r r v a CALA STAR 7 V 1r t Volume 14 No 91 OCALA FLORIDA MONDAY SEPTEMBER 14 1908 Filly Cents a Month 5 a Year K a F J R D FULLER r DENTAL SURGEONO- ffice over Munroe Chambliss Bank OCALA FLORIDA TERMS CASH F J E CHACE DENTAL SURGEONR- ooms 9 10 and u Second Floor Holder Block OCALA FLORIDA TERMS CASH L F BLALOCK- Dental SurgeonO- ffice Over Commercial Bank Phone 211 Office Hours8 to 12 a m1 to 5 pm TERMS CASH THE COMMERCIAL BARBER SHOP Opens into the lobby of the Ocala House Offers the very best service of skill- ed workmen with modern appliances Strictly sanitary Electric fans elec- tric ¬ massages Hot Running Water at all Times BARBER JOE Manager McIYER MAcKAY FUNERAL DIRECTORS Undertakers and Embalmers- D E MciVER ALFRED E OWEN Undertakers Fine Caskets and Burial Robes All Work Done by Licensed Em balmers and Fully Guaranteed AN INFERNAL INVENTIONP- ostoffice People Stop a Deadly Ma ¬ chine Addressed to Governor Fort of New Jersey Seo Girt X J Sept 13An at- tempt ¬ to assassinate Gov Fort of New Jersey has been thwarted by the watchfulness of postoffice employes who discovered in the snails an in- fernal ¬ machine addressed to the gov ¬ ernor The package was a cleverly contrived combination of powder bul ¬ lets and matches which had been so arranged that had the governor open ¬ ed it In the ordinary way there is lit- tle ¬ doubt it would have killed him That the package was intercepted before it reached Its destination was due to the vigilance of the postoffice officials who have scanned the gov- ernors ¬ mall with unusual care since the executives recent crusade against violation of the law at Atlantic City The attitude taken by the governor when he directed that the excise and all similar laws at the great seaside resort be strictly enforced and even threatened to order out the militia if necessary to that end aroused great resentment in some quarters Several days ago when a package of some ¬ what unusual shape was found to bear insufficient postage it was taken by a clerk to one of the postal inspectors- The inspector became more impressed- by the shape and condition of the package than by the shortage of stamps and at once wrote to the gov- ernor ¬ Informing him that a package- of suspicious appearance addressed to him was being held at the office The inspector secured permission to open the same Exercising the greatest care the in- spector ¬ and his assistants removed the wrappings from the package to find that it was a real infernal machine crudr1 but so cleverly constructed that was capable of tremendous damage fir contained a quantity of powder and bullets with matches so arranged that- a hurried opening of the package would have set off the powder and hurled the bullets in all directions- On a bit of paper the sender had written a message to the governor which read Please notify us prompt- ly ¬ of any change in your postoffice address Another read You will know me brtter after we are acquainted Another line by which it is believed the sender sought to give the impres- sion ¬ that the machine was sent by a foe of constitutional government read And the gun against this rotten gov- ernment ¬ I Governor Fort said that he did not care to investigate the matter in any- way It speaks for itself was the only comment he would make when questioned about his narrow escape HOWS THIS I Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Re- ward ¬ for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure F J Cheney Co- Toledo o- We the undersigned have known F J Cheney fur the last 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable- In all business transactions and finan- cially ¬ able to carry out any obligations made by his firm- Walding Kinnan Marvin Wholesale Druggists Toledo O Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter- nally ¬ acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Testimonials sent free Price 75c per bottle Sold by all druggists Take Halls Family Pills for constipation HARRYS NEW HABITATION Poughkeepsie N Y Sept HHarr- y ¬ K Thaw was transferred today from the Dutchpss county jail to the jail at Whito Plains in West Chester county under orders Issued by Su ¬ preme Court Justice Mills IF YOU KNEW The merits of the Texas Wonder sou would never suffer from kidney blad- Fr or rheumatic trouble 1 bottle two months treatment Sold by druggists or by mail Send for testimonials- Dr E W Hall 2926 Olive street St Louis Missouri I NOBLE WAS NABBED And Brought Back to Florida to An ¬ swer for his Ignoble Conduct Boston Sept 13A J Noble who- is wanted in Jacksonville Fla on a charge of passing forged checks to the amount of several thousand dollars started for that city yesterday in cus ¬ tody of Sheriff R R Bowden Noble was employed by the Jack ¬ sonville Terminal Company and was arrested on Sept S TRY THIS FOR DESSERT Dissolve one package of any flavored JKLLiO in one pint of boiling water When partly congealed beat until light adding one cup whipped cream and six crushed maccaroons Whip all to ¬ gether thoroughly and pour It into a mold or bowl When cool it will jel- lify ¬ and may be served with whipped cream or any good pudding sauce The JKLLO costs lOc per package- and can be obtained at any good gro ¬ cers The New Pure Food and Drug Law We are pleased to announce that j Foleys Honey and Tar for coughs colds and lung troubles is not affected by the National Pure Food and Drug I law as it contains no opiates or other harmful drugs and we recommend it as a safe remedy for children and adults Sold by all dealers I ONLY A lIE TOA TS ALL Bryan Says That Hearsts Statement that Bryan Asked for His Support- Is Absolutely False Cumberland Md Sept 13 Contin- uing ¬ his campaign Eastward William- J Bryan arrived here Saturday morn ¬ ing National Committeeman McGraw from West Virginia and whose guest Mr Bryan will be tomorrow at Deer Park accompanied him from Wheel ¬ ing All through the night along the line of travel great crowds assembled- and made noisy demonstrations in Bryans honor They persisted in their demands that he make his appearance- and some even rapped on the door of his stateroom in the hope of forcing him out- Tooting 01 locomotive whistles at various points was another manifes- tation ¬ of friendliness As soon as he could be seen Mr Bryan was asked regarding the state ¬ ment made at Atlanta Friday night by William R Hearst that Bryan four months ago asked his support for the presidency promising to support Hearst in 1912 Absolutely false was the only comment Bryan would make Following a breakfast at the hotel Bryan was taken over the city and surrounding country in an auto- mobile ¬ THE REMEDY THAT DOES- Dr Kings New Discovery is the remedy that does the healing others promise tut fail to perform says Mrs K R Pierson rf Auburn Centre Pa It is curing me of throat and lung trouble of long standing that other treatments relieved only temporarily New Discovery is doing me so much good that I feel confident its continued- use for a reasonable length of time will restore me to perfect health Thi renowned cough and cold remedy and throat and lung healer is sold at all drugstores Fifty cents and 100 Trial bottle free KNEW THEY HAD ENOUGH i Two Human Wrecks Once Wealthy- Men i Took the Suicide Route I Now York Sept 13Frank V Ben- nett ¬ formerly manager of the Hotel Gotham and a protege of Dan R Han- na son of the late Senator Mark A Hanna committed suicide yesterday in his apartments in the Hotel i Gotham Almost simultaneously George Crouch a former financial writer and- a close friend of Bennett ended his life in the brokerage office of Miller J Co in the Hoffman House Each man I shot himself in the right temple with- a revolver Path men were once althly and prominent I PEERLESS IN MOVING PICTURES i The Camera and Phonograph Will Reproduce Bryan Earth All Over the I Chicago Sept 14 Another feature besides the talking machine with rec- ords ¬ of the speeches of candidates has been added to the novelties of the presidential campaign by the demo ¬ cratic national committee which an- nounces ¬ that moving pictures of Wil- liam ¬ J Bryan in Chicago onf Labor Day would be thrown upon canvasses l at political meetings all over the coun- t try When the pictures show Bryan- t speaking the candidates voice will be i heard from the phonograph record of the Labor Day address National Committeeman Mack and j heads of the committee bureaus to ¬ I clay witnessed a reproduction of the I Bryan Labor Day scenes by the mov ¬ ing picture machine The pictures j show Mr Bryans arrival at the sta- i tion and his reception by the crowd at i the hotel Later the candidate is dis ¬ closed reviewing the big labor parade and acknowledging the cheers of the marchers after which Mr Bryan is shown making a speech to the labor ¬ ing men assembled around the re- i viewing point at the parade Ii HOW TO AVOID APPENDICI- TISI I victims of appendicitis are those who are habitually constipated- Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup cures chronic constipation by stimulating- the liver and bowels and restores the natural action of the bowels Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup does not nau- I seate or gripe and Is mild and pleas I ant to take Refuse substitutes Sold by all dealers HAND COMMITTED TO JAIL Wildwood Sept 14Dr F B Hand was given a preliminary hearing Sat l urday before Justice Vining for the murder of Marshal J D Owens Sun ¬ day night and he was committed to jail without bond to await the action- of the grand jury which meets next month Col Ray Bullock of Ocala represented the state on account of the absence of Col Davis states at- torney ¬ Col J C B Koonce of Sum terville represented the defendant- The case caused considerable excite ¬ ment and drew a big crowd- IT CANT BE BEAT The best of all teachers is experi- ence ¬ CI Harden of Silver City North Carolina says I find Electric Bitters does all thats claimed for it For Stomach Liver and Kidney trou ¬ bles it cant be beat I have tried it and find it a most excellent medicine Mr Harden is right its the best of all medicines also for weakness lame hack and all run down conditions Best too for chills and malaria Sold under guarantee at all drugstores 50c THE MORE YOU DO I r for others the more yon profit yeirself Somehow satisfactory service to present customers I becomes known outside the banks patrons Thats l why our list increases I J The Munroe Chambliss Bank INCORPORATED T T Monroe Pres Z C CbamUiss Y Pres A E Gerig CasWir ROBINSON President- S H BUTCH Manager J C BOOZER Asst Mutter GEO J BLITCB Te- llerCOMMERCIAL BANK OCALA FLA r THE DEPOSITORS IN THIS BANK Are the merchants the professional and successful men and women of the city the farmers of the surrounding territory We accommodate all classes Our customers represent the men and women who have built and are still building successful enter- prises ¬ Ve solicit a share of your buc in- essBICYCLES R FOR RENT r qh PRICESO- ne S t wheel one hour 15c One wheel three hours 40c One half day 50c Best Equipped Repair Department in the City All work Guaranteed STANDARD HIGH GRADE WHEELS 10 DOWN AND 2 PER WEEK Use any of our wheels free while yours is being repaired 8 F CO1TDO1T W ULI B I J 4 r J J fita r I as J r- u u n i I f iI r PIEL BROTHERS EAST NEW YORK lCOMPAN- YSREAL j I GERMAN LAGER BEER I j IN BOTTLES NOW ON SALE AT THE FOLLOWING PLACES L G D Hogan Harry Precht Henry Gordon Ocala House Wine Rooms i Ocala House Wine Rooms Annex Keating Sc Co in Ocala i Harry Peter in Dunnellon I n Kpt3gqt gpt3pqqt3pp pCt t3K Gf t3GtKt36fRY3ttY3KCiAtYtJP3tRYXRiK < nuuQ t3R 3K 3K iK1t3Kt3KtfefiC3136 3tgpKt ucuunun C cnUxJ- j i The real German Beer made in America Nothing but the finest barley malt and Bohemian hops enter into its composition Beer drinkers should bear in mind that the wholesomeness of a beverage depends on its freedom from j- I chemicals We offer such a guarantee Our beer is made from malt and hops only Positively no acids or preservatives enter into its composition Just- a I single trial will make you a permanent customer I Call for PIELS and insist on getting it It costs ncynore than the other kinds un unu n ucu r Katesx Ka cuon + r x zGaaa OOO sx << KKK < rrcKCrx a3ar rx- xsrrxcKILATING CO PAN V DISTRIBUTORS I OCALA FLORIDA I I I i I J J U 4iI If > a c ii- i tit 1

Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1908-09-14 [p ].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00948/0262.pdf · 2009-05-15 · Volume 14 No 91 OCALA FLORIDA MONDAY SEPTEMBER 14 1908

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Volume 14 No 91 OCALA FLORIDA MONDAY SEPTEMBER 14 1908 Filly Cents a Month 5 a Year K a



ffice over Munroe ChamblissBank




ooms 9 10 and uSecond Floor Holder Block



L F BLALOCK-Dental SurgeonO-

ffice Over Commercial Bank

Phone 211

Office Hours8 to 12 a m1 to 5 pmTERMS CASH



Opens into the lobby of theOcala House

Offers the very best service of skill-ed workmen with modern appliancesStrictly sanitary Electric fans elec-tric



Hot Running Water at all Times



FUNERAL DIRECTORSUndertakers and Embalmers-


Fine Caskets and Burial Robes

All Work Done by Licensed Em

balmers and Fully Guaranteed


ostoffice People Stop a Deadly Ma ¬

chine Addressed to Governor Fortof New Jersey

Seo Girt X J Sept 13An at-


to assassinate Gov Fort of NewJersey has been thwarted by thewatchfulness of postoffice employeswho discovered in the snails an in-


machine addressed to the gov ¬

ernor The package was a cleverlycontrived combination of powder bul ¬

lets and matches which had been soarranged that had the governor open ¬

ed it In the ordinary way there is lit-tle


doubt it would have killed himThat the package was intercepted

before it reached Its destination wasdue to the vigilance of the postofficeofficials who have scanned the gov-ernors


mall with unusual care sincethe executives recent crusade againstviolation of the law at Atlantic City

The attitude taken by the governorwhen he directed that the excise andall similar laws at the great seasideresort be strictly enforced and eventhreatened to order out the militia ifnecessary to that end aroused greatresentment in some quarters Severaldays ago when a package of some ¬

what unusual shape was found to bearinsufficient postage it was taken by aclerk to one of the postal inspectors-The inspector became more impressed-by the shape and condition of thepackage than by the shortage ofstamps and at once wrote to the gov-ernor


Informing him that a package-of suspicious appearance addressed tohim was being held at the office Theinspector secured permission to openthe same

Exercising the greatest care the in-


and his assistants removed thewrappings from the package to findthat it was a real infernal machinecrudr1 but so cleverly constructed that

was capable of tremendous damagefir contained a quantity of powder andbullets with matches so arranged that-a hurried opening of the packagewould have set off the powder andhurled the bullets in all directions-

On a bit of paper the sender hadwritten a message to the governorwhich read Please notify us prompt-ly


of any change in your postofficeaddress

Another read You will know mebrtter after we are acquainted

Another line by which it is believedthe sender sought to give the impres-sion


that the machine was sent by afoe of constitutional government readAnd the gun against this rotten gov-

ernment¬ I

Governor Fort said that he did notcare to investigate the matter in any-way It speaks for itself was theonly comment he would make whenquestioned about his narrow escape


I Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Re-ward


for any case of Catarrh thatcannot be cured by Halls CatarrhCure F J Cheney Co-

Toledo o-

We the undersigned have knownF J Cheney fur the last 15 yearsand believe him perfectly honorable-In all business transactions and finan-cially


able to carry out any obligationsmade by his firm-

Walding Kinnan MarvinWholesale Druggists Toledo O

Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter-nally


acting directly upon the bloodand mucous surfaces of the systemTestimonials sent free Price 75c perbottle Sold by all druggists TakeHalls Family Pills for constipation


Poughkeepsie N Y Sept HHarr-y¬

K Thaw was transferred todayfrom the Dutchpss county jail to thejail at Whito Plains in West Chestercounty under orders Issued by Su ¬

preme Court Justice Mills

IF YOU KNEWThe merits of the Texas Wonder souwould never suffer from kidney blad-

Fr or rheumatic trouble 1 bottle twomonths treatment Sold by druggistsor by mail Send for testimonials-Dr E W Hall 2926 Olive street StLouis Missouri



And Brought Back to Florida to An ¬

swer for his Ignoble ConductBoston Sept 13A J Noble who-

is wanted in Jacksonville Fla on acharge of passing forged checks to theamount of several thousand dollarsstarted for that city yesterday in cus ¬

tody of Sheriff R R BowdenNoble was employed by the Jack ¬

sonville Terminal Company and wasarrested on Sept S


Dissolve one package of any flavoredJKLLiO in one pint of boiling waterWhen partly congealed beat until lightadding one cup whipped cream andsix crushed maccaroons Whip all to ¬

gether thoroughly and pour It into amold or bowl When cool it will jel-lify


and may be served with whippedcream or any good pudding sauce

The JKLLO costs lOc per package-and can be obtained at any good gro ¬


The New Pure Food and Drug LawWe are pleased to announce that j

Foleys Honey and Tar for coughscolds and lung troubles is not affectedby the National Pure Food and Drug I

law as it contains no opiates or otherharmful drugs and we recommend itas a safe remedy for children andadults Sold by all dealers



Bryan Says That Hearsts Statementthat Bryan Asked for His Support-

Is Absolutely False

Cumberland Md Sept 13 Contin-uing


his campaign Eastward William-J Bryan arrived here Saturday morn ¬

ingNational Committeeman McGraw

from West Virginia and whose guestMr Bryan will be tomorrow at DeerPark accompanied him from Wheel ¬

ing All through the night along theline of travel great crowds assembled-and made noisy demonstrations inBryans honor They persisted in theirdemands that he make his appearance-and some even rapped on the door ofhis stateroom in the hope of forcinghim out-

Tooting 01 locomotive whistles atvarious points was another manifes-tation


of friendlinessAs soon as he could be seen Mr

Bryan was asked regarding the state ¬

ment made at Atlanta Friday nightby William R Hearst that Bryanfour months ago asked his support forthe presidency promising to supportHearst in 1912 Absolutely falsewas the only comment Bryan wouldmake Following a breakfast at thehotel Bryan was taken over the cityand surrounding country in an auto-mobile



Dr Kings New Discovery is theremedy that does the healing otherspromise tut fail to perform says MrsK R Pierson rf Auburn Centre PaIt is curing me of throat and lung

trouble of long standing that othertreatments relieved only temporarilyNew Discovery is doing me so muchgood that I feel confident its continued-use for a reasonable length of timewill restore me to perfect healthThi renowned cough and cold remedyand throat and lung healer is sold atall drugstores Fifty cents and 100Trial bottle free


Two Human Wrecks Once Wealthy-Men


Took the Suicide Route I

Now York Sept 13Frank V Ben-nett


formerly manager of the HotelGotham and a protege of Dan R Han-na son of the late Senator Mark AHanna committed suicide yesterdayin his apartments in the Hotel i

GothamAlmost simultaneously George

Crouch a former financial writer and-a close friend of Bennett ended hislife in the brokerage office of Miller J

Co in the Hoffman House Each manI

shot himself in the right temple with-a revolver Path men were once

althly and prominent



The Camera and Phonograph WillReproduce Bryan

EarthAll Over the

I Chicago Sept 14 Another featurebesides the talking machine with rec-ords


of the speeches of candidates hasbeen added to the novelties of thepresidential campaign by the demo ¬

cratic national committee which an-nounces


that moving pictures of Wil-liam


J Bryan in Chicago onf LaborDay would be thrown upon canvasses

l at political meetings all over the coun-t try When the pictures show Bryan-t speaking the candidates voice will bei heard from the phonograph record ofthe Labor Day address

National Committeeman Mack andj heads of the committee bureaus to ¬

I clay witnessed a reproduction of theI Bryan Labor Day scenes by the mov ¬

ing picture machine The picturesj show Mr Bryans arrival at the sta-i tion and his reception by the crowd ati the hotel Later the candidate is dis ¬

closed reviewing the big labor paradeand acknowledging the cheers of themarchers after which Mr Bryan isshown making a speech to the labor ¬

ing men assembled around the re-i viewing point at the paradeIi

HOW TO AVOID APPENDICI-TISII victims of appendicitis are

those who are habitually constipated-Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup cureschronic constipation by stimulating-the liver and bowels and restores thenatural action of the bowels OrinoLaxative Fruit Syrup does not nau-

I seate or gripe and Is mild and pleasI ant to take Refuse substitutes Soldby all dealers


Wildwood Sept 14Dr F B Handwas given a preliminary hearing Sat

l urday before Justice Vining for themurder of Marshal J D Owens Sun ¬

day night and he was committed tojail without bond to await the action-of the grand jury which meets nextmonth Col Ray Bullock of Ocalarepresented the state on account ofthe absence of Col Davis states at-torney


Col J C B Koonce of Sumterville represented the defendant-The case caused considerable excite ¬

ment and drew a big crowd-


The best of all teachers is experi-ence


CI Harden of Silver CityNorth Carolina says I find ElectricBitters does all thats claimed for itFor Stomach Liver and Kidney trou ¬

bles it cant be beat I have tried itand find it a most excellent medicineMr Harden is right its the best ofall medicines also for weakness lamehack and all run down conditionsBest too for chills and malaria Soldunder guarantee at all drugstores 50c


for others the more yon profit yeirself

Somehow satisfactory service to present customersI becomes known outside the banks patrons Thatsl why our list increasesI


The Munroe Chambliss BankINCORPORATED

T T Monroe Pres Z C CbamUiss Y Pres A E Gerig CasWir

ROBINSON President-S H BUTCH Manager J C BOOZER Asst Mutter



THE DEPOSITORS IN THIS BANKAre the merchants the professional and successful men and womenof the city the farmers of the surrounding territory

We accommodate all classes Our customers represent the menand women who have built and are still building successful enter-prises


Ve solicit a share of your bucin-





wheel one hour 15cOne wheel three hours 40cOne half day 50c

Best Equipped Repair Department in the CityAll work Guaranteed


Use any of our wheels free while yours is being repaired


ULI B I J 4 r J J fita r I as J r-

u u n









L G D Hogan Harry Precht Henry Gordon Ocala House Wine Roomsi Ocala House Wine Rooms Annex Keating Sc Co in Ocalai Harry Peter in Dunnellon

I n Kpt3gqt gpt3pqqt3pp pCt t3KGf t3GtKt36fRY3ttY3KCiAtYtJP3tRYXRiK < nuuQ t3R 3K 3K iK1t3Kt3KtfefiC3136 3tgpKt ucuunun C cnUxJ-j


The real German Beer made in America Nothing but the finest barley malt and Bohemian hops enter intoits composition Beer drinkers should bear in mind that the wholesomeness of a beverage depends on its freedom from


I chemicals We offer such a guaranteeOur beer is made from malt and hops only Positively no acids or preservatives enter into its composition Just-

aI single trial will make you a permanent customerI Call for PIELS and insist on getting it It costs ncynore than the other kinds

un unu n ucu rKatesx Ka cuon +r x zGaaaOOO sx << KKK < rrcKCrx a3ar rx-xsrrxcKILATING CO PAN V






J J U 4iI If > a


i tit1