1 | Page Novopay Project Weekly Report Novopay Project Weekly Report as at Tuesday 10 January 2012 Key Items 1. As reported at the 22 December Project Board Meeting, four of the five Project Milestones due 21 December were approved as completed by the Business Owner at the 21 December Project Steering Committee Meeting, these being: UAT 3 rd Party End to End Preparation Complete All Business Processes Completed Retrospective Processing Functional Design Solution Completed Development of Communications and Training Plans Completed 2. Close daily management is continuing against the System Integration Project Milestone, that as reported at the 22 December Project Board meeting, was not met. As reported to the Project Board, five of the remaining FDSs are expected to complete QLAs by 19 January and the final three are expected to do so by 3 February. 3. The project is currently considering the impact of the delay in completing the System Integration Project Milestone and an update will be provided on this, along with progress of the remaining QLAs, at the Project Board Meeting on 19 January. 4. Access to resources that can help interpret the TeacherManager payroll data remains an unresolved issue. A further discussion is due to take place about this with Datacom this week. Approaching Milestones Due Date On Track for Completion System Integration Testing Pre 7 September Completed 21 December 2011 Forecast 3 February 2012 Historic Data Complete 25 January 2012 Completion at Risk Elaboration Post 7 September Complete 26 January 2012 Completion on Track Construction Post 7 Sept Completed 17 February 2012 Subject to Baseline Review UAT End to End 32 Pay Period Cycle Preparation Completed 17 February 2012 Subject to Baseline Review UAT Third Party Technical End to End 2 Week Pay Cycle Completed 17 February 2012 Subject to Baseline Review Project Progress Against November 2011 Baseline

Novopay Project Weekly Report as at Tuesday 10 January … · 1 | P a g e Novopay Project Weekly Report Novopay Project Weekly Report as at Tuesday 10 January 2012 Key Items 1. As

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Page 1: Novopay Project Weekly Report as at Tuesday 10 January … · 1 | P a g e Novopay Project Weekly Report Novopay Project Weekly Report as at Tuesday 10 January 2012 Key Items 1. As

1 | P a g e Novopay Project Weekly Report

Novopay Project Weekly Report as at Tuesday 10 January 2012

Key Items

1. As reported at the 22 December Project Board Meeting, four of the five Project Milestones due 21 December were approved as completed by the Business Owner at the 21 December Project Steering Committee Meeting, these being:

UAT 3rd

Party End to End Preparation Complete

All Business Processes Completed

Retrospective Processing Functional Design Solution Completed

Development of Communications and Training Plans Completed

2. Close daily management is continuing against the System Integration Project Milestone, that as reported at the 22 December Project Board meeting, was not met. As reported to the Project Board, five of the remaining FDSs are expected to complete QLAs by 19 January and the final three are expected to do so by 3 February.

3. The project is currently considering the impact of the delay in completing the System Integration Project Milestone and an update will be provided on this, along with progress of the remaining QLAs, at the Project Board Meeting on 19 January.

4. Access to resources that can help interpret the TeacherManager payroll data remains an unresolved issue. A further discussion is due to take place about this with Datacom this week.

Approaching Milestones Due Date On Track for Completion

System Integration Testing Pre 7 September Completed 21 December 2011 Forecast 3 February 2012

Historic Data Complete 25 January 2012 Completion at Risk

Elaboration Post 7 September Complete 26 January 2012 Completion on Track

Construction Post 7 Sept Completed 17 February 2012 Subject to Baseline Review

UAT End to End 32 Pay Period Cycle Preparation Completed 17 February 2012 Subject to Baseline Review

UAT Third Party Technical End to End 2 Week Pay Cycle Completed 17 February 2012 Subject to Baseline Review

Project Progress Against November 2011 Baseline

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As agreed between the Ministry and Talent2 in Contract Variation Two, Six further FDSs were to be fully elaborated after the 7 September 2011 Elaboration Project Milestone (“the Post 7 September FDSs”) and to be constructed after the 21 November Construction Project Milestone.

To date, two of these FDSs have been elaborated, these are:

FDS72, Retrospective Processing

FDS74, Workforce Reporting

Of the four outstanding FDSs:

FDS67, Principal Salaries it was agreed during the November Baseline Planning that this was not required before go-live and would be elaborated by 6 June 2012.

FDS68, Voluntary Bonding required clarification from IRD before the elaboration could be complete. This is still outstanding, but we have decided to elaborate this FDS anyway and work will commence 16 January.

FDS69, Teacher Registration, work to complete this FDS is underway.

FDS79, Benefits Realisation, work to complete this FDS is underway.

Therefore considering the above, the 26 January 2012 Elaboration Post September Project Milestone is on track.


Construction is complete for all of the Pre 7 September Construction Project Milestone FDSs, which was approved as completed by the Business Owner on 21 November 2011.

Of the six Post 7 September FDSs:

Four (FDS68, 69, 74 and 79) make up the 17 February 2012 Construction Post 7 September Project Milestone.

One (FDS72), Retrospective Processing, and is being managed in the Retrospective Processing Workstream (see below).

One (FDS67), Principal Salaries, was agreed during the November Baseline Planning that this was not required before go-live and would be constructed by 4 July 2012.

Because resources have been re-prioritised to complete the System Integration Testing Project Milestone, construction is yet to commence for the four FDSs that make up the 17 February 2012 Construction Post 7 September Project Milestone. The project is currently considering the impact of this on the Project Milestone and any mitigating action that can be taken.

In summary, the status of the 21 November Construction FDSs and the Post 7 September FDSs are shown below:

Retrospective Processing

The Retrospective Processing Functional Design Solution (FDS72) due on 21 December 2011 was approved as completed by the Business Owner at the 21 December Project Steering Committee Meeting.

Draft commercial terms for the Retrospective Processing solution were presented by Talent2 to the Business Owner on 22 December and the intent was agreed between the parties. The Ministry has asked Talent2 for a fixed price for the development costs and a detailed Implementation Plan.

The activities identified in the Retrospective Processing Implementation Plan will also be incorporated into the overall Novopay Project plan during the Baseline Review (see below).









Completed Not Completed

Construction FDS (Pre 7 Sept) Current Status as at 10 January 2012









Completed Not Completed

Construction FDS (Post 7 Sept) Current Status as at 10 January 2012

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3 | P a g e Novopay Project Weekly Report

Data and Configuration

Payroll Verification: comparisons being performed have increased in the latest comparison (December) with almost 73,000, or 80%, of employees being converted from TM4 to Novopay with a $0.10 difference. The next comparison is scheduled to take place in February, but Talent2 are determining if a comparison can also take place in January. A summary of the latest comparisons that have been completed is shown below:

Historic Data required for data conversion arrived from Datacom on 13 December 2011 and of the four data sets required, one was not complete and has been followed up with Datacom. An update is expected w/c 9 January.

Due to the above issues (and the later than planned of all four datasets), because resources have been re-prioritised to complete the System Integration Testing Project Milestone and due to limited resources that can interpret the TeacherManager payroll data, completion of the Historic Data Project Milestone on 25 January 2012 is at risk.


Forms and Online Usage: a high level assessment has provided comfort that; 85% of transactions relate to Timesheets or Leave processing; 99% of this 85% will be online at go-live. Talent2 has completed a detailed review of Novopay Forms to outline what can be done online (against each form) and what business rules are stated. Further work is underway to present the information required to satisfy associated audit requirements.

The Novopay User Guide is now expected to be delivered on 17 January. A more comprehensive update on the full set of documents will be provided from the next weekly report.










August62% Converted

Within $0.10

December80% Converted

Within $0.10

Payroll Verification Comparisonsas at 10 January 2012

EmployeesIn TM4

EmployeesConverted intoNovopay Within $0.10 Difference

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At 10 January, of the 57 Construction FDSs, 49 FDS had successfully passed QLAs with eight FDS outstanding. As reported to the Project Board, five of the remaining FDSs are expected to complete QLAs by 19 January and the final three are expected to do so by 3 February.

At 10 January there were a total of 134 defects (down from 192 as reported at the 22 December Project Board Meeting), broken down by severity as below:

The UAT 3

rd Party End to End Preparation Project Milestone, due for completion on 21 December 2011 was approved as

completed by the by the Business Owner at the 21 December Project Steering Committee Meeting. UAT 3

rd Party End to End Testing was due to commence on 9 January but due to the delay in completing the System Integration

Testing Project Milestone this work cannot commence. The project is currently considering the impact of this on the Project Milestone and any mitigating action that can be taken.


The Communication Plan Project Milestone due for Completion on 21 December 2011 was approved as completed by the by the Business Owner at the 21 December Project Steering Committee Meeting. The activities identified in the approved Communications Plan will be incorporated into the overall Novopay Project plan during the Baseline Review (see below).

Contacting school users to seek their involvement, in various aspects of the project from February onwards, started before Christmas. Future weekly reports will include metrics on this.

The next meeting of the Payroll Reference Group is scheduled for 20 February 2012. A draft agenda for this meeting will be provided to the Steering Committee on 18 January for consideration, and will include a demonstration of Novopay Online.

Business Change

The All Business Processes Completed Project Milestone due for Completion on 21 December 2011 was approved as completed by the by the Business Owner at the 21 December Project Steering Committee Meeting.

At 10 January all of the 42 Ministry (ESP) Business Processes had been completed and 168 of the 174 Talent2 Business Processes had been completed (with eight agreed as subject to Contract Variation Two or a Change Request). These Business Processes will be tested and revised as appropriate during UAT Business process Testing.

The Access & Authorisation forms returned from schools has increased to 2,321 out of 2,457 schools, i.e. 94 % returned (up from 87% last week).

The development of Education Services Payroll project deliverables (Vendor Management & Transition deliverables and ESP Future State Structure & Framework deliverables) is currently behind schedule but is not currently affecting the critical path to go-live.

Service Readiness

It has been agreed in principle with Datacom, Schools Support & the Ministry that the 28 February 2012 is the target date for transitioning the Salary Assessment Unit.

The current Debt Management solution (ODS - used by existing Pay Centres) has been evaluated and Talent2 have put together a paper recommending purchasing the software. The desktop procedures manual was completed in draft for delivery on 22 December.











Severity 1Fatal

Severity 2Very Serious

Severity 3Serious

Severity 4Moderate

Severity 5Cosmetic

System Integration Testing Defects by Severity as at 10 January 2012









Completed Not Completed

System Integration Testing QLA's Completed as at 10 January 2012


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Employment offers by Talent2 have been accepted by five Pay Centre staff, with three starting w/c 16 January and two in March. Employment offers were made on 10 January to two Service Centre Team Leaders with expected start dates of 30 January.


The Training Plan Project Milestone due for Completion on 21 December 2011 was approved as completed by the by the Business Owner at the 21 December Project Steering Committee Meeting.

During w/c 9 January the Acceptance Criteria for the 16 March Training Materials Developed will be aligned to the approved Training Plan and provided to the Steering Committee for approval. The activities identified in the approved Training Plan will also be incorporated into the overall Novopay Project plan during the Baseline Review (see below).

Transition and Go Live

Further discussions have taken place with the Ministry’s Chief Internal Auditor about the scope and depth of the assurance work in relation to the Novopay Project & Service. A review of the latest draft audit work plan is expected to take place during w/c 16 January when the Chief Internal Auditor returns from leave.

Post Go Live

No progress to report in this workstream.

Project Management & Governance

The Project Initiation Document (PID) is to be endorsed by Project Board at the January board meeting, minor corrections required before sending to the Project Board.

The re-alignment of Contractual Milestones to the November Baseline Project milestones were agreed by the Business Owner on 23 December.

Acceptance Criteria for the project milestones are being reviewed, to take into account the November Baseline project milestones and the endorsed Test Strategy. Updated draft Acceptance Criteria was provided to the Steering Committee on 21 December for consideration. A final version is expected to be provided to the Steering Committee on 18 January 2012.

The Quarterly Novopay SSC Report has been drafted and will be reviewed following the 19 January Project Board Meeting. A Cabinet Paper to update on project progress is also being drafted.

A baseline review of the Project Plan is scheduled to begin in January with a revised baseline provided to the Project Board at the February Project Board Meeting.

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Novopay Project Weekly Report as at Tuesday 17 January 2012

Key Items

1. Close daily management is continuing against the System Integration Project Milestone, that as reported at the 22 December Project Board meeting, was not met. The remaining FDSs are forecast to complete QLAs by 3 February (QLAs were undertaken for a number of QLAs on 18 January but it has been agreed that these need to be repeated once a number of related defects have been fixed).

2. The project is finalising an impact analysis on the delay in completing the System Integration Project Milestone and an update will be provided on this, along with progress of the remaining QLAs, at the Project Board Meeting on 19 January. A full baseline review has commenced and will be provided to the Project Board at the February Board Meeting.

3. Access to resources that can help interpret the TeacherManager payroll data remains an unresolved issue. Further discussions took place with Datacom last week and they have confirmed that they have no resources available to support this work on a dedicated basis. We are now considering how to use existing protocols, established for requesting information from Datacom within the existing payroll service agreement, to support this work.

4. Completion of the Historic Data Complete Project Milestone will not be met, not all activities will be complete by the 25 January. This is in part due to the later than expected complete delivery of the Historic Data from Datacom (which is now complete). This delay does not currently impact the critical path. An update on the completion timeframe is being prepared.

Approaching Milestones Due Date On Track for Completion

System Integration Testing Pre 7 September Completed 21 December 2011 Forecast 3 February 2012

Historic Data Complete 25 January 2012 Will Not Be Met

Elaboration Post 7 September Complete 26 January 2012 Completion on Track

Construction Post 7 Sept Completed 17 February 2012 Subject to Baseline Review

UAT End to End 32 Pay Period Cycle Preparation Completed 17 February 2012 Subject to Baseline Review

UAT Third Party Technical End to End 2 Week Pay Cycle Completed 17 February 2012 Subject to Baseline Review

Project Progress Against November 2011 Baseline

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As agreed between the Ministry and Talent2 in Contract Variation Two, six further FDSs were to be fully elaborated after the 7 September 2011 Elaboration Project Milestone (“the Post 7 September FDSs”) and to be constructed after the 21 November Construction Project Milestone.

To date, two of these FDSs have been elaborated, these are:

FDS72, Retrospective Processing

FDS74, Workforce Reporting

Of the four outstanding FDSs:

FDS67, Principal Salaries it was agreed during the November Baseline Planning that this was not required before go-live and would be elaborated by 6 June 2012.

FDS68, Voluntary Bonding required clarification from IRD before the elaboration could be complete. This is still outstanding, but we have decided to elaborate this FDS anyway and work will commence 16 January.

FDS69, Teacher Registration, work to complete this FDS is underway.

FDS79, Benefits Realisation, work to complete this FDS is underway.

Therefore considering the above, the Elaboration Post 7 September Project Milestone is forecast to complete on 26 January 2012.


Construction is complete for all of the Pre 7 September Construction Project Milestone FDSs, which was approved as completed by the Business Owner on 21 November 2011.

Of the six Post 7 September FDSs:

Four (FDS68, 69, 74 and 79) make up the 17 February 2012 Construction Post 7 September Project Milestone.

One (FDS72), Retrospective Processing, is being managed in the Retrospective Processing Workstream (see below).

One (FDS67), Principal Salaries, was agreed during the November Baseline Planning that this was not required before go-live and would be constructed by 4 July 2012.

Because resources have been re-prioritised to complete the System Integration Testing Project Milestone, construction is yet to commence for the four FDSs that make up the 17 February 2012 Construction Post 7 September Project Milestone. The project is currently considering the impact of this on the Project Milestone and any mitigating action that can be taken.

