October 2011 Weathervane

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  • 8/3/2019 October 2011 Weathervane



    THEFirst Presbyterian Church

    101 Bridgeboro Road, Moorestown, New Jersey (856) 235-1688 www.fpcmoorestown.or

    October 2011...for His steadfast love endures forever. Psalm 136

    Dear Friends,If you are having a particularly hard day, it is good to stop and look back at the places of God's good-

    ness and faithfulness from the past. That's what the Psalmist is doing in Psalm 136. The writer "looksback" and after each remembrance the refrain is the same. Twenty-Six times he says in response tothe past, for His steadfast love endures forever. Some of the remembrances had to do with the mostchallenging times in the life of God's people. But through it all ~ still His steadfast lovewas presentand could be declared.In November we are doing something that is "new" since I have been your pastor. We are recognizingSunday morning, November 6, as our Heritage Sunday or Homecoming Sunday. What we want to dois look back at the history of our church and acknowledge His steadfast love that endures forever. Weare inviting Rev. Kevin Stainton to be our preacher that morning. Kevin served as a pastor at thischurch from 1987-91, and had a significant reach and influence upon many within our congregation.

    We will recognize all who have moved away and are "coming home" and are present with us. We'llhave some fun with this ~ recognizing the one(s) who came the farthest to be here. We will also recognize our 50 year members and have a special acknowledgement for a person who has served thischurch faithfully for many years. Our plan is to have a church-wide luncheon following the11am wor-ship service.If you know of someone who has moved from this area and might be interested in returning and beinghonored ~ please drop them a note and also notify Mr. Harris Ransom in the church office. Give ustheir name and address. We want to send out appropriate invitations to all.One last thought ~ as we strive to be good stewards of all that God has given us and catch up the

    budget we have committed to ~ I love thequote attributed to that great church-man, John Wesley:Make all the money you can by hard work, save all you can by simple living so that you can give all

    you can to the work of the kingdom of God. You and I are blessed to be a part of a marvelous churchEvery investment you make here gets invested in some way so that we can extend the kingdom ofGod as Jesus encouraged us in that Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20).

    See you in church . Do someone a favor and invite them to worship with you!

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    8am in Fellowship Hall

    8:30am am in the Sanctuary

    11am in the Sanctuary


    World Communion Sunday


    2 Kings 5:1-19 and Revelation 3:14-22

    Richard Herman



    I Samuel 18:5,6 and Luke 18:9-14

    Jonathan Miller

    OCTOBER 16

    I Did It My Way

    Jonah 1:1-5 and Luke 9:57-62

    Jonathan Miller

    OCTOBER 23


    Daniel 3:16-18 and John 20:1-10, 21:21-22

    Bruce Main

    OCTOBER 30

    Peer Pressure

    Exodus 32:1-10

    Jonathan Miller


    5pm New Creationin the Commons


    World Communion Sunday

    Series: Holy Conversations

    Your Story

    Acts 21:37-22:5

    Jonathan Miller


    Sweet Spot of Service

    Isaiah 65:17-25Martha Jordan

    OCTOBER 16

    Fish for People

    Matthew 4:12-25

    Richard Herman

    OCTOBER 23

    Strengthen the Souls

    Acts 14:21-28Martha Jordan

    OCTOBER 30

    Nathaniel Maddox

    Seminary Intern

    October 2011 Sermon Schedule

    The Weathervane Page 2

    Membership in t he church is like belong-

    ing within a family...the family of God. It is the

    awareness that we are in a relationship with

    the One who has made us and calls us by

    name. The next Inquirers Class will be held

    on Sunday mornings at 9:30am beginning onOctober 2. Meet Staff and Elders

    and hear the vision and mission

    that moves this church.

    Call the Church Office (235-1688) to register

    your attendance or email Elizabeth at:

    [email protected]

    Heritage ~ Homecoming Sunday

    Sunday, November 6

    Preacher: Rev. Kevin Stainton, former pastor at FPC

    from 19871991

    Celebrating our 50 year members!

    Luncheon following the services at 12:15pm

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    Pastor D ick H er m an

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    From Our Executive Pastor

    Dear Friends and Fellow-Disciples of Jesus

    What do you notice about Jesus from the following gospel stories?

    At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, Who, then, is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?

