Types of E-commerce Classified by market relationship o Business-to-Consumer (B2C) o Business-to-Business (B2B) o Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C) Classified by technology used o Peer-to-Peer (P2P) o Mobile commerce (M-commerce) Features of E-Commerce Ubiquity Global reach Universal standards Information richness Interactivity Information density Personalization/customization Social technology Key concepts of the internet Defined by Federal Networking Commission as network that: o Uses IP addressing o Supports TCP/IP o Provides services to users, in manner similar to telephone system Three important concepts: Packet switching o Original Message digitized to bits o Bits broken to packets o Each packets get header information and control information, such as how many bits are in the total message and how many packets TCP/IP communications protocol o IPv4 (32 bit) vs IPv6(128 bit) Examples for each layer: Client/server computing Internet Network Architecture Internet protocols HTTP E-mail: SMTP, POP3, IMAP

o Business-to-Consumer (B2C) o...o Affiliate revenue model • Market opportunity • Competitive environment • Competitive advantage • Market strategy • Organizational development

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Types of E-commerce

• Classified by market relationship

o Business-to-Consumer (B2C)

o Business-to-Business (B2B)

o Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C)

• Classified by technology used

o Peer-to-Peer (P2P)

o Mobile commerce (M-commerce)

Features of E-Commerce


Global reach

Universal standards

Information richness


Information density


Social technology

Key concepts of the internet

• Defined by Federal Networking Commission as

network that:

o Uses IP addressing

o Supports TCP/IP

o Provides services to users,

in manner similar to telephone system

Three important concepts:

• Packet switching

o Original Message digitized to bits

o Bits broken to packets

o Each packets get header information and

control information, such as how many

bits are in the total message and how

many packets

• TCP/IP communications protocol

o IPv4 (32 bit) vs IPv6(128 bit)

Examples for each layer:

• Client/server computing

Internet Network Architecture

Internet protocols


• E-mail: SMTP, POP3, IMAP

• FTP, Telnet, SSL

Utility programs

• Ping

• Tracert

ISP Services:

• Dial up

• Broadband

Limitations of current Internet

• Bandwidth limitations

• Quality of service limitations

• Network architecture limitations

• Language development limitations

• Wired Internet limitations

Internet and Web features on which the foundations

of e-commerce are built include:

• E-mail

• Instant messaging

• Search engines

• Intelligent agents (bots)

o Search bot

o Shopping bot

o Web monitoring bot

o News bot

o Chatter bot

• Online forums and chat

• Streaming media

• Cookies

Web 2.0 features:

• Social network

• Blog


• Podcast

• Wiki

• Music & Video

• VoIP


• Video conferencing & telepresence

• Online software and web services

Main areas where you will need to make decisions:

• Human resources and organizational capabilities

• Hardware/software

• Telecommunications

• Site design


• Systems analysis/planning

• Systems design

• Building the system

• Testing

o Unit testing

o System testing

o Acceptance testing

• Implementation

Two components of system design:

• Logical design

• Physical design

Factors in website optimization:

Components of budget:

• System maintenance

• System development

• Content design and development

• Hardware

• Telecommunications

• Software

E-Commerce Website Architecture

Function of web servers

Ways to scale hardware:

• Vertically

o Increase processing power of individual


• Horizontally

o Employ multiple computers to share


• Improve processing architecture

E-Commerce security environment

Dimensions of E-Commerce Security

Three key points of vulnerability in e-commerce




Communications pipeline (Internet communications


Common security threats:

• Malicious code

• Bots, botnets

• Unwanted programs

• Browser parasites

• Social engineering

• Phishing

• Hacking

• Cybervandalism

• Data breach

• Credit card fraud/theft

• Spoofing

• Pharming

• Spam/junk Web sites

• Denial of service (DoS) attack

• Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack

• Sniffing

• Insider jobs

• Poorly designed server and client software

• Social network security

• Mobile platform threats

Tools to achieve site security:

Developing an e-commerce security plan

Business Model:

• Value proposition

• Revenue model

o Advertising revenue model

o Subscription revenue model

o Transaction fee revenue model

o Sales revenue model

o Affiliate revenue model

• Market opportunity

• Competitive environment

• Competitive advantage

• Market strategy

• Organizational development

• Management team

Business models:

• B2C Models:

o Portal

o E-Tailer

o Content provider

o Transaction Broker

o Market creator

o Service provider

o Community provider

• B2B business models:

o Net marketplaces

� E-distributor

� E-procurement

� Exchange

� Industry consortium

o Private industrial network

• Other business models

o Consumer-to-consumer (C2C)

� eBay, Craigslist

o Peer-to-peer (P2P)

� The Pirate Bay, Cloudmark

o M-commerce:

� Extends existing e-commerce

business models to service mobile

workforce, consumers

� Unique features include mobility,

cameras to scan product codes,


E-commerce changes industry structure by changing:

• Basis of competition among rivals

• Barriers to entry

• Threat of new substitute products

• Strength of suppliers

• Bargaining power of buyers

Effect of Internet in value chain:

• Increases operational efficiency

• Enables product differentiation

• Enables precise coordination of steps in chain

Four generic strategies

• Differentiation

• Cost

• Scope

• Focus

General model of consumer behavior:

Online model:

Stages in consumer decision process:

• Awareness of need

• Search for more information

• Evaluation of alternatives

• Actual purchase decision

• Post-purchase contact with firm

Two most important factors shaping decision to purchase


• Utility

• Trust

3 levels of product:


• Segmentation

o Behavioral

o Demographic

o Psychographic

o Technical

o Contextual

o Search

• Targeting

• Positioning

Impacts of internet marketing:

• Scope of marketing communications broadened

• Richness of marketing communications increased

• Information intensity of marketplace expanded

Four types of tracking files

• Cookies

• Flash cookies

• Beacons (“bugs”)

• Apps

Data mining:

• Query-driven data mining

• Model-driven data mining

• Rule-based data mining

• Collaborative filtering

Market entry strategies

Pricing strategies:

• Free and freemium

o Can be used to build market awareness

• Versioning

o Creating multiple versions of product and

selling essentially same product to

different market segments at different


• Bundling

o Offers consumers two or more goods for

one price

• Dynamic pricing:

o Auctions

o Yield management

o Flash marketing

Two main purposes of marketing communications:

• Sales—promotional sales communications

• Branding—branding communications

Online advertising

• Advantages:

o Internet is where audience is moving

o Ad targeting

o Greater opportunities for interactivity

• Disadvantages:

o Cost vs. benefit

o How to adequately measure results

o Supply of good venues to display ads

Forms of online advertising

• Display ads

• Rich media

• Video ads

• Search engine advertising

• Mobile and local advertising

• Referrals

• E-mail marketing

• Online catalogs

• Social network, blog, app, and game advertising

How to measure audience size or market share:

• Impressions

• Click-through rate (CTR)

• View-through rate (VTR)

• Hits

• Page views

• Stickiness (duration)

• Unique visitors

• Loyalty

• Reach

• Recency

Online marketing metrics:

• Conversion of visit or to customer

o Acquisition rate

o Conversion rate

o Browse-to-buy-ratio

o View-to-cart ratio

o Cart conversion rate

o Checkout conversion rate

o Abandonment rate

o Retention rate

o Attrition rate

• Social networking

o User insights

o Interaction insights

• E-mail metrics

o Open rate

o Delivery rate

o Click-through rate


o Bounce-back rate

Pricing models

• Barter

• Cost per thousand (CPM)

• Cost per click (CPC)

• Cost per action (CPA)

Main factors in effectiveness of interface

• Utility

• Ease of use

Top factors in credibility of Web sites

• Design look

• Information design/structure

• Information focus

E-Commerce infrastructure:

Examples for each layer:

Building an e-commerce presence:


• Systems analysis/planning

• Systems design

• Building the system

• Testing

o Unit testing

o System testing

o Acceptance testing

• Implementation

Factors in website optimization:

E-commerce security and payment system

Business model for e-commerce

Business Model:

• Value proposition

• Revenue model

o Advertising revenue model

o Subscription revenue model

o Transaction fee revenue model

o Sales revenue model

o Affiliate revenue model

• Market opportunity

• Competitive environment

• Competitive advantage

• Market strategy

• Organizational development

• Management team


3 levels of product: