Nursing lectures is proud to share with you a comprehensive review about the Intrapartal period. Included in this lecture are the following 1. A. Admitting the laboring Mother: Personal Data: name, age, address, etc Baseline Data: v/s especially BP, weight 2. Obstetrical Data: gravida # preg, para- viable preg, – 22 – 24 wks Physical Exams,Pelvic Exams 3. B. Basic knowledge in Intrapartum . 4. A. Theories of the Onset of Labor o 1.) uterine stretch theory o -( any hollow organ when stretched, will always contract & expel its content). o – contraction action. 5.


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Page 1: OB NOTES

Nursing lectures is proud to share with you a comprehensive review about the Intrapartal period. Included in this lecture are the following

1. A. Admitting the laboring Mother: Personal Data: name, age,

address, etc Baseline Data: v/s especially

BP, weight2. Obstetrical Data: gravida #

preg, para- viable preg, – 22 – 24 wks

Physical Exams,Pelvic Exams3. B. Basic knowledge in Intrapartum .4. A. Theories of the Onset of Labor

o 1.) uterine stretch theoryo -( any hollow organ when stretched,

will always contract & expel its content).

o – contraction action.5.o 2.) Oxytocin Theoryo – post pit gland releases oxytocin.

Hypothalamus produces oxytocin6.

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o 3.) Prostaglandin Theoryo – stimulation of arachidonic acid.o – prostaglandin- contraction7.o 4.) progesterone theoryo – before labor, decrease progesterone

will stimulate contractions & labor.8.o 5.) Theory of Aging placentao – life span of placenta 42 wks. At 36

wks degenerates (leading to contraction – onset labor).

9. B. The 4 P’s of laboro Passengero a. Fetal heado – is the largest presenting parto – common presenting parto ¼ of its length.

10.11.o Bones – 6 boneso S–sphenoidF –frontal –sinciputo E–ethmoid O–occipital–occiputo T–temporal P– parietal 2 x

12. Measurement fetal head:o transverse diameter – 9.25cmo biparietal – 9.5cm

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o largest transverseo bitemporal 8 cm13.o Sutureso – intermembranous spaces that allow

molding.14. 1.Sagittal Suture – connects 2 parietal bones .

15.o 2.Coronal sutureo – connects parietal & frontal bone

(crown).16. 3.Lambdoidal suture – connects occipital & parietal

bone.17.o Moldings: the overlapping of the

sutures of the skull to permit passage of the head to the pelvis

18.19. Fontanels:

o 1.Anterior fontanelo – bregma, diamond shape, 3 x 4 cm,

( > 5 cm – hydrocephalus), 12 – 18 months after birth- close.

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20.o 2.Posterior fontanel or lambdao – triangular shape, 1 x 1 cm. Closes – 2

– 3 months.21.o 4. Anteroposterior diametero - suboccipitobregmatic 9.5 cm,

complete flexion, smallest AP22.o occipitofrontal 12cm partial flexiono occipitomental – 13.5 cm hyper

extension submentobregmatic-face presentation

23.24. 2. Passageway

o Momo 1.) <>o 2.) <>o 3.) Underwent pelvic dislocation

25. Pelvis26. 4 Main Pelvic Types

o Gynecoido – round, wide, deeper most suitable

(normal female pelvis) for pregnancy.27.

28.o 2. Android

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o – heart shape “male pelvis”- anterior part pointed, posterior part shallow.

29.30.o 3. Anthropoido – oval, ape like pelvis, oval shape, AP

diameter wider transverse narrow31.

32.o 4. Plattypelloido – flat AP diameter – narrow, transverse

– wider33.34.

35.o 2 hip bones –2 innominate bones

36.37. 3 Parts of 2 Innominate Bones

38.o Ileumo – lateral side of hipso -iliac cresto – flaring superior border forming

prominence of hips.39.o Ischiumo – inferior portion

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o - ischial tuberosity where we sito – landmark to get external

measurement of pelvis40.o Pubeso – ant portion – symphysis pubis

junction between 2 pubes41.o 1 sacrumo – post portion – sacral prominence –

landmark to get internal measurement of pelvis

o 1 coccyxo – 5 small bones compresses during

vaginal delivery42. Important Measurements

43.o Diagonal Conjugateo – measure between sacral promontory

and inferior margin of the symphysis pubis.

44.45.o Measurement: 11.5 cm - 12.5 cmo - basis in getting true conjugate. (DC –

11.5 cm=true conjugate)46.

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o 2. True conjugate/conjugate verao – measure between the anterior

surface of the sacral promontory and superior margin of the symphysis pubis. Measurement: 11.0 cm.

47.o 3. Obstetrical conjugateo – smallest AP diameter. Pelvis at 10 cm

or more.48.o Tuberoischi Diametero – transverse diameter of the pelvic

outlet. Ischial tuberosity – approximated with use of fist – 8 cm & above.

49.50. 3. Power

o – the force acting to expel the fetus and placenta – myometrium – powers of labor.

51. 4. Psyche/Persono – psychological stress when the

mother is fighting the labor experience.

52.o Cultural Interpretationo b. Preparation

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o c. Past Experienceo d. Support System

53. Pre-eminent Signs of Labor54. S&Sx

o 1.Lighteningo – setting of presenting part into pelvic

brim - 2 weeks prior to EDDo -shooting pain radiating to the legso -urinary freq.55.o 2.* Engagement- setting of presenting

part into pelvic inleto 3.Braxton Hicks Contractionso – painless irregular contractions.56.o 4. Increase Activity of the Mothero 5. Ripening of the Cervixo – butter soft.57.o 6. Decreased body wto – 1.5 – 3 lbso 7. Bloody Showo – pinkish vaginal discharge – blood &


59.o 8. Rupture of Membranes

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o – rupture of water.60.o Premature Rupture of Membrane

( PROM)o check for cord prolapse.61.o Contraction drops in intensity even

though very painfulo Contraction drops in frequentlyo Uterus is tensed and/or contracting

between contractions62. Nursing Care

63.o Administer Analgesicso Attempt manual rotation for ROP or

LOPo Bear down with contractions64.o Adequate hydration – prepare for CSo Sedation as orderedo Cesarean delivery may be required,

especially if fetal distress is noted65.o Cord Prolapseo – a complication when the umbilical

cord falls or is washed through the cervix into the vagina

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66. Danger signso PROMo Presenting part has not yet engagedo Fetal distresso Protruding cord form vagina

67. Nursing care68.o Cover cord with sterile gauze with

saline to prevent drying of cord so cord will remain slippery & prevent cord compression causing cerebral palsy

69.o Slip cord away from presenting parto Count pulsation of cord for FHTo Prep mom for CS70.o Positioning – trendelenberg or knee

chest positiono Emotional support71.o Difference Between True Labor and

False Labor72.o False Laboro Irregular contractionso No increase in intensityo confined to abdomen

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o relived by walkingo No cervical changes73.o True Labor Contractions

are regular Increased intensity Pain – begins lower back

radiates to abdomen Pain – intensified by walking Cervical effacement & dilatation

* major sx of true labor.74.75.76. Duration of Labor

o Primiparao – 14 hrs & not more than 20 hrso Multiparao – 8 hrs & not > 14 hrs77.o Effacement – softening & thinning of

cervix. Use % in unit of measuremento Dilation – widening of cervix. Unit used

is cm78. Nursing Interventions in Each Stage of

Labor79.o First Stage

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o onset of true contractions to full dilation and effacement of cervix.

80. Latent Phaseo Assessment:o a. Dilationso 0 – 3 cm

81. Frequency

o every 5 – 10 min Intensity mild.82. Nursing Care

1.Encourage walking 2.Encourage to void q 2 – 3 hrs

o 3.Breathing – chest breathing83. Active Phase

o Assessment:o Dilations 4 -8 cmo Intensity: moderateo Mom- fears losing control of self84.o Frequencyo q 3-5 min lasting for 30 – 60 seconds.

85. Nursing Care86.o M –edicationso – have meds readyo A –ssessment

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o include: vital signs, cervical dilation and effacement, fetal monitor, etc.

87.o D – dry lipso – oral care (ointment)o dry linens.o B – abdominal breathing

88. Transitional Phaseo Assessment :o Dilationso - 8 – 10 cmo Frequencyo -q 2-3 min contractions89.o Durationso -45 – 90 secondso Intensityo -strongo Mom – mood changes90.o Hyperesthesiao – increase sensitivity to touch, pain all

over.91. Health Teaching

o teach: sacral pressure on lower backo keep informed of the progresso controlled chest breathing

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92. Nursing Care T – ires I – nform of progress R – estless support her

breathing technique E – ncourage and praise D – iscomfort

93. Pelvic Examso Effacemento Dilation94.o Stationo – landmark used: ischial spine.95.o - 1 station = presenting part 1cm

above ischial spine if (-) floatingo -2 station = presenting part 2 cm

above ischial spine if (-) floating96.o 0 station = level at ischial spine –

engagemento + 1 station = below 1 cm ischial spineo +3 to +5 = crowning – occurs at 2nd

stage of labor97.

98.o Presentation/lie

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o – the relationship of the long axis (spine) of the fetus to the long axis of the mother.

o -spine of mom and spine of fetus.99. Two types

o Longitudinal Lie ( Parallel)o cephalic:

Vertex – complete flexion

o Faceo Browo Chin100.o Breech :

a. Complete Breech – thigh breast on abdomen,

breast lie on thigh101. Incomplete Breech – thigh rest on abdominal

102.o Frank – legs extend to heado Footling – single, double


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o 2. Transverse Lie (Perpendicular) or Perpendicular lie. Shoulder presentation

105.o c. Positiono – relationship of the fatal presenting

part to specific quadrant of the mother’s pelvis.

106. Varietyo Occipito – LOA left occipito ant (most

common and favorable position)– side of maternal pelvis

o LOP – left occipito posterior107.o LOP – most common mal position,

most painfulo ROP – squatting pos on momo ROTo ROA

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116.o *Breecho - use sacrumo - put stethoscope above umbilicuso LSA – left sacro anterioro LST, LSP, RSA, RST, RSPo *Shoulder/acromniodorsoo LADA, LADT, LADP, RADA117.o Chin / Mentoo LMA, LMT, LMP, RMP, RMA, RMT, RMP

118. Monitoring the Contractions and Fetal heart Tone

o Spread fingers lightly over fundus – to monitor contractions

119.120. Parts of contractions

o Increment or crescendoo – beginning of contractions until it

increases.o Acme or apexo – height of contraction.121.o Decrement or decrescendo – from

height of contractions until it decreases

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o Duration – beginning of contractions to end of same contraction

o Interval – end of 1 contraction to beginning of next contraction

122.o Frequency – beginning of 1 contraction

to beginning of next contractiono Intensity - strength of contraction123.o Contraction – vasoconstrictiono Increase BP, decrease FHTo Best time to get BP & FHT just after a

contraction or midway of contractions124.o Duration of contractions shouldn’t >60

seco Notify MD

125.126.o 5. Fetal Heart Patternso a. Early Decelerations – head

compressiono 1. begins early in contractiono 2. ominouso 3. continue monitoring127.

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o b. Late decelerations – uteroplacental insufficiency

o 1. begins late in contractiono 2. ominouso 3. turn mother to the left lateral

recumbento 4. administer oxygeno 5. d/c oxytocin128.o c. Variable decelerations – umbilical

cord compressiono 1. not related to contractionso 2. not ominous, but requires

interventionso 3. change maternal positiono 4. administer oxygeno 5. assess for prolapsed cord129.o Mom has headache – check BP, if same

BP, let mom rest. If BP increases , notify MD -preeclampsia

130. Health teachingso 1.) Ok to showero 2.)NPO – GIT stops function during

labor if with food- will cause aspiration131.o 3.)Enema administer during labor

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o a.) To cleanse bowelo b.) Prevent infectiono c.) Sims position/side lyingo 12 – 18 inch – ht enema tubing.132.o Check FHT after adm enemao Normal FHT= 120-160

133. Signs of fetal distresso 1.) <120>160o 2.) meconium stained- amniotic fluido 3.) fetal thrashing – hyperactive fetus

due to lack O2134.o 2. Second Stageo - fetal stage, complete dilation and

effacement to birth135.o 7 – 8 multi – bring to delivery room.o 10cm primi – bring to delivery roomo Lithotomy pos – put legs at the same

time136.o Bulging of perineumo – sure to come outo Breathingo – panting ( teach mom)137.

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o Assist doc in doing episiotomy138.o Episiotomyo – median – less bleeding, less pain

easy to repair, fast to heal, possible to reach rectum (urethroanal fistula).


141.o Mediolateralo – more bleeding & pain, hard to repair,

slow to healo -use local or pudendal anesthesia.142.o Modified Ritgens maneuvero – place towel at perineum

1.)To prevent laceration143.o 2.) Will facilitate complete flexion &

extension. (Support head & remove secretion, check cord if coiled. Pull shoulder down & up. Check time, identification of baby.

144. Mechanisms of labor Engagement Descent Flexion

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Internal Rotation Extension External rotation Expulsion

145. Parts of Pelviso 1. Inleto – AP diameter narrow, transverse

diameter widero 2. Cavity

146. Two Major Divisions of Pelviso True pelviso – below the pelvic inleto False pelviso – above the pelvic inlet; supports

uterus during pregnancy.147.

148.o Linea Terminaliso -diagonal imaginary line from the

sacrum to the symphysis pubis that divides the false and true pelvis.

149. Nursing Care:o To prevent puerperal sepsiso - <>o Bolus of Pitocin can lead to


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o Third Stageo Birth to expulsion of Placentao -placental stage placenta has 15 – 28

cotyledons. Placenta delivered from 3-10 minutes.

151. Signs of placental separationo 1.Fundus rises – becomes firm &

globular “ Calkins sign ”o 2.Lengthening of the cordo 3.Sudden gush of blood

152. Types of placental delivery153.

154.o a. Shultze “shiny”o – begins to separate from center to

edges presenting the fetal side shiny155.o b. Duncan “dirty”o – begin to separate form edges to

center presenting natural side – beefy red or dirty.

156.o Slowly pull cord and wind to clamp.o – BRANDT ANDREWS MANEUVER.

157. Nursing care for placenta Check completeness of placenta. Check fundus

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Check bp158. Administer methergine IM

(Methylergonovine Maleate) “Ergotrate derivatives

Monitor hpn (or give oxytocin IV) Check perineum for lacerations159. Assist MD for episiorrhapy Flat on bed Chills-due dehydration. Blanket,

give clear liquid-tea, ginger ale, clear gelatin. Let mom sleep to regain energy.

160.o Fourth Stageo -the first 1-2 hours after delivery of

placenta.o – recovery stage. Monitor v/s q 15 for 1

hr. 2nd hr q 30 minutes.o Check placement of fundus at level of

umbilicus.161. If fundus above umbilicus, deviation of

funduso Empty bladder to prevent uterine

atonyo Check lochia

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o a.Maternal Observations – body system stabilizes

162.o b. Placement of the Funduso c. Lochia163.o Fully soaked pad : 30 – 40 cc weigh

pad. 1 gram=1cc164.o d.Perineumo R - ednesso E- demao E – cchymosiso D – ischargeso A – approximation of blood loss. Count

pad & saturation165.o Fully soaked pad : 30 – 40 cc weigh

pad. 1 gram=1cc166.o e. Bonding – interaction between

mother and newborn – rooming in types

o 1.Straight rooming in baby: 24hrs with mom.

o 2.Partial rooming in: baby in morning , at night nursery.

