NUTRITION By: Veronica Rhea Audience: 9 th and 10 th graders


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By: Veronica Rhea Audience: 9 th and 10 th graders. NUTRITION. Vocabulary. Nutrition- The process by which your body takes in and uses food. The energy your body receives from food is measured in calories. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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By: Veronica Rhea

Audience: 9th and 10th graders


Nutrition- The process by which your body takes in and uses food.

The energy your body receives from food is measured in calories

Calorie- A unit if heat used to measure the energy your body uses and the energy it receives from food The calories in the food you eat provide

energy your body needs

Nutrition affects lifelong health. Poor Nutrition can put you at risk to develop:1) Cardiovascular Disease 2) Certain

Cancers3) Stroke 4)


What influences your food choices? Hunger- Natural physical drive to eat,

prompted by the body’s need for food Appetite- psychological desire for food.

Smell of good food makes you want more even when you are full!

Food and Emotions

Eat in response to emotional needStressed, frustrated, lonely, sad,

bored Leads to weight gain When appetite is depressed, perhaps

when you are upset, body is not getting nutrients it needs!

Food and Environment How your family and friends eats will

influence how you eat! Unhealthy snacks, big portions, unhealthy meals

Fast food, cheap & convenient Advertisements will try to influence your decisions.


Your body uses nutrients in many ways : Energy source To heal, build and repair tissue Sustain growth Help transport oxygen to cells

6 Types of Nutrients

Carbohydrates Proteins Fats Vitamins Minerals Water


Starches and sugars found in foods Main source of energy 45-65% of your daily calories should

come from carbohydrates (about 1500 calories)

Fiber- tough complex carb that the body can not digest-moves waste through digestive system


Role: Gets broken down into their simplest forms, mostly glucose.

Glucose- Main source of fuel, stored in body


Nutrients the body uses to build and maintain its cells and tissues.

amino acids Muscles, bones, skin and internal

organs are constructed of protein. One egg=6 grams, Chicken Breast=

30 grams


Need a certain amount Provide small amount of energy Cardiovascular endurance= fat burn 3 types

Unsaturated, saturated, trans

Unsaturated Fats

Vegetable oils, nuts and seeds. Eating these in moderate amounts

can help lower risk of heart disease

Saturated Fats

Found mostly in animal based foods Meat, Dairy

Consuming too much may lead to heart disease

Trans Fat

Margarine, snack foods, packaged baked goods- cookies crackers

Raise your total blood cholesterol levels, increases risk of heart disease

Fats are high in calories Consuming too many can lead to

unhealthy weight gain and obesity Cholesterol- waxy, fat-like substance in

your blood Excess cholesterol can Clog arteries, raising riskfor heart disease!


Compounds found in food that help regulate many body processes.

Vitamin C, folic acid and B vitamins-water soluble Dissolve into water and pass easily in the

bloodstream during digestion Body doesn’t store these, unused amounts are

removed by kidneys.

Fat Soluble Vitamins

Stored in body fat for later use. Vitamins (A,D,E,K) If you consume too many, can build

up in body and become harmful More Info on Vitamins :



Elements found in foods that are used by body

We can not produce them, we need to consume them through food or supliments

Calcium- promotes bone health Helps reduce risk of osteoporosis Commonly found in milk.


Essential for body’s functions: Moving food through digestive system Digesting carbohydrates Transporting nutrients removing waste Storing, releasing heat Cooling body through perspiration Lubricating joints Cushioning eyes, brain and spinal chord

Girls need 9 cups of fluids a day Boys- 13 fluids a day About 20% of your daily water intake

comes from foods you eat, since most foods contain some water