October 2004 www.ovlr.org Volume XXI, Number 10 Last Look at the Birthday Party OTTAWA VALLEY LAND ROVERS Christine gets her feet wet. HangDog look at BP’s end. Like bees to honey. photos by Bill O’Hara

October 2004 Volume XXI, Number 10 Last Look ... · Mannion ([email protected]) or via post to the club address. Photographs should be sent directly to S.L. Mannion,

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Page 1: October 2004 Volume XXI, Number 10 Last Look ... · Mannion (ottawavalleylandrovers@sympatico.ca) or via post to the club address. Photographs should be sent directly to S.L. Mannion,

October 2004 www.ovlr.org Volume XXI, Number 10

Last Look at the Birthday Party


Christine gets her feet wet.

HangDog look at BP’s end.Like bees to honey.


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Page 2: October 2004 Volume XXI, Number 10 Last Look ... · Mannion (ottawavalleylandrovers@sympatico.ca) or via post to the club address. Photographs should be sent directly to S.L. Mannion,

Ottawa Valley Land Rovers — October 20042

OVLR Newsletter

General InformationOttawa Valley Land Rovers is the oldest and

largest Land Rover club in Canada. Membership isopen to all Land Rover enthusiasts. Executivemeetings are held on the first Monday of everymonth. Social meetings are held on the thirdMonday of every month, generally at the PrescottHotel on Preston Street.

OVLR offers a monthly newsletter and avariety of activities throughout the year, frommechanical seminars and off-road rallies to socialevents and family oriented outings. Membersreceive discounts on parts from a number of NorthAmerican suppliers. Off-road activities come inseveral categories. The light version, which isusually entertainment during a rally or at one ofour family summer events, consists of a little “mudbogging” or tours along country lanes. The heavystuff, which is usually several days across publiclands navigating by compass, topographical mapsand aerial photos, involves bridge building, riverbarging, and driving conditions ranging from cedarswamp to rocky hill winching.

Membership: Canadians joining throughoutthe year pay $35 CDN per year, Americans andothers pay $30 US per year. Membership is validfor one year.

OVLR Executive and General Hangers-On

PresidentChristine [email protected]

Secretary-TreasurerDave [email protected]

Events CoordinatorTerry [email protected]

Off-road CoordinatorJean-Leon [email protected]

Past-president and ArchivistKevin [email protected]

AuditorChristian [email protected]

OVLR Newsletter

ISSN 1203-8237

is published twelve times per year for club members. The editor welcomessubmissions of text and photographs for publication.

Submissions: Articles may be submitted to the Editor, Shannon LeeMannion ([email protected]) or via post to the clubaddress. Photographs should be sent directly to S.L. Mannion, 2-41 FlorenceStreet, Ottawa, ON Canada K2P 0W6. Please include photographer’s name,captions, identifications of people and vehicles, and a return address if youwant the photos back.

Deadlines: Submissions to the OVLR Newsletter must be received by the15th of every month for inclusion in that month’s newsletter. All itemssubmitted for publication should be legible and signed. Names maybe withheldat the request of the writer. This is your newsletter. If you wish to writeanything, we welcome your input of any kind.

Editorial Policy: The Editor of the OVLR newsletter reserves the right toedit any submitted material for space and content considerations. Articles,statements, and opinions appearing in the OVLR newsletter do not necessarilyreflect the position of the officers, board of directors, members of the OVLR, orits sponsors or advertisers. Where specific data regarding operation, safety,repairs, or legislation are concerned you are advised to obtain independentverification. The Club, officers, and contributors can accept no responsibilityfor the result of errors or omissions given in this newsletter or by any othermeans.

Copyright: Pursuant to the Berne Convention, no portion of the OVLRNewsletter may be reprinted without written permission of the editor.Copyright is held by the author of articles or photographer and the balanceheld by OVLR. Where permission is granted, citation must include month andyear of the OVLR issue.

