oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …

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Page 1: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …
Page 2: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …
Page 3: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …

Abstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures

A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, intending to assess its feasibility based on thermodynamic insights.

The ternary mixtures belong to the 1.0-1a and 1.0-2 class ternary diagrams, each with two sub-cases

depending on the univolatility line location. The column has three sections, rectifying, extractive and stripping.

Differential equations are derived for each section composition, depending on operating parameters:

distillate product purity and recovery, reflux ratio R and entrainer – feed flow rate ratio FE/F for the heavy

case; bottom product purity and recovery, reboil ratio S and entrainer – feed flow rate ratio for the light

entrainer case. For the case with a heavy entrainer fed as a boiling liquid above the main feed, the feasible

product and operating parameters R and FE/F ranges are assessed under infinite reflux ratio conditions by

using the general feasibility criterion enounced by Rodriguez-Donis et al. (Ind. Eng. Chem. Res, 2009, 48(7),

3544–3559). For the 1.0-1a class, there exists a minimum entrainer - feed flow rate ratio to recover the

product, and also a minimum reflux ratio. The minimum entrainer - feed flow rate ratio is higher for the

continuous process than for the batch because of the additional requirement in continuous mode that the

stripping profile intersects with the extractive profile. For the 1.0-2 class both A and B can be distillated. For

one of them there exists a maximum entrainer - feed flow rate ratio. The continuous process also has a

minimum entrainer - feed flow rate ratio limit for a given feasible reflux ratio.

For the case with a light entrainer fed as saturated vapor below the main feed, the feasible product

and operating parameters S and FE/F ranges are assessed under infinite reflux ratio conditions by using the

general feasibility criterion enounced by Rodriguez-Donis et al. (Ind. Eng. Chem. Res, 2012, 51, 4643–4660),

Compared to the heavy entrainer case, the main product is removed from the column bottom. Similar results

are obtained for the 1.0-1a and 1.0-2 class mixtures whether the entrainer is light or heavy. With a light

entrainer, the batch insight about the process feasibility holds for the stripping and extractive sections. Now,

an additional constraint in continuous mode comes from the necessary intersection between the rectifying

and the extractive sections.

This work validates the proposed methodology for assessing the feasibility of continuous extractive

distillation processes and enables to compare entrainers in terms of minimum reflux ratio and minimum

entrainer feed flow rate ratio.


Extractive distillation – feasibility – thermodynamic insight – univolatility line - unidistribution line -

reflux ratio – entrainer - feed flow rate ratio – reboil ratio – heavy entrainer – light entrainer

Page 4: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …

Résumé Nous étudions la faisabilité du procédé de distillation extractive continue pour séparer des mélanges

azéotropiques A-B à température de bulle minimale ou maximale, avec un tiers corps E lourd ou léger. Les

mélanges ternaires A-B-E appartiennent aux classes 1.0-1-a et 1.0-2 qui se subdivisent chacune en deux

sous-cas selon la position de la courbe d’univolatilité. La colonne de distillation a trois sections, rectification,

extractive, épuisement. Nous établissons les équations décrivant les profiles de composition liquide dans

chaque section en fonction des paramètres opératoires: pureté et taux de récupération du distillat, taux de

reflux ratio R et rapport des débits d’alimentation FE/F dans le cas d’un tiers corps lourd; pureté et taux de

récupération du produit de pied, taux de rebouillage S et rapport des débits d’alimentation FE/F dans le cas

d’un tiers corps léger.

Avec un tiers corps lourd alimenté comme liquide bouillant au dessus de l’étage d’alimentation du

mélange A-B, nous identifions le distillat atteignable et les plages de valeurs faisables des paramètres R et

FE/F à partir du critère général de faisabilité énoncé par Rodriguez-Donis et al. (Ind. Eng. Chem. Res, 2009,

48(7), 3544–3559). Pour la classe 1.0-1a, il existe des rapports FE/F et reflux ratio minimum. Le rapport FE/F

est plus important pour le procédé continu que pour le procédé discontinu parce que la faisabilité du procédé

continu nécessite que les profils d’épuisement et extractifs s’intersectent. Pour la classe 1.0-2, les deux

constituants A et B sont des distillats potentiels, l’un sous réserve que le rapport FE/F reste inférieur à une

valeur limite maximale. Le procédé continu exhibe également une valeur minimale de FE/F à un taux de

reflux ratio donné, contrairement au procédé discontinu.

Avec un tiers corps léger alimenté comme vapeur saturante sous l’étage d’alimentation du mélange A-

B, nous identifions le produit de pied atteignable et les plages de valeurs faisables des paramètres S et FE/F

à partir du critère général de faisabilité énoncé par Rodriguez-Donis et al. (Ind. Eng. Chem. Res, 2012, 51,

4643–4660). Comparé au cas des tiers corps lourds, le produit principal est obtenu en pied. Autrement, les

comportements des classes 1.0-1a et 1.0-2 sont analogues entre les tiers corps léger et lourd. Avec un tiers

corps léger, le procédé continu ajoute la contrainte que les profils de rectification et extractifs s’intersectent.

La contrainte d’intersection des profils d’épuisement et extractif est partagée par les deux modes opératoires

continu et discontinu.

Ce travail valide la méthodologie proposée pour évaluer la faisabilité du procédé de distillation

extractive continue et permet de comparer les tiers entre eux en termes de taux de reflux ratio minimum et

de rapport de débit d’alimentation minimal.


Distillation extractive - courbes d’univolatilité - taux de reflux ratio - taux de solvent - entraîneur lourde

- entraîneurlégerère

Page 5: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …


My deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to my supervisor Mr. Vincent GERBAUD, Chargé de

recherche CNRS, for his constant encouragement and guidance. I really admire his wonderful and intriguing

personality, his preciseness, patience, persistence, high requirements and great interest on research, his

mind always abounded with new and effective idea, his courage to explore extensive different fields. He has

walked me through all the stages of this thesis no matter weekends and evenings, without his consistent and

illuminating instruction, this thesis would not have reached its present form.

I should like to acknowledge with deep gratitude the assistance and guidance given to me by Miss

Hassiba BENYOUNES, lecturer of Université Des Sciences et Technologies. Oran, Algeria. I would also like

to highlight the contribution of Ms. Ivonne Rodriguez-Donis, Prof. of Instituto Superior de Tecnologías y

Ciencias Aplicadas, Cuba. It has been a pleasure collaborating with them and I sincerely appreciate their

warm and cordial personalities. My heartfelt thanks are also due to their patience, encouragement, and

professional instructions during my research activities.

I am also indebted to prof. Peter LANG of Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty

of Mechanical Engineering, Hungary, and prof. Jean Michel RENEAUME of Université de Pau et des Pays

de l’Adour, France. Both of them are reviewers of this thesis. I thank them for spending time to give

constructive suggestions, and kindly eliminate many of the errors in it, which are of help and importance in

making the thesis a reality.

I am also honored by the presence of prof. Xavier JOULIA, co-founder and board member of Prosim

Company who has so kindly accepted to be a part of the jury. Likewise, I would like to thank Mr. Michel

MEYER, excellent professor of laboratoire de Génie Chimique, Dr. Olivier BAUDOUIN, head of process

operation at Prosim. All of them have graciously accepted to be a member of the jury.

Last but not the least, my gratitude also extends to my dear colleagues and friends: Ali, Juliette, Sofia,

Eduardo, Guillermo, László, Raul, Ferenc, ElAwady, Anthony,Moises, Meryem, Jean-Stephane, Fernando,

René, Marco, Sayed, Nishant, Jesus, Marianne, Mary, Tibor, Adama, Marie, Mayra, Nguyen, Marie Roland

and many others, without them I cannot have so happy, colorful, and wonderful life in France.

Weifeng SHEN


Page 6: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …


Table of contents

Chapter Content

1. GENERAL INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................... 1

GENERAL INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................. 2

2. STATE OF THE ART, METHODOLOGY, OBJECTIVES ................................................................................................ 7

2.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................. 8

2.2 PHASE EQUILIBRIUM ............................................................................................................................................... 8

2.2.1 Phase equilibrium equations ................................................................................................................................. 8

2.2.2 Activity coefficient model ...................................................................................................................................... 9

2.2.3 Non ideality of the mixture .................................................................................................................................. 11

2.2.4 Residue curve ....................................................................................................................................................... 13

2.2.5 Unidistribution and relative volatility .................................................................................................................. 14

2.2.6 Ternary VLE diagrams classification .................................................................................................................... 19

2.3 THE DISTILLATION PROCESS AND ITS IMPROVEMENT ......................................................................................................22

2.3.1 Highly integrated distillation columns ................................................................................................................. 23

2.3.2 Vapor recompression distillation ......................................................................................................................... 24

2.3.3 Petlyuk arrangements ......................................................................................................................................... 25

2.4 NONIDEAL MIXTURES SEPARATION ............................................................................................................................26

2.4.1 Pressure-swing distillation ................................................................................................................................... 27

2.4.2 Azeotropic distillation .......................................................................................................................................... 29

2.4.3 Reactive distillation ............................................................................................................................................. 30

2.4.4 Salt-effect distillation........................................................................................................................................... 31

2.4.5 Extractive distillation ........................................................................................................................................... 31

2.5 LITERATURE STUDIES ON EXTRACTIVE DISTILLATION .......................................................................................................32

2.5.1 Extractive Batch Column configurations.............................................................................................................. 32

2.5.2 Continuous Column configurations ..................................................................................................................... 34

2.5.3 Entrainer design................................................................................................................................................... 35

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2.5.4 Key operating parameters ................................................................................................................................... 36

2.6 METHODOLOGY FOR EXTRACTIVE DISTILLATION PROCESS FEASIBILITY IN RESEARCH ...............................................................36

2.6.1 Ternary systems studied in extractive distillation ................................................................................................ 37

2.6.2 Batch extractive process operation policies and strategy ................................................................................... 41

2.6.3 Thermodynamic insight on extractive distillation feasibility ............................................................................... 45

2.6.4 Topological features related to process operation .............................................................................................. 46

2.6.5 Extractive process feasibility assessed from intersection of composition profiles and differential equation ...... 53

2.6.6 Extractive process feasibility from pinch points analysis ..................................................................................... 54

2.6.7 Feasibility validation by rigorous simulation assessment .................................................................................... 56

2.7 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES ...........................................................................................................................................57


OPERATION. AZEOTROPIC MIXTURES WITH A HEAVY ENTRAINER ............................................................................. 61

3.1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................................62

3.2 COLUMN CONFIGURATION AND OPERATION ................................................................................................................62

3.3 FEASIBILITY STUDY METHODOLOGY ...........................................................................................................................63

3.3.1 Thermodynamic feasibility criterion for 1.0-1a and 1.0-2 ternary diagram classes. ........................................... 63

3.3.2 Computation of section composition profiles ...................................................................................................... 66

3.3.3 Methodology for assessing the feasibility. .......................................................................................................... 68

3.4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION .......................................................................................................................................70

3.4.1 Separation of minimum boiling temperature azeotrope with heavy entrainers (Class 1.0-1a). ......................... 70

3.4.2 Separation of maximum boiling temperature azeotropes with heavy entrainers (class 1.0-2). .......................... 83

3.5 CONCLUSIONS ......................................................................................................................................................96


OPERATION. AZEOTROPIC MIXTURES WITH A LIGHT ENTRAINER .............................................................................. 95

4.1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................. 100

4.2 STATE OF THE ART WITH LIGHT ENTRAINER ................................................................................................................ 101

4.3 COLUMN CONFIGURATION AND OPERATION .............................................................................................................. 103

4.4 EXTRACTIVE DISTILLATION FEASIBILITY ASSESSMENT .................................................................................................... 104

4.5 FEASIBILITY STUDY METHODOLOGY ......................................................................................................................... 106

4.5.1 Thermodynamic feasibility criterion for 1.0-1a and 1.0-2 ternary diagram classes. ......................................... 106

4.5.2 Calculation of reboil ratio vs. entrainer - feed flow rate ratio diagrams. .......................................................... 109

Page 8: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …


4.6 RESULTS ........................................................................................................................................................... 116

4.6.1 Separation of Maximum Boiling Temperature Azeotropes with light Entrainers (Class 1.0-1a). ...................... 116

4.6.2 Separation of Minimum Boiling Temperature Azeotropes with Light Entrainers (class 1.0-2). ......................... 127

4.7 CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................................................................................... 138

5. CONCLUSIONS, PERSPECTIVE ........................................................................................................................... 143

5.1 CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................................................................ 144

5.2 PERSPECTIVE .................................................................................................................................................. 150

6. APPENDIX: NOMENCLATURE, REFERENCE ........................................................................................................ 151

6.1 NOMENCLATURE................................................................................................................................................. 152

6.2 REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................................................... 155

Page 9: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …


Figure content

Figure 2.1. Typical homogeneous mixtures without azeotrope ........................................................................................ 11

Figure 2.2. Typical homogeneous mixtures with maximum boiling azeotrope, a negativedeviation from Raoult’s

law ............................................................................................................................................................................ 12

Figure 2.3. Typical homogeneous mixtureswith minimum boiling azeotrope, a positive deviation fromRaoult’s

law ............................................................................................................................................................................ 12

Figure 2.4. Typical homogeneous minimum boiling heteroazeotrope .............................................................................. 12

Figure 2.5Condition of tangency between a residue curve and its corresponding distillate curve. .................................. 14

Figure 2.6 Feasible patterns of the VLE functions for binary mixtures of components 1 and 2: (a) equilibrium line

y(x), (b) distribution coefficients Ki(x) and Kj(x),(c) relative volatility αij(x) and (d) distribution coefficient

trajectories for a mixture 1-2-3 with minimum-boiling azeotrope 1-2 (Kiva et al., 2003). ....................................... 17

Figure 2.7 Unidistribution and univolatility line diagrams for the most probable classes of ternary mixtures

according to Reshetov’s statistics (Kiva et al., 2003). ............................................................................................... 18

Figure 2.8 Azeotropic ternary mixture: Serafimov’s 26 topological classes and Reshetov’s statistics (Hilmen et al.,

2002). (o) unstable node, (∆) saddle, (●) stable........................................................................................................ 20

Figure 2.9 Occurrence of classes from published data for ternary mixtures based on Reshetov’s statistics 1965-

1988 (Kiva et al., 2003). ............................................................................................................................................ 21

Figure 2.10 Ternary zeotropic mixtures Classes of diagrams of K-ordered regions for unilateral and bilateral

univolatility α-lines, respectively; 123, 132, 213, …, indices of K-ordered regions. ................................................... 22

Figure 2.11. (a) Schematic diagram of HIDiC (Fukushima et al., 2006) and (b) HIDiC concentric tube column

(From PSE's Gproms manual, gP-B-611--051028 DR) ............................................................................................... 23

Figure 2.12 Schematic diagram of (1) direct vapor recompression distillation (1: distillation column, 2:

compressor, 3: reboiler–condenser and 4: expansion valve) and (2) external vapor recompression

distillation (1: distillation column, 2,3: heat exchangers, 4: compressor and 5: expansion valve). (from

Jogwar and Daoutidis, 2009). ................................................................................................................................... 24

Figure 2.13 Schematic diagram of the fully thermally coupled (Petlyuk) arrangement (a)replaces the

conventional arrangements with a prefractionator and a main column, and only a single reboiler and a

single condenser is needed and (b) dividing wall configuration by moving the prefractionator into the same

shell (from Halvorsen and Skogestad, 2011). ........................................................................................................... 25

Figure 2.14 Effect of pressure on the azeotropic composition and corresponding continuous pressure-swing

distillation processes (from Gerbaud and Rodriguez-Donis, 2010). .......................................................................... 28

Figure 2.15 Indirect separation (a) and direct (b) azeotropic continuous distillation under finite for a 1.0-2 class

mixture (from Gerbaud and Rodriguez-Donis, 2010). ............................................................................................... 30

Page 10: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …


Figure 2.16 Configurations of extractive batch distillation column in rectifier and stripper ........................................... 33

Figure 2.17. Flowsheet of typical extractive distillation with (a) heavy entrainer and (b) light entrainer ........................ 34

Figure 2.18 Configurations for the heterogeneous distillation column considering all possibilities for both the

entrainer recycle and the main azeotropic feed. (from Rodriguez-Donis et al. 2007) .............................................. 35

Figure 2.19 Topological features related to extractive distillation process operation of class 1.0-1a when using a

heavy entrainer (Rodriguez-Donis et al., 2009a). ..................................................................................................... 47

Figure 2.20 Topological features related to the extractive distillation process operation of class 1.0-2 when using

a heavy entrainer. ..................................................................................................................................................... 52

Figure 2.21 The equilibrium stage: (a) component mass flows and (b) stream energy flows .......................................... 56

Figure 3.1Configurations of extractive distillation column: (a) continuous (b) batch. ...................................................... 63

Figure 3.2Thermodynamic features of 1.0-1a mixtures with respect to batch extractive distillation. Separation of

a minimum boiling azeotrope with a heavy entrainer. ............................................................................................. 64

Figure 3.3Thermodynamic features of 1.0-2 mixtures with respect to batch extractive distillation. Separation of

a maximum boiling azeotrope with a heavy entrainer. ............................................................................................ 65

Figure 3.4Separation of acetone-heptane using toluene: (a) 1.0-1a class residue curve map (rcm) and batch

extractive profile map (b) (FE/V=0.01, R∞) (c) (FE/V=1,R∞) and (d) (FE/V=1,R=10). .................................................. 71

Figure 3.5 Extractive distillation of acetone – heptane with toluene (1.0-1a class). Entrainer - feed flow rate ratio

as a function of the reflux ratio. ............................................................................................................................... 72

Figure 3.6Extractive distillation of acetone – methanol with water (1.0-1a class). Entrainer - feed flow rate ratio

as a function of the reflux ratio to recover 98%mol acetone (A). ............................................................................. 74

Figure 3.7Rectifying, extractive and stripping composition for four operating parameter points taken from

Figure 3.5 (b) point YU1, (b) point YF1, (c) point YU2 and (d) point YU3 ........................................................................ 75

Figure 3.8Rigorous simulation result to recover acetone at FE/F=1, R=20 and FE/F=20, R=20, compared with

calculated profiles: (a-d) stripping section, (b-e) extractive section and (c-f) rectifying section. ............................. 77

Figure 3.9Separation of acetone-methanol using chlorobenzene: (a) 1.0-1a class residue curve map (rcm) and

batch extractive profile map (b) (FE/V=0.01, R∞) (c) (FE/V=2, R∞) and (d) (FE/V=2, R=5). ........................................ 79

Figure 3.10Extractive distillation of acetone – methanol with chlorobenzene (1.0-1a class). Entrainer - feed flow

rate ratio as a function of the reflux ratio to recover 98%mol methanol (B). ........................................................... 80

Figure 3.11 Rectifying, extractive and stripping composition for two operating parameter points taken from

Figure 3.10 (b) point YF1 and (b) point YU1 ................................................................................................................. 81

Figure 3.12 Rigorous simulation result to recover methanol at: (a) R=1, FE/F=10; (b) R=1, FE/F=20; (c) R=20,

FE/F=10 and (c) R=20, FE/F=20. ................................................................................................................................. 83

Figure 3.13 chloroform-vinyl acetate using butyl acetate: (a) 1.0-2 class residue curve map (rcm) and batch

extractive profile map (b) (FE/V=0.1< (FE/V)max, R=15) .............................................................................................. 84

Figure 3.14Extractive distillation of chloroform – vinyl acetate with butyl acetate (1.0-2 class). Entrainer - feed

flow rate ratio as a function of the reflux ratio to recover 98%mol chloroform (A). ................................................ 85

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Figure 3.15Comparison of three different entrainers to recover Chloroform (A) from the mixture chloroform –

vinyl acetate. (a) Univolatility curve location. (b) Toluene, (c) Cyclohexane and (d) Butyl acetate feasible

regions. ..................................................................................................................................................................... 87

Figure 3.16Extractive distillation of chloroform – vinyl acetate with butyl acetate (1.0-2 class). Entrainer - feed

flow rate ratio as a function of the reflux ratio to recover 98%mol vinyl acetate (B). .............................................. 88

Figure 3.17Rigorous simulation result to recover vinyl acetate (B) at FE/F=5, R=5 and FE/F=0.1, R=5, compared

with calculating profiles: (a-d) stripping section, (b-e) extractive section and (c-f) rectifying section. .................... 89

Figure 3.18acetone-chloroform using benzene: (a) 1.0-2 class residue curve map (rcm) and batch extractive

profile map (b) (FE/V=0.1 < (FE/V)max, R=60). ............................................................................................................ 91

Figure 3.19 Extractive distillation of acetone – chloroform with benzene (1.0-2 class). Entrainer - feed flow rate

ratio as a function of the reflux ratio to recover 98%mol acetone (A)...................................................................... 93

Figure 3.20 Extractive distillation of acetone – chloroform with benzene (1.0-2 class). Entrainer - feed flow rate

ratio as a function of the reflux ratio to recover 98%mol chloroform (B). ................................................................ 94

Figure 3.21Rectifying, extractive and stripping composition for four operating parameter points taken from

Figure 3.20 (a) point YU1, (b) point YF1, (c) point YU2 and (d) point YU3. ...................................................................... 95

Figure 4.1 Configurations of extractive distillation column: (a) batch (b) continuous. ................................................... 104

Figure 4.2.Thermodynamic features of 1.0-1a mixtures with respect to batch extractive distillation. Separationof

a maximum boiling azeotrope with a light entrainer. ............................................................................................ 106

Figure 4.3. Thermodynamic features of 1.0-2 mixtures with respect to batch extractive distillation. Separation of

a maximum boiling azeotrope with a light entrainer. ............................................................................................ 108

Figure 4.4. 1.0-1a class residue curve map of propanoic acid – DMF maximumn boiling azeotrope separation

using light entrainer MIBK. ..................................................................................................................................... 117

Figure 4.5. Entrainer - entrainer - feed flow rate ratio FE/F as a function of the reboil ratio S. Propanoic acid –

MIBK – DMF Separation to recover A (propanoic acid). ......................................................................................... 118

Figure 4.6. The influence of the reboil ratio on stripping section composition profiles. ................................................. 119

Figure 4.7.Operating parameter scene explanation.Points taken from Figure 4.5: (b) point YF1, (a) point YU1, (c)

point YF2 and (d) point YU2. ...................................................................................................................................... 121

Figure 4.8. Rigorous simulation result to recover A (propanoic acid) at FE/F=1, S=15, compared with calculated

profiles: (a) rectifying section, (b)extractive section and (c) stripping section. ...................................................... 123

Figure 4.9. 1.0-1a class residue curve map of water – ethylene diamine maximum boiling azeotrope separation

using light entrainer acetone. ................................................................................................................................. 126

Figure 4.10. Entrainer - entrainer - feed flow rate ratio FE/F as a function of the reboil ratio S. Water – EDA –

acetone separation to recover B (EDA). .................................................................................................................. 126

Figure 4.11. 1.0-2 class residue curve map of ethanol - water minimum boiling azeotrope separation using light

entrainer methanol ................................................................................................................................................. 129

Figure 4.12. Entrainer - entrainer - feed flow rate ratio FE/F as a function of the reboil ratio S. Ethanol-water-

methanol seperation: (a) to recover A (ethanol) (b) to recover B (water). ............................................................. 129

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Figure 4.13. 1.0-2 class residue curve map of MEK – benzene minimum boiling azeotrope separation using light

entrainer acetone. .................................................................................................................................................. 131

Figure 4.14. Entrainer - entrainer - feed flow rate ratio FE/F as a function of the reboil ratio S. MEK-benzene-

acetone seperation: (a) to recover A (MEK) (b) to recover B (benzene). ................................................................. 132

Figure 4.15 Operating parameter scene explanation. Points taken from Figure 13b: (a) point YF1, (b) point YU1 ......... 133

Figure 4.16. Influence of the reboil ratio on the extractive section composition profiles. .............................................. 135

Figure 4.17. Rigorous simulation result to recover MEK (a-c) or Benzene (d-f) at S=15, FE/F=1 compared with

simplified composition profiles: (a-d) stripping section, (b-e) extractive section and (c-f) rectifying section. ........ 136

Table content

Table 2.1 The most important literature concerning extractive distillation separation of binary azeotropic and

low relative volatility mixtures in a batch rectifier with light, intermediate or heavy entrainer. ............................. 39

Table 2.2 The study case related to extractive distillation separation of binary azeotropic and low relative

volatility mixture in a batch rectifier with light, intermediate or heavy entrainer. .................................................. 40

Table 2.3. The operating steps and limiting parameters of extractive distillation in configuration BED-I

separating binary azeotropic and low relative volatility mixture in a batch rectifier with light, intermediate

or heavy entrainer (Varga, 2006). ............................................................................................................................ 43

Table 2.4. The operating stages and limiting parameters of azeotropic extractive distillation in configuration

BES-I separating binary azeotropic and low relative volatility mixture in a batch rectifier with light,

intermediate or heavy entrainer (Varga, 2006). ....................................................................................................... 44

Table 2.5 Summary of possible systems studied in the PhD thesis manuscript. .............................................................. 59

Table 3.1 Operating parameters for all study cases. ....................................................................................................... 69

Table 3.2 Column operating specifications for rigorous simulation................................................................................. 70

Table 3.3 Operating parameters corresponding to Figure 3.5. ......................................................................................... 73

Table 3.4 Operating parameters corresponding to Figure 3.6. ......................................................................................... 74

Table 3.5. Operating parameters corresponding to Figure 3.7a,b,c,d .............................................................................. 76

Table 3.6 Operating parameters corresponding to Figure 3.8a,b,c. ................................................................................ 78

Table 3.7 Operating parameters corresponding to Figure 3.8 d,e,f. ................................................................................ 78

Table 3.8 Operating parameters corresponding to Figure 3.10. ...................................................................................... 81

Table 3.9 Operating parameters corresponding to Figure 3.14. ....................................................................................... 85

Table 3.10 Operating parameters corresponding to Figure 3.16. .................................................................................... 88

Table 3.11 Operating parameters corresponding to Figure 3.17a,b,c. ............................................................................. 90

Table 3.12 Operating parameters corresponding to Figure 3.17 d,e,f. ............................................................................ 90

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Table 3.13 Operating parameters corresponding to Figure 3.19. .................................................................................... 93

Table 3.14. Operating parameters corresponding to Figure 3.20. ................................................................................... 94

Table 3.15. Operating parameters corresponding to Figure 3.21..................................................................................... 96

Table 4.1. operating parameters for all case study involving possible products. ........................................................... 115

Table 4.2. Column operating specifications for rigorous simulation .............................................................................. 116

Table 4.3 Operating parameters corresponding to Figure 4.5. ...................................................................................... 118

Table 4.4 Operating parameters corresponding to Figure 4.7. ...................................................................................... 122

Table 4.5 Operating parameters corresponding to Figure 4.8a,b,c. ............................................................................... 124

Table 4.6 Operating parameters corresponding toFigure 4.10. ..................................................................................... 127

Table 4.7 Operating parameters corresponding to Figure 4.12. .................................................................................... 130

Table 4.8 Operating parameters corresponding to Figure 4.14a.................................................................................... 133

Table 4.9 Operating parameters corresponding to Figure 4.15a,b. ............................................................................... 134

Table 4.10 Operating parameters corresponding to Figure 4.17a,b,c. ........................................................................... 138

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1. General introduction





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Distillation is the most widely used industrial method for separating liquid mixtures in many chemical

and other industry fields like perfumery, medicinal and processing. The first clear evidence of distillation can

be dated back to first century AD. Being the leading process for the purification of liquid mixtures, distillation

columns consume about 40% of the energy used to operate plants in the refining and bulk chemical process

industries according the U.S Dept of Energy. Azeotropic and low relative volatility mixtures often occur in

separating industry and their separation cannot be realized by conventional distillation. Extractive distillation

is then a suitable alternative process. Extractive distillation has been studied for many decades with a rich

literature. Some main subjects studied include: column with all possible configurations; process operation

polices and strategy; process design, synthesis, optimization; determining separation sequencing; entrainer

design and selection, feasibility studies and so on. Among those topics, feasibility is always a critical issue as

it is necessary to assess process feasibility before making the design specifications. Feasibility studies also

contribute to a better understanding of complex unit operations such as the batch extractive distillation.

Upon the feasibility study, the design of conventional and azeotropic distillation is connected to

thermodynamics, in particular the volatility of each compound and azeotrope. Furthermore, residue curve

maps analysis allows assessing the feasibility under infinite reflux ratio conditions with the finding of the

ultimate products under direct or indirect split conditions. However, distillation runs under finite reflux ratio

conditions and finding which products are achievable and the location of the suitable feed composition region

is more complicated because we must consider the dependency of composition profile on reflux ratio. This

affects the range of composition available to each section profiles, due to the occurrence of pinch points,

which differ from the singular points of the residue curve map. The identification of possible cut under key

parameters reflux ratio, reboil ratio and entrainer - feed flow rate ratio has been the main challenge for an

efficient separation of azeotropic mixtures.

Extractive distillation is a powerful and widely used technique for separating azeotropic and low

relative volatility mixtures in pharmaceutical and chemical industries. Given an azeotropic mixture A-B (with

A having a lower boiling temperature than B), an entrainer E is added to interact selectively with the original

components and alter their relative volatility, thus enhancing the original separation. It differs from azeotropic

distillation by the fact that the third-body solvent E is fed continuously in another column position than feed

mixture. For decades a single feasibility rule holds in industry: extractive distillation should be operated by

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choosing a miscible, azeotrope, relatively non-volatile component. The solvent forms no new azeotrope and

the original component with the greatest volatility separates out as the top (bottom) product. The bottom (top)

product consists of a mixture of the solvent and the other component.

Combining knowledge of residue curve maps and of the univolatility and unidistribution curves location

Rodriguez-Donis et al (2009a, 2009b, 2010, 2012a, 2012b) published a general feasibility criterion for

extractive distillation under infinite reflux ratio. The volatility order is set by the univolatility curves. Using

illustrative examples covering all sub cases, but exclusively operated in batch extractive distillation, those

authors found that Serafimov’s classes covering up to 53% of azeotropic mixtures were suited for extractive

distillation: 0.0-1 (low relative volatility mixtures), 1.0-1a, 1.0-1b, 1.0-2 (azeotropic mixtures with light,

intermediate or heavy entrainers forming no new azeotrope), 2.0-1, 2.0-2a, 2.0-2b and 2.0-2c (azeotropic

mixtures with an entrainer forming one new azeotrope). For all suitable classes, the general criterion under

infinite reflux ratio could explain the product to be recovered and the possible existence of limiting values for

the entrainer - feed flow rate ratio for batch operation: a minimum value for the class 1.0-1a, a maximum

value for the class 1.0-2, etc. The behavior at finite reflux ratio could be deduced from the infinite behavior

and properties of the residue curve maps, and some limits on the reflux ratio were found. However precise

finding of the limiting values of reflux ratio or of the entrainer - feed flow rate ratio required other techniques.

The feasibility always relies upon the intersection for the composition profiles in the various column

sections (rectifying, extractive, stripping). Whatever the operation parameter values (reflux ratio, flow-rates...),

the process is feasible if the specified product compositions at the top (xD) and at the bottom (xW) of the

column can be connected by a single or by a composite composition profile. Here in this thesis we use

geometrical analysis to evaluate profile intersection but mathematical ones could be used as well.

Several column configurations can be used for extractive distillation both in batch and continuous. In

batch mode, both batch extractive distillation (BED) and simple batch distillation (SBD) processes can be

performed either in rectifier, or in middle-vessel column, or in stripping column. With a heavy entrainer fed

above the main feed, the batch column is a rectifier, with an extractive and a rectifying section and the

product is removed as distillate from the top. With a light entrainer here we quote and apply the batch

stripper column from Rodriguez-Donis et al., (2011), the original binary mixture (A+B) is initially charged into

the column top vessel and it is fed to the first top tray as a boiling liquid. Light entrainer is introduced

continuously at an intermediate tray leading to two column sections: extractive and stripping section. In the

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continuous process, we consider the classical configuration, with the entrainer fed above the main feed,

giving rise to three sections, rectifying, extractive and stripping ones.

In extractive distillation, the entrainer is conventionally chosen as a heavy (high boiling) component,

however, there are some cases when its use is not recommended such as if a heat sensitive or a high boiling

component mixture has to be separated. Besides, different entrainers can cause different components to be

recovered or recovered overhead in extractive distillation. Therefore finding potential entrainers is critical

since an economically optimal design made with an average design using best entrainer can be much less

costly, Theoretically, any candidate entrainer satisfying the feasibility and optimal criteria can be used no

matter it is heavy, light, or intermediate entrainer. Literature studies on intermediate entrainer or light

entrainer, even though not too much, validate this assumption.

The presentation of this work focuses on four chapters:

Chapter 2 is a literature review to present the state of the art on the extractive distillation. This chapter

introduces several issues related to our thesis: phase equilibrium, ternary diagram classifications, the

principles of distillation and its improvement studies, possible method to separate non ideal mixtures, the

state of art on extractive distillation, the general methodology used in this thesis, the objective, and

organization of the thesis are shown at the end of this chapter. As this thesis is mainly concerned with

feasibility studies, the most important methods are discussed in this part.

In Chapter 3, a systematic study is performed for the extractive distillation separation of azeotropic

mixtures with a heavy entrainer belonging to 1.0-1a and 1.0-2 classes. The occurrence of two types of A-B

azeotropic mixtures (minimum or maximum boiling temperature) and of two possible intersection of the

univolatility line αAB=1 with the binary sides gives rise to four sub cases. Firstly, the column configuration is

discussed. Then, the section composition profiles equations are derived for a heavy entrainer. Then a

methodology in three steps is presented. In step1, based on batch feasibility knowledge, the feasibility of

batch and continuous separation is studied under finite reflux ratio and entrainer - feed flow-rate, Insights

gained from the batch extractive distillation criterion are extended to the feasible operation of the continuous

process, with focus on the product cut sequence and operating parameter limit values. In step 2, assuming a

given product purity and recovery, the feasible ranges of values of the operating parameters, reflux ratio R

and entrainer - feed flow rate ratio FE/F are determined for the batch and continuous processes, and

compared with the help of diagrams FE/F vs. R in continuous mode and FE/V vs. R in batch mode.

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Comparison of three entrainers leading to the same class of diagram and sub-case is performed to check

that the feasible conditions ranges are entrainer dependent, in particular the minimum reflux ratio and the

minimum entrainer entrainer - feed flow rate ratio. In step 3, rigorous simulations verify the results of step 2,

by providing rigorous values of the product purity and recovery.

Chapter 4 focuses on the extractive distillation feasibility studies with a light entrainer to separate

minimum or maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures. The corresponding ternary diagram belongs to the 1.0-1a

and 1.0-2 Serafimov’s class. Knowledge of the residue curve map and of the location of the univolatility curve

αAB=1 can help assess which product is removed in the distillate. Contrary to the heavy entrainer case

(Chapter 3), the main product is removed from the column bottom. The batch extractive process is a

stripping column and the continuous process considers that the entrainer is fed below the main feed. The

heavy entrainer methodology is now adapted to the light entrainer case. The section composition profile

equations are reformulated in terms of the reboil ratio S and entrainer - feed flow rate ratio FE/F, also

considering the entrainer physical state (saturated vapor or boiling liquid). The analyses of each of the four

sub cases follow the same three step methodology used in the previous chapter: section profiles and

methodology used, thermodynamic feasibility criterion analysis, calculation of reboil ratio vs. entrainer feed

flow rate ratio diagrams and rigorous simulation, discussion and conclusion.

The last chapter deals with conclusion and future studies that can be drawn. Appendix collected some

definitions of common terms in extractive distillation, the table data used in result discussion.

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2. State of the art, methodology, objectives





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We first recall phase equilibrium issues to introduce the concepts of residue curve map and their

classifications along with the concepts of the volatility and distribution curves. Then we survey distillation

processes and their use for the separation of non ideal mixtures. We insist on extractive distillation key

literature and review methods used to assess the feasibility of this process.


2.2.1 Phase equilibrium equations

The phase equilibrium behavior is the foundation of chemical mixture components separation by

distillation. The basic relationship for every component in the vapor and liquid phases of a system at

equilibrium is the equality of fugacities in all phases. In an ideal liquid solution the liquid fugacity of each

component in the mixture is directly proportional to the mole fraction of the component. However, because of

the no ideality in the liquid solution of the systems studied in the following chapters, activity coefficient

representing the deviation of the mixture from ideality methods are used to describe the liquid phase

behavior. For the vapor phase, ideal gas behavior is assumed leading to the gas fugacity equal to the partial

pressure. Thus the basic vapor-liquid equilibrium equation is modified as:

Pyffxf ivi


li === ,0γ (2.1)

With the liquid phase reference fugacity lif

,0 being calculated from:

000,0,0 ),( iiiv


i PPTf θϕ= (2.2)



,0ϕ is the fugacity coefficient of pure component i at the system temperature (T) and saturated

vapor pressure, as calculated from the vapor phase equation of state (for ideal vapor phase: vi

,0ϕ =1 ).

0iP is the saturated vapor pressure of component i at the system temperature.

0iθ is the Poynting correction for pressure )1exp(








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At low pressures, the Poynting correction is near unity and can be ignored. Thus the overall vapor–

liquid phase equilibrium (VLE) relationship for most of the mixture systems in the following chapters can be

described as the following equation:

*iiii PxPy γ= (2.3)

When setting the condition iγ =1, equation (2.3) is the so-called Raoult's Law. The computation of the

liquid activity coefficient iγ requires thermodynamic models given in the next section.

Calculation of the saturated vapor pressure for a pure component is needed in Equation (2.3) for the

VLE relationship. The extended Antoine equation can be used to compute liquid vapor pressure as a

function of the system temperature T:








0 lnln ++++

+= (2.4)

Where C1i to C7i are the model parameters, model parameters for many components are available in

the literature or from the pure component databank of the Aspen Physical Property System.

2.2.2 Activity coefficient model

The UNIFAC, UNIQUAC, Wilson, NRTL activity coefficient model are recommended methods for

highly non ideal chemical systems, The UNIFAC, UNIQUAC, NRTL model can be used for VLE, LLE and

LLVE applications while the Wilson model can only be used for VLE application. (Kontogeorgis and Folas,

2010, Vidal, 2003). We use the UNIFAC model in this study to predict the VLE of each of the mixtures

studied. In each case it was verified that the UNIFAC predictions agreed with available experimental data

(Gmehling et al., 2004). The UNIFAC model is a semi-empirical method for the prediction of non-electrolyte

activity estimation in non ideal mixtures. It is constituted by two parts: a combinatorial Ciγ and a residual

component Riγ .For the molecule i, the equation for the UNIFAC model is:


Cii γγγ lnlnln += (2.5)

The combinatorial component of the activity Ciγ is contributed to by several terms in its equation, and

is the same as for the UNIQUAC model




j j





iCi lx



zx ∑∑ −++−−+= φθ

φθφγ '


'''' lnln

2lnln (2.6)

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xqθ (2.7)






''θ (2.8)





xrφ (2.9)

iiii rqrz

l −+−= 1)(2


)lnexp( 2''


eTdTcat ij


ki +++= ∑ θ (2.11)

10=z (2.12)

The residual component of the activity Riγ is due to interactions between groups present in the


( ) ( )[ ]∑=


1kk lnlnvln i


iγ (2.13)

Where ( )ikΓ is the activity of an isolated group in a solution consisting only of molecules i,

−=Γ ∑












1k ln1ln


ϕθϕθ (2.14)









xθ (2.15)

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= =













1 1

1 (2.16)






UU jkkkjkjk expexpϕ (2.17)

2.2.3 Non ideality of the mixture

In most distillation systems, the predominant non ideality occurs in the liquid phase because of

molecular interactions. Equation (2.3) contains the liquid phase activity coefficient of the component j. When

chemically dissimilar components are mixed together (for example, oil molecules and water molecules),

there exists repulsion or attraction between dissimilar molecules. If the molecules repel each other, they

exert a higher partial pressure than if the mixture was ideal. In this case the activity coefficients are greater

than unity (called a “positive deviation” from Raoult‘s law). If the molecules attract each other, they exert a

lower partial pressure than in an ideal mixture. Activity coefficients are less than unity (negative

deviations).Activity coefficients are usually calculated from experimental data or from the aforementioned

models regressed on experimental data. Azeotropes occur in a number of non ideal systems. An azeotrope

exists when the liquid and vapor compositions are the same (xi=yi) at a given azeotrope temperature. There

are several types of azeotropes, Figure 2.1-Figure 2.4sketch typical phase graphical representations of the


xA and yA










xA and yA










Pure A

Pure B

A rich in vapor phrase



Figure 2.1. Typical homogeneous mixtures without azeotrope

Page 25: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …


xA and yA








xA and yA










Pure A

Pure B

A rich in vapor phrase B rich in

vapor phrase







Figure 2.2.Typical homogeneous mixtures with maximum boiling azeotrope, a negative deviation from

Raoult’s law

xA and yA








xA and yA









Pure A

Pure B

A rich in vapor phase

B rich in vapor phase


Figure 2.3.Typical homogeneous mixtures with minimum boiling azeotrope, a positive deviation from Raoult’s



x and y Azeotrope





Pure A

Pure B

A rich in vapor phase

B rich in vapor phase


Figure 2.4.Typical heteroazeotrope mixtures with minimum boiling azeotrope

The left part of Figure 2.1-Figure 2.4shows a combined graph of the bubble and dew temperatures,

pressure and the vapor-liquid equilibrium phase mapping, which gives a complete representation of the VLE.

In addition, the right part gives the equilibrium phase mapping y vs. x alone. Each of these diagrams uniquely

characterizes the type of mixture. Negative deviations (attraction) can give a higher temperature boiling

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mixture than the boiling point of the heavier component, called a maximum-boiling azeotrope (Figure 2.2).

Positive deviations (repulsion) can give a lower temperature boiling mixture than the boiling point of the light

component, called a minimum boiling azeotrope (Figure 2.3).

2.2.4 Residue curve

A residue curve map (RCM) is a collection of the liquid residue curves in a simple one-stage batch

distillation originating from different initial compositions. The RCM technique is considered as powerful tool

for the flow-sheet development and preliminary design of conventional multi-component separation

processes. It has been extensively studied since 1900.Using the theory of differential equations, Doherty and

his colleagues (e.g. Doherty and Malone, 2001a) explored the topological properties of residue curve map

(RCM) which are summarized in two recent articles (Kiva et al., 2003, Hilmen et al., 2002b). The simple RCM

was modeled by the set of differential equations.

∗−= iii yx

dhdx (2.18)

Where h is a dimensionless time describing the relative loss of the liquid in the still-pot and dh=dV/L.xi

is the mole fraction of species i in the liquid phase, and yi is the mole fraction of species i in the vapor phase.

The yi values are related with the xi values using equilibrium constants Ki.

The singular points of the differential equation are checked by computing the associated eigenvalues.

Within anon-reactive residue curve map, a singular point can be a stable or an unstable node or a saddle,

depending on the sign of the eigenvalues related to the residue curve equation.

For non-reactive mixtures, there are three stabilities:

• Unstable node (denoted [un] with a symbol of white circle): The singular point eigenvalues are all

positive. It has a boiling point that is the lowest of the region of distillation. The residue curves

move away from the unstable node with increasing temperature.

• Stable node (denoted [sn] with a symbol of solid circle): Singular points whose own values are all

negative. It has a boiling point that is the highest of the region of distillation. The residue curves

move towards the stable node. Moving away from stable node along a residue curve, the

temperature is decreasing.

• Saddle point (denoted [s] with a symbol of triangle): Singular points are intermediate boiling

temperature points, which have at least one eigenvalue positive and the other negative. Some

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residue curves away from a saddle point decreasing temperature and others with increasing


Some significant properties of residue curves are the following:

1. The singular points of residue curves networks are either pure component or azeotropes.

2. The Stability of singular points is an unstable node, a saddle point or a node stable and it

depends on their respective boiling temperature.

3. In a simple distillation (Rayleigh’s distillation), the product follows a sequence of decreasing

temperature. Thus, the unstable node will be the first distillate, followed by the saddle point and

finally the node stable.

4. The orientation of the residue curve, that is to say, the changing composition of the boiling liquid,

is in line with increasing temperature from the unstable node to the stable node.

5. Under total reflux ratio, the composition profile in a packed distillation column exactly follows the

residue curve. Thus, in a column of infinite length at total reflux ratio, the distillate is the unstable

node (direct split) or the bottom product is the stable node (indirect split).

6. The residue curve equation indicates that the equilibrium vector (y - x) is tangent to the residue

curvet point x (Figure 2.5), hinting at the still path direction in simple distillation.

7. Each residue curve is related to a vapor in equilibrium, which is named the distillate curve. The

vapor curve is always located on the convex side of the corresponding residue curve (Figure 2.5).


Distillate curve y

Residue curve

Tangent line

Figure 2.5Condition of tangency between a residue curve and its corresponding distillate curve.

8. Two residue curves do not intercept.

2.2.5 Unidistribution and relative volatility

The distribution coefficient and relative volatility are well-known characteristics of the vapor–liquid

equilibrium. The distribution coefficient Ki is defined by

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ji x

yK = (2.19)

Ki characterizes the distribution of component i between the vapor and liquid phases in equilibrium.

Ki=1 defines the unidistribution curve. The vapor is enriched with component i if Ki>1, and is impoverished

with component i if Ki<1 compared to the liquid. The higher Ki, the greater the driving force (yi-xi) and the

easier the distillation. The ratio of the distribution coefficient of components i and j gives the relative volatility.

The relative volatility is a very convenient measure of the ease or difficulty of separation in distillation. The

volatility of component j relative to component is defined as:


jjij xy



/=α (2.20)

The relative volatility characterizes the ability of component i to transfer (evaporate) into the vapor

phase compared to the ability of component j. Component i is more volatile than component j if αij>1, and

less volatile if αij<1. For ideal and nearly ideal mixtures, the relative volatilities for all pair of components are

nearly constant in the whole composition space. The situation is different for non ideal and in particular

azeotropic mixtures where the composition dependence can be complex.

A large value of relative volatility α implies that components i and j can be easily separated in a

distillation column. Values of αij close to 1 imply that the separation will be very difficult, requiring a large

number of trays and high reflux ratio (high energy consumption). For binary systems, the relative volatility of

light to heavy component is simply calledα:



−−=α (2.21)


y)1(1 −+



Where x and y are the mole fractions of the light component in the liquid and vapor phases

respectively. Rearrangement of equation (2.21) leads to the very useful y-x relationship equation (2.22) that

can be employed when αis constant in a binary system. If the temperature dependence of the vapor

pressure of both components is the same, relative volatility αwill be independent of temperature. This is true

for many components over a limited temperature range, particularly when the components are chemically

similar. Distillation columns are frequently designed assuming constant relative volatility because it greatly

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simplifies the vapor-liquid equilibrium calculations. Relative volatilities usually decrease somewhat with

increasing temperature in most systems.

Unidistribution and univolatility line diagrams can be used to sketch the VLE diagrams and represent

the geometry of the simple phase transformation trajectories. The qualitative characteristics of the

distribution coefficient and relative volatility functions are typical approaches for the thermodynamic

topological analysis. Kiva et al., (2003) considered the behavior of these functions for binary mixtures. The

composition dependency of the distribution coefficients is qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the

VLE for the given mixture. The patterns of these functions determines not only the class of binary mixture

(zeotropic, minimum-or maximum-boiling azeotrope, or biazeotropic), but also the individual behavior of the

given mixture, as it is shown in Figure 2.6.

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(b) (a)

(c) (d)

Figure 2.6. Feasible patterns of the VLE functions for binary mixtures of components 1 and 2: (a) equilibrium

line y(x), (b) distribution coefficients Ki(x) and Kj(x), (c) relative volatilityαij(x) and (d) distribution coefficient trajectories for a mixture 1-2-3 with minimum-boiling azeotrope 1-2(Kiva et al., 2003).

The composition dependence of the distribution coefficients of a ternary mixture of components 1, 2

and 3 can be represented by three surfaces K1(x), K2(x) and K3(x). The system of unidistribution lines Ki(x)=1

was analyzed in the composition space:

• The existence of a binary azeotrope gives rise to two unidistribution lines, and the existence of a

ternary azeotrope gives rise to three unidistribution lines.

• The point of pure component i may (or may not) give rise to a unidistribution line of component i.

• A given residue curve map corresponds to a given set of feasible diagrams of unidistribution lines.

In a similar way to the distribution coefficient, the relative volatility features can be represented by

isovolatility lines. Then the system of univolatility lines where αij=1 was proposed. It is evident that the point

of a binary azeotrope Azij gives rise to anαij univolatility line and that the point of a ternary azeotrope gives

rise to the three univolatility lines(Kiva et al., 2003).

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These features are represented in Figure 2.7 for the most probable classes (see the next section for

the ternary diagram classification and probable occurrence).

Figure 2.7 Unidistribution and univolatility line diagrams for the most probable classes of ternary mixtures according to Reshetov’s statistics(Kiva et al., 2003).

Analysis of feasible diagrams of unidistribution and univolatility lines is given by Kiva et al., (2003). The

main aim of their work was to consider feasible structures of the residue curve maps in more detail, and in

fact this study helped to popularize more refined classification of the ternary diagrams. The diagrams of

unidistribution lines were used as a main tool for analysis of tangential azeotrope and biazeotrope

(Serafimov, 1996). Recently, Rodriguez-Donis et al (2009, 2010) studied how univolatility lines split the

composition triangle into regions of certain order of volatility of components and defined a general feasibility

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criterion for extractive distillation under infinite reflux ratio. In this work we consider unidistribution and

univolatility line diagrams for the purpose of sketching the volatility order region and thus of assessing the

feasible structures which will give possible products and offer information of possible limitation of entrainer


2.2.6 Ternary VLE diagrams classification

The study of the thermodynamic classification of liquid-vapor phase equilibrium diagrams for ternary

mixtures and its topological interpretation has a long history. Considering a ternary diagram A-B-E formed by

a binary mixture A-B with the addition of an entrainer E, the classification of azeotropic mixtures in 113

classes was first proposed by Matsuyama (1978), then it was extended to 125 classes (Foucher et al.,

1991a). After the work of Hilmen et al.(2002b), it became known that a more concise classification existed

since the 70’s: Serafimov classification. As explained by Hilmen (2000), Serafimov extended the work of

Gurikov and used the total number of binary azeotropes M and the number of ternary azeotropes T as

classification parameters. Serafimov’s classification denotes a structure class by the symbol “M.T” where M

can take the values 0, 1, 2 or 3 and T can take the values 0 or 1. These classes are further divided into types

and subtypes denoted by a number and a letter. As a result of this detailed analysis, four more feasible

topological structures, not found by Gurikov, were revealed. Thus Serafimov’s classification includes 26

classes of feasible topological structures of VLE diagrams for ternary mixtures. Both the classifications of

Gurikov and Serafimov consider topological structures and thus do not distinguish between antipodal (exact

opposite) structures since they have the same topology. Thus, the above classifications include ternary

mixtures with opposite signs of the singular points and opposite direction of the residue curves (antipodal

diagrams). Serafimov’s classification is presented graphically in Figure 2.8. The transition from one antipode

to the other (e.g. changing from minimum-to maximum-boiling azeotropes) can be made by simply changing

the signs of the nodes and inverting the direction of the arrows and the correspondence between Matsuyama

and Serafimov’s classification is detailed in Kiva et al. (2003)and Hilmen (2000).

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Figure 2.8 Azeotropic ternary mixture: Serafimov’s 26 topological classes and Reshetov’s statistics (Hilmen et al., 2002). (o) unstable node, (∆) saddle, (●) stable

As illustrated in Figure2.7, the concentration simplex of these mixtures in the presence of an inf ection

on conjugated tie and inverted tie lines consists of at least two regions characterized by different ranges for

the phase equilibrium ratio Ki, where i is the component number. The region of the concentration simplex in

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which the decreasing order of Ki remains the same concerning azeotrope ternary mixture was called the K-

ordered region. These regions were separated from each other by univolatility α-lines.

The studies on the frequency of occurrences of different types of phase diagrams for ternary

azeotropic mixtures were presented by Reshetov and Kravchenko (2007). All 26 Serafimov’s classes are

topologically and thermodynamically feasible but their occurrence is determined by the probability of certain

combinations of molecular interactions. The statistics on the physical occurrence of these 26 classes were

provided to Kiva et al. (2003) by Reshetov (1998) but the original source is not available. The hereafter

called “Reshetov’s statistics” are based on thermodynamic data for 1609 ternary systems from which 1365

are azeotropic. The database covers data published from 1965 to 1998. The results in Figure 2.8show that

16 out of the 26 Serafimov’s classes were reported in the literature. Although Reshetov’s statistics do not

necessarily reflect the real occurrence in nature they can be used as an indicator of common azeotropic

classes that are worthy of further investigation. A graphical representation of the occurrence of the various

classes and types of ternary mixtures is given in Figure 2.9.

Figure 2.9 Occurrence of classes from published data for ternary mixtures based on Reshetov’s statistics 1965-1988 (Kiva et al., 2003).

The Figure 2.10 illustrates diagrams of K-ordered regions and their corresponding occurrence over

the studied azeotrope mixtures classes found by the Reshetov and Kravchenko (2007).

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1 2


1 2


1 2


1 2


1 2


1 2


1 2


1 2


1 2


1 2


1 2


1 2


1 2


1 2


1 2

Class 1


Class 2 Class 3 Class 4

Class 5 Class 6 Class 7 Class 8

Class 11 Class 12 Class 16 Class 17

Class 18 Class 19 Class 27 Class 4a

0.127% 2.919% 11.294%

0.254% 1.269% 11.041% 0.254%

0.127% 0.254% 0.254%


0.127% 0.127% 0.127% 0.127%


Figure 2.10 Ternary zeotropic mixtures Classes of diagrams of K-ordered regions for unilateral and bilateral univolatility α-lines, respectively; 123, 132, 213, …, indices of K-ordered regions.


Distillation is the most widely used industrial method for separating liquid mixtures in many chemical

and other industry fields like perfumery, medicinal and food processing, the first clear evidence of distillation

can be dated back to first century AD (Forbes, 1970). Being the leading process for the purification of liquid

mixtures, the distillation process is driven by the differences between the vapor and liquid phase

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compositions of the mixture arising from successive partial vaporization and condensation steps (Geankoplis,

2003). Distillation operations are responsible for 40% of the energy used in the chemical process industries.

The technology that can significantly reduce the energy requirement will represent a major

breakthrough, and give significant competitive edge to the companies that adopt it. Regarding its high energy

consumption, which comes from the vaporization of the liquid and is related both to the mixture charge and

to the reflux ratio inside the column, progress has been made by the use of HIDiC (highly integrated

distillation columns) (Skogestad et al., 1992, 1997;Nakaiwa et al., 2001, 2003), vapor recompression column

(Jogwar et al., 2009) and other Petlyuk-like columns (Wolff and Skogestad, 1995; Halvorsen and Skogestad,

1999; Vitoria et al.2008;Halvorsen and Skogestad, 2011).

2.3.1 Highly integrated distillation columns

Bottom product

(b) (a)

Top product Feed

Figure 2.11.(a) Schematic diagram of HIDiC (Fukushima et al., 2006) and (b) HIDiC concentric tube column (From PSE's Gproms manual, gP-B-611--051028 DR)

The ideal HIDiC, which is enlightened from compressor, is a technology combining rectifying and

stripping columns in an annular (or similar suitable) arrangement so that they exchange heat along their

lengths, and elevated pressure in the rectifying section. Hence it is able to operate without a reboiler or a

condenser. It was firstly introduced by Nakaiwa et al. (1996). Both simulation studies (Nakaiwa et al, 2000,

2001, 2003) and experimental validation in a HIDiC pilot plant (Naito K. et al., 2000) were carried out using

the model system benzene/toluene, Nakaiwa et al. proposed the new configuration through manipulations of

pressure difference between the rectifying and stripping sections and feed thermal condition. Energy savings

of HIDiC can reach nearly 50%. However, despite the obvious potential, this very promising concept has not

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yet developed into successful industrial-scale applications. This is partly because it is difficult to test its

applicability to specific mixtures to be separated, leading to a high perceived risk in deploying such

innovative technology. In particular, the practical deployment of HiDiC technology is hampered by the

difficulty of proving that it is possible to start up and operate the unit as intended. There is a relatively narrow

window of feasible operation, outside which the HiDiC system is either not fully efficient or suffers from liquid

drying in certain regions. The main conclusions from the feasibility by Jansens et al. (2001), Olujic et al.

(2003) were that HIDiC is especially attractive for close boiling mixtures.

2.3.2 Vapor recompression distillation

(b) (a)

Figure 2.12 Schematic diagram of (1) direct vapor recompression distillation (1: distillation column, 2: compressor, 3:reboiler–condenser and 4: expansion valve)and (2)external vapor recompression distillation (1:

distillation column, 2,3: heat exchangers, 4: compressor and 5: expansion valve).(From Jogwar and Daoutidis, 2009).

Vapor recompression distillation is an energy integrated distillation configuration which works on the

principle of a heat pump. The vapor coming from the top of the distillation column is compressed in a

compressor and is then used to transfer energy in a combined reboiler–condenser leading to the so-called

direct vapor recompression distillation (Figure 2.12a). On the other hand, an external refrigerant can also be

used to facilitate the energy transfer between the top vapor stream and the bottom liquid stream, leading to

the so-called external vapor recompression distillation (Figure 2.12b).Direct vapor recompression is

commonly used, whereas external vapor recompression is generally preferred when the column f uid is

corrosive or is not a good refrigerant (Jogwar & Daoutidis 2009).

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Muhrer et al. (1990) proposed a specific vapor recompression columns control scheme. Compared to

conventional columns, heat input control was replaced by compressor control. The pressure loops were

found to be faster than the composition loops. Hence, the pressure loop can be adjusted for relatively tight

control independently from the composition loops. This simple conclusion can be universally used for most

vapor recompression columns if they are satisfying their two requirements: the composition time constants of

column must be 5 times larger than the pressure time constant, and the time constants of reboiler of

conventional and vapor recompression columns should be nearly the same. For most columns vapor

recompression distillation systems the two requirements can be satisfied. Jogwar & Daoutidis (2009)

developed a systematic modeling framework which explicitly captures the difference between the different

material and energy flows. A case of propane–propylene separation was considered to demonstrate the

effectiveness of the proposed control strategy.

2.3.3 Petlyuk arrangements

Figure 2.13 Schematic diagram of the fully thermally coupled (Petlyuk) arrangement (a) replaces the conventional arrangements with a prefractionator and a main column, and only a single reboiler and a single

condenser is needed and (b) dividing wall configuration by moving the prefractionator into the same shell (from Halvorsen and Skogestad, 2011).

Petlyuk arrangements may reduce internal vapour flow rate ratio, and thereby the need for external

heating and cooling. The basis for the configuration is the prefractionator arrangement in Figure 2.13, where

the reboiler and condenser of the prefractionator column are removed and replaced with directly connected

vapour and liquid streams. This is called a full thermallycoupled arrangement. The dividing wall column

(DWC) is an implementation of the fully thermally coupled Petlyuk column arrangement (Petlyuk et al., 1965)

in a single shell. Kaibel (1987) firstly introduced a distillation column with vertical partitions to separate a feed

(a) (b) Dividing Wall column Petlyuk arrangement

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mixture into 3 or 4 pure fractions in a single distillation step and column. The internal separation wall

prevents lateral mixing of liquid and vapor in the central part of the column, forming feed and outlet sections.

This is particularly advantageous when heat sensitive components are to be separated. The potential energy

savings are 20-40%, compared to other conventional arrangements(Halvorsen and Skogestad, 2011).

Although the DWC has many advantages, its application in chemical process industries has been still limited

to 80 industrial columns for zeotropic mixtures. This is due to the lack of proper control strategy to monitor

the internal flow on each side of the wall.

All these new arrangements (HiDiC, vapor recompression distillation and petlyuk arrangements) aim at

making the column operate closer to the ideal reversible system by reducing the thermodynamic losses.

Whereas the HIDiC approach with internal heat exchange between sections focuses on increasing the

efficiency of a single binary distillation column, the Petlyuk like arrangements columns are used for

multicomponent separations.


The separation in distillation processes are based on the differences on the vapor and liquid phase

compositions of the mixture arising from successive partial vaporization and condensation steps, distillation

process is a method for separating various components of a liquid solution depending upon the distribution

of these components between a vapor phase and a liquid phase. However, in case of a close-boiling (low

relative volatility) mixture, these differences in the compositions of the vapor and the liquid phase become

small. The separation of non ideal mixtures, azeotropic ones and low relative volatility ones, is the second

major incentive for distillation research. Low relative volatility mixtures require many vaporization or

condensations steps, columns and bigger reflux ratio and process often becomes uneconomical both in

equipment investment and operating cost by conventional distillation. Azeotrope mixtures also require

advanced techniques to facilitate separation.

The most common non-conventional distillation alternatives involve changing the operating pressure

(pressure-swing distillation) or adding of a so-called entrainer, either with the load (azeotropic distillation) or

at another location than the load (extractive distillation). All of these special techniques are ultimately based

on the same differences in the vapor and liquid compositions as ordinary distillation, but, in addition, they rely

on some additional mechanism to further modify the vapor-liquid behavior of the key components. These

enhanced techniques can be classified according to their effect on the relationship between the vapor and

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liquid compositions: 1. Azeotropic distillation and pressure-swing distillation are methods that cause or

exploit azeotrope formation or behavior to alter the boiling characteristics and separability of the mixture.2.

Extractive distillation and salt distillation are methods that primarily modify liquid-phase behavior to alter the

relative volatility of the components of the mixture.3. Reactive distillation is a method that uses chemical

reaction to modify the composition of the mixture or, alternatively, use existing vapor-liquid differences

between reaction products and reactants to enhance the performance of a reaction.

2.4.1 Pressure-swing distillation

Pressure-swing distillation is a method for separating a pressure-sensitive azeotrope that utilizes two

columns operated in sequence at two different pressures if concentration of the azeotrope changes

significantly with pressure (Seader and Henley, 1998). Generally, the composition of component A (light in

the azeotropic mixture) increases as pressure decreases, possibly until disappearance of the azeotrope

allowing the use of a conventional distillation process. In a ternary mixture separation, there may exists

distillation boundaries involving azeotrope(s) as seen on residue curve maps. By changing the pressure we

can cross these boundaries because they vary with pressure along with the azeotropic composition.

Between the boundaries at two different pressures, there is a region from where different products can be

obtained at the different pressures. If all products obtained at different pressures are pure components or

pressure sensitive binary azeotrope(s) this region is considered as the operating region of pressure swing

distillation (Modla et al., 2010). In pressure-swing distillation process, two columns operate at different

pressures, each columns supplied with the azeotropic composition at a pressure which is different from the

other to obtain a possible pure component in each column. For the case of mixture with Tmax azeotrope, the

less volatile component are obtained at first column top and more volatile one from the second column

(Figure 2.14). The opposite result occurs for the mixture with a Tmin azeotrope (Gerbaud et al., 2010).

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Figure 2.14 Effect of pressure on the azeotropic composition and corresponding continuous pressure-swing distillation processes (from Gerbaud and Rodriguez-Donis, 2010).

Lewis (1928) appears to be the first one to exploit the pressure sensibility to distillate azeotropic

mixtures. Since then pressure-swing distillation has been known as a readily thermally integrated method to

separate azeotropic mixtures. In 1992, Knapp and Doherty proved that pressure-swing is not restricted to

binary mixtures with pressure-sensitive azeotrope, and it can be extended to separate mixtures in which the

desired products lie in different distillation regions. They can be separated by a new pressure-swing process

when one end of the distillation boundary is a pressure-sensitive azeotrope. Thus pressure-insensitive binary

azeotropes can be separated using novel entrainers that form pressure-sensitive distillation boundaries. The

separations of ethanol from water and acetone from methanol were used to demonstrate the new pressure-

swing technique. These examples exhibit some interesting behavior such as (1) a region of multiplicity in the

number of trays required to achieve the same separation at fixed reflux ratio, (2) a maximum reflux ratio

above which no feasible column exists, (3) a separation where the unexpected component is the distillate

due to a reversal of the relative volatility as the pressure changes, and (4) a non-azeotropic separation that

becomes easier as the pressure is increased. An optimal-control algorithm was employed to determine

desirable campaigns, and to schedule pressure switch-over policies (Phimister and Seider, 2000).The

column achieves production rates near 89% of the maximum throughput of a single column in the continuous

process and shows superior performance when compared to reverse-batch operation. Based on the analysis

of batch stripping/batch rectifying distillation regions, assuming maximal separation, Modla et al.

(2010)studied the feasibility of the separation of ternary homoazeotropic mixtures with pressure swing batch

distillation (PSBD) in different column conf gurations: one column (batch stripper (BS) and rectif er (BR) and

double column conf gurations (double column batch stripper (DCBS) and rectif er (DCBR). The separation

steps were also determined for the corresponding column conf gurations.

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2.4.2 Azeotropic distillation

Azeotropic distillation usually refers to the specific technique of adding a third component along with

the main feed. In some senses, adding an entrainer is similar to extractive distillation. Azeotropic processes

have been well studied and the feasibility assessment only relies upon residue curve map analysis whereas

for extractive distillation, the volatility order region must be known, as well. The separation of a minimum

boiling azeotrope AB with a light entrainer E forming no new azeotrope is considered. The ternary diagram

belongs to the 1.0-2 class (Figures2.8 and 2.15).Both A and B are stable node but they are located in

different batch distillation regions. Residue curves begin at the unstable entrainer vertex (E) and end at the

stable A or B. In batch both azeotropic components can be distillated if the boundary is curved enough

(Bernot et al., 1990, Doherty and Malone, 2001). In continuous only A or B is obtained from the column,

regarding continuous process, research has focused on advances in the methodologies for the synthesis,

design, analysis and control of separation sequences involving homogeneous and heterogeneous azeotropic

towers. Maps of residue curves and distillation lines were studied (Widagdo and Seider, 1996), as well as

geometric methods for the synthesis and design of separation sequences, trends in the steady-state and

dynamic analysis of homogeneous and heterogeneous towers, the nonlinear behavior of these towers, and

strategies for their control. Emphasis is placed on the methods of computing all of the azeotropes associated

with a multicomponent mixture, on the features that distinguish azeotropic distillations from their non

azeotropic counterparts, on the possible steady-state multiplicity, and on the existence of maximum and

minimum reflux ratio bounds. Important considerations in the selection of entrainers are examined (Foucher

et al., 1991b).For the synthesis of separation trains, when determining the feasible product compositions, the

graphical methods are clarified, especially the conditions under which distillation boundaries can be crossed

and bounding strategies under finite reflux ratio.

The azeotropic distillation column usually follows three rules:

1. The temperature decreases from bottom to top of the column.

2. The material balance must be satisfied and the rule indicates that the points of feed, distillate,

and boiler are aligned in the composition diagram. If there are multiple power supplies, the

global feed is calculated in advance by a lever arm rule.

3. Applying the principles of total reflux ratio feasibility, the compositions of the distillate and boiler

are located approximately on a residue curve.

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Figure 2.15shows the separation of an azeotropic ternary system belongs to the class Serafimov 1.0-2.

Two distillation regions are separated by a separatrix connecting the saddle point azeotrope and unstable

node entrainer in Figure 2.15. The feeds F1 and F2enter in different locations, and the composition of the

global feed FG is aligned with that of the column bottom SL, and the distillate D. xD and xN are connected by a

composition profile which approximately follows the residue curve map. For indirect separation, the column

bottom SL is located near the stable node B (Figure 2.15a). For direct separation, the distillate D is located

near the unstable node E (Figure 2.15b).





Figure 2.15Indirect separation (a) and direct (b) azeotropic continuous distillation under finite for a 1.0-2

class mixture (from Gerbaud and Rodriguez-Donis, 2010).

2.4.3 Reactive distillation

Reactive distillation (RD) is a process where the chemical reactor is also the column. The entrainer

reacts preferentially and reversibly with one of the original mixture components. The reaction product is

distilled out from the non-reacting component and the reaction is reversed to recover the initial component.

This can result insignificant reductions in both energy and equipment in systems that have appropriate

chemistry and appropriate vapor–liquid phase equilibrium. This technique is attractive in those systems

where certain chemical and phase equilibrium conditions exist and it is especially useful for equilibrium-

limited reactions such as esterification and ester hydrolysis reactions. Conversion can be increased far

beyond what is expected by the equilibrium due to the continuous removal of reaction products from the

reactive zone. This helps to reduce capital and investment costs and may be important for sustainable

development since that shifts the chemical equilibrium to produce more product and thus a lower

consumption of resources(Luyben and Yu, 2009).

Although invented in 1921, the industrial application of reactive distillation did not take place before the

1980s.Being a relatively new field, research on various aspects such as modeling and simulation, process

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synthesis, column hardware design, non-linear dynamics and control is in progress. The suitability of RD for

a particular reaction depends on various factors such as volatilities of reactants and products along with the

feasible reaction and distillation temperature. Hence, the use of RD for every reaction may not be feasible. A

commentary paper(Malone and Doherty, 2000) on RD exposes an effective way of decomposing the design

and development of reactive distillation involves four stages: (1) feasibility and alternatives, (2) conceptual

design and evaluation, (3) equipment selection and hardware design, and (4) operability and control.

2.4.4 Salt-effect distillation

The salt effect distillations a method of extractive distillation in which a salt is dissolved in the mixture

of liquids to be distilled. The salt dissociates in the mixture and alters the relative volatilities sufficiently so

that the separation becomes possible. Hence salt effect on vapor-liquid equilibrium relationships provides a

potential technique of extractive distillation for systems difficult or impossible to separate by normal

rectification in a related process. The salt is fed into the distillation column at a steady rate by adding it to the

reflux ratio stream at the top of the column. It dissolves in the liquid phase, and since it is non-volatile, flows

out with the heavier bottoms stream. The bottom is partially or completely evaporated to recover the salt for

reuse. An example is the dehydration of ethanol using potassium acetate solution (Furter, 1968). One

advantage of salt-effect distillation over other types of azeotropic distillation is the potential for reduced costs

associated with energy usage.

2.4.5 Extractive distillation

Extractive distillation is a powerful and widely used technique for separating azeotropic and low

relative volatility mixtures in pharmaceutical and chemical industries. Given an azeotropic mixture A-B (with

A having a lower boiling temperature than B), an entrainer E is added to interact selectively with the original

components and alter their relative volatility, thus enhancing the original separation. It differs from azeotropic

distillation by the fact that the third-body solvent E is fed continuously in another column position other than

mixture feed. For decades a single feasibility rule holds in industry for separating minimum boiling azeotrope:

extractive distillation is defined as involving a miscible, heavy component. The solvent forms no new

azeotrope and the original component with the greatest volatility separates out as the top product. The

bottom product consists of a mixture of the solvent and the other component fed to the recovering column.

An example is the dehydration of ethanol with ethylene glycol. The extractive process allows distilling ethanol,

a saddle of the 1.0-1a class diagram.

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Extractive distillation has been studied for many decades with a rich literature, some main subjects

studied include:(1) column with all possible configurations (Davidyan et al., 1994, Phimister and Seider, 2000,

Stéger et al., 2005b, Hua et al., 2007) and a systematic study on column configurations of continuous

heterogeneous extractive distillation was published by Rodriguez-Donis et al. (2007a);(2) process operation

polices and strategy (Demicoli and Stichlmair, 2003, Safrit and Westerberg, 1997, Lelkes et al., 1998); (3)

process design, synthesis, optimization (Doherty and Caldarola,1985, Pham and Doherty, 1990a, Barreto et

al., 2011); (4) determining the separation sequencing (Bernot et al., 1991, Ulrich and Morari, 2003); (5)

entrainer design and selection (Wahnschafft and Westerberg, 1993a, Thomas and Karl Hans, 1994, Van Dyk

and Nieuwoudt, 2000); (6) feasibility studies (Knapp and Doherty, 1994, Rodriguez-Donis et al., 2009a,

Rodriguez-Donis et al., 2011).

2.5.1 Extractive Batch Column configurations

Several column configurations can be used for extractive distillation both in batch and continuous. In

batch mode, batch extractive distillation (BED) is a process where the mixture to be separated is charged

into the still whereas entrainer (E) is fed continuously. When the entrainer is added to the mixture to be

separated at the beginning of the process, it belongs to solvent-enhanced batch distillation (SBD).Both BED

and SBD processes can be performed either in rectifier, or in middle-vessel column, or in stripping column

(see Figure).



(a) SBD

(c) SBS

(b) BED-T

(d) BES-T

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(e) BED-I

(f) BED-B

(h) BES-B (g) BES-I

Figure 2.16 Configurations of extractive batch distillation column in rectifier and stripper

According to the position of the entrainer feed, four configurations in a rectifier can be considered:

• A single rectifying section exists (Figure 2.16a, b).

o both the entrainer and feed are premixed to the boiler in batch mode (SBD configuration).

o the entrainer is fed to the boiler continuously (BED-B configuration).

• extractive and rectifying section exist (Figure 2.16e).

o the entrainer is fed to the intermediate section in continuous mode (configuration BED-I).

• a single extractive section exists (BED-T configuration) (Figure 2.16f).

o the e trainer is fed to the condenser in continuous mode (configuration BED-I).

Correspondingly, depending on the location of the feed configurations in a stripper (reverse extractive

column) can be considered (see Figure 2.16 c, d, g, h):

• A single stripping section (Figure 2.16c,d).

o both the entrainer and feed are premixed to the condenser (SBS configuration).

o both feed and entrainer are fed to the condenser, the entrainer is fed continuously (BES-B


• extractive and rectifying section (Figure 2.16g).

o the entrainer is fed to the intermediate section in continuous mode (configuration BES-I).

• a single extractive section exists (Figure 2.16h).

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o the feed is fed to the condenser and the entrainer is fed to the boiler in continuous mode

(configuration BES-B).

Steger et al. (2005) emphasize that the most commonly applied configuration is the rectifier as

controlling a batch rectifier is less complex than controlling a stripper.

2.5.2 Continuous Column configurations

A typical extractive distillation process is shown in Figure 2.17, which includes an extractive distillation

column where the solute, A, is obtained as the distillate and the mixture of raffinate, B, and solvent is exists

from the bottom. A solvent recovery column comes next where the purified raffinate, B is obtained as

distillate and the solvent is recovered from the bottom and recycled to the extractive distillation column is

also shown. The study on extractive distillation summarizes in following sections.



F (A+B)


Extractive section

Rectification section

Stripping section



S+B (A)






F (A+B)


Extractive section

Rectification section

Stripping section



S+B (A)

B(A) V


Figure 2.17.Flowsheet of typical extractive distillation with (a) heavy entrainer and (b) light entrainer

Rodriguez-Donis et al (2007) investigated the feasibility of heterogeneous extractive distillation

process in a continuous column considering several feed point strategies for the entrainer recycle stream

and for the main azeotropic feed (Figure 2.18).

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Figure 2.18 Configurations for the heterogeneous distillation column considering all possibilities for both the entrainer recycle and the main azeotropic feed. (From Rodriguez-Donis et al. 2007)

Depending on these choices, the heterogeneous distillation column is composed of one, two, or three

column sections. Unlike homogeneous extractive distillation, a ref ux policy composed by a single or both

decanted liquid phases is considered. They also looked at the impact of the external feeding inf uence on the

composition of the top column liquid stream, which knowledge was required to assess the feasibility. Figure

2.18 try to display superstructure for the extractive distillation column considering all possibilities for both the

entrainer recycle and the main azeotropic feed (Rodriguez-Donis et al., 2007).Taking into account the seven

conf gurations combining the entrainer recycle stream and the main azeotropic feed. The heteoazeotropic

distillation column is the aggregation of several parts among (i) a condenser and a decanter together, (ii) a

rectifying section from the top of the column down to the entrainer recycle feed, (iii) an extractive section

between the two feeds, and (iv) a stripping section from the main azeotropic feed to the bottom, including the

boiler. Choosing the main azeotropic feed location (intermediate or column top) and the entrainer recycle

strategy (mixed with the azeotropic feed or with the top liquid ref ux or sent to an intermediate column point

of the column or to the decanter) leads to any of the seven conf gurations.

2.5.3 Entrainer design

The effectiveness of an extractive distillation process relies on the choice of extractive agent. Although

many heuristic methods have been developed to assist in the choice of solvent, they are mostly qualitative. A

more effective method for selecting solvents is computer-aided molecular design (CAMD). In this method the

required properties of a solvent are specified, and its structure is then calculated through the use of group

contribution methods (Van Dyk and Nieuwoudt, 2000b). Entrainer design study has been rich in the literature.

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A potential candidate entrainer is often related to three major properties: (1) pure solvent properties such as

boiling point, vapor pressure, molar volume, and critical properties (Marrero and Gani,2001 , Hein-

Hsiun,1994); (2)process properties such as relative volatility, solvent solubility power, phase stability criterion

performance index (Pretel et al., 1994), and (3) recent criteria related to sustainability: environment

properties such as LC50 (Song and Song, 2008), environmental waste, impact, health, and safety issues

(Weis and Visco, 2010). The entrainer is conventionally chosen in industrial practice as a heavy (high boiling)

component (Seader et al., 1998, Luyben and Chien, 2010, Lang et al., 1994, Rodriguez-Donis et al., 2009a).

However, there are some cases when its use is not recommended such as if a heat sensitive, high boiling

component mixture is to be separated. Different entrainers can cause different components to be recovered

overhead in extractive distillation, potential entrainers is critical since an economically optimal design made

with an average design using best entrainer can be much less costly. Besides, the entrainer must also be

easy to recover from the regeneration column. Inspired by Laroche et al., (1991), the work by Rodriguez-

Donis et al. (2009a, 2009b, 2010, 2012a, 2012b) showed that a feasible extractive process is achievable in

batch for heavy, light, or intermediate entrainer and even for entrainers that form new azeotropes. Extending

that insight to continuous is the main objective of our PhD Thesis.

2.5.4 Key operating parameters

Both minimum entrainer - feed flow rate ratio and minimum reflux ratios can be used as indicators of a

flowsheet’s energy requirements. Levy and Doherty (1986)used tangent pinch points to calculate minimum

reflux ratios for class 1.0-1a.Knapp and Doherty, (1994) determined for 1.0-1a class (min T azeotrope with a

heavy entrainer) the minimum entrainer - feed flows using a geometric method involving bifurcations of the

finite difference equations describing the middle section of the column. In addition to minimum reflux ratio,

there may be a maximum reflux ratio above which separation cannot be achieved. These bounds for the

reflux ratio depend on the entrainer feed flow rate ratio. The range of feasible choices for the reflux ratio

decreases with decreasing entrainer - feed flow rate ratio. Below a minimum entrainer - feed flow rate ratio

the extractive effect is no longer sufficient for separation and a feasible reflux ratio policy cannot be found.


The design of all distillation processes is connected to thermodynamics, in particular to the boiling

point of each compound and azeotrope. For conventional or azeotropic distillation, residue curve maps

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analysis allows assessing the feasibility under infinite reflux ratio conditions with the finding of the ultimate

products under direct or indirect split conditions (Doherty and Malone, 2001).

The initial feasibility study related to well-known design tools: residue curve maps analysis and liquid

phase diagrams, since they can represent good approximations to actual equilibrium behavior and can be

used to predict composition changes in separation processes under infinite reflux ratio conditions, residue

curve maps (RCMs), were first defined and used by Schreinemakers (1901). A past review article (Fien and

Liu, 1994) presented the use of ternary diagrams including RCMs for the feasibility analysis, flowsheet

development, and preliminary design of both homogeneous and heterogeneous azeotropic systems

separation processes. Residue curve maps of reactive and extractive distillation units are used by (Jiménez

et al., 2001) for a simultaneous analysis, this graphical techniques reveal the sensitivity of design options by

giving us a visual representation over the whole composition space and assist the engineer to detect

separation constraints. Pham and Doherty (1990b) conducted a residue curve map analysis for ternary

heterogeneous mixtures to aid in the sequencing of heterogeneous distillation columns. However, distillation

runs under finite reflux ratio (reboil ratio in reverse extractive distillation) conditions, finding which products

are achievable and the location of the suitable feed composition region is more complicated (Wahnschafft et

al., 1992, Fidkowski et al., 1993, Pöllmann and Blass, 1994) because the dependency of composition profile

on reflux ratio (reboil ratio) needs to be considered. That affects the range of composition available to each

section profiles, due to the occurrence of pinch points, which differ from the singular points of the residue

curve map (Levy et al., 1985, Doherty and Caldarola, 1985, Bausa et al., 1998, Urdaneta et al., 2002).

