8/8/2019 "Obama’s Annual Review of the Afghanistan Strategy Inflated and Wishful" http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/obamas-annual-review-of-the-afghanistan-strategy-inflated-and-wishful 1/1 Obama s Annual Review of the Afghanistan Strategy Inflated and Wishful Last week, US president Obama tried to show the ground realities of the war in Afghanistan distortedly in the eyes of the people of the world, the Americans and the Afghans. This he did in an effort to produce an inflated review of the war in Afghanistan and the overall situation there. He manipulated his retreats, humiliation and failures in all parts of Afghanistan in a manner to appear as being gradual gains and advancement. Two American secretaries of State Department and the Defense, were standing besides him as false witnesses at a ceremony held at the White House to unveil the annual strategy review. He wanted to show that the current year was a period of hopes and gains in comparison with the last year, saying they had had spectacular achievements both at military and political fronts. In his efforts to justify the current American illegitimate and contemptible war in Afghanistan in a 5 -pages review, American president Obama, could not produce or present any proof and reason to indicate a concrete and tangible change and ad vanceme nt in the country that has occurred this year and which the world does not know as yet. Americ an gene rals and NATO high- ranking officials admit that, that their casualties graph has spiraled up threefold comparing previous years. The Muahideen have become more strengthened; their fighting manpower has increased; their media is now more effective and their influence among the masses has augmented. As far as the political front is concerned, the public opinions at world level go against the current war of Afghanistan. Pressing oppositions to the war raise up from all parts of the world, urging the Afghan war could not be won through military muscles showdown. At the diplomatic front, this is an achievement for the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. On the other hand, the NATO recent meeting in Lisbon and the decision to withdraw foreign forces from Afghanistan in 2014, itself negates the boastful annual review of Obama and are concretic proofs, refuting his bragging. The public opinion in America and Europe, in general, condemn the war of Afghanistan and consider the strategy of Obama as being meaningless. Therefore, some close all ies of America are determined to pull their forces out of Afghanistan until the end of 2011. Verily, Obama is feeling jittery on seeing the new developments and thinks America is going to face being left abandoned in the time to come, so in his annual review, he falsely claimed that another event on the line of 9/11 is in the offing. We should prevent it from happening and should not end the war in Afghanistan. This he did in order to compel his Allies to carry on the current war. Furthermore, a recent opinion poll conducted by CBC and Washington Post reveals 65% Americans are in favor of pull -out of Americans troops from Afghanistan. This has made American secretary of Defense Robert Gates run amok, telling media in reaction to the poll, the other day, we know our mission and vision very well and are not going to allow public opinion to get in its way. Observers believe, Obama annual review of the strategy is devoid of facts and grounds realties. It is an inflated and fatuous propaganda stint through which he tries to hide his failures; distract the attention of the public of America and the world and keep the public opinions engaged in an illusive hope. But all are aware that the American rulers are grappling with deep worries and trouble and feel being left in the lurch. A clear example for our claim is Holbrook’ s death- bed confession and his speaking of problems and worries in the war of Afghanistan and calling for its peaceful solution. Share Islam Website Pastho website Arabic website Urdu website Farsi website Movie Section Alsomod Website WEBSITES Forgot your password? Forgot your username? LOGI N LO GI N MOVIE /// Home /// news /// Comments /// Statements /// Articles /// Movie /// Contact us /// Wednesday, 22 December 2010 04:28 - Copyright (C) Islamic Emirat Of Afghanistan ___________ __ [email protected] - Home news Comments Statements Articl es Movie Contact us ttp://www.shahamat.info/english/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3877:obamas-annual-review-of-the-afghanistan-strategy-inflated-and-wishful&catid=2:comm s&Itemid=3 Page 1 / 1 MILNEWS.ca - Military News for Canadians Accessed 220725UTC Dec 10

"Obama’s Annual Review of the Afghanistan Strategy Inflated and Wishful"

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8/8/2019 "Obama’s Annual Review of the Afghanistan Strategy Inflated and Wishful"

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/obamas-annual-review-of-the-afghanistan-strategy-inflated-and-wishful 1/1

Obama ’ s Annual R eview of the Afghanistan StrategyInflated and Wishful

Last week, US president Obama tried to show the ground realities of the war in Afghanistandistortedly in the eyes of the people of the world, the Americans and the Afghans. This hedid in an effort to produce an inflated review of the war in Afghanistan and the overalls i tuat ion there. He manipulated his retreats , humil iat ion and fai lu res in al l par ts of Afghanistan in a manner to appear as being gradual gains and advancement. Two American

secretaries of State Department and the Defense, were standing besides him as false witnesses at a ceremony heldat the White House to unveil the annual strategy review. He wanted to show that the current year was a period of hopes and gains in comparison with the last year, saying they had had spectacular achievements both at military andpolitical fronts.

In his efforts to justify the current American illegitimate and contemptible war in Afghanistan in a 5 -pages review,American president Obama, could not produce or present any proof and reason to indicate a concrete and tangiblechange and ad vanceme nt in the country that has occurred this year and which the world does not know as yet.Americ an gene rals and NATO high- ranking officials admit that, that their casualties graph has spiraled up threefoldcomparing previous years. The Muahideen have become more strengthened; their fighting manpower has increased;their media is now more effective and their influence among the masses has augmented.

As far as the political front is concerned, the public opinions at world level go against the current war of Afghanistan.Pressing oppositions to the war raise up from all parts of the world, urging the Afghan war could not be won throughmilitary muscles showdown. At the diplomatic front, this is an achievement for the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. Onthe other hand, the NATO recent meeting in Lisbon and the decision to withdraw foreign forces from Afghanistan in2014, itself negates the boastful annual review of Obama and are concretic proofs, refuting his bragging.

The public opinion in America and Europe, in general, condemn the war of Afghanistan and consider the strategy of Obama as being meaningless. Therefore, some close all ies of America are determined to pull their forces out of Afghanistan until the end of 2011. Verily, Obama is feeling jittery on seeing the new developments and thinks Americais going to face being left abandoned in the time to come, so in his annual review, he falsely claimed that anotherevent on the line of 9/11 is in the offing. We should prevent it from happening and should not end the war inAfghanistan. This he did in order to compel his Allies to carry on the current war. Furthermore, a recent opinion pollconducted by CBC and Washington Post reveals 65% Americans are in favor of pull -out of Americans troops fromAfghanistan. This has made American secretary of Defense Robert Gates run amok, telling media in reaction to the poll,the other day, we know our mission and vision very well and are not going to allow public opinion to get in its way.

Observers believe, Obama annual review of the strategy is devoid of facts and grounds realties. It is an inflated andfatuous propaganda stint through which he tries to hide his failures; distract the attention of the public of America andthe world and keep the public opinions engaged in an illusive hope. But all are aware that the American rulers aregrappling with deep worries and trouble and feel being left in the lurch. A clear example for our claim is Holbrook’ sdeath- bed confession and his speaking of problems and worries in the war of Afghanistan and calling for its peacefulsolution.


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