o o o o o i o C4 o o O o o O o TEA YEL AST) TIlAXsPORTATIOX. TELEdiKAPHIC SEWS. okiitioiv EXHIBIT Of the financial condition AUCTVOAXD COMMISSION of Clackamas Eljc lUcckln lEntcrpvisc. news Tin: Xnt President. The question of the next Presidency has "We take the following telegraphic lor the fiscal year, ending county, O ?gon the Oregon Steam Navigation ,lulv 3d, IS' already begu-- ; to engage the attention of j Carter & McCord have commenced manufacture of soap at Albany. The Aurora Brass Band assisted in University commencement at Salem, ro Oregon City, Oregon : State, Prnp-rt- y, and- Fall Tax. Amount collected for V $S,P41 " l'aid from county fund 1,1'tJ the last S3 61 from dispatches to the The disease of Rt. Rev. T. F. Scott was 'yellow fever, contracted tit Panama. The China steamers have been author- ized to stop at Yokahama and Osaka. An Imperial ship has sailed for Mexico, to demand the remains of Maximilian. IltKI.AXO. KOITOR AM) J'KO'KIETOR. 5. C Tuesday. The Messrs. Crawfords have disposed of their mill in Albany, known as the Mag- nolia Mill" to J. 11". Foster & Co. ?'.', so4 . l,bo-- i Parties who have visaed Seio represent it as in a very prosy e u condHL n. The town is growing rapidly and has a lively appearance, indicating thrift and trade. It is surrounded by beautiful valleys and possesses many elements of prosperity. In fact it is said to be in advance of any oth- er town in the State not on the river and favored by navigation. It is ; n incorporat- ed city, and its Marshal hasmany hard cus- tomers to manage. Seio Lodge No. ''3. A. F. it A. M.. was instituted, and officers were installed on the lMh inst. by T. McF. Patton. Esq., 1. G. Secretary, of Salem, by authority of Grand Master A. A. Smith. I. U. Tharpe was installed as Master. Geo. M. Stroud as S. W.. and J. A. 15. KilKiiuijjt) AUCTIONEER! ' Corner of Front and Oak ,rv,ts, Port!an AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate Groceries. Gencnd M,rct,uti. dise and Horses, Every Wednesday and Saturday t A. B. Riciiakdsox, Auctioneer. AT PRIVATE RATR By State Treasurer's receipt Scli'Hil Fund. To amount on hand last year. .. COMPANY! .?l,e07 collected interest S0 " fines, licenses, etc. ,'r.) tax collected for 1507 3,sv." The French government has ioi oiauen any part of the Russian railroad loan in Paris. Officers of the U. S. steamers Unco and from Tampico confirm the report of the death of Santa Anna. NOTICE, N. Griffin as J. W.. E. E. Uhler Secretary. REDUCTION OF FAEE. politicians and io affect the conduct ot the two great partiey into which the people of the United States are divided. Names of prominent men have been freely canvassed, and the adherents of particular candidates have declared themr-elve- s in various parts of the country. "We hear, on every side, says the New York Xeics of June 22d, of Gen. Grant, and Gen. Sherman, and Ad- miral Farragut, as each having claims to the Chief Magistracy. We desire to say nothing in relation to the competition for the office, or any particular individual who has been named in connection with it. Put we must be allowed to express the earnest hope that both the Democrats and the Republicans will select, as their candidate, some gentleman of acknowl- edged statesmanship from the civil walks of life. We mean no disparagement to the eminent representatives of the army English rehned 15ar and IUuidh; Iron-Englis- h Squarn and Octagon Ut steel Horse shoes, Files, Rass, saws ; ' Saturday, July 27th, 1867. j,.st"liiiie county is said to bo filling up with " emigrants,' or immi- grants, not particularly known which. IU: IJKN'n The British Columbia pa- pers have more encouraging news from f5ig Iicnil. Tuk Nokthkex Koutk. Major Tilton. rhu'f Engineer of the Northern Pacific Kailroad. is now in AVashington Territory, surveying lor a route for that Koad. Pieti. There is a claim within three miles(Of Helena, Montana, winch yields coarse gold to the amount of four ounces to the hand per day. o Bradenshaw. Treasurer. A Lodge of 0,054 32 Byam'tSupt. ord. pd..?l,749 40 on hand 1,264 s3-0,0- 34 S2 County Fund. To amount on hand last year 4,176 "0 . ree'd from land redeemed. 145 ,4 .. i, Probate trial fees, etc. tl'j'.t Go " " Taxes collected for lsGO. . 9,U.) 77 Good Templars has also been established there. screws, fry-pan- s, sheet iron, It. G Iron-- a i. so : q o ' A large assortment of Groceries andLuUIcr, A. B. JiiciiAKiox, Auctioneer. The Corvallis Gazette savs that the official The Salen nincompoop tries to be phunny on the Base Ball question but he makes most unmiserable failures at wit and sense he never had. Prof. Rutjes has been enlivening the Salem public with music at church ser- vice, ami those fine organs at Farrish & Yeaton's. Robert .Henry, son of Urban E. and J. A. Hicks of Portland, died at the age of ten years on the 10th after an illness of less than half a day. The H: raid -- omitted" to nntire the re- turn of Councilman FechVmhere one day last week, but hastened to give him the benefit on Saturday, before the meeting of the Council. The Sentinel says two men were robbed on the night of the Kith at a hotel in Jack- sonville. n the morning of the loth some scoundrel stole a saddle and horse at Ashland, and made his escape. John Fit.hugh. one othe convicted certificate of Gov. Woods, accepting thirty The Mexicans are about to publish an address to the world justifying the ex- ecution of Maximillian. If Congress is not in session it is a matter of doubt .Vith us when it w ill be, according to the dispatches. The San Francisco wheat markets re- main about as it has been reported for two weeks. Prices ranging between 61.70 to 61.) "tniH) los- - Conway, sent South by Congressional KXTS HAVE BEEN VKRAXOEM the Oregon St cum Nav- igation Company and the Pioneer Stage Company, wherebv messengers c;m pur- chase THROUGH TICKETS from Portland to the dilfereut points in Idaho at the follow- ing rates : From Portland to Poise City $."! of) " Idaho City til .") " ' " Silver Ci'tv 01 50 miles ot i aquma agon Koad. was lor-ward- to the Secretary of the Interior on the 17th inst. a duplicate of which cer- tificate may be seen at the edifice of the $ 14,335 tS Bv Co. orders pd 1 2,031 ;"3 deficit in State tax 1,402 01 " ain't on hand, scrip Jll s!..14,S35 cjZ EXPENDITURES. Road Company. The act of Congress granting these lands provides " that a quantity of lands not exceeding thirty Being amounts fur which County Orders were drawn State cases S 1,334 ",0 and navy, but the exigency of the times MISCELLANEOUS. BRAY FOR SALE CHEAP ! A FIRST HATE 1L&AVY DRAY jv ! -- f .k. good order, will be sold cheap tor ca-- ', I upon application to C. U KEEN. MAN ! 3Ktf Oregon City. e. f. nrssELL. 7.7 RUSSELL & DALTON, Attorneys and Counselors a? LaK Solicitors in Chancery, and i Ileal Estate Agents. D Jail repairs, board of prisoners, etc i s7 County Court expense lJ'.'f Passengers can lay over at Umatilla by giving notice to the Agent of the "Pioneer Stage Company."' TlirougU .TicUets Sold only at the Company's Cilice in Portland. 75 SO 25 63 demands, in our next President, an ac- quaintance with the theory and practice of government, which it is impossible in (lor.o i Law. A piece of lava, con-Otaini- n- -- unwashed" gold, was found lately in a sluice at Monte Cristo, Cali- fornia. MisK Ai. A ( ' a i k m y . 1 ' ro f. Grob lately visited San Francisco for the purpose of arranging for the establishment of a mu-- at Portland, w hich will be Committees, reports 2.000 I nion Leagues in eleven Southern States, with member- ships of 200,000 loyal voters. A St. Thomas paper correspondence goes to show that Senator Doolittle is charged with a negotiation for the pur- chase of that Island from Denmark. Chandler. Nye and Cole are warmly in favor of Abbot's proposition for nego- tiations with Juarez, for the annexation of Mexico. The New York constitutional convention has adopted resolutions declaring negroes Road " 324 Miscellaneous " 152 Stationary, Printing, etc 2')S Salary of School tSupt., 150 Circuit Court and Jury expenses. 2,550 Paupers. Insane, etc S52 the very nature of things that a naval or 00 50 military hero can have acquired. Now, ball-roo- murderers, instead o! a felon s cell, is now occupying a prominent place in the Roseburg Ensign office, says the Jacksonville Sentinel. As showing a reviving confidence in the future of the Dalles, we are informed that a leading Portland firm will shortly re-op- en the store formerly occupied by II. Herman & Co, says the .Moxntnineer. if ever, in the history of this Government should the very highest qualities of the Will practice in the Courts of thc s,Co O opened soon. Prosecuting Attorney's fees Assessing and collecting revenue. Tax remitted and over assessed.. statesman be sought for in the occupant vim ,i uuu iuui in j uuieiai arming,. Supreme Court of Oregon. " Special attention iri ven tb the m!'. sections may be sola, and when the Gov- ernor of said State shall certify to the Secretary of the Interior that any continu- ous ten miles of said road are completed, then another quantity of land granted, not to exceed thirty sections, may be sold." The Road Company now has a full right to sell ninety sections of land. The title to these lands is now completely vested in the Corvallis and Yaquina Bay Wagon Road Company. Persons desirous of pur- chasing may do so immediately with the assurance of getting good titles. Every towi on the Pacific Coast is cursed less or more with croakers. Un- fortunately the Dalles possesses more than her share of these soreheads, says the Mountaineer, who are constantly seeing ruin and collapse ahead. In their anxiety to induce others to share a corresponding feeling. they manufacture stories to suit tiie times." Occasionally we are given to understand that the O. S. N. Co., is de- termined to reduce the Dalles to the con 435 00 !7ti OS 2V3 03 (ton oo Ceo on 500 Oo le'.t Oo ',24o S.9 v)ncK Tun's. The schooner Alfred Crosl.y this week left Oswego for San J nan, 0for hi-- r fourth cargo of limestone for the Iron Company. It seems but a short time Iter. t of Court House Salary Couuty Judge " " Treasurer County Commissioners per diem. . Bridges and lumber tion of claims at all points in the above nam- ed districts. Ollicein Parrish's brick builtVmg,H,Mr (Jj The rates of passage on the river until further notice will be as follows : From Portland to Dalles $fi 2" " " Umatilla 1" 00 " " "Wallula 10 no Palouse 20 00 " " " Pewistou 25 00 From Dalles to Umatilla 10 00 Wallula 11 00 " ' Palouse lo 00 " " Lewiston 20 0!) " Umatilla " Wallula 2 50 " Palouse 7 00 " " Lewiston P- - 00 " Wallula " Palouse " 00 " " Lewiston 10 00 The Lawrence Kansas, Tribune, of May 14th, says : ' A company of twelve fami- lies have left Nemaha county, recently, for Oregon. There were between fifty and Oregon. (j. MjM'e tiie lirst cargo was uiscnargeu. entitled to the same rights and immunities as whites. The New York market on the 20th was more active. The certainty of good crops impelled large purchases to meet the wants of consumers. A New York dispatch of the 17th says : Trade is improving. General markets are more active than for several weeks. There is a plethora id' money aud cheer Uxtl'jixkh. The Do- - ls,570 39 Outstanding orders last year $ 2,073 32 DR. HUEELAND S CELEBRATED AVn.r,I.KAVK a one sixty persons, men, women and children, S i. 1 . - ... I. witli an outfit of twenty wagons. SWISS STOMACH EITTERip mowaey ot urogou nave sei at oiiv wnu a will to carry this State at the next elec- tion. TIwv have determined to leave no 1 ne itinerating theives have come to of the Presidential chair. The issues are too momentous, the duties are too complex and serious, to be entrusted to a general or commodore, no matter how exalted may have been his position, or how valu- able anil conspicuous his services. Whether the President be Republican or Democrat, let hiin bring to the discharge of his great office a thorough familiarity with the diff- icult and delicate business of administra- tion, an honest purpose to secure the prosperity and glory of the country, and an enlarged and liberal mind trained in the study of that most abstruse of all the sci-- gnei. l ney are reported as being young men, capable of earning an honest living. ivork. stone imhirned in their 1 ne property stolen from Mr. Ladd at St $21,243 71 By cancell'd County or- - "ders paid 12,031 53 Uy outstanding orders. s)t;i2 IS $21,243 71 LIABILITIES. To outstanding orders $ 8,012 IS ASSETS. Bv Judgment against I). Mi. Hannah. . .7 70 00 By certificates land sold, TRY IT TRY IT The best Purifier of the f?xod - A Pleasant Tonic ! A very Agreeable Drink ' q Unsurpassed lor acting sun.