In summary, the status of the 21 November Construction FDSs and the Post 7 September FDSs are shown below:

Retrospective Processing

The Retrospective Processing Functional Design Solution (FDS72) due on 21 December 2011 was approved as completed by the Business Owner at the 21 December Project Steering Committee Meeting.

Draft commercial terms for the Retrospective Processing solution have been presented. The Ministry has asked Talent2 for a fixed price for the development costs and is awaiting a response to this from Talent2. Following the Ministry’s conformation of intent to proceed, Talent2 have commenced development work.

The draft Retrospective Processing Implementation Plan that has been presented to the Ministry is scheduled to be discussed at the 18 January Steering Committee Meeting.









Completed Not Completed

Construction FDS (Pre 7 Sept) Current Status as at 17 January 2012









Completed Not Completed

Construction FDS (Post 7 Sept) Current Status as at 17 January 2012

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3 | P a g e Final Novopay Project Weekly Report

Data and Configuration

Payroll Verification: comparisons being performed have increased in the latest comparison (December) with almost 73,000, or 80%, of employees being converted from TM4 to Novopay with a $0.10 difference. The next comparison is scheduled to take place in February, but Talent2 are determining if a comparison can also take place in January. A summary of the latest comparisons that have been completed is shown below:

5. Completion of the Historic Data Complete Project Milestone will not be met, not all activities will be complete by the 25

January. This is in part due to the later than expected complete delivery of the Historic Data from Datacom (which is now complete). This delay does not currently impact the critical path. An update on the completion timeframe is being prepared.


Documentation is comprised of Manuals & User Guides, Novopay Forms and the Novopay Website (Training documents will be reported in the Training section of this report).

The following table provides the status information for of each of the Manuals / User Guides to be delivered:

Manual / User Guide

% Complete for UAT

Expected to be Complete for UAT

November Baseline Completion Date

Novopay Service Manual 100% 20/1/12 13/1/12

Novopay Online User Guide 90% 20/1/12 13/1/12

Quick Reference Guide (QRG) 100% 20/1/12 13/1/12

Payroll Processing User Guide 20% 30/3/12 7/2/12

Payroll Administration User Guide 20% 30/3/12 7/2/12

Payroll Operations Manual 5% 30/3/12 7/2/12

Service Desk Operations Manual 15% 23/3/12 7/2/12

Numara Internal Staff User Guide 30% 30/3/12 13/1/12

Numara ESP User Guide 40% 02/3/12 13/1/12

Numara Schools User Guide 40% 02/3/12 13/1/12

Teacher Salary Assessments Reference & Process Manual for Area 75% 29/2/12 7/2/12

Teacher Salary Assessments Reference & Process Manual for Primary 75% 29/2/12 7/2/12

Teacher Salary Assessments Reference & Process Manual for Secondary 75% 29/2/12 7/2/12

Business Process Manual 95% 31/1/2012 21/12/11

Business Requirements Manual 95% 31/1/2012 15/12/11

As the delivery of the Manuals / Users Guides is behind schedule, completion is being prioritised to deliver the ones most required for UAT.

Review and updates of the Manuals / User Guides following UAT Testing is expected to take place, with final documents expected to be delivered by 14 May 2012.










August62% Converted

Within $0.10

December80% Converted

Within $0.10

Payroll Verification Comparisonsas at 17 January 2012

EmployeesIn TM4

EmployeesConverted intoNovopay Within $0.10 Difference

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At 17 January 2012, the status of the conversion of the 59 Education Services Payroll Forms into Novopay Forms is shown below:

A review of the activities required to complete the Novopay Website is to be undertaken and an update will be provided next week.


6. At 10 January, of the 57 Construction FDSs, 49 FDS had successfully passed QLAs with eight FDS outstanding. The remaining FDSs are forecast to complete QLAs by 3 February (QLAs were undertaken for a number of QLAs on 18 January but it has been agreed that these need to be repeated once a number of related defects have been fixed).

At 17 January there were a total of 201 defects (up from 192 as reported at the 22 December Project Board Meeting), broken down by severity as below:

UAT 3rd

Party End to End Testing was due to commence on 9 January but due to the delay in completing the System Integration Testing Project Milestone this work cannot commence. The project is finalising the impact of this on the Project Milestone and any mitigating action that can be taken.


The Communication Plan Project Milestone due for Completion on 21 December 2011 was approved as completed by the Business Owner at the 21 December Project Steering Committee Meeting. The activities identified in the approved Communications Plan will be incorporated into the overall Novopay Project plan during the Baseline Review (see below).

Contacting school users to seek their involvement, in various aspects of the project from February onwards, started before Christmas. Future weekly reports will include metrics on this.

The next meeting of the Payroll Reference Group is scheduled for 20 February 2012. A draft agenda for this meeting will be provided to the Steering Committee on 18 January for consideration, and will include a demonstration of Novopay Online.










Not required Being Developed Ready for UAT

Novopay Formsas at 17 January 2012

0 5











Severity 1Fatal

Severity 2Very Serious

Severity 3Serious

Severity 4Moderate

Severity 5Cosmetic

System Integration Testing Defects by Severity as at 17 January 2012









Completed Not Completed

System Integration Testing QLA's Completed as at 17 January 2012


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5 | P a g e Final Novopay Project Weekly Report

Business Change

At 17 January all of the 42 Ministry (ESP) Business Processes had been completed and 168 of the 174 Talent2 Business Processes had been completed (with eight agreed as subject to Contract Variation Two or a Change Request). These Business Processes will be tested and revised as appropriate during UAT Business process Testing.

The Access & Authorisation forms returned from schools has increased to 2,324 out of 2,457 schools, i.e. 95% returned (up from 94% last week).

The development of Education Services Payroll project deliverables (Vendor Management & Transition deliverables and ESP Future State Structure & Framework deliverables) is currently behind schedule but is not currently affecting the critical path to go-live.

Service Readiness

It has been agreed in principle with Datacom, Schools Support & the Ministry that the 28 February 2012 is the target date for transitioning the Salary Assessment Unit.

The current Debt Management solution (ODS - used by existing Pay Centres) has been evaluated and Talent2 has put together a paper recommending purchasing the software.


The Acceptance Criteria for the Training Materials Developed project Milestone has been aligned to the approved Training Plan and will be provided to the Steering Committee for approval. The activities identified in the approved Training Plan will also be incorporated into the overall Novopay Project plan during the Baseline Review (see below).

A more comprehensive update on the full set of training deliverables will be provided from the next weekly report.

Talent2 are currently identifying resources to complete the training deliverables.

Transition and Go Live

Further discussions have taken place with the Ministry’s Chief Internal Auditor about the scope and depth of the assurance work in relation to the Novopay Project & Service. A review of the latest draft audit work plan is expected to take place this week, once the Chief Internal Auditor returns from leave.

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Post Go Live

No progress to report in this workstream.

Project Management & Governance

Change Requests are initiated from a number of different project workstreams. The following provides a summary of the statuses of Change Requests initiated.

The Project Initiation Document (PID) is to be endorsed by Project Board at the January board meeting.

Acceptance Criteria for the project milestones are being reviewed, to take into account the November Baseline project milestones and the endorsed Test Strategy. A final version is expected to be provided to the Steering Committee on 25 January 2012.

The Quarterly Novopay SSC Report has been drafted and will be reviewed following the 19 January Project Board Meeting. A Cabinet Paper to update on project progress is also being drafted.

A baseline review of the Project Plan is scheduled to begin in January with a revised baseline provided to the Project Board at the February Project Board Meeting.



4 2 4 26









Closed Open SIT MoE Clarification

To be Scheduled

On Hold Talent2 IA

Change Requestsas at 17 January 2012

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Novopay Project Weekly Report for Wednesday 25 January 2012

Key Items

Close daily management is continuing against the System Integration Project Milestone, that as reported at the 22 December Project Board meeting, was not met. The remaining FDSs are forecast to complete QLAs by 3 February but as reported at the 19 January Project Board Meeting, this is under pressure.

A full baseline review has commenced and the February Baseline will be provided to the Project Board at the February Board Meeting. This review will incorporate the impact of the delay in completing the System Integration Project Milestone and other factors thought to impact the November Baseline Plan.

Completion of the Historic Data Complete Project Milestone, as part of Data Conversion, will not be met by 25 January. This delay does not currently impact the critical path and completion will be factored into the February Baseline.

An urgent assessment of the completion of all other Data Conversion activities is currently underway to determine the impact on the critical path where this is not complete, in particular on UAT and Payroll Verification.

Following further discussions with Datacom about resources that can help interpret the TeacherManager payroll data, existing protocols, established for requesting information from Datacom within the existing payroll service agreement, will be used to make information requests. Project-side triaging of requests will be undertaken to minimise the number of requests required. Lack of dedicated resource to answer these requests presents future risk but this is the only approach that we been able to agree with Datacom.

Approaching Milestones Due Date On Track for Completion

System Integration Testing Pre 7 September Completed 21 December 2011 Forecast 3 February 2012

Historic Data Complete 25 January 2012 Will Not Be Met

Elaboration Post 7 September Complete 26 January 2012 Completion on Track

Construction Post 7 Sept Completed 17 February 2012 Subject to Baseline Review

UAT End to End 32 Pay Period Cycle Preparation Completed 17 February 2012 Subject to Baseline Review

UAT Third Party Technical End to End 2 Week Pay Cycle Completed 17 February 2012 Subject to Baseline Review

Project Progress Against November 2011 Baseline

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Elaboration Overall Status: Green

As agreed between the Ministry and Talent2 in Contract Variation Two, six further FDSs were to be fully elaborated after the 7 September 2011 Elaboration Project Milestone (“the Post 7 September FDSs”) and to be constructed after the 21 November Construction Project Milestone.

To date, two of these FDSs have been elaborated, these are:

FDS72, Retrospective Processing

FDS74, Workforce Reporting

Of the four outstanding FDSs:

FDS67, Principal Salaries it was agreed during the November Baseline Planning that this was not required before go-live and would be elaborated by 6 June 2012.

FDS68, Voluntary Bonding - It has been agreed to transition this process “as is”, that is, determination to remain with ESP at go-live who will then issue payroll instructions to the service centres. This agreed scope is on schedule to be documented by 26 January. As a manual process there will be no FDS. Requirements capture for determinations will be scheduled in the same way as FDS67, Principals Salaries, and will be planned in during the February Baseline Review.

FDS69, Teacher Registration, work to complete this FDS is underway.

FDS79, Benefits Realisation, work to complete this FDS is underway.

The Elaboration Post 7 September Project Milestone is forecast to complete on 26 January 2012 and this will formally be considered at the 1 February 2012 Project Steering Committee Meeting.

Construction Overall Status: Green

Construction is complete for all of the Pre 7 September Construction Project Milestone FDSs, which was approved as completed by the Business Owner on 21 November 2011.

Of the six Post 7 September FDSs:

Four (FDS68, 69, 74 and 79) make up the 17 February 2012 Construction Post 7 September Project Milestone.

One (FDS72), Retrospective Processing, is being managed in the Retrospective Processing Workstream (see below).

One (FDS67), Principal Salaries, was agreed during the November Baseline Planning that this was not required before go-live and would be constructed by 4 July 2012.

Because resources have been re-prioritised to complete the System Integration Testing Project Milestone, construction is yet to commence for the four FDSs that make up the 17 February 2012 Construction Post 7 September Project Milestone. Completion of this work will be factored into the February Baseline.

In summary, the status of the 21 November Construction FDSs and the Post 7 September FDSs are shown below:









Completed Not Completed

Construction FDS (Pre 7 Sept) Current Status as at 24 January 2012









Completed Not Completed

Construction FDS (Post 7 Sept) Current Status as at 24 January 2012

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Retrospective Processing Overall Status: Red

The Retrospective Processing Functional Design Solution (FDS72) due on 21 December 2011 was approved as completed by the Business Owner at the 21 December Project Steering Committee Meeting.

Draft commercial terms for the Retrospective Processing solution have been presented by Talent2. The Ministry has asked Talent2 for a fixed price for the development costs and is awaiting a response to this from Talent2. Following the Ministry’s confirmation of intent to proceed, Talent2 have commenced development work.

A high level plan for the design and construction of Retrospective Processing functionality was discussed at the 18 January Project Steering Committee Meeting. Whilst this plan included the systems development work, further urgent work is required to develop this into a full implementation and resource plan.

Data and Configuration Overall Status: Red

Completion of the Historic Data Complete Project Milestone, as part of Data Conversion, will not be met by 25 January. This delay does not currently impact the critical path and completion will be factored into the February Baseline.

An urgent assessment of the completion of all other Data Conversion activities is currently underway to determine the impact on the critical path where these are not complete, in particular on UAT and Payroll Verification.

Following further discussions with Datacom about resources that can help interpret the TeacherManager payroll data, existing protocols, established for requesting information from Datacom within the existing payroll service agreement, will be used to make information requests. Project-side triaging of requests will be undertaken to minimise the number of requests required. The timeliness of turnaround of these requests presents risk but this is the only approach that we been able to agree with Datacom.

Payroll Verification: the next comparison is scheduled to take place in February. Talent2 have confirmed that no comparison will take place in January. Confirmation of timings to complete the expanded comparison engine (e.g. to incorporate non-financial comparators) is being assessed. A summary of the latest comparisons that have been completed is shown below:










August62% Converted

Within $0.10

December80% Converted

Within $0.10

Payroll Verification Comparisonsas at 24 January 2012

EmployeesIn TM4

Page 15: Novopay Project Weekly Report as at Tuesday 10 January … · 1 | P a g e Novopay Project Weekly Report Novopay Project Weekly Report as at Tuesday 10 January 2012 Key Items 1. As

4 | P a g e Final Novopay Project Weekly Report

Documentation Overall Status: Amber

Documentation is comprised of Manuals & User Guides, Novopay Forms and the Novopay Website (Training documents will be reported in the Training section of this report).

The following table provides status information for of each of the Manuals / User Guides to be delivered:

Manual / User Guide

% Complete for UAT

Expected to be Complete for UAT

November Baseline Completion Date

Novopay Service Manual 100% 20/1/12 13/1/12

Novopay Online User Guide 90% 20/1/12 13/1/12

Quick Reference Guide (QRG) 100% 20/1/12 13/1/12

Payroll Processing User Guide 20% 30/3/12 07/2/12

Payroll Administration User Guide 20% 30/3/12 07/2/12

Payroll Operations Manual 5% 30/3/12 07/2/12

Service Desk Operations Manual 15% 23/3/12 07/2/12

Numara Internal Staff User Guide 30% 30/3/12 13/1/12

Numara ESP User Guide 40% 02/3/12 13/1/12

Numara Schools User Guide 40% 02/3/12 13/1/12

Teacher Salary Assessments Reference & Process Manual for Area 75% 29/2/12 07/2/12

Teacher Salary Assessments Reference & Process Manual for Primary 75% 29/2/12 07/2/12

Teacher Salary Assessments Reference & Process Manual for Secondary 75% 29/2/12 07/2/12

Business Process Manual 95% 31/1/12 21/12/11

Business Requirements Manual 95% 31/1/12 15/12/11

Debt Management Guide 0% TBC TBC

Updates to Manuals / User Guides Related to Debt Management 0% TBC TBC

Updates to Manuals / User Guides Related to Retrospective Processing 0% TBC TBC

As the delivery of the Manuals / Users Guides is behind schedule, completion is being prioritised to deliver the ones most required for UAT.

Review and updates of the Manuals / User Guides following UAT Testing is expected to take place, with final documents expected to be delivered by 14 May 2012.

At 17 January 2012, the status of the conversion of the 59 Education Services Payroll Forms into Novopay Forms is shown below:

The 45 forms ‘Ready for UAT’ are to undergo a high-level review by the Senior User team to verify the completeness of the forms.

A review of the activities required to complete the Novopay Website is to be undertaken. This work remains outstanding.










Not required Being Developed Ready for UAT

Novopay Formsas at 17 January 2012

Page 16: Novopay Project Weekly Report as at Tuesday 10 January … · 1 | P a g e Novopay Project Weekly Report Novopay Project Weekly Report as at Tuesday 10 January 2012 Key Items 1. As

5 | P a g e Final Novopay Project Weekly Report

Testing Overall Status: Red

At 24 January, of the 57 Construction FDSs, 49 FDS had successfully passed QLAs with eight FDS outstanding. The remaining FDSs are forecast to complete QLAs by 3 February (QLAs were undertaken for a number of QLAs on 18 January but it has been agreed that these need to be repeated once a number of related defects have been fixed).

At 24 January there were a total of 207 defects (up from 192 as reported at the 22 December Project Board Meeting), broken down by severity as below:

UAT 3rd

Party End to End Testing was due to commence on 9 January but due to the delay in completing the System Integration Testing Project Milestone this work cannot commence. Timing of this testing commencing, and that of other testing phases, will be factored into the February Baseline.

Engagement Overall Status: Green

The Communication Plan Project Milestone due for Completion on 21 December 2011 was approved as completed by the Business Owner at the 21 December Project Steering Committee Meeting. The activities identified in the approved Communications Plan will be incorporated into the February Baseline.

Future weekly reports will provide information about the number of school users required, identified and booked at stages throughout the project in the run-up to go-live (the School Involvement Graph).

The Stakeholder Matrix is being updated to review its currency, associated actions and ownership of relationships. An updated version will be provided to the Project Steering Committee when complete.

Specific current engagement activities include:

The next meeting of the Payroll Reference Group is scheduled for 20 February 2012. A draft agenda for this meeting was confirmed at the Steering Committee on 18 January and will include a demonstration of Novopay Online.

The Access & Authorisation forms returned from schools has increased to 2,325 out of 2,457 schools, i.e. 95% returned (up from 2,324 schools last week).

Identifying the Novopay Online Specialists (from schools) is expected to be complete by 3 February.

0 3











Severity 1Fatal

Severity 2Very Serious

Severity 3Serious

Severity 4Moderate

Severity 5Cosmetic

System Integration Testing Defects by Severity as at 24 January 2012









Completed Not Completed

System Integration Testing QLA's Completed as at 24 January 2012


Page 17: Novopay Project Weekly Report as at Tuesday 10 January … · 1 | P a g e Novopay Project Weekly Report Novopay Project Weekly Report as at Tuesday 10 January 2012 Key Items 1. As

6 | P a g e Final Novopay Project Weekly Report

Business Processes Overall Status: Green

At 17 January all of the 42 Ministry (ESP) Business Processes had been completed and 168 of the 174 Talent2 Business Processes had been completed (with the remainder agreed as subject to Contract Variation Two or a Change Request). These Business Processes will be tested and revised as appropriate during UAT Business process Testing.

The development of Education Services Payroll project deliverables (Vendor Management & Transition deliverables and ESP Future State Structure & Framework deliverables) is currently behind schedule but is not currently affecting the critical path to go-live. An assessment of the timing for completion of these tasks is currently underway and will be incorporated into the February Baseline.

Service Readiness Overall Status: Green

It has been agreed in principle with Datacom, Schools Support & the Ministry that the 28 February 2012 is the target date for transitioning the Salary Assessment Unit.

Further information about this workstream will be provided in future weekly reports, including information on infrastructure readiness, BCP and recruitment.

Page 18: Novopay Project Weekly Report as at Tuesday 10 January … · 1 | P a g e Novopay Project Weekly Report Novopay Project Weekly Report as at Tuesday 10 January 2012 Key Items 1. As

7 | P a g e Final Novopay Project Weekly Report

Training Overall Status: Red

An intensive three-day programme of workshops is taking place this week with Talent2s Instructional Designer to aid the development of the required training materials. The Training Materials Complete Project Milestone is under significant pressure to complete by 16 March.

The following table provides the status information for the training materials required as part of the Training Materials Complete Project Milestone:

Deliverable % Complete Ready for Testing Ready for Deployment

Online Training Materials

Module 0 - Quick Start TBC 2/03/2012 13/03/2012

Module 1 – Introduction TBC 2/03/2012 13/03/2012

Module 2 - Using Novopay Online TBC 2/03/2012 13/03/2012

Module 3 - My HR TBC 2/03/2012 13/03/2012

Module 4 - My School TBC 2/03/2012 13/03/2012

Module 5 - My Reporting TBC 2/03/2012 13/03/2012

Module 6 - The Payroll Process TBC 2/03/2012 13/03/2012

Module 7 - EOY & SOY TBC 2/03/2012 13/03/2012

Retrospective Training Module TBC TBC TBC

Face to Face Materials

Novopay Online Specialists TBC 23/02/2012 13/03/2012

T2 Service Centre & Pay Centre Staff TBC 23/02/2012 13/03/2012

ESP and other Ministry staff TBC 23/02/2012 13/03/2012

The Training Materials Complete Project Milestone also includes a number of ‘Feature Deliverables’, including:

The Novopay Online Beta Environment

A user driven online booking service for training

A training progression system for users

A real-time question and answer facility and a submit a question facility

Ability for users to interact with each other for learning purposes

FAQs with ongoing updates during the training phase to respond to FAQs as these become apparent.

An appointment of a Talent2 onsite Training Manager and support resources remains outstanding and is putting pressure on achievement of the Training Project Milestones (including management of the above Training Deliverables).

Detailed information will be provided about uptake by schools once training commences, currently scheduled for 5 March but this is being reviewed as part of the February Baseline planning.

Transition and Go Live Overall Status: Green

Further discussions have taken place with the Ministry’s Chief Internal Auditor about the scope and depth of the assurance work in relation to the Novopay Project & Service and the Terms of Reference for the review are to be presented to the Steering Committee at the 25 January meeting.

Further detailed planning in this workstream will be incorporated into the February Baseline.

Page 19: Novopay Project Weekly Report as at Tuesday 10 January … · 1 | P a g e Novopay Project Weekly Report Novopay Project Weekly Report as at Tuesday 10 January 2012 Key Items 1. As

8 | P a g e Final Novopay Project Weekly Report

Post Go Live Overall Status: Green

No progress to report in this workstream.

Project Management & Governance Overall Status: Green

Change Requests are initiated from a number of different project workstreams. The following provides a summary of the statuses of Change Requests initiated.

The Project Initiation Document (PID) was endorsed by the Project Board at the January board meeting (subject to incorporation of final feedback).

Acceptance Criteria for the project milestones are being reviewed, to take into account the November Baseline project milestones and the endorsed Test Strategy. Finalisation of the criteria is subject to the February Baseline planning work.

The Quarterly Novopay SSC Report has been drafted and is being reviewed to incorporate information presented and discussed at the 19 January Project Board Meeting. A Cabinet Paper to update on project progress is also being drafted.

A full baseline review has commenced and it is intended that the February Baseline will be provided to the Project Board at the February Board Meeting. This review will incorporate the impact of the delay in completing the System Integration Project Milestone and other factors thought to impact the November Baseline Plan.



4 2 4 26









Closed Open SIT MoE Clarification

To be Scheduled

On Hold Talent2 IA

Change Requestsas at 24 January 2012

Page 20: Novopay Project Weekly Report as at Tuesday 10 January … · 1 | P a g e Novopay Project Weekly Report Novopay Project Weekly Report as at Tuesday 10 January 2012 Key Items 1. As

1 | P a g e Draft Novopay Project Weekly Report

Novopay Project Weekly Report for Wednesday 1 February 2012

Key Items

54 out of the 57 FDS have now successfully passed QLAs, with five completing QLAs on 31 January. Close daily management is continuing for the final three FDS that were forecast to be complete on 3 February. An update on these along with the impact on the System Integration Testing Milestone will be provided at the 9 February Project Board Meeting.

In line with the November Baseline, the Elaboration Post 7 September Project Milestone was met on 26 January.

A full baseline review has commenced. Given the substantial outstanding work to complete the review, it is likely that information available for the 9 February Project Board Meeting will be limited to a high level critical path impact analysis. A detailed plan will be finalised following a quality assurance review by PwC.

Completion of the Historic Data Complete Project Milestone, as part of Data Conversion, due to be met by 25 January, is now expected to be completed by 7 March 2012. This delay does not currently impact the critical path and completion will be factored into the February Baseline.

An urgent assessment of the completion of all other Data Conversion activities is currently underway to determine the impact on the critical path where this is not complete, in particular on UAT and Payroll Verification.

Approaching Milestones Due Date On Track for Completion

System Integration Testing Pre 7 September Completed 21 December 2011 To be confirmed

Historic Data Complete 25 January 2012 Forecast 7 March 2012

Elaboration Post 7 September Complete 26 January 2012 Completed

Construction Post 7 Sept Completed 17 February 2012 Forecast 5 March 2012

UAT End to End 32 Pay Period Cycle Preparation Completed 17 February 2012 Forecast 9 March 2012

UAT Third Party Technical End to End 2 Week Pay Cycle Completed 17 February 2012 To be confirmed

Project Progress Against November 2011 Baseline

Page 21: Novopay Project Weekly Report as at Tuesday 10 January … · 1 | P a g e Novopay Project Weekly Report Novopay Project Weekly Report as at Tuesday 10 January 2012 Key Items 1. As

2 | P a g e Draft Novopay Project Weekly Report

Elaboration Overall Status: Green

Subject to endorsement by the Business Owner at the 1 February Steering Committee, the Elaboration Post 7 September Project Milestone was met on 26 January, in line with the November Baseline.

No further work in this workstream is currently planned until April 2012, when FDS 67 Principal Salaries and FDS 68 Voluntary Bonding will be elaborated as required (the February Baseline will confirm the timing of this work) .

Construction Overall Status: Amber

Construction is complete for all of the Pre 7 September Construction Project Milestone FDSs, which was approved as completed by the Business Owner on 21 November 2011.

Of the six Post 7 September FDSs:

Three (FD69, 74 and 79) make up the 17 February 2012 Construction Post 7 September Project Milestone.

One (FDS72), Retrospective Processing, is being managed in the Retrospective Processing Workstream (see below).

Two (FDS67 and 68), are not required before go-live and construction of these FDS will be confirmed in the February Baseline.

Completion of the Construction Post 7 September Project Milestone is now forecast for 5 March 2012.

In summary, the status of the 21 November Construction FDSs and the Post 7 September FDSs are shown below:

Retrospective Processing Overall Status: Red

A need to put in place dedicated management resources for the Retrospective Workstream has been identified and Talent2 have interview potential candidates over the last week.

A high level plan for the design and construction of Retrospective Processing functionality was discussed at the 18 January Project Steering Committee Meeting, and detailed planning is underway as part of the February Baseline review.

Draft commercial terms for the Retrospective Processing solution have been presented by Talent2 and are to be firmed up as the planning is completed.

Development work for Retrospective Processing has been put on hold as resources have been prioritised to work on completing the System Integration Project Milestone.

Data and Configuration Overall Status: Red

Completion of the Historic Data Complete Project Milestone, as part of Data Conversion, was not met by 25 January. Completion of this Project Milestone is now forecast for 5 March 2012. This delay does not currently impact the critical path and completion will be factored into the February Baseline.

An urgent assessment of the completion of all other Data Conversion activities is currently underway to determine the impact on the critical path where these are not complete, in particular on UAT and Payroll Verification. This is expected to be complete by 3 February 2012.

Payroll Verification: the next comparison is scheduled to take place in February. Work on construction of the Payroll Verification Comparison Tool, to include all necessary financial and non-financial comparators is being re-confirmed. Timings for this work will be confirmed and included in the February Baseline along with the impact on completing the Payroll Verification Project Milestone and any impact on the critical path.









Completed Not Completed

Construction FDS (Pre 7 Sept) Current Status as at 31 January 2012









Completed Not Completed

Construction FDS (Post 7 Sept) Current Status as at 31 January 2012

Page 22: Novopay Project Weekly Report as at Tuesday 10 January … · 1 | P a g e Novopay Project Weekly Report Novopay Project Weekly Report as at Tuesday 10 January 2012 Key Items 1. As

3 | P a g e Draft Novopay Project Weekly Report

A summary of the latest Payroll Verification comparisons that have been completed is shown below:

Documentation Overall Status: Amber

Documentation is comprised of Manuals & User Guides, Novopay Forms and the Novopay Website (Training documents are reported in the Training section of this report).

The following table provides status information for of each of the Manuals / User Guides to be delivered:


% Complete Estimated Ready

for UAT

November Baseline

Completion Date

Business Process Manual 96% 28/02/12 21/12/11

Business Requirements Manual 96% 24/01/12 15/12/11

Novopay Service Manual 100% 20/01/12 13/1/12

Novopay Online User Guide 95% 03/02/12 13/1/12

Quick Reference Guide (QRG) 100% 20/01/12 13/1/12

Payroll Processing User Guide 20% 30/03/12 07/2/12

Payroll Administration User Guide 20% 30/03/12 07/2/12

Payroll Operations Manual 15% 30/03/12 07/2/12

Service Desk Operations Manual 15% 23/03/12 07/2/12

Numara Internal Staff User Guide 30% 30/03/12 13/1/12

Numara ESP User Guide 40% 02/03/12 13/1/12

Numara Schools User Guide 40% 02/03/12 13/1/12

Teacher Salary Assessments Reference & Process Manual for Area

75% 29/02/12 07/2/12

Teacher Salary Assessments Reference & Process Manual for Primary

75% 29/02/12 07/2/12

Teacher Salary Assessments Reference & Process Manual for Secondary

75% 29/02/12 07/2/12

Debt Management User Guide 70% 24/02/12 TBC

Retrospective Processing User Guide 0% April 2012 TBC

Updates to existing documentation – resulting from Debt Management or Retrospective processing

0% April 2012 TBC

As the delivery of the Manuals / Users Guides is behind schedule, completion is being prioritised to deliver the ones critical to UAT.

Review and updates of the Manuals / User Guides following UAT Testing is expected to take place, with final documents expected to be delivered by 14 May 2012.










August62% Converted

Within $0.10

December80% Converted

Within $0.10

Payroll Verification Comparisonsas at 31 January 2012

EmployeesIn TM4

EmployeesConverted intoNovopay Within $0.10 Difference

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4 | P a g e Draft Novopay Project Weekly Report

At 17 January 2012, the status of the conversion of the 59 Education Services Payroll Forms into Novopay Forms is shown below:

The 45 forms ‘Ready for UAT’ are to undergo a high-level review by the Senior User team to verify the completeness of the forms. The forms were provided to the Senior User w/c 30 January.

A review of the activities required to complete the Novopay Website has been undertaken. Website Templates & Design work has been completed and progress on the contents sections is detailed below. The website is currently expected to be ready for UAT by 30 March, with updates (post UAT) due March to June. The following table provides a breakdown of the state of completeness for various sections of the Novopay Website:

Website Content Section Name Current State (Approx) Forecast Completion

Training 90% 30/03/12

Use Novopay 95% 30/03/12

Forms 75% 16/03/12

Tools to Help You 40% 30/03/12

Service Desk 75% 16/03/12

Best Practise 75%. 30/03/12

Once the look and feel of the Novopay Training Materials is finalised, consideration will be given to updating the website to establish a consistent look and feel across key materials.










