ober 22 nd 1893 - Scale75scale75.com/descargas/ENG_RULEBOOK_SR_v2.pdf · 2017-10-14 · ober 22 nd 1893 The inhabitants of coastal cities attacked sea mon-sters have responded with

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Thursday, October 22nd 1893

The inhabitants of coastal cities attacked

by hordes of hideously shaped sea mon-

sters have responded with panic and de-

spair but also with great courage. Liv-

erpool, Edinburgh, Dublin, Stockholm,

Copenhagen, Gothenburg, and other

coastal industrial centers have sudden-

ly come under attack by bands of these

marine denizens commanded by the once

respected Dr. Morsiarty. Never before

has modern society faced such a threat.

In a speech to the people Queen Victoria

said that the situation will require “blood,

sweat, and steam ... vast amounts of


Who are these abominable creatures?

Much speculation has been made about the origins of these marine beings, with hard-to-believe

eye-witness accounts speaking of such monstrosities as women with octopus tentacles, shark

men, and creatures resembling mythical beings. What is certain is that behind these abominations

of nature is the self-proclaimed Abyssal Empire, a terrorist organization that has taken a walrus

skull on a background of tentacles as its emblem.

This sinister organization was founded by the once highly respected Dr. Adam E. Morsiarty, a re-

nowned professor of Marine Biology at the University of Vernesburg whose studies on the impact

of the use of steam by modern society on ocean habitats were mostly discounted by his scientific

colleagues as unsubstantiated and overly alarmist.

Dismissed from academe, he disappeared from view in London some years back, only to reappear

behind this infamous attack on the Progress that now confronting the world’s civilized nations.

However, the Abyssal Empire counts among its ranks not only the strange sea creatures but also

men and women from around the world who, mesmerized by Morsiarty’s siren song, have cho-

sen to back its sinister cause, whatever that may be. The Commonsteam Alliance even fears the

complicity of entire nations that have long been awaiting an act of sabotage that they can turn to

their advantage.

Their ultimate goal is still hazy, but what is clear is that it means derailing the modern world from

the path of progress and development brought by the use of steam.

Colonel Clayton: “We will not give up

our right to steam for anyone”The military leadership of the Com-

monsteam Alliance led by the highly

decorated Colonel Clayton, gathered

in an emergency meeting to establish

the strategy against the underwater

troops. Their main objective seems to

be to seize control of the steam gen-

eration plants, the essential resource

on which all progress of our modern

society is based.

Accounts by the inhabitants of the

coastal cities that have been attacked

speak with horror of creatures that

are half fish, half human, but also tell

of human beings who have betrayed

their neighbors and joined the marine

menace. One of these traitors is Mag-

da Von Shrapnel, a former officer of

the Kaiser’s army who disappeared

with the warship Hohenzollern when

it vanished without a trace while oper-

ating in waters near the Arctic Circle.

This terrible global scourge looming over the human race has seen nations set aside their

differences and band together under the leadership of the Commonsteam Alliance, girding

themselves for an extended struggle that will have a heavy cost in lives and resources in

which civilization will have to prevail over the forces of savagery and anarchy.

Commonsteam Alliance troops and Elite Smog Rider Commandos are already fighting off

the marine peril. Governments of nations not yet under attack are mobilizing their armed

forces, expecting imminent attack. Reservists from all civilized countries have been called

up, and in many cases a State of Emergency has been declared. Extreme precautions are

being taken to ward off the threat of domestic sabotage or espionage, which have been made

punishable by death.



Sea Creatures are spreading terror in the

main industrial cities all around the world

Thursday, October 22nd 1893

said that the situation will require “blood,

sweat, and steam ... vast amounts of


Who are these abominable creatures?

Much speculation has been made about the origins of these marine beings, with hard-to-believe

eye-witness accounts speaking of such monstrosities as women with octopus tentacles, shark

men, and creatures resembling mythical beings. What is certain is that behind these abominations

of nature is the self-proclaimed Abyssal Empire, a terrorist organization that has taken a walrus

skull on a background of tentacles as its emblem.

This sinister organization was founded by the once highly respected Dr. Adam E. Morsiarty, a re-

nowned professor of Marine Biology at the University of Vernesburg whose studies on the impact

of the use of steam by modern society on ocean habitats were mostly discounted by his scientific

colleagues as unsubstantiated and overly alarmist.

Dismissed from academe, he disappeared from view in London some years back, only to reappear

behind this infamous attack on the Progress that now confronting the world’s civilized nations.

However, the Abyssal Empire counts among its ranks not only the strange sea creatures but also

men and women from around the world who, mesmerized by Morsiarty’s siren song, have cho-

sen to back its sinister cause, whatever that may be. The Commonsteam Alliance even fears the

complicity of entire nations that have long been awaiting an act of sabotage that they can turn to

their advantage.

Their ultimate goal is still hazy, but what is clear is that it means derailing the modern world from

the path of progress and development brought by the use of steam.




Sea Creatures are spreading terror in the

main industrial cities all around the world



Game Maker: Elías AlonsoDesign of rules: Elías Alonso and Jesús NovoReview and test: Roberto Espeita and Sergio Rodríguez YanesPublisher: Scale Games LLCCover illustration: Juan Antonio MartínIllustrations: Juan Antonio Martín, Lucía Rodríguez and Carlos Hernández Design and layout: Carlos HernándezEnglish layout: Eva CatasúsModeling of figures: Juan Antonio MartínTranslation: Dani Serrano and Brian HowardProofreading: Albor Translation

© 2017 SCALE GAMES LLCAll rights reserved. Printed in Chinawww.smogriders.com



The Commonsteam Alliance....................Page 6

The Abyssal Empire....................................Page 8

The Stygian Dimension.............................Page 9

Initial deployment...................................Page 10

Basic principles.........................................Page 12

Markers and effects.................................Page 19

The attacker’s turn..................................Page 20

The defender’s turn................................Page 29

Stygian reaction........................................Page 31

Scenarios and victory.............................Page 33

Scenarios.....................................................Page 34

- Hang on a second, Arcturus! Are you telling me that there is another dimension parallel to ours and that our enemy moves through it at ease? Have you lost your mind? If it’s an excuse, I honestly would have expected a more cogent story from you! What evidence do you have?

- I’m telling you, I’ve been there and I’ve seen it with my own eyes, Colonel Clayton. How do you think the Abyssal Empire was able to enter our pilot plant undetected? There were at least a hundred guards on duty at the time of the assault, and no-one saw anything. They just appeared in the con-trol room, took the operators by surprise, stole the drawings for the prototype, and disappeared again without setting off any alarms.

- Is that your theory?

- That is what happened. As I said, I was there. To be sure, not in the physical world. I was patrolling the Stygian plane that inter-sects with the plant, and it was there that I saw them, clear as day. Well, in a manner of speaking, in the Stygian Dimension, things are not exactly clear. But we’ll come back to that later.

- And you didn’t think of stopping them? You just let them get away like that?

- I’m afraid not. I won’t lie to you, Colonel, my skills in that dimension are not as highly

developed as they are in our



own world. I very much doubt that I could have thwarted the at-tack. Besides, the Empire does not know that we know that the Stygian Dimension exists, and that gives us a certain advantage. The next time we’ll be ready.

- We better be, this raid cost us valuable information. We can’t afford another blow like this. How long will you need to train our men to patrol this new dimension?

- Calling it new is not quite accurate, but let me just answer your question. Colonel, not everyone is able to “enter” the Stygian Dimension. It is not a question of phys-ical ability; theoretically, anyone in good shape can go there. However, for most people the mental toll is extremely high. There is a good chance that a person will lose his mind there. People who can go in and then leave again without go-ing mad are what we call “Walk-ers”, and I assure you that I have found very few. What is more, each trip poses a risk. Training helps but success is never assured.

- Are you saying I will have to put my allies at risk whenever I send them there?

-I’m afraid so, but let’s face it, we’re at war and all missions are going to be dangerous. With proper training I hope that pa-trolling the Stygian Dimension will not be much more dangerous than patrolling our own reality. In a couple of weeks, I could have a few men capable of guarding key locations.

- You will do more than that, Arcturus. You will train an assault group to attack the Abyssal Empire at its very industrial heart. If they are going to learn that we too have “walkers”, let them do so in the most devastating way we can. I may not be as educated in the occult as you are, but have no doubt that I know how to win a war.

