Object Constraint Language (OCL) A UML diagram (e.g., a class diagram) does not provide all relevants aspects of a specification It is necessary to describe additional constraints about the objects in the model Constraints specify invariant conditions that must hold for the system being modeled Constraints are often described in natural language and this always result in ambiguities Traditional formal languages allow to write unambiguous constraints, but they are difficult for the average system modeler OCL: Formal language used to express constraints, that remains easy to read and write 1 Object Constraint Language (OCL) Pure expression language: expressions do not have side effet when an OCL expression is evaluated, it returns a value its evaluation cannot alter the state of the corresponding executing system an OCL expression can be used to specify a state change (e.g., in a post- condition) Not a programming language it is not possible to write program logic or flow of control in OCL cannot be used to invoke processes or activate non-query operations Typed language: each expression has a type well-formed expressions must obey the type conformance rules of OCL each classifier defined in a UML model represents a distinct OCL type OCL includes a set of supplementary predefined types The evaluation of an OCL expression is instantaneous the state of objects in a model cannot change during evaluation 2 Object Constraint Language, May 12, 2008 – 1

Object Constraint Language (OCL) · 2008-05-12 · Object Constraint Language (OCL) † A UML diagram (e.g., a class diagram) does not provide all relevants aspects of a speciflcation

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Page 1: Object Constraint Language (OCL) · 2008-05-12 · Object Constraint Language (OCL) † A UML diagram (e.g., a class diagram) does not provide all relevants aspects of a speciflcation

Object Constraint Language (OCL)

• A UML diagram (e.g., a class diagram) does not provide all relevants aspects ofa specification

• It is necessary to describe additional constraints about the objects in the model

• Constraints specify invariant conditions that must hold for the system beingmodeled

• Constraints are often described in natural language and this always result inambiguities

• Traditional formal languages allow to write unambiguous constraints, but theyare difficult for the average system modeler

• OCL: Formal language used to express constraints, that remains easy to readand write


Object Constraint Language (OCL)

• Pure expression language: expressions do not have side effet

3 when an OCL expression is evaluated, it returns a value

3 its evaluation cannot alter the state of the corresponding executing system

3 an OCL expression can be used to specify a state change (e.g., in a post-condition)

• Not a programming language

3 it is not possible to write program logic or flow of control in OCL

3 cannot be used to invoke processes or activate non-query operations

• Typed language: each expression has a type

3 well-formed expressions must obey the type conformance rules of OCL

3 each classifier defined in a UML model represents a distinct OCL type

3 OCL includes a set of supplementary predefined types

• The evaluation of an OCL expression is instantaneous

3 the state of objects in a model cannot change during evaluation


Object Constraint Language, May 12, 2008 – 1

Page 2: Object Constraint Language (OCL) · 2008-05-12 · Object Constraint Language (OCL) † A UML diagram (e.g., a class diagram) does not provide all relevants aspects of a speciflcation

Where to Use OCL

• To specify invariants on classes and types in the class model

• To specify type invariants for stereotypes

• To describe pre- and post-conditions on operations and methods

• To describe guards

• As a navigation language

• To specify constraints on operations

• OCL is used to specify the well-formedness rules of the UML metamodel


Basic Values and Types

• A number of basic types are predefined in OCL

• Examples of basic types and their values

Type ValuesBoolean true, falseInteger 1, -5, 2564, ...Real 1.5, 3.14, ...String ‘To be or not to be’, ...