Not required Being Developed Ready for UAT

Novopay Formsas at 31 January 2012

Page 24: Novopay Project Weekly Report as at Tuesday 10 January … · 1 | P a g e Novopay Project Weekly Report Novopay Project Weekly Report as at Tuesday 10 January 2012 Key Items 1. As

5 | P a g e Draft Novopay Project Weekly Report

Testing Overall Status: Red

At 31 January, of the 57 Construction FDSs, 54 FDS had successfully passed QLAs with three FDS outstanding. Five FDSs, namely the Terminations bundle (FDS 8, 49 & 65), FDS 28 and FDS 40 passed QLA on 31 January.

QLAs for the final three FDS were scheduled to take place on 3 February but these have been postponed as the FDS are not ready to go through this process. A revised completion date for the final QLAs, scheduling of the formal Defect Management Board and completion of the Project Milestone is to be confirmed.

At 31 January there were a total of 159 defects (down from 207 as reported last week), broken down by severity as below:

UAT 3rd

Party End to End Testing was due to commence on 9 January but due to the delay in completing the System Integration Testing (SIT) Project Milestone this work cannot commence. Timing of this testing commencing, and that of other testing phases, will be factored into the February Baseline.

UAT End to End 32 Pay Period Cycle Preparation Completed is due to complete by 17 February, however this date is unlikely to be met as testing resources required to create test scripts have been allocated to completing SIT activities. Additional resources are being added to complete this work and it is now forecast to complete by 9 March.

Page 25: Novopay Project Weekly Report as at Tuesday 10 January … · 1 | P a g e Novopay Project Weekly Report Novopay Project Weekly Report as at Tuesday 10 January 2012 Key Items 1. As

6 | P a g e Draft Novopay Project Weekly Report

Engagement Overall Status: Green

Specific current engagement activities include:

The next meeting of the Payroll Reference Group is scheduled for 20 February 2012. A draft agenda for this meeting was confirmed at the Steering Committee on 18 January and will include a demonstration of Novopay Online.

The Access & Authorisation forms returned from schools has increased to 2,330 out of 2,457 schools, i.e. 95% returned (up from 2,325 schools last week). Contact with schools who have not yet responded will resume in February when the new term starts.

Identifying the Novopay Online Specialists (from schools) is expected to be complete by 3 February.

The Stakeholder Matrix, which identifies project stakeholders and required engagement activities, is being updated to review its currency, associated actions and ownership of relationships. A sub-committee of the Steering Committee is to be established to review the Matrix monthly.

The below, School User Involvement Table, identifies phases of the project, along with the number of school users required, identified and currently booked to participate in the various phases of testing and training:

Test Phase or Training Activity

Date Activity Commences (Baseline)


Number of School Users Required

Specific School Users Identified

Specific of School Users Booked

UAT 3rd Party E2E Testing 12/01/2012 MoE Offices 1 1 1

UAT 32 PP Testing 27/02/2012 MoE Offices 6 5 0

UAT Business Process Testing 29/03/2012 School Premises 6 2 0

Training Materials Testing 23/02/2012 School Premises 10 0 0

Novopay Online Specialists F2F Training

02/04/2012 Regional Locations c.50 to 100 90 0

Online Training - Tranche1 16/04/2012 School Premises c.750 0 0

Online Training – Tranche2 23/04/2012 School Premises c.750 0 0

Online Training – Tranche3 30/04/2012 School Premises c.750 0 0

Online Training – Tranche4 07/05/2012 School Premises c.750 0 0

Online Training – Tranche5 14/05/2012 School Premises c.750 0 0

Online Training – Tranche6 21/05/2012 School Premises c.750 0 0

Online Training – Tranche7 28/05/2012 School Premises c.750 0 0

Online Training – Tranche8 04/06/2012 School Premises c.750 0 0

Business Processes Overall Status: Green

At 17 January all of the 42 Ministry (ESP) Business Processes had been completed and 168 of the 175 Talent2 Business Processes had been completed (with the remainder agreed as subject to Contract Variation Two or a Change Request). These Business Processes will be tested and revised as appropriate during UAT Business Process Testing. Note that the total number of Business Processes has increased by one (174 to 175) to include an additional process related to Novopay Online Training.

4 0 3 0


0 00










To B

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T2 R












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in U










Talent2 Business Processesas at 31 January 2012

0 0


0 00




















T (1







in U








ed O


ESP Business Processes Required for UATas at 31 January 2012

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7 | P a g e Draft Novopay Project Weekly Report

The development of Education Services Payroll project deliverables (Vendor Management & Transition deliverables and ESP Future State Structure & Framework deliverables) is currently behind schedule but is not currently affecting the critical path to go-live. An assessment of the timing for completion of these tasks is currently underway and will be incorporated into the February Baseline.

Service Readiness Overall Status: Green

The target date for transitioning the Salary Assessment Unit is being reconsidered in conjunction with Datacom, Schools Support & the Ministry. The transition had been expected to occur on 28 February 2012 but this has been deferred.

Recruitment of Staff for the Wellington Pay Centre is approximately 70% complete, with 6 employment offers having been accepted, and 14 positions are in the final stages of recruitment. This assumes all 14 will accept offers, and is based on the structure of 29 FTE.

Talent2 received Council approval for Wellington Pay Centre premises on 20 January. The fit-out commenced on 24 January, with occupancy planned for 16 March 2012.

3rd Party Agreements are expected to be completed by April. All 3rd Parties have been contacted for participation in E2E Testing beforehand and sourcing of the required files from each is progressing to the required timelines.

Business Continuity Plan and the KPI Holiday Review – as previously agreed, work is scheduled to progress this in February.

Control Environment / Assurance work is progressing, with Talent2 expected to assign a resource to manage this for the project this week. Proposed Audit dates are being reviewed to ensure that they align with project deliverables.

Training Overall Status: Red

A series of workshops over three days with Talent2’s Instructional Designer last week resulted in good progress on the design approach for the Quick Start training Module, Module 0. Time estimates to complete this, and the work required to align the remaining modules to this approach are expected by 10 February. The Training Materials Complete Project Milestone remains under significant pressure to complete by 16 March.

The following table provides the status information for the training materials required as part of the Training Materials Complete Project Milestone:

Deliverable % Complete Milestone - Ready for Testing

Milestone - Ready for Deployment

Online Training Materials

Module 0 - Quick Start 5% 2/03/2012 13/03/2012

Module 1 – Introduction TBC 2/03/2012 13/03/2012

Module 2 - Using Novopay Online TBC 2/03/2012 13/03/2012

Module 3 - My HR TBC 2/03/2012 13/03/2012

Module 4 - My School TBC 2/03/2012 13/03/2012

Module 5 - My Reporting TBC 2/03/2012 13/03/2012

Module 6 - The Payroll Process TBC 2/03/2012 13/03/2012

Module 7 - EOY & SOY TBC 2/03/2012 13/03/2012

Retrospective Training Module TBC TBC TBC

Face to Face Materials

Novopay Online Specialists TBC 23/02/2012 13/03/2012

T2 Service Centre & Pay Centre Staff TBC 23/02/2012 13/03/2012

ESP and other Ministry staff TBC 23/02/2012 13/03/2012

The Training Materials Complete Project Milestone also includes a number of ‘Feature Deliverables’, including:

The Novopay Online Beta Environment

A user driven online booking service for training

A training progression system for users

A real-time question and answer facility and a submit a question facility

Ability for users to interact with each other for learning purposes

FAQs with ongoing updates during the training phase to respond to FAQs as these become apparent.

It has been confirmed that the T2 Training Team in Australia will assist with training, by creating and delivering specific modules.

Page 27: Novopay Project Weekly Report as at Tuesday 10 January … · 1 | P a g e Novopay Project Weekly Report Novopay Project Weekly Report as at Tuesday 10 January 2012 Key Items 1. As

8 | P a g e Draft Novopay Project Weekly Report

An appointment of a Talent2 onsite Training Manager and support resources remains outstanding and is putting pressure on achievement of the Training Project Milestones (including management of the above Training Deliverables).

Detailed information will be provided about uptake by schools once training commences, currently scheduled for 5 March but this is being reviewed as part of the February Baseline planning.

Transition and Go Live Overall Status: Green

The Ministry’s Chief Internal Auditor presented the Terms of Reference for the Novopay Assurance Programme at the 25 January Steering Committee. Subject to approval for this work to commence from the Project Sponsor, the work will be scheduled during the February Baseline review.

Further detailed planning in this workstream will be incorporated into the February Baseline.

Post Go Live Overall Status: Green

No progress to report in this workstream.

Project Management & Governance Overall Status: Green

Change Requests are initiated from a number of different project workstreams. The following provides a summary of the statuses of Change Requests initiated.

The Project Initiation Document (PID) was endorsed by the Project Board at the January board meeting (subject to incorporation of final feedback). This feedback is still to be incorporated.

Acceptance Criteria for the project milestones are being reviewed. Acceptance Criteria for the January and February project Milestones will be submitted to the Steering Committee on 1 February. The remaining criteria continue in draft form and are intended to be finalised in line with the February Baseline.

The Quarterly Novopay SSC Report has been submitted to SSC.

A full baseline review has commenced. Given the substantial outstanding work to complete the review, it is likely that information available for the 9 February Project Board Meeting will be limited to a high level critical path impact analysis. A detailed plan will be finalised following a quality assurance review by PwC.



4 2 4 26









Closed Open SIT MoE Clarification

To be Scheduled

On Hold Talent2 IA

Change Requestsas at 31 January 2012

Page 28: Novopay Project Weekly Report as at Tuesday 10 January … · 1 | P a g e Novopay Project Weekly Report Novopay Project Weekly Report as at Tuesday 10 January 2012 Key Items 1. As

1 | P a g e Final Novopay Project Weekly Report, 8 Feb 2012

Novopay Project Weekly Report for Wednesday 8 February 2012

Key Items

54 out of the 57 FDS have successfully passed QLAs, with five completing QLAs on 31 January. 2 March to 16 March has been provided as an indicative timeframe to complete QLAs for the remaining FDS.

All project workstreams have been reviewed as part of the February Baseline review, and a high level critical path impact analysis resulting from these reviews will be presented to the Project Board on Thursday 9 February. PwC attended the last review session to commence their assurance work.

Completion of the Historic Data Complete Project Milestone is now expected to be completed by 7 March 2012. An assessment of the time required to complete Full Data Conversion activities has been undertaken and these are now expected to be complete by 21 March.

Completion of the Construction Post September 7 Project Milestone is now expected to be completed by 5 March and Completion of the UAT End to End 32 Pay Period Cycle Preparation Project Milestone is now expected to be completed by 9 March. Timing of the completion of all later Project Milestones are being considered as part of the February Baseline review.

Additional Talent2 resources have come on stream, with additional project managers (for the Retrospective Processing and Performance and Security Testing) and a Training Manager.

Approaching Milestones Due Date On Track for Completion

System Integration Testing Pre 7 September Completed 21 December 2011 To be confirmed

Historic Data Complete 25 January 2012 Forecast 7 March 2012

Elaboration Post 7 September Complete 26 January 2012 Completed

Construction Post 7 Sept Completed 17 February 2012 Forecast 12 March 2012

UAT End to End 32 Pay Period Cycle Preparation Completed 17 February 2012 Forecast 9 March 2012

UAT Third Party Technical End to End 2 Week Pay Cycle Completed 17 February 2012 To be confirmed

Project Progress Against November 2011 Baseline

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2 | P a g e Final Novopay Project Weekly Report, 8 Feb 2012

Elaboration Overall Status: Green

The Business Owner endorsed completion of the Elaboration Post 7 September Project Milestone at the Steering Committee on 1 February. This milestone was met on 26 January, in line with the November Baseline.

No further work in this workstream is currently planned until April 2012, when FDS 67 Principal Salaries and FDS 68 Voluntary Bonding will be elaborated as required (the February Baseline will confirm the timing of this work) .

Construction Overall Status: Amber

Construction is complete for all of the Pre 7 September Construction Project Milestone FDSs, which was approved as completed by the Business Owner on 21 November 2011.

Of the six Post 7 September FDSs:

Three (FD69, 74 and 79) make up the 17 February 2012 Construction Post 7 September Project Milestone.

One (FDS72), Retrospective Processing, is being managed in the Retrospective Processing Workstream (see below).

Two (FDS67 and 68), are not required before go-live and construction of these FDS will be confirmed in the February Baseline.

Completion of the Construction Post 7 September Project Milestone is now forecast for 12 March 2012.

In summary, the status of the 21 November Construction FDSs and the Post 7 September FDSs are shown below:

Retrospective Processing Overall Status: Amber

A Talent2 Project Manager started this week to focus initially on the Retrospective Processing workstream and the technical design for Retrospective Processing began on 7 February.

A high level plan for the design and construction of Retrospective Processing functionality was discussed at the 18 January Project Steering Committee Meeting, and detailed planning has been included in the February Baseline.

Draft commercial terms for the Retrospective Processing solution have been presented by Talent2 and are to be firmed up as the planning is completed.

Data and Configuration Overall Status: Amber

Completion of the Historic Data Complete Project Milestone is now expected to be 7 March 2012. An assessment of the time required to complete Full Data Conversion activities has been undertaken and these are now expected to be complete by 21 March.

Payroll Verification: the next comparison is scheduled to take place in February. Work on construction of the Payroll Verification Comparison Tool, to include all necessary financial and non-financial comparators is being re-confirmed. Timings for this work will be confirmed and included in the February Baseline along with the impact on completing the Payroll Verification Project Milestone and any impact on the critical path.









Completed Not Completed

Construction FDS (Pre 7 Sept) Current Status as at 8 February 2012









Completed Not Completed

Construction FDS (Post 7 Sept) Current Status as at 8 February 2012

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3 | P a g e Final Novopay Project Weekly Report, 8 Feb 2012

A summary of the latest Payroll Verification comparisons that have been completed is shown below:

Documentation Overall Status: Amber

Documentation is comprised of Manuals & User Guides, Novopay Forms and the Novopay Website (Training documents are reported in the Training section of this report).

The following table provides status information for of each of the Manuals / User Guides to be delivered:


% Complete

Ready for MoE UAT

November Baseline Completion Date

Business Process Manual 96% 28/02/12 21/12/11

Business Requirements Manual 96% 24/01/12 15/12/11

Novopay Service Manual 100% 20/01/12 13/1/12

Novopay Online User Guide 95% 03/02/12 13/1/12

Quick Reference Guide (QRG) 100% 20/01/12 13/1/12

Payroll Processing User Guide 20% 30/03/12 07/2/12

Payroll Administration User Guide 20% 30/03/12 07/2/12

Payroll Operations Manual 15% 30/03/12 07/2/12

Service Desk Operations Manual 15% 23/03/12 07/2/12

Numara Internal Staff User Guide 30% 30/03/12 13/1/12

Numara ESP User Guide 55% 02/03/12 13/1/12

Numara Schools User Guide 50% 02/03/12 13/1/12

Teacher Salary Assessments Reference & Process Manual for Area 75% 29/02/12 07/2/12

Teacher Salary Assessments Reference & Process Manual for Primary 75% 29/02/12 07/2/12

Teacher Salary Assessments Reference & Process Manual for Secondary 75% 29/02/12 07/2/12

Debt Management User Guide 70% 24/02/12 TBC

Retrospective Processing User Guide 0% April 2012 TBC

Updates to existing documentation – resulting from Debt Management or Retrospective processing

0% April 2012 TBC

As the delivery of the Manuals / Users Guides is behind schedule, completion is being prioritised to deliver the ones critical to UAT.

