r f E ff f4 e 4 = = V eI8f jttb Wjf6 fZ- of THE OCA LA BANNER PAGE NINE C A COLD WAVE tua in Ocala Soen Weather Man Pre diets it Sure ° temperature of 30 degrees below zero is pretty cold weather but even ftHlolder is promised in this city soon More than ten times 30 below zero 1s t will be the temperature at one place on the armory stage March 13th where the tank of liquid air is paced for the score of intensely interesting f experiments that will be given by the lecturer and d montrator engaged it7 A Supply of this wonderful fluid 312 degrees below zero is guaranteed and extensive laboratory apparatus is I brought with which to show its many peculiar and startling qualities f The demand for seats indicates great interest and many are expected from nearby towns Present experiments- with liquid air are simply voyages of I exploration into the strange country sS t of hitherto unknown temperature v What the heat of a fire is to water in- generating r Eteam so is the heat of the atmosphere to liquid air which- is so inconceivably cold that a kettle of it will boil away fiercely even up- on a cake of ice alcohol is frozen and quicksilver is made as hard a- sI ijiron while the airs chemical proper- ties permit of many paradoxical and i entertaining feats To the average L public the great charm of a liquid air entertainment centers in the won derfulexperiments To the scientist there is a going behind the scenes the experiment to him is a small ff thing the principal involved in it and the possibilities it indicates are full of thought that are new and k sUing To the man who has done kY but little work upon scientific lines and given little thought to scientific L subjects the professors brilliant ex- periment ¬ I seem like tricks of legerde- main ¬ I dazzling by the rapid succes- sion ¬ of things amazing and at first I Jt inexplainable There is enjoyment Iandinstruction for all classes sea tickets at Postoffice I Drugstore Price 75 cents I The Origlnal I 1 s- Yc Foley 3 Co Chicago originated I Honey and Tar as a throat and lung I 3remedy and on account of the great merit and popularity of Foley i f > Honey and Tar many imitations are L offered for the genuine Ask for Fo I lees Honey and Tar and refuse any ufsabstitute offered as no other prepa- ration will give the same satisfac ¬ tion It is mildly laxative It con- tains ¬ It no opiates and is safest for children and delicate persons Post office Drug Stare m Propounding Questions Jt To the Editor of the Ocala Banner While Messrs Baskin and Thagarda- re are answering Mr McLeods ques- tions v it might be of interest to the 3 > people to know whether they favor if or oppose a uniform series of school- books throughout the state f The selection of one newspaper in f each county in which to publish all fiF ieg advertisements S 1 Repeal of the licensing of slot ma- chines I l 1 Requiring the county commission- ers > ° to publish an annual statement i itemized of county receipts and ex- Penditures and making a reasonable i L appropriation to pay for same Fixing school age from 7 to IS and fs prohibiting the kindergarten feature jintheflommon school 1+ Requiring the circuit court judge- to call for trial every case on the criminal docket at each term of << u court R1- t 5 Womens Kidneys f > Women ore more often afflicted iWltl kidney disorders than men but jj the symptoms to diseases xt peculiar to their sex while in reality jt the kidneys are deranged Nervous fit ness headache puffy or dark circles fir under the eyes pains in the back f are signs of kidney trouble that must not be ignored or a serious malady r Will result Foleys Kidney Cure p h restored the health of thousands jzofweak nervous broken down wo- men i It stops irregularities and > strengthens the urinary organs It purifies the blood and benefits the g whole system m t Workmen are busy making repairs s on the building occupied by Harry j l Stalbergs restaurant and confection y store and when the interior i- apered 5 and otherwise improved ac- cording t f to plans and specifications 3 i won file etc he will have one- athehandsomest places in the city J 4- i Lf 1 1Jf < 4ci t tc w- h Old Brooklyn fridge I WITH A ROSE FOR LONGFELLOW I GRAVE I The following beautiful I poem was j I written by Mr Leon Hanlon of Xew i York formerly of this city > r I Hanlon has had the peom neatly got j ten up with facsimile original