLHZ�� � +H� VDLG���³,¶P�QHUYRXV��H[FLWHG��DQG�ZDLWLQJ� WR� VHH�what the outcome is. I just want to serve DV�D�UROH�PRGHO�IRU�VWXGHQWV�OLNH�PH��ZKR�have limited resource.” Bany Guardado said that she felt YHU\�FRQ¿GHQW�DERXW�EHLQJ�LQWHUYLHZHG���,�managed to convince myself that it was an opportunity to meet new people. Once I thought of it that way and didn’t think of it OLNH�3RVVH��P\�QHUYRXVQHVV�UHOD[HG��� 0RVW� /$/$� VWXGHQWV� UHSRUWHG�that the second round went well. Once they walked into the room they felt comfort-DEOH��QRW�QHUYRXV��=XOH\PD�HYHQ��VDQJ�IRU�them. In mid November we will hear back from Posse and learn the outcome. :KR�PDGH� LW"�7KH� WKLUG� URXQG� LV� WKH� ODVW�VWHS�WR�¿QDOLVW�DQG�ZLQQLQJ�D�IXOO�IRXU�\HDU�scholarship to a wonderful college.

KKKKKKThe Voice Ch-Ch-Ch Challenge KKKKKK

There are clues in the newspaper to answer October's question7KH�¿UVW�VWXGHQW�WR�VSHDN�WR�3K\OOLV�ZLWK�WKH�FRUUHFW�DQVZHU�ZLOO�UHFHLYH�D�

plastic pumpkin full of candy + The Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks


TKLV�\HDU��/$/$�PDGH�D�QHZ�HGLWLRQ�WR�WKH�PDWK�GHSDUWPHQW�E\�KLULQJ�/XLV�&DUULRQ�*RQ]DOH]��³DND�0U�&´��DV�WKH�QHZ�$OJHEUD���DQG�SK\VLFV�WHDFKHU��� 0U��&�ZDV�UDLVHG�LQ�6RXWKHUQ�&DOLIRUQLD�DQG�DWWHQGHG�6DLQW�-RKQ�%RVFRH�+LJK�6FKRRO�LQ�%HOOÀRZHU��$IWHU�JUDGXDW-LQJ�KLJK�VFKRRO��0U��&�HQUROOHG�LQ�&68�/RQJ�%HDFK�ZKHUH�KH�DWWDLQHG�KLV�%DFK-elors Degree in electrical engineering with an applied degree in Mathematics.� %HIRUH�EHFRPLQJ�D�WHDFKHU��Mr.C worked as an electrical engineer while also substitute teaching long term in the city of Paramount. When asked ZK\�KH�ZDV�LQVSLUHG�WR�EHFRPH�D�WHDFKHU���0U��&�UHVSRQGHG��³,�KDYH�DQ�RSSRUWXQLW\�to make a difference. College is very LPSRUWDQW��EXW�LQ�KLJK�VFKRRO�\RX�GHWHU-mine what kind of student you want to become.” Mr. C feels very supported here DW�/$/$�DQG�ZRXOG�QRW�FKDQJH�PXFK�DERXW�RXU�VFKRRO���+H�GRHV�ZLVK�WKDW�WKHUH�ZDV�D�ODUJHU�VWDII��³VR�WKDW�\RX�JX\V�FRXOG�have more courses.”� ,Q�WHUPV�RI�ZRUNLQJ�ZLWK�/$/$�VWXGHQWV��0U��&�HPSKDVL]HV�FULWLFDO�WKLQNLQJ�VNLOOV���+H�WROG�WKH�9RLFH��³�$V�a teacher I want to work on your criti-FDO�WKLQNLQJ�VNLOOV��KRZ�WR�WKLQN�WR�VROYH�SUREOHPV���,�ZDQW�\RX�XVLQJ�\RXU�EUDLQ��not using step by step guides.”

