n't - ing s 8 on, ia. gbl ,ref t IS. nd. eO' est o'fl \ . (' .. A 404¥' 4 1 9' * ·!'± a *k ll:m I Vol. 12, No. 32 Thomson, Ga .• Thursday, August 12, 1915 Price, Five eent:J ===================================== Why Do They Keep Up the Big Money _CaIDpaign Against the People T I I EI:E is a l\f()\" !11g Picture circ11it the COUTP.fi.S of cu11t l'<.)!lecl ll,. l\l:11·c11s Loc\v. a U ia. '1 U A11d lie is 1ioio or)posecl l)lt11isl1111ent ! ) J\fare11s clc>t1Ltless a '' Tortl1'' cle- sce11tla o-f l\l(ises. · inost, o·c11t le111e11 fro Ill (J Cl'llS:l le111, l(>\"t•s a11cl lle\·er 1\:110,Ys '"l1at lt is l <) get CllOtlg'l1. • , 1t'Iurc ; t1s is Jacl\: Sluto11 n11 i11 11.is is ex1)ect- 1ng to C'<>111 111:111\' clt1cat:) tl1ereb\·. j)S t lie i·i c·l1 J e'vs belieu,·e tl1n t i l1ev a1·e < 1 11t it lc.•cl to o·cL 0 f tl1eir lllOllC"\' UcJ('ic . :-:-tl1e '' hiel1 g;1,·o a f1·01{t 1)age . for i11orc tl1a11 a )·ear, and tl1e11 ga,·e Slatc>11 art n1·111.)r n11<l a. \Yar-zo110 of 11is o,, · 11. J\1arr11:; I.J<)C"-' ncl,·ortises i11 'l,l1e Billbour<l. his I!C\\' at t ra et i 011, '" 11icl i l1c n ter111 s, . ''7'!1e. .1/ illio11-IJ<;11<f1' J>ltuliGiflJ ft'ec1t1: 1·e.'' l ... 11clp1·11eatl1 tl10 i11illio11 <.l<.>llars: Jnelc Slato11 ·s Jlict t11·e-,,·J1icl1 sl10,,·s tl1at lrno,Ys lie>''' to 111111μ: i)il'tttrC's. 011 a. i>a1·cllcl li11e ,,·itl1 J,1cl{'s :face, n1)- peurs n11<>ll1cl', '"l1icl1 is lalJelletl ··Leo I''rn11 l,;' bt1t it is i1ot i1 i>iC't tire <>f l•'ra11lr. · J\Iarc11s is io<> 8l1rc,,·cl a l)t\rso11 to 11rrsp11r, to 1>1tl>li<· tl1c ' l'f'rtl f;c<.> 1•'ra11l,, y;, ·itl1 11is sadist it 111c>11tl1 n11cl <.lt•g<.'11erHte fcat'ures. ''(lo\" l'l'll<>r f;J at <>Il : };co l\'. ! ''1'11c 011ly gc11t1i11e n11cl a11tl1e11tic Piet11res c>f. tlui I>ri11c·i1>nl (Jl1nracters i11 011r ];eg·al l ;o11fiiet. I)o se(l Wltll . l/1eil' j>('J'lllissir>11." • 111 nr1rcrt i:-;i11g 11is l\lillio11 Dollar Atl1·uc- .t1011, t lie ngp11t c>f l\'1aret1s Lot•w sn3·s: \ \ 11 ''1 s ecurecl i110\·ing p:ctures of Go, ·ernor Sla t o11, ll.is an.d of T ... eo l\I. Fra11k, ::-.nd his i11otl1e r, . <'Q11dition that I " 'o uld u s0 then1 in c' onj u 11c- tton \vill1 a filn1 to be called ' Thou Shalt Ko t Kill,' '\Vhicl1 argues for tl1c abolitio1 1 or capital Pltnish- me11t itl An1erica. ,, """ i,o,·e1· in the 11istor,· of the n10\•ing pic- ture i11cl ust r)' it l>een to 111ake a 11ic- ture or ll lllJltl ill .. the teni1 <1l' I1is 11:tt111·nl lit'e, and 11ever was a picture made as \Vas the cane \Vith Governor Slaton, ,,·J1ile be \\'as snrroundecl hy t11e 111ilitia, v1ho \vcre l1old- ing at bay tl1e 110,vling mol) of o,·er 10,000 peo- ple." . ----- .. - - The Commutation Q lTil, Rtt}JJ't'111c Co11rt 11ns cle- . till eel t lint n .J u<.l<ro cn1111(>t ])rcsiclo ill a case i11 '"l1icl1 11n /1rr<lt"'>ucc11 . of co1111sel. ,· N <.> In '")'er \Yo11 l<.l e,·e1· t 11at a C'l>tlltl ll•gn ll>r ])l'CSitle, qr clc- cr1cc 111 · 11e ,,·ns t 11e1t of eo1111- sc. . Stt(·/i r1eticJ11. 11·o 11 Zrl ue 11z1ll. rt11rl t!1ric c·oulcl ')iot 111 ali·c if. '''t1fitl · . If J" ol111 i\f. / 1 r1tl lJf'('.1l <>f cot111sel fo1· I .. eo 111\, bt1t l1acl c·c;\sccl to l>e so 'vl1c11 })cea1110 (lc>\'t'l'Il<>l', it '"011 lJ 11a ,·e l>ce11 illcga l l1acl 110 re-triccl tl1e n11<l i·c,·er:::ed tl10 ' l311t s111rc 11<.1 act 11all,· 'leas of co1111scl for l1is <'<)1!111111tnt ioi1 ,,·as .11ot l?a:::-e et1a;ynl of 111:; tru:-;(, b11t /17,r;; rlel ' t8t<>11. 'l8 a 'Ji ull i t,1;. fi lly 1·pf ai11i11g l1is i11(•111l>crsl1i1) ii1 Rosser's irrt1, lie (. 1 011ti111t<'<l to be. 011e o.f Jlrctnl.·'.o.: lrt1t•- ve1·s. Ile c1i<ltt't l1a,·u to o·o to tl1c c1flices of tl1c !firn1, cla \': lie <liclrl.'t l1a,·e to n&:ist. 11is l>a1·t11e1·:-i j11 tl;<) l)l' PI>n1·atio11 of tl1ci1· cases; (80, see, 1'1arc11s sa:·s tl1at· l1e toc>lc i1icl11rc ,,·l1ile tl1e 111ob ,, ·ns 11<>,vli11g _:_a11d .Jaclc i1 c,·er 110\Ylecl nt. nlJ. llla,·l)C 11c ras ngai11 ··s11clri11g s \\'eetl,\'. =' 1 \11<1 lie al lu,, · ecl t i1c ricl1 .r C\Ys to l)Osc /1 is ·w i.f o for <:<>111111ercial a]:::;o. Sig :\.g is t !1c t111clc of l ..: eo F1•n1lJt, itud J 10 t t <'Tl i-: lo Ilt'<>sect1tc u1e fo1• <lcf e11<.li t lg tlae l1l>ll<>I' of 0111· ('cur · ts and out• 1:ieo1llc. Js n:ic is tl1e l>1·otl1er of t11e 111an \\'llo is Cl1airu1a11 of tl1e Ila:ts l•'inaJ1ce Go111111itte-c, ,\ · J1i<'l1 l1as 'iliilc-d Geo1·:,?;ia f1·on1 sctl to sc:t. 'J'l1ese t\.\"O 1·i•·l1 .Jc,,·s lltlVc 1>11t a. ,, ·1· itte11 <l e 111H11<l <>Jl Hugl1 TH.r\ T 11 Ii: ilE- !\tY Pf<.Oo:>BC"CTOR. It . is 11ot :l1e <lut.r of <l Sclicitot· to bcco111c f·Il.OSEC '1'0 n. · 1,ct _ )lo11tag u11ll H<ta:, INTO 'fHE a11cl S\\'e:lr <>Ut a lYC!l'l'a11t :1gni11st. 111e, <>l' 11a, c t.l1cir 11ai11es sig11etl as J)1•osectttors to lt l'ill t<> go l>L ' fore t!10 Grl1ntl J tJ.ry. 'l'I-II i: SE RICH J:S,\'S HAVE l' SED GEN- AGAINS 'l' GENTIJ.-E l ... ONU l1l•:T 'fl-II<; Rlt ;H ,JE\\'S \\'H<) 11 .\ \T JlJ T<> 1'!.l•J, 'l'Al\l •J 1. ' Hl1 01'' '£l!E 1•erl1:l1>s it '''ill <'lenr ttl> tJ1e :tt111os1>l1e1·e if tl1e J.'1·anJc case is its 1>u1rid s11ots J:ti<l l>:t1·c, ancl its l1orril>le secrets told f1·<>111 t?10 l1t)tts1· -tops. tIOl'?TAG & I-Ift.AS llOS- S£;;R, ARNOLD & SLATON TO NB . I ,, · iil <tct as tny O\\ 'n u11<l \\'l1e1t I J.?;Ct \ritl1 t11e l;-1·a11!{ t11e peo- J>le \\'ill 11:1<lersta11<l it. , 'l ' l1 c 1·i<·J1 .Jo\YS (>f i>osto11, Ne\\' Yot·k :l11<1 1\tl1111t1\ ltn,·o l1111g 111a<le their thr<e:tts, n11cl I lt:\ve b<.-e11 ex1>P<·ti11g tJ1e attnck. I .. JT l>11t let tl1f\ Je,vs l>e })l'a\'e , .... 11011f!ll to 11?a!>.e it, OVER TllElR 0\\ 1 N \\'o lta,·e l1ncl of Cut's-pa''" \\·ork. YOl j RSELF, l\.IR. SIG 1\lON'- TAG . A1'T 1\CI\:'. :\iE YOl."RSEL1'', IS.l\.,\C H.\ :: \.S ! - - - - OJ Frank's Sentence 11<' dici11't 11:1,·o to np1)enr i11 tl1e cotirl. l'C)Ot11. re111ai11i11cr tl1e part11er <>f l{c}sser l'l 1 1j]1 ps. l1e of C<llLtlSt'l f<>l' t lie clie11t of tJ1e fir111. ,,.ill tl10 }):11)<'1'8 c\:er see tl1e })<>i11t? .liist ns the Lalv fixes a i11a11·s Jpgnl rcsi- cl e 11 c<.). a11cl j11st as t11u I.J<l \\' fixt'!:i I lie rc c.; i 1>- l'<Jcal dt1tie8 of 1111sba11(l a11cl \\ if<.l. 1)arc11t a11cl cl1ild, g11nrdin11 u11<.l '''arcl, a 11cl ser- \'UJlt. so tlte Law fixes tl1e statt1s <>t }):trt- 11 ers. l>ot]1 us to tl1e111sel, ·es a11cl to tl1c ,, ·orlcl. !11 tl1e e.\ ·e of tl1c La"·, tl1e Gec)rgin Rail- 1·ond is 011e perso11, altl1ol1gl1 it 11a \'e :L tl1ottsa11ct I11 tl1e e1·c o:f tl1e a11 I11s11rn11cC' ( 1 c>111- ])flll.\ 1 is 011e i1ers(>11, altl1011gl1 tl101tsn11cls i11ay 11u, ·o a11 i11terest i11 it. 13ro!3· is one ])C'l'so11, i11 la \V, :11111011gl1 l1alf :1 clozcn ca1)itaJ1sts j<>i11t O\\ ' Ilel'S. .tl 7)a1·t12 c1·8l1ip is 011e J)Crso11, a 11cl t 110 net of cacl1 i>n1·t11er, is tl1e act of tl10 Iir111. 'l'l1t1s 8lato11 a11 net i ,.c ac- co1111)lice i11 tl1e yo11ti1111ec.l tll'fa111atic)tl elf t>ttr cc>t1rts, a11tl 011r i>e<>})le. rl''}1at a lllall \Yll<. 1 S{) l'Q ( '('illl) ' OC' l'l l })i e <l tllC 11igl1Pst Rtntc ofiiee, a11<l \Yll<) c a111e s<> 11Pai.· tc J 1Jeco111i11g n 1T 111tecl State s sli <11 1' st<><.>}) to crJ111111ei'( : ir1{1z c /1i111s e lf. Jl 1 \ 1 J> ll'//<'/!,', C111(l l)CC()lllC ll }):ll't)' le> tl'lt' S) 'Sit'lll:1tic ,·ilificatio11 of tl1e '"l1icdt l1atl Sl> l1c>il- cll'l'cl }1i Ill, fS OJ1e of tJ1e Ill:\ l'''Cl<)llS <ll'\"l'ltil)- 1110.lllH of tl1is i1e,·er-e11cli11g li'ra1lk. c·ast•. 'I'l1c }.fnrctts l.JC)CV\' ncl . Yel't i:--c111e11t <'Clll- tJllll<.'S: '''fl1e tl1nt 11as l1ncl 111illio11s <>f clol- lars of I•"ro!1t-pnp.:c 1:¥es: it l1ncl tl1t1 i11illic>11s, nll l3c>xecl i11 a sc1 ; aratc }>laee n1>1>ea1·s tl1c 110- bJo s<.•11t i111e11t of Slnto11- ··1 <licl ''·lint I Lelie,· ec.1 to l>e 111)' cllt()·, n11<l 1·eil1secl to l>ecc>1110 tl SP<'<)t1cl I><111t i I >i ln tc, a11cl cleli,·er ii111oce11t 111<.><)<l to tl1c 111<.>l>.:: l\1ost. 11c>l)le . l{o111n11 'l'l1c 111<il> t l1at sc11- tc11cecl I.Jro J.1'1·a11li" t<.> (1ratl1 <>f t,,.e),·e s,,·orn j111·c>rs. t\\ 'O Stt1>rri<)l' (. 011rt ,J t1clp:<:'s, fc l 11r .. T t1stices of t l1e ('ottrt of (iec>rhri.a, n11cl seY<'Il ,J11sticl's c>f tl1e 8t1- 1>re111c (,c1t1rt of tl10 lT11it<:'cl States. '1'<> rc>1111<l <>tit f11c llll)l). '''<' '"ill i11cl 11clr t ,,.o c>f t 110 I>riso11 ( '0111111issic)tl. 'l'l1e t ,,·el,·e jltrors. tl1C' Sttt)t'rior ("c>11rt i .T nclge, t lie l,c>11rt <'<>11st it.l1tecl, i11 tll(} '''ill>1tr11 ens(', n Ill<>l) t l1at \\'as I)t'r- :fl'ctl\' sntisfartc>r\· t<) tl1e 11c1l)lt' Slntc>11. ltt tl1e l,n11t1·ell rnsC's, tl1c sa1110 ll\c>l) sr11t t,,.o (lP< >l'gia11s to tl10 scaft't>lcl, n11cl Slntc)ll 11<• 111c11tio11 of J>cl11tilt:-; I>ilate.. I11 tl1c ra:-;e of tl1c ol<l N <>rt 11 Gcc.1rgi:1 i p11n 11t, 1T 1!1i)l11·e)'. t \Yns 11<) er it ic·is111 <ll tl1e 111c1l> ,,·l1i<'ll 11acl co11cl<.•11111ccl l1i111 <ltl eir- <.'ltt11stn1lt inl e\·ic1e11C'e .; a11cl 8lat<)ll llicl 11c>t C<.>1111)n1·e <>l<l nln11 to .Jestis (' l1rist. 'l'l1c ngecl te11n11t ''ras <l<'C'ttsccl k:illi11g a la11cllor<l ,,·110111 he of '''l'c>11gi11g 111111 " ( C:ONTINL'ED ON l'.\<:J.J '1'\, ' t).) - -- - ---- - - - - -- Is Nu1 ·1 and - Void! ()110 })nrt11e1· ll1H).,. net fc)l' nll, n11<l ]pg-ally bi11<.l i11 b11si11ess ()f t1l<\ fi1·111. '' ,,.,. }>art11ersl1i1)s co11t<.•1111>la t t' joi11t (!let icltl i11 t.110 i11terest. of elie11ts. I.in,,· 1)artr1ersll1>is <'<)t11c1111)latc \111it,· <lf })lll'})Ose, a11cl n (1i,· ision of fees. · ({(>,'l'l'll<lr-<.>1<.,et Rlatc>11 l>ec.a111c' tl1e })art 11e1· of lC!.:, 1:11illiJ)S affpr 111<.'.\' 11ntl 1>11Jlliel)' as J1 la''') ' <.\I'S. (.ro,·c•r1101· Slato11 cc>11t111Ut'<l to l>l' tl1c }>nrt11c1· of F1·a11li:'s ln'' ')'Crs alt tl11·011gl1 il1e ter111-tl1<' c11ti1•c f1r<.J !J<'ttJ'8 <l111•111g irl1lch lie ro11ltl Jlot l <? [J<lll,11 r111,l 07>r11l!t aet irith tl1c ji1·1>1. c.li<l lie retai11 n 1ts<'l< ' .'18 l):ll'( Ill'l'::il1i1> llc)\V ca.11 ex11ln1!1 11is 111)011 tl10 itlca tl1nt 110 forn1etl it 111te11tli11n· to fl b llSC ll ! ''rl1en >·011 see. tl1nt. 11e 11cld 011 to it :111cl 1i11a11y t1secl it for t11e l>C'nefit of \ tl1e c)f l1is fir111, l1ow ('fill )'Oll CSC':l})O tl1e COJ1Cll1Si(>ll tl1:1t lie n11d Rosf;er l1:1c.l tl1at 'T<.'l'\' tl1i110· in i1ri11J? . 0 (CON'flXUEl> OX P,\GE SIX.) , , \ ..

 · n't ing -s 8 on, ia. gbl ,ref t IS. nd. eO' est o'fl • • \ . (' • • • • .. • A 404¥' 419' * ·!'± a *k ll:m I Vol. 12, No. 32 Thomson, Ga

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Page 1:  · n't ing -s 8 on, ia. gbl ,ref t IS. nd. eO' est o'fl • • \ . (' • • • • .. • A 404¥' 419' * ·!'± a *k ll:m I Vol. 12, No. 32 Thomson, Ga


-ing s 8

on, ia.

gbl ,ref

t IS. nd. eO' est o'fl


. (' •

• ..

A 404¥' 419' * ·!'± a *k ll:m I

Vol. 12, No. 32 Thomson, Ga .• Thursday, August 12, 1915 Price, Five eent:J • ===================================== Why Do They Keep Up the Big Money _CaIDpaign Against the People T I I EI:E is a l\f()\"!11g Picture circ11it ~nd the COUTP.fi.S of ~-eorgi·a?

cu11t l'<.)!lecl ll,. l\l:11·c11s Loc\v. a U ia. '1 U • A11d lie is 1ioio or)posecl

l)lt11isl1111ent ! ) J\fare11s i~ clc>t1Ltless a ''Tortl1'' cle-

sce11tla 11~ o-f l\l(ises. · Lil~c inost, o·c11t le111e11 fro Ill (J Cl'llS:l le111,

~furct1:) l(>\"t•s 11~11c\', a11cl lle\·er 1\:110,Ys '"l1at lt is l <) get CllOtlg'l1. • , •

1t'Iurc;t1s is acl,·crti~i110' Jacl\: Sluto11 ·a ~ n11 ~sset i11 11.is l) t 1 si11e~s. a1~l is e.,·itle11tl~· ex1)ect-1ng to C'<>111 111:111\' clt1cat:) tl1ereb\·.

I)c1·}1;~ j)S t lie i·i c·l1 J e'vs belieu,·e tl1n t i l1ev a1·e <1 11t it lc.•cl to o·cL ~01110 0 f tl1eir lllOllC"\' UcJ('ic . :-:-tl1e 111~11e:y '' hiel1 g;1,·o 1~11r11s a f1·01{t 1)age . d1s1)la.~· for i11orc tl1a11 a )·ear, and tl1e11 ga,·e Slatc>11 art n1·111.)r n11<l a. \Yar-zo110 of 11is o,,·11.

J\1arr11:; I.J<)C"-' ncl,·ortises i11 'l,l1e Billbour<l. his I!C\\' at t ra et i 011, '" 11icl i l1c n i>tl~·. ter111s, .

''7'!1e. .1/ illio11-IJ<;11<f1' J>ltuliGiflJ ft'ec1t1:1·e.'' l ... 11clp1·11eatl1 tl10 i11illio11 <.l<.>llars: co111c~ Jnelc

Slato11 ·s Jlict t11·e-,,·J1icl1 sl10,,·s tl1at :rtiurl'll~ lrno,Ys lie>''' to 111111µ: i)il'tttrC's.

011 a. i>a1·cllcl li11e ,,·itl1 J,1cl{'s :face, n1)-peurs n11<>ll1cl', '"l1icl1 is lalJelletl ··Leo I''rn11l,;' bt1t it is i1ot i1 i>iC't tire <>f l•'ra11lr. ·

J\Iarc11s is io<> 8l1rc,,·cl a l)t\rso11 to 11rrsp11r, to tl1<~ 1>1tl>li<· tl1c 'l'f'rtl f;c<.> 1•'ra11l,, y;,·itl1 11is sadist it 111c>11tl1 n11cl <.lt•g<.'11erHte fcat'ures.