Newsletter Content Editors:Shannon Lee [email protected]

Alastair [email protected]

PO Box 36055, 1318 Wellington Street

Ottawa, Ontario Canada K1Y 4V3

OVLR MarshallMurray [email protected]

Returning OfficerYour Name Here

Exec. Member-at-LargeYour Name Here

Mechandising CoordinatorsChristine [email protected]

Andrew [email protected]

WebmasterDixon [email protected]

Newsletter Production Editor:Lynda [email protected]

Production HelpBruce [email protected]


Thanks to all our HelpersMurray Jackson, Roy Parsons, Kevin Newell, Bruce Ricker, Peter Gaby, FredJoyce, Andrew Finlayson, Terry King and all those whose names I just know I’mforgetting.

Onlinehttp://www.ovlr.orgAny ideas for the website please contact Dixon KennerLand Rover FAQ: http://www.fourfold.org/LR_FAQ

Radio FrequenciesVHF 146.520CB channel 1FRS channel 1 sub 5SW 14.160 MHzOVLR/Land Rover HAM:14.160Mhz @ 01:00GMT Tuesdays

Submissions DeadlineThe 15th of the month for inclusion in next month’sissue.

Advertising Information$35 CDN for 1/4 page ad,must run for minimum of three months.

Page 3: October 2004 Volume XXI, Number 10 Last Look ... · Mannion (ottawavalleylandrovers@sympatico.ca) or via post to the club address. Photographs should be sent directly to S.L. Mannion,

Ottawa Valley Land Rovers — October 2004 3

Beneath the Bonnet

Hey man, what’s

going on?

OVLR Calendar of Events


Socials are held at the Prescott Hotel onPreston Street in Ottawa the third Monday ofevery month at 7:00 p.m.

Executive Meeting

Executive meetings are held on the firstMonday of the month. Please call ChristineRose for location. (613) 823-3150

Friday, December 3, 2004

Christmas Party will be held on December 3rdat the Hungarian Community Centre, 43 CapitalDrive, Nepean K2G 0E7

Calendar of Events .................................................................................... 3

Welcome New Members ............................................................................ 3

Statistically Speaking provided by Bruce Ricker ........................................... 3

Mid-Atlantic Rallye by Terry King ........................................................... 4-6

The Christmas Party provided by Christine Rose .......................................... 6

Mid-Atlantic Rallye by Ron Ward ............................................................... 7

Oilier than Thou photos by Shannon Lee Mannion ................................. 8-10

The transplant a great success! by Kevin Newell ................................. 11-13

We Get Mail! by Dixon Kenner .................................................................. 14

Classifieds ............................................................................................... 15

Last Look at the Birthday Party by Bill O’Hara ........................................ 15

Statistically Speakingprovided by Bruce Ricker

Where we stand:

69 pdf. recipients

36 affiliated members

82 hard copy recipients

187 total membership

Welcome New Members

Rick Sala of Montreal with a 2001 Range Rover

David Westhaver of Val-Des-Monts with a1971 Series IIA

Stewart Appegath from Cape Breton, N.S. witha 1973 Series 111 109

Page 4: October 2004 Volume XXI, Number 10 Last Look ... · Mannion (ottawavalleylandrovers@sympatico.ca) or via post to the club address. Photographs should be sent directly to S.L. Mannion,

Ottawa Valley Land Rovers — October 20044

story by Terry King

Photos by Brian Scott, Derek Penny, Terry King andan unknown photographer

A chance for an extended summer is hard tocome by at home so four of us packed ourcamping gear into Kevin Willey’s Defender andKevin Newell’s Series, named Stan. As wepacked, it occurred to me to say “This ain’t noDisco” in comparing KW’s Defender to aDiscovery. More on that later. At the border, USCustoms demonstrated their latest gadget, a full-size x-ray machine that passed over bothvehicles. KW. asked for a copy of the shot but hewas politely refused. No doubt he wanted tocheck his welding for defects <G>.