man- uscript j and portrait of the author I vr Hanlon has sent the editor of T this paper an autograph copy with i the following compliment j Fate meant him for a poet but the- i tags I Were prose mixed so Harris writes in 1 The poem is as follows I I stand on the bridge at sunset I As the hurrying crowd goes by Below is the quiet river- I And redgold tints the sky The roar of the distant city Becomes a deepdrawn sigh I And into my dreaming fancy Steals the glance of a soft brown eye My heart is young and restless My soul has but one cry Alas for the endless torture Of a love that will not die I Old bridge your work is noble Your pillars are strong and true I Your piers reach under the river I And your towers kiss the blue As long as men shall labor I As long as women shall love I The bridge will bear its burden I And the blue sky bend abov r As long as time shall hold me I And the gift of death deny- I My heart must hear its burden Of a love that will not die I But now the night has fallen t And stars like angels peep The city awakes to beauty As a million bright lights leap I I I think of a splendid city j That no mans eye hath seen i And the bridge of faith that spans The river of death between I Perhaps when I cross over I The waters that darkly lie My heart shall feel the = I Of a love that need not die Evangelist M F Ham The following pretty tribute was j handed us by an ardent admirer of i Rev M F Ham who started a series- of I revivals at the Baptist church Sun- day ¬ Evangelist Mordecoi F Ham is not hairsplitting theologian nor a homiletrical specialist He is a man with a message For many years he was a traveling man and as a knight of the grip he sold more goods than any man his house put on the road When God touched his heart and life the thought came If I was successful in telling I the merits of my goods can I not he I useful telling the goodness of my I GodHe preached his first sermon the I next day and has been preaching ever since From the commencement of his ministerial career great crowds have attended his services and multitudes have hcen brought to God Always- his coming brings a blessing Proper Treatment of Pneumonia Pneumonia is too dangerous a disease for anyone to attempt to doc- tor ¬ himself although he may have the proper remedies at hand A phy sicion should always be called It should be borne in mind t however that pneumonia always results from- a cold or front an attack of the grip and that by giving Chamberlain I Cough Remedy the threatened attack- of pneumonia may be warded off This remedy is also used by physi ¬ I cians in the treatment of pneumonia- with the best results Dr W J Smith of Sanders Ala who is also a druggist says of it I have been I selling Chamberlains Cough Remedy- and prescribing it in my practice for the past six years I use it in cases of pneumonia and have always got ¬ ten the best results Sold by the AntiMonopoly Drug Store m Not His First Offense Arthur Robinson the negro who was arrested at Thursday night fire I for attempting to carry away goods from the Krasnoft Brothers store was given a hearing before Justice Waid Friday and bound over to await the action of the grand jury at the next term of the circuit court Since Robinsons arrest it has ben i found that he is wanted in Lake I county for the same offense commit ¬ ted some time ago at Mt Dora Died at Insane Hospital Mr and Mrs Weber Saturday re I ceived the sad information from Dr Gwinn superintendent of the state insane hospital that their adopted I son Walter who was committed to that institution about three weeks ago had died on Wednesday March 1 A cancer which had formed on his neck was the immediate cause of his death The Ocala Banner joins the host of i friends in extending sympathy to the J bereft parents i1 tel f i > f I ECHOES OF THE FIRE i Thursday Nights Blaze Shows the Necessity of a Volunteer Fire Oe ii > partment I The blaze in the Ocala Furniture Companys store on Thursday night i shows very conclusively that Ocalas j volunteer firemen are quite impor- tant j factors in the citys municipal- j organization While it is true we I have three men continually on duty i at the fire station the fire the other night proved to some of our citizens Ij who have always opposed the en j couragement of volunteer organi j zation that but for them almost the I entire business portion of the city I would now be in ashes- I I I Iessr s Ed Carnichael Frank 0 I Regan and many others of the old j volunteer organization got into i harness7 and did heroic work in pre- venting i the spread of the flames to j adjoining property Among those who took a most active part in fight- ing ¬ the flames were Hamp Cham- bers ¬ f Nathan Peyser Don Ford- I James Carlisle Jr Royal Cole Clif ¬ I ford Hayes John Julian Claud Gates S B Kibbler Otto Groethe I Peyton Bailey Frank Ditto Fred I Weihe Lewis Lang R A Daniels I and Bart Corley Quite a number of our colored citi- zens ¬ were also in evidence around the threatened property and dil ex- cellent ¬ work when galled upon Messrs Smith C Roberts are mov- ing ¬ their stock to various warehouses over the city until their store buifd ing can be rebuilt = The fire fighters ask us to extend- to Mrs Thos Barnes proprietress of I the Club House their sincere thanks for furnishing them with hot coffee while they were at work r Chief Brigance and his able assist ¬ ants showed that besides keeping a clean house at the station and tak ¬ ing good care of the citys property which is placed in their hands they can fight fire Too much credit can not l > e bestowed on these worthies- for the part they played in keeping- the fire confined to one building 1 z Claud Gates who ventured too far into the burning building with a noz- zle ¬ was overcome with smoke and I had to be carried out He was soon I revived however and went at it again I with a will- Krasnoff a y I Brothers were busily en- gaged ¬ I all day yesterday straighten- ing ¬ up their goods which had been removed during the fire They have moved back into their former store room that part of the building hav- ing ¬ suffered very little damage ex ¬ cept by water Death Rate in New York and Cncago During November and December 1903 onefifth of the deaths in New York and Chicago were from pneu ¬ monia Foleys Honey and Tar not only stops the cougn but heals and strengthens the lungs and prevents I pneumonia so do not take chances- on a cold wearing away when Foleys Honey and Tar will cure you quickly and prevent serious results Post office Drug Store m The Winter in Texas With wood six dollars a cord and yarn socks forty cents a pair it is go- ing ¬ to be mighty hard for us to get through the winter if these blizzards keep coming We wonder why in the thunder some of that set of injunction granting judges that infested Texas I like a pack of wolves a year or so ago dont is > ue an order on the weather clerk restraining him from so imposing on the sunny south The very idea of balmy rosecovered Texas being wound up for weeks in ice and editors forced to wear half hosen or shiver like an aspen It is an outrage Southwest Texas Startling Mortality Statistics show startling mortality from appendicitis and peritonitis To prevent and cure these awful diseases there is just one reliable Dr Kings New Lefe Pills M Flannery of 11 Custom House Place Chicago says They have no equal for Consti ¬ pation and Biliousness 25c at Tidings Co druggist m FOIETSHOHIT XIF j tto ber hant3 heap luZU I f Mrs Roosevelts Inaugural Gown The material for Mrs Theodore I Rooserelts inaugural gown to be I worn tr day was woven at the Wil- liam ¬ Strange silk mill in Patterson N J It is of an entirely new design and new shade Mrs Roosevelt sug ¬ I gested the design and the shadewill be known as Alice blue in honor of the presidents daughter who select- ed ¬ it from material she saw at the Worlds Fair at St Louis While ad- miring ¬ the new shade which comes near to an electric blue Mrs Roose ¬ velt conceived the idea that if doves l I were woven into the goods it would make a Inndsome gown for the inau ¬ guration reception When the de ¬ sign was completed according to her ideas it represented a flock of doves flying diagonally across a blue back ¬ ground The largest dove is a little less than two inches from the tip of one wing to the tip of the other They decrease in size until the small- est ¬ is very minute The doves are woven in gold tinsel anti in such a manner that as th3 goods are held up to the light and slowly turned the doves seem to sink into the back ¬ ground and slowly disappear Slippers and stockings of the same shade will be worn with the gown r and a feather in the hair also of elec ¬ tric blue will complete the toilet There will be used more than one hundred yards of chiffon and forty yards of taffeta The materials cost upward of 700 and the whole cos ¬ tume complete will cost about 1200 f- I TO BEAUTIFY I- YOUf COMPLEXION In 10 Days Us- eSATINOLA THE ENEQUALEO BEAUTIFIER L auw = + w a nat Vyq f OI111 I r is y Q i C < 4 = x < c f c i t FEW applications will remove tan or of A youth Jowuc s and restore the beauty sal SATI NOLA isa new discovery guaranteed and money refunded if it To remove freck ¬ les liver spot blackheads tan dis discolorations and disfiguring eruptions Or ¬ dinary cases in ten the worst in twenty days After these defects are removrd skin will be soft clear and beautiful Price 50 cents t drugstores or bs mail Thousands of ladies testify to the merits of Satinola Mrs Etta Brown writesSL Louis Mo June 30 1904 hI have been using your Satiuola Egypt tin Cream Soap and Face Pow ¬ der and like them all very much This is the first si mmer since clrldlood that I have been without freckes I am j years old and have a better complexion now than when a girl NATIONAL TOILET CO Paris Tenn Sold in Ocala b Auti monopoit Drug Store and all leading druggists 4- I F V i It- I 6Qts 4f91- 2Qt I oa- JRLPRrPAffl r I Chas Blum d Co o7 and o9 W Bay St Jacksonville Fla Pure EI > KX MlvLOX SEED FOL SALE These eed are of the purest strain Furnished in any quantity desired Apply to W B WARREN 6 Appleton S C Jerry Burnett Merchant Tailoring Ocala Florida Finest Imported and Domestic Cloths Cutting a Specialty Fits Guaranteed- I > N j 33 t J j a = I I F I J I I I 225 EXPRESS PRE = PAID w OUR CELEBRATED COBB COUNTY CORN IS GUARANTEED 3 YEARS OLD F C Copper distilled IK tie good old fashioned style I over an open furnace which gives a delicacy of flavor not to be had in other brands Order today and we will bip is plain case one gallon of this excellent V7Liskuy cs rcss prepaid > for 225 Harris Favorite Rye- II Years Old 4 Full Quarts Express Prepaid 3OO This nna old Rye Whiskey has no oqwal no matter what you pay It is the kicJ of mellow taste good too for medicinal use We will also ship 1 yt gallon Cove Ceanty and 1 quart Harris Favorite j Rye together for S3OO express prepaid Send ns y oar trial order today I OUR GUARANTEE If you are not entirely pleased and or goods are nut as represented refutd year memey liy aert sail We sake ao f C ODBkipmemts Our references Third National BajQc ex Express Office Send Express or PoetoAo Boar Order A H BARIUS 12 Walton Street ATLANTA GA E C SMITH C V ROBERTS SMITH ROBERTS Funeral Directors ad Licensed Em tllllers Latest Methods Best Goods Work Guaranteed Telegraph orders receive prompt atsention and embalming done anywhere on short notice s OCiLi FURNITURE COMPANY ELIZABETH V TOMPKINS A CO DEALER I- NReal Y Estate and Investments f Property bought and sold Satisfaction guaranteed Informa ¬ tion furnished on request or call cor Ft King Ave and Magnolia streets Lock box S21 I r 1 C Cfft2CfHlCt- 3lI WE EAT MEAT I 4S To grow strong Unless we get l goo i meat we may as well let- s it alone There is no strength i r VJ iu tough meal instead of giv- ing ¬ I < IIi it takes strength to digest r it It pays to be careful in r- sf i I f buying nlrathe sure to get = th1 ltender and Choice I Pay a little more if need be and ° Eii I put something in your stomach which will put flesh on your bones and strong blood in YOur 3 4FS i EDWARDSBROS veins I Stalls 2 and 4 City Market Ocala Flat Y e 2rc jtij CiiI Ji L WE WANT EVERY GROWER IN THE STATE TO HAVE OUR BOOKS 4 j FLORIDA ViSSIABLES complete manual on Florida crops 5 FLOSIDA OR UGESBook of interest to Orange Growers FLORIDA STRAWBEtrzSBooklet on Soil Varieties Cultivation and Fertilization 2SISE POTATOES Booklet 011Soil Seed Planting and Cultivating Effect of Fertilizers Digging and Shipping PINEAPPLE FSETILIZIM5 Of special interest to pineapple growers ID2AL LiZRSBook showing all our brands analyses prices etc Y- NEW AND REVISED EDITIONS OF ABOVE JUST PUBLISHED SENT FREE FOR THE ASKING I Wilson Toomer Fertilizer Co J a JacksonviIIe Florida iii REFLECT i MOM s s- l R > II- y Have you decided on the kind of j 1 fertilizer you are going to use Its Li I not a question of how much but rt what Iciil wi3a the best result t fir can be obtained You cant make a W i mistake when you use our high grade fertilizers Highest cash price paid for dry bones IJip FLORIDA FERTILIZER UIF6 0 MANY C Gainesville Fla- t h r fi- a 1 r r

Ocala Banner. (Ocala, Florida) 1905-03-10 [p Page Nine].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/04/87/34/00315/00105.pdf · fit ness headache puffy or dark circles fir under the eyes pains

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Page 1: Ocala Banner. (Ocala, Florida) 1905-03-10 [p Page Nine].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/04/87/34/00315/00105.pdf · fit ness headache puffy or dark circles fir under the eyes pains

r f E ff f4 e 4 = = V eI8f jttb Wjf6






tua in Ocala Soen Weather Man Prediets it Sure

° temperature of 30 degrees belowzero is pretty cold weather but even

ftHlolder is promised in this city soonMore than ten times 30 below zero

1st will be the temperature at one place

on the armory stage March 13thwhere the tank of liquid air is pacedfor the score of intensely interesting

f experiments that will be given by thelecturer and d montrator engaged

it7 A Supply of this wonderful fluid 312

degrees below zero is guaranteedand extensive laboratory apparatus is

I brought with which to show itsmany peculiar and startling qualities

f The demand for seats indicates greatinterest and many are expected fromnearby towns Present experiments-with liquid air are simply voyages of

I exploration into the strange countrysS

t of hitherto unknown temperaturev What the heat of a fire is to water in-

generatingr Eteam so is the heat ofthe atmosphere to liquid air which-is so inconceivably cold that a kettleof it will boil away fiercely even up-

on a cake of ice alcohol is frozenand quicksilver is made as hard a-

sI ijiron while the airs chemical proper-ties permit of many paradoxical and

i entertaining feats To the averageL public the great charm of a liquid air

entertainment centers in the wonderfulexperiments To the scientistthere is a going behind the scenes

the experiment to him is a smallff thing the principal involved in it

and the possibilities it indicates arefull of thought that are new and

k sUing To the man who has donekY

but little work upon scientific linesand given little thought to scientific

L subjects the professors brilliant ex-



seem like tricks of legerde-main

¬ I

dazzling by the rapid succes-sion


of things amazing and at first I

Jt inexplainable There is enjoyment

Iandinstruction for all classessea tickets at Postoffice

I Drugstore Price 75 cents I

The Origlnal I

1 s-

YcFoley 3 Co Chicago originated I

Honey and Tar as a throat and lung I

3remedy and on account of the greatmerit and popularity of Foley

if > Honey and Tar many imitations areL offered for the genuine Ask for Fo I

lees Honey and Tar and refuse anyufsabstitute offered as no other prepa-

ration will give the same satisfac ¬

tion It is mildly laxative It con-tains


It no opiates and is safest forchildren and delicate persons Postoffice Drug Stare m

Propounding Questions

Jt To the Editor of the Ocala BannerWhile Messrs Baskin and Thagarda-

re are answering Mr McLeods ques-

tionsv it might be of interest to the3

> people to know whether they favorif or oppose a uniform series of school-

books throughout the statef The selection of one newspaper in

f each county in which to publish allfiF ieg advertisementsS1 Repeal of the licensing of slot ma-


1 Requiring the county commission-ers>

° to publish an annual statement

i itemized of county receipts and ex-

Penditures and making a reasonableiL appropriation to pay for same

Fixing school age from 7 to IS andfs prohibiting the kindergarten feature

jintheflommon school1+ Requiring the circuit court judge-

to call for trial every case on thecriminal docket at each term of

< < u

court R1-t5 Womens Kidneys

f > Women ore more often afflictediWltl kidney disorders than men butjj the symptoms to diseasesxt peculiar to their sex while in realityjt the kidneys are deranged Nervousfit ness headache puffy or dark circlesfir under the eyes pains in the backf are signs of kidney trouble that must

not be ignored or a serious maladyr Will result Foleys Kidney Curep h restored the health of thousandsjzofweak nervous broken down wo-

meni It stops irregularities and> strengthens the urinary organs Itpurifies the blood and benefits the

g whole system m

t Workmen are busy making repairss

on the building occupied by Harry j

lStalbergs restaurant and confectiony store and when the interior i-


and otherwise improved ac-cordingt f to plans and specifications

3 i won file etc he will have one-

athehandsomest places in the city J


Lf1 1Jf



t tc w-


Old Brooklyn fridgeI

WITH A ROSE FOR LONGFELLOWI GRAVEI The following beautifulI poem wasj

I written by Mr Leon Hanlon of Xewi York formerly of this city > rI Hanlon has had the peom neatly gotjten up with facsimile original man-uscriptj and portrait of the author

I vr Hanlon has sent the editor ofT this paper an autograph copy withi

the following complimentj Fate meant him for a poet but the-i tagsI


mixed so Harris writes in

1 The poem is as followsI I stand on the bridge at sunsetI As the hurrying crowd goes byBelow is the quiet river-

I And redgold tints the skyThe roar of the distant city

Becomes a deepdrawn sighI And into my dreaming fancy

Steals the glance of a soft brown eyeMy heart is young and restlessMy soul has but one cryAlas for the endless torture

Of a love that will not dieI Old bridge your work is noble

Your pillars are strong and trueI Your piers reach under the riverI And your towers kiss the blue

As long as men shall laborI As long as women shall loveI The bridge will bear its burdenI And the blue sky bend abovr As long as time shall hold meI And the gift of death deny-I My heart must hear its burden

Of a love that will not dieI

But now the night has fallent And stars like angels peepThe city awakes to beauty

As a million bright lights leap II I think of a splendid cityj That no mans eye hath seen i

And the bridge of faith that spansThe river of death between I

Perhaps when I cross over IThe waters that darkly lieMy heart shall feel the =


Of a love that need not die

Evangelist M F HamThe following pretty tribute was


handed us by an ardent admirer ofi

Rev M F Ham who started a series-of


revivals at the Baptist church Sun-day


Evangelist Mordecoi F Ham is nothairsplitting theologian nor ahomiletrical specialist He is a manwith a message

For many years he was a travelingman and as a knight of the grip hesold more goods than any man hishouse put on the road When Godtouched his heart and life the thoughtcame If I was successful in telling


the merits of my goods can I not he I

useful telling the goodness of myI

GodHepreached his first sermon the I

next day and has been preachingever since

From the commencement of hisministerial career great crowds haveattended his services and multitudeshave hcen brought to God Always-his coming brings a blessing

Proper Treatment of PneumoniaPneumonia is too dangerous a

disease for anyone to attempt to doc-tor


himself although he may havethe proper remedies at hand A physicion should always be called Itshould be borne in mind t howeverthat pneumonia always results from-a cold or front an attack of the gripand that by giving Chamberlain

I Cough Remedy the threatened attack-of pneumonia may be warded offThis remedy is also used by physi ¬

I cians in the treatment of pneumonia-with the best results Dr W JSmith of Sanders Ala who is also adruggist says of it I have been

I selling Chamberlains Cough Remedy-and prescribing it in my practice forthe past six years I use it in casesof pneumonia and have always got ¬

ten the best results Sold by theAntiMonopoly Drug Store m

Not His First Offense

Arthur Robinson the negro whowas arrested at Thursday night fire


for attempting to carry away goodsfrom the Krasnoft Brothers storewas given a hearing before JusticeWaid Friday and bound over to awaitthe action of the grand jury at thenext term of the circuit court

Since Robinsons arrest it has ben i

found that he is wanted in Lake I

county for the same offense commit¬

ted some time ago at Mt Dora

Died at Insane HospitalMr and Mrs Weber Saturday re I

ceived the sad information from DrGwinn superintendent of the stateinsane hospital that their adopted I

son Walter who was committed tothat institution about three weeksago had died on Wednesday March1 A cancer which had formed onhis neck was the immediate cause ofhis death

The Ocala Banner joins the host of i

friends in extending sympathy to the J

bereft parents

i1tel f i>



i Thursday Nights Blaze Shows theNecessity of a Volunteer Fire Oe


> partmentI The blaze in the Ocala FurnitureCompanys store on Thursday night

i shows very conclusively that Ocalasj volunteer firemen are quite impor-tantj factors in the citys municipal-

j organization While it is true weI have three men continually on dutyi at the fire station the fire the othernight proved to some of our citizens


who have always opposed the enj couragement of volunteer organij zation that but for them almost theI

entire business portion of the cityI would now be in ashes-




Iessrs Ed Carnichael Frank 0IRegan and many others of the old

j volunteer organization got intoi harness7 and did heroic work in pre-

ventingi the spread of the flames toj adjoining property Among thosewho took a most active part in fight-


the flames were Hamp Cham-bers


f Nathan Peyser Don Ford-I James Carlisle Jr Royal Cole Clif¬

I ford Hayes John Julian ClaudGates S B Kibbler Otto Groethe


Peyton Bailey Frank Ditto FredI Weihe Lewis Lang R A DanielsI and Bart Corley

Quite a number of our colored citi-


were also in evidence aroundthe threatened property and dil ex-


work when galled upon

Messrs Smith C Roberts are mov-ing


their stock to various warehousesover the city until their store buifding can be rebuilt


The fire fighters ask us to extend-to Mrs Thos Barnes proprietress of I

the Club House their sincere thanksfor furnishing them with hot coffeewhile they were at work

rChief Brigance and his able assist ¬

ants showed that besides keeping aclean house at the station and tak¬

ing good care of the citys propertywhich is placed in their hands theycan fight fire Too much credit cannot l> e bestowed on these worthies-for the part they played in keeping-the fire confined to one building

1 z

Claud Gates who ventured too farinto the burning building with a noz-


was overcome with smoke andI had to be carried out He was soonI revived however and went at it againI with a will-

Krasnoffa y


Brothers were busily en-


I all day yesterday straighten-ing


up their goods which had beenremoved during the fire They havemoved back into their former storeroom that part of the building hav-


suffered very little damage ex ¬

cept by water

Death Rate in New York and CncagoDuring November and December

1903 onefifth of the deaths in NewYork and Chicago were from pneu ¬

monia Foleys Honey and Tar notonly stops the cougn but heals andstrengthens the lungs and prevents

I pneumonia so do not take chances-on a cold wearing away when FoleysHoney and Tar will cure you quicklyand prevent serious results Postoffice Drug Store m

The Winter in TexasWith wood six dollars a cord and

yarn socks forty cents a pair it is go-


to be mighty hard for us to getthrough the winter if these blizzardskeep coming We wonder why in thethunder some of that set of injunctiongranting judges that infested Texas I

like a pack of wolves a year or soago dont is> ue an order on theweather clerk restraining himfrom so imposing on the sunny southThe very idea of balmy rosecoveredTexas being wound up for weeks inice and editors forced to wear halfhosen or shiver like an aspen It isan outrage Southwest Texas

Startling MortalityStatistics show startling mortality

from appendicitis and peritonitis Toprevent and cure these awful diseasesthere is just one reliable Dr KingsNew Lefe Pills M Flannery of 11Custom House Place Chicago says

They have no equal for Consti¬

pation and Biliousness 25c atTidings Co druggist m


tto ber hant3 heap luZU I

f Mrs Roosevelts Inaugural GownThe material for Mrs Theodore

I Rooserelts inaugural gown to beI worn tr day was woven at the Wil-


Strange silk mill in PattersonN J It is of an entirely new designand new shade Mrs Roosevelt sug¬

I gested the design and the shadewillbe known as Alice blue in honor ofthe presidents daughter who select-ed


it from material she saw at theWorlds Fair at St Louis While ad-


the new shade which comesnear to an electric blue Mrs Roose ¬

velt conceived the idea that if doveslI were woven into the goods it wouldmake a Inndsome gown for the inau ¬

guration reception When the de ¬

sign was completed according to herideas it represented a flock of dovesflying diagonally across a blue back¬

ground The largest dove is a littleless than two inches from the tip ofone wing to the tip of the otherThey decrease in size until the small-est


is very minute The doves arewoven in gold tinsel anti in such amanner that as th3 goods are heldup to the light and slowly turned thedoves seem to sink into the back ¬

ground and slowly disappearSlippers and stockings of the same

shade will be worn with the gownr and a feather in the hair also of elec¬

tric blue will complete the toiletThere will be used more than onehundred yards of chiffon and fortyyards of taffeta The materials costupward of 700 and the whole cos ¬

tume complete will cost about 1200f-




In 10 Days Us-




auw = + w a nat

Vyq f OI111 Irisy



C < 4= x <c f c itFEW applications will remove tan or ofA youth

Jowuc s and restore the beauty sal

SATI NOLA isa new discovery guaranteedand money refunded if it To remove freck ¬

les liver spot blackheads tan disdiscolorations and disfiguring eruptions Or¬dinary cases in ten the worst in twentydays After these defects are removrd skinwill be soft clear and beautiful Price50 cents t drugstores or bs mail Thousandsof ladies testify to the merits of SatinolaMrs Etta Brown writesSL Louis Mo June30 1904 hI have been using your SatiuolaEgypt tin Cream Soap and Face Pow ¬der and like them all very much This is thefirst si mmer since clrldlood that I have beenwithout freckes I am j years old and have abetter complexion now than when a girl

NATIONAL TOILET COParis TennSold in Ocala b Auti monopoit Drug Storeand all leading druggists


F V iIt-

I 6Qts4f91-

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Chas Blum d Co o7 and o9 WBay St Jacksonville Fla


FOL SALEThese eed are of the purest strain

Furnished in any quantity desiredApply to

W B WARREN6 Appleton S C

Jerry BurnettMerchant

TailoringOcala Florida

Finest Imported andDomestic Cloths

Cutting a SpecialtyFits Guaranteed-


> N j


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Copper distilled IK tie good old fashioned styleI over an open furnace which gives a delicacy offlavor not to be had in other brandsOrder today and we will bip is plain case onegallon of this excellent V7Liskuy cs rcss prepaid


for 225Harris Favorite Rye-

II Years Old4 Full Quarts Express Prepaid 3OO

This nna old Rye Whiskey has no oqwal no matterwhat you pay It is the kicJ of mellow tastegood too for medicinal use We will also ship 1 ytgallon Cove Ceanty and 1 quart Harris Favoritej Rye together for S3OO express prepaid Send nsyoar trial order todayI OUR GUARANTEE If you are not entirelypleased and or goods are nut as representedrefutd year memey liy aert sail We sake ao fC ODBkipmemts Our references Third NationalBajQc ex Express Office Send Express or PoetoAoBoar Order



SMITH ROBERTSFuneral Directors ad Licensed Em tllllers

Latest Methods Best Goods Work GuaranteedTelegraph orders receive prompt atsention and embalming doneanywhere on short notice s





Estate and Investments f

Property bought and sold Satisfaction guaranteed Informa ¬

tion furnished on request or call cor Ft King Ave andMagnolia streets Lock box S21

I r 1

C Cfft2CfHlCt-


To grow strong Unless we getl

goo i meat we may as well let-s it alone There is no strengthi

r VJiu tough meal instead of giv-ing

¬ I <

IIi it takes strength to digestr it It pays to be careful in r-


i I f buying nlrathe sure to get =th1 ltender and Choice

I Pay a little more if need be and °

Eii Iput something in your stomachwhich will put flesh on yourbones and strong blood in YOur 34FS


Stalls 2 and 4 City Market Ocala FlatY

e 2rc jtij CiiI Ji


jFLORIDA ViSSIABLES complete manual on Florida crops 5FLOSIDA OR UGESBook of interest to Orange GrowersFLORIDA STRAWBEtrzSBooklet on Soil Varieties Cultivation andFertilization2SISE POTATOES Booklet 011Soil Seed Planting and Cultivating Effectof Fertilizers Digging and ShippingPINEAPPLE FSETILIZIM5 Of special interest to pineapple growersID2AL LiZRSBook showing all our brands analysesprices etc Y-


Wilson Toomer Fertilizer CoJaJacksonviIIeFlorida


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Have you decided on the kind ofj 1 fertilizer you are going to use Its

Li I not a question of how much butrt what Iciil wi3a the best result t

fir can be obtained You cant make aW i mistake when you use our high grade

fertilizersHighest cash price paid for dry bones


Gainesville Fla-




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