The steam revolution ushered in a new era of progress for

humankind. This new source of power was capable of feeding the most intrepid contraptions that anyone could devise. If you could design it, steam would run through its metal veins and make it work. In the wink of an eye, demand for this new

technology far outstripped the ability to satisfy it. The Com-monsteam Alliance was formed to make this precious new

resource, steam energy, available to all mankind. It was founded by nations all around the world for the sole pur-pose of propagating steam technology so that it would

be accessible to all. Large steam engines in titanic factories pro-duced new steam apparatus for multiple uses. Technology to de-velop newer technologies.

Some say that, far from being an altruistic venture by govern-

ments, the Commonsteam Alliance was born out of the need to appease a huge working class that was fed up with the

enormous social inequalities brought on by the steam revolution. It would not be fair to say

that steam was the opium of the masses, but it undoubtedly had a big hand in

flooding the East End of London with narcotics. In any case, the advances made by humanity were remark-able, and in a few short years achievements previously thought impossible were made reality.

Behind each advance was Com-

monsteam, furnishing the tech-nology and the means to reach the

next level of progress. This naturally meant that in just a few decades its in-

fluence and power grew to exceed that of any government on the planet. When

conflicts broke out between nations, Com-monsteam remained neutral, providing its technical

assistance to both foes, without taking sides. Until the Abyssal Empire emerged.

It started with sabotage. Commonsteam factories around the

world were attacked by an unknown assailant. The all-power-ful Commonsteam technocrats failed to heed the first demands made by a group calling itself the “Abyssal Empire”, mistaking them for anarchists; they simply strengthened plant security. Perhaps “Empire” sounded so pretentious that it caused more derision than fear. Then, disappearances and assassinations started. Over a two-week period 12 high-ranking Commonsteam officials were killed or disappeared. Among them, the President of the Alliance, Sir Henry Charles Cunningham. At that point it was decided to arm the previously neutral Commonsteam Al-liance, and Colonel Sir Arthur Perceval Clayton was appointed commander in chief of the newly created Commonsteam forces. However, this was not especially effective, either. The enemy was unidentified, elusive, and seemed to always be one step ahead of Commonsteam. Colonel Clayton realized that an army is of no use in fighting shadows in the mist, so he decided to use his experience to recruit a group of special talents, to replace force by guile and fight on equal terms. That was the beginning of the first steam commandos, “The Smog Riders”!

- Our mission has been a success, Dr. Morsiarty. The prototype drawings are in our hands. We even brought back a couple of their engineers. Though I’m afraid they will not be very helpful.

- The trip?

- Indeed, the walk through the Stygian Dimen-sion has left them quite demented, but it was worth a try. I suppose better that than killing them on sight. At least they had a chance.

- Get rid of them, we do not want to leave any evidence of what happened to-


- Right.

- One last thing, Kelly. Would you mind not insulting my intel-ligence? Just tell me what’s eating you. Your tentacles squirm so much it’s annoying. What’s got you so on edge?

- Well ... I know it’s rather unlikely, but ... I could have sworn there was someone else there in the Stygian Dimension when we raided the factory.

- An ancestral? Another walker?

- If it was an ancestral we would probably be dead. No, if it was anything, it would be another walker.

- Arcturus ...

- That’s what I’m afraid of.

- And that’s what worries you? This was bound to happen sooner or later.

- I should have finished him right there.



- You would have jeopardized the mission, you did the right thing. With the technology we have stolen, we can eliminate whole contingents of factory workers. Thousands of dead, unmanned fac-tories, and worker revolts will wreak havoc in Commonsteam. When that happens, we will take care of Arcturus.

- If Commonsteam has more walkers it will be harder to find them.

- Not to worry, Kelly. Either I’m much mistaken, or they’ll come to us.

The ocean is the Earth’s sewer. The hidden face behind the ad-vances of a constantly progress-ing society that has conquered the environment and looks to and from the sky with its count-less steam-powered devices. Steam, capable of raising society to unimag-inable heights but at the same time of condemning thousands of creatures to a life of constant struggle for survival. Folk who are unseen, who are not featured in the press, but who have been living under water since long before the first mammal walked on dry land. Until one man changed everything.

Educated at the best terrestrial schools, Adam E. Morsiarty

stood out for his academic brilliance and obtained a professor-ship at the University of Vernesburg, where he devoted himself to research on the impact of steam on marine habitats. Howev-er, when he published his theories two years later, the scientific community discredited his work, calling it alarmist, overblown,

and anti-progress. Morsiarty left the university and went to Lon-don and completely dropped out of sight. A few years later, an organization calling itself the Abyssal Empire began to attack the

Commonsteam Alliance at different points around the globe. At the head of this movement, Dr. Morsiarty decried

the mistreatment suffered by the inhabitants of the underwater world but never made

any demands in return for putting an end to its activities.

Their decision had been taken

beforehand. Morsiarty and his associates knew that they would never achieve victory through ne-gotiation. Steam was too valuable for nations to give up. If marine inhabitants had to pay the price

of progress of land-based society, they would make the terrestrials

pay ... in blood.

The Abyssal Empire, contrary to initial impressions, is not a band of criminals, misfits,

and freaks cast out by society. It might have been at one point, but now it is organized, with its own factories and

cities. It even has nations sympathetic to their cause. And more importantly, it has a clear-cut goal: to end Commonsteam. To this end it will not hesitate to use violence, the occult arts, and even the hated steam.

For as long as vapor continues to form mist, the Abyssal Em-

pire will be lurking behind it.


The Stygian Dimension is a plane of existence parallel to the reality we live in. It takes its name from the Greek, but ancient writings suggest that knowledge of this plane goes all the way back to the ancient Egyptians.

The ancient scholars of Styx were able to project astrally, leav-ing their bodies behind and traveling through this realm inhab-ited by the souls of the dead. Hence the name “Styx”, since this place was regarded as the gateway to Hades.

Nevertheless, it was not until the Renaissance when the first writings that claimed it was possible to cross over into the Sty-gian Dimension in bodily form appeared.

Unlike astral projection, journeying through the Stygian Di-mension in bodily form is much more dangerous. Normally the

subject is not mentally prepared for what can happen there, and furthermore the physical body may move at a different speed than the astral body. This means that the two can become un-linked, with the result that the psyche is lost on returning to the real realm. People who suffer this type of loss will lose their mind to a greater or lesser extent because part of their psychic self remains trapped in the Stygian Dimension.

Those who can move around in the Stygian Dimension, keep-ing a balance between their body and their mind, are called “walkers”. However, not even walkers are immune from danger. Any distraction within Styx could cause them to lose their bal-ance and could prove fatal to them.




+1 or -1 to the die of one of his teammates in the room


4+ +1

All his team in the room +1

1 + 1 Draw 1 card







Immune to Poison

Draw a card5+





2 +1


Win a when in Stygia

Transforms any die in 423 1+




Each attacking player chooses 3 characters for their team (See page 12). Following this, each attacker takes 3 Luck tokens and the dice shown in the upper left-hand corner of each of their character cards. The defending player starts without defenders/minions unless the scenario says otherwise.


Deal 3 luck points to all attackers and their corresponding dice pool.

Shuffle the three types of decks and put them where everyone can reach them.

Group the tokens together by type, and put them where they can be reached by all players.

Start area


t are










2 Stunning


Resolve a room


Win a when in Stigia




1 + 1 +1


Immune to Stygian Tide


6+23 All his team

in the room+1







Can receive from an adjacent teammate


Hits all characters in 3 adjacent consecutive squares





3 1

+1 for each 5+

Immune to Poison


9+All your enemies in the room

5+ 5+ 5+

to an enemy in the room






1 + 1 +1


The Secondary Skill targets avoid 1 per each in their profile

+1 for each spent

x x+1 x+2




2 +1


His dice are considered in Stigia

8+ 23


+1 to an enemy in the room

All enemies in the room +1




Each player places their three figures in a start

area, a different one for each player.

Assemble the board as shown in the scenario, or make up your own arrangement. Place the Stygian board

next to the main board.Start area


CONCEPT OF THE GAMEThe Smog Riders - Dimensions of Madness is a game for

two to four players, in which each player controls a group of unique characters competing against each other for the control of steam technology and the occult secrets of the Stygian Dimension.

