Now or Never Newsletter

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  • Now or Never Newsletter



  • GIP focus ICX ogx Boost your sales ac-vity in marke-ng and raise. Summer

    peeks is knocking on the door. Make sure that the EPs you are raising are sexy EPs. Follow-

    up on EP Audit that Stefy has done

    Follow-up on matching opportuni-es sent

    Act on what we set on our last skypes and we will follow-up on that

    Really great job in Raising so far guys! 19 EPs Raised in less than half a month. Now we have a huge pipeline of EPs, let's fulll our promise to them :)

  • GCDP focus ICX ogx

    We are s-ll havng NATIONAL IMPACT SALLES KILLERS -ll MAY 8! So do not forget about it! :-)

    Matching mania again this week with the whole world.. Do not forget every WED from 15:00 -ll 16:00

    Con-nue with promo especially, infomee-ngs, RS and cultural events because this is what works

    This month we receive about 70 applica-on. So make sure you contact all your customers -ll 48 hours and process them all :) From our plans we are s-ll missing 150 RA. Thats why you should try the -ps Mara gave you on SprinCo and Ra people not just from promo

    "I hope that all of you saw the ""break 1000 X"" campaing. What it means for us? For us it means do our best in lling the goals we set together. Promote projects that are star-ng s-ll in June to set the right mind set and RA as much people as we can. To show our precessedors that they learned us how to do it and that we can be even beaer them then. To move AIESEC R one level higher."

  • front office focus

  • Back office focus

  • What is the mc doing?

  • Mission: break 1000

    More info here: http://www.myaiesec.net/content/


  • Every day, we are working hard to oer exchange to as many people as possible. We want for Czech students to go abroad and out of their comfort zone, we want a lot of interna@onals to come to our country and have amazing

    experiences. But these opportuni@es shouldn't be limited just to externals.

  • See you next week