    He called a little child, whom he placed among them. And he said: Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, yonever enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes a humble placebecoming like this childis the greatest in the kingdom ofheaven. And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me. Matt. 18:1-5

    People were bringing little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them, but the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw this, hwas indignant. He said to them, Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it. And he took the children in his arms, placehands on them and blessed them. Mark 10:13-16

    At that time Jesus, full of joy through the Holy Spirit, said, I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden thesthings from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this was your good pleasure. Luke 10:21

    Thats right Jesus really liked children.Why? Its not just because He liked playing with Duplos (over-sized Legos, for those who dont have grandchildren) or enjoyed watching the ElmSong video over-and-over again on the Sesame Street website with a little one on His lap, or that He just marveled at how theyre full of energy onmoment and fast sleep the next! (Although, maybe Jesus might have enjoyed building a tower with Duplos I sure do.)

    It seems to me Jesus really liked little children because little kids, not yet manifesting the pretense of adolescence or the cynicism of adulthood, arsimply themselves. They are who they are and thats OK with them. When our Lydia needs help, she simply asks, Papa, help and she melheart. When she sees something thats amazing to her, wide-eyed she just says, Wow! When she wants a hug, shell come over, grab a leg andHug, Nana.

    think Jesus loves it when we pray like little children who are simply who we are.

    In his book,A Praying Life, Paul Miller beckons us to become like a little child when we pray. He comments:Jesus wants us to be without pretense when we come to Him in prayer (p. 30).

    Dependency is the heartbeat of prayer (p. 24).

    Dont try to get prayer right; just tell God where you are and whats on your mind(p. 32).

    Come overwhelmed with life. Come with a wandering mind. Come messy (p. 33).

    The very thing we are allergic toour helplessnessis what makes prayer work. It works because weare helpless (p. 55).

    For me, praying like child means I pray as I can, not as I cant. I come to God as I amnot as Im not. Sometimes I pray words another has taugh like a child taught to say, Please, Thank you or Youre welcome. Sometimes the words just roll out of my heart and mind, almost on their owike a child excited by a butterfly or bird that flies by. Some days I look forward to being with God one-on-one; other days, its all I can do to just sh

    up. But like many things in life, I think 80% of prayer is just showing up to be with God where I am, how I am, when I get there its coming just as I am.

    Jesus loves it when we pray like little children who are simply who they are coming as we are not as we are not; praying as we can, not as we ca

    Theres a lot of grace in prayer, I think.

    So, friends, I look forward to the coming months in 2011-12 and to our emphasis after the holidays on learning to pray as a congregation. I need tearn to pray; to be with God like a child. Ive been a grown-up too long. Maybe, in order to learn to pray, I need to sit in on a nursery school classspend more time with my granddaughter just learning again to be a child.

    From one child of God to another lets learn together.

    Jesus, inspired with joy, exclaimed, O Father, Lord of Heaven and earth, I thank you for hiding these things from the clever and the intelligent

    and for showing them to mere children! Yes, I thank you, Father, that this was your will. --Lk. 10:21 (JBPT)

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    From Our Associate Pastor for Families

    God's various gifts are handed out everywhere; but they all originate in God's Spirit. God's various ministries are carried out

    everywhere; but they all originate in God's Spirit. God's various expressions of power are in action everywhere; but God himself

    is behind it all. Each person is given something to do that shows who God is: Everyone gets in on it, everyone benefits.

    All kinds of things are handed out by the Spirit, and to all kinds of people! The variety is wonderful:

    wise counsel

    clear understanding

    simple trust

    healing the sick

    miraculous acts


    distinguishing between spirits


    interpretation of tongues.

    All these gifts have a common origin, but are handed out one by one by the one Spirit of God. He decides who gets what, and when.

    1 Corinthians 12:4-11 (The Message)

    Once upon a time, on an island, there was a church. Until one day a huge storm devastated their island. Many of theirhomes were damaged, but the greatest damage was done to their church. It sat high upon the edge of the island overlooking the seaand when the storm came ashore it battered the church, blowing out the windows and tearing off its roof.

    The next morning a sailboat sailed into the bay and a man came ashore who said that he had come to help. He hauled awaythings that had blown down, he got the road open and helped wherever he was needed. He also offered to rebuild the church butwanted to build it to his design. The people all agreed to stay out of the church while it was being built. But as the building com-menced people realized that the new church had no windows. There were nice walls, and beautiful doors, and beautiful slate roof, but

    not windows.On Sunday morning, all the folks of the town put on their best clothes and went up the hill to the church. They opened the

    doors and went in to see a truly beautiful church. Everything was there the pews, the Bibles, the hymnals.except there were no win-dows. As they looked around they noticed there were no lights, just a wrought iron hook at the end of each pew. The people of thetown were puzzled. What could be the plan?