��������� ,Q�KLV�IUHH�WLPH��0U��&�HQMR\V�DUFKHU\��FRPSXWHUV��DQG�PXVLF�±�KH�OLNHV�playing both piano and guitar. Mr.C thinks it’s “cool to teach SK\VLFV�´�+H�WKLQNV�RI�KLPVHOI�DV�D�SUREOHP�VROYHU��³7KDW¶V�ZKDW�,�GR�LQ�FODVV�everyday-troubleshooting. Teaching is a lot like trouble shooting.”

%\�'DYLG�2UWL]Staff Writer

Mathematics and Science

News & Features5The VoiceOctober 2012

The Home of Lion Pride

A Baker’s Dozen Baking with Juan

Rough Start for Soccer TeamsBoys Team still looking for 1st win, Girls Team in disarray

Juan Zepeda is constantly busy with FOHDQLQJ��RU�KHOSLQJ�/$/$�VWDII�LQ�DQ\�ZD\�KH�FDQ��+H�KDV�WR�FOHDQ�WKH�ZKROH�VFKRRO�VRPHWLPHV��DQG�VHHLQJ�KRZ�PXFK�work Juan has to do; he still found time to teach the baking class on Mondays after school. I asked him with simple ques-tions and he answered with simple but truthful and direct responses. :KHQ�DVNHG�KRZ�ZDV�WKH�¿UVW�GD\�RI�FRRNLQJ�FODVV"�+LV�UHVSRQVH�ZDV�YHU\�VKRUW�EXW�GLUHFW��³7KH�¿UVW�GD\�RI�EDNLQJ�FODVV�ZDV�YHU\�H[FLWLQJ�D�WRWDO�RI����NLGV�showed up. If you were ever curios to why -XDQ�GHFLGHG�WR�WHDFK�WKH�EDNLQJ�FOXE��have no fear for we have asked the exact same question. Why did Juan decide to WHDFK�WKH�EDNLQJ�FOXE"�-XDQ�GHFLGHG�WR�teach the baking class because he would like for students to learn how to follow recopies and learn how to use measuring FXSV��³$V�LW�LV��ZH�VWLOO�PDNH�PLVWDNHV�when following the recipes” he confesses ZLWK�D�VPLOH��³ZH�VWLOO�PHVV�XS�´�+H�¿Q-ished answering with a laugh. � +H�WKHQ�VDZ�P\�IDFLDO�H[SUHVVLRQ�of curiosity and he said “It may not be ZKDW�\RX�ZDQW�WR�KHDU�EXW�LW¶V�WKH�WUXWK��,�want to be as real as possible” When Juan was asked if he believed this year’s baking FOXE�ZLOO�EH�VXFFHVVIXO�KLV�UHVSRQVH��³,W¶V�EHHQ�NHHSLQJ�XS�IURP����WR����VWXGHQWV�per week which is pretty successful. The question most obvious was ¿QDOO\�DVNHG��,V�WKH�EDNLQJ�TXDOLW\�JRRG"�With a serious face Juan responded “it is ������ZKHQ�EDNLQJ�LW¶V�OLNH�\RX¶UH�JHWWLQJ�JUDGHG�RQ�\RXU�¿QLVKHG�SURGXFWV�VRPH�VWXGHQWV�JHW�$¶V�DQG�VRPH�JHW�&¶V��EXW�LWV�edible.” Juan added very quickly “do not forget to come to baking class every Mon-GD\�DIWHU�VFKRRO��IHHO�IUHH�WR�EULQJ�\RXU�own recipes” Juan encourages any student to come to baking class. Overall Juan’s Baking Class is a hit. When attending the baking class it is most likely you will have fun cooking the food and you get to eat it! Best deal ever; real food cooked by you. What more can \RX�DVN�IRU"

Parents on the MoveActive parents set goals and fundraise

%\�9DQHVVD�6DQFKH]Staff Writer

TKH�SDUHQW�FRPPXQLW\�KHUH�DW�/$/$�has become very active in school affairs. When the seniors did not have enough PRQH\�IRU�SURP�ODVW�\HDU��WKH�SDUHQWV�FUH-DWHG�3DUHQWV�,Q�$FWLRQ��3,$��WR�KHOS�WKHP�IXQGUDLVH��7KLV�\HDU��DIWHU�D�VPDOO�ZDYH�RI�SHWW\�FULPH�FDPH�LQWR�WKH�VFKRRO��WKH�SDU-ents decided that the school needed more supervision. They are fundraising for the school to get security cameras. � 9LFH�SULQFLSDO�-XGHH�)HUQDQGH]�VDLG���³,�WKLQN�LW�LV�D�JUHDW�LGHD��WKH�PRUH�cameras the better to keep our students safe”.��������� 7KH�3,$�PHW�WR�¿JXUH�RXW�KRZ�and when they would fundraise. The choice made was a fundraiser or two D�PRQWK��7KH�¿UVW�VXFK�HYHQW��ZDV�D�FDUZDVK�KHOG�RQ�2FWREHU���WK��7KLUW\�VL[�YROXQWHHUV�VKRZHG�XS�RQ�WKDW�6DWXUGD\��2I�WKRVH��WKHUH�ZHUH�WZHQW\�WZR�SDUHQWV�DQG�IRXUWHHQ�VWXGHQWV��WZR�RI�WKHP�VWXGHQWV�from LALA’s primary.

The fundraiser was very suc-cessful; it raised seven hundred dollars. 7KH�JURXS�ZDVKHG�¿IW\�WKUHH�FDUV�WR�JHW�most of the money. A special recogni-WLRQ�JRHV�WR�WKH�SDUHQWV�RI�+XJR�/RSH]��they contributed a check for one hundred twenty dollars. � &LQG\�%DH]��WKH�SDUHQW�FRRUGL-QDWRU��WROG�SDUHQWV�EHIRUHKDQG�WKDW�WKHUH�would be a prize for the parent that sold the most carwash tickets. Although they GLG�QRW�NQRZ�LW�DW�WKH�WLPH��WKH�SUL]H�ZDV�a mini oven. The parents of freshman 'DQLHO�5XL]�VROG�WZHQW\�WLFNHWV�WR�FODLP�the prize. The next fundraiser will be D�UDIÀH�LQ�1RYHPEHU��7KH�SUL]HV�DUH�Thanksgiving baskets. While looking at WKH�3,$�VFKHGXOH�VR�IDU��&LQG\�VDLG��³7KH�parents are working very hard to make LALA’s community stronger.” !e cameras will come soon to help make LALA a better place.

%\�0DULWR�6ROLV�Staff Writer

%\�2VFDU�,VHPStaff Writer


Is Promise Being Kept?9th graders eager to receive laptops for their middle school success%\�-R\�:RRStaff Writer


The top academic freshmen who will receive the laptops had the highest GPAs as eighth graders. Executive Direc-WRU�5RJHU�/RZHQVWHLQ�VWDWHG��³,W�LV�RXU�LQWHQWLRQ�WKDW�WKH�VWXGHQWV�XVH�WKHVH�+3�laptops all the way through high school and into college.”� 6RPHWKLQJ�VLPLODU�WR�WKLV�SUR-gram occurred last year when Comerica Bank donated free ipads to the juniors DQG�VHQLRUV�ZLWK�WKH�KLJKHVW�*3$V��6RPH�students have used the iPads to type their FROOHJH�HVVD\V�DQG�QRWHV��DQG�RWKHUV�JDYH�their iPads to their siblings.

