NYU107- Media Kit - Rebekkah & Emily

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About Feel the Music Feel The Music is a non-profit organization based in New York City that provides music education programs to deaf children. Our mission is to give children with hearing impairments, ages 5-12, a chance to participate in musical programs and experience the joy that music brings. Why This Is Important Statistics shows that about 2 to 3 out of every 1000 children in the United States are born with a detectable level of hearing loss in one or both ears. Many people with hearing impairments have significant residual hearing and can listen to music at higher volumes. However, the majority of the deaf population does not receive any music education in their childhood. Feel the Music hopes to enable kids with hearing impairments to enjoy the same musical opportunities just like everyone else. What We Do We bring music to local elementary schools for deaf students. Since we have launched in 2015, our music education programs have reached more than 1000 students at 10 different locations in New York City. The programs allow students with hearing impairments to play musical instruments and perform in American Sign Language choirs. All programs are under the instruction of professional music teachers, recruited and trained by Feel the Music. There are bands, orchestras and choirs for students with hearing impairments to join. Semi-annual concerts are held at the end of every semester for children to showcase their musical talents. Music is a gift from God. Music is for everyone. Feel the Music wants to create the best musical experience for children with hearing impairments.


Rebekkah Kimani Co-Founder, Feel the Music Rebekkah grew up in Indiana in a family of musicians. Her mother is a licensed music teacher and violinist who had a great influence on Rebekkah’s music career. At the age of 5, her mother started to teach little Rebekkah how to play the violin, and that was the time she fell in love with music. As Rebekkah grew up, she became more passionate about music and started to learn both piano and guitar.

The countless music prizes Rebekkah won during her adolescence were proof of her achievement as a young musician. In the Issma Music Competition, hosted by Indiana State School Music Association, she won first and second places for solo and group ensembles for 7 years in a row.

Rebekkah is always passionate to join volunteer work related to music education. She was once the volunteer teacher in BDK Music Summer Camp, where she enjoyed helping those young music lovers.

Rebekkah became passionate about children with hearing impairment when she was working in retail. One day, she was trying to assist two people as she was dancing to music, but the two people did not respond. Later on, she saw them signing to each other, and that is when it dawned on her that they were deaf. Her mind wandered off into thinking if they could not hear her then they probably did not hear the music she was dancing to, so she looked silly in their eyes. This experience inspired her to do more research and learn how hearing impaired, or deaf people experience the joys of music. That was when she came up with the idea to start Feel the Music with her friend, Yongshi.

Rebekkah received her Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism Public Relations with a minor in Music and Symphonic Instruments at Ball State University. She is currently working on her Master’s Degree in Public Relations and Corporate Communication at New York University.


Yongshi Zhu Co-Founder, Feel the Music Yongshi grew up in Changchun City in the northeastern part of China. She became a music lover from a very young age. Her father told her that she learned to dance to the beats of music when she was just two years old. As she grew up, singing and listening to music became Yongshi’s favorite hobbies in her spare time. She also started learning how to play the piano at the age of six. As a young adult, Yongshi participated in the University Choir at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. There she won the championship of the Annual Singing Contest 2014. Music keeps playing important part in Yongshi’s life and she cannot imagine a world without music. It is no secret that Yongshi has always had a passion for helping out in the community. In college, she volunteered with Zonta Club, an international non-profit organization serving women and children. She enjoyed the time teaching and singing with young kids from Southeast Asia. She deeply believes that love and care can make a difference, and education is key to change one’s life. Yongshi began to pay attention to the deaf population years ago after she watched an impressive performance called Lady Buddha with Thousand Hands on the television. She was surprised when told that the 63 dancers all had hearing loss, but could dance to the music so perfectly. Years later, when her friend Rebekkah told her the idea of starting Feel the Music, Yongshi was more than happy to be her partner. Yongshi hopes to spread her love for music by getting others to be a part of Feel the Music. She wants people to understand music is for everyone. Yongshi Zhu earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Chinese and Bilingual Studies with a minor in Management at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. She is currently working on her Master’s Degree in Public Relations and Corporate Communication at New York University.


