Nutrition technology nutrition progect Rafaela Vergara- Paula Cocios- Julian Suarez- Nicolas Burgaentzle

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Nutrition technology nutrition progect

Rafaela Vergara- Paula Cocios- Julian Suarez- Nicolas Burgaentzle


Table of Contents Introduction ..................................................................................................................................2

Analysis ..........................................................................................................................................3

Top ten nutritional tips .................................................................................................................8

Healthy Menu # 1 ........................................................................................................................ 10

Healthy menu #2 .......................................................................................................................... 12

Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... 13

Bibliography ................................................................................................................................. 14


Why is nutrition important?

1. Healthy 2. Balances weight 3. Live longer 4. Prevent diseases 5. Grow 6. Energy 7. Happiness

Knowing how to be

healthy is something that most people should know about. Sometimes people don’t know that a healthy diet is really important for life. So many people don’t have a healthy life just because they eat food that is not adequate. A bad diet can cause you many diseases such as flu or as cold, but that is only the minimum. If you get that6 diet for many years you could die of a stroke or cancer and many other diseases that are really hard to cure. If you have a balanced weight you could have a healthier and happy life because that way you can enjoy of beauty and most important comfortableness. Some people are so fat that can’t even walk by themselves anymore, don’t let that happen to you. Although, having a healthy diet can give you more energy and feel younger. Most adolescents in U.S.A are fat and get to grow2 twice as a normal kid, so practically they won’t have energy, proper growth, will have many diseases, will weight a lot and they are probably going to live a shorter time period then a healthy person. We want to inform people that the consequences can be cured if you have a healthy diet every day, you are not alone, just keep informed.


To help the community we used community and service and health and social education. We did a survey in which people of our community and family responded 10 questions about nutrition of their daily diet. We got the results to compare and analyze if they are having a healthy diet.

This is the results: Question 1:

We can see that most people just eat once a month fast food,

that is something really good. On the other hand, 21% of the people of our community eat four times a month or more fast food which is almost ¼ of our community who is not having a healthy diet.

Question 2:





¿Cuantas veces al mes comes comida rapida?

1 vez al mes 2 veces al mes 3 veces al mes 4 o mas


In this second question we can observe that most people just

eat once a day vegetables and fruits. Eating vegetables or fruits is really important for your organism and your health. The people of my community will have to eat a lot more fruits and vegetables then what they are eating right now.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it

is the one that gives you energy to stay strong all day. 80% of my community does have breakfast every day, that is a good sign because that means that people are doing great.




¿Cuantas veces comes frutas o vegetales al dia?

Nunca 1 vez 2 veces 3 o mas




¿desayunas todos los dias?

si no a veces


People should eat 3 times a day and a little snack. Most people eat 4 or more meals for each day. That means that they are eating way too much because if the average is 3 and people eat more than 4 people would be eating like 2 as much as you need.

Eating fruits and vegetables is really healthy. But you also need some protein. It is better to eat vegetables and fruits then eating candies and fast food. My community is really conscious that eating fast food is not healthy. Fruits and vegetables had the majority of percentage (59 %) and fast food and candies had 0% which is awesome for their health.




cuantas veces comes al dia?

2 veces 3 veces 4 o mas




¿que comes mas?frutas y vegetales dulces y comida rapida

carne pescado pollo etc


In the graph you can see that more people drink juices, juices have all types of minerals and nutrients. And water also has a really high percentage (36%) and that is good because water is a great way to keep you hydrated.

As you can see, people like more pizza then a salad. 71% of people prefer pizza and just 29% prefer salad. This is not good because in many occasions pizza can be a kind of fast food. People are not deciding well in this question




¿Que bebidas tomas?gaseosas bebidas energeticas agua jugos



¿que prefieres?

pizza ensalada


Most people as you can see prefer to stay at home eating home food. This is the half of the community and a little bit more that prefer to have a healthy meal at home with their families. 33% of people prefer to go outside to eat twice a week. That is not much but you could reduce a bit.

People like to eat twice a day candy the 41% of the community. This is not healthy because the other 38% of the community likes to eat once a day and it is better if you would eat like once a week candies. Not to many people eat 4 times a day candy but still a little percentage matters.


8% 0%

¿cuantas veces a la semana sales a comer u ordenas

comida?1 2 3 4 o mas



¿Cada cuanto comes dulces?1 2 3 4 o mas


Most people eat the vegetable oil 69% of the community. It is better to not use as much oil in the kitchen because that is not healthy for you and your family. Vegetable oil is the worst oil you can get so people is not informed about. A better oil is the olive one and just 31% of the community cooks food with it.

Top ten tips for a good nutrition:

1) A good health and nutrients are the best. No food has all nutrients so you should eat a specific amount of each of the food groups. (Dairy, grains, proteins, fruit, vegetables)

2) Eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. A lot of people don’t eat so much veggies and fruits even though it is very important to have a good health.

3) Eat as little as less oil as you can and take a break of vegetable oil and fried things because that oil and fat there can cause you heart diseases, diabetes, stroke and lots of other damaging things for your body. A good replacement for vegetable oil could be olive or corn oil that has fewer fats than vegetable oil.

4) Eat only depending on the calories you need. Make moderated portions of you food it is also good for people to eat a good plate and



¿Cada cuanto comes dulces?1 2 3 4 o mas


then burning what you eat by making sports but it is bad to eat a lot and then not burn it.

5) Eat healthy snacks that can help control yourself when you’re hungry between meals. Small and healthy portions would be an excellent choice to calm down the hunger. Good snacks between meals could be a fruit salad or a glass of oatmeal.

6) Don’t eliminating certain foods that you like. Reduce the quantity of foods that you like and aren’t completely healthy. For example if you love chocolate (that isn’t completely unhealthy) eat it in very small portions and every once in a while but don’t eat lots of chocolate because it can also be bad for you.

7) Replace ingredients that are unhealthy or passes the limit of your limited portion. As I said before you can replace the vegetable oil with olive oil or you can replace high-fat meat with low fat meat. Also unsalted butter is healthier than regular butter.

8) Choose foods that are light and low fat. It helps you replace unhealthy stuff and make better decisions.

9) Don’t stop eating. Eating less isn’t the deal it is more important to eat moderate portions and balanced meals but most important make good healthy choices with your body.

10) Change of meals. Don’t always repeat what you are eating


Healthy menu #1:

Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs with Yogurt


1. 2 Eggs 2. ¼ Tablespoon of Olive Oil 3. 1 Cup of Yogurt 4. ¼ Cup of Fruits 5. 2 Tablespoon of homemade granola 6. 1 Slice of Bread



1. Put a pan in the stove and add the olive oil. 2. Break the eggs in a bowl. 3. Mix the eggs until there is just one color in the eggs. 4. Add a pinch of salt. 5. Put the eggs on the hot pan. 6. a spatula to move the eggs constantly.

Lunch: Pasta with Salad

Servings: 1


1. 1 ½ Cup of Spaghetti 2. 4 Tablespoons of Olive Oil 3. ½ Cup of Homemade Tomato Sauce 4. 3 Small carrots 5. 1 zucchini


6. 1 Onion 7. 1 Avocado 8. 1 Cup of Lettuce 9. 2 Tomatoes 10. 10.¼Cup of Ground Beef 11.1 Garlic

12. ¼ Cup of Pepper

Dinner: Boiled Potatoes with Fish Stew and Salad

Servings: 1


1. 2 Potatoes 2. ¾ Cups of choped Fish 3. 1 Small Tomato 4. 1 Garlic 5. 2 Teaspoons of Rosemary 6. ½ Onion 7. 1 Tablespoon of Coriander 8. 1 Big Carrot 9. ½ Cup of Cheese 10.Water


11.1 Lemon

Healthy menu #2: Breakfast

1. A glass of orange juice 2. A cup of Green grapes 3. 1 oz of granola 4. 2 eggs


1. A glass of lemonade 2. A oz. of tomato and lettuce 3. A cup of rice 4. A meat


1. 1 cup of beans 2. Watermelon juice 3. Smash potatoes 4. Fish


A fruit salad

Recipe of Fruit Salad

1. Cup lemon yogurt

1. Tablespoon honey


1. Teaspoon lemon juice

2 .cups watermelon balls

2. Cups cantaloupe balls

2. Cups halved fresh strawberries


In conclusion, we did this project because we wanted to make sure people are informed about nutrition and a good diet, specially our closest friends and family. This survey was a success because many people responded and that way we were able to compare the data. We did this survey because knowing about nutrition is a benefit and we should also teach other people about what we know are good and bad for us. During this survey we learned new tips of nutrition. We are very happy we were able to keep our community informed.



° "Bodybuilding.com - Top Ten Nutritional Tips." Bodybuilding.com - Top Ten Nutritional Tips. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Nov. 2012. <http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/mdlabs6.htm>.

° "Diet and Nutrition Tips: Seven Diet Sins and Common Nutrition Mistakes on MedicineNet.com." MedicineNet. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Nov. 2012. <http://www.medicinenet.com/nutrition/article.htm>.

° Nordqvist, Christian. "What Is Nutrition? Why Is Nutrition Important?" Medical News Today. MediLexicon International, 16 Aug. 2009. Web. 29 Nov. 2012. <http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/160774.php>.

° "Healthy Eating." Healthy Eating. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Nov. 2012. <http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/hbp/prevent/h_eating/h_eating.htm>.