NSW Family Day Care Association Inc Strategic Plan 2010 – 2013 Since 1976

NSW Family Day Care Association Inc Strategic Plan 2010 – 2013 Since 1976

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Page 1: NSW Family Day Care Association Inc Strategic Plan 2010 – 2013 Since 1976

NSW Family Day Care Association Inc

Strategic Plan 2010 – 2013

Since 1976

Page 2: NSW Family Day Care Association Inc Strategic Plan 2010 – 2013 Since 1976

ACRONYMSNSWFDCA New South Wales Family Day Care Association

FDC Family Day Care

IHC In-home Care

BOM Board of Management

CEO Chief Executive officer

PSSP Professional Support Service Provider

PEAK NSWFDCA ‘s Registered Training Organisation

Regional Rep Elected NSWFDCA Regional Representative

Convener State Committee Working Party Leader

E.C. Early Childhood

FDCA Family Day Care Australia

DEEWR Dept Education Employment & Workplace Relations

NCAC National Childcare Accreditation Council

S.C. State Committee

M.S. Member Services

RTO Registered Training Organisation

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A leader in the provision of innovative professional services to family day care, in home care and the wider childcare sector

New South Wales Family Day Care is an Association that provides professional support to members and the childcare sector in the provision of quality childcare through advocacy, recognized professional training, information dissemination, mentoring and a supported servicing network.



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Our Values: In conducting our business the Association will;

•Act with integrity and in an ethical manner•Uphold transparency in governance and decision making•Respect the confidentiality of its members•Maintain honest and trustworthy relationships

In upholding values within the childcare sector, the Association will;•Continue to prioritise, improve and provide quality children’s services•Honour cultural diversity•Maintain its national and global outlook

In providing services to members the association will;•Consult on members needs and reflect these in system improvements•Fairly advocate on the interests of its members•Promote the profile of FDC

In relation to participation of its membership the association will;•Encourage inter scheme support and mentoring•Respect the contribution of membership•Provide opportunities for membership feedback

In relation to staff the association will;•Treat staff equitably and fairly in line with EEO and OH&S legislation•Provide appropriate direction and recognition for efforts•Provide opportunities for consultation on all relevant issues

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State Committee


Member Services PEAK







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Professional Membership Services


• New Premises• Appointment of CEO• Successful PSSP tender• Conference • Insurance choice for

members • Website


• Regional cohesion• Regional Rep training• Unclear messages

about member benefits• Lack of sponsor


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NSWFDCA In-home Care

STRENGTHS• Promotion• Reputation• Transparency• Communication• Fully utilised

WEAKNESSES• Can’t grow• Stability of staff due to

future relocation• Limited staffing /human

resources• Ensuring compliance to

National Standards & Funding Agreement within a brokerage model

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PEAK RTOSTRENGTHS• Budget out of deficit• Identified packages reviewed• Cert 111 skill set being taken up• Policies and procedures reviewed• Consolidation focus

WEAKNESSES• High turn over of managers• Reputation• Unreliable enrolment/payment

system to forecast income• Curriculum: reliant on one EC

qualified staff member.• Too many courses on scope• Commercial viability and retention of

trainers/HR compliance• Audit compliance• Membership consultation• Advertising/Marketing• Confusion re PEAK & PSSP roles• Business activities internal

relationships and understanding.

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• Relationship with Consortium of Key Organisations.

• Consultation & identification of sector training needs

• Collection & reporting of data• High level of customer participation• High attendance levels and demand

for courses• Attracting customers from other

service types• Staff commitment & outputs• Clearly articulated process in place


• Advertising & marketing• Customer confusion with PSSP &

PEAK roles• Knowledge of & relationships with

PEAK & IHC.• Recruitment of trainers• Utilization and training of mentors

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Major Goals

1. To support and meet the needs of our members and customers

2. To ensure our business activities operate effectively

3. To develop, extend and strengthen partnerships.

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• Customers and membersCustomers and members• Internal Business ProcessesInternal Business Processes• Financial Financial • Learning & GrowthLearning & Growth• Risk Management/Governance/ComplianceRisk Management/Governance/Compliance

Balanced Score Card considerationsBalanced Score Card considerationsfor achieving each Major Goal.for achieving each Major Goal.

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Key Result Areas (Objectives)

1. To grow and strengthen the membership structure and support services.

2. To deliver an effective communication & marketing strategy.

3. To grow & diversify our business activities and financial viability.

4. To enhance the professional development of relevant stakeholders.

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1. To strengthen the membership structure and support services.

Strategy Who Timeframe KPI/Target Result

Review effectiveness of current regional structure

BOM Recommendations implemented

Conduct formal training sessions for regional representatives

M.S.. All new reps trained annually

Utilise skilled mentors to support schemes.

PSSP 5 mentors trained

Introduce succession planning for regional reps and BOM

M.S. No vacant positions

Assist to build relationships between member schemes by using mentors, mediator/MOUs/visits.

