" Flow ers By Wire TUrner 4-0610 Anywhere "Flowers For All Occasions " JlinJen Jlorisi , 3nc. 277 SO. WELLWOOD AVENUE LINDENHURST. N. Y. : - I" FREDRICK J. CHAPEY FUNERAL HOME MO 1-5644 1225 Montauk Highway West Islip OP P. GOOD SAMARITAN HOSP. MANGANO Funeral Home 1701 Deer Park Ave. DEER PARK 686-3600 - C ourteous * r? Ae * , A ?u Economical \i~ Family We E fficient __ ^V -i_ Have Served iffl^^^W 1^^^^^^^^ CLAUDE R. BOYD FUNERAL HOMES MO9-2400 M07-86M 448 WEST MAI N ST. 1785 Deer Park Ave. BABYLON DEER PARK W$0B$$jk^ k/ sn . . ,< > " u»^^^^ssMraPswy *^ iju. ijL-ii, m\l r - "' frt * g ' lii i j( r i riw i>: ^^ * V^ * ** i>.: < - * ; :< ¦¦ -&¦ ¦ ¦ ' ^Wgs$mm#M?mM^ -V '^ * ' ¦ '* ¦ . ' i t 610-DOT FLORIST FUNERAL DESIGNS 1207 DEER PARK AVE. NOR TH BABYLON JU 6-9658 - MO 7-4700 mm •* . *^"^r"^p *»v , v **wwvwvw » ^- 1 Flowers For All Occasions '' DEER PARK GARDEN CENTER M0 7-8017 724 Long Island Avenue ; ' DEER PARKCwest ofo.p.A.) RICHARD /O//\S7ON' s WELLW00D FUNERAL HQMEI Inc. 305 No. Wellwood Ave., LincTenhurst -^Opposite the P ost Office) ^*;TH 4.343ft ¦ ' ' -^^^r^ r "J jTl ' £??'! ¦ * ' * " ?• " iM&bkr J' ruMMAt WMIC " r l^^jAl r. -rt «# L v »UPtl £ ^^X*L^t» if^iLtM * **, GRAND AVENUE FLOR IST vLw '*& lowers for all occasions ^^?1TJ& 2 GRAND AVENUE ^mftr < North of Railroad) Til ftj$? 40 %fU LINDENHURST IU O-QAtV DANIEL J. O'SULLIVAN'S LINDENHURST FUNERAL HOME 424 S. WELLWOOD AVE., LINDENHURST (Adjoining Til Q 7C0C Village Hall) .. I U Gr m I J£.J : ¦ ¦ . ¦ Elizabeth Berthold Elizabeth Berthold of 270 Nichols Road , Wyandanch , died May 21 at Lakeside Hospital , at the age of 77. She was born in Hungary, the daughter of the late Samuel and Caroline Boehm Wen- derlong. She had been a resi- dent of Wyandanch for 15 years. She is survived by her husband Emil Berthold , one daughter Pauline Caponigro of Vista , Calif. and one son Theodore O. Berthold of Stamford , Conn. She is also survived by 4 grandchildren. The Rev. Jack Savage, Pastor of the Babylon Methodist Church officiated atReligious Services at the Boyd Funeral Home on Thurs- day. Interment took place Friday afternoon in the family plot at Pinelawn Memorial Park. Valerie Jean Lehr Valerie Jeari Lehr of 428 - 1 8th Street, West Babylon, died May 24 , at the age of 16 years, after a long illness. Miss Lehr was a student at West Babylon Jr. High School. She is survived by her parents , Harry and Virginia Carman Lehr , two sisters Misses Mar- ianne and Wendy Lehr and one brother Gary Lehr , all of West Babylon. The Rev. Jack Savage, Pastor of the Babylon Methodist Church offi ciated at Religious Services at the Boyd Funeral Home on Monday. Interment took place Tuesday morning at Long Island National Cemetery, Pinelawn. Mary McCormack Mary McCormack of 120 Bay- view Avenue , Babylon, ! died May 21, at Southside Hospital , at the age of 91. She was the wife of the late Patrick Joseph McCormack. She had been a resident of Baby- lon for 15 years. She is survived by one daugh- ter Marion Eichelroth of Baby- lon, and one brother William McDermott of Howard Beach , New Y ork . She is also survived by 3 grandchildren , 5 great- grandchildren and 3 great-great grandchildren . She reposed at the Boyd Funer- al Home until Friday, , May 24 when a Mass of Requiem was offered at St. Joseph' s R.C. Chu rch ,, Babylon , at 10:15 A.M. Interment followed in the family plot at Calvary Cemetery, Queens. John Walters J ohn Walters of 225 West 6th Street , Deer Park , died May 25, at the age-of 62. He had been a resident of " Deer Park for 17 years. He is survived by his wife Mae Sichel Walter s, six daugh- ters , Jeanette Marole, Marion Boissiere, Barbara Mical, San- dra Walthers , Joan Walters, all of Deer Park , and Elizabeth Mar- tinez of. Babylon, one brother Frank Tucciarone of New York City and one sister Mary Foley of New Jersey. He reposed at the Boyd Funeral Home until Tuesday, when a Mass of Requiem was offered at Sts. Cyril & Methodius R.C. Church , Deer Park. Interment followed in the family plot at Pinelawn Memorial Park . Maria Cretella Maria Michele Cretella of 197 West 5th Street , Deer Park , passed away on May 27, at her residence , at the age of 86 years. She was born in Italy the daugh- ter of the late Marcello and Carmina Addea Ferrante . She was . the wife of the late Cas- pera o Cretella. She had been a resident of Deer Park for 10 years . She is survived by 3 daughters Anna Schneider of Deer Park , L.I. Virginia Cafone of Long Island City, and Carmella Fer- rara of Italy. She is also sur- vived by 7 grandchildren , 23 great - grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild. She reposed at the Boyd Fu- neral Home until Wednesday, May 29 when a Mass of Requiem was offered at Sts. Cyril & Methodius R.C. Church, Deer Park. Inter- ment followed in the family plot at Calvary Cemetery, Queens, N.Y. Jennie Esti vo Jennie Estivo of 455 Little East Neck Road , West Babylon, passed away on May 26, at Cen- tral General Hospital , at the age of 59. She was born in New Jersey the daughter of the late George and Frances Carrado Caruso. She was a member of the Jehovah' s Witness Church of North Babylon . She had been a resident of North Babylon for 8 years. She is survived by her husband Alphonso Estivo, 2 daughters , Barba ra Doran of Brentwood , and Gloria Ferrara of Centra l Islip, two . sons Richard of West Babylon, and Robert Estivo of East Setauket , three sisters J o^- sephine Fatizzi of Ft. Lauder- dale, Fla., Catherine Salvucci of Boston , Mass. and Carmella Byrnes of Ozone Park, L.I. and two brothers Joseph of As- toria , N.Y/ and Frank Caruso of Port Washington. The Rev. Albert Stetnmetz of the North Babylon Jehovah's Wit- ness Church officiated at Re- ligious Services at the Boyd Fu- neral Home on Wednesday . Funeral will take place Friday morning in the family plot at Pinelawn Memorial Park . OBI T UA RIES General Paul Newman is startled when a wall panel suddenly opens revealing a secret passageway in Universale World War II comedy, "The Secret War of Harry Frigg, " in Technicolor. Which opens at the South Bay theatre Montauk Hwy. West Babylon , on Wednesday June 5th. Beth Sholom Rites June 7 Congregation Beth Sholom the conservative Jewish congrega- tion of Babylon will hold regular. Sabbath Worship Services in the Temple Sanctuary at 441 Deer Park Ave. on Friday evening, June 7 at 8:45 p.m. The services will be conducted and the ser- mon delivered by Rabbi Jerome M. Blum, the spiritual leader of the congregation. An Oneg Shabbat (social hour) will follow the services with the collation sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bloom who are celebrating their wedding an- niversary. All are welcome to j oin them. Regular Saturday morning services start at 9 a.m. promptly. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fried- man held a mincha Bar-Mitz- vah for their son David and all their friends shared the happy occasion with them at a dinner that followed in the social hall. David' s maternal grandmother Mrs. Schline flew in from her home in California * Joel Sikowitz , President of the Congregation, was the re- cipient of the first Chutzpah a- ward ever presented by the con- gregation for efforts made on their behalf over the past year. LEGAL NOTICE (Continued from Pag e 18) to the easterly side of Civil Street; running thence along the easterly side of Civil Street North 23 deg. 15 min. 00 sec. East 188.58 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. The above described property is " located oh' the North side of, Bay Shore Road , between Civil Street (Lincoln Avenue) and Skid- more Road in the Hamlet of Deer Park. The above described pro- perty is not located within 500 feet of any village, Town, or Coun- ty line, State Parkway or park. All persons interested should appear at the above time and place. Town Board Town of Babylon Edna Eagan, Clerk Dated: North Lindenhurst , New York May 21 , 1968. 8-154 5/ 30 6/6 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TOWN OF BABYLON APPLICATION NO . 39 Pursuant to Article XIX of the Building Zone Ordinances of the Town of Babylon, notice is here- by given that'' me Town Board of the Town or Babylon will hold a Public Hearing atthe Town House, No. 200 East Sunrise Highway , North Lindenhurst , New York on the 11th day of June, 1968 , at 10:55 A . M . prevailing time or as soon thereafter as can be heard. Petition of WILLIAM NILAND , 58 Hartford Street , Lindenhurst , New York , to change the zoning of the premises described as follows from Residence "B" to Industrial "G M : All that certain piece or par- cel of land situate , lying and being in the Town of Babylon , County of Suffolk and State of New York , known and desig- nated as and by parts of lots 423 - 424 - 425 as shown on Map of Great Neck Terrace, bounded and described as fol- lows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of Reith Street distant 121.75 feet easterly from (the corner formed by the intersection of me south- erly side of Reith Street and the easterly map road line of Great Neck Road and from said point of beginning run- ning thence easterly along the southerly side of Reith Street , North 77 degrees 19 minutes 53 seconds East 75.00 feet; running thence southerly, South 12 degrees 40 minutes 07 sec- onds East 125.00 feet; running thence westerly, South 77 de- grees 19 minutes 53 seconds West 13 . 82 feet to the new northerly side of Sunrise High- way, as per State maps and run- ning thence northwesterly along the arc of a curve bearing to the left having a radius of 35 8.00 feet and a length of 40.53 feet and running thence still along the new northerly side of Sunrise Highway, North 81 degrees 48 minutes 51 seconds West 26.00 feet; running thence northerly, North 12 degrees 40 minutes 07 seconds West Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received and publicly ope ned at 11:00 A.M., Thursday, June 7 , 1968 , prevail- ing time at the Business Office of the Board of Education , Baby- Ion, New York , Town of Babylon , Suffolk County, for " PICK-UP TRUCK Detailed specifications and in- structions for bidding can be se- cured at the Business Office at the Babylon Elementary School , 171 Ralph Avenue , Babylon , be- tween the hours of 9:00 A. M. and 3:00 P.M. on any school day Mon- day through Thursday and 9;00 A. M. and 1:00 PJyI. on Friday. The Board of Education reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Board of Education Union Free School District No. 1 Edna B. Curtis District Clerk Dated at Babylon , N.Y. May 24 . 1968 - . 5/30- 6/6 S- 156 Notice to Bidders Sealed proposals will be re- ceived by the Village Board of the INC. VILLAGE OF LINDEN- HURST , 430 South Wellwood Ave- nue, Lindenhurst , N. Y., until 5 P.M. DJS.T. Tuesday, June 18 , 1968 and will be publicly opened and read at 7:30 P.M. at the meeting of the Village Board for: Six (6) new standpipes (1) Utility Truck for the Lin- denhurst Fire Dept. 1000 GPM Pumper for the Lin- denhurst Fire Department Specifications may be obtained at the Office of the Village Clerk , 430 South Wellwood Avenue , Lin- denhurst, N.Y. Proposals must be sealed and plainly marked in duplicate. Pursuant to Chapter 751 of the Laws of the State of New York , 1965 all bids must be accom- panied by a statement subscribed and affirmed by the bidder as set forth in said law. The Village Board reserves the right to accept or rej ect any or all bids it deems necessary in the best interest of the Village Taxpayers. By order of the Village Board INC. VILLAGE OF LINDENHURST George Moor Village Clerk Dated: May 29, 1968 L-8-20 5/30 LEGAL NOTICE 99.00 feet to the southerly side of Reith Street at the point or place of BEGINNING . The above described property is not within 500 feet of any state park or parkway, and is not within 500 feet of any County, Town or Village line. Property is located on the southside of Reith Street 12 1.75 feet from the intersection of the east side of Great Neck Road with the southside.of Reith Street in the Town of Babylon, in the Hamlet of Copiague . All persons interested should appear at the above time and place. Town Board TOWN OF BABYLON Edna Eagan Town Clerk Dated: Lindenhurst , New York May 21 , 1968 8-155 ' 5/30 6/6

OBITUA RIES - NYS Historic Newspapers · Tuesday morning at Long Island National Cemetery, Pinelawn. Mary McCormack Mary McCormack of 120 Bay-view Avenue, Babylon,! died May 21, at

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Page 1: OBITUA RIES - NYS Historic Newspapers · Tuesday morning at Long Island National Cemetery, Pinelawn. Mary McCormack Mary McCormack of 120 Bay-view Avenue, Babylon,! died May 21, at

" Flowers By Wire TUrner 4-0610Anywhere

"Flowers For All Occasions"

JlinJen Jlorisi, 3nc.277 SO. WELLWOOD AVENUE





MO 1-56441225 Montauk Highway

West Islip



1701 Deer Park Ave.DEER PARK

686-3600 -

Courteous * r?Ae *,A ?uEconomical \i~ Family We •E fficient __

V -i_ Have Served

iffl ^ W 1 ^ ^^ ^^CLAUDE R. BOYD

FUNERAL HOMESMO9-2400 M07-86M448 WEST MAIN ST. 1785 Deer Park Ave.


W$0B$$jk k/ sn . . ,<>"u»^^^^ssMraPswy* iju. ijL-ii, m\lr -"' f r t *g'lii ij(ri riw i>: ^ *V^ *** i>.: < - * ;:<¦¦ -&¦¦¦'^Wgs$mm#M?mM -V' *'• ¦ ' * • ¦ . ' i t


NORTH BABYLONJU 6-9658 - MO 7-4700

mm •*. * " r" p * » v ,v * * w w v w v w » -1 Flowers For All Occasions ' 'DEER PARK


724 Long Island Avenue ;' DEER PARKCwest ofo.p.A.)


305 No. Wellwood Ave., LincTenhurst-^Opposite the Post Office) *;TH 4.343ft

¦ ' '- ^^r r"JjTl ' £??'!¦*'*" ?• " iM&bkrJ' ruMMAt WMIC "rl jAlr.-rt «# L v »UPtl£ X*L t» if iLtM


**, GRAND AVENUE FLORISTvLw' * & lowers for all occasions^ ?1TJ& 2 GRAND AVENUE^mftr <North of Railroad) Til ftj$?40%fU LINDENHURST IU O-QAtV



LINDENHURST (Adjoining Til Q 7C0CVillage Hall) . . I U GrmI J£.J:

¦ • ¦ . ¦

Elizabeth BertholdElizabeth Berthold of 270

Nichols Road, Wyandanch, diedMay 21 at Lakeside Hospital, atthe age of 77. She was born inHungary, the daughter of the lateSamuel and Caroline BoehmWen-derlong. She had been a resi-dent of Wyandanch for 15 years.

She is survived by her husbandEmil Berthold, one daughterPauline Caponigro of Vista, Calif.and one son Theodore O. Bertholdof Stamford, Conn. She is alsosurvived by 4 grandchildren.

The Rev. Jack Savage, Pastorof the Babylon Methodist Churchofficiated atReligious Services atthe Boyd Funeral Home on Thurs-day. Interment took place Fridayafternoon in the family plot atPinelawn Memorial Park.

Valerie Jean LehrValerie Jeari Lehr of 428 -

18th Street, West Babylon, diedMay 24, at the age of 16 years,after a long illness. Miss Lehrwas a student at West BabylonJr. High School.

She is survived by her parents,Harry and Virginia CarmanLehr, two sisters Misses Mar-ianne and Wendy Lehr and onebrother Gary Lehr, all of WestBabylon.

The Rev. Jack Savage, Pastorof the Babylon Methodist Churchofficiated at Religious Servicesat the Boyd Funeral Home onMonday. Interment took placeTuesday morning at Long IslandNational Cemetery, Pinelawn.

Mary McCormackMary McCormack of 120 Bay-

view Avenue, Babylon,! died May21, at Southside Hospital, at theage of 91. She was the wife of thelate Patrick Joseph McCormack.She had been a resident of Baby-lon for 15 years.

She is survived by one daugh-

ter Marion Eichelroth of Baby-lon, and one brother WilliamMcDermott of Howard Beach,New York. She is also survivedby 3 grandchildren, 5 great-grandchildren and 3 great-greatgrandchildren.

She reposed at the Boyd Funer-al Home until Friday,, May 24when a Mass of Requiem wasoffered at St. Joseph's R.C.Church,, Babylon, at 10:15 A.M.Interment followed in the familyplot at Calvary Cemetery,Queens.

John WaltersJohn Walters of 225 West 6th

Street, Deer Park, died May25, at the age-of 62. He hadbeen a resident of" Deer Parkfor 17 years.

He is survived by his wifeMae Sichel Walters, six daugh-ters, Jeanette Marole, MarionBoissiere, Barbara Mical, San-dra Walthers, Joan Walters, allof Deer Park, and Elizabeth Mar-tinez of. Babylon, one brotherFrank Tucciarone of New YorkCity and one sister Mary Foleyof New Jersey.

He reposed at the Boyd FuneralHome until Tuesday, when a Massof Requiem was offered at Sts.Cyril & Methodius R.C. Church,Deer Park. Interment followedin the family plot at PinelawnMemorial Park.

Maria CretellaMaria Michele Cretella of 197

West 5th Street, Deer Park,passed away on May 27, at herresidence, at the age of 86 years.She was born in Italy the daugh-ter of the late Marcello andCarmina Addea Ferrante. Shewas . the wife of the late Cas-perao Cretella. She had been aresident of Deer Park for 10years.

She is survived by 3 daughtersAnna Schneider of Deer Park,L.I. Virginia Cafone of LongIsland City, and Carmella Fer-rara of Italy. She is also sur-vived by 7 grandchildren, 23great - grandchildren and onegreat-great-grandchild.

She reposed at the Boyd Fu-neral Home until Wednesday, May29 when a Mass of Requiem wasoffered at Sts. Cyril & MethodiusR.C. Church, Deer Park. Inter-ment followed in the family plotat Calvary Cemetery, Queens,N.Y.

Jennie EstivoJennie Estivo of 455 Little

East Neck Road, West Babylon,passed away on May 26, at Cen-tral General Hospital, at theage of 59. She was born inNew Jersey the daughter of thelate George and Frances CarradoCaruso. She was a member ofthe Jehovah's Witness Church ofNorth Babylon. She had been aresident of North Babylon for 8years.

She is survived by her husbandAlphonso Estivo, 2 daughters,Barbara Doran of Brentwood,

and Gloria Ferrara of CentralIslip, two .sons Richard of WestBabylon, and Robert Estivo ofEast Setauket, three sisters J o^-sephine Fatizzi of Ft. Lauder-dale, Fla., Catherine Salvucciof Boston, Mass. and CarmellaByrnes of Ozone Park, L.I.and two brothers Joseph of As-toria, N.Y/ and Frank Caruso ofPort Washington.

The Rev. Albert Stetnmetz ofthe North Babylon Jehovah's Wit-ness Church officiated at Re-ligious Services at the Boyd Fu-neral Home on Wednesday.Funeral will take place Fridaymorning in the family plot atPinelawn Memorial Park.


General Paul Newman is startledwhen a wall panel suddenly opensrevealing a secret passagewayin Universale World War IIcomedy, "The Secret War ofHarry Frigg," in Technicolor.Which opens at the South Baytheatre Montauk Hwy. WestBabylon, on Wednesday June 5th.

Beth SholomRites June 7

Congregation Beth Sholom theconservative Jewish congrega-tion of Babylon will hold regular.Sabbath Worship Services in theTemple Sanctuary at 441 DeerPark Ave. on Friday evening,June 7 at 8:45 p.m. The serviceswill be conducted and the ser-mon delivered by Rabbi JeromeM. Blum, the spiritual leaderof the congregation.

An Oneg Shabbat (social hour)will follow the services withthe collation sponsored by Mr.and Mrs. Alvin Bloom who arecelebrating their wedding an-niversary. All are welcome tojoin them. Regular Saturdaymorning services start at 9a.m. promptly.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fried-man held a mincha Bar-Mitz-vah for their son David and alltheir friends shared the happyoccasion with them at a dinnerthat followed in the social hall.David's maternal grandmotherMrs. Schline flew in from herhome in California*Joel Sikowitz, President ofthe Congregation, was the re-cipient of the first Chutzpah a-ward ever presented by the con-gregation for efforts made ontheir behalf over the past year.

LEGAL NOTICE(Continued from Pag e 18)to the easterly side of CivilStreet; running thence alongthe easterly side of Civil StreetNorth 23 deg. 15 min. 00 sec.East 188.58 feet to the point orplace of BEGINNING.The above described property

is" located oh' the North side of,Bay Shore Road, between CivilStreet (Lincoln Avenue) and Skid-more Road in the Hamlet of DeerPark. The above described pro-perty is not located within 500feet of any village, Town, or Coun-ty line, State Parkway or park.

All persons interested shouldappear at the above time andplace.

Town BoardTown of Babylon

Edna Eagan, ClerkDated: North Lindenhurst,

New YorkMay 21, 1968.

8-154 5/30 6/6


APPLICATION NO. 39Pursuant to Article XIX of the

Building Zone Ordinances of theTown of Babylon, notice is here-by given that''me Town Board ofthe Town or Babylon will hold aPublic Hearing atthe Town House,No. 200 East Sunrise Highway,North Lindenhurst, New York onthe 11th day of June, 1968, at 10:55A.M. prevailing time or as soonthereafter as can be heard.

Petition of WILLIAM NILAND,58 Hartford Street, Lindenhurst,New York, to change the zoningof the premises described asfollows from Residence "B" toIndustrial "GM:

All that certain piece or par-cel of land situate, lying andbeing in the Town of Babylon,County of Suffolk and State ofNew York, known and desig-nated as and by parts of lots423 - 424 - 425 as shown onMap of Great Neck Terrace,bounded and described as fol-lows:BEGINNING at a point on thesoutherly side of Reith Streetdistant 121.75 feet easterlyfrom (the corner formed bythe intersection of me south-erly side of Reith Street andthe easterly map road line ofGreat Neck Road and fromsaid point of beginning run-ning thence easterly along thesoutherly side of Reith Street,North 77 degrees 19 minutes53 seconds East 75.00 feet;running thence southerly, South12 degrees 40 minutes 07 sec-onds East 125.00 feet; runningthence westerly, South 77 de-grees 19 minutes 53 secondsWest 13.82 feet to the newnortherly side of Sunrise High-way, as per State maps and run-ning thence northwesterly alongthe arc of a curve bearingto the left having a radius of358.00 feet and a length of 40.53feet and running thence stillalong the new northerly sideof Sunrise Highway, North 81degrees 48 minutes 51 secondsWest 26.00 feet; running thencenortherly, North 12 degrees40 minutes 07 seconds West

Notice is hereby given that sealedproposals will be received andpublicly opened at 11:00 A.M.,Thursday, June 7, 1968, prevail-ing time at the Business Officeof the Board of Education, Baby-Ion, New York, Town of Babylon,Suffolk County, for

" PICK-UP TRUCK Detailed specifications and in-structions for bidding can be se-cured at the Business Office atthe Babylon Elementary School,171 Ralph Avenue, Babylon, be-tween the hours of 9:00 A.M. and3:00 P.M. on any school day Mon-day through Thursday and 9;00A.M. and 1:00 PJyI. on Friday.The Board of Education reservesthe right to reject any and all bids.

Board of EducationUnion Free School District

No. 1Edna B. CurtisDistrict Clerk

Dated at Babylon, N.Y.May 24. 1968 - .5/30- 6/6 S-156

Notice to BiddersSealed proposals will be re-

ceived by the Village Board ofthe INC. VILLAGE OF LINDEN-HURST, 430 South Wellwood Ave-nue, Lindenhurst, N.Y., until 5P.M. DJS.T. Tuesday, June 18,1968 and will be publicly openedand read at 7:30 P.M. at themeeting of the Village Board for:

Six (6) new standpipes(1) Utility Truck for the Lin-denhurst Fire Dept.1000 GPM Pumper for the Lin-denhurst Fire Department

Specifications may be obtainedat the Office of the Village Clerk,430 South Wellwood Avenue, Lin-denhurst, N.Y. Proposals mustbe sealed and plainly marked induplicate.

Pursuant to Chapter 751 of theLaws of the State of New York,1965 all bids must be accom-panied by a statement subscribedand affirmed by the bidder as setforth in said law.

The Village Board reserves theright to accept or reject any orall bids it deems necessary inthe best interest of the VillageTaxpayers.

By order of the Village BoardINC. VILLAGE OF

LINDENHURSTGeorge MoorVillage Clerk

Dated:May 29, 1968L-8-20 5/30

LEGAL NOTICE99.00 feet to the southerly sideof Reith Street at the point orplace of BEGINNING.The above described property

is not within 500 feet of any statepark or parkway, and is not within500 feet of any County, Town orVillage line.

Property is located on thesouthside of Reith Street 121.75feet from the intersection of theeast side of Great Neck Roadwith the southside.of Reith Streetin the Town of Babylon, in theHamlet of Copiague.

All persons interested shouldappear at the above time andplace.


Edna EaganTown Clerk

Dated: Lindenhurst, New YorkMay 21, 1968

8-155 ' 5/30 6/6