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167.168.169. Complications of Labor

170.o Dystociao – difficult labor related to:o Mechanical factoro – due to uterine inertiao – sluggishness of contraction171.o 1.hypertonic or primary uterine inertia

Intense excessive contractions resulting to ineffective pushing

172.o Interventions with Hypertonic

Dysfunctiono Short-acting barbiturateso IV fluidso If CPD – c/s.o Provide emotional support.o Provide comfort measures.o Prevent infectiono Prepare patient for c/s if needed.173.o 2. hypotonic secondary uterine inertia

Slow irregular contraction resulting to ineffective pushing.

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Give oxytocin.174.o Management:

Amniotomy (artificial ROM). Oxytocin augmentation of labor. If CPD, prepare for c/s. Emotional support, comfort

measures, prevent infection.175. Normal length of Labor

o Primi 14 – 20 hrso Multi 10 -14 hrs

176. Prolonged Laboro > 14 hrs in multi &o > 20 hrs in primio Maternal effect – exhaustion.o Fetal effect – fetal distress, caput

succedaneum or cephalhematoma177. Precipitate Labor

o Labor of <>o extensive lacerations, profuse

bleeding, hypovolemic shock if with bleeding.

178.o Outstanding Nursing dx: fluid volume

deficito IV: fast drip due to fluid volume def

179. Signs of Hypovolemic Shock:

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o Hypotensiono Tachycardiao Tachypneao Cold clammy skin

180. Inversion of the uteruso Situation: uterus is inside out.

181. Factors leading to inversion of uterus short cord hurrying of placental delivery ineffective fundal pressure

182. Uterine Ruptureo Causes:

1.)Previous classical CS 2.)Large baby 3.) Improper use of oxytocin (IV

drip)183. Uterine Rupture

o Sx: Sudden pain Profuse bleeding Hypovolemic shock TAHBSO

184. Physiologic retraction ringo Boundary bet upper/lower uterine

segmento BANDL’S pathologic ring – suprapubic


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185. Amniotic Fluid Embolism or Placental Embolism

o Amniotic fluid or fragments of placenta enters natural circulation resulting to embolism

186. Amniotic Fluid Embolism or Placental Embolism

o Sx:o dyspnea, chest pain & frothy sputum

187. Trial Laboro Measurement of head & pelvis falls on

borderline.o Mom given 6 hrs of laboro Multi: 8 – 14, primi 14 – 20

188. Preterm Laboro Labor Abortion: <20>

189. Preterm Laboro Sx:

1. premature contractions q 10 min 2. effacement of 60 – 80% 3. dilation of 2-3 cm

190. Preterm Laboro Home Mgt:

1. complete bed rest 2. avoid sex 3. empty bladder 4. drink 3 -4 glasses of water

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5. consult MD if symptoms persist191. Preterm Labor

o Hosp:o 1. If cervix is closed

dilation is saved by administering Tocolytic agents

halts preterm contractions. Ritodrine HCl (Yutopar)

150mg incorporated 500cc Dextrose piggyback.

Terbutaline (Brethine)192. Preterm Labor

o steroid dexamethazone (betamethazone)If cervix is open : MD

o Preterm: Cut cord ASAP193. Postpartal Period : 5th stage of labor

o After 24hrs: Normal increase WBC up to 30,000 mm3

o covers 1st 6 wks post partumPuerperium

o Hyperfibrinogenemiao prone to thrombus formationo early ambulation

194. Principles underlying PUERPERIUMo To return to Normal and Facilitate

healingo Systemic changes

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195. Cardiovascular Systemo The first few minutes after delivery is

the most critical period in mothers196. Genital tract

o a. Cervix – cervical openingo b. Vaginal and Pelvic Flooro c. Uterus – return to normal 6 – 8 wks.

197. Genital tracto Birth pain:o 1. position proneo 2. cold compress – to prevent bleedingo 3. mefenamic acid

198. Genital tracto bld, wbc, deciduas, microorganism.

NsdLochia & Cs with lochia.o red 1st 3 days present, musty/mousy,

moderate amt1. Rubra o pink to brown 4 – 9th day, limited

amt2. Serosa o créme white 10 – 21 days very

decreased amt3. Alba 199. Genital tract

o Dysuriao - urine collectiono - alternate warm & cold compresso - stimulate bladder

200. Urinary tract

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o Freq in urination after deliveryo Urinary retention with overflow

201. Colono Constipation due to:

NPO Fear of bearing down

202. Perineal Areao Painful – episiotomy siteo when perineum has healedSex

203. Provide Emotional Support – Reva Rubin

o Psychological Responses:o Taking in phaseo Taking hold phaseo Letting go

204. Taking hold phaseo Dependent to independent phase (4 to

7 days).o active, can make decisionsMom

205. Letting go phaseo Interdependent phase – 7 days &

above.206. Complication: HEMORRHAGE

o Bleeding of > 500cco CS – 600 – 800 cc normalo NSD 500 cc

207. Early postpartum hemorrhage

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o Bleeding within 1st 24 hrs.208. Early postpartum hemorrhage

o Complications :o Hypovolemic shock.

209. Early postpartum hemorrhageo Breast feeding – post pit gland will

release oxytocin so uterus will contract.

o Well contracted uterus + bleeding = laceration


o 1st degree laceration – affects vaginal skin & mucus membrane.

o 2nd degree – 1st degree + muscles of vagina

o 3rd degree – 2nd degree + external sphincter of rectum

o 4th degree – 3rd degree + mucus membrane of rectum

212.213. DIC

o failure to coagulate.Disseminated Intravascular Coagulopathy. Hypofibrinogen

214. Late Postpartum hemorrhage

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o retained placental fragmentsBleeding after 24 hrs

215. Late Postpartum hemorrhageo Accretao Incretao Percretao Hematoma

216. Late Postpartum hemorrhageo too much manipulationo large babyo pudendal anesthesia

217. Infectiono Sources of infectiono 1.) endogenouso 2.) exogenouso Anaerobic streptococci

218. Infectiono General signs of inflammation:

Inflammation – calor (heat), rubor (red), dolor (pain) tumor(swelling)

Purulent discharges Fever

219. INFECTIONo Gen mgt:o supportive careo inflammation of perineum

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o 2 to 3 stitches dislocated with purulent discharge

220. INFECTIONo Mgt:

Removal of sutures & drainage, saline, between & resulting.

Endometriosis – inflammation of endometrial lining


Abdominal tenderness,222.223. Family Planning

o determine one’s own beliefs 1sto never advise a permanent method of

planningo method of choice is an individual’s

choice.224. Family Planning

o Natural Method – the only method accepted by the Catholic Church

o Billings / Cervical mucus – test spinnbarkeit & ferning (estrogen)

o clear, watery, stretchable, elastic – long spinnbarkeit


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o Basal Body Temperature 13th day temp goes down before ovulation – no sex

o get before arising in bed226.227. Family Planning

o LAM – lactation amenorrhea method – hormone that inhibits ovulation is prolactin.

228. Family Planningo Symptothermal – combination of BBT &

cervical. Best methodo Social Method – 1.) coitus interruptus/

withdrawal - least effective methodo coitus reservatus – sex without

ejaculation –o calendar method

229. OVULATIONo count minus 14 days before next mens

(14 days before next mens)o Origoknause formula – monitor cycle

for 1 yearo get shortest & longest cycle from Jan –

Deco shortest – 18o longest – 11


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o June 26 Dec 33o - 18 - 11o 8 - 22 unsafe dayso 21 day pill- start 5th day of menso 28day pill- start 1st day of menso missed 1 pill – take 2 next day

231. Pillso Combined oral contraceptives prevent

ovulation by inhibiting the anterior pituitary gland production of FSH and LH which are essential for the maturation and rupture of a follicle.

o 99.9% effective.232. OCP Alert

o If a new oral contraceptive is prescribed the mother should continue taking the previously prescribed contraceptive and begin taking the new one on the first day of the next menses.

233. Pillso Signs of hypertensiono Immediate Discontinuationo A – abdominal pain C – chest pain H -

headache E – eye problemso S – severe leg crampso If mom HPN – stop pills STAT!

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o Adverse effect: breakthrough bleeding234. Pills

o If forgotten for one day , immediately take the forgotten tablet plus the tablet scheduled that day.

o If forgotten for two consecutive days , or more days, use another method for the rest of the cycle and the start again.

235. DMPAo Depoprovera – has progesterone

inhibits LH – inhibits ovulationo Depomedroxy progesterone acetate –

IM q 3 monthso Never massage injected site, it will

shorten duration236. DMPA

o Norplant – has 6 match sticks – like capsules implanted subdermally containing progesterone.

237. Mechanism and Chemical Barrierso IUDo Condomo Diaphragmo Cervical capo Foams, Jellies, Creams

238. Intrauterine Device (IUD)

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o Action: prevents implantation – affects motility of sperm & ovum

o right time to insert is after delivery or during menstruation

o primary indication for use of IUDo parity or # of children, if 1 kid only

don’t use IUD239.240. Intrauterine Device (IUD)

o ALERTS:o prevents implantationo most common complications:

excessive menstrual flow and expulsion of the device (common problem)

241. Intrauterine Device (IUD)o OTHERS:o P eriod late (pregnancy suspected)o Abnormal spotting or bleedingo A bdominal pain or pain with

intercourseo I nfection (abnormal vaginal discharge)o N ot feeling well, fever, chillso S trings lost, shorter or longero Uterine inflammation, uterine

perforation,ectopic pregnancy242. CONDOM

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o – latex inserted to erected penis or lubricated vagina

o Adv: gives highest protection against STD – female condom

o Alerts:243.244.245. Diaphragm

o – rubberized dome shaped material inserted to cervix preventing sperm to get to the uterus. REVERSIBLE

o S/effect: Toxic shock syndromeo Alerts: Should be kept in place for

about 6 – 8 hours246.247.248. Cervical Cap

o – more durable than diaphragm no need to apply spermicide

o C/I: abnormal pap smearo Foams, Jellies, Creams

249. Surgical Methodo BTL , Bilateral Tubal Ligation – can be

reversed 20% chance. HT: avoid lifting heavy objects

o Vasectomy – cut vas deferens.o HT: >30 ejaculations before safe sex

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o O – zero sperm count , safe250.o High Risk Pregnancy

251. Hemorrhagic Disorderso General Managemento CBRo Avoid sexo Assess for bleeding (per pad 30 – 40cc)

(wt – 1gm =1cc)252.o Ultrasound to determine integrity of

saco Signs of Hypovolemic shocko Save discharges – for histopathology

253. First Trimester Bleedingo Abortiono Ectopic pregnancy

254. Abortiono – termination of pregnancy before age

of viability (before 20 weeks)o Spontaneous Abortion- miscarriageo Causes:o 1.) chromosomal alterationso 2.) blighted ovumo 3.) plasma germ defect

255. Classifications:o Threatened

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o Inevitableo Completeo Incompleteo Habitualo Missedo Induced Abortion

256. Threatenedo – pregnancy is jeopardized by bleeding

and cramping but the cervix is closed257. Inevitable

o Moderate bleeding, cramping, tissue protrudes form the cervix (Cervical dilation)

258. Complete – all products of conception are expelled. No mgt just emotional support! Incomplete – Placental and membranes retained. Mgt: D&C

259. Habitualo 3 or more consecutive pregnancies

result in abortion usually related to incompetent cervix.

o Present: 2nd trimester260. Missed

o fetus dies ; product of conception remain in uterus 4 weeks or longer; signs of pregnancy ceases; (-) preg test; scanty dark brown bleeding

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o Mgt: induced labor with oxytocin or vacuum extraction

261. Induced Abortiono – Therapeutic abortion to save life of

mom.262. Ectopic Pregnancy

o – occurs when gestation is located outside the uterine cavity.

o Common site: tubal or ampularo Dangerous site - interstitial

263.264. Unruptured

o missed periodo abdominal pain within 3 -5 weeks of

missed period (maybe generalized or one sided)

o scant, dark brown, vaginal bleeding265.o Nursing care:o Vital signso Administer IV fluidso Monitor for vaginal bleedingo Monitor I & O

266. Tubal ruptureo sudden , sharp, severe pain . Unilateral

radiating to shoulder.o + Cullen’s Sign

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o syncope (fainting)267.o Mgt:o Surgery depending on sideo Ovary: oophorectomyo Uterus : hysterectomy

268. Second trimester bleedingo Hydatidiform Moleo Gestational anomaly of the placenta

consisting of a bunch of clear vesicles.269. Second trimester bleeding

o Hydatidiform Moleo This neoplasm is formed from the

selling of the chronic villi and lost nucleus of the fertilized egg.

o The nucleus of the sperm duplicates, producing a diploid number 46 XX, it grows & enlarges the uterus vary rapidly.

270.271. Hydatidiform

o Use: methotrexate to prevent choriocarcinoma

272. Hydatidiformo Early in pregnancy

High levels of HCG Preeclampsia at about 12 weeks

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o Late signs: hypertension before 20th week Vesicles look like a “ snowstorm”

on sonogram Anemia Abdominal cramping

273. Hydatidiformo Nursing care:

Prepare D&C Do not give oxytoxic drugs

274.o 2 . Incompetent Cervix – cervical

dilation without uterine contractionso Assessment:

1. Hx of previous abortions 2. Cervical dilatation/effacement 3. Membrane present in cervical os

o Interventions 1. bedrest 2. cervical cerclage

275.276.o McDonalds procedure – temporary

cerclage on cervixo S/E: infection. During delivery,

cerclage is removed. NSD

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o Sheridan – permanent surgery cervix. CS

277.o Third Trimester Bleeding “Placenta

Anomalies”278. Placenta Previa

o Abnormal lower implantation of placenta .

o Candidate for CSo Sx:

Bright red Painless bleeding

279.280. Placenta Previa

o Dx:o Ultrasoundo Avoid: sex, IE, enema – may lead to

sudden fetal blood losso Double set up: delivery room may be

converted to OR281. Placenta Previa

o Assessment:o Engagement (usually has not

occurred)o Fetal distresso Presentation ( usually abnormal)

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o Surgeon – in charge of sign consent, RN as witness

o MD explain to patient282. Placenta Previa

o Nursing Careo NPOo Bed resto Prepare to induce labor if cervix is ripeo Administer IV

283.284. Abruptio Placenta

o Outstanding Sx: dark red, painful bleeding , board like or rigid uterus.

285. Abruptio Placentao Assessment:o Concealed bleedingo Couvelaire uterus (caused by bleeding

into the myometrium) Dropping coagulation factor (a potential for DIC)

286. Abruptio Placentao Complications:o Sudden fetal blood losso Placenta previa & vasa previa

287. Abruptio Placentao Nursing Care:o Infuse IV, prepare to administer bloodo Type and crossmatch

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o Monitor FHRo Insert Foley catho Measure blood loss; count padso Report s/sx of DICo Monitor v/s for shocko Strict I&O288.o Placenta succenturiatao Placenta Circumvallatao Placenta Marginatao Battledore Placenta289.o Placenta Bipartitao Velamentous Insertion of cordo Vasa Previa

290. Hypertensive Disorderso I. Pregnancy Induced Hypertension

(PIH )291. Pregnancy Induced Hypertension (PIH )

o HPN after 20 wks of pregnancy, solved 6 weeks post partum.

o Gestational hypertension - HPN without edema & proteinuria

o Pre-eclampsia – HPN with edema & protenuria or albuminuria HE P/A

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o HELLP syndrome – hemolysis with elevated liver enzymes & low platelet count

292. Chronic or pre-existing Hypertensiono – HPN before 20 weeks not solved 6

weeks post partum.293. Three types of pre-eclampsia

o Mild preeclampsia – earliest sign of preeclampsia

o a.) increase wt due to edemao b.) BP 140/90o c.) proteinuria +1 - +2

294. Three types of pre-eclampsiao Severe preeclampsiao Signs present: cerebral and visual

disturbances, epigastric pain and oliguria

o BP 160/110o Proteinuria +3 - +4

295. Three types of pre-eclampsiao Eclampsia – with seizure!o Increase BUN – glomerular damage.o Provide safety.

296. Cause of preeclampsiao Idiopathic or unknown common in

primio Common in multiple pregnancy (twins)

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o Common to mom with low socioeconomic status

297. Nursing care: PPPEACEo P – romote bed resto P – prevent convulsions by nursing

measures or seizure precaution298. Nursing care: PPPEACE

o turning to side is done AFTER seizure! Observe only!

o E – ensure high protein intake ( 1g/kg/day)

Na – in moderationo A – anti-hypertensive drug Hydralazine

(Apresoline)299. Nursing care: PPPEACE

o C – convulsion, prevent! – give Mg So4 – CNS depressant

o E – evaluate physical parameters for Magnesium sulfate


301. Diabetes Mellituso Absence of insulin (Islet of Langerhans

of pancreas)o is an endocrine disorder in which the

PANCREAS cannot produce adequate insulin to regulate body glucose levels

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302.o Classifications of Diabetes Mellitus

( American Diabetes Association)o Type 1 Insulin-dependent DMo Type 2 Non-insulin- dependent DMo Gestational Diabeteso Impaired Glucose Homeostasis -A state

between normal and diabeteso

303.o Dx: 1 hr 50gr glucose tolerance test

GTTo 80 – 120 mg/dl;Normal glucose o <>o > hyperglycemia120 o 3 degrees GTT of > 130 mg/dL304.o 3 hour oral glucose tolerance testo 100 g oral glucose solutiono fasting 95mg/dLo 1 hour 180mg/dLo 2 hour 155mg/dLo 3 hour 140mg/dL

305. Diabetes Mellituso Maternal effect DMo Hypo or hyperglycemiao Frequent infection

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o Polyhydramnioso Dystocia306.o Hyperglycemia- fatigue , flushed hot

skin, dry mouth, excessive thirst, frequent urination, rapid deep respirations, fruity odor, depressed reflexes, drowsiness, headache

307.o Hypoglycemia-o shakiness, dizziness, sweating, pallor,

cold clammy skin, disorientation, irritability, headache, hunger, blurred vision, nervousness, weakness, fatigue, shallow respirations, normal PR

308. Diabetes Mellituso Insulin requirement: decrease in

insulin by 33% in 1st tri; 50% increase insulin at 2nd – 3rd trimester.

o Post partum decrease 25%309. Fetal effect: DM

o hyper & hypoglycemiao macrosomia – large gestational age –

baby delivered > 4000g or 4kgo preterm birth to prevent stillbirth

310. Newborn Effect : DM

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o hyperinsulinismo hypoglycemiao hypoglycemic <>o Heel stick test – get blood at heel

311. Newborn Effect : DMo Hypoglycemia: high pitch shrill cry

tremors, administer dextroseo Hypocalcemia - <>

Calcemia tetany Trousseau sign Give calcium gluconate if decrease

calcium312.o HEART DISEASE

313.314. Heart disease

o Class I – no limit to physical activityo Class II – slight limitation of activity.

315. Heart diseaseo Class III - moderate limitation of

physical activity.o Class IV - marked limitation of physical

activity.316. Recommendation

o Therapeutic abortiono If push through with pregnancy

Antibiotic therapy

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Anticoagulant317. Recommendation

o Class I & II- good progress for vaginal delivery

o Class III & IV- poor prognosis, for vaginal delivery, not CS!


(ISOIMMUNIZATION)o Occurs when an Rh-negative mother

(one negative for a D antigen or one with a dd genotype) is CARRYING A FETUS WITH AN Rh-positive blood type (DD or Dd genotype).

319.o Subsequent exposure to Rh-positive

blood can cause a serious reaction that results in agglutination and hemolysis of red blood cells

o * A fetus can become so deficient in red blood cells that sufficient O2 transport to the body cannot be maintained=HEMOLYTIC DISEASE OF THE NEWBORN or ERYHTROBLASTOSIS FETALIS

320.o CAUSES:

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Coomb’s test) -done on the mother’s blood to

measure the number of Rh-positive antibodies


-done on the infant’s blood to detect antibody-coated Rh-positive RBC’s


326.o Cesarean Deliveryo Indications:o Multiple gestationo Diabeteso Active genital herpes IIo Severe toxemiao Complete Placenta previao Abruptio placenta

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o Prolapse of the cord327.o UTERINE INCISIONSo a. kerro b. sellheim- vertical incision in the

lower uterine segmento c. classic

328.329.o FORCEPS DELIVERYo 3 Categorieso Outlet forcepso Low forcepso midforcepso

330.331.o INDICATIONS:o Heart dseo Pulmonary edemao Infectiono Exhaustiono Premature placental separationo Fetal nonreassuring status332.o Conditions before forceps delivery:

Cervical dilatation is complete

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Membranes must be ruptured Type of pelvis should be known Maternal bladder should be empty

and adequate anesthesia given No degree of CPD can be present

333.o VACUUM- ASSISTED BIRTHo used to facilitate the birth of a fetus by

applying suction to the fetal heado Composed of soft suction cup attached

to a suction bottle (pump) by tubingo Suction cup is placed against the fetal

occiput.334.335.336. INFERTILITY

o Inability to achieve pregnancy. Within a year of attempting it

o Manageable337.o In order to get pregnant:o 1. A woman must release an egg from

one of her ovaries (ovulation).o 2. The egg must go through a fallopian

tube toward the uterus (womb).o 3. A man's sperm must join with

(fertilize) the egg along the way.

