NYCU Newsletter 6

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  • 7/28/2019 NYCU Newsletter 6



    Issue #6 July 18, 2013 Restoring A Vision Evangelizing Nations

    The Fear



    Do you not know that in a

    race all of the runnerscompete, but (only) one

    receives the prize? So run(your race) that you may lay

    hold (of the prize) and make

    it yours!1 Corinthians 9:24

    News You Can UseIssue #6 July 18, 2013 Restoring A Vision Evangelizing Nations


    The CourageousRun




    No fearonly FAITH!

    Raven S. Jackson


    The Sermon You Preach

    Continued on page 3

    "What is the secret to great living? Entire separation to

    Christ and devotion to Him. Thus speaks every man andwoman whose life has made more than a passing flicker

    in the spiritual realm. It is the life that has no time fortrifling that counts." Amy Carmicheal

    "You must be holy because I, the Lord, am holy. I haveset you apart from all other people to be my very own."

    Leviticus 20:26 NLT

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  • 7/28/2019 NYCU Newsletter 6



    Issue #6 July 18, 2013 Restoring A Vision Evangelizing Nations

    The CourageousRun

    "I returned, and saw under the

    sun, that the race is not to theswift, nor the battle to the strong,

    neither yet bread to the wise, nor

    yet riches to men ofunderstanding, nor yet favour tomen of skill; but time and chance

    happeneth to them all."

    Ecclesiastes 9:11

    If you have ever been to a track meet or race you have seen that sometimes the

    competitor that is expected to win or is ahead in the beginning does not always winor finish the race. Sometimes the individual who continues to run despite what itlooks and feels like and is focused on the finish line and prize wins! In fact, themost successful people are those who have the ability to perceive what ispossible, even when it looks impossible! Winners look beyond the obstacle

    blocking their success and they recognize, through perseverance and faith in whatGod has said in His Word will result in them ultimately being victorious! What is

    your dream/desire? What have you been believing God for? Its time for you withGodly confidence and faith to finish your race. It may seem that everyone else is

    ahead of you! It may seem that everyone else is more qualified then you! Matter of

    fact, you may not be qualified at all

    .but God does not always call those that arequalifiedHe qualifies those who He calls! Friend, if you are born again,YOU

    ARE NOT POWERLESS! You have the ability to overcome everything Satanlaunches against you, finish your race, and win! Dont compare your life to others!God has chosen you! YOU never have to contend, compete, or compromise!God has appointed and anointed YOU for the particular purpose He has for

    you! Remember, what God has for YOU is for YOU! No other person can wearyour crown, anointing, or fulfill your purpose! So run your racedont compare

    yourself to others, dont let what is a temporary hindrance or obstacle deter you from

    the journey, destiny, and prize that God has for you! Today, know that all you needhas already been deposited into youby God! Use your faith and make awithdrawal! God has commissioned you to obtain your prize and win! There is

    nothing wrong with HeadquartersHeaven! There is nothing wrong with ourCommander in ChiefJesus! Feed your faith and let your fears starve to death!Fear brings Satan on the scene, faith brings God on the scene! Take courage

    and finish your race! You have been commanded to win!

    Be encouraged!

  • 7/28/2019 NYCU Newsletter 6



    Issue #6 July 18, 2013 Restoring A Vision Evangelizing Nations

    The Sermon You


    I knew you before I formed you in yourmothers womb. Before you were born I set

    you apartand appointed you as myprophet to the nations.

    Jeremiah 1:5 NLT

    As I sit here preparing to speak on this Sunday, Iran across this quote and wasimmediately about to share it on Facebook, but

    then I thoughtwhy not write about it.

    The life you live is the sermon you preach.

    Many times we look at our Pastors, or theEvangelists, Missionaries, Elders,.etc. at ourchurch as the only ones who have a sermon topreach. Maybe it is from the pulpit on a Sunday

    morning, or maybe it is by traveling around theworld sharing the Gospel, or maybeit's through teaching Bible study or Sunday

    school.but whatever it is we never think aboutthe sermon that we preach as we live. Each

    and every person that is in Christ has a ministry.YesYOU have a ministry. You may not

    have been called to "preach" per se from a pulpiton Sunday morning, but best believe that in manyways you may be the only Bible that some peopleare reading. In fact, God commands us to go into

    all the world and make disciples in His name.(Matthew 28:19-20) That is your ministry. That ismy ministry. That is everyone's ministry who is inChrist. Jeremiah 1:5 NLT says that God knew

    you before he formed you in your motherswomb. Before you were born He set you apart and

    appointed you as His prophet to the nations.Three things we can take away from this scripture:1) God knew you before you were even formed. 2)

    You are set apart. 3) You have been appointed.Today, we will focus on 2 and 3.

    You ain't livin' until you livin' for HisName!

