www.nursepractitioner.ca Nurse Practitioner Association of Manitoba For more information about Nurse Practitioners in Manitoba contact the Nurse Practitioner Association of Manitoba c/o College of Registered Nurses of Manitoba 890 Pembina Hwy Winnipeg, Manitoba R3M 2M8 www.nursepractitioner.ca HOW TO JOIN Go to our members website and click on ‘Register Here’ MEMBERSHIP REGISTRATION ONLINE AND FEES PAYABLE WITH PAYPAL. NEW The benefits of an NPAM Membership NPAM Membership Brochure.indd 1 12-04-20 11:54 AM

Nurse Practitioner Association Membership of Manitoba · 2019. 4. 16. · Practitioner Association of Manitoba For more information about Nurse Practitioners in Manitoba contact the

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Page 1: Nurse Practitioner Association Membership of Manitoba · 2019. 4. 16. · Practitioner Association of Manitoba For more information about Nurse Practitioners in Manitoba contact the


Nurse Practitioner Association of Manitoba

For more information about Nurse Practitioners in Manitoba contact the

Nurse Practitioner Association of Manitobac/o College of Registered Nurses of Manitoba890 Pembina Hwy Winnipeg, Manitoba R3M 2M8www.nursepractitioner.ca

H o w to J o i NGo to our members website and click on ‘Register Here’

MeMbeRsHiP ReGistRatioN oNliNe aNd Fees Payable WitH PayPal.NEw

the benefits of an NPAM Membership

NPAM Membership Brochure.indd 1 12-04-20 11:54 AM

Page 2: Nurse Practitioner Association Membership of Manitoba · 2019. 4. 16. · Practitioner Association of Manitoba For more information about Nurse Practitioners in Manitoba contact the

M E M b E r s H i P b E N E f i t sActivE

• secure access to NPaM website: includes NPaM meeting minutes, news, discussions, and forums• educational resources• Member rates at annual conference• Voting privileges• Right to be elected to NPaM executive• Right to represent the association as elected or appointed by the executive

studENt ANd AssociAtE

• secure access to NPaM website: includes NPaM meeting minutes, news, discussions, and forums • educational resources• Member rates at annual conference

M E M b E r s H i P c r i t E r i AActivE

• open to any NP currently registered as an NP with the CRNM and who has a commitment to the advancement of the NP role


• open to any student currently enrolled in a recognized NP educational program (proof of student status to be sent at time of registration)


• open to any individual or group with a commitment to the advancement of the NP role who does not meet the criteria for active or student membership

w H At i s N PA M ?NPaM is a special interest group of the College of Registered Nurses of Manitoba (CRNM).

NPaM is a non-profit, volunteer-run group whose mandate is to advance the professional interests of Nurse Practitioners (NPs) in order to provide accessible and effective health care to the public of Manitoba.

the NPaM executive consists of:• President• Past President• President elect• treasurer• secretary• Rural & Northern Representative• Communications Representative

• student Representative

w H At i s A N N PNurse Practitioners are Registered Nurses (RNs) with advanced education (generally a Mastersdegree in Nursing) and experience who possess and demonstrate the competencies to autonomously diagnose, order and interpret diagnostic tests, prescribe pharmaceuticals and perform specific procedures within their legislated scope of practice (CNPi, 2006).

N PA M M i s s i o N s tAt E M E N tWe believe that all Manitobans deserve the highest quality health care possible.

We believe that Nurse Practitioners play a unique and valuable role in Manitoba’s health care system.

buildiNG oN tHose CoRe belieFs, NPaM exists:• to be the primary advocate and promoter of the NP role and to ensure that the public, decision-makers and stakeholders of Manitoba fully understand and appreciate the value of NPs.

• to support all NPs within the province with mentorship and education opportunities and to provide a forum for NPs to foster and maintain connections important for addressing similar issues and challenges.

in summary, NPaM exists to develop and promote the unique role of NPs in delivering the highest quality health care to all Manitobans. We achieve our purpose by advocating for NPs, informing stakeholders about the NP role, and supporting and educating NPs across Manitoba to ensure they have the tools to continue to deliver the highest level of care to the individuals they serve.

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