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Rebekkah Kimani Co-Founder, Feel the Music

646-464-6464 [email protected]

Deaf Students Can Create Music Too Feel the Music Provides Musical Education for Students with Hearing Impairments

NEW YORK, August 5, 2015 — This school year, students with hearing impairments will be able to participate in more musical programs thanks to Feel the Music, a non-profit music education organization for deaf children. The objective of the organization is to provide children, with hearing loss, an opportunity to express and experience different emotions that music can create. “Music is such a beautiful thing, and having dealt with hearing loss myself, if I can help reach the deaf community and help them experience this beautiful thing, then sign me up,” said Jane Lynch, American singer, actress and comedian. Feel the Music will bring in well trained musicians that are also trained in deaf education to teach these programs. Students will be given the chance to participate in band, choir or orchestra. Students will also be able to showcase their talents in two concerts per school year. “Music is a gift from God. Music is for everyone. We hope to bring the joy of music to more deaf kids with music dreams,” said Co-Founder of Feel the Music, Yongshi Zhu.

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About Feel the Music Feel The Music is a non-profit organization based in New York City that provides music education programs to children with hearing impairments. It was founded by Rebekkah Kimani and Yongshi Zhu, on the foundation that every person should be able to experience the emotions that music can bring.

Press Release

Feel the Holiday, Feel the Music OVERVIEW Feel the Holiday is a Christmas-themed auction put on by Feel the Music. It will take place at the New York School for the Deaf auditorium. Jane Lynch, who also deals with hearing loss and stars on Glee, will host the event. The purpose of the auction is To raise funds for Feel the Music to fund its teachers, instruments, as well as events and daily operations.

The afternoon will start off with a musical performance by famous percussionist — Evelyn Glennie. Around 1:30 p.m., the auction will take place. Items include: Stradivarius, Yamaha, Samuel Eastman, and Besson instruments that were all donated by top local music stores in NYC. There will be other musical performances throughout the auction: by our guests, our students and co-founders. The finale performance will be with Justin Bieber, Mariah Carey, Usher, and students within Feel the Music.

EVENT DETAILS Date: December 19 (Sat.), 2015

Time: 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.

Ticket: Adult admission - $50 Student admission - $20

Location: New York School for the Deaf auditorium, 555 Knollwood Rd, Elmsford, NY 10603 (From NYC: Take FDR Drive to exit 4, turn left at NY-100A N/W Hartsdale)

GUESTS Jane Lynch Evelyn Glennie Mariah Carey Justin Bieber Usher

CONTACTS Rebekkah Kimani Feel the Music, Co-Founder [email protected] 646-464-6464 Yongshi Zhu Feel the Music, Co-Founder [email protected] 646-646-4646


*All proceeds will go to Feel the Music. Refreshments will be provided*

To: Kate Taylor ([email protected]) From: Rebekkah Kimani Subject Line: Jane Lynch Visits New York School for the Deaf Hello Ms. Taylor, It’s that time of the year where everyone is celebrating the holiday season, and I wanted to personally invite you to attend a special holiday fundraiser, Feel the Holiday. This event is put on by Feel the Music and hosted by Jane Lynch, to raise money and awareness for the musical programs offered by Feel the Music.

Feel the Music is a music education organization for hearing impaired students ages 5-12, in the NYC schools. Feel the Holiday will take place at the New York School for the Deaf on December 19th, at 1pm. This fundraiser will be enjoyable for the whole family. There will be an auction, and musical performances by artists: Evelyn Glennie, Justin Bieber, Usher and Mariah Carey, along with a performance from our students and co-founders. Items being auctioned are instruments from brands such as Besson, Samuel Eastman, Stradivarius and Yamaha. I would be happy to arrange an interview with Jane Lynch, students or other artists. I will follow up with you to confirm your attendance next Monday. Thank you in advance for your consideration. Best, Rebekkah Kimani Co-Founder, Feel the Music 646-464-6464 [email protected]

Pitch Letter