• A number of operations are defined on the predefined types

Type OperationsBoolean and, or , xor, not, implies, if-then-else-endifInteger +, -, *, /, abs, div, mod, max, minReal +, -, *, /, abs, floor, round, max, min, <, >, <=, >=String size, concat, substring, toInteger, toReal


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• Collection: an abstract type with four concrete collection types

3 Set: the mathematical set (without duplicate elements)Set {1 , 2 , 5} Set {‘apple’, ‘orange’, ‘strawberry’}

3 OrderedSet: a set in which the elements are ordered by their positionOrderedSet {5, 4, 3, 2, 1}

3 Bag: a set that may contain duplicate elementsBag {1, 2, 5, 2}

3 Sequence: a bag in which the elements are orderedSequence {1, 2, 5, 10} Sequence {‘ape’, ‘nut’}

• Notation ‘..’ used for a sequence of consecutive integers

3 Sequence {1..5} is the same as Sequence {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

• Elements of collections may be collections themselvesSet { Sequence {1, 2, 3, 4}, Sequence {5, 6} }

• Collections have a set of predefined operations

3 They are accessed using the -> notation


Common Operations for All Collections

• C, C1, C2 are values of type Collection(t), v is a value of type t

Signature Semanticssize Collection(t)→ Integer | C |count Collection(t)× t→ Integer | C ∩ {v} |includes Collection(t)× t→ Boolean v ∈ C

excludes Collection(t)× t→ Boolean v 6∈ C

includesAll Collection(t)× Collection(t)→ Boolean C2 ⊆ C1

excludesAll Collection(t)× Collection(t)→ Boolean C2 ∩ C1 = ∅isEmpty Collection(t)→ Boolean C = ∅notEmpty Collection(t)→ Boolean C 6= ∅sum Collection(t)→ t

∑|C|i=1 vi


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Set Operations

• S, S1, S2 are values of type Set(t), B is a value of type Bag(t), v is a value oftype t

Signature Semanticsunion Set(t)× Set(t)→ Set(t) S1 ∪ S2

union Set(t)× Bag(t)→ Bag(t) S ∪B

intersection Set(t)× Set(t)→ Set(t) S1 ∩ S2

intersection Set(t)× Bag(t)→ Set(t) S ∩B

- Set(t)× Set(t)→ Set(t) S1 − S2

symmetricDifference Set(t)× Set(t)→ Set(t) (S1 − S2) ∪ (S2 − S1)including Set(t)× t→ Set(t) S ∪ {v}excluding Set(t)× t→ Set(t) S − {v}asSet Set(t)→ Set(t)asOrderedSet Set(t)→ OrderedSet(t)asBag Set(t)→ Bag(t)asSequence Set(t)→ Sequence(t)

• Operations asOrderedSet and asSequence are nondeterministic⇒ Result contains the elements of the source set in arbitrary order


Bag Operations

• B, B1, B2 are values of type Bag(t), S is a value of type Set(t), v is a value oftype t

Signature Semanticsunion Bag(t)× Bag(t)→ Bag(t) B1 ∪B2

union Bag(t)× Set(t)→ Bag(t) B ∪ S

intersection Bag(t)× Bag(t)→ Bag(t) B1 ∩B2

intersection Bag(t)× Set(t)→ Set(t) B ∩ S

including Bag(t)× t→ Bag(t) S ∪ {{v}}excluding Bag(t)× t→ Bag(t) S − {{v}}asSet Bag(t)→ Set(t)asOrderedSet Bag(t)→ OrderedSet(t)asBag Bag(t)→ Bag(t)asSequence Bag(t)→ Sequence(t)


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Sequence Operations

• S, S1, S2 are values of type Set(t), v is a value of type t, operator ◦ denotesthe concatenation of lists, πi(S) projects the ith element of a sequence S, πj

i (S)is the subsequence of S from the ith to the jth element

Signature Semanticsunion Sequence(t)× Sequence(t)→ Sequence(t) S1 ◦ S2

append Sequence(t)× t→ Sequence(t) S ◦ 〈v〉prepend Sequence(t)× t→ Sequence(t) 〈v〉 ◦ S

subSequence Sequence(t)× Integer× Integer→ Sequence(t)

πji (S)

at Sequence(t)× Integer→ Sequence(t) πi(S)first Sequence(t)→ t π1(S)last Sequence(t)→ t π|S|(S)including Sequence(t)× t→ Sequence(t) S ◦ 〈v〉excluding Sequence(t)× t→ Sequence(t) S − {v}asSet Sequence(t)→ Set(t)asOrderedSet Sequence(t)→ OrderedSet(t)asBag Sequence(t)→ Bag(t)asSequence Sequence(t)→ Sequence(t)


Type Conformance

• OCL is a typed language, the basic value types are organized in a type hierarchy

• The hierarchy determines conformance of the different types to each other

• Type type1 conforms with type type2 when an instance of type1 can besubstituted at each place where an instance of type2 is expected

• Valid expression: OCL expression in which all types conform


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Type Conformance Rules

• Type1 conforms to Type2 when they are identical

• Type1 conforms to Type2 when it is a subtype of Type2

• Collection(Type1) conforms to Collection(Type2) when Type1 conforms toType2

• Type conformance is transitive: if type1 conforms with type2 and type2 con-forms with type3, then type1 conforms with type3

• Example: If Bicycle and Car are subtypes of Transport

3 Set(Bicycle) conforms to Set(Transport)

3 Set(Bicycle) conforms to Collection(Bicycle)

3 Set(Bicycle) conforms to Collection(Transport)

3 Set(Bicycle) does not conform to Bag(Bicycle)


Class Diagram Example


accountNo: Integer

firstName: StringlastName: Stringgender: GenderbirthDate: Dateage: IntegerisMarried: BooleanmaidenName: String [0..1]isUnemployed: Boolean




income(): IntegercurrentSpouse(): Persondescendants(): Set





name:String/noEmployees: Integer


stockPrice(): RealhireEmployee(p: Person)

manager managedCompanies


employee employer


title: StringstartDate: Datesalary: Integer


place: Stringdate: Dateended: Boolean









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Comments, Infix Operators


• Denoted by --

-- this is a comment

Infix Operators

• Use of infix operators (e.g., +, -, =, <, . . .) is allowed

• Expression a + b is conceptually equivalent to a.+(b), i.e., invoking the + op-eration on a with b as parameter

• Infix operators defined for a type must have exactly one parameter


Context and Self

• All classifiers (types, classes, interfaces, associations, datatypes, . . .) from anUML model are types in the OCL expressions that are attached to the model

• Each OCL expression is written in the context of an instance of a specific typecontext Person...

• Reserved word self is used to refer to the contextual instance

• If the context is Person, self referes to an instance of Person


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Object and Properties

• All properties (attributes, association ends, methods and operations withoutside effects) defined on the types of a UML model can be used in OCL expressions

• The value of a property of an object defined in a class diagram is specified by adot followed by the name of the property

• If the context is Person, self.age denotes the value of attribute age on theinstance of Person identified by self

• The type of the expression is the type of attribute age, i.e., Integer

• If the context is Company, self.stockPrice() denotes the value of operationstockPrice on the instance identified by self

• Parentheses are mandatory for operations or methods, even if they do not haveparameters



• Determine a constraint that must be true for all instances of a type

• Value of attribute noEmployees in instances of Company must be less than orequal to 50

context Company inv:self.noEmployees <= 50

• Equivalent formulation with a c playing the role of self, and a name for theconstraint

context c: Company inv SME:c.noEmployees <= 50

• The stock price of companies is greater than 0context Company inv:self.stockPrice() > 0


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Pre- and Post-conditions

• Constraints associated with an operation or other behavioral feature

• Pre-condition: Constraint assumed to be true before the operation is executed

• Post-condition: Constraint satisfied after the operation is executed

• Pre- and post-conditions associated to operation income in Person

context Person::income(): Integerpre: self.age >= 18post: result < 5000

• self is an instance of the type which owns the operation or method

• result denotes the result of the operation, if any

• Type of result is the result type of the operation (Integer in the example)

• A name can be given to the pre- and post-conditionscontext Person::income(): Integerpre adult: self.age >= 18post resultOK: result < 5000


Previous Values in Postconditions

• In a postcondition, the value of a property p is the value upon completion of theoperation

• The value of p at the start of the operation is referred to as p@precontext Person::birthDayHappens()post: age = age@pre + 1

• For operations, ‘@pre’ is postfixed to the name, before the parameterscontext Company::hireEmployee(p: Person)post: employee = employee@pre->including(p) and

stockPrice() = stockPrice@pre() + 10

• The ‘@pre’ postfix is allowed only in postconditions

• Accessing properties of previous object values

3 [email protected]: the new value of c of the old value of b of a

3 [email protected]@pre: the old value of c of the old value of b of a


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Body Expression

• Used to indicate the result of a query operation

• Income of a person is the sum of the salaries of her jobscontext Person::income(): Integerbody: self.job.salary->sum()

• Expression must conform to the result type of the operation

• Definition may be recursive: The right-hand side of the definition may refer tothe operation being defined

• A method that obtains the direct and indirect descendants of a personcontext Person::descendants(): Setbody: result = self.children->union(

self.children->collect(c | c.descendants()) )

• Pre-, and postconditions, and body expressions may be mixed together after oneoperation context

context Person::income(): Integerpre: self.age >= 18body: self.job.salary->sum()post: result < 5000


Let Expression

• Allows to define a variable that can be used in a constraintcontext Person inv:let numberJobs: Integer = self.job->count() inif isUnemployed then

numberJobs = 0else

numberJobs > 0endif

• A let expression is only known within its specific expression


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Definition Expressions

• Enable to reuse variables or operations over multiple expressions

• Must be attached to a classifier and may only contain variable and/or operationdefinitions

context Persondef: name: String = self.firstName.concat(‘ ’).concat(lastName)def: hasTitle(t: String): Boolean = self.job->exists(title = t)

• Names of the attributes/operations in a def expression must not conflict withthe names of attributes/association ends/operations of the classifier


Initial and Derived Values

• Used to indicate the initial or derived value of an attribute or association end

• Attribute isMarried in Person is initialized to false

context Person::isMarried: Booleaninit: self.isMarried = false

• Attribute noEmployees in Company is a derived attributecontext Company::noEmployees: Integerderive: self.employee->size()

• For an attribute: expression must conform to the attribute type

• For an association end: conformance depends on multiplicity

3 at most one: expression must conform to the classifier at that end

3 may be more than one: expression must conform to Set or OrderedSet


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Enumeration Types



gender: GenderisMarried: BooleanmaidenName: String [0..1]...


• Define a number of literals that are the possible values of the enumeration

• An enumeration value is referred as in Gender::female

• Only married women can have a maiden namecontext Person inv:self.maidenName <> ‘’ impliesself.gender = Gender::female and self.isMarried = true



• Within UML, types are organized in packages

• Previous examples supposed that the package in which the classifier belongs isclear from the environment

• The package and endpackage statements can be used to explicitly specify thispackage Package::SubPackage

context X inv:... some invariant ...

context X::operationName(...): ReturnTypepre: ... some precondition ...


• For referring to types in other packages the following notations may be usedPackagename::TypenamePackagename1::Packagename2::Typename


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Undefined Values

• One or more subexpressions in an OCL expression may be undefined

• In this case, the complete expression will be undefined

• Exceptions for Boolean operators

3 true or anything is true

3 false and anything is false

3 false implies anything is true

3 anything implies true is true

• The first two rules are valid irrespective of the order of the arguments andwhether or not the value of the other sub-expression is known

• Exception for if-then-else expression: it will be valid as long as the chosenbranch is valid, irrespective of the value of the other branch


Navigating Associations (1)

isUnemployed: Boolean...






manager managedCompanies


• From an object, an association is navigated using the opposite role namecontext Companyinv: self.manager.isUnemployed = falseinv: self.employee->notEmpty()

• Value of expression depends on maximal multiplicity of the association end

3 1: value is an object

3 *: value is a Set of objects (an OrderedSet if association is {ordered})

• If role name is missing, the name of the type at the association end starting witha lowercase character is used (provided it is not ambiguous)

context Personinv: self.bank.balance >= 0


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Navigating Associations (2)

• When multiplicity is at most one, association can be used as a single object oras a set containing a single object

• self.manager is an object of type Person

context Company inv:self.manager.age > 40

• self.manager as a setcontext Company inv:self.manager->size() = 1

• For optional associations, it is useful to check whether there is an object or notwhen navigating the association

context Person inv:self.wife->notEmpty() implies self.gender = Gender::male andself.husband->notEmpty() implies self.gender = Gender::female

• OCL expressions are read and evaluated from left to right


Association Classes

isUnemployed: Booleanage: Integer...





title: String...



• For navigating to an association class: a dot and the name of the associationclass starting with a lowercase character is used

context Personinv: self.isUnemployed = false implies self.job->size() >= 1

• For navigating from an association class to the related objects: a dot and therole names at the association ends is used

context Jobinv: self.employer.noEmployees >= 1inv: self.employee.age >= 18

• This always results in exactly one object


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Recursive Association Classes (1)

gender: GenderisMarried: Boolean...

currentSpouse() : Person





place: Stringdate: Dateended: Boolean



• Direction in which a recursive association is navigated is required

• Specified by enclosing the corresponding role names in square brackets

• A person is currently married to at most one personcontext Person inv:self.marriage[wife]->select(m | m.ended = false)->size()=1 andself.marriage[husband]->select(m | m.ended = false)->size()=1

• May also be used for non-recursive associations, but it is not necessarycontext Person inv:self.job[employer] ...


Recursive Association Classes (2)

gender: GenderisMarried: Boolean...

currentSpouse() : Person





place: Stringdate: Dateended: Boolean



• Operation that selects the current spouse of a personcontext Person::currentSpouse() : Personpre: self.isMarried = truebody:if gender = Gender::male

self.marriage[wife]->select(m | m.ended = false).wifeelse

self.marriage[husband]->select(m | m.ended = false).husbandend


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Qualified Associations


accountNo: Integer




• Qualified associations use one or more qualifier attributes to select the objectsat the other end of the association

• A bank can use the accountNumber attribute to select a particular customer

• Using qualifier values when navigating through qualified associationscontext Bankinv: self.customer[12345] ...-- results in one Person, having account number 12345

• Leaving out the qualifier valuescontext Bankinv: self.customer ...-- results in a Set(Person) with all customers of the bank


Re-typing or Casting

• Allows an object to be re-typed as another type

• Expression o.oclAsType(Type2) re-types an object o of type Type1 into a an-other type Type2

• Suppose Super is a supertype of type Sub

• Allows one to use a property of an object defined on a subtype of the currentlyknown type of the object

context Super inv:self.oclAsType(Sub).p -- accesses the p property defined in Sub

• Can be used to access a property of a superclass that has been overridencontext Sub inv:self.p-- accesses the p property defined in Subself.oclAsType(Super).p-- accesses the p property defined in Super


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Predefined Properties on All Objects

• Several properties apply to all objects

3 oclIsTypeOf(t: Type): Boolean is true if the type of self and t are thesame

3 oclIsKindOf(t: Type): Boolean is true if t is a direct/indirect type ofself

3 oclInState(s: State): Boolean is true if self is in the state s

3 oclIsNew: Boolean, in a postcondition, is true if self has been createdwhile performing the operation

• Examplecontext Personinv: self.oclIsTypeOf(Person) -- is trueinv: self.oclIsTypeOf(Company) -- is false


Class Features

• Features of a class, not of its instances

• They are either used-defined or predefined

• Predefined feature allInstances holds on all types

• There are at most 100 personscontext Person inv:Person.allInstances()->size() <= 100

• A user-defined feature averageAge of class Personcontext Person inv:Person.averageAge =



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Select Operation on a Collection

• Obtains the subset of elements of a collection satisfying a Boolean expression

• Alternative expressions for the select operation

3 collection->select(Boolean-expression)

3 collection->select(v | Boolean-expression-with-v)

3 collection->select(v: Type | Boolean-expression-with-v)

• A company has at least one employee older than 50context Company inv:

self.employee->select(age > 50)->notEmpty()context Company inv:

self.employee->select(p | p.age > 50)->notEmpty()context Company inv:

self.employee->select(p: Person | p.age > 50)->notEmpty()


Reject Operation on a Collection

• Obtains the subset of all elements of the collection for which a Boolean expressionevalutes to False

• Alternative expressions for the reject operation

3 collection->reject(Boolean-expression)

3 collection->reject(v | Boolean-expression-with-v)

3 collection->reject(v: Type | Boolean-expression-with-v)

• The collection of employees of a company who have not at least 18 years old isempty

context Company inv:self.employee->reject(age>=18)->isEmpty()

• A reject expression can always be restated as a select with the negated ex-pression


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Collect Operation on a Collection

• Derives a collection from another collection, but which contains different objectsfrom the original collection

• Alternative expressions for the collect operation

3 collection->collect(expression)

3 collection->collect(v | expression-with-v)

3 collection->collect(v: Type | expression-with-v)

• Collect of birth dates for all employees in the context of a Company object

3 self.employee->collect(birthDate)

3 self.employee->collect(p | p.birthDate)

3 self.employee->collect(p:Person | p.birthDate)

• Resulting collection above is a Bag: some employees may have the same birthdate


ForAll Operation on a Collection

• Specifies a Boolean expression that must be true for all elements in a collection

• Alternative expressions for the forall operation

3 collection->forAll(Boolean-expression)

3 collection->forAll(v | Boolean-expression-with-v)

3 collection->forAll(v: Type | Boolean-expression-with-v)

• The age of each employee is less than or equal to 65

context Companyinv: self.employee->forAll(age <= 65)inv: self.employee->forAll(p | p.age <= 65)inv: self.employee->forAll(p: Person | p.age <= 65)

• More than one iterator can be used in the forAll operation

• All instances of persons have unique namescontext Person inv:Person.allInstances()->forAll(p1, p2 |

p1 <> p2 implies p1.name <> p2.name )


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Exists Operation on a Collection

• Specifies a Boolean expression that must be true for at least one element ina collection

• Alternative expressions for the exists operation

3 collection->exists(Boolean-expression)

3 collection->exists(v | Boolean-expression-with-v)

3 collection->exists(v: Type | Boolean-expression-with-v)

• The firstName of at least one employee is equal to ‘Jack’

context Companyinv: self.employee->exists(firstName = ‘Jack’)inv: self.employee->exists(p | p.firstName = ‘Jack’)inv: self.employee->exists(p: Person | p.firstName = ‘Jack’)


Iterate Operation on a Collection

• Provides a generic mechanism to iterate over a collection

• Syntaxcollection->iterate(elem: Type; acc: Type = <expression> |


3 elem: the iterator as in select, forAll, etc.

3 acc: the accumulator with an initial value <expression>

3 expression-with-elem-and-acc: is evaluated for each elem and its value isassigned to acc

• The operations select, reject, forAll, exists, collect, can all be describedin terms of iterate

• For example, collection->collect(x: T | x.property) is identical tocollection->iterate(x: T; acc: T2 = Bag{} |



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Company Example: Class Diagram















locations [1..*]































Company Example: Integrity Constraints (1)

• The age of employees must be greater than or equal to 18context Employee inv:self.age() >= 18

• The supervisor of an employee must be older than the employeecontext Employee inv:self.supervisor->notEmpty() implies

self.age() > self.supervisor.age()

The condition notEmpty must be tested since the multiplicity of the role is notmandatory