New York State was uneventful, but wecouldn’t help noticing that Pennsylvania couldsave a lot of money on signage if they just put uptwo signs at their borders declaring “RoadConstruction Starts” and “ Road ConstructionEnds”… instead of the construction signs every 5miles …

In any case, as we rolled onto the rally site atnoon in Virginia, we found that there wasalready a roll-over, thanks to Steve Young … the

Picture the OVLR Birthday Party at SilverLake, with 70 to 80 vehicles there, now keepadding a vehicle every few minutes for the next24 hours day. The final count on Sunday was 392… purportedly the biggest such gathering inNorth America ever.

After getting settled in, we went for a trailride, of course. The trails were very muddy, orgumbo, a combination of mud and clay, andthere was lots of water as a result of thehurricanes and rain that preceded us. The accessto the neighbouring island was flooded, (12 feetof water ?!) so it was closed to offroading, butnot to be denied, we went out and found muchmud and water on the River Run.

At the crossing, Kevin Newell got pulled offhis line and was soon half submerged in the

The 2004 Mid-Atlantic Rally

Freelander on the left, now back on its feet. The2004 MAR was underway!

As both Kevins were previously decreed to be“Trail Marshals” they had stickers to that effectaffixed to their windows even as we set up ourtents in the warm sun.

(continued on page 5)

Page 5: October 2004 Volume XXI, Number 10 Last Look ... · Mannion (ottawavalleylandrovers@sympatico.ca) or via post to the club address. Photographs should be sent directly to S.L. Mannion,

Ottawa Valley Land Rovers — October 2004 5

The noted off-road expert Bill Burke was on-hand for the weekend to conduct seminars andhands-on sessions on offroading techniques. Billis seen waving from Canadians Derek andChristine Penny’s Freelander at the start of theWomen’s Offroad session. By all accounts it was

James River. After about 15 minutes finishing thiscrossing, we moved on to the next leg, the PowerLine, featuring the “Tank Trap”. This was the siteof Steve’s earlier roll in the mud. Despite avaliant charge at the Trap, KN got hung up on hisrear suspension, and needed a tug out. KW gotthrough the Trap with a couple of tries. Afteranother hour on the last leg of the journey,which included a steep incline in the muck., wefound ourselves back at camp, just in time fordinner, and lights out.

On Saturday we had a chance to wanderabout the site and see the various vehicles at therally, while mostly Defenders and Discoverys,there was a good mix of all models. One of myfavourites was a Masai Red 110 Series inimmaculate condition. If you look closely youcan see the mud on its tires, evidence of thegrueling conditions <G>.

(continued on page 6)

When not offroading drivers were invited torun RTV trials, teeter-totters, and balancing acts.

Mid-Atlantic Rally (continued from page 4)

Page 6: October 2004 Volume XXI, Number 10 Last Look ... · Mannion (ottawavalleylandrovers@sympatico.ca) or via post to the club address. Photographs should be sent directly to S.L. Mannion,

Ottawa Valley Land Rovers — October 20046

Mid-Atlantic Rally (continued from page 5)

an informative and fun time.

As well as offroading, Christine and AngelaYoung provided tons of hot food (and cookies) totheir hungry neighbours, and daylong activitiesfor the gathered offspring. Well done, ladies!

I’m not sure if the offroading ever stopped,you could hear groups venturing out from dawntil way past dark onto the nearby trails forslipping and sliding. Mostly slipping.

With all the vehicles it did get a little crazy attimes, and the Marshals were sometimes calledupon to direct traffic. On Saturday I spent a fewhours with the Marshals co-ordinating trafficaround a dozen Discos that required a lot ofwinching on the River trail. The Defendersgenerally were able to get through this stretchbut it was a real challenge for vehicles notspecially equipped for the mud. Eventually, one

trail was limited to winch-only vehicles. It wason this trip that we decided to walk a trail to seeif it was passable. I innocently stepped into onepuddle that looked about a foot deep and sunk tomy hip. Jay, the Marshal I was with, offered me aride back to camp in his new Freelander, but Ichose to walk and found a clear stream on theway back to get the red mud off.