    Then the man who designed the church arrived and said my friends this is your new church. But the church has no lightsexcept for these lanterns. He gave each family a lantern and then said you will take them home with you when you leave today andyou will bring them back every time you come to church. This lantern is a gift to you. The members learned that they had to dependon each other and their lantern for there to be enough light for the services. No one lantern was more important and every lantern wasnecessary. Every lantern was important for the beauty of the church.

    Friends there are a variety of gifts given to us by God. Paul tells us that there are different gifts but all the gifts are given to us

    by Gods Spirit. Some have the gifts of being teachers, and some are wonderful at working with their hands. Some can cook a deli-cious meal and others can organize a program. Paul tells us that everyone has been given a gift.

    If you do not use the gifts God has given you, the community of faith is weakened. When churches struggle, they usuallystruggle because someone didnt bring their lantern to church. God provides all the gifts a church needs, God gives all the lanternsnecessary to light a church.

    We have many opportunities this year for you to study scripture and discover you lantern. There are many educational op-portunities for you in the church to participate in to enrich your faith. I hope you will pray about the variety of opportunities and howyou can share your lantern.

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    Adult Christian Education

    Sunday October 2nd After Tyndale

    A pictorial survey of the major English translations of the Bible between Tyndale and the KJB: Coverdale, Matthews Bible, the GreatBible, the Geneva Bible, and the Bishops Bible. Attention is paid in particular to formatting, as we watch the customary

    formats that most are familiar with today in the Bibles that we read.

    Sunday October 9th The King James Bib le

    A brief account of the story of the King James Bible.

    Sunday October 16th An American Prose Style Poetically Deflected: Walt Whitman and the King James Bible

    Robert Alter (in Pen of Iron) has identified what he describes as an American prose style that ultimately is rooted the King James BibleWriters who develop this style include Melville, Hemingway, Cormac McCarthy, and Saul Bellow. Walt Whitman as it turns out was

    heavily influenced by the KJB as well, and in fact he may well be the best exemplarof Alters biblical prose style. A brief survey of Whitmans debt to the KJB.

    Sunday Morning beginning October 23rd

    Bible Option: led by Ken and Joyce Peacock will explore the book of Job in the Old Testament

    Christian Living Option: Led by Paul Asciutto titled the Victorious Christian Life and explores how to have victory in your life.

    2 1 Couples Class Option: Open to couples of all ages. This is led by three couples in our church and will begin the yeawith Pam and Steve Engle facilitating looking at scripture and how couples relate to one another and to their children(whether young or old).

    Elective Option: The elective class changes topic every 4-6 weeks. From Oct. 23Nov. 13, Ruth Stotsenburg will lead a class calledInside Out Faith. From Nov. 20Dec. 11, Martha Jordan will lead a class called Advent: From Longing to Receiving. After Januarythere will be classes on What Does the Lord Require? There will also be a class to reflect on sin including the 7 deadly sins. After

    Easter, we will conclude the year with the Great Themes of the Bible.

    Womens Bible Study

    A Bible Study for women will be held at the church on

    Mondays at 12:00 noon, beginning October 3.

    The study, titledEsther: Its Tough Being a Woman

    will be taught, via DVD by Beth Moore,

    a noted Bible teacher and author.

    The eleven week study will require the purchase of a member

    book in which assignments are completed during the week. Theassignments are spread out over 5 days and should take about

    45 minutes to complete on each of those days.

    Each person may bring her own lunch.

    Please contact Winnie Lyall (856-983-3409)

    or more information

    Sunday evenings at 6:30pm, Bill and Debbie Walker

    are facilitating this informative DVD-based curriculum

    taught by Dr. Del Tackett, instructor of Christian World-view at the Focus Leadership Institute and former

    Senior Vice President of their ministry. This study is the

    starting point for looking at life from a biblical

    perspective. Each lesson discusses in great detail the

    relevance and importance of living the Christian

    worldview in daily life. You are welcome to come

    at 5pm for worship, dinner at 6pm

    with the program beginning at 6:30pm.