Review and updates of the Manuals / User Guides following UAT Testing is expected to take place, with final documents expected to be delivered by 14 May 2012.










August62% Converted

Within $0.10

December80% Converted

Within $0.10

Payroll Verification Comparisonsas at 8 February 2012

EmployeesIn TM4

EmployeesConverted intoNovopay Within $0.10 Difference

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4 | P a g e Final Novopay Project Weekly Report, 8 Feb 2012

At 17 January 2012, the status of the conversion of the 59 Education Services Payroll Forms into Novopay Forms is shown below:

The 45 forms ‘Ready for UAT’ are to undergo a high-level review by the Senior User team to verify the completeness of the forms. The forms were provided to the Senior User w/c 30 January.

A review of the activities required to complete the Novopay Website has been undertaken. Website Templates & Design work has been completed and progress on the contents sections is detailed below. The website is currently expected to be ready for UAT by 30 March, with updates (post UAT) due March to June. The following table provides a breakdown of the state of completeness for various sections of the Novopay Website:

Website Content Section Name Current State (Approx) Forecast Completion

Training 90% 30/03/12

Use Novopay 95% 30/03/12

Forms 75% 16/03/12

Tools to Help You 40% 30/03/12

Service Desk 75% 16/03/12

Best Practise 75%. 30/03/12

Once the look and feel of the Novopay Training Materials is finalised, consideration will be given to updating the website to establish a consistent look and feel across key materials.










Not required Being Developed Ready for UAT

Novopay Formsas at 8 February 2012

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5 | P a g e Final Novopay Project Weekly Report, 8 Feb 2012

Testing Overall Status: Red

At 8 February, of the 57 Construction FDSs, 54 FDS had successfully passed QLAs with three FDS outstanding. Five FDSs, namely the Terminations bundle (FDS 8, 49 & 65), FDS 28 and FDS 40 passed QLA on 31 January.

2 March to 16 March has been provided as an indicative timeframe to complete QLAs for the remaining FDS.

At 8 February there were a total of 139 defects (down from 159 as reported last week), broken down by severity as below:

UAT 3rd

Party End to End Testing was due to commence on 9 January but due to the delay in completing the System Integration Testing (SIT) Project Milestone this work cannot commence. Timing of this testing commencing, and that of other testing phases, will be factored into the February Baseline.

UAT End to End 32 Pay Period Cycle Preparation Completed is due to complete by 17 February, however this date is unlikely to be met as testing resources required to create test scripts have been allocated to completing SIT activities. Additional resources are being added to complete this work and it is now forecast to complete by 9 March.











Severity 1Fatal

Severity 2Very Serious

Severity 3Serious

Severity 4Moderate

Severity 5Cosmetic

System Integration Testing Defects by Severity as at 8 February 2012








Completed Not Completed

System Integration Testing QLA's Completed as at 8 February 2012


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6 | P a g e Final Novopay Project Weekly Report, 8 Feb 2012

Engagement Overall Status: Green

Specific current engagement activities include:

The next meeting of the Payroll Reference Group is scheduled for 20 February 2012.

The Access & Authorisation forms returned from schools has increased to 2,334 out of 2,457 schools, i.e. 95% returned (up from 2,330 schools last week). Contact with schools who have not yet responded has resumed with the start of the new term.

For the Novopay Online Specialists, 76 users have been identified (out of a pool of 90), representing a mix of school type, school size and geographical spread.

The Stakeholder Matrix, which identifies project stakeholders and required engagement activities, is being updated to review its currency, associated actions and ownership of relationships. A sub-committee of the Steering Committee is to be established to review the Matrix monthly.

The below, School User Involvement Table, identifies phases of the project, along with the number of school users required, identified and currently booked to participate in the various phases of testing and training:

Test Phase or Training Activity

Date Activity Commences (Baseline)


Number of School Users Required

Specific School Users Identified

Specific of School Users Booked

UAT 3rd Party E2E Testing 12/01/2012 MoE Offices 1 1 1

UAT 32 PP Testing 27/02/2012 MoE Offices 6 8 0

UAT Business Process Testing 29/03/2012 School Premises 12 19 0

Training Materials Testing 23/02/2012 School Premises 10 0 0

Novopay Online Specialists F2F Training

02/04/2012 Regional Locations c.50 to 100 76 0

Online Training - Tranche1 16/04/2012 School Premises c.750 0 0

Online Training – Tranche2 23/04/2012 School Premises c.750 0 0

Online Training – Tranche3 30/04/2012 School Premises c.750 0 0

Online Training – Tranche4 07/05/2012 School Premises c.750 0 0

Online Training – Tranche5 14/05/2012 School Premises c.750 0 0

Online Training – Tranche6 21/05/2012 School Premises c.750 0 0

Online Training – Tranche7 28/05/2012 School Premises c.750 0 0

Online Training – Tranche8 04/06/2012 School Premises c.750 0 0

Business Processes Overall Status: Green

At 17 January all of the 42 Ministry (ESP) Business Processes had been completed and 168 of the 175 Talent2 Business Processes had been completed (with the remainder agreed as subject to Contract Variation Two or a Change Request). These Business Processes will be tested and revised as appropriate during UAT Business Process Testing. Note that the total number of Business Processes has increased by one (174 to 175) to include an additional process related to Novopay Online Training.

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Talent2 Business Processesas at 8 February 2012

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ESP Business Processes Required for UATas at 8 February 2012

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7 | P a g e Final Novopay Project Weekly Report, 8 Feb 2012

The development of Education Services Payroll project deliverables (Vendor Management & Transition deliverables and ESP Future State Structure & Framework deliverables) is currently behind schedule but is not currently affecting the critical path to go-live. An assessment of the timing for completion of these tasks is currently underway and will be incorporated into the February Baseline.

Service Readiness Overall Status: Green

The target date for transitioning the Salary Assessment Unit is being reconsidered in conjunction with Datacom, Schools Support & the Ministry. The transition had been expected to occur on 28 February 2012 but this has been deferred.

Recruitment of Staff for the Wellington Pay Centre is approximately 70% complete, with 6 employment offers having been accepted, and 14 positions are in the final stages of recruitment. This assumes all 14 will accept offers, and is based on the structure of 29 FTE.

Talent2 received Council approval for Wellington Pay Centre premises on 20 January. The fit-out commenced on 24 January, with occupancy planned for 16 March 2012.

3rd Party Agreements are expected to be completed by April. All 3rd Parties have been contacted for participation in E2E Testing beforehand and sourcing of the required files from each is progressing to the required timelines.

Business Continuity Plan and the KPI Holiday Review – as previously agreed, work is scheduled to progress this in February.

Control Environment / Assurance work is progressing, with Talent2 expected to assign a resource to manage this for the project this week. Proposed Audit dates are being reviewed to ensure that they align with project deliverables.

Training Overall Status: Red

Draft Project Plans have been completed by Talent2 with indicative delivery dates of mid-May for training Module 0, the Quick Start Module, and the second module (that is proposed to capture content of all other remaining modules originally planned). The plan and costings are to be reviewed next week.

A Talent2 Training Manager has been confirmed and has been in New Zealand this week to assess the approach and effort required to deliver proposed face-to-face training. A plan for this is expected next week.

The Training Materials Complete Project Milestone is unlikely to be met by 16 March.

The following table provides the status information for the training materials required as part of the Training Materials Complete Project Milestone:

Deliverable % Complete Milestone - Ready for Testing

Milestone - Ready for Deployment

Online Training Materials

Module 0 - Quick Start 5% 2/03/2012 13/03/2012

Module 1 – Introduction TBC 2/03/2012 13/03/2012

Module 2 - Using Novopay Online TBC 2/03/2012 13/03/2012

Module 3 - My HR TBC 2/03/2012 13/03/2012

Module 4 - My School TBC 2/03/2012 13/03/2012

Module 5 - My Reporting TBC 2/03/2012 13/03/2012

Module 6 - The Payroll Process TBC 2/03/2012 13/03/2012

Module 7 - EOY & SOY TBC 2/03/2012 13/03/2012

Retrospective Training Module TBC TBC TBC

Face to Face Materials

Novopay Online Specialists TBC 23/02/2012 13/03/2012

T2 Service Centre & Pay Centre Staff TBC 23/02/2012 13/03/2012

ESP and other Ministry staff TBC 23/02/2012 13/03/2012

The Training Materials Complete Project Milestone also includes a number of ‘Feature Deliverables’, including:

The Novopay Online Beta Environment

A user driven online booking service for training

A training progression system for users

A real-time question and answer facility and a submit a question facility

Ability for users to interact with each other for learning purposes

FAQs with ongoing updates during the training phase to respond to FAQs as these become apparent.

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8 | P a g e Final Novopay Project Weekly Report, 8 Feb 2012

It has been confirmed that the Talent2 Training Team in Australia will assist with training, by creating and delivering specific modules. The approach to providing a number of the Feature Deliverables remains a work in progress.

Detailed information will be provided about uptake by schools once training commences, currently scheduled for 5 March but this is being reviewed as part of the February Baseline planning.

Transition and Go Live Overall Status: Green

The Ministry’s Chief Internal Auditor presented the Terms of Reference for the Novopay Assurance Programme at the 25 January Steering Committee. Subject to approval for this work to commence from the Project Sponsor, the work will be scheduled during the February Baseline review and a kick-off meeting is to be scheduled.

Further detailed planning in this workstream will be incorporated into the February Baseline.

Post Go Live Overall Status: Green

No activities are planned to take place in the workstream until after Go-Live.

Project Management & Governance Overall Status: Green

Change Requests are initiated from a number of different project workstreams. The following provides a summary of the statuses of Change Requests initiated.

The Project Initiation Document (PID) was endorsed by the Project Board at the January board meeting (subject to incorporation of final feedback). This feedback is still to be incorporated.

Acceptance Criteria for the project milestones are being reviewed. Acceptance Criteria for the January and February project Milestones was submitted to the Steering Committee on 1 February and subject to a minor change to be confirmed at the 8 February Steering Committee, were endorsed. The remaining criteria continue in draft form and are intended to be finalised in line with the February Baseline.]

All project workstreams have been reviewed as part of the February Baseline review, and a high level critical path impact analysis resulting from these reviews will be presented to the Project Board on Thursday 9 February. PwC attended the last review session to commence their assurance work.



4 2 4 26









Closed Open SIT MoE Clarification

To be Scheduled

On Hold Talent2 IA

Change Requestsas at 8 February 2012

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1 | P a g e FINAL Novopay Project Weekly Report, 15 Feb 2012

Novopay Project Weekly Report for Wednesday 15 February 2012

Key Items

54 out of the 57 FDS have passed QLAs. The indicative timeframe for meeting the Systems Integration Testing (SIT) Project Milestone as reported at the 9 February project Board meeting is now in the range 2 March to 16 March

A high level critical path impact analysis has been completed as part of the February Baseline review, with three confidence points identified and indicative dates for prerequisites to be completed. PwC have now commenced a review of the planning and assumptions to provide assurance and a final baseline is expected to be complete for the March project Board Meeting.

Completion of the Historic Data Complete Project Milestone is now expected to be completed by 21 March (reported as 7 March last week). This revision is to allow work to focus on Data Conversion which is a critical path activity. Data Conversion activities continue to be expected to be completed by 21 March

Completion of the Construction Post September 7 Project Milestone is now expected to be completed by 31 March (reported as 12 March last week) with the focus on completing FDS79 by 9 March which is a critical path activity.

Construction of the Payroll Verification Comparison Tool is continuing, and includes all necessary financial and non-financial comparators required to carry out a full Payroll Verification. This work is expected to be completed by 28 March.

Completion of the UAT End to End 32 Pay Period Cycle Preparation Project Milestone is expected to be completed by 9 March. Timing of the completion of all later Project Milestones are subject to confirmation of the February Baseline review.

The Novopay Payroll Reference Group (PRG) is scheduled to meet on 20 February. This meeting will include a demonstration of the Novopay Service and an overview of the engagement plan and training of users.

Approaching Milestones Due Date On Track for Completion

System Integration Testing Pre 7 September Completed 21 December 2011 Forecast 2-16 March

Historic Data Complete 25 January 2012 Forecast 21 March 2012

Construction Post 7 Sept Completed 17 February 2012 Forecast 31 March 2012

UAT End to End 32 Pay Period Cycle Preparation Completed 17 February 2012 Forecast 9 March 2012

UAT Third Party Technical End to End 2 Week Pay Cycle Completed 17 February 2012 To be confirmed

Project Progress Against November 2011 Baseline

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2 | P a g e FINAL Novopay Project Weekly Report, 15 Feb 2012

Elaboration Overall Status: Green

No further work is currently planned in the Elaboration workstream until April 2012, when FDS67 Principal Salaries and FDS68 Voluntary Bonding will be elaborated as required (the February Baseline review will confirm the timing of this work) .

Construction Overall Status: Amber

Construction is complete for all of the Pre 7 September Construction Project Milestone FDSs, which was approved as completed by the Business Owner on 21 November 2011.

Of the six Post 7 September FDSs:

Three (FD69, 74 and 79) make up the 17 February 2012 Construction Post 7 September Project Milestone.

One (FDS72), Retrospective Processing, is being managed in the Retrospective Processing Workstream (see below).

Two (FDS67 and 68), are not required before go-live and construction of these FDS will be confirmed in the February Baseline.

Completion of the Construction Post September 7 Project Milestone is now expected to be completed by 31 March (reported as 12 March last week) with the focus on completing FDS 79 by 9 March which is a critical path activity.

Work on construction of the Payroll Verification Comparison Tool is continuing, and will include all necessary financial and non-financial comparators. This work is expected to be complete by 28 March, and the impact of this on completing the Payroll Verification Project Milestone and on the critical path has been considered as part of the February Baseline review..

In summary, the status of the 21 November Construction FDSs and the Post 7 September FDSs are shown below:

Retrospective Processing Overall Status: Amber

Technical design for Retrospective Processing began on 7 February, with the Initial Technical Design expected to be delivered by 20 February 2012.

A high level plan for the design and construction of Retrospective Processing functionality was discussed at the 18 January Project Steering Committee Meeting, and detailed planning has been included in the February Baseline.

Commercial terms for the Retrospective Processing solution are being finalised by Talent2.

Data and Configuration Overall Status: Amber

All development Data Conversion activities are expected to be completed by 21 March, with the two main data conversion elements (Leave and Service) expected to be completed by 24 February and 07 March respectively.

Completion of the Historic Data Complete Project Milestone is now expected to be completed by 21 March (reported as 7 March last week). This revision is to allow work to focus on Data Conversion which is a critical path activity.

The next formal comparison of output for Payroll Verification is scheduled to take place in March.









Completed Not Completed

Construction FDS (Pre 7 Sept) Current Status as at 14 February 2012









Completed Not Completed

Construction FDS (Post 7 Sept) Current Status as at 14 February 2012

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3 | P a g e FINAL Novopay Project Weekly Report, 15 Feb 2012

A summary of the latest Payroll Verification comparisons that have been completed is shown below:

Documentation Overall Status: Amber

Documentation is comprised of Manuals & User Guides, Novopay Forms and the Novopay Website (Training documents are reported in the Training section of this report).

