Nuts and Bolts of the Title II, Part A Application Virginia Department of Education Coordinators’ Academy July 22 – July 24, 2015 2015 Coordinators' Academy

Nuts and Bolts of the Title II, Part A Application Virginia Department of Education Coordinators’ Academy July 22 – July 24, 2015 2015 Coordinators' Academy

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Nuts and Bolts of the Title II, Part AApplication

Virginia Department of EducationCoordinators’ AcademyJuly 22 – July 24, 2015

2015 Coordinators' Academy


Overview of Available Resources Application Elements

Narrative and Detail Budget Tab Summary Budget Tab HQT Teacher Tab Private School Tab


2015 Coordinators' Academy

Title II, Part A, Application for Federal Funds Video Series

Resources located on the ESEA Applications for Federal Funds Web page

2015 Coordinators' Academy

Application Development

Archived webinar assistance available at: http://www.doe.virginia.gov/federal_programs/esea/applications/index.shtml

Common elements Cover page Program overview Coordination of services Measurable objectives Budget

See mechanics module for details on entering information.

See webinar module oncommon elements for

details on these components.

2015 Coordinators' Academy

Application Development Cycle

3. Program Implementation

4. Evaluation of Results

2. Application Development

1. Needs Analysis

2015 Coordinators' Academy

Application Elements

Program Overview Coordination of Services Measurable Objectives Detail Budget Summary Budget Program Specific Pages

2015 Coordinators' Academy

Program Specific Pages (Overview)

Highly qualified teachers (HQT) and paraprofessionals

Equitable distribution of highly qualified and experienced teachers

Private school participation

2015 Coordinators' Academy

Application Tabs

2015 Coordinators' Academy



Important Reminders of Application Due Date

2015 Coordinators' Academy

Program Overview

Describe needs assessment process and findings. Outline key findings. For Title II, Part A, this should include:

division highly qualified teacher (HQT) data; summaries of teacher/principal evaluations; results of professional development surveys or data used to determine professional development needs; student achievement gaps; class size data.

Describe proposed strategies for use of funds to address indicated needs.

If strategies have been implemented previously, describe results of the efforts.

2015 Coordinators' Academy

Coordination of Services

Describe how Title II, Part A, program is coordinated with other federal programs.

Describe other partnerships or efforts that contribute to teacher and principal quality. (e.g., university partnerships, outside grants, foundation funding, regional professional development activities)

2015 Coordinators' Academy

Measurable Objectives for Teacher Quality (examples) By June 2016, 100 percent of teachers and paraprofessionals will

be highly qualified as measured by the IPAL report. By June 2016, class sizes in grade 2 will decrease from 24:1 to 18:1. By June 2016, all instructional personnel in federal core content

areas will participate in at least five professional development activities as evidenced by participation logs, artifacts, etc.

By June 2016, retention of new teachers will increase from 85 percent to 95 percent.

By June 2016, at least 90 percent of teachers in federal core content areas will receive a summative rating of Proficient or Exemplary on the end of year teacher evaluation.

2015 Coordinators' Academy

Make It Better Activity

2015 Coordinators' Academy

Summary Budget Tab

2015 Coordinators' Academy

Summary Budget Tab

Green cells denote value of private school services, based on retroactive services.

2015 Coordinators' Academy

Summary Budget Tab

Yellow cells indicate activities with professional development focus.

2015 Coordinators' Academy

Program Specific Pages: Equitable Distribution of Highly Qualified Teachers

Analyze data between schools at each grade span.HQT distributionTeacher experience distribution

Compare data for high-poverty and/or high-minority schools with low-poverty and/or low-minority schools.

Outline strategies used to ensure equitable distribution of highly qualified, experienced teachers.

[ESEA, Section 2123(a)(2-4)] 2015 Coordinators' Academy

Program Specific Pages: Equitable Distribution of Highly Qualified Teachers (example)

Grade Span

School Name Poverty Percent Minority

HQT Percentage

Average Teacher Experience

Summative Teacher Evaluation (Percent proficient or higher)

K-2 School A 52.7 52 100 10 87

K-2 School B 39.1 10 98 12 95

3-5 School C 83.4 66 100 15 95

3-5 School D 45.2 42 100 12 93

6-8 School F 33.0 88 95 8 85

6-8 School G 25.3 52 100 17 97

9-12 School H 15.1 85 90 4 96

9-12 School I 9.2 12 95 15 95

Work with a partner to analyze data chart.

Where are the greatest concerns?What other information may be helpful?What are some possible strategies to address identified concerns?

[ESEA, Section 2123]2014-2015 Coordinators' Academy

Program Specific Pages: Equitable Distribution of Highly Qualified Teachers (example)

Grade Span

School Name Poverty Percent Minority

HQT Percentage

Average Teacher Experience

Summative Teacher Evaluation (Percent proficient or higher)

K-2 School A 52.7 52 100 10 87

K-2 School B 39.1 10 98 12 95

3-5 School C 83.4 66 100 15 95

3-5 School D 45.2 42 100 12 93

6-8 School F 33.0 88 95 8 85

6-8 School G 25.3 52 100 17 97

9-12 School H 15.1 85 90 4 96

9-12 School I 9.2 12 95 15 95

Title II, Part A, TabEquitable Distribution of Teachers

• Outline strategies used to improve distribution issues, including:

• Support for inexperienced teachers;• Support for ineffective teachers;• Targeted efforts to improve recruitment in

specific schools or subjects.

2015 Coordinators' Academy

Private School Tab

2015 Coordinators' Academy

How to Document Revisions and Amendments

Provide a concise description of changes.

Check the appropriate box and include the date. Note an amendment must always precede a budget transfer request.

2015 Coordinators' Academy


2015 Coordinators' Academy

Title II, Part A, ApplicationReminders and Clarifications

Clarifications Revisions and amendments descriptions Program overview narrative Summary budget line items Private school page – enrollment line Private school page – retroactive services

2015 Coordinators' Academy

Ensuring an Approval

Make sure all pages are complete.Common issues:

Cover page completion; HQT page completion; Private school page completion; and Budget alignment.

2015 Coordinators' Academy

VDOE Contact Information for Title II, Part A

Carol Sylvester, Title II, Part A, [email protected]

Phone: (804) 371-0908

Tiffany Frierson, Title II/IV [email protected]

Phone: (804)371-2682

2015 Coordinators' Academy