Objective: To introduce Athens during the Golden Age To tour Athens during its Golden Age and create a TOUR JOURNAL / SCRAPBOOK of 5 places of interest

O bjective: To introduce Athens during the Golden Age

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O bjective: To introduce Athens during the Golden Age. To tour Athens during its Golden Age and create a TOUR JOURNAL / SCRAPBOOK of 5 places of interest. Overview of Athens. Birthplace of democracy Set foundations for art, literature, and philosophy Traded for necessities - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: O bjective:  To introduce Athens during the Golden Age


To introduce Athens during the Golden Age

To tour Athens during its Golden Age and create a TOUR JOURNAL / SCRAPBOOK of 5 places of interest

Page 2: O bjective:  To introduce Athens during the Golden Age

Overview of Athens• Birthplace of democracy• Set foundations for art, literature, and

philosophy• Traded for necessities• During the Golden Age, it

became the center of commercial and cultural power

• Pericles was a patron of learning and the arts, he masterminded the construction of the Acropolis and Parthenon during his 30 years of leadership

Page 3: O bjective:  To introduce Athens during the Golden Age

Layout of the city of Athens

• Surrounded by mountains, and rocky coasts• Enclosed by defensive walls• Pireaus was its harbor city – Long Walls• The acropolis was over 300 feet high with

the temple to the goddess Athena , Parthenon, located on top

Page 4: O bjective:  To introduce Athens during the Golden Age

• Was the center of life in Athens• Reconstructed after the

Persian Wars• Temples, Government

buildings, marketplace found here

• Paid officials checked on quality of goods

• Gymnasium3 types of teachers

music – kitharitesgrammar – grammatistessports – paidotribes

Children taught at home until 7


Page 5: O bjective:  To introduce Athens during the Golden Age

1. Parthenon2. Theater of Dionysus3. A Shop in the Agora4. Pottery Workshop 5. Gymnasium6. Marble Workshop7. Home of a Wealthy

Family (Women)

Page 6: O bjective:  To introduce Athens during the Golden Age


Cover and back page should pertain to ANCIENT Greece! (Think you are in the 5th century BCE!)

Page 1: Introductory page should include information

about the overview, layout and agora given on the first day of the activity. (Think VOCAB)

Pages 2 – 6: Illustrations of yourself should have you involved in the activity!

Make sure you are dressed / photoshopped / “cut and pasted” as in the 5th century BCE. (See example) Mementos- you need 1 for each daily aspect. Tactile is best!

Marginalia/captions (At least 3) should reflect your experience and what you learned about Athens on your tour or this particular place. Identify where you were—for example if you were watching drama—you would have been at

the theatre of Dionysus. (You need to know where you are!) One entry should be about a famous Greek you met at the site.

Page 7: Write your final thoughts, use vocab, it could be a place where you did not visit but wanted to or it can be any additional factual tour information from your trip!

Page 7: O bjective:  To introduce Athens during the Golden Age

Here I am competing in the hoplitdromos for

my polis.

Here is Wiggs from my

rival city-state. He is a

fierce warrior and

competitor. It is good there

is a truce during the


My first place award!