There was a great catered dinner and auctionon Saturday night, followed by gatherings of late-night snackers and story-tellers, and moreoffroads for some, and eventually a little sleep.

On Sunday, everyone packed up their gear,said their goodbyes, and reluctantly got on theroad for home.

Thanks ROAV for a great weekend ! We’ll seeyou next time at the MAR.

Ottawa Valley Land Rover

Christmas Party

Friday December 3rd

Cocktails 6:00 pm

Dinner 6:30 pm

Hungarian Community Centre

43 Capital Drive, Nepean

Please RSVP to Christine Rose

By November 26th

[email protected]



Page 7: October 2004 Volume XXI, Number 10 Last Look ... · Mannion (ottawavalleylandrovers@sympatico.ca) or via post to the club address. Photographs should be sent directly to S.L. Mannion,

Ottawa Valley Land Rovers — October 2004 7

by Ron Ward

My brother Rick Ward and I arrived at theMAR rally site in Buckingham County, VA onThursday, September 30 around 1130 a.m. Iwas in my 1997 D90 and Rick in his 1968 IIa88. We’d left Georgia, US the day before andstopped overnight in Danville, VA just insidethe border. We stopped at the registration tentand were pleased to be given registrationstickers 18 and 20 (someone snuck in linewhile I was recording my tag number…) whichmeant we were in the very first early group toarrive. We’d be joined by the rest of ourSouthern Land Rover Society (SOLAROS)convoy later that same day, so a nice widecamping spot was on the list of things to doright away.

We took the trail around the pond and upto the first upper field from the farm house.There we located a fine spot in the back of thesecond clearing, right on the treeline. Weroped off a spot large enough to accommodatethe other trucks coming that day, and set upour individual tents. Our group joined us laterthat day and included four Range RoverClassics of early vintage, and a 2000Discovery. Drivers were Mark Lewis, RossDavidson, Chris Legault (in a newly rebuiltCamel Trophy spec Rangie), Steve Herrod, andJack Walter. Navigators and Radio Operators(passengers) were Mike Pado and ScottBowden. Chris and Renee Schramm, also fromGeorgia, and their 3 boys would be joining thegroup Friday morning.

Thursday afternoon and evening was spentshuffling back and forth between the campsiteand rally control and a couple of turns on thepower line trail, and down to the river to checkout the water level. This was my fourth MAR inas many years and I was anxious to see howthe trails had held up following the hurricanesof the previous weeks. I was not disappointed.

Friday we spent wheeling the lake loop trailand enjoyed Ross’ famous tacos by thecampsite. Friday evening we visited with

friends and enjoyed a couple of recoveries fromfailed attempts at the hill climb down by theriver causeway. Seems a couple of Range RoverClassics from NC had gotten stuck. Someonesaid it took a diesel Toyota FJ to pull the redRangie out, but they must be telling a damn lie.

Saturday was even more fun with the rallycontrol area in full swing with the RTI ramp,vendors and food. The weather turned sunnyand warm and soon afternoon showers dampedthe already muddy tracks. The river trail,straight past the still blocked causeway wasour destination for the afternoon. Apparentlywe were six of 28 trucks that had the samedestination in mind. The first mud hole claimeda Series truck and brought the group to a halt.Over an hour later, with the rain coming down,we orchestrated an about face and headedback to camp. Nearly two hours after leavingcamp, we’d managed to move 100 yards downthe trail.

Saturday evening’s events were much fun.The food was great and the entertainmentvalue of the Robert Davis auction was worththe price of admission (!!). As is the usual, thefun and camaraderie around the Schramm’sfire ring back at camp was the highlight of theweekend for this tight group of friends. And itis always a treat to meet old friends at MARthat you only hear from on the Internet.

