Oberthur Primary School Graduation Booklet 2010 - Online Version

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This is the Oberthur Primary School Graduation Booklet 2010, that our graduating Year 7 students received with their Graduation Certificate at their Graduation Ceremony on Thursday 16th December 2010. We hope it makes a nice keepsake to look through in years to come...

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A brief history of our school Established in 1979

Oberthur Primary was built in November 1978 in readiness for opening day, February 5th 1979. On this day there were 215 students enrolled at the school. During the 1980’s the school population peaked at 535 students in one year.

added. Except for 1981 when two de-mountables were positioned on site, the number of buildings have re-mained unchanged. When the de-mountables were removed, an under-cover area was erected on the site. Gradually the surrounds have been developed until now we have a mod-ern school set in delightful grounds-grounds with garden furniture and sporting facilities well integrated into one setting.

With the building of Leeming, West Leeming and Banksia Park Primary Schools, the schools population has declined. During recent years however there has been some consolidation and we have operated with up to eleven classes from Years One to Seven. When the school was first opened in 1979 there were eight classrooms, an administration block and a Pre-Primary. In 1980, a further four class-rooms and a resource centred were

Oberthur Primary School draws it’s students mainly from the Bull Creek area, but the popularity of the school continues to see enrolments from an increasing number of other suburbs as far away as Fremantle. Dependent upon where they live, our Year Sevens go to Rossmoyne, Willetton or Leeming Senior High Schools. There is some choice in this, but it is limited.

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From the Principal Tim Bamber

To our graduating Year 7 students of 2010, 2010 is rapidly drawing to a close and you, our Year Sevens, have just about finished your primary school career. Soon you will transition to the next step in the cycle as you enter High School. The Staff at Oberthur have been enjoy-ing reading through your “Primary School Experience Files”. Hopefully, you have enjoyed your journey through the primary years as much as we have enjoyed being a part of your school life! I arrived at Oberthur as Principal as this graduating group of students entered Pre-Primary. It is a wonder and a privi-lege to have watched you grow, not only physically but also intellectually, socially and emotionally.

When you leave here shortly, remem-ber Oberthur Primary School with pride and always “Strive to Achieve” as oth-ers have done before you. We were reminded of the tradition of students from Oberthur “Striving to Achieve” re-cently when Gowri M……. was an-nounced as Dux of Rossmoyne Senior High School. Gowri graduated from Year 7 at the end of 2005. She has become another role model for you to emulate. It takes a community to raise a child, you have had an amazing school staff, an amazing family and an amazing community to help you get to where you are. It is now up to each of you to represent your community and be amazing in whatever area of endeav-our you choose.

We have a sense of pride when we watch you receive your Graduation Certificate and reflect with amazement on this primary school part of the jour-ney you have completed. From being leaders and role models as the oldest students in our school of over 300, you will move to a new situa-tion as the new youngest kids in a group of 1,500 to 2,000. This will be another steep learning curve for you but you will have your amazing parents and friends to support you through. Your teachers and other staff at Ober-thur have been preparing you for this moment for some time and we are all confident that you will meet this next challenge with confidence, commitment and enthusiasm.

Thank you for being amazing students. It has been a pleasure and a privilege to work with you over the years. You are special individuals and a special group. We will miss you. Best wishes for an exciting and amaz-ing future! On behalf of the Oberthur Staff and School Community. Tim Bamber Principal December 2010

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Oberthur Staff 2010

Back Row, Left to Right: Lyn Plowman, Janette Yallop, Marianne Jeffrey , Neale Johnson, Genevieve Gianoli, Helen Taylor, Penny Excell, Karen Stammers, April Roper

Second Row: Left to Right: Sara Waugh, Sue Keesing, Kate Cruthers, Sue Giddings, Jill Retallack, Fiona Jensen, Cathie O’Dea, Raylene Throssel, Jane Lowe

Front Row, Left to Right: Lynn McKay, Connie Parfitt, Taylor Wright, Stuart Meachem (Deputy), Tim Bamber (Principal), Karen Ipsen, Marilyn Nenke, Paula Yates

Missing from the Photo: Don McLeish, Jieqi Zhang, Lee-Ann Arnold, Ann Bruynel, Gerda Baalmann, Anne Robinson

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School Councillors 2010

SCHOOL COUNCILLORS 2010 Back Row: Mr Tim Bamber - Principal, Michaela C, Connor L, Nicky W, Mr Stuart Meachem - Deputy Principal.

Front Row: Beau W, Roshni K, Angus K, Nihdi K.

Missing: Katie B.

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From the Class Teachers

Dear Year Sevens

It always surprises me how quickly this year passes. You all grow so much in the last year of primary school, not just physically but emotionally that I feel like you enter Year Seven as students and leave well on your way to becoming young adults.

Each of you has grown and all of you can be very proud of your achieve-ments throughout this year and all your primary school years. I love being a part of your growth and have very much enjoyed teaching you.

I sincerely wish you well in high school and in the future. Set yourself short, medium and long term goals in all as-pects of your life. Be open to the many and varied opportunities that will

G’day Graduates As you move onto the next phase in your education and life I would like to congratulate you on being such an en-thusiastic, successful and hardworking group of Year Sevens. Each of you can be proud of your many achievements in a variety of academic, sporting and musical pursuits throughout the year.

2010 has been full of many memorable moments which I hope have left a last-ing impression. Some of these include:

• Camping on Rottnest. • Edu-Dance. • Success in many interschool sporting events including Cross Country, Swim-ming and Girls and Boys AFL Football.

come your way, don’t be too frightened to ‘have a go’, take (calculated) risks and be willing to take yourself out of your comfort zone – you never know what you might achieve! Surround yourself with good friends and good people, always remember your family and never take anything for granted. Above all enjoy life, have fun and be good.

Finally, be the best you can be.

Best wishes to all of you. Mrs McKay

• Football debate involving the success of the Dockers.

As you leave and enter high school remember to never give up on your things dreams and focus on the impor-tant things in your life. Set goals for yourself, learn from your mistakes and find inspiration from the world around you. You have been a terrific group of Year Sevens who have been a pleas-ure to teach this year.

I hope you have enjoyed your time at Oberthur and feel that you are well pre-pared for life beyond primary school.

Best wishes for a successful future. Mr J

Mrs Lynn McKay Area 7, Year 6/7

Neale Johnson Area 8, Year 7

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Area 7 Graduates for 2010 Mrs Lynn McKay

Paige Michaela Mitchell Christopher Yun Yen Kiran and 12 Year 6 Students

Andrew Dylan Shruti Rodd Nidhi Felicity

Ian Jessica Daniel Eloise Jesse Jeren

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Area 8 Graduates for 2010 Mr Neale Johnson

Sam Nicholas Sabastion Taliesha Pearle Marnie Latiesha Carlie Jarrod Zhaorong

Courtney Jonathon James Lachlan Phoebe Kailee Roshni Abigail Angus Jeff Mohit

Jessica Peter Trent Min Su Stephen Oliver Isaac Nicky Beau Chloe

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Special Events 2010

♦ Interschool Cross Country, Swimming , Athletics and Winter Carnivals

♦ Soccer, Hockey, Cricket, Tennis, Rugby & Triathlon Events

♦ Scitech Incursion—Slime and Dry Snow Activities

♦ Red Faces Talent Quest—Jeff’s Humour

♦ Edu-Dance & Social Dance Programs

♦ Puzzle Making with Mrs Keesing

♦ Year 7 Camp to Rottnest Island

♦ Chinese Restaurant Lunch

♦ Orienteering Incursion

♦ Solar Boat Challenge

♦ Transperth Visit

♦ Winning Interschool Swimming Carnival and Girls Basketball Competitions

♦ West Coast Eagles visit and Eagles Cup Footy at Subiaco Oval

♦ Have Sum Fun Online Competition Success

♦ Rossmoyne Senior High: 3 One Day Visits

♦ Sports Incursions ie League Tag, Golf

♦ High School Orientation Days

♦ Saturday Morning Netball

♦ Great Escape Excursion

♦ Year Seven Graduation

♦ Girls Football Carnival

♦ China Study Tour

Year 7 Special Events 2010

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Our Graduating Students:

Name: Paige A Date of Birth: 27 July 1997 Star Sign: Leo Nickname: Favourite Subjects: Cooking Most memorable moments: School camp Hobbies/Interest: Eating High School attending:

Future Job Ideas: RSPCA Thing I would like to do in the future: I would like to have a stretch Hummer

My first school was Glen Aplen in Queensland. Then I moved to Perth and started school at Oberthur. I had lots of different teachers. My favourite year was Year 2. Year 2 was my favourite because I had Miss Orsi. She was awesome. I have just been on school camp. I went snorkeling.

Name: Samuel B Date of Birth: 4 December 1997. Nickname: I don’t have one. L. Star Sign: Sagittarius Favourite Subject: Science Most memorable Moment: Would have to be the camps I have attended. Interests/Hobbies: Athletics and swim-ming.

High School Attending: Future Vocation: Marine Biologist or Food critic. Things I would like to do in the future: Become a Bil-lionaire! Or travel the world

I have been at Oberthur for nearly a year now it has been a great year thanks to Mrs McKay and Mr J and all of my friends I have made some really good friends this year and throughout all of primary school. They say it is a big move from Primary School to High School, but I think I am ready to go and every day I just keep getting more and more excited about making a change of schools and year levels. I have had many different emotions through out all of primary school, my attitude has changed a lot, but I still don’t think I am fully there just yet. I believe my favourite memories were moving to Queensland and moving schools, because I have been to so many, I love making new friends and I will take any opportunity I can to get there. As I leave I would like to say farewell to all the teachers and friends I have shared time with in pri-mary school experience at Oberthur.

Name: Nicolas B

Date of Birth: 7 January 1998

Star Sign: Capricorn

Nickname: Nick

Favourite Subjects: S&E, Maths, and Sport/Phys Ed

Most Memorable Moment: Mr J and Mrs McKay bickering about the Dockers and the


Interests/Hobbies: Sport, PS3, hanging out with my friends

High School 2011:

Future Vocation: Architect or Civil or Mechanical Engineer

Things I would like to do in the future: Be rich

Primary School was a great experience for me. All the stuff I have learnt, the activities I did in class and out of class. All of the laughs and fun I’ve with my friends something I’ll never ever forget. Each year had some-thing special about it. Kindy, first year at school, Pre-Primary we went to school everyday, Year 1, writing my first story, Year 2, my favourite teacher, Year 3, BLOG-GING, Year 4 more BLOGGING, Year 5, Lamp of Knowledge, Year 6, getting used to homework and fi-nally Year 7, graduating from Primary School. Thank you Oberthur for a great memorable time during primary school.

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Our Graduating Students:

Name:Taleisha C Date of Birth: 20 November 1997 Star Sign: Scorpio Nickname: Leish Favourite Subjects: Sport, Art, Science and Computer Most Memorable Moments: Study Tour to China, Becoming a Councillor and a Faction Captain

Interests and Hobbies: Playing sports, hanging out with my best friends High School 2011: Future Vocation: Things I would like to do in the future: Become really good at something and travel the world. Stay close with all my friends

I have been at Oberthur for 9 years plus a bit more time while Brendon came to school. Since I have been here I have got so many memories with friends, teachers, and everyone around me. Some of these include when I be-came a Councillor in 2009 and while I was blue Faction Captain in 2010. I loved both of these jobs because they were fun, I did them with some of my friends, and we could be creative in what we organized. Another thing that I will absolutely NEVER forget was the Study Tour in China. I was away from home for two weeks, and they were amazing! Over all, there was nothing about my pri-mary school experience that I could say I disliked- it was all so brilliant!

Name: Christopher C Date of Birth: November 21 1997 Nickname: Crisp Star Sign: Scorpio Favourite Subjects: Maths, Sport, Sci-ence Most Memorable moments: China Trip 2010 and Year 7 Camp Interests/Hobbies: Basketball,Swimming

High School 2011: Future Vocation: Mechanical Engineer Things you would like to do in the future: I would like to become a professional basketballer and go to Univer-sity

During my nine years of primary school I have attended three different schools. Kardinya Primary School, Bull Creek Primary School and Oberthur Primary School. I have had an enjoyable time over these schools making new friends and trying new things. I have won different awards during primary school like runners up on Bull Creek’s Got Talent. I also won prizes for different group activities. My favourite teachers are Mr.J, Mrs.McKay, Mr.Dancer, Mrs.Parke, Mrs.Kent and Mrs.Currie. Next year I will be attending Rossmoyne Senior High School.

Name: Pearle C Date of Birth: 3 April 1998 Start Sign: Aries Nickname: Pearl Favourite Subjects: English, Art and Chinese, Most memorable moments: Hanging out with best friends Hobbies/Interest: Hanging out with

friends, Dancing, Drama, Singing High School 2011: Future Vocation: Not sure Things I would like to do in the future: Hip Hop danc-ing, Eating 5 scoops of ice-cream with my boyfriend, Travel around the world

I’ve been in Oberthur for one and a half years. I really enjoyed my time in Oberthur as it was fun and exciting. My favourite teacher in year 6 was Mrs McKay as she was a friendly teacher. My favourite teacher in year 7 was Mr J and Mrs McKay as they were funny and awe-some. I really enjoyed the view of them fighting over foot-ball like little kids fighting over a candy. My best Friends are Jeren, Abigail, Ian, Isaac, Chloe.

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Our Graduating Students:

Name: Michaela C

Date of Birth: 24 March 1998

Star Sign: Aries

Nickname: K, KK

Favourite Subject: English

Most Memorable Moment: Going to China in Year Seven

Interests/Hobbies: Reading and playing netball

High School 2011:

Future Vocation: Author, pro netball player

Things I would like to do in the future: Travel the


I have been at Oberthur since pre-primary. Nearly all my childhood memories involve Oberthur, whether it was the sport carnival or singing in the choir. Next year I am at-tending Perth Modern and I’m really lucky to be going with a few of my friends, though I will miss my other friends incredibly. Because of Oberthur I have been able to go to PEAC and do fun extension work, learn guitar, go on a school camp, and even visit China. It would be hard to pick a favourite moment out of the time I spent at Oberthur, though I know my favourite fortnight would be the China tTrip for sure. That experience was a really memorable one. Though I am excited about high school, leaving behind Oberthur will be hard, but I know my time here was well spent.

Name: Mitchell C

Date of Birth: 6 May 1998

Start Sign: Taurus

Nickname: Mitch

Favourite Subjects: Mathematics, Eng-lish, Science, Sport, and Computer

Most Memorable Moments: Swimming

Year 7 Champion Boy

Hobbies/Interest: Football, Swimming and Running

High School 2011:

Future Vocation: Engineer or Author

Things I would like to do in the future: Travel to exotic


My primary school years have all been at Oberthur Pri-mary. From Kindy through to Year 7 I have made friends and many memories. I have had some great teachers, like Mrs Yates, Mrs Taylor, Mrs McKay and Mr Johnson. It was great to be part of the Oberthur Football Team, to participate in the sport days and swimming carnivals. Winning the swimming Champion Boy in both Year 6 and Year 7 was a great achievement that I am very proud of. I enjoyed the orienteering and came 3rd place in Year 5. Playing a football game at the Subiaco Oval in Year 7 was another great experience. I am going on to high school with the knowledge and skills gained during my primary school years and I am looking forward to the next stage.

Name: Sabastion D Date of Birth: 2 June 1997 Nickname: Sab Favourite subject(s): Sport and Science Most Memorable Moment: My most memorable moment is when the teacher asked what a Tally was but I thought it was a Telly because of her English ac-cent I said television and everyone

laughed. Interest/Hobbies: Fishing High School 2011: Future Vocation: Still Deciding Things I would like to do in the future: Catch a Dhu Fish

Over the years, I have learnt a lot about primary school and some stuff about the subject such as English, Maths etc--. I have enjoyed my time here at Oberthur and will never forget it. Thank you Oberthur for a wonderful ex-perience!

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Our Graduating Students:

Name: Marnie D

Date of Birth: 17 April 1998

Star Sign: Aries

Nickname: Marnsbar, Marnie-Moo, Ma-


Favourite Subjects: English, Maths, Art

Most Memorable Moments:

Interests/Hobbies: Chillin’ with friends, reading books

High School 2011:

Future Vocation: World famous chocolate-eater, any-thing to do with books.

Things I would like to do in the future: I want to meet J.K. Rowling and go to Hogwarts. I want to go to univer-

sity in London and own a bookstore there. Preferably in

Camden Markets.

Primary school was so incredible! I made so many great friends and have so many good memories that I will never forget. Kindy started and all we did was colour-in our artwork and make planes from toilet rolls. As we got older, things became harder and school wasn’t that fun anymore. When we got into year 7 we found out that all you do is assignments and homework. It still was so fun as long as you had the teachers supporting you along the way and that is exactly what I got. Every teacher at OPS has been really great. They tried to make the learning fun and half the time they succeeded. I never want to leave Oberthur Primary School. I am convinced that it is the best school in the whole wide world. I really am going to miss all of the teachers and all of my friends. I have too many awesome memories here and I don’t want to leave primary school at all.

