Nutritional Preceptorship Program© 1 5/13/2014 Gastroesophageal reflux: contents back up, heartburn or coughing or no symptoms Barrett’s esophagus: chronic acid, risk of cancer Dyspepsia: upset or indigestion Gastroparesis: nerve damage to muscle Gastritis: alcohol, stress, medications Crohn’s Disease: mouth to anus Colitis: inflammation of colon 5/13/2014 Not an actual diagnosis Nervous Stomach: butterflies, stress, anxiety Produces every class of neurotransmitters found in the brain Messages sent from enteric nervous system to the brain 9 x’s greater than brain to stomach Solar Plexus – 3rd Chakra Gut feeling Pay Attention! 5/13/2014 5/13/2014 Gastric ulcers in the lining of the stomach Duodenal ulcers in the upper small intestine NSAIDS (aspirin, ibuprofen, Celebrex, Motrin) block COX1 that protects stomach supports platelets & COX 1 that protects stomach, supports platelets & blood clotting. Causes ulcers/bleeding Helicobacter Pylori most common cause of duodenal and stomach and ulcers culprit in 90% of duodenal ulcers and 80% of gastric ulcers Pubmed drugs 1986;32 Suppl 1:35-41. Effect of NSAIDS on the human small intestine. 5/13/2014 Spiral bacterium Acid resistant Affects lining of stomach and duodenum Present only in humans Does not spread through body Considered to be a carcinogen by WHO 26 fold increased risk of gastric and mucosa associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) cancer 5/13/2014

Nutritional Preceptorship Program© · Nutritional Preceptorship Program© 1 5/13/2014 Gastroesophageal reflux: contents back up, heartburn or coughing or no symptoms Barrett’s

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  • Nutritional Preceptorship Program© 1


    Gastroesophageal reflux: contents back up, heartburn or coughing or  no symptoms

    Barrett’s esophagus: chronic acid, risk of cancer Dyspepsia: upset or indigestion Gastroparesis: nerve damage to muscle Gastritis: alcohol, stress, medications Crohn’s Disease: mouth to anus Colitis: inflammation of colon


    Not an actual diagnosis Nervous Stomach: butterflies, stress, anxiety Produces every class of neurotransmitters found in the brain

    Messages sent from enteric nervous system to the brain 9 x’s greater than brain to stomach

    Solar Plexus – 3rd Chakra Gut feeling ‐ Pay Attention!

    5/13/2014 5/13/2014

    Gastric ulcers in the lining of the stomach Duodenal ulcers in the upper small intestine NSAIDS (aspirin, ibuprofen, Celebrex, Motrin) block COX‐1 that protects stomach supports platelets &COX 1 that protects stomach, supports platelets & blood clotting. Causes ulcers/bleeding

    Helicobacter Pylori most common cause of duodenal and stomach and ulcers

    culprit in 90% of duodenal ulcers and 80% of gastric ulcers

    Pubmed drugs 1986;32 Suppl 1:35-41. Effect of NSAIDS on the human small intestine.5/13/2014

    Spiral bacterium Acid resistant  Affects lining of stomach and duodenum Present only in humans Does not spread through body Considered  to be a carcinogen by WHO 2‐6 fold increased risk of gastric and mucosa associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) cancer


  • Nutritional Preceptorship Program© 2

    1981 bacteria discovered in gastric inflammation duodenal and gastric ulcersa at o duode a a d gast c u ce s

    Ridiculed by scientists and doctors Zantac and Tagamet billions $$ Used himself as experiment 1994 antibiotics standard approach 2005 Nobel Prize


    Children‐vomiting, chronic abdominal pain  Adults‐ aging reduced  HCI by at least 50%  Adrenal fatigue, alcohol, smoking, chronic stress 8 to 10 million Canadians with H. Pylori 1 in 5 30 years or 1 million people  1 out of 2  80 years + Men high rate than women Most are asymptomatic 10‐15 % peptic ulcers


    Canada highest rate in the world 500,000 to 850,000 Canadians duodenal ulcers Rate has increased 1.5 times since 1996  $67 million per year $67 million per year 1.3 million Canadians with stomach ulcers 1 out of 10 will have a stomach ulcer 12.4 million RX in 2004 proton pump inhibitors Bleeding ulcers 1 in 20 deaths

    5/13/2014 5/13/2014

    HCI the most important part of digestion  Initiates protein digestion, kills bacteria, signals liver, gallbladder and pancreas

    Triggers Intrinsic factor for B12 absorption Triggers Intrinsic factor for B12 absorption Inflammation  leaky gut loss of hydrogen ions = low HCI

    Test with HCI enzyme on empty stomach until warm

    Mucus protects stomach & duodenum from acid


    H Pylori, drugs, poor diet disrupt mucus allowing acid to contact delicate tissues