The event, as always, was excellentlymanaged by the ROAV staff and volunteers.Many thanks to the Adamson’s for use of theirproperty and Joe and Mary Sanders, StuartMoore and Robert Davis for their hard work tomake the event so much fun. I look forward toit every year and hope to see my friends thereagain in 2005.

P.S: Weekend casualties included a failedalternator on Chris Legault’s RRC, and abroken CV joint cage on Jack Walter’s RRC.1,268 trouble-free miles round trip for me.Can’t wait until next year. See y’all at SAE inNovember!!!

Mid-Atlantic Rally

Page 8: October 2004 Volume XXI, Number 10 Last Look ... · Mannion (ottawavalleylandrovers@sympatico.ca) or via post to the club address. Photographs should be sent directly to S.L. Mannion,

Ottawa Valley Land Rovers — October 20048

Roy Bailie, owner of KanataCollision, and estimable host of theclub’s annual Oiler, says he broughthis truck in for an oil change at thatKanata Collision and look what theydid to it! He says he’s never, evergoing to take his truck there again.

Employee of the Month! Way to go, Terry!

Larry looks on while those cheeky Dowell brothers,thinking alike as only brothers can, flick their tonguesat the camera.

Oilier than Thouphotos by Shannon Lee Mannion

OK, start themovie and we’llsit down!

Sean McGuire discusses with DavePell and Roy Parsons how best torelieve Yves Fortin of the tool boxfrom the back of his LR.

Brian Scott gives his 1995 Disco a once-over. Helooked like he’d taken a bath in the oil when hegot through with the job.

Page 9: October 2004 Volume XXI, Number 10 Last Look ... · Mannion (ottawavalleylandrovers@sympatico.ca) or via post to the club address. Photographs should be sent directly to S.L. Mannion,

Ottawa Valley Land Rovers — October 2004 9

Can this man see what he’sdoing? Any oil on the ceiling?Any on the truck???

Kevin Newell does thediesel! (“Is this the upend?” he asks coyly.)

Ah ha. Fred Barrett reads the instructionswhile Yves Fortin counts the parabolicsand gives the thumbs up. This is beforemissing parts were discovered andwailing and gnashing of teeth ensued.

Looks like Victoria’sSecret garmentshanging from theback door.

John Cockell touches up what thecommercial guys missed on his 1998110 TDi painted a cunning mini-metal-flake BRG.

John C, a happy camper now thathe’s oiled everything in sight.

Alastair Sinclair says,“Let me just slip intosomething morecomfortable and I’ll beright with you, Darling.”

Page 10: October 2004 Volume XXI, Number 10 Last Look ... · Mannion (ottawavalleylandrovers@sympatico.ca) or via post to the club address. Photographs should be sent directly to S.L. Mannion,

Ottawa Valley Land Rovers — October 200410

Does that sign say, “JustMarried”. Hey, who gotmarried in the club and didn’tsend wedding photos for thenewsletter?

The old and the new, theborrowed and the blue. Waita minute, this isn’t awedding! (But they wouldhave cute pups.)

Oiler than Thou (continued from page 9)

The Dowell twins ignore Roy Bailieas he admonishes them about anynumber of things.

Some convert to a different religion but Kevin N, heconverts to diesel ... and is justifiably proud.º

In this photo, a light-fingered colleague (whonameless shall be) tries to steal the glow plugs andbreak Stan’s chugging little diesel heart.

Alastair S. gets thoseniggling hood spots onhis 1995 Disco.

Page 11: October 2004 Volume XXI, Number 10 Last Look ... · Mannion (ottawavalleylandrovers@sympatico.ca) or via post to the club address. Photographs should be sent directly to S.L. Mannion,

Ottawa Valley Land Rovers — October 2004 11

by Kevin Newell

This is the last in a multi part series ofarticles by Kevin Newell on the adventures of anoil burner.

To the voices of Ren and Stimpy …”Happy !Happy! Joy! Joy!”

Stan’s transplant is great success… LandRover should have been putting these engines intheir products here in North America years ago…

When I last left you, (before the birthdayparty) I was just about ready for final re-assembly and had taken pressure off myself bydeciding to not go to the Adventure TeamChallenge 2004 in Kansas. Secret … Shhhhhh! Ifyou went to the 21st OVLR Birthday Party or the MidAtlantic Rally you know that Stan’s transplant workedout for the best!

Power steering… I had purchased a T IConsole power steering ram from Bill at GBRalmost two years ago and had not yet installed it.

This is what youget in TIC powersteering conversionkit for a Series LandRover. I actuallyused only some ofthe parts in Stan;items 1 through 5, 7and 9 were notneeded.

Since the TIC kitis purpose built, itwas a fairly straight

forward install. I used the Tdi power steeringpump but I had to have the hose end re-fitted,otherwise it was pretty easy. The large diameterpipe you see in the upper right of the picture isactually the lower intercooler intake pipe.

Thursday night JL shows up with the diffs. Hebrings a friend (Brooks) who is interested in myold 2.25. A deal is struck and money exchangeshands. Earlier in the day I had taken delivery ofthe 24-spline heavy duty axles from GBR in Utah(thanks for the speedy service Bill). I had alsodropped off the prop shafts, for shortening, to ahigh school friend of Kevin’s at Crilly Chassisworks here in Ottawa. They’ll be readytomorrow. That night my nephew gets the olddiffs and rear axles out for me… He is amazed athow easily everything comes part and goes backtogether, “like a Mechano set” he says… (I didn’tthink he was old enough to even know aboutMechano but he tells me that it was the coolesttoy he had as a kid).

Terry King drops by again to give me a handso I get him to install the two new gas tanks thatmy nephew had recently sealed and Terry hadpainted a few days ago.

The transplant is a great success!

What Terry lacks inbackyard DIY skills hemakes for up by learningquickly. We get theminstalled and I begin toplumb in the new nylon fuelpick-up and return lines.The fuel system is nowready. I test the cut off

(continued on page 12)

Page 12: October 2004 Volume XXI, Number 10 Last Look ... · Mannion (ottawavalleylandrovers@sympatico.ca) or via post to the club address. Photographs should be sent directly to S.L. Mannion,

Ottawa Valley Land Rovers — October 200412

solenoid and she works fine, so I startpreliminary running of new wiring.

The rest of my parts for the running gear andTerry are on hand on Saturday. We geteverything together and Terry tells me he wantsto tackle the front axle. He wants to learn aboutthe “swivel ball thing”. I give him direction andlet him have at it while I struggle with my 30year old wiring and splicing together the Tdiwiring into Stan’s nervous system. The mass ofcolours and jumbles of swirling wires behind thegauge console make me think of what it mightlook like if Walt Disney threw up! (Vividtechnicolour) Kind of explains the Lucas electricsissue if you ask me… I decide to put relays oneverything that has a draw.

Terry gets the front end apart in no time andis ready to put in the new stuff. First the frontdiff, next we build up the drive shafts with thenew U joints… everything stops at this point. Ineed new spacers, bearing race and “distance”pieces for the new outer half shafts. A quick callto Eric Riston at AB and they are in the mail, Ishould have them by Monday. Terry and I go pickup the custom cut prop shafts and install them. Ithen finish off the neurosurgery on Stan anddiscover that the glow plug relay will not shut offthe glow plugs as I will not need this months formany months yet (I unplug it).

Terry mentions something about theclearance on the prop shaft and we are now bothlying under Stan as Terry points out the problem.I say “thanks, it’s not a problem” I’ll get you theangle grinder. “You want me to do it”? He asks…(He has a glint of childlike giddiness in his eyes)“Hey if you want to have it… go for it” it ell him.I show him how it works and where best to cut it.While Terry is cutting off part of the right sideengine mount I start putting the fenders in placeand begin the hateful task of putting relays andnew wires to the headlights and driving lamps ( Ihad purchased a kit to wire in heavy gauge wiresand relays to my headlights now I can run 100watt bulbs).

Sunday Terry and I are putting the interiorback in Stan, well Terry is doing it while Isupervise and continue the neurosurgery.Monday we get the winch installed on the

bumper (I rebuilt it with new solenoids last fall)and we start the hook up to the second batteryand the dual battery isolator. Once done I findout the winch is dead. I’ll fix this later in thesummer. We take the Defender bonnet, grill andmy alloy door tops to Roy Baileys place, KanataCollision, where he’ll colour match them to hisoriginal paint job done several years ago “FordFS Green” I assure him is the colour.

One day later all panels are ready. Terry givesme ride to pick them up in his Disco. Note to allout there, a Defender bonnet fits just fine inside aDisco. I now bolt all the panels in place and fitthe door tops with their windows again and putthem back where they belong… with the rest ofthe door. Lining up the hood latch is very fiddlybut it is finally sorted out after many slams,cursing, grunts and some gentle nudging. Stan islooking more like a Land Rover than a go cartevery minute.

With his exoskeleton in place I feel it is timeto try to see if his heart can withstand a jolt froma new Optima red top. I roll him out of the ICUwhere he has undergone surgery and rehab forthe last 9 months. I cross my fingers and give thekey a turn… lots of starter noise and engineturning over but no joy in Kanata. Being new todiesel I go through my checklist in my head. Fuellines good, solenoid shut off good, fuel deliverygood, fuel filter primed, fuel separator primed,no leaks anywhere. My wife Linda is present andasks sheepishly isn’t it supposed to start? I turnthe key again and it roars to life. Boy am I glad I

Transplant (continued from page 11)

(continued on page 13)

Page 13: October 2004 Volume XXI, Number 10 Last Look ... · Mannion (ottawavalleylandrovers@sympatico.ca) or via post to the club address. Photographs should be sent directly to S.L. Mannion,

Ottawa Valley Land Rovers — October 2004 13

didn’t waste all that money! Boy is my wife glad Ididn’t waste all OUR money! Even without anexhaust it is not loud like a gas engine would be.High fives are had all around and a fewneighbors walk over to see the momentousoccasion. At this point I am very satisfied to saythe least.

anticipate. All in all I think I have a great LandRover and far better than any gas engine vehicle Ihave driven off road. I recently drove down to theMid Atlantic Rally with my brother in law andhad a great time. I used $180.00 Canadiandollars in gas and averaged 26 to 28 miles pergallon doing an average of 66 miles per hour.

The OVLR birthday party is in one day, I haveno exhaust and can not get one ready in time. Igo to CTC and get a 2 1?2 inch right angel bendpipe and shoot my exhaust to the ground …Good enough.


So is it worth it? To me best it is the vehicle Ihave ever built or owned. I love the diesel rumbleand the torque this power plant has. It tookabout 3 weeks longer than I had expected and Ihad several hundred dollars of stuff I did not

Stan loves water and mud, the only problemis that a Tdi is very different to drive off roadthan a 2.25 gas engine. So different in fact I havehad to re-learn how to drive my Land Rover offroad.

Spool it up and let it go! I hope you haveenjoyed my foibles and stories. Thanks Kane,Terry, Kevin, Eric, Roy, Ed and anyone else I amtoo simple to remember.

See you out there …

Transplant (continued from page 12)

Remember!OVLR Christmas Party

Friday December 3rd

RSVP by November 26th

(see page 6)


Page 14: October 2004 Volume XXI, Number 10 Last Look ... · Mannion (ottawavalleylandrovers@sympatico.ca) or via post to the club address. Photographs should be sent directly to S.L. Mannion,

Ottawa Valley Land Rovers — October 200414

(OK, Dixon gets mail and shares it with us.)

We listen in on Dixon’s private and oh-so-confidential mail but only because we knowthat Stew wants us to know about hisfantastic good fortune in giving a goodhome to a Series III LR.

his ’85 Defender, but he is moving imminently toCalgary.

I look forward to receiving your newslettersoon.

regards, Stewart Applegath

Welcome aboard, Stew and Bell!

Note from Stewart:

By the way, I parked the Rover temporarily atmy local service station and the proprietor, SeanMurphy told me that it is causing a stir. I toldhim he could start charging to look, to cover thespace I am taking up at the garage. He also saidthat a certain “LandRover Bill” from NewBrunswick (just passing through in a Rover)stopped when he saw it, and left a bunch ofinformation and references (parts dealers etc.)for my benefit. I hope owning the beauty willalways be this easy!

We Get Mail!

Hello Dixon, it starts,

And continues: My wife Bell and I recentlypurchased a 73 Series III rover, 109 5 door fromStephen Cahill in Halifax.; he referred me to theOVLR and said you were the place to be. I sentmy membership fees yesterday, and have had achance to look at your site—very helpful. Weboth love this vehicle and look forward to havingit for a long time.

I live in Cape Breton and am a first timeowner, although I still have a ’73 TR6, so I amused to the intricacies of British car ownership. Ilook forward to doing some upgrades to thecondition of my new vehicle, and look forward tousing it regularly, rather than as a once-in-a-while thing.

Stephen, as you may know, already did quitea bit of work on it, changing it from right to left-hand drive, and replacing some rusty floorpanels etc. I had it checked by a mechanic who isfamiliar with these vehicles, and he thought theengine was in pretty good shape. I am replacingthe starter this week, and would like to give it amore thorough twice-over, give it a tune-upbefore winter sets in, and also get at the frame toclean it up and undercoat it.

Your info. is great, but on the alternate partspages I could not find mention of the type ofbrake shoes to be used – could you let me knowif these must come from Rover, if you do not havethem listed. The rear pads are worn and need tobe replaced immediately.

Remember: OVLR Christmas Party

Friday December 3rd

RSVP by November 26th (see page 6)

I met anotherRover man here, PeterKozlik, who is selling

Page 15: October 2004 Volume XXI, Number 10 Last Look ... · Mannion (ottawavalleylandrovers@sympatico.ca) or via post to the club address. Photographs should be sent directly to S.L. Mannion,

Ottawa Valley Land Rovers — October 2004 15


Looking for Military style connector. Circular 12 pinmale connector ( the part that comes off a trailerand plugs into Circular connector on rear crossmember of ex MOD truck) I have an 1975 ex-modtruck 109” and would like to make an adaptor fromthe military connector to the regular 4 pin trailerconnector. My wiring harness is in good shape(relatively) and I would like to avoid cutting into it.If you have a connector lying around or you knowwhere I can buy one please contact me.Dave Pelle-mail [email protected] 613 791-2994


FREE add space to members.Send information and/or photos to:[email protected]


4.2 litre V-8; Black with Tan Interior; 136,000 km;All power options, plus air suspension. Well-maintained and many new parts by dealer in thelast year. Asking $12,000. Call Ian at 613-831-4206after 6 p.m.

The Conga Line

Follow the Leader

A Trip tothe Spa

Last Look at the Birthday Party

Serving the Master


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Page 16: October 2004 Volume XXI, Number 10 Last Look ... · Mannion (ottawavalleylandrovers@sympatico.ca) or via post to the club address. Photographs should be sent directly to S.L. Mannion,

Ottawa Valley Land Rovers — October 200416

Roy Parsons as a blondSean McGuire enjoys a bit of shade in his ’95

Disco while Roy Parsons’ hair gleams blindinglyblond in the bright sunlight. Roy says, “If I’ve onlyone life to lead, let me live it as a blond.” This is asentiment with which I agree whole-heartedly.