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    Missionary Visitors - Haiti Outreach Minist ries

    Pastor Leon Dorleans and Profaite from Port au Prince Haiti will

    be visiting on October 15 & 16. Pastor Leon

    serves as Field Director ofHaiti OutreachMinistries, while Profaite is an administrator.

    The ministry focuses on extremely impover-

    ished areas in and near the capital of Port

    au Prince, currently serving the communities

    of Blanchard (Terre Noire), Cite Soleil, Ibo

    Beach (Source Maielas) and Repatriote.

    The earthquake disaster of January, 2010impacted the focus of HOM which has

    added recovery, both in the near and long

    term, while pursuing their primary focus:

    Evangelism churches have been planted in each of the 4

    communities listed above with over 3,000 people worshipping

    weekly and hundreds involved in Christian education and leader-

    ship training.

    Education Haitian children must rely on schools run by

    NGOs. HOM primary schools are currently providing Christian

    School education for approximately 1,000 students.

    Health Care lack of basic sanitation and nutritious food cre-ates a systemic need for health care. The cost of a trip to a doc-

    tors office or clinic is prohibitive. HOM has two clinics one at

    Blanchard and a second clinic at Cite Soleil. Clinics are staffed

    by Haitian personnel and volunteer medical mission teams.

    Vocational Training instilling a Christian work ethic and mod-

    eling business conduct with integrity are skills that will allow

    adults to enter the work force at a high level. HOM offers com-

    puter repair and training skills, sewing/tailoring, craft skills andadult English classes that prepare people for productive employ-


    Community Projects home refurbishment and microloans are

    ways to combat extreme poverty in the communities served by

    HOM. These have taken on new meaning post-earthquake.

    Nutrition nutritious food is part of student sponsorship. With a

    partner organization, StopHunger, the feeding program has been

    extended to the medical clinics and churches in surrounding

    communities - a literal life-saver.

    World AIDS Day 2011

    In collaboration with World Vision, we arehosting a Caregiver Kit sponsorship and assembly day torecognize World AIDS Day on:

    Wednesday, November 30, 2011, from 4 7:30 pm .

    This is a wonderful opportunity for families, youth andmembers of all ages to participate in bringing joy andpractical help to AIDS caregivers, enabling them to havean immeasurable impact in their communities in Africa,Asia and Latin America.

    Kits and refill packs are equipped with supplies that canimprove and prolong the lives of those living with AIDS,while protecting caregivers and preventing the spread ofinfection. A handwritten note is included with each kit toencourage the caregiver who receives it. Information isbeing announced now so that enough kits can be orderedin response to your replies.

    Many will recall the powerful experience of the WorldVision Step into Africa Exhibit we hosted in 2008. Part ofthe exhibit activities included assembly of Caregiver Kits,photo below:

    Visiting GroupsHOM encourages groups to travel toHaiti to participate in short-term missions. To date two mis-sion teams from FPCM have traveled to Haiti to assist inhome rebuilding. A third outreach has been scheduled for

    January 14-21, 2012.

    All are welcome to a Saturday Breakfast

    at 8 am on October 15

    to hear from Leon and Profaite about the ministry ofHOM and the upcoming outreach

    in January, 2012 to rebui ld homes.

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    More information will follow in Sunday bulletins and at the Missionbulletin boards. Contact the church office (Mary Ellen Forrest) or email

    [email protected] sponsor a caregiver kit/refill (eachprimary kit is accompanied with 4 refill packs to insure a continuoussupply of needed resource items). Kits and refill packs are $30 each;checks should be made payable to FPC, memo World Vision Care-giver Kits. Caregiver kit components will be shipped to Moorestownfor assembly on Nov. 30. Please consider sponsoring caregiver kitsand refill packs even if you cannot be present on 11/30 to assembleyour kit. Well be sure to have lots of hands of help available.

    Be an instrument of change for Camden!UrbanPromise has amazing plans for Thursday

    Oct. 20th for this years fall banquet - an evening of great foodcombined with a creative and dynamic program full of testimonies,dance, live music, original artwork and much more. The banquetwill be held at the Scottish Rite Auditorium in Collingswood, NJ.Tables of 10 can be organized for FPCM members and guests.Tickets can also be reserved online on the UrbanPromise web

    site: www.urbanpromiseusa.org

    Tickets are $35 per person

    6:00 pm Registration & Appetizers

    7:00 pm Dinner & Program

    Dr. Bruce Main, Keynot e Speaker

    with Youth and Students from UrbanPromise Ministries.