• The salary of an employee cannot be greater than the salary of his/her supervisorcontext Employee inv:self.supervisor->notEmpty() implies

self.salary < self.supervisor.salary

• The hire date of employees must be greater than their birth datecontext Employee inv:self.hireDate > self.birthDate


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Page 22: Object Constraint Language (OCL) · 2008-05-12 · Object Constraint Language (OCL) † A UML diagram (e.g., a class diagram) does not provide all relevants aspects of a speciflcation

Company Example: Integrity Constraints (2)

• The start date of an employe as manager of a department must be greater thanhis/her hire date

context Employee inv:self.manages->notEmpty() impliesself.manages.startDate > self.hireDate

• A supervisor must be hired before every employee s/he supervisescontext Employee inv:self.subordinates->notEmpty() impliesself.subordinates->forall( e | e.hireDate > self.hireDate )

• The manager of a department must be an employee of the departmentcontext Department inv:self.worksFor->includes(self.manages.employee)

• The SSN of employees is an identifier (or a key)context Employee inv:Employee.allInstances->forAll( e1, e2 |

e1 <> e2 implies e1.SSN <> e2.SSN )


Company Example: Integrity Constraints (3)

• The name and relationship of dependents is a partial identifier: they are uniqueamong all dependents of an employee

context Employee inv:self.dependents->notEmpty() impliesself.dependents->forAll( e1, e2 | e1 <> e2 implies

( e1.name <> e2.name or e1.relationship <> e2.relationship ))

• The location of a project must be one of the locations of its departmentcontext Project inv:self.controls.locations->includes(self.location)

• The attribute nbrEmployees in Department keeps the number of employees thatworks for the department

context Department inv:self.nbrEmployees = self.worksFor->size()

• An employee works at most in 4 projectscontext Employee inv:self.worksOn->size() <= 4


Object Constraint Language, May 12, 2008 – 22

Page 23: Object Constraint Language (OCL) · 2008-05-12 · Object Constraint Language (OCL) † A UML diagram (e.g., a class diagram) does not provide all relevants aspects of a speciflcation

Company Example: Integrity Constraints (4)

• An employee may only work on projects controlled by the department in whichs/he works

context Employee inv:self.worksFor.controls->includesAll(self.worksOn.project)

• An employee works at least 30h/week and at most 50 h/week on all its projectscontext Employee inv:let totHours: Integer = self.worksOn->collect(hours)->sum() intotHours >= 30 and totHours <=50

• A project can have at most 2 employees working on the project less than 10hours

context Project inv:self.worksOn->select( hours < 10 )->size() <= 2


Company Example: Integrity Constraints (5)

• Only department managers can work less than 5 hours on a projectcontext Employee inv:self.worksOn->select( hours < 5 )->notEmpty() impliesDepartment.allInstances()->collect(manages.employee)->


If the manager of a department must be an employee of the department (previouscontraint), this constraint can be specified as follows

context Employee inv:self.worksOn->select( hours < 5 )->notEmpty() impliesself.worksFor.manages.employee=self

• Employees without subordinates must work at least 10 hours on every projectthey work

context Employee inv:self.subordinates->isEmpty() impliesself.worksOn->forAll( hours >=10 )


Object Constraint Language, May 12, 2008 – 23

Page 24: Object Constraint Language (OCL) · 2008-05-12 · Object Constraint Language (OCL) † A UML diagram (e.g., a class diagram) does not provide all relevants aspects of a speciflcation

Company Example: Integrity Constraints (6)

• The manager of a department must work at least 5 hours on all projects con-trolled by the department

context Department inv:self.controls->forall( p:Project | self.manages.

employee.worksOn->select(hours >= 5)->contains(p) )

• An employee cannot supervise him/herselfcontext Employee inv:self.subordinates->excludes(self)

• The supervision relationship must not be cycliccontext Employeedef: allSubordinates = self.subordinates->union(

self->subordinates->collect(e:Employee | e.allSubordinates))inv: self.allSubordinates->exludes(self)


Object Constraint Language, May 12, 2008 – 24