U.S. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation Washington, D.C. 20535 August 29, 2018 MR. WILLIAM F MARSHALL JUDICIAL WATCH SUITE 800 425 THIRD STREET, SOUTHWEST WASHINGTON, DC 20024 FOIPA Request No.: 1391365-000 Civil Action No.: 18-cv-154 Subject: Communications between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page (February 1, 2015 – Present) Dear Mr. Marshall: The enclosed documents were reviewed under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), Title 5, United States Code, Section 552. Below you will find check boxes under the appropriate statue headings with indicate the types of exemptions asserted to protect information which is exempt from disclosure. The appropriate exemptions are noted on the enclosed pages next to redacted information. In addition, a deleted page information sheet was inserted to indicate where pages were withheld entirely and identify which exemptions were applied. The checked exemption boxes used to withhold information are further explained in the enclosed Explanation of Exemptions. Section 552 Section 552a (b)(1) (b)(7)(A) (d)(5) (b)(2) (b)(7)(B) (j)(2) (b)(3) (b)(7)(C) (k)(1) (b)(7)(D) (k)(2) (b)(7)(E) (k)(3) (b)(7)(F) (k)(4) (b)(4) (b)(8) (k)(5) (b)(5) (b)(9) (k)(6) (b)(6) (k)(7) 500 pages of potentially responsive records were reviewed. 40 pages are being released in whole or in part. 20 pages are being withheld in full per exemptions. 31 pages are being withheld duplicate. 26 pages are being withheld referral/consult. 383 pages were determined to be non-records/non-responsive to the FOIA request. Below you will also find additional informational paragraphs about your request. Where applicable, check boxes are used to provide you with more information about the processing of your request. Please read each item carefully. Document(s) were located which originated with, or contained information concerning, other Government Agency (ies) [OGA]. This information has been referred to the OGA(s) for review and direct response to you. Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.

Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc. U.S. Department ......In response to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, enclosed is a processed copy of Bates Stamped documents,

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U.S. Department of Justice

Federal Bureau of Investigation Washington, D.C. 20535

August 29, 2018


FOIPA Request No.: 1391365-000 Civil Action No.: 18-cv-154 Subject: Communications between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page (February 1, 2015 – Present)

Dear Mr. Marshall:

The enclosed documents were reviewed under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), Title 5, United States Code, Section 552. Below you will find check boxes under the appropriate statue headings with indicate the types of exemptions asserted to protect information which is exempt from disclosure. The appropriate exemptions are noted on the enclosed pages next to redacted information. In addition, a deleted page information sheet was inserted to indicate where pages were withheld entirely and identify which exemptions were applied. The checked exemption boxes used to withhold information are further explained in the enclosed Explanation of Exemptions.

Section 552 Section 552a (b)(1) (b)(7)(A) (d)(5)

(b)(2) (b)(7)(B) (j)(2)

(b)(3) (b)(7)(C) (k)(1)

(b)(7)(D) (k)(2)

(b)(7)(E) (k)(3)

(b)(7)(F) (k)(4)

(b)(4) (b)(8) (k)(5)

(b)(5) (b)(9) (k)(6)

(b)(6) (k)(7)

500 pages of potentially responsive records were reviewed. 40 pages are being released in whole or in part. 20 pages are being withheld in full per exemptions. 31 pages are being withheld duplicate. 26 pages are being withheld referral/consult.

383 pages were determined to be non-records/non-responsive to the FOIA request.

Below you will also find additional informational paragraphs about your request. Where applicable, check boxes are used to provide you with more information about the processing of your request. Please read each item carefully.

Document(s) were located which originated with, or contained information concerning, other Government Agency (ies) [OGA].

This information has been referred to the OGA(s) for review and direct response to you.

Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.

We are consulting with another agency. The FBI will correspond with you regarding this information when the consultation is completed.

In accordance with standard FBI practice and pursuant to FOIA exemption (b)(7)(E) and Privacy Act exemption (j)(2) [5 U.S.C. § 552/552a (b)(7)(E)/(j)(2)], this response neither confirms nor denies the existence of your subject's name on any watch lists.

For your information, Congress excluded three discrete categories of law enforcement and national security

records from the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). See 5 U.S. C. § 552(c) (2006 & Supp. IV (2010). This response is limited to those records subject to the requirements of the FOIA. This is a standard notification that is given to all our requesters and should not be taken as an indication that excluded records do, or do not, exist. Enclosed for your information is a copy of the Explanation of Exemptions.

Although your request is in litigation, we are required by law to provide you the following information: You may file an appeal by writing to the Director, Office of Information Policy (OIP), United States

Department of Justice, Suite 11050, 1425 New York Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. 20530-0001, or you may submit an appeal through OIP's FOIA online portal by creating an account on the following web site: https://foiaonline.regulations.gov/foia/action/public/home. Your appeal must be postmarked or electronically transmitted within ninety (90) days from the date of this letter in order to be considered timely. If you submit your appeal by mail, both the letter and the envelope should be clearly marked “Freedom of Information Act Appeal.” Please cite the FOIPA Request Number assigned to your request so that it may be easily identified.

You may seek dispute resolution services by contacting the Office of Government Information Services

(OGIS) at 877-684-6448, or by emailing [email protected]. Alternatively, you may contact the FBI’s FOIA Public Liaison by emailing [email protected]. If you submit your dispute resolution correspondence by email, the subject heading should clearly state “Dispute Resolution Services.” Please also cite the FOIPA Request Number assigned to your request so it may be easily identified.

The enclosed material is from the main investigative file(s) in which the subject(s) of your request was the focus of the investigation. Our search located additional references, in files relating to other individuals, or matters, which may or may not be about your subject(s). Our experience has shown such additional references, if identified to the same subject of the main investigative file, usually contain information similar to the information processed in the main file(s). As such, we have given priority to processing only the main investigative file(s) given our significant backlog. If you would like to receive any references to the subject(s) of your request, please submit a separate request for the reference material in writing. The references will be reviewed at a later date, as time and resources permit.

See additional information which follows.


David M. Hardy Section Chief Record/Information Dissemination Section Information Management Division


In response to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, enclosed is a processed copy of Bates Stamped documents, FBI(18-cv-154)-1036 through FBI(18-cv-154)-1535. The enclosed documents represent the fourth interim release of information responsive to your request.

Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.

The FBI conducted email searches for any email communication between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page. This search located both official government records and non-record personal communications between these two individuals.

The FBI reviewed 500 pages of these emails. While conducting this review, the FBI individually analyzed

the emails to determine whether they pertained to official government business constituting records under the FOIA or whether they consisted of purely personal communications between the two individuals. As a result of the FBI’s review, it determined 383 pages were non-record, personal communications not subject to the FOIA; and 117 pages consisted of responsive FBI records.

As previously indicated, document(s) were located which originated with, or contained information

concerning another agency (ies). We are consulting with the other agency (ies) and are awaiting their response. Our office has processed all other information currently in our possession. The FBI will correspond with you regarding those documents when the consultation is completed.

To minimize costs to both you and the FBI, duplicate copies of the same document were not processed.

Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.


SUBSECTIONS OF TITLE 5, UNITED STATES CODE, SECTION 552 (b)(1) (A) specifically authorized under criteria established by an Executive order to be kept secret in the interest of national defense or foreign

policy and (B) are in fact properly classified to such Executive order; (b)(2) related solely to the internal personnel rules and practices of an agency; (b)(3) specifically exempted from disclosure by statute (other than section 552b of this title), provided that such statute (A) requires that the matters

be withheld from the public in such a manner as to leave no discretion on issue, or (B) establishes particular criteria for withholding or refers to particular types of matters to be withheld;

(b)(4) trade secrets and commercial or financial information obtained from a person and privileged or confidential; (b)(5) inter-agency or intra-agency memorandums or letters which would not be available by law to a party other than an agency in litigation with

the agency; (b)(6) personnel and medical files and similar files the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy; (b)(7) records or information compiled for law enforcement purposes, but only to the extent that the production of such law enforcement records or

information ( A ) could reasonably be expected to interfere with enforcement proceedings, ( B ) would deprive a person of a right to a fair trial or an impartial adjudication, ( C ) could reasonably be expected to constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy, ( D ) could reasonably be expected to disclose the identity of confidential source, including a State, local, or foreign agency or authority or any private institution which furnished information on a confidential basis, and, in the case of record or information compiled by a criminal law enforcement authority in the course of a criminal investigation, or by an agency conducting a lawful national security intelligence investigation, information furnished by a confidential source, ( E ) would disclose techniques and procedures for law enforcement investigations or prosecutions, or would disclose guidelines for law enforcement investigations or prosecutions if such disclosure could reasonably be expected to risk circumvention of the law, or ( F ) could reasonably be expected to endanger the life or physical safety of any individual;

(b)(8) contained in or related to examination, operating, or condition reports prepared by, on behalf of, or for the use of an agency responsible for

the regulation or supervision of financial institutions; or (b)(9) geological and geophysical information and data, including maps, concerning wells.

SUBSECTIONS OF TITLE 5, UNITED STATES CODE, SECTION 552a (d)(5) information compiled in reasonable anticipation of a civil action proceeding; (j)(2) material reporting investigative efforts pertaining to the enforcement of criminal law including efforts to prevent, control, or reduce crime

or apprehend criminals; (k)(1) information which is currently and properly classified pursuant to an Executive order in the interest of the national defense or foreign policy,

for example, information involving intelligence sources or methods; (k)(2) investigatory material compiled for law enforcement purposes, other than criminal, which did not result in loss of a right, benefit or privilege

under Federal programs, or which would identify a source who furnished information pursuant to a promise that his/her identity would be held in confidence;

(k)(3) material maintained in connection with providing protective services to the President of the United States or any other individual pursuant to

the authority of Title 18, United States Code, Section 3056; (k)(4) required by statute to be maintained and used solely as statistical records; (k)(5) investigatory material compiled solely for the purpose of determining suitability, eligibility, or qualifications for Federal civilian

employment or for access to classified information, the disclosure of which would reveal the identity of the person who furnished information pursuant to a promise that his/her identity would be held in confidence;

(k)(6) testing or examination material used to determine individual qualifications for appointment or promotion in Federal Government service he

release of which would compromise the testing or examination process; (k)(7) material used to determine potential for promotion in the armed services, the disclosure of which would reveal the identity of the person

who furnished the material pursuant to a promise that his/her identity would be held in confidence. FBI/DOJ

Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.





FOIA Request No.:1391365-000

Civil Action No.: 18-cv-154

Total Withheld Page(s) = 454

Bates Page Reference Reason for Withholding

(i.e., exemptions with coded

rationale, duplicate, sealed by

order of court, etc.)

FBI(18-cv-154)-1036 thru FBI(18-


Other – Non-records/Non-responsive

to the FOIA request

FBI(18-cv-154)-1123 Duplicate to FBI(18-cv-154)-1124

FBI(18-cv-154)-1125 Duplicate to FBI(18-cv-154)-1126

FBI(18-cv-154)-1127 thru FBI(18-


Other – Non-records/Non-responsive

to the FOIA request

FBI(18-cv-154)-1136 thru FBI(18-


Duplicate to FBI(18-cv-154)-1138

thru FBI(18-cv-154)-1139

FBI(18-cv-154)-1138 thru FBI(18-


Other – Non-records/Non-responsive

to the FOIA request

FBI(18-cv-154)-1175 Duplicate to FBI(18-cv-154)-1176

FBI(18-cv-154)-1177 thru FBI(18-


Other – Non-records/Non-responsive

to the FOIA request

FBI(18-cv-154)-1187 thru FBI(18-


Duplicate to FBI(18-cv-154)-1189

FBI(18-cv-154)-1190 thru FBI (18-


Other – Non-records/Non-responsive

to the FOIA request

FBI(18-cv-154)-1194 thru FBI(18-


Other – Non-records/Non-responsive

to the FOIA request

FBI(18-cv-154)-1197 thru FBI(18-


Duplicate to FBI(18-cv-154)-1219

thru FBI(18-cv-154)-1222

FBI(18-cv-154)-1203 thru FBI(18-


b5-1, 2; b7E-11

FBI(18-cv-154)-1223 thru FBI(18-


Other – Non-records/Non-responsive

to the FOIA request

FBI(18-cv-154)-1260 thru FBI(18-


Duplicate to FBI(18-cv-154)-1256

thru FBI(18-cv-154)-1259

FBI(18-cv-154)-1263 thru FBI(18-


Other – Non-records/Non-responsive

to the FOIA request

FBI(18-cv-154)-1356 thru FBI(18-


Duplicate to FBI (18-cv-154)-1359

thru FBI(18-cv-154)-1361

FBI(18-cv-154)-1362 thru FBI(18-


Other – Non-records/Non-responsive

to the FOIA request

FBI(18-cv-154)-1373 thru FBI(18-


Duplicate to FBI(18-cv-154)-1375

thru FBI(18-cv-154)-1376

FBI(18-cv-154)-1378 thru FBI(18-


Other – Non-records/Non-responsive

to the FOIA request

FBI(18-cv-154)-1396 Duplicate to FBI(18-cv-154)-1397

thru FBI(18-cv-154)-1398

Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.

FBI(18-cv-154)-1399 thru FBI(18-


Other – Non-records/Non-responsive

to the FOIA request

FBI(18-cv-154)-1433 thru FBI(18-


Duplicate to FBI(18-cv-154)-1437

thru FBI(18-cv-154)1438

FBI(18-cv-154)-1439 thru FBI(18-


Other – Non-records/Non-responsive

to the FOIA request

FBI(18-cv-154)-1455 thru FBI(18-


Other – Non-records/Non-responsive

to the FOIA request

FBI(18-cv-154)-1471 thru FBI(18-


b5-1; b7E-10

FBI(18-cv-154)-1473 thru FBI(18-


Other – Non-records/Non-responsive

to the FOIA request

FBI(18-cv-154)-1476 Duplicate to FBI(18-cv-154)-1488

thru FBI(18-cv-154)-1490

FBI(18-cv-154)-1477 thru FBI(18-


b5-1; b7E-10

FBI(18-cv-154)-1479 thru FBI(18-


Duplicate to FBI(18-cv-154)-1488

thru FBI(18-cv-154)-1490

FBI(18-cv-154)-1482 thru FBI(18-


Other – Non-records/Non-responsive

to the FOIA request

FBI(18-cv-154)-1484 thru FBI(18-


Duplicate to FBI(18-cv-154)-1488

thru FBI(18-cv-154)-1490

FBI(18-cv-154)-1486 thru FBI(18-


Other – Non-records/Non-responsive

to the FOIA request

FBI(18-cv-154)-1491 thru FBI(18-


Other – Non-records/Non-responsive

to the FOIA request

FBI(18-cv-154)-1498 thru FBI(18-



FBI(18-cv-154)-1502 thru FBI(18-


Duplicate to FBI(18-cv-154)-1504

thru FBI(18-cv-154)-1507

FBI(18-cv-154)-1504 thru FBI(18-



FBI(18-cv-154)-1511 thru FBI(18-


Other – Non-records/Non-responsive

to the FOIA request

FBI(18-cv-154)-1513 thru FBI(18-



FBI(18-cv-154)-1517 thru FBI(18-


Other – Non-records/Non-responsive

to the FOIA request

FBI(18-cv-154)-1520 thru FBI(18-



FBI(18-cv-154)-1528 thru FBI(18-


Other – Non-records/Non-responsive

to the FOIA request

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx X Deleted Page(s) X

X No Duplication Fee X

X For this Page X


Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.





Page, Usa C. {OGC} {FBl}

Friday~ Jamiary 15, 2016: 12:40 PM

Strwk, Peter P. (WF} {FBI)


-------- Otigina! message -·-·-·--·"·--F • "1:;;"" '· P- t- P f\:VF! '~B-n'' rom. 0t.rzo;.:.:,, e:eer . ~ ·. , lr r ___________ .....

Date: 01/15/2016 10:48 .AM (GMT c.(}S:GDJ To: "Page~, Us:a C {OGC) [H~i}"'j"'" ------------. Subje·ct: RE: RE:

-------- On~1cl n1es:sage -------­Fmrn:. "Strzo:k, Peter P .. (\VF) (FBD"I Date: Olil 5/2D16J0:36 Ai"\f (GA<lT-"'"o=s:..,,o""'o) _______ __.

To: "Page, Lisa C (OGC) {FBI)"._I __________ _. Sub~t


b6 -1 b7C -1 b7E -6

b6 -1 b7C -1

b6 -1 b7C -1

b6 -1 b7C -1 b7E -6

Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.





Page, Usa C. {OGC} {FBl}

Friday~ Jamiary 15, 2016: 12:53 PM

Strwk, Peter P. (WF} {FBI)


-------- Otig!na! message -·-·-·--·"·--

From~ "Strzok, Peter P. {WF} {FB-1)1L..-------------' Date: 01/15/201612:52 PM {G ... t.._•~_T-_0_5_:.;..0_0._) _____ _ To: "Page~, Us:a C {OGC) [FBW'L..I _________ ___. Subje·ct: RE: RE:

-------- Origina! m.essage- --------

Fmm: "Page, Us.a C (OGq {FBl}"' L-------------' Date: Oi/15/2016 12;4.8 P~v1 (Gl\ ... ·11_T_-D_._s_::OO_..;.} ______ ___,

To; "Strzok_, Peter P, {V~F} (FB!)" L------------....1 Sl1bject: RE: RE:

------ Origin.a! message ------

From: "Strmk, Peter P. (\VF) (HM}"IL.. __________ __. Date: 01/15/2016 10:48 .AM(G ... flo_•1_T_~o_s_:_OO_: .... } ____ _

To: ''Page, Usa c ( OGC} {FBn'l .. ------------' SubJE?-ct: RE: RE:

f . -~ . ·.. . - ''"'·~·-'(.F'"'l~ r-om: r-a:qe, USfio i_, ; V(.<L ~ ti ,

Sant: Friday, Jantiary· 15~-·1016"10;47 AM To; Strzok, Peter P. {\•VF} (FBl) Subject: RE~

Hey my brief ~'\i'as pushed to 11:30 but you're going as .a group, right!


b6 -1 b7C -1

b6 -1 b7C -1 b7E -6

b6 -1 b7C -1 b7E -6

b6 -1 b7C -1 b7E -6

b6 -1 b7C -1

b6 -1 b7C -1

b6 -1 b7C -1 b7E -6

Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.





Page, Usa C. {OGC} {FBl}

Wedm~sday, .hmuary 27, 2016 6:33 AM

Strwk, Peter P. {Wf} {FBI)


-------- Otigina! mess.age -·-·-·--·"··-From~ "Strwk, Peter P. (WF} {Fm)1 .. ___________ .. Date: 01/26/2016 6.:35 PM. (GN ... ff_-_o_s_·::,,,,_r::_o .... ) ------...

To: "Page~, Us:a C {OGC) [FBW' ... I _________ _.. Subje·ct: RE:

Yep he \.Vas. ! s~nt you the last email i sent tcc==}bout my not tbin!dng it was a good ~dea for mi: to send §t to him; r§ght?

------ Orlg!nal message ---:--.,----c· '"Pl" . ·c- ~nG~C~)· "ron'I , rom: . age,, ~sa • p.J ·-. tr-u~i ._ __________ __,

Date: 01/26/'201{;. 6:31 PM (GMT-05:00) To: "'Strwk, Peter P. (WF} fFBl)" ... I ___ ..._ _______ _ Subject! RE:

-------- Or!g!ria! message --------r ""'·"' '· p +~ p fH~r\ j'ro!);'1 rfOm: '"'~fZQ~,, !hEf,. b'l''l'!-J ~l""L».~.__ __________ __.

Da'*'e· oi 126/20.16 4·14 P!\·~ lGfv~T--Os;.·nn~ '.::·.···""·.·_)> __ :_~~:: __ -_·.<: --~ .' _·.-:·<:: __ :<· .. ··::"""· ~ :.--:=-:_ .. ··-:._·--'-"'-"" .... ~---------------....

..._ __ .,.,_ _______________ ___,{QGC}{FBIJ".__ __________ _..



b6 -1 b7C -1 b7E -6

b6 -1 b7C -1

b6 -1 b7C -1 b7E -6

b6 -1 b7C -1 b7E -6

Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.





Page, Usa C. (OGC} {FBl}

Thursday, January 2.8, 2016 4~25 PM

Strwk, Peter P. (Wf} f FBI)

RE: Hey you fo~rigkig out on k.1:;,v skie?

from: Strzok, Feter P. ('/•lF} (FSI} &mt: Thursday, JaniJcwy :w, 2015 4 :24 Pl\>1 li · P t..'- . "' (OC"'\ (c-ep o .. ·age, isa L... ~:L,. F- } Subject; RE; H:ey you hanging out on low' side?

from: Strzok, Peter P. (VVF}(FS-1} . Sent: Thursday, J.anuor)' 28, 2016 4 :0:8 PM T' ·P ·L' rco-·-' {~Br·\ .,,n. age, ma-..,, l..:rL; .,__,, u}

Subject~ RE: Hey you h;;mging out on loih' side?

f . . ·~ . "l. - ... ,.1~ ·-'(r::-~1· rom: ?'age, i:Sc' L :(;1...\,L) rth}

Sent: Thursday, Januarv zs., 21J16 4:!J8 Pt\>t Tc: Strzok, Peter p, (\MF} {FBI} Subject; RE~ Hey you hangf.n8 out on la:i.'>J' side?

from: Strzok, Peter P. (\:'VF} {FBI) Sent: Thursday, January 2!3-, 2.Gi6 4:07 Pf><t To: Page, Lisa c (OGC} {FBI) Subjef.:t: RE: i:+ey you hanging out on lbw stde?

fmm; Pa.ge, Usa C {OGC) (FB:l) . Sent: Tlmrsday" January z~., 2016 4;06 PM Jo:::. strzok, Peter P, (WF}(FBr} Subject; RE.~ Hey you hanging i;:iut on low· side?

fmm: Strzok, Peter P. (VilF~ (FB~} Sent: Thursd;:r~i:. January 28, 2(116 4:06 PM To: Pag.e, Usa C (OGC} {_FHI} subject: Hey you hanging out ori low side?


b6 -1 b7C -1

Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.





Page, Usa C. (OGC} {FBl}

Thursday, January 2.8, 2016 6:01PM

Strwk, Peter P. (WF} {FBI)


Please send an ernaH fo the BOC for a one week mlssfon need pass please,


Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.






Page, Usa C. (OGC} {FBl}

Suridav~ January 31, 2016 8:42 AM

Strzok, Peter P. (Wf} (FBI)

Fwd: Revised !C S:afe Harbor letter {fnJ:nQus:~ngl.__ _ __.l!Pad}

Safa Harbor cord:ifr1ed document 28 fanuary 2016 tlpdf

'--------'- Orig!n~! message .--.L~L--

b6 -2 b7C -2

From!•"Sat..er-.·••.isfoe~• A ..•• {OG(U•· {FB.~l'l ..................................................................... __. b6 -1, 2 - b7C -1, 2

Oate:.·G1/3G/20:16·•E:Zfi•.PM···{Gf<itP.05• .. ·_:0_1D ... J_ ................................................................................................................... ...., b?E _ 6 TO:: '1Mccahec•. Andre\.>VG.• 'OOl{FBU .L-------------....-------------'""'D ... ··.-0 ... · •~ .... '..,"f ... 'B ... ! ... I_" _ __,

"n···:.,, · .. ~•o.t<>~-,,, ;- /qr::c. J tr::::i.i' r~;o.~:.~.·:. !i::;:)~.· ... ~~.< . .,,~-~. J.tr:~~sJ


Be!ovv and in ;a separate emaH ! wrn send short~y are sqggested 1::::omments and refate-d con1mltrneMs the: Safa: Harbor team is asking us to rev!evt. They l<vouklffke aw~ c.ommer1ts by 10f\.•10RHOV,,t

~-_,. __ .;..;.., Ong!na! • tnessage --------­fn)ni:

.__...,,, __ ..,_..,_,.._ __ --------------------Date: 0.1/30/2016 6:16··rM (GNrt-,_-c'-"is ... :'.;;.00.;;.1 ... ~. -----------------------. Io:·•''·S.?ke:r, James••A.· •. {O(jC} •. (FH!}'I

I S b, n n 'd ·~· "€ . ..r ;i_r ·L- · <'f , lJ jEct: ,.e: l'.€V!$12·' . ~L ;:,.a~e n>aruvr L~tler t ron


b6 -1, 2 b7C -1, 2 b7E -6

Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.