During the game, each player’s characters are pitted against the characters of each of the other players and against the dangers lurking in the dark and mysterious Stygian Dimension. Successfully completing each mission, finding powerful artifacts, and eliminating rivals will earn each player points to gain victory over the others. During play, the characters will have to stay in a state of readi-ness, adapt, and use the changing environment to over-come their enemies. Only those who put the environment to proper use will become real Smog Riders!

ORGANIZATION OF TEAMSThe first step in starting a game is to make up the teams.

Up to 4 different teams can be formed. Each game always has two sides, the attackers and the defender. The attack-ers will always be members of the same faction or side (ei-ther the Commonsteam Alliance or the Abyssal Empire), and the defender will be the other side. For two players, one player will be the attacker and the other the defender, but for 3 or 4 players, one player will be the defender and the rest will be the attackers

Each team of attackers always consists of 3 characters, but all the characters on his side will be available to the defender throughout play.

CHARACTER SELECTIONSThe first attacker chooses a faction or side (either the

Commonsteam Alliance or the Abyssal Empire), and all attacking players will belong to that side. Each attacker chooses 3 characters from the characters that belong to the chosen side, while the defender may use all the char-acters on his or her side.

The process of choosing characters is important because of its impact on possible strategy during play.

We suggest the following method for selecting charac-ters when there are three attacking players:

- The first attacker chooses 1 character.

- The second attacker chooses 1 character.

- The third attacker chooses 2 characters.

- The second attacker chooses 1 character.

- The first attacker chooses 2 characters.

- The second attacker chooses 1 character.

- The third attacker gets the remaining character.

Where there are fewer than 3 attackers, there will be unused character cards, since an attack teams always con-sists of 3 characters. Any unused character cards are re-moved from play. The defending player does not have to choose any characters, since all the characters on his or her side are at his or her disposal throughout play. When all the characters making up each attack team have been selected, the players place their character cards face up in front of them for reference.

CHARACTER CARDS Each of the characters in The Smog Riders - Dimensions

of Madness is unique, with its own different attributes and special abilities. Players should take this into consider-ation when choosing their characters.

Character cards have two profiles depending on whether the character is played as an Attacker or a Defender (See Attacker Profile and Defender Profile on pages 13 and 14).

THE SCENARIOS The Smog Riders - Dimensions of Madness is played on

a game board consisting of various tiles arranged together according to the scenario map. These tiles represent the factories of each of the sides and also the dark corridors of the Stygian Dimension. Each tile is divided into various equal squares. A square may be occupied by only one char-acter. The board also displays a variety of decorative ele-ments that do not affect the game in any way other than by adding atmosphere to the game.



4 1

2 +1


Immune to Stunning

Transforms any dice into a 4 to solve rooms













A. Action Dice: This shows the number and types of dice that a character contributes to a given dice pool.

Action dice are divided into several categories: Strength (red), Agility (blue), and Magic (purple). The type of die is important because it affects spe-cial actions and attacks. There is a fourth type of die called generic (gray) that are not used when per-forming special actions.

B. Health: This number indicates the number of wounds needed to knock the character out of com-bat. When a character receives as many or more wound markers as shown by its Health attribute, the character’s status changes to unconscious or in-capacitated, and the miniature should be replaced by its disabled or unconscious character marker (see the figure on page 26). The maximum number of health points a character can accumulate is indi-cated by the Health number on the character card.

C. Faction symbol: Indicates the faction or side to which the character belongs.

D. Mind: This number indicates the mental tough-ness of the character when faced with the horrors of Stygian Dimension. If a character receives as many or more madness markers as its Mind attribute in-dicates, the character’s status changes to stunned. The maximum number of Mind points that a charac-ter can accumulate is indicated by the Mind number on the character card.

E. Name: This is the character’s name.

F, G and H. Attacks and secondary and special abilities: These are the character’s individual abil-ities, weapons, attacks and special features that distinguish it from the others. Broadly speaking, the descriptive text describes how they work. They also indicate the character’s method of attack, i.e., either melee or ranged combat, and the number of wounds produced by its attacks.












A. Faction symbol: Indicates the faction or side to which the character belongs.

B. Health: This number indicates the number of wounds needed to knock the character out of com-bat. When a character receives as many or more wound markers as shown by its Health attribute, the character’s status changes to unconscious or in-capacitated, and the miniature should be replaced by its disabled or unconscious character marker (see the figure on page 26). The maximum number of health points a character can accumulate is indi-cated by the Health number on the character card.

C. Action Dice: This shows the number of generic dice that a defending character contributes to a giv-en dice pool. Since the dice are generic (gray), they are not used when performing special actions.

D. Name: This is the character’s name.

E. Mind: This number indicates the mental tough-ness of the character when faced with the horrors of Stygian Dimension. If a character receives as many or more madness markers as its Mind attribute in-dicates, the character’s status changes to stunned. The maximum number of Mind points that a charac-ter can accumulate is indicated by the Mind number on the character card.

F. Main Attack: This is the character’s basic at-tack mode. It also indicates the character’s method of attack, i.e., either melee or ranged combat, and the number of wounds produced by its attacks.


Many rules of the game use the word “adjacent”. Being adjacent to something means being next to a square in any direction (see the figure on page 21).

Once the game scenario has been chosen, the board needs to be arranged.

Each scenario contains a detailed list of all the compo-nents used.

1. Tiles: Locate the tiles listed on the scenario map and place them in position as diagrammed for that scenario.

2. Doors: Place the door tokens as shown on the scenar-io map. Remember that some door tokens start play with their “closed” side facing up, while others start with their “open” side facing up (see the picture on page 17).

3. Mission markers: Most scenarios have specific objec-tives shown by an objective marker on the board.

4. Defenders: Defender characters or new minions that emerge during play are always placed in rooms occupied by attacking characters unless a special rule says other-wise. Some scenarios include the location or entry point of the defending characters. Place the miniatures of the de-fending characters on the board in the positions indicated in the scenario.

5. Stygian Dimension: Place the Stygian Dimension tile next to the game board. Also place the decks of the Magic, Room, and Defense cards and the remaining tokens, dice, and other markers where they can be reached by all the players (see the Initial deployment on page 10).

6. Start and Exit Areas: These are shown on the scenar-io map. They are the start area for each team of attack-ers. Each player is randomly assigned one start area. It is recommended that the players sit around the table in the

same order as their start area. Each player places their characters in any of the spaces in their start area. It is not possible to move into or out of Styx from these areas.

Play is now ready to begin!


FACTION: There are two factions: the Commonsteam Alliance and the Abyssal Empire. Characters have a symbol on their character card indicating the faction they belong to.

MINIATURE: A character of either faction

TEAMMATE: : Another character on the same team.

ALLY: Another character that belongs to the same faction but is on a different team.

ENEMY: A character that belongs to the other faction.

WALKER: A character that is within the Stygian Dimension.

DICE POOL: Each player has one or more dice pools mainly composed of the dice contributed by the characters under the player’s control.

ADJACENT: Being next to a square in any direction.

THE TEAM CARDDuring play the characters will be able to get different types of weap-

ons and paraphernalia that will enhance their abilities from the Magic card deck. Place the team card next to the card of the character you want to equip.

A. Gear card Indicator: The cogwheel in the top left-hand corner of the card indicates that it is a Gear card.

B. Type of attack and damage: Indicates the combination of dice re-quired to perform the type of attack or ability and in some cases the cost in Steam Power necessary to perform it.











Agility Dice Magic Dice Strength Dice Generic Dice


- Agility Die

- Magic Die

- Strength Die

- Melee attack

- Ranged attack

- Health points

- Mind points

- Wound or Damage

- Madness point

- Steam Power

- Poison


- Wound or Damage - Luck points

- Madness points - Stunned

- Victory points

- Steam Power - Objective

- Object



Start area

Start area


- Madness point

- Steam Power

- Poison

Closed door Open doorDOORS







PENALTY: The defender draws 2 cards

REWARD: Draw 2 cards



PENALTY: to the attackers in the room. In the defender’s phase, remove all the dice on

the cardREWARD: Octopiti



PENALTY: Attackers are stunned

REWARDS: Draw 2 cards



PENALTY: 1 to the attackers in the room

REWARD: Draw 2 cards

Magic cards provide single-use bonuses to attacking characters only. They should be discarded after use. They may only be used on an attacker’s turn unless they are Reaction cards, which may be played on the defender’s turn.