''(lo\"l'l'll<>r f;J at <>Il : };co l•'r~111 l\'. ! ''1'11c 011ly gc11t1i11e n11cl a11tl1e11tic ~f<.)ti<)ll

Piet11res c>f. tlui I>ri11c·i1>nl (Jl1nracters i11 011r N~iic>11's (~ren(c:-;t ];eg·al l ;o11fiiet. I)ose(l Wltll. l/1eil' j>('J'lllissir>11."

• 111 nr1rcrt i:-;i11g 11is l\lillio11 Dollar Atl1·uc­.t1011, t lie ngp11t c>f l\'1aret1s Lot•w sn3·s: \ \ •

11 ''1 securecl i110\·ing p:ctures of Go,·ernor Slat o11, ll.is ·~\·it'<', an.d of T ... eo l\I. Fra11k, ::-.nd his i11otl1e r, . ~Po11 <'Q11dition that I " 'ould us0 then1 in c'onju11c­tton \vill1 a filn1 to be called 'Thou Shalt Kot Kill,' '\Vhicl1 argues for tl1c abolitio11 or capital Pltnish­me11t itl An1erica.

,, """ i,o,·e1· bef<>r·~ in the 11istor,· of the n10\•ing pic-ture i11cl ust r)' Jin~ it l>een 1>os~ible to 111ake a 11ic­ture or ll lllJltl ('()Jlfi11~cl ill ~ .. penitenti:i1·~· fr~r the teni1 <1l' I1is 11:tt111·nl lit'e, and 11ever was a picture made as \Vas the cane \Vith Governor Slaton, ,,·J1ile be \\'as snrroundecl hy t11e 111ilitia, v1ho \vcre l1old­ing at bay tl1e 110,vling mol) of o,·er 10,000 peo­ple." . ----- .. - -The Commutation

~ Q lTil, Rtt}JJ't'111c Co11rt 11ns i·e11eat.e(ll>~ cle­. till eel t lint n .J u<.l<ro cn1111(>t ])rcsiclo ill a case i11 '"l1icl1 11n /1rr<lt"'>ucc11. of co1111sel. ,· N <.> In '")'er \Yo11 l<.l e,·e1· cc~ritc11d t 11at a J°ti<lg~' C'l>tlltl ll•gn ll>r ])l'CSitle, qr ~ig11 <~Il)' clc­cr1cc 111 ~t. casl~ ,,·l1t•1·t~ · 11e ,,·ns t 11e1t of eo1111-sc. . Stt(·/i r1eticJ11. 11·o11Zrl ue 11z1ll. rt11rl t!1ric c·oulcl ')iot 111 ali·c if. '''t1fitl · . If J"ol111 i\f. ~1;1 t 011 /1r1tl lJf'('.1l <>f cot111sel fo1· I .. eo I~'1·n 111\, bt1t l1acl c·c;\sccl to l>e so 'vl1c11 ~e })cea1110 (lc>\'t'l'Il<>l', it '"011 lJ 11a ,·e l>ce11 illcga l l1acl 110 re-triccl tl1e c~tse, n11<l i·c,·er:::ed tl10 ('(>lll'.t~. '

l311t s111rc 11<.1 act 11all,· 'leas of co1111scl for ~rn.~1k:, l1is <'<)1!111111tnt ioi1 ,,·as .11ot 01!1~· ~1 l?a:::-e

et1a;ynl of 111:; tru:-;(, b11t /17,r;; rlel' t8t<>11. 'l8 a 'Ji ull i t,1;. fi lly 1·pf ai11i11g l1is i11(•111l>crsl1i1) ii1 Rosser's

irrt1, lie (.1011ti111t<'<l to be. 011e o.f Jlrctnl.·'.o.: lrt1t•­ve1·s.

Ile c1i<ltt't l1a,·u to o·o to tl1c c1flices of tl1c !firn1, c·,·c1·~· cla \': lie <liclrl.'t l1a,·e to n&:ist. 11is l>a1·t11e1·:-i j11 tl;<) l)l'PI>n1·atio11 of tl1ci1· cases;

(80, ~·ott see, 1'1arc11s sa:·s tl1at· l1e toc>lc s1~1to11's i1icl11rc ,,·l1ile tl1e 111ob ,,·ns 11<>,vli11g _:_a11d .Jaclc i1c,·er 110\Ylecl nt. nlJ. llla,·l)C 11c

• \·ras ngai11 ··s11clri11g s \\'eetl,\' . ='

1\11<1 lie al lu,,·ecl t i1c ricl1 .r C\Ys to l)Osc /1 is ·wi.f o for <:<>111111ercial l)ltr1><>sr~, a]:::;o. •

Sig ~lo1it :\.g is t !1c t111clc of l ..:eo F1•n1lJt, itud J 10 t lire~• t <'Tl i-: lo Ilt'<>sect1tc u1e fo1• <lcf e11<.li tlg tlae l1l>ll<>I' of 0111· ('cur·ts and out• 1:ieo1llc.

Jsn:ic Jla~s is tl1e l>1·otl1er of t11e 111an \\'llo is Cl1airu1a11 of tl1e Ila:ts l•'inaJ1ce Go111111itte-c, ,\·J1i<'l1 l1as 'iliilc-d Geo1·:,?;ia f1·on1 sctl to sc:t.

'J'l1ese t\.\"O 1·i•·l1 .Jc,,·s lltlVc 1>11t a . ,,·1·itte11 <le 111H11<l <>Jl Hugl1 J)o1·sc~-, TH.r\ T 11 Ii: ilE­C0.:\11~ !\tY Pf<.Oo:>BC"CTOR.

It. is 11ot :l1e <lut.r of <l Sclicitot· to bcco111c ~!lll' l;o<!~·'s f·Il.OSEC ~ '1'0 n.

·1,ct_ )lo11tag u11ll H<ta:, C0~1E INTO 'fHE 0I'J~~, a11cl S\\'e:lr <>Ut a lYC!l'l'a11t :1gni11st. 111e, <>l' 11a, c t.l1cir 11ai11es sig11etl a s J)1•osectttors to lt l'ill t<> go l>L' fore t!10 Grl1ntl J tJ.ry.


l1l•:T 'fl-II<; Rlt;H ,JE\\'S \\'H<) 11 • .\ \ TJlJ TJIR.-~TJ..:~l~J) T<> Cl~U8H 1'!.l•J, 'l'Al\l•J 1.' Hl1 ll! 1;s1•<>~SllJl!..1l1'Y 01'' '£l!E ~"-T'l'ACli.

1•erl1:l1>s it '''ill <'lenr ttl> tJ1e :tt111os1>l1e1·e if tl1e J.'1·anJc case is 1·e-01><>:Ul't~, its 1>u1rid s11ots J:ti<l l>:t1·c, ancl its l1orril>le secrets told f1·<>111 t?10 l1t)tts1·-tops.

J,l·~T tIOl'?TAG & I-Ift.AS E~1PLOY llOS­S£;;R, ARNOLD & SLATON TO PROSJ~JCU'r1l1 NB. I ,,·iil <tct as tny O\\'n la\\'~'('1'; u11<l \\'l1e1t I J.?;Ct tl1r<>t1~l1 \ritl1 t11e l;-1·a11!{ t'as~, t11e peo-J>le \\'ill 11:1<lersta11<l it. ,

'l' l1 c 1·i<·J1 .Jo\YS (>f i>osto11, Ne\\' Yot·k :l11<1 1\tl1111t1\ ltn,·o l1111g 111a<le their thr<e:tts, n11cl I lt:\ve b<.-e11 ex1>P<·ti11g tJ1e attnck.

I .. T~T JT CO~IT!:, l>11t let tl1f\ Je,vs l>e })l'a\'e , .... 11011f!ll to 11?a!>.e it, OVER TllElR 0\\1 N NA~\E.

\\'o lta,·e l1ncl enou~I1 of Cut's-pa''" \\·ork. ~\TTACI( ~fE YOljRSELF, l\.IR. SIG 1\lON'­

TAG. A1'T1\CI\:'. :\iE YOl."RSEL1'', :i\Il~. IS.l\.,\C

H.\::\.S !

- - - -•

OJ Frank's Sentence 11<' dici11't 11:1,·o to np1)enr i11 tl1e cotirl. l'C)Ot11.

I~\· re111ai11i11cr tl1e part11er <>f l{c}sser l~ l'l11j]1 ps. l1e r~11ai11ccl of C<llLtlSt'l f<>l' t lie clie11t of tJ1e fir111.

,,.ill tl10 }):11)<'1'8 c\:er see tl1e })<>i11t? .liist ns the Lalv fixes a i11a11·s Jpgnl rcsi­

cle11c<.). a11cl j11st as t11u I.J<l \\' fixt'!:i I lie rcc.;i 1>­l'<Jcal dt1tie8 of 1111sba11(l a11cl \\•if<.l. 1)arc11t a11cl cl1ild, g11nrdin11 u11<.l '''arcl, i11n~tcr a 11cl ser­\'UJlt. so tlte Law fixes tl1e statt1s <>t }):trt-11ers. l>ot]1 us to tl1e111sel,·es a11cl to tl1c ,,·orlcl.

!11 tl1e e.\·e of tl1c La"·, tl1e Gec)rgin Rail-1·ond is 011e perso11, altl1ol1gl1 it i11n~' 11a \'e :L

tl1ottsa11ct stocl~l1ol<.lers. I11 tl1e e1·c o:f tl1e I~a·1v, a11 I11s11rn11cC' ( 1


])flll.\1 is 011e i1ers(>11, altl1011gl1 tl101tsn11cls i11ay 11u,·o a11 i11terest i11 it.

l~iel1 13ro!3· Co111p<1n~.,. is one ])C'l'so11, i11 la \V, :11111011gl1 l1alf :1 clozcn ca1)itaJ1sts nrl~ j<>i11t O\\' Ilel'S.

.tl 7)a1·t12 c1·8l1ip is 011e J)Crso11, a 11cl t 110 net of cacl1 i>n1·t11er, is tl1e act of tl10 Iir111.

'l'l1t1s 8lato11 l)eC<)llll'~ a11 net i ,.c ac­co1111)lice i11 tl1e yo11ti1111ec.l tll'fa111atic)tl elf t>ttr cc>t1rts, a11tl 011r i>e<>})le.

rl''}1at a lllall \Yll<.1 S{) l'Q('('illl)' OC'l'll })i e <l tllC 11igl1Pst Rtntc ofiiee, a11<l \Yll<) ca111e s<> 11Pai.· tcJ 1Jeco111i11g n 1T111tecl States f-)p11at<~~" sli <111' st<><.>}) to crJ111111ei'(: ir1{1zc /1i111self. Jl 1\ 1J> llf~I:!, ll'//<'/!,', C111(l l)CC()lllC ll }):ll't)' le> tl'lt' S)'Sit'lll:1tic ,·ilificatio11 of tl1e ~tat<.~ '"l1icdt l1atl Sl> l1c>il­cll'l'cl }1i Ill, fS OJ1e of tJ1e Ill:\ l'''Cl<)llS <ll'\"l'ltil)-1110.lllH of tl1is i1e,·er-e11cli11g li'ra1lk. c·ast•.

'I'l1c }.fnrctts l.JC)CV\' ncl.Yel't i:--c111e11t <'Clll-tJllll<.'S:

'''fl1e fr~1tt1re tl1nt 11as l1ncl 111illio11s <>f clol­lars of I•"ro!1t-pnp.:c })tll)licit~·."

1:¥es: it l1ncl tl1t1 i11illic>11s, nll ri~l1t. l3c>xecl i11 a sc1;aratc }>laee n1>1>ea1·s tl1c 110-

bJo s<.•11t i111e11t of Slnto11-··1 <licl ''·lint I Lelie,·ec.1 to l>e 111)' cllt()·, n11<l

1·eil1secl to l>ecc>1110 tl SP<'<)t1cl I><111t i tt~ I >i ln tc, a11cl cleli,·er ii111oce11t 111<.><)<l to tl1c 111<.>l>.::

l\1ost. 11c>l)le. l{o111n11 ~ 'l'l1c 111<il> t l1at sc11-tc11cecl I.Jro J.1'1·a11li" t<.> (1ratl1 c~c>11sistt'cl <>f t,,.e),·e s,,·orn j111·c>rs. t\\' O Stt1>rri<)l' ( .011rt ,J t1clp:<:'s, fcl11r .. T t1stices of t l1e ~ll})l'('ll1(' ('ottrt of (iec>rhri.a, n11cl seY<'Il ,J11sticl's c>f tl1e 8t1-1>re111c (,c1t1rt of tl10 lT11it<:'cl States.

'1'<> rc>1111<l <>tit f11c llll)l). '''<' '"ill i11cl 11clr t ,,.o i11c•111bt·r~; c>f t 110 I>riso11 ( '0111111issic)tl.

'l'l1e t ,,·el,·e jltrors. tl1C' Sttt)t'rior ("c>11rti .T nclge, ~111cl t lie ~111)re111e l,c>11rt <'<>11st it.l1tecl, i11 tll(} '''ill>1tr11 ens(', n Ill<>l) t l1at \\'as I)t'r­:fl'ctl\' sntisfartc>r\· t<) tl1e 11c1l)lt' Slntc>11.

• • ltt tl1e l,n11t1·ell rnsC's, tl1c sa1110 ll\c>l) sr11t

t,,.o (lP<>l'gia11s to tl10 scaft't>lcl, n11cl Slntc)ll 111Hcl<.~ 11<• 111c11tio11 of J>cl11tilt:-; I>ilate..

I11 tl1c ra:-;e of tl1c ol<l N <>rt 11 Gcc.1rgi:1 i p11n 11t, 1T1!1i)l11·e)'. t l1e~e \Yns 11<) er it ic·is111 <ll tl1e 111c1l> ,,·l1i<'ll 11acl co11cl<.•11111ccl l1i111 <ltl eir­<.'ltt11stn1lt inl e\·ic1e11C'e.; a11cl 8lat<)ll llicl 11c>t C<.>1111)n1·e <>l<l nln11 U1111)l1re~· to .Jestis ( ' l1rist.

'l'l1c ngecl te11n11t ''ras <l<'C'ttsccl t)f~ k:illi11g a la11cllor<l ,,·110111 he acc11~ecl of '''l'c>11gi11g 111111

" ( C:ONTINL'ED ON l'.\<:J.J '1'\,' t).)

- -- ----- - - - - --Is Nu1·1 and- Void!

()110 })nrt11e1· ll1H).,. net fc)l' nll, n11<l ]pg-ally bi11<.l ~111, i11 n11~.,. b11si11ess ()f t1l<\ fi1·111. ' ' •

I~n ,,.,. }>art11ersl1i1)s co11t<.•1111>la t t' joi11t (!let icltl i11 t.110 i11terest. of elie11ts. •

I.in,,· 1)artr1ersll1>is <'<)t11c1111)latc \111it,· <lf })lll'})Ose, a11cl n (1i,·ision of fees. ·

({(>,'l'l'll<lr-<.>1<.,et Rlatc>11 l>ec.a111c' tl1e })art 11e1· of l{o~ser lC!.:, 1:11illiJ)S affpr 111<.'.\' 11ntl 1>11Jlliel)' HJ>]~earrcl as J1 ra11l~'s lrn<li~1g la''')' <.\I'S.

(.ro,·c•r1101· Slato11 cc>11t111Ut'<l to l>l' tl1c }>nrt11c1· of F1·a11li:'s ln''') 'Crs alt tl11·011gl1 il1e gt1l>~'r11atori~l ter111-tl1<' c11ti1•c f1r<.J !J<'ttJ'8 <l111•111g irl1lch lie ro11ltl Jlot l<?[J<lll,11 r111,l 07>r11l!t aet irith tl1c ji1·1>1.

\'7 11~· c.li<l lie retai11 n 1ts<'l<' .'18 l):ll'( Ill'l'::il1i1> '~ llc)\V ca.11 ~·011 ex11ln1!1 11is c?11~lt1ct, <'X<'l't>l~

111)011 tl10 itlca tl1nt 110 forn1etl it 111te11tli11n· to • fl b

llSC ll ! ''rl1en >·011 see. tl1nt. 11e 11cld 011 to it :111cl

1i11a11y t1secl it for t11e l>C'nefit of \tl1e cli~11t c)f l1is fir111, l1ow ('fill )'Oll CSC':l})O tl1e COJ1Cll1Si(>ll tl1:1t lie n11d Rosf;er l1:1c.l tl1at ' T<.'l'\' tl1i110· in i1ri11J? . 0

(CON'flXUEl> OX P,\GE SIX.) ,




Page 2:  · n't ing -s 8 on, ia. gbl ,ref t IS. nd. eO' est o'fl • • \ . (' • • • • .. • A 404¥' 419' * ·!'± a *k ll:m I Vol. 12, No. 32 Thomson, Ga


Why Do Tilley Keep Up the Big Money Campaign Against the

People and the Courts of Georgia?

( COX'fl~UED FI?O,:\f 1~AClJ O:NE.)

abo11t a 1Ja1u <)f C<Jtto11: 11e 11a(1 Il<>t ful1 o,,·ctl 11p :1 little girl ,,·110 oi1gl1t ic1 J1a,•c b(le11 nt .scl1oc>l. fill(l 11c 11ud llut lt1rc<l tJ1is gi1·I i11t(> tJ1c fieltl nt1<l left 11cr ],1 i11g tl1Pre <>ll 111.•r l'acl\ 'vitl1 a l'<>})l' nro1111ct i1er 11ccl~. 11el' <.lra\\'l'l'~ rj})})l'<I llj> il1t• :-:Pllltl: n11cl ll<.11' ]Jl'i\•af(1i" u1·11i::->Ctl a11cl blootl \'.

• l le 11:1(1 Il<•t ::cree1~e<l n 11egr<> ai.;co1111)licc,

a11cl go11e f <) 111a11t1f:ict111·i11r' (>''i<lc11cl' :1crai11st . .~ ~

Ull lJlllOr<)Ilt J>Cl':-<>11. ]Jc J1n<l 11c1t bec11 foile1.l i11 11is t•fl'<)rts to

J1n11g tJ1e i1111ore11t Jl<'!!r<.1. lJ}' tl1e c<J11f<.'s~io11 of tll() guilt~· 011e. ... ' ·

i\.11cl l1i ~ la'' .'·er linc.1 i1eglrctecl t <l for1n a cO-]Jn1·f 11e1·s]1i 1> \YitI1 t lloe <"To1·c1·11or-cl.ect : co11-sc<1t1c11t I>·· t11eJ·~ ,,·a:: 11<> i11e111l><'.J.' of tl1e fir111 i11 tl1t• l!.Xf'Cl1ti,·c Ofi1ce. ,,·J1~11 fl})J>litaliclll f(>l' co1n11111tati(>11 ,,·n~ 111a<le.

J .... a,,·>·er~ ,,•}10 l{n<>,,. t11at tJ1eir cli<•11ts arc guilt_,. Sll<ll ll<l. i11 all })OSBil)l(\ <'a:--eg, H~!'(H.;iat<! tlu· (it>\'l'i'ilclr-<.>11.>et ,,·j1J1 tJ1e <lef<.•11s~·, S<J tl1at. }f all t)1p C<)lll'(:; CCJllClt'lllll tl1e11· C'lic11t. tilt~ ~11l)er11:1(1)1·i:1J 111c1111Jer of tl10 iil'111 en11 'sa,·c •·i1111c1C<1t1t 1>10011 frc)t11 till' 1111)1> ·~ tll('l'l'l>\' :i \rc1itli11µ: t l1e t'l'l'c>r of J>o11t 111s J>i1:1i<'. •

\\1 l1e11 011r':-- Jn,,·,·cr i~ <111 tl1e bP11l'l1. 011c

111:1_,. ex11r(·l fn,·c)r:tl>t.> r11li11p:::;: a111.I '"11e11 <111<' 0 8 Jn ,,.J·cr i:-, <x1>,·<•r111.>r. n<) i1111oee11t lJlooc.1 i1t)ccl f~·al· ~t1<'l1 111<>11~ a ('011 .... rjttite a jtll')' n11ll f\VO ~tl])l'e111e l 'onrt:-:.

I1111occ11t l>loo(l. l1<J,,.e,·er. Rll<>lll<1 110( l>t' ser1t to Jn11y:t1j ~l1 at tllt\ ;-)tnte ]i"a1·111 e,·p11

tl1011gl1 ,,~:1rcle11 ~111itl1 is l11ost lri11cl. n11cl tl1c ]>l'l. l))}<'l' is a l]O,\' PCI l1i:-- O'Yll :o;\llllJ>t ll(JllS l>~<l. 11 is ] 11:x11i·i(111:-. en ri)et. 11 is e.l<'f'( 1·ic~ fa 11. l1is Plrct ric eigaret te ligJ1tt•r. a11cl Ji is rc,111'1'-t (>I> (l l•s1r.

~t1rl1 i1111oet•11t l2l<1o<l ns tllr1t. <J11g11t i <) l>c a<·cc>111r>a11~·i11g l1js la'"·'·er 011 l1i8 <lel:i~·pcl n11<l J)l'<>( 1·ac·I <'<l l1011c~·1110011 i ri1>.

('l1nr:i('tcri:-.ti<' c>f all ·tl11.• ''"il<l staf (•tt1e11(s ,,·J1jeJ1 11:1,·p l'et•11. a 11<1 a 1·c pf ii I i11 1·i t'<·u l:1-tic111 :1g-ai11st 11~. al'P tl1t> i\>ll<>\\'i11g r•clitc>1·inl Ji11es i11 'l'hr: Ji'1 (.7. tJ1r• 111ngnzi11e fc.11111tlecl ll)~ l~llJc1·t IT11lJlJarcl: ... •

''G uilt:r: •• said thC' Courts. "Reafonaule Dot1bt!" said tlle Amcr,cnn peo­

ple. Tl1c evidence tl1at con\iCtC'd Frf\nk \Yas fur­

nlal1ed l>)' a flat-headed nigger. lle Is the typical. sl1ltt less. no-acroltnt, 137.)', Sot1thcrn nigger. It \\'US pro' <'ll that, on tlic <la~· of thP crin1(', he \\'RR ~<lde11 (11·unlt on v:hiske)·. lie aatnitted J1i111sclf 1o lJe nn accomplice-but he 1nal11tal11ecl that ~"'i·nnk '''as the principal.

The Co111·ts f'aicl: "\\~o b1•licve you!" 'file J>ulJlir at large said: ··~tistah Coon, tho

crl1ue '"nR a savag-f• c·rin1c. It rec.alls to our 1ntnrl f1t her c avngc r•rJn1es in \Vlticl1 n rlrur1lreu r.oon, ~l gt11 1 011<1 A lynching J>la)'C!rl n pn1·t. 'J'oo ofto11 )'Oll change y·our story. l~ou k110\v too 111any of t1\f• defrtlls. too lntin)ately."

L.c><J9l•°Tj·anlt sni<l: ''I cllCl 11ot com rnlt tl1e <'rime. J an1 innoc C'nt!"

D<.>l'H it 11r>t orc11r to Tl1e }t'ra tl1nt if ·'tl1e A lll('l"i('Ull l")eOJ)lc·· tt'nr lll) tl10 ''(il'Clicts c)f E\\"(1r11 jt11·<11·s. :i 11d t l1c clecisi(>llS of: s,,·or11 jt1cig-r·~. ·•t/1(' A 11tcric<111 J>eo11le'' q1..•ill ly1,.cli tl1f' (01l1'f,t.{,)

J[<lW cnr1 n snne editor ho1)0 to J1n,·e t}1e l)·11cl1i11g of rri111i11n ls clisc<,11ti 1111ecl, if ''t11e A 111eric:111 ]'eoJlle ., 1)·11rl1 t 110 c·c1t1i1s?

]J<.1\\. <'llll n sane edifc1r CX})C<,t t(, hn'"A a11:·l>orl~··s g11ilt asc·c1·(ai11cd, ir not }J)1 jl1rors n11(l jt1(lges? f

] f ··t lit) J\ 1nt.•1·icn11 J>eo1)1~)'' n re to 1·e,•crso il1e c·o111·(~. C>ll t l1c 1111S\V<)rr1 n11<l ex-1>art.e b1nfe111e11t;.; of rletecti,·es, 1:1\\')'e1·:-;, h:1r.Jr-"·rit­ers. nri<I 11~·i:;fe1·ienl sc11ti111m1tnlists, 'vl11lt. lJe­cor11e:; pf 011r jt1lljci1tl S)·sten1?

,,.}J('Jl tlie c·nso of r .... ·eo J1"r1111lc 'vns si11g]ed 011t fo1· a national ca1npaigi1 of slander agni11. t tl1e peop.e a11d the courts of Georgia,

reaso11able people sl1ould 11a,·e s11spectecl tl1e 11011est3· of tl1e ,,·ire-pt1lle1·s.

I1111oce11t 111e11 c1o 11ot i1ec<l to clcr11n11<.l t11nt tl1e Ol!t~idc •·111ob~: i·e,·ersc tl1e col11·t::;.

It "·as 11ot atte1111>ted in tl1c Beat i)' case, t11c Tl1n,,· case: 01· tl1e BeC'l\"t'r case.

It 1.cas 1zcl'c1· bcfoi·e c/01ie. 11'7 A1\7J7

. ' l'-4/~E ! ·

""\\')1,· ,,·as it clcn1e i11 1~--ra11l\0

s <'a~e? •

ll~c1s lie e11titlc(/, to e.ten11Jtio11 f1·01ti fJ,e )ltl'i;sl/.ictio11 <)/. 01t1' jitclr;es a11rl )1l1·ic.~.9

:\Ir. II<.•arst's str111g of 11:11)<'1'!=', a11tl tl1c ,Jp,,·j~}1 })<t}>ers. nr1tl spac'<'-rntP. 11a1)<'1'~. clc-111a11lic(1 t11nt tl1e State c)f Ge<1rgia nlJn11do11 ~lllJ' legal j11ristli<·li(>Jl o,·er a (ic<.1rgi:t cri111-111n l.

'llt<'~· lle1r1ntl(lecl tl1at (ieo1·bria nl)tlic'nfe l1e1· ~<>\'l'l'Pi~·11it ''· c1iscl'<.'llit l1er <>,,·11 C<)lJrts. a11{l a{l111it. tl1c ~tat<.··:-: i11f"e11ti<>J1 to <.'<>111111it jlrc.lieial i11111·cler. ·

'J~l1e\' cle111a11oe(l tl1at \\"e n<'<'lt!';e 11C'ur],· fift:i,r ,,·J1ite · ,,·itJt(l~":::es of 1>erj111·\•. t '''P1,·c~ ·;,,,·ori1 j111·01·~ of a false \·ertl1ct. t,,.~ Stl})Crior ("ot1rt j11<lge.s <>f l1a!:'P tr11ek:li11g t<.> :111 i111agi11a1·}1

11101,>. n11cl 011r St111rc•1110· ('c>11rt <>f l1ei11~ as 111-

fn111<>ll=-' n:-; t!1e ,,·it11c.'SSe.s a111l tit<' j11r~1 . .... ~ \Y'l1e11 l>efore tlitl .l\f1·. l l<':tr:-.t. <'\"Cl' <lc111a11<.1

of a St'atr n <'<)t111)l<.~tP ~111·r<•111.l<'l' <lf l1cr co11-~1 it11tici11nl 1)0,,·e1·s n11tl re~1><>11sil>iliti<.•s?

\\~l1er1 l>t•f<)l'O cli<l a l< it, <>f ja<'l\a~s J)octo1·s of J)i ,·i11it~r i11 NC\\' )~{)l'l\'., ( 'lti<'ago, J.ll1ila(lel-1)l1ia. n11c.l .... .\tla111a. a::;l\ tl1at tl1e C\'i<.l<•11ee of !'<'<>rt•s <1f ,,·}1itP ,,~it11e::;~cs l>'~ tr<.'ntccl as a. i11uss <>T ] i C:s?

Ile.>''' ea11 a11>1' Sf ato 111ni11tai11 i·cspect fclr ] ,n ,,., f01· tl1c c·o\1rt~. atll.l f<>l' t]1(~ (>l'tle1·I,, nu-

• 111i11i-=;1ratio11 <)f .J11.tice. jf a llI<>lJ <>f ot1tsi1l<'r:; nrr<>gnto to t}1p1118cl,·es tl1c rigl1t to 11oirl <l<)?.c11. tlie 7>at;entl?/ co11si<i<?'(J(/ 'l 0 e1·d;ct.~ aitcl <le <·(siorl.~ 1nacl<' ;,,, t''0?11•t.-l1ouses?

I 11 t11(" ]:'r~111lr <'n:-;e. )Ir. 1 l<•a1·st i11s11l te<] tl1c St at<• c1f (;C{)t'gia a:-;· 110 Bt n t1.• i11 t l1is U11io11 ''"~·s· tl'.l'l' i11:-;11ltr.tl l1ef<ll'C.

1Ie sent to ~\tl:i11tn n 111p111l>('l' ()f tl1e Sl1-1>1\•n1c ( '<lltrt of Ne\\' ) rc>rk·. nflt'l' Ollr 811-})l'l'lll~ ('cn1rt l1ncl t,,·iec <leci1lt>ll t]1p ens<': n11cl 1 l1i. X<'''' 1 .. c>rl\ ,J11(lgo \Vl'<l(<' <>11t n11 <lJ1i11io11 t<> tile efk<·t tl1nt~ cxc·<·1>ti11g l.,<Hll(')'·s e\·i­<l<•nc·<·. il1ere \\"HS 11<Jll1i11g i11 t11<~ l'C<'()J"d aga i 11:;( I .. l'<) J1'r:111 I~! ·

' I~f 1 c X l' ''' \ ... ()J' k: ~ 111>1'<'111 (' tl 11Cl gc ,,· ]111 cl i<] t l1is l111l1enr<.l c>f i l1i11g. is ('Jn 1'f'l\1·c SI1ear11. n little <.111c-l1<.1:-s ,Jc,,· atf<ll'Jl~\· tl1at 11C\'(ll' ]eel

ti 11111rc]er cn:-'o j11 a.11 11is (>l1sc•11ro life•. . )Je \rn~ ll<'nrst's Ja,r~'('I', n11<l 11<.' k11o"·s Jlist ~Jl()11g·l1 la''' t.<1 clt~f<'r1cl tll(} llParst 1>n-1>crB i11 <la111ago 81t1 t~.

11Pa1·:;t. laid tl1ni ,,·1·itif•11 c]<•cisio11 elf Cl<1r­e11co Rl1en1·11 lJc•fcJJ'(\ . <1(>\'<'I'Jl<>r 8latc.11. fl 11d nsl\:('<1 J1i111 tc• ne~<'}>t ii as :i ' 'irtt1n l 1·e,·c1·snl cYf t \\1() 1leei~i1J11s l1}T tl1e S111>1·e1110 (.,<.•ttrt. of (.iC<lJ'gin ! ·

Jic1\\' ,,·011111 }~l<>ricla lil\<' to l1n,·c 11er ('<)ttrt~ f1c>t11<.'cl i11 tl1at <'<)JltClllJ1t110tlS '''n~r?

II<>''' '''<>ttl<l 1\laln1111a lik·e it.~ 11r>\V \\'<.>tI1<l 'J't>xas?

\\1 l1at '''<)nlcl l1n,·c bl'er1 t11c111gl1t of inc. if

I l1a<l Sl'Ilt 111~7 J><'l'Sor1nl nttor1lC)' to Nc'v Yori~, to 1·ez•it7 lO t/1,1 1•ct'()J'£l i11 tl1e l/rrA·er

J(!<1sc; n11rl l1ncl t l1c11 nr.;lr<•cl <;o,·cr1101• ,,.,.l1it-1;1ar1 to (tt:ce7>t fl1c oy-,.i1tio1l of lll.!J laic11e1·?

'1'11nt is c.~actl\1 ,vJ1at ]l(>nr~t clic] 111 tl1e )i'r1111l\'. cuse- a11ci n n1<1re i11~olc11( i11,·osio11 of n Sti1te·s rigJ1ts 'rns i10,•er i11n<.le.

1' 11 e ne icspa JJrr.~ l1{1ve bf'e1l sl o io to 1·cali::e tl1e cla11gcr of Tll 1 ,._"{ l' l?Jt,,'f1}!.'/) EJ\7J'.

'J.,l1e l>it1<'1' (·111) tl1a1. ,,.e 1111,·c 11ncl Jlt1(, to Olll' li])S, lllny be })fl$,'(~(1 fll'Ollll(l.

OtJ1er Stntcs 111:t}' J1n'"<} to L<>''' fo tl10 <lic­tntic111 of .Te''" ~{011e,1 !

()tl1e1· Stnt<1s 111:1\• l1:1\1c nolitiri1111s ancl . . .. }Jn per:; t.11nt aro fc)r sn l<•.

'\11111t Jiig ~f 011e~' hnH <io11e f <) ()co1·gia, jt 111n,\1 <I<)(<> Ull}' otl1l'l' Stnt<>.

)VJ1y <licl ot11er Sf ates nss111l1c tliut, iri tl1is •

012e ca~l?e a7011e, '"t\ <Jeo1·gia11s 'verc llli11lI to fnrf s, a11d cle~t f to rcaso11 Y

\'\'c ti·ied. cor1clen1ned, n11cl eXCf't1fcd To111 '' '

7oodfoJJc, 011c of ,,.J1osc victjrns '''as n. little

girl; an cl ~f1·. Hearst. J.\.dolP.h Ocl1s, J osepli J->ulitze1·: a11cl Dr. I.>arl(hu1·st dicl 11ot go into SlJUSlllS o,·er it.

Xe''' Yo1·li:'::: l1igl1~i; col1rt sc11t to the c1eatl1 c11ai1·: t,,.o ,,·cel~s ago: fiL'e J11e1t. at 011e ti111e; a11(1 t110 se11te11ces i·c::t 011 110 stro11ge1· fou11datio11 tl1a11 djcl tl1c tl1rce se11te11ces 011 I ..... co 1~ .. 1·a11l\:: 1·ct l~r1!Sba11e a11tl Sl1ear11 \Vere 11ot :::e11i {() .\..lbn11)· O)r l\fr. llca1::-3t, to 1·euie·w ltfi ac.littdicccfc<.l C(lSe.' •

""\\.11\1' .,,.a~ }4 .. 1·a1ll\:'s ca!je :la l\"c11 out of t11e ]t1l'i:-cfictio11 of (jeorgia a 11<1 tl11·0,,·11 i11to tl1e ' . ~

e111•)t 1011nl ,,·01·lcl. S\\"H.'"e<.l l>.)' IlC\\'S}Ja r>crs?

··Tl1e e'·i(le11rc tl1at co11\•icted Fra11k was f11r11i~l1ed }))' :1 flat-l1ca<lcd 11egrl1, ·; ~a.''S T hd l·' ro..

I:' tl1e1-e so111e 1>ec11lia1· objectio11 to tl1e e,·icle11ce of i11e11 ,,· }1ose lien <ls a1·c fin t ~ If 1'lte } .. ra ,,·ill glrr11ce nt })n~c 218 of ot1r • .\.11gu~t 1'Iagazi11e. it ''"ill see tl1at. J11n Co11-Je,·'s l1end i:s 11ot fiat: it is less so than Leo . l~1·a11Ji's.

l3ut Tl1e Fra SH)'S tl1at J i111 is t11c typic:1l, sI1iftles~. 110-:1cco1111t, laz}r Sot1tl1cr11 11igger.

~·outl1cr11 ! Niggers ,,·}10 g<) N 01·tl1 in­,·arialJ13r lose tl1eir bo11tl1cr11 fat1lls, I st1p­})<1se.

''"'ell. 111:1,· I asl\: '11he Fra to tell its rend· • e1·~ ,,·11)· Sig 1\[c)11tag a11<l Leo Ii'ra11l<: l<:ept s:t1cl1 a ,·agal)oll<l 011 tl1eir ]):t}·-1·011 f 01· t·wo yea1·s ;')

... \.1·e i·jc]1 .Jc,,y i11n1111faC"t11rers so fond of ]1u ,·i11g tl1eir 111011ey ,,·nstcd 011 n. ··110-accol1nt 111p:gCI·.'· il1at tl1e}· l<:ee1) it lll) fo1· 111<>re than 100 ,,·eeks?

'I~l1e)· hac.l ll<Jt 0111~· bee11 c1111>lo~~i11g t l1is 'rag11bo11cl io1· t,,.o ~·en.rs, bt1t tl1e1·c l1acl ])een 11<; i11ti111atio11 of tl1ei1· '"i!:ll1 to get rid of lum.

lf F1·:ink 11ncl11't killed tl1e l!irl. and drn~ged tl1e 11cg:ro i11to it, 11e ,,·011ld i)rol>a· L>l_,, })o ''·01·l\i11g for t11e J)e11cil f:tcto1·y >·et.

.J\t tl1e ti111e of tl1c trial. in .Tt1l'T· 1013. Ji1n , . , .. ,,·as 27 ,·ent'S old. IIe l1ad 'vox·l{c<l for tl1e • ()r1· Siatio11er)1 Co1111)n11~r. fo1· Dr. ]>aJmer, f <)1' .\cl n 111s ,, ... oocl ,r:1rd. ior S. S. (i<>l'< lc)11. for S. )f. Trt1itt. n11d for ''r· S. ('<>ates.

11P '''01·ke1] fi.i·u '!fCa1·s for ~f1·. ("'on ic•s. J/CGJ'S f 01· tl1c ()1·1· "st <1 ti OllC1')1' Co111 r~a ll~T: :tllO :ibot1t n ~·eal' :111cl a half for Dr. ]>aJn1e&;, fro111 ,,·J1ose e111plo~1111e11t lie ,,·e11t to J.....eo l~rn11lt 's 1>e11C'il f ~1cto11· .

So. )·011 see. tl1is laz)·. sl1iftless. i10-nccot1nt JliK!!"er I1n(l bee11 co11ti1111ot1f'l.v at ,,·or}( for i·cs1>cctnble ,,·]1itc 111e11. e\·e1· si11ce 11c becan1e olcl ei1ougl1 to go ot1t n11d 111al\:c l1is o"·n 1i,·111rr. ...,

111 t ,,·el ,·e ~·enr:-,. lie ]incl cl1a11g<'(l plnces 011],1 fi,·e ti111e~. n11d lie '''11s fiJlJ>nrr11tiv a fix­t111·e at J~1·a11l{·~ facto1·~·, :1t tl1c tin1c }•Ia1-y ]=>Ji nrra11 ,,·ns 111111·de1·cd.

I)o t l1e~e fuct~. /1·om tl1e official 1·ecord, gi ,.e 71l1c 1:-ra n llt'''' ,.je,,· <>f tl1e <'asP ~

1311t 1'l1a J1"1•r< Rn,·s t1111t ''011 tJ1c cl:t\1' of the ~ <

c·1·i111e. lie ( J i111) ,,·ns sotl<lc11 clr1111k on "' ]1] S]{e,· •• ,

''1' elf. i11 tJ1e fir~'t lllnee. 11 i11n11 ,,·}10 i~ sod~ cl<"ll d1·1111k. ca111 ot do n11)· scxi1t1l tl1j11g .to a. ,,·on1nn .

... A,. n1n11 ,,·]10 i Loclde11 clr1111]{ cn1111ot lc11ork n11otl1e1· Jle1-.::011 do,,·11. a11d carr~r off flt<'.' IJl ,,J>r·

Ho. '1'01t see. 1 he /lra t?oe~ ,,·ila at tl1e start· •

No,,·. Jet nl<.> Sl Ir J'lle 1;,.a to cite i11e to the e' ]J('11re t]1at (,011)e\· ,,·~1s (l1·u11k tl1at cln,._

• • ~!1·s. llnttie 1\':\itPs . nw }i'ra11l\: a11d C<.1n•

le~· 011 t110 ~t reet. tog tl1cr. i11 cJo. ·e co11,·e1·se, nt nl1ot1i 11 o'r1<>C'I\: a.111. ''y <>t1l cl J,Ro J<"1·n 111\ l1n1·e })ee11 see11 on th~ si{ll'''·nllr i11 c1clf.e tulk ,,jtl1 a clr1111l{en vagn.­bonc1 ~

... \s n n1ntter of f:1rt, .11111 ('011le~~'s alleged dr1J11Irc1111<\ s t l1nt cln\· ,,·ns 11e\·c.·r ]1(lnr<l of, t111til afte1· lie l>1ocked J~ r1111l('s ··fr:11 1t' llp'' <)f X e,,.t T A.>e 11~~ co11fessi11~ tl1a t 11~. ( <>ttley, n11cl T4eo ]lrn11f{ ,,.C?l'C tl1C' gt1ilt~1 J)firtic•s.

A ft er (.,<>11le)·':-; co11f P ion stor)Jl(lcl th• fra1ne trp a1?ni11Et tJ1e ir1nocC'11t 11e!!ro. ("o;nlef began to d1·i11k a11d at fi1-st \\as ti1>&J', tl1ea

Page 3:  · n't ing -s 8 on, ia. gbl ,ref t IS. nd. eO' est o'fl • • \ . (' • • • • .. • A 404¥' 419' * ·!'± a *k ll:m I Vol. 12, No. 32 Thomson, Ga


. ,('


n1il<l1.v clr11?1l{, tl1en ,·ery clr1111Ii, and tl1en So(l<len.

