Obesity rates are at an all-time high. Nearly 72 million Americans are obese. If this number was not alarming enough, today about 1 in 3 children and

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Page 2: Obesity rates are at an all-time high. Nearly 72 million Americans are obese. If this number was not alarming enough, today about 1 in 3 children and

Obesity rates are at an all-time high. Nearly 72 million Americans are obese. If this number was not alarming enough, today about 1 in 3 children and teens are overweight. This rate has nearly tripled since 1963. The media warns us about the effects of obesity, but now is the time that us citizens take control of our health and help not only each other, but the children of America to get healthy.

In this slideshow we will discover the health problems that people who are obese face. We will also discover the present day obesity in America, and what our solution to obesity is. In addition to this, we will take an inside look at an individual’s struggle with obesity, and how losing weight changed her life for the better.


Page 3: Obesity rates are at an all-time high. Nearly 72 million Americans are obese. If this number was not alarming enough, today about 1 in 3 children and

Health Effects of Obesity Obesity has a very negative effect on one’s health. Each

year obesity related conditions cost 150 billion dollars and cause an estimated 300,000 premature deaths in the United States. Below are some of the most common health problems that obese people face in America:

High Blood Pressure


Heart Disease

Joint problems such as osteoarthritis

Sleep apnea and respiratory problems


Metabolic Syndrome

Psychosocial effects


High Cholesterol

All of these health issues should be viewed as a serious problem to the United States. Not only are American’s at risk from dying from medical issues, but they are also spending billions of dollars on a condition that they can reverse.

Page 4: Obesity rates are at an all-time high. Nearly 72 million Americans are obese. If this number was not alarming enough, today about 1 in 3 children and

These conditions not only affect adults, but also teenagers and children. Those adolescents that are obese and overweight run the risk of the following:

• Heart Disease

• Asthma

• Sleep Apnea

• Social Discrimination

• Diabetes

• Approximately 17% of children and adolescents in America are obese. This opens them up for more years of higher health care issues.

In addition to poor physical health, these poor children grow up suffering from possible bullying. This causes very low self-esteem that can persist into adulthood. Childhood obesity can not only affect a child’s health , but also their mental and physical health for years to come.


Page 5: Obesity rates are at an all-time high. Nearly 72 million Americans are obese. If this number was not alarming enough, today about 1 in 3 children and

Obesity in America Today

Between 1980 and 2000, Obesity rates have doubled in America averaging about 30% of the adult population obese.

Obesity causes immense heath care issues for the individual. Obesity-related conditions include heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer, some of the leading causes of preventable death.

These health care problems not only effect the individual, but the economy as well. In 2008 is was estimated that the total cost of health care associated with obesity were $147 Billion.

"Obesity is well-recognized as the second leading cause of preventable death in the United States.“


Obesity in America Today

Page 6: Obesity rates are at an all-time high. Nearly 72 million Americans are obese. If this number was not alarming enough, today about 1 in 3 children and

Sadly obesity can, in most cases, be prevented. Look at the following statistics from cdc.gov.• Only about 25% of U.S. adults eat the recommended five or more servings of fruits and

vegetables each day. • Less than 25% of adolescents eat the recommended five or more servings of fruits and

vegetables each day. • More than 50% of American adults do not get the recommended amount of physical activity to

provide health benefits. • More than a third of young people in grades 9–12 do not regularly engage in vigorous physical


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Page 8: Obesity rates are at an all-time high. Nearly 72 million Americans are obese. If this number was not alarming enough, today about 1 in 3 children and

Obesity in the workplaceObese workers miss more days of work and cost employers more in medical and disability claims as well as workers compensation claims

-an average from with 1,000 employers faces $285,000 per year in extra costs associated with obesity

Page 9: Obesity rates are at an all-time high. Nearly 72 million Americans are obese. If this number was not alarming enough, today about 1 in 3 children and

$ Cost of obesity in the Nation $

$147 billion annually

accounts for 9.1% of all medical spending


Page 10: Obesity rates are at an all-time high. Nearly 72 million Americans are obese. If this number was not alarming enough, today about 1 in 3 children and

Real life Interviews Eric:

While Eric is aware of that obesity causes health problems, he is not confident in what they are. He states “Obesity is the cause of many health problems, both large and small, but I can’t name most of them off the top of my head.” He is also aware that this lack of information is a contributor to the cause of obesity. When asked who obesity effects he says “Obesity does t really effect my own life too personally but it does cause me to see so many advertisements for weight loss and about body image. Obesity however does effect quite a large majority of people. Kids are some of those who are most effected because of their easily influenced minds and a parents lack of education on healthy eating habits. . . Obesity is cause by a nonnative lifestyle and poor eating habits and a lack of self control. Also a lack of education about living healthy.”

Page 11: Obesity rates are at an all-time high. Nearly 72 million Americans are obese. If this number was not alarming enough, today about 1 in 3 children and

Real life interviews

Eric cont.

Later, Eric was asked what a solution to this big problem might be. He answered as follows “A solution to obesity is not so simple because it is something that is going to have to be personal and adaptable to an individuals own life. Some people can maintain a healthy body weight just by exercising and others can do it just through a diet and some people need both.” To this I agree because obesity is a very personal and sensitive issue.

Page 12: Obesity rates are at an all-time high. Nearly 72 million Americans are obese. If this number was not alarming enough, today about 1 in 3 children and

Real life Interviews

Blogging About Being The Token Fat Girl:

Name- Lorrie Fenn

Age- 26

Start Weight- 320

Current Weight- 265

Goal Weight- 135

Lorrie has spent the last couple of years trying many weight loss diets. These often get boring, she is now a blogger who writes about how still is finding something that will work for her. She writes about what she is eating and the different excercises she like to try out. 

The blog started because she wanted to blog about what is was like, "to be fat and live in New York." She blogs because she knows she is not alone with the struggles she goes through. This blog has allowed Lorrie to keep going she ail "turn to her blog when (she) needs help, or (she) is not doing well and she wants to share." Finding something or someone that you can connect with and keep going helps make something seem much more attainable.

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Real life Interviews

Question s:

1.When did you first start to put on weight?2.Why do you think you started to put on weight?3.What did you used to eat in an average day?4.What was it like being an obese person?5.What kind of attention did you get from the public?

Answers: 1.I first started putting on weight in the

7th grade.2. I started putting on weight because I was lazy and I love junk food and my mom and dad already and I was just really lazy3. In an average day I ate 4500 calories ate a McDonalds like 3 times a day and usually have like a Big Mac, chicken sandwiches and like a large fry and sometimes like a smoothie and then like a bag of chips, a couple candy bars4.Being overweight was horrible people look at you Weird and judge you, they treat you horribly without realizing what theyve done5.I got very negative attention, people never took the time to understand me or why I was overwieght

-Rebecca Starks-

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Real life Interviews cont…


6.What made you want to loose the weight?7.What diets did you ever undertake?8.What health problems did you experience?9.What are the differences after loosing the weight?10.What are differences you saw in the way that people treated you?11.Would you ever go back to being overweight?

Answers: 6. I just wasn't happy with the way I was it

was impossible to find nice comfortable clothes, I was made fun of and just wanted to be healthy, that's why I wanted it gone7. I didn't really do to many diets other than hgc, and other little things, I just tried working out and eating healthier when I could8. I had several different health problems I was border line diabetes, I had high blood pressure and depression, and extremely bad knees9. after loosing weight I felt so much healthier I feel better and I'm happier, my knees are better and I'm treated better10. after I lost weight people treated me so much better, doors are held open for me and people are nicer, I don't get dirty looks. Its so much easier now.11. I would never ever go back to being over weight.

- Rebecca Starks-

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Page 16: Obesity rates are at an all-time high. Nearly 72 million Americans are obese. If this number was not alarming enough, today about 1 in 3 children and

Solutions to Obesity in America

Expand programs that bring local fruits and vegetables to schools.See

Put salad bars in schools.See

Enroll elementary, middle, and high schools in USDA's Team Nutrition program and apply for certification through the HealthierUS School Challenge

Increase access to free drinking water and limit the sale of drinks with added sugars in schools by establishing school wellness and nutrition policies.

Create and maintain safe neighborhoods for physical activity and improve access to parks and playgrounds.

Support quality daily physical education in schools and daily physical activity in child care facilities.


Ways that the state and community can help:

Page 17: Obesity rates are at an all-time high. Nearly 72 million Americans are obese. If this number was not alarming enough, today about 1 in 3 children and

Solutions to Obesity in America

Visit the child care centers to see if they serve healthier foods and drinks, and limit TV and video time.

Work with schools to limit foods and drinks with added sugars, fat and salt that can be purchased outside the school lunch program.

Provide plenty of fruits and vegetables, limit foods high in fat and sugars, and prepare healthier foods at family meals.

Serve your family water instead of drinks with added sugars.

Make sure your child gets physical activity each day.


Ways that parents and families can help:

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PSA was created by:

Sean ThorpeMary Cornia Nicole JensenDanielle Matuszak