There are also objects that can be added to a character’s gear. Team cards remain in play until the end of the game as long as another effect does not provide otherwise or the character is unconscious (see the Team Card on page 15).

At the end of a turn, an attacker may only have 5 Magic cards in his hand (this limit does not apply to the character’s gear). An attacker may not play cards on a Stygian Reaction turn.

Icon indicating that a card is a Reaction card.

Defense cards are played only by the defender and enhance the defenses of facilities and the strength of minions. They may be played at any time during any attacker’s turn or on the defender’s turn of play (but not between turns between attackers) and should be discarded after use.

Outside or during the defender’s turn, there is no limit on the number of cards the defender may hold, but when the defender’s turn ends, only 5 cards may be held in his or her hand. The defender may not play cards on a Stygian Reaction turn.

Room cards specify the anti-intruder defenses of facilities. The first time an attacker enters a new room, a Room card must be drawn from the deck to activate the room. Once solved, a room will not be reactivated by the entry of new characters, even if they belong to another team.

Movement by minions does not activate rooms, even rooms not previously entered by an attacker.


2 to one of your characters


1 and7+

1 and stunning to all the targets in a straight line

x+2x+1 x +1


All your characters in a room can move again

until 3 squares


1 to all of your characters


Place a turret or transform an existing turret

into a flamethrower


All the attackers in a room are Stunned


Ejects all the attackers from Stygia


1 to all the attackers in a room



2 to one of your characters



Wound or Damage: This marker signifies the loss of 1 of a character’s Health points. When a character has a number of wound markers equal to or greater than the number of Health points shown on the card, the character is regarded as incapacitated or unconscious. The character’s miniature should then be replaced by its disabled or unconscious character marker (see the figure on page 26).

Stunned: When an effect leaves a character stunned, place a stunned marker on that character’s card. At the beginning of your next turn remove the marker and also take away one of your dice, whichever you choose. That die will not be available again until the following turn.

Madness: This marker signifies the loss of 1 of a character’s Mind points. When a character has a number of Madness markers equal to or greater than the number of Mind points shown on the card, the character is regarded as stunned. Place a stunned marker on that character’s card to show this.

Luck: Luck points have two functions: a) a Luck point may be used to reroll any number of dice in a roll; b) a Luck point may be used to ignore escape the effects of a curse (see Curses on page 22). Each attacking player starts the game with 3 Luck points.

Steam Power: These markers are used to load certain weapons to carry out devastating attacks. How to obtain them and how to use them are described on the character card, on the card for the weapon in question, or they can be obtained by destroying turrets. A destroyed turret affords the player who destroyed it a number of Steam Power markers equal to the number of Health points for that turret.

Victory points (VPs): Victory Points determine the winner of the game. The player who obtains the most Victory points is the winner.

Object: When a character is unconscious or incapacitated, it loses all the objects in its gear. Place the marker for the object in question in the square where the character is located for others to pick up.

Poison: When an effect leaves a character poisoned, place a wound marker and stunned marker on that character’s card.


DYNAMICS OF PLAYThe game is played by turns in clockwise direction. The

first player (always an attacker, unless the scenario states otherwise) is chosen randomly, receives the first player marker, and plays his or her turn. The next attacker plays his or her turn, and so forth.

When all the attackers have played their turns, the de-fending player takes his or her turn.

When the defender’s turn is over, the Stygian Reaction round is played. When the Stygian Reaction round is over, the first player marker is handed to the next attacking player, and that player starts the next attack round. This sequence continues without interruption until a player wins the scenario, ending the game.

Attacking players begin play with 3 Luck points each.

A ROUND OF PLAYA round of play consists of all the players’ turns. A round

of play is divided into the following turns:

- Attacking players’ turns

- Defender’s turn

- Stygian Reaction

Each attacking player’s turn consists of rounds:

1. Drawing a card from the Magic deck

2. Making moves

3. Stygian Dimension

4. Rolling and assigning dice

5. Taking action

6. Reanimation and recovery of Mind and Health points

This order is mandatory. For instance, once the dice are rolled, a player may not move their characters unless the effect of a Magic / Defense card or a special ability of the character allows him or her to do so, but only on the play-er’s turn.

1. DRAWING A CARD The player begins his or her turn by drawing a card

from the deck of Magic cards.

2. MOVESEach character has 3 movement points (MPs). A charac-

ter may, if it wants, use one of its Agility dice (if available) to obtain 2 additional MPs for each Agility die used. Dice used in this way will not be available for a dice pool. MPs may be used to move or to perform move-related actions. Using its movement points, a character can:

a) Move a space

b) Open a portal to the Stygian Dimension

c) Open or close an adjacent door (1 MP)

d) Pass gear to a teammate (1 MP)

e) Pick-up gear from a square (1 MP)

a) Moving a space. As already mentioned, a character does not have to use all its available MPs, though any left-over points are not transferred to its next turn. Moving a space means shifting the character token from its current square to an adjacent one, an action that consumes 1 MP. A move will not be possible if there is a wall or a closed door between the character and the space to be entered.

When moving, characters may pass through squares occupied by allied characters but not through squares oc-cupied by enemy characters. A character may not end its move in a square occupied by another. Any square occu-pied by unconscious or incapacitated character markers


Use the first player marker to indicate which player starts the Attackers’ turn.


(see the figure on page 26) may be passed through but not occupied.

b) Opening a portal to the Stygian Dimension: Using portals, characters may teleport from one dimension to another and may move farther than they could normally walk. A character may only open a portal to the Stygian Dimension on its turn to move before it makes its move, picks up objects, or performs any other action.

When a character uses a portal, its Stygian Walker mark-er (see the figure on page 23) is placed on the square it was occupying the real world and its miniature is placed in any outer Stygian Dimension tile (Gateway) square. A destina-tion Gateway square that is locked against the character or occupied by another character may not be entered. If all Gateways are occupied, the incoming character moves the previous character to the nearest empty square. Squares occupied by Stygian Walker markers may be occupied and crossed by all characters. If a character returns to the real world and the square where its Stygian Walker marker is located is occupied, it will return to an adjacent emp-ty square or, if this is not possible, to the nearest empty square.

c) Opening or closing an adjacent door: Doors have 3 positions: open, closed, and blocked.

A character may use 1 MP to open or close an unlocked adjacent door. Closed doors are like a wall, blocking move-ment and line of sight (LOS). Open doors create a passage-

way between two spaces, allowing movement and line of sight (LOS). Doors in an activated room are to be regarded as closed and locked (except the door that was used to en-ter) until the room’s security system has been neutralized or solved (see 2.1 Rooms below).

d) Passing gear to a teammate: A character may use 1 MP to pass any of its gear to a teammate in an adjacent square.

e) Picking up gear from a square: On its turn to move, a character may use 1 MP to gather up all the objects that are on the same square, either as it passes through that square or an adjacent square. When a character picks up an object from a square, he places the object card on the character card. When a character is unconscious or incapacitated, the markers for the objects in its gear are moved to the square where it is located at the time. Since objects may be picked up from adjacent squares, any character may take an object from a square even if the square is occupied by another character or an enemy.

2.1 ROOMSFactories and warehouses in The Smog Riders world

are protected by automatic anti-intruder defense sys-tems. When an attacking player enters a room that has not yet been entered by any other attacking character, he or she must draw the first card from the deck of Rooms

Movement options of a character and adjacent squares Passing through a door


cards to find out what kind of room it is and whether it is defended by any anti-intruder device. As soon as that card is revealed, the room becomes activated according to the description on the card. All the doors of an activated room are closed and locked, except that for the one used to enter it. A room will be considered activated until the attacking character manages to solve it (see Solving a room on page 26).

When a room is solved or neutralized, all doors are unlocked although they remain closed until opened by a character. If a room that has a door connecting it to an-other activated room is solved, that door may be opened from the solved room but will continue to be locked for any character inside the activated room. That door will only be regarded as open from the activated room if it is opened by a character from the solved room.

2.2 ROOM CARDSRoom cards consist of the following components:

A. Name: The name of the room.

B. Curse: Rooms may be magically protected against in-truders. When a player in an activated room rolls his or her dice pool and the number obtained matches the num-ber or numbers on the curse die, the attacking player will suffer a penalty depending on the type of curse. A Luck point may be used to avoid the effects of a curse. A sep-arate Luck point must be used for each curse die to be avoided. The Luck point used is returned to the general pool of counters. There are three types of curses:

B.1. Alarm (orange die): Whenever a die matches the number or any one of the numbers of this curse, the de-fending player will take a card.

B.2. Vortex (blue die): Whenever a die matches the number or any one of the numbers of this curse, that die is temporarily removed from play. This die is lost and may not be used again until the next turn.

B.3 Punishment (brown die): Whenever a die matches the number or any one of the numbers of this curse, the attacking player inflicts a wound on one of the characters on his or her team in the room.

C. Penalty: If the room is still activated at the end of the attacker’s turn, the characters in it will suffer the penalty described.

D. Octopiti, Rafter and Zuba: The player who solved the room (placed the last die to meet or exceed the target number) receives a Rafter, Octopiti, or Zuba team card, as the room card indicates. At the start of play, an Octo-piti, Rafter, and Zuba card should be separated from the deck of Magic cards so that they will be available when the room is solved.



PENALTY: to the attackers in the room. In the defender’s phase, remove all the dice on

the cardREWARD: Rafter








Octopiti, Rafter, and Zuba can help by adding Strength, Agility, or Magic dice to your dice pool if you have them with you. But they are easily frightened, so if the character that has them becomes unconscious, they will flee in panic and may not be picked up by another character and so the card has to be returned to the Magic card deck.

PENALTY: 1 to the attackers in the room

REWARD: Draw 1 card



Alarm Curse Card



PENALTY: Attackers are stunned

REWARDS: Draw 2 cards

Punishment Curse Card



PENALTY: 1 to the attackers in the room

REWARD: Look for an object of your choice in the deck and

add it to one of your characters

Vortex Curse Card


E. Target number: The target number is the minimum number that must be rolled by the attacking player using the dice assigned to this card to solve the room. The as-signed dice on the room card may be left as a reminder if the room is not solved on that turn, but remember that this does not affect the formation of dice pools on the fol-lowing turns (see the figure on page 25).

F. Reward: The player who solved the room (who rolled the last die that matched or exceed the target number) receives the reward indicated on the card.

G. Additional defenses: This indicates whether the room has turrets inside. If so, the Defending Player must deploy the turret immediately when the room card is re-vealed (see Turrets on page 30).

Example: Attacking Player 1 has Arcturus, Charlotte Page, and Mapuche on his team. On his or her turn, he or she decides that Arcturus, who is adjacent to the door to the new room, will go to the Stygian Dimension, so Arc-turus is not moved, and a portal to the Stygian Dimen-sion is opened. The player decides to move Charlotte two squares so that she is adjacent to Mapuche, and with the remaining MP Charlotte gives Mapuche her gear. Mapu-che, thus equipped, decides to open the door with 1 MP and enters the room with the 2 remaining MPs. On viewing the new room, Mapuche decides to use one Agility die to move one more square to escape the ugly minion who is in the new room. Since Mapuche has entered the room, Attack-ing Player 1 takes the first card from the Room deck and reveals it. Bad luck! There are “Automatic Defenses”, an Alarm card with a die 2 as a curse and so a roll of the dice of 22 will be needed to solve the room. Each time Attack-ing Player 1 or any player in that room spins a 2 while the room is activated, the defending player will be entitled to draw a card for every 2 spun by the dice.

3. STYGIAN DIMENSION A character in Styx, called a “Walker” can perform one

or more of the following actions while it has action dice to use and the square it occupies allows him to do so (see Squares in Styx on page 24). When the character has used up its action dice, the character’s turn ends.

a) Astral travel

b) Providing backup to the real world.

c) Back to the real world.

a) Astral travel: A character may move one square in the Stygian Dimension for each of its action dice used for

that purpose. The dice used may not be included in the next dice pool. The character may move in any direction, either towards the Eye or towards the Gateway.

b) Providing backup to the real world: A Walker may support his teammates in the real world from any square in Styx that is not a Gateway. To do this, the room in which backup in combat is to be given must be at a distance of one tile from the Stygian Walker marker if in a passage-way (a distance of one tile is defined as a room connect-ed by a door to the room where the character’s entrance marker is located). Backup may be provided to any room if the character is in the Eye. To provide backup in combat, the player selects the Magic dice (purple) available from among his or her action dice and adds them to the dice pool of the selected room when the dice pool is formed. These dice will be rolled when the roll for the room in question is made and may be used by his teammates in that room. When a Walker decides to back up combat, it will not be able to take any more actions in the Stygian Dimension or return to the real plane until the next turn.

c) Back to the real world: A Walker can return to the real world only from the Eye by using a die from its pool to move back to any real world room in the scenario ex-cept the start and exit areas.

4. DICE POOLS AND ACTION ASSIGNMENTS Each player has one or more dice pools which consist

mainly of the dice brought by the characters under that player’s control. There will be a dice pool for each room in which the player has a character. If there are no enemies in the room and it has been solved, the player may choose to establish a dice pool for performing secondary actions or attacking an ally. Each character will contribute a specific number and specific types of dice to the pool as indicat-ed on the character card. The dice pool for each room may only be used for characters and events in that room. Cer-tain objects may also contribute dice to this pool when in the character’s gear.

When a character goes to Styx, its miniature is replaced by its Stygian Walker marker in the real world.













STYGIAN SQUARESThe Stygian Dimension board consists of six lines of

squares meeting at the center. The six outer squares are Gateways in. The next two squares on each path-way are Passageway squares, and the central square is the Eye.

A. Gateways: These squares are where the charac-ters land when they open a portal to Styx. The only ac-tion that may be performed from this type of square is Astral Travel.

B. Passageway: The actions available from these squares are astral travel and providing backup to the real world in any room located at a distance of one tile from the character’s Stygian Walker marker. A distance of one tile is defined as any room connected by a door to the room where the character’s Stygian Walker marker is located.

C. Eye: The Eye is the central square, and more than one character’s miniature may co-incide there. From the Eye it is possible to pro-vide backup and to return to any room in the real world except the start and exit areas.

D. Punishment spaces: TThe Stygian Di-mension is a dangerous place to be. It takes retaliatory action against anyone who dares venture into it. Roll the dice used in Styx and place them on the spaces that match the num-ber spun. Miniatures in pathways adjacent to those punishment spaces receive a Madness

point (see Stygian Retaliation round on page 31).

Example: Attacking Player 1 decides that Arcturus will move one square because he cannot provide backup from the Gateway. He decides to use the Magic die he has left to back Mapuche up in the room where he is. Places his die in the dice pool of the room where Ma-puche is. As his entry marker was adjacent to the door, he’s one tile away from the room and can back his team-mates up with his magic dice. The die used to move will subsequently be used in the Stygian Retaliation round to see how Styx attacks Arcturus.

Example: Attacking Player 1 has two dice pools: Ma-puche’s pool and Charlotte’s pool. Arcturus has no pool because he decided not to move but to back Mapuche up from Styx with the Magic die he had left after moving.

After ending the Stygian Dimension round, the active player collects all the dice making up the player’s pools. The player selects a room in which any of his or her char-acters are located and rolls the dice in his pool for that room. The player must then immediately assign the out-comes of the roll to the actions his or her characters will perform on that turn. For this, place one or more dice on the character card taking into account the restrictions in-

dicated on the card (see the figure on page 26). An action may only be taken if the necessary requirements to carry it out are met, otherwise the roll of the dice will be lost. The next section sets out possible requirements for dice assignments.

Example: Attacking Player 1 decides to roll Mapuche’s dice pool, which has three dice: two of its own plus the back-up die from Arcturus. Mapuche is so lucky! He spins 18, so he decides to assign the entire roll to solving the new room, which takes 18 to solve. The room doors are still closed but are no longer locked, and Mapuche can open them as soon as he gets rid of the Defender’s ugly








x x+1 x+2



minion. Now it’s Charlotte’s turn; the player rolls Char-lotte’s two dice with that special wrist English he or she has and spins a 9. The Player assigns the two dice to Char-lotte for a major ranged attack, for which a roll of 8 or more was needed.

REQUIREMENTSX or more (X+): The roll of the dice assigned to this

square must add up a value equal to or greater than the number indicated. The maximum number of dice that can be used are defined on the card by the printed spaces. Ac-cordingly, a 6+ with a single space can only be achieved by spinning a 6 on the die, while a 6+ with two or more spaces can be rolled using various combinations of dice.



PENALTY: to the attackers in the room. In the defender’s phase, remove all the dice on

the cardREWARD: Octopiti

Place the dice needed to equal or exceed the target number to solve a room on a card.

5. PERFORMING ACTIONSThe dice from a room’s pool that are spun are assigned

to perform the desired actions in that room. Following that, a new room where the player whose turn it is has a character may be selected. If there are no more characters that can carry out an action, the turn passes to the next player. Possible actions are:

a) Solving a room

b) Pressing an attack

c) Special actions

Exact value (X): The spin of the die assigned to this space must be exactly the same as the number printed in the space.

Same spin (X = X): The two dice assigned to the corre-sponding spaces must roll the same number. For example, two twos, two threes, etc.

Straight (X, X + 1, X + 2): The dice assigned must roll a sequence of numbers. For example, a one, a two, and a three.

Any number (1+): Any number may be assigned to this type of space.

One of two rolls, conditional (X / X): The player may choose either of the two combinations of dice. In this ex-ample, 5+ or 2+ if the die is a Magic die.

Either of two rolls (X / X) (X / X): The player may choose either of two combinations, the higher or the lower num-ber. In this example, 1 and 2 or 3 and 4. The combinations 1 and 4 and 3 and 2 do not count






When a character runs out of all its Health points, remove the miniature and replace it with its incapacitated or unconscious character marker until it is revived.


2 Gets 3 movement points


Can’t be targeted by turretsSPECIAL SKILL




Hits all characters around him


Place the dice on the corresponding spaces in readiness to carry out an attack.

A. Charlotte Page does not have LOS to Magda von Shrapnel because Clawfinger Jack is in the way.B. Charlotte Page has LOS to Clawfinger Jack because there is no intervening element between them.

C. Charlotte Page has LOS to Dr. Morsiarty because there is no intervening element between them.D. Charlotte Page has LOS to Fu Cat Chu because there is no intervening element between them.

E. Charlotte Page has LOS to Duane Van der Shark because there is no intervening element between them.

a) Solving a room: A player may use any number of his or her dice to try to solve an activated room. To do this, the dice are rolled on the Room card. If the total rolled by the dice on the card is equal to or greater than the target num-ber, the room is solved. When a room has been solved, the player who placed the last die on the card gets the rewards specified on the Room card (See section 2.2 Room Cards on pages 22-23). The card is then replaced to the bottom of the deck of Room cards, and at that point all doors in the room are unlocked.

Various turns may be taken to spin the target number, if needed, although certain events may call for reaching the target number on a single turn. In that case, the tar-get number will be the same as the starting number on the new turn. Rooms may be solved using several players’ characters if the players decide to work together.

Example: Mapuche, who placed the last die to solve the room (to Amelia’s chagrin), receives the rewards for the room, namely, a card draw, so Attacking Player 1 draws a card from the Magic card deck.

b) Pressing an attack: Active characters may attack a target of their choice, either an enemy, a turret, or an ally. There are several different types of attacks that characters may make during play. To make an attack, the player takes the following steps:

Pick the type of attack: The player chooses an attack action with the dice assigned. There are two basic types


of attacks: melee or ranged combat. The type of attack is indicated by the action being used to carry out the attack.

Melee: A melee attack may only be directed at tar-gets in a square that is adjacent to the active char-acter (see the adjacent spaces figure on page 21).

Ranged: This type of attack may be directed at targets anywhere on the board, as long as the active character has a clear line of sight (LOS) to them. Line of sight is defined as the imaginary

line that can be drawn from the center of any side of the square occupied by a character to the center of any side of the square occupied by the target without crossing any occupied square or any blocking wall (see the figure on page 26).

A ranged attack is not limited by distance, the only re-quirement is that there is a clear line of sight to the target. A free line of sight is when the line is not crossed by any element: a wall, a closed door, or a square occupied by a character or a turret.

Target confirmation: The player selects the target, mak-ing sure that the chosen type of attack is able to reach the target.

When an attack has been successful (dice have been as-signed to perform it and the objective is a valid target) a number of wounds equal to the value indicated by the at-tack are inflicted on the target.

Example: As stated, Attacking Player 1 rolls the two dice with that wrist English of his/hers and rolls a 9. The Player assigns the two dice to Charlotte to make a primary ranged attack, for which she needed a spin of 8 or more on the dice. The line of sight (LOS) to the minion is checked and seen to

be clear. Charlotte, with the roll of 9 from both dice, inflicts a wound on the minion. The Defending Player takes a wound marker and places it on the ugly minion’s card. In addition, since the dice used by Charlotte are one blue (Agility) die and one purple (Magic) die, and since the primary attack was successful, Charlotte’s second main power is activated, sending the minion to Styx (see Charlotte’s character card). The Defending Player places the minion’s Stygian Walker marker on its position in the room and moves the figure of the minion to a Gateway square on the Stygian Dimension board.

c) Special Actions: Characters may perform actions other than combat as set out on their character cards or on a Gear card, such as drawing a card, gaining a Health point, or acquiring Steam Power.


At the end of the action round characters may revive fallen teammates. A character occupying a square adja-cent to a fallen character may automatically reanimate that teammate if there is no enemy in the same room. The reanimated character removes a Wound point from its card and returns to the game.

Similarly, all characters in the real world may remove a Madness point marker, if they have any, from their card during this round. Madness markers in Styx may not be removed.

If a character does nothing on its turn (does not move or attack) it may remove a wound marker in this round.



An attacker must roll a 7 or more with his or her dice to produce 1 wound in a melee attack. Using two Strength (red) dice produces an extra wound.

An attacker must roll a 7 or more with his or her dice to produce 1 wound in a melee attack. Using one Agility (blue) die and another Strength (red) die returns 1 Steam Power marker.

An attacker must have a die with a value of 5 or more in his or her dice pool to produce 1 wound in a ranged attack. Each Agility (blue) die with a value of 5 or more inflicts an extra wound for each assigned die after the first.

An attacker must roll a 7 or more with his or her dice to produce 1 wound in a melee attack. Using two Strength (red) dies also results in stunning.

An attacker must roll a 7 or more with his or her dice to produce 1 wound in a melee attack. Using one Strength (red) die and another Agility (blue) die also produces 1 wound to another ranged target in LOS.

An attacker needs to roll a straight with his or her dice pool to produce 1 wound in a ranged attack. Each Steam Power marker used produces an extra wound.

An attacker must roll a 9 or more with his or her dice pool to poison an enemy in the room from a distance. When a Magic (purple) dies is used, all enemies in the room are poisoned.

An attacker must roll three matching numbers to solve a room.

4 1

2 +1


Immune to Stunning

Transforms any dice into a 4 to solve rooms






1 + 1 +1


The Secondary Skill targets avoid 1 per each in their profile

+ 1 for each spent

x x+1 x+2




3 1

+ 1 for each 5+

Immune to Poison


9+All your enemies in the room

5+ 5+ 5+

to an enemy in the room






2 Stunning


Resolve a room


Win a when in Stigia




1 + 1 1 to another target in LOS


A teammate gets 3 movement points

2 +1






1 + 1 +1


The Secondary Skill targets avoid 1 per each in their profile

+ 1 for each spent

x x+1 x+2




3 1

+ 1 for each 5+

Immune to Poison


9+All your enemies in the room

5+ 5+ 5+

to an enemy in the room






2 Stunning


Resolve a room


Win a when in Stigia




1 + 1 1 to another target in LOS


A teammate gets 3 movement points

2 +1





An attacker must roll an 8 or more with his or her dice pool to produce 1 wound in a ranged attack. Using two Strength (red) dice returns a Health point.


CHARACTERS AND MINIONS The defending player will have at his or her disposal a

number of characters larger than those of the other play-ers (up to 9 characters). The miniatures controlled by the defender are called Minions and have limited abilities compared to when they act as characters. That is, when a character is used as a Minion, it uses its minion profile on the back of the character card (see the defender / minion profile on page 14). As can be seen, minions bring generic, colorless dice and so do not produce any special bonuses by their action. Minions do not always enter at the start of play but will appear as reinforcements. It is most import-ant for the defender to keep this in mind when planning his or her defense. During the early turns the defender will be numerically inferior to the attackers, but as the turns progress, reinforcements will tilt the balance in the de-fender’s favor.

THE DEFENDER’S TURNWhen all attacking players have had their turn, it is the turn

of the defender. The defender will have a slightly different turn from the other players. It is divided into the following rounds:

1. Drawing a card

2. Reinforcements

3. Making a move

4. Stygian Dimension

5. Taking and assigning dice

6. Taking action

Drawing a card: The defending player takes a card from the defender’s deck at the start of the turn.

Reinforcements: Look at the reinforcement table and take the elements for the turn being played (see the Rein-forcement and Turn table on page 30).

The other rounds are played as in the Attackers’ turn, with the following exceptions:

a) Minions may open or close any door, even if locked to the other players.

b) Minions use generic dice, so they are unable to use Agility dice for additional moves.

c) Minions may only be placed as reinforcements in un-occupied square in a room where there are attacking char-acters.

d) Turrets cannot block doors unless allowed by the sce-nario.

Similarly, having no Magic dice, minions will not be able to provide backup from Styx.











To save space, you can place the defender character cards top of each other showing only character’s attributes.


Example: After attacking player 2 has played his or her last character, Amelia Steam and eliminated another min-ion using her Steam Justice gun, the attacking players’ turns come to an end. It is now time for the defender’s revenge turn. The defender first draws a card to see what it yields and then checks the reinforcement table. Since 4 players are playing and it is turn 5, the defender gets two minions and two turrets! The defender rubs his hands together thinking of the evils that can be done to the attackers. Minions may only be placed in rooms where characters are located, so the defender decides to place one near Amelia Steam and an-other near Mapuche.


Turrets are a key defensive element for the defending player. Turrets may be part of a room defense system (see Room Cards on page 22), come from reinforcements, or be furnished by a card. Turrets in a room generate dice that the minions add to their dice pool.

In any case, turrets are always placed the same way: a tur-ret is always placed next to a wall in an unoccupied square and may not be placed in front of a door. No character may cross or occupy a square occupied by a turret. If destroyed, the turret marker is removed and the square is freed.

There are three types of turrets in the game:

Basic Turrets (Level 1): This type of turret has 1 Health point. It adds a generic die to the defender’s pool for the room where it is locat-ed. It causes a wound to an enemy in LOS with a roll of 5+ by a single die. A player who destroys a basic turret gets 1 Steam Power marker.

MKII Turrets (Level 2): This type of turret has 2 Health points. It adds a generic die to the defender’s pool for the room where it is located. It causes a wound to an enemy in LOS with a roll of 4+ by a single die. A player who destroys an MKII turret gets 2 Steam Power markers.

Flamethrower Turrets (Level 3): This type of turret has 1 Health point. It adds a generic die to the defender’s pool for the room where it is located. It causes a wound to all enemies in LOS from the room with

a roll of 5+ by a single die. A player who destroys a flame-thrower turret gets 1 Steam Power marker.



- Turn 1: 1 card

- Turn 2: 1 turret

- Turn 3: 1 minion

- Turn 4: 1 turret and 1 card

- Turn 5: 1 minion and 1 turret

- Turn 6: 2 minions

- Turn 7 hereinafter: 1 minion (if available) or 1 card and 1 turret


- Turn 1: 1 card and 1 turret

- Turn 2: 1 turret 1 minion and 1 card

- Turn 3: 2 minions and 1 card

- Turn 4: 1 turret and 1 minion

- Turn 5: 1 minion and 1 card

- Turn 6: 1 minion and 1 turret

- Turn 7 and after: 1 minion (if available) or 1 card and 1 turret


- Turn 1: 2 cards

- Turn 2: 2 turrets

- Turn 3: 2 minions

- Turn 4: 2 turrets and 2 cards

- Turn 5: 2 minions and 2 turrets

- Turn 6: 4 minions

- Turn 7 and after: 1 minion (if available) or 1 card and 1 turret








STYGIAN TIDEThe Stygian Dimension is a confusing and terrifying place

that has its own flow that continually pushes its inhabi-tants away from the eye of the vortex. When the defending player’s turn is over, all characters in Styx must move one square back towards the Gateway. Any character may sur-render a Mind point to avoid this mandatory move.

Example: Arcturus and the ugly minion are in the Stygian Dimension at the end of the defender’s turn, so the Stygian Tide causes them to move back one square towards the Gateway of the pathway where they are located. Both may avoid this move, if they want, by surrendering a Mind point.

EXPULSION FROM THE STYGIAN DIMENSIONA character expelled from Styx will return to the

square where his Stygian Walker marker is located in the real world. The following causes may result in expulsion from Styx.

1. Stygian Tide: A character that is at a Gateway and is forced back by the Stygian Tide will be expelled unless it surrenders a Mind point to avoid this.

2. Effects of a card: Certain cards act to expel characters from Styx. This effect cannot be countered by giving up Mind points.

3. Losing all Mind points: If a character loses all its Mind points while in Styx, it is expelled. In addition, this character is stunned in the real world as long as it has no Mind points.

Example: Attacking Player 3 has played his characters poorly. At the end of his or her turn Magda Von Shrapnel is left in the Eye. The action of the Stygian Tide will force her to lose a Mind point if she wants to stay in the Eye so she can get out on her next turn. If she decides not to surrender that Mind point, she will be forced to move one square back into the Passageway. Another character located in the Gateway also has to lose a Mind point if it wants to stay in Styx, or it will be expelled back into the real world again.

STYGIAN RETALIATIONThe Stygian Dimension is a dangerous place that re-

acts to any disturbance. After completing any Stygian Tide moves, roll as many dice as used by the characters in Styx to move. The numbers rolled determine how Styx will attack the Walkers that remain within. A die placed in

Punishment space 2 affects Arcturus, Charlotte Page, Vikka, and Kelly Kraken. Each gets a Madness point.

Punishment space 1 affects Kelly Kraken, Vikka, and Hans P. Krüger. Each gets a Madness point.

In this Stygian Retaliation round, Hans P. Krüger, Arcturus, and Charlotte Page would each get one Madness point, while Kelly Kraken and Vikka would each get two.



a space in Styx will affect both the Passageways and the Gateways it is between (see the figure on page 31). If there are no spaces where a retaliation die can be placed, the spin of the die will not count, that is, if there are sever-al dice with the same number, only one of them will be counted, the rest are ignored. The Eye square is special: the characters who are there do not suffer the effects of Stygian Retaliation.

Example: Given the status of play, Attacking Player 3 decides to let Patty Wrench, who is located in a Gateway, be expelled from the Stygian Dimension because the player

sees that he used four dice to move in Styx. The dice used for his move are rolled and spin a 2, 3, 4, and 4. The die with the 2 is placed in the punishment space that has a 2 and the same is done for the die that rolled the 3. Having rolled a double (two 4s) one is placed in the space that has a 4, the other one is not counted. When the dice have been placed, Amelia, despite having been moved into the Passageway by the Stygian Tide, is adjacent to retaliation space number 2, so she gets a Madness marker. The ugly minion is adjacent to punishment spaces 3 and 4, so it gets 2 Madness markers ... what a tumble he has taken in just one turn!


The scenarios represent different missions that will have to be performed by the Smog Riders in their struggle to master the power of steam. Each scenario description contains several sections on setting up the game board.

You can play all missions choosing the board that rep-resents Commonsteam headquarters or the Abyssal Em-pire’s Lair, depending on who will be playing the attacking side and who the defending side.

Victory Requirements: The requirements of the scenar-io that must be met for play to be over. Normally this is done by accomplishing one or more missions or reaching a certain number of victory points.

Main Mission: Each scenario will have a mission that will be the main indicator of victory or defeat for each faction.

Secondary Missions: In addition to the main mission there are several secondary missions that will award few-er victory points but can make a difference and determine the winner at the end of play.

Special Rules: Apart from the general rules of play, sce-narios may have their own specific rules.

Components: Components List of the Smog Riders - Di-mensions of Madness box that you will need to play the scenario.




The new Poseidon cannon prototype is the jewel in the crown of the enemy infantry’s handheld weaponry. The rival faction sees this as a threat to their supremacy in deep waters and fears that because of this advance their plans will be slowed or brought to a complete halt. If the enemy is able to mass-produce this weapon, the battle will also shift to the aquatic environment, forcing both armies to fight on several fronts at once. Quick, decisive action is called for. The drawings for this new weapon have been located in a heavily guarded factory and the mis-sion is clear: steal them at all cost.

Main mission:- Secure and bring back at least one of the weapon designs, represented by objective markers that can be carried,

delivered, etc. just like any other object. To bring back the design from the scenario, the attacker must take the character carrying the design to its exit area. A player cannot seize more than one copy of a design.

- Designs are treated like objects. If the character carrying them is incapacitated, the design becomes an object that can be collected even by the other team.

Secondary mission: - Sabotage the factory’s main boiler. The boiler has its own flamethrower turret and will be destroyed when that

turret is destroyed.

Victory conditions for attackers and the defender:-- 5 VPs for each design brought back to its area by an attacking player.- 3 VPs for destroying the main boiler’s flamethrower turret.- Each time an attacking character is incapacitated; the defending player gets 1 VP.- 1 VP for each attacker that makes it back to its exit area at the end of the game.- 2 VPs to the defender for each copy of the design that has not been stolen.- The attacking player must complete the mission before the completion of 8 turns, or the defender will be con-

sidered as winner.- The game will automatically end when one of the players gets 7 VPs (Victory Points).- The game also ends if all the attackers are incapacitated. The player who scores the most VPs is the winner.


Flamethrower turret of the factory’s main boiler

Poseidon cannon designs

Start and exit areas

Boiler room

Start and exit areas

Start and exit areas



One of the enemy’s gold deposits has been discovered! It’s time to deprive take those resources away from him to increase the attacker’s assets. But beware! Gold is known to have a strange influence on even the most sensible of people ...

Special rules:- The defender begins with 2 MKII turrets in the marked central hall.- In each marked room there is a chest with gold, represented by objective markers that may be carried, deliv-

ered, etc. just like any other object. They are heavy, so a character carrying one cannot carry more gear.- Gold chests are treated like any other object. If the character who has one is incapacitated, the chest becomes

an object that can be picked up even by the other team.- Exit areas are also the start areas. Attackers may leave the playing area through any exit they want.- This is a “hit-and-run” operation, the attacker must get in and out in 10 turns of play. At the end of the 10th turn,

the exits are blocked and guards capture any remaining attackers.

Attacker victory conditions:-- 2 extra VPs for the attacker with the most gold chests.- Gold Rush: 2 VPs per attacker to the player who incapacitates an attacker by “friendly fire”.- 1 VP per gold chest.- 1 VP per solved room that has a gold chest.

Defender victory conditions:- 2 VPs for each chest that still on the scenario at the end of the 10th turn.- 1 VP for each attacker still in the scenario at the end of the 10th turn.- 2 VP for each incapacitated attacker

The player who scores the most VPs is the winner.



MKII turret

Chests with gold

Start and exit area

Start and exit area

Start and exit area



Allies on the attacker’s side have been captured by the defender and are being held in an enemy prison complex where they will inevitably be questioned.

Before that happens and they reveal sensitive information, the attackers must release the prisoners, both for the

safety of their own operations and because it is the right thing to do: Leave no-one behind.

Special rules:- Inside each cell is a prisoner, represented by an objective marker. This marker is an object and is to be carried

away by an attacker. Since the prisoner is unconscious, he cannot enter Styx.- Prisoners are treated as objects. If the character carrying a prisoner is incapacitated, the prisoner becomes an

object that may be picked up even by the other team.- The defense begins with 2 minions chosen by the defender in the room from which the cells have to be entered.- At the end of the 9th turn defender reinforcements arrive and the game ends.

Attacker victory conditions:- 2 VPs for taking the prisoner off the scenario.- 1 VP for an incapacitated defender.- 1 VP for a solved cell.

Defender victory conditions:- 2 VPs per prisoner left on the scenario at the end of the 9th turn.- 1 VP for each incapacitated attacker. The player who scores the most VPs is the winner.








Start and exit area

Start and exit area

Start and exit area



The attacking teams appear in disarray in the room marked on the scenario after successfully completing a dangerous mission and listen with concern as defender reinforcements begin to arrive. They must escape from the fortress before they are caught.

Special rules:- Marked on the map a turret with a Cavorite Limiter that prevents access to any room from Styx. The attackers must destroy

it so the characters in that dimension can return to the real world in a place different from the one where they entered the Stygian plane.

- There are 2 rooms with sealed doors, marked on the map with an A and a B. These rooms hold the keys to the sealed door marked on the map with a C, represented by objective markers. These rooms are only accessible from Styx.

- The keys are treated just like any other object. If the character carrying a key is incapacitated, it becomes object that can be picked up even by the other team.

- The sealed door marked with a C on the map, can only be opened with one of the keys.- The sealed doors to the rooms holding the keys, marked with an A and a B on the map, open automatically.- THIS SCENARIO IS DIFFICULT AND IS RECOMMENDED ONLY FOR 4 PLAYERS. THIS SCENARIO REQUIRES ATTACKERS TO


Special rules:- Cavorite Limiter: this device is represented by the turret marked on the map. Its effect is that, when active (the turret has

not been destroyed) characters may enter Styx normally but may not return to the normal plane except through where they entered.

- From turn 7, the defender may add a defender and / or an extra turret during his or her reinforcement round.- The game ends when all the attackers have escaped from the scenario or if they are incapacitated or they fail to complete

the mission by the end of the 12th turn.

Attacker victory conditions:- 3 VPs for destroying the Cavorite Limiter.- 2 VPs for taking a key.- 1 VP for each attacker that escapes.- 5 VPs for taking the entire team off the scenario before the 10th turn.

Defender victory conditions:- 2 VPs for each attacker left on the scenario at the end of turn 12.- 1 VP for each incapacitated defender.- 5 VPs if no full team of attackers has escaped from the scenario before the 10th turn. The player who scores the most VPs is the winner.












2 1 3


Sealed doors

Cavorite Limiter with turret

Room accessible only from Styx

Room accessible

only from Styx

Exit Area

Exit Area

Exit Area

Attacker exit area 1

Attacker exit area 2

Attacker exit area 3

Start area



The attackers must go from one end of the tunnel to the other before completing 10 turns, at which time the structure collapses and those who have not gotten out will be trapped inside. The defender will use all means at his or her disposal to keep them inside so that these hated enemies will be buried under tons of rock.

Special rules:- The defender begins with two operational turrets. Each turret protects the system for opening the respective

door leading to the entranceway to the exit area. The respective door cannot be opened until the turret is de-stroyed.

- The game ends on completion of the 10th turn.- Because of Cavorite emissions, rooms marked with an A or a B on the map may not be entered from Styx.

Attacker victory conditions:- 3 VPs for disabling each turret marked on the map.- 2 VPs for each attacker that escapes before the 8th turn.- 1 extra VP per room solved. Defender victory conditions:- 2 VPs per attacker killed.- 2 VPs per attacker caught in the collapse at the end of the 10th turn. The player who scores the most VPs is the winner.








Rooms not accessible from Styx

Turrets blocking the exit doors

Start area

Start area

Start area

Exit Area



Reports by spies have revealed that the leader of the rival organization will be in one of their barracks on a spe-cific date. The attackers mount an operation ... this mission can’t fail! You have to capture the defenders’ leader and win this war once and for all. But only one of the attacking teams can be given credit for the enemy leader’s capture. Perhaps “friendly fire” is inevitable.

Special rules:- The defenders’ leader figure (Morsiarty / Clayton) is located in the room marked on the map. This room may

only be entered from Styx.- Door A is sealed and can only be opened from inside.- The defender begins with two flamethrower turrets in the central room marked on the map.- In this scenario the defender may assign reinforcements to the central room even though there are no attackers

in the room.- After the leader has been incapacitated, his miniature is replaced by his incapacitated or unconscious character

marker and becomes an object that can be moved.- The rival leader is treated just like any other object. If the character carrying it is incapacitated, the rival leader

becomes an object that may be picked up even by the other team.- Attackers must carry off the rival leader, but as an unconscious living organism, this cannot be done through

Styx.- Because the leader is a bulky object, the character that carries him cannot carry any other objects.

Attacker and defender Victory conditions:- The team that takes the enemy leader before turn 12 wins.- If no one succeeds, the defender wins.





Leader of the Defenders

Start and exit area

Start and exit area

Start and exit area

Flamethrower Turret

Room that can only

be entered from Styx

Sealed door