    If you are a runner, you may be interested inunique opportunity to participate in the Philadelphia Marathothis year with UrbanPromise International, Nov. 18-20. UPIhas connected with the Philly Marathon to raise resources ansupport for its ministries beyond Camden. Registration infoand further details are on the UPI website:


    To assist in preparation, a personalized training schedule wbe developed by an experienced running coach.

    Also, help developing a personalized webpage will make iteasy for your family and friends to support you!

    Campus Crusade for Christ is adopting a new name and a ne

    logo that point to the cross to more effectively reach people f


    Cooper Ford is the CRU Metro Jersey staff leader. He lives in Ne

    Brunswick with his wife Andrea and their 3 young children. Coop

    grew up in our area and is committed to connecting young adults

    Christ through college and into the marketplace. Colleges an

    universities in New Jersey with CRU campus ministries include:

    Atlantic Cape Community College

    Brookdale Community College Camden County CollegeCentenary College County College of Morris

    Devry University Farleigh Dickinson University

    Georgian Court University

    Gloucester County Community College

    Hudson County Community College Kean University

    Middlesex County College Monmouth University

    Montclair State University New Jersey City University

    New Jersey Institute of Technology

    Passaic County Community College Princeton University

    Ramapo College Raritan Valley Community CollegeRowan University Rutgers University

    Rutgers - Chinese Christian Fellowship

    Rutgers - Camden Rutgers - Newark Salem County Col-lege Stevens Institute of Technology Stockton College

    Sussex County Community College

    Warren County Community College

    William Paterson University

    (continued from bottom of previous page)

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    Youth MinistryChildrens Ministry

    Schedule for October 2011



    October 5... Kingdom Kids (K 35d) begin from 4:45pm to 6pm

    Family Dinners begin from 6pm to 6:30pm

    Crossing Zone (4th6th)

    begins from 6:30pm to 7:30pm

    October 12, 19 and 26...Kingdom Kids, Family Dinner

    and Crossing Zone continue

    (see above for times)

    World Communion Day!

    Please join us in committing your child to the Lord

    on October 2nd during the Blessing of the Children.

    Wednesday Night Family Dinner

    This dinner occurs each week from October until the end of

    April, between Kingdom Kids and Crossing Zone, with a break

    from December 22 thru January 26, 2012.

    The time is 6pm6:30pm in Fellowship Hall.

    Dinner is $5 per person but will not exceed $20 per family.

    Please sign up to help serve and clean up.

    Kingdom Kids Registration

    For Children K-3rd Grade

    This group meets from October 5, 2011 thru May 9, 2012

    Please visit Crossing Zone online to register.*

    The cost is free.

    Crossing Zone Registration

    For Children 4th6th Grade

    This group meets October 5, 2011 thru May 9, 2012Please visit Crossing Zone online to register.*

    The cost is free.

    Website registration f or Childrens Ministry:

    Go to www.fpcmoorestown.org/children

    Click on the tab of the group youre interested(Kingdom Kids orCrossing Zone)

    and fill out the online form.

    THANKS! Well look forward to seeing you!

    Schedule for October 2011


    October 2...WAVE* (9th12th)

    continues from 5pm7:30pm each SundayOctober 4...Youth Breakfast at Wes and Jen Allens

    262 Linden Street, Moorestown, NJ 08057

    Visit our website to see weekly locations and updates

    October 5...FLOCK* (7th8th)

    continues from 6pm8pm each Wednesday

    October 13 and 27...Senior High Thursday Bible Study* continues

    at the Allens


    For 7th8th Graders

    Meet until the end of May 2012 on Wednesday evenings

    6pm6:30pm Family Dinner in the Commons$5/person or $20/family

    (PARENTSPlease sign up to help with set up and clean up for dinners)

    6:30pm6:45pm Free Time

    (enjoy snacks, soda, video games, music and just hand out with each other

    6:45pm7:15pm Group Games (see WAVE description)

    7:15pm7:30pm Music and Announcements

    7:30pmLesson and Discussion

    WAVE*For 9th12th Graders

    Meet until the end of May 2012 on Sunday evenings

    5pm6pm Worship at New Creation Service

    6pm6:16pm Pizza and hang out time (please bring $5 for pizza)

    6:15pm6:45pm Group Games

    (these games are designed for everyone to participate in just have fun)

    6:45pm7pm Music and Announcements

    7pm7:30pm Lesson and Discussion

    Credo for October

    Sunday School Meeting: October 9, 16, 30

    Mentor Meeting: October 20

    Credo at New Creation Service: October 23

    David Crowder Concert on October 30th

    5pm 11pm $30/person

    Open to families of 7-12th graders

    Please register by October 10thOnline

    ALIVE Junio r High Retreat

    November 18-20 (4pm Friday4pm Sunday) $140/person

    Registration due October 28th!

