Obesity - General Information On The Disorder And Its Management

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Overweight and obese individuals are at risk of developing a host of diseases, most of which are chronic and some, even fatal like diabetes, heart disorders, stroke, and certain cancers. The World Health Organization reports a growing population of plus-size men, women and children, in recent years their numbers have ballooned to two billion. The good news is obesity is highly preventable and there are more ways than one to prevent or remove yourself from falling in these aforementioned statistics

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Page 2: Obesity - General Information On The Disorder And Its Management

Overweight and obese individuals are at risk of developing a host of diseases, most of which are chronic and some, even fatal like diabetes, heart disorders, stroke, and certain cancers. The World Health Organization reports a growing population of plus-size men, women and children, in recent years their numbers have ballooned to two billion. The good news is obesity is highly preventable and there are more ways than one to prevent or remove yourself from falling in these aforementioned statistics. Determination and adherence to a proper weight reduction plan through dieting, along with daily moderate-intensity activity will help you achieve your fitness goals. One should limit total intake of fat and sugar. It should not be misconstrued however that these should be entirely eliminated from your meals. Remember, your cells need these nutrients for growth and maintenance. Take in legumes, nuts, and whole grains instead as these are healthier sources of these. Moreover, you should also increase your intake of fruits and vegetables which are rich in fiber. You will also discover that there are a handful of supplements thought to help in weight management, for instance the African mango diet products. People have a misconception that African mangoes are the usual heavily traded mango varieties. While they are both stone fruits and look almost alike, they are not the same species. Extensively cultivated varieties come from the Mangifera indicus species, those used for the said weight-loss product come from Irvingia gabonensis, commonly known as wild or bush mango. Having said such, one would probably ask where to buy African mango supplements. At the moment, the number of merchants selling African mango diet capsules is limited. Hence, the best way to find out where to buy African mango extracts and capsules is to run a search online. African mango diet reviews go both ways, favorable and otherwise. There are those who swear by its benefits like decreased serum-LDL cholesterol levels and accelerated weight loss. A handful of African mango diet reviews aren’t so favorable, and some even considering it a scam. Still the best way to know if the product works is if you tried it yourself. Stop taking the supplements if you feel adverse reactions like stomach upset and allergies. While helpful, slimming drugs can only do so much on its own. You should also move your body. Adults are encouraged to do at least 150-300 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activities for the whole week. You can vary your activities from structured exercises, household chores, walking, swimming to accumulate the prescribed amount of minutes.