165 good example, and educate the public to the fact that all ex- penditure of professional time and trouble should meet with an adequate remuneration. I am, Sir, yours truly, January, 1882. ANOTHER PHYSICIAN. To 6 Editor of THE LANCET. SIR,-I have read the letter of your correspondent, A Physician on a Small Scale." I believe him to be quite mistaken in the supposition that our leading consulting physicians are in the habit of writing letters of advice to patients without expecting a fee, and’getting it too. Only a short time ago a lady whom I had attended consulted a very flourishing physician-accoucheur, and two days afterwards wrote to ask for some information about the prescription he had given. His reply was that he did not generally corre- spond with patients or give advice by letter, but in her case he would on that occasion make an exception. On receiving his reply the lady instantly sent the guinea. "A Physician on a Small Scale "is an undignified de- scription for any man to apply to himself, and argues an amount of diffidence which invites aggression and encourages the mean-spirited to prey upon him. I have been in practice as a general practitioner for twenty-two years, and I am sure no man can make a greater mistake than to show a want of independence or a too great readiness to render his services for little or nothing to those who can well afford to pay. Such services are generally appreciated at the price paid, and the individuals are but too ready, as in the case of your correspondent’s patient, to regard attendance upon them in the light of a favour to the doctor, as being the means of helping him to gain the wisdom of experience, which, of course, must be worth a great many fees. I am, Sir, yours faithfully, January, 1882. A READER OF "THE LANCET." Obituary. ANDREW WOOD BAIRD, M.D. EDIN. DR. BAIRD was born at Colchester. In 1817 he commenced the study of medicine at the Edinburgh University, where he speedily won golden opinions from his instructors. For some time he resided with his mother’s uncle, Mr. Andrew Wood, and, on the decease of the latter, with his mother’s consin, Mr. William Wood; each of whom finally filled the office of President of the Royal College of Surgeons and aided in making the name of Wood a power in the Scottish medical world. In 1821 he became an L.R.C.S.Ed., and in 1823 took the degree of M.D.Ed. In 1824 he established himself as physioan at Ipswich, and in 1827 became M.R.C.P.Lond. In conjunction with Mr. Richard Dykes Alexander, banker, of Ipswich, Dr. Baird was the means of establishing the General Hospital for East Suffolk, and during his term of residence in Ipswich occupied the position of physician to the institution. He also enjoyed one of the largest consulting practices in the county of Suffolk and was at all times recognised, not only as the talented physician, but also as the trusted friend of both sick and poor. On removing from Ipswich he was presented with a valuable microscope and a purse of sovereigns. As he had been in Ipswich so he became in Dover-his new sphere of work-the physician loved and trusted by all classes. He continued the practice of his profession to within a few days of his decease, thus fulfilling one of the most cherished wishes of his prolonged and useful life, which terminated on Jan. 10th, 1882. Dr. Baird held for twenty- nine years the office of physician to the Dover Hospital. He was interred at Copthill Cemetery, Dover, on Jan. 16th. The inhabitants attested, not only by drawing down of blinds and partial closure of business premises, but also by attendance at the cemetery, the esteem in which he was held. THE VICTORIA UNIVERSITY.—At a special meeting of Convocation of the Victoria University held on Wednes. day the following resolution was passed :-" That in the opinion of Convocation it is desirable that an ordinary bachelor’s degree be offered to all persons being at the date of the Charter associates of Owens College," Medical News. ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OF ENGLAND. - The following gentlemen, having passed the required ex- amination for the dipluma, were duty admitted Members of the College at a meeting of the Court of Examiners on the 19th inst.:— Anniss, Frederick Richard, Ipswich. Brinton, Rowland Danvers, Belsize-park. Cockburn, Lestock Weatherley, Mount Totness, Devon. Fuller, Andrew, Wolverhampton. Heyd, Herman Emile, M. D. M’Gill Coll., Ontario, Canada. Hewer, Joseph Langton, Highbury New Park. Hurry, Jamieson Buyd, B.A. Cantab., Wanstead. Joseph James Foulds, L.K.Q C.P. I., Warrington. Scott, Bernard Charles, Anerley, Surrey. Taylor, C. A. Antlre .vs, Actuu, Aliddiesex. Utting, George, Hockering, Norfolk. Voisey, Clement Bernard, L.S.A., Manchester. Webb, Malcolm, Manchester. The following gentlemen were admitted Members of the College on the 20th inst.:— Booth, Edward Hargrave, L.S.A., Worthing, Sussex. Clegg, John Hague, l..S.A., Oldham, Lancashire. Fotherby, Henry Arthur, L.S A., Finsoury square. Giles, William Broome, L.K.C.P. Edm., Staunton-on-Wye. Honman, Andrew, L S.A., Weymouth-street. Limont, James, 11. B. Edin., Alnwick. Maher, William 0 Jillo, M.D. Queen’s Univ. Irel., Sydney, New South Wates. Mortimer, J. D. Ernest, L.S.A., CliftoB, Bristol. Payne, Frank Cobham, Halstead, Essex. Rout, Charles, L.S A., Cold-harbour-lane. Spicer, R. H. Scanes, L.S,A., C’lmbridge.street. Thomas, G. T. Harley, L.S.A., Gloucester-st., Warwick-sq. Todd, Charles Edward, Adelaide, South Australia. The following gentlemen were admitted Members of the College on the 23rd inst.. :- Bonsignac, Joseph Ludovic, L.S.A., Trinidad, W. Indies. ’Bunn, Charles Grinling, L.S.A , Elm-tree-road. Coveney, John, L S.A., Broomfield, near Maidstone. Douty, Joel Harrington, L.S.A., Salisbury. God.tard, Walter Horace, L.S.A., Norfolk-crescent, Hyde-park. Mattei, Edward, M.D. Malta, Malta. Payne, John Woolard, L.S.A., Pentonville-road. Pigott, Peter, L.S.A., Dulwich. Rice, Richard, L.S A., Barrington, Gloucester. Wadia, Dhanjibhai Rastamji, L.R.C.P. Edin., Bombay. Watson, Archihald, M.D. Paris, Paris. Wedmore, Charles Ernest, M.B. Cantab., Bristol. Williams, Walter Trelioing, L.S.A., Williton, Somerset. Of the 123 candidate- examined during the last fortnight, 62 passed to the satisfaction of the Court of Examiners and obtained their diplomas; 16 passed iu Surgery, and when qualified in Medicine and Midwifery will be admitted Members ; the remaining 45 failed to reach the required standard, and were referred for six months’ further pro- fessional study. Forty-three of these candidates had been rejected at previous examinations ; 13 appeared for the second time, 2 for the third time, and 1 for the fourth time. Nine candidates who had passed in Surgery at previous examinations, having subsequently obtained a medical qualification recognised by the College, were also admitted Members. [In the list published on the 14th inst. of those who passed the Primary Examination of the College, for "Charles H. Mather" read Charles H.Maher."] COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS IN IRELAND. - At the January Examinations the following obtained the Licences in Medicine and Midwifery of the College :- MEDICINE.—St. George Ashe, George Jas. Hodgson, Edw. Hyacinth O’Doherty, Henrv Reynolds Peyton. MIDWIFERY.—St. George Ashe, George James Hodgson, Edward H. O’Doherty. The undermentioned were admitted Members :— Francis James Davys. ( Henry Fitzgibbon. George Smith, Surgeon R.N. APOTHECARIES’ HALL. -The following gentlemen passed their examination in the Science and Practice of Medi- cine, and received certificates to practise, on Jan. 19the :- Banatvala, Hormasjee Edatjee, The Grove, Ealing. Booth, Edward Hugrave, Gm’s Hospital. Fuller, Herbert Knowles, R jll1.,dale, Ba-ingstoke. Nicholls, Frederick Lucius, Bury St. Edmunds. Swallow, Francis M’Donald, Church-road, Forest-hilL The following gentlemen also on the same day passed the Primary Professional Examination :- John Warren Davis, London Hospital ; Frederick Edmund Hubbard, Guy’s Hospital ; John Thomas Tibbles, Charing-cross Hospital.


