Obsolescence and Life Cycle Management for Automaon Systems The seminar will be held at: Erhvervsakademiet Lillebælt Seebladsgade 1, 5000 Odense C Denmark The seminar has been prepared in cooperation with the following companies and organizations SESAM seminar September 27 th , 2018

Obsolescence and Life ycle Management for Automation Systemssesam-world.com/_pdf/sesam-128/SESAM-128.pdf · The seminar will try to present some practice used by different industry

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Obsolescence and Life Cycle Management for Automation


The seminar will be held at:

Erhvervsakademiet Lillebælt

Seebladsgade 1,

5000 Odense C


The seminar has been prepared in cooperation with the following companies and organizations



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Obsolescence and Life Cycle Management for Automation Systems

Registration: www.sesam-world.com/tilmelding

The growing importance of obsolescence strategy for automation systems

mation systems is handled in different companies, and

how a common practice could be developed.

The purpose of the seminar is to give examples of ob-

solescence Management Processes to ensure Life Cy-

cle Management of Automation systems that will mini-

mize the risk, by having activities associated with:

• Preventing

• Predicting

• Resolving

An automation system is related to perform control,

monitoring functions, safety and data collection.

The seminar will focus on:

• What is the definition of Life Cycle Management

and related terminologies

• Life Cycle Management process

• Optimize Life Cycle cost

• How to select solutions and products that should

be tolerant of rapid technology development.

• How to interact with suppliers to prolong system

and product lifetimes

• Awareness on Obsolescence and how to handle

• What are the expected lifetime of an automation


The Challenge: Automation system evolution vs. Auto-

mation Life Cycle model.

This seminar is inspired by the Remommended Prac-

tice from the Internaltional Association of Oil & Gas

Producers (Report 551, July 2016).

The coming SESAM seminar will focus on the chal-

lenge that is related to the Evolution Automation Sys-

tems at customers and the Life Cycle Model for Auto-

mation Systems from Automation Suppliers.

The seminar gives ideas how Life Cycle Management

and obsolescence management can help

With the increasing demand to extend the life of oper-

ating assets, the risk of obsolescence has become

more prevalent. It now presents significant concern to

the industry, for both new and brownfield projects. Au-

tomation systems are expected to perform their func-

tion through the field life. A typical automation system

life cycle is around 25 years, and some applications

are expected to last significantly longer.

The impact of obsolescence is felt when equipment

fails and the replacement for the failed component is

no longer available, can no longer be satisfactorily

supported or can no longer be sourced fom approved

sources. Significant and expensive downtime might

take hold whilst the search for new approved sources

or alternative solutions continues.

Many companies might in the near future establish a

robust obsolescence management strategy that can

address and mitigate the risks associated with the

obsolescence of equipment.

The seminar will try to present some practice used by

different industry companies. The purpose of the sem-

inar is to get focus on how to obsolescence of auto-

Figure 1 Automation System evolution at Industrial Customer (Ref. IOGP, Report 551, July 2016)

Industrial Shop-Floor Experiences • September 27th 2018

. Automation System evolution In terms of Life Cycle Management should illustrate

the evolution of automation systems from update,

upgrade, migration and replace.

Life Cycle Model Automation system vendors typically have a life cy-

cle indication for components or system divied into

several phases, based on principles defined in IEC

62402, Obsolescence management.

Different automation system suppliers use slightly

different terms, definitions of the life cycle phases

and notification to inform about phase change of

automation systems and components.

• LTB – Last Time Buy

• EOL – End of Life

Attend the seminar

Hear about the possible solutions for handling of obsolete automations systems and

the Life Cycel Management of Automation Systems. Get a picture of the opportunities

for handling automations systems today and in future. Meet colleagues and specialists

within LCM of automation solutions.

Figure 2 Typical automation system Life Cycle Model (Ref. IOGP, Report 551, July 2016)

Critical issues to be included in the Life Cycle mod-


• Sales release

• Delivery release

• Announcement of end of active sales

• End of Active sales

• Announcement of last time buy

• Last time buy

• Announcement of end of service

• End of service

• Product abandonment

An interesting angle could be about Product

Lifecycle Management (PLM) as a tool to help rec-

oncile the obsolescence of Automation at custom-

er sites and Automation suppliers' Life Cycle Man-

agement of systems and components.

Obsolescence and Life Cycle Management for Automation Systems

11:00 - 11:30

Pause & networking,

09:00 - 09:30

Registration, rolls & coffee

09:30 - 09:35

Welcome Carsten Nøkleby, SESAM-World

09:50 - 10:30

Life Cycle Management strategy for automation systems Bent Kock, IT Security and Operation Specialist, Novo Nordisk

The presentation will cover the topics below:

• How do Novo Nordisk handle obsolete automation systems?

• How do Novo Nordisk handle the Life Cycle Management of automation systems?

• How is the Life Cycle Management strategy for automation systems?

• How do Novo Nordisk setup the rules for Update, Upgrade & Migrate of automation systems?

09:35 - 09:50

Introduction to Erhversakademiet Lillebælt Maria Windt Jul, Viden og udviklingschef, Erhvervsakademiet Lillebælt

Brief introduction to Erhversakademiet Lillebælt and practical information.

• Educations and dialogue with the Industry with focus

• What SESAM network interesting for Erhversakademiet

10:30 - 11:00

How to identify risks and handle life-cycle challenges for automation Marita Thomsen, Contractual Services Manager, Rockwell Automation

The presentation will give an image of challenges for manufacturing industries in relation to Asset Management Life Cycle. How

can an automation supplier help customers identify risks and handle life-cycle challenges. The presentation shows examples of

customer cases where the interaction between customer and supplier has helped to identify life-cycle challenges across auto-

mation products. It also highlights in the presentation how to establish activity plans in collaboration with customers. Hopefully

this will open up discussion on the subject.

12:10 - 12:50

Life Cycle Management of Automation systems at Danfoss Henrik Christensen, Senior Manager, Danfoss Group

• Get a picture of how the Life Cycle Managent of Automation Solutions is handled in Danfoss. Solutions consisting of sen-

sors, actuators, PLC, PC, Server and associated software platforms and applications.

• How are obsolete automation solutions handled?

• How is there the preparedness to handle systems that are outdated and obsolete?

• How are automation assets be managed?

11:30 - 12:15

Obsolescence management in BEUMER Group

Rikke Gulddal Christensen, Business Manager Part Logistics, BEUMER Group

• What is the challenge regarding obsolescence?

• Why is Obsolescence management a hot topic?

• How are we handling obsolescence in BEUMER Group?

• Future picture of obsolescence—the next step

11:30 - 12:10

Obsolescence management in BEUMER Group

Rikke Gulddal Christensen, Business Manager Part Logistics, BEUMER Group

• What is the challenge regarding obsolescence?

• Why is Obsolescence management a hot topic?

• How are we handling obsolescence in BEUMER Group?

• Future picture of obsolescence—the next step

Registration: www.sesam-world.com/tilmelding

12:50 - 13:35

Lunch & networking

Registration: www.sesam-world.com/tilmelding

16:00 - 16:10

Summary and conclusion Carsten Nøkleby, Senior Konsulent, SESAM-World

Industrial Shop-Floor Experiences • September 27th 2018

13:35 - 14:05

Manage an automation solution based on several system platforms Per Eiland, Managing Director, Novotek

How is hardware and software lifecycle managed in a solution based on a multi automation vendor setup? How do you secure com-

pliance? How do you ensure procedures when many people work on the same project (avoid overwritten / lost work, etc.)? How do

you achieve automatic version control (and ensure that the current version is also actually the one running within the plant). How do

you perform automatic backup for a disaster recovery, whether it's triggered by an internal failure or after a cyber attack. There will

be a demo of how a multi-vendor setup is handled.

14:45 - 15:00

Pause & networking,

15:00 - 15:30

Retrofitting - Digital Twins ensure a short and accurate process Bent Aksel Jørgensen, CEO, Xcelgo A/S

Digital twins play a central role in modernizing running automation systems. Typically, this process is “mission critical” with very

short time slots for replacement of equipment, testing of new control software and commissioning. Detailed 3D models can serve

as an essential vehicle when updating and clarifying documentation, and especially as a thorough and systematic off-line testing

platform for new control software on PLC and MES/WCS level. In that way the system test phase is significantly reduced and the

start-up of production is ensured on time .

15:30 - 16:00

Upgrading of running process plant Jakob Drescher, Technical consultant, Aveva &

Peter Fuglsang, Application Engineer, Schneider Electric

Der kommen en præsentation af en digital tvilling, hvor det er muligt at gennemføren en life cycle opgradering på kørende proces

anlæg. Et system setup der også inkludere SCADA life cycle. Gennemgangen af den digitale tvilling og life cycle opgradering vil blive

baseret på 2 kunde cases. Hør om hvorledes eksisterende automations systemer er blevet opgraderet – systemer der inkludere PLC,

HMI og SCADA. Få et billede at hvorledes en opgredering kan gennemføres på 24 timer.

14:05 - 14:45

Obsolescence and life cycle management for automation systems

- Recommended practice Elbert van der Bijl, International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (Yokogawa)

• Describe the content of the Recommended practice—Obsolescence and life cycle management for automation systems.

• What is the automation system evolution

• What is the Life Cycle Mode

• Typical factors to evaluate within life cycle

• Obsolescence and life cycle contractual / execution strategy

TEMAMØDER / TEMAGRUPPER SESAM-World NYT for medlemmer Fra envejskommunikation til tovejskommunikation – Videndeling i øjenhøjde og blandt ligestillede med relation til automation, produktions IT og digitalisering. Vi ønsker at transformer SESAM til en netværksorganisation, hvor viden formidles mellem medlemmerne via temamøder, workshops og Best practice beskrivelser. Årsagen til transformationen er, at SESAM ikke skal være en konferencevirksomhed, men et netværk af medlemsvirksomheder, der mødes på temamøder og workshops, for her at udveksle erfaring og viden om nye teknologier, processer og organisationer. Denne viden kan samles i Best practice beskrivelser, der vil være tilgængelige for alle medlemmer. Når dele af en Best practice er etableret, kan der afholdes et seminar, hvor netop te-maet behandles og medlemmerne kan præsenter deres erfaringer. Ved denne transformation af SESAM opnår vi, at viden ikke sker ved envejskommuni-kation, men ved en tovejskommunikation mellem ligestillede medlemmer. SESAM vil stadig afholde seminarer, som vi kender; men de vil være tættere relateret til de temagrupper der etableres. I forbindelse med temamøder og workshops vil SESAM være moderator og temamø-derne afholdes hos medlemsvirksomhederne. SESAM vil stå for alt det praktiske, så som koordinering, dagsorden, finde foredragsholder, referat, styre tilmeldinger til temamøder og seminar samt sikre, at materiale fra temagrupperne bliver tilgængelig på hjemmesiden. Hvorfor det nye tiltag?:

• De enkelte deltagere kan være med til at præge og være en del af en løsning via temamøderne.

• Koncentreret og konkret videnformidling bland medlemmer hvor man får no-get med hjem i form af

• referat, mødemateriale og på sigt en Best Practice. • Deltage i de temagrupper fysisk eller via Skype, som giver værdi for den enkelte

virksomhed og • medarbejder, og samtidig kan der samles op på erfaringer da en temagruppe

vil forløbe over en • periode. • Viden opsamling, erfaringsudveksling og Indflydelse = værdi for virksomheden • Scenen sættes af SESAM som er tovholder • Netværk – Kontaktformidling til ligestillende og dermed adgang til erfaring.

FAKTABOX (Temamøder) Til hvert temamøder, vil der være en dagsorden og en eller flere indlæg fra medlemmerne samt en workshop for at udveksle erfaringer og viden. Det er mu-ligt at deltage i temamøderne via Skype, der vil sikre at flere medlemmer kan væ-re med i møderne. For at en temagruppe kan etableres skal der minimum være 10 deltagere i grup-pen. Der kan max. deltage 2 medlemmer fra hver virksomhed, af hensyn til plads og for at tilgodese alle medlemmer. Temamøderne afholdes og planlægges af temagruppen, og det forventes at der afholdes møder hver 2-3 måned i hver

FAKTABOX (Temagrupper) Der kan etableres flere teamgrupper, og der er nedenfor eksempler på udvalgte grupper der er aktive, der er på pause, der er på idéstadiet.

• Informationssikkerhed (Aktiv) • PackML og Line Integration (Aktiv) • Projektledelse (Pause) • Maturity Model for digitalisering

(Idé) • Softwareudvikling for maskiner og

udstyr - Agil maskinudvikling (Idé) • Obsolescence & Life Cycle Manage-

ment for Automation Systems (Idé)

FAKTABOX (Priser) Årligt kontingent (Fra september til august) Koncernmedlemskab (Flere virksomheder i samme gruppe) 15.000 kr. ex. moms Firmamedlemskab (>4 ansatte) 7.500 kr. ex. moms Firmamedlemskab (<=4 ansatte) 2.000 kr. ex. moms Uddannelsesinstitution 2.000 kr. ex. Moms Deltagelse i temamøder og workshops er som oftest gratis for medlemsvirksomheder, men der kan forekomme situationer, hvor der skal betales et mindre beløb til forplejning.

SESAM-WORLD Knowledge through networking


SESAM-WORLD Knowledge through networking

Information from SESAM

Come with your input for the comming events SESAM would like to have your input or comments for the coming events. Please feel free to indicate if you or some-

one you know have an interesting presentation on one of the topics for the coming event. We would like the members

to be more involved in the knowledge sharing within the SESAM network and the planning of the coming events. The

plan for the future is as follows:

August 2018

29.08.2018: SESAM workgroup: Information Security - Siemens, Vejle.

Septemner 2018

27.09.2018: SESAM semiar: Obsolescence and Life Cycle Management for Automation Systems

27.09.2018: SESAM general meeting (Generalforsamling)

October 2018

11.10.2018: SESAM semiar: Energy Management - How do Automation improve the Energy Management?- Industry


24.10.2018: SESAM workgroup: PackML and Line Integration - VELUX, Østbirk.

November 2018

14.10.2018: SESAM semiar: Structured PLC programming—Object oriented programming for PLC solutions. ISA 88,

PackML and Make2Pack.

Coming events:

It is planned by the Board that the following issues have a big interest:

• Production data in the cloud. It is decided to start up a workshop, and plan for at seminar in May 2019.

• Block Chain - How will that influence the industry in the near future?

Practical information for the Seminar, September 27th 2018

Seminar on Wednesday, May 16, 2018, at

Erhvervsakademiet Lillebælt

Seebladsgade 1,

5000 Odense C




Confirmation and invoice will be issued immediately after


Last registration deadline

Tuesday, 25 September 2018


Price for participation

1,800 DKK. (240 Euro) Excl. VAT for members of SESAM

Denmark and SESAM Sweden.

3.900 DKK (525 Euro) Excl. VAT for non members.

Parking at Erhversakademiet Lillebælt

Seebladsgade in front of entrance A or behind building B.

Registration must be either by tablet at Information Area

at entry A on the day or by e-mail [email protected] no later than

1 weekday before arrival and state date of visit, license

plate and mobile number (Pre-entered permits do not

guarantee a parking space).

Or at Havnen, which has a payment area (drive from Gam-


Networking at the seminar

Use the breakers to have a dialogue with colleagues and

specialists in the field.


No refund for cancellations later than 1 week before


If you wish to become a member of SESAM, and / or you

would like more information, please contact us

SESAM-WORLD, Vejlsøvej 51, 8600 Silkeborg, Denmark

Tel. +45 7240 1464

[email protected]