1'/1c Jl·1' tf gi,·cs 11in1 i11ore wl1i:::ike~· tlin11 a11y one l1as 11eretofore do11e, and Jim is so ,·erjr <l1·t111l\: t l1a t. 11e is t111fit for any ea1·tl1l;· pl11·­pofiic.

It i11a)' st1r1)rise T 11e F1'a to lear11 tl1at tlie ·official 1·ecord 8110\\'S Jim Conle)' to l1a\·e been sol)Cl' c11ol1gl1 to l1a\'e decei\red fo1ir ,wl1i te \Yit11esses; and sober e11011gl1 ( ac­co1·di11g to tl1e belated tl1eo1-y of tl1e defens~) to n:-;sa tilt, t l~c girl. fin<l a co1·d to tie ~ec11~·c.~l.'· ar<>l111cl l1cr 1ieck, and tl1en earry lier 111 l11s ar111s c.lo,,·11 a stnir'''ay, arid tl1eri (/OW)~ a lall£le1· /

1'\Y<> \Yl1ite 111e11, Gral1am and Tillander, sa,,· l'o11le~· tl1at 111or11i11g, at tl1e factory, ~11d tl1e)· s1>ok:c to 11in1; and the~· S\YOI'O tl1.it !f !1e \Vas clr1111k:, t l1e1· cot1ld 11ot tell it. · l\Irs . ..:\rtl1t1r '\\"l1itc sa\v l1im sitting " ' l1cre lie l1s11nll\• sat. n1icl it was 1iear 110011, nnd l1e clicl i1ot a'1>1>eai· to l)o <lr1111l(. .

1'/1e 1(·~·a sa,·s tl1at tl1e co11rts said to tl1e • •

neg·ro, '' Jf·e belie1.1e !/Olt !'' Dc.>c.•s 'l'l1e J1'1·a s111)1>ose tl1at our Law ~11-

lo,,·s t 110 co11rts to say t11at, to ari acco1n.-7.• 11 I p teer . l)oes 7.'l1e /('1·a lc110\v t11at tl1e Law reqt1ircs

tl1c e\·iclc11ce c>f t11e o-11ilt of tl1e acc11sed to be l)l'aC'tiC'all.v con11)1.fte, to tl1e e[J}cll"8ion of tlie e1•irl<'J1r:e of tl1e arconiplice?

J • 7'}1e f'>'a S:t\"S t.11nt tl1c cri111e was too nea1·ly, si111il~1r to oti1cr s<l\'nge cri111es co11unitted b;ri

. clr1111l\.l'tl 11cgrocs 011 ,,·l1ite girls. • 1Jrill Tl1e /f'·ra cite the cases?

Tell tis u bot1t. t.l1oi;;e '•otl1cr sa ,·age cr1111es of cl r111i l~c11 coons.'' •

Sl1e_>,,. 11s t lie i·a ,,.isl1cd wl1ite girl '"·l1ose Cieacl boclv \Yas fourid '''itl1 a hen1p cord im­beclclcu iii lier 11eck.

Sl1c)\\' llS t 110 11egro i·apist. wl10 e111itte~ no s~r1i1at:1zou i11 tl1e co1n1niss1on of tl1e c1·1n1e.

8110\,. lts tl1e case ,,·her·c a. c.l1·unl<en coon re,-cre11tly l)laced tl1c l1a11cls of l1is ,·ictirn ac1·oss lier boso111, after· sl1e ''ras dead.

Sl10,,r llS ti c~tse \vl1ere a drunl\:en coon, socl(le11 011 \vl1isl{C)", sat down besicle his "·ic­t11111 a11cl '''rote notes to her n1otl1e1·.

Sl1o'v tts tlie c:ise '''l1cre a 11egro rapist i·ecl11c<.•cl to ,,·riting his ucc11satio~1 against. t1n­

otl1er llCO"ro n11cl tl1e11 followed it up b)· ha, .. -i11g t lie i111~0<.:cnt coo11 :lrreste<l, a tinie-s~ip forgecl 011 l1i111, a11d a blood}· shirt stealtl11ly pt1t i11to 11is clotl1es-barrel.

Sl10\V' llS a11otl1er caso ,,}1e1·e a 11.cgro nc­cusctl fl ,,·I1ite i11an of nssa11lt and int1rcler, nncl \vl1crc tl1c '''l1ite n1:111 'vas afraid to face tl1~ llCO"l'(),

Sl1c1~ tlH a11otlier case ,,·}1ere the 11:i.fe of tl1e 1cl1 ite 111 an, ncc11secl of i111n101·alit3'' a11d i11111·cll'r, ?'rf·uscd for tJ11·ec 1.t•eeks to [/O to ha» 'lii,.sl>a1id, i11 jail, ·i11 tl1c same city.

S l1<>\v \18 a11c>Ll1er case ~,here tl1c negrc s11c­

cessft111,r ltticlPr\vc11t a cross-exn1ni11ntio11 of cigl1L lio11rs, anll the 1,;hite 1;ia11. 'ref lf:r;ell to a7ln11• ((. Ni11rfltl qircstio11 to l>e J)11t to 111i11s~lf.

It. <'<>t111te<l I1cu.,·ily agH.inst Becl\cr. tliat. lie 'V<)11l1l 11c)t tal\e tl1e ,,·it11ess sta11cl. so t11at f\'7llit111a11 cc>ttl<l cross-cxa111i11e 11i11i.

. Bt1t i 11 I•'rn11l('s cnse tl1e acc11secl exercised. his l~l'i,·il<'ge to 111al\:c n long statc1ne11t, oc­Cll})~T111g t lie greater i)nrt of _a '''110!~ <1,1.~': n11cl \\'l1e1i lie I incl t1ric(', exerc.-1sc<l tl11s })l'I ,,_

i~ege. l1c stoc>cl lt]>o11 Iris, of 11ot 1Jei11g q11es-t1011(\cl ! .


• I - _ ... - -.. ~~ __ ,.. ·~--~

• Frn11l\: '''as c:011,·icted on tl1e e,·iclc11ce <>f

wl1itc J>l'OJ>le_', 11iost. of ,,.11o1n gntl1erc<l tl1~i1· facl~ 7><'/orc t.l1c,11 l:11eio tl1(ft Fta11li· 1ro~1lcl l>e 'j)t•o:;irc1tt<'rl, an.rl 'illosf. of lcho111. zrc1·c 112«~ oic11.

eJ11 J>l<J !I <'f .~. .t\::; I l1a ,.c 1111(]crtnl~l'Il to cle:11011stratc i11

011r J\.11g11:-:;t. ~fagazi11e, t lie f<)llc)\,·i11g· ':vl1ite perso11s g;n ,,0 ~ 110 e\·i<lc11ee ,,·l1icl1 c'o11,~111cecl tl1c. j11r,\', snf iHficcl tl1e 1)resi<l111g .Jl1dge, and sat 1sf1P(l <>t11· R111)rc111e (.,011rt:

I..1n <l\• \Yit 11t'BS<.'R-Ilnttic I1.a1l, l~ra11l( s stc11c>g.l'n l)l1cr; ~f 011! Cl'I1 St-0,·er, l-Icle11 l!"'ei·gu-


son, l\lr:7' . .:\rtl1ttr '\Vl1ite, Mrs. Geo. ~Jcffcrso11, Cori11tl1ia I~Iall, l\1rs. Emma li'ree1n~l11, ~fag­noli:t l(e1111e(l}T, Dewey He"·ell, Ire11e Jaclc­so11: l\I3~ rtice. Cato, R11th Robi11so11,' nntl Grace IIielcs.

l\lc11 ,,·it11esses-R. P. Barrett, ~lcll Stan­forcl, .i.\.Jl)ert. l\IcJ{night, Jolin Blncl{, IInrry ~cot t, ,J ol1n Star11es, L. S. Dobbs, Dr. I-I. I~'. llarris, n11cl Ne'"·t Lee.

T lie Fra i·e111i11ds ltS tl1at Fra 111{ prot e..,lecl l1is i 1111occ11ce.

Not 111oro fir1nlv tl1an Becl\e1·. •

I•ro11i tl1c ''"asl1ingto11 l'ost, I cli1) tl1e fol-lo,,·i11g:

Father Curr:r and Father Cashin, t11e priests who passed the last hours With the COJl<lc1nned man, declared their belief tl1at he was 11ot. guilt)'.

.Just before he entered the deatl1 cl1amber Becker gave the following statement to Father Curry:

"I itm not guilt}· by deed, cons1>irac~· or in any other way of the death of Her111an Rosenthal. I am sacrificed for my friends."

Becker had a n1iniature photograpl1 of his wife, wh'icl1 the ,·varden allo\ved llin1 to keep in its fran1e.

J,i11~ \"\'ifc's J>I1oro Over Rea.rt. Before iea,ing he callc.d a guard, toolc the bit

of 1>asteboard from its casing and pinned it over • his 11eart.

"I \Vant to go a'''a)' wearing it," lie said, with a s111i le.

I1i a tC\\T 1i1ore secor1ds, tl1is N e'v l' c>rlc Ge11tiJe ''"a:; deac.l i11 tl1e electric cl11ii1·.

I le \\'a;.; tl1e fifili ina11 that tl1e N e\v Y orlc cot1rt~ :111d j11ries p11t to dentl1 fo1· tl1e 1nt1r­

der of t 110 .T e\v ga111bler. Iri Georgi~1, tl1e blood of ili<\.l')' J>l1nga 11

J·et cries in ,·ai11 £01· vengea1ice; <tnd tl1e ,J C\V

;vl10 atrocious!'' assaulted 11e1·, a11cl c1101ccd lier to c.leatl1, occ111)ies lt1xuriotis <Jl1a1·ters ~1t tl1e St:ite Fa1·n1, ,, .. }1e1·e tl1e l1"Ca.t is fn1111c(l from l1in1 by electricity, nnd ,v}1e.rc :t ricl1 carpet l\:ec})S 11is (l<.'licate fee.t off t 110 . l>a re floo1·. •

• ' Does Tlie lf'ra lt11ow tl1ut 0110 'vl1itc gil'l

swore tl1at li'rn11k took 11c1· i11to 11i8 pri \·ate office, t Ile ~-.;eco11.d day s h.e ·7.corl.·(i.d f 01• !1 i11i,

a11cl tried to ~let intlece11tly ,,·itl1 lier i>crso1t ·~ l ·I er i1a ine is Nellie 'V ood. J)oes 1'lte Fra lcnow tl1at I•ru11l\: t.riccl to

te111pt Nellie Pettis with 1i101icy: n11cl 11c.~\·er ]et f1e1· a)o11e. lllltil he SCl\V slie \\'~1S not t6 ue ,

bo11gl1t? Does The F1·a l\:11ow t.l1at c1c,,·c11 ,·rl1ite

ladie~ ,,·e11t on the stand ~111cl S\\·orc t{) t lio lnsci,·io11s charac.ter 'vl1icl1 ~ ra11J\: llatl estab­lisl1t~d i11 11is fuc·tory-the fa.ctory ,,·l1ere ~Iar)' Pl1:1<Y;11i "·as ussattltetl :111<l i11l1rc.lcrcci ~

Does 1'/t~ F1·a li11ow tliat tl1e official rccorc.l <l iscloses t lie ·f:1ct tl1at Fra11lc \YOt1 l cl <'l'C'CJ) ·aro\111cl tl10 lu.clies' dressing i·oo111, ,v}11 le Ll1ey "'ere ])~l.rt l)? 1111clresse<l, a11_d ]per n t . t l.1e111 \\•itl1 tl1c (lisu11sti11g lool\: '''l11cl1 tl1c~ Iasr1,·1011s ~Te'" is i11 the 11abit of cn~t.i11g lll)Oil )'Ot111g a11d i)rett3• Gc1itile '\von1c1i?

Doe.s 1'lle }~1·a '"·:111t. to lcar11 tlie renl 11n­t t11-e of tl1i~ ~atli~tic per,·ert, l""e<> I•'ra11k: ~

If so. 1>ersuacle n c:at.l1olie })ll)'Sit"i:t ll to ,·isit t lie lI<>11se of tl1c Gooc.l Sl1l'1>l1ercl, i11 Ci11ci1111ati. nn(l ol)tai11 1~cr111i sf:io11 (o exa111-i11c tl1e tl1irrh of Thiiss De\\'C)r Ile,vrll.

("fl11::s gii·I }~,·eel i11 ..:\ll.a11tn. '''a~ c)r (-iec>rg-i:1 \)irtl1-necorll111g {<.) 111)' i11fc)r111nt1011-\YC)t·l~ecl for fJCo l~'ra11l\: i11 111s i)e11cil fal'l<>r)·. a11c.l lie i·t1i11ed 11er. '

.::)J1e ,,·n~ trit.~cl, rifter''"nrtl~. f<)l' •:<lc•li11-q11e11c~·:· rt1•cl t/1;8 · ..tltla11ta_ f/i1·/. 1.rfr:-; .qe11tc11cell to tl1e 011.io !1rll-!1ole, 111 '"l11el1 sl1c 11<>\V sla ,-es for tl1c }>01>e~s })rie:-;ts.

( ''nti H ('()llJ't, iii .L\tla11(~l Sl'lltl \\'l1itc :-;l:lYl'S

to tl10 ]>011e"s (.)l1io l1ell~l1oles ~ It. ~r.c111:-: !=;O.) l.1et 'J'/1,e ],~,.a cxn111i11e ll1c ofli('i11l l't'C'<>rd 111

t11e lt1·n11l\: cn:--Q. a11cl lear11 tl\at 110 ,,·ns it1 t}1.., 11ill)it of 1.1s111g 011c of tl1c l1irecl girls, i11 tl1e dayti11ie a1zd rl'lti·i11g 11101·1.· 1101r1·s.

f .... et 1·11e FJ•a lcnr11 n11otl1cr tl1i11g f1·0111 ll1c. ofl1ciul i·ccord:

• - - • • •



· Conley swore to pcepi11g t11ro11~lt tl1e 1,ey­l1olc a.Il(l seei11g Frn1ilc co1r1111it t l1e cri1ne of sodo11i ,,·ith .::~l Ind\' fro111 t lie Ic>t1rtli iloc1r,'' n.11cl 11"'ra11l\:'s }a,,·1·e'rs ,,·ere afraic.l to trv t() d1spro,,e it by tl1e si111plo 111et l1o<l of 111ai(ing a '"'it11ess out of C\ cry lady \vl10 ,,·orlcc<l en tl1at floor.

'l'l1e i11fe1·e11ce is unll ' 'oi<lablc: •

1'11e1·e ioas sorrie u•o1na11 l>J1. tl1<1l. j~loo1· 10!10 was gttilf:IJ, a11d 11ot ,,,i]li11g t<> t'e.1·j11re 11ersclf to sa vc Ji'1·a.n le.

... \..11d t l1e 11egro a.lso <le8e r i l>ec l 11 C)\V 110 1)ee1>ed :.tr1d saw I-1'1·n11l\ :tt. tl10 sa1110 lontl1S\1lllO b11si11ess ,,·it.11 a '"0111a11 <)t tl10 tc)\\' t) .

'I'l1e 11egro descril><.~cl tl1e '''<>111a11:s l>\>sit i<>11, ai1d I~"'1·n11i,'s.

It is i11ost difil<'11lt. to belic,·e ( l1at · :1 robust, 11at11rnl bt1cl{, lilre Ccinle)T, lia(l crcr S(>c11 ~-. l11u11 n11c.l a \Vo111a11 at tl1at t11111at 11ral C<.)lll·

i11crcl~: ltTt!/'Wltcre el.se. N'Pgroes are 11ot tl1nt ''"a>'; r1111l <>f et>t1r;:;~

tl1is 11egro l1:1c.l 11cvc.'r })ee11 i11 a \Yl1ifn ))l'<>rl1ct, i1or cc>t1Jd lie 11a ,.e 1.1:it 11£'-"Sr.tl t 11n t s<>rL of tl1111g, e\·en if 11e l1~tcl.

]3esicles, }1]s cleqcri1>ti<.>ll 0 f \\'}lnt J1c sa \V tlir<>1tgl1 tlie li:e\'-hole 111al{<.'s it, 1liil'erc1tt. iii

~ . t(ie 1r&a1111cr (J.f tl1c t/1l11[J, fro111 a11.v <1cscri1)-t1011 :\'Ott evc1· read or 11en1·<l. • •

T"et Tl1e· F'1't7. cxa111i11c ))nµ:o ~Hl> <>L~ t110 14lst ,.<>l11111e of (/rt)l'f/in lll~JJ<Jrf.r.;. n11<l t l1e11 i·erne111l>er tl1at tl1c ~tnic• t>l"<>,·{•<l l>~r '"l1ite ,,·1tnesses that t.11is :1un1i<lc>11ccl ,,·c1111a11 of tl1e t.O\\"ll z.cas a ''isito1· of I•·r~~11lt tlt tl10 f~tCt(>ry.

-,, .. ill ~·ou plense re fleet all<lltt. t /,e state of

'r;1i;1r/. })rod11ced f))-. n s~·:-:t'e 11 1ntic ca1111)aig;n ngni11st Ja,vf11l tril>l111als. nctitl{! nc·cc,rcli11g to ti11ic-l101101·erl r11les n 11<1 pri 11ci J>le~?

Is it a liealtlt)1 C<>11clition fa,·ciral>lu to ot1r f11t lll'e, ,,·lien rle"·s1>~11)er~ clan1c>r ag·a i 11st c·o11· stituted nt1tl1orities?

('n11 ~·011 jr11agi11e n11y cc>11r::;c i11orc lil,c•ly to 1111der1ru 110 t.l1c st n.bi1 it)' o'f c>11r r-;~ :-;t l'111, ar1(l to (\fl~ournge tl1n111lt:-;, clisorclc.•rs, riotst nncl l)111cl1i11gs?

....~ I""i11col11, llli11ois, e<lito1· ''·rit('S:

If the .Je\vitil1 11eople oi A111erica gn ve n1oncy to figl1t l~eo M. Fr:.11k's lase, it 'vas becauHe jt1ctge,~ jury, Ccurt, and 11lgi1er courts ''ere against hl111. It \Vas bcca11se Frank faced the ho1>ele~;H t~\ S\{ or beat.i11g tbe other fellow at. l1is O\VJl gan1e.

Did yc>11 reatl ((Jl!/thi11g tl1at. '''nR 11ic,re in..;:111e, i11ore clistorted i11 its i<len of '"l1:1t is l'i O'}i t?

t;-1'l1i~ Illinois eclitor tells l1is reatlt~r~ tl1at it \yns p1·01)er f<>r tl1e .J c.~\\'isl1 t)e<>})le to fi1ln11ce ~1 11ntionnl fig:l1t for 11'rn11l~. [Jef'ltlt8~ ''tl1e jl1clp:e, tl1e j11r~·, cou1·t. a1icl l1igl1cr cottl't 'vcre agrri11st. l1i111 !'' ·

11cca11.'\C tl1e legnl t1·ibl11in Is 1>ro1101111rrtl t lie ii1a11 gttilt~T· tl1e ill('gal t1·il>t111nls 11i11st tnl{e ('011t.rol of tl1e case! ''

1 itl1 tlint lrind of l'C't1St)11i11p:, ~011 ca11 re­solve tl10 States bael{ i11to cl1notic ln\\'lcss-11ess.

If ll1e · ,Je"'ish J>eople nre to follo\v tl1e ])l'CCClle.1it set in tlie I1'rn11l.: cnse, i10 gt1ilty .Tc''' ra11 be legn ll}r l>l1111sl1ccl, si11ce '"·e l1a ,.e lie> otl1c1· lC'gn l ''·ny to oo it, t 11nn by j11ries a11cl j11clgcs .

1\.1>1)are11t l~r~ ,,.c n1·c ])Ill· <>11 11c)f i<'r, t 11n t our J:i,vs, <>tlr j11ries~ a1icl 0111· :i11clges 11n,·e i10 i11ris1...liclio11 o,·cr a Jc\\' ,,·110 cn11 co111111a11d •

1'fo1ll'\" • •


N c''' Edition of ''Tl1e Story of FI'Rnce '' bu ff ' J / 'l'l1os. E. '\1atson. Jl1st o the press. Two

;·ol111i1es, $3.50 the set. Iln11dsomcly bo,1nd, gilt to1>s: gilt lettered. Tl11s bool{ is regarded as stn11cla1·d by the Fre11ch reaclers a11d schol· nrs. 'l'l1e Jefferso1ii11n Publiohing Co111pnny9 Tl10111so11, Ga. J

-----• ·~ ~ ..... a

New Editio1i of '~apoleon,'' by Thos. E .. ''rntson." Just off tl1e press. 011e ,•olume $1.50. IInndsomely bot1nd, profusely illus! trntcd. Tl1is boolc is rega1·ded as standard by; tl1c Frencl1 reaclers and scholars. The Jeffer~ sonian Pt1blisl1ing Co., Thomson, Ga. ~



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• .. •


Isst1ed Every Thursday. Office of J•t1blicntion: TIJO~ISOX, GA.

l~1lterecl as second-class matter, Dec. 8, 1910, at the post office at Thomson, Georgia,

un<ler the Act of l\Iarch 3. 187!).