So H ts not pnsstbte to read the redlinesnn rny smartphone .. If you are .srnl at the office., can you ptease save the refine versinn as a pdf and then resend? Thanks_

b6 -1 b7C -1 b7E -6

b6 -1, 2 b7C -1, 2 b7E -6

Subject Fw: Revised !C Safe Harbor letter (fr iPad)

All - -· please see below from requesting your immediate (i.e., by tomorrow'! revie~"i of the EC's proposed changes: to letter discussing US surveillance law and polky. Owrn b<a !n trah"'iit back tn DC tomot.TOW and I think wrn !and around 3 (ff so, Please n::ply to ail. Many thanks.

On Saturdqy, JanuaryJO, 2tHB 52tPM, wrote: ...._~~~~~~~~~~~~~-----


This requires essentially immediate dearance, given the time fmme.D can you p!ease send to Ctt\ arid FBI and make sure that NSA has it (t thtnk I included them but am not sure it went through). I ptease provide to others in DOJ as appropriate.

Attached is .a rec!Hne versron of changes to the IC letter_ \Ne had several hours: of discussion

b6 -2 b7C -2

b6 -2 b7C -2 b7E -6

b6 -2 b7C -2

about this Wfth the EC team today" In my view', the rhang.es in this document are aH acceptabre, or .could be acceptable w·tth sHght rnodrncations_ Many of the crmnges they omonsed w-~re imeride\i,6 _ 2 to soften the resentation re.g. elfmtnating explicit references to mel I b7c -2

and \MhHe l like the original phrases I don't.think they are necessary. b7E -4, 11 ............... ------.-.---~ .... t ...,... s1anfrve bu!: I think are acceptable; a couple are questionable Plese

nd I I note sorne questions that ~ed ans~vers . ...._ _ _.

'tberii JS o~ m~rfi 1s~oe1 . I&: t&&tt\tlf'lil M :-::the 1.sSoo 9r~p111icitJ.i?f!lr&m transatiantipcables. He arn:lfos lawyers, asweH~sf~.~ ~ . . . . I who. isthe poJtkca!, mpresentattve hem and the mostreasoooble, beheve. · •• a .• • · · .• • y nooasome sortorrnetncs!that theycanpoktflo

b6 -2 b7C -2 b7E -11

FBl (18-cv-154)-1201

Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.

I has proposed that as part of the annual review!

b7E -11

bS -1 b6 -2 b7C -2 b7E -11

!toldl I bs -1 ,..;...;;.;;..;..;;; ...... __________________________________________________________________ ...., b6 -2

Thanks ~n advance. I wt!! be in ftight landing around 3 PM .. Pfease coned c.mnments and drcu!ate to this dlstro asap.


b7C -2 b7E -11

b6 -2 b7C -2

Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.





Page, Usa C. (OGC} {FBl}

Suridav~ January 31, 2016 9:D2 AM

Strzok, Peter P. (WfJ [!=BO

RE: Revlsed !C Safe Harbor leU.er(fronOustngJ._ __ ..... lwad}

What do you want me to do?!

AND•·GODDN'v1NRT·G~VEN••EVEHYTH~NG·••GOlNG•·•ow.v/HY··~DuMNG •.•• &,,•YAHOO~.•ACCOUNT·•FORTH!S"? (Actually, apparently a Yahoo!· account .froml lwad"}

The !:atest. ·~vm send the docuntent as \<v-:e!L V./e have to respond b'{ f:ioon, Of cour:s.e ! offered to coHect comrnents,

..,....1 _D_O_'_···_fF_E_·~-··•-"--------------..-------,..,...------,......,----------!~:o~x-3_C~J~!~F-B_!.F_' ________________________ ___ "An.det'sori··•••·Tfisha. •s.•~oGCJ•••{FBil .. I __________________________________ _...

••OGC.)•••{F8l}··1.....----------...--........., -$-u""'fa_J_e_q_t,-if-. 11\1cl:. Revised J(:Safe Harbor• Lett;er {fro, usirig._I ____ __.liPaq}


b6 -2 b7C -2

b6 -1, 2 b7C -1, 2 b7E -6

b6 -2 b7C -2

b6 -1, 2 b7C -1, 2 b7E -6

b6 -1, 2 b7C -1, 2 b7E -6

Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.

----------~-. Y~:"6:.(:{~~- :~_:::1:~7-..... ~~~.:-:;:;: --.. --------------------....

f "G ' ~! ,,..,! "" 1 rom: "er:s:te~i, -~ enn;). 1._ __________ _.

Date: 01/30/2016 8:14 PM 'Gf>.H--05:C©l Tc

r---------------------,.,.....-...---.....,,,,,..,,......--..,,.,...,...,,,,..,,,,...,.....,..,,..,,,.,...,.J t'i er:l;.an Tris 1a !k r Ger (FBl_ ·

"Ba~er,-Jame:s.A. {OGC)••ffmJ"


SubJect Re: Revised lC Safe Harbor Letter {from

·rh~:<:NS~~:_t€a~i~l- ha~;::·re:\iW~:~<~{i:?d-thi:~.:·f:::h1a~·~:-fn::dtr .. l ___ __.~:e-~·Q\~~t::a_n:ct::th·~~~---f~:tt<3:c~.-~?zi··S-~Jn"~:nip.-f~:::_9:f•-~·~ifb~T~-~4t~:6~1-_:<1r~:d•·;.h-~-~~ t~i-e:• fo·~·~<:::~~~f-~.n.g_:e.cir~\~l1:e:n:f.~-~


2 .. 1


b6 -1, 2 b7C -1, 2 b7E -6

b6 -2 b7C -2

b6 -2 b7C -2

b5 -1 b7E -11

Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.

Ero1n ....,._,.... ____________ _.,.. __ .,._ __ ,__ ____ __.

Sent~ SaWn:l. i,Janmuy 3{};, l!Jl.h 00::41J PM To:

Al! -- please see bek~w frornl lrequestihgyour!mm(:ldiate(Le .. , b~·tomonyw\•rJview of-the EC's pmposed changes tq ~etter.dlscussiqg. US surv-ei!lance!aw andpoilcy. "JH!be in transit back tone fornorrov:t andLthkikwilltandaround 3 or so., Please reply to alL t-,1anythanks.

On Satun:!ay, January· 30, Wlfr5;2t PM, vwte-: ...__ __________________________ ___.


This requtres essentlafty immediate clearance, given the tirne frameOcan_you please send to CtA.at!d FBL and makesure that NSA has: H (! thtnk I !nttuded thern but arn not sure ft vlent through).. I IP~ease provide to others in DOJ as appropriate.

Attached ls a redHne vers~on of changes to the IC letter. \Ne had several hours of discussion about this vlfth the E c team today .. In mit view, the changes in this document are aH acceptable, or

b6 -1, 2 b7C -1, 2 b7E -6

b6 -2 b7C -2

b6 -2 b7C -2 b7E -6

b6 -2 b7C -2

could be acceptable wlth sHqht modtfications. Manv af the crianqes thev nm osed \<Vere intended b 6 - 2

to Soften the presentafitm '1e:g. ernrntnating ex:pijcit references tD th· b?C - 2 ;.r1 ~ ·1 11·f,. .h· . . 'h.I j '* .h. I,· ' . . . b7E -4 11

-------------- auu vvi1t e • Me· t ;e ongmat p rases. -~ on t t~ M1~ tney are necessary. ' Others are a bit more substantive but I think are accept~bte; a couple are questionable. P!ase review dosety, ance=Jancil lnote some quesfa:.H1s that need ansNvers

There is one mom issue.I hs continuing to· ush on the issue of coHedtonfrom transatf.antic cab!es. He aoo h~s ~a\<vvers, as wet! a- vvho is the po!mca! representafrve here and the most reasonable, believe that the)/ need some sort of metrics that

b6 -2 b7C -2 b7E -11

b5 -1 b6 -2 b7C -2 b7E -11

FBl (18-cv-154)-1221

Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.

bS -1 b7E -11

!toled I bs -1 ................. ....._~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---. b6 -2

Thanks in advance. I wrn be in ftighttanding around 3 PM. Please coHectcomments and drcutate to this distm asap_


b7C -2 b7E -11

b6 -2 b7C -2

FBl (18-cv-154)-1222

Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.






Page, Usa C. (OGC} {FBl}

Fr!day1 FebnJary 05, 2016 8:27 AM

Strzok, Peter P. {CD) (FBI)

Ryhkkl, JarnEs E, (DO} (FH!}

Rf: PersnnnJ2! fod._ ______ _.

Aww~ it's so Cl{te that you tMnk this lS the first time vou've been wrnr1g,. No t"e~smrto d!smpt the fantasy nouv; the sad truth of reaUty vvrn come ('rushbg do11un soon enough, l'!! take 1.::are of the papen,;<,,,•ork for Andy, H you would be so kind as to send §t to rne?

Jim,• .off·tfuw.top··ot.•your••head,••are •the other· compartrnents••that• Andy••or. i••·shoukf••seek•rKHi'<r,.· \1\ihile ·the gettlng'·~··•so·od?

fro~ tJf'4£)1 Sent: .• •FrWay,•·.febnrncy·•.""0"'"5,-. •• ... 20,...1 ... b ......... 7-->5"":::""". A""'•"'"M----------Jo: Strwk, Peter F\ "CtiY ··Fm~ Cc: sst(JMii): ) Subject:•••P~v~···Persi:l'nnel•fa ---.--....---

b7E -3

b6 -1 b7C -1 b7E -3, 6

b7E -3

b6 -1, 2 b7C -1 b7E -3

b6 -1 b7C -1

FBl (18-cv-154)-1255

Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.

:\~{~i4J:l·l·t~.:§trii]~:.:I:~ ~~:~~~:· .:·•.?:{}t\~i=(}::-{J(}:(J-1

P-r:~t~1~I .. _____ __, 13iip~~$:hlfi~-tl: .• Froi~-·:····2\l2:~-6-16-: 1·~t.lfl

·s~.t~~J:r·e·Bllo:~].~~}:f~"\:;._I ______ .....


James Baker I I TtishaA.ndersanj._ ____________ ---11

t\ndre\vNkCab.ej: =====~~~~~~~---_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-....1 ... I Lisa Pa.gel ._ ____________ ___J

Nlike Stdnhachl ..--=====:::;---------J

Bfil Ptiest~• .... ___ ____.


-------- Ori@ial'tnessage--------Fmn~ knH'i:Jylr--------..... rr.. ·"'· ''.'i!l ::~,-.._ ~<-~;~~~,,,,_ '«:- ~ · .:_....:~ :· ~~'.: ~,._: > <x <'.'ii. ·.~: ~•<.i•·.,i,-ti.:_·~.-:r;; --~''- .'11!-:·:-ft,j,.,:..._

b6 -2 b7C -2

b6 -2 b7C -2 b7E -6

b6 -1, 2 b7C -1, 2 b7E -3, 6

b6 -1 b7C -1 b7E -3

b6 -2 b7C -2

FBl (18-cv-154)-1257

Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.

Hate: U.i:fU)l.HJib(3:45:.~V1•{GNl,.'i'--... -.... ....,. ...... ..._ __________ ..

To; ·''Strzok,••Peta·••P.-•(CIDJ•(FBI) Cc ''SSC{~TIYID)"r-------.__ _________ __,

Subject••RE:.JPer:;ouneJ•K ..._ __________ __.

}~{$.t;l~}t~gt-ra1~.; Q,:CJ

f:)hft1.e:~· .. I _________ ..

A quesnon fe<ryou: ~-vc.~~ddyou b>:".8hk.' toteH me :;,-:,<ho atthe FBl h&.< aHI l\Ve. nee-d.Io ~:dE~rrt~~~" .~f l"Jf~:C~:p:h~ ·hrg&1er ~ n ·the· :ef~E~~ n ·of cr~rn-rn.and n:::{{u~:r~:rr-eart~~}~:s::. .E~-S:>\i~~E~§t FBe-~ fr~:::·~:? ttY :(~.~Jr· ~f )'t:ltr nee·d n~lore• :~:ri.fcJ:rn1;3t;~~:d1:•- ~)f· es:5~$.:~~·.•tn:: &·~-s:C:t:fsi: ..

b6 -1 b7C -1 b7E -3, 6

b6 -1 b7C -1 b7E -3

b6 -2 b7C -2

b6 -2 b7C -2 b7E -6

b6 -1, 2 b7C -1, 2 b7E -3

b6 -1, 2 b7C -1, 2

b7E -3

FBl (18-cv-154)-1258

Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.

b6 -1 b7C -1

FBI (18-cv-154)-1259

Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.





Page, Usa C. {OGC} {FBl}

Wedm~sday. February 24, 2016 9:21 PM

Strzok, Peter P. (CD) (FBI)

RE: laufrnan cal!

~------- OtigJhal message .cL."~-"~-'-.

From: "Str2ok, • Reter W. {CD) {FBH"I..._.....,.. .............................................................. ...... Date:• tl'l/24/2016 •9;1.9.·PM•.•(GMT-ns·:oa} T~ !{DO} fFIH}'J.-· ...._ ........ -"------------.1,,Page~.•·•t!sa •• C ••• (QG•CJ••••fFS!}"


OK thanks., OK for me to relay to am,, correct? Need to Hgure out ho\:V to lr'iten:Ect \:'<''lth DOJ on th ls espedaHy as ~t moves up their chsin .. As noted bekn.-v, laufman \ivas dead set on 4-3 and need to

dedde the ans~\>-er .soon.

-----..,-·- Orlg!na! foessage --------

From:I j{DOJ.ffB!F'I ... ------........ ----....--Date:.Q2/24/20lfi•·8:48•·mv~·••(GMT-DS:GU} lo; "Strtok,Peterf\ HZD}{FmJ ... I -------------.1 "PageyUsaC.'., fbGC}{FSO"

Suh_jec:t RE: lat.~fman ca!!

I tE:1!ke-d to Andy after you and l taiked tonlght. ! told Mm there may be snrne facts. that wererN presented to him thatcounse~ fo favtJrof 3x3. I fo!.;j him my recommendation to you was to have the AD .present those ~facts to Mm tornorro>iN morobg to get :a Hna~ deds1on, He agreed with the recommendation arid !s open to changk1g Ms mind if the f:£Ects support it.

b6 -1 b7C -1 b7E -6

b6 -1 b7C -1 b7E -6

b6 -1 b7C -1

b6 -1 b7C -1 b7E -6

FBl (18-cv-154)-1354

Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.

Fysa, f m sure BH! wH! rnn lt up thn.~._ __ _.

-----.. --·- Orig!na! message----------

From: "Strzok .• Peter P. (CD} {FB!Ji._ ___________ __, Date:. D2/24l2Hl6 8:32 PM ~GMT~D5:001 _____ ...._ _______ ___,

To; "Prlestap; E \V, {CD) (FBW' C- .. 'H. <Z<·<: n ·(.. .. --+ ei· !("'!"\\ i~B"._~·1;::============1

c. JOrL~, r.GOE'!:n ><· ~ ·V} \.~ !}._ ___________ ___.

Subject laufrnEln oeaU

b6 -1 b7C -1 b7E -6

David [aHed arid ernaHed me a cm.lp~e of tlmes this evehh1g .::.1r1d l«ve Just connected; he \.Vas caUH1g to advise that he had thought and d!scussed the *t1tervietN, felt strongly aho=ut DoJ brk1gJng four attorr!e\/s {David+ 3}, and that he W'HS going tc raise ~t up his chain. i to~d nim ! thought that 't;V.33 going to be neot=e:ssarv b-e:c:ause the DD had lndk:;ated the group: shou!cl be 2-2. ~noted you hadadvotated for 3-3 based on discusskm with hfrn; but that the DD w·as fl rm.

He s:a!·d he wo~i!d advise. his managernent. i antk:ipate this. • .. .vH!get to George and Carlin tonight, not sure when at v,rm hit OHAG,

Thanh, Pete

b6 -1 b7C -1

FBl (18-cv-154)-1355

Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.

From: Page,••.usa •• ·p .•••• (OGCJ•••{FBl} Sent: Thursday,, .. Fehruary·•25,• ••201f;·•••f.l:OOA.t¥1

To: I . . . . ,{DO}{FBO; Strmk. Peter P.{C.D}fFBU

Subject: Rf :Laufrnar1 cal!