    H pylori  can  acid & ulcers

    stomach acid H Pylori Low stomach acid often 

    confused with  excess acid Initial cause of H Pylori is 

    low stomach acid inflammation  acid damage ulcers 5/13/2014

  • Nutritional Preceptorship Program© 3

    Infections are silent, no symptoms. Gnawing or burning pain ribs to navel Minutes to hours  Worse on empty stomach Blood in vomit &/or bowel movement. Prolonged bleeding leads to anemia, weakness, fatigue


    Blood tests: H. Pylori antibodies Breath tests: urea to ammonia measured as C02, inconsistency in  results

    Endoscopy/Biopsy: culture of specimen from Endoscopy/Biopsy: culture of specimen from stomach

    Helicobacter Pylori Stool Antigen test (HPSA) May be contagious: runs in families


    Long‐term medications: inhibit HCI production (Ranitidine or Zantac)

    Proton pump inhibitors (Losec, Nexium, Prevacid) p p ( , , )block  hydrogen ions

    Relieve ulcer symptoms‐not a cure one or two antibiotics for  10‐14 days + Antibiotic resistance/noncompliance 61% to 94%


    The body’s soil or biochemical and energetic environment

    The state of this soil determines the energetic reserve of the body or how it reacts to challenges

    A healthy, energetic body is able to reject threats to its survival

    As the terrain becomes more toxic, it loses energy and moves deeper into disease

    Symptoms are the language of the body They communicate that there is a problem They guide us to where the problem is – where y g pthe imbalances are

    Use the symptoms to know if you are moving the body towards health

    Don’t shut up the body THINK DIFFERENTLY!

    Our Liver was designed to take care of the toxins produced by our body

    Today, the liver also has to deal with environmental toxins

    There are over 100,000 registered chemical toxins as of 2012

    These toxins are damaging the function and structure of the body

  • Nutritional Preceptorship Program© 4

    The liver and kidneys, our major organs of elimination, are overloaded and/or damaged by toxic material

    Detoxification is like throwing garbage bags against the door and hoping that it will open

    Drainage is opening the door first and then taking out the garbage

    Drainage helps to clean up the liver, kidneys, and other organs of elimination

    LIVER DRAINERS› UNDA: #295, #243, #226, #20, #1› Gemmotherapy: Juniperus, FraxinusGemmotherapy: Juniperus, Fraxinusexcelsior, Betula pubescens, Rosmarinusofficinalis

    › Single Remedies:  Hydrastis 30K,Lycopodium 30K, Bryonia 30K, Ignatia 30K

    KIDNEY DRAINERS› UNDA #44, #45, #2, #7› Gemmotherapy: Juniperus, UlmusGemmotherapy:  Juniperus, UlmusCampestres, Abies pectinata (Album), Zeamais

    › Single Remedies:  Berberis 30K,Lycopodium 30K, Silicea 30K, Thuya 30K

    GENTLEST:  # 295 & #44 MODERATE:  #243 & #44 STRONGEST #1 & #2 7‐10 drops of each together in a little water, twice daily, AM & PM 

    Hold in mouth one minute and swallow, at least 15 minutes away from food, mouthwash, toothpaste

    Displace, inhibit, and destroy pathogens Strengthen environment Restore normal flora Drainage will minimize the gas and bloating Drainage will minimize the gas and bloating Move slowly & gently to release all of the garbage

    The bugs are there because the environment supports their being there

    Diet is essential

    Bacteria, etc:  #39, #17 or Juglans regia & Ficus carica

    Virus: #710 or Acer campestre & Platinus porientalis

    Sponge: Cilantrogen, Chlorgen, or Vitamin C

  • Nutritional Preceptorship Program© 5

    HMF Forte  2 bid or HMF Super Powder HMF Intensive 1 bid HMF Replenish 1 daily for 2 weeks after antibioticsantibiotics

    HMF Neuro for stomach & nervous system if it tests energetically

    Probiotics 6 months to five years after antibiotics depending on how often you feed the bugs

    UNDA #3, #4, #6, #12, #13, #26, #31, #46, #50, #700

    Gemmo:  Vitis vinifera, Vaccinium vitis idaeaMost used #3 & #50 for intestines – #3Most used #3 & #50 for intestines  #3 regenerates mucous membranes

    #4 stomach – fosters digestion of food & outside world

    #43 for gas & bloating; #46 for dyspepsia/gastric overload

    #6 for large intestine

    #31 for ulceration of digestive tract Ulcers: #4, #31, #700 Colitis/Crohn’s:  acute:  #3, #37, #50; chronic: #3, #48, #50, alternating monthly with #2, #3, #50

    H Pylori:  Mercurius sol 30K tid; Merc cor if more pain

    Kalium carbonicum plex for gas & bloating

    PassifloraplexTilia tomentosa#9, #24, #30, #210, #219, #228, #1001Ribes Nigrum – adrenal tonicCalm‐genCastor Oil PacksMeditation

    › Lycopodium› Platina

    › Chamomilla› Thuya

    Single Homeopathic Remedies for the Victim: 200K – CMK Read the remedy to find the one that fits:

    › Platina› Pulsatilla› Arsenicum album› Lachesis› Rhus tox› Nat mur

    › Thuya› Calc carb› Sepia› Nux vomica› Sulphur

    Specific  Supplement Formulas & Nutrients

    Diet ProtocolsLifestyle ManagementUnderlying Issues


  • Nutritional Preceptorship Program© 6

    • Basic Tabs/Powder (BIOMED®) OR BasenPulver‐Ph (Pascoe)

    • Handout: “Why Treat with AlkalicMi t ?”Mixtures?”