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Page 1: Obituary


good example, and educate the public to the fact that all ex-penditure of professional time and trouble should meet withan adequate remuneration. I am, Sir, yours truly,January, 1882. ANOTHER PHYSICIAN.

To 6 Editor of THE LANCET.SIR,-I have read the letter of your correspondent, A

Physician on a Small Scale." I believe him to be quitemistaken in the supposition that our leading consultingphysicians are in the habit of writing letters of advice topatients without expecting a fee, and’getting it too. Only ashort time ago a lady whom I had attended consulted a veryflourishing physician-accoucheur, and two days afterwardswrote to ask for some information about the prescription hehad given. His reply was that he did not generally corre-spond with patients or give advice by letter, but in her casehe would on that occasion make an exception. On receivinghis reply the lady instantly sent the guinea."A Physician on a Small Scale "is an undignified de-

scription for any man to apply to himself, and argues anamount of diffidence which invites aggression and encouragesthe mean-spirited to prey upon him.

I have been in practice as a general practitioner fortwenty-two years, and I am sure no man can make a greatermistake than to show a want of independence or a too greatreadiness to render his services for little or nothing to thosewho can well afford to pay. Such services are generallyappreciated at the price paid, and the individuals are buttoo ready, as in the case of your correspondent’s patient, toregard attendance upon them in the light of a favour to thedoctor, as being the means of helping him to gain the wisdomof experience, which, of course, must be worth a great manyfees. I am, Sir, yours faithfully,January, 1882. A READER OF "THE LANCET."


DR. BAIRD was born at Colchester. In 1817 he commencedthe study of medicine at the Edinburgh University, where hespeedily won golden opinions from his instructors. Forsome time he resided with his mother’s uncle, Mr. AndrewWood, and, on the decease of the latter, with his mother’sconsin, Mr. William Wood; each of whom finally filled theoffice of President of the Royal College of Surgeons andaided in making the name of Wood a power in the Scottishmedical world. In 1821 he became an L.R.C.S.Ed., and in1823 took the degree of M.D.Ed. In 1824 he establishedhimself as physioan at Ipswich, and in 1827 becameM.R.C.P.Lond. In conjunction with Mr. Richard DykesAlexander, banker, of Ipswich, Dr. Baird was the means ofestablishing the General Hospital for East Suffolk, andduring his term of residence in Ipswich occupied the positionof physician to the institution. He also enjoyed one of thelargest consulting practices in the county of Suffolk and wasat all times recognised, not only as the talented physician,but also as the trusted friend of both sick and poor. Onremoving from Ipswich he was presented with a valuablemicroscope and a purse of sovereigns.As he had been in Ipswich so he became in Dover-his

new sphere of work-the physician loved and trusted by allclasses. He continued the practice of his profession towithin a few days of his decease, thus fulfilling one of the mostcherished wishes of his prolonged and useful life, whichterminated on Jan. 10th, 1882. Dr. Baird held for twenty-nine years the office of physician to the Dover Hospital.He was interred at Copthill Cemetery, Dover, on Jan. 16th.The inhabitants attested, not only by drawing down ofblinds and partial closure of business premises, but also byattendance at the cemetery, the esteem in which he was held.

THE VICTORIA UNIVERSITY.—At a special meetingof Convocation of the Victoria University held on Wednes.day the following resolution was passed :-" That in theopinion of Convocation it is desirable that an ordinarybachelor’s degree be offered to all persons being at the dateof the Charter associates of Owens College,"


The following gentlemen, having passed the required ex-amination for the dipluma, were duty admitted Members ofthe College at a meeting of the Court of Examiners onthe 19th inst.:—

Anniss, Frederick Richard, Ipswich.Brinton, Rowland Danvers, Belsize-park.Cockburn, Lestock Weatherley, Mount Totness, Devon.Fuller, Andrew, Wolverhampton.Heyd, Herman Emile, M. D. M’Gill Coll., Ontario, Canada.Hewer, Joseph Langton, Highbury New Park.Hurry, Jamieson Buyd, B.A. Cantab., Wanstead.Joseph James Foulds, L.K.Q C.P. I., Warrington.Scott, Bernard Charles, Anerley, Surrey.