~------- Oti"'!ha!<messa From! T1qrv=srn .. ____________ _ Date: t12/25/2G16B.:59,4MJG~ .. '1_I_-U_J5_ •. · :_oo_···· .... }} _______ ....,

f '"<:' . •· L n ...... ·•. n ~"r'' f<'-bs~~1 l"'P.· .. ·.·.·•· .. ·.····.·.····.·.• .. t .. •·.··· .. ··. '.·."' .. ··.·•· .. ·'.'.·.··-.. r·.·.·-... 1.·.•.·.•.r. o.•.1.·.·.w !O:: '.:rtrZX'.J:l<..; fg~e.t •. \'-.SL') ~tPS} . ' age,. !Sa I,_., \'-"~'-I ~ru l

I I ,S.qbject: RE: • t,aufm;,:,m ca! i

fmm: Pager t!sa•.C (OGC) {FBJ) . . . . . . . Sent:. V/€,dnesdav,·••@bruarv••24,••2016•••t0:09•·P.M To~ . lcdo}fFBl}; Strwh. PeterJ·\{CD}{FBI} subject: RE: t0;ufrnan caJI

Subject RK Laufu:k.m c<'ill


b6 -1 b7C -1

b6 -1 b7C -1 b7E -6

b6 -1 b7C -1

b6 -1 b7C -1

b6 -1 b7C -1 b7E -6

Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.

r• tokf Btllour pO'Sl001l has ahvays been 2-2 fa ideal, &nd thatJ-.J '!,,\'.its an e:fl:bttfo nieet DoJpm:t \Vay ltl tlldr as:&ertion they needed5 attorneys there (wllic.hBill relayed tofim earlier). •In the end; the DD has&a,.vn a. li.ue and \ve :fiill. in he.hind hirn.

Please do rehy to Bill if there's. any inte:rest m moving nff2.x2. A'ld.Jr will \Vant to be presented· \vith the ne\Y facts so he c:an make a ded:s:ion ASAP_ Ho\vever~ 1 understand tlle siie.nt party -on tltts thread may have talked some s.ense into. you about mm:ing o:tI 3x3. From Andy's perspective, it's. easier ti.) defend a tea:m of 4 vs 7 thru1 a team -of6 vs 7

,., .... -7--~.--•0riicinaltties~e-~------Fmnr•·srrzdk,••Peter•·P-•••(CDJ••t:FBD" .... I ________ ............ Date:.•02/24/2016•_9,19.PM.(GMT-05-0CH '1') . l·.:_•.to.·_·_·••.·•. ····_:.r_._•·.'.•_.··~·.....,I =......__--------.1.''n . . . ,. 'C ·-o·G· • .,.......,, m·nJ"" lf!! ).PD-' _ rage, .i....:ts.a. -. t .. · •-• L.';V'u f I I --~~~--

s u b~c.t••B.E:.La:unnau•c"'-tlf

OKthm1ks, •OK ±"Or me to relay to Bill, correct? Need.to figure t.J>ut &o .. vto. weract'\.vitkDO:J onthis espe.dalty as if: tnoves up tl:k"'-k t!raia A.s ~Qted hefow, Laufu:Wfi \Vas deads.etou 4-3 and needto dedde t1le ans>.ver soo:n..

;:.~1~~~.···0nw1al··mess.1~~;;~~-~~•D''•..,,.I ...,,....,,.,.....-----------' DT·· • • ·.a"·· .. •~.·-~~~---· -···~-~·.'_.·: •. · .•. ~ ,~.·~.· ... ~}.'~O.··~tl--.·6 .••••.• ~_:_ ..... :.~.~ .•. '.~.rr,·._T"l: .•.••. ~.-.·.·.· .. ',l.•• .. :"-·~-::J.~ .•• 3 ••.. ~.~ .•. ~.1····.~-·.!-Q~{!{H I nn . . .... ' . ;'" ror::.c· y <1::"D'fV'

v i<iu.:.>o.<IL z--,_, '-'._ r \ kU' >£'D-,>l rage, US& "--- \ 'U" j\pD / I I:·.. ...._ ____ __

Subject RE: L.aufu1ru1c.all

I talked to Andy after you andTtafkecl torught I fold hitn there may hesor.ne facts.that >.vereri'tpresented to hitn lliat counsel in.favor .of3x3. lfold hit11rny recmm:nendationto)'011 w·a_s.to fiav~ the .,.;t\D p:resetrt iliosefai.fts kdlimtcn:non\·nv :monling to get a faml dBcisfur.t He agreed.with the recoo1Ul€'.ndatltin and is 01-~n to chruigfr:ig L• , . . .t.w ' ,- . • . • , s:as .milt.Kw the tacts.. support rt ..


b6 -1 b7C -1 b7E -6

b6 -1 b7C -1 b7E -6

b6 -1 b7C -1 b7E -6

b6 -1 b7C -1 b7E -6

b6 -1 b7C -1

Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.

------~"' OtigfrmimeS;sage --'"·'"'-~-.:. FrN:m·"~l'rzok.••PeterPv···(C:DJ•CFBI)1,._,.........,.... _______ __. Date:••Cl2/14/lCH6'••8:J4.P'.MI•('GNf,..T .... ~O...,: ... ill·_.:t!:.,.H .... 1 ____________ __,

T• . "v ~en.,.~,. • T ~ .. "' n P"lG· ·r'> } :i:;U!]'t' :•,':n ... • .·.O .. ·.• •:. ·".·.•. ifB··· •.n.. ···I· ... t." :· t-<-.· •. :r-~<J:<'""' .L:"3:u.'-":·,,"->· ·J"-.'f <._'<'·¥·/ ./LI J .~PD , I 1------------subJect•.Fwrr·taufiuru1•call

b6 -1 b7C -1 b7E -6

b6 -1 b7C -1

b6 -1 b7C -1 b7E -6

David i.:a!kd and enillited ~:ne a eou:ple of rimes t.tlli :eve1ling and \eve jtlst c::rnmei.:ted; he \Vas eal:!:Wg t{i advise that. he had thougi1t and dis:nls:S:ed the fu:rt:et-:view, ·felt strongly ahout DoJ bringing four filtomey;i (David + 3 ), ood that he \V<fi going to :rfilse it up his c:ham. r told htm 1 thought that \Vas going to be ne:cessary because the DD had md.~ated the groll_p fillould be 2-2 .. l noted )'·OU had advocated foc 3-3 l1'i'l$ed on dis:cussian. •vith mm, but that the DD "Was fum.

He said he \Vt-mid advise his :management I antidpate this \vii gct to George and C:adfu tonight. not sure •vhet1 it \\oil hit ODA G~




Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.





Page, Usa C. (OGC} {FBl}

Monday~ fehmary 2.9, 20161264 PM

I { -~yl'Y\ '>O~\ ~t k n t p f<~Di, (>rn"\ ..._ _____ ___, ,l. a..• 1 ti-'3:;N 1; _, rzo , ,-e,.er,, \L. J ~!-o~J

RE: Schedule Chatige

b6 -1 b7C -1


from:I I (CTD} (FBI} Sent Mnnday~ Fehruilry 29,. 2016 12:0'& PM Tn: Strzok, Petar P, (CO) (FBl); Page, l\sa C (OGC'.) {FBI) Sulf)eet Sc:hedui:e ChM~}e

Speda! Advlsnr for Policy rn~ Cvber D~vision


b6 -1 b7C -1

b6 -1 b7C -1

b6 -1 b7C -1

FBl (18-cv-154)-1372

Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.





Page, Usa C. (OGC} {FBl}

Monday, fehmary 29~ 2016 9~27 PM

Strz1Jl, Peter P. {CD) (FBf) RE: \.>Vi!kinsm1 ca!i

-------- Otig!na! message -·-·-·--·"·--

From: "Strwk, Peter?. {CD) (FBW .. I __________ __. Date: 02/29/2016 9:26 .PM. (GN ... · ~_T_-o __ s_:G_>O_,)._ ______ _

To: "Page~, Us:a C {OGC} [fB!J'1.._ __________ _. Subje·ct: RE: Wi!ldrison c.all

--------Original m.essage- --------

Fmm: "Page, Us.a c (OGq {FB-Wl .. _________ ___, Date: 02/29/2{}16 9:24 ?M (GMT-DS:OOJ :o; :'strzok

1 Pe,~~r. P, {CD} ~FBW' ... I ___ .__ ______ ....,

5l1b1ect: RE: V~/~~kmsori ca;li


------ Origin.a! message ------

From: "Strmk, Peter f\ (CD} (fH!}"I..__....,.. _______ __. Date: 02/29/2016 9:23 Pfv~ (GN ... ~_T_-D_5 __ :oo_,_.) ______ __,

To: ''Page, Usa C ( OGC} {FBWI.._ _________ __. Subjed: RE~ VVW.dnson caH

-------- Origk1ai mes.sage --------

From: "Page, Usa c {OGC) (FBWI .. _________ ..... Date: 02/29/2016 9:21 PM (G!\lff.,05:00} To: "Strzok, Peter P, {CD} {FBW'r-1----------..... Sub_le-ct: RE: ViWdrison c.al!

b6 -1 b7C -1 b7E -6

b6 -1 b7C -1 b7E -6

b6 -1 b7C -1 b7E -6

b6 -1 b7C -1 b7E -6

b6 -1 b7C -1

b6 -1 b7C -1 b7E -6

FBl (18-cv-154)-1375

Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.

Fyi below, couldn't reach Bi!L am wrn probably caH me back fater.

-------- Or!gk1a! message --------r . "(;:-<- ~- n +~ n f"'D'' irr:'~""I ,rorn ...... :tTlO:t., r·E'1.Ef r. t\...· 'j .1.n.>~J.,.,......_,...... ________ __. Date: 02/29/2016 9:17 PM (G!'vff-{15:DD} ""'. "'~ L ~ ;) 'c·cc~ •rn-~"1 .... ---------.... HJ. ti.aK:er, James,....,.. ~ -'<0 } p- i1._ ___________ __.

Subject Wilkinson cal!

Jim, if you have not yet c.aHed Beth back, please hdd off untH Bm c.aa get some inforrnation to you. That1ks,


b6 -1 b7C -1 b7E -6

b6 -1 b7C -1 b7E -6

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Page, Usa C. (OGC} {FBl}

Monday~ fehmary 29, 2016 9~44 PM

Strz1Jl, Peter P. {CD) (FBf) RE: \.>Vi!kinsm1 ca!i

-------- Otigina! message -·-·-·--·"·--From~ "Strwk, Peter?. {CD) (FB!f'1 .. __ .,..... ________ ... Date: 02/29/2016 9:31. PM. (GMT-OS:DO) To: "Page~, Us:a C {OGC) [l=BW1 ... ------------. Subje·ct fwd: W~lk:foson caH

-------- Original m.essage- --------

Fmm: "Baker, fames A. {OGq (HHJ'1_,...,.. _________ _

Date: 02/29/2{}16 9:28 PM (Gf\> ... 1'_i_-D_S_:_C_© .... ~--------. To; "Strzok1 Peter P, {CD} (FBWI ... __________ ____, Sl1bject: RE: \i\/Hkiosori caH

Copy. Have riot called,

-------- Origh:ial mess:age --------' . "s~ ' n·+ p: (·~n\Jn:«'·1 r-rom: t.rZOK, rE>eEf,. t"'--L; 1_n:H}._ ___________ _.

Date: 02/29/2016 9:17 P!\'1 (GMT ... -_o_s_:c_~o_·~-1 ---------..... ""i'· • HR·.·.· ... . L. . . . < . . . .·. ~~:. . t~-:i.i?·c·;.;.;.;i · :i't·:n.·1· ll ! G: Li<lKEf; J3ffi·ES ,'-\. ~ l.J-.;.~ · ) v-:0 ,,._ ___________ ____, Subled: Wilkinson caU

Jim, H y01J hav~ not yet caHed Beth !:::iack, please hcM off lmti! BW can get some Mformatlon to you. Thanks, Pete


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Page, Usa C. (OGC} {FBl}

Fr!day1 March04, ~01611:30 AM

Strwk, Peter P. {CD) (FBf) RE: FoUow!ng up

from: Strzok, Feter P. (OJ} (!=Br} &mt~ Friday, March 04, 201511:29 .. i\f'>1 To: Page:, li;i<~ C (OG:Cj {FBI) Subject; RE; Fcilh:i:wing up

from~ Page, Usa: c (OGC) (fln) sent: Fliday,. Marth .U4 ,. · w10, 11: HJ Al\·~ To::: Str:zok_, Peter F\ {CD) (FBI) subject: FVli~ • Fi:rfk.n:ving up

from: Baker; Jam:es A {OGCJ (F!H) S:e:nt~ Friday, March{l4, 2015 lD:UB Al\'l . T'O; l\'kcabe, Atidre'w G~ (DO) (FBI}; Page, Usa C. (UGC} (FBI) . Cc Stelnbach, Mitha:el H, (DO} {FBI); Priestap, E VV, (CD) {FHl}; Andersoni Trisha 8,(0GC) (FBIJl._ _____ ___. (OGC} (F&I) Subject: Fl.N~ Foitowh1g up

from: Beth \>V:Hkinson [ mr:dh.>.:hwHkln:sot:@wllktn:son1.i':.'at::;h .. crm1] Sent~ Friday, March 04 1 :.w169:551!<,M · To:: Baker, James A- (OGC} {FBI} Subject~ FO!!O\vfrig up .

Any cham:e we can si:::fredille the meeting j.ve discuss.ed?' I a-c:ruatft·f' catne hack to DGtor 24 hours and Ii::ollid meet·f(tday•fffr't•d6abte••ou.,<:i:Jl1r·•filde_ Si:tl"fV•for•file·•t.ist••:t.mr!Ute:nC<tfue .

• :.:-.: ·'-:' -:>' ·-: :·_·>: : '> .',' ' - - :_: .;> :: . ·•': .~·-·- ' : : -_- ·:- ': : . ' .: :- : :- ·: ::~'- .· : ·.·: :-.-:- : :-:_:·:: >' .· ,' :: . ' • -: :•·: :: : ', ' : :

Beth A \\lik.filsoll i Founding Partner tn.vh£oolw\vikm:;:orr1:<ta1..4.com

\VHkinsmi \Valsh + Eskovitz PLLC Office: (202) 847-401.0 i Fax: (202) 847-400.5


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I QOO 1\~1 Street; NJ·V .. s~itesoo .·· .. . . ..... . 'Vashra1gto~ ••Pc•.• !400J()· \V\\\v~~vH.klnscfabvaHili.cdm .

FBI {lS-cv-154)-1398

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OTHER Non-Responsive

"------- Original mes.sase -------­From:· "Page, LisaC. {OGC) (FB1)"1 Dat.,,· tYln ~/-:iQ t ,s;. R{H P\1.(Gl\<IT-r,t-. .,,-ffi ......... (j"""} -------

.. '&;...-..:~ .. -..... -JI;·.;._.~ ..li.:-''l..l''·~:...· -, --_ ..:..-· :.:.--...-._J;,.- ... -~-----'--·---. .... ________ ....,

T~x "Stt·mk, Peter P. (CD} (FBI}j._ _________ ___, Subject RE: RE~

from: Strzok, Feter P" (CG) (FBI} &mt: TtJ.esday, March 15, W16 S;rnJ PM T-o: Page:, li~ C.. (OG:Cj {FHI) Subject; RE;

Sigh; Yes.. Complaint fbr arrest '.\:arrant signed yesterday. 4x 1on1. Approach and tnk&ldize tbfll-OtTo\V late. If he .asks. fbr ·aft% .. ru::res.ted .and u~ jilll before Li\ on Thurs an:i:.. If he. c:ooperates, lik:e.1y fo get &."Tested fote:r, but . p.-ote.nt.killy more s.oftly\vifu atty. Teli me tt has fo bQtokthitn outside uf~g group. Because, wd, I thlnk DD shocld know ....


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Subject RE:

Aud yes .

.,------- Orie:h'lfil message--------Fmrn: "Strz~k, "Peter P.~(CD} (FBrrl..,,...,,..,,.,.. _______ __, Date: 0Jil:5/2916 7:49 PM(G:\IT-05JKl) T .. "P T '(• ,.f).f":::.11"''• '170·f\1 ..... ------------.

Q; age, i...,:isa .. \-....u"-.)(:r.0~1 ... _________ _.

Subjeet RE:

-------- Orfoinalmes.sage --------Fnan:: "'Rage: Lis.a C, (OGC) (FBJA ________ ___, Dat""· QV~ .:;_t"'.i'Q15 7-44 PM (G~.lt-o.:;::z1:rn To: ~s~~~~k~ ;~~ P:. ·(en) (FBrl1 ... ----·-· "------------subject :Rfr

-------- OriginaLrne:s.s:age -------­From: ~strzok Peter P. (CD) (FBI)'f ·D··"'·t'"':" O'.:t/1 '1).:""'.!<''1 . .!:": 7-41P)-f {~}/fT_f"'l.._ ..... ·""'<l"""ft ..... t ________ __, ·.' .· u: \.., ~ '.(...'<,""':\':.:I..: .... :···_.>-,;;:.),; tl '•'.-."' ~ :":"> '',:: :~~:.t- <'.P::l)._~_ '·-: -:·<..:.-~~:~\) Y::l

T(~: "Page, Lisa C (OGC) {FBIJ1 .... ----------. Subject:

He)Qs still in prt, right?


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Meeting Statu:5:~


R~quired Att-endus::

Accepted: rnscuss reporting

Thursday, March 17, 2015 3:15 P~'i>1

Thursday; March 17, 2016 4:CH) PM

fr<,-,ryf>\ t<>W-<L-,f


Page" Usa C (OGq (FBI)

Strzok, Peter P, (CD~ (FBI)

\Vhm~ Mar 17, 2016 3:15:00 PM


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Page, Usa C. (OGC} {FBl}

Thursday, March 17, 2016 4:49 PM

Strwk, Peter P. {CO) (FBf) RE: 11 ~n Bins affke tmnorrov1


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Page, Usa C. {OGC} {FBl}

Fr!day1 March 18, ~016 2·:35 PM

Strzok, Peter P. {CO) (FBI)

RE: Chairman Grassle)•' corre:s.pundence r~ CHntnn ernaH

from: Strzok, Feter P. (CD} (FBI} &mt~ Friday, March Hl, 2016 2:2:6 PM T-o: Page:, t..i:$<~ C (OGC) {FHI} Subject; Fv.id: Chairinan Grassfoy cor:rf!spondence re .Clinton emaH

-:..·--~--~- Oricillal mes-s.aQ:e-------..: Fm!IL •• ~}3e·ei%,•]Ntzabet1Zit•••(l)O}··(FBJ.)1_1._ ..----------­Date:.·03I1•:8/2()16••·2.:-07•PM·•(G1v1'f-05:0-ff) To "OGC) {FBQ"l,............_ _________ ____,f'.As1derso-rt•frish~'l•B·• •• cooc)••(FBIY'

...._--------r--------..... ko_i...,GC) (FBJ~? L----..,.....,-r------.........., ....... r'"·PeterP,(CD)(FB1TI .... _______ ..... l"Pries,tap,E\V



frtmd l(GGC} ff?.I} Sent::\Me-dnesd:ay, Mo:rch16, 2.01ff3c2.DPM ...., ·13 · · ··· · ·E· ~- · · k ·ti., E< '""·"''' 'F. "1' "' ·· - · ·5 ~., ·c·~, "F1''"" ·" ·· ·· • • · ··T · ·;;._ · ..,. ro··-"''·.·''""'nn· .m · .eers,.•··JtW~.te:Fi•P..{i.A.,''ft oc )·•·r<rH:i:ocar.< .. · ···-~~. •·· .;J}{ 0~;,:.i'.>nO=erson1 ,.nsna;:h \ck,;,..;J;:--1"9 Cc~ lfoGt}(Hlff Ii:JGC}(Ffif},:S&zok, PeterP. (GO}(FBI} subject~ RE~ GN:iiml[ln Grassi•~y ccirr~spon ence rs Clinton -~mail · · · · · · ·

from~ Seers,.· Elt~ab-eth R. {IJO}{FBI} Sent: Tuesrli!y,, Mardi .15,.1.fflti- 1:43 Fl\-'l . . . Tm PF!esta1h · E Vl" ft:OJ{Pi31}: .Anderscrn, Trisha B, (OGt} {@!} pct. . tao) (FBI;d k0Gc}{FBrfl....,.. ______ [OGG} (f=a~J;I ... ~ _____ __.koGq· (Fat) .


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FBl (18-cv-154)-1452

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Us.aL ?age

Page, Usa C. {OGC} {FBl}

Fr!day1 March 18, ;2016 3:32 PM

Strwk, Peter P. {CD) (FBf) when you ca!! Jim

Ccunsei tn the Deputy Director Federil~ Bureau of !nvestlgahor: I I . b6 -1

b7C -1

FBl (18-cv-154)-1453

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Page, Usa C. {OGC} {FBl}

Fr!day1 March 18, ;2016 5::07 PM

Strwk, Peter P. {CD) (FBf) RE: Ghre rne a caH r:e contacting J~m

from: Strzok, Feter P. (CD} (FBI} &mt~ Friday, March Hl, 2016 4~44 PM To: Page:, U;:m C (OGC) {FHI} Subject; Give: m~ a (:ail re: mntacting Jim

b6 -1 b7C -1

FBl (18-cv-154)-1454

Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.






Page, Usa C. (OGC} {FBl}

Tuesday( March 22, 2016 8:33 PM

Strwk, Peter P. {CD) (FBI) Fwd: AG guideHne:s foHNi\.H:J .

....--...... --....... ---' AG guk:leHnes fr:d!o\\<'-UP

-··-•-·'"'~'"· •Ocigtnal•••message··---.,..,.~ I:>· . ..•. "G~···· !:.. .· .. · T [...' > . lQ'"'f}Rl"'''"I ,rom: ..... · ... ·aqnar •• ~aSIHna\. :?,...,-:;1 .. ,,....,,....,.....,...-----------Date:03/22/2Q16§:56 PM (GN ... -~-T .... -D .... 5 ... :_oo ... ~• ·• .... } _____ ___, To: "'Page, usa c (OGC} ffBD'IL. _,... _________ __. S.µbje.ct••AG••gul(fe!lnes.•fo!~ov.i-u~ .. _____ _.



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Page, Usa C. (OGC} {FBl}

Wedm~sday. March 23, 2016 952 A!'.1

Strzok, Peter P. {CD) (FBI)

Rf : ..... I __ ___.

from: Strzok, Feter P. (CD} (FBr} Sent: V\i:e.dnesday, March 23, 2016 9:50 AM To: Page,, li:'.5<~ C (OG:C} {FHI) Subject; RE~ I

from: Strzok, Peter P. (CD'}{f-at} sent:\t•iednesday, March 23, 20169:3'9AM le: Page, Usu c fQGC}fFHI) Subjecb RE~ I

,.,------- Ortci.!1at message-------­Fmnr "Pag~ Li~ C. (OGG) (FBIA n,,.t,,,· rrv-Y~tu11.r:. f>·fH ,a '\,f tn:& .• r1··_ ... n ... ,._ ...... ,1'""1r"'n _______ ___,

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":--~ ---- ·Qrigfaaifuess.age- -----7

From: ~Strzc~k,••PeterP_·••tCD).(FBI)'1.._----------' Date::•D3i23/2016•·4:2~···i£\,f••(GN.:t ... ·rr ... ~o ..... s ..... : .... n_o .... 1 _____ _ To: "Page,Llsa C._(0GC){FBI)'1 _________ .... Subject .R£1 I

,,-------•Originaimessage-----.---Fwrn: "Strzok, ]?eterP. (~~D}(FBI::d ... _________ ... [)ate: •03<Z2/20l6•.••DJ:36•P"'1•{CH\,..IT_····--t.--15_;;_G_0:._) -------. To: "Page, Lisa C •. (tlGCJ (FBQ1 .... ________ _. Suhjei::t ~ I '\Vhlt a mim1tej

-- ~c-c- - - QtjgL~.me:sS-age c- - ------

From:."JhruJS($1,.fu<isfi•K .•• (DO)••(FBI)".,.I __________ __. Date::•@3/22/20I6.2:-09·P~1.(GNff ... -.... .o .... 5 ... :0 .... n .... J _____________ _ ·""f- ·•••"TI·.•.· >·"' · ·•. ·.•·c'"'•• · tnnr< .'lPB<r·,«I l,·:.·o .. • l~r. /' )·••.·t.•f:: .. -o. ·_f·"·'.' HJ: r ge,Llsa. ,._ .._.,1~ .. t.:: J...._ ______________ ___,f u'L_ ".01;

Subje•c: ----- FBI

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Page, Usa C. (OGC} {FBl}

Wedm~sday, March 23, 2016 5:24 PI\.<~

Strwk, Peter P. {CD) (FBf) WP

\VP doi::.tr~ne may bg asserted by both the d~ent and the atty. 8tJt the attomey1s mental impressions, c:ondusfons, opiri~ons, and lega! theories may he proteded ta avoid an ~n';tasion of the att.ome{:.:t necessary prhtacy in his work But i.:vhenthe interests ofthe dient and the attorney dash, it is the dierifs interests that wm prevaiL (Obvio1.1s!y, there's more nuance here, but you get the drift}.


CcunsettGth e tJeput'f Dfre·cfor


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