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    Stepping Stones

    Sharing the News from our Preschool


    Saturday, October 1st

    10am ~ 12pm in Room 8First timers welcome!

    Stop in or stay two hours. Were continuing our projects for

    babies in India and Camden as well as childrens blankets

    forThe Linus Project. Supplies are available.

    For more information call

    Betsy Gildehaus

    (856) 234-5414

    Next session will be November 5.


    Fall Series: Women You Cant Ignore

    Wednesdays at 10:15am

    Starting Wednesday, October 5

    October 5: Leahled by Arlita Winston

    October 12: Woman Who Anointed Jesus Head

    led by Mouris Yousef

    October 19: The Woman at the Well

    led by Jonathan Miller

    October 26: Ruthled by Arlita Winston

    November 2: Mary, Mother o f Jesus

    led by Jonathan Miller

    November 9: Estherled by Arlita WinstonNovember 16: Deborahled by Arlita Winston


    November 30: Hannahled by Martha Jordan

    December 7: Miriamled by Jonathan Miller

    Anyone interested in the openings can contactAmy Agger at 856-235-7105 or email:

    [email protected]

    with any questions or to schedule a tour.

    They can also find great information

    on our website:


    Step By Step Christian Preschool began welcoming its

    students a week earlier this year on September 12. We

    are looking forward to a wonderful year of growth with

    the little ones!

    We still have a few spots available in our afternoon 3

    year old class and both PreK (4 year old) classes. Helpspread the word about these openings!

    As we embark on this new year, please keep all of our

    teaching staff in your prayers. All of the gifted and car-

    ing women at Step By Step are returning to impact our

    young students: Arlene Walker, Joyce Valore, and

    Christine Holmbeck (PreK class); Susan Stewart, LindaSaputelli, and Doreen Dunnigan (3 year old class);

    and Lynn McNeil and Nancy Balch (2 year old class).

    Youre Invited to a Mystery Meal!

    Come for an enjoyable evening of fellowship and feasting

    on Saturday October 8 at 6pm

    At the home of one of our church member where there will be

    about 8 people dining. Both singles and couples are present.

    The host will provide the main dish and beverages

    and the guests bring a side dish.

    The mystery is...WHO you will be dining with!

    You wont know until you arrive! These dinners have been greatfun and a wonderful way to get better acquainted

    with your church family

    Please call Christine Scheideler at (856) 461-5475

    to reserve a place at the table!

    Friday Nighters

    October 7 at 6:30pm

    Join us for a delicious covered dish supper.

    Lenny Wagner will enlighten us on past

    Sports Notables of Moorestown!New members and guests of all ages are welcome!

    To find out what to bring call Betsy Gildehaus: 234-5414

    Coming in November: Joe Laufer speaks on D-Day

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    I n t e r f a i t h

    H o s p i t a l i t y

    N e t w o r k

    Through t he Burlington County Interfaith Hospitality Network, we at FPC with 11 other churches extend compassion, care anhope to f amilies through a network of Host and Support Congregations, social and business organizations, and individual volunteers.We provide emergency shelter, meals, transportation, and other support for assisting families to regain their independence. The familie

    are provided with essential service for locating and securing housing, employment and job training as well as helping to rebuild theirsavings, repair their credit and restore their unity.

    At the center of the program is the IHN Day Center, which is located on Moorestown-Mount Laurel Road. In addition to providing casemanagement, the center offers work areas, as well as a home environment with kitchen and laundry facilities. It also serves as theirtemporary address, telephone, and transportation center.

    In the evenings the families go to the Host Congregation for dinner, overnight accommodations, and breakfast. The families arrive at thchurches around 5pm and leave the following morning at 6:30am. Congregations can host up to 4 families and a total of 14 individualsfor one-week periods. The arrive at the new congregations on Sunday evening and leave the following Sunday morning.