News & Features6 October 2012The Voice


LALA CorpsNot Your Typical Club

%\�9DQHVVD�6DQFKH]Staff Writer

/$/$�&RUSV�LV�D�QHZ�FOXE��ZKHUH�VWXGHQWV�GLVFXVV�WKHLU�IHHOLQJV��LGHDV��DQG�RSLQLRQV�RQ�VXEMHFWV�VXFK�DV�VRFLDO�MXVWLFH��RSSUHVVLRQ��GHSUHVVLRQ��DQG�EXOO\LQJ��,W�consists of a group of leaders who want to make our school and the world a bet-ter place. The club meets Tuesdays and :HGQHVGD\V�DQG�LV�OHG�E\�/L]]H�&KDLGH]��� /L]]LH�EHFDPH�SDVVLRQDWH�ZKHQ�asked why she became the mentor of /$/$�&RUSV��µ¶�)RU�WKH�ODVW�\HDU�DQG�KDOI�,�KDYH�EHHQ�LQYROYHG�LQ�FRPPXQLW\�ZRUN��particularly work around educational justice. When I heard about the position DW�/$/$�IRU�D�6RFLDO�-XVWLFH�(QULFKPHQW�Instructor I jumped on the opportunity to apply for the position. I did so because I am very passionate when it comes to social issues and education. I believe HYHU\RQH��UHJDUGOHVV�RI�UDFH��JHQGHU��RU�sexuality deserves the right to an equal HGXFDWLRQ��$QG��IRU�PH��SURYLGLQJ�VWXGHQWV�with the knowledge of social justice issues and topics is a form of contributing to that equal education. It is something I wish I had had when I was in high school.”

��³,�EHOLHYH�HYHU\RQH��UHJDUGOHVV�RI�UDFH��JHQGHU��RU�VH[XDOLW\�GHVHUYHV the right to an equal education.” a�/L]]LH�&KDLGH]

� /L]]LH¶V�SDWK�WR�DFWLYLVP�ZDV�D�surprising one. “I wouldn’t necessarily FDOO�P\VHOI�DQ�DFWLYLVW��,�VHH�P\VHOI�PRUH�of an organizer. I’m more of the educator LQ�WKDW�VHQVH��%XW�WR�DQVZHU�\RXU�TXHVWLRQ��I grew up with sisters who were constant-O\�LQYROYHG�LQ�DFWLYLVP��VR�,�ZDV�H[SRVHG�to a lot at a very young age. “I remember being seven years old and my oldest sister took me to a gender workshop where I learned how magazine ads and media portray stereo-typical images of women. As a young girl I really didn’t understand how these ads affected women. It wasn’t until I got to college that I was able to understand the whole picture. That’s when I became more involved with campus clubs like the Feminist Majority and Queer Melanin; I suppose these were my starting points into DFWLYLVP�RUJDQL]LQJ�´��� /L]]LH�LV�VXUH�WKDW�/$/$�&RUSV�ZLOO�EH�VXFFHVVIXO�DQG�VD\V�WKDW��³:LWK�WKH�help of student leaders we can get more students involved. It’s a club for everyone. 7KHUH¶V�VR�PXFK�ZH�FDQ�GR�DV�D�JURXS��EXW�it will take lots of commitment from the VWXGHQWV�DOUHDG\�LQ�/$/$�&RUSV��� /L]]LH�ZDV�HDJHU�WR�GLVFXVV�XS-coming plans for her group. “I have many SODQV�IRU�/$/$�&RUSV��5LJKW�QRZ�ZH�DUH�currently working towards an event for the Presidential Elections on November ���������0RUH�LQIRUPDWLRQ�IRU�WKDW�ZLOO�EH�SURYLGHG�VRRQ��2WKHU�WKDQ�WKDW��,�ZRXOG�ORYH�WR�OLQN�WKH�&RPPXQLW\�5LJKWV�&DP-SDLJQ��&5&�D�FDPSDLJQ�LQ�/RV�$QJHOHV�WKDW�,�DP�DFWLYH�LQ��ZLWK�/$/$�&RUSV��� &5&�LV�D�FDPSDLJQ�WKDW�HGXFDWHV�students about the school-to-prison pipe-OLQH��0RVW�RI�WKH�/$/$�&RUSV¶�ZRUNVKRSV�DUH�VLPLODU�WR�WKRVH�RI�WKH�&5&��$V�/L]]LH�WROG�XV��³,�DOVR�KDYH�¿HOG�WULSV�LQ�PLQG��like going to the Museum of Tolerance. Those are just a few things we will do. If you’re interested in learning more you’ll MXVW�KDYH�WR�FRPH�FKHFN�RXW�/$/$�&RUSV�on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.”

AIDS Walk, Students with a PurposeArmy of Students Support Cause as Fundraiser and Awareness Day


Fall DanceStudents bring costumes to first dance of the year

%\�-HVXV�0DUWLQH]Staff Writer

Opinion & Editorial7October 2012 The Voice

EditorialsThe Voice Speaks Out

Presidential Election & CA Voter Initiatives

OpinionThe Students Speak Out

The Home of Lion Pride

The freshman and junior curse of im-maturity struck earlier than expected this �����VFKRRO�\HDU�� /DVW�\HDU��D�IRUPHU�IUHVKPDQ�QHDUO\�UXLQHG�WKH�SDUWQHUVKLS�RI�/$/$�and Naturebridge by tagging in their restroom. When hearing about this LQFLGHQW��,�DVNHG�P\VHOI�WZR�TXHVWLRQV��Why would you carry tagging supply RQ�D�&$03,1*�75,3�DQG�ZKDW�ZDV�RQ�your mind. There cannot be a reasonable UHVSRQVH�WR�HLWKHU��:KDW�RQH�IRRO�FDQ�GR��another can as well. � ,Q�WKH�VSULQJ��PHPEHUV�IURP�WKH�/HDGHUVKLS�&RXQFLO��HOLWH�VWXGHQWV�RQ�D�%D\�$UHD�FROOHJH�YLVLW��ZHUH�JXLOW\�RI�breaking curfew and using marijuana. Each one of these acts misrep-UHVHQWHG�/$/$��7KH�IRUPHU�/HDGHUVKLS�candidates began to redeem themselves by apologizing in front of the school at an assembly; each one started from scratch again and have slowly begun to UHVWRUH�SHRSOH¶V�FRQ¿GHQFH�LQ�WKHLU�OHDG-ership. But their unthinking actions still impact our school. 7KH�FODVV�RI������GLGQ¶W�ZDLW�WR�become high schoolers before the

participting in the immature competi-tion race. They’ve made a record; they VWDUWHG�LQ��WK�JUDGH��7KH�FODVV�RI������GHFLGHG�WR�WRVV�7857/(6�DW�&$/�3RO\�Pomona and touched prohibited artwork DW�/D�9HUQH��:KDW¶V�WKH�FRQVHTXHQFH"�0\�IHOORZ�FODVV�RI������DQG�,�ZLOO�¿QG�RXW�ZKHQ�ZH�UHFHLYH�RXU�OHWWHUV�IURP�/D�9HUQH�WR�VHH�ZKHWKHU�ZH�DUH�DFFHSWHG�RU�not. This year it has been the class RI������ZKLFK�KDV�SXEOLFO\�HPEDUUDVVHG�our school. A student decided to drink alcohol and behave in other inappropi-ate ways at the Autry Museum during a MXQLRU�¿HOG�WULS�� /HDGHUV�DUH�QRW�ERUQ��WKH\�DUH�FUHDWHG��$OWKRXJK�QRW�HYHU\RQH�DW�/$/$�FDQ�EH��D�PHPEHU�RI�WKH�/HDGHUVKLS�&RXQFLO��ZH�PXVW�UHPHPEHU�WKDW�ZH�DUH�DOO�VWXGHQWV�DW�D�/HDGHUVKLS�$FDGHP\��We are all leaders. No one is left out and everybody is here to support each other. � &KHHUV�WR�DOO�WKH�/$/$�VWXGHQWV�who have began to learn this lesson and EHKDYHG�VR�DGPLUDEO\�RQ�WKH�%XOO\�¿HOG�trip.

Many students disagreed with the VZHDWHU�SROLF\��ZKLFK�DOORZHG�WKHP�WR�ZHDU�RQO\�EODFN��JUHHQ��RU�FROOHJH�sweaters. Many people complaining but did not do anything about it. I decided to step up and make a change. This school claims to be social justices so it was not fair that students weren’t heard. I came up with the idea to write a petition and de-cided to discuss it with my advisory. Everyone in my advisory didn’t like the new sweaters policy and liked the idea of the petition. Our advisor Phyllis helped us to write up the petition.� 7KH�SHWLWLRQ�VWDWHG��³:H��WKH�XQGHUVLJQHG�VWXGHQWV�DQG�SDUHQWV��IHHO�that the new green and black and col-lege sweater only dress code is unfair and violates the school’s social justice PLVVLRQ��6WXGHQWV�KDG�QR�UROH�LQ�WKH�decision of making the policy. Parents who already purchased sweaters for their children will feel an economic impact during hard times. We ask for you to reconsider this policy.” I thought it was important to get the parents involved because they are the ones providing for their kids. Many parents have more than one child in the school which meant they would have to spend more money on sweaters. I know I have a lot of sweat-ers and didn’t see the need of buying more. � 6RPH�SDUHQWV�DFWXDOO\�DJUHH�ZLWK�WKH�QHZ�VZHDWHU�SROLF\��6RPH�said it was a good idea to see every-one dress the same. Britnee Gonzalez and Antho-ny Mata helped me collect signatures. We were able to get parents to sign it

the day of open house. Many parents GLG�DJUHH�LW�ZDV�XQIDLU��HVSHFLDOO\�ZLWK�WKH�EXGJHW�WKH\�KDYH��6RPH�GLG�DJUHH�with us right away and some just GLGQ¶W�ZDQW�WR�VLJQ�LW��$OWRJHWKHU������parents and students signed the peti-tion. We explained the purpose of RXU�SHWLWLRQ�DQG�KDQGHG�LW�WR�%URRNH��the principal. For several weeks I asked if the administration had come to a decision about the petition. �� 2Q�2FWREHU����WKH�SHWLWLRQ�ZDV�debated at an administrative meeting. After discussing the issue for a long WLPH��WKH�DGPLQLVWUDWLYH�WHDP�GHFLGHG�to allow the following change to: ³+LJK�6FKRRO�FDQ�ZHDU�VZHDWVKLUW�RU�sweater that are of any color and free of logos.” � 6R�WKH�VZHDWHU�FRGH�SROLF\�was changed. Judee’s help was impor-WDQW��VKH�IRXJKW�ZLWK�5RJHU�DQG�ZDV�going back and forth with him. until he decided it was okay to change it. Thanks to Judee this change happen too. � /$/$�VWXGHQWV�VDZ�WKDW�change can happen if they stand up and have their voices heard.

Pablo EspinozaSenior

Araceli GraciaSenior

Arts & Entertainment

After saving the city of The-EHV� IURP� WKH� 6SKLQ[� DQG� KHU� ULGGOH��Oedipus is chosen by the people of Thebes as their new king. Oedipus is not worried DERXW�ZKR�NLOOHG�WKH�SUHYLRXV�NLQJ��LQVWHDG�he begins his rule by marrying the queen. � $V� WKH� QHZ� NLQJ�� 2HGLSXV� LV�shown as a ruler who cares about the suf-IHULQJ� RI� KLV� SHRSOH�� +H� ¿QGV� RXW� WKHUH�is a disease that is affecting the city and getting the people sick. After consult-LQJ�ZLWK� DQ� RUDFOH��2HGLSXV� UHDOL]HV� WKDW�an unsolved crime is the cause for the suffering. The Greek gods are punish-ing the city of Thebes for harboring a PXUGHUHU�� %XW�� ZKR� LV� WKH� PXUGHUHU"� 2HGLSXV� 5H[� LV� DUJXDEO\� RQH� RI�the most famous tragedies ever written. A *UHHN�SOD\�ZULWWHQ�E\�6RSKRFOHV�LQ�WKH��WK�FHQWXU\�EHIRUH�&KULVW��2HGLSXV�5H[�LV�D�VWR-ry of a king who is cursed and therefore has to suffer the tragic consequences of fate. This piece of dramatic literature teach-es that the will of the gods control the fate of man completely. The fu-WXUH� FDQQRW� EH� FKDQJHG� E\� KXPDQV��even with the choices of freewill. � ,Q�WKH�SOD\��2HGLSXV�LV�WKH�WUDJLF�hero. According to the great Greek phi-ORVRSKHU� $ULVWRWOH�� 2HGLSXV� 5H[� LV� RQH�of the best examples of a Greek tragedy. Oedipus is a tragic hero because he is QRW� SHUIHFW�� EXW� KDV� D� WUDJLF�ÀDZ��$ULVWR-WOH� SRLQWV� WR� WKH� WUDJLF� ÀDZ� RI� H[FHVVLYH�SULGH��RU�KXEULV��8VLQJ�2HGLSXV�DV�DQ�LGHDO�PRGHO�� WKH� WUDJLF�KHUR�PXVW�EH�DQ� LPSRU-tant character who commits an error in MXGJPHQW�� DQG� ZKR� PXVW� WKHQ� VXIIHU� WKH�consequences of their actions. The tragic hero becomes an example to the audience of what happens when great men fall. � .LQJ� 2HGLSXV� EOLQGV� KLPVHOI�DIWHU� ¿QGLQJ� RXW� WKH� WUXWK�� +H� ZDV� ZLOO-LQJ�WR�KHOS�SHRSOH��EXW�IURP�KLV�SULGH�DQG�RYHUFRQ¿GHQFH�� WKH�VWRU\� LV�DEOH� WR�PDNH�the audience feel sorry for the character. Oedipus if full of pride and guilt because ZKDW� KH� GLG� LV� ULJKW�� EXW� LQ� KLQGVLJKW�� LV�wrong. Although he does all he can to live honestly and avoid the crimes proph-HVL]HG� IRU� KLP�� 2HGLSXV� FDQQRW� HVFDSH�the fate that pursues him. Even while his FRQGLWLRQ� LV�SDWKHWLF��KH�FDQ� VWLOO� EH� VHHQ�as a hero because he has faced his tragic punishment with incredible courage.

Dramatic Literature Review

Love Thy Mother?The Tragedy of Oedipus Rex



The Thriller 3 halloween is time for dim lights and horror movies. here are the top 3 scariest movies of all time as judged by the voice


Scare Rating: Scare Rating: Scare Rating:

The Voice October 2012

Film Review

Still Phoning Home After All These YearsET: The Extraterrestrial Celebrates 30th Anniversary with New DVD Release



