Numbers of birds in flocks Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences

Numbers of birds in flocks

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Estimating. Numbers of birds in flocks.  Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences. Do you know your estimating tendencies ?. Most field biologists think they are good at estimating numbers of birds in flocks, but - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Numbers of birds in flocks

Numbers of birds in flocks

Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences

Page 2: Numbers of birds in flocks
Page 3: Numbers of birds in flocks

• Most field biologists think they are good at estimating numbers of birds in flocks, but

• In fact, it is the rare person who estimates bird numbers with good precision

• Periodic practice improves estimating abilities

Page 4: Numbers of birds in flocks

People differ in estimating tendencies

• Many tend to underestimate numbers

• Many tend to overestimate numbers

• Rare individuals tend to be accurate

Page 5: Numbers of birds in flocks

Estimating accuracy will tend to vary with:

The size of the flock (most people tend to underestimate numbers in large flocks)

The size of the birds (most people tend to underestimate numbers when birds are small and to overestimate when birds are large)The color of birds (a tendency to overestimate when birds are light-colored versus dark-colored)

Page 6: Numbers of birds in flocks

Estimate the number of dots

How many birds?

The size of the flock



most people tend to underestimate numbers in large flocks

Page 7: Numbers of birds in flocks

How manyLarge ?Small ?

The size of the birds

40 eachMost people over-estimate numbers of large birds

Page 8: Numbers of birds in flocks

The color of birds

How many light and dark?

54 eacha tendency to overestimate when birds are light-colored versus dark-colored

Page 9: Numbers of birds in flocks

An estimating strategy• Guess the flock size

• Is there more than one species ?

• Are birds fairly evenly dispersed ?

Page 10: Numbers of birds in flocks

An estimating strategy If guess was

• 20 - 100, count 10 birds and then estimate by blocks of 10 for remaining

• < 20, count the birds

• 100 - 500, count 25 or 50, then ‘block count’the rest of the flock by 50’s

• >500, count (estimate if flying) 100 and then ‘block count’ the rest by 100’s

Page 11: Numbers of birds in flocks

An estimating strategy

• Finally, estimate the percentage of each species in the flock

Beware of estimates forflocks where birds areunevenly dispersed

Page 12: Numbers of birds in flocks

1. Guess the flock size2. Is there more than one species ?

3. Are the birds fairly evenly dispersed ?

Page 13: Numbers of birds in flocks

The guessed number should exceed 100So, mentally block off 25 birds

By blocks, extrapolate flock size

How many black? How many blue? 9690

Page 14: Numbers of birds in flocks

1. Guess the number

Page 15: Numbers of birds in flocks

Now, using the known ‘blocks’, estimate (you have 20 seconds)

OK, What was your estimate?

How about 3400 ?

Page 16: Numbers of birds in flocks

These exercises were to provide tips

Each person will have different tendencies -- the goal is to learn your own … practice to learn them.

Part 2 provides practice exercises

You also can practice by counting 1/3 cup of beans or a teaspoon of rice. Grab beans (or rice), throw in a box top,estimate, then ‘count’ using cups-full (or teaspoons full).

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