81ths<•1·i1>tion Price ..•••••.•••. $1.00 Pct• Year. Jn cl11l>s of ten only, with cnsJ1 i1c<~o1111)Rnying

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\\'he1·e IJst.s c0Rtni11ing Jess th1tn ten na.n1cs, are ,;c11t, tlic ~ubsc1•i1>tions '''ill be e11terc<l 011ly for t-..i \'. 111011 t hs.

1'hc1·e cn11 be no deviation front tl1is rttle.

Ol1R 1\TIJ:\NT.:\ J:EPRE8ENT,..\Tl\·1,;. A11~· c>U<} \\'islaing to subsca·ibe to 'l'HE JEF ..

);'J•:l(~O.Nl..t\X (\\1cekly P:1per)

< )r to ''' A'rsox·s )f.:\.G.:\ZIXE (:\Iontlal>·i C~\11 gi\"C tl1c 111.>De)· to

• :\::It. G. ,V. SE.iLS,

o<}2 A tistcll Builc!illg, - - • ATJ,.\.1\T ... \, G.tl. - --1\d\·ertising Rates Fltrnished on Application.

A 15 If tl1e a1J<>,·e <lure 1lJ•1>cn1·s 011 Ug the lt\bel on your p111>cr it • 111eans tlant )·0111• st1bsc1•ip·

t io11 cxr>ircs tl11s 111onth. S11bscl'il>tio11s 111·e clis­('<>11t I 1111e<i lll'<>1111>tly on dnte ot ex1>i1·atio11. Jtl<i'Sl~\\1 NO\V. ·

- -'l'JI<>i\I~ON, (i-1\ .• ..:\.UGUS'l' 12, ll)l:>.

The Commutation ol Frank's Sentence is Null and Vold.

( CON'fINUJo:D 1-'ROlI P~.\GE ONE.)

~Cr 11 l i l\:c l~<>sser <lo 11<>t f or111 acatlc111ic C<>-Jl:t rt 11crsl ii l)S.

,.\[e11 lil\:c 8lnto11 do 11ot go i11t<> fir111s tl1ilt <0u1111<1t use tl1e111, 01· be use<l l>y tl1c111, for t\\'o ,Y)l<>Je )'t'Ul'S. •

l:<Js~cr l\:11c'v ,,·]1)' 110 i1ee<le<l Slnto11, a11<l ~'l<tl<JJ/, !.·11<'11' 11•/111 llosNCJ' Jl<'<'<lc•rl l1i111 ..

\\'l1t>11 J{<l:-;spr ',,·ns l111rrelll)' i·ctni11t•(l by ]"1·a11lc':; ],i11s111c11, t11nt Stt11<l1t.)', \\'l1il(~ ~fury J>f1agu11 la_\' at. tl1e ~lc>rgt1c, I:l1:-;sc1· S<><>ll s~t'v \Yl1at. ~l <ICS}ll'l'ato l«lSO 110 11nd.

'I'<> SH,'l! l1is <"lie11t. fr<>Ill C:l}>ital J>lllli:-;}1-lll<'llt, )1<~ lll'('tlt•<l ~l })1ll't flt'l" ,,·)10 C<>IJ}<} \VCiJll 1110 JJa r·<l<>t1 i11g ]><>\\'er, n11<l lie /11tr1·i(•(l o;tf to ctS8<>r·iatc tl1e tlol'<'1'11<J1·-el,:<·t.

\\'l1t:r1 Slat<111 L>c<·a111e l:<}SSPr\.; ])Hl'f 11<'1', 110·

1 •t <'a 111e i1z l<11tJ '' '' <l f <<<·f, 1'// 1~· .. 1 /"I'. · (} f '1 .. 1 'l' I!.' ( '() 1 ·., 1

1._ ·1~·1.J 0 /? /,,/~'() J1'i1> .. •t.\1 J,·. 'l'l1<' Jn,v ~:t.\'R t.1111t 011e 1)urt11p1· of a fir111

is tl1e sa111e as a11<>tl1er: a 1>11rt11c1· is i11, for nil )llll'l><>~l'S. •

J lo <·a1111<'t l>l~ l><>tl1 iii, a11<l 11,1t i11: l)t•i11g n 111<'111lJt'J' <>f t It<' tir111, lie' is ns 11111<"11 t lie fir111 ns all)' <>fltl'I' 11art11t•r.

'l'l1<'l'Pf<)l't'. 1111<ler tl10 }n,,·, 1111<1 tl1<~ <lt!­<'i:;ic>11s, .Ja<·lr Slaf<)Jl.H clP<'rco rp]jp,·i11g I.JC'> Ji'1·1111l( of tl1c t11rice J>l'(>Jl<>t11ic('<l <lcutl1 pc11-

a li.'r· i8 11/Jsol.11/(•l.11 i111•11li1/. Jr t 110 ~<lli<"if(}J' a11cl .t\tt<>l'll<'\r (J('lll'l'lll \\'ill

• 1110,·c n rt~-s<'rltl'l1t'f' <>f tl1nt g11ilf\' 11111r,Je1·t•t· <>f n litt]e girl--n 1i1<>st re,·<>lti11~


1111<1 atr0<.:i-1

<.us r1·i111c-l~cl:-;.'.icr a11cl SJnt<>Jl ,,·ill l>c l.Jtterly llllfllllt1 fc> s}10,\' Je;:?;:1l <!:llJSO \\·l1)r t llilt. lllfill

t,l1<n1 lcl 11ot. l>e re-sl'11tc11ce<l. 1'11e'' \\"Ot1lcl J1n ,.e to plea<I t11e con11n11tn-•

ii,111 ]l:lJJer sig111")tl l>)' ~]at<)Ji. i111<l till' Stnte·s llti<.lllP,'S \\'Olll<l lllC'l'l'l'' 11n\·Q 1<> J>l'()''C tl1c fa<·( t 11.nt tJ1e <i<>\.l'l'll<>i· '''11<> i:;ig11t•<l it, v;i1s t 1 tJi tl1c J'>lll'tll<'l' c)t J•'rn11J{'S }H\\')'Cl'S.

'J'J1c <·c111rfs '''<ltlltl l>e <'<>1111><•11<'<1 t<> tr<•at t1111 <'<11111l111tati<1r1 uR n 1111llit~·, 1111el t<> l'<'-$('1ltt'Jl<'C l•'rn11I\ (<' IJo ]1a11g<'(l.

'I'l1t•rp is 11<>t l1i11g- t 11nt I )<11<>\V c1f f <> J>J'l'rc11t 111e Htait•::-; ntto1·r11·~·:-; fr<>111 111<>,·ir1g fc>r aL '\Trit <>f l/1 1l>tr1.'I ('n1·1>ltR a11cl l1a\1 i11g l•'ra11l{ cnrri(•cl l>nel~ f<J .. \tln11tn. f<>r n. l1enri11g 011 fl1e lllen. tl1:1f l1P i~ illt•gnJI,, <l<'tni11ecl ut tl10 Stnte • • l.'111·111. ltll<lf'r nr1 illt>gal ro1n11it1lf1tio11: n11cl tl111t flt<' Stute is e11title<I to l1n\·<' l1i111 brc>•rgl1t bi\cJi: to J•t1lton ("01111t.Y fo1· i·e-~1-... te11cc. •

• ,... ,... ,..,_ .. ,. • ,. ,.. ... • .?"> • "" ~ I

Will the Jew Bootlicks Who are Defending Slaton Answer

~hese Fair Quesllons? ( 1 ) DO 'yo11 l\:110\v tl1at t11e Altn1it~1 tlailies

• -afte1· .JI a1·y P l1ftfJt11i u'tts 11l llJ'<lc1•e(l <tJl(l llosse1· e11i1Jloyetl to tlej'e11tl /1eJ'-a11-11ot111cc<.l tl1e :for111~1t1<)Jl of n 1>art11cr~l1i1> be­t,,·ec.11 Go,·e1·nor-elc('t Slntt>11 a11(l l"l'<> I~'rn 11 l< ':-; ] c~t (li Il o· il t t Ol'll l'\1 ·~ t::> ..

(~.) 1\.s Slnto11 '''as s<·l1ecl11le<I f'<>r i1i-a11g11r~1tio11 i11 '"Tt111e, u11cl \Y<>ltlcl l)c 1111nl>le to prat•tisc ltt\V I<)l' t,,.o }'cars, \\'ll)' <lirl l~'ra111,·s ln \v~·cr i1eecl l1i111 ~ls n i)urf11e.•1"~

(:~.) ..:\s SJat<>11 '"as s<'l1e(l11lt'(l t<> L)c (1(>,·-er1101· t<)l' t\\·o \'e<trs. a11{l \Y<>tll<l be u11ul)lc

• to 1>rnet i:-;t~ clt1ri11g t11at J>Pri<><I, '''l1at ltSP clic1 l1l~ 11a \'t' f(>l' a })a rt 11cr;..;l1 ill ''"it 11 T1'ru 11lr 's lcn<li11g la ''·}·er?

( 4·.) D<> }·011 J.:110,,· t l1a t (t()\'er1101·-elect Slnt<>Jl ,,·as assig11c<l l1is <>\\'Jl ])l'i\'nte <>fficc, 1))1 l1is .fir111, after 110 })ec·n111c l~<)8ser's 1>nrt-11t~1·, n11<l tl1:tt .Jol111 ~f. Slntc>11 's 11a111<~ np- · })C'Cll't'<l <>11 tlie fro11t of tl1c clcJor of t11is })l'i­,. <l t <.~ ofliee ~

(i>.) Do yo11 ],11c>\V tl1nt. tl1c fil<.•s t)f 'J'l1c Jeffersc>11ia11 ,,·i11 sit<>'". t.l1at, I callP<l Hlatc>11's a1tte11ti<)Jl to t11e f:1ct. tl1nt, l1is J>l'iYnte t)iliet~ ,,·us l>ei11g trse<l l>y (,, '''· ll11rl<<', tl1e <let(•c­ti\•e <>J tl1e Slato11-l{c)SS<'r fi1·111 ~ n11<l tl1at, i11 tl1is 1)ri\·a1te <,fiice oi: .J<)li11 1'1 . .Hlat<>ll \•ig<)l'-011s a11cl cri111i11al eff't>rts ,,·ert~ l><•i11g 111n<lc by l~t11·l{e t<) l>ril>c sonit.• of tl1c ,,·it11c::;:;cs ngai11st I~"rn111c. a11tl t<> i;caro otl1ers i11t<> <·l1a11gi11g t11eir ~''i<.le11ce?

(t).) Do ~ro11 1<110\V t11at (}1e :tflicl:t\·it:;; i11 tl1c otli<·ial l't'<'<ll'<l J>r<>,.(~ tl1is, a11<l tl1at \Yll<'ll

I callP<l (r<>,~cr11<>r Slnto11°s nttP11ti<>11 to it, lie .111a<.le 110 cle11ial, n11cl no c11a11go i11 l1is rt!­] at i oils to Il 111· I,o n 11 < l 1~ l>!=iS<.' r ·~

(7.) D<> ~'<>11 J;:11c1''" tl1nt l>Pf<>rc l~.x-('1<>11-g1·ess1i1n11 ll<>,Ynrtl ,,·as e1111)toyc<l, L11tl1er Jlosser 1rc11t i11o J><'l'S<>11.o to 8l'e fie11ator Ollie Jf1111f'S, of I\:e11t1\cl\,\1

, <t11rl. <>ff crcrl l1l1ti a tl'e­'l'IL<'11rl<>lt8 f~e to <t/>)><'<tr lJt~f<>re Oo1•n1·1101• A'.'lrz­f,,,,, 01'1. tl1e <11>1>li1'(1fi<Jrt for C<>J1t11tltf<1ti<.>11?

(8.) D<> )'011 l\:Jl<>\V t 11nt. J"trt 11<.'I' l~<>sse1· tol<l ~e11ntor tTn111cs tl1nt. t110 arg11111t•i1t i11 tlie CHS<~ lCOltlrl be J>1'(JjJ<tl'e1l ,,,,. 11i1;1,?

(9.) ])o ~'<>lt 1\:11,>\\1 t11at J ... 11tl1(•r R(>SSPr sn i () to 8t•11n t 01· ,J a 111es, ··.I,;~ (t 7rt1c,11a1·. ?Jou 11cc<l Not be f1/1'<tirl tcJ t.r1!.·e tl1e c<rsa. 1·ov H.11: f.}.~~·1· .tl 011 .. 11\' C' /!,' '1'0 L0/511.., ?''

(I<>.) Do yo11 lr110''' tl1nt, Rc11ator Jn11ies l]1n11f1tlly l'<•f11se<l to J>IH}' n11 ig·11<)l>le pnrt i11 · a clrnn1a 0£ i11fn111>'• a11<l tl1nt tl1t•y t}1p11 t11r11c<l to ''rill in 111 n.r. I f<>\\'nr<l, '''110 l1ad nl1·en<ly ex1>resse<l liis l).('11cf i11 l~"rn1i]<'s gttilt?

• (Jl.) J)o Y<Hl l<tl<>'V tl1nt, nflcr tl1cv fell

cl<>\v11 <)ll I~t,l>. l)t1,·ii;,>11, a11cl Jost one trf· tl1cir <'XJ)C<'tc<l ,.<>te:-; i11 tl1e ])ris<)n (;0111n1issio11, ]"11t ltPl' Ros8Pr l1111·ri<•<l ti}) n l1n<·lc i:;t1·c<•t, Jn to tJ1ut 11igl1t. for n ~c(·rct. n11cl ]e11gtl1)', i1lte1·­\'ie,,· '"it 11 11is 1>a1·t r1er, 8Jato11?

(l 2.) J)o )'<)ll ],Jl(>''' t l1at I lea r11e(l, 11ext n1<>r11i11g. of tl1is eln11<lesti11P 111et•ti 11g <>f t11e i·n:o:;<·nJJy J)nrt11ert', n11cl tJ1n.t J ra111se<l encJ1 of t11t)111 to lK' i11f<>t·111t\d tl1nt I '''ns 11,,·nr~ of tl1eir 11ii<l11igl1t j11ggl<', tl1c 11igl1t Lefor(.'.'?

(l!l.) J)o y<)Jl lc.11c>\V t11nt. 11c•it]1rr SJnfo11 Jl<JI' l~<>sser <'<)111<1 <l('Il'' it: u11<l tJ1nt S1nto11's

• • ex11ln11nt1c>11 'vns, tl1nt l~<>SSl'l' l1n<l <"'<>111e to <'011 fl'l' 'vit J1 J1illl nl><Jllt f )l(' ll()J><>illflll<~Jl( <)f .J11<lgt1 i11 tllf} (;riffi11 f'ire11it ~

1i<1sst•r is tl<)t s111)J><1s<•cl t<> <'nre \Vl10 is j11<lg<' 1>f tl1c (:frifli11 <"ir<'11it, a11tl n. <0011fe1·­e11cc <)Jl s11cl1 1• tor>ic is 11ot s111111osecl to re­']lt ire l>a<' I< -st re~t t rn ,·el, nl icl111~}1t ro11rrnl-111<'nt, n 11<l n })l'<>lo11gecl <'Oll fe1·e11ce.

.(14.) Do Y.OU kno,,· tl1nt a Iiabbi in Co-

l11111b11s wns tele1>l10111ng n1)·stc1·1ut1::i ••good 11e"·s·· to tl1e Colt1111bt1.::; Is1·aelites. 01i ,~atu1·­<l<ty 11io1";zitlg, at nbot1t tl1e ti111e tl1e 1\.tlanta .r e,,.s ,,·e1·e 1)1·e1>a1·i11g for t lie eel el>1·n tio11 ba11qt1et t l1e~,. l1eld n t l•"1·a11li: ·~ l1ot1~e that 8at1lr<la,· J1i~l1t ~. . '-'

(l:>.) Do ~·011 J\:110,\1 tl1at Slaton '\'irt11i1lly S<lic.1 lie ,,.<lt1lcl co11111111te. before tl1e c~1se ever


reacl1e<.l l1i111. a11ll tl1nt 1•'1·n1il\:'s ,,·ife \Ytls so

certai11 <>f it sl1c lli.(l I1<>t a1)1)enr l>eft1re tl1e ()o,·t·r1101· nt nll. <lS )!.-~. l~ecJ,er tlitl before (io,·er11or ''Tl1it111a11, <lllll <lS S<> 111n11~' ,,.i\·es 11n ,.e a })}Jea1·ecJ bef 01·(' (; O\'<.•r11t1rs i 11 tie<>rgia 1.

Let tl1e (1eorgia eclito1·s exere1:;<) tl1t•ir i)1·iv­il eg·e to r a l~l' :--i<]<:'s aga i11~t t l1ei r ~tat c : let tl1e111 join i11 ,,·itl1 tl1ose "·!10 :1<'c11~;e ot1r co111·ts of <1 1'<'l(l111011s })t11·1>o::e f<) jt1c1ieially1 111 l1 rrle1· a 11 i 1111oce11t 111n11.

J ... et t11e111 lie)\ tJ1e feet of Je"· :1tl,·ertisers, a11<l cl1i111e i11 ,,·itl1 tJ10 B111·11~ dctPeti,·es, tl1e })Hi<l 11ncl\:-,v1·itc1·s. a11tl tl1c .Je,v i>a}>l"rs of tl1c N ortl1.

lJCt tl1e edito1·:-:; ,,·110 c11j<1.'' tl1is <>t1tsicle <l<.'fa lll<l ti Oil <>f t}1<.'i1· O,,·ri })C<>i)}C. },l\Cll it llp.

'1~l1e)1 are f1·("e t<> era.,,·] n11cl eri11ge. if t11cy ,,·n11t to: b11t l~t tl1c111 t1·\1 to stnv S(>111e,vl1ere

• • i11 tl1e ,·iei11ity of tl1e tr11tt1: n11(l lt\t then1 • 11sc ll ice: sn1<lc>t 11. i11oln:-:ses-l i l\:e ''erllingP.

~l'l1e~· g·et too Ill<l<.l <>,·c1· t11c11· glc>ri<>t1s '''ork of ,·i]lif.'1i11g tl1eir State.

Tl1ey t1se la11gt1age ,,·l1icl1 C'f)J1~·icts tl1ern of I-1a. ,·i11g g11ilt)· co11scic11ces.

Tl1e~· I o~t tl1ei1· te111pe1· ,,· J1c11 t Ill'\' lost t J1t!i r ,-i 1·tt1e. '

1"11e~· IJcca1110 ''iol e11t i11 J>l'O}><.lrt i<111 as t 11eir en ti SO g·re,\· '''enl{er.

I.iil'e t11e la'''~'.er ,,·J10 ••lJel}o,,·ccl lil{e l1ell,'' '\1)1e11 lie 11all 11CJtl1er la'\' 1101· e,~ide11ee to go 011, so111e of tl1c }i"r:111k-ite orga11s arc cleaf­l'Il111g tl1e j11r>' "·itl1 bo,·i11e 11oise. · l•:as)·, ge11t]ei11e11 ! Yo11 :11·0 11ot g<>ir1g to 1·11ffie 'Ill.'/ te1111>e1·,. I <1Ssu1·e ~·011: t11crefore, }'(>ll Jlla}r ns ,,·ell <'<lllt 1'<11 )'Otlr:-;.

I 11. t l1e .111en11,,·J1ile. JTO\l 111ay soot lie )?Oltr }1:t.,:-.J<>IlS oy U l)e1·t1snl of tJ1e .f<)llo\,·i11cl' afti­du \·it: b '

• • • •

Georgia, Fulton Cou11ty. ' ~ ·

ln person befcre the u:idersi8'ned :'Uthority an officer du1y nttthorJzed b)· Jaw to adn1i11ister on'tqs appcare<J A. ''r· Nolan, who being duly s\vorn: deposes and sa)·s on oaU1, that on J.."'rid~y and Saturda:y before the ~londn)· on wl1icl1 I·lo11. John 1\1. Sjato11, the11 Governor of Georgin, cu111n1uted tl1e sentence or Leo ~r. Frank, dcponer1t '"'as i.a 1t1eruphis, Tenn.

011 said two days, towft, Friday a11<l Saturclay, tl1e Je"·&. of sald city 'Vere openly betting "fot1r to 011e•· that Go\·ernor Sinton \\'OUl<l cun1111ute Fra11k's sentence to life f1uprfso11ment.

Deponent "'as reC'entl)· con,·ersing with tlne or the 111ost promi11ent Je'\\·s In the city of Atlanta, "·110 stated to depone11t that lie knew on 'I'ht1rs­<lny. before the sentence was actually con1rnt1ted on :\fonday, tl1at It would be co111n1l1ted, but that tl10 Jc\\·s of 1\tliu1tn bad agreed a1\1011g then1selves tl1rtt they v.·ould refrain from making any bets on the outcon1e ot the application for con1muta­ti611. Tl1is s.i.mc Atlanta Je"· further ctntctl to de­ponent that the .le,,·s had a cipher code "'hich was used in comn1unicatlng to the .Je,vs tl1ro11~J1<>ut tl1e ~nited Srnt~ the Information that the sent­ence v.·oulcl be con1n1uted, in order thnt illt'Y 11:ight place bets and '"in back as 111t1cl1 ns llos~ibic oe the n1one:y tlie)' bad contrlbute<l lo Frnnl~'s de-fense. .Ai.. ,V. NQJ ,AN.

Sworn to and subscribed befo1e n1e this 1th day of Jul)·, 1915. A. A. O\\'E).i~,

Notar)· Pt1blic nnd Ex-Officio J. P.,, Fulton Co. ~~~~-·~~~~-

Do You Want to Understand Why Our Country Is In l!s

Present Condition? TlIE b11sines.c; depre..c;sion and finn11cinl cri­

sis now ofllicting the people 11re tl1e re­st1lts of e\•il Jn,~s.

'fl.is is fully explained in two booJ,s tl1ati we sell.

Read 011r ''Handbook of Politics 11nrl l'loliti. cal Economy,. and Watson·s Spee~ ,,·l1icl1 treat of these very ma~ ·

• • •

Page 5:  · n't ing -s 8 on, ia. gbl ,ref t IS. nd. eO' est o'fl • • \ . (' • • • • .. • A 404¥' 419' * ·!'± a *k ll:m I Vol. 12, No. 32 Thomson, Ga

• • •


Has the Stale ol New York Killed an Innocent Man ?

A J.JINCOLX, Illi11ois, 1)~1pe1· sa}1S tl1:1t tl1e 1\ 111crica11 Je,vs \\'ere j11stific<l i11 t11ei1·

n:1tio11al en1111)nign £01· Leo l<~ra11]{, ''bcc1t11so t l1e j11r)', tl1e jt1clge, a11cl tl1c_l11gl1e1· courts ,\ Yero :iga111st 11i1n.:'

I t 11as to be tl1at ''t13~, )'Otl 11:110,,·, 1111lcss y<>lt l'('SOl't i 0 l)'llC 11i11g

N<ll><><l)• ca11 lJo lcgu.11)' p11t. to clcntl1, t111lcss 111c j11r.v, a11<l tl1e co11rts (IJ'e agni11st. l1i1n.

J t. Sl'e111s tl1at i·icl1 Jc,vs ,,·}10 111st after (]c11tilt• girl~, a11cl ,,·110 tal\:c life ir1 tl1c J>ll l'­s11it, arc t<' l>c exc1111Jt fro111 Gc11tile ]>1111isl1-111cr1t.

l )11ri11g tl1c Big ~Io11c}' cn1111)nig11: ,,·J1c11 RO 111atl)' l1ael\:-,,·ril<.'rs 'Yere f<>ll1)\Yi11g tl1c lead of 1 l1c ll<>ble ' ' 'ill1a111 J. l~11r11~, tl1crc n1>­))Carc<l a big 11c~lcl-li11e-' ''If. I," r J /!,,~ 0 fl fi I 11 l ' 0 ·' · 7) !1'111.\ ., /~"' l) .11.;V l.\".\'0('/~·1\'J' 111.li\' 7'0 ])//!.'?"

l~e11cafl1 tlll' l1eall-li11e ea111c <'<>lt111111 nff<'l' rol1111111 <>f ~t 11tf ,,·J1icl1 l)l't'tc11<.lc1l to lJc C>fllcial (.'\' j (I C'l lCl'.

l 11sf<'a<l <lf its bci11g C\'i<lc11<·c. it, \Va:-4 111n<lc ti }> fal~l'l1<><i<l tl1at ltall 11<> f<>t1 11<lnti<>Il sa,rc i11

· J<.'\V 111<>11c\• n11cl (~e11tilc 111c11claeit \'. • • •

I ~.11t ,,·}1at al>ottt I~eel~e1·? I:t'H<l fl1c i\>J]o,\·111g cli1> frc>111 :t Nc''T )~<)rlr


D eclccr died n.11 i11nocent man. i11 tho opinion of 11is spiritual advisers, Fatl1ers Curr~· a11cl Cnsl1ln. ·

•·Fi·o1n yot1r experie11ce \Yith co11de1nne<'l t11cn." Father Casl1in '''as asl\:ed, '·is11't ft ~·our belief'. tl1al a guilt)• n1an al'\\' a)'S confesses 111 ll10 last fC\\' liours ?" ·

"In' aria.bl)'," the priest respo11dPd : ''lJs\1all)· tl1e confl'ssion t•o111es after the snctnn1c11t has lleen gi ven. I3eckcr 111ai11tai11e<l l1is l1111<>ce11ce to the Phd. '

' 'Father ('un')' said to 11in1, after '\\'e l1ad atl­n1l11isterotl t 11e I I ol~· Sri cr11111en t: '.i\ re )'C>ll gui It)., hy \\Ord, or deed, or in nn~1 111auncr \Vl1atsocvc1·, of 111is cri111e?'

"DPcl\:er ans,,·ercHl: 'Father, a.s I sLa.n<I on ll10 1> r i 11 lr of l b c gr n ' (', I am 11 o t.' "

No,·;, ll•t 111e tell )"(1t1 f,,.o tl1i11g·8 nl>f111t B~r l{Cl':

(1.) J.\ 111a11 ,.,J10. i11 l1is fnl'C'Y<'ll i r1lr1·,·ir~'' 'vit 11 l1is ,,·i fc. lt>lcl lier to ])Ince <111 l11s . coflir1 n 11Jnte. a<·l·u,~i11g lio1·<J1'11o_r ll "l1i~1na11 of '1111tr(lf'1·i11g l1i11i. l1:1d 11<.ll f<)1·g1,·e11 111s ··e11c-

111ies,'' 118 l1e 1>ro1fc~setl i o l1n ,.e <.~011e, n11l:I 11ncl 11 ot l't':l] l 1· lJccn J11e a Cl11·isti n 11 ns lie Jll'f'-

t c11cll'cl tr1 l1n,·e clo11e; n11cl J10 '"c11t. lo l1is clentl1 ,,·]t )1 s11cl1 i11nlig11a11f l1ufr<·cl f>I' ' ' 711it-111a11 tt1:1f )1p \\'llltl<l }111\·p C'HllSCll J1il11 {<>]JC ns~nssi11nf Pcl ~11t<.l l1t'~ 1'>erl\c1·, e,·e1· gc1t tli<.! cl1n11cr.

(~.) l ~P1·l\<'r 11~t~<litatc1l a11<l 1)l:t11 11r•(I :i l'l'i1r1e :lfr~l i11f'( 1111' .J P\\' ga111l1lPI', l{ <)St'tl{l1a 1 ; :111(1

\Viii 11' t l1n I 1•ri1nc 111a)• t11>t l1a \'<.' G<>11t <'lll l 1ln t e< I 11111r<.l<•r, J ~ecl~P l' ,,·as g11ilt.)' <l l: 11111 r1l<'r. if i11 t]1c <'::'Ir ·>·i11~ 0111 1lf 1L1s fc•l<111i<>11s 1)lnr1, l~<>-8e11t l1al l~<>t lril]ec].

)r<>tt ,yj)J tl<1ticc• tl1at tl1e ))l'iest co11fi11c1.l l1i111 ·elf tc> ''tl1is cr11110·'-tl1at is. tl1e cri1r10 of • 'JJl ?I 1'll l'1'.

'J'l1l' 1>rit.1sl l1ns not ~nicl tl1nf 13crh:cl' clc-11ied IJ(•i11~ g11ilt}1 of c111y ('l'i11le ngni11 ·l l? o. p11t Jin 1. ·

'J~l1r 1>ri<'Rt 11111.'' ll<>t lr11c)''' i l1nt t l1e T.1n''' 11011.Is n 111011 g11iJt~· <•f tl1c cri111e <1f J1111r<lC'1·, if i11 t l1c co11r8e c1f a fc·lo1 1iou~ c:lcsig11 n~n i 11st n11otl1rr's Jiff' ()J' j)l'<1JJ<.'rl.\', t11<' ii1 te11(lPd ,·ic­f i111 of t 11<' f~]CJJ1\r loses J1js ]jfe.

1 f l~l'l'l\e1· ,,·as" 11ot g11i lt.'' or lll lll 'cler , '''ll)' <1i<I tl1~ )ll'l('8fs rt~f1t8C 111<' l11gl1 ll1U8S { ()

]1f'c•l\C'l'' 8 J 't~ll1fl i llS ~ I 1 f 11< ,,·ns i11tl<lre111 of fl?1.1/ r·rin1e, '"11,\' '''11~

l1is l><>CI'' rl<'tli <1 cl tl1e f11 l ltisf l11>11ors f> ( t 110 ]{on1n rt ·c·nt l1c1l ic Cl1t11·rl1 ~

.\ftt·1· ('11r1 \' liacl co11f('SSf'll tl1c co11de11111e{l n1n11, n11<l 111it t lie 1>a11-C'alrfl i 11 l11s


lll<>t t ll1,

'' ns11 't J~l'<'lrcr ns s111·0 of snl' nt ior1 :1s ( 'tl 1'1"'' 1. ?

'l'f;t .• 'r,v 1..,.<>l'lr pri~sts 11a\·o 110L n1)1>enred COll!'Jl:stc11t 111 il1is ca!:>e.

Rev. Curry made an affi<la ,·it to Bccl{c1·'s i1111oce11ce of tl1e l{ose11tl1al ?111J.J'(le1·; n11cl 11e ga ,.e Becl\:e1· u. 1·eg11lar }):111-cn 11:0 a usol t1t io11.

) .. et lie ,,.ol1ld i1ot nllo,,· l1is \Yitlo,,· ll1e consqlation s111)1)oseci to be i)cc11liar to lligl1 ~1n8s and n pla.ce i11 tl1e cl1a11ct'l.

ll' lty riot? ..

! I r. IIca1·st sl1oltl<l i11strt1ct. 1\.rt 1111r Bris­bn11e n r1d Su1)r e111e (,<ltt r t. J tt<lgc Sl1ca r11 to iil\'CStigate, Ullll l'Cl)Ol't to l1i111 i 11 tl1is C:lSC.

'l,l1e J c'v J11clge of t lie Dll 1)rc111c (.,o\1rt <>f N "''' ) 7 orl\: ca111e to Geo1·rriu, \lll<ler i11strt1ctio11s ~ ~

1'ro111 ~fr. I lrnrst; (111fl tl1is .fe1v rl1t<lr1c tool,; jt11·i8llictio11. of tl1c !1~/'(/Jll.~ C<ISC, J'('./'lt!ICed it, .111\ ?f) Rl!..,T~li...,l?Sli..'IJ 7')11~ ... Sl'I'llf!."'~1/E' OOURZ' 011' 01~.,0ll0/11.

(J t1clgc Sl1carn t<.>ltl l\I r . Fl c~n 11St. tl1nt l1c l1a<l ,·isiietl I~"'rn11l(, :1t1Ll l1at l ca rcft1li)' crc>~S-l':Xa111-i11<.~(l 11i111 !

It ,,·ns })l'Olla l> l )' as se,·cr<.1 a C<)ll l'::it' c1f spro11ts as l{<)sser gn ,.c 1 <> tfic ltt1,·. Rngs(lalc,

.lJef<)I"C l{<lsser cli<'tatc< l t lie ]1f'rj11re<l aflic1a,·it ,,.]licl1 1)11t $~00 of S<HI1cll(>1l.\·'s ltll'l'L' i11 J{ng::;-cla lt1's i)ocl..-et . •

. \ t nit)' rate. I•'rn11l~ \Vas 111i;,!l1t>• cnrcfl1l

not; t<1 nllo"' II lt<rl1 l)<>l'Sl''' t<l n~l\: l1i111 all\' ~ ·' ~

<111e:;tio11s ,,·J1t•11 tl1n t rin 1 \Yn~ i11 l_ll'<'P:I cs,.; . . \\Tl1\· is n11 e1l11cntt-<.l :11111 111(p}J1gp11t \Yl11tc . '

111n 11 afraicl 01~ <111Psl io11s, \vl1e11 a1·e11s1\cl <>i: li,·i11<r n clo11l)le lif<•, nc<·11sc<l <)f )1cnstinl ,.i<'C8~ acet1sc<l <lf 111111nt11rnl i11f<'l'Cl>tt1·. c \\·itl1 nn t1nc<111~r..i<>11s µ;i 1·l, :lllll n1·c11:-)l'fl <>f cl11)l\:i11g 11<'1' t(> <lcntl1 ,,·itl1 n })iecc <>f 11(lo1111) cc>r<l?

' ' 111c11 <licl i1111<>ee11co e,·er sit. sile111 \111de1· tl1osc tcr1·iblc ncct1:;ntio11::;-sile11t P.'C'C])t i11 cnrt•f11ll,·-,,·ril tP11 si nte111t:.'11t~:i '''l1iel1 nre t1ot s11l)J<'C'fe(l ro t11e f11ir test (>f n. lt'gnl c1·oss­exH111i11ati1)Jl ~

If tl1erl' t'\'l'l' is a ti1110 f<)l' illll<>Cl•11re io a llS\\'Cl' C''('l'.)' fa i I' <}t1C. t i•Jll, it iH ,,·]1<.'Jl it. is cl1nrg:e1l \Yitl1 s11l·l1 cri1:i1e.

13t~c]\:l'l' ,,.t,11 l (I Jl ·t g<> 111)<111 t l1c ,,·it i1e::;s sl1111tl lJeca11su l1n<l l1c <lt111P SL), tl10 Stnte c1111l<l' 11:1\'0 1·r<1::;:-;-exn111i11Ptl l1i11t :1l)<>11t, l1j:> st flt Cllll?tlt.

]\:i111ll'r tt1 tl1c <l<'i\'111ln11t tl1n11 N°C'\V l~oi·l{ ]n''' is, Georgia nl lo'''etl J.,r.o Frn11J, t<) r-·' 111><)11 t'l1e :--tn11fl n11<l tnll\ all <lll.'' i11 11is <>"'rl l)C'l1nlf:-llt1t ns lie \Yf>ul cl11't f>fj'cr to n11~"''·t> r a11~" <]t1e::;tio11~, tl1e ~tntc f<;ltl(f1i't nsk: 11i111 nr1v. -

~\11cl ,,·11e11 tl1e Je,v .Tnllgo of tl1e .. Tt,,,. ).<>1·lr ~tl})l'c111e l'o111·t r1·oss-exn111i11ctl J1 rn11l\-if lie e,·p1· <li1l i t-lle '''as c:l1·cf 111 to <)xclt1<le ,,·it­JlC,:,ses.

}Jet) Frn11lc <'n 111101 11r1ll' st n11d llJl 1111rler n c1·oss-c:xn11Ji11nti1>11, all)' 111ore t l1a11 ]1(' co11lc,l nt l1is trial.

Tl1e 1·ic·l1 .lc'''S (>f J\ tla11tn l\:11e''' tl1is. 011 1 lic < I n~· t lie g-irl'~ l><ltl.)r '''a~ ·f<> t111cl i11 ]i'rn11]\:'s J)lae<' (>I' l>11si11P::;~ , :i11tl tlll',\1 11111·rictll~1 1)11:~>·­:ftH>ll'<I t<> tl10 l><'S(, la'\'.\'<'1'~ i11 ~\ il1111 t :1, 1Je!\1rc

it Ri:1glo <•e11liln l1a<l 1)<>i 11tl'll (<) 1•'rn11l\ as tl1c guiJ i .\' ll1U l l. • .

' ''11\· 1li1 l ]•'rn 1 1l~s· 1 1 11cll'~ a111 l 111~ fatJ1t")r-111-]a,v u


11(l l1is I l anst·s, 0111 1>1<>)' ]~c>~ser 011 81111-clnj': it fc,v l1011rs ~1 ft er t ilo girl'~ lJlootl.)· C<)l'JlRO ,,·ns fot1t1ll?

, ,.l)at ca11srci tl1c11'b to l.·11(Jto t11nt F1·a11l{ 11r.crlec] t l1c IJcst la,,·,·e1-s l>eforc tl10 (ie11tile,::; SlJSjJ('Cf fd Sll<' 11 :\ ( 11 iiig?

J\ 11(1 do tell 11s 'vl1at it ,,·n:.; l1i~ 'vif:c l\11e,,·, tl1at sa1nc <lc1,11, ,rJ1iel1 ]\l'])t )1cr n'''H~' fro111 11<.•r l111sbn11 ~ for tl1r<'C 'll'reli·s'!

, , ... l1e11 n i11a 11 's t1,,·r1 ' vi fo n ,·oicl:.; l1i1n. a11d ]1is lti11s11)r11 r \1811 ft) t1 111 1>lu.)' l11''')~e1·s before 110 is nC'<'lIRecl , n11(l ' "l1e11 110 l1i111self 'vo11 ·t nll t1'v t 110 St at o l <) aRI l1i 111 < 1 11c~t ic>11s, 'vl1at <lOil8 ~'()\ l l' C'<ll lllll<)l\ 8(ll l e toll )'<) I I~

'I'l1o~c 1111llt•11i:il>le. a111l t111dc11iccl fnctf;, nll 1\J)})Cnri11g i11 t l it~ <1llicinl l'PCOl'(l of tl1e rnse, cnrr)' 11lornl C<)J1\·i1·t i<Jll of t lie 11111 11 ·s gt1ilt, 011tsidc <lf t110 t\vo scol'cs ot ' "l1ito '"itr1esses • •

'''' •<-'• test i fled ngni11st 11i1r1. lln8 re,v , .. (•rlc lci1 led n 1\ i1111orer1t 111n11?

'1,lie .1e,vi~l1-Jlcnr:;t ]>flJ>l'l'S n1l:-.\\Cr, '' ... (l!. 'J'l10 i 11cor1s1. t (!ll t c·o11 c.1 uct of t I 1 o 1{-0111a 11

clcrg)' ~t11s'' ers, ··Xo !'' ·

Tl1e ,·erclict of tl1c jt1r~·. n11cl tl1c L1ccisic11S., of Ne''T Yo1·k cot1rts !111~\Ycr. ··No'.:'

.. Diel Geo1·gi<1 co11clc11111 n11 i 1 11~occ11t J11:-i11 to clie?

A11''''·nv, 110 did11 't die. • • J e'I" rloll:1rs ,,·ere too 111a11 ,. fl;r 11s.

• T11e~· bo11gl1t t-ts 111).

) l'

Tl1e'· ftt111!! tis llC>\\' l l . a111 l 1)11t filt l1 011 t1s. . ~


Be Carelul How You Send i\r

Money. I\ •.• ,,

R_\.'fl-lEl~ tl1n11 go to tl1e fr(>11ble to on~· at:~ J>O:-.i:1l orcler. or :;tn1111)s. <>r t<> rc-~ister I

lettc1·. })('OJ)le ,,·acl 111) tli111r:, a11d <lellars i11 a ~ letter. a11cl 111nil t l1e111 to lts. <ff

~0111eti111eR tl1e C'<t~l1 co111es t11ro11gh , a11d '°<' so]11eti111e.~ it c]oeSI1 ·t. 11

• • r \\'e are 11ot i·e ·1>011:1ble fo1· 111\>lll')' sen t 111

tl1at. C'areless 111a1111er. ei· Lil~e ~1!1 otl1er })ra11cl1c:; of l1\1111n11 i 11cl11~t r~·,l1 P

f }1c j)O::-.f ofii('C S0 1'\·ice ]1 :l:i cl i::;}1 C)JlC~t })C<l}) l C in

jt. ni1d ,,·}1c11 011e <)f fl1t•se i11P11-l>lnelc <>r .,. ( ''"l1ite-feel::i 111c111c)· i11 tl1<.~ e11,·elt>11e: lier (; st ca 1 s it.

1 .