The design of extractive distillation columns is further complicated by the occurrence of a middle

extractive section, and the process often shows counterintuitive operational properties. The separation

maximum and efficiency are not necessarily improved by increasing the reflux ratio (Knapp and Doherty,

1994) and batch extractive distillation studies further demonstrated the importance of selecting a suitable

entrainer feed flow rate ratio (Lelkes et al., 1998a). As detailed later, those issues are related to the

knowledge of univolatility curve location and of volatility order region. It was needed in complement to RCM

analysis for studying the feasibility of extractive distillation processes.

2.6.1 Ternary systems studied in extractive distillation

Ternary systems are studied in this thesis on the basis of Serafimov’s classification that includes 26

classes of feasible topological structures of VLE diagrams for ternary mixtures (Serafimov, 1996). The

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entrainer E is conventionally defined by its boiling temperature with respect to the binary mixture A-B to

separate: a heavy entrainer E has a boiling temperature higher than A and B, an intermediate entrainer E

has a boiling temperature between the A and B, a light entrainer E has a boiling temperature lower than A

and B. In industry, extractive distillation entrainer is usually chosen as a heavy (high boiling) component

(Seader, J. D., et al., 1998,Luyben and Chien, 2010,Lang et al., 1994,Rodriguez-Donis et al., 2009a).

Theoretically, any candidate entrainer satisfying the feasibility and optimal criteria enounced by Rodriguez-

Donis et al.(2009a) can be used no matter it is heavy, light, or intermediate entrainer. Literature studies on

intermediate entrainer or light entrainer validate this assumption (Lelkes et al., 2002, Hunek et al., 1989,

Laroche et al., 1992, Lang et al., 1999b, Varga et al., 2006, Rodriguez-Donis et al., 2011).Apart from

Laroche et al., 1990, 1992, continuous extractive distillation studies have always considered a heavy

entrainer to split a minimum boiling azeotrope which belongs to class 1.0-1a (Knapp and Doherty, 1994a,

Luyben, 2008a, 2008b, Brüggemann and Marquardt, 2004). Laroche et al., 1991 also considered light and

intermediate entrainers.

Steger et al., 2005compared several systems of batch extractive distillation in a rectifier. Varga (2006

PhD thesis) surveyed batch extractive distillation studies in a stripper. These works give a useful guide to the

separation of mixtures binary homogeneous azeotropic mixtures by batch extractive distillation. Table 2. and

Table 2.2 update the information on literature for each ternary system.

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Table 2.1 The most important literature concerning extractive distillation separation of binary azeotropic and low relative volatility mixtures in a batch rectifier with light, intermediate or heavy entrainer.

Extractive distillation of ternary mixture systems

Entrainer type heavy intermediate light

Mixture type minimum maximum low alpha minimum maximum minimum maximum low alpha

Serafimov class 1.0-1a 1.0-2 0.0-1 1.0-1b 1.0-1b 1.0-2 1.0-1a 0.0-1

Volatility order Az>A>B>E A>B>Az>E A>B>E Az>A>E>B A>E>B>Az E>Az>A>B E>A>B>Az E>A>B

Related Literature

Yatim, 1993, Lang et al.,


Lang et al.,


Rev et al., 2003 Bernot et

al., 1990

Hunek et al.,


Varga et al.,


Varga et al.,


Lang et al., 1994,

Laroche et al.,


Lang et al.,



Donis et al.


Varga, 2003 Lelkes et

al., 2002

Laroche et al.,



et al. 2012a


et al. 2012a

Knapp and

Doherty, 1994a,


et al. 2009a


et al. 2012b


Donis et

al. 2012b

Lelkes, 1998

Lang et al., 1995,

Lelkes et al.,


Lelkes et al.,

1998a, 1998b,

Lang et al., 1999

Milani, 1999,

Varga et al.,


Brüggemann and

Marquardt, 2004,


et al. 2012a




et al. 2009a

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Table 2.2 The study case related to extractive distillation separation of binary azeotropic and low relative volatility mixture in a batch rectifier with light, intermediate or heavy entrainer.

Extractive distillation of ternary mixture systems


type heavy intermediate light

Mixture type minimum maximum low alpha minimum maximum minimum maximum low alpha



1.0-1a 1.0-2 0.0-1 1.0-1b 1.0-1b 1.0-2 1.0-1a 0.0-1



Az>A>B>E A>B>Az>E A>B>E Az>A>E>B A>E>B>Az E>Az>A>B E>A>B>Az E>A>B

Case study [A ; B ; E]

acetone acetone ethyl acetate methyl acetate chloroform ethanol water chlorobenzene










ethyl acetate




ethylene diamine




acetone acetone heptane methanol ethanol chloroform













acetone vinyl heptane methyl methyl isobutyl




Butyl acetate









propanoic acid



acetone ethyl acetate

methanol benzene

chlorobenzene hexanol

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2.6.2 Batch extractive process operation policies and strategy

Process operation policies and strategy concern batch extractive distillation process. The batch

extractive distillation realization and the role played by the different steps in the process are analyzed and

are presented by Lelkes et al. (1998), on the basis of this analysis several operational policies. Usually,

batch extractive distillation (BED) proceeds in four operation steps: (1) infinite reflux ratio operation to reach

steady state inside the column, (2) infinite reflux ratio operation with continuous entrainer feeding, (3) finite

reflux ratio, leading to the distillation of one of the original component while feeding continuously the

entrainer, and (4) conventional distillation for the separation of the zeotropic binary mixture retained into the

still. The original R=const. policy is modified by shortening the second preparatory step of the BED (R=∞,

F>0). The possibilities of performing a constant distillate composition (xD, A=const.) policy are discussed. In

their article about improved operational policies for batch extractive distillation columns, Safrit and

Westerberg (1997) studied the sensitivities to various column operation parameters, in particular the

entrainer - feed flow rate ratio policy, bottoms flow rate ratio policy, and the switching time between

operational steps. They showed that these variables do have a large effect on the final solution and should

be solved as in an optimal process. While the optimal policies for the entrainer and bottoms flow rate ratio

were not obvious, the value of the switching time that maximized the final profit for the simulations run was

very near to the value of the time in which the accumulated profit was maximized in the main operational

step (distillate recovery step). The problem solution was very sensitive to assumed product value and

operational costs. They also found that the still path steering algorithm provides a good first approximation to

the bottoms flow rate ratio policy for certain types of objective functions. Demicoli and Stichlmair (2003),

presented an experimental investigation of the separation of a zeotropic ternary mixture via total reflux ratio

operation and of the separation of an azeotropic binary mixture via batch-wise extractive distillation. Lang et

al. (2006) proposed a new operational policy which was successfully applied in the industry, as well. They

started the continuous E feeding already during the heating-up of the column.

Step 1 feasibility obeys the residue curve map analysis results, because the residue curve then

describes the liquid composition in the column. Steps 2 and 3 are the extractive steps, and their feasibility is

determined by the existence of an extractive composition profile that links the rectifying profile to the

instantaneous still composition, following Lelkes’ model. Under feasible operating parameters, both profiles

intersect close to the extractive stable node (SNextr) that, under a sufficiently high entrainer/vapor flow rate

ratio and number of extractive trays, is commonly located near the binary side of the entrainer and the

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original component, which is drawn as distillate product. The other azeotropic component remains in the still

with the entrainer at the end of step 3.This intersection-finding methodology has been used to study the

separation of minimum and maximum azeotropic mixtures and that of close-boiling mixtures by feeding a

heavy, light, and intermediate entrainer in extractive distillation (Rodriguez-Donis et al., 2009a, 2009b, 2010,

2012a, 2012b).

The necessary operating steps of the process and the limiting operating parameters in a batch rectifier

or a batch stripper with intermediate entrainer feeding are determined and compared in Table 2.3 and Table

2.4 for each case reported in Table 2.2. These results can be useful in other separation problems. The

limiting parameters include: the reflux ratio R, the entrainer - feed flow rate ratio F / V, the number of

theoretical stages in rectifying and extractive section.


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Table 2.3. The operating steps and limiting parameters of extractive distillation in configuration BED-I separating binary azeotropic and low relative volatility mixture in a batch rectifier with light, intermediate or heavy entrainer (Varga, 2006).

Extractive distillation of ternary mixture systems

Entrainer type heavy intermediate light

Mixture minimum maximum low alpha minimum maximum minimum maximum low alpha

Serafimov class 1.0-1a 1.0-2 0.0-1 1.0-1b 1.0-1b 1.0-2 1.0-1a 0.0-1

Volatility Order Az>A>B>E A>B>Az>E A>B>E Az>A>E>B A>E>B>Az E>Az>A>B E>A>B>Az E>A>B

Analysis of Operating steps with configuration BED-I

Adding entrainer

in advance - - - - necessary necessary necessary necessary

Startup R=∞ ; F=0 R=∞ ; F=0 R=∞ ; F=0 R=∞ ; F=0 R=∞ ; F=0 R=∞ ; F=0 R=∞ ; F=0 R=∞ ; F=0

Purification R=∞ ; F>0 R=∞ ; F>0 R=∞ ; F>0 R=∞ ; F>0 - - - -

1st product R<∞ ; F>0 R<∞ ; F>0 R<∞ ; F>0 R<∞ ; F>0 R<∞ ; F>0 R<∞ ; F>0 R<∞ ; F>0 R<∞ ; F>0

{A} {A} {A} {A} {AE} {EA} {EA} {EA}

2nd product R<∞ ; F=0 R<∞ ; F=0 R<∞ ; F=0 R<∞ ; F=0 R<∞ ; F=0 R<∞ ; F=0 R<∞ ; F=0 R<∞ ; F=0

{B} {B} {B} {E} {E} {E} {E} {E}

3rd product remainder:

















{AE} {EA} {EA} {EA}

4th product

R<∞ ; F=0 R<∞ ; F=0 R<∞ ; F=0 R<∞ ; F=0

{A} {E} {E} {E}

5th product









Limitation parameters

Reflux ratio min min min min min min ; max min ; max min

NRect ( rect. stage) min ; max min min min ; max min min ; max min ; max min ; max

NExtr (extr. stage) min min ; max min min - max max max

F/V (entrainer - feed flow rate

ratio) min max min min min max min -

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Table 2.4.The operating stages and limiting parameters of azeotropic extractive distillation in configuration BES-I separating binary azeotropic and low relative volatility mixture in a batch rectifier with light, intermediate or heavy entrainer(Varga, 2006).

Extractive distillation of ternary mixture systems

Entrainer type: heavy intermediate light

Mixture: minimum maximum low alpha minimum maximum minimum maximum low alpha

Volatility Order Az>A>B>E A>B>Az>E A>B>E Az>A>E>B A>E>B>Az E>Az>A>B E>A>B>Az E>A>B

Analysis of Operating steps with configuration BES-I




g s


s –



1 / Startup s=∞ ; +F s=∞ ; +F s=∞ ; +F s=∞ ; +F s=∞ ; F=0 - s=∞ ; F=0 s=∞ ; +F

2 /purification - - - - s=∞ ; F>0 - s=∞ ; F>0 -

3 / production s<∞ ; F>0


s<∞ ; F>0


s<∞ ; F>0


s<∞ ; F>0


s<∞ ; F>0

{B} -

s<∞ ; F>0


s<∞ ; F>0


4 / cutting s<∞ ; F>0 s<∞ ; F>0 s<∞ ; F>0 s<∞ ; F=0 s<∞ ; F=0 - s<∞ ; F=0 s<∞ ; F=0

5 / production

s<∞ ; F=0


remainder: A

s<∞ ; F=0


remainder: A

s<∞ ; F=0


remainder: A

s<∞ ; F=0


remainder: A

s<∞ ; F=0


remainder: A


s<∞ ; F=0


remainder: E

s<∞ ; F=0


remainder: E

reloading {B/E} {B/E} {B/E} {B/E} - - - -

6 / production

s<∞ ; F=0


remainder: B

s<∞ ; F=0


remainder: B

s<∞ ; F=0


remainder: B

s<∞ ; F=0


remainder: E

- - - -

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2.6.3 Thermodynamic insight on extractive distillation feasibility

Almost all the literature relied upon the feasibility rule that a heavy entrainer forming new azeotrope

was suitable to separate a minimum boiling azeotrope. The corresponding ternary diagram belongs to the

1.0-1a Serafimov’s class (occurrence 21.6%). As Laroche et al. (1991, 1992) showed for the 1.0-1a class,

knowledge of the residue curve map and of the location of the univolatility curve αAB=1 can help assess

which product is removed in the distillated when using a light, intermediate or heavy entrainer. With a heavy

entrainer, A (or B) can be distillated by using a direct sequence if the univolatility curve intersects the A-E

edge (the B-E edge). This helped to explain some counterintuitive observation that sometimes the

intermediate boiling compound B within the A-B-E mixture is removed in the distillate.

The important separation of a maximum boiling azeotrope with a heavy entrainer corresponds to the

1.0-2 class (occurrence 8.5%) was not studied in continuous operation but it was studied in batch by using

composition profiles (Lang et al., 2000a, 2000b).

Completion and extension of thermodynamic insight to other mixture classes was published by

Rodriguez-Donis et al (2009a, 2009b, 2010, 2012a, 2012b) who combined knowledge of the thermodynamic

properties of residue curve maps and of the univolatility and unidistribution curves location. They expressed

a general feasibility criterion for extractive distillation under infinite reflux ratio:

“Homogeneous extractive distillation of a A-B mixture with entrainer E feeding is feasible if there exists

a residue curve connecting E to A or B following a decreasing (a) or increasing (b) temperature direction

inside the region where A or B are the most volatile (a) or the heaviest (b) component of the mixture”.

The volatility order is set by the univolatility curves which knowledge is therefore critical. Using

illustrative examples covering all sub cases, but exclusively operated in batch extractive distillation,

Rodriguez-Donis and colleagues found that Serafimov’s classes covering up to 53% of azeotropic mixtures

were suited for extractive distillation : 0.0-1 (low relative volatility mixtures), 1.0-1a, 1.0-1b, 1.0-2 (azeotropic

mixtures with light, intermediate or heavy entrainers forming no new azeotrope), 2.0-1, 2.0-2a, 2.0-2b and

2.0-2c (azeotropic mixtures with an entrainer forming one new azeotrope). For all suitable classes, the

general criterion under infinite reflux ratio could explain the product to be recovered and the possible

existence of limiting values for the entrainer - feed flow rate ratio for batch operation: a minimum value for

the class 1.0-1a, a maximum value for the class 1.0-2, etc. The behavior at finite reflux ratio could be

deduced from the infinite reflux ratio behavior and properties of the residue curve maps, and some limits on

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the reflux ratio were found. However precise finding of the limiting values of reflux ratio or of the entrainer -

feed flow rate ratio required other techniques, summarized now, more details will be given in Chapters3 and


Batch distillation process studies have added new insights to both batch and continuous distillation

operation. The design of pressure swing batch distillation process has been recently revisited with precise

feasibility criteria based on thermodynamic properties of ternary diagrams (Wozny and Repke, 2007; Modla

and Lang, 2008, Modla et al., 2010, Modla, 2010, Modla, 2011). Batch azeotropic distillation exhaustive

feasibility rules for homogeneous (Rodriguez-Donis et al., 2001) and heterogeneous mixtures (Rodriguez-

Donis et al. 2001, 2002, Skouras et al., 2005, Lang and Modla, 2006) have increased the number of mixture

classes suited for azeotropic batch distillation, prompted the search of novel operation modes, like double

columns (Denes et al., 2009) and helped the selection of the proper load composition region in continuous

operation. Regarding extractive distillation, continuous mode studies have relied for decades upon a simple

feasibility rule (Laroche et al., 1991, Knapp and Doherty, 1990, 1994): for the separation of a minimum (resp.

maximum) boiling azeotropic mixture A-B, one should add a heavy (resp. light) entrainer E that forms no new

azeotrope. The corresponding ternary mixture A-B-E belongs to the 1.0-1a class (Kiva et al., 2003), which

occurrence amounts to 21.6% of all azeotropic ternary mixtures (Hilmen et al. 2000). In Chapters 3 and 4 we

study how batch insight can be used for assessing continuous extractive distillation feasibility for classes 1.0-

1a and 1.0-2 (min T and max T azeotropic mixtures with a heavy or light entrainer).

2.6.4 Topological features related to process operation

The general feasibility criterion enounced previously strictly holds for infinite reflux ratio operation,

corresponding to steps 1 and2 of the batch extractive distillation process. For finite reflux ratio(step 3), things

are more complicated and can only be exhaustively studied from the computation of extractive singular

points as was done for the minimum boiling azeotrope separation with a heavy entrainer (class 1.0-1a) via

batch homogeneous extractive rectification (the BED process)(Frits et al., 2006).Figure 2.19displaysthe

qualitative topological features of the class 1.0-1a diagram.

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R∝∝∝∝ R∝∝∝∝ B [Srcm]

Tmin azeoAB [UNrcm]


E (heavy) [SNrcm]

A [Srcm]

FE/V = 0

1.0-1a Residue curve map Extractive profile maps

FE/V →→→→ 0+

B [SB,ext]

E [UNext]

A [SA,ext]

Tmin azeoAB [SNext]

R∝∝∝∝ R∝∝∝∝ B

Tmin azeoAB


FE/V < (FE/V)min,R∝∝∝∝ FE/V > (FE/V)min,R∝∝∝∝



Tmin azeoAB

[UNext] [SNext]



ααααAB = 1





Extractive profile

residue curve passing near A

(a) (b)

(c) (d)


R finite R finite B

Tmin azeoAB


FE/V →→→→ 0+ FE/V < (FE/V)min,R>0



Tmin azeoAB








unfeasible region

residue curve passing near A

(e) (f)

Residue curve

Unstable extractive separatrix

Stable extractive separatrix

feasible region



[UN’ ext]

Figure 2.19 Topological features related to batch extractive distillation process operation of class 1.0-1a when using a heavy entrainer (Rodriguez-Donis et al., 2009a).

Feasible and unfeasible regions for the composition in the extractive section of the column are

deduced from the analysis of the extractive composition profile map, similarly to residue curve map (rcm)

analysis. Those regions are bounded by extractive stable and unstable separatrices crossing at saddle

extractive singular points (Knapp and Doherty, 1994a). For the class 1.0-1a, the pinch point of the extractive

composition profiles is a stable extractive node SNextr issued from the original minimum boiling azeotrope.

Saddle extractive points Si, extr are emerged from the rcm saddle points (A and B vertices). An extractive

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unstable node UNextr is located at the entrainer vertex. We now discuss the conclusions of Frits et al., from

the perspective of a univolatility concept (Frits et al., 2006).

At infinite reflux ratio with no entrainer feeding (BED process step1), the rcm holds (Figure 2.19a). The

column has a single rectifying section, and the composition profile in a tray column follows strictly a residue

curve assuming constant molar overflow hypothesis and infinite number of trays. The rcm analysis states

that the minimum boiling azeotrope, being the unique rcm unstable node, is obtained at the top of the column.

At infinite reflux ratio, as soon as the entrainer entrainer - feed flow rate ratio is turned on (FE/V=0+)

(BED process step 2), two column sections occur: a rectifying one above the feed and an extractive one the

feed. The rectifying section composition profiles are residue curves, as shown in Figure 2.19a. Figure 2.19b

sketches the extractive composition profiles map. Extractive singular points have the opposite stability of the

rcm singular points by comparing Figure 2.19a and Figure 2.19b, as explained in the literature(Knapp and

Doherty, 1994b). Of utmost importance is the univolatility curve αAB=1 that starts at the azeotrope Tmin azeoAB

and intersects the A-E edge at xP. The general criterion that we have enounced previously holds for

component A, which is then the first product cut of the BED process, provided that adequate reflux ratio and

entrainer - feed flow rate ratio values are set. Note that since components A, B, and E are extractive singular

points, the A-E, B-E, and A-B edges are, respectively, unstable, unstable, and stable extractive separatrices.

At infinite reflux ratio while FE/V increases (Figure 2.19c), SNextr moves along αAB=1, SA,extr and SB,extr

moves along the binary edges (A-E and B-E, respectively), toward the vertex E. Extractive stable

separatrices that link SA,extr -SNextr- SB,extr move inside the composition triangle toward E with no effect on


Close to a limiting value FE/Vmin,R∝, SNextr and SA,extr merge and the extractive composition profiles are

attracted to a new extractive stable node SNextr’ located below the A-E edge. FE/Vmin,R∝is defined as the value

for which the process becomes feasible: Extractive composition profiles ending at SNextr’ cross a rectifying

profile that can reach the vicinity of the expected product (A) (Figure 2.19d).

At a finite reflux ratio with FE/V= 0+ (Figure 2.19e), SNextr no longer belongs to the univolatility curve

but starts closer to component B on the B-Tmin azeotrope AB segment and moves inside the triangle along

with the both saddles SA,extr and SB,extr. The stable extractive separatrices SA,extr-SNextr and SB,extr-SNextr are the

sequel of the A-B edge moving inside the triangle. UNextr also moves slightly inside and sets with SA,extr and

SB,extr, two extractive unstable separatrices with significant curvature. Those separatrices end outside the

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triangle toward unstable nodes UNextr’ and UNextr’. They are the sequel of the A-E and B-E edges, extractive

unstable separatrices at infinite R, moving inside the triangle at finite reflux ratio (Figure 2.19e).

As FE/V increases at finite R, the extractive unstable separatrix UNextr-SA,extr-UNextr’ near the A-E edge

quickly disappears(Figure 2.19e). In the meantime (Figure 2.19f), SB,extr moves toward the vertex E inside the

triangle. Consequently, the extractive unstable separatrix UNextr-SB,extr-UNextr’ remains. Besides, the

extractive stable separatrix also remains, joining SB,extr to SNextr’ and SNextr’ located outside the ternary

composition space through the B-E edge. At finite reflux ratio, there exists FE/Vmin,R>0> FE/Vmin,R∝ above

which SNextr and SA,extr have merged and the extractive composition profiles are attracted to a new extractive

stable node SNextr ’ located below the A-E edge(Figure 2.19f). This allows one to connect the still

composition via a composite extractive and rectifying profile to the vicinity of A, and the process becomes

feasible again. However, the extractive unstable separatrix UNextr-SB,extr-UNextr’ remains and now sets

unfeasible composition regions located above it (Figure 2.19f) that prevent the total recovery of component A

from the column. Notice also that there exists a minimum reflux ratio Rmin at a given FE/V, for which the still

composition path lies entirely inside the unfeasible regions. This condition is accomplished when the

unstable separatrix UNextr-SB,extr-UNextr’ is tangent to the still path.

Hence finite reflux ratio operation is feasible if FE/V > FE/Vmin,R>0and R>Rmin. Now, as component E is

fed to the column, the composition profile moves toward component E and away from the distillate that is

close to component A (Figure 2.19f).Besides, the size of the unfeasible region increases as R decreases.

Therefore, recommended operation is to start at low reflux ratio and increase the reflux ratio, preventing the

column composition (or still path) from crossing the unstable separatrix UNextr-SB,extr-UNextr’ and lie inside the

unfeasible region.

Differential profiles do not hint at the number of theoretical trays in each column section. In practice, if

the number of theoretical trays in each column section is large enough, composition profiles reach close

enough to their nodes. So, there exist a minimum number of theoretical trays in both sections and also a

maximum in the rectifying section. Indeed, the residue curve starts at the Tmin azeoAB and too many rectifying

trays would force the rectifying profile to approach to component A (the expected product) but, then turn

away from component A toward the Tmin azeoAB.

In summary, we state that a priori knowledge of the residue curve shape and the location of the

univolatility curve αAB=1intersection with a diagram edge allows one to predict the distillate product obtained

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by extractive distillation as a first cut. Second, the existence of an unstable separatrix (coming from an

extractive saddle opposite to the distillate) must be tracked down, because it sets an unfeasible composition

region that prevents total product recovery under finite reflux ratio operation.

In contrast to class 1.0-1a, applied to for the ternary diagram 1.0-2 that concerns the separation of

maximum boiling azeotropes using heavy entrainers at infinite reflux ratio with no entrainer feeding (BED

process step1), process operation insights on class 1.0-2 extractive distillation are evident if we recall the

key features of class 1.0-1a (Figure 2.19), namely, under infinite R and FE/V=0+, rcm stability of the singular

points is reversed for the extractive profile map. Figure 2.20 shows the similar feature for residue curve map

(Figure 2.20a) and extractive map (Figure 2.20b). The column has a single rectifying section, the

composition profile in a tray column follows strictly a residue curve assuming constant molar overflow

hypothesis and infinite number of trays. The rcm analysis states that both original components A and B are

unstable nodes; the entrainer (E) is the stable node, while the maximum boiling azeotrope Tmax azeotrope AB

is a saddle point. The rcm stable separatrix, which is also called the basic distillation region boundary, links

the azeotrope to E. Separation of components A and B is theoretically impossible by conventional azeotropic

distillation adding E initially into the still, because components A and B are located in different distillation

regions, separated by the rcm stable separatrix.

Under infinite R and FE/V ~ 0+ (see Figure 2.20b), the maximum boiling azeotrope azeoAB is a saddle

Sextr and A and B are stable extractive nodes (SNA,extr and SNB,extr, respectively), whereas E is an unstable

extractive node (UNextr). There will always be an unstable extractive separatrix between UNextr (vertex E) and

Sextr (Tmax azeotrope AB).

All the general features of the topology of the extractive composition profile map and its difference

relative to class 1.0-1a are now discussed as follow, depending on the intersection of the αAB=1 curve with

the triangle edges.

Figure 2.20c shows the extractive composition profile maps for a higher value of FE/V but lower than

(FE/V)max while R is infinite. Sextr moves inside the ternary composition space, precisely along the univolatility

line αAB=1. Furthermore, the stable extractive nodes SNA,extr and SNB,extr move toward E over the binary

edges A-E and B-E, respectively. Therefore, a stable extractive separatrix SNB,extr-Sextr-SNA,extr and an

unstable extractive separatrix UNextr-Sextr-UNextr’, similar to those shown in Figure 2.19e,f exist, even for

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infinite reflux ratio. Logically, under finite reflux ratio, the unstable extractive separatrix UNextr-Sextr-UN’ will

move toward the selected distillate product (A or B), reducing the size of their respective feasible regions.

Further increases in FE/V allow the fusion of Sextr and SNA, extr. All extractive composition profiles then

reach the unstable node SNB,extr (Figure 2.20d). This shows the significance of the univolatility line in the

synthesis of the homogeneous extractive distillation process, because it sets limiting values of (FE/V)max.

Here, the αAB=1 line sets a maximum value (FE/V)max,B,R∝ to recover component A.

Under finite reflux ratio, extractive profiles are dependent on the distillate composition. Therefore,

rectifying and extractive composition profile maps must be computed for both possible distillates xDA and xDB

for different FE/V and R conditions (Figure 2.20e-g for product A and Figure 2.20f-h for product B).

For Figure 2.20e, g, the ternary saddle Sextr moves toward vertex B inside the composition triangle and

the stable node SNB, extr are located outside the composition triangle. That reflux ratio allows one to set the

extractive separatrix on the left of the rectifying separatrix, an optimal reflux ratio exists for a given FE/V. The

occurrence of an unstable extractive separatrix prevents complete recovery of the distillate, because an

unfeasible region of growing size arises as R decreases. On contrast, for Figure 2.20f-h, the ternary saddle

Sextr moves toward vertex B inside the composition triangle and the stable node SNA,extr is located outside the

composition triangle. Figure 2.20 displays the qualitative topological features of the class 1.0-2 diagram.

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R∝∝∝∝ R∝∝∝∝ B [UNrcm]

Tmax azeoAB [Srcm]


E (heavy) [SNrcm]

A [UNrcm]

FE/V = 0

1.0-2 Residue curve map Extractive profile maps

FE/V →→→→ 0+

B [SNext,B]

E [UNext]

A [SNext,A]

Tmax azeoAB [Sext]

R∝∝∝∝ R∝∝∝∝ B

Tmax azeoAB


FE/V < (FE/V)max,R∝∝∝∝ FE/V > (FE/V)max,R∝∝∝∝



Tmax azeoAB

[UNext] [Sext]



ααααAB = 1





Extractive profile

residue curve passing near A

(a) (b)

(c) (d)


R finite B

Tmax azeoAB


FE/V →→→→ 0+





Residue curve

Unstable extractive separatrix

Stable extractive separatrix


Distillation Boundary


R finite B

Tmax azeoAB


FE/V →→→→ 0+






R finite B

Tmax azeoAB






FE/V < (FE/V)max


R finite B

Tmax azeoAB






FE/V < (FE/V)max

Product A

Product A Product B

Product B

Figure 2.20 Topological features related to the extractive distillation process operation of class 1.0-2 when using a heavy entrainer.

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2.6.5 Extractive process feasibility assessed from intersection of composition profiles and

differential equation

The feasibility always relies upon intersection for composition profiles in the various column sections

(rectifying, extractive, stripping), joining the top and bottom composition, whatever the operation parameter

values (reflux ratio, flow-rates...)(Frits et al., 2006).The process is feasible if the specified product

compositions at the top (xD) and the bottom (xW) of the column can be connected by a single or by a

composite composition profile.

A single composition profile belongs to one column section and a composite composition profile is

composed by two or three column section composition profiles connected at some punctual composition.

The number of section depends on the column configuration. The column section profiles are described by

the general finite differential model (Van Dongen and Doherty, 1985), and extended by Lelkes et al. (1998)

for the BED:

[ ] *)( ii yxy




dx−⋅±= (2.23)

where V and L are the vapor and liquid flow-rates within the column, the vapor composition y* in

equilibrium with x is computed by the liquid-vapor equilibrium relation and the actual vapor composition y is

computed from the mass balance in each column section, depending on choice of the column

configuration(Rodriguez-Donis et al., 2007b). The V/L and y equation for each section will be detailed in

Chapters3 and 4.

The differential equation is a continuous model derived via a truncated series expansion of a staged

model. As differential model, it is well suited for the study of singularities (stable or unstable node, saddle)

and eventual boundaries of the liquid composition profile maps that may affect feasibility under various

operating conditions, feasibility and limiting parameter values like minimum reflux ratio(reboil ratio).To assess

intersection of composition profiles are easier with continuous composition profiles from the differential

model than with discrete composition profiles from distillation line calculations as investigated in earlier

works(Pham et al., 1989).The differential model is, however, neither related to theoretical or real stages, nor

it is based on mass transfer equations. It cannot be used to evaluate a finite number of stages within some

column section like with the distillation line calculations under higher than minimum reflux ratio conditions.

Finally, it contains the same driving force y-y* as occurs in the well-known NTU-HTU mass transfer model.

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This differential equation is an initial value problem that should be solved by starting the computation.

The double sign ± shown in equation (2.23) is to be actualized according to the direction (top down or bottom

up) considering that column height h is equal to zero at the top. Therefore, equation (2.23) must be used in

computing the liquid composition profile of a rectifying, extractive and stripping column section with an

adequate definition of the initial point for x, and the direction of the solution and the mass balance equation

for y. The driving force applied in equation (2.23) is to be understood at a given column height h. This is valid

even at thievery top of the column. The composition of the vapor emerging from the column top, and the

imagined vapor composition that would be in equilibrium y* with the countercurrent liquid x0 are in the same

relation. Therefore, the composition of this countercurrent liquid x0 is a good candidate tube an initial point for

the higher (rectifying or extracting) column section and the equation is solved top down. Otherwise, if the

bottom composition xW is known then it can be directly applied as the initial value, and equation (2.23) is

solved bottom up in the lowest (stripping) column section keeping negative sign.

Thus, computation of the top (rectifying or extractive) column section composition profile should be

started from the composition of the liquid flowing on the top of the column if there are at least two column

sections. This is called ‘the top liquid composition’, and denoted by x0. The x0 is identical to the composition

of the reflux ratio stream xR if there is not external feed mixed with the liquid reflux ratio. This xR, in turn, is

identical to the distillate composition xD if there is no decanter (homogeneous extractive case). If there is a

liquid phase distribution then, the composition of the reflux ratio stream xR is determined by the compositions

xD and the distributed liquid phases, and the reflux ratio R, together. Besides, if there is some external liquid

feed sent tithe top of the column then it should be accounted as a feed mixed to the reflux ratio stream. The

top liquid composition x0 is then determined by the mass balance of mixing the external feed stream to the

reflux ratio stream, the reader can find more details in the work on heterogeneous extractive continuous

distillation by Rodriguez-Donis et al., (2007b).Finally, if there are three sections in the column then the

rectifying and stripping composition profiles begin at xR and xW, respectively, whereas for exploring the range

of potentially valid extractive composition profiles (the intermediate column section) a series of composition

profiles should be computed started from several points in the composition triangle.

2.6.6 Extractive process feasibility from pinch points analysis

The identification of possible cut under key parameters reflux ratio, reboil ratio and entrainer - feed

flow rate ratio has been the main challenge for an efficient separation of azeotropic mixtures. Several

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achievements have been realized by the use of an algebraic criterion (Levy et al. 1986) or of mathematical

approaches either by using bifurcation theory (Knapp and Doherty, 2004); by interval arithmetic (Frits et al.

2006) or by a combined bifurcation-short cut rectification body method (Brüggemann and Marquardt, 2008).

Extending its method for single feed azeotropic distillations (Levy et al. 1985), Levy et al. (1986)

proposed an algebraic trial-and-error tangent pinch points procedure for determining the minimum reflux ratio

without the necessity of lengthy iteration schemes involving column profile calculations. The method

consisted in finding the value of reflux ratio which makes the feed pinch point, the saddle pinch point, and the

controlling feed composition collinear but was restricted to ternary mixtures.

After studying the sequence extractive column and entrainer regeneration column for the separation of

the acetone – methanol azeotrope with water (Knapp and Doherty, 1990), Knapp and Doherty (1994) used

bifurcation theory to analyze the 1.0-1a class behavior and related the feasibility to the appearance of

saddle-node bifurcation points and branching points. Feasible processes required that a ternary saddle

originating from a pure component exists whereas the appearance of a ternary unstable node on the pinch

branch originating at the azeotrope led to an unfeasible separation. They also proposed some heuristics to

set the operational values of R and FE, once their minimal value was known. They also published more

general diagrams, issued from bifurcation theory, without providing illustrative example for each.

Frits et al. (2006) used an interval arithmetic-based branch-and-bound optimizer to find limiting flows

based on the existence and location of singular points and separatrices in profile maps and applied it to the

same 1.0-1a mixture as Knapp and Doherty (acetone-methanol-water), but for batch extractive distillation.

Agreeing with the findings of Knapp and Doherty (1994), they found a feasible process under infinite reflux

ratio above a minimal entrainer - feed flow rate ratio which corresponded to the merging of a stable pinch

point originating from the azeotrope with a saddle point originating from a pure component. Finite reflux ratio

analysis showed that the pinch points moved inside the composition triangle and brought unfeasible regions

which are described later.

Brüggemann and Marquardt (2008) exploited a fully-automated shortcut design procedure to

determine the limit values. The method is based on the approximation of all column profiles by so-called

rectification body method (RBM) which is constructed from nonlinear analysis of the pinches of each section

(Bausa et al., 1998). Like Knapp and Doherty (1994) they also set some operational constraint to determine

the quasi-optimal values once the minimal values of R and FE are known. All was incorporated into a general

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algorithm for the determination of the optimal values of the entrainer - feed flow rate ratio and the reflux ratio.

Several ternary mixtures were used for illustration, all of them belonging to the 1.0-1a class, but a quaternary

mixture with two azeotropes and an entrainer forming no new azeotrope was shown. Kossack et al. (2008)

then used the RBM method as a second screening criterion for evaluating the extractive distillation entrainer

candidates. Fast and efficient, the method bears some critics when the profiles are highly curves because

each rectification body has straight boundaries (Lucia et al., 2008).

Finally, one should notice the recent publication of a unique non iterative method for finding the

possible splits at finite reflux ratio of azeotropic distillation based on the identification of the common terminal

points of pinch branches in each column section (Petlyuck et al., 2011, 2012). Its extension to extractive

distillation is in preparation.

Although these methods are invaluable to get the accurate limiting values, they have mostly been

illustrated for mixtures belonging to the 1.0-1a class, namely the separation of minimum (resp. maximum)

boiling azeotrope with heavy (light) entrainers. None of them considering the relationship between reboil ratio

and entrainer - feed flow rate ratio when recover product in bottom, which will summarize in following parts.

2.6.7 Feasibility validation by rigorous simulation assessment

Rigorous simulation validation is carried out with ProSim Plus® and Aspen Plus® for continuous

column based on the MESH equilibrium distillation column model, The MESH equilibrium distillation model

involves contacting of vapor and liquid in one or more equilibrium stages, in this process one or more feed

stream enter a stage and one or more stream leave the stage, energy may be added or withdrawn from the

stage, importantly the thermodynamic equilibrium is required to exist on this stage, which assumes the

streams leaving any stage are in equilibrium with each other, The M equations are the material balance

equations, E stands for equilibrium equations, S stands for mole fraction summation equations, and H refers

to the heat or enthalpy balance equations.

Fn zi,n

V ’n yi,n

L’ n xi,n


Vn-1 yi,n-1 Ln xi,n

Vn yi,n Ln+1 xi,n+1

Stage n

Fn Hf,,n V ’n H


L’ n hln


Vn-1 Hvn-1 Ln h


Vn Hv,n Ln+1 h


Stage n Qn

Figure 2.21 The equilibrium stage: (a) component mass flows and (b) stream energy flows

The mass balance across the stage is:

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)xL(L)yV(VyVxLz F i,n'nni,n

'nni.n-1n-11i,n1ni,nn +++=++ ++ 1,2......ni = (2.24)

There must be equilibrium on the stage:

xKy i,ni,ni,n = 1,2......ni = (2.25)

Where Ki, n is the vapor-liquid equilibrium for component i, in general,

) , x f(T,P,xK jii ⋅⋅⋅⋅= 1,2......nji, = (2.26)

Also, the summation of mole fractions must equal unity:

∑ =i

ni, 1x ∑ =i

ni,y 1 (2.27)

Finally, an enthalpy balance must prevail on the stage:






nn +++=+++ ++ (2.28)


enthalpy vapor ) , y f(T,P,yH jiv =⋅⋅⋅⋅= 1,2......nji, = (2.29)

enthalpy liquid =⋅⋅⋅⋅= ) , x f(T,P,xh jil 1,2......nji, = (2.30)

The simulation aims at adjusting the operating parameters by taking into account the overall

optimization of other process parameter (number of theoretical stages, position of the feed and solvent and

so on). Given the pressure and the column configuration, the degree of freedom of the MESH model is equal

to 2, and the partial flow rate ratio of the desired component (at the top or at the bottom) is fixed. Then, the

heat duties are deduced from the model resolution. The purity achieved is used to see the feasibility under

the given condition of reflux ratio and entrainer - feed flow rate ratio. To easy the simulation convergence,

achievable product compositions deduced from the simplified feasibility analysis based on composition

profile are set in our calculation are used as initialization points.