The following table provides status information for of each of the Manuals / User Guides to be delivered:

Document % Complete Ready for MoE UAT

Business Process Manual 96% 28/02/12

Business Requirements Manual 96% 24/01/12

Novopay Service Manual 95% 20/01/12

Novopay Online User Guide 95% 03/02/12

Quick Reference Guide (QRG) 100% 20/01/12

Payroll Processing User Guide 20% 30/03/12

Payroll Administration User Guide 20% 30/03/12

Payroll Operations Manual 15% 30/03/12

Service Desk Operations Manual 20% 23/03/12

Numara Internal Staff User Guide 30% 30/03/12

Numara ESP User Guide 55% 16/03/12

Numara Schools User Guide 50% 16/03/12

Teacher Salary Assessments Reference & Process Manual for Area 80% 29/02/12

Teacher Salary Assessments Reference & Process Manual for Primary 80% 29/02/12

Teacher Salary Assessments Reference & Process Manual for Secondary 80% 29/02/12

Debt Management User Guide 70% 24/02/12

Retrospective Processing User Guide 0% April 2012

Updates to existing documentation – resulting from Debt Management or Retrospective processing

0% April 2012

As the delivery of the Manuals / Users Guides is behind schedule, completion is being prioritised to deliver those critical to UAT.

Review and updates of the Manuals / User Guides following UAT Testing is expected to take place, with final documents expected to be delivered by 14 May 2012.










August62% Converted

Within $0.10

December80% Converted

Within $0.10

Payroll Verification Comparisonsas at 14 February 2012

EmployeesIn TM4

EmployeesConverted intoNovopay Within $0.10 Difference

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4 | P a g e FINAL Novopay Project Weekly Report, 15 Feb 2012

At 14 February 2012, the status of the conversion of the 59 Education Services Payroll Forms into Novopay Forms is shown below:

The 45 forms ‘Ready for UAT’ are undergoing a high-level review by the Senior User team to verify the completeness of the forms.

A review of the activities required to complete the Novopay Website has been undertaken. Website Templates & Design work has been completed and progress on the contents sections is detailed below. The website is currently expected to be ready for UAT by 30 March, with updates (post UAT) due March to June. The following table provides a breakdown of the state of completeness for various sections of the Novopay Website:

Website Content Section Name Current State (Approx) Forecast completion – in time for E2E Cycle 2

Training 90%. 17/04/12

Use Novopay 95% 17/04/12

Forms 75% 17/04/12

Tools to Help You 40% 17/04/12

Service Desk 75% 17/04/12

Best Practise 75%. 17/04/12

Once the look and feel of the Novopay Training Materials is finalised, consideration will be given to updating the website to establish a consistent look and feel across key materials.




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Novopay Formsas at 14 February 2012

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5 | P a g e FINAL Novopay Project Weekly Report, 15 Feb 2012

Testing Overall Status: Red

At 14 February, of the 57 Construction FDSs, 54 FDS had successfully passed QLAs with three FDS outstanding

The indicative timeframe for meeting the Systems Integration Testing (SIT) Project Milestone as reported at the 9 February project Board meeting is now in the range 2 March to 16 March

At 14 February there were a total of 128 defects (139 were reported last week). There are no Severity One defects. The breakdown of defects by severity level is shown below:

Informal UAT 3rd

Party End to End Testing began on 13 February, however the main focus remains on completing the System Integration Testing (SIT) Project Milestone. Timing of this testing commencing, and that of other testing phases, will be factored into the February Baseline.

UAT End to End 32 Pay Period Cycle Preparation Completed is due to complete by 17 February, however this date will not be met as testing resources required to create test scripts were allocated to completing SIT activities. Additional resources have been added to complete this work and it is now forecast to complete by 9 March and is now required before the end of March.






24-Jan 31-Jan 7-Feb 14-Feb

3 9 11 12

97 76 70 65

6053 47 41




Open Defects by Severityas at 14 February 2012

Sev 5

Sev 4

Sev 3

Sev 2

Sev 1

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6 | P a g e FINAL Novopay Project Weekly Report, 15 Feb 2012

Engagement Overall Status: Amber

Specific current engagement activities include:

The next meeting of the Payroll Reference Group is scheduled for 20 February 2012.

The Access & Authorisation forms returned from schools has increased to 2,345 out of 2,457 schools, i.e. 96% returned (up from 2,334 schools last week). Resources are in place to resolve queries and manage changes to the User information between now and handover to T2 at the end of March.

For the Novopay Online Specialists, 76 users have been identified (out of a pool of 90), representing a mix of school type, school size and geographical spread.

The Stakeholder Matrix, which identifies project stakeholders and required engagement activities, is being updated to review its currency, associated actions and ownership of relationships. A sub-committee of the Steering Committee is to be established to review the Matrix monthly.

Discussions are continuing at Steering Committee level to determine ownership of key engagement responsibilities. All activities related to these responsibilities have been identified and agreed.

The below, School User Involvement Table, identifies phases of the project, along with the number of school users required, identified and currently booked to participate in the various phases of testing and training:

Test Phase or Training Activity

Date Activity Commences (Baseline)


Number of School Users Required

Specific School Users Identified

Specific of School Users Booked

UAT 3rd Party E2E Testing 12/01/2012 MoE Offices 1 1 1

UAT 32 PP Testing 27/02/2012 MoE Offices 6 8 0

UAT Business Process Testing 29/03/2012 School Premises 12 19 0

Training Materials Testing 23/02/2012 School Premises 10 0 0

Novopay Online Specialists F2F Training

02/04/2012 Regional Locations c.50 to 100 76 0

Online Training - Tranche1 16/04/2012 School Premises c.750 0 0

Online Training – Tranche2 23/04/2012 School Premises c.750 0 0

Online Training – Tranche3 30/04/2012 School Premises c.750 0 0

Online Training – Tranche4 07/05/2012 School Premises c.750 0 0

Online Training – Tranche5 14/05/2012 School Premises c.750 0 0

Online Training – Tranche6 21/05/2012 School Premises c.750 0 0

Online Training – Tranche7 28/05/2012 School Premises c.750 0 0

Online Training – Tranche8 04/06/2012 School Premises c.750 0 0

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7 | P a g e FINAL Novopay Project Weekly Report, 15 Feb 2012

Business Processes Overall Status: Green

At 14 February all of the 42 Ministry (ESP) Business Processes had been completed and 168 of the 175 Talent2 Business Processes had been completed (with the remainder agreed as subject to Contract Variation Two or a Change Request). These Business Processes will be tested and revised as appropriate during UAT Business Process Testing.

The development of Education Services Payroll project deliverables (Vendor Management & Transition deliverables and ESP Future State Structure & Framework deliverables) is currently behind schedule but is not currently affecting the critical path to go-live. An assessment of the timing for completion of these tasks is currently underway and will be incorporated into the February Baseline.

Service Readiness Overall Status: Green

The target date for transitioning the Salary Assessment Unit is being reconsidered in conjunction with Datacom, Schools Support & the Ministry. The transition had been expected to occur on 28 February 2012 but this has been deferred. An update is expected at the 15 February Steering Committee.

The Christchurch Pay Centre fit-out is completed. A test of the IT and telecommunications environment is planned for May 2012 prior to Service Centre Readiness completion.

Recruitment of Staff for the Wellington Pay Centre is approximately 70% complete, with 6 employment offers having been accepted, and 14 positions are in the final stages of recruitment. This assumes all 14 will accept offers, and is based on the structure of 29 FTE.

Talent2 received Council approval for Wellington Pay Centre premises on 20 January. The fit-out commenced on 24 January, with occupancy planned for 16 March 2012.

3rd Party Agreements are expected to be completed by April. All 3rd Parties have been contacted for participation in E2E Testing beforehand and sourcing of the required files from each is progressing to the required timelines.

Business Continuity Plan and the KPI Holiday Review – as previously agreed, work is scheduled to progress this in February.

Control Environment / Assurance work is progressing, with Talent2 expected to assign a resource to manage this for the project this week. Proposed Audit dates are being reviewed to ensure that they align with project deliverables.

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Talent2 Business Processesas at 14 February 2012

0 0


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ESP Business Processesas at 14 February 2012

Page 43: Novopay Project Weekly Report as at Tuesday 10 January … · 1 | P a g e Novopay Project Weekly Report Novopay Project Weekly Report as at Tuesday 10 January 2012 Key Items 1. As

8 | P a g e FINAL Novopay Project Weekly Report, 15 Feb 2012

Training Overall Status: Red

Draft Project Plans have been completed by Talent2 with indicative delivery dates of mid-May for training Module 0, the Quick Start Module, and the second module (that is proposed to capture content of all other remaining modules originally planned). The plan and costings are to be reviewed next week.

The Talent2 Training Manager has assessed the approach and effort required to deliver proposed face-to-face training and expects to deliver a plan for this work by 17 February. The plan will show when the Training Materials Complete Project Milestone is likely to be met by (was due 16 March but this date is unlikely to be met).

A training co-ordinator has also been appointed.

The following table provides the status information for the training materials required as part of the Training Materials Complete Project Milestone:

Deliverable % Complete Milestone - Ready for Testing

Milestone - Ready for Deployment

Online Training Materials

Module 0 - Quick Start 5% 2/03/2012 13/03/2012

Module 1 – Introduction TBC 2/03/2012 13/03/2012

Module 2 - Using Novopay Online TBC 2/03/2012 13/03/2012

Module 3 - My HR TBC 2/03/2012 13/03/2012

Module 4 - My School TBC 2/03/2012 13/03/2012

Module 5 - My Reporting TBC 2/03/2012 13/03/2012

Module 6 - The Payroll Process TBC 2/03/2012 13/03/2012

Module 7 - EOY & SOY TBC 2/03/2012 13/03/2012

Retrospective Training Module TBC TBC TBC

Face to Face Materials

Novopay Online Specialists TBC 23/02/2012 13/03/2012

T2 Service Centre & Pay Centre Staff TBC 23/02/2012 13/03/2012

ESP and other Ministry staff TBC 23/02/2012 13/03/2012

The Training Materials Complete Project Milestone also includes a number of ‘Feature Deliverables’, including:

The Novopay Online Beta Environment

A user driven online booking service for training

A training progression system for users

A real-time question and answer facility and a submit a question facility

Ability for users to interact with each other for learning purposes

FAQs with ongoing updates during the training phase to respond to FAQs as these become apparent.

It has been confirmed that the Talent2 Training Team in Australia will assist with training, by creating and delivering specific modules. The approach to providing a number of the Feature Deliverables remains a work in progress.

Detailed information will be provided about uptake by schools once training commences, currently scheduled for 5 March but this is being reviewed as part of the February Baseline planning.

Cutover and Go Live Overall Status: Green

A kick-off meeting for the Novopay Assurance Programme was held on 14 February and formal weekly reporting to the Steering Committee is expected to commence from 28 February.

Further detailed planning in this workstream are being incorporated into the February Baseline.

Post Go Live Overall Status: Green

No activities are planned to take place in the workstream until after Go-Live.

Project Management & Governance Overall Status: Green

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9 | P a g e FINAL Novopay Project Weekly Report, 15 Feb 2012

Change Requests are initiated from a number of different project workstreams. The following provides a summary of the active Change Requests broken down by the stage in the project that Change Requests are pre-requisites to:

The Project Initiation Document (PID) was endorsed by the Project Board at the January board meeting (subject to incorporation of final feedback). This feedback is still to be incorporated.

Acceptance Criteria for the project milestones are being reviewed. Acceptance Criteria for the January and February project Milestones was endorsed by the Steering Committee on 1 February and a minor change was confirmed at the 8 February Steering Committee. The remaining criteria continue in draft form and are intended to be finalised in line with the February Baseline.

A high level critical path impact analysis has been completed as part of the February Baseline review, with three confidence points identified and indicative dates for prerequisites to be completed. PwC have now commenced a review of the planning and assumptions to provide assurance and a final baseline is expected to be complete for the March project Board Meeting.


























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Change Requestsas at 14 February 2012

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1 | P a g e FINAL Novopay Project Weekly Report, 22 Feb 2012

Project Weekly Report for Wednesday 22 February 2012

Key Items

54 out of the 57 FDS have passed QLAs. The forecast timeframe for meeting the Systems Integration Testing (SIT) Project Milestone remains in the range 2 March to 16 March. Good progress is being reported against FDS27, with some significant outstanding issues remaining for FDS6 and 16. The overall number of defects reported has generally been trending downwards but these need to reduce further before it becomes practical for the detailed analysis to take place to determine which defects can be carried beyond the end of SIT.

The detailed February Baseline Project Plan is expected to be complete at the end of this week and will be provided to the Steering Group and Project Board Sub Committee at next weeks meeting. A review of each of the key project workstreams has taken place with PwC and they are aiming to produce a draft report by the end of this week.

Completion of the Historic Data Complete Project Milestone continues to be forecast to be complete d by 21 March with remaining Data Conversion activities expected to be completed by 21 March.

Completion of the Construction Post September 7 Project Milestone continues to forecast to be completed by 31 March with the focus on completing FDS79 by 9 March (and SIT tested by 2 April) as it is a critical path item. FDS79 is currently reporting a significant issue that is being worked through with urgency.

Construction of the Payroll Verification Comparison Tool is continuing and is planned to be completed by 28 March.

The Novopay Payroll Reference Group (PRG) met on 20 February and included a demonstration of Novopay Online and an overview of the engagement and training of users. Positive feedback has been received from members of the PRG.

Approaching Project Milestones (Draft February Baseline) Draft February Baseline Due Date

Forecast for Completion

System Integration Testing Pre 7 September Completed 2-16 March 2-16 March

UAT End to End 32 Pay Period Cycle Preparation Completed 9 March 2012 9 March 2012

Historic Data Complete 21 March 2012 21 March 2012

Full Payroll Verification Comparison Tool 28 March 2012 28 March 2012

Construction Post 7 Sept Completed 31 March 2012 31 March 2012

System Integration Testing Post 7 September Completed 3 May 2012 3 May 2012

FDS79 (Constructed and SIT Tested) 2 April 2012 2 April 2012

Project Progress Against November 2011 Baseline

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2 | P a g e FINAL Novopay Project Weekly Report, 22 Feb 2012

Elaboration Overall Status: Green

No further work is currently planned in the Elaboration workstream until April 2012, when FDS67 Principal Salaries and FDS68 Voluntary Bonding will be elaborated as required (the February Baseline review will confirm the timing of this work) .

Construction Overall Status: Amber

Construction is complete for all of the Pre 7 September Construction Project Milestone FDSs, which was approved as completed by the Business Owner on 21 November 2011.

Of the six Post 7 September FDSs:

Three (FD69, 74 and 79) make up the 17 February 2012 Construction Post 7 September Project Milestone.

One (FDS72), Retrospective Processing, is being managed in the Retrospective Processing Workstream (see below).

Two (FDS67 and 68), are not required before go-live and construction of these FDS will be confirmed in the February Baseline.

Completion of the Construction Post September 7 Project Milestone continues to forecast to be completed by 31 March with the focus on completing FDS79 by 9 March (and SIT tested by 2 April) as it is a critical path item. FDS79 is currently reporting a significant issue that is being worked through with urgency.

Work on construction of the Payroll Verification Comparison Tool is continuing, and will include all necessary financial and non-financial comparators. This work is expected to be complete by 28 March.

In summary, the status of the 21 November Construction FDSs and the Post 7 September FDSs are shown below:

Retrospective Processing Overall Status: Amber

Technical design for Retrospective Processing began on 7 February, with the Initial Technical Design now expected to be delivered by 2 March 2012 (reported as 20 February last week) with key resources prioritised to work on Payroll Verification.