)l>· tf:111gl1ter n11ll ~fr:-;. l i)·tlL) OJ)l'tl ot1r ,11

i11n il, n11cl ,,·l1e11c·,·e1· t 11<' cn~l1 111al~es a safe e11

t1·11) tl1ro11gl1tl1e111ails. tll{l }>t'r~o11 ,,·J1c) t<><>l'i~r tl1nt ri$lt gt•ts lYl1nt 11c 11rclt•re1l. I

Not ()Jl],· is i11011e)' RtcJle:1 fr<)Ill t11c 111ni ls, lt s

l)1tt bool\:~: 111ng:1zi11es. n11cl e,·c11 }):t}Jers :1 ra -~ 0 ft ('11 :-. \\' i J)CCl. •1

_\ .. it co.:-.t::> 11s n t lL1 n::; t 10 <'e11ts to get a I,i l)C1Jlli: CllC'C'lr ('RSl1ecl . J1len:;e <lo llt>t :::iCllll St11:1ll y l Stllll::s iil t}1nt \\·a,·. re1

.\. 111:111 ,,·}10 ·ci1£1~ 11:s n cl1eclt for te11 <·c11 ts, la k110,,·i11g t)1al it ,,·ill cc•st 11::; tr11 te11l:-. to coJ- l u leet it. i1eecl"i i·eligio11.


• .\11d lot~ of it. ... ot

• 111 '·~or!:1iists n11ti Socialis1r1:' b'• 'fl1os. .£. I

\\.,..~1tso11 . l1a~ n ''nst .111101111t of i11 for111:1t ivn of}>1 ~11terest :l11d ,·nl11e to tl1o:;:c '"110 tlli11l·~ t l1P! lr · lc110'" ,y}1nt Bocialis111 stn11rl=- ft)l'. ]>rict.~ 50C·a11 'l .. l1e J efi'er.::011ian l >t1b. Co .• 'J'l1on1so11, G~1 . 'ra

'J'he Iln11dboolc of Politics by T l1os. £. f~~ ,,-ntson. is n boo11: e\•er\· _\.1nerican <'itize11 1 ~ , • ··1 Pl1ot1ld rend. Co11tains e\·eIJ" part)· plntforn1: • fo111·tl1 {lclitio11 nl111ost exl1:~11s~ed . }>rice, 501.'· A 'J'J1e Jefl'erso11inn Pt1bl1sl11ng Co111pn11)1 00 '1'110111:::011, Gn. tat

a son's THOS. E. WATSON , Editor.


·- ----DEVO:t'ED TO--- --



Ge11et·at Literature,

E.xposure of Italian Popery, t/ze Deadliest Foe to Religion, Lib· erity and Hunza1z Progress.

Short Stories,

Poe111s, Etc.

PRICE, $1.00 PER YEAR In Clubs of 12, Price 50c. Each,

or $6.00 for the Club.


T l t . nt T

i c

il'l tr: I ·

• l~C


~}) : • lg :a,,. I ii e •r t->

If ra i o·}

b .,.e 1£ tni lg}

n R i lifi dc>1

IJo, t. c f io t t "< (;) l .. (\f ~l(l ]

Page 6:  · n't ing -s 8 on, ia. gbl ,ref t IS. nd. eO' est o'fl • • \ . (' • • • • .. • A 404¥' 419' * ·!'± a *k ll:m I Vol. 12, No. 32 Thomson, Ga

. '

' •

• •


ic11s .... o the Jew Business Men Want tlo Provoke Us Into a Gen-

1 to eral Boycott?


r II I·~ l>a1111e11l1er<T fii·m. in ~!aeon. boy-b , ,, ..

l<>tte<1 'I'l1c 'l'e]pg·ra1Jl1, Lec~tltse tl1e pa1)e1·. ir111tt•tl :::.c.1111etl1i11<r 011 tl1e 1~'1·c.l11lt case tl1at lll·SC l'icl1 rJl'\\~:-; t1~! J~<>t 1·e}isl1. ,,~al~c~· l>a1111e11bcrg ::;aid tlie)' \Youlcl c111it

t<I ,·ei·i i~111g: iii '1'·11e 'l 'elPgr:11Jl1; a11d "'1n'ali::c it i\\·e~tt u ,,·J11Je.''

\\-alter J)n 1111t•11lierg :tl!-)<> sn itl tl1at l1is fir1n Y: ~s ali11ost i i1 t l1c i11uutl ·•to sell 011t and

v a e~ ,.e tl1c.• t1a11111c(l Stt1Le ! ·· ·r s 1"11e l{icl1 .U1·c)tl1ers Co .• of .J\.tla11tn: ,,·e1·e

[11 s t~·c11se<.l l).\' <>1.1e <!f tl1eir. cJe1·l\::: 01·e1· 7,fs O:ll"Jz.

II ·iy11ttf1tr<'. <)f cl1s(·l1:1rg111g 111111 \)ecause i1e a11d r<>11lll 11ot :-;iµ:11 tl1c i)ctiti<>Il fo1· co!11111t1tatio11

J) tl1c 1~~1·a111~ <'<ls<.'. . in '1"11c .Je1l'ersonia11 p11Llisl1ed tl1e clerk"s let­

er. <~~1c1 ~ O<>d I'<'a<!_,, to l)ltl)l i~J1 a de11ial, if tr,,,llP J,1c·l1 f1r11t ~:t\'.' fit{(> 111aJ\e 011e. , )11 Ditl tl1<'.'' i11nl\:c jt? X ot tl1e,T.

ol', <J11. 1lu.• <'<>11tJ·ar)·, t/1<',l/ t1·ie~l 10 z1se t1.co 11c 1 <'11t1lc8 1cl10 c 1r11 sf.or!.· l11 tl1is Jeto sto1·c.

'r11<)S(' t,,.<> (:i:e11til<•s '"<.'rt' 8illv e11ol1<rh to ottl' hi11l-c tliat t 11c'\' ecn1Icl <r(.'{ 111e to mal~ ilte ' ·z • ' M nfe r>i?trt 11•!1i<·/1. t/1e llil'lt ftr1r1; should liave ()()k /(!(le,.

If tl1c elerl\, l..1c.•:-;tcr. l1a<l liecl. it "'as tl1ci1· • • •

~11:-;. 11~111ess tc> sn\' sc>. i1ot 111i11e. ar0 _lle sig-tlt'<l iti!-:i 11c.t111e~to liis ]C'tter~ and lie

·111 r)rcilialil,· 111cc.'t ll1e l:icl1es 01i tl1at isst1e t :1 ·I,i~11c:·er t fl~'!/ cll<>cisc to 111nl~e it. 1:111 l 11~1r sl)· at tC'1111)t lo ll_se Ge12tilc l1gc1i11st , !(',1ttzlc~ ''·as si 111i In r t<) tlie effort of I~nac

11ts, laas a11cl ol<l 8ig ~l<>Iltng to l1n,·e Solicitor Ctll- r t1gl1 Dui·sc~r l 1ec.:0111c lll.\' l> l'(>SCClltor.

If tl1c ,Jp,,·s '"nnt n figl1t, tl1e)• can get it. l~ltt lc>t i 11<'111 ec)111c ot1t. i11 t11e 01Je11, a11cl

~>t 111al{c tl1eir 111nligr1a11t ntt~tclIB f1·on1 be­., 1ncl (Jc11t ilcs.

}'.if I 11 tl1c lat l's( iss11e of Nat 11n11 St1·:.l.t1~' 0

• l>~1cl\,~' t l1cre u })])('H i·s n Jl<>t lier ca i·too11 pie­! it'~ iring i11c aR i>11tti11g- tl1e l\11ifc in ( 11·ec11s 501:· :111cl, tlie i1io·l1t, 11e is saicl to 11~1,,e scra1)ecl • 1;n11l{'s i1ecl{

0 \Yitl1 t 110 l1<>g-l\:nife.

fl1c lal>cl 1111clcr tl1c cartoo11 is. ':Tl1a .. ~fr111 f.i.~elii11rl tl1c ft"11ife.:; · •

zen .sti·n.us sa.)·s1in c111e of l1is tr.t1tl1fl1l pa1·n-1• i a1)l1s-·n .

50C· .. 11 ,·1 A citizens' n1eeting in Georgia nd3pted resolu-

• ons calling u1,011 1·11cn1a.s \\r~tso~ to leave the late for good witl1i11 011e ~·eek.

Tl1is c.it ize11s' 111cct i11g \Y<lS i10 (lo11l>t l1eld ~ tl1e l~. 11. )lac\· store, ,,·l1icl1 belongs to ntl1an St1·~ttls. •

r~ll~ l'C'~<)!t1t ic111s '''Cl'C r>robnbJ~r cld.01>tecl ?:\"' ~ e ~ c,,, ) <>rl~ 11c,0·1·c> 111c11. '\'l11 le t lie '''l11te ir] s \\'Cl'e se1·,·i11~ t]1p111 'nt tl1e tnbles of trn.11s' restaura11't-,l:;'l111 tlic l\facy store. . If cle~c11t~ ])C<>Jllc all o,·cr tl1c cot111try sl1<>tt1(1 IRC011t21111c tl1ei1· })Htl'(illage of tl1e Strn11s e'v ~ <>rl~ l'~ta l>I isl1111c11t-t lie R. II. nlacy 'J)~t 1 ·t 111e11t. st<)t'C a11cl 111nil-01·cler 11011~e it ig-lit lta\·<' a ~<1l1eri11cY e1fcct, 011 tl1e rich '\\'S. o

If ll1e Da1111c>11l)e1·t:-,rs of ~fncc>11 ,,·ere left to c ])ati:ons C)f tl1f•il' <l\\•11 race t]1e Da1111c11-·r~s 1111glit. ::,s,,·eat n\vl1il<l.:: '

e If t~1 <' .l\li<·l1ap1s crf .1\tl1e11s '"ere left to t11e .racl1tcs ft)l' a \'enr 01• so. }Jerl1aps tl1ey

• iglrt. n1oc]er:1te il1ei1· cll'111n1{ds 011 t]1e cit)" 1'·~r1i1n<'11t, a little. l~ t lie J{icl1 Bi·o.;. Co. \\'e1·e a ,·oic1ed b)~ tl1e ~lI-bnrllarons Gentiles of Atlanta. tl1c}r tglit. gi,·e :L\h·. N"atl1aJ1 St1·at1s a ti111cl'T Jliece n Q\•1ee. • I).

1.ficli :lc\\'S ''·l1c) 11niio11alize a ca111pnign of J C'a.1.1011 ag}ti11~t. 118 011 l1el1nlf of as '~le a

11°1n1 ~e n11cl n111rclcrc.•r as C\'('l' li \'Cll, n11cl ~,·110 t 0'~ it 111) lly tl1rcni c111i110' to i·1111 Gcorg1n,1s

• 1. of ~11cir Stat(', a1l<l ,vho i11stigntc ussasi­·t 1011 111 t.l1e i11ost ol).S('<~11c .cn1·too11s: ot(gl1.t

to be fu1•t.lt.<n~ a1i1·1cl1"e<l by Ge1zt1le c-11.s­nt.<;rs.

l.4et. tl1c 1·.icl1 .lP\\'S l)e,,·arc! nclling llJ·11a1nitc.

,._, - . .


• • •

If tl1e'\· innli::e tl1e1r1sel ,·es unbearable in ll1is co1111t1]·:~ as tl1ey ltace do1ie iri. all otl1..ers, to \vl1n t l1a"\·c11 of i·ef11ge 1'Till tl1e~y· i·t1~1?

011e of X ath~111 St1·aus: pa1·ng1·a1)l1s i11 '

4I>t1ck·' i·e:tds: • . 1,

• Be not do"•ncast, Georgia, at your failure to "get'' Frank. Part of :)"Our motto, remember, is "1\!oderatiou,"' a~1d \\·bile tbe1·e are no <l'\'aila ble ~tatistics of attempted murders with bl1tchers' Jc11i\·cs, there ar·e statistics of lynchings, and t~\ese sllo'\\' clear]~· tl1at yot1 ha·ve no cat1se for chagrin. You are inore th<ru holding your own, for out of tv:e11ty-four l)•ncl1ings last year, eight, or one­fourth, occurred in Georgia. "La'v and Order'' are not '\vholl:r el.'tinct v.·here sucl1 an average pre­\'ails.

!11 its 11ext is:::t1e. I>t1clt will 11~1,·e to 11i<1c1if.)' it::, figt1res ~li!rl1t l\r. for last '''eclr, T<.,xas l)111·11t ~a 11eg-l'o; Oltl~1l10111a l)•nc.:hed one, a11d Flori(1a. 011e.

r.l'l1e c1·i1nes deser,·ed de~ttl1. and l}TJlcl1i11gs follo"·ed. because tl1e F1·a11li:: case lias ~1Lo11t. dPst1·<)~'l'(l J)l1blic confidence in tl1e ce1-tni11ty c>f ··~<·t ti11g·= n 1·apist~ or a colcl-hlooclecl 111t1r­derc1·: ~J~· tl1e }J1·olonged p1·occs.-;e.s of il1e la"''-

Orle i·cs111t <>f t 11c infa111c1t1s C<)l] t1sion of R<>!:>Ser a11<l .R1ntc111-tl1e la"')ter ancl il1e GO\'-

ern<>1·-"·i11 ibe- . 'J'lle 11e.rt Leo Frfc111.· case i11 Gco1·gi£1 1vill

11ece1· 1'eacl1 tl1e <'01t1·tno1(se. · J'JI E 1\1 !£ .1 .. 'll .7 Ellr ll' II 0 DO E;'J ll' II .t1 7l

Fll.1~1' .. lt IJ/1). I~' fi.Ol~\70 TO 0~'1' l!.'.l-­.11("'1'LJ"" 7'111?. ,~_4.'AfE Tlll.:\-G Tllf111 'ffT/£' GIT-PF.: TO ~, .. E'lillO ll.'.1PIS1'S!


'' Los Angeles Investigation'' on Its Travels Again.

Ol~R old frie11d. '·tl1e Los ~\11geles !11,·cst i­:ra (]011:· i'las lJegt111 to ricle aro1111cl irl ll1c

111n i l-bn6rs, <lJlce i1101·e. . l.t goes to slce1): c1ccfi::,1()J1~t1l~T· <111c{ l\L'Cl)S

<1t1iet ':for a :£c,,· 111<t11tl1s ~ bt1t (-J.a 11 ! ,·n11 c<>~11<·S a Jc,11g, \Val\:<.~<:; it lll)· a11cl ~e11tls it. .1<>11r11c.\·111g, 11it 11c.•r a11cl tl1it11er. lil\:e tl1e ,, .. u11tleri11g; ,J e,, ..

~ 01nel)od\r 11111:,i l1a,~c lc.>a11ell ('falli\·a11 n fc,,· Gco1·gj"a t11~1ili11g li::;is, 01· i11~t)Tl)e lie f-il<>lc :e111: fo1· it :see111:-; tl1at (_{eorgi~1 11as l>et.'11 flo<>ded ,,·itl1 the ··J.ios .1:\ng<>!es 111,·cst iga­tic>11 . .,

1"I1e ··di:-;t i11g-11 isl1ecl )laso11 ic co111111 it t<'c ., ,,·J1icl1 111a<:le tl1e eclclJ1·ated in,·e.stig-ntio11 al'<} }{01l1a11 (."atl1<1li.rs :.111cl I\:11ights c1f ("(>l11111l>1ts !

1'1te~· i11,·estigtttecl t11c111:--cl,·e."5, a11c~ ,,·J1itc­\Ynsl1f•d tlie111::;el,·es.

1.'l1:1t ·s all. ']'110 .Jeffei-so11i:i11 P11blis11ing C<•n1pn 11)7 lias

l'<'J'>eniedI~· C"l1nJ1e11gc<l tlte ff'o1trf l1 JJe:11'('e_ I~11iu:l1ts <)f Col11111lJtlS to a sl1c1\\'clc1\\11 oi· t )1ei r t l'eRSOllOlJl S n 11<1 l1CI'3el' ltt i lJg CJ!l l 11, a 11 ( l tl1c11 a-ne afi'(li<:l to fr1ee ll RE11IJ l:\'r;I~'SJ'I-UA110N. I

In 111j· }'lnn11Ji1]et. n<~,·e1·tise(l a11<l S(ll(l l>.V tl~ fo1· inoi·e tl1n11 n 3·ear! I gi'-"' 111.\1 rcns<>ll~ for lJPi11g oertrrin. tl1at t l1c fotll't 11 c.leg1·(1{~ IC. of ('. do take !:>llbstn,r1tinll)1 ti1C' oatl1 tl1e}' aJ.·e acc.t1~ed of ta k:i11g.

'l'l1nt · 1>n1111)l1]ct ,,·as })tll}li~l1C'rl b<>f(1re i Ile iol1rt 11 ~lem·ee Kni~l1t:- of ~{a 1·sl1a ~l I. 'i'cxHs, 111t11·de1·e(l t"',\.il1ia111 I31acl~ i11 tl1e .111cist. C<>,,._ :irdl'r 3i1d deliue1·ntc 11in1111e1~, ber(tu8e 11c 11<1<.l tn!~e.11 tJ1nt ontl1. and tl1e11 ex11osecl it.

If e,·e1· tl1cse Geo1·gi:i I\:. of C. jl11111l -011 i11e fo1· 1>11bliS11i11g tl1ei1· treasc,11<>tl8 <.><1tl1. I ,,.j]l 1)1·od11ce some e1,.ide11ce tl1st ''·.ill 111al\:c iJJCJll S\\'Cflt lJlood.

]1"0,,·c,·c1-. fl1is ontl1 js 11ot. cs~e11tial.'r <lif­ie1·e11t fro111 tl1rtt tnl\€11 u~· C\'ery Catll<)lic lJriebt.

'"l'be te1,.rible 11ntl1 of tl1c fc>n1·tl1 <leg·1'<'C I{11igl1ts ii:; llJeJ·e]}r :i11 n1i11)liii<.:<ltic>11 of tl1c ont]1 of tl1e J C:,i.1its.

TI1c 1101·rib]e ontl1 of tlie .Tcs11i(s '"us <]1·ngp:cd i11to lig·J1t i.11 tl10 811p1:e111<.} (~()lt :rt ( Parliun1e11t) of ]>a r1~: France, 111 t lie Cl'I c· L1·at:.ecl I .. n,t1letie case.

'J"l1e ("nt holir ))i~l10}) ·:s oatl1 ,,~as J)1'cl11~!1t to 1igl1t for tl1e fi1·~t time b)1 t!1e Pa1·lia111e11t

of Great Britain, at tl1e ti111c J(i11g Ile11ry 'rIII. ''' as sl1p1J1·essi11g ir1011~1st<.•1·j('_~ n11<::l 1i11n-

• llCl'lCS.

Du1·i11g tl1e last few ~·cars; tlic E11glisl1 ofticinls i11 Irelancl 11a,·e secl1rcd legal 1)1·oof of tl1e i11t1r<lero11s oatl1 ta l\:e11 lJ\r tl1c ... \.11cicnt

Or<ler of IIil)c1·11ia11~, a11d si111ila1· secret. so-cieties.

111 s1)irjt n11cl i11 p111·posP, tl1osc <lia1Jc>lic<ll oat 11s <lre nll tl1e san1e.

'l"l1e SJ>iJ·it is tl1at of re] igio11s l1a tc, :111cl 111c l)tll'l)CJSC is, tl1e co11i1)lcte clcstl'ttet io11 of I>1·ot est a11 li:;111.

'1'110 l1atrc<l l)1'entl1ecl i11 tl1e....:;e tt>rril>lc ontl1s is tl1e sa111e that cl1·e\1cl1ecl }~ur<'t)C '"ii 11 i l1e blood of J>rotcstaa1t 111at·i,·rr.

• ~l'l1e 111ei 11 oc1:=. 1r1e11t i 011ccl i 11 tl!1e ~ec:1~t

,.o,,·., i·n11g~ all tl1e '"a>· frc•111 l)o>•c•ott ~111d 111alicioi1s i11i:schief, to a1·.so1l a11cl a~sassi!l1u.­tic>n.

I li<t'\·e p11blisl1cd son1e eJ\.i1·acts f1°<l111 tl1e cot111 1·e<.'.01·<1s i11 I1·cla11d, a 11d jj' tt1c IJO~ .J\11g·e]es I11,·estigntion co11tir~~~c>s tc> ri(lc on t lie t ra i11s, I Ill<l)' 11:1,·e t<> l't'f)ttl)l i~l1 tl1a 7er;a7, cride11cc gi,·e11 i11 Iris11 <·c>11ri:; {J!/ /1·islt ('at/1 <)li(·S .

J>c .. rl1:11)!=i, tl1e a,·erngc ...:\..111C'ric·n 11 \YOll lcl 1·ntl1er bclie\·c n n11111bcr of Irisl1n1<•11, s1r·r>r11·­J11,r1 ir" 01J<:11 coi11·t, as to tl1c oat11 c>r tlies<~ ])Ot)isl1 ~c}eicties, tl1a11 to lleliP,·e t11esc T ,os .1\11gcles I1·isl1 Cntl101ics lt·/10 1c<'1·e ·not u11<Ler Oct!/:.