-i- r h-- ; gently on trie secretions of thofcvp) neys, bowels, stomach and liver ' Helen, was found in their possession. They give their names as John Whalan IIomk. lion, llufus Mallory York for Oregon on the 11th. (Ji)MlX(i lett New dition of the Cascades, next that the min- ing districts are all played out."' and that the country is going" in." Now if anv of these croakers would only take and Frederick J. Pananha. A rumor was bandied about the streets of Portland on Monday, to the effect that The scores him for leaving at this particuiarJtime. Perhaps he thought there were enough there to do the work without him. For sale at all wholesale and retail lienor drug, and grocer" stores. q the steamship Oreijonian will bo soon put on the Oregon route by her new owners. the science of governing. More once: THE BOATS 0E THE 0. S. N. CO. For the Dalles WILL LKAVE POKTLWP DAILY, ( Sunday s excepted,') AT 5 O'CLOCK, A. Iri. COX.XFCTIXG OX ItTonday, Wednesday, and Eriday, IV i til Bouts on the Upjier Columbia FOll Umatilla & Wallula. 43 b4 $1,533 27 ls.;4, lsOO 1,217 By amount on hand, scrip 1:41 ask ; less than this the best interests of than this we cannot would compromise the land. Tiik L'Ast Chau.kn;k. If the roads had bei-- passable ot last Monday, between XOI'.ODY SHOULD DE WITHOUT !I J. G. Fiuscn, Proprietor. Taylok &. Sole Agents, SiU.v) lUi Clay su, San Francisco J . M. KEELS Rj Oregon Commission Ageucj ing reports lrom the agricultural districts, stimulating the demand for merchandise. The Postmaster General awards the contract for the mail service between San Francisco and Honolulu, to the Cal- ifornia, Oregon, and Mexico Steamship Company of New York, for seventy-liv- e thousand dollars yearly. Gen. Rosseati was at Louisville las Saturday, en rov.tc to New Orleans, where he will take leave of his family, and pro- ceed direct to the department of the Co- lumbia. It is understood he will meet the Russian Commissioners at Sitka, and take formal possession of that territory. Abbott, brother of the historian, lias broached the proposition to leading mem- bers of Congress for the annexation of Mexico. He intimates that the propo- sition has the approval of Juarez and other chiefs. The latter fear foreign intervention, of a continuance of anarchy, and prefer annexation to make themselves secure in a good government. The Government" of Nicaragua is about tin-cit- y and Vancouver, the Clackamas Paso Pall of this city would have met the Occidental Club on their own their stand at the Express Ofiice on the arrival of the cars from above, and notice the amount of treasure which constantly flows down here, they would be forced to admit that a town holding the key to tl e gateway of the great country, which sends twenty "millions to the commercial citit s in the world, is destined to become some- thing more than the home of the Piutcs. A most unhappy event is thus recorc led by the Sentinel : Last week we published an account of ihe discovery of the putrid corpse of a w oman in the house of Charles R. Mulford. near Uniontown. We since learn that the name of the deceased was Mullen, that she was a person of more than ordinary education : was formerly a teacher at the Overbeck Grove, in this Coo.s Bay. We quote the following from a letter from Coos Bay, dated July 12th: " Coos Bay is about fourteen miles long Peficit $7,070 VI SUMMARY STATEM EN T. Amount received from ail sources on hand last year, and on hand this year $32,157 39 Total amount collected State tax $ 8,341 3 Total ain't paid School tax 4,1 07 12 County orders paid 12,031 53 $25,Oso 4s grounds in Vancouver. OFFICE. y. LIPFIJTY by one and a half to two and a half ;TPHET Goyi) koi: Fk.yxk. The Lemhi "Seres, O NtCW YORK c miles wide. The main bay lies northeast and southwest, with an elbow in the TIieFi-iduy'- s Uoat Connect with the BOAT FOR LEWISTON. KETUIIXI.V-T- lie Poats will leave as part of an opposition line. The rumor is probably without any foundation in fact. The State Tiiijlds Democrat must be in the last stages of consumption. We ob- serve that the following physicians have taken it in hand : Dr. J. M. McCoy. La-Creo- Polk county : Dr. J. E. Davidson, Independence ; Dr. Harris, Monmouth. The Advocate says : The courts are do- ing an immense business, of late, in sun- dering matrimonial ties. The bare record of such facts indicates a deplorable state of morals in society. It becomes necessa- ry for all, who have the least regard for the purity and decency of society, to frown upon and suitably condemn there hasty, and needless separa- tions. Capt. Medornm Crawford received a telegram yesterday, from his son Medornm upper bay running north and south. At its mouth the United States have estab- lished a lighthouse, with a fine light of the second class. The bar at the entrance Indebtedness $7,070 01 J. M. BACON, County Clerk. Oregon- - Citt, July 22d, Fr&ivk Kenyon editor, publishes a call for mass meetings to elect delegates to hold a County contention at Salmon City, to nominate officers for "what should have been Lemhi county."' The Xeics advo- cates an independent county organization. und Wal Lewiston every Monday morning, has from fourteen to sixteen feet of wa lula every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings, touching at Umatilla and arrive ScLPHt.'KOCS Smoke. Last week, ter at high tide, enabling vessels of a large class to enter. At the head of the bay at Dalles same day. j. C AIXSAVORTH, county ; but for several years past was comp fetelv under the control of opium ami intoxicating drinks. Mulford, who was brought into town on Friday last, greatly emaciated and partially deranged lrom an habitual use of the same stimu- lants, died on Sunday evening, the shat- - Coos river comes in. which extends inland some twenty-iiv- e miles, affording fine bot Uask. J;au,.-- A gentleman from Port- land assures u tljat they have seventeen different and distinct base ball clubs in JWidnt O.S. X. Co. Portland, July ICth, P'7. t):tf toms for farms. On the south shore of snys the Jacksonville Sentiia I of the 2'.uh, Mr. Messenger, living on 'Williams creek, inhaled a quantity of smoke from rags satu- rated with sulphur, which he was using in taking honey f rom a bee Live. His fiee was very much swollen, and he experienced great pain until he was relieved by taking a dose of Perry Dav is,' Pain Kilter. For buying and shipping direct, bv A Isthmus or Cape Horn, all classes am! vari- eties of Merchandise, including Musical i- nstruments. Farming Implements, Carnitj and Machinery. Zf Faithful attention will filsobov.. to the securing and disposition t" I'atvuts. All orders and bnsine.--s wiil receive prrrt attention. Goof's shipped ia best stvk- a: lowest rates, and insured to order. ' BrsiNESS ItEfCEEXqgS : O Aldricb. Merrill A Co., San Francisen, fL MeCraken. Merrill A: Co., Portland, Urit.:.. .). II. Mooics, Siticin, Oregon. Thomas Monleith, Albany, Oregon. NEW YOi'.K CI TV UKrSfexCES. J. L. Pro'.vnt ll ,t Uro., Uunkers, i' Droa.l A. H. k C. E. Tdton, and Lib.-r'- .; A. M. Starr, hue of Otv-;;!- i. Lb'Tlv Albon Mann, Treasurer .National ,.;. Co., 1 Wall st. Mf:tf. the bay. four miles from the ocean. Empire City is situated, which contains MQNTICELL0 ROUTE. that city. On several occasions, of moon Crawford. Jr.. announcing that he would tered wreck of what once was a refined and educated gentleman. Mulford was at Captain Fuse's fine steam lumber mill light nights, the police have caught par with sufficient capacity lor turning out to negotiate a treaty of amity and com- mence with the United Slates. There are complaints that the French and other foreign settlers have placed obstructions in tiie river of San Juan. Nicaragua, ren- dering its navigation dangerous, and in some places im passable. A veto of the appropriation bill to carry out the several reconstruction acts, was passed by a strict party vole in Congress. When the message was received Boutwril made an elaborate speech, followed by Schenck. Butler, and others, denouncing the President, aud demanding impeach ties engaged in practice on the Hat roofs O TIIK STEAMF.R RESCUE of some of the brick buildings. leave .New i ork on Saturday tin; 20ih iiist.. for Portland. Oregon. lie has just graduated at West Point, having entered the school. June V.. Young Crawford was born in Yamhill couuty, Oregon, in li?BJ. fifteen or twenty thousand feet of lumber per day. It also contains three stories, Establishment. A SrCCF.SSFlL Oulsox Master. three hotels, a line schoolhouse, puolic Pustku. -- The meeting of Congress has successful establishments Among the most CAKT1YISG THE UNITED STATES MAIL Ihrown the Democratic .fraternity into a hall for the Good Templars of which they have a thriving Lodge two organ- ized churches, etc. Empire is also the ilieijlt sweat. has become apparent that The Gazelle says : Instead of ceasing to roll " the Temperance Ball is increas-iui- r in velocity. Bro. Adams our Grand county seat of Coos County, vitb the coun Johnson npd Stan berry will not be per Will leave Portland for Montierllo every Tuesuay, Thursday a id Saturday, at 7 o'clock a. m . , via Leu-i- s river. J . C. AINJSWOllTII, I'rid,nt O. S. X. Co. ty officers all in a prosperous condition. milted to Jill the civil offices of the South A. LET!, one time in the employment of Eugene. Kelly it Co., of San Francisco, and a for- wards a clerk for IhmnerA' Brother of this place, and a young man of excellent abil- ity and business qualifications. Under the head of'1 why fidi are scarce' the Albany Journal says : It is a remark of every one along the Willamette river, that fish are unusually scarce in that stream. It' any one will stand au hour or two in a drugstore, and see the demand for ." (rrvc)i'i(s itijirit.s) the scarcity of the piscatory tribe ean be easily accounted for. The ( ,V vlannn I is jH d r',ih jmisou .' and millions of fish are killed iu order that a few dozen may be picked up by those who are willing to eat diseased fish rather than angle for them i:i a christianlike way. In other Slates the law has stepped in to Business is quite brisk here, with a de- mand tor more laborers. Nearly oppo o with such unmitigated scoundrels, ruflhfhs in the country is that of Howe it Stevens, manufacturers of Family Dye Colors. They employ a large number of persons, and their patrons are to be found in every part of the country. Their dyes are of tho best quality, never fade, are sold cheap, are easily used, and give universal satisfaction. Sold by Hell A Parker, Oregon City, and by Smith A Davis, Agents for Oregon. A Yoiwo Ladv Ket urniii-g- to her country home, after a sojourn of a few site the town a new company have re MA I X ST U E E T , ASTORIA ROUTE. and unrepentant rebels as Monroe, tin; New Orleans murderer, the Democratic ment, .ie veits was sati.-he- ii tnat no attempt at impeachment would be made. He de- fended the theory of Congress that the southern States are conquered territory. The rules wore suspended, and Julian offered a resolution, declaring the doc- trine advanced in the President's mes- sage, of the loth, that the abrogation of the rebel States biudes the na: ion to cently started a fishery. Further up the ax the tele;;u.vpu cffke: Bay lour miles around the Elbow, in a oracles are already beginning to mutter THE U. S. MAIL STEAMER Lecturer, is a host wiihin himself. At CTaquato, W. T., w here it was supposed, by those best acquainted, that not ten Temperance advocates could be found. Bro. A. recently organized a lodge with seventeen charter members. He has also just organized the fourth lodge in Portland. The work goes bravely on. The general impression is that th h ty crop in this valley is unusually light. Whether that be so or not. a great portion of it was in the swath hist week and much sheltered place from the winds of winter, of another possible Revolution Oregon Ctfg, Orcy n. is the thriving point called North Lend, owned and built bv Capt. A. M. Simpson. Nk Qni Nimis. Our readers are doubt JOHN H. COUCH at war vri:h ihe orinci- - Viv their deb less faini'i.ir.enough with the record of the who runs a line mill with the capacity of thirty to forty M. feet per day. The Cap- tain also runs his lumber in his own ves- sels, of which he has four and another inoiiihs m tho city, was hardly recognized by her friends. In place of a coarse, rustic, Unshed face, she had a soft ruby complexion t 'almost marble smoothness, and instead of twcntv-tlire- o she really appeared but eigh law. and a. direct credit, ul.hnrem to ivr.lty, aiid pleas-h"- d tniit'irs. Pitss- - pies of i!it''r:i:i'iiiii.ti st;ib nt the every sentiment d' 1 ing only to the vi'itoui PL LC!: IX Q CI CAPS. TOilACCV. I7UXF WINKS AND LP d'OS, pestiiergus ami presumptions ' mncom-pot(p.- ;r who writes himself down an ass every day at Salem. We do not care about devoting time or space to giving his nearly completed, which is the largest Snow Master. "Will leave Portland for Astoria and inter- mediate landings, on Moiitlay and Friday of each week, at ft o'clock a. v.. Returning, will leave Astoria on Tuesday and Saturday at o a. m. j. f. Aiivsivoirrn. I'r-n- t o. s. y. Co. sail vessel ever built on the Pacific coast. Four miles above; North Bend Mr. Push- - prevent such ru'hlossness. and it is time that Oregon had some legislation on the subject. A few such enterprising fellows as the one reported to sit at a Salt spring and shoot twenty-fiv- e or thirty deer pet-da- during the fawn season, alone for their hides, and the fish berry gang, will soon settle the game question in Oregon. We wonder if the fish-berr- y angleis visit the mountain lakes for trout ? becker is building a new mill which is to gnu itiriner notice, u lien we wisii any POCK FT , PORT MONIES. Pl'iES. STATIONERY. ('OMRS AN!) PRC-TIE- S. ORNAMENTS. TOY.- -, br, instruction in orthography, or geography, of it must have been more or less injured by the heavy rains that have prevailed of late. The oldest inhabitant cannot recol- lect when such a quantity uf rain has fal- len, before 20th of July. The Herald says : Captain Kellogg. Su- perintendent of construction for the P. T. Company, has just returned from the Tual- atin River, after having made arrange- ments for the construction of draws' in the several bridires which span that o ) o 0 o o D 0 o o o O O 0 O : PEOPLE'S we sall apply to some person other than cut twenty M. teet per uay. the latter place is named Maihfield. near which the coal mines are located, from which they ship six hundred tons per month to S. F. ed by 100 to J , a strict party vote. It is said that the old penitentiary building, at Portland, has been purchased by the Oregon Iron Works, for (!. (Situ payable in five years, with interest from date. The building originally cost S30. UUi). As a reason why ii should be sold cheap, the Portland gentlemen plead the low price of real estate at that place, backed by assessment rolls, affida SamJrtrJvo, FANCY ;noiS. WILH )W AN!) W( tO REN" WAIlC, QANKl'E NOTIONS. Ac, Ac. Trarispoilation Company. making in all quite a large show ot snip O akw t nritru hiMFM'Ks. -- The foundation teen. Upon inquiry as to the cause of so great a change, she plainly told them that she used the Circassian Palm, and considered it an invaluable acquisition to any Lady's toilet, liy its use any Laity or (ientlennin can improve their personal appearance an hundred fold. It is simple in its condo- nation, as Nature herself is simple, yet unsurpassed m its eilicaey iu drawing impurities from, also healing, cleansing and beautifying the skin and complexion. ly its direct action on the cuticle it draws from it all its impurities, kindly healing the same, and leaving the surface as Nature in- tended it should be, clear, soft, smooth and beautiful. Price sent by Mail or F.xprcss, on receipt of an order by W. b. CLAltlvA Co.. Chemist. o. ;) West Fayette Street, Syracuse. N. V. The only American Agents for t lie sale of the same. i!fi:Jv ping from Coos Bay. At the three points named they employ seven vessels con SEW ARRAXGE3IEXT. Democrat, in thus enmpli-- 1 lo had on coarse shoos. Tho Editor of the- - Albany his " jottings by ihe way," mcnts Xesmith art old slouch hat, a pair of ALSO, JIAS OX HAXD READY" MADS CLOTHIKG stantly, ranging f rom two hundred to three hundred tons burthen, and one hu ge steam tor the new M. L Church at Portland has been laid and the corner stone cere- monies, it is said, will occur during the sojourn of Bishop Thompson, who arrived Until further notice tug for towing vessels m. i wo more tugs are to be built on this Bay. this summer. stream. During the era of flat boat navi- gation upon this stream the bridges were high enough except in times of extraor-dinar- y high water. A full Hedged is about to supercede these primitive boats, and hence many changes are necessary. Mr. J. N. Skidmore, living in Columbia county, opposite Oak Point, was severely Kl'nEssl.T FeK 17. THE STEAMER A Iu I : R T on the tuntiuadal. . . .The foundation for theft-- Co ngregaiional Church edifice at Astoria has also been completed. .. .The Methodists and Southern Methodists are IX GREAT VARIKTY, MAOE ilAKKKT, liT C. Julv 2oth. 1S07. A. LEVY. and another vessel. Coos Lay coal seems to be abundant everywhere in the di ide between Empire City and the Coquilla ; yet mostly undeveloped for want of capi- tal and labor. Lumbering and coal min- ing, and indeed all the industrial enter- prises of Coos Bay, a re yet in their in- fancy. Time and energy will bring forth and garner her hidden resources. each building at Koseburg. Will leave Portland daily at 7 o'clock A. M. from the Company's dock, foot of A street, for Oregon City, connecting with the steamer Acw AtlvcTUsemesits. vits, etc. The Jinjixter learns from Mr. A. S. Ab-ernet- that Hume A: llapgood, engaged in salmon fishing near Oak Point, have put up this season over 1 00. 0'K) cans of salmon in one pound cans. They are put up and preserved in a peculiar manner, which is claimed by the fishermen to be a secret of their own. The lish put up in this man- lier are considered a delicious and favorite, dish with epicures and command a high price in the market. In addition to tiie above, there will be also put up about 4. 00!) barrels of salmon for the California market. Nkw oixmk. The California Farmer Pisa Ho., GF!ss si(w. II, SiHSNElMER & 00,, and pants with sundry rents and rips, which certainly permitted the air to cir- culate freely around his person, lie de- clares he has retired from Public life for- ever. No doubt of that. He conversed freely villi us on the political questions now agitating the country ; anil w e must say lie talked as sound Democracy as wc ever heard. He thinks the Peconstruc-tio- n Pill the most iniquitous and tyranni- cal ever concocted by any body ot men ; and is of the opinion that its author w ill be regarded in the future as far more in- famous and detestable than is Pontious Pilate ; for through the provisions of the Reconstruction Pill, a great nation's rights are remorselessly trampled under foot, and outraged, lie thinks Johnson will not be impeached not because the lead- ing Radicals do not desiro it but be RELIANCE, on the 11th commenced its fourteenth .O rr,. . . ... . e.ir. mo oimor savs : W e nope cer tainly, our friends everywhere will renew Xew Y'ork Manufacturers cf On Monday and Thursday of each week for Salem, Albany, Corvallis, and intermediate points. their subscriptions; and also interest their friends in this journal, now the only one of the kind on the entire Pacific coast. Bell Hetal Patent Agraffe Grand Scale Pianofortes! AND WITH THE STEAMER It is the only paper on the coasL profess- ing to devote its space to agriculture, but Book and Job Printing S H STKRI'UISB O FF I C K rjMIE Is supplied with every requisite for doing a superior style of w ork, and is constant- ly accumulating new and beautiful styles of material, und i;; prepared for every vuriety of book .xn .ton AT S YTISFHTOKY I'KH KS. JZ-?- The Public are invited to call and examine both our specimens and facilities for doing work. SoniiKiix Nk!;i:oks. We find the fol- lowing paragraph in the Savannah Kiyntb-l-iea- n of June Sth. Ibti", in an article de- nunciatory of a Massachusetts negro who was stirring up a muss in that vicinity : The day is not far distant, if the colored people progress for the next five years at the rate they have during the last three years, when the colored people of Georgia will undoubtedly have several intelligent ami respectably educated njen of their own color, qualified in every way to seek, and competent to sain, admission to the A man named Plackwell, of Washing- ton county, who was awaiting trial for u criminal offense, stole a horse from one of his Purities last Friday night, and put out. Poth surities started in pursuit. hurt o;i the first ot last navmg had his arm diseolated from the shoulder by receiving a kick from an ox. The arm was set, but lately it was ascertained that it was not rightly done, and it being so long since the injury was inflicted it has been deemed proper to let it alone. This is a hard blow on Mr. Skidmore. who finds his beginning to open a farm in that vicinity greatly retarded in consequence. Mr. Skidmore was formerly a Policeman at Portland. The Mountaineer notices the arrival of Col. Ruckel from his quartz mill in the Powder river country, and learns that the prospect for a rich reward for the Col- onel's industry and perseverance, was never more flattering than at the present time. A new lode has been found which is said to be very rich. We hope this may all prove true and that he may reap the reward due to one of the most enter- prising men of Eastern Oregon. The Oregonian has a sensible article up- on newspaper competition. We copy the closing paragraph. The condition in which the Herald pictures itself, suggests an anecdote and furnishes the apolieation. UNION HHIIE UXDEKSIGXED WOl I.t a-- absolutely it is not near so good a journal nugDt be expected. It is a very weak oncern. j peetfully announce to bis old and the public generally, that he iil constant! v on hand a good assortment nt':-ahor- class Pianos, which he offers sale and retail at Xew Yotk prices. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday, of each week, for Lafayette and in- termediate jioin ts. JJiK u Cuisis. The Herald of Late. After six weeks absence we are in receipt of tho Vancouver again. A copy of the I'Oth reached us yesterday. O Tuesday has a leader upon the above o loiiie. irOm u'lnrh vi fim-.fi.- - V. ... 'juuiv A.i..HD ir.fo-ation- s seem to foreshadow a financial "S3 Due notice will be piven fcikrVaW-- a yvhon the Company will dis- patch a boat on other days than above. U isis in our country. From all parts of bar. not only to plead for the rights and cause of the'colored people, but to reflect honor and credit upon their own race. If Maine. New York or Massachusetts cannot produce smarter colored men than this turbulent and seditious fellow,' we pity the black men of that section. Georgia has thousands of ex-slav- whom she can cause they are too cowardly to shoulder the responsibility. We left the or firmly impressed with the " conviction, whatever may be said of him as a politi- cian, that socially he has but fewr t'fpials aud no superior. The several Lodges of Odd Follows in this State, through private contributions, have recently erected a beautiful marble monument to the memory of their deceas- ed brother, N. C. Mayhew, v, ho died at the Dalles on the 7th of March. lSGt;. It was made at the marble establishment of Mr. Win. Young in Portland, and was planted upon the tomb on the Isth. inst. The Mountaineer says of it : It is a very handsome piece of work, made of .varie- gated Italian marble. The base is of Or- egon ganite 22 inches square, and P.) inches thick, supporting a beautiful marble base O'ur coast we receive information that points m that direction, and in anticipa AO EXT KOR STEIXWAY 4 SONS Celebrated Pianofortes Axn A.E. THOMPSON'S Patent Swell and Vojce Tkkmku CliOHAI. 