ALL Positive evaluation from supported schemes

Develop a Code of Conduct for members

M.S. Code of conduct introduced

Introduce buddy system for new regional reps

M.S. 3 Reps linked to buddy’s

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2. To deliver an effective communication & marketing strategy in relation to NSWFDCA services and products.

Strategy Who Time frame

KPI/Target Result

Improve scheme sponsor relationships with Association


25% contacted annually

Increase scheme and regional visits to promote services

ALL 10 visits p/a

Gather testimonials from scheme sponsors

BOM 5 gathered

Improve branding and product knowledge of business activities for all customers

CEO 5% increase in enrolments pa

Develop Membership and Business Activity brochures and distribute annually

CEO 100% distribution

Have specific regional notes disseminated to scheme sponsors and schemes

BOM 100% distribution

Contact and support all new managers within 4 weeks of commencement by various methods


100% contacted

Business Activities to increase participation in regional, state meetings

ALL 33% of regions visited once pa

Use Trainers to market services. PSSPPEAK

5% increase in enrolments

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3. To grow & diversify our business activities and financial viability.

STRATEGY WHO timeframe


Continue consolidation of PEAK CEO Pass Audit

Consolidation and relocation of IHC IHCCEO

Relocation & staff appointed & trained

Grow IHC if places become available IHC Successful tender

Submit tenders to grow PEAK & PSSP ALL Successful tender

Capitalise on short coursesDevelop / revise / review courses


2 new courses developed pa

Hire out training premises CEO 2 new clients

Develop training packages for IHC PSSP PEAKIHC

10 enrolled students

Seek out grant opportunities which will enhance FDC / IHC/ small business /women /cald /indigenous

CEO 1 grant p.a. submitted

Diversify into direct service delivery to assist member needs

CEO Feasibility study completed on one aspect eg CCMS

Develop partnerships to support innovative models(PIP, IHA)

CEO Representation on committees

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3. To grow & diversify our business activities and financial viability cont’d.

Strategy WHO Timeframe

PKI/Target Result

Seek out Assoc sponsorship BOMCEO

1 new sponsor

Open up membership to Individual Associate members

S.C. 30 new assoc members

Develop stronger partnerships (e.g. DEEWR,FDCA and DHS, NCAC, and CCS)

ALL 2 meetings per annum

To progress the compliance and risk management environment in relation to all business activities.


Compliance Matrix developed and checked annually

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4. To enhance the professional development of relevant stakeholders.CEO/Staff, BOM, Trainers & members.

Strategy Who Timeframe

KPI/Target Result

CEO is supported, appraised and given professional development opportunities



Bi annual performance management meetings with president. Mentoring meetings bi monthly with independent person.

Staff are supported, appraised and given professional development opportunities

CEO Minimum annual performance management meetings

BOM governance manual developed and implemented

BOM Feb 2010

Manual operational

BOM undertakes governance training BOM Documentation/ certificate of Attendance

Offer orientation and or on training opportunities for all trainers.


Trainer compliance register/matrix

Ensure all trainers have qualification one level above what they are training at


Trainer Compliance Register/matrix

Trainers are reviewed and have professional development plans


Trainer Compliance Register/matrix

Professional development allocation for all trainers in budgets

ALL Budget item expended

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4. To enhance the professional development of relevant stakeholders.

Members/Sponsors continuedStrategy Who Time

frameKPI/Target Result

Members are offered access to mentoring or buddy programs

PSSP 20% take up of program

Annual conference meets professional development request s& needs of members

PSSP 80% positive Conference Evaluations

Specific one day training sessions offered for members as determined by needs analysis


1 per annum

Existing manuals are prioritized and updated in accordance with budget and needs analysis.


1 manual reviewed p.a.

Regional training opportunities increase PSSPPEAK

3 regional sessions pa

Carer induction package developed & train the trainer sessions completed


5 new schemes utilising packages pa

Tools of the Trade package for managers to be developed

PEAK 1 Training sessions 2010

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Recommendations• That each budget contains a strategic plan implementation /expenditure

component. • That the balance score card considerations be used when developing each

of the business activity plans.• That the KPI/Targets be used as Performance Indicators for Appraisals.• That the traffic light colour system be used with comments in the results

box• That the strategic plan be reviewed annually• Stronger emphasis be placed on strengthening & developing partnerships

in business plans to support Major Goal 3.• That each business activity review and then use their individual strength

and weaknesses chart to develop their own business plans. Their plans should support the Major Goals and Key Result Areas and any specifically identified strategies written identified in this plan.

• We need to have a strategy to support Key Result Area 3 and our recent partnership with FDCA.

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1. Not Achieved Rationale & or

revised/corrective action

2. Partially Achieved Rationale & or

revised/corrective action

3 Fully Achieved Evaluation withrecommendation for future

RESULTS KEY: Traffic Lights