A detailed plan for the design and construction of Retrospective Processing functionality has been included in the draft February Baseline.

Commercial terms for the Retrospective Processing solution are being finalised by Talent2.

Data and Configuration Overall Status: Amber

All development Data Conversion activities are expected to be completed by 21 March, with the two main data conversion elements (Leave and Service) expected to be completed by 24 February and 07 March respectively.

Completion of the Historic Data Complete Project Milestone continues to be forecast to be complete d by 21 March.

The next formal comparison of output for Payroll Verification is scheduled to take place in March.









Completed Not Completed

Construction FDS (Pre 7 Sept) Current Status as at 21 February 2012









Completed Not Completed

Construction FDS (Post 7 Sept) Current Status as at 21 February 2012

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3 | P a g e FINAL Novopay Project Weekly Report, 22 Feb 2012

A summary of the latest Payroll Verification comparisons that have been completed is shown below:

Documentation Overall Status: Green

Documentation is comprised of Manuals & User Guides, Novopay Forms and the Novopay Website (Training documents are reported in the Training section of this report).

The following table provides status information for of each of the Manuals / User Guides to be delivered:

Document Status Planned % Complete

Actual % Complete

Forecast to Complete

February Baseline

Business Process Manual Ready for UAT + 1 BP in Draft 95% 95% 09/03/12 09/03/12

Business Requirements Manual 2

nd Draft being finalised by

Talent2 95% 96% 30/03/12 30/03/12

Novopay Service Manual Review by MoE 80% 80% 16/03/12 16/03/12

Novopay Online User Guide Review by MoE 85% 87% 30/03/12 30/03/12

Quick Reference Guide (QRG) Being finalised by T2 following

MoE Review 75% 76% 23/03/12 23/03/12

Payroll Processing User Guide Draft 15% 15% 03/05/12 03/05/12

Payroll Administration User Guide Draft 15% 10% 03/05/12 03/05/12

Payroll Operations Manual Draft 15% 10% 03/05/12 03/05/12

Service Desk Operations Manual Draft 15% 10% 17/04/12 17/04/12

Numara Internal Staff User Guide Draft 30% 26/04/12 26/04/12

Numara ESP User Guide Draft 35% 35% 26/04/12 26/04/12

Numara Schools User Guide Draft 35% 35% 26/04/12 26/04/12

Teacher Salary Assessments Reference & Process Manual for Area

Draft 45% 45% 12/04/12 12/04/12

Teacher Salary Assessments Reference & Process Manual for Primary

Draft 45% 45% 12/04/12 12/04/12

Teacher Salary Assessments Reference & Process Manual for Secondary

Draft 45% 45% 12/04/12 12/04/12

Debt Management User Guide Draft 75% 71% 24/04/12 24/04/12

Retrospective Processing User Guide Not started. 0% 0% May 2012 28/05/12

Updates to existing documentation – resulting from Debt Management or Retrospective processing

Not started. 0% 0% May 2012 28/05/12










August62% Converted

Within $0.10

December80% Converted

Within $0.10

Payroll Verification Comparisonsas at 21 February 2012

EmployeesIn TM4

EmployeesConverted intoNovopay Within $0.10 Difference

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4 | P a g e FINAL Novopay Project Weekly Report, 22 Feb 2012

At 21 February 2012, the status of the conversion of the 59 Education Services Payroll Forms into Novopay Forms is shown below:

The 45 forms ‘Ready for UAT’ are undergoing a high-level review by the Senior User team to verify the completeness of the forms. 0020

A review of the activities required to complete the Novopay Website has been undertaken. Website Templates & Design work has been completed and progress on the contents sections is detailed below. The website is currently expected to be ready for UAT by 30 March, with updates (post UAT) due March to June. The following table provides a breakdown of the state of completeness for various sections of the Novopay Website:

Website Content Section Name Current State (Approx) Forecast completion – in time for E2E Cycle 2

Training 90%. 17/04/12

Use Novopay 95% 17/04/12

Forms 75% 17/04/12

Tools to Help You 40% 17/04/12

Service Desk 75% 17/04/12

Best Practise 75%. 17/04/12

Once the look and feel of the Novopay Training Materials is finalised, consideration will be given to updating the website to establish a consistent look and feel across key materials.




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Novopay Formsas at 21 February 2012

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5 | P a g e FINAL Novopay Project Weekly Report, 22 Feb 2012

Testing Overall Status: Red

54 out of the 57 FDS have passed QLAs. The forecast timeframe for meeting the Systems Integration Testing (SIT) Project Milestone remains in the range 2 March to 16 March.

Good progress is being reported against FDS27, with some significant outstanding issues remaining for FDS6 and 16. The overall number of defects reported has generally been trending downwards but these need to reduce further before it becomes practical for the detailed analysis to take place to determine which defects can be carried beyond the end of SIT.

At 21 February there were a total of 120 defects (128 were reported last week). There are no Severity One defects. The breakdown of defects by severity level is shown below:

Informal UAT 3rd

Party End to End Testing began on 13 February, however the main focus remains on completing the System Integration Testing (SIT) Project Milestone. The following graphs show progress of informal UAT 3

rd Party End to End testing:

UAT End to End 32 Pay Period Cycle Preparation Completed is continuing to forecast to be complete by 9 March, with test scripts being developed at the required rate. The following graph shows current progress against plan:

3 9 11 12 4

97 76 70 65 69

6053 47 41 38



8 9






24-Jan 31-Jan 7-Feb 14-Feb 21-Feb

Open Defects by Severityas at 21 February 2012

Sev 5

Sev 4

Sev 3

Sev 2

Sev 1







Completed Not Completed

System Integration Testing QLA's Completed as at 21 February 2012







600UAT E2E 32 Pay Period Preparation

Tests Prepped today

Planned Tests to Prep at 25 per day

Actual Prepped To Date

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6 | P a g e FINAL Novopay Project Weekly Report, 22 Feb 2012

Engagement Overall Status: Amber

Specific current engagement activities include:

The Novopay Payroll Reference Group (PRG) met on 20 February and included a demonstration of Novopay Online and an overview of the engagement and training of users. Positive feedback has been received from members of the PRG.

The Access & Authorisation forms returned from schools has increased to 2,396 out of 2,457 schools, i.e. 97.5% returned (up from 2,345 schools last week). Resources are in place to resolve queries and manage changes to the user information between now and handover to Talent2 at the end of March.

For the Novopay Online Specialists, 91 potential users have now been identified (up from 76 reported last week). Users representing a mix of school type, school size and geographical spread will continue to be identified until between 60 and 100 have been confirmed (booked).

The Stakeholder Matrix, which identifies project stakeholders and required engagement activities, is being updated to review its currency, associated actions and ownership of relationships. A sub-committee of the Steering Committee has been established to review the Matrix monthly and will meet for the first time on Monday 27 February 2012.

Ownership for key Engagement responsibilities is still being confirmed, however MoE resources are available to complete agreed tasks that require immediate attention in the interim.

The below, School User Involvement Table, identifies phases of the project, along with the number of school users required, identified and currently booked to participate in the various phases of testing and training:

Test Phase or Training Activity

Date Activity Commences ( Feb Baseline TBC)


Number of School Users Required

Number of School Users Identified

Number of School Users Booked

UAT 3rd Party E2E Testing 03/04/2012 MoE Offices 1 1 1

UAT 32 PP Testing 04/05/2012 MoE Offices 6 8 0

UAT Business Process Testing 07/06/2012 School Premises 12 19 0

Training Materials Testing 16/05/2012 School Premises 10 0 0

Novopay Online Specialists F2F Training

04/06/2012 Regional Centres c.60 to 100 91 0

Online Training - Tranche1 TBC

School Premises c.750 0

Online Training – Tranche2 TBC School Premises c.750 0 0

Online Training – Tranche3 TBC School Premises c.750 0 0

Online Training – Tranche4 TBC School Premises c.750 0 0

Online Training – Tranche5 TBC School Premises c.750 0 0

Online Training – Tranche6 TBC School Premises c.750 0 0

Online Training – Tranche7 TBC School Premises c.750 0 0

Online Training – Tranche8 TBC School Premises c.750 0 0

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7 | P a g e FINAL Novopay Project Weekly Report, 22 Feb 2012

Business Processes Overall Status: Green

At 21 February all of the 42 Ministry (ESP) Business Processes had been completed and 168 of the 175 Talent2 Business Processes had been completed (with the remainder agreed as subject to Contract Variation Two or a Change Request). These Business Processes will be tested and revised as appropriate during UAT Business Process Testing.

Education Services Payroll project deliverables (Vendor Management & Transition deliverables and ESP Future State Structure & Framework deliverables) have been reviewed and are being re-aligned with the February baseline review dates. Development of these deliverables does not affecting the critical path to go-live.

Inputs required from Talent2 for the Education Services Payroll project deliverables have been identified as part of this review and incorporated into the plan.

Service Readiness Overall Status: Green

The target date for transitioning the Salary Assessment Unit is being reconsidered in conjunction with Datacom, Schools Support & the Ministry. The transition had been expected to occur on 28 February 2012 but this has been deferred.

The Christchurch Pay Centre fit-out is completed. A test of the IT and telecommunications environment is planned for May 2012 prior to Service Centre Readiness completion.

Recruitment of Staff for the Wellington Pay Centre is approximately 70% complete, with 6 employment offers having been accepted, and 14 positions are in the final stages of recruitment. This assumes all 14 will accept offers, and is based on the structure of 29 FTE.

Talent2 received Council approval for Wellington Pay Centre premises on 20 January. The fit-out commenced on 24 January, with occupancy planned for 16 March 2012.

3rd Party Agreements are expected to be completed by April. All 3rd Parties have been contacted for participation in E2E Testing beforehand and sourcing of the required files from each is progressing to the required timelines.

Business Continuity Plan and the KPI Holiday Review – as previously agreed, work is scheduled to progress this in February.

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ESP Business Processesas at 21 February 2012

Page 52: Novopay Project Weekly Report as at Tuesday 10 January … · 1 | P a g e Novopay Project Weekly Report Novopay Project Weekly Report as at Tuesday 10 January 2012 Key Items 1. As

8 | P a g e FINAL Novopay Project Weekly Report, 22 Feb 2012

Training Overall Status: Red

Draft Project Plans have been completed by Talent2 with indicative delivery dates of mid-May for training Module 0, the Quick Start Module, and the second module (that is proposed to capture content of all other remaining modules originally planned). The plan and costings are to be reviewed next week.

Talent2 is waiting on confirmation of proposals for resources required to deliver face-to-face training – a plan for this work was expected on 17 February but has been delayed by up to 2 weeks. The Training Materials Complete Project Milestone is expected to be met by 31 May 2012 (was 16 March).

Good progress was made on all Training Modules this week, with General Design expected for approval next week.

The following table provides the status information for the training materials required as part of the Training Materials Complete Project Milestone:

Deliverable % Complete Milestone - Ready for Testing

Milestone - Ready for Deployment

Online Training Materials

Module 0 - Quick Start 10% 30/04/2012 31/05/2012

Module 1 – Introduction 5% 16/05/2012 31/05/2012

Module 2 - Using Novopay Online 5% 16/05/2012 31/05/2012

Module 3 - My HR 5% 16/05/2012 31/05/2012

Module 4 - My School 5% 16/05/2012 31/05/2012

Module 5 - My Reporting 5% 16/05/2012 31/05/2012

Module 6 - The Payroll Process 5% 16/05/2012 31/05/2012

Module 7 - EOY & SOY 5% 16/05/2012 31/05/2012

Retrospective Training Module 0% TBC TBC

Face to Face Materials

Novopay Online Specialists 5% N/A 31/05/2012

T2 Service Centre & Pay Centre Staff 5% N/A 31/05/2012

ESP and other Ministry staff 5% N/A 31/05/2012

The Training Materials Complete Project Milestone also includes a number of ‘Feature Deliverables’, including:

The Novopay Online Beta Environment

A user driven online booking service for training

A training progression system for users

A real-time question and answer facility and a submit a question facility

Ability for users to interact with each other for learning purposes

FAQs with ongoing updates during the training phase to respond to FAQs as these become apparent.

Talent2 are investigating different tools to deliver On-Line Learning and Feature Deliverables, including Cornerstone (a Learning Management System) and freeware alternatives

Detailed information will be provided about uptake by schools once training commences.

Cutover and Go Live Overall Status: Green

Further detailed planning in this workstream are being incorporated into the February Baseline.

Post Go Live Overall Status: Green

No activities are planned to take place in the workstream until after Go-Live.

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9 | P a g e FINAL Novopay Project Weekly Report, 22 Feb 2012

Project Management & Governance Overall Status: Green

Change Requests are initiated from a number of different project workstreams. The following provides a summary of the active Change Requests broken down by the stage in the project that Change Requests are pre-requisites to:

The Project Initiation Document (PID) was endorsed by the Project Board at the January board meeting (subject to incorporation of final feedback). A version that incorporates the final feedback will be circulated to the Project Board with the March Board Meeting Papers. The PID will also require updating to incorporated to align to the February Baseline and this will be actioned once the February Baseline is approved by the Project Board.

Acceptance Criteria for the Project Milestones are being reviewed to align to the February Baseline and will be submitted to the Steering Committee for endorsement once complete.

The detailed February Baseline Project Plan is expected to be complete at the end of this week and will be provided to the Steering Group and Project Board Sub Committee at next weeks meeting. A review of each of the key project workstreams has taken place with PwC and they are aiming to produce a draft report by the end of this week.

A kick-off meeting for the Novopay Assurance Programme was held on 14 February and formal weekly reporting to the Steering Committee is expected to commence from 28 February. Talent2 have assigned a resource to manage this work.


























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Change Requestsas at 21 February 2012

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1 | P a g e FINAL Novopay Project Weekly Report, 29 Feb 2012

Project Weekly Report for Wednesday 29 February 2012

Key Items

54 out of the 57 FDS have passed QLAs. The forecast timeframe for meeting the Systems Integration Testing (SIT) Project Milestone is now at the outer end of the 2 to 16 March range:

o Good progress continues to be reported against FDS27 with a QLA expected to take place within the next week. o QLAs for FDS6 and 16 are yet to be scheduled, with functionality identified during SIT as yet to be constructed. o The overall number of outstanding defects recorded has increased from last week, however around 50 that have been

addressed in development are due to be re-tested. o Ahead of the formal Defect Management Board process, an informal analysis of which defects may be possible to carry

beyond the end of SIT is to be undertaken this week.

The detailed draft February Baseline Project Plan will be provided to the Steering Group and Project Board Sub Committee this week ahead of submitting it for approval at the March Project Board. PwC have completed their draft report and are aiming to finalise it for submission to the March Project Board Meeting.

Completion of the Construction Post September 7 Project Milestone continues to forecast to be completed by 31 March with the focus on completing FDS79 by 12 March (9 March last week, with FDS79 SIT tested by 2 April) as it is a critical path item. Development resources have been allocated from Australia to support the completion of FDS79.

Completion of the Historic Data Complete Project Milestone is forecast to be completed by 23 March (21 March last week) with remaining Data Conversion activities expected to be completed by 28 March (21 March last week).

Construction of the Payroll Verification Comparison Tool is continuing and is planned to be completed by 28 March.

Informal UAT 3rd

Party End to End Testing began on 13 February, however as the main focus remains on completing the SIT Project Milestone no testing has taken place in this phase since 17 February. The benefit of commencing this informal test phase ahead of the completion of SIT is not materialising and the assumption made in the draft February Baseline of early identification of defects is at risk.

