WEEKLY JOURNAL: Nfw York, December 11. Tr TrJhanc'i Washington f pedal contains tbe fo'lowtrp Advance ropiM of tbe cena nporl we cirrtrittuied to Congressmen on S.natnr Nve will y Intr.KJooe a bill lififrancMslcg all who voluntarily took the ih ot allegiance to the boulbern Cjufcdera"v. Th coii-re- men's petition, asking Lyrauf. fre In tt Iitriet ol Columbia. 1 rcidT for ubmiti(jo to CocroEe. It hat over 700 tll. T.mTTnw tbe Government sells at Alexan- dria J.'AGoO it of ramfaar, 2,000 too of ril-roa- d Iron, and 2 dK car wuoela lie largest taV ever at that rlace. Tbe Wo'la'a Washington fiiiatoh aavf, that tbe qnnti n of tbe admission of the Tennessee representative elect will be brought up la liie Eone Tbe Tilre rp?cial aa't: WritVa Invita- tion hve n Issued, convening the New York: Conpr(ional delegation at tbe house o the Uon. Henry J. Ravmond. on Taea-d- a cvetii r to act upon the candidate for AUnww lc and trains of cars bound to the United are no ir, in accordance with the law, Juiv lniected and eealed rtv American Consols nt on the nortn ti.ie ot the and ifce Commissioner is of opinion that tLif ptecauiion will, in a vtrv rtU tneta ore, prevent amuccliTic operations ott the Can- adian in future. epcn'ators are b;'y nrraerod i" diflVent parte of the ennctrr bnyinir upeo'diers' di. chaTe p!T&, 1 r w'hkh they are pyina; from KK.) to t'Ji'O In V fvachostte 300 ate been jid ardu Oalol' X'O. It a r2viemtiarijtrcn fee pnrcbs-d- . the lobb will endeavor to force CciiCT i.i past a law (rlrioe boaties to a'.l who have not bad them, and eqiilizing three wto hare. The War Department bu anpointei p. lately in command of Fjrt Leon, to ctc eafe escort to mosseneers from B ack KetUe ard Ltile Raven, the Chiefs of the Ctierenuea and Arapohoe Indians, to tbe north of Mute river, to meet and consult with that portion of their tribes who, for some time past. Lave been alienated from them, and who are considered hostile to the Government, in order to coLvitce them of the necessiry of ecterinK Into relations of amity with the I c ud fc.a s, and the proprie'.y ot their rcj oio-I- thtir respective tnix-- a. . A tnicber of runners Lave already been sent u; by Ue Chiefs mentioned, and, as ther have never toe Commissioner believes, from tbe representations made, that the were waylaid and murdered on the way br United elites tronpe. who have come to regard every Indian as their enemy. Daring: the war a larpe r uffiber of tbe Cbeyennes and Arapohoe wnt tVrcth w'uh the Ca:aincUa. and tt was with tidv Ut tie lata commission under General bat born frtnd the late treaty, at the mouth Of tbe It Arkansas river. The Herald ' Waehintrton spec'al "ar that the PeDhi'H Bureau tas late'v deci'ed to con-tn- e its action nntil a final disposition is made ol all cases below the Dumber of forty-lir- e hundred. Tte Wies employed in the Treasury Depart-ire- rt proioee to petition Congress to increase their s&l&rie. Chaancy Depew declines the position of !;bis.er i- Jipan. X spe it to tte TIrns savs: About four hun- dred td'.t4-i- l on the rrevdent's messica from as marv joorcals have been received at the Vhite ll About ninew-nn- per cent of these bean;y indorse the President's portion and comnn-ii- d his proposed fata re policv. Tbe c' of the United 8tates aint Gov. Tearce, of B ton, arU;inr out of and involving the ti-t- f the treat Fiovd fraudulent e. wUl come up this week in tbe United Stales Onrt of Claims. Geo. Caleb Cufhing it cocn-- i is the rase. Jc the Church of tbe Iloly Trichy in Brook- lyn. U.s f a'ivlreeaes were r.;ive-e- i by Bi'hop L?!, of Artansa. and Bifjion Putter, ra! stive to ibe Protectant Episcopal Freed men Aid S Ciety. in w hich its objects were explained and apt) made in its bthaif and its object, the corvipn4on and instruction of the freedmsa in the Impressive religions services in honor of a!l who fell in defense of the republic diring the late rebellion took pis' last evening in the Tabeixac e Church, corner of and Tniny urvh street, in ibe presence of a c which crowded every part of the buildir g. There were musical exercises of a snpe-i- character, and a rmon rectuutinz tbe s. and virtue of the fallen, and sketching tbe grand results which will follow to thecfclioa from their devotion and sacrilce, was preached by the ftaslor of the church, Rev. Dr. Thompson. The Timts's special say Gen. Bints visited tbe l'reid-n- t Saturday, and gave bin assurance of n la earning out the measure) proposed in tbe Message. lUi'.mSV fhcial Information has been received by Gen II wrd. which exonerates Gen. Till-s- in hi' management of freedmen ia W.tas court t. Georgia. The most outrageous conduct toward the freedmen ha ft'.liwel its removal of Uie military in tdecoantrnam-- 1 and in other prts of the btaie. and II m. N. U. Eeeves. District Judge, of Wukas countv, Ga asks, at the request of tbe freedmen and eitizena, that the military be sent back, and Gen Mead men has ordered the troops to that court Kepreseetat'ves of and commissioners in of the State of Missouri arrived at Wash- ington tvturdav, with iostrmti m to present Congrew the claims of that Stte tor four c d l! s. alleged to be due for rxpendiuues CV aoeoant nf tb Gorsramsat dona tM war. The )'int commistoa for the settlement of claims between tbe United States of America and the United Slates of Columbia have dia. posed o! sixty-tw- casea, or about Ooa-thi- of all the caww on the docket. Neariv a l of them will resnit in n1gment for the claimants. Tbe v ir.'s Washington special aas that the State D primect received bv the last steam n irar;ttt dispatch from our Minister M F.nt)rd There is strong reason to believe that Enf-n- d will back down from her position on the Alabama case, and at once consent to an eouitahle adjustment of the questions in dispute. Tbe temper of the last dispatch from the State I epartment, which emanated from the President himself, was calculated to open tbe eyes of the Let l.i--h Government. A gentleman writing from Englanl to a in il.ls city by the last mail remarks that the Queen is our friend, and she will not allow E.ri Ra'sell to take any position that will csnxe ettracgement between the two Gov- ernments Tfee Bridge cse com" np In the Scpreme iirt'this week, aul will be arrnei h Iauiel 8. Dickinson. Dr. Keh ff, Kedicg Clerk of tbe Iloise of Bepreseo'atives, wbo has been seriously ill. Is fnc'ui.lN recovering. Mr. Jm E Murdoch has so far recovered f'nm bis sudden Miners a to be able te fofli t est '.' merits in the Korth. Tte Wind's sicial says that a meeting of tbe trieiic! ot Gtm. Batler in Conrress has been Leld for the purpose cf cocsuiting as to the ought to take rerpe Unp the assault of Gen rrt uron their chief Ttiey are div pcaed to i i.ht Wssbburne's rewln.ion creating tie rat k tneral, and defeat it if possible. General Butler is expected here when tLcir lns will be arranced. Hi has Nn t rit'Sffnd in preparirg a rep'v. General l.u-le- r. it is rrportcd, told ta. Steven a few c'sys siEc- - that U would have been well if there I fid lien mo"-- eorted bntt'es in the arm r in wLich GtirU Gratt made his he&dqi triers. Washihgtik, Dec 1L In the II ne Mr. Blaice, of Maine. Intro-iucf- d a reimbursing the loral Stales fur tbe rr'vHtices of money made and tbe debt octiact ri tor the preservation of the Union. 1 ferrtd t a cc ma.itU'e of seven. Bun b Ititroduced a Joint resolution c'eclar-ir- g theamonnt toestabiisb a raoearchy in Mx'co, requesting the PrcsideLt to take anch s'eps as will vindicaie the American poli- cy snd protect its honor and the interests of the Ufclird Stales. The resolution was rtfsrrul to tie top n ittee cn Foreign Affairs. Jn,k itur doeed a bill to establish a uniform ' stem ot lt Lruptcy, which was referred to a j"iul comniiitK. Mr. Went worth iDtroiicd a b!!l prohlblticg the impoitailon of caUle from foteien coun'riet in orcer to prevent the spread of tue cattle P sd. Mr E li of Massrcbusett Introiueei a Jo'.nt r'K.lniiofi, Mh was rferrcd to the Select Omnjlitee of Fiften, declaring the CTniaion cif tbe St-- t. recer t'y in rebelii n, and the po-a- it x.n of Cocgms in relation to mem. Mr. Vf Von, cf Maryland. oO4 a rstfl-tlr- n irs'rBC.ir.g ll.e Committee on Fjreiim to irqt.lre what measures and m?ans are eetry the prt of the United States to reftoie to Mrica the free acd nurestricted rubtto a republicf.n government. Tbe pre- vious qucst on on tbe resolution was Dot and U lies over. WxsHntGTOx, Dec. 1L KICCATK Mr. Wi'son presented the petition of Frsncis Cook an 2 other colored people of the asking thetkhtof suffrage, llc'emd to tte Commiiue on the District of Co'umMa. Tbe Pn silent pro fern, announced the follow- ing committee to aot wuh tbe bouse committee rn the euh) of Mr. Lincoln's death: Messrs. Foote.l'Mee.Wade. Fewenden.Wilson,DjoliiUe, Late, of Kansas, Harris, Kmiia, Lane, of In- diana, Wniiiry, and Henderson. Mr. Stunner presented a bill to confirm land titles u.ld by Gen. Sherman t colired men on sea islands, licierrtd to the Commiitee on the J u Miliary. Mr. Broan introdaced a bill to grant bonds for the construction of a railroad through Mis-en- ri and Arkansas to the Pacific cat bv the Southern route, which was referred to the Com-miu- on the Pacific Railroad Mix. 'ye gave notice of bill to change the astern bouneary of the Bute of Nevada so as to inclede the territory to be UJfc.cn from Uiah and OrWau. Mr. Ve also gave notice of a bill for the epeedy completion of the Pacific Railroad. Mr. Howard introduced a resolution calling rpon the precicent tor what information be has In his pos sesion respecting the occupancy of Mexico by the French, whic was adopted, The IWcent laid before the Senate the pe- tition of the alters of Mercv of Chicago asking lor Ue aT'Trop-laUo- n of mono tor the enlarge- ment aid in.provemeot of Mercy Hospital in Cticago, whkh was relerred to the C jmmittbe Tbe pro t?m laid before the 8en-- the i m irial of tbe N rth Carolina asking tbe repeal of tbe test oath-M- r. limn ictrcdaced a bill to prevent the fR'ecf ti ls, bonds, or scrip, aod ofer evi- dences .f debt of the Omfederate or ai.j of theiu, which puaiohes as lei- - r r( bvy'.r e, selling, or holding of such evi-r- f i ebl with the Jeca!ly ol Cve hundred c lli.ri lii e aiid Kcprifcnmetit for not lec than or e j fr tor rnote th in ton, which was referred to tt e Judiciary Committee. The Houve introduce a bill providing that wbtiever a who is emiiU-- to a peaMjn for iijuilts received in the military service shall cie before the time of filing his application, allowance of tbe foil amount of his cUim shaH be tuade to his Mr. Btown presented a bill to grant lanl for aiding In the cocsuuaion of a railroad to the Pacific coast, through Arkansas and Missouri, ty the Southern route. Referred to the on the Pacific Rulroad, and ordered to be p- irtl. Mr. Wade Introduced tbe following, which were rtfcrred to the Committee on Foreign A,f lair: Whereas. In a letter of Instructions, dated July 8OJ3, direcied to the General e the French forces in Mtxico. the E-- I eror of tbe French indicated his policv the sfl .irs of this continent by declaring It was his intention to establish a monarchy in Mexico, wbieh would restore to the Liu race on this aide ot the Atlantic all their sirength and prestige, guarantee securitv to tbe F reach West India colonies and those of Spa to, sesu'e tbe interests and establish the influence of France in the center of America, and prevent the itie of the United estates from latin possession of the Gulf of Mexico from which they wi nid command tte Antilles and Soma America, oi,d become tbe only dispeoscrs of the products of the Mew World; and wherevs, in I ursuance of said policy, en effort has been made to estab!ii-- a monarchy in Mexico con- trary t the wuhes of the people and to support KkXiniiiiun in Lis usurpation by European and terras, among other acts contrary to tLe spirit ot the ace and humanity, the so called Euipe'or of .Mexico, by a dscree dated S. pttmtxr i,h. 105, practically re established slave'V in hit- dominion, and, bv a decree dtd October 3d, lsa, bas violated the nsage of civil law by CeiMng to the Mexican troops tbe rights of btlliserents and ordering their execction wherever found within t wenty-lo- hours sfter their capture; therefore, belt y.Vorvrf fry lit Senate, and 11 nut of li'prwn. tatim of ihe Vntttd Slate, 1. That we contem- plate the prt-e- nt condition of affairs in the Republic of Mexico with the most profound solicitude 2. 1 bat the attempt to subjugate one of the Eepcbiican Governments of this continent by a foreign power, and to establi'h on its ruins a monaichy, sustained solely bv European baro- net s, is opposed to tbe declared policy of tbe United Stake Government, offensive to our peovle, and contrary to our institutions. & That the President of the United States be requested to take such steps conoerwtag this matter as wai tnotcate trc recognized poncy acd protect the honor and lntcresis of our G On motion ot Mr. Howard, the President was requested to furnish the Senate with all the correspondence in the possession of the toncblng the occupation of Mexico by the French troops. On motion ot Mr. Chandler, tbe President was requested to give the Senate aU the corre- spondence and oltier information to regard to the barbarous decree of the so--c ailed Emperor of Mexico, ordering all Mexicans found the sacred cause ol independence, to be shct without trial. Mr. Cowan submitted the following resola-t?t- which was objected to by Mr. Samuer, slid goes over under tbe rules. .Wcerf, Teat the President of the United Slates be, and he U hereoy, requested to furnish to the Senate information ot the state of that portion of tbe Union lately in rebellion; whether rebellion has been eepptessed, and tue United Slates put again in possession of tha etue in which it existed; whether tbe United States courts are restored, and the revenues collected, and also whether the people ot those States have recognized their povenimenls, and whether they are yielding t.beditrce to the laws acd government of the Luted States. HOTT8E. The Speaker then announced the following staid. eg committees: Commerce Messrs. Washburne, Illinois; Elliott. Massacaa seite; D.xon, Rhode Island; O'Neal, Pennsylvania; Lsnyear, Michigan; Js. Humphrey, New Vork; J. 8. Thomas, Jr., Man laud; Egiedton, of Ohio; i. M. Humphreys, New York. Military Afiatrs Schenck, of Ohio; Darning, Connecticut; Moreston, New Hampshire; Rjs-sea- Kentucky: Biaifham. Ohio; Ancona, Pennsylvania; KetcLnm, New York; Blaine, Maine; Westg'aves, New Yoik. Naval Affaire A. H Rice, Massachnetts; New York; P.ke, Kelly, Pennsylvania; Brandegred, Connecticut; E Wicconsin: Phelps, Maryland; Darling, New York; L Blond, Ohio. Fortn AfT"its Ban Vs. Mwachuetts d. New York; Orti, Indiana; W. L Kan-- d J), Kertocky; Dawson Pennsylvania; Patter-eo- n, New Hampshire; IfewelL, New Jersey ; Col-lo- Illinois; infield, New York. On Eiertions Dawsman, Sohofleld, s: Uon, Michigan; Marshall, Illinois; Paine, WiMxitsin; Sbel!aburger,Ohio; McUiung, M)ronri; Roctield, New York. W ays aod Means Merrill, Vermont; Hooper, Massachusetts; Brook New Ytjrk; Garfield, Obio; Wentwerth, Illinois; Cockling, New York; Moorebead, rennsyivacia; Aiuson, Iowa; Hogn, Missouri. Appropristions Stevens, PennsvlvanSa, New York;B:iss,Miseouri; Rasson, Iowa; Voorhies, Indiana; Farnwurih, Iilinols: 8 auld-Ic- Ohio; H gby. Californ a; Wright. NY. Banking and Currency Pomeror, New York; Hootr, Mssashneun; Culver, Pennsylvania; Buckelen, Ohio; Harding, Kentucky; 'Lynch; Maine; Depns, Indiana; Randall, Pennsvlvaoia, Hot lard, Dittrirt ot Columbia; Ineersoil Illi- nois; Dumont, Indiana; Davis, New rork; Bald- win, Maesachuselts; MoCullou?h Missouri; Colt, Wisconsin; Walder, Ohio; Mercier, Penn?ylva-n- ShsLklard. Kentucky. Judicial- - WL6on. Iowa; BictwelL Massa-cbustt- te: Francis Thomas, Maniaod; VennoDt; Morris, New York; Rjgers, New Ycrd; Cooke, Illinois District of Columbia Messrs. IneersalK of niinolf; Dumonr.of Indiana; Jones, of New York; Baldwin, ot Massscbnsetts; M"Oullough of Marvlano; Colt, of Wisconsin; Walker, of Obio; Mercier, of Pennsylvania; Shanklin, of Kentocky. Judicial Mesm. Wilson, of Iowa; Bant-wel- l, of Mwcbusttt; Francis Thomas, of Varytacd; Williams, of Pennsylvania; Wood-bridc- e. of Vermont; Morris, of New York; Rogers, of New York; Lawrence, of Ohio; of Illinois. Pacific Riilrosd Mesrs. Price, of Iowa; Ste- vens, of Pennsylvania; Donne;lv, of Minnota; Ames, of Massachusetts; Brooks, of New York; Losr. of Maine; Clark, of Kansa?; Bidwell, of Califitmio; Henderson, of Oreeon. Claims Messrs. Delane, of O : Hotchk'si, N. Y Wstbbume, Mfs ; Sloan, Wis : M. Bi'ck, Ind ; McKee. Ky. Wood, N. Y.; Barker, Pa ; Tfcorrt-n- , IiL Public Lvtds Mesrs, JuThn, of Indiana; Drlpgs. of Micbiran; Glosbrenner, of Penn- sylvania; D.tnnel'y. of Minnesota; Ahley. of OLio; Holmes, of New York; McRaer, of i; Anderson, of Maine; Taoer. of New York. Post effieef Mers. AHev, of MasacbuseHf; Farquthi.r. of Indiana; Finek. of Ohio; Mel T.uer, of Call'ornia; Teny, cf Michigan; John- son, of Perrsrlraria; Knt'endall. of Indiana; Hit'bar, of New York; Kilo, of Misonrl. Revolutionary C aim" Mnasrs. Whalev. of West Virginia; Newell, of Nw Jersey; e, of Wisconsin; J. L. Tboms, Jr of MaiMan; Wilson, of Pcnnsrlvariia; Van of New Yo'k; Clark, of Ohio; Trowbridge, of Michigan; Trimble, of K"ntucky. Public Expenditures Messrs Habhard, of New York; Broomwetl, of Virginia; Hubbard, cf lows; Rollins, of New Hampshire: Janes, of New York; Smith, of KeDtu?ky; Warner, of Ct nrect'cn; Nicholson, of Delaware. Private Lnn 4 Claims Thaler, of Pennsvlva-rla- ; Botcl.feiss, New York; Biker, of Illinois; Havs, cf OiP; Giodveur. of N-- w York; B of M issacbnsc.t; WooibrHtre, of Ver- mont; Not !L of Missouri: Kerr, of Indiana. Manofactures Mcssr M iorehead, of Peun.; Ames, Mass.; Eondv, O.; Trimble. Kv,; Hale, N. Y.: Harming, Ili.: Pawjer. Wis; Habhard. West Va.s Hubhell. N. Y. Agriculture Merg. Bidwell. of California; Grinnell, of Iowa; Still we'J, of Indiana; Baxter, of Vermont; Killer, of Kettueky. Trowbridge, ff Mliigai; Hobbcll, of Ohio- - Lawrence, of Per nylvsrjia. Bsrgen. of New York. Indian Affairs Messn. Wind-m- Minn ; wis ; Di unison. Penn ; Habbard, Iowa; Cla'k, Kansas; Henderson, Oregon; Hart, N. Y.: Rot Ms Harhon. M. MiMtia Mefsn. S"i'h. Kv ; Harding. Ills ; But klin. Ohio; nle. N Y ; Xuell. lo Phalna, Md ; Farquahar, Ind.; Perry, Mich ; B jyer, Penn. Territories Vem. AehlcT, Ohio: T?aman, Micfc : J. H E ce. Me ; Mi. r. Kr ; Vin N. Y; Strong, Penn.; llill, Ind.; 8ur, N. J.; Monlton, liia Revolntionarv Peniong Messrs. M:In1o of Wisconsin: Price, of low; Bangor, of Penn-slvsti- Oe'year, of New York: UpS'Jn, of Michigan; of Vermont; Washburne, of Maosactusettf; Vt'alker, of Ohio; Hilmes, of New York Invalid Perslons M8rs. Perham, M?.; BUll-we- il, Ind ; Tavlor, N. Y.; Dreggs, Mich.; Van Earen, N. Y ; Lawrence, Penn ; Siwyer, Wis.; Benjamin, Mo.: Harding. Ky. Roads and Canals Vwsrs. Beam an, Mich.; Van Htii, N. Y.; J. H Hahbard, Conn.; Rous- seau, Kv ; Fectworth. 