ocr.lib.ncsu.edu · checked the area btii no one knew whothrew the bottle 'l'erest (‘t'ockeix assistant director oi l’ttblIL SIiiLty said. "Students ha\L a thponsibility to make

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Page 1: ocr.lib.ncsu.edu · checked the area btii no one knew whothrew the bottle 'l'erest (‘t'ockeix assistant director oi l’ttblIL SIiiLty said. "Students ha\L a thponsibility to make

against George Mason University and Alabama.

Strikershome forWeekendAfter losing to Duke Wednesday night. the Wolfpadt womensvolleyball team is getting set for the weekend. with matches

Sports/Page 3

Ktxhstt)0mllorlmy Monteithforowing Vision 1999. the university-wide planto take NCSU into the next century.

Opinion/Page 4

Saturday should be sunnywith a high oi 74 and a low(W48. L/i\/

Weather/Page 2

TechnicianNorth Corolino State University’s Student Newspaper Since 1920

Volume LXXII, Number 24vthw:

lly lracey NIE.'\)l’ \nriti IThe l’lty sical l‘ll\ll'ttllliit‘lil ('otnmtttee oi‘ the FacultySenate rIIct 'l‘ltursday to discusscurrent Issttcs Itlchttng theenyii'onitIL-itt Itrotitttl .\' (‘ Statel'ni\ersity 's campus'l‘optcs cmercd ill the tttccttttgincluded regulating skateboardsing. classroom assignments.Bicycle Awareness lla\ andstepping tip recycling Iitid contposting eii'ortsSK.-\'l‘lIlll()I\Rl)lN(3l‘lte tIIItitI potitt oi this Issue in\ol\ed the sItiety oiskateboarding. (iuidclittcs were renewed by Richardll. Bernhard. who discussed iciniotcetitent oi the “No

Friday, October 18,1991 Raleigh, North Carolina

Skateboarding‘ tsgns III parking dLLks and said oiienders are hLing ItppILbended. llL Iilso testatLd ILLILItttotIItlskateboarding is not allowed. but using skateboards forcommuting is allowed.' CLASSROOM ASSIGNME.VATIONS"A lot oi' money Is being pttt tiito the upkeep ol' class—rootns by indi\idtIItl departments. and when otherdepartments start using these rooms. many problemsarise." said Larry (ii‘Itcie. associate director oi institu-tional research.(‘ertIiin standards will hate to be met iii the ititttre toensure that all rooms being Ieitotated are getting tlteproper attentionTo go along with tltts. lirian ('lIIise.Physical Plant. talked about iaettlty reporting problems.such as broken Llcsks oi unkcpt floors. to the buildingliaisons who can their report tltese problems to the


Llireetor ol'

Printed on 60". re(yLled paper3551‘.i.awe

PhysILIil Plant in oidti ioi dam to bL ll\Ltl’ RII.(\( LING(‘hase spoke ioi' (iay'le l-ranks. a stipenisor ioiPhysILItl l’lant. on recycling and dii'iereitt protectsN(‘Sl' was to be tnyolted In. (‘hIise spoke about thepush ior recycling iii the l-Iicttlty Senatel.ast year a bill was passed In w htcli a goal was set toincrease the rate oi recycling Recycling on campus hasIncreased since last year aitd Itow lli\t)l\L‘\ landscapingIIIItterials. asphalt. paper. glass and aluminum cans.(‘()MP()S’I‘I.\‘(;(linger /.ticchtno. Physical Plant. spoke about themoney sa\L-Ll by ott»cIiiIIpus composting l‘his is Itmajor project and will itt\ol\e the rise oi many cItIIiptisl'L‘SUlll'CCS.' NIGH'I‘WAIK(‘hitse spoke abottt Nightwalk. Ii proIcLI l-rlllIIlllllll'campus Itt night looking for problems Including broken

Editorial 515-2411 I‘ Advertising 515-2029

FalSn'lansto issues"lights poor lighting or bushes that may nLed trimmingllIL tIiItitI [lllll‘tlsL lot this is saiety ptLLIittttons.Bl(‘\'('l.lIISAn Idea was proposed lor Bike ,I\warencss Day byJanet lttlgct‘litli. chairman oi the biLycle stibLoInmittee.Brochures w Ill be giyen away and bicycle tricks will beshow It on tltc Brickyard.Hike Awareness Day is tentatnely planned ior thespringl: l-. llai'ris. director oi (‘antpus Planning. ended themeeting by going an tipdatc on the (‘amptis MasterPlan, “'l'his plan is an attempt to integrate physical witheducational Lle\clopniettr at State." said llurris.MontL-Ith suggested t‘enmatittg all buildings on campusbuilt bctot‘e I‘Nil()ther protects include a new -\t'htil‘L‘llllll Center. anl‘.ti\ltiiiitlietllttl Health and lla/atds Research (‘enterand It new center ioi' alumni ai‘iatrs

Up and at’em! “>st Detonation 1W1”

Prat'tit ing his triL ks behind Carmichael Gymnasium, Styrling Stroiher, who is the captain of the N.C. State University Rollerblade Teamjumps over [)an [tilt and Cyndi Hamilton, two other members of the club. The team plans to set up a demonstraion on the Brickyard inthe near future.

Weight—watching week to help womenHy (‘hris You57 yo yuan,lltt‘ ltititl, l'L‘Itt. .tIiLl li'L‘etlolitawareness wcck. sponsored by the(enter loi Health Directions aridlllt‘ SltltlL‘tils lot llt'ttllli \\\.tlL'liL'ss.ts tic\l weekl tttda -\lltil'l.i|l. the coordinator oithis ItIl'ortitatioital program. said thept'ogtaitis goal Is "to bitttg abotttawareness oi the ha/atds tltcphysical. mental. and eittottottal ttittttotl that can icsttlt itoittoyet/calotis dieting and tttIt'calistILpct‘spccttyL-s oi one's own weight,""liatiiig gone wrong” and “beingcotttiollctl by orte's weight" arc on

Teletip self-help messages now on TRACSBy Day id HengeStall Vi/rilw'Students w Ith crises may find helpits close as thctt‘ telephoneThe Wolipack l'cleltp tniottnattonscrttce oil'crs tree Itd\Ice on ctetythtrig it'oIII iItIIinctal aid to drugproblems to suicide'l‘hc sci'y icc recently began operattag on '\ (' Statc l'IttyL-rstry'sl‘R \(‘S systciit .tnd ts a\arl.ible 34hours a day. sL-Ien days a week toanyone who has a touchtoite tclcrphoneMost oi the messages are Itbotitthe minutes long and otter general


L‘ttllL‘gL‘S.tltc t'tsc III our culture. especially at.‘\ll.lll‘.lli sittd.She said Itbotit ‘lil percent or collcgc women tlttttk they weigh toomuch. Nil percent hIiyc dicted atleast once and. within that group.IS percent are perpetual dietersl'lIe "ttot‘tttal" woman, as \rcwcdl‘\ strctt‘l}. liIts l‘t‘L‘ii Lllslttl'lt‘tl l‘_\ lllL‘Image oi the Ilitltlt‘l'llllll wotIIItn IIIthe tncdta. .\ttcrt.itt said.Supplemental pamphlets. tactsheets. and trim sheets will be distrtbtttcd around campus l‘he progrant is geared not only to collegestudents and women. btit to exertperson wlto has concerns abotttweight or ittends who might ltayc

Inlottttatiott oi .ltl\l(t‘ about cachstibiect. .is w cll as iurthei sources oihelp.I‘m esaittplc. the message aboutdrugs begins' "'l‘he best way to pre\ent problems Is to talk about theL‘lleeis and L'otIsL‘qtiL‘tiL‘L‘s ol drugs."It lltctt goes Into the specilic Inlorntatiott Itbotit the cilects and lIIt/~ai'ds oi nicotine. rttItriqutna and(Health:The sitictdc help line oi‘i’ers Itnumber ol' telephone numbers tocall lot more pt‘ol'cssional Itd\ice.i'rotn student health tSISQSbM to Itnational Help l.rne 1823-4Mlil). ltItLlytscs: “Don't take suicidal

w eight problems,During this week. speakers willdiscitss Lollcgc students and how todeal with many Includingeating disorders; meicoitLL-tri withweight .tttd lood; healthy ways tocontrol ortc's weight. appreciationoi oiie‘s body. and diet.and weight lot athletes and nonrathrlL‘lt‘sl‘liill_\ llallancc will discuss the"l'i\c Secrets to Sttcccssittl \\ctght('otitrol.".\lomlay at " p III III thel‘li'tt\\il Room oi the Student ('ciitct\\cdncsd.i_\ at 7 pin in tire (irccnRoottt oi the Student ('ctrtct. lhaitaN'cwlon will be present "Real\\otncn llo l‘itt "



thoughts lightly "lhc newest i'eature ol the\k'olipack lclettp ts called l'hc .\ilsat \'('Sl' ('otntng :\lll'itClItill\. Thisline includes tip todate Itiiottttationon tlic \aiious Llcpartttienrs oi thelliyisioii oi Student .v\i‘iItiis.lo use \\olip.tck l‘elcttp. call thesctyice .tt SIS Vi”. listen to [lieInstructions. and. when prorttpted.enter the appropriate three digitIttcssagc code on .i Iotithtone tclcrphonel'tii a complete list oi Lodcs. go bythe Departntcnt oi Student :\li.IIt‘sIII Harris Hall or call Donald l1.l’Ittty .tt 5 S lilis‘J

'l‘lItIt'sday at p III at the“mucus ('cntcr ll lS oi NelsonllItll. Sarah :\\l1 will be discussing"Izattng (lone “tong Signs.Symptoms, and How to Help itl‘i‘tend.” and at "‘ ill p III that tttglttIII the (lid Senate llali lx‘ooiit. il lSoi the Student ('cntci. spcakci .lohnRabino will be showing .i \ Ideo anddiscussing "l-ood. l't‘.il_ .tttdl’et'l'oi‘ItIancc "()n the last day ol the awarenessweek. l‘titl.t_\. at lfilit p III tn the\\oIIIen's('entci. it |.\' \clson llIiII.speaker [on I Mallard w Ill be endtrig with a discussion on "l'attng(lone Wrong and (letting llack onl'iItck."l

TeletipTo be used with a touchtonephone. First dial 515-3737.121 Financial Aid331 Coping with stress344 Loniiness367 Sexual Harassment411 Alcohol information461 HIV-AIDS496 Drugs521 Landlord/Tenant law

Ball games get

more security

Public Safety topress charges ifdebris is thrownBy Jennifer BarkleySign ‘NritptAt the request oi the athleticsdepartment. l’ublic Saiety will bemore aggres—si\ e III goingIil'tL‘t‘ peoplew ho throwthings lront thestands at tootrball games.said Markl..iBatl‘cr'a.assistant athletiL‘s tlll'L‘L'ltll"We watit stu~deitts to be aware that throwing andhitting someone with It bottle Isassault with a deadly weapon IittdPublic Saiety will charge peoplewith such Ii they caught."LIiini'bet'Ii said.l’tihlic Salctyiii\ol\L‘tl.(‘orporal [,art'y l:llis_ head orcrime prewntron. said. "The depart-


.ll‘L‘plans to get

lllt‘lll is going to be on a. higherlL‘\Cl ol awareness concerning theeniorccment oi the uniyer‘sity alco-hol policy.""Most people are not aware thatthere Is a North Carolina statute thatmakes It It misdemeanor to throw'anything tit'oin the stands) at usporting eyent." l.IiBarbera saidl'hts action iollows an Incident atthe (ieorgia Tech game In which atitan and his daughter were injuredby ‘.l thrown bottleAccording to Public Satet). .lohnFarmer. the lather oi an NCSU stu—dent. was taken to one oi the firstaid stations and then transported tothe Re\ Hospital limergency Room.ttter he was hit III the head with Itbottle thrown irotn the upper deckoi (‘ai'ter Finley Stadiuml’tibltc Safety reported that theychecked the area btii no one knewwho threw the bottle'l'erest (‘t'ockeix assistant directoroi l’ttblIL SIiiLty said. "Studentsha\L a thponsibility to makeauthorities aware ol' who hasthrown an obiect."The athletics department plans toha\e undercoyer patrollet's III thestands at ittture games. and PublicSillt‘l) will watch the stands closeltli'ttlli the press box '

Gambling on campusBy Katherine (‘IirrollSta" Witter'l‘itcker. Bowen and l‘tttlrngronresidence halls haye routed togetherto host their tlttrd annual 'l‘ll'l('asino Night totttght.'l‘he netting is planned to pit»ntote alcohol awareness. tnyititigall NC. State l'tIt\crsity studentsto lI.t\e an cnroyablc e\ening in analcohol tree en\tionniettt_ saidDana lltinstngct. e\cnt oIganI/ciSllL‘ s.i|tl plL‘lil) ill ttL’llHllL‘s Itit‘planned tor the e\ening\k'hcn students entci. they maypay SI and tccenc Sltiiitl worth oiplay irtotiLy l‘hIs money cart beused to gamble w tilt at Black Jack.roulette attd craps llterc will also

be an auction at w hieli students canuse the play money.The pri/es to be auctioned ol‘i~InLlude a \Ideo cassette recorder. acoIIIpItct disk player. two answeringmachines. It one~yeItr stipply ot'lil'tlt‘gg‘t‘hs bagels. T-sltirts and agilt certificate’l'll'l‘ will also be gititig ottt doorpit/cs..~\itd ll gambling is not for you.there w ill be dancing all nightl'he eyent will be in the African-»\tncttcan (‘tilttti'al (‘ctttei' Multi-l’uiposc Room. 0 pm l .I m."l .tst war we had wet it)” sitt-dents pIirtiL'Ipatc." littnsinger said."I‘his year we would like to see atleast that many show tip. it' nottnore "Rural life gets a boost

from Extension Servicell} Robert 'I‘utlleNow: lIiIVL‘tN (' State lllll\t‘|'\ll'\ studentswill get .t taste oi the rural lilc nc\tw eck w till the second annual North(‘arolttta Week The goal oi theweek Is to locus on ways toItchte\c a “Brighter l‘tiltiiL‘ iot'Rural People."'l‘llk' \H‘L‘k ts IiiiL‘iiLlL‘Ll to l‘t‘ anopportunity tor Nt'Sl' to getinsolycd w tilt the rural cotitrnutttty.said hi Martha Johnson. L'U'Cllilll“man oi‘ the (‘ooperatiy'e l§\tenstonSct'y Ice,"The tintsct'sity has .t role to playin imprtwtrtg the quality ol' lIi’e li‘irural people." site saidJohnson said rural people areconcerned about water quality.waste iIIItIIIigement. health carecosts and i'actltttes_ literacy rates.and economic arid leadership

deyelopmcnt.l'\cnts during the week will locuson \(‘Sl‘s role in carrying ottt theland grant mission and on celebrat—tttg the .iccontpltshntenis of theillll\t‘l'\ll_\ and Its peopleMonday. an tiI\ItIttional luncheonlot students and lacttlty will be inthe \\.Ilnut Room of the Student( enter. wlicrc educational consul-tant Robert Sigttton will discttss"Students reaching oIIt to RuralPeople."(lilit‘i' cyents tor the week includean education summit and Itresearch sy mposittm.-\lso scheduled is It handicrafteshibrtton called “Spell the Land"ro celebrate North (‘Itroltna's ltisto-t‘y. which Johnson said includes thecombined history of AmericanIndians and rural people and datesback to the Lost Colony.

Page 2: ocr.lib.ncsu.edu · checked the area btii no one knew whothrew the bottle 'l'erest (‘t'ockeix assistant director oi l’ttblIL SIiiLty said. "Students ha\L a thponsibility to make

2 1111111101 111, NW 11‘1 1111111.111 \1‘11s

FYIOctober 1 8, 1 991


Tucker. 1111111‘11 and I‘urlmgtonHalls sponsors 1111‘” 1111111)ANNL'AI.'IB'I'1‘\.\'1\O .\'lll-Oct 18. ‘1 p. 111 -| 1. 111 111 1111‘\tti1t.11.\1111‘“.111111 11111111.1l 1‘1111‘1.multipurpos1 r1111111.l’11_\ \1 11111__‘1‘151.0110 111 [11.1) 11111111‘).The INDIAN S'I‘l'l)l:.\”l' \581).(‘1.-\'1‘t(1.\' 1111-1111111"111'\'1'..1\1\NITE" 11111111‘1‘ 1111\1‘11 Oct 1.\' .11830111111111111‘ Kildiurc l-.11‘1111'11111rhouse 111 Cars. For more mlormartion. call l)1|ip at .‘1‘21-111‘3’ 111 Ram11183233116.

FYI PolicyFYI is .1 public sorrtct‘ prm 1d—ed by Technicmn s11l1‘11 1111'campus 11rg.1111/.1t11111s. .\11items must have 11‘11'1‘r 111.111 "111Words and must be turned 111It) 1111‘ Technician 1‘1111‘1‘ I‘\noon two days betorc publica-tion. All .s'ub111is'sions .11'1‘ print»ed .11111ecditor's discretion.

Sl\1‘11.\\\l'.\l PHOTO (ON1181' l \l'Rll-S must 111‘ 1'1‘1‘1‘111‘11111 1111‘ 511111) \11111.11| Otticc 11} ip 111 Oct |.\' l‘hotos 1.11.1‘11 \111111‘\Il111\111:_‘. 111111.111; 111 t1’.1\1‘|111)_‘.111111.11l 1111s p.1st )1‘.11' can 111‘ 1‘1111‘11‘11111.1111 and \111111‘ 111 1'111111 prmts1‘I1I.ll’:_'1‘11 111 .‘\w 1‘1 XXIII. (111 1111‘11.1111 111 1‘.11'|1 [11111111, list 111111 11.11111‘.1111‘ It‘1'.tltt‘ll 111 1111‘ [11111111 .11111 1111‘1‘111g1.1111 Ill 1111111111111 [1.11111'1111111'11111111151'll.\1‘i' 1111111111 sp1111s111 lls 211111 .1111111.1l l1,\|R\11\R.111111‘ .\1' State l'.111 111‘! 15'2‘)_ 11.1111 1111111111111)...

llle’Ilt'l 1 II RI (‘lll11'll1l'ls‘I‘I\’I 55 1'11‘s11 1'1111‘1‘ “III 111‘ \1‘111O11 1‘) 11.1111 1111111 1.111s sold11111} \4 pct‘2‘ 1111111 1111.111‘11 111‘ 1111111K11.141111‘ 11.111 1111 1111‘ 11‘111111'111Brooks \11‘1111.‘ .11111 llillshotouphStrcct 1111 1111111‘ 1111111111.11111n 1‘.1Il519115” .11111 l1‘.1\ 1‘111-111


.1 1111‘ss11L'1‘ Il‘l. .

1‘111111‘ s1‘1‘ part 111' \1'111'1111 1‘11111111‘.11 \l(il-.R|.\\' \l1ill'l'.O1‘t, 211.111\1‘\'l 1‘1‘1111‘1 11.11111111111 .11111St1‘\\.11‘t 1'111‘11111‘ Dinner .11 (1 pm.11111 1‘1111‘1'1.11111111‘11t .11 ”.311 p.111. 1111'tickets .11111 111111111111111111. c.111 N1811‘1‘1111‘1 1111\111111'1‘.11515 “11111.HO“ IO RI‘SI‘ \R1’ll ((151.l’\\‘1 181x11 l|l1R\R\'RI-SOI'RCIiS. \11‘1‘1 .tt ‘1 pm. 1111111‘ ll.11'11‘1s11n R1111111111 1111. HillI 1111.11) lItK‘dlL‘tI 1‘11 [111‘ \L‘L'UIItI 1111111111 1111‘ 12.1st “1111; 111‘111‘ gou‘t'unicnt111‘1‘111111‘111s1 1111' 1111s 11'1‘1‘. one-hours1‘111111.11.



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700W11dc Ave.8:31)a.111.- 4 p.m.


I’Rli \‘l-fl‘ (1111 MEETING Oct.21 .1t 7 pm. 111 Room 1411—1\\1||1.1ms 111111 .‘\11111‘\. Dr.Workman 111‘ 1111‘ Yet School 111111.111. .11111111 opthantolog) 1’11‘71111‘11students .11111 othct's 111‘1‘ 111‘11'111111‘.11’1‘11'1‘s111111‘nts 11111 111‘ s1‘r\1‘1110111). II. \R .\N1115Rl{l.l)()7\ltI1.t1n:_‘ 111s11t1l1‘1s1 “Cd. “111 MMpl 111‘ O11 21 25 ludi\111u11| \olunt1“'11s111 groups111t1‘1'1‘st1‘11111p.11'ti1ipatio; can call the Center 1111'H1‘.1|l|1lhrccttons .11515—2511}.0 O OSign up 1111' 1111‘ liOl'RvI’ART1‘ \Rl'l'R WORKSHOP Ior stu-111‘111s 111111 need help choosing .1111.1‘1111' 111' deciding on 11 carcct. The1‘.1r1‘1‘r Planning .11111 Placement1'1‘1111‘1 11111 sponsor this smallgroup session on Oct. 21. 211'.11111 ‘11). IS p.111. 111 211111 I’ullcnH.111. \ $5 11‘1‘ is 1'1‘1111i11‘d.1.11151533011111 I'L‘sCI‘\ 1‘ ‘.1 spam: 111 1111‘ C111“.NINTH \NNI'AI. S'l'l'DY\I1RO;\I) l“.-\IR Oct. 2-1. 111111113p.111, 1111 1111‘ Br11‘l\_\ard. Rain loca—tion 1s 1111‘ I'nncrsit) Student1'1‘1111‘1: l’or more intormation. con-1.11'11‘111111111 151‘1111‘1'111‘111111111111 515—2113’. O C 01111111 .111‘ int1‘11‘st1‘1l in \oluntccr-111:; 1111 our 111‘11 campus\\‘1).\Il:.\".\' CENTER. contact JanRogers. \\11nt1‘t1‘s (‘1‘1111‘1 coordina—1111'. 1118 Nelson Hall. 1311\ 7922.N131 1".1111pus I O IThe SIXTH N.1‘. ST:\TI{TROOPS. a local (‘1111 War rc-1‘11111‘11111‘111 group. is 111111 recruiting

interestcd 1111‘11 111111 11111111‘11 Formore 1111'11111111111111 1.111 .\l.11Harrington. ‘ 17 2~12.‘s'OI.Student Health S1‘11t1‘1‘s has 11111.1111/1‘111151'1’1’11R'l‘11ROl‘I’ 1111 stir\11111's 111 1'11p1‘ 11nd s1‘\u.1| assault.l‘or 111111'1‘ tnloiumlton. contact(‘11111111‘ 111111111111 .11 ‘15 2511i \1111111111111‘s 11111 111' I11‘pt 1111111111‘1111.1|SI'MMI‘IR l5.\ll’lO1'.\ll-.Nl'lN’l'IiR\'|l'.\\S. ('1111‘1‘1' Planningand 1’1111'1‘1111‘111 1‘1‘1111‘1. 211111 1’11111‘11Hall. (heck sc111‘111111‘ 111 1111‘ 1'1‘1111‘1'tor signvup dates.

I IRaleigh's .v\|pmc S111 (‘1‘1111‘1‘ is oneol thrcc st1111‘s 111 N.(‘ acceptingsnou ski 111111 111‘ skating clothingand accessories 111 111‘ l)1)\.-\l'l:l)TO Sl’li1'l.~\l 1)l1'.\l|’l(‘.\ .111111‘11‘sIor use 111 11111111111: 1111 1111‘ 10112Southeast Region \\'1nt1‘r (i111111‘s.The clothing 111'111‘ Is being conducted through Oct 211 111 ,-\|ptn1‘Ski stor1‘s 111 Raleigh,1‘11111‘111111‘ 111111Banner till. 1111 more 1111'111'111.11111n.call (1111111 l'scol11u'7h'1 754Il.li (‘1'.R1‘II l'R.-\.\'(‘v\|.\'.N1'Sl"s l‘1'1‘111'h (11111. holds its\11‘1‘111} conu‘rsatton hour l'r11l.1_\s.11 4 p.111 .11 .\l1t1'h's '1‘1111‘1‘11. \'1‘111‘/1111111ht'1‘11\ 1‘1 1111111111111ch 1111' more1111'111'11111111111 contact 811/.111111‘(‘hcstcr .11 515-2475.

0 I ITI1L‘ ”All \‘I (II I.” much 1‘\1‘t'_\l"1'11l11_\ 111 " .111 pm 111 Room 1117.Stttdcnt (‘1‘1111‘1‘ ‘\l1111‘\ \II 1111‘ \11‘|~come.

Can't you see how much the newseditor needs help!new writers who redlly don‘t hoveto do too much work. You con collRob Tuttle dt Technicidn WorldHeddquorters, our phone number15515-2411.


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2104‘/2 Smallwood Dr. - 833-7587Across from Thalhirners Cameron VIIlage0' I!9‘ no. The Junior League of RaleighLs an organization of womencommuted to promoting voluntansm and 1m ruvm thecommumty through the etiective action and eaders p 01 trainedvolunteersThe Junior League 01 Raleigh reaches out to women 01 all racesreligions, and national ongms who demonstrate an interest in andcornmrtment to voluntansm

He needs 20


l'lll‘ .v\S'l‘RO.\'OM1'(It'li11111present 1‘11111'11‘) 11111111111 lecturing:1111 the sttl111‘1‘t 111’ Satclhtc 111111111111111‘11111111 s_\ st1‘ms Oct. 134. S pro 111Room 2111) (‘11\ 111111. :\stt't1|111|tticttl1111s1‘r1.1111111s 11 ill 111111111.I I IIllli BAH-\‘l (‘1.1'11 1111it1‘s1‘\ 1‘1‘_\11n1‘ 111 attend an 1111111111111 dis.1'ttss1on on “ 1111‘ Vision 111 Race11111).” 11} l)11m1‘ .'\lcl\'ml1"\. Oct.15'. 7131111111. 111 Room 1117 NCSLStudent 1'1‘1111‘1' :\11111‘\.I I ITWO TWO-PART :\.\ll:Rl(‘.-\.\'Rlil) (‘ROSS (‘PR ('l.:\S.\'l:S1111'1‘1'1‘11 on 11111th floor ('1111'11 Hall1111111111111 Oct. 211' 111111 111 .11111 No1.1 111111 (1. 7-9110 pm. each 111111111’1'1‘711‘g1str11111111 and Ice 1‘1‘111111'1‘11(2111515 2511.1111‘1'111‘1‘1111. 22.Q.-:\tt1‘1111on l.ll‘l~.l.ON(i lil)I'(‘.-\rI‘lON S’I‘l'leNTS 111111 adultsreturning 111 \‘1‘81'.’ .»\ Saturda}morning program is designed lot)1111. pcoplc \\ ho want 111 1'1‘1lts1'o1c1.111111111‘s. change careers or curricula111' itllpron‘ situations. Th1‘ 11111'111‘shop contains Ilitt111svott training.Scnunars \\1ll he held Oct. 211 andN111, 111. 1’1‘1‘»registration isrequired. I111 111111'1‘ intormation call1‘111'1‘1‘1‘ Planning‘ and 1’1111‘1‘1111‘111('1‘1111‘1.515-23‘)0O I IN‘\'l'l().\':\l ('ltN'I'IiR 1"OR l‘.-\Rr.1\ll-1i.‘\l, TRAINING 11111 111‘ on

Answers To Today ‘sCrossword On TheC1lassilicd P121‘

F&pL3C .ATER:0.A:E 1.111515185

A.N- EElfin:

Answers To Today’sCryptoquipSaid tired

author. ”Mycookbook is;

finally finished.and it's about


Corrections andClarifications'I1‘1'ht1i1i.111 1s 1'111111111111‘11 to1.1ir111‘ss .11111 .11'1111'.11\'. ll vouspot .111 error 111 our Coverage,1'.1ll11111'111-11's1'11on1.11313-2411.campus 1111'11111‘1'111‘11s N111. 7.811111-11p 111‘11111s 1111.11 111 tl11‘l’l11c1‘l111‘111(1111112111111’11111‘11 1111”

Compiled by Carlton Cook.

Weather OutlookSaturdaySunny 11111111high ottuottnd7-11u11l11lo11olaht 1m 43.

Sunday8111111) 111111 '.111114111111111.11111111 11111 111.11111111142.

MondayPtutl} sunn}with a highnear 7111u1d1111111 111111111111411.

Help control thect populationrave your petIspayed orcrutec.11

“livery Step Makes :1 ”HTPI‘CIICC"Alcohol .\\1 a retro» \\ t-t‘k"' I’IH ( usino \iuhtI rit1;1\.t)1'l11hrr IN. 1991411111-11\111.1‘1..‘p. ‘. R 1.111,

”“alk \ Straight I "It“.\\1-1|l11'1-th11u\111111111 (111111111 It! IWII3‘ 11.1 1111.1 111 1'. 1111111.11: 111 11 1: .1

Inn. \1‘1'11‘1 1111 1I ‘» Kt’.1l‘~ ' ,1111. I \1111111:1s11t1‘11111111; \1-1111 “111111.\\\.1t.1111',1\1,111\

"Think Mt‘l‘ori‘ \ou Drink"\Iundn).(11111111121. 1001s 1111p...\1111111‘.1 1.: «111-'11\ituyrsfliul 11. 111. \.1111. 111\1.111"‘1spunwn‘o 111 In. IM‘1.1‘1111-11| .1 11.....1111 .i'ul Mus-11.11.. 1111

C-Mini Mart

G Pie-order your kegandpldtupontheny


....$6613.:flwp‘fllhdlu.851 -1 508

Inrump... on.“Wby$111 Ill-1M 1m Soul. .11.BESIDE NEPTUNE‘S GALLEY


ch” 1.




10 Piece mixed Chicken16 oz. Potato & Gravy16 oz. SlawRolls

Eat In or Carry Out!

10% Student Discount

on regular menu itemswith Student ID

3940 Western Blvd.


Page 3: ocr.lib.ncsu.edu · checked the area btii no one knew whothrew the bottle 'l'erest (‘t'ockeix assistant director oi l’ttblIL SIiiLty said. "Students ha\L a thponsibility to make


LOctober 18. 1991

.._,,-,... .. . . .. ..- ‘

Pack spikers

swept by

Blue Devils11) Bill (Merlon1 1."~'11"Ill R11 \\1 \\he11 the \ (‘ SL111- l'111\1'1\11_\111111'111.1|11e.1111|11\ll1111ul\e111111'11111ltlx(1111\1'111111.111 \1'1111'111111'1. 1|1e1e\\.1\.1 eeueml leeliug.‘ 111.11 1111'l’.11k \\.1\ \1‘l111 going 1111‘.11111 1111' l .111} l)1'\1|\ .11111111'11'.11 the 111'11'11111111' \('(' 113111.11 \e.1\1111 111.11111111111\MIN .1”. the |’.1e11 1111114111 11.1111 1111111 .1 1\\11 11.11111'111'111'11.1111l\e1} 111'.11|_\ 111111 the 111111111 11.11111: 1111111111111111111.1\1'1_'1\1.'11$1.111'1'1111111I1'11'111111111'11111111.1111' “111111.111 \\.1~ pinned to [11.1) the Ilenlx431.1111 111 \1111 \1'1'1111'11Duke 111111111'1'11 \(‘Sl' \\e1lue\1l.1\ 11111111 15111.1* 111. 15 l 111 1111111 111 .1 \11.11\e (‘.1111e1'1111 1111111111\l.11l111111 11111111 1111' 1.111} 111'\1|\ 1.11xe11 1111'1111'111111111 1151111'1.1ll .11111 311111 the -\(‘(‘. \\ 11111'1111‘ “111111.1111 111'1111PC1111111 11 111111 1'1\11\ 1'11.1111'1'\ \('.\'1 11.111 1.1111'11 .1114) 111 the 111111133.11111' 1111') le|1 111-1111111 11 ”below \eoriug .1 [1111111.1111' 1‘.11‘l\ 111.1111' .1 1111.111 11111. 11111 11 \1;1\ 11ote11o11gh.11111.1' 1.111 .1\\.1_\ \11111.1111'.1~} 1|11ee 11.11111'11111."1 11111111 .1111'1' 111' 11111 the 111st 1\\11:_'.1111e~. ll1111.11111' \1'1} tough 1111 11s.” |’.11‘11 he.111 1'11.1eh 11111}\I.11111111 \.1111 "1111-1 11.111 .1 1111 111 111111111111111' .1111111111111111.1111'.1l1111111111~t.111e\"1111' MN p.1111e 11'.111u1'1l \(‘\l '1 11e\1 11.11111'111 1111'111.111'11 Ihe “111111.111. 111111 .1 11111111 111 |e.111 11111111111 ~e1’\1111' .11111 1111111111113; \(‘1‘ [11.111'1 111 the\11'1'1111\.1 K.1\1‘1'1 11.111 \1'\1'1.1l 1\III\ 111 the 3.11111' 1111\1'\'t1111111' 11'11111111111'11 111'1111111 1111' 111.1\ 111 Ilc\11|111‘11\1111.111 \11111 .11111 \\1111‘\ \\.11hol11e1 \llei .1 1111111\ \\.11'h11111e1. the l .1111 111'\1|\1111111'11111.1111‘.1t I:11.11111\l.11'1111111.1.1sl1111e1lt1111x1'11e1 \1-1'111111111111'1111111111' 1.1111 “111111.111 1’111111111111'11 .1 11'11 11111111’1'1'111‘1'11‘|'\. .1|l11\\1113_' 1111111' 111 \1'1/1' 1111111111 111 the 111'\l1:.11111'H\\U.\U 11.111 l\\1111l 11111‘1‘ I‘I.1§L'I\ .11 1111‘ 1‘1111 1‘1 .11;.11111' 111111.111' lust 11111 111111111' \I.11111111\.1111 "\\e1e.1ll1 11ee1l 111p11sh 1111 .1 \'.111 “1111' 111111111; \\.1_\l1111111.111_\ 1'111111”1111' l.111_\ 1’.11‘11 1111111: 11111;;111'1 111111111: 1111' \1'1'111111p.1111e. 11111 1111111'\ 111.11 1'11'\.1t1'1l .11 the} 1111.111 11111111;1111'1 1111-1111111” 111111' .11'.1111. 11 \\.1\ .1\\.11'11111111'1' 11111 1111'11111111';.11111'. .11111 Duke \\.1\111111\ \\.1_\ 111.111111111'11'.1\} 11111”I thought \11' [11.11111 11.1111 111'11'11\1\1'|)." 11111111'111.1111 11111 “1111111 \1111 ”\\1' 111.111'11 .1 yie.1l 111.111'1111111'11\1\el\ 1111' 111111 11111111141111 111.1\1'1~ 111' 111.1111'.1 11'“ 11111 111.111) \1'1‘1111' 1~11111~ 111 the lust 1'.1111e11111.111.11 \\.1\.11\11\1.111'\1‘1‘\l 1:.11111-111 1111'11'1.111'11”\I.111111o 11..“ 11111 ~11 L‘L'llL‘lth 111 111'1 [11M 13.11111'thoughh"11\11111111111111121111111111.\1111111'111111 1'11'1111111'111-11'1'1111'131 111111\e I 11.11111'11 111.11 le.1\t l1'.1\ 1' 111.111111; \11'11. .11 1e.1~1 :11 1111111' 111.111 11111'1' 5;.1111es 1111111111'111 "1111112111.1111'\\1111[1.11'11 11111 1.11‘1‘1111'14111 1’.111‘1111\111 ('11'111:_'e \l.1~1111 l 11111111111 .11 “ .111 11111 1111' l.1\t1111'1'11111' 111'111 eeu the 11111 \\.1\ 111 1054 .11 (ieorge\\.t\11111gl1111. \\111‘11‘1111‘\\111l[‘.l11\111‘11‘.ll1‘11(i.\11 lll111111;.1111ex (1115.111111141. \l.111.11u.1\ (1111111111 11111'\1111 11111 111 111 1.111' 1111' “111111.111 .11 " [1111 1111111111.111'111'\ \\1|l he111.1}1'11.11(‘.111111e11.1el ('1)11111.1\111111

[11‘.1r1r~ '11 11' 1”freshman l\.1ri l)e( Ink 111 goes for .1 spike Wednesday night in Slate'sthree-14.111111 11m to Duke. The P.1111 fan's George Mason tonight .11 7:30in ( .lfn11(hd('1 (nmnnsium.



are pleased to announce the relocation of their officefor the practice of Family Medicine to:

618 W. Jones Street, RaleighWake Health Services, Inc.

Medical Care for Infants, Children, Teens, and Adults1111 sun“. 1,1[1\Ue“ 111 13 1 win 1.11' ... '1 1' 111'“ ‘1'11N‘i‘1'1'1..-»..1“"- 'Jf1‘ .11'1, 'MJ": 1‘1\-1 '11 W 41113“ 1' 111‘11111'‘RA 1111411 1'1.‘ N 1112301. 1111 IIJ‘IMQV11.4 ‘ .41"

Hoke’s Cateringpresents:



Women’s soccer

team beats UNCGBy Jeff Drew811111 W1111'111111 game 111111 111311.111 111111 .1 1111-».11111.1111111 1-1roses 111111 1'11111'11 111111 .1 11111-1111: 111 1111111 111.1N.('. State \1111111'11K \111'1.e1 11'.1111 111111111 111 1111.1111111 its 11111 111\\111 1111' \1'.1\1111 1111111211 1 \1(ireenshoro 2111'1'11111\1l.1\ .11 \l.1!1111i 1111.111811111111111.The \Ielor) 111.11111'11 1111' 1111.11 11111111 211111 1 11seniors 1"111111'11111' (i.111'.111 \11\11 111'11' 1\.'11\K1'1';1111'11..I1111e 11\11111111', \l.11\ 1‘111 11 .11111Kristin S1111 |)111111g_' 1111'11 1.111'1'1x 1111' -'1111111!1.1lead State 1111111 \('(' 11111'. 111111 \1 \\11111111..meiu .1ppe11r.1nee\ 111111 11111 1 111.11 111111 111311111()11 Thurxdu}. the} helped \1.1le 11.1111. 1'- 1'111Victor} 111 the \1'11x1111.“1'111 111st 11.11111} 1111.11'1 .111111.” \111 1.1111 \\edidn't [1111) 111'“. hut l'\('(i .1111 11. 1111.11 11. ,1tough 141111111"1111‘ 1’111'111. 111111'1‘11. 11111 \11111'911’I‘hursdu) 11x 11 \Iopp} 11e|11 .11111 .111 1111-1..-.Spurtun 111111-1111 \Ill\\t‘11 State 11111111 1111 l'.11 1ended up 111111 more 111111~. .‘11 111.111 1111111 1‘1but 111111111p1'11 111 1'11111111111' 11111 1(‘unninghum goals 111111 .1 1111111 111'11'11\.1' 111-1! 1111111111'1' 111 produee .1 11111“11111111 111111111 11 11\111111 \11' 111111-11 11.111 111 11

.11 111111‘\‘\l\1'


I \‘1 (1 1111111 L‘1'1111 k11,111 1: 1.11111111M» 1111 '1111'1 .1.1'.... ,1 :‘1111/1’11111'1111x. .11111 11111 11..1!111 '1 11.1. (.‘1:11.1I111111111 .11111'1\.1»1.11111.‘1 1'11 1‘ \11'.'»1.1'. .11111111.11 11.1. 11111111 M11.1111 1111111111111111 \1-.111.11 .'..1 1311’ 1’.111\ \. 1'21! 1..1.1\11.11. 11111111-11.11111..11 1.1»:1'1111'1' 2'11111‘ |.1~:"1.v'11111‘ \ \111. 1111.1.11'111111'11i'11111.11111'1 \111:111111 \11-111111 ‘1 .111-121111111111111191 111111.111'111111.11.1f 111111111111111'1111'.1.1:,1|\1111 \.111111.1.1~1'1.1211.-1_-1».11\.11111...i111..1111.1.-1111.111. ~31. 1 '\I 11. " 111111111111111111 11 11.3111 \.1'.1-- 11' 11'. 1'11 1111111 ‘111111-1.1\ \1..11' \ 111111111 11:11 1,1.11111'31111111111' 11111.11- 11.11'1' 111. '11. 1111~.1111'11‘1111'1111111.1' 11;’1‘;- \1 .111-1‘11'11.1111 1111.11‘ 1111111111'\1111111111'111.11111'.111'\1.1'.'.111e.11|\11.1111111t.1111111.11x1111\1111111.111‘. 1111111111111\1.111‘1 .'.1.1‘|111'1‘Is'11!111.11111'11 1 ‘1: .111111‘1‘11|\1‘l.111\.:|11.1"1’1111 1111‘ ll1"| 1111111111111 \11'1 l'!.111 11'1'11 I1111111111111111.11111111111.‘1'.111'21. "‘11 ‘111 Ii‘.‘1‘l'>11111'l1\l11 I‘lmxuu .1111111"111.'1 .:11‘111111' 1 '.1'11111.111’1 i11-1111‘11‘1111111 \11111‘111‘1 11111.1 :‘1'.111111.11111\-.':.'111!\11'113‘111111‘1' ' ' 1111111' .11111111.1:‘11.11~111" \1'11'1111» “'1 1' ,1”. 1.1' '111111111‘11:1'11 .11'11111.17‘1I \ ‘11.11" "1 '111111'1111'.11 11111111111111111-1111.11 1111.111;

Booters lose to CharlotteBy Todd Pfalzgral'51011 WriterSewnth-runked NC State \\.1\ ~11.1\1'1l .‘ II 111the nation‘s top 11e|e11~1\1'1'N(‘ . (‘11;11‘111111'. \\1'11111'\1l.1\ 1'11'111111' 111111111' .1eupueit} 1'1'111111111 3.111111 \p1'1‘1.111\l\"The_\ [1111)1'11 e\1’el|e11l deleuwcouch (ieorge '1'111'111111111 "'111.11\ the 111st 111111‘“1"11' been shut 11111 .111 11'111he 1111111111'1'11111' 111 1111'51111111 "The lllerx 1111' 1'1111111'11 lirxt 111 1111' \1111111 111-211111111‘11'1' 51.111' upset \\;1111'l'111e\1 l.1\1 111-e11At 33:53 111111 the Ill‘\1 11.111. (11.11111111' 111111IIICILIL‘I’ 1.11110: R1‘L‘11 111‘.1111‘11 11'1«Net's l'irst goalSlate 111111 11111 1'\1‘1'111'11l 11111111111111.11.-~. 111 1111'second 11.111. 111 the 511111 1111111111: \1.11e 1111111111111

V ~~.1l11 \1.:11‘1111'} 111'\1 1'11‘ 111

.1111'\\111| 1111'

1'1‘ [)111‘111 lit’oxe 111‘1111‘11 .1 351.1111 111.111 1111 thetop 111 [111‘1‘1'11\\11;ll'

1111 1111111111'~1111-1 \(1 l 91'“ .--1.: R11\1 .11-1111'; 111'1111' .1'11 1'. 111111 1!, 1' ‘111 .1 1111'.11111111' 1.1.1111 1111' 11.1111~1 11...'1.' 11.11'11' \11l.11111131111 \ 11111 1111' 1.1”. .1' 111113,111,} ",11;11_;'‘1 ‘11.111'1'11,1II \1'11111'111111'1'11111(1.11;: \111111'111-1111IE121.1 11111111:11.1'1'111'1 \1.1lk11.11|1'\ \ 11.11111- \1' .1'1 1\1'\1.1|1'11\1‘ ‘ H .111'1.111HtI‘I‘UI 1111‘ 111'111.'1‘11'11 1111 111 1111 H1.1.1}.‘1‘1111‘\\111111.'1111, 111'1'1.1:\111111.1_\ .11 1 11111 .11 \lethwl lx’11.11i \1.11l111111\‘1'1|\\ ‘11

.11'.1111\1 111111.111111'1l\111111( .11 11111.. \\1111.1 1111111\ \1.111' \\1111|1111111~11.:1 '.' ' 1111111' \11.11111111 .1111111'11111.11|1~.1\1..1l111.1 :-1.1.1 111111.\1.1t1' 111.11 \1111 11.' ;\1.1'.111' . '11 1‘111'1'1111'}\11111‘11'111.“\ 111"...1‘ 1'1 11111 l .1111 I.1\11111\11 111111 1.1.1111111111'~1.1u1l .111' 11~1e11 .\1.1 1111 1111'1'.11111‘.1:'.1111\11111' 1.11 111‘1'11

111.1}1‘l\1\’1'11_'l1'1 1111111 1111~»\1'1l 111. .111,11§

_'1111||: "

N11 fie/111111 inling/1116.1. . .Cone ear/1'10

li'tttllit' 12111111111111 enjoy(1 11111111111j1111.jm-111

‘ . 1110211112 'iitln'.’Served m the Carler-F mley Slac/mm lot.

Don't Drinkand Drive yourrhinoceros!!!!!

, 11m.

"'1'] 1 KEG


mint 1 111113111“


111 $5925


11 plus 1'.1\ 111111 (IL‘pUN’lI10-18-91 lhru 10—26—91

.111111 I111"1 Cailege Bette/rage832-1101‘006 NlLlSIOIOUCH ST.

HAROLDHas a Secret

Harold is a Hemophiliac.But thanks to peOple like youand the folks at Cutter.Harold can camp. swmi runand play just like any otherch1ld You make thedifferenceHemophmacs need a specralclotting agent found in bloodplasma. Now. you candonate your plasma to help achild like Harold We willcompensate you for yourtime.

littrn .5211 1111' your first Visit111111 up to $145 per month 1111' regular visits

(‘.-\l,l. TODAY AND FIND ()l’T MORE 3!!

R 11.1-11.11111 1s\111'11:\'1'1<.11 Cutter1 \lziiden LameRaleigh. \(‘ 276117111191 8211-1590“£5

”People Illt'lpiyj ll’cnfle'

Honda)(111.21. 7 pm\\ ednexdu)()1'1. 23. 7 p111'l I]Ul‘\(l;l)Oct. 2-1. I pm'I'hurxda)(111.24. 7:31151111FridayOct. 25. 12 pm

8 Piece2 Picni

ls Weight (‘ontrol Controlling \‘1111':Food. Fear and Freedom Awareness Week

October 21-2511\eSetl'eeh111511111'\\1111\\e11'11!111111111!\peuker: 1'11111\ 11.111.11111'. \1 1111111111111\‘1111111: \111111'1111'1'1111'1111-.11 \\111111'11 111) .11 Speaker: I1 1' 1\1111'1'111\’1111111. \111111'111('e111e11.11111: (111111' “11111); \1jé11\ \7111111'111w 1111.1111111'111.11'111'111l Speaker \.11.111 '1 1 1’; It\\111111'11\ ('1'1111'1 x, 1.\‘ \1'ls111111.1|1 11'» 11.1;1'11111l.1'e.11.\ 1’1'11111111.11111'\I I) , \('\l 11'.11111’h\\111.111 1111151113111h \111111'111 ('1'1111'11.11111: (111111' “1111111, 1 1111111: 11.11 '1. 1111 11.1 1.11111 1 \I.111.11’1I.115.\ .\\111111'11'~( 11111-1 11 1‘\1‘I\111111.111 |1111111111.1§.'.11. ‘1 '11" \1.11.- 1’ 11.-111..111 111111111111 1; '1. .\ 1111:..111-11».\ 111. \11.,11..: '

Chicken Boxc Fixins

4 Homemade BiscuitsHalf Gallon Fresh Brewed Tea


\petikei': 1111;111(_11111111_11.1'11'I1111111\111'.11.1‘l

Convenience WeWill HaveChicken

Prepared EarlyOn Game Day

Page 4: ocr.lib.ncsu.edu · checked the area btii no one knew whothrew the bottle 'l'erest (‘t'ockeix assistant director oi l’ttblIL SIiiLty said. "Students ha\L a thponsibility to make



1999 Visionloot)"

Monteith’s.lll\ \loIiILIth x is a much needed plan.

designed to iipgiade tlte Littalit) ot' an NC. State l‘nixerxit)education and to \(‘Sl“x academic reputation. Studentx.tacult} and alumni xlIoiild xupport \lonteith'x ixioti ot‘ tlte l'uttire.

li IIILe‘llloI '\'IxionI'aixe

'll\L‘ main points In \loiiteith‘x plan.attention to the needx ot' freshmen. ”Thecxperitneiital program Llexigned to ltelp

lllL‘lL‘ .llL\lottteitlt callx lot

l’Ie-xIItIIaI‘I l~\peI‘IeIIce" Ix atitiexlIIIIett adapt to college lite at \(‘Sl .\loiiteith lIopL-x that IIIL'Ieaxed attention to trexhtnen will translate Into a

higher totii seat giaduation Iate. which ix otten used to gauge tllll\L‘l'\ll_\et'tectnenexx. \lonteith belie\ ex tltat xtiidentx who begitt with a good xtart aremore likclx to continue pertorniing well. Thet‘etore. strengthening studentpeitot'Itiance and helping them adapt to the initial sear of their xtttdiex willlead to an oseiall Inipiinenient III the xttidettt bods‘x acadeittic aiid x'ocial


peIIoI'IIIaIILe\lonteitli also would like to extablIxh a chapter ot‘ Phi Beta Kappa at\(‘SL Phi Beta Kappa Ix the oldext and nioxt pt‘extigiottx honor xociet) inthe l llll'L'Ll Statex. \leiitberxhip III Phi Beta Kappa ix extremel} \altiable iiithe Iob market. and tittisei'xitiex that ha\ e chapterx are considered among tlte

Phi Beta Kappa Ix traditionall) axxociated withto purxue a cltapterix a well—rounded

nation's best. lloxxe\et.liberal ai'tx xclioolx; tltix ix all the more I'L‘axon tor NCSl'on cantpux. It would Indicate to the world tltat NCST'tlll|\L‘l'\ll_\ and tltat It Ix among the linext iittiserxitiex iii tlte nation.In lIIx Ixion. \lonteith leo atteinptx to raise \(‘Sl"x reputattott ax a Litialit)

\l oIItLIth watttx V.SL to becottte a member ot‘ tlte\sxociation ol American l'nisersities. Thix

axxociation. niade Iip ol approximatcl) 3S pttblic and IS priiate xcltoolx.Including llar\ard. \ale. Statitord. (VBet'kele). Duke and [NC-Chapellllll. \leinberxhip III the .L\ \l . would eitxure \(‘SLV‘x reputation ax one ofIlte Itation'x bext uni\etxitiex. attd a xchool‘x reputation ix a \aluable factor inextabltxhtng the worth ot a degree III the ,iob market..\ccept.iiice Into thix orgaIII/ation ix untoi‘tuiiatel) b} imitation onl_\. In

order to recei\ e an ”H Itation. \(‘Sl' ttttixt impros e itx Lttialit) atid reputationin aI'eax xuch ax the librai‘) DH. Hill Librar) ranked in tlte lower haltol tlteIiatioiix niaioi llIll\L‘l\|l) librariex In a recent xttid}. Thix mttxt be remedied it'\L‘Sl' Ix to becoitie a ttlc‘ltll‘c‘t‘ ot' the .»\..-\.l .

lt ix Importint to remember. ltoxxL‘\L‘t‘ tlt it tlte ltbrar} \sot'kx \\llll tltelibiaIILx .it DukL aitd l \t(hipel Hill ()nl} o5 pe"ILLtIt ol the \oltimes inone ol thexL thILL lIbIaIiLx aIL thipliLatLd b) onL ot the otltei uniserxttiex.and all xtudentx at thexe thiec xL'hoolx lta\e accexx to tlte other unixerxitiex‘

Thix point xhould be coiixidei‘ed wlten ranking \('Sl"x librars xo

academic inxtitutIoIIhighl} prextigiotix and elite

librat'iex.poot‘l).:\Llsilll0ll‘dll\. “\ixion l‘N‘l" callx for an increaxed aw arenexx ofenvironmental ethics \lonteith realilex that in order for a unixerxit)‘ to be

accepted ax prextigioux. It intixt protect tlte ens irontnent and tliitx prepare torthe tuture..\loiiteiih‘x IIIIal point callx tor the renotation ot'all buildings built before

1940. xuch ax the l‘tll Building, \lonteith correctl} belie\ ex that thexe oldbuildingx help create an attttoxphere ol’ tradition and dignit); the oldbuildings are a testament to the xuccexx and growth ol' \(‘Sl ‘x paxt. Tlte}

ix aii established uniserxit} that hax undergone aThix ix Important tor a

are t'eIIIitIdet‘x that \(‘SlLemur} ot growth and \\lll continue to grow.uniserxit} xceking to Iinproxe Itx reputation.B} impro\ ittg Itx reputation. \(‘Sl increaxex the abilit} ot its graduates to

litid \sell-p.i_\itig joltx. lltix alex \alue to an NCSL degree. B) increaxing itxLitialit). ol eduLatIon. \(‘Sl Iiict'eaxex itx the abiltt) ol its graduates topcrtorm In the workplaL e.:\x a result ot thexc tactorx. "\Ionn 199‘)" ix a welcome hlan.\ot (\ttl} will ll extablixh \(‘Sl ax one ot' the nation's leading uniserxitiex

btit It \\lll alxo help extablixli the tuture ot‘ itx xttidentx. Technician xharex\lonteith‘x sixion and reali/ex “Vision 109‘)" ix exxenttal to enxure \(‘SE'xxtanding iIi the coming centurs. But exer)one at NCSl' muxt xttpport\lonteitli‘x "\ixion l‘l‘N." l‘he tuture dependx on it.

Quote of the Day"Politics is a means of preventing people fromtaking part in what properly concerns them.“

—P(m/ lr’a/ér)‘

TECHNICIANw II‘ lltl 'ti .1.» l Intuit-Ii \I'Ylf' (V.11Editor in ChietL‘.:lII..ml llrtlmL-x Associate Managing EditorManaging Editor Brian] littlell I'i'i inn-I

AdvertisingBusiness Manager .......... . Tim EllingtonClassifieds Manager .on StokesSales. . [Isa (mtton. Trii Saunders, Will Streater.Cathy (reed, Ann Sullivan, Amy CoultorAccounts Recievabie... . k’aren ML Nr-ary.lixa Btyson Bina langda. Angie Brewerlenitiler Sawyer Anne Phillips,lane Rolxttson..Brian Smith, lawrence SpeerProductionProduction Manager .. ,. .Assistant News Production Manager. . Ken RuxsellAssistant Ads Production ManagerMary StephensClassifieds Production.......,.,,... . . . . ...tripp Alloylayout Artists. ...... House Ad Olsen, laura Alli-n.C hos Parks, Andy Mr Kev lohn Moon-Ads Productions. . . . ., .. .. Etnt‘Sllt‘If' (.ormanKelly Bridges Ann SullimnProofreader. . .. . .. .t)w.ila buttonAr(hiyes . ..._.Suxan Russell Chris Parksled (bu. thb Lou Yuii hi llattori Sherri Youngllirokt Yamamuto, lenniter Updike

t‘iilivrt ltllll“llli llt'l‘M'VlIll" T t)'§'\luv lril‘tvixiinBill ()wrtonKttnltr'rlx lr'tlill( ltris tliililMHll ivirtlrii ' )Ixnii k(.InttL lliixxPhotography Editor I .tTH [limoAssistant Photography Editor \nn Kt‘ntnftGraphics Editor r a... lit." l .wllChief Copy Editor Ron xii-umCopy Editors low lulu.hart-ti liixltiiaii \ (.arrrttim'li l’rlit‘S Bill llit laxM-tlx lliitl'nmriHitllt \Tt‘tllll l’a'kt- Strong,\ilittt Utiluiix

News EditorSidetrath EditorHappenings EditorSports EditorAssitant Sports EditorOpinion EditorEditorial Statt‘slii l‘ Si-uaI'I l~"-r It \.i/l,i (tilt/'TMEH"1-! \‘H ‘ Accounts Payable.Sales Assistant.‘.,.\Circulation .

.Daryl Pittman\Ii/aIIIII l’.- t'llllxililService EngineerSystem Engineer TraineesTypesetting CoordinatorTypewtters

Unless otherwise Indii and Mr ltplnllrn‘x elprt‘ssed In the editorials. editorial cartoons and millions appearing in Tethnitiando not not essarily roiled the viewpoint oi the university‘s Student Government. adminiflration, faculty or Sta“. Opiumr-Iprmd In tho» ( olumns and iartoons ot T?(hnl(ilfl editorial pages are views oi the individual (oiunmifls and cartoonists.the unsigned editorials that appear on the Mt are the opinion ot technician and are the resporm‘biiity at the Editor in Chiei.[ethritLian ‘USPS «HSJHOI is the otimal student Mwspaptr of N.C. State and is published every Monday. WMV 3'"friday throughout the at ads-mu year from August through May "(cut duringKWWay and "antiwar!!! Winds. Thesummer edition is published every Wednesday trorn May through August. Offices are located in Suite 32] ot the UniversityStudent (enter Annex, (ates Avenue, Raleigh, N( 27607. Minding address is In: 8608. Raleigh, NC 2769558608. Subscription(MI is $45 per year. Printed by Hinton Press, Moham, NC POSTMASTEI: Send anymmtoTm, Del 0608,Raleigh, N.(. ITh‘I‘i-fihtm.

"lle hax xo llt‘dlt) good qualities.xontetitnex we torget he‘x black!"How do sou interpret this quote .'It was xaid b_\ Supreme (‘ourt .ltixticeClarence Thomax‘ white mother-tn-law. Isit an awkward attempt at exprexxtng lineand acceptance ol~ Thomax. oi docx It showthat llmtttdx hax denied his own ctilturall)rich heritage in a search for .icceptaitce‘.‘The question ix not easil) answered.I beliexe that (‘larence Tltottiax xhould Itotlt;t\ e been contirmed ax .1 Supreme Court.lll\l|L‘t.' Tlte allegationx ol sexualharaxxnient “Ill be a xource ol' controx ers)tor )L‘dlx. bttt regardlexx ol' these chargex.Thomas ix unLtualIlIed arid the (‘ongrexxhad the right and dtit_\ to ls‘rls‘s'l ltittiThontax ix xttppoxcdl) the moxtprotexxiottall} Ltitalilied candidate attdxtippoxedl} reprexctttx a ttIInotitx \ tewpointiii the Supreme Court I question whatLlet'iiiex thix \tewpoint. l also don‘t beliesethat an) (‘aucaxian Lan iudge l‘homax‘abilits to reprexent \iewx xhared b} the.-\nierican minorit) communitx; we havenot experienced thix culture. llix supporters.moxll} \xhtte Republicans. claim that heltax.l axked xottte AlTlL'dll'.‘\lllL‘l'lL“dll\ lriendxwhat the} thought ot Thomax, Responxe\\ as Lll\ Ided. Some xupported hiiii. t'eiecttnghix poltttcx. but beltextng that an) tntnorit)on the court \x ax better than none. ()therxwere hostile. using the adiectitL-x ”houxe"and “porch" betoie a noun l won't repeat.



The} xaw a distinct line bel\\ccn race aridculture. It was this \ital culture that neededto be reprexented on the court. and the)belie\ ed that Thom-ax tailed iii tltix area.In regard to hix pi'ot'exxional career. w e arexttppoxcd to belte'ie that itt hix Lat'ecr as aIudge he ite\er ex en thought about Roe \x.Wade. That alone inakex ltix LoIIIpeteiIce ot'hix honest) Litiexttonable littxli \.t}\ thatdespite a great lack ol experience coittpatedwith other iudgex aioiind the nation.Thontax Ix the Itioxt Ltualitied tor the Iob. llxo. wlt_\ didn‘t he IIoIIIInate liliotnax oxerDavid Souter a l'ew tttotttlix ago.’ ()I waxSouter the number-one ranked iudge in thenation. t‘ollowL-d cloxelx b) l‘hoiiiax iii theAP rankingx'.’ l iuxt don't bit) It.l.axt month a columnist(.‘ottgrexx tor ttx criticism ol lltotttax.L‘tttttg original Interpretation ot the(.‘onxtitution. We are not the xante nation \\ ewere in the late l"i\‘tts; those who attempt to.lltxtll) polic) iixing the oiiginalinterpretation ol the ('onxtittitton are


Ignoring oier 2H0 _\eatx ot lllxlttl}. l‘hat‘xwit) \xe base a Supreme ('ourt to argue



the new interpretationx ot thix document.Since the l7‘ltls. the role ot’ president hasesol\ ed itt cottiunction witlt the changingworld. l’rexidential abuse of judicialappointments has resulted. lit the 1790s.grudges were nominated based uponexperience. because political parties werextill a nmclt). The (‘oiigrexx. confident ofthe president's research. would rubber—xtatttp the appointments.Toda). both partiex has e attetnpted court—packtng. from President Rooxeselt tol’rexident Reagan. lnxtcad ot merit. thesemen and women are cltoxen bx theirconl'omtit) to w hatcser ideological agendathe prexidettt ix trxiiig to promote. lit lightot' this new procedure. the ('ongrexx musttake an acttx e role III pres eiiting either part)tt‘ottt xelecttng tudgex baxed upon politicxinstead ot competence.'l‘hotnax hax been a Iitxtice since Tuesday.What has been the rexult'.’ Remember thatL‘Hll rights bill Bush \clocd. labeling it aquota bill.‘ I.\ new bI—partixan compromisebill is being considered b) the Congrexx.l)expite some Republican prexxure. Btixhhax threatened to veto it. too. Huxh'x xtal'l' Ixbreathing a xiglt ot‘ reliet Buxh now xayx heliax proxen hix non~racixm arid will nolonger “base to kowtow to black interextx.”I hope that Thomax' xupporterx beltexethat the tt‘ade-ott \\ ax worth ll.(‘lit‘ix [linear/t l\ i/ \t'l"4‘l[lit/[III til i ontmunti iI/Iim ItliI/UI'IIIL’ III

Avoid Clarence Thomas’ bedroom


I‘ll keep thix Lolutnn briet becauxe I thinkwe‘re all a little wear} ot ('larence 'l'homax‘contirmation hearings Two ke_\ elementsimtnedtatel} come to tnitid about thecontirmation: The hearing Itxell’ became apolitical debate. arid xexttal harassment iiithe workplace will be lrontrpage news torquite xottie time.To begin with, the Lonttrmation procexxhax eutlsed Ittto a partisan assault on acandidate‘s Integrit}. prisate lil'e atidpersonal habitx.In ’lhomax‘ caxe. hix Lourt record.opinionx. acadenitc Lredenttalx andlamiliarit) with conxttltitional law werexeldont the locus ol committee inquiries.l ntil the sexual ltarasxment allegation. thetoctix ol the questioning wax on JudgeThomax' opinionx on abortion. Andalthough he didn‘t want to preitudge theixxue. _\ou can bet he Ix pro—lite. or hewould not be (ieorge Bush‘s candidate.ll' it had been the Laxe that thecontinuation cotiiniittee xelected acandidate xtrtctl} on the baxtx ot his courtexpertetILe. aLadettIch and underxtandtng ot‘the complexities xurrotinding constitutionaltheor}. then I would Ltiiextion how mans\ClTJltlfN would \otc to cotttirni. ‘

Fall Break a break inname onlyNCSl needs to decide whethet tall breakIx a break or not.Honda} alteriiooii. Lut In} tall breakshort and dros c three hotirx to report to tn_xrob at N('Sl"s public xatetx. The next Lla).I went to the Tunnel ltiii to get xoine lunch.Alter chooxing til) appeti/Ing lunch trotnthe taxi xcleLtIott. I approached the counterand handed the Laxhier m) meal card. SheInl‘ormed me that xinLe it was tall break. themeal plans would not work III the (‘~xtores.l litiall} accepted this taLt arid replaced theItems in their proper place and left.('htickltng about the Idea ol actttall) payingcuxh.Later. as In} hunger persisted. I decided tocheck out one ol the local laxt l'oodrextaurantx. I walked otIt to in) car. whichIx parked on (‘atex asenue. and behold.under tn) windshield wiper la) nothingother than a parking ticket issued by51(8le Department ol‘ Transportation.This enraged me. ()n a regular weekend. Ican park anywhere. during lall break. whenthe maiorit) ol students are gone attdLluxxcx are out. I get a parking ticket.This brtttgx Inc to my point. During tall

Jllxl that there


5’ 1OpinionColumnist

l'ni tIot xasing 'lhoniax Ix a bad choice.are more qualiticd. moreexperienced tudgex than he,llix L‘otttpetence notwtthxtandtng. Itocandidate dexet‘s es the ktttd ot' relentlexspersonal attackx on his prisate lite iii apublic forum that Thomax had to endure,(lead). the xexual harassment chargescould hate been handled prixatel}. withoutlorcing either Thomas or .\nita lltll to lacean} public humiliation.()ne kc) principle Thomas did tinall_\addrexx w as the xanctit) ot' hix pri\ate lite.Judge Thomas made clear lttx beliel' thatgm erttment arid the public had no businessin hix private life. particularl) lllx bedroom.Now that lie is an associate ttixttce ol theSttpretne Court. it will be interesting to seeit he \alues other cItI/ettx‘ riglttx to priiac_\ax much as his own,D l . .it" h'

"( iolil ('ard"break. In) meal platt. thewhich til) parentx pas a Iidiculoiix price tor.Ix not honored lloweser. the Department ot’l‘ranxpottation decides that V|tt\l becauxe itxtall break. LlOCStld titeati l cati park Ill) caroitt ol m_\ lone. You would tliiitk thatl'nixerxit} Dining attd the Department otTransportation would be on the xaniccalendar. lindentl}. Ito one told the peopleat l)()T that it wax Fall Break. l'ni sttre lwas itot the onl) one the) wrote tip duringbreak. The l)()T probablx knew that peoplewould make the same mistake I did. aridsaw all excellent opportutttt) to pull ittxottte extra caxlI. It's no xecret that theTunnel Inn and the other (‘-xtorcx profitmore lrottt Lash than the} do l’rom the mealplan. So the) came out ahead. too. I l'eelthat we. the xttidetttx. are being takettadxatitage ol and something needs to bedone. N(’Sl’ Iieedx to decide tl l‘all lircakis a school holida). or not.

Rottiut H\l.l.\\ll\tSophotttore. Mechanical lingtneering

(‘oncerning the xecond eletttettt ol theThomas contirmation. xexttal harassment.there will undoubtedl) be a tidal wase ol'public opinion concerning lawx attdlegislation designed to obliterate it.Sexual harassment is a \er) dill'icult crimeto prose t'or xeseral reaxonx. ('hiel amongtltexe ix that generall) only two people areinsols'ed iii the xitttattott. So. without anysixible xcars ol a crime. it becomes aLittextton ol~ L‘rt‘tilhllll).The burden ot prool‘ being on theproxecutiott. one'x only hope Ix to dixcreditthe testimon} ot the defense. But theprosecution ix likewise open to attackx onits credibilityltt titost cases. it exxcnttall) comes downto a question ot whoxL \ersion ot’ the story ajudgL or iur} belie\Lx SubieLtixe chixionxol tltix naturL are bound to be inLonxistht.tinxetiliable and open to criticism andappeal b) either part). This ultimatelyresults in extetixise. cumbersome legalbattlex where neither part} cart eser justl}be compensated.

Hlt'lll Point! I\ u et'ililtiuti' slut/en!\Ilit/Vllllg’ phi/(Hil/llll' um! pit/Int ill \( 1cm c


Page 5: ocr.lib.ncsu.edu · checked the area btii no one knew whothrew the bottle 'l'erest (‘t'ockeix assistant director oi l’ttblIL SIiiLty said. "Students ha\L a thponsibility to make

t )( loin-r TB. l‘t‘tl let lllTIt iaii \ptuls

Sully returns to the top; Marsh, Peterson lose ground to the guestsEveryone \\ould like to “Be Like Mike"after last week’s perl'ormance by Dr. Mike.Dr. Mike. mm a (T ,T I week. and a resur-gent Rick Sulliiaii “ere able to catch Bill"Snaggletooth" ()\erton tor first place. Dr,Mike told Bill that he “as coming to gethim. and it looks like he has done just thatDr. Mike \\ as helped out by Bill‘s poorjudgment last week. which gme him a 54-I mark and a total ol-lo- I ll. Rick “Breaka Leg ()r a lioot" Stilhian climbed intothe first place tie by going 72» |.in fourth place. our \er) on ii Joe“Hangin‘ Around" Johnson is a game hackwith 45 “His. joined by Al “Stealth"Daniel \‘i ho had a oat-l \ieek. Tom “1

Week ti"!

lllllslltHHT lziiglish iiiaior. Says (lsgood. hm” ‘llt’l'l‘l “in“Thanks to the clutch perlorniaiice ol \lertDuiiiie. i can iioii establish the guests spotsiipeiioi‘it) o\ei‘ Amanda and “ll/l. it not[he T‘C\l til llltlse iltiti \\ahs ..(iood luck. nerd.l'NC-(‘hapel Hill takes on Virginia iip iii\‘t'ahoo land. It should he .1 challenginggame tor the (Kris. coining oil a tough lli'in ('leiiison But the} \ton't haie enoughslealll in press the Tar Heels as l'\'(' (H\\ ins a close one.Maryland is at Wake Forest. \l.ll'_\l;llltl“ms in a llash.(ieoi'gia 'l‘eeh at South (’arolina ilie(iamecoeks get stung by Jones and the

it'cll l).Middle 'l'etinessee at l-lot'ida Slatecome on. no no hiaiiiers here Yaun.l'lorida State.Tennessee at Alabama tor a tough Sli('match up both oi iliese teams me goodand men though it‘s on Alabama's turl. lll.l\c' to \olunieer lennessee tor the urn.('oloiado hiil'l‘aloed somehod} last \teek-eiitl l‘\e iieiei' heard ol l:\ei_\oiie hasheaid ol ()klahoma. thoiigli ('oloradouon't he slaiiipeding any one this ueekend. as the Sooners “ill at liotiieIllinois at Iowa Ioua is a tough teamheaded lor a Next Year's |)a_\ boisl. andthe lighting llliiii couldn‘t punch their on}

out ol .1 net paper bag“Hit a hang.[St at lsentticls} lSl' has had atough \e‘astill and II “(Mid gt'l all} easier ilsls'entiick) slams the Tigers ‘.:\ppa|aclii.in State takes on i‘Ul'ITl‘dll.i‘lllllltlll has aluays been tough and theMountaineers ha‘. e already used their ener-g} heating up on \Vake l-orest. I pick[‘lll'lllllll in a close one,UK. that is \teek se\eii tor )a‘ll This\ieek. the Pack should trample Marshalland he on. read} tor the sllt>\\dtl\\ll inDeath Valle) on its \\;I_\ to the National(‘hainpionshipl And remember. )oti heardit here lirst.

Pigskin Picks

(‘aii't Belie\e It's Siiiter is in si\tli at-lJ-l4-3.Larr) ('aniphell is camped in at the se\enth spot \iith 43 \ictories and Amanda"('onsisteiit" Marsh is Joined in last placeby Bit/I “Sinkin‘” l’eterson “Till just 4]“Ills.Our guest this \\L‘L‘l\ is ()sgood. the

J00 Bill Tom Rick Amanda Larry Doctor Al Buzz Osgood,Johnson ( )yerton Suiter Sullivan Marsh Campbell Mike Daniel Peterson Who‘s he?

Last Week 6-3-1 5-4.1 6-3-1 7-2-I 7-2-1 6-3-1 6-3-1 6-3-1 6-3-1Total 45- l3-2 46-12-2 44-14-2 46-12-2 41-17-2 42-16-2 46-12-2 45- l3-2 4| -l7-2 40-18-2

Marshall at N.( . Slate NC State NC. State NC. State NC. State NC. State NC. State NC. State NC. State NC. State NC. StateNorth Carolina at \ iriziniu Virginia Virginia Virginia Virginia North Carolina Virginia Virginia Virginia Virginia VirginiaMaryland at “a“ “W“ Maryland Maryland Maryland Maryland Maryland Maryland Maryland Maryland Maryland MarylandGeorgia Tech at 501"" ('arttliml Georgia Tech Georgia Tech Georgia Tech Georgia Tech Georgia Tech Georgia Tech Georgia TGCh Georgia Tech Georgia Tech Georgia TechMiddle 'l'ennessee at Florida S!- Florida State Florida State Florida State Florida State Florida State Florida State Florida State Florida State Florida State Florida StateTennessee at Florida Alabama Alabama Alabama

OklahomaTennessee TennesseeTennessee TennesseeTennessee Tennessee Tennessee

Colorado at Oklahoma Colorado Oklahoma Oklahoma Oklahoma Colorado Oklahoma Oklahoma Oklahoma OklahomaIllinois at low at Iowa


Illinois Iowa IowaLSU


lowa IllinoisLSU


lowaLSl' at Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky KentuckyAPpiflafhian 51- "l Furman Furman Furman Furman Furman Appalachian St. Furman Furman Furman Appalacian St.Appalachian St.

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Who Are The Best Pla ers

InTheAtlantic CoastCo erence?

You MakeThe Call.As maior sponsors of Atlantic Coast Conference football, Exxon invites you to stop at

participating stations, and cast your vote for the otficial Exxon Atlantic Coast ConterenceSupreme Team. Nominated players are listed below. Voting ends November 3.

Troy Jackson-MarylandTerry Kirby-Virginia rim-mmDan DeArmas‘Marylano Scott Youmans-DukeLubo Zizakovic-Maryland mum-smutCookie Massey-N Carolinamum-mi Greg Manior-N C State Randy Gardner-Duke mum-W2 Willie Clay-Georgia TechDave Brown‘Duke Natrone Means-N Carolina Clint Gwaltney-N Carolina Billy Ray Haynes-N C 5mg George Coghill-W ForestDeChane CameVODClemSUll Anthony Williams-W Forest Scott Sisson~Georgia Tech Dwrght HollietN Carolina Curley Day-Georgia TechShawn Jones-Georgia Tech Ronald Williams-Clemson Mike Jarmolowuch-Maryland Eric Gator-ClemsonTerry JordanN C State mmsummit Ed McDaniel—Clemson 6'99 Jem'eS‘V'W'macairn-5mm Toni Cowngton—Georgia Tech ”mm; Dawd Merritt-N C Sta‘e Rondell Jones-N CarolinaStuart Albnght‘Duke Todd HarnsonN C Stale Preston Anderson—Duke Tommy ThigpenN Carolina TY'U'“? L¢W'5'V{'9'”la3""! ChUDDS-GCOTQIa Tet” John HentlellS-W FOTBST Roy Barker-N Carolina Darrell Spells-Duke R009” 0 Neal-ClemsonRandall Parsons-N Carolina Frank Wycheck-Maryland Rob Bodine‘Clemson Jerrelle Williams-G Tech 0mm“; McCraclgnkDukcMitch SupleeMaryland mum-m2 W9 Broderake Forest mm.m2 amn‘ :nggsor;~iic gtate T . . ' 'Cumswmlev'Ciemso" CharlesDavenport-NC Stale Mike McCrary~Weiketorest MarcoColemanC Tech Lamgfimtjgw Fm, here are times when being able to get the answer isntWWISleveAinsworthrl/llaketorestBrian Bollinget-N CarolinaMark Dixon-VirginiaJeb FleschClemsonMike Gee-N C StateClyde Hawlev-N C StateTom Mordica Wake ForestRon Stahileno-Marylandmitt-sum 2Scott AdelI-N C StateBruce Station-ClemsonDaytd LoweAWake ForestMike Moonev~Georgia TerriBrandon Moore~0ukeJim Reid-VirginiaRay RobertsVirginiaMOM-SELECT?Randy Cuthhert-DukeNikki FlShBl'Vlrgtl‘IIJ

lt‘ Tue“ 1' a ballot l‘\ ti‘lall

Corey Holiday-N CarolinaMarc Mays-DukeEmmett Merchant-G TechTerry Smith-ClemsonBobby Rodrigueer TechTerrence Tonilin‘VirginiaGene ThomasMaryland

Marvrn Mitchell-W ForestDon ReynoldsVirginiaChris Slade‘VirginiaMark Thomas-N C Statetarry Webster-Maryland

Eric Gash~North CarolinaClayton Henry-N C StateGreg Hines MarylandPJ Kllllan‘VnglnlaLevon Kirkland-ClemsonMaurice Miller-Wake ForestAshley Sheppard-Clemson

,u rite l \\1\l\ Akt Supreme leani, Ballot Request, I’U Bin 512;? l loiiston. l\

Wyatt Smith-DukeKen Smiling-Georgia TechScott Rosen-MarylandMEI-MlDan DcArmasMarylanoEd Garno-VirgimaScott McAlisterN CarolinaKim Sheek-Wake ForestCOACH

mmDick Sheridan-N C StateMack BrowrrN CarolinaBill Dooley-Wake ForestKen Hattield‘CIenisonJoe Krivak-MarylandBobby Ross-Georgia TechGeorge WelshVirginiaBarry Wilson-Duke77093

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Page 6: ocr.lib.ncsu.edu · checked the area btii no one knew whothrew the bottle 'l'erest (‘t'ockeix assistant director oi l’ttblIL SIiiLty said. "Students ha\L a thponsibility to make


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"“" "“3 I‘ ”'l A" “"0?”Hillthorotsill' Si 53-3 JUNO v. . r ‘7 r t is." ‘33 i: s " I. a.” ”A“ “MM“ id“ " ”A” H H‘m‘m‘r.i..i\ . .iiii no piutwlt t1 tall 919 3710317 h; ‘I 1 (to r .\t mitt Whirimp writes iioivi $350:Hfll-. f . . . . ..r a e \\t straitivi -o\.i H “we! .‘too.HH‘ \t . . ... . .» .»Teltirnaiketing tug uQ .1 39,909 List :-. . . . 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t IIISlillk‘lllk‘lll H“ “He he responsible ior‘ tiist iiin erirris on!) g) . \\e \till torreci lii‘st riin errors .it no tliaiee ti .-Il’\|llllll We \HH cancel this \\lli1l\\l‘ti.t)\l1UltLL‘.i‘trlretinitis are not go en tor ads that ha\ e .ilic.v.l\ .-star‘tcil their run ' it 1lvpitig Lost and l'I‘tlllti Ixlittle \ llrlii mint-ii Personals\titos [or Sale Rides/Riders . ’ir-r \ile \1|\\t'ii.lll\'l'll\ i tRortilts/Rooiiirnait's liiloriiiu f ~I . . . . - .‘ .lor Rent 5‘.” I‘D gi- . . i. . .3. ,7 ,. . . w\iil iL'k' \iL' \ LK.\ PA RI .L‘ ' I .

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