    • Probiotics• Anti‐inflammatory• Healing formulas‐ A, E, C, Zinc• Digestive Enzymes


    Resident Strains

    Naturally found in the human intestine

    They re‐establish and  adhere to the

    Transient Strains Found outside the human 

    intestinal system, but are extremely beneficial in promoting its health.  

    Found living symbioticallyadhere to the intestinal tract to repair the body’s intestinal flora.  

    These are  commonly referred to as “human strain” bacteria.

    Found living symbiotically on many plants as long as they are not destroyed by pesticides. They do not re‐establish in the intestinal tract, so it is necessary to consume them by eating organic vegetables or supplementation.

    Bifidobacterium bifidum Disturbances in gut flora + peristalsis disorders + liver 

    problems are usually related to the restriction or disappearance of B. bifidum.

    Protects the body from devastating effects of rotavirus diarrhea and it modifies the gut flora and is supportive therapy for intestinal infections or disturbances.

    American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reports its immune strengthening capabilities especially in relation to colon health, plus its suppressive effect on tumors.

    Reduces the inflammatory response of the colon and stimulates the body’s immunity.

    Bifidobacterium breveDecrease intestinal permeability, improves intestinal microflora and has a positive effect on the intestinal immune system.

    Bifidobacterium infantis


    A main inhabitant in the intestines of children, infantis also has benefits into adulthood.It has been shown to be helpful in reducing the symptoms of IBS.

    Bifidobacterium longum  Helps in formation of lactic acid along with small 

    amounts of formic acid.  These acids lower the pH of the intestines, thereby making an undesirable terrain for harmful bacteria.

    Is also a substantial producer of B vitamins.

    Lactobacillus acidophilus This is the predominant friendly bacteria in the upper 

    intestinal tract.  It helps reduce levels of harmful bacteria and yeasts in the small intestine and also produces lactase.

    Acidophilus is involved in the production of niacin, folic acid and pyridoxine during the digestive process.

    This is most prevalent strain in the body.

    Lactobacillus bulgaricus Bulgaricus is a lactic acid producing bacteria found in yogurt that is helpful for lactose intolerance, diarrhea and immunity.  

    Helps to promote the growth of other beneficial bacteria and therefore improve immune functionimmune function.

    It may also help in the metabolizing of lipids and maintaining healthy cholesterol levels.  

    It has antibiotic properties and can help prevent infections and prevent the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms in the gut.

  • Nutritional Preceptorship Program© 7

    Lactobacillus paracasei Expands the natural killer cell population, therefore may enhance immune defence against viral infections or tumours.

    Also has an anti‐inflammatory effect.Lactobacillus casei Inhibits the growth of E.coli, as well as being effective against urinary tract infections.


    Lactobacillus rhamnosus Is useful for the inhibition of vaginal and urinary tract 

    infections.  It helps the body resist pathogenic bacteria and viruses, and prevents rotoviral or Clostridium difficile induced diarrhea.

    Lactobacillus salivarius This is useful in helping impair the growth and activity 

    of harmful pathogenic bacteria, including H.pylori and salmonella.  

    Also helps break down undigested protein and disengage the toxins produced by protein putrefaction.

    Lactobacillus fermentum Capable of releasing glutathione and has been shown to 

    prevent colonic inflammation such as colitis, in animal studies.

    Lactobacillus plantarum An excellent alternative to antibiotics and makes use of its 

    potential to block receptor sites for gram‐negative bacteria. Capable of metabolizing semi‐resistant plant fibres, such as 

    onion, garlic, artichoke, wheat, oat, rye, bananas and yeast. Is also an important tool in antimicrobial defense and its 

    effect both against extra and intercellular pathogens.


    Lactobacillus fermentum Is capable of releasing glutathione and has been shown 

    to prevent colonic inflammation such as colitis, in animal studies.

    Lactobacillus plantarum Is an excellent alternative to antibiotics, and makes use 

    of its potential to block receptor sites for gram‐of its potential to block receptor sites for gram‐negative bacteria.

    Is capable of metabolizing semi‐resistant plant fibres, such as onion, garlic, artichoke, wheat, oat, rye, bananas and yeast.

    Is also an important tool in antimicrobial defense and its effect both against extra and intercellular pathogens.

    Saccharomyces boulardii  Classed as a probiotic, it is a non‐colonizing yeast species, 

    non‐pathogenic and not related to the yeast group of which Candida Albicans belongs.

    It helps treat serious bacterial infections such as C. difficile, suppressing bacterial infections by: inhibiting adhesion and/or overgrowth of bad bacteria, producing a serine protease that cleaves C. difficile toxin A, and by stimulatingprotease that cleaves C. difficile toxin A, and by stimulating antibody production against this toxin.

    It increases the eradication of H. Pylori which causes heartburn, nausea, bloating, belching and in serious cases, peptic ulcers.  It is an effective addition to H. Pylori treatment.

    It also helps to prevent diarrhea from antibiotics used in standard H.Pylori treatment, which is a common side effect.

    It also helps in reducing inflammation in the bowel.

    Renew Life Health IssuesUltimate Flora Ultra Potent100 Billion

    • For severe digestive issues.• After multiple rounds ofantibiotics.

    • Renew Life’s strongest probiotic.Ultimate Flora Colon Care80 Billion

    • For symptoms of bowel disorders such as colitis or IBS.

    • If there is chronic constipation and/or diarrhea.

  • Nutritional Preceptorship Program© 8

    Renew Life Health IssuesUltimate Flora Critical Care50 Billion

    • High potency daily probiotic.• Recent use of probiotics.• Chronic digestive issues.• For boosting immune function.

    BoulardiiMAX10 Billion

    • If there is risk of C. difficile.• For H. Pylori bacteria overgrowth.• For diarrhea due to bacterial infection/food poisoning.

    Product Health IssuesBIOMED® 7‐in‐12 Billion 7 Different FormsShelf and Acid Stable

    • Resists negative actions of oxygen, gastric acid and bile salts

    • Excellent for travelling

    BIOMED®Lactobacillus Sporogenes 1 Billion, FOSShelf and Acid Stable

    • Passes through stomach in sporeform, germinates in duodenum, multiplies rapidly

    • Helps to produce lactic acid

    VSL#3 (Ferring)450 Billion

    For ulcerative colitis, ileal pouch,  IBS

    Product Health IssuesCYTO∙MATRIXSaccharo‐B5 Billion yeast organisms per cap

    • Saccharomyces boulardii• Non‐pathogenic yeast for treatment of GI disease in Europesince 1960’s

    • Crohn’s and AIDS, C. difficile colitisCYTO∙MATRIXMulti‐Strain 50Only 0.5 mg FOS for optimum tolerability50 Billion

    • 9 Strains• For periods of acute stress

    EFAs are a component of every cell wall in the body, contributing to the permeability and selectivity of the cell; allowing nutrients in and waste product out.

    ff h d l di l l EFAs affect our hormones and prostaglandin levels, so encourage an anti‐inflammatory pathway.

    EFAs help to lubricate the skin, including the “internal skin” in the colon.  They help encourage proper elimination from the bowel.

    DHA is a major structural component of neuronal membranes and EPA has important physiological functions that affect neuronal activity so can be helpful for mental stress y pand health.

    Flax oil has the highest concentration of Omega 3s, but fish oils directly supply both EPA and DHA, avoiding the need for a compromised body to convert ALA to these forms

    CRYO‐3:  Fractional super‐cooling.  The fish oil is taken to very low temperatures enabling accurate fractional crystallization of the triglycerides carrying high levels of saturated fatty acids.  Once removed then the remaining liquid fraction has a higher EPA/DHA.

    NEO‐3:  Enzymatic cleavage.  Gently concentrating the levels N O 3: n ymatic cleavage. Gently concentrating the levelsof EPA/DHA by using natural lipase enzymes (no alcohol or chemicals) selectively removes shorter chain fatty acids from the oil, leaving the EPA/DHA untouched.  This process mimics the first stages of our digestive process and produces a mixture with higher EPA/DHA.

    WisdOM‐3: Increases the absorption rate of EPA/DHA by emulsifying the oil for more bioavailability.  This process is very helpful for those without a gall bladder.

  • Nutritional Preceptorship Program© 8

    Supplement Name

    Super EPA Liquid (Genestra) CRYO‐3

    1125 mg EPA/300 mg DHA

    Super EFA Liquid  950 mg EPA/725 mg DHA (Genestra) NEO‐3 /1000 IU Vit D3

    Omega EFA Liquid (Genestra)Triglycerides

    1915 mg EPA/1005 DHA

    Fruit EFA Liquid(Genestra) WisdOM‐3/NEO‐3

    280 mg EPA/205 mg DHA

    Supplement NameOpti‐EPA Liquid (Douglas Labs)Ultra Refined, Molecularly Distilled

