Nutrition Unit-Lesson 2-The Purpose of Food-UPDATED

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  • 7/28/2019 Nutrition Unit-Lesson 2-The Purpose of Food-UPDATED


    Nutrition: Lesson 2, The Purpose of Food Rubric and Directions For Day Type of Work: Indy Product : Word Doc / Snip Time : 1 Period EOC: Submit to Nutrition Lesson 2 Due: 1 PeriodDirections: Start by playing a little Westward trail. Follow the directions and snip just your miles traveled. We will tie this in to t odays lesson and a majorcourse concept (see picture to the right). Answer the questions below based on your level attempted. Work from level 2 and work your way to the right doing

    each level. Snip Just the section below with your name and answers (you can erase questions)-Should all fit on one page!!NAME: Annie Zaher PERIOD: My work demonstrates level:

    1 2 (Level 1- 2) 3 (Level 2-3) 4 (Level 2-4)


    1. ScreenShot of Your MilesMade in WestWard Trail Snip

    just the miles/ place below


    2. How was something as simpleas living different back then?

    Think about how we got food andour basic lifestyle.

    3. How is the concept of food different today?Give Examples: a. Back then food was hunted by or grown by the same person who consumed thefood. Today food is processed in factories and is rarely made by the consumer.(Difference in Source)

    b. Back then food was needed for survival and was usually the vocal point o f peoplesday, today; however, food is still need for survival, but we do not spend all out timetrying to acquire it. (Difference in Time)c. Food back then was needed out of necessity, however, today food is commonlyeaten out of boredom. (Difference in Motivation).4. What factors used to (Oregon Trail days and beyond) used to determine oureating habits and patterns. Name 3 (they can be similar to above) a. environment b. body type (by extension genetics) c. resources (can you hunt, growvegetables, etc.)Now what factors contribute to our food selection today. a. location (what part of the country you live in) b body type (by extension genetics).C. money(economic status) d. motivation ( if you are dieting you will typically pick out certain foods to eat or not eat.




    Why dowe eat?

    Level 2

    (Click Here )From the Reading 5. Define Hunger- is thephysiological need forfood. 6. Define Appetite= is the psychological desire

    to eat, and is associatedwith sensory experiencesor aspects of food such asthe sight and smell of food,

    emotional cues, socialsituations, and cultural

    Level 3 (Click Here )

    From the Reading 10. Rank the MacroNutrients inorder of their providingsatiety The balance of evidencesuggests that fat has the lowestsatiating power, carbohydrateshave an intermediate effectand protein has been found to

    be the most satiating 11. Define Palatability- Palatability is proportional tothe pleasure someoneexperiences when eating a

    Level 4 (read up to Eat Food, Not Too Much ) (Click Here )

    From the Reading 13. Why do we crave foods that are calorie dense? The foods we crave calorie-densefats and sugars were once rare and valued as a bulwark against starvation; now they'replentiful and harmful in excess. We don't crave plants, precisely because they were moreabundant in our past. 14. How has the availability of food changed over time? Eighty thousand years ago yesterday in evolutionary terms we ate at a very different restaurant, the savannah.Food was scarce and uncertain, and great physical effort was required just to acquireenough for survival. Our ancestors were lean and muscular, their bodies sculpted byscarcity. The mismatch between savannah dining and today's smorgasbords means our bodies are best adapted to a life at boot camp, not a 24-hour minimart.

    From your brain 15. How does our society encourage or allow for eating based on
  • 7/28/2019 Nutrition Unit-Lesson 2-The Purpose of Food-UPDATED


    conventions. 7. Define Satiety- which is the physiological

    and psychologicalexperience of fullnessthat comes after eatingand/or drinking.8. What are

    MacroNutrients?- There are three

    macronutrients thatprovide calories to food:carbohydrate, protein andfat. 9. What types of FoodPromote Satiety? Foodsranking highest on this SItended to be high in wateror fiber content as well aslower in fat content. Fruitsand vegetables were at thetop of the SI list of foods. Infact, the highest SI scorewas produced by potatoes,which was more than threetimes the SI of white breOther foods ranking high insatiety after potatoes werefish, oat porridge, oranges,etc.

    particular food From Your brain 12. Give an example of a type of food with high palatability. (Putthe picture)

    appetite? Provide 3 Examples

    -Advertising billboards, commercials, etc. encourage us to eat based on appetite

    -Loccation/Enviornment- restaurants, food trucks, grocery stores at every corner-constant source of food wherever you go.

    -Outward appearance-You must look good-therefore only eat when your hungry.Society looks down on people who are obsess (or overeat).

    -16. Explain how the Human Timeline applies to today s lesson. The Humantimeline shows how the role of food has changed throughout human history. Thisincludes how it was found, what it was used for , and how frequently it wasconsumed.

    Extra Credit/Going Beyond/Level 5: Goes to the single person in each class who comes up with the most amount of calories you can buy with five dollars (showyour work or proof). What does this prove and how does this apply to today's discussion?