A�PRYLH�ZLWK�ORYH��FRPHG\��P\VWHU\��DQG�DFWLRQ�DOO�LQ�RQH"�(�7��LV�D�PRYLH�WKDW�LQFOXGHV�DOO�RI�WKHVH�HOHPHQWV��DQG�this is why E.T. is a movie loved by all. 7KURXJKRXW�WKH�PRYLH��WKH�YLHZHU�H[SHUL-ences a rollercoaster of emotions that leaves the viewer with a sense of love for the extraterrestial.� (�7�ODQGHG�RQ�HDUWK�LQ�������DQG�KDV�VLQFH�JURVVHG�RYHU������PLOOLRQ��7KH���WK�DQQLYHUVDU\�LV�D�VSHFLDO�RFFDVVLRQ�that is being celebrated with a new col-OHFWRU¶V�HGLWLRQ��)HDWXULQJ�DQ�DOO�QHZ��GLJL-tally remastered picture that delivers six WLPHV�WKH�UHVROXWLRQ�RI�'9'��WKH�(�7��7KH�Extra-Terrestrial Anniversary Edition Blu-ray Combo Pack includes the theatrical PRYLH��DQ�DOO�QHZ�LQWHUYLHZ�ZLWK�GLUHFWRU�6WHYHQ�6SLHOEHUJ��DQG�³7KH�(�7��-RXUQDOV´�featuring never-before-seen footage from WKH�VHW�RI�WKH�¿OP� The Blu-ray Combo Pack also LQFOXGHV�8OWUD9LROHW��D�'9'�DQG�D�'LJLWDO�&RS\�RI�WKH�¿OP��RIIHULQJ�IDQV�D�FKDQFH�to relive the wonder of the iconic movie DQ\WLPH��DQ\ZKHUH�RQ�WKH�SODWIRUP�GHYLFH�of their choice.� 7KH�¿OP�VWDUWV�ZLWK�D�VHQVH�RI�mystery towards E.T. One example of mystery in the movie is in the beginning ZKHQ�WKH�YLHZHU�GLVFRYHUV�(�7���EXW�QHYHU�gets a chance to fully see him. There are long shots of E.T. running and point of view shots of it. This gives the viewer D�VHQVH�RI�P\VWHU\�WR�(�7���EHFDXVH�WKH�viewer is not sure how E.T. looks and what he is doing on earth. Another example of mystery that is created is when the viewer sees a close-up of a man with keys hanging from his pants. This character becomes a symbol of mystery in the movie because through the movie he is following E.T. and trying to

discover more about him. These scenes in the movie help create a sense of mystery for E.T. A sense of love and friendship also helps the viewer get attached to E.T. 2QH�H[DPSOH�LV�ZKHQ�(�7��HDWV�WKH�5HHVH¶V�Pieces. This shows friendship because El-liot gives ET candy so that he can become friends with him. E.T. picks the candy XS�DQG�HDWV�LW�DQG�HQMR\V�LW��DIWHUZDUGV�he becomes friends with Elliot. Another example of friendship is when E.T. and Elliot feel the same thing. When E.T. gets VOHHS\�VR�GRHV�(OOLRW��WKLV�FUHDWHV�D�ERQG�between the two characters and makes them have a strong friendship.� 7KH�¿OP�FRQWLQXHV�WR�FUHDWH�VXV-pense with the viewer in many ways. One way that there is suspense is when E.T. is dying and the doctors are trying to revive him. This creates suspense because the viewers are not sure if he is going to live or die. Another scene of suspense is when the kids are trying to escape from the

police and they are trying to get E.T. to his spaceship. They are trapped in the middle of WKH�SROLFH�FDUV�DQG�WKH\�EHJLQ�WR�À\�DQG�JHW�DZD\��2QFH�WKH\�EHJLQ�WR�À\�DZD\��the theme music comes on and it creates relief for the audience because they have escaped. This creates suspense because it keeps the viewer thinking if they are go-ing to escape. � ,Q�FRQFOXVLRQ��(�7��FUHDWHV�D�UROO-HUFRDVWHU�RI�HPRWLRQV�E\�KDYLQJ�P\VWHU\��love and suspense throughout the movie. 8VLQJ�DOO�RI�WKHVH�HOHPHQWV�PDNHV�WKH�viewer become attached to E.T. because we see what he goes through and what he learns while he is on earth with Elliot. This makes us feel part of Elliot’s family and E.T. � ,Q�WKH�HQG��WKH�DXGLHQFH�IHHOV�VDG�because he is leaving Elliot. Although he LV�OHDYLQJ��WKH�DXGLHQFH�DOVR�IHHOV�KDSS\�because E.T. is reunited with his real fam-LO\��7KH�¿OP�LV�D�FODVVLF�DQG�MR\�WR�ZDWFK�

MPAA Rating: PGRun Time: 121 min.

Genre: Science FictionRelease Date: Oct. 9