    Are you blending in with this world? Do youlive like, walk like, talk like, or admire the

    world? Have you bought the lie that you haveto be of the world in order to reach it? Maybeyou believe that somehow the more like theworld you are, the more influence you will

    have upon it. Friend, it's time that we live setapart lives for Christ! Leviticus 20:26 NLTsays "You must be holy because I,the Lord, am holy. I have set you

    apart from all other people to be my veryown." God's Word is even more clear in 2Corinthians 6:17. It says: Come out fromamong them and be separate, says the

    Lord... "Many of us try to explain awaythe holy calling upon our lives rather than

    unapologetically embracing it." (Leslie

    Ludy) But it's time friend, that we embracethe holy calling upon our lives and walk in it!Truth is, your walking is a whole lot louder

    than your talking! In other words.....your lifepreaches louder than your lips. Anyone can

    say that they are a Christian. Anyone can saythat they love Jesus. Anyone can live a

    morally correct life based on the 10commandments. BUT as you know religion

    and relationship are two completelydifferent things.

  • 7/28/2019 NYCU Newsletter 6



    Issue #6 July 18, 2013 Restoring A Vision Evangelizing Nations

    You call it religion. I call it relationship!

    "There's a difference between doing church onSundays and being the church 24/7!" (Christine

    Caine) Friend, truth is you were not called to just saythis or say that, or tweet this or instagram that or to

    facebook this....YOU were called to live it!

    Real talk: YOU cannot be in a relationship withChrist if you are still seeing the world!

    It's not about a bunch of dos and's abouta relationship with of which you don'tcheat on Him with the world on the weekends andoccasionally throughout the week! It is not about

    the outward appearance; it is about the life whichflows out of intimacy with the King!

    The sermon that you preach is not about'sabout Jesus! It's time that we once and for all

    exchange a self-focused life for a Christ-focusedone! You, my friend have been chosen and called tobe set apart! You were called to walk different, talk

    different, and LIVE DIFFERENT! Not so that you canbe "all that," but so that God can get the glory! Whenyou look like the world (live, talk, walk) you preach

    the sermon that says, "Nobody can truly live forChrist in this world. And noboby can truly live a holyand set apart life." BUT the devil is a liar. If you are

    reading this, I believe that God has chosen you toset the standard. He has chosen you to showcaseHis glory. He has chosen you to show this world thatthose who are in Christ are new creations and thatHe has created in you a clean heart and renewed aright spirit on the inside of you, and that you do not

    have to conform to this world just because everyoneelse is doing it! YOU don't have to act like, date like,live like, talk like, or walk like everyone else. Your

    role model, example, and leader is God! You

    emulateHim. You live like Him. You talk like

    Him.You are a God chaser. You are a King's kid.YOU are royalty......start living likeit!

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  • 7/28/2019 NYCU Newsletter 6



    Issue #6 July 18, 2013 Restoring A Vision Evangelizing Nations

    One question.what is it that you

    desire to do, but fear has beenhindering you? Write it down on a sheetof paper and we will deal with that later.First things first, let's talk about Peter. Godtold Peter to do something that wasimpossible for him to do in his own

    strength and ability

    He told him towalk on water! But before Jesus toldPeter to come to Him by walking on thewater He said, Take courage! I Am!Stop being afraid (Matthew 14:27). Thisis important.because my friend, if fear isnot dealt with, it will keep you from doingwhat God has called you to do. Fear isthe result of you putting all your trust

    in your own strength and ability! Notethat before Peter even stepped out of theboat, God was saying to him to takecourage and not beafraid because He is!The Word tells us that Greater is He thatis in us (1 John 4:4) and that We can doall things through Christ (Philippians4:13). Both of thesescriptures show usthat God in us is greater and that we can

    can do all things through Himnot inour own strength and ability.BUT ITIS THROUGH GODS STRENGTHAND ABILITY THAT WE DO ALLTHINGSEVEN THEIMPOSSIBLE! So Peter stepped out of

    the boat; he stepped out of his comfortzone, out of his ability and strengthand did what God told him to do. Onething that you must know is that whenyou step out on faith, God will see andmeet your faith as long as you keepyour eyes on Him! It is also importantthat you dismiss your strength andability and put all your trust inGod's ability and strength! That's the

    key to overcoming fear and walking invictory!

    The Fear Factor

    "Instantly Jesus reachedout His hand and caughtandheld him, saying tohim, O you of little faith,

    why did you doubt?"

    ~Matthew 14:25-31~

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  • 7/28/2019 NYCU Newsletter 6


    Issue #6 July 18, 2013 Restoring A Vision Evangelizing Nations

    Book of theMonth:

    "When GodWrites YourLove Story"

    By: Eric and

    Leslie Ludy

    Music of theMonth:

    "RememberWho You


    By: Crystal


    Music of theMonth:

    "Not for aMoment

    (After All)"

    By: Meredith


    Joke of theMonth:

    I have neversaid that I had

    too manyclothes......
