Objectives for Today: Agenda for Wed. 11 /18– 30052H

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“A Modest Proposal” By: Jonathan Swift

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Objectives for Today: Agenda for Wed. 11 /18 30052H
A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift Cast Away essay due Monday at beginning of class. Starbucks test on Monday, Nov. 23 Define and identify sarcasm and verbal irony in A Modest Proposal. Define and identify emotional, ethical, and logical appeals in A Modest Proposal. Interpret how emotional, ethical, and logical appeals effect persuasion in proposals. A Modest Proposal By: Jonathan Swift The cover of this week's New Yorker magazine depicts Obama in one-piece Muslim garb and headdress fist-bumping his booted, Afro-wearing wife Michelle in camo clothes with an AK-47 and ammo-belt slung over her shoulder beneath a portrait of Osama bin-Laden while the American flag burns in the fireplace -- in the presidential Oval Office.It's got everything incendiary except a vest bomb. Which is what should telegraph to most people that it's way over-the-top and, therefore, satire.LA Times Representatives of Obama and McCain both denounced the cover as tasteless and offensive.
Eugene Kane, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel site: "I actually understand what satire means but I'm guessing there are plenty of Americans who won't have a clue what the magazine cover is trying to say." SATIRE A literary work which attacks human vices, follies, shortcomings, or stupidity through ridicule, derision, irony, sarcasm, wit, & scathing humor. Satire often ridicules a target in an attempt to bring about improvement, i.e. shaming it into reform. Targets of Satire a person or a group of people an idea or an attitude
society and its institutions a social practice a place (city, state, or nation) Targets of A Modest Proposal
English People Catholics Irish People Landlords Americans Means of Satire Art Music Poetry, prose Drama, film
Cartoons, comic strips Commentary Tools of Satire Verbal ironywords of praise which convey criticism and words of criticism which convey praise Great. Sarcasma type of verbal irony often in the form of a remark in which the literal meaning is complimentary, but the actual meaning is critical. Good Job! Anatomy of a Proposal Proposal: the act of offering or suggesting something for acceptance, adoption, or performance. Three literary tools used in proposals Emotional Appeals Ethical Appeals Logical Appeals Emotional Appeals Passages that use words that arouse strong feelings
Emotional examples Vivid descriptions Narratives of emotional events Emotional tone Figurative language Dr. Martin Luther Kings Letter from Birmingham Jail
I guess it is easy for those who have never felt the stinging darts of segregation to say, 'Wait.' But when you have seen vicious mobs lynch your mothers and fathers at will and drown your sisters and brothers at whim; when you have seen hate filled policemen curse, kick, brutalize and even kill your black brothers and sisters with impunity; when you suddenly find your tongue twisted and your speech stammering as you seek to explain to your six-year-old daughter why she can't go to the public amusement park that has just been advertised on television, and see tears welling up in her eyes when she is told that Funtown is closed to colored children, and see the depressing clouds of inferiority begin to form in her little mental sky, and see her begin to distort her little personality by unconsciously developing a bitterness toward white people; when you are humiliated day in and day out by nagging signs reading 'white' and 'colored'; when you are forever fighting a degenerating sense of 'nobodiness'; then you will understand why we find it difficult to wait." Ethical Appeals Passages that establish the writers qualifications and sincerity Demonstrates author's reliability, competence, and respect for the audience's ideas and values through reliable and appropriate use of support and general accuracy Logical Appeals Passages that use evidence such as facts or statistics to support a position Theoretical, abstract language Denotative meanings/reasons Literal and historical analogies Definitions Factual data and statistics Quotations Citations from experts and authorities Informed opinions "Buy this set of encyclopedias because it has been voted Best on the Market for seven years in a row, at an excellent price, contains over 400,000 interesting facts, and is updated annually." Examples of Satire Saturday Night Lives Weekend Updatesatirizes TV news and criticizes human flaws and vices related to politics, entertainment, and current events. Scary Movie Satirizes horror
movies by exaggerating the techniques used to scare audiences. Austin Powers Satirizes 1960s spy movies. Tackles sexism toward women and ridicules escapes by the spy and stupidity of the evil villain. Political Cartoons Satirize politicians and political issues by criticizing policy decisions and personality traits of elected officials. Political Cartoons This is Spinal Tap Satirizes rockumentaries and the excess of modern musicians. Weird Als Songs Satirizes musicians & music videos by commenting on the excess of modern musicians as well as simplicity and immaturity of the lyrics. Animal Farm Satirizes Communist Russia Split into Expert Groups
Number off into Five groups. Sarcasm, Verbal Irony, Emotional Appeal, Ethical Appeal, and Logical Appeal. Take time in your groups to: Come up with a group definition of your literary terms. Find three examples in Swifts A Modest Proposal of your literary terms. (Note the page and paragraph of example.) Expert Groups Now that youve defined your literary terms in your own words and found two examples, come up with a way to teach your findings to your home groups. **The key is to make it memorable and creative. You could write a poem, draw a picture, sing a song, etc. Time to teach what you learned.
Tools Verbal Irony Experts Sarcasm Experts Emotional Appeal Experts Ethical Appeal Experts Logical Appeal Experts **If you can teach something that means you know it.** Follow Up What is this? Emotional Appeal What is this? Yea, that girls really smart. Sarcasm What is this? Logical Appeal What is this? Logical Appeal What is this? Emotional and Ethical Appeal What is this? Logical Appeal What is this? Emotional Appeal What is this? Verbal Irony What is this? Ethical Appeal What is this? Ethical Appeal What is this? Emotional Appeal What is this? Emotional Appeal What is this? Ethical Appeal What is this? Grandma! You lookbeautiful! Sarcasm What is this? MMMM! That looks healthy! Verbal Irony What is this? Verbal Irony Review Objectives Define and identify sarcasm and verbal irony in A Modest Proposal. Define and identify emotional, ethical, and logical appeals in A Modest Proposal. Interpret how emotional, ethical, and logical appeals affect persuasion in proposals.