0OAN'. X. P. Pianos acd Organs carefnwv tnr.e and repaired. ILSINSHKI Mr.k. ;.''Uv) 1 11 Front st. Porthnel. r- The Best remedy for purifying the lilood, Strengthening tloj Nerves, Restoring the Lost Appetite, is FUESFS HAMHUIUr TEA. It is the best preservative against al- most any sickness, if used tirnelv. Composed of herbs only it can bo given safely to infants. Full directions in French, Spanish, and Ger- man, with every package. TRY IT ! For sale at all the wnolesale and retail drug stores and groceries. (:n LMIL FKFSF, Wholesale Druggist, Solo Agent, 410 Clay street, San Francisco. tion ot a failure m money matters, it w ould be well for persons in every condition to O GOOD TEMPLAR'S HALL, Lau roxrsAioox, Main Street, Oregon City. JA3IES JIA.XX, Proprietor. Tho Proprifor takes this method of an- nouncing that this establishment has one of the best Milliard Tables to be found in the city. The choicest, brands of Cigars, Tobac- co, Sarsaparila, Soda, and Ginger pop served to order. (T.tf prepare themselves for such au emer- - gency. Returning the Str. ALEUT will leave Oregon City for Portland at 1 o'clock P. M. A. A. MiCri-LY- , I'r,,ddht P. T. Co. SALEM, March 1st, ISl'.T. (:tf DAILY OVERLAND IV I Hi I O LI T E 2 TO CALIFORNIA. A young man who greatly desired wealth was visited by his Satanic Majesty who tempted him to dispose of his soul for eternity if he could be supplied on earth with all the money he could use. The bargain was concluded, and the young man began to live most extrav.urantl v send up there as missionaries to enlighten them. Rid the South of such unprincipled adventurers as the party we have alluded to above, and an element of strife and dis- cord wound be removed from our midst which w ould make the restoration of peace and a perfect reconciliation between the two races an easy matter. The Jiepiiblk-an- , be it known, is a Union paper. "CITY" BAKK!' ' an. OP EG OX Alaska. On the lMh the revenue cutter Lhieoia, Capt. J. W. White, left San Francisco for Alaska, with the proper officers and papers to establish custom hous, light houses, and to survey the Ma IX STREET O . . f n MIUOUGII to Sax FRANCISCO IN SIX DAVID SMITH, Aww to SMITH d- - MAE SHALL, Bluclc-Smit- k and Wagon Jfuktr, Corner of Main and Third streets, Oregon City Oregon, T days, Carrying the U. S. Mail and . BARLOW & F U L L t is (Successors to Wortman k hfl'p:'-r,I- - Keep constantly F. k Co.'s Express. Dr. IIostetteu's Stomach Uit-teus- . The operation of this palatable rem- edy upon the stomach, liver and excretory organs is singularly soothing ami conserva- tive. It regulates, recruits', and purities them. Pyspepsia in all its forms vielils to its control and invigorating properties, an, it is recommended to mothers, enfeebled bv the cares and duties of rnatcrnitv, as th'" safest and best remedy they can 'probahlv use. In all tiie crisis id' female Pfe it will be found eminently useful, and elderlv persons will derive much i.iore benefit from it ti... PnOPRS. II. W. COKBETT & Co By this route passengers avoid the risk of 4 A Sister Keithmc. The San Fran- cisco limes urges that the Filiibusli-rin- talk in America ought to be siles.. 'u. and says Mexico is a sister Republic, dealing justly, inasmuch as the days ot simple force and arbitrary power are passing from nations. There is awakened ia the minds of men a universal consci CAKES! PIES! BKEAL! nf nil Liiulil coast ana to report upon the necessary for organizing the Re enue Department in that Territory, as well as to take formal possession of the country W behalf of the United States. The army hd navy will follow, and on the loth of September the formal exchange of tlags wul take place, and the full possession of ihe country will (0 turned over to the United States authorities Cy Nkw Li. Dokaho. The Jkrald pu- bises ,iue extracts from a letter from a w ith an ogl ? finish on the top ; this is 1(4 inches square, and 2 feet 2 inches high ; on this rests the column the hight of w hich is 3 feet inches and with a base of 10 inches, tapering to 7 inches at the top. making 7 feet inches in height altogether. The column bears in bold relief, beautifully engraved, the All-seein- g live encircled with a halo of glory, w here rests three links representing the ever binding ties of Friendship. Love and Trutiu beneath this is a beautiful representation of an encamp- ment on a lovely plain, though enchant- ing as it may be. reminds one that our home is only temporary, that there is a never changing one beyond ; beneath this, on the marble base facing the tomb, is the following inscriptions : In memory of P. ('. P.. Xathan C. Mayhew, the M. W. I). G. Master ot the II. W. Grand Lodge of I. O. O. F.. of Oregon. Porn at Edgar-stow- n, Massachusetts. Died March 7th, 1. -- (;(. He has passed the delivity and now sees beyond. Erected by the mem- bers of this jurisdiction in F.L. T. Aged 42 years." Orders iu this Line ill eet vi PE0MPT ATTENTION! ' cirug- - ii-o- oreonary stimulants. Sold bv tin gists and dealers v ervwhere ence, and evil inters must fight witn the public opinion of the world. Let not our country unhinge the moral forces by sym :tf nuuok, CAI.fc.F A CO., Agents, Portland, Oregon. and to squander all the money he could. Still he could not reduce his pile of gold. One expedient after another failed. At last he started a newspaper. The plan succeeded! The money gave out and the paper went down,' but the soul was saved. The strong probability is that it w.:s a Democratic newspaper. Th.. tide of emigration which this year is tending from Europe to America is exceeding anything heretofore given, says F-tft- F.ird. From January to June, live months, the number arriving at the port of N. Y. has exceeded eighty-tw- o thous- and a number greater than the entire population of Oregon, and for the month of May alone there was thirty-si- x thous- and. Most of these emigrants are of a better class than formerly, and about three-quarte- rs proceed at once to the West- ern States. You will shortly begin to feel the effect of this great tide of hu- manity rolling onward to the Pacific. California and Oregon should do some- thing to induce a larger emmigration to those States. Mr. P. T. Wallace, who resides on Fif- teen Mile Creek, informs the Mountaineer that he has sheared eight hundred and twenty-nin- e head of sheep this season, av- - pathies with evil among ourselves or harsh words for punishment on criminals abroad. reli ;,!. source, dated New Archancel. Sitk i '..n,!. June, lSf.7. From it we Placksmitbing in all its branches. Wagon making and repairing. All work warranted to give satisfaction. (S'J Executor's Notice. UNDPUSKiXEI) HAVING PEEX THE by theCounty Court, of Clack- amas countv, Oregon, executor of the estate of Samuel K. Barlow deceased, hereby gives notice to all persons having claims against' said estate, to present them with the vouch- ers required by law, to bin at his residence in Canemab, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. And all persons owing said estate are required to make immediate payment. GEO. A. SHEI'HEKI). Oregon City, July ii"th, (.40.4 Administrator's Notice. -- VTOTICE IS HEUEBY GIVEN', That the J undersigned has been appointed, by the County Court of Clackamas countv, Ore- gon, Administrator of the estate of Enos Slover deceased, late of said county. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them with the proper vouchers, within six months from the date of this notice, to the Administrator in Oregon Citv, said countv. X. V'. UAXDALL", Administrator. July loth, 17. (40.4 Ocean travel. J ussmg Mirougn Oregon t lty, Salern, Albany, Corvallis, Oakland, Win- chester, Koseburg, Canyonville, Jacksonville and in California : Vreka, Trinity Center, Shasta, Red Bluff, Tehama, Chico,'Oroville, Marysvilleto Sacramento. Connecting with the daily stages to all mining tow ns in north ern California and southern Oregon; also " with the Railroad from Oroville to Sacra- mento ; Also connecting with the Central Pacitic Railroad to the Atlantic States. Stages stop over night at Jacksonville ad Yreka, for passengers to rest. Passengers will be permitted to lay over at any point, and resume their seats at pleasure, at any time within one month, upon notifying the Agent at the oliice where they lay over. Fare in Sncramrnto S-"- . Stages leave the Portland ofiice (Arrigo-m'-s Hotel,) dailv at ft o'clock. Zt.?,m) 15. G. Wll ITEHOUSE, Agent. CHARM AN k BRO., Oregon City Agents. RANCH FOR SALE. BETWEEN THE SITFATFi) the 0REG0U CITY T0WIT PLAT ! In the vicinity of the place of T. J. Iluusaker. BARLOW ft FULLER Also keep on band all k'.ads of EAM1LY GROCFBIKS !( and vioxmy s. STEAMBOAT bH1' . And all Articles used for Cu.w Purposes ! BARLOW &" FULL E B Sell a line assortment ot ( TOBACCO., , LIQUORS AND . By the Case, or at retail Attention is also directed to the i' City Ei.ectiox. After weeks of repeated failures to get a quorum, the common council of Portland met on last Wednes- day evening. The regular order of busi- ness was dispensed with, and the board went into an election for city officers, re- sulting in the selection of Judge A. E. Waite for Mayor : David Freidenrich. City Attorney ; Win. McMillan. Street Commis- sioner ; G. II. Belden. Surveyor. After 42 ballots for Marshal the council ad- journed without deciding between John A. Carr and A. RosenheiVn. Messrs. Wait. McMillan and Freidenrich are Democrats. ieainue.it. uh harbor of New Archangel is similar to that of Acapulco, and has ueptli of water sufficient for any class of vessels ami is perfectly land locked from wmds from all quarters. Gold is found in nearly all of the rivers, and is also found on Sitka Island. Copper ore is lound m abundance, aud said to be rich. Lead and iron are also said so have been lound. Pine and cedar are abundant, and there is said to be arable land. The cli- mate is mftas severe as usually supposed, llie Governor s secretary savs'that durin-t- he nine years ho Las been there the mer- cury has not been lower Hum fifteen le- - l a.n $Y fer?- - Fr,!in ni-- y tand-poin- t. conclusion that with all its resources, minerals, fisheries, lumber. i; ;riM America bids fair to produce ? ears another excitementeoual Know thy Destiny. Madame E. F. Thornton, the great English AstrolOgist Clairvoyant and Psychometrieian, who has astonished the scientific classes of the Old A. orld, has now located herself at Hudson, Madame Thornton possesses such womlefnl powers of second sight, as to cna-b.- e her to impart knowledge of the create importance to the single or married of either se.x. laic-i- a state of trance, she delineates tiie very features of the person von are to marry, and by the aid of an instrument of in- tense power, known as the Psvehomotrope, .guarantees to prc'u.cd a life like picture of toe future husband or wife of the applicant, togother with date, of marriage, position in lite, leading traits of chariic-- r, Tlos is no humbug, as thousands ot testimonials can assert. She will sen t when desired a certmed certificate, or written guarantee, tliat toe picture is w hat it ourports to be. J.y enclosing a small lock of hair, and stat- ing place of birth, age, disposition and com- plexion, and enclosing fifty cents and stamped envelope addressed to' yourself, von will receive the picture aud desired inforina-tu- l,y return mail. All communications sncreihy confidential. Address in confidence, Mai.vme E. V. TuyitXTox, P. O. Rox gJO, Hud-c- . . ( j r O ! eraging five pounds and six ounces per head. From one Southdown buck the fleece weighed ten pounds and eight ounces, and from one ewe, suckling a ; lamb, half Southdown and half Merino. that nobody else seH E FAMOUS GLEASO-eCi- H Ttacliers' Institute Session. Por.TLA.vu, July 23d. 107. Editor Eat erjtri.se : If not too late, please insert the follow- ing notice in your columns : The Oregon State Teachers' Institute and Educational Association will ho'd Ps annual session in Portland, commencing on r uesdav, J uly 30tb. The teachers, and all others interested in the cause of edu- cation, are cordially invited to Represent and participate in tho exercises. Those wishing to find homes during their stav at the Iusntnte will plea-.- e reoort thetn'.elyes to the undersigned at the corner of Taylor and Park streets. O. S. FKAMDES. 7,Yc. Vtc'y. IN SHORT! ,;. Walkkh and Maximiliax. The Terri- torial Euterj-rise- , of Virginia City, Nevada, makes a parallel in the cases of Walker and Maximilian, in the style of Plutarch, showing the disastrous adventure of each in search of Emnire nml v,.r,i..v; ten pounds and three ounces. He dis- posed of his wool to a firm, who are buy- ing for the Oregon City Woolen Factory, at twenty cents (coin) per pound. If there is any section of Oregon or Califor Farmers and the public genera vvla"'t . Z-- Will be sold cheap for cash. Apply to LEVY & 1 ECIillEIMER, rited to call at the :ny imk , Mie cany .lays of California. This 1?".? field foF nb.rprise.and asule S'.'.tf .Main sireer, uregou vov. truth will be made apparent nia mat can Lieat this, we should like t- - Sunday School and Gift Books ! THE AMERICAN' TRACT SOCIE- - 17KO.M and Massachusetts Suuday School For sale at Messrs. Hurgren & Shindier's, First street, corner of .Salmon, Portland, Oregon. G. II. ATKINSON, Scc.'v and Treas. Oregon Tract Soc.'y. tj. SlIINDLEK, Depositary. 'j. y plain that if Walker deserved death Max'i- - I know it. This is merely an aremw. earn. complete, and our prices .. lo'mtiice taken besc Cabixkt If vou wish the in excliaii!:', :.v., ...iv.- - unravnce in climate, it follows in a commercial point of view, close in importance to what California his beer PlIOTO- - jtri.or- - ruTf FL"U'.S minim merited the same fate. Min.n cnM-us- . vou must ( on ijiiahlei ft. also pie of what hundreds of our wool-grower- s, are doing iu thi county. deserved hie dea'di. Sau I'raucisco. t- -" Mcutgumery street. gooiis. " , Orcgm City, Jaii. SON, jyo.yy

oregonnews.uoregon.eduo o o o o o i o C4 o O o o o O okiitioiv TELEdiKAPHIC SEWS. EXHIBIT TEA YEL AST) TIlAXsPORTATIOX. Eljc lUcckln lEntcrpvisc. Of the financial condition of Clackamas

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Page 1: oregonnews.uoregon.eduo o o o o o i o C4 o O o o o O okiitioiv TELEdiKAPHIC SEWS. EXHIBIT TEA YEL AST) TIlAXsPORTATIOX. Eljc lUcckln lEntcrpvisc. Of the financial condition of Clackamas


o oo

io C4oo


oo O


Of the financial condition AUCTVOAXD COMMISSIONof ClackamasEljc lUcckln lEntcrpvisc. news

Tin: Xnt President.The question of the next Presidency has

"We take the following telegraphic lor the fiscal year, endingcounty, O ?gonthe Oregon Steam Navigation,lulv 3d, IS'already begu-- ; to engage the attention of j

Carter & McCord have commencedmanufacture of soap at Albany.

The Aurora Brass Band assisted inUniversity commencement at Salem,

ro Oregon City, Oregon : State, Prnp-rt- y, and- Fall Tax.Amount collected for V $S,P41

" l'aid from county fund 1,1'tJ

thelast S3


from dispatches to the

The disease of Rt. Rev. T. F. Scott was'yellow fever, contracted tit Panama.

The China steamers have been author-ized to stop at Yokahama and Osaka.

An Imperial ship has sailed for Mexico,to demand the remains of Maximilian.


The Messrs. Crawfords have disposed oftheir mill in Albany, known as the Mag-

nolia Mill" to J. 11". Foster & Co.

?'.', so4. l,bo-- i

Parties who have visaed Seio representit as in a very prosy e u condHL n. Thetown is growing rapidly and has a livelyappearance, indicating thrift and trade.It is surrounded by beautiful valleys andpossesses many elements of prosperity. Infact it is said to be in advance of any oth-

er town in the State not on the river andfavored by navigation. It is ; n incorporat-ed city, and its Marshal hasmany hard cus-

tomers to manage. Seio Lodge No. ''3.A. F. it A. M.. was instituted, and officerswere installed on the lMh inst. by T.McF. Patton. Esq., 1. G. Secretary, ofSalem, by authority of Grand Master A.A. Smith. I. U. Tharpe was installed asMaster. Geo. M. Stroud as S. W.. and J.

A. 15. KilKiiuijjt)AUCTIONEER! '

Corner of Front and Oak ,rv,ts, Port!an

AUCTION SALESOf Real Estate Groceries. Gencnd M,rct,uti.dise and Horses,

Every Wednesday and Saturday tA. B. Riciiakdsox, Auctioneer.


By State Treasurer's receiptScli'Hil Fund.To amount on hand last year. . . COMPANY!.?l,e07

collected interest S0" fines, licenses, etc. ,'r.)

tax collected for 1507 3,sv."

The French government has ioi oiauenany part of the Russian railroad loan inParis.

Officers of the U. S. steamers Unco andfrom Tampico confirm the report

of the death of Santa Anna. NOTICE,N. Griffin as J. W.. E. E. Uhler Secretary. REDUCTION OF FAEE.

politicians and io affect the conduct ot thetwo great partiey into which the people ofthe United States are divided. Names ofprominent men have been freely canvassed,and the adherents of particular candidateshave declared themr-elve- s in various partsof the country. "We hear, on every side,says the New York Xeics of June 22d, ofGen. Grant, and Gen. Sherman, and Ad-

miral Farragut, as each having claims tothe Chief Magistracy. We desire to saynothing in relation to the competition forthe office, or any particular individualwho has been named in connection withit. Put we must be allowed to expressthe earnest hope that both the Democratsand the Republicans will select, as theircandidate, some gentleman of acknowl-edged statesmanship from the civil walksof life. We mean no disparagement tothe eminent representatives of the army

English rehned 15ar and IUuidh; Iron-Englis- h

Squarn and Octagon Ut steelHorse shoes, Files, Rass, saws ; '

Saturday, July 27th, 1867.

j,.st"liiiie county is said to bo filling upwith " emigrants,' or immi-

grants, not particularly known which.

IU: IJKN'n The British Columbia pa-

pers have more encouraging news fromf5ig Iicnil.

Tuk Nokthkex Koutk. Major Tilton.

rhu'f Engineer of the Northern Pacific

Kailroad. is now in AVashington Territory,surveying lor a route for that Koad.

Pieti. There is a claim within threemiles(Of Helena, Montana, winch yields

coarse gold to the amount of four ouncesto the hand per day.

oBradenshaw. Treasurer. A Lodge of

0,054 32Byam'tSupt. ord. pd..?l,749 40

on hand 1,264 s3-0,0- 34 S2

County Fund.To amount on hand last year 4,176 "0

. ree'd from land redeemed. 145,4 .. i, Probate trial fees, etc. tl'j'.t Go

" " Taxes collected for lsGO. . 9,U.) 77

Good Templars has also been establishedthere.

screws, fry-pan- s, sheet iron, It. G Iron-- a

i. so : q o 'A large assortment of Groceries andLuUIcr,

A. B. JiiciiAKiox, Auctioneer.The Corvallis Gazette savs that the official

The Salen nincompoop tries to bephunny on the Base Ball question buthe makes most unmiserable failures atwit and sense he never had.

Prof. Rutjes has been enlivening theSalem public with music at church ser-

vice, ami those fine organs at Farrish &Yeaton's.

Robert .Henry, son of Urban E. and J.A. Hicks of Portland, died at the age often years on the 10th after an illness ofless than half a day.

The H: raid -- omitted" to nntire the re-

turn of Councilman FechVmhere one daylast week, but hastened to give him thebenefit on Saturday, before the meetingof the Council.

The Sentinel says two men were robbedon the night of the Kith at a hotel in Jack-sonville. n the morning of the lothsome scoundrel stole a saddle and horseat Ashland, and made his escape.

John Fit.hugh. one othe convicted

certificate of Gov. Woods, accepting thirty

The Mexicans are about to publish anaddress to the world justifying the ex-

ecution of Maximillian.If Congress is not in session it is a matter

of doubt.Vith us when it w ill be, accordingto the dispatches.

The San Francisco wheat markets re-

main about as it has been reported fortwo weeks. Prices ranging between 61.70to 61.) "tniH) los- -

Conway, sent South by Congressional

KXTS HAVE BEENVKRAXOEM the Oregon St cum Nav-igation Company and the Pioneer StageCompany, wherebv messengers c;m pur-chase THROUGH TICKETS from Portlandto the dilfereut points in Idaho at the follow-ing rates :

From Portland to Poise City $."! of)" Idaho City til .")

" ' " Silver Ci'tv 01 50

miles ot i aquma agon Koad. was lor-ward-

to the Secretary of the Interior onthe 17th inst. a duplicate of which cer-tificate may be seen at the edifice of the

$ 14,335 tSBv Co. orders pd 1 2,031 ;"3

deficit in State tax 1,402 01" ain't on hand, scrip Jll s!..14,S35 cjZ

EXPENDITURES.Road Company. The act of Congressgranting these lands provides " that aquantity of lands not exceeding thirty Being amounts fur which County Orders

were drawnState cases S 1,334 ",0and navy, but the exigency of the times




--f .k. good order, will be sold cheap tor ca-- ', I

upon application to C. U KEEN.MAN !

3Ktf Oregon City.

e. f. nrssELL. 7.7RUSSELL & DALTON,

Attorneys and Counselors a? LaKSolicitors in Chancery, and i

Ileal Estate Agents. D

Jail repairs, board of prisoners, etc i s7County Court expense lJ'.'f

Passengers can lay over at Umatilla bygiving notice to the Agent of the "PioneerStage Company."'

TlirougU .TicUets Sold only at theCompany's Cilice in Portland.



demands, in our next President, an ac-

quaintance with the theory and practiceof government, which it is impossible in

(lor.o i Law. A piece of lava, con-Otaini- n-

-- unwashed" gold, was found

lately in a sluice at Monte Cristo, Cali-


MisK Ai. A ( ' a i k m y . 1 ' ro f. Grob lately

visited San Francisco for the purpose ofarranging for the establishment of a mu-- at

Portland, w hich will be

Committees, reports 2.000 I nion Leaguesin eleven Southern States, with member-ships of 200,000 loyal voters.

A St. Thomas paper correspondencegoes to show that Senator Doolittle ischarged with a negotiation for the pur-chase of that Island from Denmark.

Chandler. Nye and Cole are warmlyin favor of Abbot's proposition for nego-tiations with Juarez, for the annexationof Mexico.

The New York constitutional conventionhas adopted resolutions declaring negroes

Road " 324Miscellaneous " 152Stationary, Printing, etc 2')SSalary of School tSupt., 150Circuit Court and Jury expenses. 2,550Paupers. Insane, etc S52

the very nature of things that a naval or 0050military hero can have acquired. Now,

ball-roo- murderers, instead o! a felon scell, is now occupying a prominent placein the Roseburg Ensign office, says theJacksonville Sentinel.

As showing a reviving confidence inthe future of the Dalles, we are informedthat a leading Portland firm will shortlyre-op- en the store formerly occupied byII. Herman & Co, says the .Moxntnineer.

if ever, in the history of this Governmentshould the very highest qualities of the Will practice in the Courts of thc s,Co Oopened soon. Prosecuting Attorney's fees

Assessing and collecting revenue.Tax remitted and over assessed..statesman be sought for in the occupant

vim ,i uuu iuui in j uuieiai arming,.Supreme Court of Oregon.

" Special attention iri ven tb the m!'.

sections may be sola, and when the Gov-ernor of said State shall certify to theSecretary of the Interior that any continu-ous ten miles of said road are completed,then another quantity of land granted, notto exceed thirty sections, may be sold."The Road Company now has a full rightto sell ninety sections of land. The titleto these lands is now completely vestedin the Corvallis and Yaquina Bay WagonRoad Company. Persons desirous of pur-chasing may do so immediately with theassurance of getting good titles.

Every towi on the Pacific Coast iscursed less or more with croakers. Un-

fortunately the Dalles possesses more thanher share of these soreheads, says theMountaineer, who are constantly seeingruin and collapse ahead. In their anxietyto induce others to share a correspondingfeeling. they manufacture stories tosuit tiie times." Occasionally we are givento understand that the O. S. N. Co., is de-

termined to reduce the Dalles to the con

435 00!7ti OS

2V3 03(ton ooCeo on500 Oo

le'.t Oo

',24o S.9

v)ncK Tun's. The schooner Alfred

Crosl.y this week left Oswego for San J nan,

0for hi-- r fourth cargo of limestone for the

Iron Company. It seems but a short time

Iter. t of Court HouseSalary Couuty Judge

" " TreasurerCounty Commissioners per diem. .

Bridges and lumber

tion of claims at all points in the above nam-ed districts.

Ollicein Parrish's brick builtVmg,H,Mr (Jj

The rates of passage on the river untilfurther notice will be as follows :

From Portland to Dalles $fi 2"" " Umatilla 1" 00

" " "Wallula 10 noPalouse 20 00

" " " Pewistou 25 00From Dalles to Umatilla 10 00

Wallula 11 00" ' Palouse lo 00

" " Lewiston 20 0!)" Umatilla " Wallula 2 50

" Palouse 7 00" " Lewiston P-- 00" Wallula " Palouse " 00" " Lewiston 10 00

The Lawrence Kansas, Tribune, of May14th, says : ' A company of twelve fami-lies have left Nemaha county, recently,for Oregon. There were between fifty and

Oregon. (j.MjM'e tiie lirst cargo was uiscnargeu.

entitled to the same rights and immunitiesas whites.

The New York market on the 20th wasmore active. The certainty of good cropsimpelled large purchases to meet the wantsof consumers.

A New York dispatch of the 17th says :

Trade is improving. General marketsare more active than for several weeks.There is a plethora id' money aud cheer

Uxtl'jixkh. The Do- - ls,570 39Outstanding orders last year $ 2,073 32


AVn.r,I.KAVK a one sixty persons, men, women and children,S i. 1 . - ... I. witli an outfit of twenty wagons.

SWISS STOMACH EITTERipmowaey ot urogou nave sei at oiiv wnu

a will to carry this State at the next elec-

tion. TIwv have determined to leave no1 ne itinerating theives have come to

of the Presidential chair. The issues aretoo momentous, the duties are too complexand serious, to be entrusted to a generalor commodore, no matter how exaltedmay have been his position, or how valu-

able anil conspicuous his services. Whetherthe President be Republican or Democrat,let hiin bring to the discharge of his greatoffice a thorough familiarity with the diff-

icult and delicate business of administra-tion, an honest purpose to secure theprosperity and glory of the country, andan enlarged and liberal mind trained in thestudy of that most abstruse of all the sci--

gnei. l ney are reported as being youngmen, capable of earning an honest living.ivork.stone imhirned in their

1 ne property stolen from Mr. Ladd at St

$21,243 71By cancell'd County or- -

"ders paid 12,031 53Uy outstanding orders. s)t;i2 IS $21,243 71

LIABILITIES.To outstanding orders $ 8,012 IS

ASSETS.Bv Judgment against I).

Mi. Hannah. . .7 70 00By certificates land sold,



The best Purifier of the f?xod -

A Pleasant Tonic !

A very Agreeable Drink ' qUnsurpassed lor acting sun.-i- r h-- ;

gently on trie secretions of thofcvp)neys, bowels, stomach and liver '

Helen, was found in their possession.They give their names as John Whalan

IIomk. lion, llufus MalloryYork for Oregon on the 11th.


lett Newdition of the Cascades, next that the min-

ing districts are all played out."' andthat the country is going" in." Now ifanv of these croakers would only take

and Frederick J. Pananha.A rumor was bandied about the streets

of Portland on Monday, to the effect that

The scores him for leaving atthis particuiarJtime. Perhaps he thoughtthere were enough there to do the workwithout him.

For sale at all wholesale and retail lienordrug, and grocer" stores. qthe steamship Oreijonian will bo soon put

on the Oregon route by her new owners.the science of governing. Moreonce:

THE BOATS 0E THE 0. S. N. CO.For the Dalles

WILL LKAVE POKTLWP DAILY,( S u n d a y s excepted,')


ItTonday, Wednesday, and Eriday,IV i til Bouts on the Upjier Columbia


Umatilla & Wallula.

43b4 $1,533 27

ls.;4, lsOO 1,217By amount on hand, scrip 1:41

ask ; less than thisthe best interests of

than this we cannotwould compromisethe land.

Tiik L'Ast Chau.kn;k. If the roads hadbei-- passable ot last Monday, between

XOI'.ODY SHOULD DE WITHOUT !IJ. G. Fiuscn, Proprietor.

Taylok &. Sole Agents,SiU.v) lUi Clay su, San Francisco

J . M. KEELS RjOregon Commission Ageucj

ing reports lrom the agricultural districts,stimulating the demand for merchandise.

The Postmaster General awards thecontract for the mail service betweenSan Francisco and Honolulu, to the Cal-

ifornia, Oregon, and Mexico SteamshipCompany of New York, for seventy-liv- e

thousand dollars yearly.Gen. Rosseati was at Louisville las

Saturday, en rov.tc to New Orleans, wherehe will take leave of his family, and pro-ceed direct to the department of the Co-

lumbia. It is understood he will meet theRussian Commissioners at Sitka, and takeformal possession of that territory.

Abbott, brother of the historian, liasbroached the proposition to leading mem-bers of Congress for the annexation ofMexico. He intimates that the propo-sition has the approval of Juarez andother chiefs. The latter fear foreignintervention, of a continuance of anarchy,and prefer annexation to make themselvessecure in a good government.

The Government" of Nicaragua is about

tin-cit- y and Vancouver, the ClackamasPaso Pall of this city would havemet the Occidental Club on their own

their stand at the Express Ofiice on thearrival of the cars from above, and noticethe amount of treasure which constantlyflows down here, they would be forced toadmit that a town holding the key to tl egateway of the great country, which sendstwenty "millions to the commercial citit sin the world, is destined to become some-thing more than the home of the Piutcs.

A most unhappy event is thus recorc ledby the Sentinel : Last week we publishedan account of ihe discovery of the putridcorpse of a w oman in the house of CharlesR. Mulford. near Uniontown. We sincelearn that the name of the deceased wasMullen, that she was a person of morethan ordinary education : was formerly ateacher at the Overbeck Grove, in this

Coo.s Bay. We quote the following froma letter from Coos Bay, dated July 12th:" Coos Bay is about fourteen miles long

Peficit $7,070 VI

SUMMARY STATEM EN T.Amount received from ail sources

on hand last year, and on handthis year $32,157 39

Total amount collectedState tax $ 8,341 3

Total ain't paid Schooltax 4,1 07 12

County orders paid 12,031 53 $25,Oso 4s

grounds in Vancouver.OFFICE. y. LIPFIJTYby one and a half to two and a half ;TPHET

Goyi) koi: Fk.yxk. The Lemhi "Seres,ONtCW YORK cmiles wide. The main bay lies northeast

and southwest, with an elbow in the

TIieFi-iduy'- s UoatConnect with the

BOAT FOR LEWISTON.KETUIIXI.V-T- lie Poats will leave

as part of an opposition line. The rumoris probably without any foundation infact.

The State Tiiijlds Democrat must be inthe last stages of consumption. We ob-

serve that the following physicians havetaken it in hand : Dr. J. M. McCoy. La-Creo-

Polk county : Dr. J. E. Davidson,Independence ; Dr. Harris, Monmouth.

The Advocate says : The courts are do-

ing an immense business, of late, in sun-dering matrimonial ties. The bare recordof such facts indicates a deplorable stateof morals in society. It becomes necessa-ry for all, who have the least regard forthe purity and decency of society, tofrown upon and suitably condemn therehasty, and needless separa-tions.

Capt. Medornm Crawford received atelegram yesterday, from his son Medornm

upper bay running north and south. Atits mouth the United States have estab-lished a lighthouse, with a fine light ofthe second class. The bar at the entrance

Indebtedness $7,070 01

J. M. BACON, County Clerk.Oregon- - Citt, July 22d,

Fr&ivk Kenyon editor, publishes a call formass meetings to elect delegates to hold aCounty contention at Salmon City, tonominate officers for "what should havebeen Lemhi county."' The Xeics advo-cates an independent county organization.

und WalLewiston every Monday morning,

has from fourteen to sixteen feet of wa lula every Monday, Wednesday, and Fridaymornings, touching at Umatilla and arriveScLPHt.'KOCS Smoke. Last week,ter at high tide, enabling vessels ofa large

class to enter. At the head of the bay at Dalles same day.j. C AIXSAVORTH,

county ; but for several years past wascomp fetelv under the control of opiumami intoxicating drinks. Mulford, whowas brought into town on Friday last,greatly emaciated and partially derangedlrom an habitual use of the same stimu-lants, died on Sunday evening, the shat- -

Coos river comes in. which extends inlandsome twenty-iiv- e miles, affording fine bot

Uask. J;au,.-- A gentleman from Port-land assures u tljat they have seventeendifferent and distinct base ball clubs in

JWidnt O.S. X. Co.

Portland, July ICth, P'7. t):tftoms for farms. On the south shore of

snys the Jacksonville Sentiia I of the 2'.uh,Mr. Messenger, living on 'Williams creek,inhaled a quantity of smoke from rags satu-rated with sulphur, which he was using intaking honey f rom a bee Live. His fiee wasvery much swollen, and he experienced greatpain until he was relieved by taking a doseof Perry Dav is,' Pain Kilter.

For buying and shipping direct, bv A

Isthmus or Cape Horn, all classes am! vari-eties of Merchandise, including Musical i-nstruments. Farming Implements, Carnitjand Machinery.

Zf Faithful attention will filsobov..to the securing and disposition t" I'atvuts.

All orders and bnsine.--s wiil receive prrrtattention. Goof's shipped ia best stvk- a:lowest rates, and insured to order. '

BrsiNESS ItEfCEEXqgS : OAldricb. Merrill A Co., San Francisen, fLMeCraken. Merrill A: Co., Portland, Urit.:...). II. Mooics, Siticin, Oregon.Thomas Monleith, Albany, Oregon.


J. L. Pro'.vnt ll ,t Uro., Uunkers, i' Droa.lA. H. k C. E. Tdton, and Lib.-r'- .;

A. M. Starr, hue of Otv-;;!- i. Lb'TlvAlbon Mann, Treasurer .National ,.;.

Co., 1 Wall st. Mf:tf.

the bay. four miles from the ocean.Empire City is situated, which contains MQNTICELL0 ROUTE.that city. On several occasions, of moon Crawford. Jr.. announcing that he would tered wreck of what once was a refined

and educated gentleman. Mulford was atCaptain Fuse's fine steam lumber milllight nights, the police have caught parwith sufficient capacity lor turning out

to negotiate a treaty of amity and com-mence with the United Slates. Thereare complaints that the French and otherforeign settlers have placed obstructionsin tiie river of San Juan. Nicaragua, ren-dering its navigation dangerous, and insome places im passable.

A veto of the appropriation bill to carryout the several reconstruction acts, waspassed by a strict party vole in Congress.When the message was received Boutwrilmade an elaborate speech, followed bySchenck. Butler, and others, denouncingthe President, aud demanding impeach

ties engaged in practice on the Hat roofsOTIIK STEAMF.R

RESCUEof some of the brick buildings.

leave .New i ork on Saturday tin; 20ihiiist.. for Portland. Oregon. lie has justgraduated at West Point, having enteredthe school. June V.. Young Crawfordwas born in Yamhill couuty, Oregon,in li?BJ.

fifteen or twenty thousand feet of lumberper day. It also contains three stories, Establishment.A SrCCF.SSFlL

Oulsox Master.three hotels, a line schoolhouse, puolicPustku. -- The meeting of Congress has successful establishmentsAmong the mostCAKT1YISG THE UNITED STATES MAILIhrown the Democratic .fraternity into a hall for the Good Templars of which

they have a thriving Lodge two organ-ized churches, etc. Empire is also theilieijltsweat. has become apparent that The Gazelle says : Instead of ceasing

to roll " the Temperance Ball is increas-iui- r

in velocity. Bro. Adams our Grandcounty seat of Coos County, vitb the counJohnson npd Stan berry will not be perWill leave Portland for Montierllo every

Tuesuay, Thursday a id Saturday, at 7

o'clock a. m . , via Leu-i- s river.J . C. AINJSWOllTII,

I'rid,nt O. S. X. Co.

ty officers all in a prosperous condition.milted toJill the civil offices of the South A. LET!,

one time in the employment of Eugene.Kelly it Co., of San Francisco, and a for-wards a clerk for IhmnerA' Brother of thisplace, and a young man of excellent abil-ity and business qualifications.

Under the head of'1 why fidi are scarce'the Albany Journal says : It is a remarkof every one along the Willamette river,that fish are unusually scarce in that stream.It' any one will stand au hour or two in adrugstore, and see the demand for ."

(rrvc)i'i(s itijirit.s) the scarcity ofthe piscatory tribe ean be easily accountedfor. The ( ,V vlannn I is jH d r',ih jmisou .'

and millions of fish are killed iu order thata few dozen may be picked up by thosewho are willing to eat diseased fish ratherthan angle for them i:i a christianlike way.In other Slates the law has stepped in to

Business is quite brisk here, with a de-mand tor more laborers. Nearly oppo owith such unmitigated scoundrels, ruflhfhs

in the country is that of Howe it Stevens,manufacturers of Family Dye Colors. Theyemploy a large number of persons, and theirpatrons are to be found in every part of thecountry. Their dyes are of tho best quality,never fade, are sold cheap, are easily used,and give universal satisfaction.

Sold by Hell A Parker, Oregon City, andby Smith A Davis, Agents for Oregon.

A Yoiwo Ladv Ket urniii-g- to hercountry home, after a sojourn of a few

site the town a new company have re M A I X S T U E E T ,ASTORIA ROUTE.and unrepentant rebels as Monroe, tin;New Orleans murderer, the Democratic

ment, .ie veits was sati.-he- ii tnat no attemptat impeachment would be made. He de-

fended the theory of Congress that thesouthern States are conquered territory.

The rules wore suspended, and Julianoffered a resolution, declaring the doc-trine advanced in the President's mes-sage, of the loth, that the abrogationof the rebel States biudes the na: ion to

cently started a fishery. Further up theax the tele;;u.vpu cffke:Bay lour miles around the Elbow, in aoracles are already beginning to mutter THE U. S. MAIL STEAMER

Lecturer, is a host wiihin himself. AtCTaquato, W. T., w here it was supposed,by those best acquainted, that not tenTemperance advocates could be found.Bro. A. recently organized a lodge withseventeen charter members. He has alsojust organized the fourth lodge inPortland. The work goes bravely on.

The general impression is that th h tycrop in this valley is unusually light.Whether that be so or not. a great portionof it was in the swath hist week and much

sheltered place from the winds of winter,of another possible Revolution Oregon Ctfg, Orcy n.is the thriving point called North Lend,owned and built bv Capt. A. M. Simpson.Nk Qni Nimis. Our readers are doubt JOHN H. COUCHat war vri:h ihe orinci- -Viv their debless faini'i.ir.enough with the record of thewho runs a line mill with the capacity ofthirty to forty M. feet per day. The Cap-tain also runs his lumber in his own ves-sels, of which he has four and another

inoiiihs m tho city, was hardly recognizedby her friends. In place of a coarse, rustic,Unshed face, she had a soft ruby complexion

t 'almost marble smoothness, and instead oftwcntv-tlire- o she really appeared but eigh

law. and a. directcredit, ul.hnrem toivr.lty, aiid pleas-h"- d

tniit'irs. Pitss- -

pies of i!it''r:i:i'iiiii.tist;ib nt theevery sentiment d' 1

ing only to the vi'itoui



pestiiergus ami presumptions ' mncom-pot(p.- ;r

who writes himself down an assevery day at Salem. We do not careabout devoting time or space to giving his

nearly completed, which is the largest

Snow Master."Will leave Portland for Astoria and inter-

mediate landings, on Moiitlay and Friday ofeach week, at ft o'clock a. v.. Returning,will leave Astoria on Tuesday and Saturdayat o a. m. j. f. Aiivsivoirrn.

I'r-n- t o. s. y. Co.

sail vessel ever built on the Pacific coast.Four miles above; North Bend Mr. Push- -

prevent such ru'hlossness. and it is timethat Oregon had some legislation on thesubject. A few such enterprising fellowsas the one reported to sit at a Salt springand shoot twenty-fiv- e or thirty deer pet-da-

during the fawn season, alone fortheir hides, and the fish berry gang, willsoon settle the game question in Oregon.We wonder if the fish-berr- y angleis visitthe mountain lakes for trout ?

becker is building a new mill which is tognu itiriner notice, u lien we wisii anyPOCK FT ,


ORNAMENTS. TOY.- -, br,instruction in orthography, or geography,

of it must have been more or less injuredby the heavy rains that have prevailed oflate. The oldest inhabitant cannot recol-lect when such a quantity uf rain has fal-len, before 20th of July.

The Herald says : Captain Kellogg. Su-

perintendent of construction for the P. T.Company, has just returned from the Tual-atin River, after having made arrange-ments for the construction of draws' inthe several bridires which span that














O :PEOPLE'Swe sall apply to some person other thancut twenty M. teet per uay. the latterplace is named Maihfield. near which thecoal mines are located, from which theyship six hundred tons per month to S. F.

ed by 100 to J , a strict party vote.

It is said that the old penitentiarybuilding, at Portland, has been purchasedby the Oregon Iron Works, for (!. (Situ

payable in five years, with interest fromdate. The building originally cost S30.UUi). As a reason why ii should be soldcheap, the Portland gentlemen pleadthe low price of real estate at thatplace, backed by assessment rolls, affida

SamJrtrJvo, FANCY ;noiS.WILH )W AN!) W( tO REN" WAIlC,

QANKl'E NOTIONS. Ac, Ac.Trarispoilation Company.making in all quite a large show ot snipO akw t nritru hiMFM'Ks. -- The foundation

teen. Upon inquiry as to the cause of sogreat a change, she plainly told them thatshe used the Circassian Palm, and consideredit an invaluable acquisition to any Lady'stoilet, liy its use any Laity or (ientlennincan improve their personal appearance anhundred fold. It is simple in its condo-nation, as Nature herself is simple, yetunsurpassed m its eilicaey iu drawingimpurities from, also healing, cleansingand beautifying the skin and complexion.ly its direct action on the cuticle it drawsfrom it all its impurities, kindly healing thesame, and leaving the surface as Nature in-

tended it should be, clear, soft, smooth andbeautiful. Price sent by Mail or F.xprcss,on receipt of an order by W. b. CLAltlvACo.. Chemist. o. ;) West Fayette Street,Syracuse. N. V. The only American Agentsfor t lie sale of the same. i!fi:Jv

ping from Coos Bay. At the three pointsnamed they employ seven vessels con SEW ARRAXGE3IEXT.

Democrat, inthus enmpli-- 1

lo had oncoarse shoos.

Tho Editor of the-- Albanyhis " jottings by ihe way,"mcnts Xesmithart old slouch hat, a pair of


READY" MADS CLOTHIKGstantly, ranging f rom two hundred to threehundred tons burthen, and one hu ge steam

tor the new M. L Church at Portland hasbeen laid and the corner stone cere-monies, it is said, will occur during thesojourn of Bishop Thompson, who arrived

Until further noticetug for towing vessels m. i wo more tugsare to be built on this Bay. this summer.

stream. During the era of flat boat navi-gation upon this stream the bridges werehigh enough except in times of extraor-dinar-y

high water. A full Hedged isabout to supercede these primitive boats,and hence many changes are necessary.

Mr. J. N. Skidmore, living in Columbiacounty, opposite Oak Point, was severely


A Iu I : R Ton the tuntiuadal. . . .The foundation fortheft-- Co ngregaiional Church edifice atAstoria has also been completed. .. .TheMethodists and Southern Methodists are


ilAKKKT, liT C.

Julv 2oth. 1S07.A. LEVY.

and another vessel. Coos Lay coal seemsto be abundant everywhere in the di idebetween Empire City and the Coquilla ;

yet mostly undeveloped for want of capi-tal and labor. Lumbering and coal min-ing, and indeed all the industrial enter-prises of Coos Bay, a re yet in their in-

fancy. Time and energy will bring forthand garner her hidden resources.

each building at Koseburg.Will leave Portland daily at 7 o'clock A. M.

from the Company's dock, foot of A street,for Oregon City, connecting with the

steamerAcw AtlvcTUsemesits.

vits, etc.

The Jinjixter learns from Mr. A. S. Ab-ernet-

that Hume A: llapgood, engagedin salmon fishing near Oak Point, have putup this season over 1 00. 0'K) cans of salmonin one pound cans. They are put up andpreserved in a peculiar manner, which isclaimed by the fishermen to be a secret oftheir own. The lish put up in this man-lier are considered a delicious and favorite,dish with epicures and command a highprice in the market. In addition to tiieabove, there will be also put up about4. 00!) barrels of salmon for the Californiamarket.

Nkw oixmk. The California FarmerPisa Ho., GF!ss si(w.

II, SiHSNElMER & 00,,

and pants with sundry rents and rips,which certainly permitted the air to cir-culate freely around his person, lie de-clares he has retired from Public life for-ever. No doubt of that. He conversedfreely villi us on the political questionsnow agitating the country ; anil w e mustsay lie talked as sound Democracy as wcever heard. He thinks the Peconstruc-tio- n

Pill the most iniquitous and tyranni-cal ever concocted by any body ot men ;

and is of the opinion that its author w illbe regarded in the future as far more in-

famous and detestable than is PontiousPilate ; for through the provisions of theReconstruction Pill, a great nation's rightsare remorselessly trampled under foot,and outraged, lie thinks Johnson willnot be impeached not because the lead-ing Radicals do not desiro it but be

RELIANCE,on the 11th commenced its fourteenth.O rr,. . . ... .e.ir. mo oimor savs : W e nope cer

tainly, our friends everywhere will renew Xew Y'ork Manufacturers cfOn Monday and Thursday of eachweek for Salem, Albany, Corvallis,and intermediate points.

their subscriptions; and also interest theirfriends in this journal, now the only oneof the kind on the entire Pacific coast.

Bell Hetal Patent Agraffe

Grand Scale Pianofortes!AND WITH THE STEAMERIt is the only paper on the coasL profess-ing to devote its space to agriculture, but

Book and Job Printing S

H STKRI'UISB O F F I C KrjMIEIs supplied with every requisite for doing

a superior style of w ork, and is constant-ly accumulating new and beautiful stylesof material, und i;; prepared for everyvuriety of

book .xn .ton


JZ-?- The Public are invited to call andexamine both our specimens and facilitiesfor doing work.

SoniiKiix Nk!;i:oks. We find the fol-

lowing paragraph in the Savannah Kiyntb-l-iea- n

of June Sth. Ibti", in an article de-

nunciatory of a Massachusetts negro whowas stirring up a muss in that vicinity :

The day is not far distant, if the coloredpeople progress for the next five years atthe rate they have during the last threeyears, when the colored people of Georgiawill undoubtedly have several intelligentami respectably educated njen of theirown color, qualified in every way to seek,and competent to sain, admission to the

A man named Plackwell, of Washing-ton county, who was awaiting trial for u

criminal offense, stole a horse from one ofhis Purities last Friday night, and put out.Poth surities started in pursuit.

hurt o;i the first ot last navmghad his arm diseolated from the shoulderby receiving a kick from an ox. The armwas set, but lately it was ascertained thatit was not rightly done, and it being solong since the injury was inflicted it hasbeen deemed proper to let it alone. Thisis a hard blow on Mr. Skidmore. whofinds his beginning to open a farm in thatvicinity greatly retarded in consequence.Mr. Skidmore was formerly a Policemanat Portland.

The Mountaineer notices the arrival ofCol. Ruckel from his quartz mill in thePowder river country, and learns that theprospect for a rich reward for the Col-onel's industry and perseverance, wasnever more flattering than at the presenttime. A new lode has been found whichis said to be very rich. We hope thismay all prove true and that he may reapthe reward due to one of the most enter-prising men of Eastern Oregon.

The Oregonian has a sensible article up-on newspaper competition. We copy theclosing paragraph. The condition in whichthe Herald pictures itself, suggests ananecdote and furnishes the apolieation.

UNION HHIIE UXDEKSIGXED WOl I.t a--absolutely it is not near so good a journalnugDt be expected. It is a very weak

oncern.j peetfully announce to bis old

and the public generally, that he iil

constant! v on hand a good assortment nt':-ahor-

class Pianos, which he offerssale and retail at Xew Yotk prices.

On Monday, Wednesday and Friday,of each week, for Lafayette and in-

termediate jioin ts.JJiK u Cuisis. The Herald of

Late. After six weeks absence we arein receipt of tho Vancouver again.A copy of the I'Oth reached us yesterday.O Tuesday has a leader upon the above

o loiiie. irOm u'lnrh vi fim-.fi.- - V.... 'juuiv A.i..HDir.fo-ation- s seem to foreshadow a financial "S3 Due notice will be piven

fcikrVaW-- a yvhon the Company will dis-

patch a boat on other days than above.U isis in our country. From all parts of

bar. not only to plead for the rights andcause of the'colored people, but to reflecthonor and credit upon their own race. IfMaine. New York or Massachusetts cannotproduce smarter colored men than thisturbulent and seditious fellow,' we pitythe black men of that section. Georgiahas thousands of ex-slav- whom she can

cause they are too cowardly to shoulderthe responsibility. We left the or

firmly impressed with the " conviction,whatever may be said of him as a politi-cian, that socially he has but fewr t'fpialsaud no superior.

The several Lodges of Odd Follows inthis State, through private contributions,have recently erected a beautiful marblemonument to the memory of their deceas-ed brother, N. C. Mayhew, v, ho died atthe Dalles on the 7th of March. lSGt;. Itwas made at the marble establishment ofMr. Win. Young in Portland, and wasplanted upon the tomb on the Isth. inst.The Mountaineer says of it : It is a veryhandsome piece of work, made of .varie-gated Italian marble. The base is of Or-egon ganite 22 inches square, and P.) inchesthick, supporting a beautiful marble base

O'ur coast we receive information thatpoints m that direction, and in anticipa


Celebrated PianofortesAxn

A.E. THOMPSON'SPatent Swell and Vojce Tkkmku

CliOHAI. 0OAN'.X. P. Pianos acd Organs carefnwv tnr.e

and repaired. ILSINSHKI Mr.k.

;.''Uv) 1 11 Front st. Porthnel. r-

The Best remedy for purifying thelilood, Strengthening tloj Nerves, Restoringthe Lost Appetite, is FUESFS HAMHUIUrTEA. It is the best preservative against al-

most any sickness, if used tirnelv. Composedof herbs only it can bo given safely to infants.Full directions in French, Spanish, and Ger-man, with every package. TRY IT !

For sale at all the wnolesale and retaildrug stores and groceries. (:n

LMIL FKFSF, Wholesale Druggist,Solo Agent, 410 Clay street, San Francisco.

tion ot a failure m money matters, it w ouldbe well for persons in every condition to O


Main Street, Oregon City.JA3IES JIA.XX, Proprietor.

Tho Proprifor takes this method of an-nouncing that this establishment has one ofthe best Milliard Tables to be found in thecity. The choicest, brands of Cigars, Tobac-co, Sarsaparila, Soda, and Ginger pop servedto order. (T.tf

prepare themselves for such au emer- -gency.

Returning the Str. ALEUT will leave OregonCity for Portland at 1 o'clock P. M.

A. A. MiCri-LY- ,I'r,,ddht P. T. Co.

SALEM, March 1st, ISl'.T. (:tf


IV I Hi I O LI T E 2


A young man who greatly desired wealthwas visited by his Satanic Majesty whotempted him to dispose of his soul foreternity if he could be supplied on earthwith all the money he could use. Thebargain was concluded, and the youngman began to live most extrav.urantl v

send up there as missionaries to enlightenthem. Rid the South of such unprincipledadventurers as the party we have alludedto above, and an element of strife and dis-

cord wound be removed from our midstwhich w ould make the restoration of peaceand a perfect reconciliation between thetwo races an easy matter.

The Jiepiiblk-an- , be it known, is a Unionpaper.



Alaska. On the lMh the revenuecutter Lhieoia, Capt. J. W. White, left SanFrancisco for Alaska, with the properofficers and papers to establish customhous, light houses, and to survey the

Ma IX STREETO . . f n



Bluclc-Smit- k and Wagon Jfuktr,Corner of Main and Third streets,

Oregon City Oregon,

T days, Carrying the U. S. Mail and .BARLOW & F U L L t is

(Successors to Wortman k hfl'p:'-r,I- -

Keep constantly

F. k Co.'s Express.

Dr. IIostetteu's Stomach Uit-teus- .

The operation of this palatable rem-edy upon the stomach, liver and excretoryorgans is singularly soothing ami conserva-tive. It regulates, recruits', and puritiesthem. Pyspepsia in all its forms vielils toits control and invigorating properties, an,it is recommended to mothers, enfeebled bvthe cares and duties of rnatcrnitv, as th'"safest and best remedy they can 'probahlvuse. In all tiie crisis id' female Pfe it will befound eminently useful, and elderlv personswill derive much i.iore benefit from it ti...

PnOPRS.II. W. COKBETT & CoBy this route passengers avoid the risk of 4

A Sister Keithmc. The San Fran-cisco limes urges that the Filiibusli-rin-

talk in America ought to be siles.. 'u.and says Mexico is a sister Republic,dealing justly, inasmuch as the days otsimple force and arbitrary power arepassing from nations. There is awakenedia the minds of men a universal consci


nf nil Liiulil

coast ana to report upon the necessaryfor organizing the Re enue

Department in that Territory, as well asto take formal possession of the countryW behalf of the United States. The army

hd navy will follow, and on the loth ofSeptember the formal exchange of tlagswul take place, and the full possession ofihe country will (0 turned over to theUnited States authoritiesCy

Nkw Li. Dokaho. The Jkrald pu-bises ,iue extracts from a letter from a

w ith an ogl ? finish on the top ; this is 1(4inches square, and 2 feet 2 inches high ; onthis rests the column the hight of w hich is3 feet inches and with a base of 10 inches,tapering to 7 inches at the top. making 7feet inches in height altogether. Thecolumn bears in bold relief, beautifullyengraved, the All-seein- g live encircledwith a halo of glory, w here rests threelinks representing the ever binding ties ofFriendship. Love and Trutiu beneath thisis a beautiful representation of an encamp-ment on a lovely plain, though enchant-ing as it may be. reminds one that ourhome is only temporary, that there is anever changing one beyond ; beneath this,on the marble base facing the tomb, is thefollowing inscriptions : In memory ofP. ('. P.. Xathan C. Mayhew, the M. W. I).G. Master ot the II. W. Grand Lodge ofI. O. O. F.. of Oregon. Porn at Edgar-stow- n,

Massachusetts. Died March 7th,1.-- (;(. He has passed the delivity andnow sees beyond. Erected by the mem-bers of this jurisdiction in F.L. T. Aged42 years."

Orders iu this Line ill eet vi


ii-o- oreonary stimulants. Sold bv tingists and dealers v ervwhere

ence, and evil inters must fight witn thepublic opinion of the world. Let not ourcountry unhinge the moral forces by sym :tf nuuok, CAI.fc.F A CO., Agents,

Portland, Oregon.

and to squander all the money he could.Still he could not reduce his pile of gold.One expedient after another failed. Atlast he started a newspaper. The plansucceeded! The money gave out andthe paper went down,' but the soul wassaved. The strong probability is that itw.:s a Democratic newspaper.

Th.. tide of emigration which this yearis tending from Europe to America isexceeding anything heretofore given, saysF-tft- F.ird. From January to June, livemonths, the number arriving at the portof N. Y. has exceeded eighty-tw- o thous-and a number greater than the entirepopulation of Oregon, and for the monthof May alone there was thirty-si- x thous-and. Most of these emigrants are of abetter class than formerly, and aboutthree-quarte- rs proceed at once to the West-ern States. You will shortly begin tofeel the effect of this great tide of hu-

manity rolling onward to the Pacific.California and Oregon should do some-thing to induce a larger emmigration tothose States.

Mr. P. T. Wallace, who resides on Fif-teen Mile Creek, informs the Mountaineerthat he has sheared eight hundred andtwenty-nin- e head of sheep this season, av- -

pathies with evil among ourselves or harshwords for punishment on criminals abroad.reli ;,!. source, dated New Archancel.

Sitk i '..n,!. June, lSf.7. From it we

Placksmitbing in all its branches. Wagonmaking and repairing. All work warrantedto give satisfaction. (S'J

Executor's Notice.UNDPUSKiXEI) HAVING PEEXTHE by theCounty Court, of Clack-

amas countv, Oregon, executor of the estateof Samuel K. Barlow deceased, hereby givesnotice to all persons having claims against'said estate, to present them with the vouch-ers required by law, to bin at his residencein Canemab, Oregon, within six monthsfrom the date hereof. And all persons owingsaid estate are required to make immediatepayment. GEO. A. SHEI'HEKI).

Oregon City, July ii"th, (.40.4

Administrator's Notice.--VTOTICE IS HEUEBY GIVEN', That theJ undersigned has been appointed, bythe County Court of Clackamas countv, Ore-gon, Administrator of the estate of EnosSlover deceased, late of said county. Allpersons having claims against said estateare hereby notified to present them with theproper vouchers, within six months fromthe date of this notice, to the Administratorin Oregon Citv, said countv.

X. V'. UAXDALL", Administrator.July loth, 17. (40.4

Ocean travel. J ussmg Mirougn Oregon t lty,Salern, Albany, Corvallis, Oakland, Win-chester, Koseburg, Canyonville, Jacksonville

and in California : Vreka, Trinity Center,Shasta, Red Bluff, Tehama, Chico,'Oroville,Marysvilleto Sacramento. Connecting withthe daily stages to all mining tow ns in northern California and southern Oregon; also


with the Railroad from Oroville to Sacra-mento ; Also connecting with the CentralPacitic Railroad to the Atlantic States.

Stages stop over night at Jacksonville adYreka, for passengers to rest. Passengerswill be permitted to lay over at any point,and resume their seats at pleasure, at anytime within one month, upon notifying theAgent at the oliice where they lay over.

Fare in Sncramrnto S-"- .

Stages leave the Portland ofiice (Arrigo-m'-s

Hotel,) dailv at ft o'clock.Zt.?,m) 15. G. Wll ITEHOUSE, Agent.

CHARM AN k BRO., Oregon City Agents.



In the vicinity of the place of T. J. Iluusaker.

BARLOW ft FULLERAlso keep on band all k'.ads of

EAM1LY GROCFBIKS !(and vioxmy s.


And all Articles used for Cu.w

Purposes !


Sell a line assortment ot(


LIQUORS AND.By the Case, or at retail

Attention is also directed to the i'

City Ei.ectiox. After weeks of repeatedfailures to get a quorum, the commoncouncil of Portland met on last Wednes-day evening. The regular order of busi-ness was dispensed with, and the boardwent into an election for city officers, re-sulting in the selection of Judge A. E.Waite for Mayor : David Freidenrich. CityAttorney ; Win. McMillan. Street Commis-sioner ; G. II. Belden. Surveyor. After42 ballots for Marshal the council ad-journed without deciding between JohnA. Carr and A. RosenheiVn. Messrs. Wait.McMillan and Freidenrich are Democrats.

ieainue.it. uh harbor of New Archangelis similar to that of Acapulco, and hasueptli of water sufficient for any class ofvessels ami is perfectly land locked fromwmds from all quarters. Gold is foundin nearly all of the rivers, and is alsofound on Sitka Island. Copper ore islound m abundance, aud said to be rich.Lead and iron are also said so have beenlound. Pine and cedar are abundant, andthere is said to be arable land. The cli-mate is mftas severe as usually supposed,llie Governor s secretary savs'that durin-t- he

nine years ho Las been there the mer-cury has not been lower Hum fifteen le- -l a.n $Y fer?- - Fr,!in ni--

ytand-poin- t.

conclusion that with allits resources, minerals, fisheries, lumber.i; ;riM America bids fair to produce

? ears another excitementeoual

Know thy Destiny. Madame E.F. Thornton, the great English AstrolOgistClairvoyant and Psychometrieian, who hasastonished the scientific classes of the OldA. orld, has now located herself at Hudson,

Madame Thornton possesses suchwomlefnl powers of second sight, as to cna-b.- eher to impart knowledge of the createimportance to the single or married of eitherse.x. laic-i- a state of trance, she delineatestiie very features of the person von are tomarry, and by the aid of an instrument of in-tense power, known as the Psvehomotrope,

.guarantees to prc'u.cd a life like picture oftoe future husband or wife of the applicant,togother with date, of marriage, position inlite, leading traits of chariic-- r, Tlos isno humbug, as thousands ot testimonialscan assert. She will sen t when desired acertmed certificate, or written guarantee,tliat toe picture is w hat it ourports to be.J.y enclosing a small lock of hair, and stat-ing place of birth, age, disposition and com-plexion, and enclosing fifty cents andstamped envelope addressed to' yourself, vonwill receive the picture aud desired inforina-tu-

l,y return mail. All communicationssncreihy confidential. Address in confidence,Mai.vme E. V. TuyitXTox, P. O. Rox gJO,Hud-c- . . ( j r

O ! eraging five pounds and six ounces perhead. From one Southdown buck thefleece weighed ten pounds and eightounces, and from one ewe, suckling a

; lamb, half Southdown and half Merino. that nobody else seHE


Ttacliers' Institute Session.

Por.TLA.vu, July 23d. 107.Editor Eat erjtri.se :

If not too late, please insert the follow-ing notice in your columns :

The Oregon State Teachers' Instituteand Educational Association will ho'd Psannual session in Portland, commencingon ruesdav, J uly 30tb. The teachers, andall others interested in the cause of edu-cation, are cordially invited to Representand participate in tho exercises. Thosewishing to find homes during their stav atthe Iusntnte will plea-.- e reoort thetn'.elyesto the undersigned at the corner of Taylorand Park streets.

O. S. FKAMDES. 7,Yc. Vtc'y.


Walkkh and Maximiliax. The Terri-torial Euterj-rise- , of Virginia City, Nevada,makes a parallel in the cases of Walkerand Maximilian, in the style of Plutarch,showing the disastrous adventure of eachin search of Emnire nml v,.r,i..v;

ten pounds and three ounces. He dis-posed of his wool to a firm, who are buy-ing for the Oregon City Woolen Factory,at twenty cents (coin) per pound. Ifthere is any section of Oregon or Califor

Farmers and the public generavvla"'t

.Z-- Will be sold cheap for cash.Apply to LEVY & 1 ECIillEIMER,

rited to call at the :ny imk ,Mie cany .lays of California. This

1?".? field foF nb.rprise.and asule S'.'.tf .Main sireer, uregou vov. truth will be made apparentnia mat can Lieat this, we should like t- -

Sunday School and Gift Books !

THE AMERICAN' TRACT SOCIE- -17KO.Mand Massachusetts Suuday School

For sale at Messrs. Hurgren &

Shindier's, First street, corner of .Salmon,Portland, Oregon. G. II. ATKINSON,

Scc.'v and Treas. Oregon Tract Soc.'y.tj. SlIINDLEK, Depositary. 'j. y

plain that if Walker deserved death Max'i- - I know it. This is merely an aremw. earn. complete, and our prices.. lo'mtiice takenbesc CabixktIf vou wish the in excliaii!:',

:.v., ...iv.-- unravnce in climate, it followsin a commercial point of view, close inimportance to what California his beerPlIOTO- -

jtri.or- -ruTf FL"U'.Sminim merited the same fate. Min.n cnM-us- . vou must (on ijiiahlei ft.alsopie of what hundreds of our wool-grower- s,

are doing iu thi county.deserved hie dea'di. Sau I'raucisco. t- -"Mcutgumery street. gooiis. ",

Orcgm City, Jaii.SON,jyo.yy