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o 4. The fertilized egg must attach to the inside of the uterus (implantation).

338.o Is infertility a common problem?339.o Is infertility just a woman's problem?

340. NO

341.o What causes infertility in men?342.o Infertility in men is most often caused

by:o problems making sperm -o problems with the sperm's ability to

reach the egg and fertilize ito Sometimes a man is born with the

problems that affect his sperm. Other times problems start later in life due to illness or injury.

343.o What increases a man's risk of

infertility?o The number and quality of a man's

sperm can be affected by his overall health and lifestyle.


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o What causes infertility in women?345.o Problems with ovulation account for

most cases of infertility in women. Without ovulation, there are no eggs to be fertilized.

346.o Less common causes of fertility

problems in women include:o blocked fallopian tubes physical

problems with the uteruso uterine fibroids347.o What things increase a woman's risk of

infertility?o Many things can affect a woman's

ability to have a baby. These include: 1.age 2.stress 3.poor diet 4.athletic training

348.o How long should women try to get

pregnant before calling their doctors?349.o Some health issues also increase the

risk of fertility problems. So women

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with the following issues should speak to their doctors as soon as possible :

o irregular periods or no menstrual periods

o very painful periodso endometriosiso pelvic inflammatory diseaseo more than one miscarriage350.o How will doctors find out if a woman

and her partner have fertility problems?

351.o For a woman, the first step in testing is

to find out if she is ovulating each month.

352.o Some common tests of fertility in

women include :o Hysterosalpingography : In this test,

doctors use x-rays to check for physical problems of the uterus and fallopian tubes.

353.o Laparoscopy:

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o During this surgery doctors use a tool called a laparoscope to see inside the abdomen.

354.o How do doctors treat infertility?o Infertility can be treated with

medicine, surgery, artificial insemination or assisted reproductive technology.

355.o Doctors often treat infertility in men in

the following ways:o Sexual problems: Behavioral therapy

and/or medicines can be used in these cases.

o Too few sperm:, doctors can surgically remove sperm from the male reproductive tract. Antibiotics can also be used to clear up infections affecting sperm count.

356.o Intrauterine insemination (IUI) - is

known by most people as artificial insemination.

IUI is often used to treat:o mild male factor infertility

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o women who have problems with their cervical mucus

o couples with unexplained infertility357.o What medicines are used to treat

infertility in women?358.o Some common medicines used to treat

infertility in women include:o 1.Clomiphene citrate ( Clomid ): This

medicine causes ovulation by acting on the pituitary gland.

o 2.Human menopausal gonadotropin or hMG ( Repronex, Pergonal ): This medicine is often used for women who don't ovulate due to problems with their pituitary gland.

359.o 3.Follicle-stimulating hormone or FSH (

Gonal-F, Follistim ): FSH works much like hMG..

o 4.Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (Gn-RH) analog : These medicines are often used for women who don't ovulate regularly each month.


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o 5. Metformin ( Glucophage ): Doctors use this medicine for women who have insulin resistance and/or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) . This drug helps lower the high levels of male hormones in women with these conditions.

o 6. Bromocriptine ( Parlodel ): This medicine is used for women with ovulation problems due to high levels of prolactin.

361.o Many fertility drugs increase a

woman's chance of having twins, triplets or other multiples.

362.o What is assisted reproductive

technology (ART)?o Assisted reproductive technology

(ART) is a term that describes several different methods used to help infertile couples.

363.o How often is assisted reproductive

technology (ART) successful?o age of the partnerso reason for infertility

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o clinico type of ARTo if the egg is fresh or frozeno if the embryo is fresh or frozen364.o What are the different types of

assisted reproductive technology (ART)?

365.o Common methods of ART include:o 1. In vitro fertilization (IVF) . Once

mature, the eggs are removed from the woman. They are put in a dish in the lab along with the man's sperm for fertilization. After 3 to 5 days, healthy embryos are implanted in the woman's uterus.

366.o 2. Zygote intrafallopian transfer (ZIFT)

or Tubal Embryo Transfer - Fertilization occurs in the laboratory. Then the very young embryo is transferred to the fallopian tube instead of the uterus.

367.o 3.Gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT)

involves transferring eggs and sperm into the woman's fallopian tube.

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368.o 4. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection

(ICSI)o In ICSI, a single sperm is injected into a

mature egg. Then the embryo is transferred to the uterus or fallopian tube.

369.370.371.372. 2 types of infertility

o 1.) primaryo 2.) Secondaryo Sims Huhner test

373. Infertilityo Normal: cervical mucus must be

stretchable 8 – 10 cmo Best criteria- sperm motility for

impotency374. Infertility

o Mgt:o GIFT= Gamete Intra Fallopian Transfer

for low sperm count375.o Mom: anovulation – no ovulationo hyperprolactinemia376.

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o Tubal Occlusion – tubal blockageo = dx: hysterosalphingographyo Mgt: IVF – invitrofertilization

377. ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDo http://nursinglectures.blogspot.com