    Volunteers are needed at FPC to prepare/provide meals, host evening activities (arts/crafts, homework assistance, infant assistance,reading, and so forth), along with hosting overnight. The are also opportunities for assisting with set up and breakdown of rooms, beds,toys, etc. and providing transportation for the families as needed. In general there are approximately 50 opportunities for assist-ing/volunteering during the week that we host these families in need.

    If you would like to know more about IHN and volunteering opportunities please contact Joe Sheideler (856) 461-5475

    Hosting Schedule for 2011/2012

    October 2330, 2011

    January 1522, 2011

    Princeton Theological Seminary presents:


    Featur ing FUMA SACRA

    Thursday, October 27, 2011 at 7:30pm

    A concert celebrating the 400th anniversary of the King

    James Bible, featuring the classic chamber choir Fuma

    Sacra, under the direction of Andrew Megill. Concertrepertoire will include music from the early 17th century,

    and modern settings of texts from the KJV.

    Youre invited to attend the ISG Womens Retreat

    Held at St. Marys of Providence

    Elverson, PA

    More Beautiful than Diamonds

    Featured Speaker: Mrs. Susan Meers, speaking on gems

    Bible Study Leader: Ms. Ruth Stotsenburg

    Cost: $165 by January 15, 2012 $175 by March 1, 2012

    Reservations may be made by calling (856) 220-1602

    You Can Become an Angel!Support Angel Tree Prison Ministry this Christmas Season.

    Each Christmas season thousands of children more acutely feel the pain of separation and sense of abandonment that accompaniesthe incarceration of a parent. For the past five years our church has been helping to support Prison Fellowship Ministries with theirAngel Tree program to reach out to these children. Again this year, your Deacons will be setting up an Angel Tree to let you select alocal child or several children for whom you will purchase several gifts. Angel Tree provides us the names, ages, and wish lists of

    approximately 60 eligible children in Burlington and nearby Counties.

    Should you want to become an Angel this Christmas season, you will select a paper angel from the Angel Tree on SundayNovember 27th . Then during the week after Thanksgiving, you will purchase and wrap your gifts ($20-$30 maximum per child, usuallyone toy and one clothing item) and place them back under the tree on Sunday December 4th. The Deacons will see that the gifts getdelivered before Christmas. Please help us touch the lives of these children with the love of Jesus again this year. It is your chance tobe part of a great way to link children in need with caring Christians living in nearby communities.

    This can be a great thing for you and your f amily to do together. You may also want to help the Deacons even further by assistingin the gift delivery. We provide you the contact information, you set up a delivery date with the parent or guardian and deliver betweenDec. 4th and 24th. Those smiles of appreciation are wonderful things to share with your family.

    For more information contact Tom Hottenstein (856-866-0827) ([email protected]) or Kathy Stone (856-273-8082)([email protected]). The Angel Tree web address is (www.angeltree.org). Visit it to learn more ways to give and help.

  • 8/3/2019 October 2011 Weathervane


    October 2011 Calendar

  • 8/3/2019 October 2011 Weathervane


    The Wea t herva ne

    101 Bridgeboro Road

    Moorestown, NJ 08057

    First Presbyterian Church

    Do you want to help the church


    Call the church office to let us knowyou would like to read the Weathervane

    online each month.

    Give us your email address and we will send

    you a reminder to log on each month rather

    than receive a paper copy of the newsletter.

    To read the Weathervane online:

    Go to fpcmoorestown.org/weathervane

    Click on Weathervane

    Return Receipt Requested

    Volunteers Needed!

    CHILDRENS WORSHIP Leaders and Ass ist ants

    Specific dates need to be covered at the 8:30am and 11am services.

    If you are a member we ask you to serve once in the Fall/Winter.

    If you are a parent, we ask you to serve twice in the Fall/Winter

    Teens earn community service hours!

    Please detach and return to Jennifer Goulds mailbox in the church office. THANKS!

    Name_________________________________________ Phone_______________________

    Email Address_______________________________________________________________

    Childrens Worship preferred position____ Leader____ Assistant (Teen or Adult)

    ___12/11 @ 8:30am ___12/18 @ 8:30am ___1/15 @ 11am ___1/22 @ 8:30am or ___11am ___1/29 @ 11am

    Or ____next rotation (February 2012May 2012)


    Q ti ? C ll J if G ld t 856 235 1688 124 il j ld@f t