UAT End to End 32 Pay Period Cycle Preparation Completed is continuing to forecast to be complete by 9 March, with test scripts being developed at the required rate.

Approaching Project Milestones from the Draft February Baseline Draft February Baseline Due Date

Forecast for Completion

System Integration Testing Pre 7 September Completed 2-16 March 2012 16 March 2012

UAT End to End 32 Pay Period Cycle Preparation Completed 9 March 2012 9 March 2012

Historic Data Complete 23 March 2012 23 March 2012

Data Conversion 28 March 2012 28 March 2012

Full Payroll Verification Comparison Tool 28 March 2012 28 March 2012

Construction Post 7 Sept Completed 31 March 2012 31 March 2012

FDS79 (Constructed and SIT Tested) 2 April 2012 2 April 2012

System Integration Testing Post 7 September Completed 3 May 2012 3 May 2012

Project Progress by Workstream Against Draft February Baseline Target Completion % Actual Completion %

1. Project Establishment 100% 100%

2. Elaboration 96% 96%

3. Construction 90% 89%

4. Retrospective Processing 4% 3%

5. Data and Configuration 66% 63%

6. Testing 71% 69%

7. Documentation 36% 35%

8. Engagement 15% 14%

9. Business Processes 76% 72%

10. Service Readiness 38% 37%

11. Training 13% 11%

12. Cut-Over and Go-Live 0% 0%

13. Post Go-Live 1% 0%

14. Project Management & Governance 42% 38%

Actual Completion Colour Code for Project Progress Table: Green = with 5% of target; Red > 5% behind Target

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2 | P a g e FINAL Novopay Project Weekly Report, 29 Feb 2012

Elaboration Overall Status: Green

No further work is currently planned in the Elaboration workstream until April 2012, when FDS67 Principal Salaries and FDS68 Voluntary Bonding will be elaborated as required.

Construction Overall Status: Amber

Construction is complete for all of the Pre 7 September Construction Project Milestone FDSs, which was approved as completed by the Business Owner on 21 November 2011.

QLAs for FDS6 and 16 are yet to be scheduled, with functionality identified during SIT as yet to be constructed. Talent2 have assigned 4 resources to this work (2 to manage development, and 2 to resolve related defects).

Of the six Post 7 September FDSs:

Three (FD69, 74 and 79) make up the 31 March 2012 Construction Post 7 September Project Milestone.

One (FDS72), Retrospective Processing, is being managed in the Retrospective Processing Workstream (see below).

Two (FDS67 and 68), are not required before go-live.

Completion of the Construction Post September 7 Project Milestone continues to forecast to be completed by 31 March with the focus on completing FDS79 by 12 March (reported as 9 March last week) and SIT tested by 2 April as it is a critical path item.

Work on construction of the Payroll Verification Comparison Tool is continuing, and will include all necessary financial and non-financial comparators. This work (including testing) is expected to be complete by 28 March.

In summary, the status of the 21 November Construction FDSs and the Post 7 September FDSs are shown below:

Retrospective Processing Overall Status: Amber

Technical design for Retrospective Processing began on 7 February, with the Initial Technical Design expected to be delivered by 9 March 2012 (reported as 02 March last week).

A detailed plan for the design and construction of Retrospective Processing functionality has been included in the draft February Baseline.

Commercial terms for the Retrospective Processing solution are being finalised by Talent2.

Data and Configuration Overall Status: Amber

All development Data Conversion activities are expected to be completed by 28 March (reported as 21 March last week), with the two main data conversion elements (Leave and Service) expected to be completed by 24 February and 07 March respectively.

Completion of the Historic Data Complete Project Milestone is forecast to be complete by 23 March (reported as 21 March last week).

The next formal comparison of output for Payroll Verification is scheduled to take place in March.

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3 | P a g e FINAL Novopay Project Weekly Report, 29 Feb 2012

A summary of the latest Payroll Verification comparisons that have been completed is shown below: Note that this graph shows the number of payslips converted from TM4 to Novopay, where the net pay (the total payment made to an individual) is within 10c. The same payrun was used for December and February comparisons (Payrun 17, November 2011).

Documentation Overall Status: Green

Documentation is comprised of Manuals & User Guides, Novopay Forms and the Novopay Website (Training documents are reported in the Training section of this report).

The following table provides status information for of each of the Manuals / User Guides to be delivered:

Document Status Planned % Complete

Actual % Complete

Forecast to Complete

February Baseline

Business Process Manual Ready for UAT + 1 BP in Draft 95% 95% 09/03/12 09/03/12

Business Requirements Manual 2

nd Draft being finalised by

Talent2 95% 96% 30/03/12 30/03/12

Novopay Service Manual Review by MoE 80% 81% 16/03/12 16/03/12

Novopay Online User Guide Review by MoE 90% 95% 30/03/12 30/03/12

Quick Reference Guide (QRG) Being finalised by T2 following

MoE Review 80% 81% 23/03/12 23/03/12

Payroll Processing User Guide Draft 23% 15% 03/05/12 03/05/12

Payroll Administration User Guide Draft 23% 10% 03/05/12 03/05/12

Payroll Operations Manual Draft 23% 10% 03/05/12 03/05/12

Service Desk Operations Manual Draft 25% 15% 17/04/12 17/04/12

Numara Internal Staff User Guide Draft 45% 30% 26/04/12 26/04/12

Numara ESP User Guide Draft 60% 50% 26/04/12 26/04/12

Numara Schools User Guide Draft 60% 50% 26/04/12 26/04/12

Teacher Salary Assessments Reference & Process Manual for Area

Draft 51% 70% 12/04/12 12/04/12

Teacher Salary Assessments Reference & Process Manual for Primary

Draft 51% 70% 12/04/12 12/04/12

Teacher Salary Assessments Reference & Process Manual for Secondary

Draft 51% 70% 12/04/12 12/04/12

Debt Management User Guide Draft 84% 75% 24/04/12 24/04/12

Retrospective Processing User Guide Not started. 0% 0% May 2012 28/05/12

Updates to existing documentation – resulting from Debt Management or Retrospective processing

Not started. 0% 0% May 2012 28/05/12

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At 21 February 2012, the status of the conversion of the 59 Education Services Payroll Forms into Novopay Forms is shown below:

The 45 forms ‘Ready for UAT’ are undergoing a high-level review by the Senior User team to verify the completeness of the forms.

A review of the activities required to complete the Novopay Website has been undertaken. Website Templates & Design work has been completed and progress on the contents sections is detailed below. The website is currently expected to be ready for UAT by 30 March, with updates (post UAT) due March to June. The following table provides a breakdown of the state of completeness for various sections of the Novopay Website:

Website Content Section Name Current State (Approx) Forecast completion – in time for E2E Cycle 2

Training 90%. 17/04/12

Use Novopay 95% 17/04/12

Forms 75% 17/04/12

Tools to Help You 40% 17/04/12

Service Desk 75% 17/04/12

Best Practise 75%. 17/04/12

Once the look and feel of the Novopay Training Materials is finalised, consideration will be given to updating the website to establish a consistent look and feel across key materials.

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Testing Overall Status: Red

54 out of the 57 FDS have passed QLAs. The forecast timeframe for meeting the Systems Integration Testing (SIT) Project Milestone is now at the outer end of the 2 to 16 March range:

o Good progress continues to be reported against FDS27 with a QLA expected to take place within the next week.

o QLAs for FDS6 and 16 are yet to be scheduled, with functionality identified during SIT as yet to be constructed.

o The overall number of outstanding defects recorded has increased from last week, however around 50 that have been addressed in development are due to be re-tested.

o Ahead of the formal Defect Management Board process, an informal analysis of which defects may be possible to carry beyond the end of SIT is to be undertaken this week.

At 28 February there were a total of 132 defects (120 were reported last week). There are no Severity One defects. The breakdown of defects by severity level is shown below:

Informal UAT 3rd

Party End to End Testing began on 13 February, however as the main focus remains on completing the SIT Project Milestone no testing has taken place in this phase since 17 February. The benefit of commencing this informal test phase ahead of the completion of SIT is not materialising and the assumption made in the draft February Baseline of early identification of defects is at risk. The following graphs show progress of informal UAT 3

rd Party End to End testing:

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UAT End to End 32 Pay Period Cycle Preparation Completed is continuing to forecast to be complete by 9 March, with test scripts being developed at the required rate. The following graph shows current progress against plan:

Engagement Overall Status: Amber

Specific current engagement activities include:

The Access & Authorisation forms returned from schools has increased to 2,430 out of 2,457 schools, i.e. 99% returned (up from 2,396 reported last week). Resources are in place to resolve queries and manage changes to the user information between now and handover to Talent2 at the end of March.

For the Novopay Online Specialists, 91 potential users have been identified (no change from last week). Input has been requested from the PRG members. Users will be identified until 12 March 2012 at which point an initial approach will be made to users becoming Novopay Online Specialists. 60 to 100 users are required to become Novopay Online Specialists.

Direct engagement with school users has been deferred until February baseline review dates have been confirmed and an appropriate date for engagement agreed. Engagement is currently limited to specific testing activity.

The Stakeholder Matrix, which identifies project stakeholders and required engagement activities, has been updated and a Stakeholder Heat Map produced to indicate those stakeholders requiring more focussed engagement. A sub-committee of the Steering Committee has been established to review the Matrix monthly, and will meet in early March (the first meeting scheduled for Monday 27 February 2012 was postponed due to re-planning activities).

Ownership for key engagement responsibilities is still being confirmed, however MoE resources are available to complete agreed tasks that require immediate attention in the interim. A meeting is planned on 29 February with MoE and Talent2 to resolve outstanding issues.

The School User Involvement Table (below) identifies phases of the project, along with the number of school users required, identified and currently booked to participate in the various phases of testing and training. Note that the number of tranches have been consolidated (discussed at the Business Change Progress Meeting 23/02/12) to reduce the rollout duration and increase the time available for users to engage with the Novopay Beta environment:

Test Phase or Training Activity

Date Activity Commences ( Feb Baseline TBC)


Number of School Users Required

Number of School Users Identified

Number of School Users Booked

UAT 3rd Party E2E Testing 03/04/2012 MoE Offices 1 1 1

UAT 32 PP Testing 04/05/2012 MoE Offices 6 8 0

UAT Business Process Testing 07/06/2012 School Premises 12 19 0

Training Materials Testing 16/05/2012 School Premises 10 0 0

Novopay Online Specialists F2F Training

04/06/2012 Regional Centres c.60 to 100 91 0

Online Training – Tranche1 TBC School Premises c.1500 0 0

Online Training – Tranche2 TBC School Premises c.2250 0 0

Online Training – Tranche3 TBC School Premises c.2250 0 0

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Business Processes Overall Status: Green

At 21 February all of the 42 Ministry (ESP) Business Processes had been completed and 168 of the 175 Talent2 Business Processes had been completed (with the remainder agreed as subject to Contract Variation Two or a Change Request). These Business Processes will be tested and revised as appropriate during UAT Business Process Testing.

Education Services Payroll project deliverables (Vendor Management & Transition deliverables and ESP Future State Structure & Framework deliverables) have been reviewed and are being re-aligned with the February baseline review dates. Development of these deliverables does not affecting the critical path to go-live.

Inputs required from Talent2 for the Education Services Payroll project deliverables have been identified as part of this review and incorporated into the plan.

Service Readiness Overall Status: Green

The target date for transitioning the Salary Assessment Unit is being reconsidered in conjunction with Datacom, Schools Support & the Ministry. The transition had been expected to occur on 28 February 2012 but this has been deferred and is now expected to take place at go-live.

The Christchurch Pay Centre fit-out is completed. A test of the IT and telecommunications environment is planned for May 2012 prior to Service Centre Readiness completion.

Recruitment of Staff for the Wellington Pay Centre is approximately 70% complete, with 6 employment offers having been accepted, and 14 positions are in the final stages of recruitment. This assumes all 14 will accept offers, and is based on the structure of 29 FTE.

Talent2 received Council approval for Wellington Pay Centre premises on 20 January. The fit-out commenced on 24 January, with occupancy planned for 16 March 2012.

3rd Party Agreements are expected to be completed by April. All 3rd Parties have been contacted for participation in E2E Testing beforehand and sourcing of the required files from each is progressing to the required timelines.

Business Continuity Plan and the KPI Holiday Review – as previously agreed, work is scheduled to progress this in February.

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Training Overall Status: Red

Draft Project Plans have been completed by Talent2 with indicative delivery dates of mid-May for training Module 0, the Quick Start Module, and the second module (that is proposed to capture content of all other remaining modules originally planned).

Talent2 is waiting on confirmation of proposals for resources required to deliver face-to-face training – a plan for this work was expected on 17 February but has been delayed by up to 2 weeks. The Training Materials Complete Project Milestone is expected to be met by 31 May 2012.

The following table provides the status information for the training materials required as part of the Training Materials Complete Project Milestone:

Deliverable % Complete Milestone - Ready for Testing

Milestone - Ready for Deployment

Online Training Materials

Module 0 - Quick Start 10% 30/04/2012 31/05/2012

Module 1 – Introduction 5% 16/05/2012 31/05/2012

Module 2 - Using Novopay Online 5% 16/05/2012 31/05/2012

Module 3 - My HR 5% 16/05/2012 31/05/2012

Module 4 - My School 5% 16/05/2012 31/05/2012

Module 5 - My Reporting 5% 16/05/2012 31/05/2012

Module 6 - The Payroll Process 5% 16/05/2012 31/05/2012

Module 7 - EOY & SOY 5% 16/05/2012 31/05/2012

Retrospective Training Module 0% TBC TBC

Face to Face Materials

Novopay Online Specialists 5% N/A 31/05/2012

T2 Service Centre & Pay Centre Staff 5% N/A 31/05/2012

ESP and other Ministry staff 5% N/A 31/05/2012

The Training Materials Complete Project Milestone also includes a number of ‘Feature Deliverables’, including:

The Novopay Online Beta Environment

A user driven online booking service for training

A training progression system for users

A real-time question and answer facility and a submit a question facility

Ability for users to interact with each other for learning purposes

FAQs with ongoing updates during the training phase to respond to FAQs as these become apparent.

Talent2 are investigating different tools to deliver On-Line Learning and Feature Deliverables, including Cornerstone (a Learning Management System) and freeware alternatives

Detailed information will be provided about uptake by schools once training commences.

Cutover and Go Live Overall Status: Green

Further detailed planning in this workstream is being incorporated into the February Baseline.

Post Go Live Overall Status: Green

No activities are planned to take place in the workstream until after Go-Live.

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Project Management & Governance Overall Status: Green

The detailed draft February Baseline Project Plan will be provided to the Steering Group and Project Board Sub Committee this week ahead of submitting it for approval at the March Project Board. PwC have completed their draft report and are aiming to finalise it for submission to the March Project Board Meeting.

The Project Initiation Document (PID) was endorsed by the Project Board at the January board meeting (subject to incorporation of final feedback). A version that incorporates the final feedback will be circulated to the Project Board with the March Board Meeting Papers. The PID will also require updating to incorporated to align to the February Baseline and this will be actioned once the February Baseline is approved by the Project Board.

Acceptance Criteria for the Project Milestones are being reviewed to align to the February Baseline and will be submitted to the Steering Committee for endorsement once complete.

A kick-off meeting for the Novopay Assurance Programme was held on 14 February and formal weekly reporting to the Steering Committee is expected to commence from 28 February. Talent2 have assigned a resource to manage this work.

Change Requests are initiated from a number of different project workstreams. The following provides a summary of the active Change Requests broken down by the stage in the project that Change Requests are pre-requisites to: