r 1T ft f 1 1< Jf r SVV3R iiV L A 1J < xRr Ve 2 c i T 1 A 4 l 1- 1p r f OCALA EVENING STAR TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 1 1908 r HR flNofl UJ 1Jio j but how COO l is trie question i that every one lulLll iL in buying candy 1 he i lil saying that a man is i jwlgcd by te cmv lie gives i holds g > iil day SUDC us always Buy the tdlJllt tote the II just l ai goOd li in I Iut1iItg qtnle equals A 7 J famous BonBons and Chocolates They ate in a distinctively exclu- sive ¬ claw to themselves Orders receive prompt and care- ful ¬ attention Just pive us the name and address and Uncle SOlID does I the rest T1 W TROXLER 24 MAIN ST- I 0 0 F I Tulula Lodge No 22- I O O F meetrf every Tuesday even- Ing in Yongea Hall Visiting brothers always welcome P V Leavengood N G M M Little Secreta- ryBPOE 1 Notice of Sessions of Ocala Lodge No 851 Benevolent and Pro tecXve Order of Elks fhe next session will be held Tues ¬ day evening September 8 Visiting brothers cordially invited S A Bawls Exalted Ruler Joseph Bell Acting Secretary- F A M- aL Marlon Dunn Lodge No 19 meets In the i temple on the first and third Thursday evenings of each month Visiting brothers cordially Invited W D Graham W M Jako Brown Secretary KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Conventions held every Mon- day ¬ evening in Castle Hall over Pey ¬ sers store A cordial welcome to vis ¬ iting knights H M Hampton C C Chas K Sage K of R and S rPc FORT KING CAMP- No 14 Next regular monthly meeting will be held Friday evening Sept 11th at- S oclock in Yonges Hall Visiting sovereigns are always welcome G W Martin C C Chas Sage Clerk A SHOCK- Is something awful Ihere is no dan ¬ ger of being shocked If I do your elec ¬ trical work Everything electrical Drop a card W H Morris 159 Magnolia St Get your school supplies at the Ocala News Co NOTICE OF APPLICATION- FOR A PARDON Notice is hereby given that the un- dersigned ¬ Joe Williams will on Thursday the third day of September- A D 1908 npply to the honorable hoard of pardons for the state of Florida at Tallahassee for a full par- don ¬ of the crime of murder of which he was convicted on the 4th day of April A D 1S93 at Ute spring term of 1893 circuit court for Marlon county Florida the Honorable J J Flnley judge presiding and thereupon sen- tenced ¬ I to imprisonment in the state prison for the term of his natural life the execution of which sentence- he Is now undergoing Dated at Ocala Floridaxon this the 23rd day of July A D 190S Joe Williams Peti- tionerPaEn L KIDNEY CURE WSLL CURE YOU of any case of Kidney 01 Bladder disease that is not beyond the reach of medi- cine ¬ Take it at once Do not risk having Brights Dis ¬ ease or Diabetes There h nothing gained by delay 50c and S 100 Botth fS IC t W SOLD BY ALL DEAL- ERSCHAMBERLAINS < > = t- r t= Dr I 111 II I I I I 1 J 0 I A sili A A few doses of this remedy will In- variably ¬ cure au ordinary attack of diarrhoea It can always be depended upon even in the wore severe attacks of cramp colic and cholera luorbus It is equally buec lsful for summer diarrlioa and cholera infmitnm in children and ia tho menus of saving- the lives of many children each year When reduced with water and sweetened it is pleasant to take Every mnn of u family should keep this remedy in hb home Buy it now PRICE 25c tAROS SIZE 60c OCALA OCCURRENCES Odd Fellows meet tonight Masons meet Thursday evening Use Planks Chill Tonic Guaran ¬ teed Price 25c Sold by all druggists- Mrs L A Gable and baby are visit- Ing relatives in South Carolina Mrs R E Cole came up from the lake today to do some shopping- C D Clark inspector of state con convict camps was In town yesterday- The Ocala News Co has the larg ¬ est line of school books in Ocala Mrs Arthur Cobb and child are home from a visit to Inverness Souvenirs of Ocala for 15c at the Ocala News Co Mr Robert Kaiser is on a visit to his family from Hastings Lightning roach paste kills em 25 cents at the Postofflce Drugstore Mrs Robert Marshall and daughter Miss Mattie were in town today WANTED Three salesladies at M FIshel Sons stores FOR SALEA good fresh milk cow or will trade for hogs Apply to C O Campbell Ocala Clarence Meffert will be a student- at Bingham school near Asheville N C this year- R C Davis Co of Jacksonville- will sell any make of secondhand typewriter upon easy terms if desired- Mr Joe Thomas a sturdy son of the soil from the Rutland plantation was in town today Morris Jacoby representing the I Central City Chair Co Atlanta was in town today interviewing the trade Albert Owen the undertaker with Mclver MacKay is the victim of dengue- Mr J J Williams the Homosassa- fish and oyster merchant was in the city on business bent yesterday- Mr Fitzpatrick of Bellevlew and Mr Seth Weathers of Leroy were I among the visitors to the city today There were four cases before the mayor this morning and the assessed I fines of the court amounted to 35 Mrs J E Charles and several child ¬ ren of Oxford were guests of the Montezuma last night Marshal W C Bull killed two dogs this morning that were running at large unmuzzled- Mr E L Maloney proprietor of the Ocala House was a business visitor- to Jacksonville yesterday- Miss Nan Brooks daughter of Mr and Mrs J H Brooks is down with I dengue I Mrs Robert McClure left this at ternon for Fivay to visit her sister Mrs Smith Mrs J G Ferguson and bright son Master Rae litive returned from their outing at Pablo delighted with their visit A pound of paper ann two packs of envelopes to match all of the very best quality 50c at the Postofflce Drugstore Horace Whetstone returned yester- day ¬ from his visit to Alabama Mrs Whetstone and Miss Bessie will re ¬ turn later When you want stationery go to a stationery store The Ocala News Company has the best and most up todate line In Ocala- J W Alexander the original racket man will leave for Baltimore and New York next week to lay In his fall and Christmas goods BOARD WANTEDTraveling man wants a room by the month and board while In town Answer care of Star- A M K- Bradford Webb of the Standard Lime Co Kendrick was in town to- day ¬ and reports business improving in his line- WANTEDTwo I or three furnished rooms for light housekeeping Refer ¬ ences exchanged Address Rooms care Star office Mr Henry Raysor and bride arriv- ed ¬ today from South Carolina and have rooms with Mr and Mrs D A Miller Fort King avenue- WANTEDBoard and a good home for two boys aged respectively 9 and 2 years Would prefer the country Direct all communications to D J Care Star Ocala Fla Mr A Y Strunk returned this at ternon from Washington D C Mrs Strunk did not accompany him but extended her visit to her children in Mississippi- Mrs W A Falton accompanied by her daughter Miss Marguerite came up from Erooksville today to consult- Dr Newsom about Mrs Faltons sick baby The doctor advised the mother- to take it to the mountains- TO RENTNice furnished or un- furnished ¬ rooms Toilet and bath hot and cold water Rooms are sui ¬ table for light housekeeping Apply- No 49 South Magnolia street G C Spencer Captain J B Webb the tandard Lime Co manager at Kendrick with Mrs Webb returned Saturday from their outin gat the captains old home- in Vermont They had a very pleas ¬ ant time WANTED few boarders in pri ¬ vate family Nicely furnished rooms with best table board Rate 5 week- ly ¬ Apply to G C Spencer 49 South Magnolia street Messrs D W and R D Dodge sons of Rev and Mrs W H Dodge of Ocala and brothers of Judge John W Dodge are visiting In Jacksonville- and will leave in a few days for Da ¬ vidson College to resume their studies Jacksonville Metropolis 31st t I BASEBALL TEAM TO LEESBURG- The Ocala baseball team will go down to Leesburg Thursday afternoon via the Seaboard and play a game with the team of that city Thursday- is a quarterholiday as many of our people as possible should go and root for Ocala LATEST STYLES OF MILLINERY- I have just returned from the New York markets where I have carefully noted the coming styles of all kinds of feminine headwear and made selec ¬ tions that I hope when placed on ex ¬ hibition will meet the approval and patronage of my friends and custom- ers ¬ In a few days I will have on ex ¬ hibition advanced styles of hats etc for all who wish to inspect same You are cordially invited to call I Mrs Minnie Bostick Milliner Ocala House Block Ocala Fla The Sleeping Beauty at the Berlin theater last night was much enjoyed- by the large crowds that saw it It is the familiar fairy story that was so beautifully put into poetry by Tenny- son ¬ and all who saw it last night agreed that it was worthily illustrated There were two other good subjects- one a pretty little story and the other quite a thrilling incident of city life I Mrs Wood after an absence of several weeks was at the piano and every ¬ one was glad to hear her artistic ren- dition ¬ again There are five subjects- this evening and all are good Dont forget the band benefit Thursday ev- ening ¬ The Star would respectfully suggest that the Bryan and Kern Club meet Friday night with the Metropolitan- Band and at intervals give one or two of W J Bryans phonographic talks so all could hear them Mrs S H Blitch daughter Miss Lizzie and sons Landis and Loomis attended the big Sunday school rally- at Morriston Sunday and report a re ¬ cord breaker in attendance Miss Legie Blitch and her brother Master Landis Blitch came in last night from Blitchton and were guests of Mrs Lyles at her home in the sec- ond ¬ ward Captain J O Stewart will tempor ¬ arily assist the Montezuma hotel dur ¬ ing the absence of R A Bright who left this afternoon for Greenville S C accompanied by his niece Miss Lola Belle Smith a very attractive young lady of Montgomery Ala who has been a guest of Mr Bright and family for the past month Dorothy Spencer the little daughter- of Mr and Mrs Barney Spencer is just up from an attack of typhoid I fever She has been an inmate of the I hospital for the past few weeks but expects to be discharged tomorrow I The marriage license clerk worked over time yesterday and ten licenses were issued beating any one day in August in the history of Marion coun ¬ ty I I Prof McKinney of Candler was in town today and reports the past sea ¬ son on watermelons a success He netted a fraction over 100 a car and I is several dollars to the good on them J Peaches lid not do so well in price I while oranges are only promising a fair crop this season Mrs Ethel Oldfield who came here- a few days ago from Tallahassee to wait on her mother Mrs Wm E Sinclair who has been sick was called- to Tallahassee by telegram as her sis ¬ ter Miss Beatrice Sinclair was suf ¬ fering from acute appendicitis which will necessitate an operation Mrs Sinclair accompanied Mrs Oldfield also a trained nurse from Jacksonville Bishop Gray and wife of Orlando who have spent the past six months j in the holy land and England have returned home I Mr N I Gottlieb the photographer is a victim of dengue and a note at I his office says he is absent without- his I consent t Y i- P 4 I- o J 1 J A JJ tf iO > < t RELIEVING MUSCULAR STRAIN- Of the eyes that rob the vigor of the rest of the body is our profes ¬ sion Glasses are intended for more than the aiding of vision Some of the most distressing diseases have been relieved by glasses after doc ¬ tors and surgeons had doctored and cut to their hearts content Do not procrastinate In the matter of having your eyes examined by me DR D M BONEY Eyesight Specialist Ocala Florida Office Hour > 8 to 12 a m and 130 to 430 p m Optical office and laboratory rooms 2 tnd 4 Gary bloc RATTLERS TRAVELING HOME Two large rattlers were killed this past week thre miles and a half west of Ocala one Friday evening and one on Saturday morning One measured five feet eight inches and the other eight feet lhelr relatives may be looking for them but they were over ¬ taken on the way by a big pole and next fi- reCASTORIA For Infants aim Children The Kind You Rave Always Bought Bears the 1 A Signature ji- CuWS FOR SALE- I have three or four good fresh cows for sale will give from two to three gallons of milk per day W D I Cam I HEALTH AND VnALITY I Motts Nerverine Pills The great nerve and brain restora ¬ tive for men and women produces strength and vtality builds up he system and renews the normal vigor For sale by druggists or by mail SI per box 6 boxes for 5 Sold by the AntiMonopoly Drugstore APPLES FOR SALE By the bar- rel ¬ in large or small lots J E Hall Waynesvllle N C Box 247 as Teapot Grocery- Fresh Cakes- Preserved Oranges Spiced Peaches Bottle Celery Fruit Syrups Soused Mackerel I Fillets of Anchovies White Fish No1 Mackerel I S ATTH- ETEAPOT GROCERYT- he fifth Sunday at Morriston com- memorated ¬ the holding of the quarter- ly ¬ Baptist Sunday school convention The gathering drew together a tre ¬ mendous crowd who participated with deep interest in the exercises of the day fraught with pleasure and profit- to all Rev Sheppard of Levy county was the leader and brought forth many earnest and well concieved ideas Sun ¬ day school work was the subject The dinner was all that could be desired The days social and spiritual pleas ¬ ures were of a high order and to none is greater praise due than to Mrs D B Morriston whose whole soul was thrown into the work and the prepara- tions ¬ to make the meeting a success The Hon Henry W Long is busy getting up a history of St Johns I church this county with which he has been connected for fortyeight years He was in town today consulting of- ficial ¬ doci ients in the county judges office- D E Mclver left yesterday with his on McPhaSl Mclver to place him at Bingham Military Academy near Asheville X C Mr Mclver will also meet his wife at Asheville Sam Barco of Sunny Slope Farm is back from his visit to South Florida- He was greatly pleased with the sec- tion ¬ of country he visited He said his father Mr J M Barco cashier- of the Largo bank is enjoying the best of health and never looked better or weighed more Sam left this at ternon for the Bingham Military Academy near Asheville N C where- he is a student I BERLIN ELECTRICAL I THEATER CHANGE OF PROGRAM DULY I Program for this Evening- A SPIRITUALISTIC SEANCE EACH IN HIS TURN LAUNCHING OF THE ROMAI- A Fine Sea Picture THE ONELEGGED MAN And Its Not the Card that Makes the Firm Open Promptly at 3130 P M Admission 10 Cents I Children 5 Cents I H M WOOD PROPN- orth Magnolia Street Opposite Mc ¬ Iver MacKays PEARS FOR SALE July Brown has 100 bushels of fine Keifer pears for sale at 1 a bushel delivered Leave orders at the Star office BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS Exclusively Farm raised Fine shape good layers Stock and eggs for sale at reasonable prices Mrs W R Dreher Micanopy Fla TRY THIS FOR DESSERT I Dissolve one package of any flavored JELLO in one pint of boiling water When partly congealed beat until light adding one cup whipped cream and six crushed maccaroons Whip all to ¬ gether thoroughly and pour It Into a mold or bowl When cool It will jel- lify ¬ and may be served with whipped cream or any good pudding sauce The JELLO costs lOc per package and can be obtained at any good gro I cers EARLY BREAKFASTS- You can get an early breakfast at the Elk Cafe if you are going out of town POINTER DOG TAKEN UP Have taken up a large white spotted pointer dog with collar on but no name on it Apply to Daniel Hall out Fort King avenue- CONFEDERATE MONEY FOR SALE Have 400 in Confederate money for sale It may assist some one to com- plete ¬ a collection Inquire of the Star office MADE A MAN OF HIM- A man once prominent in business- and social circles had fallen to the lowest depths of degredation when a relative placed him in the Keeley In ¬ stitute and he is now back in his for- mer ¬ class successful and respected For detailed and confidential informa ¬ tion address the Keeley Institute Jacksonville Fla NOTICE- I will sell at public auction for cash- on September Sth 1908 at 10 oclock- a m in the town of Anthony Fla one tenroom house and six acres of land together with some iron bed- steads ¬ bedsprings cotton mattresses and other things T P Jones I Aug 29 190S Administrator f l GALLOWAY SUCCEEDS GORDON Sheriff Henry Gordon has resigned- his office in favor of his chief deputy Mr John P Galloway Mr Galloway- was nominated to the office in the primary last June and was shortly after appointed deputy by Mr Gor ¬ don It is hardly necessary to say that he is perfectly familiar with the work and the proper man for the placer Gordon has been a vigilant and fearless officer and during his incum- bency ¬ has added to the large number- of friends he had before he entered on the duties of the office Mr Gor- don ¬ has bought the saloon on South Magnolia street from Mr Mason Ty ¬ son and will for the present devote his energies to the conduct of that popular place MRS G T LIDDON Mrs Ella M Liddon of Ocala Fla was born at Fort Call March 30th 1S69 She was united in marriage to Mr Gus Tulus Liddon May 12th 1887 at Midway Col Rhodes officiating In the eighteenth year of her age she was converted and united with the M E church of which she re- mained ¬ a consistent member up to the time of her death Aug 19 190S She was ever a most faithful wife and devoted mother and a kind sym- pathetic ¬ friend She was never known- to shirk any duty Every one has been helped by knowing her and her child ¬ ren rise up and call her blessed For three years she had suffered almost constantly yet she never mur ¬ mured and in her unselfishness reach- ed ¬ out a helping hand ever to the last as she went quietly- Out of the shadow lonely and drear Into the future that knows not a fear Out of the conflict weary and sore Into the homeland of bliss evermore She is survived by her husband and seven children and was preceded to her heavenly home by one son and many loved ones The funeral services were conducted- by her pastor Rev R H Barnett Misses Jessielu Martin and Loulie Barnett and Mr G A Nash led the song service The many beautiful floral tributes testified of the esteem I in which she was held To the bereaved is the consolation- that I death has released their loved J one and to their lonely hearts comes the assurance 1 0 the sweet reunions Just beyond the silent tide 0 the songs of welcome I On the other side- A I LETTER FROM GERMANY Berlin Germany Aug 19 1908 Editor Star The Star of July 31st I reached me here yesterday morning and its news was read over nearly all I day long Of course we have papers here but the news is not from home I and we soon feel now the time of our visit is drawing to a close and we will soon be in the good old home sweet home We arrived here on our re- turn ¬ for nearer home on the 17th at 4 p m Both myself and Mrs Miller- are enjoying fine health and we have enjoyed the sights of the old country very much at every place where we have been and so far nothing has marred our pleasure We will take in the capital city of Germany to a finish us w will bo here until Aug 27th then we will go to Hanover and be there for three days where I have an 87 year old aunt living and we will pay her a short visit before starting- on the home stretch From there we go direct to Bremen where we will sail on Sept 1st at 12 m on the Ger ¬ man Lloyd steamship aKiser Wilhelm- 2d for New Yorklue to arrive in New York on Sept 7th at 8 a in We will will remain in New York for a few days for the purpose of purchasing a stock of fall and winter goods for our store at Leroy but if nothing prevents we will be at out old home place about Sept 17th or 18th Now Mr Editor I have no other matter to write you I may discover many more before I leave here as we shall take in Berlin from the smallest to the Kais- ers ¬ palace where we shall have the privilege of seeing all the rooms if we desire and also the other government buildings Ve are having very fine weather here now and our stay has been very pleasant Now I will close and hope to soon shake the hands of my old Marion county friends Sincerely Charles Y Miller- L W Jckson the Gainesville sew ¬ ing machine man came down today Mr Jonah Fort and wife of Okla waha were in town today- T F Johnson a successful farmer and orange grower near Altoona was in town today He said fruit pros ¬ pects were good in hl section Ben Freyermouth of the Blitchton section returned today from a visit- to his kin at Mican < py Capt D C Hart and wife Capt Hart was an officer of the Florida regiment and although 79 years of age he is hale and active and leading a useful life He and his wife have a fine lot of cows and over 100 laying hens From the sale of milk and eggs they not only make a good living but each year a snug sum to lay away Capt Hart has one hen that laid 118 eggs with only a day intermission Who can beat it The captain has studied the hen and egg question and has it whit- tled ¬ down to a fine point and knows how to make money out of it E O Cordery the successful and prosperous farmer and fruit grower of the Lynne section was in town this morning with a load of fine grapes and chickens for which he found a ready market If you want a pretty reading lamp to connect with your electric light cur lent in the library or hall of your heme see Walter Tucker the elec- trician ¬ about it Paul Stewart and Lelia Jones col ¬ ored were tried and bound over to the grand jury by Judge Bell yesterday- for living together in violation of the law REWARD OFFERED- The city of Ocala will pay a reward- of 10 for information that will con- vict ¬ any person or persons of throwing- or placing any glass bottles or glass of any description on the streets of Ocala G A Nash Mayor NOTICE- Are you employed If you desire a pcsition that will give you a good compensation it would be to your In ¬ terest to comunicate as directed be ¬ low Business Box 177 C Gainesville Fla t4 AT LAST jj We have been able to secure the agency- for t the celebr- atedWunderhose T jzi The Guaranteed Stockings- for ChildrenT- hey come four pair to a box one dollar a box and are guaranteed to wear without holes for THREE MONTHS or new ones free There are two weights heavy and medium for I 1 2W boys and girls all sizes We give you a written guar- antee ¬ fv with each box Try- a q 4 box M FISHEL SON FW DittoR- eal Estate and Insurance Agent V Houses for sale aua z rent Rents collected and > Taxes paid for nonresi- dents ¬ l lIr Fire Life and Accident Insurance written in the most reliable companies Farms timber tracts vacant lots residence and business properties- for sale Be sure to see me whether you want to buy or not F W DITTO Phones 116 and 92 r HOTEL WINDLE 151719 East Forsyth Street Jacksonville Fla New and FirstClass in All 5- I Appointments r American Plan and 251 per day European Plan 11 Rooms one person 75 cents r 1 L4 y I I ki per day and up Special week- ly Millitof rates Center of City Near i all Car Lines Open all time J Year Rooms with BathrEx tra Charge Bus from Depot and Steamships- C B SMITH proprietor J WEATHER FORECAST Washington Sept IFair tonight local showers Wednesday- A thousand men are now working- on Flaglers Key West extension and more are to be added A twentyfiver- oom hotel is going up at Knights Key the terminus of the East Coast Railway JUST EXACTLY RIGHT- I have used Dr Kings New Life I Pills for several years and find them I just exactly right says Mr A A Felton Harrisville N Y New Life I Pills relieve without the least discom fort Best remedy for constipation biliousness and malaria Twentyfive- cents at all drugstores Tents for rent or sale The Ocala Furniture Company SOUTH LAKE WEIR Messrs Sligh and Bloodgood con ¬ tractors from Jacksonville were in town this week looking up the pros ¬ pects for the fruit crop for the coming season Mr B F Adams has the distinction- of being the first of the summer ab- sentees ¬ to return home He arrived last Friday from Greenville Georgia where he has been spending the sum- mer ¬ and where he left his mother who will return later on Mr Wallace W Reed spent a few days In Leesburg this week Mrs E H Gates left on Sunday for Levon where she will engage in teach ¬ ing music Mr O Herst with his wife and baby from Oxford were in town on Sunday Mrs C S Gates spent several days- in Ocala this week Mr A A Finnie of Coleman was a guest of the Pleasant Hills House on Friday His mother Mrs P C Finnie who has been a guest of Mrs E S Upham the past two months returned with him This community has been in dark- ness ¬ for the past week owing to the failure of the Weekly Stars to shine The bundle of papers for South Lake Weir failed to come to hand NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR Permit to Sell Liquors Wines and Beer I Whereas William A Kallenberger has I filed with the board of county com- missioners ¬ I for Marion county Florida- his application for permit to sell liq ¬ uors wines and beer in election dis ¬ trict one of said county and state any citizen of such election district may show cause if any there be at the meeting of the board to be held on Tuesday the 6th day of October next why such permit should not be grant- ed ¬ S T Sistrunk Clerk of the Board of County Com- missioners ¬ Marion County Florida o JI SPECIAL DINNERS- The dinners at the Elk Cafe fcr 50 cents are the best in the city LAUNCHES BUILT TO ORDER The public cordially invited to In- spect ¬ the Merry Widow the beauti- ful ¬ launch at Silver Springs that I built entirely from keel to awning I f zm prepared to build launches of any Y style and any reasonable size and completely finish and equip them ready for the water at moderate charges and In the very best work- manship ¬ The work is fully guaran- teed ¬ If you want a beautiful model- a strong safe and well built and speedy boat place your order with me Frank Mathews Ocala May 18- FOR 4 SALE- I f am offering ten choice lotstor sate at Eastlake These lots have a front ¬ age of seventyfive feet on New York avenue and 198 feet In depth Locat- ed ¬ 4 on the summit between the depot and postoffice and command a view of the entire lake This avenue extends to the waters edge and Is paved from the depot to the property Buy a lot build a cottage occupy It In summer and rent it for the winter Prices reasonable titles perfect James R Moorhead owner KEEP COOL Have electric fans placed In your ffice or home and keep cool through the hot months It is inexpensive and T great comfort See Walter Tucker- he electrlcin about them HORSE STOLEN TEN DOLLARS REWARD Stolen from the church at Wildwood night of August 18th a sorrel horse 10 years old Had on bridle and sad- dle ¬ Is about 14 hands high with two small gray specks on each hip size of pea Windgall in leg PA Inches long Tips the dust heavy with hind feet Hind legs very straight Scar In left I flank resembles whip Left eye runs water freely Last seen of tracks wa night of 18th of August toward Ox ¬ ford Ten dollars reward for return- or for information where I can find him Peter Davis Wildwood Fla NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR Permit to Sell Liquors Wines and Beer Whereas W H TIsoir has filed with the board of county commissioners for Marion county Florida his ap- plication ¬ for permit to sell liquors wines and beer in election district one of said county and state any citizen- of such election district may show cause if any there be at the meeting of the board to be held on Wednesday- the 9th day of September next wh such permit should not be granted S T SISTRUNK Clerk of the Board of County Com- missioners ¬ Marlon County Florida r- I I- Ic

Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1908-09-01 [p THREE].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00937/0220.pdf · r 1T ft f 1 r1< Jf SVV3R A iiV L 1J < xRr Ve 2 c i T 1 A

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Page 1: Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1908-09-01 [p THREE].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00937/0220.pdf · r 1T ft f 1 r1< Jf SVV3R A iiV L 1J < xRr Ve 2 c i T 1 A

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flNoflUJ 1Jio j

but how COO l is trie question ithat every one lulLll iL in buyingcandy

1 he i lil saying that a man is ijwlgcd by te cmv lie gives iholds g >iil day SUDC us alwaysBuy the tdlJllt tote the II just lai goOd li in I

Iut1iItg qtnle equals

A7 Jfamous BonBons and ChocolatesThey ate in a distinctively exclu-sive


claw to themselvesOrders receive prompt and care-


attention Just pive us the nameand address and Uncle SOlID does Ithe rest



I 0 0 F

I Tulula Lodge No 22-

I O O F meetrf every Tuesday even-Ing in Yongea Hall Visiting brothersalways welcome

P V Leavengood N GM M Little Secreta-


Notice of Sessions ofOcala Lodge No 851

Benevolent and ProtecXve Order of Elks

fhe next session will be held Tues ¬

day evening September 8 Visitingbrothers cordially invited

S A Bawls Exalted RulerJoseph Bell Acting Secretary-

F A M-

aL Marlon Dunn LodgeNo 19 meets In the

itemple on the first

and third Thursday evenings of eachmonth Visiting brothers cordiallyInvited W D Graham W M

Jako Brown Secretary


Conventions held every Mon-day


evening in Castle Hall over Pey¬

sers store A cordial welcome to vis ¬

iting knights H M Hampton C CChas K Sage K of R and S


No 14

Next regular monthly meeting willbe held Friday evening Sept 11th at-S oclock in Yonges Hall Visitingsovereigns are always welcome

G W Martin C CChas Sage Clerk

A SHOCK-Is something awful Ihere is no dan ¬

ger of being shocked If I do your elec ¬

trical work Everything electricalDrop a card W H Morris

159 Magnolia St

Get your school supplies at theOcala News Co


Notice is hereby given that the un-dersigned


Joe Williams will onThursday the third day of September-A D 1908 npply to the honorablehoard of pardons for the state ofFlorida at Tallahassee for a full par-don


of the crime of murder of whichhe was convicted on the 4th day ofApril A D 1S93 at Ute spring term of1893 circuit court for Marlon countyFlorida the Honorable J J Flnleyjudge presiding and thereupon sen-tenced


I to imprisonment in the stateprison for the term of his naturallife the execution of which sentence-he Is now undergoing

Dated at Ocala Floridaxon this the23rd day of July A D 190S

Joe Williams Peti-



of any case of Kidney 01

Bladder disease that is notbeyond the reach of medi-


Take it at once Do

not risk having Brights Dis ¬

ease or Diabetes There hnothing gained by delay

50c and S 100 BotthfS IC t W



< >

= t-

r t= DrI 111 II I




J 0 I

A sili AA few doses of this remedy will In-


cure au ordinary attack ofdiarrhoea

It can always be depended uponeven in the wore severe attacks ofcramp colic and cholera luorbus

It is equally buec lsful for summerdiarrlioa and cholera infmitnm inchildren and ia tho menus of saving-the lives of many children each year

When reduced with water andsweetened it is pleasant to take

Every mnn of u family should keepthis remedy in hb home Buy it nowPRICE 25c tAROS SIZE 60c


Odd Fellows meet tonight

Masons meet Thursday evening

Use Planks Chill Tonic Guaran ¬

teed Price 25c Sold by all druggists-

Mrs L A Gable and baby are visit-Ing relatives in South Carolina

Mrs R E Cole came up from thelake today to do some shopping-

C D Clark inspector of state conconvict camps was In town yesterday-

The Ocala News Co has the larg ¬

est line of school books in Ocala

Mrs Arthur Cobb and child arehome from a visit to Inverness

Souvenirs of Ocala for 15c at theOcala News Co

Mr Robert Kaiser is on a visit tohis family from Hastings

Lightning roach paste kills em25 cents at the Postofflce Drugstore

Mrs Robert Marshall and daughterMiss Mattie were in town today

WANTED Three salesladies at MFIshel Sons stores

FOR SALEA good fresh milkcow or will trade for hogs Apply toC O Campbell Ocala

Clarence Meffert will be a student-at Bingham school near Asheville NC this year-

R C Davis Co of Jacksonville-will sell any make of secondhandtypewriter upon easy terms if desired-

Mr Joe Thomas a sturdy son of thesoil from the Rutland plantation wasin town today

Morris Jacoby representing theI

Central City Chair Co Atlanta wasin town today interviewing the trade

Albert Owen the undertaker withMclver MacKay is the victim ofdengue-

Mr J J Williams the Homosassa-fish and oyster merchant was in thecity on business bent yesterday-

Mr Fitzpatrick of Bellevlew andMr Seth Weathers of Leroy were I

among the visitors to the city today

There were four cases before themayor this morning and the assessed

I fines of the court amounted to 35

Mrs J E Charles and several child ¬

ren of Oxford were guests of theMontezuma last night

Marshal W C Bull killed two dogsthis morning that were running atlarge unmuzzled-

Mr E L Maloney proprietor of theOcala House was a business visitor-to Jacksonville yesterday-

Miss Nan Brooks daughter of Mrand Mrs J H Brooks is down with

I dengue

I Mrs Robert McClure left this atternon for Fivay to visit her sisterMrs Smith

Mrs J G Ferguson and bright sonMaster Rae litive returned from theirouting at Pablo delighted with theirvisit

A pound of paper ann two packs ofenvelopes to match all of the verybest quality 50c at the PostofflceDrugstore

Horace Whetstone returned yester-day


from his visit to Alabama MrsWhetstone and Miss Bessie will re ¬

turn later

When you want stationery go to astationery store The Ocala NewsCompany has the best and most uptodate line In Ocala-

J W Alexander the original racketman will leave for Baltimore andNew York next week to lay In his falland Christmas goods

BOARD WANTEDTraveling manwants a room by the month and boardwhile In town Answer care of Star-A M K-

Bradford Webb of the StandardLime Co Kendrick was in town to-


and reports business improvingin his line-


or three furnishedrooms for light housekeeping Refer ¬

ences exchanged Address Roomscare Star office

Mr Henry Raysor and bride arriv-ed


today from South Carolina andhave rooms with Mr and Mrs D AMiller Fort King avenue-

WANTEDBoard and a good homefor two boys aged respectively 9 and2 years Would prefer the countryDirect all communications to D JCare Star Ocala Fla

Mr A Y Strunk returned this atternon from Washington D C MrsStrunk did not accompany him butextended her visit to her children inMississippi-

Mrs W A Falton accompanied byher daughter Miss Marguerite cameup from Erooksville today to consult-Dr Newsom about Mrs Faltons sickbaby The doctor advised the mother-to take it to the mountains-

TO RENTNice furnished or un-


rooms Toilet and bathhot and cold water Rooms are sui ¬

table for light housekeeping Apply-No 49 South Magnolia street G CSpencer

Captain J B Webb the tandardLime Co manager at Kendrick withMrs Webb returned Saturday fromtheir outin gat the captains old home-in Vermont They had a very pleas ¬

ant time

WANTED few boarders in pri ¬

vate family Nicely furnished roomswith best table board Rate 5 week-ly


Apply to G C Spencer 49 SouthMagnolia street

Messrs D W and R D Dodge sonsof Rev and Mrs W H Dodge ofOcala and brothers of Judge John WDodge are visiting In Jacksonville-and will leave in a few days for Da ¬

vidson College to resume their studiesJacksonville Metropolis 31st




The Ocala baseball team will godown to Leesburg Thursday afternoonvia the Seaboard and play a gamewith the team of that city Thursday-is a quarterholiday as many ofour people as possible should go androot for Ocala


I have just returned from the NewYork markets where I have carefullynoted the coming styles of all kinds offeminine headwear and made selec ¬

tions that I hope when placed on ex¬

hibition will meet the approval andpatronage of my friends and custom-ers


In a few days I will have on ex¬

hibition advanced styles of hats etcfor all who wish to inspect same Youare cordially invited to call I

Mrs Minnie Bostick MillinerOcala House Block Ocala Fla

The Sleeping Beauty at the Berlintheater last night was much enjoyed-by the large crowds that saw it It isthe familiar fairy story that was sobeautifully put into poetry by Tenny-son


and all who saw it last nightagreed that it was worthily illustratedThere were two other good subjects-one a pretty little story and the otherquite a thrilling incident of city life


Mrs Wood after an absence of severalweeks was at the piano and every ¬

one was glad to hear her artistic ren-dition


again There are five subjects-this evening and all are good Dontforget the band benefit Thursday ev-ening


The Star would respectfully suggestthat the Bryan and Kern Club meetFriday night with the Metropolitan-Band and at intervals give one or twoof W J Bryans phonographic talksso all could hear them

Mrs S H Blitch daughter MissLizzie and sons Landis and Loomisattended the big Sunday school rally-at Morriston Sunday and report a re ¬

cord breaker in attendance

Miss Legie Blitch and her brotherMaster Landis Blitch came in lastnight from Blitchton and were guestsof Mrs Lyles at her home in the sec-



Captain J O Stewart will tempor ¬

arily assist the Montezuma hotel dur ¬

ing the absence of R A Bright wholeft this afternoon for Greenville SC accompanied by his niece MissLola Belle Smith a very attractiveyoung lady of Montgomery Ala whohas been a guest of Mr Bright andfamily for the past month

Dorothy Spencer the little daughter-of Mr and Mrs Barney Spencer isjust up from an attack of typhoid I

fever She has been an inmate of the I

hospital for the past few weeks butexpects to be discharged tomorrow


The marriage license clerk workedover time yesterday and ten licenseswere issued beating any one day inAugust in the history of Marion coun ¬

ty I


Prof McKinney of Candler was intown today and reports the past sea ¬

son on watermelons a success Henetted a fraction over 100 a car and I

is several dollars to the good on them J

Peaches lid not do so well in price I

while oranges are only promising afair crop this season

Mrs Ethel Oldfield who came here-a few days ago from Tallahassee towait on her mother Mrs Wm ESinclair who has been sick was called-to Tallahassee by telegram as her sis ¬

ter Miss Beatrice Sinclair was suf ¬

fering from acute appendicitis whichwill necessitate an operation MrsSinclair accompanied Mrs Oldfieldalso a trained nurse from Jacksonville

Bishop Gray and wife of Orlandowho have spent the past six months j

in the holy land and England havereturned home


Mr N I Gottlieb the photographeris a victim of dengue and a note at I

his office says he is absent without-his



tY i-

P 4 I-

oJ 1J

A JJtfiO >< t


Of the eyes that rob the vigor ofthe rest of the body is our profes ¬

sion Glasses are intended for morethan the aiding of vision Some ofthe most distressing diseases havebeen relieved by glasses after doc ¬

tors and surgeons had doctored andcut to their hearts content Donot procrastinate In the matter ofhaving your eyes examined by me

DR D M BONEYEyesight Specialist

Ocala FloridaOffice Hour > 8 to 12 a m and

130 to 430 p m Optical office andlaboratory rooms 2 tnd 4 Gary bloc


Two large rattlers were killed thispast week thre miles and a half westof Ocala one Friday evening and oneon Saturday morning One measuredfive feet eight inches and the othereight feet lhelr relatives may belooking for them but they were over ¬

taken on the way by a big pole andnext fi-

reCASTORIAFor Infants aim Children

The Kind You Rave Always Bought

Bears the 1ASignature ji-


I have three or four good freshcows for sale will give from two tothree gallons of milk per day W D I

Cam I


Motts Nerverine PillsThe great nerve and brain restora ¬

tive for men and women producesstrength and vtality builds up hesystem and renews the normal vigorFor sale by druggists or by mail SIper box 6 boxes for 5 Sold by theAntiMonopoly Drugstore

APPLES FOR SALE By the bar-rel


in large or small lots J E HallWaynesvllle N C Box 247


Teapot Grocery-

Fresh Cakes-

Preserved OrangesSpiced PeachesBottle CeleryFruit Syrups

Soused Mackerel I

Fillets of AnchoviesWhite Fish

No1 MackerelI




he fifth Sunday at Morriston com-memorated


the holding of the quarter-ly


Baptist Sunday school conventionThe gathering drew together a tre¬

mendous crowd who participated withdeep interest in the exercises of theday fraught with pleasure and profit-to all Rev Sheppard of Levy countywas the leader and brought forth manyearnest and well concieved ideas Sun ¬

day school work was the subject Thedinner was all that could be desiredThe days social and spiritual pleas ¬

ures were of a high order and to noneis greater praise due than to Mrs DB Morriston whose whole soul wasthrown into the work and the prepara-tions


to make the meeting a success

The Hon Henry W Long is busygetting up a history of St Johns I

church this county with which he hasbeen connected for fortyeight yearsHe was in town today consulting of-


doci ients in the county judgesoffice-

D E Mclver left yesterday with hison McPhaSl Mclver to place him at

Bingham Military Academy nearAsheville X C Mr Mclver will alsomeet his wife at Asheville

Sam Barco of Sunny Slope Farm isback from his visit to South Florida-He was greatly pleased with the sec-


of country he visited He saidhis father Mr J M Barco cashier-of the Largo bank is enjoying thebest of health and never looked betteror weighed more Sam left this atternon for the Bingham MilitaryAcademy near Asheville N C where-he is a student I




Program for this Evening-




A Fine Sea Picture

THE ONELEGGED MANAnd Its Not the Card that Makes the


Open Promptly at 3130 P M

Admission 10 CentsI

Children 5 CentsI


orth Magnolia Street Opposite Mc ¬

Iver MacKays


July Brown has 100 bushels of fineKeifer pears for sale at 1 a busheldelivered Leave orders at the Staroffice


Exclusively Farm raised Fineshape good layers Stock and eggsfor sale at reasonable prices MrsW R Dreher Micanopy Fla


Dissolve one package of any flavoredJELLO in one pint of boiling waterWhen partly congealed beat until lightadding one cup whipped cream andsix crushed maccaroons Whip all to ¬

gether thoroughly and pour It Into amold or bowl When cool It will jel-


and may be served with whippedcream or any good pudding sauce

The JELLO costs lOc per packageand can be obtained at any good gro I



You can get an early breakfast atthe Elk Cafe if you are going out oftown


Have taken up a large white spottedpointer dog with collar on but noname on it Apply to Daniel Hall outFort King avenue-

CONFEDERATE MONEY FOR SALEHave 400 in Confederate money for

sale It may assist some one to com-plete


a collection Inquire of the Staroffice


A man once prominent in business-and social circles had fallen to thelowest depths of degredation when arelative placed him in the Keeley In ¬

stitute and he is now back in his for-mer


class successful and respectedFor detailed and confidential informa ¬

tion address the Keeley InstituteJacksonville Fla


I will sell at public auction for cash-on September Sth 1908 at 10 oclock-a m in the town of Anthony Flaone tenroom house and six acres ofland together with some iron bed-steads


bedsprings cotton mattressesand other things T P Jones

I Aug 29 190S Administratorf



Sheriff Henry Gordon has resigned-his office in favor of his chief deputyMr John P Galloway Mr Galloway-was nominated to the office in theprimary last June and was shortlyafter appointed deputy by Mr Gor ¬

don It is hardly necessary to saythat he is perfectly familiar with thework and the proper man for theplacer

Gordon has been a vigilant andfearless officer and during his incum-bency


has added to the large number-of friends he had before he enteredon the duties of the office Mr Gor-don


has bought the saloon on SouthMagnolia street from Mr Mason Ty ¬

son and will for the present devotehis energies to the conduct of thatpopular place


Mrs Ella M Liddon of Ocala Flawas born at Fort Call March 30th1S69 She was united in marriage toMr Gus Tulus Liddon May 12th 1887at Midway Col Rhodes officiating

In the eighteenth year of her ageshe was converted and united withthe M E church of which she re-


a consistent member up to thetime of her death Aug 19 190S

She was ever a most faithful wifeand devoted mother and a kind sym-pathetic


friend She was never known-to shirk any duty Every one has beenhelped by knowing her and her child ¬

ren rise up and call her blessedFor three years she had suffered

almost constantly yet she never mur¬

mured and in her unselfishness reach-ed


out a helping hand ever to the lastas she went quietly-

Out of the shadow lonely and drearInto the future that knows not a fearOut of the conflict weary and soreInto the homeland of bliss evermore

She is survived by her husband andseven children and was preceded toher heavenly home by one son andmany loved ones

The funeral services were conducted-by her pastor Rev R H BarnettMisses Jessielu Martin and LoulieBarnett and Mr G A Nash led thesong service The many beautifulfloral tributes testified of the esteem I

in which she was heldTo the bereaved is the consolation-

thatI death has released their lovedJ one and to their lonely hearts comesthe assurance 1

0 the sweet reunionsJust beyond the silent tide

0 the songs of welcomeI

On the other side-




Berlin Germany Aug 19 1908Editor Star The Star of July 31st I

reached me here yesterday morningand its news was read over nearly all I

day long Of course we have papershere but the news is not from home

I and we soon feel now the time of ourvisit is drawing to a close and we willsoon be in the good old home sweethome We arrived here on our re-


for nearer home on the 17th at4 p m Both myself and Mrs Miller-are enjoying fine health and we haveenjoyed the sights of the old countryvery much at every place where wehave been and so far nothing hasmarred our pleasure We will take inthe capital city of Germany to a finishus w will bo here until Aug 27ththen we will go to Hanover and bethere for three days where I have an87 year old aunt living and we willpay her a short visit before starting-on the home stretch From there wego direct to Bremen where we willsail on Sept 1st at 12 m on the Ger ¬

man Lloyd steamship aKiser Wilhelm-2d for New Yorklue to arrive in NewYork on Sept 7th at 8 a in We willwill remain in New York for a fewdays for the purpose of purchasing astock of fall and winter goods for ourstore at Leroy but if nothing preventswe will be at out old home placeabout Sept 17th or 18th Now MrEditor I have no other matter towrite you I may discover many morebefore I leave here as we shall take inBerlin from the smallest to the Kais-ers


palace where we shall have theprivilege of seeing all the rooms if wedesire and also the other governmentbuildings Ve are having very fineweather here now and our stay hasbeen very pleasant Now I will closeand hope to soon shake the hands ofmy old Marion county friends

Sincerely Charles Y Miller-

L W Jckson the Gainesville sew ¬

ing machine man came down today

Mr Jonah Fort and wife of Oklawaha were in town today-

T F Johnson a successful farmerand orange grower near Altoona wasin town today He said fruit pros ¬

pects were good in hl section

Ben Freyermouth of the Blitchtonsection returned today from a visit-to his kin at Mican < py Capt D CHart and wife Capt Hart was anofficer of the Florida regiment andalthough 79 years of age he is hale andactive and leading a useful life Heand his wife have a fine lot of cowsand over 100 laying hens From thesale of milk and eggs they not onlymake a good living but each year asnug sum to lay away Capt Harthas one hen that laid 118 eggs withonly a day intermission Who canbeat it The captain has studied thehen and egg question and has it whit-tled


down to a fine point and knowshow to make money out of it

E O Cordery the successful andprosperous farmer and fruit grower ofthe Lynne section was in town thismorning with a load of fine grapesand chickens for which he found aready market

If you want a pretty reading lamp toconnect with your electric light curlent in the library or hall of yourheme see Walter Tucker the elec-trician


about it

Paul Stewart and Lelia Jones col ¬

ored were tried and bound over to thegrand jury by Judge Bell yesterday-for living together in violation of thelaw

REWARD OFFERED-The city of Ocala will pay a reward-

of 10 for information that will con-


any person or persons of throwing-or placing any glass bottles or glassof any description on the streets ofOcala G A Nash Mayor

NOTICE-Are you employed If you desire a

pcsition that will give you a goodcompensation it would be to your In ¬

terest to comunicate as directed be ¬

low Business Box 177C Gainesville Fla


AT LAST jjWe have been ableto secure the agency-for

tthe celebr-



The Guaranteed Stockings-for ChildrenT-

hey come four pair to a box one dollar abox and are guaranteed to wear without holesfor THREE MONTHS or new ones free

There are two weightsheavy and medium for

I 1 2Wboys and girls all sizes

We give you a written guar-antee


fv with each box Try-

aq 4 box


FW DittoR-

eal Estate andInsurance Agent

V Houses for sale auaz rent Rents collected and>

Taxes paid for nonresi-dents


llIr Fire Life and Accident

Insurance written in the most reliable companies Farmstimber tracts vacant lots residence and business properties-for sale Be sure to see me whether you want to buy or not

F W DITTO Phones 116 and 92r

HOTEL WINDLE151719 East Forsyth Street Jacksonville Fla

New and FirstClass in All5-


r American Plan and 251per day European Plan

11 Rooms one person 75 centsr 1 L4 y I

I ki per day and up Special week-

lyMillitof rates Center of City Near

i all Car Lines Open all timeJ Year Rooms with BathrEx

tra Charge Bus from Depotand Steamships-

C B SMITH proprietor



Washington Sept IFair tonightlocal showers Wednesday-

A thousand men are now working-on Flaglers Key West extension andmore are to be added A twentyfiver-oom hotel is going up at KnightsKey the terminus of the East CoastRailway


I have used Dr Kings New Life I

Pills for several years and find them I

just exactly right says Mr A AFelton Harrisville N Y New Life I

Pills relieve without the least discomfort Best remedy for constipationbiliousness and malaria Twentyfive-cents at all drugstores

Tents for rent or sale The OcalaFurniture Company


Messrs Sligh and Bloodgood con ¬

tractors from Jacksonville were intown this week looking up the pros ¬

pects for the fruit crop for the comingseason

Mr B F Adams has the distinction-of being the first of the summer ab-


to return home He arrivedlast Friday from Greenville Georgiawhere he has been spending the sum-mer


and where he left his mother whowill return later on

Mr Wallace W Reed spent a fewdays In Leesburg this week

Mrs E H Gates left on Sunday forLevon where she will engage in teach ¬

ing musicMr O Herst with his wife and

baby from Oxford were in town onSunday

Mrs C S Gates spent several days-

in Ocala this weekMr A A Finnie of Coleman was a

guest of the Pleasant Hills House onFriday His mother Mrs P C Finniewho has been a guest of Mrs E SUpham the past two months returnedwith him

This community has been in dark-ness


for the past week owing to thefailure of the Weekly Stars to shineThe bundle of papers for South LakeWeir failed to come to hand

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FORPermit to Sell Liquors Wines andBeer

I Whereas William A Kallenberger hasI filed with the board of county com-missioners


I for Marion county Florida-his application for permit to sell liq ¬

uors wines and beer in election dis ¬

trict one of said county and state anycitizen of such election district mayshow cause if any there be at themeeting of the board to be held onTuesday the 6th day of October nextwhy such permit should not be grant-ed


S T SistrunkClerk of the Board of County Com-


Marion County Floridao



The dinners at the Elk Cafe fcr 50cents are the best in the city

LAUNCHES BUILT TO ORDERThe public cordially invited to In-


the Merry Widow the beauti-ful


launch at Silver Springs that Ibuilt entirely from keel to awning I

fzm prepared to build launches of any Y

style and any reasonable size andcompletely finish and equip themready for the water at moderatecharges and In the very best work-manship


The work is fully guaran-teed


If you want a beautiful model-a strong safe and well built andspeedy boat place your order withme Frank Mathews

Ocala May 18-




am offering ten choice lotstor sateat Eastlake These lots have a front ¬

age of seventyfive feet on New Yorkavenue and 198 feet In depth Locat-ed

¬ 4on the summit between the depot

and postoffice and command a view ofthe entire lake This avenue extendsto the waters edge and Is paved fromthe depot to the property Buy a lotbuild a cottage occupy It In summerand rent it for the winter Pricesreasonable titles perfect James RMoorhead owner

KEEP COOLHave electric fans placed In your

ffice or home and keep cool throughthe hot months It is inexpensive andT great comfort See Walter Tucker-he electrlcin about them


Stolen from the church at Wildwoodnight of August 18th a sorrel horse10 years old Had on bridle and sad-dle


Is about 14 hands high with twosmall gray specks on each hip size ofpea Windgall in leg PA Inches longTips the dust heavy with hind feetHind legs very straight Scar In left I

flank resembles whip Left eye runswater freely Last seen of tracks wanight of 18th of August toward Ox ¬

ford Ten dollars reward for return-or for information where I can findhim Peter Davis Wildwood Fla

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FORPermit to Sell Liquors Wines andBeerWhereas W H TIsoir has filed with

the board of county commissionersfor Marion county Florida his ap-plication


for permit to sell liquorswines and beer in election district oneof said county and state any citizen-of such election district may showcause if any there be at the meetingof the board to be held on Wednesday-the 9th day of September next whsuch permit should not be granted

S T SISTRUNKClerk of the Board of County Com-


Marlon County Florida