111.: DjtIs, N. Y.; Miller, Penn ; Defrns, Ind ; Finck, Obio. Patents Messrs. Jencks, of Rhode Island; Myers, of pencsrlvsnia; Chandler, of New York; J. IT. Hubbard, Jof Connecticut; Brown-wel- l, of Iilinois. Public Buildings and Oronnds Messrs J. II. rdce. Mo; Starr. N J ; Wilson, P. LeBload, O.: Lathom, W. V. Revisal and Unfinished Business Messrs. Echoneld, Pa ; F. Wilson, Ind ; AshW, O ; A. IL Kice. Mass ! Pomemv, N. Y.; Willage Anderson, Mo j Marston, N. IL; Plants, O.; Grider, Kv.; Kuvkendall. I'i. Accounts Msrs. Rollins. N. IL; Penn ; EcUey, O; Kerr, lad ; Ward, N. Y. Colnsge, Weights, and Measure Kasson, fa Winfield, N. Y.; Jones, Penn.; Bandy. O.; Dws, Mass. Expenditures of tbe State Department--Messr- s. Pike, Me.; Bromwai, 111.; Urt, W. Y.; Ste lebsrg'r, O. Expencitures of t Treasury Department Vfssrs. Marion. N Y; Culver, Penn.; llilL Ind ; Cullom, III.; Ritter, Kv. Erpecritures of tbe War lTartmnt Ves'rs Conn ; Sloan, Wis.; Milier, Pern.; E M. Habwl), N. Y.; J. R. Habbell, O. Expencitures of the Navy Department Messrs. Hnmpbrev, N. Y.; Jalian, Ind ; Mmel-to- Ill ; Warner, Corn ; Dfnnison, Penn. Fxpendi'nres of tbe e Department Vers B ker, 111.: Mveia, Penn.; Darling, N. Y.; Egglebton, O ; Rogers, N. J. Fx i erdii'iie- - o' Ir ii. r D p t .! Mxr. r n:.i . Ir.d : si-- ( ltn ; H ;i j mrn, Mi; i liie-r- la.; M.Iue, Kv. Eaieidi urs on Pablic Buildings rev Locgxear, Mich ; Bildwin Ma ; D.xou. Oaio; lohLScn. Pa ; W. H Randall, K Joint CommitleA on Librai Ilvjei, Ol i. : Kellv, Pa ; Hubhard, N. Y Joint Co mmittee on Piinting Laftin, N Y.; A. W. CUik, otic; Lathom. W. Vi. Joint Committee on Enrolled Bills Mcsjrs Cobb, Wis ; Glofsbrenner. Pa. Select Committee on Rale' The Speake-- ; Messrs. Wsshburn, 111.; Banks, Mass.; N Y. Select Committee on Bmkrupt Law Me"r. Jencks, R. I; Spauldinsr, O; Tnomas, Ml; Blair, Mo.; Lynch, Me ; Thornton, 111.; Alley, Macs. Select Committee an Freedmen Messrs. El- liott. Mass ; EIv, Penn ; Orth. Ind ; Bingham, O; Taylor, N. Y.; Sloan, Mo ; Grinnell, 1 1 ; Payne, Mich. Tte Iluure refused to suspend the rule? for tbe acmhsion'of a ieolntion giving tbe from the S uthern Siitcs privileges f the floor. Much other business was trans acted. Mr. Blaine introduced a bill to reimbu'se Soy al Stales for advances made and debts cou- nseled in supiort of the war. and, on motion It was referred to a select committee ot seven members. Mr. Ward ixtrodnced a bill, which was re-f- ed to the Committee on Military Affairs, granting bounty land and money to Uul.ea Mates soldiers, who served during iuercbeili n. Tte bill provide lor giving bounty, laud, aud morry to all soldiers wbo enlisted prior to J in 2o, lbC3, and were honorably Cischarged. Tan oijectis to make tbe bounty of ttm class of soldiers t qnal to that of thore who subsequently etjlHed It also provides for the repeal of a law wtk-- allowed former masters ot col irel soidic: s to enlisted to receive their bouuty. Mr. Dtlone introduced a joint resoiution for cd srrteLdment to the Consiiiuiiou, making ic tbe duty of each 8tte to provide for the right- ful purt-ui- t qt happiness, all its lobabiuuts without di tinction of color orraca. Ralcrred to tte Com a ittee on Judiciary. Mr. Ashley, of O , presented the mcnorial of C D. Porter asking to be admitted as delegate from the Territory of Arizjna. Inferred to Con muiee on Eieclkxis. Mr. Ashley also introduced a bill to develop acd reclaim tbe public lands requiring irriga- tion in the Territories of Idaho. Colorado, Ari- zona, and Montana, and the Slate of Nevada, whk-- was rtfctccd to the Committee on Pub- lic Lands. Mr. Stevens introduced a joint resolution pro- posing an amendment to the Constitution of tha Unked Prates that all National and 8tate laws shall be equally applicable to every citizen, and no discrimination shall be made on account of race or color. Referred to tbe Committee ( n the Judiciary. Mr. Wentworth's bill was passed. It pro- vides that tbe importation of cattle shall be prohibited. Tbe Secretary of the Treasury is required to make such regulations as will give this law full and immediate effect and to send the oi pies thereof to the proper officers in this country and foreign porta, when tbe President shall have given thirty days' notice by procla- mation that no farther danger is apprehendel This law shall be of no force and cattle will be imported in tbe same way as heretofore Mr. Van Horn, of Missouri, introduced the lullowlrg: Whereas, The forcible seizure of Mexico by foreign troops, the seating of a foreign Enpe-ro- r on a throne erected on tbe ruins of that Republic, and his retention by foreign bayonets is in violation of all these, and cannot be per- mitted by the United States; therefore, Itetolctd, That the Committee on Foreign Relations be instructed to inquire Into and re- port what measures and means may be neces- sary cn the part of the United Slates to restore to the Mexican people the free and unrestricted rigbta to choose their own form of government, acd of giving t licet to tbe unanimous determin- ation ot the people of this naiion that no power shall impose a despotic government on any S'.ste or people of this continent. Mr. Van Horn moved the previous qies-tio- n. Mr. Stevens eald in voting for the proposi- tion: Shall we vote for all the preamble alii m-- ? If it were a mere matter of inquiry it would be an entirely different thing. He suggested that it go over for the present. The House refused to second the demand for tbe previous question. The Speaker said a lesolulion had been pasted providing for the appointment fir a com- mittee of one lrom each State to take action rtspect'.Fg the death of Mr. Lincoln. This was otitred by Mr. Washburne, of Illinois, the f eritleman's colleague. Mr. Wentwerth subsequently offered a reo-lntio-n to It qui re into and report a bill for the relief of Mrs. Lincoln. The chair having been informed by Mr. Wentworth of bis desire that Mr Washburne shon'd be placed on the committee, this obvi- ates the necessity of two committees. Blh gentlemen are lrom the same Bute, and there-f- . re otily o e can be app riuted on the Com- mittee on the death of Mr. Lincoln. Naw York, Dac 12. The Timcs's correspondent, Malakoff, dating frem Paris, 24th nit , sends a disquisition by La mar lire on tbe political affairs of this con-- i iner t, publkbed in tbe monthly Lrs Entriens Lruersoes. Us boldly defends the Emperor Maximilian's policy, and says tt is a sub- lime conception, as vast as the ocean a .conception of safety for America and the world. He ears the idea of a bold and efficacious position to be taken in Mexico against the usurpation of the United 8tates is a new t ut just idea. Europe has the right to take this petition and France takes the initia- tive. Tbe Paris Journal Debate contains a severe criticism on Lamarlice's letter. Tbe World's Washington special says: The Mississippi and Louisiana delegations called upon the Secretary of War yesterday in regard to tbe rebuilding of the levees where they have been destroyed. He at once agreed to send a force to rebuild them, and stated that his au- thority f r so doing was that the Slates were under military government. Arrangements are now perfected wherebv, through a police telegraph, the location of a tre is made known at every police station-hous- e soon affr it breaks out. Tbe Herald's Fortress Monroe correspondent, nrdtr date of Dumber loth, says: Jiff Davis enjoys good health. He bas daily walks on tbe parspet, comfortable apartments, a genteel wardrobe, a good table, and plenty of reading rustler. He thengbt tbe President's message was In peneral a wise and good document, but was disappointed that it was not more sped 9 j in relation to tbe ultimate disposition which is to be msdc of himself. His eves have lost the con- temptuous look they once bad. and there is less hsntienr of manner" and less sarcasm of speech. The besdth ot Clement (1 Clay is improving, and he bas subsided into seeming apathy and patiently wat'.ng for whatever may betide him. Col. E C. Catberwood, recently commanding the District of tbe Southwest, sailed y on a stesmerforCubv Considerable excitement exists In this city re- garding tbe Fenian quarrel. The Feaians, bowever, remain perfectly quiet, intending to leave tbe whole question toCorgress. Col. O'Mdhorev has received assurances of support from South Carolina, tbe Circles of ew York and Brooklyn, from the 8hawmut District. Boston, and also from the North and Northwest Re is constantly receiving assur- ances from all quarters of support, calling on him to stsnd firm until the brotherhood eau be beard from in tbe approaching of Con-tre- On tbe other hand, tbe Senate declared themselves confluent of sustaining all their charges against O'Mahoney and Killian, and lave received dispatches of approval and sup. port from Penns lvania, Illinois. Ohio, Indiana, Missouri, and various other 8tates, all propos- ing to work on faithfully and sustain the new President and bis Cabinet. John Mitebell was farnibed with seventy six tbonsard dollars to assist the cause In Europe. It is mmored that Siepbeos. the head center, y ho recently escaped from Dublin, will soon arrive in this country. Preparations are being made to receive Lira with appropriate honors. Washiuqtow, Dac 11. Official information has been receive! at the Pepartment of Slate of the ratification, on the 4 th. by the Legislature of North Carolina, of tbe t ro posed amendment to the Constitution of the United States. Upon the subject of slavery Horace Greeley addressed the following letter to the editor of tbe National Intelligencer: In your Issue of this morning you have spoken of tat presence in Washington, and of n j view of the political situation, which seem ton quire of me a few explanatory words. I herehv submit tbem. I deslte snd labor for peace, peace between cur country nd all other countries; peace be taeen tbe" North and South; peace between white and black. We have bad enough of war acd wa'te, havoc and carnage, for at least a ctntnrv hence, and I Lava long labored and I shall ever labor for true and lasting peace. I can conceive no possible good to any country, to any eection, race, or class that is likely to be secured or promoted by alienation between the President and the Congress of the United States. On the contrary, it seems to me that every peril that now threatens us, every evil that now weighs upon us, would be aggrava- ted, every good put at hazard, every hope clouded, if not blasted, by such an untoward collision, I have come here to do whatever I can, how- ever little that may be, toward avoiding such a catastrophe, but I am not, as your paragraph would seem to imply that I am, the advocate of any special plan ol reconstruction. I urge only that the President and Congress, each the other's prerogatives and personal convictions, shall freely and truthfully confer, disenss, and consider, with a profound defer- ence for each other's patriotism, and an earnest desire to agree on a course of action which they shall mutually deem just and beneficial Let tbe great problem of reconstruction be approached from all eides in this spirit, and I feel sure that a benign solution will be speedily obtained over tbe difliculties that are aggravated by the f ,ct that our position is essentially novel. I can recall no parallel to it In human hi; tor r; it is complicated by questions atfacting the na- tional rights of freedmen and our moral obliga- tions to them, as our bumble allies in the late momentous struggle. That we may promptly the Southern States in all their crigi-na- l rights and liberties without sacrificing or hazarding those of any portion ot the American people, is the earnest desi-- e of Yours, HORACE GREELEY. The joint resolutions of Mr. Elliott, of M introduced in the House First Tbe United 8tates. a cor.qnerorg In tbe ar, row Lave te poiiawal poser of the Sistes reef ntlv in rehel!i n. StccLd That nsitil action by Consres3 the P.oiiNijt, a C'lrorntner ha author-in- - to ortar'.e aLd uiiintaia lbs gjvercmKats i b'n said Tt iid That tbe said 8'ates are not r ntitiel. to take part In tbe Government of the United States until Congress shall, on such terms as it u oy iufcciile, cooler upon tiioot las po.t csr iO SCt. Fourth That, disclaiming all desire to im- pose hostile or burdensome conditions, and mindful only of irreversible guarantees aga'nst future or secession audof our plight-e- d faith to all wbo have aided in tbe overthrow of tbe rebellion, we declare it to be our corcition for the recognition of said States that their Constitutions should insure to all the Inhabitants thereof equal rights before the law withe ut distinction of color or race. Washington, Dec. 12. 8KSATK. Mr. Cowan presented a petition from a tin ra- iser of soldiers in the lute war asking for boun- ties for those who enlitted early the same as were given to tlnse wbo enlisted near the close ot the war, which was referred to the iiiliuiry Committee. Mr Cowan presented a petition from the of Pennsylvania asking fjr a higti t iriff on imiorted coeds to prote.-- t home manufac- tures. Relerred to the Finance Committee. Mr. Morgan introduced a bill granttng to ccriain pertons the right to establish telegraphic ..tiiujunicalion between New York and the West Indies. Referred to tho Committee on Commerce. Mr. Davis offered a resolution declaring, that, wteteas tin re no longer txists an armed rebel- lion or public dangers qrtfore the privilege of the writ of habeas dtj is reitoreJ in every State iu tbe Union. Mr. Davis said he did not inn nd in the above any opposition to the Pres- iding he and the people of Kentucky interned P support President Johnson in so far as he did what they believed to be risht; but this was a question of principle, which demanded a tiaiikaLd letpcciful opposition. The resolu- tion was then relerred to the Judiciary Com- mittee. Mr. Anthony called np the House resolution of Mr. Stevens for the appointment of a joiat eonimiuee on the snbject o! the late rebellions States, and moved to amend it so as to make it a concurrent instead of ayj int resolution; also by omiiting the last clause, which provides, that, until the report of said commute . no member of tbe lately rebellious Slates shall be received in either House. Mr. Howard preferred the resolution a) it came from the House, and objected to the ctrikiDg ont of tbe clause referred to. Mr Anthony hoped tbe resolution would be adopted, as the resolution as it came from the House was in contravention of tha constitu- tional provision making each House a judge of tbe qualifications of its own members; besides tbe words proposed to be stricken oat cut off all debate, which was in violation of the prac- tice of the Senate. Mr. Doollttle advised a reference of the whole subject of reconstruction to the Judiciary Com- mittee. Tbe resolution was amended as desired by Mr Anthony. Mr. Sloan moved an amendment by making tbe number of Representatives in the proposed committee equal to that of Senators, instead of lieirg 9 to 6, which was negatived yeas 14, nay s 29. Mr. Saulsbury opposed the resolution, and called for the yeas and nays. Tbe resolution as amended was adopted 33 to 11. Mr. Cowan called up his resolution of yester. day calling upon the Tiesident for information as to whether tbe rebellion bas been suppressed, tbe the revenue be- ing collected, etc. Mr. Sumter offered the following amend- ment, which was adopted: And at the same time to furnish the 8enate copies of such re- ports as may be or have been received from the officers and agents appointed to visit the por- tion of the Utiion lately in rebellion, includiag, especially, the reports of the Hon. John and Major-Gener- Karl Schurz. The resolution Was adopted, and the Senate at 2:45 aCjoumtd. HOUSK. After a brief debate, in which Messrs. Grider Fniiib. and Fink expressed their desire that Tennessee members should be sworn in, on mo- tion ot Mr. Raymond, of N. Y,, their credentials were referred to the select committee on tbe led Confederate Spates. Ytas, 126; navs, 41. The H nse then, by a vote of DO against 63, la d on the table a resolution to admit the Tennessee members elect to the privilege of the floor. lVndlrg the discussion, at a eubssqucnt stage, cf the proceedings, a resolution was passed that uwii otherwise ordered. Mr. Maynird and other Kepi f sec tatives from Tennessee be invited to take seats In tbe House of Representatives. Adopted, yeas 133, nay s 35. After tbe passage of a resolution inviting tie Representatives from Tennessee to taka Seats in the hall, Mr. Eldrldge offered his resolu- tion noticed yesterday sustaining tha President in his policy of reconstruction. The House by 25 to 108 refused to second the demand tor the pn Titus question on its passage. Nkw York December 8. Tbe Commercial's money article contains the following: During the present week the will pay out a considerable amount of curren- cy as interest upon the second issue of 7 30 notes. At the same time the issues of bank cur-- n ncv continue to augment at the rate of $4. 000 000 per week. So long as any portion of tte $300,000,000 authorized remains unissued, there can be no ecarclty of currency. There li no anticipation of a panic, yet that is a contin- gency which may b&realized any da v. and npon any Craw cn the currency, as, for instance, the failure of a few Chicago grain speculators ex- cites apprehension and Increases the timidity of lenders. Nor is there any ground for anticipat- ing any relief from such a condition, so long as tbe country is satisfied with an unstable cur- rency. The awurances of Government that we shall" have tbe earliest possible return to a sound basis only augments the stagnation of capital; for the proposed measures for gaining that eud excite mote fears than they allav. To day there is an ample supply of money at 7 per cent. This is somewhat remarkable considering that the treasury ia still withdrawing large amounts or currency from circulation by 6eliit;g yold, end that banks are remitting the currency West, and the circumstance can only be ac- re nnted for npon the obvious tact that while a large amount of bank interest are now matur- ing there is very little distributing. At present prime bills are at 67 per cent, very select comes going at lower figures. Ia foreign files La France savs we have rea- son to know that Lord Clarendon, in taking josse6slon of the Foreign oliice, sent to M. Drouyn de L'Huy s a dispatch containing senti- ments of the warmest sympathy for France and her government It ia stated that the of Naples had determined on the sale of all his possessions in tbe Papal States, and upon settling down for lite in Havana, A letter from London says: Oa the 5th of December twenty-fou- r Irish "liberal members of Parliament have agreed to meet In Dublin with c'osed dcors to form an Irbh party and consider measures for the relief of Ireland Tnis confer-nc- e hoe been arranged at the instance ot Irish bishops and will include the O'Conners and the O'Donnoufchs here, and other popular Iiifh leaders. Tbe Savannah Herald contains Provisional Governor Johnson's niesage to tbe Lgi;l.itur, in which be entreats them to bring forward their prejudices and animosities and offer them as a sacrifice on the altar of our common coun- try, that we may once again present a happy spectacle of brethren dwelling together in unity. Tee House of Representatives instructed tha Judiciary Committee to report a bill giving to 1 ersons of color the rights of property, the right to sue and be sued, and to testify in c urt. President O'Mahoney, of the Fenian Brother- hood, has issued a general order, stating that orders on iulliiary affairs will not be regarded unlets approved by Liuiself. WASiiniQTOw, Dec. 11. At the opening session in the House y tbe Speaker laid before the House a communi- cation from the Governor of Virginia, endors- ing the copy of an act of the General Assembly in favor ot the repeal of the second section of the act of May, 18C2, giving the consent of the LeglTutnre of Virginia for forming a new State of West Virginia, Referred to the Committee on Judiciary, Nkw York, Dac. 13. A "Washington special says: Tne total amonn realized from Bale of pnWio baiMincs acd dis- mantled forts of Washington is $9.&t. In one branch of tbe Quartermaster's Department one hundred and seventy employes have bc3u dis- charged since Julv. reducing the expenses from fGCO 000 to $200,000. The Timcs's Washington special says: Com- modore Hall has been relieved from comm lod of tbe Philadelphia Navy Yard; Commodore E. Elfridge succeeds-d- . The Herald's Washington special savs: Gon. Grant had an Interview with the Preside at yes- terday, and communicated to him the resu t of b's observations during his recent trip through Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. He was everywhere respectfully re- ceived by alL Tbe majority of the negroes in these State are in comparative idleness, and nearly all re- fuse to renew their contracts until after Christ mas, believing a general division of properly is to take place at that time. The Southern men of influence were out- spoken in, favor of complying with any de- mands the President might consider necessary for their restoration. Gen. Grant believes that the people of the South almost unanimously desire a speedy to their old position in the Union, and that their professions of future loyalty and good behavior are honest and sincere. It is proposed to fix the name of Lincoln to some of the Western Territories, Butler proposes to write Gen. Grant's history from or before the time he entered West Point to the Lieutenant Generaley. After reviewing the charges presented aga'nst Messrs. Brennan. Comptroller, and Boole, Citv Inspector, G iv. Fenton has suspended further action therein until the assembling of the Legis- lature. The Times's Washington special savs: Consid- erable surprise is manifested here at the receipt of a letter from Gov. Pelrpoint of Virginia sddressed to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House, inclosing a Codt of an act passed by the General Assembl- - of Vlr trlnia repealing the assent heretofore given to the division of that State by the formation of tbe State of West Virginia. The letter printed and laid noon tbe desks of members tZ da, and attracted much comment. The Wor d's Washington special savs that Oen. Logan has finally declined the mission to Mexico. It is said that tbe Emperor Napoleon a short time since addressed a letter direct to tha Sec- - --J retarv of Plate, aslm fr tie recognition bv Ve Uriied States of Maximilian's G vernmn jt a govcrnm-ri- t ;,' Tha l upjn Wiitb he bused bi.i request was, that U had miititained itself for nearly two years, ani was trsrefrre entitled to such recognition it isMid the SeceUry o! State ha.s repiiel to tb note, snd that he emphatically declines to acade to the request, and gives at length the reofiEs therefor. lie denies that it U a O de facto; that tho whole people of the Uni;ed States are pledged against anv such if there was any ground for it. whith there is not; that from the bstinfr u.ai'un obtainable from that distracted country 'he liberal party have not yielded obodience. and 3o not intend to. but on tho contrary their cans is in the ascendant. Tils prompt reply, taken with the action of both Houses of Congress, in regwd to the posi- tion f tbe Government, will probably open the eyes f the Emperor. Tie Herald's M icon.G.v, correspondent states that Alexander 11 Stephens, in deriniukr to be a candidate for Congress, suggested the election of nun not Identified with the Confederacy. TL Hei aid's Richmond correspoudnl savs: Everything b quiet in Goneral Terry's depart- ment. Antrdcrfrom Q K.rtermaster General Mei-j- bas be-- received ordering the itnraeJi Ue nil employes who were in any way c nuecied with the rebel service. The ame journal's Charleston corresp indent says: Anew legal question, growing out of the eniandftatinnof the negroes, has been raised in SoutigJarclina. It Is, whether debts incurred lor siutes purchased before the proclamation look efftct are now collectable. "Maav of tbe people of the Palmetto State are d seply Inter- ested in this matter, being still in arrows on old purchases from the Virginia rs Tbe subject has been brought to tbe attention of tbe Legislature, which it is exp'Cted will mike provision lor partially discharging the creditor's claims. "Washington, Dec. 13. SESATE. Mr. Fester, President pro tern., in the Chair. Mr. Wilson was excused from further service on the Committee on Pensions and Revolution-aryiiJa- s. , MVaiwn introduced a bill to reimburse the Vsourl for expenses incurred in en telling, t'Tpping, and provisioning the mili- tia. The ipLwas ordered to be printed and re- lerred to t yommittee on Military Affairs. Mr. GutL ji presented a remonstrance from certain azint the recep- tion of Hahn and Carter as Senators lrom Lou- isiana A ALr. Grimes objected to the remonstrance, as it idaresed to Jacob Barker, nd not to the Siiiate, and it was ordered to lie on the taMe Mr. Foote presented a resolution, which wa? reitxred to the Committee on the Contingent Expenses of the 8enate, providing for the tbe widow of the late ilr. Collamer tbe amount due to that Senator at the time of his death. Mr. Giimes offered a resolution, which was adopted, instmc lng the Committee on the Li- brary to inquire into the expediency of the ap- pointment of a reporter to prepare the reports of the Senate proceedings lor the Associated Press. Mr. Sherman, from the Committee on Agri- culture, rep-rt- ed a House bill to prohibit the importation of cattle so as to prevent the spread of disease. Mr. Stewart submitted a joint resolution em- bracing the following articles to be prop wed as ametinvet.t8 of the Constitution of the UnLed Slates 1st. The union of the States under this Con- stitution is indissoluble, and no State can ab- solve its citizens from tbe obligation of aUegiat.ee to the United Slates. 2d. No engagement made or obligation in- curred by any 8 .ate. or bv any number of States, or by any county, city, or other munici- pal corporation to subvert, impair, or resist tbe authority cf the Uaited Slates, or to support or aid any lefifclature, convention, or bodv in hos- tility to such authority, shall ever be held valid, or be assumed or sustained in whole or in pai t by anv States or by the United S att s Tne resolution was relerred to the Judiciary Com-n- il lee. On motion of Mr. Sumner the House took up tie rtetlution calling lor information regarding persons tinploycd in the Treasury department who lave not taken tbe oath of allegiance, and whether there are persons employed and paid lor tfliccs not provided by law. Tbe resolution was pasted. Mr. Wlison called up a bill to maintain the frctdomof the Inhabitants of the States de- clared to be in insurrection and rebellion by tte picclamation of the Piesident of July 1st, 1no'2. It declares all laws heretofore in force or heid as valid in the insurrectionary States, w hereby any inequality of the civil rights and lorn, unities am Eg tbe iuhalitants of these States onaccowitot race or color is made null and v. id. if r. Wilson explained the nature of the bill. He said the proclamation of the President of the 22d of September, 1863, declaring eman- cipation, pudges the faith of the Government ot the United States to maintain the freedom of tbe persons declared to be free. This was re- peated in the proclamation of the 1st of Janua- ry. It was therefore the duty of the Govern- ment to maintain the civil rights of freedmen. The must atrocities were being perpetrated npon these freedmen, and It was the duty of Congress to interfere. Whatever difference of opinion there might be on the sutject of negro suffiage, they ought to be now in cuty bound to make good the guarantees of the Government. Mr. Johnson said there were serioni legal oU. jec iocs to the bill under consideration; that H dioiot name &sy b:iin or taws, tra wit taws ot a certain character. Berides, it only repealed all laws already made; but if the Southern Slates ate in the Union, they have the right to make public laws for themselves. He had never believed the Southern Sates were out of the Union, and he was glad to see in President Johnson's message, which was one of the ablest ever issued, a concurrence in this view. The pec pie in the South were now as anxious to re- turn as t iey once were to leave, and he be- lieved there was as much philanthropy in the South as in the North. He was sorry to see the lmpret6lon sought to be created that the people cf tbe South were barbariats. Mr. 8aulobury said, when the Constitutional Amendment was before the Senate no Senator claimed the tight under the second section to give to the Government the powers of a Con- stitutional Government nntrameled. He ibcnghi the bill was premature in the sense stated by Mr. 8bermau, as there was yet no fficial confirmation of the passage of the Amendment, and nntil the adoption cf that An.enoment there might be some diiH-rul- as to tbe power of Congress to do what was proposed. After the adoption of the AmeLdmtnt there could be no doubt as to the power tf Congress. If the second section oid rot confer this power noon Congress, he would ask the Senator from Delaware for what purpose it was intended. Mr.Saulebuiy I do not know what It meant I have nothing to do with it. But I would ask tbe Hon. Senator whether it was before this body for adopt! n? He avowed in his advocacy of it that it was meant lor such purpose as no e a rued. Mr. Trumbull Mr. President, I never under- stood it any other wav. Mr. Saul&bury Did yon state it eo at the time? Mr. Trumbull I do not know that I stated it so. ImUhtas well have explained that the clause which declares that slavery shaU not ex- ist meant slavery snail not exist. I could make it no clearer. I reported it from the Judiciary Committee for the very purpose of conferring s pen Congie s tbe authority to see that the first cianse was carried out In good faiih. Mr Saulsbury said he did not see how gen- tlemen holding that the Southern States are not in the Uuion could regard the Constitu- tional Amendment as adopted. It required three-fourt- of the States to adopt the amend- ment, and that number could not bs obtained without counting the Southern States. On motion ot Mr. Howard, the Senate ad- journed. HOtrsK. Mr. Bchenck. of the Committee on Military Affairs, reported a joint resolution requesting the President to suspend anv order mustering t nt e ffleers of the Veteran Reserve Corps until Congress shall have time to consider what dis- position shall be made of the corps. A brief debute occurred on tbe resolution, duilrg which Mr. Schenck said the privates to the corps had for the greater part be n out, and the question now was, what was to be done with the offl serj? Tb do ne EauiuiarUy dismissed out of terosV, they having- families dependent npon Uiim-i- or support, Remarks were made by other members, when the joint resolution was passed. On motlcn of Mr. Stevens the House took np and concurred in tbe Senate's amendment to a joint resolution appointing a committee of fif- teen to consider and report on the condition of tbe late Confederate States. Mr. Chandler resumed his remarks in opposi- tion to the resolution. Mr. Ancona, of Penn., moved to lay Mr. Fa nsworth's resolution on tbe table. Li&agreed to, ayes 41; nays 113. Tbe resolu- tion was then referred to a select committee of fifteen on the Southern States. Thf House then took up Mr. Farnsworth's resoCtion, heretofore offered, declaring that justice requires that freedmen be admitted to all the rights and privileges of citizenship. It was moved to refer It to the select committee of fifteen on the Confederate Slates Mr. Chandler, of N. Y , too Issue, denying that the black man is equal to the white man. These remarks were suspended by expiration of the morning hour. ' Mr. Cowan did not believe the bill would ac- complish what its author desired, and thought an amendment to the Constitution was the only way to reach the matter, and he believed such an amendment would pass Congress within a month. Mr. Wlison referred to certain cases passed in 8onthern 8tates since the abolition of slavery, which he said subj. cted the freedmen to a worse bondage than slavery Itself. The condition of tbe freedmen of tne South was worse than It was on the oay of Lee's surrender. Mr Sherman sympathized with tne objects of the bill. He believed it to be the duty of Congress to secure freedom to emancipated slaves, but he believed such legislation ought to be postponed nntil a proclamation is is- sued announcing the adoption of the Consti-tntion- Amendment by the requisite number of ttates Congress bad tbe power, he said, to make provision for the freedom ut the blacks, there was another section of the Coast n which it ceuld be done that section wbU elves to tbe citizens of one State .11 the of the citizens of tne several 8tate, Tne nd not define the civil hofwMch the negroes ought to have, but Maud Sot to general terms. In his judgment Conprffs ont;ht to impose ft e c iniiii ms up n t ieh the rii.uthtrn Siatcs sliou'J hi recid b ck into tbe U&i r, and they onshl to bj lo the form of anieiduients to tbe C institution. Action on the bil before the Senate outfit t n ili ferred nntil the report of tue cimmittee of bf cm, provi l f r by the concurrent resolu- tion passed yesterday. Nsw York. Dec. 13. The ster.racr City of Boston, from Llrarjo" on the 2iHh and Q on the . .&, ar- rived this morning Stephens, the Feuiiu. re malned at large. A special commissi n for the trial of Fenians openeid at Dublin on the 27.h The trial of Loby was prvgres;ing, the charges being treason and felony. An influential public meeting held at Manchester strongly denouncing the severe pro- ceedings in Jamaica. A deputation was seat with a memorial to Eirl Russell, who adm'tted the urgent necessity tor inquiry, anO evinced an anxious desire for the vindication of jaitice. Tbe Morning Herald say the fealin in that city relative to American alf airs is not altogether ntis'aciory. No foreign cewa received hers this noon. 'i'ue jiiler wbo connived at tbe escape of St pbens has been committed for trial. Ite Fenian triaiii r progressing.. The pro prietor cf the People was f and gui'tv, and tentencc-- to twer.lv years penal servuuie. The Morning Post sU;es that Stephens ar- rived at Paris Lirtrpcol. Dee 2.1, P 3f. Tbe jury In tbe c ve of Mr. Luby, pnblisoer of tha Irish Peoplo newspaper, was two hours in deliberation be- fore returning a verd.ct of guilty. Tne pris- oner addrtssed tha court before sentence was pafsed npon him. He emphatically djaiad and repudiated the aliegatiuns of aa-iaat- i a wbich had been urged airainst the Feuiaat Headmitttd his guilt, according to tbe inter- pretation of British law, but believed hirns'f iunoceot according to tbe higher standard of eternal rigbt, and that a majority cf his countrymen would 6o decide if the question was put to vote. Tbe next prisoner bronht bpfore the special commission was Mr. John O'Leary. A new Jury has been sworn in his case and the trial is progressing. There Is no excitement. In tbe Court of Queen's Bench, ths trial of Copt Corbitton the charge of selling the She- nandoah to the rebels and enlisting men for her, resulted in his acquittal. DECISIONS OF THE COL'BT OF APPEA.L3. Frakkpo&t, Dec 13, 1803. OAtTSZS DECIDED. Tiirpln . Rixlar, Msdison; revoned oa origiaa! and affirmed on erw, appeal. ItitUud ts Todd, ue., Maditon; ravened. Ttoaiaa n. Uall t ux UaUUiou; rvraei. OBDEB3. SUteler Bowe Barrett, Ohic; appeal dismissed an niution rf appellee. CnriT. Trimble, Harrison; motion tJ dlarnlrt, aud arpeal overrule d. Uilrtcn i. Belcher, BtllarJ; motion diga'at Ap- peal overruled, aod rale awarded va appilaat, return- able to 6rtt day ot ue- -t term to file traucrip. Moore'i heir r. Taylor; pjt.lija, re- hearing, and reply to same tiled. Moore fa. Wortbiugtoa, Boyle; Ki reir aii vt. Minor. H - lc; Minor et ui. v. Clarkaon, Boyle; iubin'ttal on bi i h by consent, Ac. vr. Wel s Madiwn: anus by Mijor Tur- ner lor appellant, and tuan uim ttd by eonaeiit Jobn S. VauWii kie, Laq , ot JOanvulo, atiuutwd At-t- nei in thi Court. WrwkiU! ft Unties vi. Gentry. e HidTaon; arcned by U. F. Burnwn, Ksij.. for apjllee, and arinmoui concluded by Mj ( Turner for appellant. Weak Evts The principal sonree of weak eyes is indigestion. The Red Jacket liittsrt indigestion, they invigorate the system, tcte the stomach, aud mite a lite of misery one of health and strenrth. dlll&j Get ncRLar s Aoca loxic l ucre is no bet- ter remedy for Chills and Fever in the country Ui&B Uurlcu'$ Ague Tunic. Anv one who has taken the Tonic sas: in the highest term of it; in fact, none should ful tj buy it when they have the chills. nl6 d&wtf (Hurley's Ague Tonic is better than quinine for curing chills and fever. Persons using tbis tonic recover from the effects of chills and fe- ver, and regain their healtny an! ruddr color sooner by lis use than anything else. Try Hur. ley" Tonic, and you will" be satisfied of the fact. r.23 d.fe wi XHXARXIX23S, On Wednesday evening, December 6th, by the Rr. Mr. Craik, at the residence of the brids'a uncle, Mrville Kullitt, Ej, Of.okoe Wiinimb to liiaa Avklii Nktiluc, only daughter of fcdinoud Pcarcs, Esq . of liart county. On the morning cf tbe 12th of December, 13, by El- der E. H 8inith, Mr. Bokest Steak.;, only ton ot Captain H. 8. blranee, of Warren county, Kntiiev, to tt in 8ai.li h, BgvaNT, elde-- t daughter ot UaviJ Bry- ant, ot 11 ait county, Kentucky. DIED, On Sunday, Dec 10, lario, Jekuaix gcALasia, ased 45 ver. D mbeTlnth, FeaitC Moaoan Wrtnrtr, third pon of John and Ella McGreevey, afed three years, one mouth, and fourteen Cava. On Sunday mornlnc D.'cemberl nth. Axic Mast, in- fant daughter of J. a. aud Kate V. Baasett, aged cue mouth. 4 A PbyalelactaaU Tlaw mt irlKrnmce Coctaia Ins nearly Ui pans and 130 fin Plalea and Zccravni of tha Anatomy of tha Bexaal Organ In a aUat at Health and DiaeaM, with a TreatiM oa fit Deplorable CooaeqDeoeea upon lb Kind and Body, wife aba Aathort Flan of Traataona-t- aa only rational and mecaarfol taoda of ore, as abowa by tha tenort of aaaa area led. A trathrcl adviser to Km narriad and toos aonteniplatias maniac wtM entorfeilB dxbk of theit phyaioal eondltioit. ietrt free of teats to any addr at raoaqrt cr a cauta, tu names or tonal eurmer, by addrtadnf Dr. LA CHOH, Ho. ta IfaJdaa Lane, ". Caaea treated by mall ai befcra. marlddrwlr One Flag. One Destiny! Tbli ii th motte of our Government, and it cham- - pioilB, GRANT AXD SHERMAN, ai writing it in words of fire on tha BATTLE CLOUD. Tn the meantime, throughout the whole land CIUSTADOE.O'3 ttatb DTE ii winnieg its silent victories, changing rebeiiiou reds, grays, and yellow into rich blacks and brown, ani converting, in a moment, un:htHne into beauty. 03T3D HAITI JL VX3 op'y will eventually be recognized in the world of fatbion, viz That manufactured by J. CuaisTaooao, No. 6 Aator House, New York. Sold by Druegist. Ap-- ed by all dl3 eod&wjowlra E0BEBT L, MMTLAND & CO., General co&sz&xksxox? TtrrzLcrrnTrz AIJT BAiraXaUfc, Mo. 1 Hanover Boil Oncm, QanOTer Robvst L. MantJunM HEW YORK Woxitii Finn. i )29 ddrwlily Ja. C. McFerran. B. J. Menefee. Jn. B. McFerran. McFEKBAN & MENEFEE fLat of Lnninrille. Ky J, ccMr.Ti.2s1 onr.TEacnAUTa Cotton Factors, am MANXTACTTRFRS' AGENTS FO BALS OF BALE fcOPE AND BAOOlNvi, Noa. 102 and 104 West Columbia at., rld&wtf CINCINNATI. MEXICO ! MEXICO!! $30,000,000 LOIN or run EEPUBLIC OF MEXICO. Twenty-yea- r Coupon Bonds in 03 of $50, $100, $500, & $1,000. UTEREST SETEJ PKt CEJT, P1T1BLE II TCE C1TT OF SEW I0KK. PU3C1PA1 i nimsi nnm n old. eilO,CfOrOOOtob(aWla t RXSrJT CZatfxa on the DOLLAR, in U. 8. Currency, tho yielding an Intereat of TWELVE FEB CENT IN COLD, er SEVENTEEN PUB CENT IN CURRENCY, at th present rate of premium, on The First Tear's Interest Already Provided. The Yost DESIBADLI IXVE tfXE5Iertr07FaE5D IMMENSE TRACTS OF MTNiNO AND AGRICUL- TURAL LANDS; SIXTY PKK CENT of PORT DUBA, IMPOSTS, and TAXES in the State of T AM 4CLIPA9 and BAN LUIS POTOSI; and the PLIGHTED FAITH of tne aaid State and the GENERAL GOVERNMENT are ALL PLEDGED for th redemptloa of thee Boad and payment of intereat. THE SECURITY IS AMPLE. 80 in TJ. S. Currency wHl bny a7 per ct Gold Bond of $50 - " $100 a - - 5oo $600 " - - $1,000 Lit ivibt lotib or Rmrnt.ioA IxsTrrimoa in at Liaer ONE Z20X3D. Circular forwarded and rabseriptiona received by JOHN W. CORLIE3 CO. and J. N. TTFFT, Financial Agent of the Republie of Mexico, S7 Broadway, N. Y. a7"8nbcrlpMon alao received bv Banka and R.v. en frnerally throughout th United State. n26 dsm&w 90 fl A MONTH GUARANTEED, AND EX-P- " pente paid, to Salwmen, energetic youn men. Teacher. Returned Soldier, and all whoencacein the Mle of "HOLLAND'S I.IKE OF LINCOLN." HISTORY OF THE RFBEM.ION," ' HE FO- LEY'S LIKE OF WASHINGTON," and many other Standard Work and Eugravuica. For term and territory apply Immediately, in peraun or hv letter, at nu office. F. I. DIBBLE, 114 Fourth t, bet Market and .leffnnon. anr dAwin LoataviUa, Ky. ELAKE3I0RE, IVOOLRIDGE, & CO., Commission Merchants, 134 Gravier at. fnp rtairs), NEW ORLEANS. PARTICULAR ATTFNTTON PAID TOITnE 8I. Cotton, Pork. FKnir, and W'eatrn Pre-d- Liberal advance aaade uixa juipm.n'. avssd&wtim THE 200,000tli MIIEELER & WlWs Sewing Machine 13 NOW ON EXHIBITION AT THE GREAT LMELXATIOML FAIR Berlin, Prussia. To have made and sold so great a n umber of nachinss i3 an evi- dence of the marvelous and uni- versal popularity of the Wheeler & Wilson riachine, and everywhere throughout the habitable globe, where fabrics are sewn into human apparel, it has maintained its rep utation, through eight years of bit- ter competition, as tne Leading Family Sewing riachine of the world. The fact that thla popu- larity LASTS is proof that it is merited. EveiT Machine is WJRRLMED TffiiEE YEARS. FVI.L ISSTJUCTION3 GIVEN At the bon.e of th teuton er, and neither p .in not .Io. spaied to have tneai GIVE ENTIRE SATISFACTION. m SUr.IHER Ei CO., No. 1 Masonic Temple, LOUI8VILLE, HIT. dSdASiwSm THE KENTUCKY WASHER. v.- - - vi i y . .,' , rpBIS HAS SOW BEEt lure the pi. bite ahont i ur year, burnn tlte prvrut ear we have luaDut'turea anrl wt't several buuuri'd t cur ctKiuwera, and. aiicr a lull Hi J th ;ro'io tt, we hae ai.iiu.imit re.-u- hr hiiavin it w th beat Wvhrr in Ameiica; btuce chailenKa tue worul to rtodnee itn ennl. Tbe Kentucky Waahflr took the firH premium at our lait State Fair over ibe cdi'bnt 1 liutv, tie eraek wwhtr of New Erpli-nd- . the ilvd'-a- ie. the I'moa Waiter, todcthoraol Ira n t: which tira. in eve; al fair and thon uch ewvevt with the hot of tiieae niacLin. a the ji.d.ea drcided that th Kut K r would u.h iki.ble the auiount o'e o'hiiig in a live n t ine, with torb lota weir t tbe fabric, and wiil a rxt 'al Utu labor to ta r, ttttu to neat beat vt(T. 1 he Kentucky will annually anre iu eort In the wr ar.d tear o' elothirc, and av aonhle iu mt in la tot. It i." impl, durable, aud mot FouveiiUu'lv arracitrd. The Wrii'ier attacked to the Ker tjeky Wither ia th enort dnrnbie, most eaaily adjuied. and the verv beat Uiinc tf ita kund ever invent' d. Send 'or a circular. BKINLY- - DiL);K,HlOY. 8r'e Manufacturer of the Plow. Goodrich' Evaporator; dcaicr in Uardwaf e. Farm Impie jhuu, 41. 