Name: Latisha D Date of Birth: 10 September 1997 Start Sign: Virgo Nickname: tishay Favourite Subjects: English, Sport Most memorable moments: When Mr. and Mrs McKay always fight over the football. Hobbies/Interest: SHOPPING!! Hanging

out with friends. High School 2011: Future Job Ideas: Fashion designer or a singer. Things I would like to do in the future: Travel over the world

My favourite thing about primary school would have to be friends it’s always good to have them. I have been to two schools and out of them I preferred Oberthur. Since I have been at this school I have learnt a lot on friendship and responsibility. I have many wonderful memories at this school. Something I’ll miss the most is Mr J’s lame jokes about the footy. I have had some great teachers over the past years, my favourite ones were: Mrs. McKay and Mr. J, Mrs. Wheatley Mrs. Blake and many more. I have competed in a lot of school sports over the years to many to name my great day in primary school is when we went on excursions. I will miss this school dearly but will always remember what an awe-some school it was. Latisha …..

Name: Carly E

Date of Birth: 20 November 1997

Star Sign: Scorpio

Nickname: ?

Favourite Subjects: English

Most Memorable Moments: Sports events (Interschool, etc) or any really

funny moments

Interests/Hobbies: Lady Gaga, reading, writing, How I

Met Your Mother

High School 2011:

Dream job: Author or fashion designer

Things I would like to do in the future: Get a Ford Fal-con XR6, meet Lady Gaga and the cast of HIMYM, and

go to the Holocaust museum

I’m not sure what I remember was really important at pri-mary school. I can’t remember what really happened when I was younger, but I can easily remember a lot of my most funny moments (though I won’t list them all here). I know I loved representing the school in League Tag, Netball and Football (to name a few). I can’t really remember about the academic stuff, only the sport stuff, because we got to compete against other schools. It was the best feeling when we won, although at the Dockers Cup it was such an annoying feeling. To expand… we were undefeated, won the last game, and then the Bur-rendah kiddies said that we had two extra players on so they wiped our score, so we lost. Sigh. But to end on a happy note: we won overall!

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Our Graduating Students:

Name: Jarrod E

Date of Birth: 26 March 1998

Star Sign: Aries

Nickname: Jeddy

Favourite Subjects: Computer

Most Memorable Moment: When I met my friends

Interests/Hobbies: In my spare time I like to chill with my friends or go to the

skate park

High School 2011:

Future Job or Profession: Actor or mining

Things I would like to do in the future: I would like to star in comedies

My best moment of primary school was the first day of Year 7, because we were the oldest kids in the school and we got to do lots of year7 jobs like collecting money, going on sport shed, umpiring sports and having the first pick at senior sport. We also were very exited knowing that we get to go on camp. I also liked the last day of year 6, because we knew that the next time that we came to school that we’d be Year 7, so every one went crazy. In Year 6 because there wasn’t many Year 7 people, we got to do some year 7 jobs too. I liked the Year 6 and 7 end off year excursion because we get to go to the Great Escape and go on the trampolines, Jungle Mountain, wa-ter slides and mini golf. Sam, Ali and I had heaps of turns on the trampolines.

Name: Yun Yen F Date of Birth: 24 May 1998 Star Sign: Gemini Nickname: Yunny Favourite Subjects: English, Art Most Memorable Moments: All the times I’ve spent with my friends. Interest/ Hobbies: Reading, Gymnas-tics.

High School 2011: Future Vocation: Author or maybe a Lawyer Things I would like to do in the future: Travel the world.

The best moments of Primary School would have to be at recess and lunch, sport carnivals, excursions, funny times in class and of course Year Seven Camp. Primary School has given me the opportunities to meet other stu-dents from other schools in carnivals and experience lots and lots of things. I got to know the whole school better as a faction captain because, I was on Sports Shed Duty at least once a week and I’ve made friends that are in all different grades, even in Year 1. The people that I will miss the most would have to be my best friends: Talei-sha, Michaela, Nicky, Marnie, Phoebe, Nina, Shannon, Ellie, Madison, Jeff and Beau. I’ll miss the teachers and especially the students in Year Seven because with some of them, I’ve known them since Kindergarten. If I could change my past, I wouldn’t even correct my silly mistakes, because I’ve loved every part of it.

Name: Zhaorong F Date of Birth: 3 December 1996. Star Sign: Sagittarius Nick name: Favourite Subjects: Maths, Chinese and English. Most Memorable Moments: My best thing is my primary school merit certifi-cates.

Interests/Hobbies: Like to play tennis and table tennis. High School 2011: Future Vocation: I want to be a mechanic. Things I would like to do in the future: Have a fast car name Bugatti Verona,

When I was in primary school I like to play sport and I like go to the excursions. My favourite excursion is we when to Great Escape. I like being in Year 7, because I liked going to the camp and the last year in primary school. My favourite thing is when we go on computer and when I finish the work ,we get go on game and music for 15 min and then we go to lunch and play in playground. My favourite subject is English and Art and Science and Math. Next year I will go to Rossmoyne Senior High School. My favourite teachers in primary school are Mrs Kennerson and Mrs Arnold .

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Our Graduating Students:

Name: Courtney F Date of Birth: 4 September 1997 Star Sign: Virgo, Nickname: Bluey, Courts, Courtstar Favourite Subjects: English, S & E Most Memorable Moments: waiting to see if my best friend, Kailee got into Rossmoyne and she did. Interest/Hobbies: netball, shopping,

hanging with family and friends, talking to friends. High School 2011: Future Vocation: actress, teacher or makeup artist Things I would like to do in the future: go to America with my best friend or family.

My best memories for primary school would be the last day at Orana with my best friend, coming to Oberthur, going on camp, going to the Great Escape and going to-tally crazy with my best friend Kailee. I remember the first day at Orana and I was trying to make friends one girl started walking up to me and I cried because I was scared of her, now we are great friends. I also remember the first day at Oberthur I was so scared but I have made heaps of friends and also my best friend. I have done so much in year 7, like assemblies and sporting events such as the triathon. I think I have achieved a lot during pri-mary school and I will miss all my friends and teachers at Oberthur.

Name Jonathan G Date of birth: 4 May 1998 Star Sign: Taurus Nickname: Jono Favourite subject: PE Most Memorial Moment: Going to swimming lessons Interests/Hobbies: riding motorcycles. High School 2011:

Future Vocation: I would like to be a world class chef and travel the world cooking for Famous people. Things I would like to do in the future: I would like to travel the world with my family and be rich.

My memorial moments at primary school would have to be playing in the playground with my friends and meeting new students and new teachers every year the staff have showed us the guests that come to our school such as the Korean and Chinese students that come most years. I loved Year Six when we would play footy with a miniball with the year 7’s. in 2009, I remember going on a lot of excursion with the school. I remember going to Piney lakes with Mrs. Taylor in year 5. I also remember coming into the computer lab and playing Kid Pix and playing games on the computer. Another good time was making animations with Mr. Meachem. I have also had very good times with every year’s sports carnival and swimming carnival. We finally one the sports carnival yay!!!

Name: James G Date of Birth: 23 April 1998 Star Sign: Taurus Nickname: Jimmy John Favourite Subjects: Maths, Sport, S&E Most Memorable Moments: When I won my first running race. Interest/Hobbies: Watch TV and Play-ing Wii, DS and Play Station 2. Also

playing Basketball and other sports and listening to and playing music. High School 2011: Future Vocation: Unsure Things I would like to do in the future: Learn to Drive, Keep playing Basket Ball and become rich.

I have been at Oberthur P.S for 7 years and 1 term. Though primary school I have learnt a lot and my favour-ite teachers have been Mrs. Yates, Mrs. Kennerson, Mrs. Wheatley, Mrs. Taylor, Mr. Meachem, Mrs. Lowe, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. McKay and Mrs. Arnold. In Year 2, I got the Hand of Friendship, in Year 6 and 7 I was in the school soccer team, I have had a lot of merit certificates and I have had a lot of blue, green, red and yellow rib-bons from coming a position in the athlete carnival and the swimming carnival. Oberthur has been great and my favourite teacher of my favourite teacher list is Mrs. Ar-nold, Mrs. Wheatley or Mrs. Kennerson. In Pre-Primary I came in October from Yangebup Primary school. I was at Yangebup for one year and three terms. My primary school experience has been great and I have liked it.

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Our Graduating Students:

Name: Phoebe H Date of Birth: September 11 1997 Star sign: Virgo Nickname: Pheebe’s Favourite Subjects: Art and Maths. Most Memorable Moments: My first day at Oberthur and my last at J.R.S. Interests/Hobbies: Shopping, hanging out with friends, soccer.

High School 2011: Future Vocation: Lawyer. Things I would like to do in the future: Graduate Har-vard University after six years of studying law. Get mar-ried and have two kids. I also want to go to every conti-nent.

My favourite thing about Primary School was my friends I made. Every one is so friendly in primary school and we don’t have too many problems or responsibilities to deal with. It’s so much easier our biggest problems are that we forgot our hat or we got the wrong lunch. I loved play-ing on the soccer team at Oberthur and vocal. My favour-ite school I have been to is J.R.S. I also like Oberthur because I had so many great friends who I will never for-get ,like Michaela Nicky Taleisha and Marnie. I loved be-ing involved in so many different events like Red Faces or cross country. My favourite subjects in primary school are Math and Art. A great day in primary school was the day we went to Hillary’s Great Escape last year on the last week of school. It was so much fun and we did tons of great stuff, I have lots of videos to remember that day. Tanya and I bought a day pass for the Jungle Mountain; we must have gone up five times!