The operational stability of separation processes is a crucial factor to the economic success of such

processes. This is especially true for extractive distillation columns that often show counterintuitive

operational properties. Due to the extractive effect and the existence of a maximum reflux ratio the

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separation is not necessarily improved by increasing the reflux ratio which is a common property of

conventional distillation. Furthermore the range of feasible reflux ratios may be small. In this case explain

control mechanisms are required. Therefore it is sometimes useful to sacrifice cost-optimality of a steady-

state design in favor of better operational stability (Brüggemann and Marquardt, 2002).Thus, exploring a

feasible region based on two key parameters: reflux ratio and entrainer - feed flow rate ratio, is an important

issue when a chemical process is designed. Feasibility studies also contribute to the better understanding of

complex unit operations such as extractive distillation. Both minimum solvent flow rate ratio and minimum

reflux ratios can be used as indicators of a flowsheet’s energy requirements. The limitations of entrainer -

feed flows and operating reflux ratios give essential guidance for design and operation of extractive


Chapter 2 presented a survey of works on extractive distillation. Although the literature is extremely

large regarding applications of extractive distillation, by using a heavy entrainer to separate a minimum

boiling azeotrope, the number of works truly addressing issues like feasibility, design are rare, even more in

continuous mode than in batch as only a few authors, Laroche in 1991 and 1992, Knapp in 1994,

Brüggemann in 2004, Luyben in 2008 and co-workers, have truly contributed to better understand the

continuous extractive distillation process. In batch extractive distillation, systematic studies starting in 1993

by Yatim et al. (1993) and continued blokes et al. (1998), and then followed by Rodriguez-Donis and co-

workers, have surveyed all possible separation by batch extractive distillation. A transposition to continuous

operation has not been done so far. Other issues have also been discussed, like the column configurations

coming from the different entrainer feed location.

We select the feasibility method based on the thermodynamic insight gathered on batch distillation

studied by Rodriguez-Donis et al (2009a, 2009b, 2010, 2012a, 2012b). Those authors combined knowledge

of the thermodynamic properties of residue curve maps and of the univolatility and unidistribution curves

location. They expressed a general feasibility criterion for extractive distillation under infinite reflux ratio

(reboil ratio). Nevertheless, it was never systematically checked for continuous operation, which is our main

focus. Based on thermodynamic criteria and topological features of ternary diagram should indeed be valid

concepts for continuous distillation as well. Then, with the help of these theories and systematic calculations

of rectifying, extractive, stripping section composition profiles, feasibility ranges for the two key parameters,

entrainer - feed flow rate ratio and reflux ratio, can be determined and later validated by rigorous simulation.

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We apply that methodology and we focus in chapter 3on the separation of minimum and maximum

azeotropic mixtures with a heavy entrainer, which refers to the 1.0-1a (occurrence 21.6%) and 1.0-2

(occurrence 8.5%) classes respectively. The 1.0-1a case has been the most studied in the literature but not

with the thermodynamic insights of the general feasibility criterion for extractive distillation which covers all

cases of product. Detailed study about the 1.0-2 case continuous extractive distillation has not been reported

in the literature.

The case with a light entraineris then presented in Chapter4has been studied in batch recently by

Rodriguez-Donis et al., (2012a)but no systematic study of continuous extractive distillation process has been

done so far.

Table 2.5displays the systems for all the possible separating cut of class1.0-1a and 1.0-2.

Table 2.5Summary of systems studied.

Study cases Minimum boiling azeotrope Maximum boiling azeotrope

Product A Product B Product A Product B

Heavy entrainer

univolatility line αAB

reach AE edge

1.0-1a case a A (acetone) – B

(heptane) + E(toluene)

1.0-2case (a)

A (chloroform) – B (vinyl acetate) + E (butyl acetate)

univolatility line αAB

reach BE edge

1.0-1a case b A (acetone) - B (methanol) + E


1.0-2case (b)

A (acetone) - B (chloroform) + E (benzene)

Light entrainer

univolatility line αAB

reach AE edge

1.0-1a case a A(propanoic acid) – B(DMF) + E(MIBK)

1.0-2case (a)

A(ethanol) – B(water) + E(methanol)

univolatility line αAB

reach BE edge

1.0-1a case b

A(water) – B(EDA) + E(acetone)

1.0-2 case (b)

A(MEK) – B(benzene) + E(acetone)

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3. Extension of Thermodynamic Insights on Batch Extractive

Distillation to Continuous Operation. Azeotropic Mixtures with a

Heavy Entrainer





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In this chapter we study the batch and continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum

boiling azeotropic mixtures with a heavy entrainer. Until the work of Rodriguez-Donis et al. (2009b), almost

all the literature relied upon the feasibility rule that a heavy entrainer forming new azeotrope was suitable to

separate a minimum boiling and a maximum azeotrope. The corresponding ternary diagram belongs to the

1.0-1a and 1.0-2Serafimov’s class ternary diagrams, each with two sub-cases depending on the univolatility

line location. Knowledge of the residue curve map and of the location of the univolatility curve αAB=1 can help

assess which product is removed in the distillate. The feasible product and operating parameters reflux ratio

(R) and entrainer - feed flow rate ratio (FE/F, FE/V) ranges are assessed under infinite reflux ratio conditions

by using the general feasibility criterion enounced by Rodriguez-Donis et al. (2009).

From basic mass balance analysis, feasibility of an extractive distillation under finite reflux ratio

conditions requires that the top and bottom product compositions are connected each other through the

liquid composition profiles xi in each section. Once a target product composition is set, the process feasibility

depends on parameters like the feed heat condition (q), the feed stage location, the total number of stages,

the column holdup, the vapor flow rate ratio, the condenser cooling duty, the boiler heat duty but the two

most important and that we consider, remain the reflux ratio (reboil ratio) and the entrainer - feed flow rate

ratio. The main content of the chapter is constituted by the following parts: the column configuration, section

profiles and methodology utilized, thermodynamic feasibility criterion, calculation of reflux ratio vs. entrainer -

feed flow rate ratio diagrams, result discussion and conclusion.


Extractive distillation can be operated either in batch mode or in continuous mode. Because we

consider a heavy entrainer (boiling temperature above that of both A and B), the entrainer stream is fed

above the main feed in continuous configuration (Figure 3.1a) or above the boiler in batch (Figure 3.1b).

Page 76: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …


(a (b

FE, xE

F, xF



Extractive section

Rectification section

Stripping section V






Extractive section

Rectification section

Figure 3.1 Configurations of extractive distillation column: (a) continuous (b) batch.

We consider the classical configuration displayed in Figure 3.1a, with the entrainer fed above the main

feed, giving rise to three sections, rectifying, extractive and stripping ones.

Extractive batch distillation is a semi-batch process, as the main feed F is loaded initially into the boiler,

whereas the entrainer is fed continuously. In the case of a heavy entrainer, the batch column is a rectifier,

with an extractive and a rectifying section (Figure 3.1b) and the product is removed as distillate from the top.


Our methodology aims at extending thermodynamic insight for batch extractive distillation to

continuous distillation. The main difference lies in the existence of a stripping section for the continuous

column configuration, compared to the batch column configuration (Figure 3.1). The key parameters remain

the reflux ratio R and the solvent to feed flow-rate ratio FE/F for continuous operation mode or FE/V, where V

is the vapor flow-rate going up from the boiler, for the batch process.

3.3.1 Thermodynamic feasibility criterion for 1.0-1a and 1.0-2 ternary diagram classes.

The thermodynamic insights published by Rodriguez-Donis et al. (2009a) and validated for batch

extractive distillation are used for the 1.0-1a and 1.0-2 ternary mixture class studied here. Based on the

verification of the general feasibility criterion, they provide the expected product, the possible occurrence of

limiting values for the reflux ratio and the entrainer - feed flow rate ratio FE/V.

Figure 3.2displays the essential features of the 1.0-1a class, corresponding to the separation by

extractive distillation of a minimum boiling azeotropic mixture A-B with a heavy entrainer E, the underlined

letter indicates the possible distillate (e.g.A in ABE):

Page 77: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …












0 1











1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0











0 1











1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0

[SNextr,B] range

B [Srcm ]

E [SNrcm ] A [S rcm ]

B [Srcm ] (a)

αAB = 1

XYZ Volatility order (X possible distillate)



residue curves

[SNextr,A] range

Xp E [SNrcm ] A [S rcm ]




αAB = 1 Tmin azeoAB

[UNrcm ] Xp



Tmin azeoAB

[UNrcm ]

Distillate at R∞∞∞∞ in ABE: xDA if FE/V > FE/Vmin

Distillate at R∞∞∞∞ in BAE: xDB if FE/V > FE/Vmin

Figure 3.2 Thermodynamic features of 1.0-1a mixtures with respect to batch extractive distillation. Separation of a minimum boiling azeotrope with a heavy entrainer.

With a heavy entrainer, the light original component A and the heavy original component B are both

residue curve map (rcm) saddles and they form a minimum boiling azeotrope Tmin azeoAB, which is an

unstable node. The heavy entrainer E is a stable node. The univolatility curve αAB =1changes the volatility

order of its concerned compounds, and volatility orders are ABE or BAE depending on the side (Kiva et al.,

2003). Two sub cases arise. In Figure 3.2a, the αAB =1 curve intersects the binary side A-E at the point xP. A

is the expected product in the distillate because it satisfies the general feasibility criterion under infinite reflux

ratio for batch distillation (Rodriguez-Donis et al, 2009a): it is the most volatile in the region ABE where it is

connected to E by a residue curve of decreasing temperature from E to A. In Figure 3.2b, the αAB =1 curve

intersects the binary side B-E and now B is the expected product.

As detailed in chapter 2, analysis of the composition profile maps and pinch points under infinite reflux

ratio have shown that the extractive distillation process is feasible only if the entrainer - feed flow rate ratio

FE/V is greater than a minimal value (FE/V)min. FE/V is the governing parameter of the extractive composition

profile Equation 3.8 that holds for batch distillation. Below (FE/V)min, the terminal point of the extractive

section profiles, extractive SNextr,A, lies on the univolatility curve. Above (FE/V)min, SNextr leaves the

univolatility curve to lie near the [xP; E] segment (Knapp and Doherty, 1994, Frits et al., 2006, Rodriguez-

Donis et al., 2009a). Then the extractive profile can cross a rectifying profile, which is approximated by a

residue curve under infinite reflux ratio and which reaches the vicinity of the product, e.g. A. We use

illustrative examples: separation of the minimum boiling azeotropes acetone A (56.3°C) – heptane B (98 .4°C)

(xazeo,A=0.93 at 55.8°C) with toluene E (110.6°C), so that αAB =1 curve intersects the binary side A-E (Figure

3.2b); and acetone A (56.3°C) – methanol B (64.1°C) (xazeo,A=0.78 at 55.4°C) with chlorobenzene E

(131.7°C),so that αAB =1 curve intersects the binary side B-E.

Page 78: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …


Figure 3.3displays the essential features of the 1.0-2 class corresponding to the separation by

extractive distillation of a maximum boiling azeotropic mixture A-B with a heavy entrainer E:

[SNextr,B] range

[SNextr,B] range

B [UNrcm ] B [UNrcm ] (a)

αAB = 1

XYZ Volatility order (X possible distillate)



residue curves

[SNextr,A] range




BAE αAB = 1

Tmax azeoAB [Srcm ]




Tmax azeoAB [Srcm ]

Distillate at R∞∞∞∞: xDA if FE/V < FE/Vmax in ABE

xDB ∀∀∀∀ FE in BAE

Distillate at R∞∞∞∞: xDA ∀∀∀∀ FE in ABE

xDB if FE/V < FE/Vmax in BAE

rcm stable separatrix



[SNextr,A] range E [SNrcm ] A [UN rcm ] E [SNrcm ] A [UN rcm ]

rcm stable separatrix


BEA αAE = 1

αBE = 1

Figure 3.3 Thermodynamic features of 1.0-2 mixtures with respect to batch extractive distillation. Separation of a maximum boiling azeotrope with a heavy entrainer.

The 1.0-2 class diagram displays a rcm stable separatrix, which divides the composition space into

two distillation regions. With a heavy entrainer, it connects the stable node E to the saddle maximum boiling

azeotrope Tmax azeoAB. Both components A and B are unstable nodes. The size of the volatility order regions

BAE (+BEA eventually) and ABE (+ AEB eventually) depends on the αAB =1univolatility curve location

(Figure 3.3). The other univolatility curve (αBE =1 Figure 3.3a or αAE =1 Figure 3.3b) may exist (Kiva et al.,

2003) but does not affect the extractive distillation feasibility and the product finding (Rodriguez-Donis et al.,


Regarding extractive distillation feasibility, both A and B are connected by a residue curve of

decreasing temperature to E which nears the triangle edge in the ternary diagram. Therefore they can both

be distillate products, depending on the location of the global feed composition xF, av., either in BAE and BEA

(B product) or in ABE and AEB (A product). To add more explanations, we recall that under infinitesimal

entrainer - feed flow rate ratio, the rcm singular points become the singular points of the extractive profile

map with an opposite stability for the heavy entrainer case (Knapp and Doherty, 1994, Frits et al., 2006).

Then for the 1.0-2 class, increasing the entrainer - feed flow rate ratio, the extractive profile singular points

originating from A and B, SNextr,A and SNextr,B move towards the entrainer vertex (Rodriguez-Donis et al.,

2009a). In Figure 3.3a, SNextr,B can go up to E and there is no limiting flow rate ratio. But SNextr,A disappears

at point xP when it merges with the saddle extractive Sext originating at the Tmax azeAB, so there is a maximum

flow rate ratio (FE/V)max to obtain A as product by extractive distillation. The opposite occurs in Figure 3.3b.

Page 79: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …


That behavior is directly related to the volatility order regions, which explains how the general criterion was

set up. The exact value of FE/V can be readily calculated.

1.0-2 class illustration is done for the separation of the maximum boiling azeotropes chloroform A

(61.2°C)– vinyl acetate B (72.5°C) (x azeo,A=0.28 at 75.1°C) with butyl acetate E (126°C), so t hat αAB =1 curve

intersects the binary side A-E (Figure 3.3a); and acetone A (56.3°C) – chloroform B (61.2°C) (x azeo,A=0.37 at

65.1°C) with benzene (81.1°C) E, so that αAB =1 curve intersects the binary side B-E (Figure 3.3b).

We expect the general feasibility criterion for batch mode to hold for the intersection of the extractive

and rectifying section of the continuous distillation column, as those already exist in batch distillation column.

3.3.2 Computation of section composition profiles

Initial studies extended methods developed for single feed azeotropic distillation columns to double

feed columns for the analysis of extractive distillation processes by looking at the composition profiles in

each column section (Levy et al., 1986, Wahnschafft and Westerberg, 1993). The finding of pinch points for

each section profiles allowed determining the limiting values of the operating parameters.

Earlier works (Levy et al., 1985, 1986) relied upon plate by plate calculations, leading to discrete

profiles which segments numbers matched equilibrium tray numbers in each section. Inspired by the

differential approach of Lelkes et al. (1998) for batch extractive distillation, a complete set of differential

expression of the composition profiles was published by Rodriguez-Donis et al. (2007) for continuous

heterogeneous extractive distillation. The computing of section composition profile allows checking whether

they intersect each other, then a composition profile connects the top and bottom composition and the

process is deemed feasible. The differential model is based on the following simplifying assumptions: (1)

theoretical plates, (2) saturated liquid feeds, (3) constant molar flow rate ratio in the three respective column


Liquid composition profile in each column section depends on the azeotropic mixture feed flow rate ratio

(F) and composition(xF), the entrainer - feed flow rate ratio (FE), and composition (xE), the specified recovery

ratio of the primary key component (η), the temperature (T), the distillate composition (xD, component-rich

phase composition),the operating pressure (P), the reflux ratio (R).Given these operating variables, the other

overall operating parameters can be computed such as vapor (V), distillate (D),and bottom product (W) flow

rate ratio, the bottom product composition(xW) and the liquid flow rate ratio in each column section: LR, LE, and

LW for the rectifying, extractive, and stripping section, respectively. These unknowns are determined by mass

balance envelope, taking into account the combinations general column configuration displayed in Figure3.1:

Page 80: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …


DFFW EF -+= (3.1)















Let’s recall the general differential model equation:

[ ] *)( ii yxy



−⋅±= (3.4)

Here V is deduced from R and D:

( )1+= RDV (3.5)

Then, from mass balance over each column section we can obtain the particular expressions for these

column sections stripping, extractive and rectifying occurring in the column configuration (Fig 2.1a).

Stripping section:



= ∗iWi

i yxS


Sdhdx .111

1 (3.6)

yi* is the composition of the vapor in equilibrium with xi and is computed by using a proper

thermodynamic model, S is the reboil ratio equal to V/W.

Extractive section:






+= ∗iE




i yxDF














11 (3.7)

R is the reflux ratio equal to LT/D. Simple mass balance can show that this expression is equivalent to

the one for batch distillation that was used by Rodriguez-Donis et al. (2009) to validate their general

feasibility criterion under infinite reflux ratio for extractive distillation:





+= *1

1 1)1(





i yxVF






Rdhdx (3.8)

Rectifying section:


++= ∗

iDii yx






11 (3.9)

Page 81: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …


In these equations, setting S, the reboil ratio, or R, the reflux ratio, as infinite and FE, the entrainer feed

flow rate ratio, equal to zero leads to the residue curve equation:

∗−= iii yx



The straightforward calculation method is to select a column configuration and values for the reflux

ratio and the entrainer - feed flow rate ratio. Assuming a direct (fixed xD) or indirect (fixed xW) split and a

recovery rate, the other product is computed from the overall mass balance as the main feed xF and the

entrainer feed xE compositions and flow rate ratio are known. The rectifying liquid composition profile is

computed top down from the reflux ratio composition which here, in a homogeneous process, is equal to xD

(see Rodriguez-Donis et al., 2007 for a complete discussion about heterogeneous variants). The stripping

liquid composition profile is computed bottom up from xW. The extractive distillation profile is computed from

any composition belonging to either the rectifying or the stripping composition profile, which choice is user

dependent. Limiting reflux ratio or entrainer - feed flow rate ratio values can then be found after tedious and

lengthy calculations.

3.3.3 Methodology for assessing the feasibility.

We propose a three step methodology to assess the feasibility of continuous extractive distillation:

1-Knowledge of the existence of limiting values for the entrainer - feed flow rate ratio in batch mode, namely

a value for FE/V; minimal for 1.0-1a class and maximal for the 1.0-2 class is transformed into a limiting

entrainer entrainer - feed flow rate ratio value for continuous mode FE/F by means of equation:

( )






F EE (3.11)

This equation shows that the limiting value for FE depends on R and on D. As the distillate composition

xD is chosen to compute the composition profiles, setting a distillate recovery enables to compute D from

mass balance, given the main and entrainer feed composition and flow rate ratio. Table 3.1 summarizes

these data for all mixtures.

2- Keeping the same xD and distillate recovery rate in step 1, continuous composition profiles maps are

computed for all three sections from equations 3.9 (rectifying section), 3.7 (extractive section) and 3.6

(stripping section). The stripping section is expected to differentiate the continuous from the batch mode.

They allow to sketch entrainer - feed flow rate ratio vs. reflux ratio diagrams.

Page 82: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …


3- Rigorous simulation with a MESH equilibrium distillation column model either with ProSim Plus 3.1

(Prosim SA, 2009) or Aspen Plus 11.1 (Aspen, 2011) software is run to check the feasibility. Considering the

reflux ratio and the entrainer - feed flow rate ratio and composition, those simulations provide the exact

distillate and bottom compositions along with the stage compositions and flows of liquid and vapour and

temperatures. Those simulations consider energy balances, although they are not expected to play a

significant part in feasibility.

Table 3.1 Operating parameters for all study cases.

Case study A B E Class1.0-1a case (a): A (acetone) – B (heptane) + E(toluene)

product: A (acetone)

Feed xF 0.9 0.1 0 Distillate flow rate ratio,D 0.9 Entrainer xE 0 0 1 Bottom flow rate ratio,W 10.1 Distillate xD 0.98 0.01 0.01 Feed flow rate ratio,F 1

Bottom, xw 0.0018 0.009 0.9892 Continuous entrainer - feed flow rate ratio, FE/F 10

Product recovery,ηb 0.98 0 0 Reflux ratio,R 20

Global feed xF,av. 0.0818 0.0092 0.909 Batch entrainer - feed flow rate ratio, FE/V 0.53

Class1.0-1a case (b): A (acetone) - B (methanol) + E (chlorobenzene)

product: B (methanol)

xF 0.1 0.9 0 D 0.9 xE 0 0 1 W 10.1 xD 0.01 0.98 0.01 F 1 xw 0.0090 0.0018 0.9892 FE/F 10 ηb 0 0.98 0 R 10

xF,av. 0.0092 0.0818 0.9090 FE/V 1.0-1 Class1.0-2 case (a): A (chloroform) – B (vinyl acetate) + E (butyl acetate)

product: A (chloroform)

xF 0.9 0.1 0 D 0.8909 xE 0 0 1 W 10.11 xD 0.99 0.005 0.005 F 1 xw 0.0018 0.0094 0.9888 FE/F 10 ηb 0.98 0 0 R 15

xF,av. 0.0818 0.0091 0.9091 FE/V 0.7015

product: B (vinyl acetate)

xF 0.1 0.9 0 D 0.8909 xE 0 0 1 W 10.11 xD 0.005 0.99 0.005 F 1 xw 0.0094 0.0018 0.9888 FE/F 10 ηb 0 0.98 0 R 15

xF,av. 0.0091 0.0818 0.9091 FE/V 0.7015

Page 83: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …


Table 3.1 (next) Operating parameters for all study cases.

Class1.0-2 case (b): A (acetone) - B (chloroform) + E (benzene)

product: A (acetone)

xF 0.9 0.1 0 D 0.9 xE 0.1 0 0.9 W 10.1 xD 0.98 0.01 0.01 F 1 xw 0.1008 0.0090 0.8902 FE/F 10 ηb 0.98 0 0 R 15

xF,av. 0.1728 0.0091 0.8181 FE/V 0.694

product: B (chloroform)

xF 0.1 0.9 0 D 0.9 xE 0 0.1 0.9 W 10.1 xD 0.01 0.98 0.01 F 1 xw 0.0090 0.1008 0.8902 FE/F 10 ηb 0 0.98 0 R 15

xF,av. 0.0091 0.1728 0.8181 FE/V 0.694

Table 3.2 displays the extractive distillation column features. No optimization of the separation is

performed as it should be done along with the entrainer regeneration column (Luyben, 2008), not considered

here. The number of trays in the extractive section is set so that the terminal point of the extractive section

composition profile approaches to the extractive section stable node.

Table 3.2 Column operating specifications for rigorous simulation

Specifications Class1.0.1-a

Case a Case b


Case a and b

Tray number, N 22 22 40

Entrainer tray, NFE 7 7 5

Feed tray, NF 14 14 15

xF, mole fraction (A,B,E) {0.9; 0.1; 0.0} {0.1; 0.9; 0.0} {0.1; 0.9; 0.0}

xE, mole fraction (A,B,E) {0.0; 0.0; 1.0} {0.0; 0.0; 1.0} {0.0; 0.0; 1.0}

Results are displayed in terms of entrainer entrainer - feed flow rate ratio vs. reflux ratio diagrams FE/F

vs. R in continuous mode and FE/V vs. R in batch mode.


3.4.1 Separation of minimum boiling temperature azeotrope with heavy entrainers (Class 1.0-1a).

In this section, we consider the separation of a minimum boiling azeotrope with a heavy entrainer. The

ternary mixture belongs to Serafimov’s class 1.0-1a. For the extractive process, two sub-cases arise,

whether the univolatility curve αAB =1 reaches the A-E or the B-E side (Rodriguez-Donis et al. 2009a). Subcase1.0-1a case (a): αAB =1 Curve Reaching the Binary Side A-E.

The example of such a separation is the minT azeotrope acetone A - heptane B with toluene as the

entrainer taken from Rodriguez-Donis et al (2009).

Page 84: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …


FE/V = 0 R∞

Toluene (E) (110.6°C) [SN rcm ]

Acetone (A) (56.3°C) [S rcm ]

Heptane (B) (98.4°C) [S rcm ]

Tmin azeoAB


Residue curves

αAB = 1

XYZ Volatility order (X possible distillate)




FE/V =0.01 FE/V = 0.01 R∞


Extractive profile

αAB = 1


Toluene (E) Acetone (A) [Sext]

Heptane (B) [Sext]

Tmin azeoAB



FE/V = 1 R∞

Extractive profile Residue curve to A


αAB = 1


Toluene (E) Acetone (A)

Heptane (B)

Tmin azeoAB




FE/V = 1 R = 10

Extractive profile


Unfeasible region

Extractive unstable separatrix Residue curve to A


αAB = 1

Toluene (E) Acetone (A)

Heptane (B)

Tmin azeoAB




Figure 3.4 Separation of acetone-heptane using toluene: (a) 1.0-1a class residue curve map (rcm) and batch extractive profile map (b) (FE/V=0.01, R∞) (c) (FE/V=1, R∞) and (d) (FE/V=1, R=10).

Figure 3.4a displays the residue curve map. An infinitely small increase in entrainer - feed flow rate

ratio, FE/V=0.01 highlights the extractive profile map features (Figure 3.4b): the extractive profile singular

points stability is now opposite to the rcm one (Knapp and Doherty, 1994). Profiles shape are close to rcm

ones. As FE increases, the extractive stable node SNextr moves along the univolatility curve until it merges

near the A-E edge with the extractive saddle originating in A, for FE/Vmin. Then above FE/Vmin (Figure 3.4c),

SNextr,A lies near the A-E edge and the extractive process is now feasible as with A becoming the unique

possible distillate cut, because all the extractive composition profiles reach SNextr,A and can intersect a

rectifying section profile, namely a residue curve as R is infinite, nearing A. In the mean while the saddle

Sextr,B originated from B has moved along the B-E edge towards E, but the whole triangle is feasible. If reflux

ratio becomes finite (Figure 3.4d), Sextr,B and UNextr move inside the triangle, giving rise to an unstable

extractive separatrix, which in turn defines an unfeasible region: near the B-E edge, the extractive profile no

longer reaches SNextr,A and A is not the distillate product. At very low reflux ratio, the unfeasibility region

overcomes the SNextr,A and the process is no longer feasible.

Page 85: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …


Figure 3.5a records the range of entrainer - feed flow rate ratio FE/V vs. reflux ratio R for which the

extractive batch or continuous processes are feasible to get A as product with the xD purity (region limited by

the dotted line).

Table 3.3 summarizes operating parameters corresponding to Figure 3.5. To extend that batch mode

insight to continuous mode, we follow the methodology enounced above. According Equation 3.11, the

occurrence of a minimum value for FE/V to get a feasible batch process translates into a minimum value for

FE/F but which depends on R. The minimal value was related in batch to the need of having an extractive

section profile intersecting the rectifying one. For continuous configuration (Figure 3.1a), the feasibility also

requires that the extractive section profile intersects the stripping section profile to reach the bottom product

xW, computed from mass balances (Table 3.1). That is systematically checked by computing the continuous

profiles for various FE/F and R couples. Figure 3.5a and Figure 3.5b display the feasibility results for the

batch process and the continuous process, displayed in terms of FE/V vs. R (Figure 3.5a) and FE/F vs. R

(Figure 3.5b). The same parameters showed in Table 3.1 are used for both graphs, in particular the same

desired purity. Even though the y-axis scales rotated to each other by Equation 3.11, one notices that the

shape of the feasible region is unlike depending on the y-axis variable. This occurs because according to

Equation 3.11 when FE/V is fixed, FE/F is not directly proportional to R+1 but also to D/F.





0 5 10 15 20 25 30


, Fee

d R


R, Reflux Ratio





0 5 10 15 20 25 30


, Fee

d R


YU2 (20,1)

YU1 (0.5,10)

YF1 (20,5)

YF1 (20,2)

R, Reflux Ratio Continuous feasible line sketch Batch feasible line sketch

Batch Continuous Feasible Feasible Feasible Unfeasible Unfeasible Unfeasible

Figure 3.5 Extractive distillation of acetone – heptane with toluene (1.0-1a class). Entrainer - feed flow rate ratio as a function of the reflux ratio.

Page 86: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …


Table 3.3 Operating parameters corresponding to Figure 3.5.

Class 1.0-1a case A-E side with heavy entrainer Feasibility

Specification A B E Reflux ratio Reboil ratio FE/F FE/V Batch Continuous

Name acetone heptane Toluene 30 7.75 3 0.12 yes yes

Boiling T(°C) 56.3 98.4 110.6 30 11.27 2 0.08 no no

XF 0.9 0.1 0 30 9.18 2.5 0.11 yes no

XE 0 0 1 20 6.22 2.5 0.15 yes yes

XD 0.98 0.01 0.01 20 7.63 2 0.12 yes no

Other Specification 20 9.88 1.5 0.09 no no

F 1 10 4 2 0.23 yes yes

D 0.9 10 5.17 1.5 0.17 yes no

η 0.98 10 7.33 1 0.11 no no

5 2.82 1.5 0.31 yes yes

5 4 1 0.21 yes no

5 6.86 0.5 0.12 no no

1 1.6 0.8 0.5 yes yes

1 2.29 0.5 0.31 yes no

1 3.2 0.3 0.18 no no

0.8 0.28 5 3.47 no no

One notices that the range of feasible reflux ratio to get the desired product purity enlarges as the

entrainer - feed flow rate ratio increases. Besides, both batch and continuous feasible regions are bounded

by a minimal value. We have explained above the batch limit FE/Vmin. For a given reflux ratio, there exists a

minimum entrainer - feed flow rate ratio FE/Fmin related to the batch minimum FE/Vmin by Equation 3.11. For

both processes, the range of feasible reflux ratio to get the desired product purity enlarges as the entrainer -

feed flow rate ratio increases. A closer look at the points delimiting the minimum entrainer - feed flow rate

ratio on both graphs shows the key result that the minimal value is higher for the continuous process when

the same purity is targeted. At R=20, the batch process is feasible for FE/V =0.12 (equivalent to FE/F = 2.0),

whereas the continuous process is feasible above FE/F = 2.5 (equivalent to FE/V = 0.15). That is caused by

the additional stripping profile in the continuous process which must intersect the extractive profile to make

the separation feasible.

Figure 3.6 emphasizes the universality of that behavior for all 1.0-1a class mixtures. It refers to the

separation of the acetone-methanol minT azeotropic mixture with heavy water (1.0-1a) studied by Knapp and

Doherty (1994) in continuous and Lelkes et al. (1998) in batch. The column specifications are given in Knapp

et al. (1990). Calculations are done with xD,Acetone=0.98 as acetone (A) is the product because αAB =1 reaches

the A-E side. For that mixture, the minimal reflux ratio increases a significant 2.5 fold for the continuous

process at R=20: the batch process is feasible for FE/V =0.13 (equivalent to FE/F = 2.5), whereas the

continuous process is feasible above FE/F = 4.5. The corresponding data are summarized in Table 3.4.

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0 5 10 15 20 25 30


, Fee

d R


R, Reflux Ratio





0 5 10 15 20 25 30


, Fee

d R


R, Reflux Ratio

Continuous feasible line sketch Batch feasible line sketch

Batch Continuous Feasible Feasible Feasible Unfeasible Unfeasible Unfeasible

Figure 3.6 Extractive distillation of acetone – methanol with water (1.0-1a class). Entrainer - feed flow rate ratio as a function of the reflux ratio to recover 98%mol acetone (A).

Table 3.4 Operating parameters corresponding to Figure 3.6.

Class 1.0-1a case A-E side with heavy entrainer Feasibility

Specification A B E Reflux ratio Reboil ratio FE/F FE/V Batch Continuous

Name acetone methanol water 30 7.75 5.5 0.2 yes yes

Boiling T(°C) 56.3 64.5 100 20 4 4.5 0.24 yes yes

XF 0.9 0.1 0 15 3.46 4 0.28 yes yes

XE 0 0 1 10 4 3.5 0.35 yes yes

XD 0.98 0.01 0.01 7 2 25 3.47 yes yes

F 1 7 0.25 5 0.69 yes yes

D 0.9 7 2.91 3 0.42 yes yes

η 0.98 30 9.18 3 0.11 yes no

20 7.63 4 0.21 yes no

20 3.05 2.5 0.13 yes no

15 5.82 3.5 0.24 yes no

15 7.53 2 0.14 yes no

10 5.12 2 0.2 yes no

10 5.87 1.5 0.15 yes no

7 5.33 2 0.28 yes no

7 1.08 1.3 0.18 yes no

30 4.35 2.5 0.09 no no

20 6.22 2 0.11 no no

15 2.38 1.5 0.1 no no

10 1.23 1.3 0.13 no no

7 4.27 1 0.14 no no

6 7.75 25 3.97 no no

6 0.22 5 0.79 no no

Figure 3.7 displays the composition profiles computed for all three sections from equations 3.6, 3.7

and 3.9 at four operating parameter points taken from Figure 3.5. It shows that the continuous process is not

feasible under conditions for which the batch process is, because the additional stripping profile in the

continuous process must intersect the extractive profile to make the separation feasible. For Yu1 (R=0.5,

FE/F=10) the process is unfeasible for both batch and continuous mode because the rectifying profile falls

short of intersecting the extractive section profile. That later ends on a stable node SNextr shifted towards the

vertex E as FE/F is large (Figure 3.7a). For YF1 (R=20, FE/F=5), the process is feasible for both processes as

Page 88: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …


all section profiles intersect and the specified purity 0.98 is reached (Figure 3.7b). For Yu2 (R=20, FE/F=2),

the continuous process is unfeasible because there is no intersection between the extractive and stripping

section, but the batch process is feasible as the extractive and rectifying profiles intersect (Figure 3.7c). For

Yu3 (R=20, FE/F=1) no process is feasible: none of the section profiles intersect each other (Figure 3.7d). The

corresponding detailed data can be found in Table 3.5.


Toluene Acetone

Rectifying profile

Extractive profile

Stripping profile


Univolatility line

FE/F=10 R =0.5 S =0.13



Toluene Acetone







(b) FE/F=5 R =20

Univolatility line

S =3.71



Toluene Acetone

Rectifying profile





(c) FE/F=2 R =20 S =17.18 Univolatility line



Toluene Acetone



Extractive profile

Stripping profile

(d) FE/F=1 R =20 S =9

Univolatility line


Figure 3.7 Rectifying, extractive and stripping composition for four operating parameter points taken from Figure 3.5 (b) point YU1, (b) point YF1, (c) point YU2 and (d) point YU3

Page 89: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …


Table 3.5 Operating parameters corresponding to Figure 3.7a, b, c, d

Class 1.0-1a case A-E side with heavy entrainer

Specification parameters for Figure 3.7(a) Specification parameters for Figure 3.7(b)

Apex A B E Apex A B E

Name acetone heptane Toluene Name acetone heptane Toluene

Boiling T(°C) 56.3 98.4 110.6 Boiling T(°C) 56.3 98.4 110.6

XF 0.9 0.1 0 XF 0.9 0.1 0

XE 0 0 1 XE 0 0 1

XD 0.98 0.01 0.01 XD 0.98 0.01 0.01

XW 0.001782 0.00901 0.989208 XW 0.003529 0.017843 0.978627

R 0.5 R 20

FE/F 10 FE/F 5

F 1 F 1

D 0.9 D 0.9

E 10 E 5

W 10.1 W 5.1

V 1.35 V 18.9

ηB 0.98 ηB 0.98

Reboil S 0.1337 Reboil S 3.7059

FE/V 7.4074 FE/V 0.2646

Specification parameters for Figure 3.7(c) Specification parameters for Figure 3.7(d)

Apex A B E Apex A B E

Name acetone heptane Toluene Name acetone heptane Toluene

Boiling T(°C) 56.3 98.4 110.6 Boiling T(°C) 56.3 98.4 110.6

XF 0.9 0.1 0 XF 0.9 0.1 0

XE 0 0 1 XE 0 0 1

XD 0.98 0.01 0.01 XD 0.98 0.01 0.01

XW 0.016364 0.082727 0.900909 XW 0.008571 0.043333 0.948095

R 20 R 20

FE/F 1 FE/F 2

F 1 F 1

D 0.9 D 0.9

E 1 E 2

W 1.1 W 2.1

V 18.9 V 18.9

ηB 0.98 ηB 0.98

Reboil S 17.1818 Reboil S 9

FE/V 0.0529 FE/V 0.1058

When concerns heptane (B) as the first product component separating from system acetone-heptane-

toluene, the calculating result shows always unfeasible as it can be explained univolatility line αAB =1 intersect

at binary side A-E, all extractive profiles going in the direction to extractive stable node (A) instead of extractive

stable node (B), makes it impossible to recover heptane in the whole operating parameter region.

In application of step 3, rigorous simulations are carried out with Aspen plus®, with thermodynamic

model UNIFAC modified Dortmund 93 in an extractive column which features are displayed in Table 3.2. A

feed F, xF = {0.9; 0.1; 0.0} close to the acetone– heptane azeotrope is separated with pure entrainer. Figure

3.8shows simulation results under two operational parameter points: FE/F=1, R=20 and FE/F=20, R=20, and

the rigorous simulation profiles in each section are compared to the approximate composition profile maps

computed from Equations 3.6, 3.7 and 3.9.

Page 90: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …












0 1











1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0











0 1











1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0











0 1











1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0

[SNextr,A] [UNstrip,A]


[SNextr,A] [UNstrip,A]


Toluene Acetone

FE/F=1 R =20

(c) Heptane

Toluene Acetone


Toluene Acetone

(b) (a)

Simulated rectifying profile Simulated stripping profile Simulated extractive profile


S =17.18


profile map


profile map


profile map


Toluene Acetone

FE/F=20 R =20

(f) Heptane

Toluene Acetone


Toluene Acetone

(e) (d)


S =1.87


profile map


profile map


profile map








Figure 3.8 Rigorous simulation result to recover acetone at FE/F=1, R=20 and FE/F=20, R=20, compared with calculated profiles: (a-d) stripping section, (b-e) extractive section and (c-f) rectifying section.

At FE/F=1, as predicted from Figure 3.7d, the rigorous simulation does not allow to recover acetone in

the distillate with purity 0.98. Instead, xD=0.9468 is obtained. At such a low entrainer - feed flow rate ratio,

the FE/V and the FE/F values are lower than the minimal value for the batch and continuous processes

(Figure 3.5). The extractive stable node SNextr,A lies on the univolatility curve (Figure 3.8c) and intersects a

rectifying profile that cannot reach the targeted product purity (Figure 3.8e). Furthermore, the number of

trays in the rectifying section is too large forcing the composition to turn away from the acetone vertex

towards the azeotrope. At FE/F=20, well within the feasible region in Figure 3.5, SNextr,A lies near the A-E

edge. Distillate purity of rigorous simulation reaches 0.9965, well above the target purity. Moreover, the

rigorous and approximate profiles shapes agree well but not strictly because rigorous profiles are computed

from a fixed number of trays in each section when the approximate profile differential equations are not tray

dependent but can be related to an infinite number of trays. Table and Table 3.7 list all the data

corresponding to Figure 3.8.

Page 91: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …


Table 3.6 Operating parameters corresponding to Figure 3.8a, b, c.

Class 1.0-1a case A-E side with heavy entrainer(FE/F=1, R=20)

Worksheet parameters Rectifying section Stripping section

Specification A B E A B E A B E

Name acetone heptane Toluene acetone heptane Toluene acetone heptane Toluene

Boiling T(°C) 56.3 98.4 110.6 0.940169 0.0598 4.82E-05 0.757691 0.127262 0.115048

XF 0.9 0.1 0 0.947888 0.0519 0.000192 0.754797 0.130026 0.115178

XE 0 0 1 0.955306 0.044 0.000718 0.746387 0.136671 0.116943

XD 0.98 0.01 0.01 0.960797 0.0366 0.002586 0.716357 0.15525 0.128393

R 20 0.960275 0.0306 0.009122 0.595835 0.215902 0.188263

FE/F 1 0.940528 0.0271 0.032337 0.305418 0.336289 0.358293

F 1 0.84925 0.0296 0.121194 0.088589 0.375277 0.536133

D 0.9

E 1 Extractive section

W 1.1 A B E

V 18.9 0.12119408 0.12119408 0.12119408

ηB 0.98 0.12053856 0.12053856 0.12053856

Reboil S 17.18 0.1197252 0.1197252 0.1197252

FE/V 0.0529 0.11868607 0.11868607 0.11868607

Rigorous parameters 0.11733785 0.11733785 0.11733785

XF 0.9 0.1 0 0.11576276 0.11576276 0.11576276

XE 0 0 1 0.11522306 0.11522306 0.11522306

XD 0.98 0.01 0.01 0.11513531 0.11513531 0.11513531

Num stages 22

Solvent tray 7

Feed tray 14

Table 3.7 Operating parameters corresponding to Figure 3.8 d, e, f.

Class 1.0-1a case A-E side with heavy entrainer(FE/F=20, R=20)

Worksheet parameters Rectifying section Stripping section

Specification A B E A B E A B E

Name acetone heptane Toluene acetone heptane Toluene acetone heptane Toluene

Boiling T(°C) 56.3 98.4 110.6 0.998313 0.001074 0.000613 0.123069 0.086109 0.790821

XF 0.9 0.1 0 0.997243 0.000748 0.00201 0.064322 0.098717 0.836961

XE 0 0 1 0.993068 0.000538 0.006394 0.029028 0.105039 0.865932

XD 0.98 0.01 0.01 0.979137 0.000413 0.02045 0.012034 0.105505 0.882462

R 20 0.931159 0.00037 0.06847 0.004779 0.101594 0.893627

FE/F 20 0.750964 0.000459 0.248576 0.001853 0.094015 0.904132

F 1 0.343429 0.000553 0.656019 0.000701 0.082676 0.916623

D 0.9 8.03E-05 0.047568 0.932528

E 20 Extractive section

W 10.1 A B E

V 18.9 0.343429 0.000553 0.656019

ηB 0.98 0.341597 0.001343 0.65706

Reboil S 1.87 0.336675 0.003152 0.660173

FE/V 0.5291 0.32514 0.00724 0.66762

0.300835 0.016235 0.68293

XF 0.9 0.1 0 0.256756 0.034989 0.708254

XE 0 0 1 0.193505 0.070723 0.735772

XD 0.98 0.01 0.01 0.123069 0.086109 0.790821

Num stages 22

Solvent tray 7

Feed tray 14 (b): αAB =1Curve Reaching the Binary Side B-E.

We use the separation of the minimum boiling azeotrope acetone-methanol with heavy entrainer

chlorobenzene to illustrate the 1.0-1a class case (b), when the univolatility curve reaches the binary side B-E.

As detailed in Rodriguez-Donis et al. (2009a), the expected behavior for batch extractive distillation is strictly

identical to the previous case, except that (B),the intermediate boiling compound of the mixture is now the

expected distillate instead of (A).

Page 92: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …


Figure 3.9shows the residue curve map of the acetone (A) – methanol (B) – chlorobenzene (heavy E)

mixture. The univolatility curve intersects the B-E side. Extractive profile maps are also displayed under

infinite reflux ratio for FE/V=0.01< (FE/V) min and for FE/V=2> (FE/V) min, with (FE/V) min~0.4. As in the 1.0-1a

case (a), all extractive composition profiles end at SNB,extr close to the B-E edge for FE/V>(FE/V)min, indicating

that the batch process feasible. Under finite reflux ratio conditions (Figure 3.9d, FE/V=2, R=5), the saddle

SA,extr moves inside the triangle and drags along an extractive unstable boundary with other unstable

extractive nodes. It generates an unfeasible composition region whose size grows as the reflux ratio

decreases, where the extractive composition profile reaches SNA, extr instead of SNB,extr.

FE/V < (FE/V)min R∞∞∞∞

Chlorobenzene (E) (131.7°C) [SN rcm ]

Acetone (A) (56.3°C ) [Srcm ]

Methanol (B) (64.1°C ) [Srcm ]


(55.4°C) [UN rcm ]

Residue curves

αAB = 1

XYZ Volatility order (X possible distillate)





Chlorobenzene (E) Acetone (A)

Methanol (B)

Tmin azeoAB (55.4°C) [UN rcm ]

Extractive profiles

αAB = 1

(b) FE/V = 0.01 R∞


Chlorobenzene (E) Acetone (A)

Methanol (B)

Tmin azeoAB


Extractive profiles

αAB = 1

(c) FE/V =2 R∞





Chlorobenzene (E) Acetone (A)

Methanol (B)

Tmin azeoAB


Extractive profile

αAB = 1

(d) FE/V =2 R=5






Extractive unstable separatrix

Figure 3.9 Separation of acetone-methanol using chlorobenzene: (a) 1.0-1a class residue curve map (rcm) and batch extractive profile map (b) (FE/V=0.01, R∞) (c) (FE/V=2, R∞) and (d) (FE/V=2, R=5).

Figure 3.10displays the feasible range of operating conditions as entrainer - feed flow rate ratio vs.

reflux ratio to recover 98%mol methanol (B) as the univolatility line αAB =1 intersects binary B-E side. Its

shape is similar to the Figure 3.5case to recover acetone (A) when the univolatility line αAB =1 intersects

binary A-E side. However, for this mixture, there is no larger region for the batch process than for the

continuous process. Table 3.8 gathers all the data corresponding to Figure 3.10.

It is clear that there exists a minimum value for entrainer - feed flow rate ratio and this minimum values

depend strongly on reflux ratio, it gets smaller as the function of reflux ratio gets smaller, until it reaches a

minimum reflux ratio, in other words, if changing the X-axis reflux ratio with Y-axis reflux ratio, we can say the

Page 93: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …


desired product specification can be maintained over a wider range of reflux ratio as entrainer - feed flow

rate ratio increase, the maximum values gradually reduces as reflux ratio gets smaller, until it reaches a

minimum entrainer - feed flow rate ratio value. The reason is similar to former case a, extractive stable node

(B) lies on xp or lies along the univolatility line αAB =1 when FE/V value are below its minimum limitation,

above minimum value, extractive stable node (B) becomes on the binary methanol-chlorobenene sides

below xp part, the SNB,extr generate an extractive stable region sets a minimum value for entrainer - feed flow

rate ratio(FE/V)min to recover methanol (B).There is also a minimum reflux ratio value, A detailed calculation

of the profile map shows that the feasible rectifying section profiles region gets smaller when reflux ratio gets

smaller until it can no longer intersect the extractive profile region. The same holds for the continuous mode

because of a minimum FE/V and reflux ratio in batch translates well into a minimum FE/F and reflux ratio in






0 5 10 15 20


, Fee

d R


R, Reflux Ratio




0 5 10 15 20


, Fee

d R





YF1 (15, 6)

YU1 (15, 5)

R, Reflux Ratio Continuous and batch feasible line sketch

Batch Continuous Feasible Feasible Feasible Unfeasible Unfeasible Unfeasible

Figure 3.10 Extractive distillation of acetone – methanol with chlorobenzene (1.0-1a class). Entrainer - feed flow rate ratio as a function of the reflux ratio to recover 98%mol methanol (B).

Page 94: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …


Table 3.8 Operating parameters corresponding to Figure 3.10.

Class 1.0-1a case B-E side with heavy entrainer Feasibility

Specification A B E Reflux ratio Reboil ratio FE/F FE/V Batch Continuous

Name acetone methanol chlorobenzene 20 2.33 8 0.42 yes yes

Boiling T(°C) 56.3 64.5 131.7 20 3.09 6 0.32 no no

XF 0.1 0.9 0 20 2.66 7 0.37 no no

XE 0 0 1 15 2.36 6 0.42 yes yes

XD 0.01 0.98 0.01 15 2.82 5 0.35 no no

Other Specification 10 1.94 5 0.51 yes yes

F 1 10 2.41 4 0.41 no no

D 0.8 5 1.74 3 0.56 yes yes

η 0.98 5 0.53 10 1.85 yes yes

5 0.32 17 3.15 yes yes

5 2.57 2 0.37 no no

3 1.16 3 0.83 yes yes

3 1.71 2 0.56 no no

2 0.26 10 3.7 no no

2 2.45 1 0.37 no no

2 1.34 20 7.41 no no

When concerns acetone (A) as the first product component from system acetone-heptane-toluene, the

calculation results show the process always unfeasible as univolatility line αAB =1 intersect at binary side B-E,

all extractive profiles going in the direction to extractive stable node (B) instead of extractive stable node (A),

makes it impossible to recover acetone (A) in the whole operating parameter region.

Figure 3.11 displays the composition profiles computed for all three sections at two critical operating

parameter points in Figure 3.10b. For YF1(R=15, FE/F=6) the process is feasible for both batch and

continuous process but it is not for YU1(R=15, FE/F=5), as both the extractive and the stripping profiles move

in the opposite direction (Figure 3.10b). Unlike the previous 1.0-1a mixture, the batch and continuous

feasible range are identical. The reason of this is that as the stripping section is located between the

rectifying and extractive section, once the extractive profile no longer crosses the rectifying profile, it does

not cross the stripping profile either. This is shown in Figure 3.10 for R=15, FE/F = 5 and FE/F = 6. When

checking at R=5, R=3, we obtained similar graphs.

Rectifying profile

Extractive profile

Stripping profile


Univolatility line

FE/F=6 R =15 S =2.36


Chlorobenzene Acetone




Chlorobenzene Acetone







(b) FE/F=5 R =15

Univolatility line

S =2.82



Figure 3.11 Rectifying, extractive and stripping composition for two operating parameter points taken from Figure 3.10 (b) point YF1 and (b) point YU1

Page 95: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …


Similarly, for this case rigorous simulations were also carried out with Aspen Plus®, with

thermodynamic model UNIFAC. A feed F rich in methanol (B) with composition xF = {0.1, 0.9, 0} is used so

as to distillate methanol as product. Under condition of very low reflux ratio(R=1) and entrainer - feed flow

rate ratio (FE/F=10), the process is unfeasible, product composition 0.9262 can not satisfy specified

composition 0.98, meanwhile, under condition of very low entrainer - feed flow rate ratio (FE/F=1) and reflux

ratio(R=20), the product composition is only 0.7959, these two cases demonstrate the parameter lies in left

and bottom blank sides(not lies in shade region) of graph Figure 3.10b will surly result in unfeasible

process(Figure 3.12a-b). At the similar reason with case a, when choose two parameter(R=20, FE/F=10) and

(R=20, FE/F=20) from shade region, the rigorous simulation results (Figure 3.12c.d) verified they are feasible

for the reason of both specified distillated composition xD can be obtained, satisfying the necessary and

sufficient condition of the feasibility to have at least one possible column profile connecting bottoms

composition xw with the point xD. Regarding purity, the first composition of distillate are {0.0108, 0.0069,

0.9823} compared to bottom composition {0.9518, 0.0092, 0.0390}, the second composition of distillate

{0.0113, 0.0002, 0.9885} compared to residue composition {0.9753, 0.0049, 0.0198}.

Page 96: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …


Rectifying profile

Extractive profile

Stripping profile


Univolatility line

FE/F=10 R =20




Acetone Chlorobenzene

Rectifying profile

Extractive profile

Stripping profile


Univolatility line

FE/F=20 R =1






Rectifying profile

Extractive profile

Stripping profile


Univolatility line

FE/F=10 R =1






Rectifying profile

Extractive profile

Stripping profile


Univolatility line

FE/F=10 R =20


Tmin azeoAB


Acetone Chlorobenzene

Figure 3.12 Rigorous simulation result to recover methanol at: (a) R=1, FE/F=10; (b) R=1, FE/F=20; (c) R=20, FE/F=10 and (c) R=20, FE/F=20.

3.4.2 Separation of maximum boiling temperature azeotropes with heavy entrainers (class 1.0-2).

In this section, we consider the separation of a maximum boiling azeotrope with a heavy entrainer.

The ternary mixture belongs to Serafimov’s class 1.0-2. For the extractive process, two sub-cases arise,

depending whether the univolatility curve αAB =1 reaches the A-E or the B-E side (Rodriguez-Donis et al.

2009a). Subcase 1.0-2case (a) univolatility line αAB=1reaching the binary side A-E

Separation of the maximum boiling azeotrope chloroform (A) – vinyl acetate (B) by adding butyl

acetate (heavy E) illustrates the case when αAB =1 reaches the A-E side (Figure 3.13).Both original

components A and B are unstable nodes, the entrainer (E) is the stable node, while the maximum boiling

azeotrope Tmax azeoAB is a saddle point. A rcm stable separatrix, links the azeotrope to E. According to the

general feasibility criteria for extractive distillation under infinite reflux ratio (Rodriguez-Donis et al. 2009a),

Page 97: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …


both chloroform (A) and vinyl acetate (B) can be recovered as distillate depending on the global feed


Rectifying Separatrix

Chloroform (A) 61.2°C

Vinyl acetate (B) 72.5°C

Butyl acet ate (E) 126°C



Rectifying profile for A

rcm stable separatrix

Tmax azeoAB 75.1°C

Rectifying profile for B

αAB = 1


[SNextr,B] range

[SNextr,A] range


Chloroform (A)

Vinyl acetate (B)

Butyl acetate (E)



[SNextr,B] Tmax azeoAB











FE/V =0.1 R=15




Rectifying Separatrix

Extractive Separatrix

αAB = 1

XYZ Volatility order

(X possible distillate)

Figure 3.13 chloroform-vinyl acetate using butyl acetate: (a) 1.0-2 class residue curve map (rcm) and batch extractive profile map (b) (FE/V=0.1< (FE/V)max, R=15)

As the [SNextr,A] and [SNextr,B] range show (Figure 3.13a), there exists a maximum value (FE/V)max,A,R∞ to

recover component A but no entrainer limit restriction applies to recover component B at infinite reflux ratio

(Rodriguez-Donis et al. 2009a). Under finite reflux ratio and for (FE/V) < (FE/V)max,A (Figure 3.13b), extractive

separatrices appear but they still allow to recover either A or B, depending on the global feed composition:

pure A can be obtained from the initial charge composition xF2 by adding even a small quantity of E. Indeed,

xF2 lies in the regions III and IV where extractive composition profiles reach [SNextr,A]which is able to cross a

rectifying profile reaching the unstable rectifying node vertex A. Above (FE/V)max,A,R∞, [SNextr,A]would

disappear in the left of xP. In contrast starting from xF1 in regions I and II, all extractive profiles reach [SNextr,B]

whatever the entrainer - feed flow rate ratio and enable to recover distillate xDB. Other cases for FE/V >

(FE/V)max,A were detailed in Rodriguez-Donis et al. (2009a).

The feasible range of operating conditions as entrainer - feed flow rate ratio vs. reflux ratio to recover

98%mol of product is displayed in Figure 3.14for chloroform (A).The corresponding operating parameters are

shown in Table 3.9.

Page 98: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …






0 5 10 15 20 25 30


, Fee

d R


R, Reflux Ratio





0 5 10 15 20 25 30


, Fee

d R


R, Reflux Ratio Continuous feasible line sketch Batch feasible line sketch

Batch Continuous Feasible Feasible Feasible Unfeasible Unfeasible Unfeasible

Figure 3.14 Extractive distillation of chloroform – vinyl acetate with butyl acetate (1.0-2 class). Entrainer - feed flow rate ratio as a function of the reflux ratio to recover 98%mol chloroform (A).

Table 3.9 Operating parameters corresponding to Figure 3.14.

Class 1.0-1a case A-E side with heavy entrainer Feasibility

Specification A B E Reflux



ratio FE/F FE/V Batch Continuous

Name chloroform Vinyl acetate Butyl acetate 30 0.55 51 1.3 yes yes

Boiling T(°C) 61.2 72.5 126 25 0.57 41 1.41 yes yes

XF 0.9 0.1 0 15 0.62 23 1.59 yes yes

XE 0 0 1 30 2.31 12 0.42 yes yes

XD 0.98 0.01 0.01 25 2.32 10 0.45 yes yes

F 1 3 0.51 7 1.94 yes yes

D 0.9 15 2.03 7 0.49 yes yes

η 0.98 1.3 0.41 5 2.41 yes yes

3 1.16 3 0.83 yes yes

1.3 0.8 2.5 1.2 yes yes

30 2.51 11 0.39 yes no

25 2.57 9 0.38 yes no

15 2.29 6.2 0.43 yes no

3 1.24 2.8 0.78 yes no

1.3 0.9 2.2 1.06 yes no

0.5 1.23 1 0.74 no no

30 279 0 0 yes no

25 234 0 0 yes no

15 144 0 0 yes no

30 0.54 52 1.4 no no

25 0.56 42 1.52 no no

15 0.6 24 1.66 no no

3 0.44 8 2.22 no no

1.3 0.34 6 2.89 no no

When chloroform(A) is the distillate (Figure 3.14), there exists a maximum value for the entrainer -

feed flow rate ratio above which the process is unfeasible both in batch and continuous. In continuous, the

maximum gradually reduces as reflux ratio gets smaller, until a minimum reflux ratio is reached. A detailed

calculation of the profile map shows that the feasible rectifying section profiles region gets smaller until it can

Page 99: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …


no longer intersect the extractive profile. The batch (Figure 3.14a) and continuous mode (Figure 3.14b)

feasible region are different, as an additional minimum value of the entrainer - feed flow rate ratio exists for

the continuous mode, because under very low entrainer - feed flow rate ratio, the stripping section profile can

no longer intersect the extractive section profile.

If the upper limit for the feed flow rate ratio is not a concern for industrial practice of continuous

extractive distillation, the lower limit should be as low as possible for keeping the energy demand low. Figure

3.15compares three different entrainers suitable to recover chloroform as distillate, under the 1.0-2 class.

The location of the univolatility line is the closest to E for toluene, then for cyclohexane and finally for butyl

acetate (Figure 3.15a). That expands the SNextr,A range and toluene has indeed the highest upper limit for the

feed flow rate ratio (Figure 3.15b), followed by cyclohexane and butyl acetate. The opposite holds for the

lowest feed flow rate ratio limit order. Concerning reflux ratio, toluene enables to operate at the lowest reflux

ratio. A definite choice would require more process analysis and optimization. Overall, Figure 3.15indicates

that toluene exhibits the largest extractive feasible region, which can results in a better operational stability.

That may become critical at low reflux ratio when the range of feasible feed flow rate ratio is narrowed.

Page 100: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …


0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1










0 1











1 0Chloroform


Vinyl acetate (B)


Butyl acetate rcm stable separatrix



Tmax azeoAB

[SNextr,A] range

E1 E2 E3

αAB = 1

E1 Toluene E2 Cyclohexane E3 Butyl acetate





0 5 10 15


, Fee

d R


R, Reflux Ratio







0 5 10 15


, Fee

d R


R, Reflux Ratio







0 5 10 15


, Fee

d R


R, Reflux Ratio



Feasible point Unfeasible point



Feasible line for continuous extractive distillation



Figure 3.15 Comparison of three different entrainers to recover Chloroform from the mixture chloroform – vinyl acetate. (a) Univolatility curve location. (b) Toluene, (c) Cyclohexane and (d) Butyl acetate feasible


When vinyl acetate(B) is the distillate, a behavior similar to the 1.0-1a case (a) is observed in Figure

3.16. Under infinite reflux ratio there is no limit for the entrainer - feed flow rate ratio in batch process.

Concerning the reflux ratio, an unstable extractive separatrix reduces the feasible region at low reflux ratio

(Rodriguez-Donis et al., 2009a), thus defining an effective minimum feasible value for the reflux ratio, for

both the batch and continuous modes. Overall, the continuous feasible region is again smaller than the batch

one when the same purity is targeted, because of the limit set by the requirement of intersecting the stripping

and extractive sections profiles (eg. below FE/F=0.2). Table 3.10 displays operating parameters

corresponding to Figure 3.16.

Page 101: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …





0 5 15 25


, Fee

d R






R, Reflux Ratio




0 5 10 15


, Fee

d R





R, Reflux Ratio Continuous feasible line sketch Batch feasible line sketch

Batch Continuous Feasible Feasible Feasible Unfeasible Unfeasible Unfeasible

Figure 3.16 Extractive distillation of chloroform – vinyl acetate with butyl acetate (1.0-2 class). Entrainer - feed flow rate ratio as a function of the reflux ratio to recover 98%mol vinyl acetate (B).

Table 3.10 Operating parameters corresponding to Figure 3.16.

Class 1.0-2 case A-E side with heavy entrainer Feasibility

Specification A B E Reflux ratio Reboil ratio FE/F FE/V Batch Continuous

Name chloroform vinyl acetate Butyl acetate 1 1.64 1 0.55 no no

Boiling T(°C) 61.2 72.5 126 1 0.35 5 2.77 no no

XF 0.1 0.9 0 2 2.45 1 0.37 yes yes

XE 0 0 1 2 0.53 5 1.85 yes yes

XD 0.01 0.98 0.01 5 18 0.2 0.04 yes no

F 1 5 13.5 0.3 0.06 yes yes

D 0.8 15 48 0.2 0.01 yes yes

η 0.98 15 72 0.1 0.007 yes no

Rigorous simulations are carried out with ProsimPlus® in an extractive column whose features are

displayed in Table 3.2. The rigorous profiles are then compared in Figure 3.17 to the approximate

composition profile maps computed from Equations 3.6, 3.7 and 3.9, setting xD = 0.98. As in the 1.0-1a case,

approximate and rigorous profiles agree well. For the conditions (FE/F=5; R=5) the process is feasible as the

distillate purity reaches 0.982 in vinyl acetate. For the conditions (FE/F=5; R=0.1) the process is unfeasible

as the distillate purity can only reach 0.88 in vinyl acetate. The detailed information can be found in Tables

3.11- 3.12. Therefore, the approximate calculations are worthy to evaluate the feasibility of continuous

extractive distillation processes under finite reflux ratio conditions.

Page 102: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …



[Sextr,B] [UNrect,B]


[SNextr,B] [UNrect,B]





Vinyl acetate

Butyl acetate Chloroform

Vinyl acetate

Butyl acetate Chloroform

FE/F = 5 R = 5 (c) (b)


Simulated rectifying profile Simulated stripping profile Simulated extractive profile


S = 1.06

rectifying profile map

stripping profile map

extractive profile map

Vinyl acetate

Butyl acetate Chloroform

Vinyl acetate

Butyl acetate Chloroform

Vinyl acetate

Butyl acetate Chloroform

FE/F = 0.1 R = 5

(f) (e) (d)

S = 27

rectifying profile map

stripping profile map

extractive profile map

Vinyl acetate

Butyl acetate Chloroform

Unstable stripping separatrix

Unstable extractiveseparatrix


Tmax azeoAB Tmax azeoAB Tmax azeoAB

Tmax azeoAB Tmax azeoAB Tmax azeoAB

Figure 3.17 Rigorous simulation result to recover vinyl acetate (B) at FE/F=5, R=5 and FE/F=0.1, R=5, compared with calculating profiles: (a-d) stripping section, (b-e) extractive section and (c-f) rectifying section.

Page 103: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …


Table 3.11 Operating parameters corresponding to Figure 3.17a, b, c.

Class 1.0-2 case B-E side with heavy entrainer(FE/F=5, R=5)

Worksheet parameters Rectifying section Stripping section

Name chloroform vinyl acetate Butyle acetate A B E A B E

Boiling T(°C) 61.2 72.5 126 chloroform vinyle acetate butyle acetate chloroform vinyle




XF 0.1 0.9 0 5.07E-03 0.982132 0.0128 0.0317 0.394905 0.573442

XE 0 0 1 8.06E-03 0.920564 0.0714 0.0333 0.393085 0.573641

XD 0.01 0.98 0.01 9.11E-03 0.750609 0.240278 0.0355 0.390622 0.573893

XW 0.017843 0.003529 0.978627 0.00682 0.482299 0.510877 0.0385 0.387329 0.574203

R 5 0.00393 0.284766 0.711306 0.0424 0.382989 0.574568

FE/F 5 0.00496 0.284095 0.710945 0.0477 0.377372 0.574976

F 1 0.0543 0.370262 0.575398

D 0.9 0.0627 0.361495 0.575791

E 5 Extractive section 0.0729 0.351005 0.576103

W 5.1 A B E 0.0849 0.338859 0.57628

V 18.9 chloroform vinyle acetate butyle acetate 0.0984 0.325274 0.576287

ηB 0.98 0.00496 0.284095 0.710945 0.113284 0.310588 0.576128

Reboil S 1.06 0.00611 0.283681 0.710205 0.128929 0.2952 0.575871

FE/V 0.9259 0.00741 0.283718 0.708874 0.144828 0.279478 0.575695

0.00887 0.284506 0.706622 0.160387 0.263633 0.57598

0.0106 0.286524 0.702923 0.174919 0.247561 0.577521

0.0125 0.29057 0.696894 0.187465 0.230593 0.581942

0.015 0.298057 0.686963 0.196413 0.211153 0.592434

0.0182 0.311748 0.670036 0.198943 0.186542 0.614516

Rigorous parameters 0.023 0.337924 0.639062 0.190922 0.153888 0.65519

XF 0.1 0.9 0 0.0317 0.394905 0.573442 0.168958 0.113633 0.717409

XE 0 0 1 0.00496 0.284095 0.710945 0.134878 0.0727 0.792405

XD 0.01 0.98 0.01 0.00496 0.284095 0.710945 0.0967 0.0402 0.863072

Num stages 40 0.0628 0.0196 0.917613

Solvent tray 5 0.0369 0.0085 0.954625

Feed tray 15 0.0187 0.00315 0.978134

Table 3.12 Operating parameters corresponding to Figure 3.17d, e, f.

Class 1.0-2 case B-E side with heavy entrainer(FE/F=0.1, R=5)

Worksheet parameters Rectifying section Stripping section

Name chloroform vinyl acetate Butyl acetate A B E A B E

Boiling T(°C) 61.2 72.5 126 chloroform vinyl



acetate chloroform





XF 0.1 0.9 0 0.00497 0.885386 0.10964 0.0106 0.231015 0.758369

XE 0 0 1 0.00515 0.583146 0.411702 0.0122 0.238958 0.748823

XD 0.01 0.98 0.01 0.00365 0.354431 0.641917 0.0143 0.250749 0.734956

XW 0.445 0.09 0.455 0.00265 0.25962 0.737729 0.0172 0.269218 0.713576

R 5 0.00223 0.228497 0.769269 0.0218 0.300968 0.677244

FE/F 0.1 0.00208 0.218916 0.779 0.0306 0.366003 0.603436

F 1 Extractive section 0.0315 0.364945 0.603585

D 0.9 0.00203 0.216017 0.781951 0.0327 0.363459 0.603797

E 0.1 0.00202 0.215143 0.782841 0.0345 0.361375 0.604106

W 0.2 0.00201 0.21488 0.783109 0.037 0.358456 0.604578

V 5.4 0.00201 0.214801 0.78319 0.0403 0.354353 0.605356

ηB 0.98 0.00264 0.214514 0.782847 0.0447 0.348528 0.606758

Reboil S 27 0.0033 0.214404 0.782298 0.0504 0.340078 0.609531

FE/V 0.0185 0.00399 0.214522 0.78149 0.0573 0.327378 0.61536

Rigorous parameters 0.00471 0.214932 0.780353 0.0647 0.307491 0.627823

XF 0.1 0.9 0 0.00548 0.215716 0.7788 0.0709 0.275733 0.653391

XE 0 0 1 0.00631 0.216981 0.776712 0.0725 0.227358 0.700112

XD 0.01 0.98 0.01 0.0072 0.218877 0.773923 0.0662 0.164136 0.76965

Num stages 40 0.00819 0.221612 0.7702 0.052 0.0998 0.848202

Solvent tray 5 0.00931 0.225498 0.765196 0.0346 0.0503 0.915181

Feed tray 18 0.0187 0.0202 0.961044

Page 104: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …

91 Subcase1.0-2 Case (b): univolatility line αAB=1 reaching the binary Side B-E.

Separation of the maximum boiling azeotrope acetone (A) – chloroform (B) by adding benzene (heavy

E) illustrates the case when αAB =1 reaches the B-E side (Figure 3.18).The 1.0-2 class diagram bears the

same features as the previous chloroform-vinyl acetate-butyl acetate diagram, but for the location of the

univolatility curve. As it now reaches the B-E edge, the batch extractive process criterion states that A can be

distillated without any limit for the entrainer entrainer - feed flow rate ratio, whereas there exists a maximum

entrainer entrainer - feed flow rate ratio to get B. Depending of the overall feed composition either A or B can

be distillated: from xF1 B is the distillate product; from xF2 below the extractive separatrix, A is the distillate


Rectifying Separatrix

Benzene (E) 81.1°C

[SNextr,B] range

Rectifying profile for A

rcm stable separatrix

Tmax azeoAB


Rectifying profile for B

Acetone (A) 56.3°C

αAB = 1


[SNextr,A] range

ABE αBE = 1



Chlorform (B) 61.2°C (a)

Rectifying Separatrix

Benzene (E) 81.1°C

Tmax azeoAB


Extractive profile

Acetone (A) 56.3°C


Chlorform (B) 61.2°C FE/V =0.1 R=60 [SNextr,B]












Extractive Separatrix

αAB = 1

αBE = 1


XYZ Volatility order

(X possible distillate)

Figure 3.18 acetone-chloroform using benzene: (a) 1.0-2 class residue curve map (rcm) and batch extractive profile map (b) (FE/V=0.1 < (FE/V)max, R=60).

As shown in Figure 3.18, both original components A and B are unstable nodes, the entrainer (E) is

the stable node, while the maximum boiling azeotrope Tmax azeoAB is a saddle point, The rcm stable

separatrix, so-called distillation boundary, links the azeotrope to E. The univolatility curve αAB =1 starts at

Tmax azeoAB until it intersects the B-E side at the so-called xP point. Both acetone (A) and chloroform (B) are

the most volatile in their respective region (see volatility order B>A>E and A>B>E in Fig.18a) where there

exists a residue curve with decreasing temperature from E to their location. Therefore, either A or B are

possible distillates of the extractive distillation process. As explained in Rodriguez-Donis et al. (2009a), there

is a maximum value (FE/V)max,B,R∞ to recover component B whereas no entrainer - feed flow rate ratio

restriction applies to recover component A at infinite reflux ratio (See [SNextr,A] and [SNextr,B] range in Figure

3.18a). Figure 3.18b displays the extractive composition profile for (FE/V) < (FE/V)max,B,R∞, under infinite reflux

ratio. Pure B can be obtained from the initial charge composition xF1 by adding even a small quantity of E.

Page 105: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …


Indeed, xF1 lies in the regions I and II where extractive composition profiles reach [SNextr,B] that are able to

cross a rectifying profile reaching the unstable rectifying node vertex B, above (FE/V)max,B,R∞, [SNextr,B] would

disappear under composition xP. In contrast starting from xS2 in regions III and IV, all extractive profiles reach

[SNextr,A] whatever the entrainer - feed flow rate ratio and enable to recover distillate xDA.

The feasible range of operating conditions as entrainer - feed flow rate ratio vs. reflux ratio to recover

98mol%mol of product is displayed in Figure 3.19for acetone (A). It is similar to Figure 3.16for the previous

mixture. Again, the batch and continuous process feasible ranges are different because the continuous

process requires that the stripping profile intersects the extractive profile when the same purity is targeted.

When distillate is acetone (A) (Figure 3.19), infinite reflux ratio analysis shows no limit for the entrainer

- feed flow rate ratio. These results of Figure 3.19b in batch process agree well with the thermodynamics

criteria analysis above. However, in continuous process of Figure 3.19a there exists additional minimum

value FE/Fmax at any given reflux ratio R > Rmin or we can say at any given entrainer - feed flow rate ratio

there exists minimum value of reflux ratio Rmin, this minimum value remains nearly constant. This additional

existence results from the stripping section profile can not intersect the extractive section in continuous

process and its conditions limit feasibility, the operation requirement become more rigorous because all of

parameters choice need occur over a more narrow range. Technically speaking in class 1.0-2, both

component A and B can be recovered as they are unstable rectifying node UNrcm, at the condition of FE = 0

or infinite reflux ratio, this is similar to the theory of process azeotropic distillation, Figure 3.19bat the

condition of infinite reflux ratio, verified this theory, obviously, in continuous process of Figure 3.19a, again,

becomes unfeasible at this unlimited situation. Both continuous modes and batch modes display the same

features for reflux ratio limitation. Similarly to Figure 3.16, there is a minimum reflux ratio value below which

the separation becomes impossible no matter how big the amount entertainer feed given. The corresponding

operating parameters are available in Table 3.13.

Page 106: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …





0 5 15 25


, Fee

d R


R, Reflux Ratio








0 5 15 25


, Fee

d R






R, Reflux Ratio

Continuous feasible line sketch Batch feasible line sketch

Batch Continuous Feasible Feasible Feasible Unfeasible Unfeasible Unfeasible

Figure 3.19 Extractive distillation of acetone – chloroform with benzene (1.0-2 class). Entrainer - feed flow rate ratio as a function of the reflux ratio to recover 98%mol acetone (A).

Table 3.13 Operating parameters corresponding to Figure 3.19.

Class 1.0-2 case B-E side with heavy entrainer Feasibility

Specification A B E Reflux ratio Reboil ratio FE/F FE/V Batch Continuous

Name acetone chloroform benzene 25 6.5 3.5 0.15 yes no

Boiling T(°C) 56.3 61.2 81.1 25 5.7 4 0.17 yes yes

XF 0.9 0.1 0 15 4.65 3 0.21 yes no

XE 0 0 1 15 4 3.5 0.24 yes yes

XD 0.98 0.01 0.01 5 2.08 2.5 0.46 yes no

F 1 5 1.74 3 0.56 yes yes

D 0.9 2 0.27 10 3.7 yes yes

η 0.98 2 0.18 15 5.56 yes yes

2 0.11 25 9.26 yes yes

1 0.18 10 5.56 no no

1 0.12 15 8.33 no no

1 0.17 25 13.89 no no

The feasible range of operating conditions as entrainer - feed flow rate ratio vs. reflux ratio to recover

98%mol of product is displayed in Figure 3.20 for chloroform (B), showing the maximum entrainer entrainer -

feed flow rate ratio value. It is slightly different from Figure 3.14 for the previous mixture as now the batch

and continuous process feasible ranges are different. As expected from the infinite reflux ratio analysis there

exists a maximum value for entrainer - feed flow rate ratio above which the process is unfeasible. This

maximum value gradually reduces as reflux ratio gets smaller, until it reaches a minimum reflux ratio. A

detailed calculation of the profile map shows that the feasible rectifying section profiles region gets smaller

until it can no longer intersect the extractive profile region. The same holds for the continuous mode.

However, the continuous (Figure 3.20a) and batch mode (Figure 3.20b) have a large difference as the

existence of minimum value of the entrainer - feed flow rate ratio, because in continuous process the

stripping section is now involved and its conditions can limit feasibility, the operations requirement become

more rigorous because all of parameters choice need occur over more narrow range.

Page 107: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …






0 5 10 15 20 25


, Fee

d R


R, Reflux Ratio





0 5 10 15 20 25


, Fee

d R


YU2 (12,1)

YU1 (12, 25)

YF1 (12,10)




15 YU3 (2, 10)

R, Reflux Ratio

Continuous feasible line sketch Batch feasible line sketch

Batch Continuous Feasible Feasible Feasible Unfeasible Unfeasible Unfeasible

Figure 3.20 Extractive distillation of acetone – chloroform with benzene (1.0-2 class). Entrainer - feed flow rate ratio as a function of the reflux ratio to recover 98%mol chloroform (B).

Table 3.14. Operating parameters corresponding to Figure 3.20.

Class 1.0-2 case B-E side with heavy entrainer Feasibility

Specification A B E Reflux ratio Reboil ratio FE/F FE/V Batch Continuous

Name acetone chloroform benzene 20 4.6 4 0.21 yes yes

Boiling T(°C) 56.3 61.2 81.1 20 0.67 28 1.48 yes yes

XF 0.1 0.9 0 20 6.1 3 0.16 yes no

XE 0 0 1 20 0.65 29 1.53 no no

XD 0.01 0.98 0.01 12 0.58 20 1.71 yes yes

F 1 12 3.77 3 0.26 yes yes

D 0.9 12 0.55 21 2.22 no no

η 0.98 12 5.57 2 0.17 yes no

5 0.45 12 4.22 yes yes

5 6 0.8 0.15 yes yes

5 0.41 13 2.41 no no

5 6.75 0.7 0.13 yes no

3 0.71 5 0.39 yes yes

3 4.5 0.7 0.19 yes yes

3 0.59 9 2.60 no no

3 5.14 0.6 0.17 yes no

2 2.45 1 0.37 no no

2 0.27 10 3.7 no no

Figure 3.21 displays the composition profiles computed to get xD = 0.98, under four operating

conditions reported in Figure 18b. For Yu1(R=12, FE/F=25) the process is unfeasible as the rectifying profile

cannot intersect the extractive section (Figure 3.21a). For YF1 (R=12, FE/F=10), the process is feasible

(Figure 3.21b). ForYu2 (R=12, FE/F=1) the batch process is feasible but not the continuous process as the

stripping profile cannot intersect the extractive profile (Figure 3.21c).Figure 3.21d concerns the point Yu3

(R=2, FE/F=10) which reflux ratio is lower than the minimum reflux ratio value: the rectifying profile is so short

that it doesn’t intersect the extractive section. Table 3.15 summarizes the operating parameters

corresponding to Figure 3.21.

Page 108: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …


Rectifying profile

Extractive profile

Stripping profile


Benzene Acetone

(a) FE/F=25 R =12

Univolatility line

Rectifying seperatrix

Tmax azeoAB

Extractive profile

Stripping profile


Benzene Acetone

(b) FE/F=10 R =12

Univolatility line

Rectifying seperatrix

Rectifying profile

Tmax azeoAB


Benzene Acetone

(c) FE/F=1 R =12

Univolatility line

Rectifying seperatrix

Rectifying profile

Extractive profile

Stripping profile

Tmax azeoAB











0 1











1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0


Benzene Acetone

(d) FE/F=10 R =2

Univolatility line

Rectifying seperatrix

Rectifying profile

Extractive profile

Stripping profile

Tmax azeoAB

Figure 3.21 Rectifying, extractive and stripping composition for four operating parameter points taken from Figure 3.20 (a) point YU1, (b) point YF1, (c) point YU2 and (d) point YU3.

Page 109: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …


Table 3.15. Operating parameters corresponding to Figure 3.21

Class 1.0-2 case B-E side with heavy entrainer

Specification parameters for Figure 3.21(a) Specification parameters for Figure 3.21(b)

Apex A B E Apex A B E

Name acetone chloroform benzene Name acetone chloroform benzene

Boiling T(°C) 56.3 61.2 81.1 Boiling T(°C) 56.3 61.2 81.1

XF 0.1 0.9 0 XF 0.1 0.9 0

XE 0 0 1 XE 0 0 1

XD 0.01 0.98 0.01 XD 0.01 0.98 0.01

XW 0.0036255 0.00071713 0.995657371 XW 0.0090099 0.00178218 0.989207921

R 12 R 12

FE/F 25 FE/F 10

F 1 F 1

D 0.9 D 0.9

E 25 E 10

W 25.1 W 10.1

V 11.7 V 11.7

ηB 0.98 ηB 0.98

Reboil S 0.4661 Reboil S 1.1584

FE/V 2.1368 FE/V 0.8547

Specification parameters for Figure 3.21(c) Specification parameters for Figure 3.21(d)

Apex A B E Apex A B E

Name acetone chloroform benzene Name acetone chloroform benzene

Boiling T(°C) 56.3 61.2 81.1 Boiling T(°C) 56.3 61.2 81.1

XF 0.1 0.9 0 XF 0.1 0.9 0

XE 0 0 1 XE 0 0 1

XD 0.01 0.98 0.01 XD 0.01 0.98 0.01

XW 0.08272727 0.01636364 0.900909091 XW 0.0090099 0.00178218 0.989207921

R 12 R 2

FE/F 1 FE/F 10

F 1 F 1

D 0.9 D 0.9

E 1 E 10

W 1.1 W 10.1

V 18.9 V 2.7

ηB 0.98 ηB 0.98

Reboil S 10.6363 Reboil S 0.2673

FE/V 0.0855 FE/V 3.7037


A feasibility method built for the batch extractive distillation process was extended to investigate the

range of operating parameters reflux ratio (R) and entrainer - feed flow rate ratio (FE/F, FE/V) for both

continuous or batch process. It is shown that the feasibility under infinite reflux ratio conditions can be

predicted from the general feasibility criterion enounced by Rodriguez-Donis et al. (2009a), which requires

only the knowledge of the rcm topology and classification along with the computation of the univolatility line.

The prediction is confirmed by the calculation of approximate composition profile in each column section,

depending on reflux ratio and entrainer - feed flow rate ratio. Under finite reflux ratio conditions, the results at

approximate calculations agree with those at the rigorous simulations of continuous extractive distillation

processes, but also bring information about the location of pinch points and possible composition profiles

separatrices that could impair the process feasibility.

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For class 1.0-1a (minimum boiling azeotrope separation A-B by adding a heavy entrainer E), two sub

cases arise depending on the univolatility line αAB =1 location. Two azeotropic systems acetone-heptane with

toluene (entrainer) and acetone-methanol with water (entrainer) are used to demonstrate the case when

univolatility line αAB =1 intersects the A-E edge (case a); an example acetone-methanol with heavy entrainer

chlorobenzene is used to explain the case when univolatility line αAB =1 intersects the B-E edge (case b).

At infinite reflux ratio for the batch process, the point xp determines the minimal limit value for entrainer

- feed flow rate ratio, the range of the extractive stable node SNextr,A and the expected product A (in class

1.0-1a case a), SNextr,B and the expected product B (in class 1.0-1a case b). Under finite reflux ratio, SNextr,B

in class 1.0-1a case a) (SNextr,A in class 1.0-1a case b) moves inside the diagram and generates an

extractive unstable separatrix that reduces the feasible region.

These results also translate well for continuous extractive distillation, regarding A as product

component for the two examples of case a, the results show the expected feature: there is a minimum

entrainer - feed flow rate ratio at any reflux ratio. Besides, there is maximum reflux ratio at any given

entrainer entrainer - feed flow rate ratio. The maximum reflux ratio gets smaller as the entrainer entrainer -

feed flow rate ratio reduces, in agreement with the result of Knapp and Doherty(1994). There is also a

minimum reflux ratio value, below which the separation becomes impossible no matter how big is the

entrainer to entrainer - feed flow rate ratio. The feasible regions of the two examples have the same shape

but the limits are different because of the different properties of azeotrope and solvent performance.

The same shape of the operating parameter feasibility region holds for the continuous and batch mode,

as the limitation FE/V and reflux ratio in batch translates into a continuous value FE/F. However, the minimum

value FE/V is smaller for the continuous than for the batch mode because the continuous profile sets stricter

feasible conditions due to the necessary intersection between the stripping and the extractive profile.

Regarding case b aiming to produce acetone(A)as distillate from ternary system acetone (A)-methanol

(B)-chlorobenzene(E), it bears symmetrical feature with case a, but then heptane(B) is the product as the

univolatility curve αAB =1 now reaches B-E edge.

For class 1.0-2 (separation of a maximum boiling azeotrope with a heavy entrainer) two sub cases

also occur. Forth mixture chloroform (A) - vinyl acetate (B) using butyl acetate as entrainer(E), the

univolatility curve αAB =1 intersects the A-E edge (case a), while for the mixture acetone (A) – chloroform (B)

using benzene (E) as entrainer, the univolatility curve αAB =1 intersects the B-E edge (case b). The batch

feasibility criterion under infinite reflux ratio then states that A or B can be distillated out, depending on the

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starting composition. For case a (resp. case b), chloroform (A for case a) (resp. B for case b) can be a

distillate product, provided that the entrainer entrainer - feed flow rate ratio lies below a maximal value

(FE/V)max at a given reflux ratio. The continuous process also displays a corollary maximal value (FE/F)max.

But the continuous process also shows a minimum value FE/F because of the necessary intersection

between the stripping and the extractive section composition profiles. Under finite reflux ratio an extractive

unstable separatrix moves inside the diagram and impacts the feasible composition region. In continuous

mode, the minimum value FE/F at a given reflux ratio gets smaller as reflux ratio reduces, and there also

exists a minimum reflux ratio.

Regarding the distillation of vinyl acetate (B) when separating the mixture chloroform-vinyl acetate

using butyl acetate as entrainer or acetone (A) when separating the mixture chloroform-acetone using

benzene as entrainer, the batch extractive process analysis predicts no entrainer limitation under infinite

reflux ratio. However there exists a minimum entrainer - feed flow rate ratio limit under finite reflux ratio for

the continuous process because of the additional constraint that the stripping profile intersects the extractive

profile. For both continuous and batch mode, there exist a minimum value for reflux ratio because of the

reduction of the rectifying profile region as reflux ratio decreases.

Comparison of three entrainers leading to the same type of diagram and the same sub-case also

shows that the feasible conditions ranges is entrainer dependent, in particular the minimum reflux ratio and

the minimum entrainer entrainer - feed flow rate ratio, and that the methodology is suitable to compare

entrainers in a preliminary step before optimizing the process with the entrainer regeneration column.

As these observations for the class 1.0-2 or 1.0-1a are corroborated by rigorous simulations, we

demonstrate that feasibility analysis based on simple thermodynamic insight (the ternary class, the

univolatility line intersect with the diagram) can be exploited to evaluate the feasibility under finite reflux ratio

and both for batch and continuous operation.

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4. Extension of Thermodynamic Insights on Batch Extractive

Distillation to Continuous Operation. Azeotropic Mixtures with a

light Entrainer





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In extractive distillation, the common industrial rule for selecting a suitable entrainer is to choose a

miscible, heavy boiling, which forms no new azeotrope. It should interact differently with the components of

the mixture causing their relative volatilities to either increase or reduce, and thereby easy the separation.

However, there are some cases when its use is not recommended such as if a heat sensitive, high boiling

component mixture to be separated. Different entrainers can cause different components to be recovered or

recovered overhead in extractive distillation, Potential entrainers is critical since an economically optimal

design made with an average design using best entrainer can be much less costly (Laroche et al,

1991).Theoretically, any candidate entrainer satisfying the feasibility and optimal criteria can be used no

matter it is heavy, light, or intermediate entrainer. Literature studies on intermediate entrainer or light

entrainer, even though not too much, validate this assumption. Laroche et al. (1991) investigated the use of

heavy, intermediate and light boiling entrainer to separate minimum boiling azeotropes. In batch operation,

Rodriguez-Donis et al, reviewed the use of these three kinds of entrainers to separate maximum boiling

azeotropes and low relative volatility mixtures (Rodriguez-Donis et al., 2009a, 2009b, 2012a, 2012b). They

also showed that entrainers forming azeotropes could also be used in extractive distillation (2010 DistAbs

Proceedings), but that was not further tested for continuous operation.

In this chapter, we are here concerned by extending the thermodynamic insight on extractive

distillation feasibility proven for batch distillation to continuous extractive distillation. In Chapter3, we have

shown how the thermodynamic insight acquired on batch extractive distillation could be extended to the use

of a heavy entrainer for separating minimum and maximum boiling azeotropes. Applying the general

feasibility criterion for extractive distillation under infinite reflux ratio (Rodriguez-Donis et al., 2009a) which

considered the volatility order regions of the ternary diagram, we pointed out how they could be extended to

continuous extractive distillation and what differences occurred under finite reflux ratio. This chapter

concerns the use of a light boiling entrainer for the separation of minimum and maximum boiling binary


After a brief state of the art section, we recall the essential features of the methodology, already

described in chapter3, stress the specificities due to the use of a light entrainer. Then we investigate the two

sub-cases process alternatives linked to the separation of a maximum boiling azeotrope with a light entrainer

(class 1.0-1a) and of a minimum boiling azeotrope with a light entrainer (class 1.0-2) by applying the

methodology. Through a systematic calculations of different section composition profiles, feasibility region for

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two key parameters entrainer - entrainer - feed flow rate ratio and reboil ratio are determined and validated

by rigorous simulation.


In extractive distillation, a third component entrainer E is added to interact selectively with the original

components A and B, to reinforce their relative volatility, thus enhancing the original separation. We refer to

A as having a lower boiling point than B. It differs from azeotropic distillation by the fact that the third-body

solvent E is fed continuously in another column position (either to the still, or to the column, or to the top)

other than feed mixture. Entrainer design study has been rich in the literature, a potential candidate entrainer

is often referred to three major property classes : (1)pure solvent properties such as boiling point, vapor

pressure, molar volume, … (Marrero and Gani, 2001; Chein-Hsiun, 1994); (2)process properties such as

relative volatility, solvent solubility power, phase stability criterion performance index (Pretel et al., 1994) and

univolatility and unidistribution curves (Laroche et al., 1992; Rodriguez-Donis et al. 2009a, 2009b, 2010,

2012a, 2012b); and (3) environment-related properties such as LC50 (Song and Song, 2008),

environmentalwaste, impact, health, and safety issues (Weis and Visco, 2010).

Literature studies on light entrainer for extractive distillation are scarce compared to the use of a heavy

entrainer. Hunek et al. (1989) tested the separation of the minimum boiling azeotropic mixture ethanol (A)-

water (B) with the light entrainer methanol by a pilot-plant experiment, calling this process reverse extractive

distillation. Laroche et al. (1991) showed that the univolatility curve location could be used to determine the

product obtained from extractive distillation of a minimum boiling azeotrope with a light entrainer: using

acetone as a light entrainer, the separation of water ethanol (A) – water (B) gave water (B) as the bottom

product of the extractive column; whereas the separation of methyl ethyl ketone (A) – water (B) gave methyl

ethyl ketone (A) as the bottom product of the extractive column. The general criterion for extractive distillation

feasibility under infinite reflux ratio (Rodriguez-Donis et al., 2009a) fully corroborates this analysis by

combining simultaneously the relationship between the residue curve map and the location of the univolatility


Analyzing more than 400 binary azeotrope- entrainer system, for either azeotropic or extractive

distillation, Laroche et al., (1992)concluded that: (1) light entrainers are common, almost as common as

heavy entrainers; (2) light entrainers often represent the only viable alternative when a heavy entrainer

cannot be used; and (3) light entrainers can perform as well or better than heavy entrainer. Further works

have concerned batch extractive distillation. Lang et al. (1999a) assessed the feasibility of the extractive

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distillation of ethanol (A)-water (B) with light entrainer methanol in batch rectifier and of mixture n-butanol (A)

- n-butylacetate (B) with n-propylformate and di-propylether as light entrainer in a batch stripper. Considering

a batch rectifier and a batch stripper, Varga (2006) studied the separation of three mixtures: ethanol-water

(minimum boiling azeotrope) with light entrainer methanol, water - ethylene diamine (maximum boiling

azeotrope) with light entrainer methanol, and chlorobenzene - ethylbenzene (close boiling mixture) with light

entrainer 4-methylheptane. Feasibility, operating steps, limiting entrainer - feed flows, limiting reflux ratios,

and limiting number of theoretical stages were then determined by parametric study on profiles maps, and

verified by rigorous simulation. More recently, by the aid of thermodynamic insights on knowledge of the

location of univolatility lines and residue curve analysis (Rodriguez-Donis et al. 2009a), Rodriguez-Donis et

al. (2012) published a detailed study on the feasibility of homogeneous batch extractive distillation for all the

possible sub-cases related to the separation of azeotropic mixtures with light entrainer which belongs to

class 1.0-2 and 1.0-1a.. This paper aims to investigate that insight for the continuous extractive distillation

process with a light entrainer.

From basic mass balance analysis, feasibility of an extractive distillation under finite reflux ratio (reboil

ratio in revers extractive distillation) conditions requires that the top and bottom product composition are

connected each other through the liquid composition profiles xi in each sections. The calculation requires

choosing a target product composition and depends on many parameters. In azeotropic distillation or

common distillation process with two column sections, the relevant parameters to be considered are the heat

condition of the feed variable q, the feed stage location, total number of stages, the column holdup, and the

vapor flow rate ratio, the condenser cooling duty, the boiler heat duty and the reflux ratio. Not all are

independent because the distillation column model has only two degrees of freedom (Widgado and Seider,

1996). Extractive distillation further adds the entrainer feed flow rate ratio to the list of the parameters as

another degree of freedom. Like a previous study in this series, we focus only on the influence of the reboil

ratio and entrainer - feed flow rate ratio on feasibility. Finding the ranges of reboil ratio and entrainer - feed

flow rate ratio values that enable a feasible extractive distillation is the main issue of extractive distillation.

Upon the feasibility study on separation a maximum (minimum) boiling azeotrope with the entrainer

forming no new azeotrope which belongs to the 1.0-1a of Serafimov’s class (occurrence 21.6%), most

literature focus on a heavy entrainer. The study with light entrainer, which is of equal importance, was not

studied in continuous operation but was in batch by using composition profiles. In contrast, applying light

entrainer for separating a maximum boiling azeotrope, the corresponding ternary diagram belongs to the 1.0-

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1a Serafimov’s class (occurrence 21.6%). The separation of a minimum boiling azeotrope with a light

entrainer corresponds to the 1.0-2 class (occurrence 8.5%).

Knapp et al (1994) investigated the limit quantities of both reflux ratio and entrainer - feed flows for a


case of ternary mixture which belongs to class 1.0-1a, where a heavy entrainer is added to separate an

azeotropic mixture with minimum azeotrope and other literature merely focus on batch case 1.0-2 with heavy

entrainer (Lang et al., 2000), case 1.0-1a,1.0-2 and 0.01 with light entrainer (Lang et al., 1999b),1.0-1b

heavy entrainer with intermediate(Lelkes et al., 2002,Rév et al., 2003) were also published. The extension of

thermodynamic insight to other mixture classes with light entrainer was systematically studied by (Rodriguez-

Donis et al., 2012a) who combined knowledge of the thermodynamic properties of residue curve maps and

of the univolatility and unidistribution curves location. As a continue work of this series, this Chapter aims to

identify how the thermodynamic insight underlying the general feasibility criterion can be transposed to

continuous operation of extractive distillation with light entrainer, not only for the 1.0-1a class so far well

studied but for all the classes found feasible in batch. For all suitable classes, the general criterion under

infinite reboil ratio could explain the product to be recovered and the possible existence of limiting values for

the entrainer - feed flow rate ratio for batch operation: a minimum value for the class 1.0-1a, a maximum

value for the class 1.0-2, etc... The behavior at finite reboil ratio could be deduced from the infinite behavior

and properties of the residue curve maps, and some limits on the reboil ratio were found. However precise

finding of the limiting values of reboil ratio or of the entrainer - feed flow rate ratio required other techniques,

summarized as following parts.


Extractive distillation can be operated either in batch or in continuous mode. The batch mode is

usually used for separating small quantities of mixture varying composition, besides the conventional batch

rectifier (Lelkes, Lang, Benadda, and Moszkowicz, 1998a,Stéger et al., 2005), both batch stripper (Lang et

al., 1999b, Varga, 2006) and middle vessel columns (Davidyan et al., 1994)have also been suggested and

discussed in the literature, even though the use of a light entrainer would recommend to use a batch stripper,

as the product being expected to be a heavy boiler could be removed from the boiler still (Varga et al.,

2006).Varga (2006) studied four configurations for extractive distillation using light entrainer premixed to the

charge in the still before distillation (SBD), fed continuously into the still (BED-B) at the top (BED-T) or at an

intermediate location BED-I and provided recommendations for separating minimum and maximum

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azeotropes and close-boiling mixtures. In the present Chapter, we consider a continuous column with the

original binary mixture (A+B) initially charged into the column top vessel and it is fed to the first top tray as

boiling liquid (LT), light entrainer (FE)fed at an intermediate location below the main feed (A+B), according to

Figure 4.1b. It gives rise to three column sections, the extractive and stripping section, as in the batch

column (Figure 4.1a), partial evaporation of the liquid phase reaching the column bottom gives the vapor flow

rate ratio (VS). The remaining liquid is drawn as bottom product (W) in order to maintain the liquid amount

into the boiler. For continuous configuration, as we consider a light entrainer (boiling temperature below that

of both A and B), the entrainer stream is fed below the main feed in continuous (b), these two feeds leading

to three column sections, stages above azeotropic mixture feed named rectifying section, stages between

azeotropic mixture feed and entrainer feed named extractive section, stages below is stripping section (see

Figure 4.1b).


A+BxTop Top Vessel



FE,xE Stripping section


Extractive section(VE,LE)




FE, xE

F, xF



Extractive section (VE,LE)

Rectification section (VR,LR)

Stripping section (VS,LS)





Figure 4.1 Configurations of extractive distillation column: (a) batch (b) continuous.


According to Serafimov’s classification of ternary diagrams (Kiva et al; 2003) the separation of a

minimum boiling azeotrope with a light entrainer gives rise to a 1.0-2 class diagram (8.5% occurrence among

ternary azeotropic mixtures) and the separation of a maximum boiling azeotrope gives rise to a 1.0-1a classe

diagram (21.6% occurrence).

Chapter 2 gave an overview of the state of the art on the feasibility assessment of continuous

extractive distillation when a heavy entrainer is used. Many classical tools used for azeotropic distillation are

valid for extractive distillation: residue curve map analysis, composition profiles…. A key parameter is the

reflux ratio, which should be as low as possible for economic reasons, as it governs the internal liquid flow

into the column. But, the occurrence of the middle / extractive section sets new challenges for extractive

distillation. The ratio of the entrainer / main feeds becomes a variable as important as the reflux ratio.

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Besides, feasibility in terms of composition profiles now requires that all three sections intersects together as

was highlighted with the work on double feed columns of Levy and Doherty (1986). Laroche et al. (1992)

further brought attention to univolatility curves and volatility order regions for the 1.0-1a class with a heavy

entrainer, explaining that depending on the location of the univolatility curve intersection with the A-B-E

triangle, product can be either A or, less intuitive, B the intermediate boiler. Explanation also came from the

study of the middle section composition profile map topology and singular points for the 1.0-1a class (Knapp

and Doherty, 1994, Lelkes et al. 1998, Brüggemann and Marquardt, 2004, Frits et al. 2006) as feasibility of

the extractive distillation process required the stable node of the extractive section to be near the triangle

edge, so as to intersect a rectifying section curve reaching the desired distillate. As the stable node moves

along the univolatility curve for the 1.0-1a class when the entrainer - feed flow rate ratio increases below a

minimum entrainer - feed flow rate ratio value, the process becomes feasible above that limit value (Lelkes et

al., 1998).

Rodriguez-Donis and her colleagues extended systematically that analysis for the separation of

minimum or maximum boiling azeotropes and of low relative volatility mixtures, considering light,

intermediate or heavy entrainer, by batch extractive distillation (2009a, 2009b, 2010, 2012a, 2012b).

Combining knowledge of the thermodynamic properties of residue curve maps and of the univolatility and

unidistribution curves location, they expressed a general feasibility criterion for extractive distillation under

infinite reflux ratio. Serafimov’s classes covering up to 53% of azeotropic mixtures can match the criterion

and are suited for extractive distillation : 0.0-1 (low relative volatility mixtures) (Rodriguez-Donis et al. 2009b),

1.0-1a, 1.0-1b, 1.0-2 (azeotropic mixtures with light, intermediate or heavy entrainers forming no new

azeotrope) (Rodriguez-Donis et al. 2009a, 2012a, 2012b), 2.0-1, 2.0-2a, 2.0-2b and 2.0-2c (azeotropic

mixtures with an entrainer forming one new azeotrope) (Rodriguez-Donis et al. 2010). For all suitable classes,

the general criterion under infinite reflux ratio could explain the product to be recovered and the possible

existence of limiting values for the entrainer - feed flow rate ratio for batch operation: a minimum value for

the class 1.0-1a, a maximum value for the class 1.0-2, etc...

The behavior at finite reflux ratio could be deduced from the infinite behavior and properties of the

residue curve maps, and some limits on the reflux ratio were found. However precise finding of the limiting

values of reflux ratio or of the entrainer - feed flow rate ratio requires other techniques, like the intersection of

composition profiles, either discrete, tray by tray ones (Levy and Doherty, 1986, Julka and Doherty, 1993) or

continuous ones from a differential model (Lelkes et al. 1998). Pinch point analysis also allows to find these

values, either by using an algebraic criteria (Levy et al. 1986) or with mathematical approaches, like

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bifurcation theory (Knapp and Doherty, 2004), interval arithmetics (Frits et al. 2006) or by a combined

bifurcation-short cut rectification body method (Brüggemann and Marquardt, 2008).

Then theoretical validation is performed by simulation with a rigorous model including both mass and

energy balances.


Our methodology aims at extending thermodynamic insight for batch extractive distillation to

continuous. The main difference lies in the existence of a stripping section for the continuous column

configuration, compared to the batch column configuration (see Figure 4.1), whereas the key parameters

remain the reboil ratio S and the solvent to feed flow-rate ratio FE/F for continuous operation mode or FE/V,

where V is the vapor flow-rate going up from the boiler, for the batch process.

4.5.1 Thermodynamic feasibility criterion for 1.0-1a and 1.0-2 ternary diagram classes.

Rodriguez-Donis et al. (2012a) reformulated for light entrainers the general criterion for extractive

distillation enounced by Rodriguez-Donis et al., 2009a: Component A or B can be drawn as first bottom

product using a stripper configuration if there is a residue curve going from the entrainer E towards A or B

and following an increasing temperature in the region in which A or B is the least volatile component of the

ternary mixture, Figure 4.2 and Figure 4.3 summarize the topological features (singular points, univolatility

lines αAB=1 and volatility order regions) and the products achievable for the class 1.0-1a (maximum boiling

azeotrope with a light entrainer) and 1.0-2 (minimum boiling azeotrope with a light entrainer) diagrams.

[SNextr,B] range

A [Srcm ]

B [S rcm ] E [UNrcm ]

A [S rcm ] (a)

αAB = 1

ZYX Volatility order (X possible distillate)



Residue curves

[SNextr,A] range


B [S rcm ] E [UNrcm ]




αAB = 1

Tmax azeoAB

[SNrcm ]




Tmax azeoAB

[SNrcm ]

EBA: stripping of (A) above ( FE/LT)min,A

EAB: stripping of (B) above ( FE/LT)min,B

Figure 4.2.Thermodynamic features of 1.0-1a mixtures with respect to batch extractive distillation. Separation of a maximum boiling azeotrope with a light entrainer.

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For class 1.0-1a (Figure 4.2) the entrainer is the residue curve unstable node UNrcm (open circle), apex

A and B are residue curve saddle point Srcm (open triangle down) while maximum boiling azeotrope is stable

node SNrcm (filled circle). By using azeotropic distillation It is impossible to recover A or B but a maxT

azeotrope at the column bottom in a batch stripper or in the continuous column bottom since A and B are

both saddle points. By using extractive distillation, either A or B can removed as product thanks to the

univolatility line αAB=1 that starts from the maximum boiling azeotrope and intersects one triangle side at xp.

The univolatility line divides the composition graph into two volatility order regions. The xP location decides

which possible product A or B can be recovered from bottom: A when xP lies on the A-E side (Figure 4.2a), B

when xP lies on the B-E side (Figure 4.2b) because the general criterion is fulfilled: A (in Figure 4.2a) (B in

Figure 4.2b) is the most volatile in the region EBA (EAB in Figure 4.2b) where it is connected to E by a

residue curve of increasing temperature from E to A (B), equivalent to the stripping section profile under

infinite reboil ratio.

The feasibility related to entrainer - feed flow rate ratio by the fact of the extractive profile map, under

infinitely reboil ratio and an infinitesimal entrainer - feed flow rate ratio (Figure 4.2), with a stripping

configuration, the singular point and stabilities of the extractive profile map are the same with residue curve

map in shape and directions, because the ending point of the extractive composition profile SNextr, lies at the

residue curve stable node SNrcm, apexes A and B become extractive saddle node Sextr while maximum

boiling azeotrope become stable node SNextr. As the entrainer - feed flow rate ratio increases, extractive

singular points move towards the entrainer vertex, with extractive saddle node moving along the triangle B-E

and A-E edge, whereas minT azeoAB SNextr move along the univolatility curve αAB=1. Ultimately UNextr and

Sextr may merge at the sacrifice of the extractive singular point Sextr being on the triangle edge (Rodriguez-

Donis et al., 2009a, Lang et al., 1999a). As the SNextr must be present near the triangle edge to enable

intersection of stripping and extractive section profiles and thus for the process to be feasible, thus a

minimum entrainer - feed flow rate ratio (FE/F)min,A (resp. (FE/F)min,B) is required for the process to be feasible

and recover the feasible product A (resp. B) when the αAB=1 intersects the A-E (resp. B-E) edge.

The separation of the maximum boiling azeotrope(xazeo,A=0.4 @434.2K,1atm)propanoic acid(414.4K)

(A) – DMF(425.2K) (B)using MIBK (389.7K) (E) illustrates Figure 4.2a, as αAB =1 intersects the binary side A-

E; and the separation of the maximum boiling azeotrope(xazeo,A=0.35 @393K) water (373.2K) (A) –

ethylenediamine EDA(390.4K)(B) using acetone (E)(329.3K) illustrates Figure 4.2b as αAB =1 curve

intersects the binary side B-E.

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[SNextr,B] range

[SNextr,B] range

A [SNrcm ] A [SN ]


αAB = 1

ZYX Volatility order (X possible distillate)



Residue curves

[SNextr,A] range


(b) xWA

Tmin azeoAB [Srcm ]

Rcm stable separatrix


B [SN rcm ] E [UNrcm ] B [SNrcm ]

E [UNrcm ]

BEA αBE = 1

αAB = 1



[SNextr,A] range



Tmin azeoAB [Srcm ]


ΑAE = 1

A [SNrcm ]


BEA&EBA: stripping of (A) below ( FE/LT)max,A

EAB: stripping of (B) for all F E

EBA: stripping of (A) for all FE AEB&EAB: stripping of (B)

below ( FE/LT)max,B

Figure 4.3.Thermodynamic features of 1.0-2 mixtures with respect to batch extractive distillation. Separation of a maximum boiling azeotrope with a light entrainer.

Figure 4.3summarizes the topological features of the ternary diagrams 1.0-2 with a light entrainer.

The entrainer is the residue curve unstable node UNrcm (open circle), apex A and B are stable node SNrcm

(filled circle) while minimum boiling azeotrope are residue curve saddle point Srcm (open triangle down).

Even though both apex A and B are [SNrcm] but lie in two different distillation regions. Therefore,

unless the distillation boundary is highly curved, they cannot be recovered sequentially in a batch stripper by

azeotropic distillation process (Bernot et al., 1990), however, extractive distillation is a worthy alternative

process, as the feeding of the entrainer at an intermediate column tray generates extractive profiles able to

cross the distillation boundary of the residue curve map.

As the residue curve map is split in two distillation regions by a distillation boundary. The univolatility

lines αAB=1 that starts from the minimum boiling azeotrope and intersects one triangle side at xp, which result

in two case to consider, both components A and B can be recovered as bottom products as they satisfy the

general feasibility criterion: in volatility order region BEA and EBA, A is the least volatile component and

connected to entrainer E by a residue curve in the direction of increasing temperature and is a product

(denoted in Figure 4.3as A). In volatility order region AEB and EAB, the same occurs for B which is the

bottom product. Univolatility curves αEA and αEB do not affect the (A) vs. (B) volatility order and therefore the

expected product.

Under infinite reboil ratio and an infinitesimal entrainer - feed flow rate ratio (Figure 4.3), similarly,

extractive profile map the same shape and directions with residue curve map, as the ending point of the

extractive composition profile, SNextr, lies at the residue curve stable node, SNrcm, apexes A and B become

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stable node SNextr while minimum boiling azeotrope becomes extractive saddle Sextr. There is no limit

entrainer - feed flow rate ratio for recovery component B (resp. A) but existing (FE/F)max,A for component A

(resp. (FE/F)max,B for B) because the extractive unstable node UNextr,B(resp. UNextr,A) can be located at any

position on the edge B-E (resp. A-E), The same event was observed in the separation of maxT with heavy

entrainer and discussed in detail in Rodriguez-Donis et al.(2009b).

Illustration is done for the separation of the minimum boiling azeotrope ethanol A -water B with

methanol E, so that αAB =1 curve intersects the binary side A-E (Figure 4.3a); and for the separation of the

minimum boiling azeotrope methyl ethyl ketone – benzene B with acetone (329.3K) E, so that αAB =1 curve

intersects the binary side B-E.

The separation of the minimum boiling azeotrope(xazeo,A=0.88 @351.1K) ethanol (A)(351.5k)- water

(373.1K) (B) with methanol(337.6K) (E) illustrates Figure 4.3a, as the αAB =1 curve intersects the binary side

A-E; and for the separation of the minimum boiling azeotrope(xazeo,A=0.50 @351.2K) methyl ethyl ketone

(352.5K) (A) – benzene (353.2K) (B) with acetone (E) illustrates Figure 4.3b, as the αAB =1 curve intersects

the binary side B-E.

More details about the topology changes of the extractive section composition profile map with the

reboil ratio and the entrainer - feed flow rate ratio in the case of a light entrainer are discussed in Rodriguez-

Donis et al. (2012a).

4.5.2 Calculation of reboil ratio vs. entrainer - feed flow rate ratio diagrams.

As recalled in the literature (Knapp and Doherty, 1994; Brüggeman and Marquardt, 2004), extractive

distillation processes studies require assessing reflux ratio vs. entrainer - feed flow rate ratio diagrams when

using a heavy entrainer. Initial studies of this kind of method in embryo appeared in Knight and Doherty,

(1986) by finding of pinch points for each section profiles allowed determining the limiting values of the

operating parameters from single feed azeotropic distillation columns to double(Levy and Doherty, 1986),

(Wahnschafft and Westerberg, 1993b). later works (Levy et al., 1985,Levy and Doherty, 1986, Julka and

Doherty,1993) relied upon plate by plate calculations, which required setting tray numbers in each section. In

chapter 3, we showed that thermodynamic insight validated for batch distillation could help draw these

diagrams because the general feasibility criterion used to generate that insight held for the intersection of the

extractive and rectifying section of the continuous distillation column. With a light entrainer we shall compute

Page 123: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …


reboil ratio vs. entrainer - feed flow rate ratio diagrams and expect the general criterion to explain the

feasible conditions under which the extractive and the stripping section can intersect.

The methodology of checking the extractive distillation feasibility is then carried out in three steps:

1. Sketch of the reboil ratio vs. entrainer - entrainer - feed flow rate ratio diagram features, from the

knowledge of limiting values for the entrainer - feed flow rate ratio in batch mode, namely a value for

FE/LT transformed into a limiting entrainer - feed flow rate ratio value for continuous mode FE/F, with

the help of the following equation:

( )
















1 ' (4.1)

where we use the notations given in Figure 4.1b for the continuous extractive column. We have

considered the general case of partially vaporized feeds F (q’=1 for boiling liquid; q’=0 for saturated

vapour) and FE (q=1 for boiling liquid; q=0 for saturated vapour). Below, we use “entrainer - feed flow

rate ratio” as a short name for both FE/LT and FE/F.

2. Completion of the reboil vs. entrainer - feed flow rate ratio diagram, by checking the intersection of

composition profiles maps computed for all three rectifying, extractive and stripping sections, for a

given product purity. The rectifying section is expected to make a distinction between the continuous

and the batch modes.

3. Rigorous simulation with a MESH equilibrium distillation column model either with ProSimPlus 3.1

(Prosim SA, 2009) or Aspen 11.1 (Aspentech, 2001) software is run to check the feasibility. For all

illustrating mixtures, the thermodynamic model UNIFAC modified Dortmund version 1993 (Gmehling

et al., 1993, Weidlich and Gmehling, 1987) is used. Considering the reboil and the entrainer - feed

flow rate ratio and composition, those simulations provide the exact distillate and bottom

compositions along with the stage compositions and flows of liquid and vapour and temperatures.

Additionally, these simulations consider energy balances, which do not play a significant role in


In Step 1 , we refer to the FE/LT ratio since in a batch stripper (Figure 4.1a), the original binary mixture

(A+B) is initially charged into the column top vessel and it is fed to the first top tray as boiling liquid (LT),

which is equivalent with LR in a continuous column. Partial evaporation of the liquid phase reaching the

column bottom gives the vapor flow rate ratio (VS). The remaining liquid is drawn as bottom product (W). The

Page 124: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …


reboil ratio is VS/W. As the distillate composition xw is chosen to compute the composition profiles, we set a

distillate recovery yield to allow computing W from mass balance, given values for the main and entrainer

feed composition and flow rate ratio.

The investigation of the batch extractive process feasibility rely on a short-cut method to compute the

extractive distillation liquid column profiles, deriving from differential Equation(4.2)(Lelkeset al., 1998b)

published the extractive and rectifying profiles, together with Equation(4.3), model for predicting the still-path

of composition xS and holdup U.

∗−= iii yx

dhdx (4.2)




)( (4.3)

These two equations are solved as an initial value problem during feasibility study (Varga et al., 2006).

Rodriguez-Donis et al. (2007) studied the feasibility of heterogeneous extractive distillation process in a

continuous column considering several feed point strategies for the entrainer recycle stream and for the main

azeotropic feed, the operating policy composed by a single or both decanted liquid phases is considered as

well as the external feeding influence on the composition of the top column liquid stream.

In Equation (4.1), yi* and yi are the equilibrium composition with xi and the operating composition

computed from material balance for a given tray, respectively. Depending on the section, Equations (4.4),

(4.5) and (4.6) are labeled with subscript R (rectifying) E (extractive) or S (stripping). The model to calculate

the liquid composition profile in each column section based on the following assumptions: (1) theoretical

plates, (2) saturated liquid feed of mixture to separated, (3) saturated vapor entrainer feed, (4) constant

molar flow rate ratio of liquid and vapor in three respective sections of the column, (5) liquid is

incompressible fluid.

In a batch column, we recall the work of Rodriguez-Donis et al., (2011),considering the feed physical

state for mixture to be separated as saturated liquid (q=1) and entrainer feed as saturated vapor (q=0), one


FLLL REs +== (4.4)

EsEr FVVV +== (4.5)

)1( +⋅= RDVr (4.6)

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To get the expected product in the bottom a composition xW has been chosen. Bottom flow rate ratio

can be get with a give bottom recovery rate, distillate rate and flow rate ratio correspondingly calculated based

on mass balances. The relationship between reflux ratio and reboil ratios can be established by the Equations

(4.5) and (4.6).

Note that Rodriguez-Donis et al.(2011) have published the extractive liquid Equation(4.7),(4.8),(4.9)

and(4.10) in a batch stripping by considering the feed physical state by the variable q (q=1 or q=0) and

defining the reboil ratio S.

For y and V/L with a boiling liquid FE (q=1):
























1 (4.7)



= T


q LF


LV 1

11 (4.8)

For y and V/L with for a saturated vapor FE (q=0):



















0 (4.9)



= T


q LF



10 (4.10)

Under infinite reboil ratio, Equations (4.7), (4.8), (4.9) and (4.10) become identical whatever the feed

state is. Therefore, the extractive liquid composition maps are similar and the process limiting entrainer -

feed flow rate ratio is identical considering the entrainer as saturated liquid or vapor. The stripping

composition profiles are computed by setting FE=0. Under infinite reboil ratio S, they become equivalent to

the residue curve Equation 4.2.

Considering the liquid profile of the extractive section starts at the composition of the top vessel (xTop)

and ends at an unstable extractive node UNextr. The stripping profile then, makes connection between UNextr

and the liquid composition in the boiler xW. A set of operating conditions that provide a continuous liquid

profile in the column from xTop to xW is considered as a feasible extractive batch distillation process. Under

Page 126: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …


feasible conditions, the composition profile {xTop-xW} for the stripping column configuration (Figure 4.1a)

combines an extractive section composition profile {xTop-[UNextr]}, [UNextr] located at theentrainer feeding

plate, and a stripping section composition profile {[UNextr]-xW}, assimilated to a residue curve at S∞.

For step 2, the liquid composition profile in each column section is computed by using the general

differential model of Lelkes et al (Lelkes et al., 1998). With constant molar overflow assumptions, once a

composition of the bottom product xW has been chosen.

( )*iii yy




dx −= (4.11)

Assuming constant molar overflow, we can write for the vapour internal flow rate ratio:

WSVS ⋅= (4.12)

( ) ( ) EESE FqWSFqVV ⋅−+⋅=⋅−+= 11 (4.13)

( )( ) ( ) DLFqFqWS







and for the internal liquid flow rate ratio:

TR LL = (4.15)

FqLFqLL TRE ⋅+=⋅+= '' (4.16)

( ) ETEESS FqFqLFqLWSWVL ⋅+⋅+=⋅+=⋅+=+= '1 (4.17)

Then, the expressions for y are obtained from partial mass balances in each section.

The general expressions for y and V/L in the rectifying section are

( ) ( )



= WFiE











y 1'q'-1q-1

1 (4.18)

( ) ( )( ) FqFqWS












To get the equations relevant to the extractive section, one should set F=0 in Equations4.18 and 4.19.

To get the relevant equation for the stripping section, one should set FE=0 and F=0 in Equation 4.18 and


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For the continuous column, supposing a boiling liquid main feed F, the rectifying profile becomes for q=0

(saturated vapor entrainer):

( )




+= *iWFiE




i yxxWF












1 (4.20)

For q=1 (boiling liquid entrainer)

( )



= *iWFiE



i yxxWF











1 (4.21)

and the extractive profile:

For q=0 (saturated vapor entrainer)

( )




+= ** iWE




i yxxW








1 (4.22)

For q=1 (boiling liquid entrainer)

( )


= ** iWiE



i yxxW








1 (4.23)

Finally, for the stripping profile:



= *iwii yx




dx 1 111


Under infinite reboil ratio, the equations are identical whatever the entrainer feed state q value is as

was recalled by Rodriguez-Donis et al. (2012): “the extractive liquid composition maps are similar and the

process limiting entrainer - feed flow rate ratio under infinite reboil ratio is identical considering the entrainer

as a saturated liquid or vapor”. This will hold for the assessment of the limiting flow rate ratio values in step 1.

For step 2, small differences may arise but we choose to feed the entrainer as a saturated vapor (q=0). Then,

as the entrainer is fed below the main feed (Figure 4.1b), all the entrainer readily goes up into the extractive

section. Consequently, we use Equations 4.20, 4.22 and 4.24 to compute the section composition profiles.

Table 4.1displays some data of the flow rate ratio and composition for the mixtures used as illustration.

Page 128: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …


Table 4.1.operating parameters for all case study involving possible products.

Case study A B E Class1.0-1a case (a): A(propanoic acid) – B(DMF)+ E(MIBK)

product: A (propanoic


Feed xF 0.9 0.1 0 Distillate flow rate ratio,D 1.1 Entrainer xE 0 0 1 Bottom flow rate ratio,W 0.9 Bottom, xw 0.98 0.01 0.01 Feed flow rate ratio,F 1

Distillate xD 0.0164 0.0827 0.9009 Entrainer - feed flow rate ratio, FE/F


Product recovery,ηb 0.98 0 0 Reboil up ratio,S 10 Global feed xF+ xE 0.45 0.05 0.5 Reflux ratio, R 8.09

Class1.0-1a case (b): A (water) - B (EDA) + E (acetone)

product: B (EDA)

xF 0.1 0.9 0 D 10.02 xE 0 0 1 W 0.98 xw 0.01 0.98 0.01 F 1 xD 0.002 0.98 0.018 FE/F 10 ηb 0 0.98 0 S 15

xF+ xE 0.082 0.98 0.9090 R 1.47 Class1.0-2 case (a): A (ethanol) – B (water) + E (methanol)

product: A (ethanol)

xF 0.9 0.1 0 D 10.1 xE 0 0 1 W 0.9 xw 0.99 0.005 0.005 F 1 xD 0.0018 0.0094 0.9888 FE/F 10 ηb 0.98 0 0 S 10

xF+ xE 0.0818 0.0091 0.9091 R 0.88

product: B (water)

xF 0.1 0.9 0 D 10.1 xE 0 0 1 W 0.9 xw 0.005 0.99 0.005 F 1 xD 0.0094 0.0018 0.9888 FE/F 10 ηb 0 0.98 0 S 10

xF+ xE 0.0091 0.0818 0.9091 R 0.88 Class1.0-2 case (b): A (MEK) – B (benzene) + E (acetone)

product: A(MEK)

xF 0.9 0.1 0 D 5.1 xE 0 0 1 W 0.9 xw 0.98 0.01 0.01 F 1 xD 0.0035 0.0179 0.9786 FE/F 5 ηb 0.98 0 0 S 5

xF+ xE 0.15 0.0167 0.8333 R 0.86

product: B(benzene)

xF 0.1 0.9 0 D 5.1 xE 0 0 1 W 0.9 xw 0.01 0.98 0.01 F 1 xD 0.0179 0.0035 0.9786 FE/F 5 ηb 0 0.98 0 S 5

xF+ xE 0.0167 0.15 0.8333 R 0.86

Table 4.2 displays the extractive distillation column features used in step 3. Rigorous simulation with a

MESH equilibrium distillation column model either with ProSim Plus 3.1 (Prosim SA, 2009) or Aspen 11.1

Page 129: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …


(Aspentech, 2001) software is run to check the feasibility. Optimisation of the separation is not performed, in

particular with respect to reboil ratio, energy demand, entrainer feed flow rate ratio or the number of trays in

each section as such an optimisation is out of our scope and should be done for a column sequence with

both the extractive distillation and the entrainer regeneration column. The number of trays in the extractive

section is set at a proper value so that the terminal point of the extractive section composition profile reaches

near to the extractive section stable node.

Table 4.2.Column operating specifications for rigorous simulation

Specifications Class1.0.1-a Class1.0.2 Tray number, N 40 50

Entrainer tray, NFE 15 30

Feed tray, NF 5 15

xF, mole fraction (A,B,E) {0.9; 0.1; 0.0} {0.1; 0.9; 0.0} xE, mole fraction (A,B,E) {0.0; 0.0; 1.0} {0.0; 0.0; 1.0}

Results are displayed in terms of entrainer entrainer - feed flow rate ratio vs. reboil ratio S (diagrams

FE/F vs. S) in continuous mode and FE/V vs. S in batch mode.


4.6.1 Separation of Maximum Boiling Temperature Azeotropes with light Entrainers (Class 1.0-1a). Case (a): αAB =1 Curve Reaching the Binary Side A-E.

The separation of the maximum boiling azeotrope propanoic acid (414.4K) (A) – DMF (425.2K)

(B)(xazeo,A=0.4 @434.2K, 1atm) using MIBK (389.7K) as a light entrainer (E) is taken from Rodriguez-Donis

et al (2012a). Propanoic acid is used as a food preservative, intermediate in the production polymers,

pesticides and pharmaceuticals. The ternary diagram belongs to the class 1.0-1a and is the antipodal of the

1.0-1a diagram (Kiva et al., 2003) referring to the separation of a minimum-boiling azeotrope using a heavy

entrainer, described in Chapter3.

The univolatility line αAB=1 ends at the A - E sides at about 90mol% MIBK, defining two different

volatility regions. From the feasibility criterion enounced above for batch extractive distillation, feasible region

EBA lies below the univolatility line, propanoic acid (A) can be recovered as bottom productabove a

minimum entrainer - feed flow rate ratio so that SNext,A lies near the A-E edge where it can intersect a

stripping profile which can reach xW,A. whereas no SNext,B appear makes to recover B unfeasible. The point

Page 130: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …


where univolatility line intercept the benzene-acetone edge is near to a MIBK corner, as show in Figure 4.4,

this location point is at xE=0.9(90% MIBK).There is a minimum entriner flow rate ratio which correspond to

SNext,A, below it the stable extractive node SNext,A is located on the univolatility line, thus the extractive profile

cannot reach a stripping profile that reaches the expected product A.

Figure 4.4. Propanoic acid – DMF maximumn boiling azeotrope separation using light entrainer MIBK and (b) acetone – chloroform using dichloromethane. 1.0-1a class residue curve map and extractive distillation

When considering a continuous column, the feasibility requires that the extractive and the rectifying

profiles intersect as well. Checking the intersection of all three column section profiles computed with

equations Equations4.20, 4.22 and 4.24, the FE/F vs. S reboil ratio diagram displays in Figure 4.5 the

feasible operating condition range to obtain a bottom product with a 98% purity. The results are summarized

in following graph. Feasible regions (shaded) are sketched by drawing these series of points (filled triangle

up represents a feasible point; open circle represents an unfeasible point).

DMF (B) (425.2K) [S rcm ]

MIBK (E) (389.7K) [UN rcm ]

Propanoic acid (A) (414.4K) [S rcm ]

αAB = 1

ZYX Volatility order (X possible bottom)



Residue curves

[SNextr,A] range



Tmax azeoAB

434.2 K [SNrcm ]

EBA: stripping of (A) above ( FE/LT)min,A

Chloroform (B) (334.2K) [S rcm ]

Dichloromethane (E) (312.8K) [UN rcm ]

Acetone (A) (329.2K) [S rcm ]

αAB = 1

ZYX Volatility order (X possible bottom)



Residue curves

[SNextr,A] range



Tmax azeoAB

337.3 K [SNrcm ]

EBA: stripping of (A) above ( FE/LT)min,A

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Figure 4.5. Entrainer – feed flow rate ratio FE/F as a function of the reboil ratio S. (a) Propanoic acid – MIBK using DMF Separation to recover propanoic acid and (b) Acetone – chloroform separation using

dichloromethane to recover acetone

Table 4.3 gives the data corresponding to Figure 4.5.

Table 4.3 Operating parameters corresponding to Figure 4.5.

Class 1.0-1a case A-E side with light entrainer to recover A Feasibility

Specification A B E Reboil ratio Reflux ratio FE/F Batch Continuous

Name Propanoic acid DMF MIBK 15 12.18 1 yes yes

Boiling T(K) 414.4 425.2 389.7 15 0.33 40 yes yes

XF 0.9 0.1 0 15 13.4 0.9 no no

XE 0 0 1 15 0.32 41 yes no

XW 0.98 0.01 0.01 10 12.71 0.6 yes yes

F 1 10 1.75 5 yes yes

W 0.9 10 0.32 28 yes yes

η 0.98 10 14.83 0.5 no no

10 0.3 30 yes no

5 11 0.3 yes yes

5 0.29 15 yes yes

5 14.67 0.2 no no

5 0.27 16 yes no

2 1.55 1 yes yes

2 0.81 2 no no

1 0.16 5 no no

1 7.27 0.01 no no

0.5 0.32 1 no no

0.5 0.07 5 no no

Figure 4.5concerns a propanoic acid (A) distillate from ternary system propanoic acid –DMF

separation with entrainer MIBK, minimum entrainer - feed flow rate ratio occurs along with reboil ratio

changes, the minimum entrainer - feed flow rate ratio occurs at a higher value as reboil ratio increases, the

minimum entrainer - feed flow rate ratio value can also be explained by the using polarity

argument(Robinson and Gilliland, 1950):“the general rule is if the added entrainer is more polar than the

components of original mixture, it will increase the relative volatility of the less polar component relative to




0 5 10 15

YF2 (5,16)

YF1 (5,1)

YU1 (5,0.1) S, Reboil Ratio








, Fee

d R


YU2 (1,5)

Continuous feasible line sketch

Batch feasible line sketch

Batch Continuous Feasible Feasible Feasible Unfeasible Unfeasible Unfeasible




0 5 10 15 S, Reboil Ratio








, Fee

d R


Continuous feasible line sketch

Batch feasible line sketch

Batch Continuous Feasible Feasible Feasible Unfeasible Unfeasible Unfeasible

Page 132: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …


the more polar, and if the added entrainer is less polar, the reverse will be true”, because of nature difference

in vapor pressure between the azeotropic constituents, an entrainer which enhance the natural volatility

difference(increase 1γ relative to 2γ ) is favored over one which increase 2γ relative to 1γ .In this latter case,

adding small quantities of entrainer actually makes the separation more difficult, and quantities large enough

must be used to reverse the volatility order, this makes different entrainers may have different minimum

value of entrainer - feed flow rate ratio and limitation value slope.

The graph exhibits minimum reboil ratio value, below which the desired separation is impossible no

matter how big the amount entertainer feed given, like reflux ratio situation, for any specified bottom

composition, the location and orientation of the stripping profile is determined by reboil ratio, as the reboil

ratio increased, the rectifying profile moves away from the bottom composition and increases in size, as well.

As (Rodriguez-Donis et al., 2009b) expatiated, “under finite reflux ratio, an extractive unstable separatrix

formed by node of UNextr and SB,extr moves inside the diagram, an unfeasible composition region happens as

all extractive composition profile on the left of this separatrix cannot reach the right side to get the SNA,extr,

and still pass cannot go through it to reach expected distillate near A, either. This extractive unstable

separatrix sets a boundary prevent the still pass go through it”, A detailed calculation of the profile map when

reboil ratio gets smaller also shows that the feasible stripping section profiles region gets smaller until it can

no longer intersect the extractive profile region. This is shown in Figure 4.6. Figure 4.6a displays three

stripping profiles computed for xWA= {. . 0.01;.} and changing the expected purity in component A from 0.98

to 0.7. Figure 4.6b shows the evolution of the stripping profile computed from xWA with a purity of 98% in A,

while changing the other component concentration under various reboil ratios.

FE/F=1 S=15




Propanoic acid (A)






stripping profile

xWA,= {A,B,E}

FE/F=1 xWA={0.98; var; var}

xWA Region S=1

Region S=2

Region S=10



Propanoic acid (A)


(a) (b)

Figure 4.6. The influence of the reboil ratio on stripping section composition profiles.

Page 133: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …


In Figure 4.6a, the shape of the stripping profiles follows that of the residue curves typical for a 1.0-1a

mixture (Figure 4.4). For A purity of 98 mole% or 70 mole%, the profiles go near the AE edge. For A purity of

30 mole%, it goes to the BE edge.

Under entrainer - feed flow rate ratio FE/F=1, the shaded region in Figure 4.6b show that the stripping

profile gets smaller in length as the reboil ratio decreases from 10 to 1.This will affect the feasibility as a

smaller stripping profile may not intersect an extractive profile.

The same holds for the continuous mode because of a minimum FE/V and reboil ratio in batch

translates well into a minimum FE/V and reboil ratio in continuous. The main difference lies in additional

maximum entrainer - feed flow rate ratio occurs resulting from a too short rectifying section profile, but the

influence of the rectifying in lower maximum value as reboil ratio diminishes as the stripping section becomes

to control the unfeasibility. When concerns a DMF (B) as distillate, the result shows process exhibiting

unfeasible feature for any given reboil ratio or entrainer - feed flow rate ratio.

In conclusion, firstly, the minimum entrainer - feed flow rate ratio value gets smaller along with the

reboil ratio. In other word, switching the X-axis reboil ratio with Y-axis entrainer - feed flow rate ratio, we can

state that the desired product specification can be maintained over a wider range of reboil ratio as the

entrainer - feed flow rate ratio increases. Secondly, a maximum entrainer–entrainer - feed flow rate ratio

exists and gradually reduces as the reboil ratio gets smaller, until it reaches a minimum value.

Figure 4.7a-d demonstrate that the three section profile behaviors along with the transition between

feasible and unfeasible regions in Figure 4.5b.The minimum entrainer - feed flow rate ratio is the same for

both the batch and the continuous processes, as it comes from the shared intersection condition between

the stripping and the extractive profile. Figure 4.7a and Figure 4.7b illustrate that: for point YF1, all three

profiles intersect, whereas for point YU1 below the minimum entrainer - feed flow rate ratio, the stripping

section composition profile cannot intersect with the extractive profile, leading to an unfeasible process for

both the batch and continuous processes. Figure 4.7c (point YF2) illustrates the case when the batch process

is feasible whereas the continuous process is not (open triangle) because the rectifying profile does not

intersect the extractive profile. At very low reboil ratio, none of the process is feasible as illustrated in Figure

4.7d: then the stripping profile is too short. Similar results were obtained in batch distillation (Varga, 2006).

The value of S at this point can be regarded as the minimum reboil ratio, with which the minimum amount of

vapors returned to the column. Thus, this point also corresponds to the minimum reboiler heat duty and

Page 134: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …


condenser cooling capacity required for the separation. More detailed information of data can be seen in

Table 4.4.


Propanoic acid (A)

Rectifying profile

Extractive profile

Stripping profile (b)


R =4 S =5

Tmax azeoAB



Propanoic acid (A)

Rectifying profile

Extractive profile

Stripping profile (d)


R =22 S =5

Tmax azeoAB



Propanoic acid (A)

Rectifying profile

Extractive profile

Stripping profile (c)


R =0.27 S =5

Tmax azeoAB



Propanoic acid (A)

Rectifying profile

Extractive profile

Stripping profile

(a) FE/F=5

R =0.16 S =1


Tmax azeoAB

Univolatility line

Figure 4.7. Operating parameter scene explanation. Points taken from Figure 4.5: (b) point YF1, (a) point YU1, (c) point YF2 and (d) point YU2.

Page 135: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …


Table 4.4 Operating parameters corresponding to Figure 4.7.

Class 1.0-1a case A-E side with light entrainer to recover A

Specification parameters for Figure 4.7(a) Specification parameters for Figure 4.7(b)

Apex A B E Apex A B E

Name Propanoic acid DMF MIBK Name Propanoic acid DMF MIBK

Boiling T(K) 414.4 425.2 389.7 Boiling T(K) 414.4 425.2 389.7

XF 0.9 0.1 0 XF 0.9 0.1 0

XE 0 0 1 XE 0 0 1

XW 0.98 0.01 0.01 XW 0.98 0.01 0.01

XD 0.003529412 0.017843137 0.978627451 XD 0.016363636 0.082727273 0.900909091

Reboil S 1 Reboil S 5

FE/F 5 FE/F 1

F 1 F 1

W 0.9 W 0.9

E 5 E 1

D 5.1 D 1.1

V 5.9 V 5.5

ηB 0.98 ηB 0.98

R 0.16 R 4

Specification parameters for Figure 4.7(c) Specification parameters for Figure 4.7(d)

Apex A B E Apex A B E

Name Propanoic acid DMF MIBK Name Propanoic acid DMF MIBK

Boiling T(K) 414.4 425.2 389.7 Boiling T(K) 414.4 425.2 389.7

XF 0.9 0.1 0 XF 0.9 0.1 0

XE 0 0 1 XE 0 0 1

XW 0.98 0.01 0.01 XW 0.98 0.01 0.01

XD 0.001118012 0.005652174 0.993229814 XD 0.09 0.455 0.455

Reboil S 5 Reboil S 5

FE/F 16 FE/F 0.1

F 1 F 1

W 0.9 W 0.9

E 16 E 0.1

D 16.1 D 0.2

V 20.5 V 4.6

ηB 0.98 ηB 0.98

R 0.27 R 22

A closer look at the profile map topology shows that under finite reboil ratio, the stripping profile gets

smaller (Figure 4.7d). Besides, the feasible extractive profile region shrinks because of an extractive profile

separatrix that moves inside the triangle and reduces the size of the feasible region. This combination

prevents the profiles to intersect each other and the process in unfeasible.

In step 3, in order to verify step 2 predictions, rigorous simulation is performed for the acetone –

chloroform – dichloromethane mixture with parameter values reported in Table 4.1 and Table 4.2, but for

S=20 and FE/F=20. The rigorous composition profile is shown in Figure 4.8 along with the simplified stripping,

extractive and rectifying profile maps from equations 4.20, 4.22 and 4.24. We feed the feed mixture as a

boiling liquid state and the entrainer as a saturated vapor.

Page 136: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …


Figure 4.8. Rigorous simulation result to recover A (acetone) at FE/F=20, S=20, compared with calculated profiles: (a) rectifying section, (b) extractive section and (c) stripping section.

Chloroform (B) Dichloromethane (E)

Acetone (A)

Stripping profile


Tmax azeoAB

Chloroform (B) Dichloromethane (E)

Acetone (A)

Extractive separatrix


Extractive profile

Tmax azeoAB



Chloroform (B) Dichloromethane (E)

Acetone (A)

Rectifying profile


Tmax azeoAB


(a) (b)

(c) FE/F=20

S=20 R=0.8

Simulated stripping profile

Simulated extractive profile

Simulated rectifying profile

Page 137: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …


Table 4.5 Operating parameters corresponding to Figure 4.8a, b, c.

Class 1.0-1a case A-E side with light entrainer(FE/F=1, S=15) to recover A

Worksheet parameters Rectifying section Stripping section

Specification A B E A B E A B E

Name Propanoic






Boiling T(°C) 414.4 425.2 389.7 0.11762895 1.81E-05 0.88235294 0.93391962 0.007579 0.05850137

XF 0.9 0.1 0 0.2091853 5.64E-05 0.79075829 0.96156179 0.00753565 0.03090256

XE 0 0 1 0.34668243 0.00023459 0.65308297 0.97635947 0.0075126 0.01612792

XW 0.98 0.01 0.01 0.51458544 0.00130371 0.48411084 0.98413069 0.0075005 0.0083688

XD 0.016363636 0.082727273 0.900909091 0.6698993 0.00868987 0.32141083 0.98817372 0.00749412 0.00433214

Reboil S 15 Extractive section 0.99026818 0.00749074 0.00224108

FE/F 1 A B E 0.99135147 0.00748889 0.00115962

F 1 Propanoic acid DMF MIBK 0.99191169 0.00748784 0.00060046

W 1.1 0.6698993 0.00868987 0.32141083 0.99220158 0.0074872 0.00031121

E 1 0.76992091 0.00849532 0.22158377 0.99235175 0.00748676 0.00016147

D 0.9 0.83813996 0.00836969 0.15349034 0.99242968 0.00748644 8.39E-05

V 14.5 0.88019169 0.00829477 0.11151354 0.99247021 0.00748617 4.36E-05

ηB 0.98 0.90457503 0.00825228 0.08717268 0.99249136 0.00748593 2.27E-05

R 12.18 0.91821368 0.00822885 0.07355746 0.99250246 0.0074857 1.18E-05

0.92567387 0.00821604 0.06611009 0.99250835 0.00748547 6.18E-06

Rigorous parameters 0.92968607 0.00820823 0.0621057 0.99251152 0.00748525 3.23E-06

XF 0.9 0.1 0 0.9318091 0.00819699 0.05999391 0.99251328 0.00748503 1.69E-06

XE 0 0 1 0.93294495 0.00813665 0.0589184 0.9925143 0.00748481 8.84E-07

XD 0.98 0.01 0.01 0.93391962 0.007579 0.05850137 0.99251493 0.00748461 4.63E-07

Num stages 40 0.99251516 0.00748459 2.43E-07

Solvent tray 15 0.99251335 0.00748652 1.28E-07

Feed tray 5 0.99249212 0.00750781 6.70E-08

0.99227797 0.00772199 3.51E-08

0.99017745 0.00982253 1.83E-08

Rigorous calculation was performed for a 40 tray tower(including the reboiler) to distil a saturated

liquid stream mixture containing 90 mol% of propanoic acid and 10 mol% of DMF fed on tray 5 and the pure

saturated vapour entrainer MIBK fed on tray 15. The simulation is based on thermodynamic model UNIFAC

modified Dortmund version 1993(Gmehling et al., 1993, Weidlich and Gmehling, 1987),and follows the

assumption of no significant pressure gradients in the adiabatic column and constant molar flow of vapor-


In state variables settings, set the operate saturated liquid temperature 423K for feed mixture and

saturated vapor temperature 389.3K for entrainer at 1 atm, The specification for this column is somewhat

unusual, as reboil ratio and reboil rate are fixed instead of the common tray used reflux ratio and distillate

rate. The extractive column has two design degrees of freedom left once the total number of stages and feed

plate location are fixed: reboil ratio and entrainer - feed flow rate ratio. The reboil rate is given by mass

balance calculation 395kmol/h when the feed flow rate ratio is set for 400kmol/h.

The extractive distillation column enables to obtain propanoic acid, a saddle point of the residue curve

map (Figure 4.4), as the bottom product and a binary mixture DMF-MIBK from the top. The top composition

can then be further processed in a regeneration column to obtain high purity DMF and regenerate the

Page 138: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …


entrainer MIBK. The results of the simulation composition are compared to the approximate section

composition profiles in Figure 4.8.The process under conditions of reboil ratio(S=15) and entrainer - entrainer

- feed flow rate ratio (FE/F=1) is feasible, because starting from the charge of given composition (xF) under

the given operation conditions the specified distillated composition xW can be obtained satisfying the

necessary and sufficient condition of the feasibility to have at least one possible column profile connecting

still path with the point xW.

The results show singular points which are different from those of the residue curve map (under

infinite condition) in Figure 4.4, as under finite reboil ratio, the singular points move inside the triangle and

generate a new shape, in fact, the singular points for each column match each other by rigorous with Aspen

and method in this article, they have a close agreement on profile shape and the location of singular point for

three column sections. Supplementary data are available in Table 4.5. Case (b): αAB =1 Curve Reaching the Binary Side B-E.

For the separation of the maximum boiling azeotrope water (373.2K)(A) – ethylene diamine EDA

(390.4K) (B) (xazeo,A=0.35 @393K) with acetone (329.3K) as light entrainer (E), the ternary diagram belongs

to the 1.0-1a class but now the univolatility curve αAB =1 intersects the binary side B-E near 70mol% of

acetone (Figure 4.9).

Ethylenediamine is widely used in large quantities in the chemical industry, as chelating agent and

precursor to other ligands, a precursor to pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, and various polymers, a corrosion

inhibitor in paints and coolantsm, a common organic additive, and chemical for color photography developing.

By using the example of the separation of water–ethylenediamine with a heterogeneous entrainer light

benzene (353.2K), Lang and Modla (2006) made an exposition of generalized method for calculation of

residue curves and determination of heterogeneous batch distillation regions, takes into consideration the

possibility of the withdrawal of any fraction of either liquid phase from the decanter as distillate, and the

simplified and rigorous simulation calculations were carried out for this system. Rodriguez-Donis et al. (2011)

published thermodynamic insights on the feasibility of homogeneous batch extractive distillation for water-

ethylenediamine separation with methanol (337.6K).

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Figure 4.9. Water– ethylene diamine maximum boiling azeotrope separation using light entrainer acetone: 1.0-1a class residue curve map and extractive distillation process insights

The case when the univolatility line αAB =1 reaches the binary side B-E to recover B (EDA) as bottom

product is symmetric to the previous one when αAB =1 reaches the binary side A-E to recover A. This feature

has been verified with detail by varying the entrainer - feed flow rate ratio and the reflux ratio in the first part

of this series of articles.

Univolatility line αAB=1 ends at the binary EDA (390.4K) B - acetone (329.3K) E side at about 70mol%

acetone give birth to a SNext,B. Following our methodology, the batch process analysis (step 1) states that B

is recovered above a minimal value for the entrainer - feed flow rate ratio FE/LT so that the extractive section

stable nodes SNextr,B lies near the B-E edge. Then the extractive profile can reach SNextr,B and cross a

stripping profile reaching near the apex B (EDA).

By computing approximate composition profiles in each column section (step2), the FE/F vs. S reboil

ratio diagram displays in Figure 4.9 the feasible operating condition range (triangle symbols) to obtain a

residue with a 98 mol% purity.

Figure 4.10. Entrainer - entrainer - feed flow rate ratio FE/F as a function of the reboil ratio S. Water – EDA –

acetone separation to recover 98 mol% EDA as bottom product.

EDA(B) (390.4 K) [S rcm ]

Acetone (E) (329.3 K) [UN rcm ]

Water (A) (373.2 K) [S rcm ]

αAB = 1

ZYX Volatility order (X possible bottom)



Residue curves

[SNextr,B] range




(393.0K) [SNrcm ]

EAB: stripping of (B) above (F E/LT)min,B



0 5 10 15 S, Reboil Ratio






, Fee

d R



Batch Continuous Feasible Feasible Feasible Unfeasible Unfeasible Unfeasible

Continuous feasible line sketch

Batch feasible line sketch

Page 140: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …


Table 4.6 Operating parameters corresponding to Figure 4.10.

Class 1.0-1a case B-E side with light entrainer to recover B Feasibility

Specification A B E Reboil ratio FE/F Reflux ratio Batch Continuous

Name Water EDA Acetone 15 3 4.86 yes yes

Boiling T(K) 373.2 390.4 329.3 15 10 1.47 yes yes

XF 0.1 0.9 0 15 2 7.27 no no

XE 0 0 1 10 2 4.84 yes yes

XW 0.01 0.98 0.01 10 30 0.33 yes yes

F 1 10 0.1 81.5 no no

W 0.9 10 1 9.59 no no

η 0.98 5 1 4.78 yes yes

5 0.1 40.67 no no

3 0.8 3.56 yes yes

3 1 2.86 yes yes

3 30 0.1 yes yes

3 39 0.07 yes yes

3 0.6 4.71 no no

3 40 0.07 yes no

1 10 0.09 no no

1 5 0.19 no no

Figure 4.10 concerns an EDA (B) as bottom product shows the same qualitative features as Figure 4.5.

It is clear that there exists a minimum value for entrainer - feed flow rate ratio and this minimum value

depends strongly on the reboil ratio, it get smaller as the function of reboil ratio gets smaller, until it reaches

a minimum reboil ratio , in other words, if changing the X-axis reboil ratio with Y-axis feed ratio, we can say

that the desired product specification can be maintained over a wider range of reboil ratio as entrainer - feed

flow rate ratio increases, the maximum value gradually reduces as reboil ratio gets smaller, until it reaches a

minimum entrainer - feed flow rate ratio value. There is also a minimum reboil ratio value. A detailed

calculation of the profile map shows that the feasible stripping section profiles region gets smaller when

reboil ratio gets smaller until it can no longer intersect the extractive profile region. The same holds for the

continuous mode because of a minimum FE/V and reboil ratio in batch translates well into a minimum FE/V

and reboil ratio in continuous. The main difference between two graph lies there is an additional maximum

entrainer - feed flow rate ratio FE/V.

When water (A) is the first product, the calculation results show that the process is always unfeasible

as univolatility line αAB =1 intersect binary side B-E, all extractive going in to the direction of extractive stable

node (B) instead of extractive stable node (A), which makes impossible to recover water (A) in the whole

operation parameter region. Corresponding information is supplied in Table 4.6.

4.6.2 Separation of Minimum Boiling Temperature Azeotropes with Light Entrainers (class 1.0-2).

The separation of a minimum boiling temperature azeotrope A-B with a light entrainer E gives rise to a

ternary diagram ABE that belongs to the 1.0-2 class. The azeotrope is a saddle point of the residue curve

map and is connected to the unstable node light entrainer by a distillation boundary. Both A and B are stable

Page 141: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …


nodes and so they can be obtained, either one or the other, as a bottom product by azeotropic distillation in

their respective distillation region. By using extractive distillation one gets an enlarged feasible region to

recover the bottom product as was noticed by Lang et al., (1999). Depending on the univolatility curve

location and intersection with either the A-E side or the B-E side, two sub cases arise. (a) univolatility curve αAB=1 reaching the Binary Side A-E

The separation of the minimum boiling azeotrope ethanol (351.5K)(A)-water (373.1K) (B)(xazeo,A=0.88

at 351.1K) with light entrainer methanol (337.6K) (E)gives rise to a 1.0-2 class ternary diagram where the

univolatility curve αAB =1 reaches the A-E side near 63mol% in methanol. Both original components ethanol

(A) and water (B) are stable nodes, the entrainer methanol (E) is the unstable node, while the minimum

boiling azeotrope TminazeoAB (351.1K) is a saddle point. The rcm stable separatrix links the azeotrope to E

and divides the composition diagram into two distinct distillation regions, each of which shares the same

features, The definition of distillation region was given by Ewell and Welch(1945): any initial condition that is

taken in a given batch distillation region leads to the same sequence of cuts. Bernot et al. (1990) explained

the rule of how the node and separatrices constitute a distillation boundary, and the essential requirement of

recovering A or B from this system sequentially in a bath stripper by an azeotropic distillation process unless

this distillation boundary is highly curved. Hence extractive distillation is necessary, as it adds another

solvent from the middle part of column can make the extractive profile cross the distillation boundary of

residue curve map.

The location where univolatility line intersects the ethanol-methanol edge of the triangle is important in

determining if methanol is an effective entrainer. The closer the intersection point (xp,A) is to the methanol

corner, the less entrainer is required, which means lower operating and capital costs. As shown in Figure

4.11, this location point is at xE=0.7(70mol% methanol).

Page 142: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …


Figure 4.11. Ethanol-water minimum boiling azeotrope separation using light entrainer methanol.

1.0-2 class residue curve map and extractive distillation process insights

According to the extractive feasibility general criterion, both A and B can be recovered as bottom

products. Ethanol (A) can only be recovered in the small volatility order region EBA, provided that the

entrainer - feed flow rate ratio value stays below a maximum limit. Water (B) can be recovered by batch

extractive stripping under infinite reboil ratio in region EAB. In that volatility order region, extractive

composition profiles reach [SNextr, B] which connects to the stripping liquid profile running from (E) to (B) near

to the edge (E-B). Temperature increases along the extractive profile.

Figure 4.12 displays the feasible parameter ranges to recover either ethanol (A) (Figure 4.12a) or

water (B) (Figure 4.12b) in terms of entrainer - feed flow rate ratio FE/F vs reboil ratio S.

Figure 4.12. Entrainer - entrainer - feed flow rate ratio FE/F as a function of the reboil ratio S. Ethanol-water-

methanol seperation: (a) to recover98 mol%ethanol (A) (b) to recover 98 mol% water (B).

As expected from the batch thermodynamic insight,there exists a maximum value for FE/V to recover

ethanol which translates for the continuous process into FE/F, above which the process is unfeasible. That

maximum gradually reduces as reboil ratio gets smaller, until reaching a minimum reboil ratio. A detailed

Water(B) (373.1K) [SN rcm ]

Methanol (E) (337.6K) [UN rcm ]

Ethanol (A) (351.5K) [SNrcm ]

αAB = 1

ZYX Volatility order (X possible distillate)



Residue curves

[SNextr,A] range


Tmin azeoAB

(351.1K) [S rcm ]

Rcm stable



profile for B


profile for A

[SNextr,B] range



0 5 10 15 S, Reboil Ratio






, Fee

d R





0 5 10 15 S, Reboil Ratio






, Fee

d R



Continuous and batch feasible line sketch

Batch Continuous Feasible Feasible Feasible Unfeasible Unfeasible Unfeasible

(a) (b)

Page 143: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …


calculation of the profile map (not shown) demonstrated that the feasible stripping section profiles region

gets smaller and smaller until it can no longer intersect the extractive profile region. The same holds for the

continuous mode as a maximum in batch translates into a maximum in continuous, as well.

When the bottom product is water (B), Figure 4.12b shows no limit for the entrainer - feed flow rate

ratio in batch as expected and in continuous mode as well. There exists a minimum reboil ratio as an

unstable extractive separatrix reduces the feasible region, as an unstable extractive separatrix reduces the

feasible region when the reboil ratio decreases. Continuous modes display the same features with batch

process; there is a minimum reboil ratio value below which the separation becomes impossible no matter

how big the amount entertainer feed given. Table 4.7 gives corresponding information needed for the above


Table 4.7 Operating parameters corresponding to Figure 4.12.

Class 1.0-2 case A-E side with light entrainer Feasibility

Ethanol (A) as bottom product

Specification A B E Reboil ratio Reflux ratio FE/F Batch Continuous

Name Ethanol Water Methanol 1.1 1 0.81 yes yes

Boiling T(K) 351.5 373.2 337.6 1.1 2 0.42 no no

XF 0.9 0.1 0 10 22 0.4 yes yes

XE 0 0 1 10 23 0.39 no no

XW 0.98 0.01 0.01 20 49 0.36 yes yes

F 1 20 50 0.35 no no

W 0.9 0.5 10 0.03 no no

η 0.98 1 10 0.08 no no

Water (B) as bottom product

Specification A B E Reboil ratio Reflux ratio FE/F Batch Continuous

Name Ethanol Water Methanol 1.1 1 0.81 yes yes

Boiling T(K) 351.5 373.2 337.6 1.1 2 0.42 yes yes

XF 0.1 0.9 0 10 22 0.4 yes yes

XE 0 0 1 10 23 0.39 yes yes

XW 0.01 0.98 0.01 20 49 0.36 yes yes

F 1 20 50 0.35 yes yes

W 0.9 0.5 10 0.08 no no

η 0.98 1 10 0.08 no no Case (b) univolatility curve αAB=1 reaching the Binary Side B-E.

The separation of the minimum boiling azeotrope methyl ethyl ketone (352.5K) (A) – benzene (353.2K)

(B) (xazeo,A=0.50 @351.3K) with acetone (329.3K) (E) illustrates the subcase for class 1.0-2 with a

univolatility curve αAB =1 that reaches the B-E edge around 36 mol% in acetone (Figure 4.13). This

separation has once been studied by(Donald and Ridgway, 1958).MEK have extensive application refer to

as a solvent, as a welding agent, a precursor to methyl ethyl ketone peroxide, and a catalyst for some

polymerization reactions.

Page 144: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …


Figure 4.13. MEK – benzene minimum boiling azeotrope separation using light entrainer acetone.

1.0-2 class residue curve map and extractive distillation process insights

Univolatility line αAB=1 end at the binary side MEK-benzene sides at about 50% MEK defines two

feasible regions. Because both MEK (A) and Benzene(B) are the most volatile in respective region, where

there exists a residue curve with increasing temperature from E to their locations, either of components A

and B is possible distillate of the extractive distillation process. The rectifying stable separatrix is slightly

curved in the region that contains component A, it makes possible to get MEK as a bottom product,

Nevertheless, the rectifying stable separatrix curvature is small and does not provide a sufficient recovery of

component B via azeotropic distillation, which leads to a greater opportunity of applying the extractive

distillation process. A batch extractive stripper will improve the recovery because the extractive feasible

region EBA is much greater than the simple distillation region defined by the distillation boundary of the

residue curve map.

The location point where univolatility line intersect the benzene-acetone edge is far to the acetone

corner, as shown in Figure 4.13, this location point is at xE=0.35(35mol% acetone).Benzene can be

recovered in small region EAB above univolatility line αAB=1.There exists a maximum (FE/F)max,B to get

product (B) under infinite reboil ratio if the initial composition lies in the volatility order region EAB. However

MEK (A) can be recovered by batch extractive stripping under infinite reboil ratio in regions EBA, as in the

region below the stable extractive separatrix, extractive composition profiles reach [UNextr,A] which links the

stripping liquid profile (residue curves) running from (E) to (A) near to the acetone(E)-MEK(A) edge.

The extractive process behaves as in the previous 1.0-2 sub-case, but now the maximum entrainer -

feed flow rate ratio exists to recover bottom product B (benzene) whereas there are no limit to recover A

(MEK) as a bottom product. This is seen in Figure 4.14 that displays the entrainer - feed flow rate ratio vs.

reboil ratio feasible ranges.

Benzene(B) (353.2K) [SN rcm ]

Acetone (E) (329.3K) [UN rcm ]

MEK (A) (352.5K)[SN rcm ]

ZYX Volatility order (X possible distillate)



Residue curves

[SNextr,B] range


Tmin azeoAB

(351.3K) [S rcm ] Rcm stable

separatrix Rectifying

profile for B


profile for A

αAB = 1

[SNextr,B] range

Page 145: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …




0 5 10 15 S, Reboil Ratio






, Fee

d R








30 25



0 5 10 15 S, Reboil Ratio






, Fee

d R








30 25


YF1 (5,5)

Continuous and batch feasible line sketch

Batch Continuous Feasible Feasible Feasible Unfeasible Unfeasible Unfeasible

(a) (b)

Figure 4.14. Entrainer - entrainer - feed flow rate ratio FE/F as a function of the reboil ratio S. MEK-benzene-acetone seperation: (a) to recover 98 mol% MEK (A) (b) to recover98 mol%benzene (B).

Figure 4.14a concerns a benzene (B) distillate. As expected from the infinite reboil ratio analysis there

exists a maximum value for entrainer - feed flow rate ratio above which the process is unfeasible. That

maximum value gradually reduces as reboil ratio gets smaller, until it reaches a minimum reboil ratio. The

same holds for the continuous mode as a maximum in batch can translate into a maximum in continuous.

When distillate is MEK (A), infinite reboil ratio analysis shows no limit for the entrainer - feed flow rate

ratio. These results of Figure 4.14b in batch process agree well with the thermodynamics criteria analysis.

Both continuous modes and batch modes display the same features for reboil ratio limitation. Similarly to

Figure 4.12b, there is a minimum reboil ratio value below which the separation becomes impossible no

matter how big is the amount entertainer feed given. Table 4.8 gives corresponding data related to Figure


Page 146: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …


Table 4.8 Operating parameters corresponding to Figure 4.14a.

Class 1.0-2 case B-E side with light entrainer Feasibility

Benzene (B) as bottom product

Specification A B E Reboil ratio Reflux ratio FE/F Batch Continuous

Name MEK Benzene Acetone 30 20 1.34 yes yes

Boiling T(K) 352.5 353.2 329.3 10 15 0.59 yes yes

XF 0.9 0.1 0 10 16 0.55 no no

XE 0 0 1 5 8 0.54 yes yes

XW 0.98 0.01 0.01 5 9 0.48 no no

F 1 3 4 0.63 yes yes

W 0.9 3 5 0.51 no no

η 0.98 1 0.5 1.33 yes yes

1 0.8 0.89 no no

MEK (A) as bottom product

Specification A B E Reboil ratio Reflux ratio FE/F Batch Continuous

Name MEK Benzene Acetone 30 20 1.34 yes yes

Boiling T(K) 352.5 353.2 329.3 10 15 0.59 yes yes

XF 0.1 0.9 0 10 16 0.55 yes yes

XE 0 0 1 5 8 0.54 yes yes

XW 0.01 0.98 0.01 5 9 0.48 yes yes

F 1 3 4 0.63 yes yes

W 0.9 3 5 0.51 yes yes

η 0.98 1 0.5 1.33 yes yes

0.5 10 0.03 no no

Figure 4.15 shows the simplified profiles for a feasible and an unfeasible point taken from Figure 4.14b.

Under conditions FE/F=5 and S=5, the process is feasible as all three column sectinons composition profiles

intersect. For FE/F=5 and S=1, the process is unfeasible because the stripping and the rectifying profiles are

too short and neither one nor the other intersect with the extractive profile.Corresponding data can be seen

inTable 4.9.

Benzene ( B)

Acetone ( E)


Rectifying profile

Extractive profile

Stripping profile

(a) FE/F=5

R =0.86 S =5

Benzene ( B)

Acetone ( E)


Rectifying profile

Extractive profile

Stripping profile

(a) FE/F=5

R =0.16 S =1

TminazeoAB TminazeoAB

Figure 4.15. Operating parameter scene explanation. Points taken from Figure 13b: (a) point YF1, (b) point YU1

Page 147: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …


Table 4.9 Operating parameters corresponding to Figure 4.15a,b.

Class 1.0-2 case B-E side with light entrainer to recover B

Specification parameters for Figure 4.15(a) Specification parameters for Figure 4.15(b)

Apex A B E Apex A B E

Name MEK Benzene Acetone Name MEK Benzene Acetone

Boiling T(K) 414.4 425.2 389.7 Boiling T(K) 414.4 425.2 389.7

XF 0.1 0.9 0 XF 0.1 0.9 0

XE 0 0 1 XE 0 0 1

XW 0.01 0.98 0.01 XW 0.01 0.98 0.01

XD 0.017843137 0.003529412 0.978627451 XD 0.017843137 0.003529412 0.978627451

Reboil S 5 Reboil S 1

FE/F 5 FE/F 5

F 1 F 1

W 0.9 W 0.9

E 5 E 5

D 5.1 D 5.1

V 9.5 V 5.9

ηB 0.98 ηB 0.98

R 0.86 R 0.16

The extractive section composition profile shows drastically changes under the influence of reboil ratio,

the effects of reboil ratio is studied for the same entrainer - feed flow rate ratio FE/F=1and S=1, 15, 30in

Figure 4.15.

Page 148: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …


FE/F=1 S=30






Benzene ( B)

Acetone ( E)


FE/F=1 S=15






Benzene ( B)

Acetone ( E)


FE/F=1 S=1






Benzene ( B)

Acetone ( E)


(a) (b)


extractive separatrices

possible simulated stripping profile

caculated extractive profile

Figure 4.16.Influence of the reboil ratio on the extractive section composition profiles.

The Figure 4.16a, b, c illustrates clearly the evolution of the fixed points and separatices location as S

decreases. The extractive unstable node UNextr moves toward apex A parallel to the binary edge AB. The

saddle node Sextr moves toward the SNextr,A on the extractive separatrix, which results in the shrinking of

extractive feasible region when S decreases from 30 to 1. The extractive separatrix location remains the

same in the meanwhile. At S=1, this stresses the need for a large reboil ratio for the process to be feasible,

whose consequence is a large heat duty.

Page 149: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …


Figure 4.17. Rigorous simulation result to recover MEK (a-f) or Benzene (g-i) at S=15, FE/F=1 compared with

simplified composition profiles: (a, d, g) stripping section, (b, e, h) extractive section and (c, f, i) rectifying section.











0 1











1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0

Benzene ( B)

Acetone ( E)



Stripping profile map





Extractive profile map





Benzene ( B)

Acetone ( E)

Extractive separatrices

Tmin azeoAB


Benzene ( B)

Acetone ( E)



Rectifying profile map




Rectifying separatrices TminazeoAB


Benzene ( B)

Acetone ( E)



Stripping profile map




αAB = 1

Stripping separatrix











0 1











1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0


Extractive profile map





Benzene ( B)

Acetone ( E)

Extractive separatrices TminazeoAB












0 1











1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0

Benzene ( B)

Acetone ( E)



Rectifying profile map




Rectifying separatrices TminazeoAB


Benzene ( B)

Acetone ( E)



Stripping profile map




Benzene ( B)

Acetone (E)


Extractive profile map




Tmin azeoAB



(a) (b)





(g) (h)

Benzene ( B)

Acetone ( E)



Rectifying profile map







FE/F=1 S=15


Simulated stripping profile

Simulated extractive profile

Simulated rectifying profile

Page 150: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …


The methodology step 3 relies upon rigorous simulations. Figure 4.17 shows how the rigorous profiles

match well the simplified composition profile maps for the stripping, extractive and rectifying sections.

Rigorous simulation for continuous distillation separation of MEK-benzene with acetone also based on

thermodynamic model UNIFAC modified Dortmund version 1993(Gmehling et al., 1993, Weidlich and

Gmehling, 1987). A saturated liquid fresh feed with compostion 10 mol% MEK and 90 mol% benzene is fed

into a 50 tray tower (including the reboiler) on tray 15 and the pure saturated vapour entrainer acetone feed

on tray 30, in state variable settings, set feed mixture vapor fraction as 0 for and set entrainer feed vapor

fraction as 1 at 1 atm, The reboil rate is given by mass balance calculation 65kmol/h when the feed flow rate

ratio is 100kmol/h. Reboil ratio and reboil rate are chosen instead of commonly used reflux ratio and distillate

rate, the extractive column has two design degrees of freedom once the total stages and feed location are

fixed: reboil ratio and entrainer - feed flow rate ratio.

The stable node (benzene) is expected as the bottom product and the MEK are distillate from the top

by the second distillate column. A briefly optimization for stage number is carried out by comparison of

product purity and profile feature. The continuous simulation results along with profiles calculated based on

Equations 4.20, 4.22 and 4.24in part 4.5.2are summarized in Figure 4.17.

Under conditions FE/F=1 and S=15, one notices that most profile maps display separatrices inside the

triangle and singular points that are no longer pure components or azeotropes, as was the case for infinite

conditions (residue curve map). In particular, the extractive profile maps depend on the targeted bottom

product and the feed composition as it is shown in Figure 4.17b to recover A (product xWA from xF1) and

Figure 4.17e to recover B (product xWB from xF2): the stable nodes are inverted and the saddle point location

is different.

Overall, each section of the rigorous profiles matches well with the simplified profiles. The rigorous

simulation enables to recover MEK with a purity of 0.99901or Benzene with a purity of 0.99903. One notices

that the rectifying and the extractive separatrices have close locations. However the composition profiles in

these two sections have different curvature. For both cases, the rectifying profile is bounded on its left by the

rectifying separatrix. Then the extractive section profile is bounded on its right by the extractive separatrix.

The corresponding operating parameters are showed in Table 4.10.

Analyzing the azeotropic and extractive processes for 1.0-2 class, we can conclude that both are

eligible to get A or B as products because A and B are stable nodes of the residue curve map. In batch

mode, it was shown in the literature that the extractive process could enable to cross the rcm distillation

Page 151: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …


boundary of the MEK-benzene mixture with acetone and thus offer a larger composition region to obtain

MEK as a product. However we could not verify nor invalidate this in continuous mode by rigorous

simulation which is subject to the lever rule and to an additional requirement for the process to be feasible.

Table 4.10 Operating parameters corresponding to Figure 4.17a, b, c.

Class 1.0-2 case B-E side with light entrainer(FE/F=1, S=15) to recover B

Worksheet parameters Rectifying section Stripping section

Specification A B E A B E A B E

Name MEK Benzene Acetone MEK Benzene Acetone MEK Benzene Acetone

Boiling T(°C) 414.4 425.2 389.7 0.740741 0.073587 0.185672 0.025553 0.0567 0.917746

XF 0.1 0.9 0 0.593343 0.133199 0.273457 0.009898 0.049298 0.940804

XE 0 0 1 0.428894 0.200382 0.370724 0.003763 0.041998 0.954239

XW 0.01 0.98 0.01 0.285681 0.255818 0.458501 0.001416 0.035383 0.963201

XD 0.082727273 0.016363636 0.900909091 0.187362 0.288206 0.524433 0.00053 0.029599 0.969872

S 15 W 0.9 0.130557 0.299755 0.569688 0.000197 0.024631 0.975172

FE/F 1 V 14.5 0.100841 0.297778 0.601381 7.32E-05 0.020411 0.979516

F 1 ηB 0.98 0.085921 0.28828 0.6258 2.71E-05 0.016852 0.983121

D 1.1 R 12.18 0.07837 0.274822 0.646808 1.00E-05 0.013869 0.986121

Rigorous parameters 0.07431 0.259283 0.666407 3.69E-06 0.011381 0.988616

XF 0.1 0.9 0 0.071851 0.242647 0.685502 1.36E-06 0.009312 0.990686

XE 0 0 1 0.07011 0.225479 0.704412 5.00E-07 0.007599 0.9924

XD 0.01 0.98 0.01 0.068685 0.208168 0.723147 1.84E-07 0.006184 0.993816

Num stages 50 Feed tray 15 0.067406 0.191027 0.741567 6.76E-08 0.005017 0.994983

Solvent tray 30 0.066971 0.175211 0.757819 2.48E-08 0.004057 0.995943

Extractive section 9.11E-09 0.003269 0.996731

0.069315 0.167953 0.762732 0.066864 0.103002 0.830134 3.34E-09 0.002622 0.997378

0.070156 0.160674 0.769169 0.066153 0.094394 0.839453 1.23E-09 0.002092 0.997908

0.070252 0.153169 0.77658 0.06545 0.08596 0.84859 4.49E-10 0.001657 0.998343

0.06997 0.145366 0.784664 0.064763 0.077791 0.857447 1.63E-10 0.001302 0.998698

0.069491 0.137264 0.793245 0.0641 0.069968 0.865932 5.87E-11 0.001012 0.998988

0.068902 0.128905 0.802193 0.063468 0.062562 0.87397

0.068252 0.120352 0.811396 0.025553 0.0567 0.917746

0.067567 0.111687 0.820746


A feasibility method to study the separation with a light boiling entrainer E of maximum (1.0-1a

Serafimov’s class) and minimum (1.0-2 Serafimov’s class) boiling temperature azeotropic mixtures by using

a batch stripper has been extended to extractive distillation operated in continuous mode so as to

investigate the potential feasible region of the operating parameters reboil ratio (S) and entrainer - feed flow

rate ratio (FE/F, FE/LT) for both continuous and batch processes. We have considered for the continuous

process a column configuration with the entrainer fed below the main azeotropic mixture feed, giving rise to

three column sections, namely stripping, extractive and rectifying.

A feasibility methodology has been proposed. It proceeds in three steps. Firstly, prediction under

infinite reboil ratio conditions is based on the general feasibility criterion enounced by Rodriguez-Donis et al.

(2009a) and detailed when using a light entrainer by Rodriguez-Donis et al. (2012a). It relies upon the

knowledge of the residue curve map topology and classification along with the computation of the univolatility

Page 152: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …


line and enables to predict possible products and the limiting values of the entrainer - feed flow rate ratio.

Secondly, the process operation under finite reboil ratio requires checking the intersection of the

approximate composition profile in each column section, depending on the reboil ratio and entrainer - feed

flow rate ratio, and a target product composition and recovery. This gives rise to entrainer - feed flow rate

ratio vs. reboil ratio diagrams where the feasible ranges of the parameters are highlighted. The approximate

composition profiles also bring information about the location of pinch points and possible composition

profiles separatrices that could impair the process feasibility Third, the approximate calculations are

compared with rigorous simulations of continuous extractive distillation processes, providing rigorous values

of the product composition and recovery.

The design equations for the three section columns of extractive distillation process have been

derived based on the bottom product recovery and composition, on the azeotropic mixture feed composition,

and the reboil ratio and entrainer - feed flow rate ratio. Both feeds state (boiling liquid or saturated vapor) are

considered. The further analysis has been made assuming that the mixture is fed as boiling liquid and the

entrainer is fed as saturated vapor.

Under infinite reboil ratio, the univolatility line αAB=1 ends at the binary sides, gives birth to the point xp.

This determines two different volatility order regions. According to the general feasibility criterion enounced

above, there exist limiting values for the entrainer - feed flow rate ratio for some products in the batch

extractive process.

For the class 1.0-1a, corresponding to the separation of a maximum boiling azeotropic mixture A-B

using a light entrainer E, two sub cases arise, whether the univolatility line αAB =1 intersects the A-E edge

(case a) or B-E edge (case b). The system propanoic acid– dimethyl formamide (DMF) with light entrainer

methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK) is used to demonstrate the case when the univolatility line αAB =1 intersects

the A-E edge (case a). The system water – ethylene diamine (EDA) with light entrainer acetoneis an

example of the case when the univolatility line αAB =1 intersects the B-E edge (case b). The separation of a

maximum boiling azeotropic mixture using a light entrainer shows antipodal feature with the separation of a

minimum boiling azeotrope using a heavy entrainer as they both belong to the same Serafimov’s class 1.0-


For the 1.0-1a class, above a minimal limit entrainer - feed flow rate ratio value, the extractive stable

node SNext,A (respectively SNext,A for case b) is located in the region where it can intersect a stripping profile

which can reach the expected product A (in class 1.0-1a case a), or the expected product B (in class 1.0-1a

Page 153: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …


case b). Under finite reboil ratio, SNextr,B (class 1.0-1a, case a) , SNextr,A (class 1.0-1a, case b) moves inside

the diagram and generates an extractive unstable separatrix that reduces the feasible region. These results

also translate well for continuous extractive distillation when we apply our methodology. Regarding

propanoic acid (A) as a bottom product for case a, there exists a minimum value FE/V at given reboil ratio,

that gets smaller as the reboil ratio reduces. The minimum entrainer - feed flow rate ratio is the same for

both the batch and the continuous process, as it comes from the shared intersection condition between the

stripping and the extractive profile. The main difference lies in the occurrence of an additional maximum

entrainer - feed flow rate ratio for the continuous process, which results from a too short rectifying section

profile that cannot intersect the extractive section composition profile. At very low reboil ratio, none of the

processes is feasible because the stripping profile is too short. The value of S at this point can be regarded

as the minimum reboil ratio, with which the minimum amount of vapor is returned to the column. Regarding

case b aiming to produce EDA (B) as bottom product, it bears symmetrical feature with case a aiming to

produce product propanoic acid (A).

For the class 1.0-2, corresponding to the separation of a minimum boiling temperature, two examples

are considered: the separation of the azeotrope ethanol (A) - water (B)with light entrainer methanol gives

rise to the 1.0-2 class case a where the univolatility curveαAB =1 reaches the A-E side. The mixture methyl

ethyl ketone (A) – benzene (B) using acetone as entrainer illustrates the subcase b, the univolatility curve

αAB =1 intersects the B-E edge. Both belonging to the 1.0-2 class, the separation of a minimum boiling

azeotropic mixture using a light entrainer and the separation of a maximum boiling azeotrope using a heavy

entrainer are antipodal ternary diagrams.

The batch feasibility criterion under infinite reflux ratio states that A or B can be distillated out,

depending on the starting composition. Depending on the univolatility line αAB=1 location, for case a (resp.

case b), component B (resp. A) can be a bottom product, provided that the entrainer entrainer - feed flow

rate ratio lies below a maximal value (FE/LT)max at a given reboil ratio. Under finite reboil ratio an extractive

unstable separatrix moves inside the diagram and impacts the feasible composition region. For continuous

extractive distillation, these results translate well. The (FE/LT)max translates into a maximum value FE/F at a

given reboil ratio gets smaller as reboil ratio reduce, and there also exists a minimal reboil ratio S. Regarding

the distillation of ethanol(A) when separating the mixture ethanol - water, the results show the following

feature: There is no limit entrainer - feed flow rate ratio for recovery component water(B)but existing

(FE/F)max,A for component ethanol(A) because the extractive stable node to get B SNextr,B can be located at

any position on the edge B-E (resp. A-E) whereas the extractive stable node SNextr,A needs to be located in

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the region where A is the least volatile. That maximum gradually reduces as reboil ratio gets smaller, until it

reaches a minimum reboil ratio. A detailed calculation of the profile map (not shown) demonstrated that the

feasible stripping section profiles region gets smaller until it can no longer intersect the extractive profile

region. When aiming to get water (B) as bottom product, the results show no limit for the entrainer - feed

flow rate ratio in batch as expected and in continuous mode as well. For both products, there exists a

minimum reboil ratio as an unstable extractive separatrix reduces the feasible region when the reboil ratio

decreases. The continuous mode displays the same features than the batch process.

Regarding case b illustrated with the ternary system methyl ethyl ketone (A) – benzene (B) using

entrainer acetone, the behavior is symmetrical. The aiming to have bottom product methyl ethyl ketone

(A)bears symmetrical feature with case a aiming to recover water (B) at the bottom, but then aiming to

benzene (B) has a (FE/F)max,B as the univolatility curve αAB =1 now reaches B-E edge.

Analyzing the azeotropic and extractive processes for 1.0-2 class, both are eligible to get A or B as

product because A and B are stable nodes of the residue curve map. In batch mode, it was shown in the

literature that the extractive process could enable to cross the rcm distillation boundary of the MEK-benzene

mixture with acetone and thus offers a larger composition region than the azeotropic one to obtain MEK as a

product. However we could not verify nor invalidate this in continuous mode by rigorous simulation which is

subject to the lever rule and to an additional requirement for the process to be feasible.

The possible advantage of using a light entrainer is to give more opportunities for separating minT

and maxT azeotropic mixtures when it is not easy to find an appropriate heavy or intermediate entrainer. In

perspective, it could be interesting to evaluate the possible energy gain of the whole system (extractive and

regeneration columns), compared to the use of a heavy entrainer.

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Page 156: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …

5. Conclusions, Perspective





Page 157: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …



The operational stability of separation processes is a crucial factor to the economic success of such

processes. This is especially true for extractive distillation columns that often show counterintuitive

operational properties. It is sometimes useful to sacrifice cost-optimality of a steady-state design in favor of

better operational stability. Thus, exploring a feasible region based on the two key parameters for the

extractive distillation process, reflux ratio and entrainer - feed flow rate ratio, is an important issue when that

chemical process is designed. Feasibility studies also contribute to a better understanding of such complex

unit operations as both minimum solvent flow rate ratio and minimum reflux ratios can be used as indicators

of a flowsheet’s energy requirements. The limitations of entrainer - feed flows and operating reflux ratios give

essential guidance for design and operation of extractive distillations.

Our objective concerns the extension of thermodynamic insights gathered on batch distillation studied

by Rodriguez-Donis et al (2009a, 2009b, 2010, 2012a, 2012b) to the continuous extractive distillation

process. Those authors combined knowledge of the thermodynamic properties of residue curve maps and of

the univolatility and unidistribution curves location. They expressed a general feasibility criterion for

extractive distillation under infinite reflux ratio (reboil ratio) and showed how it could apply to separate

minimum or maximum boiling azeotropes or low relative volatility mixtures, by using heavy, light or

intermediate entrainers, even when a new azeotrope was formed. Nevertheless, it was never systematically

checked for continuous operation, which was our main focus. We focus in chapter 3 on the separation of

minimum and maximum azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy entrainer E and in chapter 4 on the separation

of maximum and minimum azeotropic mixtures A-B with a light entrainer E. All those mixtures A-B-E refers to

the 1.0-1a (occurrence 21.6%) and 1.0-2 (occurrence 8.5%) Serafimov’s classes respectively.

We use a methodology in three steps: firstly, we use the batch extractive distillation criterion to identify

possible products and limiting parameter values. As they are based on thermodynamic and topological

features of the ternary diagram, the batch thermodynamic insight are also valid concepts for continuous

distillation as well. The second step of our methodology concern operation under finite reflux ratio or reboil

ratio as these conditions are required to obtain either a distillate or a bottom product in continuous operation.

Systematic calculations of rectifying, extractive, stripping section composition profiles and checking of their

intersection enables to identify the feasibility region for the two key parameters, entrainer - feed flow rate

ratio and reflux ratio/reboil ratio. During step 2, the product composition and recovery yield is assumed.

Under finite reflux ratio conditions, the approximate calculations agree with the rigorous simulations of

Page 158: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …


continuous extractive distillation processes, but also bring information about the location of pinch points and

possible composition profiles separatrices that could impair the process feasibility. Step 3 relies upon

rigorous simulations that are used to verify the approximate profile predictions and obtain rigorous values of

the product composition and recovery.

Chapter 3 concerns the use of a heavy entrainer fed as a boiling liquid above the main azeotropic

mixture feed. The continuous column has then three sections, stripping below the main feed, extractive

between the two feeds and rectifying above the entrainer feed. Application of our methodology enables to

investigate the range of operating parameters reflux ratio (R) and entrainer - feed flow rate ratio (FE/F, FE/V)

for both continuous or batch process.

For class 1.0-1a (minimum boiling azeotrope separation A-B by adding a heavy entrainer E), two sub

cases arise depending on the univolatility line αAB =1 location. Two azeotropic systems acetone-heptane with

toluene (entrainer) and acetone-methanol with water (entrainer) are used to demonstrate the case when

univolatility line αAB =1 intersects the A-E edge (we call it case a); an example acetone-methanol with heavy

entrainer chlorobenzene is used to explain the case when univolatility line αAB =1 intersects the B-E edge

(we call it case b).

At infinite reflux ratio for the batch process, the point xp determines the minimal limit value for entrainer

- feed flow rate ratio, the range of the extractive stable node SNextr,A and the expected product A (in class

1.0-1a case a), SNextr,B and the expected product B (in class 1.0-1a case b). Under finite reflux ratio, the

SNextr,B in class 1.0-1a case a) (SNextr,A in class 1.0-1a case b) moves inside the diagram and generates an

extractive unstable separatrix that reduces the feasible region.

These results also translate well for continuous extractive distillation, regarding A as product

component for the two example of case a, the result show the expected feature: there is a minimum

entrainer - feed flow rate ratio at any reflux ratio. Besides, there is maximum reflux ratio at any given

entrainer entrainer - feed flow rate ratio. The maximum reflux ratio gets smaller as the entrainer entrainer -

feed flow rate ratio reduces, in agreement with Knapp and Doherty, (1994)result. There is also a minimum

reflux ratio value, below which the separation becomes impossible no matter how big is the value of

entrainer to entrainer - feed flow rate ratio. The two examples have the same type of shape but different

limits because of the different properties of azeotrope and solvent performance.

The same shape of the operating parameter feasibility region holds for the continuous and batch mode,

as the limitation FE/V and reflux ratio in batch translates into a continuous value FE/F. However, the minimum

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value FE/V is smaller for the continuous than for the batch mode because the continuous profile sets stricter

feasible conditions due to the necessary intersection between the stripping and the extractive profile.

Regarding case b aiming to produce acetone(A)as distillate from ternary system acetone (A)-methanol

(B)-chlorobenzene(E), it bears symmetrical feature with case a, but then heptane(B) is the product as the

univolatility curve αAB =1 now reaches B-E edge.

For class 1.0-2 (separation of a maximum boiling azeotrope with a heavy entrainer) two sub cases

also occur. Forth mixture chloroform (A) - vinyl acetate (B) using butyl acetate as entrainer(E), the

univolatility curve αAB =1 intersects the A-E edge (case a), while for the mixture acetone (A) – chloroform (B)

using benzene (E) as entrainer, the univolatility curve αAB =1 intersects the B-E edge (case b). The batch

feasibility criterion under infinite reflux ratio then states that A or B can be distillated out, depending on the

starting composition. For case a (resp. case b), chloroform (A for case a) (resp. B for case b) can be a

distillate product, provided that the entrainer entrainer - feed flow rate ratio lies below a maximal value

(FE/V)max at a given reflux ratio. The continuous process also displays a corollary maximal value (FE/F)max.

But the continuous process also shows a minimum value FE/F because of the necessary intersection

between the stripping and the extractive section composition profiles. Under finite reflux ratio an extractive

unstable separatrix moves inside the diagram and impacts the feasible composition region. In continuous

mode, the minimum value FE/F at a given reflux ratio gets smaller as reflux ratio reduces, and there also

exists a minimum reflux ratio.

Regarding the distillation of vinyl acetate (B) when separating the mixture chloroform-vinyl acetate

using butyl acetate as entrainer or acetone (A) when separating the mixture chloroform-acetone using

benzene as entrainer, the batch extractive process analysis predicts no entrainer limitation under infinite

reflux ratio, but there exists a minimum entrainer - feed flow rate ratio limit under finite reflux ratio for the

continuous process because of the additional constraint that the stripping profile intersects the extractive

profile. For both continuous and batch mode, there exist a minimum value for reflux ratio as the reduction of

the rectifying profile region as reflux ratio decreases.

Comparison of three entrainers leading to the same type of diagram and sub-case also shows that the

feasible conditions ranges is entrainer dependent, in particular the minimum reflux ratio and the minimum

entrainer entrainer - feed flow rate ratio, and that the methodology is suitable to compare entrainers in a

preliminary step before optimizing the process with the entrainer regeneration column.

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Chapter 4 concerns the use of a light entrainer fed as a saturated vapor below the main azeotropic

mixture feed. A feasibility method to study the separation of maximum (1.0-1a Serafimov’s class) and

minimum (1.0-2 Serafimov’s class) boiling temperature azeotropic mixtures with a light boiling entrainer E by

using a batch stripper has been extended to extractive distillation operated in continuous mode so as to

investigate the potential feasible region of the operating parameters reboil ratio (S) and entrainer - feed flow

rate ratio (FE/F, FE/LT) for both continuous and batch processes. We have considered for the continuous

process a column configuration with the entrainer fed below the main azeotropic mixture feed, giving rise to

three column sections, namely stripping, extractive and rectifying.

A feasibility methodology has been proposed. It proceeds in three steps. Firstly, prediction under

infinite reboil ratio conditions is based on the general feasibility criterion enounced by Rodriguez-Donis et al.

(2009a) and detailed when using a light entrainer by Rodriguez-Donis et al. (2012a). It relies upon the

knowledge of the residue curve map topology and classification along with the computation of the univolatility

line and enables to predict possible products and the limiting values of the entrainer - feed flow rate ratio.

Secondly, the process operation under finite reboil ratio requires checking the intersection of the

approximate composition profile in each column section, depending on the reboil ratio and entrainer - feed

flow rate ratio, and a target product composition and recovery. This gives rise to entrainer - feed flow rate

ratio vs. reboil ratio diagrams where the feasible ranges of the parameters are highlighted. The approximate

composition profiles also bring information about the location of pinch points and possible composition

profiles separatrices that could impair the process feasibility. Third, the approximate calculations are

compared with rigorous simulations of continuous extractive distillation processes, providing rigorous values

of the product composition and recovery.

The design equations for the three section columns of extractive distillation process have been

derived based on the bottom product recovery and composition, on the azeotropic mixture feed composition,

and the reboil ratio and entrainer - feed flow rate ratio. Both feeds state (boiling liquid or saturated vapor) are

considered. The further analysis has been made assuming that the mixture is fed as boiling liquid and the

entrainer is fed as saturated vapor.

Under infinite reboil ratio, the univolatility line αAB=1 ends at the binary sides, gives birth to the point xp.

This determines two different volatility order regions. According to the general feasibility criterion enounced

above, there exist limiting values for the entrainer - feed flow rate ratio for some products in the batch

extractive process.

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For the class 1.0-1a, corresponding to the separation of a maximum boiling azeotropic mixture A-B

using a light entrainer E, two sub cases arise, whether the univolatility line αAB =1 intersects the A-E edge

(case a) or B-E edge (case b). The system propanoic acid– dimethyl formamide (DMF) with light entrainer

methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK) is used to demonstrate the case a when the univolatility line αAB =1 intersects

the A-E edge. The system water – ethylene diamine (EDA) with light entrainer acetone is an example of the

case b, when the univolatility line αAB =1 intersects the B-E edge. The separation of a maximum boiling

azeotropic mixture using a light entrainer shows antipodal feature with the separation of a minimum boiling

azeotrope using a heavy entrainer as they both belong to the same Serafimov’s class 1.0-1a.

For the 1.0-1a class, above a minimal limit entrainer - feed flow rate ratio value, the extractive stable

node SNextr,A (respectively SNextr,B for case b) is located in the region where it can intersect a stripping profile

which can reach the expected product A (in class 1.0-1a case a), or the expected product B (in class 1.0-1a

case b). Under finite reboil ratio, SNextr,B (class 1.0-1a case a), SNextr,A (class 1.0-1a case b) move inside the

diagram and generate an extractive unstable separatrix that reduces the feasible region. These results also

translate well for continuous extractive distillation when we apply our methodology. Regarding propanoic

acid (A) as a bottom product for case a, there exists a minimum value FE/V at a given reboil ratio, that gets

smaller as the reboil ratio reduces. The minimum entrainer - feed flow rate ratio is the same for both the

batch and the continuous process, as it comes from the shared intersection condition between the stripping

and the extractive profile. The main difference lies in the occurrence of an additional maximum entrainer -

feed flow rate ratio for the continuous process, which results from a too short rectifying section profile that

cannot intersect the extractive section composition profile. At a very low reboil ratio, none of the processes is

feasible because the stripping profile is too short. The value of S at this point can be regarded as the

minimum reboil ratio, with which the minimum amount of vapor is returned to the column. Regarding case b

aiming to produce EDA (B) as bottom product, it bears symmetrical feature with case a aiming to produce

product propanoic acid (A).

For the class 1.0-2, corresponding to the separation of a minimum boiling temperature. Two examples

are considered: the separation of the azeotrope ethanol (A) - water (B) with light entrainer methanol gives

rise to the 1.0-2 class case a where the univolatility curveαAB =1 reaches the A-E side. while the case of the

mixture methyl ethyl ketone (A) – benzene (B) using acetone as entrainer illustrates the subcase b, the

univolatility curve αAB =1 intersects the B-E edge. Both belonging to the 1.0-2 class, the separation of a

minimum boiling azeotropic mixture using a light entrainer and the separation of a maximum boiling

azeotrope using a heavy entrainer are antipodal ternary diagrams.

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The batch feasibility criterion under infinite reflux ratio states that A or B can be distillated out,

depending on the starting composition. Depending on the univolatility line αAB=1 location, for case a (resp.

case b), component B (resp. A) can be a bottom product, provided that the entrainer entrainer - feed flow

rate ratio lies below a maximal value (FE/LT)max at a given reboil ratio. Under finite reboil ratio an extractive

unstable separatrix moves inside the diagram and impacts the feasible composition region. For continuous

extractive distillation, these results translate well. The (FE/LT)max translates into a maximum value FE/F at a

given reboil ratio gets smaller as reboil ratio reduce, and there also exists a minimal reboil ratio S. Regarding

the distillation of ethanol(A) when separating the mixture ethanol - water, the result show the following

feature: There is no limit entrainer - feed flow rate ratio for recovery of component water(B)but existing

(FE/F)max,A for component ethanol(A) because the extractive stable node to get B (SNextr,B)can be located at

any position on the edge B-E (resp. A-E) whereas the extractive stable node SNextr,A needs to be located in

the region where A is the least volatile. That maximum gradually reduces as reboil ratio gets smaller, until it

reaches a minimum reboil ratio. A detailed calculation of the profile map (not shown) demonstrated that the

feasible stripping section profiles region gets smaller until it can no longer intersect the extractive profile

region. When aiming to get water (B) as bottom product, the result shows no limit for the entrainer - feed

flow rate ratio in batch as expected and in continuous mode as well. For both products, there exists a

minimum reboil ratio as an unstable extractive separatrix reduces the feasible region when the reboil ratio

decreases. The continuous mode displays the same features than the batch process.

Regarding case b illustrated with the ternary system methyl ethyl ketone (A) – benzene (B) using

entrainer acetone, the behavior is symmetrical the aiming to have bottom product methyl ethyl ketone (A)

bears symmetrical feature with case a aiming to recover water (B) at the bottom, but then aiming to benzene

(B) has a (FE/F)max,B as the univolatility curve αAB =1 now reaches B-E edge.

Analyzing the azeotropic and extractive processes for 1.0-2 class, we can state that both are eligible

to get A or B as products because A and B are stable nodes of the residue curve map. In batch mode, it was

shown in the literature that the extractive process could enable to cross the rcm distillation boundary of the

MEK-benzene mixture with acetone and thus offer a larger composition region to obtain MEK as a product.

However we could not verify nor invalidate this in continuous mode by rigorous simulation which is subject to

the lever rule and to an additional requirement for the process to be feasible.

A possible advantage of using a light entrainer is to give more opportunities to separating minT and

maxT azeotropic mixtures when it may be not easy to find a heavy or intermediate entrainer. In perspective,

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it could be interesting to evaluate the possible energy gain of the whole process, the extractive distillation

column and the regeneration column, compared to the use of a heavy entrainer.

As these observations for the class 1.0-2 or 1.0-1a are corroborated by rigorous simulations, we

demonstrate that feasibility analysis based on simple thermodynamic insight (the ternary class, the

univolatility line intersect with the diagram) can be exploited to evaluate the feasibility under finite reflux ratio

and both for batch and continuous operation.


A future work in the area of feasibility study on extractive distillation may treat some of the following


1. The batch extractive process insight to the continuous process could be extended to other

Serafimov’s topological Classes that were found feasible in batch mode (1.0-1b, 0.0-1, 2.0-1, 2.0-

2a, 2.02b, 2.02c, and 3.1-2). Heterogeneous extractive distillation could also be considered, first

in batch then in continuous.

2. The experimental validation of the ternary system separating process results described in chapter

3 and 4 for both batch and continuous column could provide insight into more practical issues

regarding to the operation of the columns. In that case one should undertake preliminary

validation of the thermodynamic properties predicted in this work by using the UNIFAC model.

3. The optimization of the process should also provide a more comprehensive overview of the

advantages and drawbacks for each column configuration. More specifically, it would be

interesting to investigate more systematically during the feasibility analysis of the continuous

process the effect of other parameters like the feed composition location, the feed physical state.

4. The optimization of the continuous process sequence, including both the extractive distillation

column and the entrainer regeneration column should be considered to study the overall process

energy consumption. This should be related to the entrainer design issue as the entrainer should

not only make the process of extractive column feasible but also be easily regenerated from the

non-product component in the regeneration column.

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6. Appendix: nomenclature, reference








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A light original component

ABE Volatility orders, A is possible distillate

AzAB binary azeotrope of the two original components A and B

AzEA binary azeotrope of the entrainer and the original component A

AzEAB ternary azeotrope of the entrainer and the original components A and B

B heavy original Component

BED batch extractive distillation column

BED-B batch extractive distillation column supply solvent to bottom section

BED-I batch extractive distillation column supply solvent to intermediate section

BED-T batch extractive distillation column supply solvent to top vessel

BES batch extractive distillation in a batch stripper

BES-B batch extractive distillation in a batch stripper supply solvent to bottom section

BES-I batch extractive distillation in a batch stripper solvent to intermediate section

BES-T batch extractive distillation in a batch stripper solvent to top vessel

C the third parameter C of the relationship of Antoine [mmHg ° C]

D distillate flow [mol / h]

DWC dividing wall column

DMF dimethylformamide

E entrainer

EDA ethylenediamine

EtOH ethanol

Extr extraction section

F feed flow rate ratio [mol / h]

FE entrainer - feed flow rate ratio

FE/F entrainer - feed flow rate ratio, continuous process

FE/V entrainer - feed flow rate ratio, batch process

(FE/V)min minimum entrainer - feed flow rate ratio, batch process

(FE/V)max maximum entrainer - feed flow rate ratio, batch process

Hv vapor enthalpy

hl liquid enthalpy

HIDiC highly integrated distillation columns

Ki distribution coefficient

L liquid flow rate ratio [mol / h]

Le extractive section liquid flow rate ratio

Ls stripping extractive section liquid flow rate ratio

LT boiling liquid at top vessel

MIBK methyl isobutyl ketone

MEK methyl ethyl ketone

Page 166: oatao.univ-toulouse.frAbstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, …


MESH material, equilibrium, summation and enthalpy equation

MeAC methyl acetate

MeOH methanol

N number of theoretical stages

NFE entrainer feed stages

NF original mixture feed stages

p pressure [Hgmm] [atm]

Qn heat input [kW]

R reflux ratio

Rmax maximum reflux ratio

Rmin minimum reflux ratio

RCM residue curve map RD reactive distillation

[SNextr] extractive node feasible range

S reboil ratio

S1 saddle originating at the “product” vertex

S2 saddle originating at the “nonproduct” vertex

SBD solvent- enhanced batch distillation

SN stable node originating at the azeotrope

SN’ stable node originating outside the composition simplex

Str stripping section

T temperature [ºC]

TmaxazeAB the maximum azeotrope point of mixture AB

TminazeAB the minimum azeotrope point of mixture AB

UN unstable node originating at the entrainer vertex

UN’ unstable node originating outside the composition simplex

V vapors flows [kmol h-1]

W bottom product flow rate ratio [mol / h]

xazeo,A composition of A in azeotrope mixture

xD distillate fraction

xi liquid mole fraction of component i

xF original mixture liquid mole fraction

xE entrainer liquid mole fraction

xF+xE original mixture and entrainer mass balance point

xp intersection point between univolatility curve and residue curve passing through the distillate product

xW residue mole fraction

Yu,n unfeasible operating parameter point

Yf,n feasible operating parameter point

y* vapor phase composition in equilibrium with x

yi vapor mole fraction of component i

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Greek letters

αij volatility of component i relative to component j

γi activity coefficient of component i

τ binary interaction parameter in NRTL model

η recovery rate [%]


i stage index

j component index

min minimum value

T top (decanter) vessel

m middle section or middle section map

r rectifying section or rectifying map

s stripping section or stripping map

Heavy heavy (least volatile) component

light light (most volatile) component

N section stages

Explanation of Figures

● stable node of the distillation line map

Ο unstable node of the distillation line map

∆ saddle point of the distillation line map

composition profile

continuous feasible line

batch feasible line

simulated rectifying composition profile

simulated extractive composition profile

simulated stripping composition profile

extractive and stripping separatrix

residue curve map separatrix

univolatility line

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Abstract We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, intending to assess its feasibility based on thermodynamic insights. The ternary mixtures belong to the common 1.0-1a and 1.0-2 class ternary diagrams, each with two sub-cases depending on the univolatility line location. The column has three sections, rectifying, extractive and stripping. Differential equations are derived for each section composition, depending on operating parameters: distillate product purity and recovery, reflux ratio R and entrainer – feed flow rate ratio FE/F for the heavy case; bottom product purity and recovery, reboil ratio and entrainer – feed flow rate ratio for the light entrainer case. For the case with a heavy entrainer fed as a boiling liquid above the main feed, the feasible product and operating parameters R and FE/F ranges are assessed under infinite reflux ratio conditions by using the general feasibility criterion enounced by Rodriguez-Donis et al. (Ind. Eng. Chem. Res, 2009, 48(7), 3544–3559). For the 1.0-1a class, there exists a minimum entrainer - feed flow rate ratio to recover the product, and also a minimum reflux ratio. The minimum entrainer - feed flow rate ratio is higher for the continuous process than for the batch because of the additional requirement in continuous mode that the stripping profile intersects with the extractive profile. For the 1.0-2 class both A and B can be distillated. For one of them there exists a maximum entrainer - feed flow rate ratio. The continuous process also has a minimum entrainer - feed flow rate ratio limit for a given feasible reflux ratio. For the case with a light entrainer fed as saturated vapor below the main feed, the feasible product and operating parameters S and FE/F ranges are assessed under infinite reflux ratio conditions by using the general feasibility criterion enounced by Rodriguez-Donis et al. (Ind. Eng. Chem. Res, 2012, 51, 4643–4660), Compared to the heavy entrainer case, the main product is removed from the column bottom. Similar results are obtained for the 1.0-1a and 1.0-2 class mixtures whether the entrainer is light or heavy. With a light entrainer, the batch insight about the process feasibility holds for the stripping and extractive sections. Now, an additional constraint in continuous mode comes from the necessary intersection between the rectifying and the extractive sections. This work validates the proposed methodology for assessing the feasibility of continuous extractive distillation processes and enables to compare entrainers in terms of minimum reflux ratio and minimum entrainer feed flow rate ratio. Key word Extractive distillation – feasibility – thermodynamic insight – univolatility line - unidistribution line - reflux ratio – entrainer - feed flow rate ratio – reboil ratio – heavy entrainer – light entrainer

Résumé Nous étudions la faisabilité du procédé de distillation extractive continue pour séparer des mélanges azéotropiques A-B à température de bulle minimale ou maximale, avec un tiers corps E lourd ou léger. Les mélanges ternaires A-B-E appartiennent aux classes 1.0-1-a et 1.0-2 qui se subdivisent chacune en deux sous-cas selon la position de la courbe d’univolatilité. La colonne de distillation a trois sections, rectification, extractive, épuisement. Nous établissons les équations décrivant les profiles de composition liquide dans chaque section en fonction des paramètres opératoires: pureté et taux de récupération du distillat, taux de reflux ratio R et rapport des débits d’alimentation FE/F dans le cas d’un tiers corps lourd; pureté et taux de récupération du produit de pied, taux de rebouillage S et rapport des débits d’alimentation FE/F dans le cas d’un tiers corps léger. Avec un tiers corps lourd alimenté comme liquide bouillant au dessus de l’étage d’alimentation du mélange A-B, nous identifions le distillat atteignable et les plages de valeurs faisables des paramètres R et FE/F à partir du critère général de faisabilité énoncé par Rodriguez-Donis et al. (Ind. Eng. Chem. Res, 2009, 48(7), 3544–3559). Pour la classe 1.0-1a, il existe des rapport FE/F et reflux ratio minimum. Le rapport FE/F est plus important pour le procédé continu que pour le procédé discontinu parce que la faisabilité du procédé continu nécessite que les profils d’épuisement et extractifs s’intersectent. Pour la classe 1.0-2, les deux constituants A et B sont des distillats potentiels, l’un sous réserve que le rapport FE/F reste inférieur à une valeur limite maximale. Le procédé continu exhibe également une valeur minimale de FE/F à un taux de reflux ratio donné, contrairement au procédé discontinu. Avec un tiers corps léger alimenté comme vapeur saturante sous l’étage d’alimentation du mélange A-B, nous identifions le produit de pied atteignable et les plages de valeurs faisables des paramètres S et FE/F à partir du critère général de faisabilité énoncé par Rodriguez-Donis et al. (Ind. Eng. Chem. Res, 2012, 51, 4643–4660). Comparé au cas des tiers corps lourds, le produit principal est obtenu en pied. Autrement, les comportements des classes 1.0-1a et 1.0-2 sont analogues entre les tiers corps léger et lourd. Avec un tiers corps léger, le procédé continu ajoute la contrainte que les profils de rectification et extractifs s’intersectent. La contrainte d’intersection des profils d’épuisement et extractif est partagée par les deux modes opératoires continu et discontinu. Ce travail valide la méthodologie proposée pour évaluer la faisabilité du procédé de distillation extractive continue et permet de comparer les tiers entre eux en termes de taux de reflux ratio minimum et de rapport de débit d’alimentation minimal. Mots-clés Distillation extractive - courbes d’univolatilité - taux de reflux ratio - taux de solvent - entraîneur lourde - entraîneurlégerère