8io or rromiii Plow, 111 Main at., between Third aud Fotirth, nSTr1Awt.1al Lwiaville. Ky. To Discharged Oficers ft Soldiers. BOUNTY LAND. T THE CONCLfaiON OF ALL WAR3 IN WTCCa J V thi. country haa hnen eWH1, i;Mim- - h an-- 5rrpnntrd a certain number o acre of land a UOl for the oi'iicera, eoluiers. ant nul rt, who bave been enraged in .utUiulug the iuter ty of th roup try and the honor of it Fla. Alth'niiiti ill appro pnation bas yet been mad for thia purpon for those v. ho bave tktn part in the la'e war fur ti.e .iiipnKioa of the rebellion, et the preeu.r ptioM i ttiat men artioa will be tnken by Courn at it approaching reiou, and appropriation made to liquit ate th' jut deDtdue to ita toidiers aud tailom. In i'W of t- th action, the uodorninol aollciti from r1ichn-- . d .old r, the prrpirtiiuu ui their Ciaiin. for B.ilTY LAND, now whiie it th ry dila and w itnew are eaeilv trat their elaima B av beready for tiaunmittiJ to the proper dVpvtmant an aoinaa the nrcexary law ie paaewd. "t irat eume, brut eerved,'' ia the ui' tte at Waahiugtou. KO CHARGE MADE UNLESJ THE LAW PA3SZ3. will not be purchawid. Tb wio pur-c- lt )loier' cistharveis can have no oil er ohieet ia vifw than to wrona; and .'pecuiitte upn the o'd!er4. a i of no velue expt t ) tue oidicr himelf. r'(ir full information call at thia orre. Claino fr Arrears of Fr; Cnimutati:in uf Kalion. Miieace, i ountT. Pecsiona, Property ii preed. l'vtordestro. ed, etc.. Cflicera' AetxiiMU tor Pa. , Extra Par, Travelin AMowanora, txirt-- irtiil service, ete.. and all kinds of elaiirsaeaiBat the I'nited " etrefmltr aiid pron.ptiy attended to. Ji WVr 4 A JllNivINi, 813 s nth aide Jefferson, bet. T oixd aud i ourth. 15dlmaw WOOLEN H&CHINERY. 6CO. JfIKIT-r- . m. nofroiri.z. MEERIIT & COUGHLEU", pianas m Woolen X.Iacninery AMD Wco!ta Factory Fiaiiingi, IJiBIANAPOLIS, ISO. i. M.N(i MCLINi-KV- , LOUiLi, c Secnud-nau- d MacLinery, ac. niJ dawi.-- FAMILY DYE C0L0S3. l'atcntrd Octabcr 13, lStf,J. Blot. Dor Green. Mack for Silk Livht (irten. Vark Bine. LivM Blue. Maize. French Blue, Jfanxaa. Claret Brown, Orange. lnrk Brown. Pink. LivM Brown. Pnrple. Suttf Brown. Fwrvle. Cherry. Salmon. Crimson. Srariet. Dark Drab. Litikt Drab, t'awn Drab. iajn'no. L t Fawn Drab YeUoie. For Dyeta BiTk, Woolen, and Mixed Good, Shnwia, Soarfa, Dreeeea, Ki hbona, Gloves, Bonnet. Hata, i'eathnrs. Children' Ckahina. and aii kind ol Weariiif Apparei. A SAYIXG OF 80 PCII CXXT. For J6 cents yo can color as many rood would otlierwise enet five tiroes that ram. Various ahadV eaa be produced from the .am ay: The process is sunpin, and any one ran nae the Dye with perfect success. in Kngliah, French, and Orman. in- - ' of aea packa. IIOWK srEVEN3, SnU Broadway, Bustoo. For sale tty oTnrirt and desUr (nrajlv Vi 11 SON A I'K l e.K, LoniaviUe, a4 agents for Ken. tnrky and Teriuewee. UcU d.wfra PRIVATE DISEASES CCRITD IN TWO TO TFN DATS. AT TUB WldOICAL OrFICif. ) U rke sfrest, memt S.eond, without Cauatie, Mercitrv, or Pain. Mo chart until cured. Cur warranted permanent. All ol7 dAwaa TA'AKTEB INFORMATION of a FAMILT NAMED 1 1 BANDALL, wto lived in tlii pUce about twenty year a. and wbo bad a dauahter nmed Naccy, Any word ccnceminc them wid be thankfully reeeived by one deeply interested if Left at Journal oilice. dH dwl S. S. M0IUU3, TTOFXEY AT LAW, LOC.SVILL8, KT-O- fBc Ui. on Jtffirson street, between Fourth and Filth, on tbe south side, nearly oppo.it the tlourvhouae will practice in all tbe Courts boiiien In lit city, aod tbe Cnmical Courts. dli &lmi nURRELL, J0RDMI & H'COY'S NEW DAEY STA9E LINE rtom Cave City to SnrkiviU, via Olas.ow. TLroogh from LouiaTllle to Nashville In 21 hoars . PASSENGER 1LEAVECWB CTTY 2-SiA i daily at o'rlock A M break last iU Glaarow. dine at Kay', and arnv at Burkaville at 4 o'clock P. M. i.,v buiktville daily at o'clock A. M .din at Bay's, snp at Glasgow, and arrive at Cav City at oVoekP.M. Tbis line hai recently been sripplted with flrl el us pnesrnser eoache. and exeellent lck. so that the trav-el- ir public my feel awnred of every com fort ard the at meet expedition. Careful, exp.raeed, aud Kn mmodaunii drivers always in charm. Pawenser by th1 line bave the privilege ef atopnln off at GUstow and remainins over Ion srouich tu visit the Oil renions in tbe vicinity and prrmdin aa t ie name tleket over the line eitner way. The me privi- lege allowed at the Junction the road to in Obed' Biver reeions. Fare thmnch M nli d'awiwlru MLP.KLLL, JCKDAN A M'OOi". Ztileral Hew?r3 OSVrci. LEFT GtOaGE A. BA3KERVII.LE'i SLMNEB Urn. on the 4 h oay ef U Jj.y, hi iuu br. . WM. BAiKKtiVIcLtO t hi I :t h rld in bue pau. ry t aud baa His are w about fitiv)eara: taturo six ( rr. U of n- hnr: hewi bald; aud IndiiiKes a hhitof h. n.. ui.i wa siLeii'sr imiut.r. An ru wiver. lis II e miri Wm. I:.kervil tn John Prkr, F.t . 'f Gallatin. Tni . or WH,intn l.im and ewv.-v.i- irv tvtn aii. n thefsut to th undriaigurd. i I- t- rrx aiutd. j ., it tic.l-- i r. i tf Gnardiaa of Win. BaakervUla. Enaaway Slave. There WA3 committed to the jtl ? county, klentuav. an the ato dy f ot Ni.vrmber.1-.- . a a mnnway, l'e named PETEB. abont ?.i years of are, da-- o.pr cenprxion. aomit bet hiH ana wia potiuov m ba bt loins to WiUism 3. i.revn ef Mart f uatr, a v. I he nr by comiuf furward aud pa J lux reward and kit can r t hi .lave JAMKJ M ITCH EL T Bilw'.O Jailer of LariM eaointy. $1. ONLY $1. 1 ). ft FINE GOLD AND STLVE" WATCHE l.Wf'U h.ie n'd at ) i'6vli.ujtvtjii Jur wncsa it'ecu ai(VK(iv,. sj.niEL c. mtCMJKOs co., EaTarLiHilXD The T.aret and Or;Atr o thr' t l.tn tmi .in. eoi.d iced f r yeira on sri-ti- prieiU and to the lit ire satialactiutt m u- ho pt euza as, o(l.:r tlie uatul CATALOGUE j Of reh and valuable article On DoHar Each. 3 i) Fin Gold Chronnneter each .. am ine G.ld an. drh Later Wfefi-- e li i) Lad e' Go d Enameled Ei W.tete ... l,.i S a . id S her Uiit:tin Lever Wau.h.... to i J1 O reiver I )Dflw Se .......... 1 d fr ; l.ViMlvtrTc t 1 l ti i :V Knl: jmn Cruet itanU M) to 3' a,tuu siitex Fruit Lrna.. L to il Pets ef Jewelry, Guard, and Vost Cnaioa. Sarins; Lock.tr.ete., ete. trt:tknies rf ihe above are p'a-- in ea'ed envelope mixed and drawn frosa when ordered urie semied euveiepe eontaimog u order for one ot e vaiuaoie sniete "n our lit. will be sent to iy Cjee on rtei ipt of i". eents for tu, 1 f.ir j SO with premium for 5 tin. 1'W) w'.Ut preTiiunt r.)lid S.lv.r H.ini dx C- - Wjlth $'$ tk. eatii'. boa maarsDircd in a'l casrs. oods no pteaeina trie 'aasi s or taucj at eur cuitomeis mm be axchiuasd of cost. Amis nd ethers wl'l tie allowed M cenea on eaeh certiticat ordrd br tVin. pmvidin not lemth.n six are ordered at a Umax t o' win solieet ii ceut hit each cemheate and remit li eeuu eacn to ua. Addrew. a'l eroVrs to bAMLEL O. RX'KARDI h Co, I'jJ .vau St New York, A3TM3 WASTED EVEKTWHZRg. lw3rn Z70TICZ2. TirR COPARTNERSHIP1. IXITTrVJ BETrVTin rodrrniirned. expires on the In of DvemntMr, lMi by limitation. Either partner will .in in tbe ot tha business. SuNoJOa ) xioVV"aKL. 1 REFtHRrNT TO THK CART FTTLO OF Merprs. Howard- - Prerton, ) Bare t, I lake Divaj.iire in B akin partieulir mention of Mr. K. 9. Howard. or two ej Ko ba bad ste charse ut ewr km. iii New York, and has n an ged the txuiueH wiu kul and t hiiity. Hia ales ef Tohacen. C too, flour. e , havo Stven senerai Mtintactiea. 1 covd ally indori oinvsnd bepe my old friends Dixf iuuw him with the.r of produce. . W. E. S.'iXD Y. rrTISrVT'ERSIOKED H AVE FORMTD A COPAST-- reiship lo the pnrp.e of tnuMrtin UeuerU Commisiion ltnins in Nw I Loi.i aim HOWAKD, Pataru.NS, 4 fc.Vsiiii:TT. IwrOrkan. ii l. BaitHiTT, W. B. rTtysTois, ew York. Gxo K. r'vToi. Ean.ville. Ind. CaTT.ts Parsro, Hufsouvill. 111. WH Williams (J h .un and Owenaboro Uf. Sew Yk, ico. 1, - el tt:lw-Ji- DE. SEELTE'S LIQUID HSGHi Cure warranted if directions' are followed. SINGLE BOTTLES WILL LAST A MONTH. cols xri sna zldaz) Kelieved in a Petv Minute. SAD IIirATH Caueed by offsuaiv secretion. Catued by Catarrhal afTeetione. tr::s2 or ErssiT, Wau ioMnd or de troy .l. Yi hen caused by Catarrhal diffic tlliea. A'l th above dieaae ars cured by this remedy. Tn.ii.OAT airrzsnoNs Ars mere freqneatly than etherwi earned br a I'uick, ai;my n ucoua tUlln; from th bead, repociaUy duriti th nLjht, and resulting from Catana, ar cared by DR.SEELYE'S CATMIBH ESuIEDT! t& W rite for eur pamphlet describing fully aU symptom. It will be sent tree as any aiUress. Thi Bemedy contain a Mineral er Poisonous Ingredients, but la prepared from Yesetabl Extract. Exclusively; therefor it is Perfectly II trmleas, area to th mo tcukr and delicate child. Price $3 per bottle. Addrea DR. D. H. SEELYE & CO., KEEPOKT. ILLIMOl.H. DR. SEELYS'S BRONCHIAL SYRUP. ia rfifail'n Bfmdy fir Ca?, C1J, Erna:tls, Sre Throat, Hoarnejj and IrrllatioD of ibt Bronchial Tabfs r Lcns Tlckllr la tbe Throat, and Crap. Sold by JOHN D. PARE. Cincionatl, and all WhJo-ai- e Druft;it, and ai Retail by DRUGGISTS EVERYWHZR2. JmiSJ eod43nw1y rCOH AQZa77T3. LOOH H3H1! Kit TTE LL'3 MW CL TCLFSE BISTCUT CF THE R EL ELLIOT, o pc linn Ard beirr delivered to GIVES EXC:L-L1.- !Ari.-rAC- H 1. baviug beeu rvetiily pre- pared for the fre pii.ee the clo-- e of tli Wa- -. I: l t WAtt CuMPlETK in a ainxle vnloma of ahmt laree and riueely printni pasea, by Mips aod at. beautinii tei ei cravious: has a full index of ev.u&s ard is strotinly bound in leun.'r. The popuiarit of this work rarely rqna'ed. Theeanva ii but ju-- t beviiu. yet it h.a. wittun nnetv dav. ever a'.uoo.ub-tr'Iier- s. Mnlt"ri(p. are wait'ns for juft alien hnov. it is the CHEPKST WAR HIsrOBs" PL BLISHEU I K FVPN PKoP(.eEI. Price S. in Amoriean uoroe-e- 1 be autoor was formerly Kd tor ot tbe Army and lavy Journal. Airer.U ein sttirit with a wmnK For Cirrulnrs, with tema. add-e- a LLCMtV HOWE. Mo.lU Mam stieet, Cincinnati, Oliio. ni3 sodUxkw joes c. KArrs. WX C. RZAXEB. KAUTS&REAMEE, No. '2 17 north aid MMw street, bewn Sixth and lieveatii, liOTJiaVTTiTiE. xzrz- - Diaxaa ia Irea,Seel,Xails,Spitcs,S;c KJOTICE. RPNT, IN STEWART COUNTx", GE0R1IA. A avttlement of land consaininc i.& acre, fourt-'e- hundred cieared, wul bna tram l.uw to 1. Jul pxin J of sred cttoa per aerar ls seulesaent on the p'ar wed improved; two two Cowiei ier.iwa, with Grain TVsvhee and Fan, einht sood Necro Houses ow one place, and tiv est Ihe ethor; one hundred acres et .mall train sowed. The plantation ia well watered, ana In a healthy lo- cality. 'ihcre Is to be told n th place, if rented, SI TToad Mi ilee and Horses; b Fine M licit Cows; 11 Head Dry Cattle: 1"0 Had tork tin; 38 Head Pork Huga; l.(i Btiaheto Com; l.JiO Bnebe s Cotton Seed; Iu,uutl Pounda Fodder 1 Set ftiaekrm tbs Tools. PVnrs, and Plow Gear; 1 Bix Hone YVaaon and Harness; 1 Yoke Large Oxen aud Wsoo, There ar twelve frown nerroea en th plae can b emtioted a No. 1 Blackanuth. Tsaxa Caaii And will be in th market until tb lat ef January, Ma, if not disposed of betor tha lima. Fox lnjonuation sddrrae W. L. JANKLU Sumpkin. Stewart county. Gworaia. Car ot Chain hrUn A Boyntoa. dll dfw5 X70TIC2L FOR BEWT. FOR THE YEAR 1. OR FOR A ef three er five years, a larre aud ed Wwo Sr.op in Clarkviile, Tesuins.se, bavir. a boi- ler and fiiue ot thirty horse power, and all tne aw for sawing wwas timber; aim blackasaiuie drm. ample stora rront, Ac, Ae The .tram power is u:hcienl to run a achinery ee blest produein tarra nam rr of w ms oris, and o ber et ataniilartming ewald be rnanectrd wita is. A market fr.r all ta piodutloos Is afferded by the co.ir.try. and to one doirous ot enowiiif; iu tu bu inees, this sifords a au OMiunf. AHdr i i Mrsoo, or letter. J. B. BAlLKs". ii ul'iAw'. Clrx.vi,i, Tann. I WISH TO HEAR FROM PR. A. T. TT. BRT.LL, M Y bnebaod, foiuaiiv ol srieiby enwnty, Aia. lie North in starch, Wi 1 bave bewrd ootb a fronx bins siore. Any person teadin thia advrttemni wll mom adrtrc MKS. MARY A. TKKaKLL, Oil diuiwl Co:uiubian, Sbctby cooity, AV at v saja l lit a ii. u a v Tmi "Sriulu' White L!'iuid Enrw 1. T1"K:imi, ' i r n.t. um wm ?t 4 - 'U.t V.i'. h l'U hctv or !unnur.k in Iria lotx l!- -. i I h - ii. "km prnmiv-n;F- , r, .wV rwnr I r'l t ivtv fv in th fiit 9 ni"-n- . vWM.n - -' I uttiirtv, r 4 w.itvml iH'i'y:t N l oi p - ml w. ri ac my uAit wemi! im p i 'id. rw t F SCHT'LTJL Rirr S TrT, 5. V UpaDERFrLLY'STialVG. MADAM 2 M. EL PEItr.Z'SACLT, WVshae sstenvhT) the erientie cla-- of Paris 4 Lrt..i. ha. uow p.rirrwi tiv kiMtPl at a.c-n- N Y. M.dai. e hv tne ulx her w .v. oTir inruin. i kiu.wn e Hot. - . .uiranm-- to OTd'teo a li e line rt.irev h h.uo.nl w.ieoitheSRtromto,!:, with thv.t-- m mar. um tiaitouf-- ai arser.oee patim rye. l. s o n.nnn..;. a tiiei .i u. of iet m ... i , cr, nne a 1.1 1, wh. n m rl I wniM ii.ru 'jw 4 i p.. Kir a What it puipnrto to be. Hv b.i.iiiir nei,..e n.' . - m , eoior ot ss iik hir. ikI. ei.o ;re twnit- -. ai 4 """H en.U p. slid.-- -- i ut uu'reil. you atlir-eeiv- e the p Cure hv - turn w.a.1. Aue.ese U' xar vt. ii. PRc IT,T. P. U. tT4W- -r M'i. ,'.itnv. X V. Ja rTV.A b...n, - ' S V CHaVtfX. V. a"d ut oo. bjr oi S - j m s e tuer r u.w v ?r!n w BWT n ...ir, - i - , IT . V n ... ol P.ri nd L ni-o w.-- i i:- - m -- i d reu.1. liea no ii uirv a the ..ir-- . K tv a.ed au.l poi;ii.i, i. r-- r u:. eirm.i,,, ui'-- t're. Adi.r-i- w i"r, Sli nta .a t. ... Lv.n P. n (utf: 1, Troy. N. i" o. Aj-- r in- - i' tu 5jaV MIST a t: n a forced npon face in t;n to fiv- - i,, V- - '.' I- - SVi. .'4 TV RAP d t - 4? B.flLL.1 IKiC inn a.o t elroverv ii, J' niorvm 'itm-o- . npon the Hem o and in an .Jmortitii w. i... Duwr It las beew hm-I tt lb villa, f Fait ard Lan4..n w th IM uwt ft.itrio eiiere... hru.e uf all parch-- will be r. ure-t-. and. it astire ,t:.:ariJon ikh riven 13 rrTi i4.i tho marev will be clvwf'iiiy renided. Pk bv mi'. wid mil wwmiil, v rimilar iHt u- - .;.tr. flH.ii,i i'ULTi, Irawer 3'., froi, N V .,.v Atnti idr the I citod Wlru' W J. XI. TSTTI-LO- T? & co. ftTraBLH.ir.D - iV'aU'h, Chain. Si'ver JLA'rteC" x mrm mra Ot,too.'' J TO BE SOLO AT ONK If.LaR urn, WIT1!' " K.AiiL Ik, VALlEl " Aiid not to ie pmA for until you iw wAa' yo. mn A3PIJ3lDrDli5rCPA2T:CLEA I'M) ToM nnntln, Cxed Watche. .... 4".. 1..I fioid :iw.. Ladini' i,d Wmv'- ""!!" 40 w, H ljMtiV and Gent s dimer Watch!l n ' '12. Caia. 1 ne to 14 .. i lirlrtm, f p. 7 toll.al , .4 ival nd Chtaed fiold B'r .. I m to Id , Vr-- t, and Ini, d 4 w , se. l u.rV tjuiorniali.aniood Kioto.. 1 w. am' Cll "'' i"ri-'- ".J 3' Loe.. ... jm Ut M i w.;u aiiver MtunaM) 11 w i's M to i S-- ts I.auwa' 4 w 1J " and Tb dpoooa per doxen 1? tr) y, )4 fkl 51a rer-r- t a idToleForluper duzen.. U tajat Hiiiu.ra.nive.m-rp.- ir . e ,M M M m tt Ntkin Kirns p pair go .l-- Other arkclt 1( Ji o Cntif.eatrs of ail 'he vnrio ricle.K.Sn w. mtI, rtie e.u bv are tii.t out nuo niveiops ,M i ni.xrd. at.i. when ordered, r kten out wiclimrt t rhoire. and arut bv man. Uum aivioa ii ir csum On rece ;l ot the eert yon w..i w.. 0ii easi have, ax d then it ia at your option to send one 4 Lax aud IT tKe the article or no fnecf th-- e en.-- . rs will he sent Hv sjeail on reemp ' of ioeente. ive r l. eleven for f. fcurty tor i xiy-t- iv for ailu. andone huiKlrod tor (! At.fcN j iidM every wre-r- e .rvst In Jneoment teuies aud to act as surb. Fail art ri ti.r nr. euiar, h.cii aives apvcial trrt tint baa. mt iruca-lr- -. A'drevs J. H. Wl.j,;, lh, sli K im S' Krrdw,r. M T. THYIT! TRY BrRLRVS Alii E TONIC FORTH! A cerUin ai.d rpevuy cur ol' A' and Fever or thill rever. it wul no- raiu. no 010 tm aat k tvi to cine Titti and they nv nK n "ni of the DiSKAn eim, hut are 'owwn.hawa) rnM'iNa to tbvir i.u. buine. T a en v aeaio-1- 1 e inn lelnble article for A.ne axd i'.tpuod aud ld wbolessie aa.d an.) il .rvai r Hi KLKY. CO , a4 jftn-j- Si'veolh aud trna-a- . Lamavllo. ir. $100,000. Hxcelsiar! 510.033. TwelflU Grand AnnrialDbtiilloa The Crantletl tirhm JSr rntjoetelt 5100,000 ia Valnabla GIf;! One Gift, a rarra, Worta 520,0 D D! ens cosxx cirr or ss.ooo! "V 1 ,20O miner Cmmh sViIS, rmmflnf rV s Cmrrlmft.llmlrh JT-- , T Jfrr-aawi- if , ai.irou. t.SOO a7JJ suss) . Xswse kVatf . Horses arad Bajjies, Piaaos, die. ?- - Jaijes .r, a (MM), aFlbaW ."w rr tf Tie it try 2t,lKH. 3iDg!e TUketa, $5; ( Ticketa. $5; 35 Tickets, Tb Drawn nt .t. . a. Ma, MesMiay. Juaaary 1. lsor. THE FIP3T C.TFT 1H MY TWELFTTI f)RtNT L!-- t- ibnfon is aav era mmurr rsoidfawe, at J acie of Und, lyioa on i; K.m.tk CeukaA vilroad, nar R v.a 81 u, in fo.id -- t i emiitv, Ki atiie. V. aed embriMe all IM stork, fvirnn imp ! niro . te- - the wao e valued at ..iii). i't i tn mot Dnif ent i:t evfr in aiv diwi wiins. ror a mil nt tru tai in ant 'bo . rend or a cl cu jir, wh en wul be cut u any ou or-- d ; i. it. Tl-- r tnaindev f tlie tifra eorri.t of rr--r twwlv. bent-di- rh a ;t rarsMix trunk w a : wis rpienaid ru.iiv Carri ,p in of Mk H u, iiricf-w- 4c. woitn i- mil- - two Hn- - s .u.l Ru.si, 'tn Hailed, e . worllt rmrii; lo K Vim's. w.Htli ..id e.h; thirteen buri'trvd li.i.d aid stiver Leer H i iiiox W Vr w in uona v down Iu ch; J.we ty. Silver V" ire, Amenta wanted. Snd tor s ''i;- ui r eonta'ni-- g tera to aeui 4 c. Audi to. ail orders aud le'.trra i t. l SIN-?- . !lwt E .x ria Ciueiuau T' A S T I D 1 APPKENTIC23 FOR THE NAVY! Novo need Hn'v lint IhuM uf Mnnil tlik i . Bioiai e"rifc-r- . wbo eu n.nl mfl ilii.nrc.iy, wti'e levibl'-- , and who en r phr in wrv e sn'uiM f ' - " ' - ' ' mfi mora haa ts yrwiaoi mum. aim Apprentices are ELIGIBLE TO APPOISTME AT TH NAVAL ACADEMY ! f A certain number hehi selected tear? from ns thero tr the intun-nta- . M hoo'narters are aeairtird to each teach the r aiuiet t or eilnctiuu. lu- - iuiiug -- .11VvlJ i ai. trnr moia a are csuetuliy sued fuc. are CAKr-Fl- LY AND TUOROCGTILY E'MTC CTPD To dierhi-r-.- the dirties of Seamen, aud M tbe ex r ( In ot their snrsa vt apprmiee-hip- , wnir", is w.w thev snivs at U.e aire of si. if oniid )ialrte.t hv 'iw pte:ei ei.ee in the appiiituikts tue waxraut and seuy T . . aT" For furtter rrjormntion wptv T. H. STE?rTTN t Commander i. i. Navv, fcno. Pa. ' rVNavml Rmdesvocw, r-- p. 1Q funr U j over C eniene, tauiirwr-- . aud BuriW, ulii.i 1 5100 alerrarrl. - t STOLt.W TL r . .t f Hli .UT, AWL , ' vrr-- m m m, oev ah.h a li.r rCray tliK.-- fuiry la ha :d ii'i.t, 7 ma leit eve a litiie d'm racks inif ser. uccW u mi. dUh aud trots w,i in humna I will rva 4:0 rwvd for tb. acp'ehenaaon of ttm uiief. and t a linr We i of the bar A.trse care Ira-- r v Ikii vfile, Br. ap'.Twtf Ju.IN w!i.L.iC EAGAII'3 nAGIJOLIA SAL 'I This Ie the es doMshtfnl and extraordinary W ;t'm ' Cv- cixvervd. It chj.ee lna rin smii Tte ' h.iiv to a MMia fxtor. ot rvi!ii.t. s..i. iim. paititi :tie aiarbie piintv of youti. "J ih. iK.'uyu 1 ss iuv tm i:i tho e tr of tt reniovsa tan. freek.. inieea. and runim. In. a tb kiu. Iravax tho eimp exioi tint tran.'ent, a iu !ui nth It eui.tt'ti rin.au-rla- l Immi- -. i. Kolha-n- ratrou:ze bv aud Tpera 6 It i wn every ladv sfeoJd have. SVaJ every w&ere. Kcua price i r,. Prepared bv W. E, HAGAN, Tro?, N. T. Aduress ail order fa PK.H AS BA R EH CO New Yrk. 21 wTy CI AI33 for SLAVES DPtAFTD or EI LISTED ia tHe TJ. 3. AH3T. Caa Advances to Claimants. ALL PARTTF3 HAYINO CLVIM3 rNrraTTIl C4.narvM.appr.ved Febr'iw s S4, sraua- - ne ennioooei.i and b.uty tor slave, that are now ur have been in the sji il.ry er aava Mrvioe of tne L':iite4 St-a- . can bate .'iefe c'auu "oa.t pmjwnuied by the nndenManed. TSev are now in reeii4 M to. ewary Biansa and instruct tone fraea tomr aUornevs at n I.U1M1MI a in. smciui sraMoibaa nt Ui ni. Lib.r.1 c.h aitvatieee will lw made., siunaa intrit.te... to them for entlertioo. Claimant are meHcttuy re- ferred to tb ac.soranvin reeomrneaahuiuue. JOHN U. LE1OM dk rOV. OfTe so JerTeraew W.. eonth si'le, bu mi tiist aad Secwnd, No. 34 wee. o. Bus IX. asm to Colonel Jane T. Bnckner, .'Woey, Leukvirl. iraaas t... oaaers, xonivi.ie. Phe pa. Caidwed, Co., Luuiavui Warehoos. FOR ALE FARI-rFIRI- NO TO QUIT I will niter st snbiie wis th ixrm on wh.- - I new r.. eenfaiatn - aero- - of coos) land u4 ,fl sd rtal of cuitivaxtoo. The dwallin s a framo. n.t eontaiw w-a noma, be').ie kltea and srn.Mi.ikx,. It hat upon it two aevr-tai-l n orr nar-- of rrmt; alao a bu aet in ef sxesileol water a- -r the hotian, aud pWcly sa Tber are aOo.il icr La Ta ai d alw ut no acres la smtiviaioo. There st b indicauon .f Pt'trolun opoai a oo the od, ptrnty ol wood and BsabeT lor ad purpiees. Snid mnt teuluatedisi soansy, Ky 4 wiiea be'ow and iu 4 miles of the ubio nmr. Pet pons lit want ot a xooj ra- - m a' nMnesMt te sa.l and see, farm between sow and tb day of ..la. wbi K .u phwe on the prew Mrs on U tb day of rubor, ir.. Te'tns lineraL snd tn auil the pi.retiaeer. msa oc. I'Ain , a. o. Brrrnwt VA.TTI-EYER- Y V IN OR Wi MN OIT rp tans p. and s l our .- in. i..t aud cire lar. No I'xtx . r H. LCViA. box Ij, Piotideoce, Ruude li'jtit, ""'oT'irt' A c r i X f I V

nyx.uky.edunyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7xwd3pwt7f/data/0390.pdf · 2012-11-08 · WEEKLY JOURNAL: Nfw York, December 11. Tr TrJhanc'i Washington fpedal contains tbe fo'lowtrp Advance ropiM

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Page 1: nyx.uky.edunyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7xwd3pwt7f/data/0390.pdf · 2012-11-08 · WEEKLY JOURNAL: Nfw York, December 11. Tr TrJhanc'i Washington fpedal contains tbe fo'lowtrp Advance ropiM


Nfw York, December 11.Tr TrJhanc'i Washington f pedal contains

tbe fo'lowtrp Advance ropiM of tbe cenanporl we cirrtrittuied to Congressmen on

S.natnr Nve will y Intr.KJooe abill lififrancMslcg all who voluntarily took the

ih ot allegiance to the boulbern Cjufcdera"v.Th coii-re- men's petition, asking Lyrauf.

fre In tt Iitriet ol Columbia. 1 rcidT forubmiti(jo to CocroEe. It hat over 700

tll.T.mTTnw tbe Government sells at Alexan-dria J.'AGoO it of ramfaar, 2,000 too of ril-roa- d

Iron, and 2 dK car wuoela lie largesttaV ever at that rlace.

Tbe Wo'la'a Washington fiiiatoh aavf, thattbe qnnti n of tbe admission of the Tennesseerepresentative elect will be brought up la liieEone

Tbe Tilre rp?cial aa't: WritVa Invita-tion hve n Issued, convening the New York:

Conpr(ional delegation at tbehouse o the Uon. Henry J. Ravmond. on Taea-d- a

cvetii r to act upon the candidate for

AUnww lc and trains of cars bound to theUnited are no ir, in accordance with thelaw, Juiv lniected and eealed rtv AmericanConsols nt on the nortn ti.ie ot the

and ifce Commissioner is of opinionthat tLif ptecauiion will, in a vtrv rtU tnetaore, prevent amuccliTic operations ott the Can-adian in future.

epcn'ators are b;'y nrraerod i" diflVentparte of the ennctrr bnyinir upeo'diers' di.chaTe p!T&, 1 r w'hkh they are pyina; from

KK.) to t'Ji'O In V fvachostte 300 ate beenjid ardu Oalol' X'O. It a r2viemtiarijtrcnfee pnrcbs-d- . the lobb will endeavor to forceCciiCT i.i past a law (rlrioe boaties to a'.l

who have not bad them, and eqiilizingthree wto hare.

The War Department bu anpointei p.

lately in command of Fjrt Leon,to ctc eafe escort to mosseneers from B ackKetUe ard Ltile Raven, the Chiefs of theCtierenuea and Arapohoe Indians, to tbe northof Mute river, to meet and consult with thatportion of their tribes who, for some time past.Lave been alienated from them, and who areconsidered hostile to the Government, in orderto coLvitce them of the necessiry of

ecterinK Into relations of amity with theI c ud fc.a s, and the proprie'.y ot their rcj oio-I-

thtir respective tnix--a. .

A tnicber of runners Lave already been sentu; by Ue Chiefs mentioned, and, as ther have

never toe Commissioner believes,from tbe representations made, that the werewaylaid and murdered on the way br Unitedelites tronpe. who have come to regard everyIndian as their enemy. Daring: the war a larper uffiber of tbe Cbeyennes and Arapohoe wnttVrcth w'uh the Ca:aincUa. and tt was withtidv Ut tie lata commission under Generalbat born frtnd the late treaty, at the mouthOf tbe It Arkansas river.

The Herald ' Waehintrton spec'al "ar thatthe PeDhi'H Bureau tas late'v deci'ed to con-tn- e

its action nntil a final disposition is madeol all cases below the Dumber of forty-lir- e

hundred.Tte Wies employed in the Treasury Depart-ire- rt

proioee to petition Congress to increasetheir s&l&rie.

Chaancy Depew declines the position of!;bis.er i- Jipan.

X spe it to tte TIrns savs: About four hun-dred td'.t4-i- l on the rrevdent's messica fromas marv joorcals have been received at theVhite ll About ninew-nn- per cent ofthese bean;y indorse the President's portionand comnn-ii- d his proposed fata re policv.

Tbe c' of the United 8tates aint Gov.Tearce, of B ton, arU;inr out of and involvingthe ti-t- f the treat Fiovd fraudulent

e. wUl come up this week in tbe UnitedStales Onrt of Claims. Geo. Caleb Cufhingit cocn-- i is the rase.

Jc the Church of tbe Iloly Trichy in Brook-lyn. U.s f a'ivlreeaes were r.;ive-e-i byBi'hop L?!, of Artansa. and Bifjion Putter,ra! stive to ibe Protectant Episcopal Freed menAid S Ciety. in w hich its objects were explainedand apt) made in its bthaif and its object,the corvipn4on and instruction of the freedmsain the

Impressive religions services in honor of a!lwho fell in defense of the republic diring thelate rebellion took pis' last evening in theTabeixac e Church, corner of andTniny urvh street, in ibe presence of a c

which crowded every part of thebuildir g.

There were musical exercises of a snpe-i-

character, and a rmon rectuutinz tbes. and virtue of the fallen, and

sketching tbe grand results which will follow tothecfclioa from their devotion and sacrilce, waspreached by the ftaslor of the church, Rev. Dr.Thompson.

The Timts's special say Gen. Bints visitedtbe l'reid-n- t Saturday, and gave bin assuranceof n la earning out the measure)proposed in tbe Message.

lUi'.mSV fhcial Information has been receivedby Gen II wrd. which exonerates Gen. Till-s-

in hi' management of freedmen ia W.tascourtt. Georgia. The most outrageousconduct toward the freedmen ha ft'.liwel itsremoval of Uie military in tdecoantrnam-- 1 andin other prts of the btaie. and II m. N. U.Eeeves. District Judge, of Wukas countv, Gaasks, at the request of tbe freedmen and

eitizena, that the military be sent back,and Gen Mead men has ordered the troops tothat court

Kepreseetat'ves of and commissioners inof the State of Missouri arrived at Wash-

ington tvturdav, with iostrmti m to presentCongrew the claims of that Stte tor four c

d l! s. alleged to be due for rxpendiuuesC V aoeoant nf tb Gorsramsat dona tM war.

The )'int commistoa for the settlement ofclaims between tbe United States of Americaand the United Slates of Columbia have dia.posed o! sixty-tw- casea, or about Ooa-thi- ofall the caww on the docket. Neariv a l of themwill resnit in n1gment for the claimants.

Tbe v ir.'s Washington special aas that theState D primect received bv the last steam

n irar;ttt dispatch from our Minister MF.nt)rd There is strong reason to believethat Enf-n- d will back down from her positionon the Alabama case, and at once consent to aneouitahle adjustment of the questions in dispute.Tbe temper of the last dispatch from the StateI epartment, which emanated from the Presidenthimself, was calculated to open tbe eyes of theLet l.i--h Government.

A gentleman writing from Englanl to ain il.ls city by the last mail remarks

that the Queen is our friend, and she will notallow E.ri Ra'sell to take any position thatwill csnxe ettracgement between the two Gov-ernments

Tfee Bridge cse com" npIn the Scpreme iirt'this week, aul will bearrnei h Iauiel 8. Dickinson.

Dr. Keh ff, Kedicg Clerk of tbe Iloise ofBepreseo'atives, wbo has been seriously ill. Isfnc'ui.lN recovering.

Mr. Jm E Murdoch has so far recoveredf'nm bis sudden Miners a to be able te foflit est '.' merits in the Korth.

Tte Wind's sicial says that a meeting oftbe trieiic! ot Gtm. Batler in Conrress has beenLeld for the purpose cf cocsuiting as to the

ought to take rerpe Unp the assaultof Gen rrt uron their chief Ttiey are divpcaed to i i.ht Wssbburne's rewln.ion creatingtie rat k tneral, and defeat it if possible.

General Butler is expected herewhen tLcir lns will be arranced. Hi hasNn t rit'Sffnd in preparirg a rep'v. Generall.u-le- r. it is rrportcd, told ta. Steven a fewc'sys siEc- - that U would have been well if thereI fid lien mo"-- eorted bntt'es in the arm r inwLich GtirU Gratt made his he&dqi triers.

Washihgtik, Dec 1LIn the II ne Mr. Blaice, of Maine. Intro-iucf- d

a reimbursing the loral Stalesfur tbe rr'vHtices of money made and tbe debtoctiact ri tor the preservation of the Union.

1 ferrtd t a cc ma.itU'e of seven.Bun b Ititroduced a Joint resolution c'eclar-ir- g

theamonnt toestabiisb a raoearchyin Mx'co, requesting the PrcsideLt to takeanch s'eps as will vindicaie the American poli-cy snd protect its honor and the interests ofthe Ufclird Stales. The resolution was rtfsrrulto tie top n ittee cn Foreign Affairs.

Jn,k itur doeed a bill to establish a uniform' stem ot lt Lruptcy, which was referred to aj"iul comniiitK.

Mr. Went worth iDtroiicd a b!!l prohlblticgthe impoitailon of caUle from foteien coun'rietin orcer to prevent the spread of tue cattle

P sd.Mr E li of Massrcbusett Introiueei a Jo'.nt

r'K.lniiofi, Mh was rferrcd to the SelectOmnjlitee of Fiften, declaring the CTniaioncif tbe St-- t. recer t'y in rebelii n, and the po-a- it

x.n of Cocgms in relation to mem.Mr. Vf Von, cf Maryland. oO4 a rstfl-tlr- n

irs'rBC.ir.g ll.e Committee on Fjreiimto irqt.lre what measures and m?ans

are eetry the prt of the United Statesto reftoie to Mrica the free acd nurestrictedrubtto a republicf.n government. Tbe pre-vious qucst on on tbe resolution was Dot

and U lies over.WxsHntGTOx, Dec. 1L


Mr. Wi'son presented the petition of FrsncisCook an 2 other colored people of the

asking thetkhtof suffrage,llc'emd to tte Commiiue on the District ofCo'umMa.

Tbe Pn silent pro fern, announced the follow-ing committee to aot wuh tbe bouse committeern the euh) of Mr. Lincoln's death: Messrs.Foote.l'Mee.Wade. Fewenden.Wilson,DjoliiUe,Late, of Kansas, Harris, Kmiia, Lane, of In-diana, Wniiiry, and Henderson.

Mr. Stunner presented a bill to confirm landtitles u.ld by Gen. Sherman t colired menon sea islands, licierrtd to the Commiitee onthe J u Miliary.

Mr. Broan introdaced a bill to grant bondsfor the construction of a railroad through Mis-en-ri

and Arkansas to the Pacific cat bv theSouthern route, which was referred to the Com-miu-

on the Pacific RailroadMix. 'ye gave notice of bill to change the

astern bouneary of the Bute of Nevada so asto inclede the territory to be UJfc.cn from Uiahand OrWau.

Mr. Ve also gave notice of a bill for theepeedy completion of the Pacific Railroad.

Mr. Howard introduced a resolution callingrpon the precicent tor what information be hasIn his pos sesion respecting the occupancy ofMexico by the French, whic was adopted,The IWcent laid before the Senate the pe-

tition of the alters of Mercv of Chicago askinglor Ue aT'Trop-laUo- n of mono tor the enlarge-ment aid in.provemeot of Mercy Hospital inCticago, whkh was relerred to the C jmmittbe

Tbe pro t?m laid before the 8en--the i m irial of tbe N rth Carolina

asking tbe repeal of tbe test oath-M- r.

limn ictrcdaced a bill to prevent thefR'ecf ti ls, bonds, or scrip, aod ofer evi-dences .f debt of the Omfederate

or ai.j of theiu, which puaiohes as lei- -

r r ( bvy'.r e, selling, or holding of such evi-r-

f i ebl with the Jeca!ly ol Cve hundredc lli.ri lii e aiid Kcprifcnmetit for not lec thanor e j fr tor rnote th in ton, which was referredto tt e Judiciary Committee.

The Houve introduce a bill providing thatwbtiever a who is emiiU-- to a peaMjnfor iijuilts received in the military serviceshall cie before the time of filing his application,allowance of tbe foil amount of his cUim shaHbe tuade to his

Mr. Btown presented a bill to grant lanl foraiding In the cocsuuaion of a railroad to thePacific coast, through Arkansas and Missouri,ty the Southern route. Referred to the

on the Pacific Rulroad, and ordered tobe p- irtl.

Mr. Wade Introduced tbe following, whichwere rtfcrred to the Committee on Foreign A,flair:

Whereas. In a letter of Instructions, datedJuly 8OJ3, direcied to the General e

the French forces in Mtxico. the E-- Ieror of tbe French indicated his policv

the sfl .irs of this continent by declaringIt was his intention to establish a monarchy inMexico, wbieh would restore to the Liu raceon this aide ot the Atlantic all their sirengthand prestige, guarantee securitv to tbe F reachWest India colonies and those of Spa to, sesu'etbe interests and establish the influence ofFrance in the center of America, and preventthe itie of the United estates from latinpossession of the Gulf of Mexico from whichthey wi nid command tte Antilles and SomaAmerica, oi,d become tbe only dispeoscrs of theproducts of the Mew World; and wherevs, inI ursuance of said policy, en effort has beenmade to estab!ii-- a monarchy in Mexico con-trary t the wuhes of the people and to supportKkXiniiiiun in Lis usurpation by European

and terras, among other acts contraryto tLe spirit ot the ace and humanity, the socalled Euipe'or of .Mexico, by a dscree datedS. pttmtxr i,h. 105, practically re establishedslave'V in hit- dominion, and, bv a decree dtdOctober 3d, lsa, bas violated the nsage of civillaw by CeiMng to the Mexicantroops tbe rights of btlliserents and orderingtheir execction wherever found within t wenty-lo-

hours sfter their capture; therefore, belty.Vorvrf fry lit Senate, and 11 nut of li'prwn.

tatim of ihe Vntttd Slate, 1. That we contem-plate the prt-e- nt condition of affairs in theRepublic of Mexico with the most profoundsolicitude

2. 1 bat the attempt to subjugate one of theEepcbiican Governments of this continent bya foreign power, and to establi'h on its ruins amonaichy, sustained solely bv European baro-net s, is opposed to tbe declared policy of tbeUnited Stake Government, offensive to ourpeovle, and contrary to our institutions.

& That the President of the United States berequested to take such steps conoerwtag thismatter as wai tnotcate trc recognized poncyacd protect the honor and lntcresis of our G

On motion ot Mr. Howard, the Presidentwas requested to furnish the Senate with all thecorrespondence in the possession of the

toncblng the occupation of Mexico bythe French troops.

On motion ot Mr. Chandler, tbe Presidentwas requested to give the Senate aU the corre-spondence and oltier information to regard tothe barbarous decree of the so--c ailed Emperorof Mexico, ordering all Mexicans found

the sacred cause ol independence, tobe shct without trial.

Mr. Cowan submitted the following resola-t?t-

which was objected to by Mr. Samuer,slid goes over under tbe rules.

.Wcerf, Teat the President of the UnitedSlates be, and he U hereoy, requested to furnishto the Senate information ot the state of thatportion of tbe Union lately in rebellion; whetherrebellion has been eepptessed, and tue UnitedSlates put again in possession of tha etue inwhich it existed; whether tbe United Statescourts are restored,and the revenues collected, and also whetherthe people ot those States have recognized theirpovenimenls, and whether they are yieldingt.beditrce to the laws acd government of theLuted States.


The Speaker then announced the followingstaid. eg committees: Commerce Messrs.Washburne, Illinois; Elliott. Massacaa seite;D.xon, Rhode Island; O'Neal, Pennsylvania;Lsnyear, Michigan; Js. Humphrey, NewVork; J. 8. Thomas, Jr., Man laud; Egiedton,of Ohio; i. M. Humphreys, New York.

Military Afiatrs Schenck, of Ohio; Darning,Connecticut; Moreston, New Hampshire; Rjs-sea-

Kentucky: Biaifham. Ohio; Ancona,Pennsylvania; KetcLnm, New York; Blaine,Maine; Westg'aves, New Yoik.

Naval Affaire A. H Rice, Massachnetts;New York; P.ke, Kelly,

Pennsylvania; Brandegred, Connecticut; EWicconsin: Phelps, Maryland; Darling,

New York; L Blond, Ohio.Fortn AfT"its Ban Vs. Mwachuetts d.

New York; Orti, Indiana; W. L Kan-- d

J), Kertocky; Dawson Pennsylvania; Patter-eo- n,

New Hampshire; IfewelL, New Jersey ; Col-lo-

Illinois; infield, New York.On Eiertions Dawsman, Sohofleld, s:

Uon, Michigan; Marshall, Illinois;Paine, WiMxitsin; Sbel!aburger,Ohio; McUiung,M)ronri; Roctield, New York.

W ays aod Means Merrill, Vermont; Hooper,Massachusetts; Brook New Ytjrk; Garfield,Obio; Wentwerth, Illinois; Cockling, NewYork; Moorebead, rennsyivacia; Aiuson, Iowa;Hogn, Missouri.

Appropristions Stevens, PennsvlvanSa,New York;B:iss,Miseouri; Rasson, Iowa;

Voorhies, Indiana; Farnwurih, Iilinols: 8 auld-Ic-

Ohio; H gby. Californ a; Wright. NY.Banking and Currency Pomeror, New York;

Hootr, Mssashneun; Culver, Pennsylvania;Buckelen, Ohio; Harding, Kentucky; 'Lynch;Maine; Depns, Indiana; Randall, Pennsvlvaoia,Hot lard, Dittrirt ot Columbia; Ineersoil Illi-nois; Dumont, Indiana; Davis, New rork; Bald-win, Maesachuselts; MoCullou?h Missouri; Colt,Wisconsin; Walder, Ohio; Mercier, Penn?ylva-n-

ShsLklard. Kentucky.Judicial- - WL6on. Iowa; BictwelL Massa-cbustt-te:

Francis Thomas, Maniaod;VennoDt; Morris, New York; Rjgers,

New Ycrd; Cooke, IllinoisDistrict of Columbia Messrs. IneersalK of

niinolf; Dumonr.of Indiana; Jones, of NewYork; Baldwin, ot Massscbnsetts; M"Oulloughof Marvlano; Colt, of Wisconsin; Walker, ofObio; Mercier, of Pennsylvania; Shanklin, ofKentocky.

Judicial Mesm. Wilson, of Iowa; Bant-wel- l,

of Mwcbusttt; Francis Thomas, ofVarytacd; Williams, of Pennsylvania; Wood-bridc- e.

of Vermont; Morris, of New York;Rogers, of New York; Lawrence, of Ohio;

of Illinois.Pacific Riilrosd Mesrs. Price, of Iowa; Ste-

vens, of Pennsylvania; Donne;lv, of Minnota;Ames, of Massachusetts; Brooks, of New York;Losr. of Maine; Clark, of Kansa?; Bidwell, ofCalifitmio; Henderson, of Oreeon.

Claims Messrs. Delane, of O : Hotchk'si, N.Y Wstbbume, Mfs ; Sloan, Wis : M. Bi'ck,Ind ; McKee. Ky. Wood, N. Y.; Barker, Pa ;Tfcorrt-n- , IiL

Public Lvtds Mesrs, JuThn, of Indiana;Drlpgs. of Micbiran; Glosbrenner, of Penn-sylvania; D.tnnel'y. of Minnesota; Ahley. ofOLio; Holmes, of New York; McRaer, of

i; Anderson, of Maine; Taoer. of NewYork.

Post effieef Mers. AHev, of MasacbuseHf;Farquthi.r. of Indiana; Finek. of Ohio; MelT.uer, of Call'ornia; Teny, cf Michigan; John-son, of Perrsrlraria; Knt'endall. of Indiana;Hit'bar, of New York; Kilo, of Misonrl.

Revolutionary C aim" Mnasrs. Whalev. ofWest Virginia; Newell, of Nw Jersey; e,

of Wisconsin; J. L. Tboms, Jr ofMaiMan; Wilson, of Pcnnsrlvariia; Vanof New Yo'k; Clark, of Ohio; Trowbridge, ofMichigan; Trimble, of K"ntucky.

Public Expenditures Messrs Habhard, ofNew York; Broomwetl, of Virginia; Hubbard,cf lows; Rollins, of New Hampshire: Janes, ofNew York; Smith, of KeDtu?ky; Warner, ofCt nrect'cn; Nicholson, of Delaware.

Private Lnn 4 Claims Thaler, of Pennsvlva-rla- ;Botcl.feiss, New York; Biker, of Illinois;

Havs, cf OiP; Giodveur. of N-- w York; Bof M issacbnsc.t; WooibrHtre, of Ver-

mont; Not !L of Missouri: Kerr, of Indiana.Manofactures Mcssr M iorehead, of Peun.;

Ames, Mass.; Eondv, O.; Trimble. Kv,; Hale,N. Y.: Harming, Ili.: Pawjer. Wis; Habhard.West Va.s Hubhell. N. Y.

Agriculture Merg. Bidwell. of California;Grinnell, of Iowa; Still we'J, of Indiana; Baxter,of Vermont; Killer, of Kettueky. Trowbridge,ff Mliigai; Hobbcll, of Ohio- - Lawrence, ofPer nylvsrjia. Bsrgen. of New York.

Indian Affairs Messn. Wind-m- Minn ;wis ; Di unison. Penn ; Habbard, Iowa;

Cla'k, Kansas; Henderson, Oregon; Hart, N.Y.: Rot Ms Harhon. M.

MiMtia Mefsn. S"i'h. Kv ; Harding. Ills ;But klin. Ohio; nle. N Y ; Xuell. lo Phalna,Md ; Farquahar, Ind.; Perry, Mich ; B jyer,Penn.

Territories Vem. AehlcT, Ohio: T?aman,Micfc : J. H E ce. Me ; Mi. r. Kr ; Vin N.Y ; Strong, Penn.; llill, Ind.; 8ur, N. J.;Monlton, liia

Revolntionarv Peniong Messrs. M:In1o ofWisconsin: Price, of low; Bangor, of Penn-slvsti-

Oe'year, of New York: UpS'Jn, ofMichigan; of Vermont; Washburne,of Maosactusettf; Vt'alker, of Ohio; Hilmes, ofNew York

Invalid Perslons M8rs. Perham, M?.; BUll-we- il,

Ind ; Tavlor, N. Y.; Dreggs, Mich.; VanEaren, N. Y ; Lawrence, Penn ; Siwyer, Wis.;Benjamin, Mo.: Harding. Ky.

Roads and Canals Vwsrs. Beam an, Mich.;Van Htii, N. Y.; J. H Hahbard, Conn.; Rous-seau, Kv ; Fectworth. 111.: DjtIs, N. Y.; Miller,Penn ; Defrns, Ind ; Finck, Obio.

Patents Messrs. Jencks, of Rhode Island;Myers, of pencsrlvsnia; Chandler, of NewYork; J. IT. Hubbard, Jof Connecticut; Brown-wel- l,

of Iilinois.Public Buildings and Oronnds Messrs J. II.

rdce. Mo; Starr. N J ; Wilson, P. LeBload,O.: Lathom, W. V.

Revisal and Unfinished Business Messrs.Echoneld, Pa ; F. Wilson, Ind ; AshW, O ;A. IL Kice. Mass ! Pomemv, N. Y.; WillageAnderson, Mo j Marston, N. IL; Plants, O.;Grider, Kv.; Kuvkendall. I'i.

Accounts Msrs. Rollins. N. IL;Penn ; EcUey, O ; Kerr, lad ; Ward,

N. Y.Colnsge, Weights, and Measure Kasson,

fa Winfield, N. Y.; Jones, Penn.; Bandy. O.;Dws, Mass.

Expenditures of tbe State Department--Messr- s.

Pike, Me.; Bromwai, 111.; Urt, W. Y.;Ste lebsrg'r, O.

Expencitures of t Treasury DepartmentVfssrs. Marion. N Y; Culver, Penn.; llilLInd ; Cullom, III.; Ritter, Kv.

Erpecritures of tbe War lTartmntVes'rs Conn ; Sloan, Wis.; Milier,Pern.; E M. Habwl), N. Y.; J. R. Habbell, O.

Expencitures of the Navy DepartmentMessrs. Hnmpbrev, N. Y.; Jalian, Ind ; Mmel-to-

Ill ; Warner, Corn ; Dfnnison, Penn.Fxpendi'nres of tbe e Department

Vers B ker, 111.: Mveia, Penn.; Darling, N.Y.; Egglebton, O ; Rogers, N. J.

Fx i erdii'iie- - o' Ir ii. r D p t .! Mxr.r n:.i . Ir.d : si-- ( ltn ; H ;i j mrn, Mi;i liie-r- la.; M.Iue, Kv.

Eaieidi urs on Pablic Buildings revLocgxear, Mich ; Bildwin Ma ; D.xou. Oaio;lohLScn. Pa ; W. H Randall, K

Joint CommitleA on Librai Ilvjei,Ol i. : Kellv, Pa ; Hubhard, N. Y

Joint Co mmittee on Piinting Laftin, N Y.;A. W. CUik, otic; Lathom. W. Vi.

Joint Committee on Enrolled Bills McsjrsCobb, Wis ; Glofsbrenner. Pa.

Select Committee on Rale' The Speake-- ;Messrs. Wsshburn, 111.; Banks, Mass.;

N Y.Select Committee on Bmkrupt Law Me"r.

Jencks, R. I; Spauldinsr, O; Tnomas, Ml;Blair, Mo.; Lynch, Me ; Thornton, 111.; Alley,Macs.

Select Committee an Freedmen Messrs. El-

liott. Mass ; EIv, Penn ; Orth. Ind ; Bingham,O; Taylor, N. Y.; Sloan, Mo ; Grinnell, 1 1 ;Payne, Mich.

Tte Iluure refused to suspend the rule? fortbe acmhsion'of a ieolntion giving tbe

from the S uthern Siitcs privilegesf the floor. Much other business was trans

acted.Mr. Blaine introduced a bill to reimbu'se

Soy al Stales for advances made and debts cou-

nseled in supiort of the war. and, on motionIt was referred to a select committee ot sevenmembers.

Mr. Ward ixtrodnced a bill, which was re-f-

ed to the Committee on Military Affairs,granting bounty land and money to Uul.eaMates soldiers, who served during iuercbeili n.Tte bill provide lor giving bounty, laud, audmorry to all soldiers wbo enlisted prior to J in2o, lbC3, and were honorably Cischarged. Tanoijectis to make tbe bounty of ttm class ofsoldiers t qnal to that of thore who subsequentlyetjlHed It also provides for the repeal of alaw wtk-- allowed former masters ot col irelsoidic: s to enlisted to receive their bouuty.

Mr. Dtlone introduced a joint resoiution forcd srrteLdment to the Consiiiuiiou, making ictbe duty of each 8tte to provide for the right-ful purt-ui- t qt happiness, all its lobabiuutswithout di tinction of color orraca. Ralcrredto tte Com a ittee on Judiciary.

Mr. Ashley, of O , presented the mcnorial ofC D. Porter asking to be admitted as delegatefrom the Territory of Arizjna. Inferred toCon muiee on Eieclkxis.

Mr. Ashley also introduced a bill to developacd reclaim tbe public lands requiring irriga-tion in the Territories of Idaho. Colorado, Ari-zona, and Montana, and the Slate of Nevada,whk-- was rtfctccd to the Committee on Pub-lic Lands.

Mr. Stevens introduced a joint resolution pro-posing an amendment to the Constitution oftha Unked Prates that all National and 8tatelaws shall be equally applicable to every citizen,and no discrimination shall be made on accountof race or color. Referred to tbe Committee( n the Judiciary.

Mr. Wentworth's bill was passed. It pro-vides that tbe importation of cattle shall beprohibited. Tbe Secretary of the Treasury isrequired to make such regulations as will givethis law full and immediate effect and to sendthe oi pies thereof to the proper officers in thiscountry and foreign porta, when tbe Presidentshall have given thirty days' notice by procla-mation that no farther danger is apprehendelThis law shall be of no force and cattle will beimported in tbe same way as heretofore

Mr. Van Horn, of Missouri, introduced thelullowlrg:

Whereas, The forcible seizure of Mexico byforeign troops, the seating of a foreign Enpe-ro- r

on a throne erected on tbe ruins of thatRepublic, and his retention by foreign bayonetsis in violation of all these, and cannot be per-mitted by the United States; therefore,

Itetolctd, That the Committee on ForeignRelations be instructed to inquire Into and re-port what measures and means may be neces-sary cn the part of the United Slates to restoreto the Mexican people the free and unrestrictedrigbta to choose their own form of government,acd of giving t licet to tbe unanimous determin-ation ot the people of this naiion that no powershall impose a despotic government on anyS'.ste or people of this continent.

Mr. Van Horn moved the previous qies-tio- n.

Mr. Stevens eald in voting for the proposi-tion: Shall we vote for all the preamble alii m-- ?

If it were a mere matter of inquiry it would bean entirely different thing. He suggested thatit go over for the present. The House refusedto second the demand for tbe previous question.

The Speaker said a lesolulion had beenpasted providing for the appointment fir a com-mittee of one lrom each State to take actionrtspect'.Fg the death of Mr. Lincoln. This wasotitred by Mr. Washburne, of Illinois, thef eritleman's colleague.

Mr. Wentwerth subsequently offered a reo-lntio-n

to It qui re into and report a bill for therelief of Mrs. Lincoln.

The chair having been informed by Mr.Wentworth of bis desire that Mr Washburneshon'd be placed on the committee, this obvi-ates the necessity of two committees. Blhgentlemen are lrom the same Bute, and there-f- .

re otily o e can be app riuted on the Com-mittee on the death of Mr. Lincoln.

Naw York, Dac 12.The Timcs's correspondent, Malakoff, dating

frem Paris, 24th nit , sends a disquisition byLa mar lire on tbe political affairs of this con-- iiner t, publkbed in tbe monthly Lrs Entriens

Lruersoes. Us boldly defends the EmperorMaximilian's policy, and says tt is a sub-lime conception, as vast as the ocean a

.conception of safety for America and theworld. He ears the idea of a bold andefficacious position to be taken in Mexicoagainst the usurpation of the United 8tates isa new t ut just idea. Europe has the right totake this petition and France takes the initia-tive.

Tbe Paris Journal Debate contains a severecriticism on Lamarlice's letter.

Tbe World's Washington special says: TheMississippi and Louisiana delegations calledupon the Secretary of War yesterday in regardto tbe rebuilding of the levees where they havebeen destroyed. He at once agreed to send aforce to rebuild them, and stated that his au-thority f r so doing was that the Slates wereunder military government.

Arrangements are now perfected wherebv,through a police telegraph, the location of atre is made known at every police station-hous- e

soon affr it breaks out.Tbe Herald's Fortress Monroe correspondent,

nrdtr date of Dumber loth, says: Jiff Davisenjoys good health. He bas daily walks on tbeparspet, comfortable apartments, a genteelwardrobe, a good table, and plenty of readingrustler.

He thengbt tbe President's message was Inpeneral a wise and good document, but wasdisappointed that it was not more sped 9 j inrelation to tbe ultimate disposition which is tobe msdc of himself. His eves have lost the con-temptuous look they once bad. and there is lesshsntienr of manner" and less sarcasm of speech.

The besdth ot Clement (1 Clay is improving,and he bas subsided into seeming apathy andpatiently wat'.ng for whatever may betide him.

Col. E C. Catberwood, recently commandingthe District of tbe Southwest, sailed y on astesmerforCubv

Considerable excitement exists In this city re-garding tbe Fenian quarrel. The Feaians,bowever, remain perfectly quiet, intending toleave tbe whole question toCorgress.

Col. O'Mdhorev has received assurances ofsupport from South Carolina, tbe Circles of

ew York and Brooklyn, from the 8hawmutDistrict. Boston, and also from the North andNorthwest Re is constantly receiving assur-ances from all quarters of support, calling onhim to stsnd firm until the brotherhood eau bebeard from in tbe approaching of Con-tre-

On tbe other hand, tbe Senate declaredthemselves confluent of sustaining all theircharges against O'Mahoney and Killian, andlave received dispatches of approval and sup.port from Penns lvania, Illinois. Ohio, Indiana,Missouri, and various other 8tates, all propos-ing to work on faithfully and sustain the newPresident and bis Cabinet.

John Mitebell was farnibed with seventy sixtbonsard dollars to assist the cause In Europe.It is mmored that Siepbeos. the head center,y ho recently escaped from Dublin, will soonarrive in this country. Preparations are beingmade to receive Lira with appropriate honors.

Washiuqtow, Dac 11.Official information has been receive! at the

Pepartment of Slate of the ratification, on the4 th. by the Legislature of North Carolina, of tbet ro posed amendment to the Constitution of theUnited States.

Upon the subject of slavery Horace Greeleyaddressed the following letter to the

editor of tbe National Intelligencer:In your Issue of this morning you have

spoken of tat presence in Washington, and ofn j view of the political situation, which seemton quire of me a few explanatory words. Iherehv submit tbem.

I deslte snd labor for peace, peace betweencur country nd all other countries; peace betaeen tbe" North and South; peace betweenwhite and black. We have bad enough of waracd wa'te, havoc and carnage, for at least actntnrv hence, and I Lava long labored and Ishall ever labor for true and lasting peace. Ican conceive no possible good to any country,to any eection, race, or class that is likely tobe secured or promoted by alienation betweenthe President and the Congress of the UnitedStates. On the contrary, it seems to me thatevery peril that now threatens us, every evilthat now weighs upon us, would be aggrava-ted, every good put at hazard, every hopeclouded, if not blasted, by such an untowardcollision,

I have come here to do whatever I can, how-

ever little that may be, toward avoiding such acatastrophe, but I am not, as your paragraphwould seem to imply that I am, the advocateof any special plan ol reconstruction. I urgeonly that the President and Congress, each

the other's prerogatives and personalconvictions, shall freely and truthfully confer,disenss, and consider, with a profound defer-ence for each other's patriotism, and an earnestdesire to agree on a course of action which theyshall mutually deem just and beneficial Let tbegreat problem of reconstruction be approachedfrom all eides in this spirit, and I feel sure thata benign solution will be speedily obtainedover tbe difliculties that are aggravated by thef ,ct that our position is essentially novel. Ican recall no parallel to it In human hi; tor r; itis complicated by questions atfacting the na-tional rights of freedmen and our moral obliga-tions to them, as our bumble allies in the latemomentous struggle. That we may promptly

the Southern States in all theircrigi-na- l rights and liberties without sacrificingor hazarding those of any portion ot theAmerican people, is the earnest desi-- e of

Yours, HORACE GREELEY.The joint resolutions of Mr. Elliott, of M

introduced in the House

First Tbe United 8tates. a cor.qnerorg Intbe ar, row Lave te poiiawal poser of theSistes reef ntlv in rehel!i n.

StccLd That nsitil action by Consres3 the

P.oiiNijt, a C'lrorntner ha author-in- -to ortar'.e aLd uiiintaia lbs gjvercmKats

i b'n saidTt iid That tbe said 8'ates are not r ntitiel.

to take part In tbe Government of the UnitedStates until Congress shall, on such terms asit u oy iufcciile, cooler upon tiioot las po.t csriO SCt.

Fourth That, disclaiming all desire to im-pose hostile or burdensome conditions, andmindful only of irreversible guarantees aga'nstfuture or secession audof our plight-e- d

faith to all wbo have aided in tbe overthrowof tbe rebellion, we declare it to be our

corcition for the recognition of saidStates that their Constitutions should insure toall the Inhabitants thereof equal rights beforethe law withe ut distinction of color or race.

Washington, Dec. 12.8KSATK.

Mr. Cowan presented a petition from a tin ra-iser of soldiers in the lute war asking for boun-ties for those who enlitted early the same aswere given to tlnse wbo enlisted near the closeot the war, which was referred to the iiiliuiryCommittee.

Mr Cowan presented a petition from theof Pennsylvania asking fjr a higti t iriff

on imiorted coeds to prote.-- t home manufac-tures. Relerred to the Finance Committee.

Mr. Morgan introduced a bill granttng toccriain pertons the right to establish telegraphic..tiiujunicalion between New York and the

West Indies. Referred to tho Committee onCommerce.

Mr. Davis offered a resolution declaring, that,wteteas tin re no longer txists an armed rebel-lion or public dangers qrtfore the privilege ofthe writ of habeas dtj is reitoreJ in everyState iu tbe Union. Mr. Davis said he did notinn nd in the above any opposition to the Pres-iding he and the people of Kentucky internedP support President Johnson in so far as hedid what they believed to be risht; but this wasa question of principle, which demanded atiaiikaLd letpcciful opposition. The resolu-tion was then relerred to the Judiciary Com-mittee.

Mr. Anthony called np the House resolutionof Mr. Stevens for the appointment of a joiateonimiuee on the snbject o! the late rebellionsStates, and moved to amend it so as to make ita concurrent instead of ayj int resolution; alsoby omiiting the last clause, which provides,that, until the report of said commute . nomember of tbe lately rebellious Slates shall bereceived in either House.

Mr. Howard preferred the resolution a) itcame from the House, and objected to thectrikiDg ont of tbe clause referred to.

Mr Anthony hoped tbe resolution would beadopted, as the resolution as it came from theHouse was in contravention of tha constitu-tional provision making each House a judge oftbe qualifications of its own members; besidestbe words proposed to be stricken oat cut offall debate, which was in violation of the prac-tice of the Senate.

Mr. Doollttle advised a reference of the wholesubject of reconstruction to the Judiciary Com-mittee.

Tbe resolution was amended as desired byMr Anthony.

Mr. Sloan moved an amendment by makingtbe number of Representatives in the proposedcommittee equal to that of Senators, instead oflieirg 9 to 6, which was negatived yeas 14,nay s 29.

Mr. Saulsbury opposed the resolution, andcalled for the yeas and nays.

Tbe resolution as amended was adopted 33to 11.

Mr. Cowan called up his resolution of yester.day calling upon the Tiesident for informationas to whether tbe rebellion bas been suppressed,tbe the revenue be-

ing collected, etc.Mr. Sumter offered the following amend-

ment, which was adopted: And at the sametime to furnish the 8enate copies of such re-

ports as may be or have been received from theofficers and agents appointed to visit the por-tion of the Utiion lately in rebellion, includiag,especially, the reports of the Hon. John

and Major-Gener- Karl Schurz. Theresolution Was adopted, and the Senate at 2:45aCjoumtd.

HOUSK.After a brief debate, in which Messrs. Grider

Fniiib. and Fink expressed their desire thatTennessee members should be sworn in, on mo-tion ot Mr. Raymond, of N. Y,, their credentialswere referred to the select committee on tbe

led Confederate Spates. Ytas, 126; navs,41. The H nse then, by a vote of DO against63, la d on the table a resolution to admit theTennessee members elect to the privilege of thefloor.

lVndlrg the discussion, at a eubssqucnt stage,cf the proceedings, a resolution was passed thatuwii otherwise ordered. Mr. Maynird and otherKepi fsec tatives from Tennessee be invited totake seats In tbe House of Representatives.Adopted, yeas 133, nay s 35.

After tbe passage of a resolution invitingtie Representatives from Tennessee to takaSeats in the hall, Mr. Eldrldge offered his resolu-tion noticed yesterday sustaining tha Presidentin his policy of reconstruction. The House by25 to 108 refused to second the demand tor thepn Titus question on its passage.

Nkw York December 8.Tbe Commercial's money article contains the

following:During the present week the

will pay out a considerable amount of curren-cy as interest upon the second issue of 7 30notes. At the same time the issues of bank cur-- n

ncv continue to augment at the rate of $4.000 000 per week. So long as any portion oftte $300,000,000 authorized remains unissued,there can be no ecarclty of currency. There lino anticipation of a panic, yet that is a contin-gency which may b&realized any da v. and nponany Craw cn the currency, as, for instance, thefailure of a few Chicago grain speculators ex-cites apprehension and Increases the timidity oflenders. Nor is there any ground for anticipat-ing any relief from such a condition, so long astbe country is satisfied with an unstable cur-rency. The awurances of Government that weshall" have tbe earliest possible return to a soundbasis only augments the stagnation of capital;for the proposed measures for gaining that eudexcite mote fears than they allav. To daythere is an ample supply of money at 7 per cent.

This is somewhat remarkable consideringthat the treasury ia still withdrawing largeamounts or currency from circulation by 6eliit;gyold, end that banks are remitting the currencyWest, and the circumstance can only be ac-

re nnted for npon the obvious tact that while alarge amount of bank interest are now matur-ing there is very little distributing. At presentprime bills are at 67 per cent, very selectcomes going at lower figures.

Ia foreign files La France savs we have rea-son to know that Lord Clarendon, in takingjosse6slon of the Foreign oliice, sent to M.Drouyn de L'Huy s a dispatch containing senti-ments of the warmest sympathy for France andher government

It ia stated that the of Naples haddetermined on the sale of all his possessions intbe Papal States, and upon settling down forlite in Havana,

A letter from London says: Oa the 5th ofDecember twenty-fou- r Irish "liberal members ofParliament have agreed to meet In Dublin withc'osed dcors to form an Irbh party and considermeasures for the relief of Ireland Tnis confer-nc- e

hoe been arranged at the instance ot Irishbishops and will include the O'Conners andthe O'Donnoufchs here, and other popularIiifh leaders.

Tbe Savannah Herald contains ProvisionalGovernor Johnson's niesage to tbe Lgi;l.itur,in which be entreats them to bring forwardtheir prejudices and animosities and offer themas a sacrifice on the altar of our common coun-try, that we may once again present a happyspectacle of brethren dwelling together inunity.

Tee House of Representatives instructed thaJudiciary Committee to report a bill giving to1 ersons of color the rights of property, theright to sue and be sued, and to testify in c urt.

President O'Mahoney, of the Fenian Brother-hood, has issued a general order, stating thatorders on iulliiary affairs will not be regardedunlets approved by Liuiself.

WASiiniQTOw, Dec. 11.At the opening session in the House y

tbe Speaker laid before the House a communi-cation from the Governor of Virginia, endors-ing the copy of an act of the General Assemblyin favor ot the repeal of the second section ofthe act of May, 18C2, giving the consent of theLeglTutnre of Virginia for forming a new Stateof West Virginia, Referred to the Committeeon Judiciary,

Nkw York, Dac. 13.A "Washington special says: Tne total amonn

realized from Bale of pnWio baiMincs acd dis-mantled forts of Washington is $9.&t. In onebranch of tbe Quartermaster's Department onehundred and seventy employes have bc3u dis-charged since Julv. reducing the expenses fromfGCO 000 to $200,000.

The Timcs's Washington special says: Com-modore Hall has been relieved from comm lodof tbe Philadelphia Navy Yard; Commodore E.Elfridge succeeds-d- .

The Herald's Washington special savs: Gon.Grant had an Interview with the Preside at yes-terday, and communicated to him the resu t ofb's observations during his recent trip throughVirginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, andGeorgia. He was everywhere respectfully re-ceived by alL

Tbe majority of the negroes in these Stateare in comparative idleness, and nearly all re-fuse to renew their contracts until after Christmas, believing a general division of properly isto take place at that time.

The Southern men of influence were out-spoken in, favor of complying with any de-mands the President might consider necessaryfor their restoration.

Gen. Grant believes that the people of theSouth almost unanimously desire a speedy

to their old position in the Union,and that their professions of future loyalty andgood behavior are honest and sincere.

It is proposed to fix the name of Lincoln tosome of the Western Territories,

Butler proposes to write Gen. Grant's historyfrom or before the time he entered West Pointto the Lieutenant Generaley.

After reviewing the charges presented aga'nstMessrs. Brennan. Comptroller, and Boole, CitvInspector, G iv. Fenton has suspended furtheraction therein until the assembling of the Legis-lature.

The Times's Washington special savs: Consid-erable surprise is manifested here at the receiptof a letter from Gov. Pelrpoint of Virginiasddressed to the President of the Senate andthe Speaker of the House, inclosing a Codt ofan act passed by the General Assembl- - of Vlrtrlnia repealing the assent heretofore given tothe division of that State by the formation oftbe State of West Virginia. The letterprinted and laid noon tbe desks of members tZda, and attracted much comment.

The Wor d's Washington special savs thatOen. Logan has finally declined the mission toMexico.It is said that tbe Emperor Napoleon a shorttime since addressed a letter direct to tha Sec--


retarv of Plate, aslm f r tie recognition bvVe Uriied States of Maximilian's G vernmnjt a govcrnm-ri- t ;,' Tha l upjnWiitb he bused bi.i request was, that U hadmiititained itself for nearly two years, ani wastrsrefrre entitled to such recognition

it isMid the SeceUry o! State ha.s repiiel totb note, snd that he emphatically declines toacade to the request, and gives at length thereofiEs therefor. lie denies that it U a O

de facto; that tho whole people of theUni;ed States are pledged against anv such

if there was any ground for it.whith there is not; that from the bstinfru.ai'un obtainable from that distracted country'he liberal party have not yielded obodience.and 3o not intend to. but on tho contrary theircans is in the ascendant.

Tils prompt reply, taken with the action ofboth Houses of Congress, in regwd to the posi-tion f tbe Government, will probably open theeyes f the Emperor.

Tie Herald's M icon.G.v, correspondent statesthat Alexander 11 Stephens, in deriniukr to bea candidate for Congress, suggested the electionof nun not Identified with the Confederacy.

TL Hei aid's Richmond correspoudnl savs:Everything b quiet in Goneral Terry's depart-ment.

Antrdcrfrom Q K.rtermaster General Mei-j-

bas be-- received ordering the itnraeJi Uenil employes who were in any way

c nuecied with the rebel service.The ame journal's Charleston corresp indent

says: Anew legal question, growing out of theeniandftatinnof the negroes, has been raised inSoutigJarclina. It Is, whether debts incurredlor siutes purchased before the proclamationlook efftct are now collectable. "Maav of tbepeople of the Palmetto State are d seply Inter-ested in this matter, being still in arrows on oldpurchases from the Virginia rs Tbesubject has been brought to tbe attention oftbe Legislature, which it is exp'Cted will mikeprovision lor partially discharging the creditor'sclaims.

"Washington, Dec. 13.SESATE.

Mr. Fester, President pro tern., in the Chair.Mr. Wilson was excused from further service

on the Committee on Pensions and Revolution-aryiiJa- s.

,MVaiwn introduced a bill to reimburse the

Vsourl for expenses incurred in entelling, t'Tpping, and provisioning the mili-tia. The ipLwas ordered to be printed and re-lerred to t yommittee on Military Affairs.

Mr. GutL ji presented a remonstrance fromcertain azint the recep-tion of Hahn and Carter as Senators lrom Lou-isiana A

ALr. Grimes objected to the remonstrance, asit idaresed to Jacob Barker, nd not tothe Siiiate, and it was ordered to lie on thetaMe

Mr. Foote presented a resolution, which wa?reitxred to the Committee on the ContingentExpenses of the 8enate, providing for the

tbe widow of the late ilr. Collamertbe amount due to that Senator at the time ofhis death.

Mr. Giimes offered a resolution, which wasadopted, instmc lng the Committee on the Li-brary to inquire into the expediency of the ap-pointment of a reporter to prepare the reportsof the Senate proceedings lor the AssociatedPress.

Mr. Sherman, from the Committee on Agri-culture, rep-rt- ed a House bill to prohibit theimportation of cattle so as to prevent the spreadof disease.

Mr. Stewart submitted a joint resolution em-bracing the following articles to be prop wed asametinvet.t8 of the Constitution of the UnLedSlates

1st. The union of the States under this Con-stitution is indissoluble, and no State can ab-solve its citizens from tbe obligation of

aUegiat.ee to the United Slates.2d. No engagement made or obligation in-

curred by any 8 .ate. or bv any number ofStates, or by any county, city, or other munici-pal corporation to subvert, impair, or resist tbeauthority cf the Uaited Slates, or to support oraid any lefifclature, convention, or bodv in hos-tility to such authority, shall ever be heldvalid, or be assumed or sustained in whole or inpai t by anv States or by the United S att s Tneresolution was relerred to the Judiciary Com-n- il

lee.On motion of Mr. Sumner the House took up

tie rtetlution calling lor information regardingpersons tinploycd in the Treasury departmentwho lave not taken tbe oath of allegiance, andwhether there are persons employed and paidlor tfliccs not provided by law. Tbe resolutionwas pasted.

Mr. Wlison called up a bill to maintain thefrctdomof the Inhabitants of the States de-clared to be in insurrection and rebellion bytte picclamation of the Piesident of July 1st,1no'2. It declares all laws heretofore in force orheid as valid in the insurrectionary States,w hereby any inequality of the civil rights andlorn, unities am Eg tbe iuhalitants of these Statesonaccowitot race or color is made null andv. id. if r. Wilson explained the nature of thebill. He said the proclamation of the Presidentof the 22d of September, 1863, declaring eman-cipation, pudges the faith of the Governmentot the United States to maintain the freedom oftbe persons declared to be free. This was re-peated in the proclamation of the 1st of Janua-ry. It was therefore the duty of the Govern-ment to maintain the civil rights of freedmen.The must atrocities were beingperpetrated npon these freedmen, and It wasthe duty of Congress to interfere. Whateverdifference of opinion there might be on thesutject of negro suffiage, they ought to be nowin cuty bound to make good the guarantees ofthe Government.

Mr. Johnson said there were serioni legal oU.jec iocs to the bill under consideration; thatH dioiot name &sy b:iin or taws, tra wit tawsot a certain character. Berides, it only repealedall laws already made; but if the SouthernSlates ate in the Union, they have the right tomake public laws for themselves. He hadnever believed the Southern Sates were out ofthe Union, and he was glad to see in PresidentJohnson's message, which was one of the ablestever issued, a concurrence in this view. Thepec pie in the South were now as anxious to re-turn as t iey once were to leave, and he be-lieved there was as much philanthropy in theSouth as in the North. He was sorry to see thelmpret6lon sought to be created that the peoplecf tbe South were barbariats.

Mr. 8aulobury said, when the ConstitutionalAmendment was before the Senate no Senatorclaimed the tight under the second section togive to the Government the powers of a Con-stitutional Government nntrameled. Heibcnghi the bill was premature in the sensestated by Mr. 8bermau, as there was yet no

fficial confirmation of the passage of theAmendment, and nntil the adoption

cf that An.enoment there might be some diiH-rul-

as to tbe power of Congress to do whatwas proposed. After the adoption of theAmeLdmtnt there could be no doubt as to thepower tf Congress. If the second sectionoid rot confer this power noon Congress, hewould ask the Senator from Delaware for whatpurpose it was intended.

Mr.Saulebuiy I do not know what It meantI have nothing to do with it. But I would asktbe Hon. Senator whether it was before thisbody for adopt! n? He avowed in his advocacyof it that it was meant lor such purpose as noe a rued.

Mr. Trumbull Mr. President, I never under-stood it any other wav.

Mr. Saul&bury Did yon state it eo at thetime?

Mr. Trumbull I do not know that I stated itso. ImUhtas well have explained that theclause which declares that slavery shaU not ex-ist meant slavery snail not exist. I could makeit no clearer. I reported it from the JudiciaryCommittee for the very purpose of conferrings pen Congie s tbe authority to see that the firstcianse was carried out In good faiih.

Mr Saulsbury said he did not see how gen-tlemen holding that the Southern States arenot in the Uuion could regard the Constitu-tional Amendment as adopted. It requiredthree-fourt- of the States to adopt the amend-ment, and that number could not bs obtainedwithout counting the Southern States.

On motion ot Mr. Howard, the Senate ad-journed.

HOtrsK.Mr. Bchenck. of the Committee on Military

Affairs, reported a joint resolution requestingthe President to suspend anv order musteringt nt e ffleers of the Veteran Reserve Corps untilCongress shall have time to consider what dis-position shall be made of the corps.

A brief debute occurred on tbe resolution,duilrg which Mr. Schenck said the privates

to the corps had for the greater partbe n out, and the question now was,what was to be done with the offl serj? Tb

do ne EauiuiarUy dismissed out ofterosV, they having- families dependent nponUiim-i- or support,

Remarks were made by other members, whenthe joint resolution was passed.

On motlcn of Mr. Stevens the House took npand concurred in tbe Senate's amendment to ajoint resolution appointing a committee of fif-

teen to consider and report on the condition oftbe late Confederate States.

Mr. Chandler resumed his remarks in opposi-tion to the resolution.

Mr. Ancona, of Penn., moved to lay Mr.Fa nsworth's resolution on tbe table.

Li&agreed to, ayes 41; nays 113. Tbe resolu-tion was then referred to a select committee offifteen on the Southern States.

Thf House then took up Mr. Farnsworth'sresoCtion, heretofore offered, declaring thatjustice requires that freedmen be admitted toall the rights and privileges of citizenship. Itwas moved to refer It to the select committee offifteen on the Confederate Slates

Mr. Chandler, of N. Y , too Issue, denyingthat the black man is equal to the white man.These remarks were suspended by expiration ofthe morning hour. '

Mr. Cowan did not believe the bill would ac-

complish what its author desired, and thoughtan amendment to the Constitution was the onlyway to reach the matter, and he believedsuch an amendment would pass Congresswithin a month.

Mr. Wlison referred to certain cases passed in8onthern 8tates since the abolition of slavery,which he said subj. cted the freedmen to a worsebondage than slavery Itself. The condition oftbe freedmen of tne South was worse

than It was on the oay of Lee's surrender.Mr Sherman sympathized with tne objects

of the bill. He believed it to be the duty ofCongress to secure freedom to emancipatedslaves, but he believed such legislation oughtto be postponed nntil a proclamation is is-

sued announcing the adoption of the Consti-tntion-

Amendment by the requisite numberof ttates Congress bad tbe power, he said, tomake provision for the freedom ut the blacks,

there was another section of the Coast n

which it ceuld be done that sectionwbU elves to tbe citizens of one State .11 the

of the citizens of tne several 8tate, Tnend not define the civil

hofwMch the negroes ought to have, but

Maud Sot to general terms. In his judgment

Conprffs ont;ht to impose ft e c iniiii ms up nt ieh the rii.uthtrn Siatcs sliou'J hi recid

b ck into tbe U&i r, and they onshl to bj lothe form of anieiduients to tbe C institution.Action on the bil before the Senate outfit tn ili ferred nntil the report of tue cimmitteeof bf cm, provi l f r by the concurrent resolu-tion passed yesterday.

Nsw York. Dec. 13.The ster.racr City of Boston, from Llrarjo"

on the 2iHh and Q on the . .&, ar-rived this morning Stephens, the Feuiiu. remalned at large. A special commissi n for thetrial of Fenians openeid at Dublin on the 27.hThe trial of Loby was prvgres;ing, the chargesbeing treason and felony.

An influential public meeting held atManchester strongly denouncing the severe pro-ceedings in Jamaica. A deputation was seatwith a memorial to Eirl Russell, who adm'ttedthe urgent necessity tor inquiry, anO evinced ananxious desire for the vindication of jaitice.

Tbe Morning Herald say the fealin in thatcity relative to American alfairs is not altogetherntis'aciory. No foreign cewa received hers this

noon.'i'ue jiiler wbo connived at tbe escape of

St pbens has been committed for trial.Ite Fenian triaiii r progressing.. The pro

prietor cf the People was f and gui'tv,and tentencc-- to twer.lv years penal servuuie.

The Morning Post sU;es that Stephens ar-

rived at ParisLirtrpcol. Dee 2.1, P 3f. Tbe jury In tbe c ve

of Mr. Luby, pnblisoer of tha Irish Peoplonewspaper, was two hours in deliberation be-fore returning a verd.ct of guilty. Tne pris-oner addrtssed tha court before sentence waspafsed npon him. He emphatically djaiad andrepudiated the aliegatiuns of aa-iaat- i awbich had been urged airainst the FeuiaatHeadmitttd his guilt, according to tbe inter-pretation of British law, but believed hirns'fiunoceot according to tbe higher standard ofeternal rigbt, and that a majority cf hiscountrymen would 6o decide if the questionwas put to vote.

Tbe next prisoner bronht bpfore the specialcommission was Mr. John O'Leary. A newJury has been sworn in his case and the trialis progressing. There Is no excitement.

In tbe Court of Queen's Bench, ths trial ofCopt Corbitton the charge of selling the She-nandoah to the rebels and enlisting men forher, resulted in his acquittal.

DECISIONS OF THE COL'BT OF APPEA.L3.Frakkpo&t, Dec 13, 1803.


Tiirpln . Rixlar, Msdison; revoned oa origiaa! andaffirmed on erw, appeal.

ItitUud ts Todd, ue., Maditon; ravened.Ttoaiaa n. Uall t ux UaUUiou; rvraei.

OBDEB3.SUteler Bowe Barrett, Ohic; appeal dismissed

an niution rf appellee.CnriT. Trimble, Harrison; motion tJ dlarnlrt, aud

arpeal overruled.Uilrtcn i. Belcher, BtllarJ; motion diga'at Ap-

peal overruled, aod rale awarded va appilaat, return-able to 6rtt day ot ue- -t term to file traucrip.

Moore'i heir r. Taylor; pjt.lija, re-hearing, and reply to same tiled.

Moore fa. Wortbiugtoa, Boyle;Ki reir aii vt. Minor. H - lc;Minor et ui. v. Clarkaon, Boyle; iubin'ttal on

bi i h by consent, Ac.vr. Wel s Madiwn: anus by Mijor Tur-

ner lor appellant, and tuan uim ttd by eonaeiitJobn S. VauWii kie, Laq , ot JOanvulo, atiuutwd At-t-

nei in thi Court.WrwkiU! ft Unties vi. Gentry. e HidTaon; arcned

by U. F. Burnwn, Ksij.. for apjllee, and arinmouiconcluded by Mj ( Turner for appellant.

Weak Evts The principal sonree of weakeyes is indigestion. The Red Jacket liittsrt

indigestion, they invigorate the system,tcte the stomach, aud mite a lite of miseryone of health and strenrth. dlll&j

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(Hurley's Ague Tonic is better than quininefor curing chills and fever. Persons using tbistonic recover from the effects of chills and fe-ver, and regain their healtny an! ruddr colorsooner by lis use than anything else. Try Hur.ley" Tonic, and you will" be satisfied of the fact.

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XHXARXIX23S,On Wednesday evening, December 6th, by the Rr.Mr. Craik, at the residence of the brids'a uncle, Mrville

Kullitt, Ej, Of.okoe Wiinimb to liiaa AvkliiNktiluc, only daughter of fcdinoud Pcarcs, Esq . ofliart county.

On the morning cf tbe 12th of December, 13, by El-der E. H 8inith, Mr. Bokest Steak.;, only ton otCaptain H. 8. blranee, of Warren county, Kntiiev, tott in 8ai.li h, BgvaNT, elde-- t daughter ot UaviJ Bry-ant, ot 11 ait county, Kentucky.

DIED,On Sunday, Dec 10, lario, Jekuaix gcALasia, ased

45 ver.D mbeTlnth, FeaitC Moaoan Wrtnrtr, third

pon of John and Ella McGreevey, afed three years, onemouth, and fourteen Cava.

On Sunday mornlnc D.'cemberl nth. Axic Mast, in-fant daughter of J. a. aud Kate V. Baasett, aged cuemouth. 4

A PbyalelactaaU Tlaw mt irlKrnmce CoctaiaIns nearly Ui pans and 130 fin Plalea and Zccravniof tha Anatomy of tha Bexaal Organ In a aUat atHealth and DiaeaM, with a TreatiM oa fitDeplorable CooaeqDeoeea upon lb Kind and Body, wifeaba Aathort Flan of Traataona-t- aa only rational andmecaarfol taoda of ore, as abowa by tha tenort of aaaaarea led. A trathrcl adviser to Km narriad and toosaonteniplatias maniac wtM entorfeilB dxbk of theitphyaioal eondltioit. ietrt free of teats to any addr

at raoaqrt cr a cauta, tu names or tonal eurmer, byaddrtadnf Dr. LA CHOH, Ho. ta IfaJdaa Lane, ".

Caaea treated by mall ai befcra. marlddrwlr

One Flag. One Destiny!Tbli ii th motte of our Government, and it cham- -


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v.- - - vi i y . .,' ,

rpBIS HAS SOW BEEtlure the pi. bite ahont i ur year, burnn tlte

prvrut ear we have luaDut'turea anrl wt't severalbuuuri'd t cur ctKiuwera, and. aiicr a lull Hi J th ;ro'iott, we hae ai.iiu.imit re.-u- hr hiiavin it w thbeat Wvhrr in Ameiica; btuce chailenKa tue worulto rtodnee itn ennl.

Tbe Kentucky Waahflr took the firH premium at ourlait State Fair over ibe cdi'bnt 1 liutv, tie eraekwwhtr of New Erpli-nd- . the ilvd'-a- ie. the I'moaWaiter, todcthoraol Ira n t: which tira. ineve; al fair and thon uch ewvevt with the hot of tiieae

niacLin. a the ji.d.ea drcided that th Kut K r wouldu.h iki.ble the auiount o'e o'hiiig in a live n t ine,

with torb lota weir t tbe fabric, and wiil a rxt'al Utu labor to ta r, ttttu to neat beatvt(T.1 he Kentucky will annually anre iu eort In the wr

ar.d tear o' elothirc, and av aonhle iu mt in la tot.It i." impl, durable, aud mot FouveiiUu'lv arracitrd.

The Wrii'ier attacked to the Ker tjeky Wither ia thenort dnrnbie, most eaaily adjuied. and the verv beatUiinc tf ita kund ever invent' d. Send 'or a circular.

BKINLY- - DiL);K,HlOY.8r'e Manufacturer of the Plow. Goodrich'

Evaporator; dcaicr in Uardwaf e. Farm Impie jhuu,41.

8io or rromiii Plow,111 Main at., between Third aud Fotirth,

nSTr1Awt.1al Lwiaville. Ky.

To Discharged Oficers ft Soldiers.

BOUNTY LAND.T THE CONCLfaiON OF ALL WAR3 IN WTCCaJ V thi. country haa hnen eWH1, i;Mim- - h an--

5rrpnntrd a certain number o acre of land a UOlfor the oi'iicera, eoluiers. ant nul rt, who

bave been enraged in .utUiulug the iuter ty of throup try and the honor of it Fla. Alth'niiiti ill appropnation bas yet been mad for thia purpon for thosev. ho bave tktn part in the la'e war fur ti.e .iiipnKioaof the rebellion, et the preeu.r ptioM i ttiat men artioawill be tnken by Courn at it approaching reiou,and appropriation made to liquit ate th' jut deDtdueto ita toidiers aud tailom.

In i'W of t- th action, the uodorninol aollciti fromr1ichn--. d .old r, the prrpirtiiuu ui their Ciaiin. forB.ilTY LAND, now whiie it th ry dilaand w itnew are eaeilv trat their elaimaB av beready for tiaunmittiJ to the proper dVpvtmantan aoinaa the nrcexary law ie paaewd. "t irat eume,brut eerved,'' ia the ui' tte at Waahiugtou.KO CHARGE MADE UNLESJ THE LAW PA3SZ3.

will not be purchawid. Tb wio pur-c- lt

)loier' cistharveis can have no oil er ohieet iavifw than to wrona; and .'pecuiitte upn the o'd!er4. a

i of no velue expt t ) tue oidicr himelf.r'(ir full information call at thia orre. Claino f rArrears of Fr; Cnimutati:in uf Kalion. Miieace,i ountT. Pecsiona, Property ii preed. l'vtordestro. ed,etc.. Cflicera' AetxiiMU tor Pa. , Extra Par, TravelinAMowanora, txirt-- irtiil service, ete.. and all kindsof elaiirsaeaiBat the I'nited " etrefmltraiid pron.ptiy attended to. Ji WVr 4 A JllNivINi,

813 s nth aide Jefferson, bet. T oixd aud i ourth.15dlmaw

WOOLEN H&CHINERY.6CO. JfIKIT-r-. m. nofroiri.z.


Woolen X.IacnineryAMD

Wco!ta Factory Fiaiiingi,IJiBIANAPOLIS, ISO.

i. M.N(i MCLINi-KV- , LOUiLi, c Secnud-nau- d

MacLinery, ac. niJ dawi.--

FAMILY DYE C0L0S3.l'atcntrd Octabcr 13, lStf,J.

Blot. Dor Green.Mack for Silk Livht (ir ten.Vark Bine.LivM Blue. Maize.French Blue, Jfanxaa.Claret Brown, Orange.lnrk Brown. Pink.LivM Brown. Pnrple.Suttf Brown. Fwrvle.Cherry. Salmon.Crimson. Srariet.Dark Drab.Litikt Drab,t'awn Drab. iajn'no.L t Fawn Drab YeUoie.

For Dyeta BiTk, Woolen, and Mixed Good, Shnwia,Soarfa, Dreeeea, Ki hbona, Gloves, Bonnet. Hata,

i'eathnrs. Children' Ckahina. and aiikind ol Weariiif Apparei.

A SAYIXG OF 80 PCII CXXT.For J6 cents yo can color as many rood would

otlierwise enet five tiroes that ram. Various ahadV eaabe produced from the .am ay: The process is sunpin,and any one ran nae the Dye with perfect success.

in Kngliah, French, and Orman. in- - ' of aeapacka. IIOWK srEVEN3,SnU Broadway, Bustoo.

For sale tty oTnrirt and desUr (nrajlvVi 11 SON A I'K l e.K, LoniaviUe, a4 agents for Ken.

tnrky and Teriuewee. UcU d.wfra


WldOICAL OrFICif. ) U rke sfrest, memtS.eond, without Cauatie, Mercitrv, or Pain. Mo chartuntil cured. Cur warranted permanent. All

ol7 dAwaa

TA'AKTEB INFORMATION of a FAMILT NAMED1 1 BANDALL, wto lived in tlii pUce about twenty

year a. and wbo bad a dauahter nmed Naccy, Anyword ccnceminc them wid be thankfully reeeived byone deeply interested if Left at Journal oilice.

dH dwlS. S. M0IUU3,


Ui. on Jtffirson street, between Fourth and Filth, ontbe south side, nearly oppo.it the tlourvhouae willpractice in all tbe Courts boiiien In lit city, aod

tbe Cnmical Courts. dli &lmi


NEW DAEY STA9E LINErtom Cave City to SnrkiviU, via

Olas.ow.TLroogh from LouiaTllle to Nashville In 21 hoars

. PASSENGER 1LEAVECWB CTTY2-SiA i daily at o'rlock A M break last

iU Glaarow. dine at Kay', and arnvat Burkaville at 4 o'clock P. M.

i.,v buiktville daily at o'clock A. M .din atBay's, snp at Glasgow, and arrive at Cav City atoVoekP.M.

Tbis line hai recently been sripplted with flrl el uspnesrnser eoache. and exeellent lck. so that the trav-el- ir

public my feel awnred of every com fortard the at meet expedition. Careful, exp.raeed, audKn mmodaunii drivers always in charm.

Pawenser by th1 line bave the privilege ef atopnlnoff at GUstow and remainins over Ion srouich tu visitthe Oil renions in tbe vicinity and prrmdin aa t iename tleket over the line eitner way. The me privi-lege allowed at the Junction the road to in Obed'Biver reeions.

Fare thmnch Mnli d'awiwlru MLP.KLLL, JCKDAN A M'OOi".


Urn. on the 4 h oay ef U Jj.y, hi iuubr. . WM. BAiKKtiVIcLtO t hi I :t hrld in bue pau. ry t aud baaHis are w about fitiv)eara: taturo six ( rr. U of n-

hnr: hewi bald; aud IndiiiKes a hhitofh. n.. ui.i w a siLeii'sr imiut.r. An ru wiver.lis II e miri Wm. I:.kervil tn John Prkr, F.t . 'fGallatin. Tni . or WH,intn l.im and ewv.-v.i- irvtvtn aii. n thefsut to th undriaigurd. i I- t-rrx aiutd. j ., it tic.l-- i r.

i tf Gnardiaa of Win. BaakervUla.

Enaaway Slave.There WA3 committed to the jtl ?

county, klentuav. an the ato dy fot Ni.vrmber.1-.- . a a mnnway,l'e named PETEB. abont ?.i years of are, da--o.pr cenprxion. aomit bet hiH ana wiapotiuov m ba bt loins to WiUism 3. i.revn ef

Mart f uatr, a v. I he nr by comiuf furward audpa J lux reward and kit can r t hi .lave


Bilw'.O Jailer of LariM eaointy.

$1. ONLY $1.1 ). ft FINE GOLD AND STLVE" WATCHEl.Wf'U h.ie n'd at ) i'6vli.ujtvtjiiJur wncsa it'ecu ai(VK(iv,.

sj.niEL c. mtCMJKOs co.,EaTarLiHilXD

The T.aret and Or;Atr o thr't l.tn tmi .in. eoi.d iced f r yeira on sri-ti-

prieiU and to the lit ire satialactiutt m u-ho pt euza as, o(l.:r tlie uatul


Of reh and valuable article On DoHar Each.3 i) Fin Gold Chronnneter each ..am ine G.ld an. drh Later Wfefi-- e lii) Lad e' Go d Enameled Ei W.tete ... l,.iS a . id S her Uiit:tin Lever Wau.h.... to iJ1 O reiver I )Dflw Se .......... 1 d fr

; l.ViMlvtrTc t 1 l ti i

:V Knl: jmn Cruet itanU M) to 3'a,tuu siitex Fruit Lrna.. L to ilPets ef Jewelry, Guard, and Vost Cnaioa. Sarins;

Lock.tr.ete., ete.trt:tknies rf ihe above are p'a-- in

ea'ed envelope mixed and drawn frosa when orderedurie semied euveiepe eontaimog u order for one ot

e vaiuaoie sniete "n our lit. will be sent to iyCjee on rtei ipt of i". eents for tu, 1 f.ir jSO with premium for 5 tin. 1'W) w'.Ut preTiiunt r.)lidS.lv.r H.ini dx C- - Wjlth $'$ tk. eatii'.boa maarsDircd in a'l casrs. oods no pteaeina trie'aasi s or taucj at eur cuitomeis mm be axchiuasd

of cost.Amis nd ethers wl'l tie allowed M cenea on eaeh

certiticat ordrd br tVin. pmvidin not lemth.nsix are ordered at a Umax t o' win solieet ii ceuthit each cemheate and remit li eeuu eacn to ua.

Addrew. a'l eroVrs tobAMLEL O. RX'KARDI h Co,

I'jJ .vau St New York,A3TM3 WASTED EVEKTWHZRg. lw3rn


rodrrniirned. expires on the In of DvemntMr,lMi by limitation. Either partner will .in in tbe

ot tha business. SuNoJOa ) xioVV"aKL.

1 REFtHRrNT TO THK CART FTTLO OFMerprs. Howard- - Prerton, ) Bare t, I lake Divaj.iirein B akin partieulir mention of Mr. K. 9. Howard.

or two ej Ko ba bad ste charse ut ewr km. iiiNew York, and has n an ged the txuiueH wiu kul andt hiiity. Hia ales ef Tohacen. C too, flour. e , havoStven senerai Mtintactiea. 1 covd ally indori oinvsndbepe my old friends Dixf iuuw him with the.r

of produce. . W. E. S.'iXD Y.

rrTISrVT'ERSIOKED H AVE FORMTD A COPAST--reiship lo the pnrp.e of tnuMrtin UeuerU

Commisiion ltnins in Nw I Loi.i aimHOWAKD, Pataru.NS, 4 fc.Vsiiii:TT.

IwrOrkan.ii l. BaitHiTT,W. B. rTtysTois, ew York.

Gxo K. r'vToi. Ean.ville. Ind.CaTT.ts Parsro, Hufsouvill. 111.

W H Williams (J h .un and Owenaboro Uf.Sew Yk, ico. 1, - el tt:lw-Ji-


HSGHiCure warranted if directions' are followed.


cols xri sna zldaz)Kelieved in a Petv Minute.

SAD IIirATHCaueed by offsuaiv secretion.

Catued by Catarrhal afTeetione.

tr::s2 or ErssiT,Wau ioMnd or de troy .l.

Yi hen caused by Catarrhal diffic tlliea.A'l th above dieaae ars cured by this remedy.

Tn.ii.OAT airrzsnoNsArs mere freqneatly than etherwi earned br aI'uick, ai;my n ucoua tUlln; from th bead, repociaUyduriti th nLjht, and resulting from Catana, arcared by


t& W rite for eur pamphlet describing fully aUsymptom. It will be sent tree as any aiUress. ThiBemedy contain a Mineral er Poisonous Ingredients,but la prepared from Yesetabl Extract. Exclusively;therefor it is Perfectly II trmleas, area to th mo

tcukr and delicate child. Price $3 per bottle. Addrea



DR. SEELYS'SBRONCHIAL SYRUP.ia rfifail'n Bfmdy fir Ca?, C1J,

Erna:tls, Sre Throat, Hoarnejjand IrrllatioD of ibt Bronchial

Tabfs r Lcns Tlckllr latbe Throat, and Crap.

Sold by JOHN D. PARE. Cincionatl, and all WhJo-ai- e

Druft;it, and ai Retail by


JmiSJ eod43nw1y


CL TCLFSE BISTCUT CF THE R EL ELLIOT,o pc linnArd beirr delivered to GIVES EXC:L-L1.-

!Ari.-rAC- H 1. baviug beeu rvetiily pre-pared for the fre pii.ee the clo-- e of tli Wa- -. I: l tWAtt CuMPlETK in a ainxle vnloma of ahmtlaree and riueely printni pasea, by Mips aodat. beautinii tei ei cravious: has a full index of ev.u&sard is strotinly bound in leun.'r. The popuiarit ofthis work rarely rqna'ed. Theeanva ii but ju-- t

beviiu. yet it h.a. wittun nnetv dav. ever a'.uoo.ub-tr'Iier- s.Mnlt"ri(p. are wait'ns for juft alien hnov.

it is the CHEPKST WAR HIsrOBs" PL BLISHEUI K FVPN PKoP(.eEI. Price S. in Amoriean uoroe-e-

1 be autoor was formerly Kd tor ot tbe Army andlavy Journal. Airer.U ein sttirit with a wmnK ForCirrulnrs, with tema. add-e- a LLCMtV HOWE. Mo.lUMam stieet, Cincinnati, Oliio. ni3 sodUxkw

joes c. KArrs. WX C. RZAXEB.

KAUTS&REAMEE,No. '2 17 north aid MMw street, bewn Sixth and


liOTJiaVTTiTiE. xzrz- -

Diaxaa ia



avttlement of land consaininc i.& acre, fourt-'e-

hundred cieared, wul bna tram l.uw to 1. Jul pxin Jof sred cttoa per aerar ls seulesaent on the p'arwed improved; two two Cowiei ier.iwa,with Grain TVsvhee and Fan, einht sood NecroHouses ow one place, and tiv est Ihe ethor; one hundredacres et .mall train sowed.

The plantation ia well watered, ana In a healthy lo-

cality.'ihcre Is to be told n th place, if rented,

SI TToad Mi ilee and Horses;b Fine M licit Cows;

11 Head Dry Cattle:1"0 Had tork tin;

38 Head Pork Huga;l.(i Btiaheto Com;l.JiO Bnebe s Cotton Seed;

Iu,uutl Pounda Fodder1 Set ftiaekrm tbs Tools. PVnrs, and Plow Gear;1 Bix Hone YVaaon and Harness;1 Yoke Large Oxen aud Wsoo,

There ar twelve frown nerroea en th plae can bemtioted a No. 1 Blackanuth.

Tsaxa Caaii And will be in th market until tb latef January, Ma, if not disposed of betor tha lima.Fox lnjonuation sddrrae W. L. JANKLU

Sumpkin. Stewart county. Gworaia.Car ot Chain hrUn A Boyntoa.

dll dfw5


ef three er five years, a larre auded Wwo Sr.op in Clarkviile, Tesuins.se, bavir. a boi-ler and fiiue ot thirty horse power, and all tne awfor sawing wwas timber; aim blackasaiuie drm. amplestora rront, Ac, Ae The .tram power is u:hcienl torun a achinery ee blest produein tarra nam rr ofw ms oris, and o ber et ataniilartming ewald

be rnanectrd wita is.A market fr.r all ta piodutloos Is afferded by the

co.ir.try. and to one doirous ot enowiiif; iu tubu inees, this sifords a au OMiunf. AHdr i i Mrsoo,or letter. J. B. BAlLKs".ii ul'iAw'. Clrx.vi,i, Tann.

I WISH TO HEAR FROM PR. A. T. TT. BRT.LL, M Ybnebaod, foiuaiiv ol srieiby enwnty, Aia. lie

North in starch, Wi 1 bave bewrd ootb a fronx binssiore. Any person teadin thia advrttemni wll mom

adrtrc MKS. MARY A. TKKaKLL,Oil diuiwl Co:uiubian, Sbctby cooity, A V

at v saja l lit a ii. u a vTmi "Sriulu' White L!'iuid Enrw 1. T1"K:imi, 'i r n.t. um wm ?t 4 - 'U.t

V.i'. h l'U hctv or !unnur.k in Iria lotx l!- -. i Ih - ii. "km prnmiv-n;F- , r, .wV rwnr I

r'l t ivtv fv in th fiit 9 ni"-n- . vWM.n - -' Iuttiirtv, r 4 w.itvml iH'i'y:t N loi p - ml w. ri ac my uAit wemi! im p i

'id. rw t F SCHT'LTJL Rirr S TrT, 5. V


WVshae sstenvhT) the erientie cla-- of Paris 4Lrt..i. ha. uow p.rirrwi tiv kiMtPl at a.c-n-N Y. M.dai. e hv tne ulx her w .v.

oTir inruin. i kiu.wn e Hot. - . .uiranm--to OTd'teo a li e line rt.irev h h.uo.nlw.ieoitheSRtromto,!:, with thv.t-- m mar.um tiaitouf-- ai arser.oee patim rye. l. s o n.nnn..;.a tiiei .i u. of iet m ... i , cr, nne a 1.1 1,wh. n m rl I wniM ii.ru 'jw 4 i p.. Kir aWhat it puipnrto to be. Hv b.i.iiiir nei,..e n.' . -m , eoior ot ss iik hir. ikI. ei.o ;re twnit--. ai 4"""H en.U p. slid.-- -- i ut uu'reil. you atlir-eeiv- e

the p Cure hv - turn w.a.1.Aue.ese U' xar vt. ii. PRc IT,T.

P. U. tT4W- -r M'i. ,'.itnv. X V.

Ja rTV.A b...n, - '

S V CHaVtfX. V.

a"d ut oo. bjr oi S -j ms e tuer r u.w v?r!n w BWT n ...ir, - i - , IT . V n ...ol P.ri nd L ni-o w.-- i i:- - m --i dreu.1. liea no ii uirv a the ..ir--. K tv

a.ed au.l poi;ii.i, i. r--r u:. eirm.i,,, ui'--t're. Adi.r-i- w i"r, Sli nta .a t. ... Lv.n P. n(utf: 1, Troy. N. i" o. Aj-- r in-- i' tu

5jaV MIST a t: n aforced npon

face int;n to fiv- - i,, V- -'.' I- - SVi. .'4

TV RAP d t -4? B.flLL.1 IKiC inn a.o t

elroverv ii,J' niorvm 'itm-o- .npon the Hem o and

in an .Jmortitii w. i... Duwr It las beew hm-I ttlb villa, f Fait ard Lan4..n w th IM uwt ft.itrioeiiere... hru.e uf all parch-- will be r. ure-t-.and. it astire ,t:.:ariJon ikh riven 13 rrTi i4.itho marev will be clvwf'iiiy renided. Pk bv mi'.wid mil wwmiil, v rimilar iHt u- -

.;.tr. flH.ii,i i'ULTi,Irawer 3'., froi, N V .,.vAtnti idr the I citod Wlru' W

J. XI. TSTTI-LO- T? & co.ftTraBLH.ir.D -

iV'aU'h, Chain. Si'ver JLA'rteC"


mrm mra Ot,too.'' JTO BE SOLO AT ONK If.LaR urn, WIT1!' "K.AiiL Ik, VALlEl "Aiid not to ie pmA for until you iw wAa' yo. mn

A3PIJ3lDrDli5rCPA2T:CLEAI'M) ToM nnntln, Cxed Watche. .... 4"..1..I fioid :iw..

Ladini' i,d Wmv'- ""!!" 40 w,H ljMtiV and Gent s dimer Watch!l n '

'12. Caia. 1 ne to 14 .. ilirlrtm, f p. 7 toll.al ,.4 ival nd Chtaed fiold B'r .. I m to Id ,Vr-- t, and Ini, d 4 w ,

se. l u.rV tjuiorniali.aniood Kioto.. 1 w. am'Cll "'' i"ri-'- ".J 3' Loe.. ... jm Ut M i

w.;u aiiver MtunaM)

11 w i's M to iS-- ts I.auwa' 4 w 1J "

and Tb dpoooa perdoxen 1? tr) y, )4 fkl

51a rer-r- t a idToleForluper duzen.. U tajatHiiiu.ra.nive.m-rp.- ir . e ,M M M mtt Ntkin Kirns p pair go

.l-- Other arkclt 1(Ji oCntif.eatrs of ail 'he vnrio ricle.K.Sn w. mtI,

rtie e.u bv are tii.t out nuo niveiops ,M ini.xrd. at.i. when ordered, r kten out wiclimrtt rhoire. and arut bv man. Uum aivioa ii ir csumOn rece ;l ot the eert yon w..i w.. 0ii easihave, ax d then it ia at your option to send one 4 Lax aud ITtKe the article or no

fnecf th-- e en.-- . rs will he sent Hv sjeail on reemp 'of ioeente. ive r l. eleven for f. fcurty tor i xiy-t- iv

for ailu. andone huiKlrod tor (!At.fcN j iidM every wre-r- e .rvst In Jneoment

teuies aud to act as surb. Fail art ri ti.r nr.euiar, h.cii aives apvcial trrt tint baa. mt iruca-lr- -.A'drevs J. H. Wl.j,;, lh,sli K im S' Krrdw,r. M T.


A cerUin ai.d rpevuy cur ol' A' and Fever orthill rever. it wul no- raiu. no 010 tm aatk tvi to cine Titti and they nv nK n"ni of the DiSKAn eim, hut are 'owwn.hawa)rnM'iNa to tbvir i.u. buine. T a en v aeaio-1- 1e inn lelnble article for A.ne axd i'.tpuod

aud ld wbolessie aa.d an.) il .rvai rHi KLKY. CO ,

a4 jftn-j- Si'veolh aud trna-a- . Lamavllo. ir.$100,000. Hxcelsiar! 510.033.

TwelflU Grand AnnrialDbtiilloaThe Crantletl tirhm JSr rntjoetelt5100,000 ia Valnabla GIf;!One Gift, a rarra, Worta 520,0 D D!

ens cosxx cirr or ss.ooo!"V 1 ,20O miner Cmmh sViIS, rmmflnf rV


Cmrrlmft.llmlrh JT-- , T Jfrr-aawi-

if , ai.irou.t.SOO a7JJ suss) . Xswse kVatf .Horses arad Bajjies, Piaaos, die.

?-- Jaijes .r, a (MM), aFlbaW."w rr tf Tie ittry 2t,lKH.

3iDg!e TUketa, $5; ( Ticketa. $5; 35 Tickets,

Tb Drawn nt .t. . a. Ma, MesMiay.Juaaary 1. lsor.

THE FIP3T C.TFT 1H MY TWELFTTI f)RtNTL!-- t- ibnfon is aav era mmurr rsoidfawe,

at J acie of Und, lyioa on i; K.m.tk CeukaAvilroad, nar R v.a 81 u, in fo.id -- t i emiitv,Ki atiie. V. aed embriMe all IM stork, fvirnn imp !niro . te- - the wao e valued at ..iii). i't i tnmot Dnif ent i:t evfr in aiv diwi wiins.ror a mil nt tru tai in ant 'bo .rend or a cl cu jir, wh en wul be cut u any ou or-- d

; i. it.Tl-- r tnaindev f tlie tifra eorri.t of rr--r twwlv. bent-di-

rh a ;t rarsMix trunk w a : wisrpienaid ru.iiv Carri ,p in of Mk H u,iiricf-w- 4c. woitn i- mil- - two Hn- - s .u.l Ru.si,

'tn Hailed, e . worllt rmrii; lo KVim's. w.Htli ..id e.h; thirteen buri'trvd li.i.d aidstiver Leer H i iiiox W V r w in uona v downIu ch; J.we ty. Silver V" ire,

Amenta wanted. Snd tor s ''i;- ui r eonta'ni-- g terato aeui 4 c. Audi to. ail orders aud le'.trra i

t. l SIN-?-.

!lwt E .x ria Ciueiuau

T' A S T I D 1



Novo need Hn'v lint IhuM uf Mnnil tlik i .Bioiai e"rifc-r- . wbo eu n.nl mfl ilii.nrc.iy,wti'e levibl'-- , and who en r phr in wrv e sn'uiM f

' - " ' - ' ' mfi mora haa tsyrwiaoi mum. aim Apprentices are



A certain number hehi selected tear? from nsthero tr the intun-nta- .

M hoo'narters are aeairtird to eachteach the r aiuiet t or eilnctiuu. lu- - iuiiug -- .11VvlJ iai. trnr moia a are csuetuliy sued fuc.

areCAKr-Fl- LY AND TUOROCGTILY E'MTC CTPDTo dierhi-r-.- the dirties of Seamen, aud M tbe ex r (In ot their snrsa vt apprmiee-hip- , wnir", is w.wthev snivs at U.e aire of si. if oniid )ialrte.t hv 'iwpte:ei ei.ee in the appiiituikts tue waxraut and seuy T. .

aT" For furtter rrjormntion wptvT. H. STE?rTTN t

Commander i. i. Navv, fcno. Pa. 'rVNavml Rmdesvocw, r-- p. 1Q funr U j

over C eniene, tauiirwr--. aud BuriW, ulii.i 1

5100 alerrarrl. - tSTOLt.W TL r . .t f Hli .UT, AWL ,

' vrr-- m m m, oev ah.h a li.rrCray tliK.-- fuiry la ha :d ii'i.t, 7

ma leit eve a litiie d'm racks inif ser. uccW u mi.dUh aud trots w,i in humna I will rva 4:0 rwvdfor tb. acp'ehenaaon of ttm uiief. and t a linr We i

of the bar A.trse care Ira-- r v Ikiivfile, Br. ap'.Twtf Ju.IN w!i.L.iC

EAGAII'3 nAGIJOLIA SAL'IThis Ie the es doMshtfnl and extraordinary W ;t'm '

Cv- cixvervd. It chj.ee lna rin smii Tte 'h.iiv to a MMia fxtor. ot rvi!ii.t. s..i. iim.paititi :tie aiarbie piintv of youti. "J ih. iK.'uyu 1

ss iuv tm i:i tho e tr of ttreniovsa tan. freek.. inieea. and runim. In. a tbkiu. Iravax tho eimp exioi tint tran.'ent, a iu

!ui nth It eui.tt'ti rin.au-rla- l Immi- -. i. Kolha-n-ratrou:ze bv aud Tpera 6 It i wnevery ladv sfeoJd have. SVaJ every w&ere. Kcuaprice i r,.

Prepared bv W. E, HAGAN, Tro?, N. T.Aduress ail order fa

PK.H AS BA R EH CO New Yrk.21 wTy


Caa Advances to Claimants.ALL PARTTF3 HAYINO CLVIM3 rNrraTTIl

C4.narvM.appr.ved Febr'iw s S4, sraua- -ne ennioooei.i and b.uty tor slave, that are now ur

have been in the sji il.ry er aava Mrvioe of tne L':iite4St-a- . can bate .'iefe c'auu "oa.t pmjwnuied bythe nndenManed. TSev are now in reeii4 M to.ewary Biansa and instruct tone fraea tomr aUornevs atn I.U1M1MI a in. smciui sraMoibaa nt Ui ni.Lib.r.1 c.h aitvatieee will lw made., siunaa intrit.te...to them for entlertioo. Claimant are meHcttuy re-ferred to tb ac.soranvin reeomrneaahuiuue.

JOHN U. LE1OM dk rOV.OfTe so JerTeraew W.. eonth si'le, bu mi

tiist aad Secwnd, No. 34 wee. o. Bus IX.asm to

Colonel Jane T. Bnckner, .'Woey, Leukvirl.iraaas t... oaaers, xonivi.ie.

Phe pa. Caidwed, Co., Luuiavui Warehoos.

FOR ALE FARI-rFIRI- NO TO QUITI will niter st snbiie wis th ixrm on wh.- - I

new r.. eenfaiatn - aero- - of coos) land u4 ,flsd rtal of cuitivaxtoo. The dwallin s a framo. n.teontaiw w-a noma, be').ie kltea and srn.Mi.ikx,.It hat upon it two aevr-tai-l n orr nar-- of rrmt;alao a bu aet in ef sxesileol water a- -r the hotian, audpWcly sa Tber are aOo.il icr LaTa ai d alw ut no acres la smtiviaioo. There st b

indicauon .f Pt'trolun opoai a oo the od,ptrnty ol wood and BsabeT lor ad purpiees. Snid mntteuluatedisi soansy, Ky 4 wiiea be'ow

and iu 4 miles of the ubio nmr. Pet pons litwant ot a xooj ra- - m a' nMnesMt te sa.l and see,farm between sow and tb day of ..la. wbi K .uphwe on the prew Mrs on U tb day of rubor, ir..Te'tns lineraL snd tn auil the pi.retiaeer.

msa oc. I'Ain , a. o. BrrrnwtVA.TTI-EYER- Y V IN OR Wi MN OIT rp

tans p. and s l our .- in. i..t aud cire lar. No I'xtx . rH. LCViA. box Ij, Piotideoce, Ruude li'jtit, ""'oT'irt'