Name: Logan H Date of Birth: 23 March 1998 Star sign: Aries Nickname: LOGASAUR (not very of-ten) Favourite subjects: Computer and Physical Education Most memorable moments: When I won A) division Backstroke 50m and

graduation T-shirts Interests/Hobbies: Trampoline, music, gaming, exer-cise, watching sport and hanging with friends High School 2011: Future Vocation: Unsure Things I would like to do in the future: Learn to drive, successful job and good family

My best memories of Oberthur are all my friends, but aside to those my best memories would be when we got grad shirts, when I won the backstroke A division, all those laughing moments with friends in class. I’m here on my 9th year from kindergarten to Year Seven. The teachers that stood out the most to me were Mrs. Yates, Mrs. Kennerson, Mrs. Wheatley, Mrs Taylor, Mr. Meachem and Mr. J. I have been on the Oberthur soc-cer tTeam in 2009 and I enjoyed it very much. My Fa-vourite teacher was/is probably Mr. J or Mrs. Taylor, because they raise there voice sometimes, but they still teach me a lot. My favourite year is Year Seven be-cause, I may be leaving all my friends, but it has been a great year, it has had its ups and downs, but it’s still one of the best years. Thank you

Name: Felicity G Date of Birth: 13 March 1998 Star Sign: Pisces Nickname: Flick Favourite Subjects: English and Chi-nese Most Memorable Moment: Going to China in Year Seven Interests/Hobbies: Reading, Netball

High School 2011: Future Vocation: Veterinarian Things I would like to do in the future: Live in Tasma-nia, go to Europe

I have loved being in Oberthur, it’s been a great experi-enced and the only school I’ve ever been in. I’m going to miss my friends Eloise, Nidhi, Shruti, Jessica and An-drew from Primary School, but I’m excited about High School. Some of my best memories happened at or be-cause of Oberthur, China is just one of them. Not many Year Sevens get the chance to travel half way round the world with their friends. Without School I wouldn’t have got into Netball, Netball helped me make friends and stay fit and healthy. Being in Vocal Ensemble has been really fun, giving up one lunch time a week is well worth it.

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Our Graduating Students:

Name: Kailee J Date of Birth: 12 May 1998 Star sign: Taurus Nickname: Kailz or Mooshka Favourite Subject: S&E and English Most Memorable Moments: In Year 7, I got a Volleyball scholarship to Ross-moyne Senior High and when Courtney and I go crazy. Interests/ Hobbies: Swimming, shop-

ping, friends and family, magazines and talking and gos-siping. High School 2011: Future Job: Photographer of weddings, special occa-sions, schools etc, have my own business or be a make up artist. Thing I would like to do in the future: What I would like to do in the future would be travel around the world with my best friend Courtney.

My best memories of primary school would be in Year 7, because we have had a lot of awesome things through out the year like, camp, The Great Escape, Excursions and more. I would also remember when my best friend, Courtney and I would go really crazy (we still do) and people will say “we look like idiots”. I will also remember when I first stepped into my first class (Kindy) I didn’t want my mum to leave ,so I would chuck a massive tan-trum in front of everyone. I will always remember the day I got my Volleyball scholarship to Rossmoyne Senior High School. My other memory I will remember would be when I got accepted for a triathlon this year and was 5th out of the water, but the first girl out.

Name: Nidhi K Date of Birth: 3 March 1998 Star Sign: Pisces Nickname: Favourite Subjects: English, Music Most Memorable Moments: Faction Carnivals, Becoming Councillor, Being with family. Interest/ Hobbies: Reading, Eating,

Guitar, Sleeping, walking home in the rain. High School 2011: Future Vocation: Veterinarian, Marine, Biologist, any-thing to do with animals Things I would like to do in the future: Travel to differ-ent countries, own a dog,

I have been to four different primary schools, but Oberthur is my favourite. I have always been changing to different schools and was apprehensive when I first entered Ober-thur. My worries were gone long ago and I have had lots of fun at this school. The best moments of primary school for me would have to be joining vocal ensemble, becoming councillor, actually taking part in some sporting events and Year Seven Camp. Primary school gave me opportunities to experience many different things making me a lot more con-fident and creative. I loved being a councillor – feeling good when you raise money for a good cause, getting to miss out on classroom work, because you were on ‘Councillor busi-ness’ and making friends with people you didn’t talk to be-fore. I am really going to miss my special friends- Eloise, Felicity, Roshni, Carly, Jess.p, Shruti, Andy and Jeren. When I think about it, primary school would not be so amaz-ing if I didn’t have these people with me. I will really miss my teachers and friends when I go to Rossmoyne next year, but will continue to keep in touch.

Name: Roshni K Date of Birth: 2 September 1997 Star Sign: Virgo Nickname: Rosh Favourite Subjects: Music, Maths and English Most Memorable Moments: Mr J and Mrs McKay arguing about football when no one was in the classroom!

Interests/Hobbies: Netball, reading, eating mangoes and playing board games. High School 2011: Future Vocation: Either a doctor or a medical scientist. Things I would like to do in the future: Be the first to find a cure for cancer.

My best memories in primary school were sitting with Jar-rod, Sabastian and Carly in English, where we used to mock everyone in every way. It was a great way to get distracted. Mrs McKay and Mr J’s bickering about oppos-ing football teams was constantly annoying, but enter-tained us at the same time. Primary school, however, would not be complete without my best friends, most no-tably with Carly. These are the times I will miss the most when I go to high school. We do everything together and she is like a sister to me. Alongside Carly are my other friends Nidhi and Shruti, and since they are going to dif-ferent high schools as well, I will miss all the time I spent with them.

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Our Graduating Students:

Name: Kiran K Date of Birth: 6 October 1997 Star Sign: Libra Nickname: Kiza Favourite Subjects: Sport Most Memorable Moment: When Ste-ven got stung by a bee and shouted. Interest/Hobbies: Scootering and biking High School 2011:

Future Vocation: Miner Things I would like to do in the future: I would like to be a miner and earn lots of money so I can retire early.

Over the years my primary school experience has been terrific. In Kindergarten the teachers I had was a great teacher but she wasn’t the best teacher I had. In Pre-Primary, I had Mrs. Yates she was one of my favourite teachers. In Year 2, I had the best teacher in the world, her name is Ms Orsi. She gave us prizes if we were good. In Years 5, I had Mrs. Taylor, she was the best teacher my mum would say because she covered all the subjects. Next year almost half my class is going to Rossmoyne Senior High, but sadly all my closest friends are going to Willetton.

Name: Abigail K

Date of Birth: 24 October 1997

Star sign: Scorpio

Nickname: Abi

Favourite subject: Art and Chinese

Most Memorable Moment: Times with my friends J

Interest/hobbies: Dance (hip hop), Bass guitar and any type of guitar

High school 2011:

Future vocation: I’m not sure what I want to be yet

Things I would like to do in the future: Travel around

the world

I have been in three primary schools in three different countries. Xin Hai Primary School in Taiwan, VLCTA (School of Tomorrow) in Singapore and Oberthur Primary School in Australia. This might look cool but it was very hard for me. I had to learn how to interact and study in different languages. I spend about one or two years in each school (not counting Oberthur) so I haven’t really got time to make good friends. I spend the longest time in Oberthur Primary School and made a lot of great friends-Chloe, Pearle, William, Ian, Jeren and maybe Isaac. They made my time in OPS worth it; every minute with them is awesome All the teachers had different personalities, but there were a few that really stood out—Mrs. Lee (from VLCTA) and Mrs. Taylor (from OPS).

Name: Shruti K

Date of Birth: 20 April 1998

Star Sign: Taurus

Nickname: Sooty

Favourite Subjects: Maths, Art, S&E

Most Memorable Moments: All the mo-ments that I’ve spent with my friends and


Interest/ Hobbies: Badminton, Arts and

Crafts, Shopping

High School 2011:

Future Vocation: Undecided

Things I would like to do in the future: Sit in a Helicop-ter/ Hot Air Balloon, travel to places in Europe such as

Switzerland, Spain or France.

I have experienced two different schools throughout my primary life. From Year One to Year Six, I had been studying at Doha College Primary where we used the british system. I made lots of friends and still keep in touch with them. Then I travelled from Qatar to Perth and begun schooling at Oberthur Primary from the second semester in Year Six. Some of my special memories have been while I have been at Oberthur.

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Our Graduating Students:

Name: Angus K

Date of Birth: 3 June 1998

Star Sign: Gemini

Nickname: Angomango/Angry Angus Burger

Favourite Subjects: English and Music

Most Memorable Moments: When my cat

followed me to school,it was so embarrassing!

Interests/ Hobbies:Soccer, Painting, Minia-

tures and Athletics

High School 2011:

Future Vocation: Professional Soccer Player or a Musician

Things I would like to do In the future: Go to Hawaii and live

with rest of my family in New Zealand and become a billionaire

In my four and a half years at Oberthur I have experienced an amazing intellectual range and a diverse selection of subjects that has pushed me outside my comfort zone, in learning as an individual. I have also made great friends at this school that will be sadly missed and also cherished in my memory. I have found special talents that were dying to be let out from the darkness, to express its energy and enthusiasm when publicly addressing a crowd. I have gained two new instruments and a great voice for singing in the choir and in drama productions. Even some very funny moments, troubling, saddening, joyful and extremely em-barrassing! I can list endless amounts of examples for those feelings which I have expressed towards and in this school. All these feelings have been under consideration and created a new mature person for me to fit suit in. I will miss the grounds,I thank all the teachers that have taught me so well. As well as the school grounds that have followed my every footstep and shared fantastic memories at recess and lunch. Year 7 and 8 is a difficult move but I think that I’m fully ready for anything thrown at me. I like to look back at myself instead of looking forward to the next year at primary school. I say goodbye to everyone that has contributed in either a major or minor role in my fond memo-ries of Oberthur. Farewell and good luck fellow students and friends in your upcoming future.

Name Jeff L

Date of Birth 23 January 1998

Star Sign: Aquarius

Nickname Jeffrey

Favourite Subjects PE, English, Computer

Most Memorable Moments: Racing to the

front of the line with Beau and playing Lego

with Calvin

Interest/Hobbies: Sports, computer, music

and hanging out friends

High School 2011:

Future Vocation: Performing artist

Things I would like to do In the future: To be world wide fa-


In St Augustine’s my best memory is when Mark, Dermott, Ai-dan and I would play with dinosaurs and build exhibits for them. I made the T-Rex enclosures with blocks because I loved T-rexes back then. In Oberthur, when I was five, I loved to play with Duplo which were massive legos and it was fun. Miss Wheatly was a great teacher and Year 2 was just awesome with her. Hanging out with the awesome people at Oberthur has to be the greatest memory though. Sport was really awe-some and I learned new skills with Mr J, because when I was little I sucked at sport, but now I can finish the beep test. I also entered as many sporting events as possible. I was such a loner as a kid, but now I have friends. One of my favourite things to do in class is to move seats because I never know where I was gonna sit and wanted to sit next to my best friends, but for some reason I always got put next to people I didn’t know but it was also a good thing because then I got to know them. Moving seats to me is like making more friends and I love doing that.

Name: Dylan M Date of Birth: 11 April 1998

Start Sign: Taurus

Nickname: Dyl

Favourite Subjects: sport and free time

Most Memorable Moments: Ron (the gar-dener/best one ever)

Hobbies/Interest: Golf, fishing, motor-bikes

High School 2011: Future Vocation: Mechanic in the mines (high paying)

Things I would like to do In the future: I would like to own a

twin turboed and supercharged VK HDT (Garret T51 Tur-

boes and Vortech supercharger)

My most memorable moment was in Rottnest when Peter and Ian were legging down a hill and they collided. Peter was padded by Ian, but Ian wasn’t that lucky. Another funny moment in Rottnest was the first day when we went fishing and a caught a poisonous fish and Beau tried to take it off, it was dodgey. In Rottnest I was being cheeky and then I hit a rock and nearly went flying over the bars.

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Our Graduating Students:

Name: Rodd N

Date of Birth: 24 August 1997

Star Sign: Virgo

Nickname: SCOOTERM4N

Favourite Subjects: English Computer

Most Memorable Moment: Ron the gar-dener

Interest/Hobbies: Scootering, riding bikes and farming

High School 2011:

Future Vocation: FARMER!

Things I would like to do in the future: Follow my dad’s

footsteps in the farming industry and own a 2000hp V8

5.7L E2 clubsport!

I have attended Oberthur for 9 awesome years and I know that it will be a struggle to leave. I will miss Ron (the gardener) and will definately miss my best buddy Lewis Coxon, he is the coolest person around! When I leave I will always come and visit Lewis. Next year one of my best buddies Ollie Smith will be attending Willetton SHS with me, I have known Oliver for 13 years and 3 months from today 7/12/10 and also my mates Stephen, Mitchell, Nic, Connor.N and people from other school will be attending Willetton. Although most of my year 7 friends from Oberthur will be attending Ross-moyne but that’s ok because I know many people at Wil-letton already. This year I got into the hockey team, it was the best. My best moment at Oberthur was when I was taller that Oliver!

Goodbye Oberthur, You were a great school to me!! : )

Name: Mohit P

Date of Birth: 4 April 1998

Star Sign: Taurus


Favorite Subject: Maths, Computer and Sport

Most Memorable Moments: Going to

China in Year 7

Interests/Hobbies: Cricket, Riding by my bike, Playing

with friends.

High School 2011:

Future Vocation: Once I retire and have lots of money to

spare I would try to travel around the world.

I have had a glimpse of three schools. Two are primary and one is a college. I don’t have one best memory; I have heaps of good memories. Most of them are when I was in Ranford PS. I had a great time at Ranford with my friends and I am happy I am going to see them next year at Carey Baptist College. I have also had a great time at Oberthur Primary School. I have made a lot of friends and have had a lot of experience. My best friends would be Jesse and Rodd. I also have a lot of other friends. The teachers I have had were all great and have taught me a lot. My favorite teacher would be Mrs Parkhouse, who I had in year three. She was really nice and always treated people fair. I also had all my friends in my class that year, so that made it even more special.

Name: Jessica P Date of Birth: 20 August 1997 Star Sign: Leo Nickname: Jess Favourite Subjects: Sport, Art, Chi-nese, Computer. Most Memorable Moment: Sports Car-nivals/Competitions Interests/ Hobbies: Playing Video

Games, Reading, Sport and Taking care of Pets. High School 2011: Future Vocation: Marine Biologist, Zoologist or Animal Carer. Things I would like to do In the future: In my future life I would like to travel the world and live in a beach house on the Gold Coast.

One of my best memories of Primary School is all the friends I made from Kindy to Year 7. I am very lucky to have lots of my friends coming with me to Rossmoyne but I will miss all the ones that are not. I thank all my teachers very much for making my primary school experi-ence so interesting and fun. Another of my best memo-ries was all the sporting excursions and activities that I participated in while at Oberthur. One of the things that really stood out in my time at Oberthur was going to China. It was probably the best two weeks of my entire Primary School. I have had so many amazing experi-ences at Oberthur that I know you can’t do at any other school and for that I am very thankful.

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Our Graduating Students:

Name: Andrew P

Date of Birth: 8 January 1998

Star Sign: Capricorn

Nickname: Andy

Favourite Subjects: Maths, Science

Most Memorable Moment: When I was accepted into Perth Modern

Interests/Hobbies: Rallying (Car) and Playing Games.

High School 2011:

Future Vocation: Geologist Things I would like to do In the future: Go all around the

world discovering anything and everything.

I have attended Oberthur for 9 years and I love it. When ever I had problems or I needed help the teachers would help kindly. I am going to Perth Modern School next year because I took a GATE test and I got a scholarship. At school I have had a lot of friends, some of them only came for a term or two, so I didn’t know them for long, but the friends that have stayed have become some of my closest friends. My parents have helped me heaps in school to push me to be my best and to get into PEAC and violin and especially Perth Mod.

Name: Peter R Date of Birth: 24 July 1997 Star Sign: Leo (Lion) Nickname: P.T, Pete Favourite Subjects: S&E and Computer Most Memorable Moment: Winning My First Athletics Carnival Champion Boy Trophy Interests/Hobbies: How I Met Your Mother, Tennis, Michael Jackson, Jackie

Chan Stunt Videos High School 2011: School under a Special Tennis Scholarship Future Vocation: Fight Choreographer, Dance Choreographer, Hair Stylist, Hair Salon Designer, Tennis Player or Morning Radio Show Host on 92.9 Things I would like to do In the future: Go to Portugal, Meet the cast of HIMYM, Progress in my Tennis Career, Learn another language and be on T.V

Over all of these years I have been to a lot of countries and even though Australia might not be the best holiday country in the world, this is by far the best country to live in, I am blessed with being able to go to Oberthur and I would like to thank all of the teachers at this school and all the helping parents who have set up a future for us kids. When I grow up I don’t care if I don’t get an awe-some job I just want to make money to support myself. If future me is reading this now then remember that you DON’T want any kids.

Name: Trent R

Date of Birth : 23 December 1997

Star Sign : Capricorn

Favorite Subjects : Sport

Most Memorable Moment : When we went to Rossmoyne for 3 days of lessons

Hobbies/Interests : Cars and Guitar

High School 2011 : Future Vocation: Lawyer or drifter

Things I would like to do In the future: I would to like travel

around the world

My most memorable moments at primary school would have to be when Ali lost his pants doing a front flip. An-other thing would have to be when were at the Eagles Cup and we were playing Rossmoyne and we were down a couple of goals, then Chris Chang scored three goals in a row. Another thing would be when I scored my first goal against Burrendah, me and my team were so happy.

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Our Graduating Students:

Name: Min Su S

Date of Birth: 7 June 1996

Nickname: Minty

Favourite Subject/s: Phys Ed

Most Memorable Moment: Year 7 Camp on Rottnest

Interests/Hobbies: Anything sports, and

playing with friends

High School 2011:

Future Job or Profession: Engineer, Pilot, Policeman or something in Sports.

Things I would like to do In the future: Travel the world

and become rich

I have been to three primary schools and I have only been at Oberthur a short time. Next Year I will be going to Leeming Senior High School. Isaac has been my best friend here and I have liked some of the teachers and assistants in Area 7 - Mrs McKay, Mrs Throssel and Mrs Hay. I have enjoyed doing the sporting things here the most and that is something that I like very much. I en-joyed going on camp to Rottnest and all the fun things we did.

Name: Stephen S

Date of Birth: 18 January 1998

Star Sign: Capricorn

Nickname: Steve, Steph, Stpen

Favourite Subjects: Maths, Science

Most Memorable Moments: Mr J giv-ing Mrs McKay a giant wooden spoon

Interests/Hobbies: Playing games, Reading Non Fiction boooks

High School 2011:

Future Vocation: Short Term- Lifesaver in swimming pool. Long term- Surgeon, Scientist ,other. Things I would like to do In the future:

I went to Oberthur in Kindy. The thing we did was play and educational fun. Pre primary was all about the first Sport Carnival and everyone did have fun. Year 1 was probably known for the inception of work all the time, not just educational fun. Year 2 did have fun days which I will never forget. There was also an end of year excur-sion. Year 3 and year 4 were the same, but in Year 3 were real science experiments. Year 4 was nothing but the Homework and also regular work. Year 5 was too easy, nothing memorable but Year 6 and Year 7 had things I won’t forget like The Great Escape, Watching plays and Movies, Camp and Graduation. Now I say Goodbye. But I am sure I tell you more in Primary school experience. Just remember this will not feature in Pri-mary School Experience. Sorry!

Name: Oliver S

Date of Birth: 20 September 1997

Star Sign: Virgo

Nickname: Ollie

Favorite Subjects: Sport, recess and lunch

Most Memorable Moments: When I

shot from outside the basketball court

with a softball and it went in.

Interests/Hobbies: AFL, ukulele

High school attending:

Future vocation: Afl player, electrician or plumber

Things I would like to do In the future: Win a Brownlow.

I have been at Oberthur for 9 years and this is my last. There have been a lot of highs and lows, but mostly highs. I have been in a lot of interschool sporting events like: football, basketball, cricket and many others. All of my teachers have been great taught me a lot of things that will stay with me for life. No other primary school would have given me the same experience as Oberthur did.

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Our Graduating Students:

Name: Isaac T

Date of Birth: 23 September 1997

Star Sign: Libra

Nickname: Asian Boy

Favourite subject: Sports

Most memorable moments: Dacking Oliver and Sports carnivals.

Interests/Hobbies: Computer, sleeping and working out

High School 2011:

Future Vocation: Break dancer/ Body Builder

Things you would like to do in the future: Travel the

world with my friends, graduate from university with really

good results and become a billionaire.

Primary School has been a fun part of my study life, and from what I hear, primary school is the funnest part of studies I’ll get, well that’s according to my sisters and friends in high school, my best memories about primary school would be coming to Australia to study in Oberthur Primary, Oberthur has been really fun and the students here have been really friendly, the people that would stand out in my primary school experience so far would be Oliver, Jeren, Paul, Jeff and Jonathan, Primary school has been really enjoyable, I’ll miss the laziness and fun when I am in High school, though I wouldn’t mind a little bit of challenge at High school, I see High School as an opportunity to meet new people and make new friends, High School seems like a new and exciting experience that will wake me up from my state of laziness.

Name: Ian T

Date of Birth: 1 November 1997

Start Sign: Scorpio

Nickname: Ian Friend

Favourite Subjects: English, Society and Environment and Computing

Most Memorable Moments: Coming

2nd at the Interschool Carnival (2006)

Hobbies/Interest: Sleeping, Reading, Doing nothing

High School 2011:

Future Job Ideas: Lawyer, Architect

Thing I would like to do in the future: Travel around

Europe, become successful and rich,

I have been to three different primary schools, three in Ma-laysia and three in Australia (Yokine Primary School, Lath-lain Primary School and Oberthur Primary School). Some of my most memorable moments are: -When I won the WA Week Coloring in Competition (3rd Prize, Year 4) -I won the Chocolate Fundraising Prize, which was an Ice-Cooler valued at over $200 (Year 4) -I came second at the Division D (4th Fastest) Interschool Carnival (Year 6) -First in the 200m Division B sprints (Year 7) -First in the Year 7 Tug-a-War Competition. Some of my closest friends during Year Seven would be: Abigail, Chloe, Pearle and possibly, Jeren. One of my fa-vorite teachers would be Mr. J. His jokes and funny ways to annoy Eagles fans make up for his controversial decision to support the Dockers. I have enjoyed my primary school years. So let this chapter close, and another one open.

Name: Jessica T

Date of Birth: 20 April 1998

Nickname: Jess

Favourite subjects: Math

Most Memorable Moments: All the five days of camp.

Hobbies/Interests: Playing school.

High School 2011:

Future Vocation: Vet.

Things I would like to do in the future: Drive a car, Buy a dog and name it Tom.

In Primary School I have really like my teachers and friends. Also I have really enjoyed doing cooking. I really liked the Great Escape and having water fight in Year Five with apple dipping.

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Our Graduating Students:

Name: Jeren V

Date of Birth: 8 April 1998

Star Sign: Aries

Nickname: N/a

Favourite Subjects: Science, English and mathematics

Most Memorable Moment: Climbing to

the Great Wall of China

Interest/Hobbies: Reading, robotics, computers, soccer.

High School 2011:

Future Vocation: Robotic engineer, programmer, graphic designer.

Things I like would to do in the future: Build a com-puter and go to MIT.

The best things about primary school have been all the great opportunities to learn and have fun at the same time. All of my years in primary school have been won-derful, but the years that stand out the most for me are year 4 and year 7. Moving to Year 4 in Geraldton was a very hard transition for me, because it was my first expo-sure to a normal school curriculum. But after that first term, I found myself enjoying myself a lot more than be-fore. Year 7, the last year of primary school, was one of the most fun years of my life. I went to China, competed in the solar boat challenge and, last but not least, went to camp. My favorite teacher out of all my years was Mr Swartzen-truber, because of his fun RE lessons ( he preached by feeding us Oreos and playing American game shows).

Name: Jesse W

Date of Birth: 2 July 1997

Star sign: Cancer

Nickname: Nugget

Favourite subjects: computer & sport

Most Memorable Moment: it has to be camp because the year sevens gets a

fun holiday

Interests/hobbies: video games and mucking around

with friends

High School 2011:

Future Vocation: Game designer

Things I would like do in the future: Travel the world & discover the secret herbs and spices to KFC’s original

recipe chicken

It has a fun and great experience at Oberthur primary school. I will miss all of my friends and teachers but if I can I will be back next year giving out candy canes and saying hello to teachers. I hope to keep in touch with friends and look back at my primary school years. There are so many things I remember about my time here, but there’s only one thing that stands out the most and that is the Great Escape with my friends on the trampolines and water slides. And one Year Seven got me a ticket to do it all over again so I’m pretty happy about that. I still can’t believe I am in Year 7 and when I am in Year 12, I will think back to primary school.

Name: Nicky W

Date of Birth: 2 July 1997

Nickname: None

Favourite Subject/s: Art, Sport, Maths

and Science

Most Memorable Moment: When I became a councillor in 2010 and getting

the Hand of Friendship three times.

Interests/Hobbies: Ice-skating, Netball Sleepovers

and hanging out with friends

High School 2011:

Future Vocation: Something that makes heaps of


Things I would like to do in the future: Travel the

world, become a Professional Synchronised Iceskater

and skate for Australia in the World Championships.

Primary school has been a fantastic nine years of my life, being surrounded by all my friends and loving teachers everyday is quite a delight. I have been at Oberthur for eight years and I couldn’t imagine any other school better than this one. What make this school so special is the people in it, they are so kind and warm hearted. Even though many think having a small school is bad, I think it’s great, because everyone knows every-one and that’s what makes Oberthur that much better. My memories are packed full of fun and exciting times and I wouldn’t change a thing about any of my time in primary school.

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Our Graduating Students:

Name: Beaumont W Date of Birth: 11 February 1998 Star Sign: Aquarius Nickname: Beau, Beauy. Favourite Subjects: Maths, Science, Sport and S&E Most Memorable Moment: Listening to Mr J and Mrs McKay fight over the better team “the Dockers” over the worst team

the Eagles. Interests/Hobbies: Playing sport, using the computer. High School Attending: Future Vocation: Something to do with Science. Things I would like to do in the future: I would like to travel around the world before I get old. I would also like to make my life thrilling and exhilarating with parachuting and stuff like that.

I have been to two different primary schools my first was Rostrata Primary School where I attended Kindy and two weeks of Pre-Primary. After two weeks into Pre-Primary we moved house, so I started at Oberthur where I spent the rest of my primary school time. I have had lots of op-portunities at Oberthur, such as the Year 6/7 China Study Tour, Year 7 Camp, Interschool Sports, School Sports, Solar Boat Challenge and heaps of excursions to name only a few. Some of my best friends through primary school were Oliver Smith, Sam Warren, Jeddy Edwards and Jeff Li just to name a few. I have had a great primary school life at Oberthur.

Name: Daniel W Date of Birth: 22 June 1998 Start Sign: Cancer (Crab) Nickname: Dan The Man Favourite Subjects: S&E, English, Computer and Sport Most Memorable Moments: China Study Tour, 2005 Easter Egg Drawing Competition and Camps

Hobbies/Interest: Geography, Swimming, Lego, Com-puter, Sport and Writing High School 2011: Future Job Ideas: Geography Teacher and/or Author Things I would like to do in the future: Walk the Ama-zon River, Write a bestseller, Skydive and have a World Tour

The best things about primary school would be the ac-tivities we enjoyed like triathlon, camps and much, much more. From Pre-Primary to Year, 7 I’ve had many fun times like playing ‘What’s the Time Mr. Wolf?’, making Art, doing PE, Soccer and more. I’ve also done a lot of sport activities like soccer, swimming, school sport, foot-ball, chairball and more. Altogether I’ve attended four schools, Leven Pre-Primary (Leven, England), Stanton St Quinton Primary School (Stanton St Quinton, Eng-land), Adam Road Primary School (Bunbury, Australia) and Oberthur Primary School (Perth, Australia). Some friends include Max R, Max S, Lucy, Matthew, James, Ben, Jarrod, Travis, Kyril and many, many more!

Name: Eloise W

Date of Birth: 5 March 1998

Star Sign: Pisces

Nickname: Elmo

Favourite Subjects: Art

Most Memorable Moments: Any time spent with my friends

Interest/ Hobbies: Art, Netball, Read-ing, Flute

High School 2011:

Future Vocation: Veterinarian and Artist

Things I would like to do in the future: Travel the

world and start up a veterinarian hospital

I have attended two different schools, but have spent 7 and a half memorable years at my favourite primary school, Oberthur. My best memories of primary school have been, joining Vocal Ensemble in Year Seven with Mrs. Robinson, performing in many musical productions which were also lead by Mrs. Robinson, learning Flute with Mrs. Daniels in Year Six and Seven, playing netball and winning the grand final in Year 5 and 6, being cho-sen to become a Choir Captain in Year Seven, but most of all spending time with my five best friends, Felicity, Jessica, Nidhi, Shruti, Andrew and Jeren. I am really sad to leave primary school but most of all; am going to miss my friends.

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Our Graduating Students:

Name: Chloe Y Date of Birth.: 23 February 1998 Star Sign: Pisces Nickname: CY Favourite Subjects: English, Chinese Most Memorable Moments: Times I have spent with my friends Interests/Hobbies: Korean, languages, violin, singing and dance (not, ballroom

but dances like hip-hop, popping and locking) High School 2011: Future Vocation: Something involving languages Things I would like to do in the future: Learn Korean, Japanese and a few more other languages, travel around South Korea and the world and meet K-Pop Idols in real life.

I have been to two primary schools in my life, SJK(C) Yuk Chai and Oberthur Primary School. I had a really tough life in Yuk Chai, so Oberthur has been fun and relaxing. One of my best memories in Yuk Chai was that when I found out that I was migrating to Australia and my stress disappeared and I gave up on doing my homework and studying so hard, because there was a lot of stress in Malaysia and we usually had 10 home works a day that you have to pass up the next day. I had to do all my homework and also my tuition homework (I had tuition almost everyday back in Malaysia). Life in Oberthur has been really enjoyable and I have experi-enced a lot of new things here. I have made many friends in Oberthur – Abi, Pearle, Ian, William, Jeren and we have spent many wonderful times together.

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Student Awards 2010

Biggest Bookworms Felicity G and Nidhi K

Model Material Phoebe H and Isaac T

Most Athletic Beau W, Oliver S and Jessica P

Van Gogh Artist Award Eloise W and Nicky W

Shakespeare Award Pearle C

Pythagorus Award Stephen So and Andrew P

Future Prime Minister Michaela C and Ian T Best Comedian Jeff L

Chatterbox Award Carly E

LOL Smile Award Marnie D and Logan H

Mozart Music Award Andrew P

Most Likely to Succeed Roshni K and Angus K

Best Debater Chloe Y

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China Study Tour 2010:

Every two years senior students at Oberthur have an opportunity to visit China

as a part of their studies. This year, in the October School Holidays, thirteen

students from Oberthur spent 14 days in China. Landing in Shanghai first, the

students visited the World Expo the next day and then had a day of sightseeing

including a ferry trip on the Yangste River, before travelling by bus to Hangzhou

to visit our sister school, Xingzhi Primary School. There they attended school for

a few days and experienced a homestay with a Chinese family and joining them

for the National Holiday celebrations.

From there the students flew to Beijing for the second week and visited many of

the famous sites in and around the city. Some of the places visited include

Tiananmen Square, The Forbidden City, The Summer Palace, Ming Tombs,

Temple of Heaven, The Beijing Zoo and Aquarium, The Olympic Park to see the

“Bird’s Nest” and “Water Cube”, as well as experiencing the local restaurants

and market places and of course walking the Great Wall at Badaling. On two

evenings the students enjoyed traditional Chinese performances, one at a Tea

House with a series of acts and the other, a Kung Fu play telling the story of an

old warrior and his young student.

It was an amazing experience for our students and the staff who went along for

the first time and something they should remember for a very long time.

In front of the Bird’s Nest at the Olympic Village

At the top of the Great Wall at Badaling

Traditional performance at the Lao She Teahouse

In the Forbidden City in Beijing

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Rottnest Camp 2010:

The five days at camp were amazing and a memory that we will never forget. The first day began on Monday the 29th of November; everybody was excited as we walked on to the ferry waving at our parents as we left. We got on the boat around 10am and we were very sad to leave our families behind. After a few minutes it all sank in and we were ready for our journey. We arrived at Rottnest Island around 10:30 am and all sat down while Mr. J told us what we were going to do that day. We all walked down to the Bike Shed and waited around 10-15 minutes, we got our bikes and waited for others to get their bikes. We rode down to Thompson Bay to get our lunch and played around the bay. We then moved on and rode to Kingston Barracks to settle into our dorms. We unpacked our bags and went to Parakeet Bay for a swim. That night we went to Aristos Restaurant for dinner and were surrounded by a lot of Quokkas. Afterwards we all played near the jetty and everyone was trying pushing each other in. At around 9:00 that night we went down to the beach where the sand dunes and we played a few games of Spotlight and Sardines. Tuesday we all woke up got dressed ready for breakfast and a big day ahead of us. As we rode about 3 kilometres we finally got to our destination point which was Little Salmon Bay, where people went snorkeling and others sat on the rocks and waited for waves to splash them. Everybody was tired from bike riding all day. When we came back to Kingston Barracks we all had lunch and the rest of the afternoon we had free time. That night we had dinner and a quiz night straight after. Wednesday we were woken up by a really big bang by Mr. J. and no-one was happy about that. We then got ready for breakfast and met outside where Mr. J was. We went down into the settlement and got into groups, ready to start the amazing race around the island. We all arrived back at Kingston and some people got to go to the beach. That night we went to the movies and watched Karate Kid. Thursday we were woken up by a big thud on the wall because Mr. J once again banged on it. We got ready and Mr. J took us to breakfast. After breakfast we did the Quokka Safari and after that we were supposed to do a 16 kilometre bike ride around the Island but instead we went to a Waterpark that was in Thompson Bay. That night we had a concert which had outstanding per-formances by everyone and then we had a snowball. On Friday it was our last day and we were all very tired. We and to wake up early again have breakfast then we went on the bus which took us around the island. We stopped at a few places and took a lot of pictures. We came back to the settlement and had lunch and did some last minute shopping. Then it was time to go on the ferry and head home, the ride on the way back was very windy and most of us were sitting outside so we got wet. When we arrived back to Fremantle Harbour everybody ran to their families. We all had the best time on camp and will never forget how much fun we had at Rott-nest Island.

By Kailee J and Courtney F

Exploring the lighthouse

Doing a spot of fishing

Rottnest Lakes with Perth in the distance

Playing in the Water Playground

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The Arts—Music: School Choir


Front Row: Jayde W, Faith H, Gemma W, Jillian C-L, Beth K, Ritika S, Arijana J, Emma P, Ivy K, Indiana W

Second Row: Louise C, James F, Olivia C, Chris W, Zoe G, Joanne C, Lauren T, Gemma E, Thomas S-J

Third Row: Elizabeth W, Kieran C, Callan M, Bridget R-W, Celine K, Jake P, Davis A, Samantha K

Back Row: Mi Li L, Sumati G, Joshua M, Isabella V, Cagla G, Jake P, Bhavya C,

Missing: Anne Robinson , Music Specialist

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The Arts—Music: Vocal and Violin Ensembles

OBERTHUR VIOLIN ENSEMBLE 2010 Front Row: Indiana W, Kaylee W, Shalom K, Joanne C, Gemma W, Jemma C, Dexter L

Second Row: Claire T, Sagar B, Jake P, Nikita M, Ashna R, Lauren T

Third Row: Zoe G, Roshni K, Mi Li L, Zoe G, Taleisha C, Beth K

Back Row: Sumati G, Andrew P, Daniel L, Christopher C, Yun Yen F

OBERTHUR VOCAL ENSEMBLE 2010 Front Row: Eloise W, Nidhi K, Roshni K, Abigail K, Chloe Y, Pearle C

Back Row: Angus K, Jessica P, Michaela C, Phoebe H, James G,

Andrew P

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The Arts—Music: Guitar and Cello Groups

OBERTHUR CELLO STUDENTS 2010 Left to Right: Jillian C-L, Beth K, Mi Li L, Zoe G, Avinash R, Arijana J

OBERTHUR GUITAR STUDENTS 2010 Front Row: Celine K, Blake P, Nidhi K, Lily H, Ing Yao W

Back Row: Angus K, Michaela C, Jeren V, James G

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The Arts—Music: Flute


Front Row: Tessa J, Naomi S, Esther A, Kasey J, Samantha K

Back Row: Marnie D, Abigail K, Eloise W

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Sports Teams: Faction Captains


Left to Right: Taleisha C (Blue), Marnie D (Gold), Mr Neale Johnson (Phys Ed Specialist), Oliver S (Red), Andrew P (Blue), Yun Yen F (Red),

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Sports Teams: Football


Front Row: Nicholas H, Beau W, Lachlan H, Joshua M, David S, James

Middle Row: Mitchell C, Jake P, Neale Johnson (Coach), Rory C, Dylan M

Back Row: Trent R, Connor L, Oliver S, Jarrod E, Samuel B, Christopher C.

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Sports Teams: Hockey and Soccer


Front Row: Euan L, Jake P, Aldin D, Peter R, Elzat Z, Rebecca T, Mohit P Back Row: Kiran K, Angus K, Phoebe H, Helen Taylor (Coach),

Jeren V, James G and Jonathon G


Front Row: Thomas S-J, Samantha K, Kasey J, Sumati G, Callan M, Tessa J, Beth K Back Row: Rodd N, Kailee J, Jesse W, Lynn McKay (Coach), Ian T,

Shruti K, Stephen S

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Sports Teams: Netball

OBERTHUR NETBALL TEAM 2010 Front Row: Ellie J, Eloise W, Taleisha C, Madison J

Back Row: Jessica P, Michaela C, Mr Mike Cotgrave (Coach),

Nicky W, Carly E

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Sports Teams: Netball Club Teams


Back Row: Kaylene H, Mrs Marie Parkhouse(Coach),

Milly C, Caitlin V, Front Row: Eloise M,

Catherine M, Delia P, Jessica P, Emma G


Back Row, Mrs Sara Waugh(Coach), Bridget R-W, Olivia C, Front Row: Indiana W, Arijana

J, Gemma W, Jillian C-L, Faith H


Back Row: Isabella V, Molly B, Ms Emma H (Coach), Cagla G, Roshni K, , Jasmine H


Back Row: Ellen V, Qian T, Mrs Janine, Wright(Coach),

Emily M, Shae R-W, Front Row: Christie M, Alexandra S,

Samantha P, Abbey W, Cienna W


Back Row: Guinevere S, Keeley L, Ashna R, Tracy H

Front Row: Chelsea H, Jemma C, Ashlee C, Jasmin J, Samantha M

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Highschool is:

By the time you reach the end of term four in Year Seven, someone just has to mention the words “high school” and you feel anxious, frightened, or just un-sure. You’ve probably had it drummed into you that this is completely normal (which it is), and a whole lot of other hints for when you begin year eight. Of course most of these “stress less” comments from adults don’t really make you feel any better - they seem like pretty empty words coming from people who left school years ago. That is why I’m going to tell you exactly what starting in year eight is like – hopefully you’ll get a good idea from someone who started at the beginning of this year!

The first day at high school is one of the scariest days of the lot, because apart from Orientation Day, you usually you have no idea what it is going to be like – if you’ll fit in, make friends, be smart enough, etc. On the first day, you don’t know your way around, who your subject teachers are going to be, and some-times if you’ll have any friends in your classes. Being the only girl from Ober-thur Primary to go to my particular high school, I was particularly worried as the only person I knew wasn’t in any of my classes. But, if you give yourself time, be yourself, and be open to new ideas and friendships, even if you are the shy-est person in the class, you are sure to make friends quickly and even discover lifelong friends!

There are many helping hands scattered around the school, so that if you ever need anything you can go straight to them and feel comfortable about telling them your problems. Some of these people include your Head of Year, Head of House, Homeroom Teacher, School Councillor, Student Leaders and older stu-dents. No-one will think any worse of you if you need to ask seemingly silly questions! Getting around may be one of the hardest aspects on your first few days, but armed with your diary and map you will survive well!!! If you really are lost, any of the mentioned people and also nearby teachers are perfectly willing to help point you in the right direction.

Because of the dramatic size difference between Oberthur and high schools, I thought that I would become one of the many average students who have no particularly noticeable talents – but that’s where I was massively wrong! High school provides so many opportunities that it is hard not to go noticed in some

way or another! It would take up many pages listing all of them, but here are just a few; sports (not just “average” ones like footy and netball, but many more including water polo, badminton, touch rugby, etc.), drama, music, art, school subjects, service opportunities, clubs, competitions, students leaders and many, many more!!! After having your first social, sports carnivals, assemblies and lessons, I can guarantee that before you know it, you will be enjoying year eight so much that you’ll never want to leave it! Basically, don’t be afraid to try new things and give everything a go – who knows, you might discover new tal-ents or enjoyable activities!

Overall, high school isn’t as bad as it seems at first, and let me tell you that even though you may not believe your parents when they say high school is just as enjoyable or interesting as primary school, they are actually quite right! Also, don’t worry about the work being too hard or having too much homework– you will be well prepared for all subjects thanks to the teachers at Oberthur Primary! Going into year eight doesn’t take the fun out of school – if possible it actually puts more fun in! High school keeps you well looked after in all areas, no matter what your abilities are like. My advice is just to go with an open mind, ready for big changes but positive ones.

Enjoy yourself as much as possible and good luck for next year! Annabel P Year 8 , 2007 Corpus Christi College

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Best Wishes from the Staff:

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Best Wishes from the Staff:

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Oberthur Graduates 2010:


Front Row: Jeff L, Beau W, Daniel W, Pearle C, Chloe Y, Kiran K, Yun Yen F, U-Ryeong L, Mitchell C, Peter R, Mohit P

Second Row: Mrs Sara Waugh (Teacher), Raylene Throssel (Teacher Assistant), Tim Bamber (Principal), Eloise M, Nidhi K, Dylan M, Sam B, Rodd N, Roshni K, Logan H,

Christopher C, Taleisha C, Marnie D, Stuart Meachem (Deputy), Neale Johnson (Teacher), Sue Keesing (Teacher)

Third Row: Mrs Lynn McKay (Teacher), Jonathon G, Jarrod E, Steven S, Abigail K, Latisha D, Jeren V, Carly E, Trent R, James G, Andrew P, Angus K,

Dee Moffat (Teacher Assistant)

Back Row: Jessica T, Michaela C, Phoebe H, Kailee J, Jesse W, Zharong F, Ian T, Oliver S, Shruti K, Courtney F, Nicky W, Jessica P

Missing: Paige A, Nicolas B, Felicity G, Isaac T.

Design and Production: Stuart Meachem, Oberthur Primary School ©2010