    1331 mg EPA/888 mg DHA

    Quell High EPA capsule (Douglas Labs)Super Critical Co2 Extraction

    800 mg EPA/150 mg DHA

    Omega D3 Liquid Forte (Cytomatrix)

    1900 mg EPA/900 mg DHA 1000 IU Vit D3

    Supplement Name Ingredients

    IntestiNew (Renew Life) Ginger root and marigold

    Intestinal Bowel Support Goldenseal root, ginger root, marigold,  turmeric

    Boswellia (AOR) Nanovailable BoswelliaBoswellia (AOR) Nanovailable Boswellia

    Curcumin Active Fast Relief (AOR)


    Infla‐Guard Boswellia, turmeric, devil’s claw, 

    RR (BIOMED®)Modified Robert’s Formula

    Bromelain, Cranesbill, Goldenseal & Echinacea, Cabbage, Slippery Elm & Marshmallow

    Supplement Name IngredientsGI Fortify (Pure Encapsulations)

    Psyllium husk powder, flaxseed powder, l‐glutamine, Licorice root, marshmallow, slippery elm, aloe vera, triphala, fat sol Vit C

    IntestiNew (Renew Life) Marshmallow, l‐glutamine,N‐Acetyl‐D‐Glucosamine, Cranes Bill root, Gamma oryzanol

    FibreSmart (Renew Life) L‐glutamine, Marshmallow, Slippery elm, Triphala, Flaxseed, Acacia gum, Guar gum

    Pyloriplex (Douglas Labs) Mastic gum, Licorice root, Marshmallow, Slippery elm

    Supplement Name IngredientsAbisinthium (BIOMED®)Flatulence, Indigestion,Heartburn

    Anise, Belssed Thistle, Elcampane, Fennel, Gentian, Hyssop, Juniper, Peppermint, Sage, WormwoodWormwood

    Oxyplex  (BIOMED®)Bacterial Infection

    Magnesium Peroxide Powder

    GastroEase+ (BIOMED®)Peptic Ulcer, GERD

    Mastic Gum, DGL, Marshmallow, Chammomile Leaf, Fennel Seed

    Supplement Name Ingredients

    Gastroplex (BIOMED®)Dysbiosis

    Caprylic Acid, Wormwood, Echinacea, Allicin, Grapefruit, Berberine, Oregon Grape, Rosemary, Thyme, Undecylenic Acid

    Mastica Chios (AOR) Chios mastic gum

    Gastro Relief (AOR) Zinc‐Carnosine, Masticgum, Potassium nitrate, Vit C

  • Nutritional Preceptorship Program© 10

    Supplement Name Ingredients


    L‐Glutamine 3 500 mg per tsp., Licorice DGL, Aloe Vera

    Zinlori 75®(Metagenics)

    Zinc‐carnosine complex for heartburn, nausea, bloating

    Plus FormulaPrime Formula(Vitamost Multi’s)

    High Vit A, C, E & zincCan top up to  meet healing amounts

    Research suggests B vitamins can reduce your risk for acid reflux. Higher folic acid intake was found to reduce acid reflux by approximately 40 

    L i i B2 d B6 l l lpercent. Low vitamin B2 and B6 levels were also linked to an increased risk for acid reflux. The best way to raise your folate levels is by eating folate‐rich whole foods, such as liver, asparagus, spinach, okra, and beans.

    Byron Richard’s Wellness Resources, October 26, 2013


    Vitamin D is important for addressing any infectious component. Once your vitamin D levels are optimized, you're also going to 

    i i d i f b 200optimize your production of about 200 antimicrobial peptides that will help your body eradicate any infection that shouldn't be there.

    Remember to also optimize Vit K2 with good bowel flora.


    Supplement Name HCl? Enzymes?  Bile?Ultragest (Vitamost) HCl, Pancreatin (8X), bile, 

    peppermintPanplex2Phase (Integrative Therapeutics)

    HCl, Pepsin, L‐glutamic acid, Pancreatin (6X),(Integrative Therapeutics) acid, Pancreatin (6X), enzymes, ox bile

    PanOx5 (Douglas) HCl, Glutamic acid, Pancreatin (4X), Pepsin, Aspergillus oryza, Ox bile, rennin, Malt diastase, Beet root powder, Citrus pectin

    Supplement Name HCl? Enzymes?  Bile?Ultrazyme (Douglas Labs) Pancreatin, Ox bile, 

    Cellulase, L‐Lysine, PepsinDigest Plus (Genestra) HCl, L‐Glutamic Acid,Digest Plus (Genestra) HCl, L Glutamic Acid, 

    Pancreatin, , Pepsin, Papain

    Biogest (Thorne) HCl,  Glutamic Acid, Pancreatin, bile, pepsin

    • Eat 5‐6 small meals per day• Eliminate: coffee, alcohol, pop citrus/tomato,onions, spices and sugar

    • Consume: 1 liter cabbage juice per dayC k d/b k d f i d bl• Cooked/baked fruits and vegetables

    • Easy to digest proteins: chicken, fish, lentils• Whole grains: quinoa, millet, brown rice andoatmeal

    • Good fats: olive oil, avocado, coconut butter


  • Nutritional Preceptorship Program© 11

    • Overgrowth of Candida Albicans in theintestinal tract

    • Can develop root system‐leaky gut• Gives off toxins, feeds on undigestedsugars/starch, in particular, disaccharides

    • Binds with mercury• Thrives in an acidic environment – BC Pill,Steroids create this.


    • Reduce intestinal acidity• Reduce overgrowth in gut• Increase friendly bacteriaReduce sugar cravings• Reduce sugar cravings

    • Reduce Hypoglycemia• Repair intestinal lining• NO Disaccharides – SCD (Gotschall)


    The quirky name FODMAPs stands for F= Fermentable, O=Oligo, D=Di, M=Monosaccharides, And PolyolS. These are a f il f b h d d h h ifamily of carbohydrates and short‐chain sugars that are more easily fermented in the digestive tract and most likely to contribute to gas, bloating, pain and other frustrating gut symptoms.

    See Handout at end


    For many GAPS patients, the diet should be followed for two years at least. The book Gut & Psychology Syndrome will provide recipes and 

    l i b h dimore explanation about the diet. See Handout at end


    Stress a key factor here – support Nervous System & Adrenals

    Metal Toxicity – revs the Nervous system and digestion g

    Emotions – “What’s Eating You?”‐ About fear and strong belief that you are notgood enough (Louise Hay)

    ‐ Gut is Third Chakra – Solar Plexus, where we take things in from outside and assimilate them


    In this presentation, we recommended the following products. We can assist you in accessing these :

    BIOMED® and Seroyal/Genestra – You will need practitioner certification & malpractice insurance.

    Vitamost – you will need a sponsor to set up an account. Gilda, Lynne or Marlene will support/train you. Use Gilda’s ID 

    #11129 For additional info, contact Gilda at: 647‐344‐0606David Rowland’s Ebooks www.vitamost.info

    CYTO∙MATRIX  www.cyto‐matrix.comRenew Life www.renewlife.ca

    AOR  www.aor.caDouglas Laboratories www.douglaslabs.ca

  • Why treat with alkalic mixtures? Lynne’s Notes from Sanum Lecture

    Presented by BIOMED® International

    Our intestines do the vast majority of the digestive process. Use of HCl without a buffering agent (bile) weakens the activity of the intestines, as the digestive juices in the stomach require an alkaline environment to fully work. In the stomach, acidic reactions prevail; in the duodenum it must be alkaline. The stomach attempts to give the body sodium to form the bases by increasing the breakdown of salt into sodium and chlorine.

    NaCl + H2O + CO2 = HCl + NaHCO3 (sodium hydrogen carbonate)

    The base NaHCO3 is more important for digestion and is given preferential treatment. As the HCl leaves the border cells in the stomach and enters the lumen, the base is taken by the blood to the intestines to aid in digestion. This leads to increased HCl in the stomach. If the alkaline reaction in the duodenum is insufficient, digestion of fats, carbs and proteins remains incomplete. Fermentation, autointoxication and constipation follow.


    Alkalophilic organs include the liver, GB, pancreas, & Brunner’s glands in the small intestine. All contain large amounts of sodium hydrogen carbonate in order to produce their secretions properly.

    Basic Powder/Tabs does not act as an ant-acid in the stomach when taken away from food. It acts in the duodenum and intestines to provide the bases to neutralize phosphoric, sulphuric and uric acid needed for protein digestion. Basic Powder/Tabs also does not provide minerals to the tissues. It acts only on the surfaces of the intestines.

    -High tissue acidosis main reason for chronic disease-Improves digestion by stimulation of peristalsis without being purgative-Effective for heartburn, gastritis, ulcers, liver/GBl disorders, flatulence, belching, constipation, all rheumatic diseases including gout, renal & bladder disorders, eczema & ANS disturbance -A shift in acid/base balance towards hyperacidity also causes a shift of the balance of the ANSknown as sympathicotonia-Sympathicotonia causes blood supply constriction & creates numerous clinical pictures.

    Basic Powder/Tabs

    Works best in hot/warm water; in cold water it tends to be absorbed in the stomach.

    The alkaline reaction is needed in the duodenum. If acids here are not neutralized, they areexpelled into the connective tissue so the blood can maintain a normal ph level.

    Do not take less than ½ hour before meals and at least 2 hours after.

    Nutritional Preceptorship Program© 12


    For many GAPS patients, the diet should be followed for two years at least. The book Gut & Psychology Syndrome will provide recipes and more explanation about the diet.

    The best foods are eggs (if tolerated), fresh meats (not preserved), fish, shellfish, fresh vegetables and fruit, nuts and seeds, garlic and olive oil. Apart from eating vegetables cooked, it is important to have some raw vegetables with meals, as they contain vital enzymes to assist digestion of the meats. Fruit should be eaten on their own, not with meals, as they have a very different digestion pattern and can make the work harder for the stomach. Fruit should be given as a snack between meals.

    It is very important to have plenty of natural fats in every meal from meats, butter, ghee, coconut (if tolerated) and cold pressed olive oil. Animal fats on meats are particularly valuable. Fermented foods (sauerkraut, yogurt, and kefir) are also a very important part of this diet in addition to homemade meat or fish stock. It is recommended to take a cup of warm meat or fish stock with every meal as a drink as well as soups and stews made with the meat or fish stock. The stock, kefir and fermented vegetables will over time restore the stomach acid production, which will improve digestion.

    It is best to avoid processed foods (any packet or tinned foods). They are stripped from most nutrients that were present in the fresh ingredients used for making these foods. They are a hard work for the digestive system and they damage the healthy gut flora balance. On top of that they usually contain a lot of artificial chemicals, detrimental to health, like preservatives, colorants, etc. Try to buy foods in the form that nature made them, as fresh as possible.

    Nutritional Preceptorship Program© 13


  • Eating smaller, more frequent meals spread throughout the day instead of larger meals can lead to less discomfort for some people. What is really important is to identify the foods that are causing the symptoms.

    For individuals with diarrhea, gas, or bloating, or if a high-fiber diet fails, I suggest a two-week trial FODMAPS elimination diet. (FODMAPS stands for fermentable oligo-, di-, and monosaccharides and polyols.)

    What is the FODMAPS approach?

    You'll work with your physician and registered dietitian to eliminate all foods that contain the five forms of carbohydrates (lactose, fructose, fructans, sugar alcohols, and galactans) for a trial period of 1-2 weeks. If FODMAPS carbs are causing the symptoms, relief can occur in just a few days.

    You follow the elimination period with a challenge of reintroducing one of the FODMAP carbs and observe symptoms. Additional FODMAP carbs are slowly added back, one at a time. At the end of the reintroduction phase, a final diet emerges with only those FODMAP carbs that are fairly well tolerated.

    The goal is to find the most liberal and varied diet possible that still keeps symptoms under control. Most people find they can still include their favorite foods if they exercise care. For example, a person who discovers that fructans (found in wheat) cause a lot of distress might find they can’t tolerate wheat at every meal, but may be able to tolerate one portion of wheat without a problem.

    Is the FODMAPS approach accepted in the medical community?

    Health care providers have known for years about the GI impact of select FODMAPS, such as lactose and sugar alcohols. Fructose and galactan intolerance are a bit newer. Although it is very well accepted and widely practiced in Australia, it is a new idea for most health care providers in the U.S.

    The FODMAPS approach is unique because it views all of these carbohydrates as one big system, looking at the forest instead of the trees. Some providers are concerned that the FODMAPS is too complicated, but many patients are very motivated and willing to do anything to feel better.

    Is a gluten-free diet a good option for IBS sufferers?

    Gluten-free diets are very popular right now for a wide variety of conditions. When you eliminate gluten, you also eliminate wheat products that contain fructans, one of the FODMAPS carbohydrates.

    Why are some carbohydrates more problematic than others?

    Eating certain carbohydrates can cause gas, bloating, and watery diarrhea for some IBS sufferers. Lactose, or milk sugar, is one example many people are familiar with. If your bowel has difficulty tolerating lactose, when you eat it -- especially in high doses or when you eat it alone -- bacteria in the large intestine ferment it, and it can result in gas and painful bloating as well as excess flatulence.


    Nutritional Preceptorship Program© 14


  • Foods suitable on a low-fodmap diet fruit vegetables grain foods milk products other

    fruit banana, blueberry, boysenberry. canteloupe, cranberry. durian, grape. grapefruit, honeydew melon. kiwifruit. lemon,lime. mandarin, orange. passionfruit. pawpaw.raspberry. rhubarb, rockmelon, star anise,strawberry, tangelo

    Note: if fruit is dricd.�,u insmall quantities

    vegetables alfalfa, bamboo shoots, bean shoots, bok choy, carrot. celery . choko,choy sum, endive, ginger. green beans, lettuce. olives, parsnip,potato, pumpkin. red capsicum (bell pepper), silver beet. spinach, squash, swede, sweet potato, taro, tomato, turnip, yam, zucchini

    herbs basil. chili, coriander.ginger, lemongrass, marjoram, mint. oregano, parsley. rosemary, thyme

    cereals gluten-free bread or cereal productS

    bread 100% spelt bread




    other arrowroot. millet, psyllium, quinoa, sorgum, tapioca


    lactose-free milk'".oat milk*. rice milk*,soy milk*

    •chec:k for additives

    cheeses hard cheeses. and brie and camembert


    lactose-free varieties

    ice-cream substitutes gelati. sorbet

    butter substitutes olive oil


    sweeteners sugar* (sucrose), glucose. artificial sweeteners not ending in •-ol'

    honey substitutes golden syrup*, maple syrup*. molasses. treacle

    �all quantities

    Eliminate foods containing fodmaps excess fructose lactose fructans galactans polyols

    fruit apple, mango. nashi, pear. tinned fruit in natural juice.watermelon

    sweeteners fructose. high fructosecorn syrup

    large total fructose dose concentrated fruit sources, large serves of fruit, dried fruit,fruit juice

    honey corn syrup, fruisana

    milk milk from cows. goats or sheep. custard.

    ice cream, yoghurt

    cheeses soft unripened cheeses eg. cottage. cream. mascarpone. ricotta

    vegetables artichoke. asparagus. beetroot, broccoli,brussels sprouts. cabbage. eggplant.fennel, garl ic. leek,okra, onion (all), shallots, spring onion

    cereals wheat and rye. in large amounts eg. bread. crackers, cookies, couscous, pasta

    fruit custard apple. persimmon, watermelon

    miscellaneous chicory . dandelion,

    inulin, pistachio

    legumes baked beans. chickpeas,kidney beans. lentils, soy beans

    fruit apple, apricot. avocado, blackberry, cherry, longon, lychee, nashi,nectarine. peach, pear.plum, prune, watermelon

    vegetables cauliflower, green capsicum (bell pepper).mushroom, sweet corn

    sweeteners sorbitol (420) mannitol ( 4 2 I)isomalt (953) malti tol (965)xylitol (96 7)


  • Advanced Orthomolecular Research (AOR) Alberta 1-800-387-0177 Lipoic Acid™, Thyro Support™, Advanced B-Complex™

    BIOMED® International 1-800-665-8308 (B.C. Canada)

    Basic Powder & Basic Tabs, pH Papers, Nestmann Homeopathics

    EcoTrend Ecologics 1-800-665-7065 (B.C. Canada) 905-709-1613 (Ontario) Magnesium Plus, Chlorella (500 mg), Licorice DGL

    Edison Institute of Nutrition www.edisoninst.com 1 800-456-9313 Diploma in Holistic Nutrition Training Program and Continuing Education Courses.

    Flora (Fl) Burnaby, B.C. & Brampton (905) 791-3111 (800) 663-0617 Udo’s Oil, Floradix for low iron

    GIA Wellness™ www.giawellness.com/20370/products/energy/ Cell Guard, headsets and pendants that harmonize harmful EMF’s.

    Health House www.healthhouse.ca 905 294-9720 Live Cell Microscopy Training Program

    Metagenics® 1-800-268-6200 Ultra Clear and medical food products

    NSA® www.edison.canada.juiceplus.com JuicePlus+® Fruit & Vegetable Capsules – products for people & animals

    OJA Organics 1 855-652-6522 sales @ojaorganics.ca Organic Hexane-free castor oil and castor oil packs, high EPA fish oil concentrate

    Physica Energetics (Aperture Energetics) www.physicaenergetics.ca / 1-800-404-4163 Homeopathic Remedies, Hypozymase (HCl & Bile), Botanical Tinctures

    Renew Life www.renewlife.ca - Cleansemore, Bowel Cleanse

    Seroyal/Genestra (905) 508-2050 / 1-800-263-5861 www.seroyal.ca

    HMF Probiotics, UNDA Products - Excellent Practitioner Training Program

    The Herb Works www.theherbworks.com 1-800-267-3802

    Vitamost Inc. www.rowlandformulas.club/ 1 844 835-5050 (Lori) RTRE™, UltraGest™, CNR™ - ADR™, TSF™ (Practitioners get 40% discount)

    Young Living Essential Oils 1-800-763-9963 Pure essential oils. Support: Gilda Rovan ID#1928219

    Lynne & Marlene: [email protected] - www.healthhouse.ca

    Gilda Rovan: [email protected]


    Nutritional Preceptorship Program©

    http://www.fgfinder.com/search-by-state/georgia/item/paid-focus-group-on-health-supplements-100https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/3.0/http://www.edisoninst.com/http://www.giawellness.com/20370/products/energy/http://www.healthhouse.ca/http://www.physicaenergetics.ca/http://www.renewlife.ca/http://www.seroyal.ca/http://www.theherbworks.com/http://www.rowlandformulas.club/http://www.healthhouse.ca/mailto:[email protected]

    ADP7EEC.tmpWhat is the FODMAPS approach?Is the FODMAPS approach accepted in the medical community?Is a gluten-free diet a good option for IBS sufferers?Why are some carbohydrates more problematic than others?

    RESOURCE LIST 2020.pdfBIOMED® International 1-800-665-8308 (B.C. Canada)Seroyal/Genestra (905) 508-2050 / 1-800-263-5861 www.seroyal.ca