Jlly J. D."WATSO~

QXE ~·enr 0£ tl1e Et1rorlcn11 '~ar hns passed, . a11d t l1c sitt1ntio11 is f)J'act1cn II.\' ,,•lint lit

\\"US 111c>11tl1s ago Gc1·111a11,\· '"agi 11g u11 ng­grcssi \'C cn1111)aig11 tliat lias g~1i11ecl 11(.'l' sc.>n1e te1111l<)rnry a<l,·a11t~1gc \\'iil1uut. Lri11g·i1ig l1e1· a 11 ' 1 ~lll'e(1S8 . •

'\'l1i1e t l1e Tc11to11s 11a \·e dri ,.<•11 (lie J~us-f-;ia 11 ~ frc)tll (lalicin, l1a,·c! <.:<>11ti1111<'<l tlici:r <lri,·c 011 tl11·ol1g·I1 J>0Ja11(l tc~ '\'arHa\r, ntt(l tal\Cll t]1c a11eie1it Ct1I)itn]~ tJ1c,,r ltU,'P <"t>lll­])elc1,\1 ~~ai]e(l i11 tel1ir i\\'<> 111air1 <)l)jP<"fi,·cs.

(1cr1l1a11.v':; t'''o gre~lt <>l>.it'cti ,.l'R '''e1·p to llltlli I'~, J<'l'a.11cc>~ ns a11 :.icti,·e foe•, :111cl t l1e11 cr11sl1 I~11~si:l, 1,1it l)otli of tliesc• 11a \'l' J'nil~cl.

'\'11 i le t 11~ (i(.•r111i.11i n1·11iic.s ~tr" <111 )<'1·c11rJ1 sf1il. t lie J(aise1· is ft1rtl1er fro1r1 J)n!'i!· t l1a11 110 l1:1s l)ee11 n (. a11\r ti111c si11C'l' t 11<' 011tl)1·e.al\: of

• tl1e ,,·a1-. :111cl ''·l1ile t)1e Ger.I11a11 ni'Jll\1 11ns

• t nl{<'Jl \1\T:11·sn '""· a1icl tl1c Rt·ssinilS :11·p i 11 re-t1·cat·, 111a11)' 111.ilitnt·>~ critacs bc•lic>\·<~ 111~t( il1c ( {e1·111;11t d1·j,·e i11io 1~t1s:.;ia. ''·ill l1HSf('Jl <1<'fC~lt fc>r il1c (tci·:111n11s-tl1a.t t11c l)ig~.rcst 111i~tal\c tl1c J(aisc•1· J1:1s 111ac1e 'vas io s(rctel1 l1is li11es s<i far i11t<.) a cc>u11tr~T tlint 110 C:Jlli tl<.'\.<'1' ll<>J)C ici <

0 G11q11et·.

'l'11c si1~1~)1e fact tl1nt tl1c~ (;t•r111a11s al'e figl1t i!1g i11 1tll' c11e111ie:::;' <'<)1111{'1·,,, 111pa 11s little', liel':1taso tl1ere is to he <'<>11siclerc1l 1 lic• g-1·pat. C'C>f.;f i1.t ii1e11 a11cl i·csoul'cr!'i 11nicl fc11· tl1is "'t<•n1-J><>ra!'~r :l<.l\'<111tngc, n11<l to n G<><)I C)llisi<l<•1· it l< 1<1l\s l]J~o tit() <1cr111n11 111ilita1·.)r n11tl1c11•i(ies l~a' l' j11at1g11rate.tl a ca1111)nig·n tl1nf ,,·ill l'c­st1lt. i11 H <'aiastl·or:il1c.

]•~v<.)l'.\1 111a11 lost tel Ge1·111:\1r\· 1io,·\· is a s<'1·i­ous l<1Sl'. .( ~<'r111a11\r can110{ uti'c11·l] i <1 S}lc1·ifice :t si11gJc Rolclier. w}1j}e {}1p a]li<'S Jln\·e 111iJ­]iC>llS tl1at tl1e:· ca11 :·et Jl111 i11 tl1~ fieJcl. n11<l 111 tl1r ]c)11g· r1111 tl1ig l'CS0\11·ce \\1 ill Le' t11e a]J ie:,, .c;rra test.

<Jc·1'111a11>•"s l1-0pe ,,·as i11 qt11eJ~ l'->ll<'C'(':-.i::. llll<l

'''ltl'Jl 1 l1e Cicr111n11 n1·111ies ,,~ere I J1l'<)\' 11 1iac:Jr ir~ tl1C'it• g·rr:t1 <lri,~e fo1· J uri~, (jc•rn1a11jr"::; best <'l1n1~rn fcir \'lelor\1 \Yas s11at i Pl'<\cl.

()e1·111f\11y~fl }l<)S1t1011 110\\' is ,•p1·~r l-li n1i]nr 1 o tl1at c1f t11e ~<)11()1 c1ur111g· t]~p Ci,,i} \1,·n1·, a11(l ns ti111e <li·a:tgs rtl<111g it. ''?ill l)P<'<>lllt' 1r1l,l'i.l flJ>· j)ill'<.'nt t<> t ll<' (Jcr1r1nn l>~0}>1c t11at. fJ1cir fip;l11 is 11 Jiopcl<•ss 011c ,a11cl ti1:1t t11(.\il' ct>l1n11·)' l1aF: l1~11 tl1ro,,·11 l)ncl' at .}onst n <ttiartcr (>f tL

('~·11tttr,\', ~i11111l)r l}eC'a11se n c1··n:t.)' ··l1~r n11c:l 'G<}cl"' 111ilitn1'.,l i>·1·a11t j111:1gi11eG1 l1i111~elf. an­otJ1 1· J1'r(•tlerick tlie (",t1·eut.

* * t: ~ ¢ • a

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Jl.DGI~ l~l~X.J. II. Hl]JlJ CCRltI~c1·s OXE 0~1' OUll ('()t{liI•~SI•OND­


Dear Sir: l\ly attention 11as been calletl to ll1e folio\\ iug extract wl1ich &.J>veare<l in 'l'ho J~ffcrsonian of rrhursda)', July 15tll, 1915:

"I an1 i11forn1ed th al the 'Judge' ,,·ho se11te11ce<l Ii'ra11k: the last ti111e suggested the sa111e tlting to Sl~Llon. a11d of­fered to fix the date o! Frank's execution so Lhat LTO\'. llarris '''ould ha.Ye to IHtss on tl1e appli­catio11 for clen1ency; a11d that Slato11 said 'No.' He den1nnded that tl1e case co111e before l1im."

I a111 tl1e "Judge" referred to. The ~nfor111ation given yo11 'vas not only i11aorrect, l>ut \vitho11t tl1e sligl1test fou11clatio11 or tr11th. I never spoke ~o Gov. Slaton on tl10 s1tl)ject of fix­ing tl1e d<lle for tile e:xec11tion of the sc11tenc0 of J,eo 1\1. Jl"rank. It would never occur to n1c to sc~l{ tl1e advice or to a.cce1>t. suggestions f ro111 tl1e Ex­cc11ti\ c as to the exercise of my j11dicial f1111ctio11s. Neither Gov. Slato11, nor anv friend of 11is, ever sr.ol{e a 'vord io nic on the s11bject of fixing the elate for t he exec11tion of Franl\:'s sontencc.

'l'l1e only 111a n \vl1oever did, at any ti111e, speak to n1e on the subject, 'vas the Solicitor-General. and he did so in t l1c li11e of 11is official dut~-, 1vithout. n1aking an)· s11ggestion as to tl1e elate for the execution of the sentence.

In fixi11g tl1e date, J acted ent.irel)' 11pon n1y 0\\'11 inltiati' c nncl responsi­bilit)•, selecting the 111ecliu111 bet,,·cen the maxin1n111 ancl n1inin1u1u dates, Under tl1e stat11tes, ns I 11ad done 011 t\vo pre1•ious o<'casions, and I did tl1is 011 tho las t orensio11 regardless of the personnel or tl1c Governor wl10 l11igl1t hnve tho reSJ)OllSibility Of J}aSS­ing Ul)Oll any ft1ture Ul>Plication for exec11tive C'lcn1e11cy.

l<::i11dly insert. fo r egoing i11 next is­sue or 'T'l1c .J<'ffcrsonian.

1 .. ours t1·uly J3EN.J. II. 1-IIl,L·.

( Co111111e11t. )

Tt giYes n10 pleasure to publish J udge liill 's letter.

1'hc gcnflcr11an \\'ho 'vrote n1e evi­dently 1nist.ook a ru111or for a fact, for there ,,·as t111dot1btetll)' a rumor that Shtto11 '''as ' being urged not t o n<·t 011 llis 1ut1·t1le 1•'s <'.Jlse, but let it go over to t h e inco111ing Governor, Ifa r r is.

· 'J'here \Yns not onlv a rt1mor to t11nt eft'cct., ·bu t. T have f


11 n1y possessio11 'Wr itt<'n evi<l~ll<'C fo s11ow that at least one tncn1hc1· of the Atlanta bar 'vrote to SlHton, Jnl.in1nting as cleli­Ctttely as p ossihlo ·that 11is pnrtner­ship 'vit h li'rnn1,·s lea cling Ja,v)'er <lis<l11al iil<' <l Slat <lJl t o i1ct ..

1\1~· O\\'ll OJilnion is , that Slalo11 had n o niore rigl1t to 11ass 011 Frank's C<tS•• t.hnn l?o~scr l1n<1.

1 \\ro11 lcl11't 1110 'Vllole le~nl fraternit)· Je s1to<:lcccl a11(l sc•n n da lized. if a n~c·n1 l >n•· or Rosscr'a firrn l1n<l pr~-81'\C<l as .ln1l r,-e i11 the trial of' Jl"'ranlc?

11 • t. is tl1e l1:t\\' ,,•hicl1 •defines a111l :xcs tl1~ r elatio11sl1ip of i>artner to

IH11 tncr. n : ~ the eye of the T.,n,v. )'Oltr part-

bei is ~·0111•)-;elr, i11 l>usi11ess t ra11sacted Y the 1irn1 .

l ? ~~1 :~·e r~oro, i11 iho e~·o c1f iltc l nYt·, . ossr l l111nH(')f ('(>t1111111t eel J1ts <.•li <'n t 's

.!:iei1t c11c•o '''llt•tt J1is part11c1• (l i(l it . tl .1'hc PG J>crs sc~c 1n HlC)\V t.o recognize

118 ncanclnloun fact.

1 Tho neoplc r c•cognlzc it, nncl arc ntc11scly o u lr ngecl by i t; b l1t the

Pnpcr s n r o si lent. n l>o11t it.. Pn~a long ns ltosser & Slat on \\'e.re of ~ners, the ac t ot or10 ,,·as tl1c act t l ot h, so fn r ns their clients and

ie husincss o f t he fir1n 'vcre co11-c::erncd.

Slipposo ll1nt Den j . lll1tl lips, nnotb-


er partner of tl1e fir111. l1a<l l>e en ap­pointed )l1dgc J)r<• 11ac ,;<'c to try the case, 'vould the pa1>ers ll.a\·e been silent?

Ben Phillips l1ad just as i11ncl1 legal right to i>reside in tbe court-l1ousc. as Slaton dia to preside on the case in the Executive Office .

A partner i s jt1s t a s 111t1cl1 disquali­fied to sit on the c,lsc of a. J>n.rtner, as a juror is dis qual ifie d to tr~· the case of l1is part 11er.

Tl1e sto<·kl1ol<lcrs of I?1·a11k's pc11-cil fit<·tor)· ' ' 'ere 110 1no1·c di:st111alified to scr\'e a~ juror-. for lli111, tl11111 \Yas R-0sse1•'s pn.1111cr to ser,·e as com· inutel' for l1in1 •

In legal conte:i1plation, Frank's sentence '\\'U.S com111uted by his o\vn la''''·ers and it is therefore ot1t-. ' rageousl~· illegal. ·

111 tl1e eye of the Law and of Jl1stice, the co111muta.tio11 is a nul­lity. a11d ~·ould · be so i1eld bY. tl1e best la w'·ers in tl1e \VOrld.

If the· Attorney-General will n1ove to~ have J...,eo Frank rc-sentencecl, t r eating the Slnto11 con1111utation as a legal nullit)·, the judges v.·ot1ld be compelled 11nder tl1e Law to 11old that sfaton's action was absolut~ly illegal, l1e<>n11:.e his legal relat1011 ,vitl1 Frank's la,,·yers mnde l1in1 Frank'::: lav.·yer, too.

Finalll'. I ::ls::ure Judge Hill that had he done exactl)' \\'hat n1:;· infor111-ant alleged, his co11d\ict v.•ould ha\'e n1et my ,,·arn1 con1n1e ndation.

E,•er)' judge is a l1igl1 officer of State, n11d nnturall:;• prizes tl1e hon~r and dignity of the State; and 1f Judge Hill, or Judg e B~ll l1a~ s110.ken to Slaton on U.is sub3ect, it i111ght haYe det9rred 11im.

\\Tbile so n1any outsiders \\'ore ar­rogating~o tbe1-:lsel''es the right to dietate, an influe11tial voice, and a frie11dly "'arning fror.1 an i tlsider 111ight have sa red tl1e Stale fron1 a greater stain . tl1a11 tl1c 1~azo? fraud.

I at11 not able to see tl1at i t ,,·ould ba,·e bee11 impro11er for Judg-e Hill to act as a1t1ict1S curire a.nd to l1ave said to Slaton -

••1· 0 11 nre Ros-:er's Jlart11e1•, n11cl

therefore Ii't•a11k's Jn ,,·y·e 1·: 'T'IJI~l( OF THAT.:lr1cl disq11nlif)· ~·01U's<•lf, ns a 11, • J1on<.>st jtarc>r, or Rtl )' J1,•11cist j11<lge, ,,.<,ltl(l <.lo!" T. E . ,, •.


REI<"'El~S TO Tiffi T l )fES Oli' I.JONG :\GO.

Dear Sir: As )'Ou li:nov:, C\'er since I n1ct ~·ou in old Scre,•en county, \\'l1e11 )' OU \\'ere bt1t a :roung n1a11, teacl1i11g scl100J, and stud)·iug la,,·, J 11ave l>een your fri e.11d a11d acln1irer. I thank God that I have ll\'ed to see :ro11 cl1an1pioni11g tl1'e calts e of the ao,,·n-tro<lde11. J>OOr and 11elpless peonlc of the State, a11cl of the Union as ~·ell; but n1ost eapecially since 1·eacling v:hat )'OU 11ave l1ad to sa.r jn tl1e Leo F.ra.nl{ C'nse, and ho\v )'OU ha\'e stoocl b)· little i\far)· P?aga11 "'lto, i11 n1)· opi11ion, di ed .fighting to clefend her ' 'i rtu(), I feel, if possible. J a1n a greater friend to ) ' OU tl1a11 e\•er.

1 am sorr)' that Jolin l\1. Slaton con1mutcd the sentence of J~eo !.\1. Frank, for in doing so he ~as brought llO"\\ n upo11 himsel~ the r1ghteo11s in­cli~nation of 75 per ce11t of the people ,vJ10 once ad111irecl hfn1 • and ,..,110 stood by l1in1 i11 h!s 110JiticnJ career.

But ,,·n read in tl1c Book ... Be s11re vour sins "'ill find ')'OU out." · \\Te all adn1ira, lo,•e a11d respect ~,0 ,1 for the fearless stand. )·ot1 ~a''~ taken for !light and Justice. 1. ou1 fTlends arc iiicrensi11g b)' the tl1ous­ailds. l kt1.0\\· man:r "'110 used to curse and nbu£c you 'vho are llOW

si>e~king in the l1i~J1est terms o.f .~·ou . l\la~· God spare yot1 for n1any ) ears

to fJgl1t the bnttl~s of the poor, help­lefls "·orkiJtg people of Georg-fa.

1 am trul)' and Fincerel~· )•ours, Ga. II. G. EDENFIELD.

BEI~E'S OLD l JXCLlli ,JJ)l 1>.:\ltI{lSH A(~.l1 1X, .£11\'l) 011' <.:<>Ul{SE, \\'i'J'li

i\. J .... lfil.' 011' NI•::\V SlillS. Dear S!r: After scnlli11g :! club of

te11 last l\Jontlay, I an1 glad to be able to send another c lub or te11 lo~lay, Saturda)'. I '"oulcl bo gla<l to }(110\\" t11at tb e rc 've re 1ive thottsancl of )'Ot1r n1an:-.· goo<l friends nc11cli11g )'OU

• tv.·o clubs a \';eel\:. I hope that the good peopl11 of

dear oltl Georgia v.•110 are. talci11g the l1 .. tla11ta Constitution, the Jour11vna t he Gcorgia11 'viii \\'T'ite to the edi­tors a11cl tell tl1e111 they do not \Vant any n1ore of the t.hi11gs, a8 tlie)' \\'ere bought over by tl1e lJig Je\v 111011ey to slander a.i1d alJl1se tl1c courts in the I .. eo l\1. Frank r.ase. I hope the good people i11 Alal.Ja111a 'viii also sto1> tl1e rotten things, and let the editors kno\v they do not \Vant any more of tl1e things to come to their homes.

Your old friend , Ala. Jll\1 PARRISII.

--·--HE \ \ 'AS :\T THF1 "\\'ATS<>N HO:\JE

C0:\11.N'f.W" IN 1 H02: 1lI•1 U~DER­ST . .\N l1S 1'1', NO \\'.

Dear Sir: Son1e t\;·e11ty-fi ,•e years 411 ago, 'vl1cn you can1c fron1 L:Ongress,

Ill}' father, \vho ,,·~1s a \\1atson nlan,

and I, drove t\vc11ty n1iles to 'I'bom­son to hear )'011 111alce a speeC'll. l ren1en1ber 'vbon tl1e train came llP 110'" tl1e Jleo1>lc shouted and 11\1r- . rahed. They toted :ro•t to a C'arriage " ·l1ich was dr:ven to ~ piece of pines I "·oultl s:1y, east of '1'hon1son, 'vhere ~'OU told the people V.'hat \VaS lJeiDg carried 011 in Congress. I cl id 11ot understanll \l.•l1at all tli.is toting ancl shot1ting for \\rn1son J}1ca11t. 13 u t f\S

I have grc,vr1 t.o 111a.nl1ood anti watched yon t l1ro11gh lif<~ l see t hat ~'OU a r e do ing n1ore fgr the r>oor and

common l)eople, unrov~ri11g i11ore llidden iuysteries i11 cl1\1rch, IlOlitics, Franl{, a11cl Slaton, t'1a11 any living 1uan. ·

Those '"110 do not read 'T'hc Jeff only cl1cat then1sclves out of ll1eir rigl1ts.

'J'l1e Jeff proves Fra11l: guilty, and Slaton equal!)· so. Ir it could be left to a vote to e\·ery llin11 a11d 'voma11 \vl10 is com pet en t to j11<lgc, and not i>aid to see it fror..i a certain a11gle. Slaton \VOt1ld n n\ er ret\1r11 to Geor­gia ~gai11 . lie l1as d o11e 111orc to en­~urage l)'nch la,.,. tl1an n11; n1an of today.

I \Vrite to ex1>ress to yo·1 n1;· ai>­preciation of a Georgia. ma11 who i11oney cannot l>uy. l.ong ina)' )'OU

live and l1ave God to t>rotcct yot1. Yours trul)", Ga. J. E. nr ...... \NCTIARD.


AL ABA)fA PF,()1'>11!•1 l ~'fl<11~i·~81'•~D.

Dear Sir: I l1avc given n\vay a lbt of co1>ics of Tl1e .J et'fcrsoninn, and only wisl\ t11at nlillC '''Ottld co1ne n1ore ofte11 so tl>al. 1 coulcl dis'trillute it all over tliis <·ountry so that the co111ruon people coulcl get a neep in on the dirty 'vot·k that is going on in tl1e inner (•ircles of the fellow 11igher up. Yours trul)',

Ala. \\r. A. CI .... OlJD, J R.

Watch the label on }·our paper. don't let your st1becr1ptien expire.

• SONG • 6

' L i ttle M ary Phagan •• •

W orcl!I Rnd mu,.lc hv J. r. . r,cnrl••rn1 I''. 11nc.1 a Rhort bi"~raphy qt lier nncl hl!'tor.Y 11f tho <•ose. Price Joe per 1•onr, fH'•'!l'.llcl, 'l'hlff I~ t IJ., ll1t.t·i;8 an<l best yet.. You Tnust hu,·o a c.1py. Acl<lr<isa,

· J. C. LENDERMAN, M c Rae, Go. P. S.-Send dhnci for rcn:.' t ti11H'l'.

ESTllWATIE.S FURNI Besi M a terial. - Perfect Wo!J'llmanshEp .

Write for Esti1nates of what yoa1 need. •

J. D. WATSON, Manager, Jcfferso1aian Publishing Co., Tl1omsan, Ga.

• •