- Taylor, C. A. Antlre .vs, Actuu, Aliddiesex.Utting, George, Hockering, Norfolk.Voisey, Clement Bernard, L.S.A., Manchester.Webb, Malcolm, Manchester.

The following gentlemen were admitted Members of theCollege on the 20th inst.:—

Booth, Edward Hargrave, L.S.A., Worthing, Sussex.Clegg, John Hague, l..S.A., Oldham, Lancashire.Fotherby, Henry Arthur, L.S A., Finsoury square.Giles, William Broome, L.K.C.P. Edm., Staunton-on-Wye.Honman, Andrew, L S.A., Weymouth-street.Limont, James, 11. B. Edin., Alnwick.Maher, William 0 Jillo, M.D. Queen’s Univ. Irel., Sydney, New

South Wates.Mortimer, J. D. Ernest, L.S.A., CliftoB, Bristol.Payne, Frank Cobham, Halstead, Essex.Rout, Charles, L.S A., Cold-harbour-lane.Spicer, R. H. Scanes, L.S,A., C’lmbridge.street.Thomas, G. T. Harley, L.S.A., Gloucester-st., Warwick-sq.Todd, Charles Edward, Adelaide, South Australia.

The following gentlemen were admitted Members of theCollege on the 23rd inst.. :-

Bonsignac, Joseph Ludovic, L.S.A., Trinidad, W. Indies.’Bunn, Charles Grinling, L.S.A , Elm-tree-road.Coveney, John, L S.A., Broomfield, near Maidstone.Douty, Joel Harrington, L.S.A., Salisbury.God.tard, Walter Horace, L.S.A., Norfolk-crescent, Hyde-park.Mattei, Edward, M.D. Malta, Malta.Payne, John Woolard, L.S.A., Pentonville-road.Pigott, Peter, L.S.A., Dulwich.Rice, Richard, L.S A., Barrington, Gloucester.Wadia, Dhanjibhai Rastamji, L.R.C.P. Edin., Bombay.Watson, Archihald, M.D. Paris, Paris.Wedmore, Charles Ernest, M.B. Cantab., Bristol.Williams, Walter Trelioing, L.S.A., Williton, Somerset.

Of the 123 candidate- examined during the last fortnight,62 passed to the satisfaction of the Court of Examiners andobtained their diplomas; 16 passed iu Surgery, and whenqualified in Medicine and Midwifery will be admittedMembers ; the remaining 45 failed to reach the requiredstandard, and were referred for six months’ further pro-fessional study. Forty-three of these candidates had beenrejected at previous examinations ; 13 appeared for thesecond time, 2 for the third time, and 1 for the fourth time.Nine candidates who had passed in Surgery at previousexaminations, having subsequently obtained a medicalqualification recognised by the College, were also admittedMembers.

[In the list published on the 14th inst. of those who passedthe Primary Examination of the College, for "Charles H.Mather" read Charles H.Maher."]COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS IN IRELAND. - At the

January Examinations the following obtained the Licencesin Medicine and Midwifery of the College :-

MEDICINE.—St. George Ashe, George Jas. Hodgson, Edw. HyacinthO’Doherty, Henrv Reynolds Peyton.

MIDWIFERY.—St. George Ashe, George James Hodgson, Edward H.O’Doherty.

The undermentioned were admitted Members :—

Francis James Davys. ( Henry Fitzgibbon.George Smith, Surgeon R.N.

APOTHECARIES’ HALL. -The following gentlemenpassed their examination in the Science and Practice of Medi-cine, and received certificates to practise, on Jan. 19the :-

Banatvala, Hormasjee Edatjee, The Grove, Ealing.Booth, Edward Hugrave, Gm’s Hospital.Fuller, Herbert Knowles, R jll1.,dale, Ba-ingstoke.Nicholls, Frederick Lucius, Bury St. Edmunds.Swallow, Francis M’Donald, Church-road, Forest-hilL

The following gentlemen also on the same day passed thePrimary Professional Examination :-John Warren Davis, London Hospital ; Frederick Edmund Hubbard,Guy’s Hospital ; John Thomas Tibbles, Charing-cross Hospital.